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By Paul Wright


This is a 40-page English language publication put out by the European Autonomous movement. This first issue has a long article on the hunger-strike by GRAPO prisoners in Spain, persecution and history of the Kurdish Workers Party in West Germany and their ongoing struggle in Turkey, plus news about squatting actions, immigration laws and such all over Europe. Definitely worth checking out. Send donation to: Ekomedia, PaulinenStr. 15a, 2000 Hamburg 36, West Germany.


This is a nicely put together 50-page English language monthly magazine put out by a Basque Human rights group. The latest issue has an excellent section on the history and development of the Spanish prison system and its repression of political prisoners. Spain holds over 650 Basque political prisoners alone. This section puts the GRAPO hunger strike (reported in prior issues of PLN) in a better perspective. EKIN also has articles dealing with the latest actions undertaken by Basque liberation groups in the struggle for independence from Spain, which with that of the Irish people is one of the longest in Western Europe. To my knowledge this is the only English language magazine on Basque events available. Write to: Ekin, Apto. 1005, 20080 Donosti, Spain.

Arm the Spirit

ATS is a new bi-monthly newsletter, in English that covers news about political prisoners and their struggles all over the world. It also concentrates on news of actions by various militant groups and their supporters, one of the few publications to do so. Past issues have focused on the Mohawk struggle in Canada, actions by anti-apartheid groups in Holland, RAF actions in Germany, etc. Highly recommended. Write: ATS, Box 475 College St, Toronto, ONT, M5T 1R5, Canada.

No Voice is Louder than the Voice of the Uprising

This is a 278 page, English language book that reprints all the communiqués and messages by the collective leadership of the Palestinian Intifada. The "calls" are issued weekly or bi-weekly and its possible to see the building of a popular resistance movement to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Many of the calls deal with or are in support of the thousands of prisoners held by the Israeli army. If you want to go behind the headlines in the daily news you should check this book out. Available from: Democratic Palestine, Box 30192, Damascus, Syria

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