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King County, WA Pays $125,000 for Assault on Juvenile Prisoner

Washington state’s King County has paid $125,000 to settle a claim that accused a guard of physically abusing a juvenile offender. The claim involved events that occurred on November 29, 2008 at the King County Jail.

The juvenile, Malika J. Calhoun, 15, said she was attacked in a holding cell by jail guard Paul Scheve. She sustained a bruised hip, sore neck and headaches that recur with anxiety and panic attacks.

King County elected to settle Calhoun’s claim for injuries resulting from the assault on June 8, 2009. In return for settling and holding the county harmless, Calhoun received a cash settlement that will pay her dividends until 2018.

An immediate $44,000 lump sum payment was made. For two years beginning in 2011, she will receive a $3,500 annual payment. A payment of $7,000 per year follows for the next two years; additionally, there are three lump-sum payments of $7,500 in 2011, $10,000 in 2014 and $69,413.31 in 2018.

Calhoun was represented by Katrina E. Frank of the MacDonald, Hoague and Bayless law firm in Seattle. See: Calhoun v. King County, Office of Risk Management for King County (WA), Claim No. 45270.

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Related legal case

Calhoun v. King County,

Please see the brief bank for documents related to this claim.