HRDC v. DOJ, WA, Complaint, DEA FOIA, 2020
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Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 1 of 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SEATTLE 7 8 HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER, a Washington nonprofit corporation, 9 Plaintiff, 10 v. 11 12 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; and its component, DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, 13 Defendants. 14 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF FOR VIOLATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT, 5 U.S.C. § 552 15 16 Plaintiff Human Rights Defense Center respectfully submits this Complaint for 17 declaratory and injunctive relief finding the U.S. Department of Justice and the Drug 18 Enforcement Administration have violated their legal obligations under the Freedom of 19 Information Act (“FOIA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq., and ordering them to comply with those 20 obligations. I. 21 22 23 1. INTRODUCTION In May 2019, Human Rights Defense Center (“HRDC”) submitted a written request under the FOIA for records held by Defendant Drug Enforcement Administration, a law Davis Wright Tremaine LLP COMPLAINT - 1 L AW O FFICE S 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104-1610 206.622.3150 main · 206.757.7700 fax Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 2 of 26 1 enforcement component of the U.S. Department of Justice (collectively, “DEA” or 2 “Defendants”). The requested records concerned DEA’s settlement payments to resolve claims 3 against the Agency and its employees. After DEA objected to the scope of the records request, 4 HRDC revised its request to accommodate DEA’s purported difficulties in searching for the 5 requested records. To date, however, DEA has utterly failed its obligations under the FOIA to 6 provide the public records that HRDC seeks. HRDC requests that this Court order DEA to 7 comply; enjoin DEA from further neglecting its duties under federal law; and reimburse HRDC 8 the legal fees and costs it has incurred in this action. 9 II. 2. 10 PARTIES Plaintiff HRDC is a nonprofit charitable organization incorporated under the 11 laws of the State of Washington and recognized as tax exempt under IRS Code § 501(c)(3). 12 The core of HRDC’s mission is public education, prisoner education, advocacy, and outreach in 13 support of the rights of prisoners and in furtherance of basic human rights. Among other 14 publications, HRDC distributes the preeminent news publication across penological institutions 15 in the United States: Prison Legal News (“PLN”). 3. 16 17 Defendant United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”) is the Department responsible for the enforcement of federal law. DEA is one of its component agencies. 4. 18 Defendant Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) is the lead federal 19 agency responsible for domestic enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act and other 20 federal laws related to manufacturing, smuggling, and distribution of narcotics. II. 21 5. 22 23 JURISDICTION AND VENUE This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(B) and 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Davis Wright Tremaine LLP COMPLAINT - 2 L AW O FFICE S 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104-1610 206.622.3150 main · 206.757.7700 fax Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 3 of 26 1 6. Venue lies properly in this Court pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(B) because 2 HRDC is incorporated and resides in this judicial district. Furthermore, venue is proper under 3 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because HRDC’s requests and communications were sent from Seattle, 4 Washington, and therefore, a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claim occurred in 5 this judicial district. 6 7 III. 7. FACTUAL BACKGROUND HRDC currently distributes dozens of different criminal justice, legal and self- 8 help titles, including its prolific monthly periodical that reports and analyzes criminal justice 9 news on a national level: PLN. Produced continuously since 1990, the publication has 10 approximately 5,000 subscribers in 50 states, including lawyers, journalists, judges, courts, 11 public libraries, and universities. Surveys indicate that PLN’s readership is approximately ten 12 times the subscriber number. HRDC also maintains a listserv and a website at 13, which receives approximately 100,000 visitors per month, 14 according to site analytics. HRDC publishes books about the criminal justice system and legal 15 issues for use by prisoners, lawyers, courts, libraries, and other members of the general public. 16 8. HRDC also publishes Criminal Legal News (“CLN”), a monthly 56-page 17 magazine that reports on criminal law and procedure, police civil rights litigation, policing, 18 prosecutorial misconduct, sentencing issues and mass incarceration. CLN currently has 19 approximately 1,400 subscribers in all 50 states and its website,, 20 receives tens of thousands of visitors each month. 21 22 9. HRDC, through its publications, is a “representative of the news media” within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(ii) because it gathers information of current interest to 23 Davis Wright Tremaine LLP COMPLAINT - 3 L AW O FFICE S 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104-1610 206.622.3150 main · 206.757.7700 fax Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 4 of 26 1 the public, uses its editorial skills to turn the raw materials into a distinct work, and distributes 2 that work to an audience through its various publications. 3 10. HRDC’s employees, publications, and advocacy activities (including its 4 litigation) have been widely cited in mainstream media sources, including The New York 5 Times, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Nation, BusinessWeek, Mother Jones, 6 the Miami Herald, the National Law Journal, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, The 7 Sacramento Bee, the Boston Herald, The Washington Times, Columbia Journalism Review, 8 Courthouse News Service, and the First Amendment Center. 9 11. HRDC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that advocates on behalf of the 10 human rights of people held in detention facilities in the United States. The core of HRDC’s 11 mission is public and prisoner education, advocacy, and outreach in support of the rights of 12 prisoners and in furtherance of basic human rights. 13 12. On May 20, 2019, HRDC’s Public Records Manager in Seattle, Washington 14 submitted a written records request under the FOIA to DEA’s FOIA office. See Exhibit A 15 (FOIA Request 19-00600-F). The request was sent via electronic mail and sought documents 16 concerning “all litigation against the [DEA] and/or its employees or agents where the agency 17 and/or its insurers paid $1,000 or more to resolve claims” from January 2010 to present. Id. 18 13. The requested records will be used in HRDC’s reporting for the public benefit. 19 The release of the requested records would allow HRDC to continue to produce coverage 20 regarding administration of claims by the federal government, the fiscal impact of the war on 21 drugs, and the prevalence of misconduct at DEA. HRDC does not have a commercial interest 22 in such information and will obtain no commercial benefit therefrom; HRDC is a non- 23 commercial use requester. Davis Wright Tremaine LLP COMPLAINT - 4 L AW O FFICE S 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104-1610 206.622.3150 main · 206.757.7700 fax Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 5 of 26 1 14. As a news media organization seeking records in the public interest, HRDC 2 requested a waiver of duplication costs pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552 (a)(4)(A)(ii)(II) and 5 U.S.C. 3 § 552 (a)(4)(A)(iii). See Ex. A. 4 15. DEA’s FOIA Chief received the request and responded to HRDC’s request on 5 June 27, 2019, objecting to HRDC’s request as over burdensome on the grounds that (1) pre- 6 2012 documents are archived and would need to be manually searched for and (2) DEA has no 7 method of searching for monetary parameters. See Ex. B. 8 9 10 11 16. On July 11, 2019, HRDC responded to DEA’s objections, agreeing to the production of post-2012 documents only and further offering to “waive the $1,000 threshold from [its] original request.” See Ex. C. 17. Despite HRDC’s offer to revise its request in response to the specific concerns 12 cited by DEA, Defendants again objected on October 21, 2019, claiming that “the information 13 that [HRDC] may be seeking requires more specificity” but not providing any explanation as to 14 why a request for all settlement payments was too broad. See Ex. D. 15 16 17 18. On October 29, 2019, HRDC filed its administrative appeal from DEA’s second objection. See Ex. E. 19. On January 31, 2020, DEA affirmed the denial based on its claim that “[i]n 18 order to conduct a search for responsive records, DEA would have to individually search 19 thousands of litigation files” and that HRDC must further narrow its request. See Ex. F. 20 20. The FOIA requires any agency that receives a request under its provisions to, 21 within 20 days of receiving the request: (1) determine whether the agency will comply with the 22 request and (2) notify the requester of its determination, its reasoning, and of requesters’ right 23 Davis Wright Tremaine LLP COMPLAINT - 5 L AW O FFICE S 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104-1610 206.622.3150 main · 206.757.7700 fax Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 6 of 26 1 to appeal denials. 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A)(i). Here, DEA failed to meet its deadline to respond 2 to HRDC’s original FOIA request. 3 4 21. To date, DEA has not produced a single record in response to either the original FOIA request or HRDC’s follow-up revised request. 5 IV. CAUSE OF ACTION 6 Violation of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 7 For Failure to Disclose Responsive Records 8 9 10 22. Plaintiff alleges and incorporates as set forth fully herein each and every allegation contained in the above paragraphs. 23. Defendants have violated 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(3)(A) by failing to promptly release 11 agency records in response to HRDC’s FOIA request, which reasonably described the records 12 sought as detailed above that. Refusal to provide this information is unlawful. 13 14 15 24. Defendants have violated 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(6)(A) by failing to timely respond to the FOIA request detailed above. Refusal to timely respond to the request is unlawful. 25. Injunctive relief is authorized under 5 U.S.C. §552(a)(4)(B) because Defendants 16 continue to refuse to respond and improperly withholds the requested material, and do so as a 17 matter of policy or practice, in violation of the FOIA. HRDC has suffered injury and will 18 continue to suffer injury from Defendants’ illegal refusal to respond and provide records. 19 26. Declaratory relief is authorized under 22 U.S.C. § 2201 because an actual 20 controversy exists regarding Defendants’ failure to respond and improper withholding of the 21 records in violation of the FOIA. An actual controversy exists because HRDC contends that 22 Defendants’ continuing failure to respond and to release the records violates the law. 23 Davis Wright Tremaine LLP COMPLAINT - 6 L AW O FFICE S 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104-1610 206.622.3150 main · 206.757.7700 fax Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 7 of 26 1 PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiff HRDC requests that judgment be entered in its favor against 2 3 the Defendants, and that the Court: 4 5 6 7 8 9 (a) Declare that Defendants’ failure to disclose responsive records violates the (b) Declare unlawful and enjoin Defendants’ practice of failing to comply with their FOIA; required duties upon receipt of a properly submitted request under the FOIA; (c) Order Defendants and all entities and agents, or other persons acting by, through, for, or on behalf of Defendants, to conduct a prompt, reasonable search for records 10 responsive to HRDC’s FOIA requests, without imposing search or duplication fees pursuant to 11 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A); 12 (d) Enjoin Defendants and all entities and agents, or other persons acting by, 13 through, for, or on behalf of Defendants, from withholding records responsive to HRDC’s 14 FOIA requests and order them to promptly produce the same; 15 16 (e) Award HRDC reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(E) and 28 U.S.C. § 2412; and 17 (f) Grant all other such relief to HRDC as the Court deems just and equitable. 18 DATED this 5th day of May, 2020. By s/ Eric M. Stahl Eric M. Stahl, WSBA #27619 Caesar Kalinowski, WSBA #52650 DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104 Tel: 206-622-3150 Fax: 206-757-7700 Email: 19 20 21 22 23 Davis Wright Tremaine LLP COMPLAINT - 7 L AW O FFICE S 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104-1610 206.622.3150 main · 206.757.7700 fax Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 8 of 26 1 Daniel Marshall, Pro Hac Vice forthcoming HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER P.O. Box 1151 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Telephone: 561-360-2523 Email: dmarshall@humanrightsdefensecenter. org 2 3 4 5 Attorneys for Human Rights Defense Center 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Davis Wright Tremaine LLP COMPLAINT - 8 L AW O FFICE S 920 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3300 Seattle, WA 98104-1610 206.622.3150 main · 206.757.7700 fax Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 9 of 26 EXHIBIT A Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 10 of 26 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION DEA FOIA REQUEST LETTER orcreerrie‘ Instructions • • • • Please provide a detailed description If your request is for information concerning a deceased individual, you must provide a proof of death. Acceptable forms of proof of death include obituaries, death certificates, recognized sources that can be documented, date of birth is 100 years or greater, or Social Security Death Index page. If you wish to include additional specific information, attach another sheet of paper to this letter Options for sending your request, mail to the address listed below, fax to (202) 3078556, or e-mail to May 20, 2019 Date: ______________ DEA FOI/Records Management Section ATTN: FOI/PA Unit 8701 Morrisette Drive Springfield, Virginia 22152 Dear FOIA Officer: ______________ This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. 1/1/2010-date of processing Date range of request: ______________ SEE ATTACHED Description of request:_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 100 I am willing to pay up to $_______ for the processing of the request. Please inform me if the estimated fee will exceed this limit before processing my request. I am seeking information for personal use and not for commercial use. Thank you for your consideration. Michelle Dillon Name: ___________________________________ Public Records Manager Title (Optional):____________________________ Human Rights Defense Center Business (if applicable) ______________________ 720 3rd Avenue #1605 Street Address: ____________________________ Seattle, WA 98104 City/State/ZIP Code _________________________ USA Country (if applicable) _______________________ 206-257-1355 Telephone (optional) ________________________ E-mail (optional) ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEA-382 (5-2015) Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 11 of 26 IFI Human Rights Defense Center DEDICATED TO PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS May 20, 2019 Drug Enforcement Administration Attn: FOI/PA Unit (SARF) 8701 Morrissette Drive Springfield, VA 22152 Sent via email: Re: FOIA Request for Verdicts and Settlements Information To the FOIA Officer: The Human Rights Defense Center (HRDC) makes this request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, et seq. HRDC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that publishes two journals and multiple books reporting on prisons, jails and other detention facilities. HRDC requests a fee waiver for this request. Prior to a name change approved by the Secretary of State in Washington in 2009, HRDC was known as Prison Legal News. Documents Requested HRDC is seeking records of all litigation against the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and/or its employees or agents where the agency and/or its insurers paid $1,000 or more to resolve claims. These payments include but are not limited to settlements, damages, attorney fee awards, and sanctions, irrespective of the identity of the plaintiff or claimant. Specifically, HRDC requests the following records, provided in electronic native format where possible, and otherwise in electronic format: 1. Records, regardless of physical form or characteristics, sufficient to show for all claims or lawsuits brought against DEA and/or any of its agents or employees in which payments totaling $1,000 or more were disbursed from January 1, 2010 to the present: • The name of all parties involved; • The case or claim number; • The jurisdiction in which the case or claim was brought (e.g., U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, D.C. Superior Court, etc.); • The date of resolution; 720 3rd Avenue, Suite #1605, Seattle, WA 98104 206-257-1355 | Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 12 of 26 • The amount of money involved in the resolution and to whom it was paid, 2. For each case or claim detailed above: • The complaint or claim form and any amended versions; • The verdict form, final judgment, settlement agreement, consent decree, or other paper that resolved the case. Fee Waiver Requested HRDC requests a waiver of fees under 5 U.S.C. §§ 552(a)(4)(A)(ii)(II) and (iii), as HRDC is a member of the news media and disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest. HRDC is the publisher of Prison Legal News and Criminal Legal News, as well as several books about the criminal justice system and legal issues affecting prisoners. Prison Legal News is a legal journal that reports news and litigation concerning carceral facilities. PLN covers corrections news and analysis and criminal justice-related issues on a national level. PLN has published monthly since 1990 and has approximately 9,000 subscribers in all 50 states. Based on reader survey results the estimated actual readership is around ten times that number. PLN’s subscribers include lawyers, journalists, judges, courts, public libraries and universities. PLN also maintains a website that receives approximately 100,000 visitors per month based on site analytics. Criminal Legal News is a legal journal. HRDC launched the inaugural issue in December 2017. CLN reports on criminal law decisions from all 50 states and the federal court system, focusing on legal developments affecting the fact and duration of confinement and sentences. CLN also covers civil rights litigation against police, prosecutors and court systems. Disclosure of this information is “in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government,” as described in 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A)(iii). There is great demand for insight into DEA activities as evidenced by recently increased media coverage about immigration and DEA as an agency. Examining specific instances of how government operations are being managed and operated and how tax dollars are being expended is the hallmark of understanding government. Regarding an analogous request from the Bureau of Prisons, the court in Prison Legal News v. Lappin, 436 F. Supp. 2d 17 (D.D.C. 2006), held that Prison Legal News (the previous name of the requesting corporation) was entitled to a fee waiver. Response Requested If this request is denied in whole or part, please provide an index to all denials by reference to specific exemptions. If any records responsive to this request are denied in part, release all segregable portions of those records. Additionally, please outline any administrative appeals process available. 720 3rd Avenue, Suite #1605, Seattle, WA 98104 206-257-1355 | Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 13 of 26 Please contact me via email,, should you require any additional information. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. Sincerely, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER YoJ, Michelle Dillon Public Records Manager 720 3rd Avenue, Suite #1605, Seattle, WA 98104 206-257-1355 | Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 14 of 26 EXHIBIT B Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 15 of 26 U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration FOI/Records Management Section 8701 Morrissette Drive Springfield, Springfield, Virginia 22152 Number: 19-00600-F Case Number: Subject: Subject: All litigation against the Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA) (DEA) and/or its employees or agents where the agency and/or its insurers paid $1,000 or more to resolve claims from I, 2010 to the present January 1, Michelle Dillon Human Rights Defense Center Avenue, Suite 1605 720 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104 Seattle, Dear Ms. Ms. Dillon: Dillon: oflnformation (FOIA/PA) request This letter responds to your Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act(FOIA/PA) 20, 2019, 2019, addressed to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), (DEA), FOIA/PA Unit, Unit, dated May 20, seeking seeking access to information regarding the above subject. subject. request, our office forwarded a copy of your request letter to the Office of To fulfil your request, (CCA). Based upon all available information, information, we have determined that CCA is the Chief Counsel(CCA). request. Please be DEA component that may have records responsive to the subject of your request. advised, DEA's electronic tracking system for lawsuits and tort claims is not searchable by the advised, made. In addition, addition, electronic data is only available size of payment or whether a payment was made. present. In order to obtain the documents requested, requested, each lawsuit and tort from mid-2012 to the present. and, if so, so, claim electronic file would need to be examined to determine if a payment was made and, more. whether the payment was $1,000 or more. Further, for records prior to 2012, 2012, every tort claim and lawsuit file would need to be Further, and, if retrieved from archives and manually searched to determine whether a payment was made and, so, whether the payment was $1,000 or more. more. We have determined that a conservative estimate so, hours. For these reasons, reasons, your request for an electronic search and a manual search would be 295 hours. search. As provided by 28 C.F.R. C.F.R. § § would require DEA to conduct an unreasonably burdensome search. 16.3(b ), this letter affords you the opportunity to reformulate your request by narrowing the scope 16.3(b), desire. of your request or specifying a particular claim or lawsuit that you desire. Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 16 of 26 Number: 19-00600-F Case Number: Page 2 end, no further action will be initiated on this request until we are in receipt of a To this end, ofrecords sought. If this office does not receive your response within 30 reasonable description of records sought. days, DEA will assume that you do not wish to pursue this matter and your request will be days, closed. Please forward your response to the following address: address: administratively closed. DEA Headquarters Attn: FOIA/PA Unit(SARF) (SARF) Attn: 8701 Morrissette Drive Springfield, VA 22152 Springfield, You may contact our FOIA Public Liaison at 202-307-7596 for any further assistance and request. Additionally, Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government to discuss any aspect of your request. Information Services(OGIS) (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration to inquire offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: follows: about the FOIA mediation services they offer. Office Office of of Government Information Services, Services, National Archives and Records Administration, Administration, 2510, 8601 Adelphi Road, Road, College Park, Park, Maryland 20740-6001; 20740-6001; e-mail at;; Room 2510, telephone at 202-741-5770; 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. 202-741-5769. request, you may administratively appeal If you are not satisfied with my response to this request, Director, Office of oflnformation (OIP), United States Department of by writing to the Director, Information Policy (OIP), Justice, Justice, Suite 11050, 11050, 1425 New York Avenue, Avenue, NW, NW, Washington, Washington, DC 20530-0001, 20530-0001, or you may submit an appeal through OIP's FOIAonline portal by creating an account on the following website: Your appeal must be website: postmarked or electronically transmitted within 90 days of the date of my response to your request. If you submit your appeal by mail, mail, both the letter and the envelope should be clearly request. marked "Freedom of Information Act Appeal." letter, you may contact Government Information If you have any questions regarding this letter, J. Kewley at 202-307-7728. 202-307-7728. Specialist J. Sincerely, Sincerely, oexlvc-k D. Hertel, Hertel, Acting Chief Angela D. Freedom of oflnformation/Privacy Information/Privacy Act Unit FOI/Records Management Section Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 17 of 26 EXHIBIT C Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 18 of 26 Michelle Dillon From: Sent: To: Subject: Michelle Dillon Thursday, July 11, 2019 3:47 PM Kewley, John W. RE: DEA FOIA Request 19-00600-F Dear Mr. Kewley, After review of the letter we agree to production of documents from 2012 or later. If it would expedite the process to eliminate the burden of determining the payment amount, we also will waive the $1,000 threshold from our original request and request documents for all relevant cases and we can review them ourselves to determine applicability for the level of payment, provided that DEA agrees to our request for a fee waiver. Best, Michelle Dillon From: Kewley, John W. [] Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019 11:25 AM To: Michelle Dillon <> Subject: DEA FOIA Request 19‐00600‐F Ms. Dillon, Please find attached above the Drug Enforcement Administration response to your FOIA request 19-00600-F. John W. Kewley Government Information Specialist Headquarters, Drug Enforcement Administration Freedom of Information/Privacy Unit (SARF) Telephone: (202) 307-7728 1 Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 19 of 26 EXHIBIT D Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 20 of 26 U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration FOi/Records Management Section FOI/Records 870 I Morrissette Drive 8701 Springfield, Virginia 22152 Springfield, Number: 19-00600-F Case Number: OCT 2 11 2019 Subject: All litigation against the Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA) (DEA) and/or its employees Subject: or agents where the agency and/or its insurers paid $1,000 or more to resolve claims from January I, 2010 20 I 0 to the present 1, Michelle Dillon Human Rights Defense Center Avenue, Suite #1605 720 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104 Seattle, Ms. Dillon: Dillon: Dear Ms. (FOIA/PA) request This letter responds to your Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act(FOIA/PA) 20, 2019, 2019, addressed to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), (DEA), Freedom of dated May 20, Unit, seeking access to information regarding the above subject. subject. Information/Privacy Act Unit, written, received via electronic mail on July 11, 11, 2019, 2019, does Your reformulated request as written, FOIA, 5 U.S.C. U.S.C. § § 552 (a)(3)(A), (a)(3)(A), since it does not reasonably not meet the requirements of the FOIA, records. The Department of Justice rules, rules, contained at 28 C.F.R. C.F.R. § § 16.3, 16.3, provide that describe records. "you must describe the records in enough detail to enable department personnel to locate them with a reasonable amount of effort." DEA can make certain presumptions to overcome some of request, but not all of them. them. the deficiencies in your request, specificity. We have To retrieve the information that you may be seeking requires more specificity. present. We We applied your time frame revision from 2010 - present to the period from 2012 to the present. have recomputed the search time required and determined a conservative time search estimate to hours. The DEA office tasked to conduct a search of this length for files of any responsive responsive be 250 hours. burdened. As such, such, your request request is is records pertaining to the subject of your request would be burdened. burdensome. overly broad and burdensome. end, no further action will be initiated on this request until we are in receipt receipt of of aa To this end, ofrecords sought. If this office does not receive your your reformulated reformulated request request records sought. reasonable description of days, DEA will assume that you do not wish to pursue this this matter matter and and your your request request will will within 30 days, address: closed. Please forward your response to the following address: be administratively closed. DEA Headquarters Attn: FOIA/PA Unit(FSRF) (FSRF) Attn: Drive 8701 Morrissette Drive Springfield, VA 22152 22152 Springfield, Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 21 of 26 Number: 19-00600-F Case Number: Page 2 You may contact our FOIA Public Liaison at 202-307-7596 for any further assistance and request. Additionally, Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government to discuss any aspect of your request. (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration to inquire Information Services(OGIS) offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: follows: about the FOIA mediation services they offer. Services, National Archives and Records Administration, Administration, Office of Government Information Services, 2510, 8601 Adelphi Road, Road, College Park, Park, Maryland 20740-6001; 20740-6001; e-mail at;; Room 2510, 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. 202-741-5769. telephone at 202-741-5770; request, you may administratively appeal If you are not satisfied with my response to this request, Director, Office of oflnformation (OIP), United States Department of by writing to the Director, Information Policy (01P), Justice, Sixth Floor, Floor, 441 G Street, Street, NW, NW, Washington, Washington, DC 20530-0001, 20530-0001, or you may submit an Justice, website: appeal through OIP's FOIAonline portal by creating an account on the following website: Your appeal must be postmarked or request. If you submit electronically transmitted within 90 days of the date of my response to your request. mail, both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked "Freedom of your appeal by mail, Information Act Appeal." letter, you may contact Government Information If you have any questions regarding this letter, J. Kewley at 202-307-7728. 202-307-7728. Specialist J. Sincerely, Sincerely, --~nc) e__,Ll~ CJ. ~ k,(_ ( cti n f D. Hertel, Hertel, Acting Chief Chief Angela D. Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Unit FOI/Records Management Section Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 22 of 26 EXHIBIT E Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 23 of 26 Michelle Dillon From: Sent: To: Subject: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 1:07 PM Michelle Dillon FOIA Appeal DOJ-AP-2020-000540 Submitted This message is to notify you of a new appeal submission to the FOIAonline application. Appeal information is as follows: Appeal Tracking Number: DOJ-AP-2020-000540 Request Tracking Number: 19-00600-F Requester Name: Michelle Dillon Date Submitted: 10/29/2019 Appeal Status: Submitted Description: HRDC submitted a revised request via email to DEA on July 11, 2019. Our revised request limited document production to records dated 2012 onward to eliminate the need to retrieve archival materials, a process that had been identified by DEA as burdensome. We additionally agreed to waive the $1,000 threshold for all relevant cases—another significant burden claimed by DEA—and internally review the payment amounts to identify responsive cases. On October 21, 2019, DEA responded to HRDC’s revised request. The agency’s response letter indicated that the revised search estimate was 250 hours, a reduction of just 18% from the original estimate. The agency indicated that the revised request was “overly broad and burdensome” and that “no further action will be initiated on this request until we are in receipt of a reasonable description of records sought.” HRDC appeals this response from DEA on the grounds that our revised request should be fully sufficient to allow DEA to identify responsive documents. DEA should have reasonable capabilities to identify whether or not a payment was made for lawsuits and tort claims, even if the agency’s system may not sort cases by payment amounts. Although DEA has claimed that our request is overly broad, it is not possible to reformulate a response that would identify records more narrowly than previously requested, which is a request for electronically available lawsuits and tort claims against DEA for which payments were distributed to plaintiffs. We ask that DEA resume processing our revised request. 1 Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 24 of 26 EXHIBIT F Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 25 of 26 Office of U.S. Department of Justice Office of Information Policy Sixth Floor 441 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Telephone: (202) 514-3642 Michelle Dillon Human Rights Defense Center Suite 1605 720 3rd Avenue Seattle, WA 98104 Re: Appeal No. DOJ-AP-2020-000540 Request No. 19-00600-F RNB:JKD VIA: FOIAonline Dear Michelle Dillon: You appealed from the action of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on your revised Freedom of Information Act request for access to all litigation against the DEA and/or its employees or agents where the agency and/or its insurers paid $1,000 or more to resolve the claims, from 2012 to the present.1 I note that your appeal concerns DEA's full denial of your request. After carefully considering your appeal, I am affirming, on partly modified grounds, DEA's action on your request. A proper FOIA request for records must reasonably describe the records sought. See 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(3)(A); see also 28 C.F.R. § 16.3(b)(2019). DEA informed you that you did not reasonably describe the subject of your request. Your request is not reasonably described because you did not characterize the records sought in such a way that they could be located with a reasonable amount of effort. In order to conduct a search for responsive records, DEA would have to individually search thousands of litigation files. Additionally, DEA's electronic tracking system for lawsuits and tort claims is not searchable by whether a payment was made or the amount of payment. If you would like to discuss with DEA how to formulate your request to reasonably describe the records sought, you may contact DEA's FOIA Public Liaison at (202) 307-4264. You may wish to submit a new, reasonably described request directly to DEA. Please be advised that this Office's decision was made only after a full review of this matter. Your appeal was assigned to an attorney with this Office who thoroughly reviewed and analyzed your appeal, your underlying request, and the action of DEA in response to your request. This Office notes that you agreed to waive the $1,000 threshold from the original request if it would expedite the process of your request. Please be advised that DEA determined that it would not. 1 Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 26 of 26 -2If you are dissatisfied with my action on your appeal, the FOIA permits you to file a lawsuit in federal district court in accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(B). For your information, the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) offers mediation services to resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies as a nonexclusive alternative to litigation. Using OGIS services does not affect your right to pursue litigation. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, Room 2510, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001; email at; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. If you have any questions regarding the action this Office has taken on your appeal, you may contact this Office’s FOIA Public Liaison for your appeal. Specifically, you may speak with the undersigned agency official by calling (202) 514-3642. Sincerely, w _ -/5-il‘=. X Matthew W. Hurd 1/31/2020 Acting Chief, Administrative Appeals Staff Signed by: MATTHEW HURD Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-1 Filed 05/05/20 Page 1 of 1 CIVIL COVER SHEET JS 44 (Rev. 09/19) The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE OF THIS FORM.) I. (a) PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER DEP'T OF JUSTICE; DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION (b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff King County of Residence of First Listed Defendant (EXCEPT IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES) NOTE: (c) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number) Eric M. Stahl and Caesar Kalinowski Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, 920 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 3300, Seattle, WA 98104-1610 II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an “X” in One Box Only) ’ 1 U.S. Government Plaintiff ’ 3 Federal Question (U.S. Government Not a Party) ’ 2 U.S. Government Defendant ’ 4 Diversity (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III) (IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES ONLY) IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASES, USE THE LOCATION OF THE TRACT OF LAND INVOLVED. Attorneys (If Known) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an “X” in One Box for Plaintiff (For Diversity Cases Only) PTF Citizen of This State ’ 1 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 2 ’ 2 Incorporated and Principal Place of Business In Another State ’ 5 ’ 5 Citizen or Subject of a Foreign Country ’ 3 ’ 3 Foreign Nation ’ 6 ’ 6 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Click here for: Nature of Suit Code Descriptions. TORTS 110 Insurance 120 Marine 130 Miller Act 140 Negotiable Instrument 150 Recovery of Overpayment & Enforcement of Judgment 151 Medicare Act 152 Recovery of Defaulted Student Loans (Excludes Veterans) 153 Recovery of Overpayment of Veteran’s Benefits 160 Stockholders’ Suits 190 Other Contract 195 Contract Product Liability 196 Franchise REAL PROPERTY 210 Land Condemnation 220 Foreclosure 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment 240 Torts to Land 245 Tort Product Liability 290 All Other Real Property ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ PERSONAL INJURY 310 Airplane 315 Airplane Product Liability 320 Assault, Libel & Slander 330 Federal Employers’ Liability 340 Marine 345 Marine Product Liability 350 Motor Vehicle 355 Motor Vehicle Product Liability 360 Other Personal Injury 362 Personal Injury Medical Malpractice CIVIL RIGHTS 440 Other Civil Rights 441 Voting 442 Employment 443 Housing/ Accommodations 445 Amer. w/Disabilities Employment 446 Amer. w/Disabilities Other 448 Education and One Box for Defendant) PTF DEF Incorporated or Principal Place ’ 4 ’ 4 of Business In This State Citizen of Another State IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an “X” in One Box Only) CONTRACT DEF ’ 1 FORFEITURE/PENALTY PERSONAL INJURY ’ 365 Personal Injury Product Liability ’ 367 Health Care/ Pharmaceutical Personal Injury Product Liability ’ 368 Asbestos Personal Injury Product Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY ’ 370 Other Fraud ’ 371 Truth in Lending ’ 380 Other Personal Property Damage ’ 385 Property Damage Product Liability PRISONER PETITIONS Habeas Corpus: ’ 463 Alien Detainee ’ 510 Motions to Vacate Sentence ’ 530 General ’ 535 Death Penalty Other: ’ 540 Mandamus & Other ’ 550 Civil Rights ’ 555 Prison Condition ’ 560 Civil Detainee Conditions of Confinement ’ 625 Drug Related Seizure of Property 21 USC 881 ’ 690 Other LABOR ’ 710 Fair Labor Standards Act ’ 720 Labor/Management Relations ’ 740 Railway Labor Act ’ 751 Family and Medical Leave Act ’ 790 Other Labor Litigation ’ 791 Employee Retirement Income Security Act BANKRUPTCY ’ 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 ’ 423 Withdrawal 28 USC 157 PROPERTY RIGHTS ’ 820 Copyrights ’ 830 Patent ’ 835 Patent - Abbreviated New Drug Application ’ 840 Trademark SOCIAL SECURITY ’ 861 HIA (1395ff) ’ 862 Black Lung (923) ’ 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) ’ 864 SSID Title XVI ’ 865 RSI (405(g)) FEDERAL TAX SUITS ’ 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff or Defendant) ’ 871 IRS—Third Party 26 USC 7609 IMMIGRATION ’ 462 Naturalization Application ’ 465 Other Immigration Actions OTHER STATUTES ’ 375 False Claims Act ’ 376 Qui Tam (31 USC 3729(a)) ’ 400 State Reapportionment ’ 410 Antitrust ’ 430 Banks and Banking ’ 450 Commerce ’ 460 Deportation ’ 470 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations ’ 480 Consumer Credit (15 USC 1681 or 1692) ’ 485 Telephone Consumer Protection Act ’ 490 Cable/Sat TV ’ 850 Securities/Commodities/ Exchange ’ 890 Other Statutory Actions ’ 891 Agricultural Acts ’ 893 Environmental Matters ’ 895 Freedom of Information Act ’ 896 Arbitration ’ 899 Administrative Procedure Act/Review or Appeal of Agency Decision ’ 950 Constitutionality of State Statutes V. ORIGIN (Place an “X” in One Box Only) ’ 1 Original Proceeding ’ 2 Removed from State Court ’ 3 ’ 6 Multidistrict Litigation Transfer (specify) Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity): Remanded from Appellate Court ’ 4 Reinstated or Reopened ’ 5 Transferred from Another District ’ 8 Multidistrict Litigation Direct File 5 U.S.C. § 552 VI. CAUSE OF ACTION Brief description of cause: Failure to respond to Freedom of Information Act request ’ CHECK IF THIS IS A CLASS ACTION VII. REQUESTED IN UNDER RULE 23, F.R.Cv.P. COMPLAINT: VIII. RELATED CASE(S) (See instructions): IF ANY JUDGE DATE CHECK YES only if demanded in complaint: ’ Yes ’ No JURY DEMAND: DEMAND $ DOCKET NUMBER SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY OF RECORD s/ Eric M. Stahl 05/05/2020 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT # AMOUNT APPLYING IFP JUDGE MAG. JUDGE Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-2 Filed 05/05/20 Page 1 of 2 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Western District of of Washington __________ District __________ HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER, a Washington nonprofit corporation, Plaintiff(s) v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; and its component DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, Defendant(s) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION To: (Defendant’s name and address) Drug Enforcement Administration Angela Hertel, Acting Chief Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Unit FOI/Records Managment Section, Drug Enforcement Administration 8701 Morrissette Drive Springfield, Virginia 22152 A lawsuit has been filed against you. Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if you are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are: Eric M. Stahl Caesar Kalinowski DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP 920 Fifth Ave, Ste. 3300 Seattle, WA 98104 If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court. CLERK OF COURT Date: Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-2 Filed 05/05/20 Page 2 of 2 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2) Civil Action No. PROOF OF SERVICE (This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l)) This summons for (name of individual and title, if any) was received by me on (date) . ’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place) on (date) ; or ’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name) , a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there, on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or ’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization) on (date) ; or ’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or ’ Other (specify): . My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true. Date: Server’s signature Printed name and title Server’s address Additional information regarding attempted service, etc: 0.00 . Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-3 Filed 05/05/20 Page 1 of 2 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Western District of of Washington __________ District __________ HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER, a Washington nonprofit corporation, Plaintiff(s) v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; and its component DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, Defendant(s) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION To: (Defendant’s name and address) Department of Justice, Civil Division Hirsh D. Kravitz FOIA, Records, and E-Discovery Office Room 8314 1100 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 A lawsuit has been filed against you. Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if you are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are: Eric M. Stahl Caesar Kalinowski DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP 920 Fifth Ave, Ste. 3300 Seattle, WA 98104 If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court. CLERK OF COURT Date: Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-3 Filed 05/05/20 Page 2 of 2 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2) Civil Action No. PROOF OF SERVICE (This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l)) This summons for (name of individual and title, if any) was received by me on (date) . ’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place) on (date) ; or ’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name) , a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there, on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or ’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization) on (date) ; or ’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or ’ Other (specify): . My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true. Date: Server’s signature Printed name and title Server’s address Additional information regarding attempted service, etc: 0.00 . Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-4 Filed 05/05/20 Page 1 of 2 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Western District of of Washington __________ District __________ HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER, a Washington nonprofit corporation, Plaintiff(s) v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; and its component DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, Defendant(s) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION To: (Defendant’s name and address) Office of the Attorney General of the United States Douglas Hibbard Chief, Initial Request Staff Office of Information Policy, Department of Justice 1425 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 11050 Washington, DC 20530-0001 A lawsuit has been filed against you. Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if you are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are: Eric M. Stahl Caesar Kalinowski DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP 920 Fifth Ave, Ste. 3300 Seattle, WA 98104 If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court. CLERK OF COURT Date: Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-4 Filed 05/05/20 Page 2 of 2 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2) Civil Action No. PROOF OF SERVICE (This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l)) This summons for (name of individual and title, if any) was received by me on (date) . ’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place) on (date) ; or ’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name) , a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there, on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or ’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization) on (date) ; or ’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or ’ Other (specify): . My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true. Date: Server’s signature Printed name and title Server’s address Additional information regarding attempted service, etc: 0.00 . Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-5 Filed 05/05/20 Page 1 of 2 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Western District of of Washington __________ District __________ HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE CENTER, a Washington nonprofit corporation, Plaintiff(s) v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE; and its component DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, Defendant(s) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION To: (Defendant’s name and address) United States Attorney’s Office for the W.D. Washington FOIA Civil-Process Clerk 700 Stewart Street, Suite 5220 Seattle, WA 98101-1271 A lawsuit has been filed against you. Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if you are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ. P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney, whose name and address are: Eric M. Stahl Caesar Kalinowski DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP 920 Fifth Ave, Ste. 3300 Seattle, WA 98104 If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. You also must file your answer or motion with the court. CLERK OF COURT Date: Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk Case 2:20-cv-00674 Document 1-5 Filed 05/05/20 Page 2 of 2 AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2) Civil Action No. PROOF OF SERVICE (This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l)) This summons for (name of individual and title, if any) was received by me on (date) . ’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place) on (date) ; or ’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name) , a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there, on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or ’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization) on (date) ; or ’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or ’ Other (specify): . My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true. Date: Server’s signature Printed name and title Server’s address Additional information regarding attempted service, etc: 0.00 .