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From The Editor

From the Editor

Welcome to another issue of PLN. First off everyone at PLN would like to thank Steven Mitchell and the folks at Friends of the North Country for their generous donation of $655.00 to PLN. To date, this is the biggest lump sum donation we have ever received. We greatly appreciate the kindness and generosity of Steven and FONC. We have been able to continue publishing because of such financial support by our readers and supporters. This contribution will go toward the printing of our 1994 Prisoners' Calendar.

We are still working on the prisoners' calendar. The problem we keep running into is a lack of graphics to go with it (the calendar portion is already done). What we need from our artistically inclined readers out there are black and white, 8<$E1/2> by 11, horizontal (landscape) drawings, sketches, paintings, etc. that folks won't mind looking at for 30 days at a time. Send us a xerox copy for us to examine and determine if it's appropriate for the calendar; if it is we can then ask for a better copy. If you know of any artists inclined to having their work reproduced let them know about our project. We need to have the calendar done and at the printer by September at the latest in order to have it ready for 1994.

From now on whenever your subscription is within an issue or two of expiring we will send you a postcard letting you know about this. We don't have set donation/subscription rates because a lot of our readers can't afford to make any donations at all due to being on death row, in control units, in Marion, etc. We rely on the donations over and above the bare minimum from our readers who can afford to subsidize the subscriptions of indigent readers. It costs us money to send out the cards but more importantly, valuable time to make and mail the cards, then reactivating expired subscriptions, etc. This is time we can use for more productive things. So if you want to keep getting PLN and haven't donated in a while please don't wait until the last minute to send a donation (I'm sure the forces of procrastination will eventually win out, smile).

Right now we have about 580 U.S. subscribers and that number slowly continues to grow. What we've noticed is that we don't have many readers in federal prisons outside of Marion. If you're a reader in the BOP please let your fellow prisoners know about PLN and encourage them to subscribe, send articles, etc. All of our readers should know we have PLN subscription flyers and a PLN display ad that is camera ready for publication on request. We have zero money available for advertising like conventional publications do. We prefer to use our limited funds to actually publish PLN. Our target audience is pretty narrow: jailhouse lawyers, progressive and politically conscious prisoners and their friends, supporters and loved ones on the outside, and citizens interested in prison struggle and issues of criminal justice policy. To reach these people we need your help, so tell your friends about PLN. If you like us and what we do, chances are others will too.

The following people recently sent donations to PLN. Due to a computer mix up we know they made a donation and the amount but we don't have their mailing address. Because of this we can't contact them directly. If you know any of these people (or better yet if they're reading this) please have them contact PLN and send us their mailing address. The affected people are: Lloyd Johnson, Fay Dowker, Jorge Restripo and Willie Williams.

A separate project I have going is a declaration of support from prisoners for the PCP (Communist Party of Peru) prisoners of war and the revolution in Peru. If you have not received a copy of the statement and are interested in participating please send an SASE to us asking for the statement. Once we have the endorsement we plan to distribute it to the progressive media here in the U.S. and overseas for publication.

Enjoy this issue of PLN and remember that we welcome articles, input, suggestions and comments from our readers.

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