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Prison Resources

As you read through PLN you'll notice that few if any of our articles are reprints from other publications. We think it's better to be original than to duplicate the efforts of others and we have only 10 pages to get our message out. Whenever possible we try to let you know about other good prison 'zines. Below is a partial list of prisoner oriented 'zines. Unless noted, all are free to prisoners. Due to space I can't list all the 'zines I get. I have contact with prison reform/struggle groups all over the US, Europe and elsewhere. If you have a specialized need for some type of information or such, drop me (Paul Wright) a line, let me know what you're looking for and I'll see if I can help. If you publish a 'zine or such and I'm not on your mailing list feel free to add me to it.

Paul Wright

Bayou La Rose
302 North J St. Apt. #3
Tacoma, WA 98403
Covers prison, Native American and environmental struggle. Latest issue is filled with contact addresses.

PO Box 5052, Station A Toronto,
Ontario Canada
"Bulldozer: the only vehicle for prison reform" is a bi-monthly 'zine, also has The Marionette by Washington State POW Bill Dunne reporting events at the Marion Fed. Pen. Great 'zine.

Nuclear Resister
PO box 43383
Tucson, AZ 85733
Covers those in prison for opposing nuclear weapons and nuke power. Lots of info on prisoners, events, resources, etc.

Factsheet Five
6 Arizona Avenue
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Reviews hundreds of publications from all over the world (including PLN). Filled with information, addresses, etc. Directory of the alternative press.

Coalition for Prisoner Rights
PO Box 1911
Santa Fe, NM 67504
Monthly newsletter on events all over the US, covers legal, political developments, in prison and out.

PO Box 790, Station A
Vancouver BC V6C ZN6 Canada
Covers the "illegal front" in the industrialized countries, news, communiqués, etc. also lots of news on political prisoners.

Behind the Walls
PO Box 4187
Halfmoon, NY 12065
$1.50 per issue. Has legal and other prisoner news, pen pals, free books, etc.

Inside Information
413 Oxcars Court
Muirhouse, Edinburgh
EH4 45P Scotland
Prison Book Program
92 Green Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Books for Prisoners
Seattle, WA 98101

Both have free books for prisoners, on a wide variety of subjects: Marxism, prison, black history, etc. Write and let them know what your interests are and they'll send you what they have. If you have old books that may interest prisoners, don't throw them away! Send them to these folks so prisoners can read them.

Prisoner Rights Union
1909 6th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Publishes the "California Prisoner" and the Inside Out series of prison litigation books. Active in lobbying too.

Black Flag
BM Hurricane
London, WCIN 3XX England
Journal of the London ABC, has news on prisoner and political struggle around the world.

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