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From The Editor

From the Editor

Welcome to another issue of PLN . Lately we have been sending out a lot of sample issues of PLN to encourage new subscribers. In August we sent an issue to every prison law library in the US. If our prison readers could encourage their respective libraries, prisoner clubs/groups, prison newspapers, etc., to subscribe to PLN at our institutional rate it would serve a twofold purpose; getting PLN to more people and raise our revenue base. We have display ads and subscription flyers available for anyone interested in helping us reach new subscribers. Part of the problem is that our target audience of prisoners and their loved ones is difficult to reach. So we will need your help in making inroads in this area.

We can also provide bulk copies of PLN to anyone interested; contact Ed or myself for information on this. On another note, if you have moved or otherwise changed your address please let us know. The post office charges us 35 cents for every issue it returns as "undeliverable," and it results in your missing an issue or two (assuming we are able to locate you). In cases where an issue is returned as "undeliverable" and there is no forwarding address, and you have not contacted us, we have no choice but to inactivate your subscription. PLN can follow you around the world, you just have to give us your current address.

Lately we have been getting an increased number of requests for legal assistance, law books, etc. So its time to repeat the periodic message that Ed and I do not do legal work, research or assistance for readers. PLN is our primary project and it consumes most of our time as it is. We are busy with it and doing local litigation (we recently filed suit over the fact that prison rules and policies are not available in Spanish to non English speaking prisoners). We're in the same boat you are, we too are prisoners and there is no shortage of civil rights abuses to be litigated locally. We provide PLN as a resource to help you help yourself.

We occasionally get letters from folks asking for permission to reprint material from PLN .PLN is not copyrighted. Readers are free to photocopy and reproduce PLN to their hearts content, our goal is to get our message out to as many people as possible so don't try to keep us a secret. For publications that reprint material, we'd appreciate it if you gave us credit and listed our name and address so interested readers can contact us.

Several months ago we had a problem with our database where we "lost" some subscribers who had made donations to PLN . We have records showing who donated what but not their address. Since then we located all but one of the missing subscribers. If any PLN reader knows where Jorge Restrepo is can you either ask him to contact us with his current mailing address or send us his address so we can send him his subscription. Occasionally goof ups like this occur (the joys of computers) so if for any reason you aren't getting your subscription contact us as soon as possible so we can straighten it out.

We are quite happy with how things have been going with PLN . We do have a need for more outside volunteers in the Seattle area to help with the mailing of PLN , anyone interested should contact Ed or myself. Having seen quite a number of prison publications come and go over the years, it's good to see us being able to hang in there. Please continue sending us your articles, suggestions, comments and news.

Unless you are an indigent on death row or in a control unit your individual PLN subscription is pro rated at 75 cents an issue, which means we will send you PLN at that rate as long as your donation covers its cost. About two or three issues before your subscription runs out I send you a post card letting you know that you need to make a donation to keep getting PLN . It would help if folks renewed their subscriptions before then, which would save us the time and postage of sending you a reminder and also cut down on the chances of your missing any issues. Our concern is the time and energy that goes into this process, which can be better used on other things. Your assistance on this would be a big help. Some folks send us checks and earmark part of it for a subscription and part for a donation. What we do is we credit the entire amount to the individual's subscription because that way we can keep track of who has donated what to us over a period of time. The result is a $20 donation will receive 26 issues of PLN . You won't receive any reminders from us until you get within two or three issues of your sub ending. We rely on donations from our readers to continue publishing, so feel free to send us a donation whenever you can afford to do so.

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