H.C. v. Bradshaw, Order Granting Class Certification, Preliminary Settlement Approval, 2018
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Case 9:18-cv-80810-WM Document 79 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/16/2018 Page 1 of 4 U N ITED ST ATE S D ISTRIC T C O U RT SO UTH ERN D ISTR ICT O F FLO R IDA CivilN o.l8-cv-8o8lo-M atthew m an H .C .,a m inor,by and through hisparentand natural guardian,Jenny C .;and M .F.,a m inor,by and through hisparentand naturalguardian,A sisa Rollc,on behalf ofthemselvesandallotherssimilarly situated, FILED l)y D.C. Plaintiffs, N2V 15 2212 s'revEs M LARIMORE RlC BR AD SH AW ,Palm Beach County Sheriff,in his individualand officialcapacity;and SCHO O L BOA RD OF PA LM BEA CH CO UN TY , CUERKt)b DIST.cT. S.D.oFFkî.-W RB. D efendants. O R DER G R AN TIN G JO IN T M O TION T O C O N DITIO NA LLY C ERTIFY CLA SS PRELIMINARILYAPPROVECLASSSETTLEMENTyAPPOINTCLASSCOUNSV , AND SET FAIRNESS HEARING IDE 781 The Court,having considered the parties' JointM otion to Conditionally Certify Class, A ppoint Class Counsel,Prelim inarily Approve Settlem ent,and seta Fairness H earing filed on November15,2018(tdM otion'')gDE 781,hereby: FIN DS A ND O R DER S: ThisOrderincorporatesby referencethe SettlementAgreementfiled asExhibitA gDE 78-11to the M otion. The definitionsin the SettlementAgreementand alltennsand conditions stated therein shallbe incorporated in this Order by reference and shallhave the sam e force and effect. Case 9:18-cv-80810-WM Document 79 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/16/2018 Page 2 of 4 2. The Courtfindsforpurposes ofsettlementonly thattheprerequisitesfora classaction underRule23(a)and (b)(2)oftheFederalRulesofCivilProcedure havebeen satisfied in that:(a)theClassisso numerousthatjoinderofa11membersisimpracticable' ,(b) there are questions oflaw orfad common to the Class;@)the Plaintiffs'claims are typicalofthoseoftheClass;and (d)thePlaintiffswillfairly and adequatelyprotectthe interestsofthe Class. Accordingly,pursuantto Rule23(a)and (b)(2)oftheFederalRulesofCivilProcedure, thefollowingSettlementClassand SettlementSub-classes(collectivelytheû$C1ass'')are certified: Settlem entC lass: i. Allpresentand futurejuveniles(i.e.individualstmdertheageof18 and charged as adults) who are now orwillbe incarcerated in segregated housing w hile in the custody ofthe Palm Beach County Sheriffs Oftice (Cdsheriff'sOftèce''). b. Settlem entSub-classes: i. Allpresentand futurejuveniles(Le.individualsundertheageof18 and charged as adults)with disabilities,as detined by the lndividualswith D isabilities Education A ct, w ho are now or w ill be incarcerated in segregated housing while in the custody ofthe Sherifps Office and are in need of special education evaluations,instnlction,accom m odations,and relatedservices(tûIDEA subclass''l'and Allpresentand futurejuveniles(i.e.individualsundertheageof18 and charged as adults)with disabilities,as defined by the Americanswith D isabilities A ct and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation A ct of 1973,w ho are now orw illbe incarcerated in segregated housing while in the custody oftheSheriffsOffice(SCADA and504 Subclass''). 4. The Courttinds thatthe Law Firm ofCohen M ilstein Sellers & Toll,PLLC,the Hum an Rights D efense Center,and the Legal A id Society of Palm Beach County, Inc.,have extensive experience in prosecuting class action cases, and appoints the following 2 Case 9:18-cv-80810-WM Document 79 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/16/2018 Page 3 of 4 attorneys as Class Counsel pursuant to Rule 23(g) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Theodore Jon Leopold,Esq. D iana Leigh M artin,Esq. Cohen M ilstein Sellers& Toll,PLLC 2925 PG A Boulevard Suite 200 Palm Beach G ardens,FL 33410 561-515-1400 Fax:561-515-1401 Email:tleopold@ cohenmilstein.com Email:dmartin@cohenmilstein.com Sabarish P Neelakanta,Esq. M asimba M utamba,Esq. Hum an Rights Defense Center P.O .Box 1151 Lake W orth,FL 33460 561-360-2523 Fax:866-735-7136 Email:sneelakanta@ hrdc-law.org Email:mmutamba@ hrdc-law.org M elissa M arie D uncan LegalAid Society ofPalm Beach County 423 FenzStreet Suite 200 W estPalm Beach,FL 33401 561-655-8944 Fax:655-5269 Email:mduncan@ legalaidpbc.org The Court grants prelim inary approval of the Settlem ent A greem ent as being fair, reasonableand adequateto theClass,subjectto furtherconsideration and finalapproval atthe FairnessH earing. 6. Because this proposed Class Settlement is certified under Rule 23(b)(2),the Class m em bers cannot itopt out'' of the Settlem ent, nor are the parties required to provide notice to the Class. Notice ofthe Settlem entA greem entas required by the ClassA ction 3 Case 9:18-cv-80810-WM Document 79 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/16/2018 Page 4 of 4 FairnessAct,28 U.S.C.j17l5(b),to the U.S.Attorney General,the Florida Attorney General'sOffice,and/orany othernecessary partiesshallbemadeasrequired by law . A Faim ess H earing willbe held on Tuesday,M arch 5,2019,at2:00 p.m .in the W est Palm Beach Division before United StatesM agistrateJudge W illiam M atthewman atthe U.S. D istrict Courthouse located at 701 Clem atis Street, W est Palm Beach, Florida 33401in courtroom six on thethird floor. Atthehearing,the Courtwillconsider:(a) objections and comments on the proposed Settlement Agreement; (b) whether the Settlem entA greem entshould be finally approved as fair,reasonable,and adequate' ,and (c)whetheritshallbeentered astheFinalJudgmentin thisaction. PmsuanttoCAFA, 28 U.S.C.j1715(d),finalapprovalofthe SettlementAgreementshallnotbe issued earlierthan 90 days afternotice ofthe Settlem entA greem entism ade pursuantto CA FA , 28U.S.C.j1715(b). 8. The Courtretainsjurisdiction to considera11furtherapplications arising outoforin cormection w ith the Settlem entAgreem ent. D O N E A ND O RD ER ED in C m bers atW estPalm B each,Palm Beach County,in the southem D istrictofFlorida,this /J dayofNovember2018. , W ILLIA M M A TT EW M AN UN ITED STA TES M A GISTRA TE JU D GE 4