Humanists of Washington v. Lehman, Washington DOC censorship Settlement. 1999.
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FAX NO. roT-Ol-59 FRI 04: 45 p U~ • 1 2 3 4 o 5 ORABI.£ FRAN IN D. B GESS 6 7 UNITED ST TES DISTRICT COURT I -Tm~- DI Tluer 0 Hll 'GTO T CO I \: 8 9 HUMANI"fS OF WASHfNGTO ,et ai" NO. v. U 12 C9'1~5499FDB Plaintiffs, 10 REI.E.<\SE AND SEI rLE ENT AOREEME JOSEPH LEJl1'fA , el al, DefenOants. Flaintiffs. Humanis.[s 0 Washington fim NationAl PriS'on Projecc Of thE; Am~r:ican Liberties nion FoWlda ion, Ie. <I- pp- LUF~), ivil Rollin Wright, Billy Blankenship, Keith 16 Closson. Mark Cook, William Robert Harris, Jerry Hawlcins, lich..'leI Potersan, Randy Tone sen. 17 and Paut W 'ghE, by and through their attorneys we 1 BRI. 'G~ fA 19 Attomey GanerJl, KASEY C. KNEIP a.nd HEATHER Kl.ErN, Assistam Attorneys Geoeral, and 20 NlICHAEL T. 21 IDutual ,prom~ e he ein. arid jn mutua! decision to r~Qh/c lbe ~hll\le-C'apLioned maLLet" 22 further lidg tion., hereby agree as W. GENDLER and JOSEPH E. and Defel1dan.5. by and hrou~ their attorneys, C1:IRISTINE O. GREGOIRE ~ITfCHELL, Senior .I\ssistl.m Artorney General- bas d pon considernlfon and 'oUt rouows:: In cO'l1sideration of me foUowing provisions Of the release and settlement agreernen 1. 13 • manis s of Wa.Jihillgton, the - at~ona1 Prison Project of the Ameritafl Civil Liberties 2 plainiffs _5 r niOIl Poundation, Jnc, , Ronin 26 Robert Harrl.~. riglu.. Billy Bl emhip Keith Clos!ion~ M.1rk Coo, minrn Jerry Hawkins, Michael PClcrson, Randy ToUe fs,eo , and Paul Wrigh, !:heir heirs Rf..r.E SF. A '[)I SETfLl!ME j\:uREE, eN'f • ATrullJ trr(iDlCRALOE'Wh5IU 010 Crhni~lIl 11 t~ DIY! Ign .!'o JllPl '4Q 116 0IlJ:flp· INA ?U04.oWI (.l6D) 5S~144S I "I 1 assigns or orller 5ucces..o;.ors in intere.c:t do hereby release and forever discharge the State of 2 WaslulllgtOll. its officers, agents. employees 1 agencies, departments for any and all exist' g and 3 furul,e claims, damages and 3U:Se5 of acfon of any nature wh:atso er arising out of lh e ertain 4 UlC· denlS, 5 Sllppiemented Complaint for DeclamtoIY and Injunc ive Reli f o.nd are Lhe source of this 6 lawsuit c.1ptionad above, prav id ed, that this tel ens e does nOt . rend fo exisri n 0 fUture 7 laUns, damages andiar cau~es of action mat relate in any way to phunliffs' Fifth Claim for Rehef. j occurrences, casualties or events Plaintiffs and dcicndants have agreed 2. 8 9 mt;h are de.scribed in the F ,t ended and claj~l1 w reso \Ie this !aWSll i witho u and rurthel" lidgation in the following ma.DIlC!: a. 10 Inmate plainlifis agree ta dismiss ,,,ith prejodice U1eir First Claim for Relief bulk m H poHcy llS slated in Pai[}t~.ffS.' First Am~ndC!d and 11 I;haHcDglng the defend ls 12 Supplem n d Complai t for DccJarorQry 13 Policy 450.100 MaH for Ommders, effec.ti . . 'e January 10 1999. provides for 51atewidt: ~ffet:t of dle 1. settletne.l1t reached in 15 Wash.)) en Oc~obrO. 1998. b. 16 ~d lnjunc(lvC Relief on the basis that amndcd DO Miniken v. Waller, EDe Cause No, C 96-407-JLQ (1997 WL 778753 (E.n. Publisher Is.Lntiffs agree dismiss Mlh prejudice th ir Seeo d Cla.imor Relier 17 challenging lhe ddendants' bulk ma!l policy as staled In Plainfffs' First Am n eel an 18 Sllpplemcnrcd Complaint fot Dcdar; tory and Injun ive Relief 19 Policy 4-0.100, Mail for Off ndcrs effective J3flWl1}' 10 1999t provides for stare",,;d elli 20 sc tIemenl reached in . . ·"e vo_ Waller on October 10, 1998. 23 2 25 the basis mat amended DOC J c. 21 22 011 I or he PIa..i.l1tiff:S ;lg1't,;~ to dismiss with prejudice ilieir Third Claim for Reiie as stated in Fla.i riffs' First Amended and Suppl'emerued Complain for Declaratory and Injunctiv ReHer um1er the ing p rovisjoos: Defendants agI1 to amend DOC Policy 50.100, lai for Offcnde:rs, consistent ich Ute dtecision in Crofton. v. Roe:, 110 F.3d 957 (9" Cir. 1999') tQub5tanllally provide: 26 ItELEA c: 0 SE""ITLEMI£ An REfM E:NT 'r AUQiJI.l'(EY G-eNLW./ 1. OF w CyjlJlilUl Ju.~[= 1'O!lo;I>l O· ~. 0, ~:Hmmo!'l l4rII ~.oll~ WII. \;IH~J04-0ll {31:tI, :i SQ. I ~~~ I ccr-0I-B9 FR I I~ eive Inmates may l} 1 P. 04 FAX NO. 04: 45 Pff gift subscriptions and/or publica! ions from any party other than from another inmaEl3: or [he mends or family of another unrelated lnmnte~ 2 I j. 2) InIlmtes are responsible for notifYing fu~ pu lish 4 3) WhUe an. inmatc may be !:he benflficiary ·of a gift subscription and/or publication. of an.)' change of address; 5 thl; inmate may be temporarily deprived of actual receip or poession of the publica ion whtl ill ,6 the 7 specific tempornry property restrictions placed on the i.nrnate; lM • segregEl.~iQll. Of ~f 4) S $ubjctt to other ~ e:shicUons [IlOpflrty conlstent wilh the ,an inmate is subject to a property es.trictiD!'!. 2ny gift subse 'plion arniIor publi adon win be held for at least ninEy (90) days b a e 9 egardlug e inma e ·s. uired to oEify Sla to 10 se d out, donat or destroy th subscriptron. I 11 d. 12 Plaintiffs t3 rela tes 1 I TO foUowing Plilintiffs agree dls:rnlss widl prejudice th ir FOllrth. Clai,n for R,e]ief 3S sw,( [Q in irs! Amended and Supplemented Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Rdjef as it the ['lubrication known as Maoisr Inlern.ationalist .Movement" MlMJ ales under the provL~' ons; Defendants agree ro review the M]].iI publica ion a is :y-i~ ue b i:s 15 1) 16 and agre 17 organil.'ltiomJ purpose. as '" struggl ring lo]nd oppr .sian y build{wg] public opinion 0 sciz S not to rcj ec lbc pUbl ication p,Qwer through tlnncd stNggI .., :sole~y 0 eti 0 on the bJl..S rs that each fndants further agrea 'fa reviel,( each issue of MI 19 e aluari g the o tent of each i.!isuc in conjunction with !:he maslhead adocaung ..stnlggLe ro 20 oppress-ron hy b\1ild[ing] public opinion to. seize pCl"Vermmugh armed 21 22 23 2) I c. n otes is decmali to be a: thn:ac oeg'timate If the content oE lin ISsue of MlM penologica objectives defendants reserve he ri· h ~tl1lgg1e. 0 rejec ltIe is-sue. Plaintiff Paul WrighL agrees [0 di:smiss without prejudice: the Fftb Claim fur Relief. 24 Sexually Explicit Materials, asstnt2d in Plaintry First Amended and Supplemented Cmnp]aml for 25 Decl amtory and Injunctive ReHer. 26 RELEASE A 0 SE1TlEMHNT AGREBMENT o BY Ul!iNr!JVI1. 01' WA.SII Crimillw JUU.illC Di~~i 1'(Il'l00l 11110 (1)1l\~j., W" ~8SC4-0 [ LiS 0,1,0) s8&-H-4~ 010 I. I 1 • o Dc rcDL1l1~ 'fuJ-rilic£ ~ serio infraction in' I n. r in determining wh~thc:t 8 N 728 infraction n 11 U'eJLed as a gen 1infracdon may incIu bem C1' 1h in o "128 i .~ ctual pcuetnUioD ami ua.!ly explicit ma~er' 1 w ned and a.pproved by l ilie sexually c pli lE II. in ill RELEASE A AGPJlt;ME .Il:NI,V[[E-MJ-llA1...0r w..sJ1t I J e Ii POllOi 01 InrI. 116 ~ 9U{).~.ij1 HI (~~a) ~.lI(" L~~5 ~. FAX NO. Defendants further agree that a Department of Corrections ...mployee who is directly 2) 1 0 2 supervised by the persou who made rhe initial rejection dec'sian shall not hear the appeal. 'Direc 3 supervision" is defined as the direct and immediate superv' or and shallot inc de tbose 4 cmp!oyecs who are in me same chain of comrna.nd Of line of superv1sion but are not 5 supervisor. For mall iwns rejec.rcd 3) 6 .. Sl;':xua y~.>;.plit,;tC·, de ts agree to provide 7 descriptive language in "the mail rejection oorrce. Specifically, defe 8 DOC 05-525 9 plcture~ fO ants .agree to arne d form provide a listing of descrip ive categories, such as whether 0_ not the item is; a) a b) cartoon; c) written depiction; d) advertisemenr~ or e) other. Plaintiffs agree to dis. niss 10 Wilh prejudice lhe remainder of the claim addressing mail appeal 11 natt.lre. L2 e direct 4) lat are non-sexually expl"cit in Plaintifl:1; agree to dismiss with prejudice. their Seventh Claim for ReHef wimin their 13 Fies( Amended and Supplemented Complaint or Declaratory and Injunc lve Relief as it relates to 14 tho danlal of non-subscripdOll bulk mall ant! Ihe refusal of defeodant~ 15 and publisher plaintiffs of ~nfisc.nted or discarded 16 h. 0 notify inmace plaintiffs non-subscription bulk rnail items. Plaimiffs' Eighth Claim for ReLief as staled in Plai -tiffs' Firsl }uncnded and ]7 Supplemented Complaint for Declaratory an Injunctive Relief challenging inrnale· o-jnm,He 18 restrictiol1s, indudi ng the resrrictions on th kd pa.rties from eod ing legal materials to inmates T lS 19 settled on rhe following: condiriofl.'l,: 20 21 22 23 24 1) Pial tiffs agree to tlismi S willi prejudice all laims caHenging the defendants' restrictions on inrnate-to-innl'lre correspondence. 2) Deferulant~ agree to deliver "legal materials" mai ed to 'Vashington State inmates hy non-inmate, rhird-party senders under the following terms: a) "Legal material ., me defined as 1 dicial opinions (published and unpublished), 2S reports and recommendations, orders. complaints. or answen>. settlement agrcementR, class action, 26 noticas t legal briefs and' memoranda, and roo ·ons. R.!2LEASE AN]) SETTLEMEN'I' AGRF.EME T j The legal materials wi be screenoo by ....rrolt.N'F.:Y OI'NF.RAL OV W,\j."lNGTO~ CnmILU! r~ ICe D'~I t'"o tlnK ·0116 'tl~ OlympirJ, WA9UM-OI16 ().fiiO~ s:86-144~ OCT~Oi-99 FRl 04:46 correctional staff upon receipt lnto the irmitudon wnich may include asSJstance from the Ia 1 2 P. 07 p~ ,I library sla!f in idemifying eenam legal Oct111lents. The rece· -1 of third parry lega, rna /"'rials] as 3 ,defi.ned abo,ve. oll1y applies to those correctional institutions which have a law library (Washington I • I 4 : Slare PeniIendary. Wa.~hi ngLon Corrections Center. eNei:l Island Correction, Center] 5 ' Bay Corrections Center, Wash j ng(on SlaleeformaWry, Twin Rl ers Correc-tiOlls Center Ahway J Rcj8'hts Corrcc.tiom ~lc:r, 7 c.orrec:lions CenEl.;r). Carr~ 8 Qf 9 objectives. Defen lams agree toeuvcr approved 1 gal material 6 Washington Cornx:tio~ Cener foC' 'omen, and Stafford Cree I ional mIT rncl ·:ng law library smffl re:i,eM!·e th right. to reject any Lhe legal maleri Is defmoo a110ve if they are deemed threaten legiimate pe ola,gical 0 itll0Ut u due d:eIa ami pm ide WTiuen notice of rejected mail items in accordance widl DOC Policy 450.100, lO n h) 2 D~rem.lants agree SL:mlp legal docllmems as c) 3 tllat a process will be unpIemented whereby correctional staff will "appro~ecl" upon de ivety 0 the items to th inmate recipient. Defendants also agree to permit irurmres he reee'va m abo e.-Ii ted. legal rna leria is e insdtu ioml1 Jaw Hbrari s throughout the Sta e of W ,s it.glon for 14 to send such legal m:i. rials to 15 the purpo$ of filing those materials in library brief banks available for inmafes, The ocal 16 l stitudon.s HX:Cl: ing these mat,eriaJs rt'SerYC th.e rig! t to screen and r d~t the legal mal ri Is [0 be 17 ' filed in their brief bank c:onsiSient wilh le iLimate penological ObjcctL cs. Dfemlao[s further agree at to redact tho capti n or name 18 iLhin he legal materials filed in lhe brief banks of the .oeal [9 jnstirutiona[ law libraries, provided that \he materials 20 penological ohj ecrives_ copy of Pri~aTl Legal ews dali!d lanuary 19, 1996. In 22 24 nm presenJ a threat to legitimate Defendants agree 10 deFver to pI intiff.s BiUy Blankenship an ' Randy ToU fsen" a 21 23 0 I ptcjudic~ e"XChaJlg~j plaintiffs agreeu cUsmiss wuh eir Nin h C]aim Or Reli f as staled i Plairuiffs l FirsE Amended and SupplemelllCd Complains: for Declaratory and-Injunctive Relief. Phcintiffs rorth~r a.gree ro assjsr d fendanr.s in 25 ,proviuwg those relevant copie5 of Prison Legal News. if nece sary. 26 RELEASe A. D9E'lTLEMENT AGR£EMENT 6 ATTOllNEV m::mll-"I.OS;- W S~rNCiTON Cdpnfllll JL.l: ~ oi..ilillTl 1'\0 !:lID, 4 I Hi (1):.n I~. WA 9UC....I.lllG" a POO) n~·1 ~4J / o p Ii Y 50.100 I vide otic ft!'oo ants agree l.1inli . j a eo 10 nismiss wltlJ Ileml.ed nL1 Supplememed "LEASE AGREE E,l 6udice 0 JBim ror Decl Fatory g:ree [ ) 0 cJ J ry no i c. ti r Olli J. (0 7 I i . ill P. [lg FAX O. OCT-Ol ~gg FRl 04: 47 PM 1 document! aDd tha. .rest af the mulLiple copies shall be returned to the sender, dOlmted~ or destroyed 2 m accordance with DOC Pelky 4 a.1OO? effective Jannary 10. 1999. 3 DefendanlS funhcr agree to amend DOC Policy 450.100, l\ofa' I ror Offenders, 2) 4 Section IV. Unaulhodzed Incoming Mail. A. 22 to provide for a limit of One magvJne artid>e per 5 ,envelope from persons oilier lhan the publisher. 6 7 I Dclcndll1ltg further agree to amemI DOC Polky 450.100" Mail fo 3) Ofteulers, Section IV, Unauthorized Incoming MnH. A. 23 to provide for a limit of ten (0) newsp.aper I 8 , clipping8 per envelope. and these clippings may be received from perEons other than the publisher. 9 Defendants further agree there may be relevant portions of DOC POlicy 150,100, 3. 10 Mail for Offenders that need to be amended to reflec the p reposed changes ouU lned in this 1] setrlement agre~nr. DefendantS agree ro provide plamtiffs. tlrrough ibeir anomeys of record. 12 with reasonable notice· Df proposed changes to DOC Policy 450.100" Mail for Offenders re.,')ulting I I 13 14 from this lawsuit only for rhe purpose of review and comment. II is UDdcnitood and agreed by the parties that this settlement is Ifl compffillise o[ a 4. ]5 disputed claim, ana tlIat the consideration given J-l not (0 becorut etl as an .a:<lmi:ssioll of liability 16 on lhe part of any defendam. and tllar s.aid defendanls deny liab'li y. J7 5. Defendants agree to in.formally review a fair and reasonabJI: attorneys feesfcosls }8 application submiucd by plaintiffs consi5tent with applicable law and applicable attorney f~S' 19 limitations rrtl.ndaled by Congress in the Prison LitiglUion Reform Act a 42 20 agreement an me amount of attomcys I fees a.ruI costs can be reached, defe:nd.:mts shaH pay such 2l amount within 30 days of such agreement. If an agreement cannot be reached On <'IMrney fees and 22 costs, plaimiffs Shall have 60 days fQ,Uowing execution of tile! 23 which to submh a Bill of Costs and/or a mOlion fOT attorneys' f:ees to the Honorahle Judge 24 Burgess. Defendants wilJ then have (he opportunity to object to the Bill of Costs: and/or rno ion for ,_:I attorneys' fees with full briefing before the court. Neither plaintiffs nor dflfenda.nts waive the right .S.C. § 19'9'7e. If Seuh!ln~nt Agreement in 26 R.fiLEA.S~ ANlJ SbTi'Lf.MENT AORE8\otENT & ATI'Ofu~ GENBM [. OP WA5!,!'INGTClN Cnroaolil Ibfd~ Dh'i3;[D!1 tl.nI4~ ~o 110 mjll1jlij, WII, ~~~e-..o[ ~6 (J6~} ~~G-l4~S. I i I I, I P. FAX 0" to to appenJ the Pistrict CU1.1res decision as to (he amount of atlOmeys fees andlor costs award ... d in 2 3 this case by emering 'this agreemeDt. 6. The parties will gign and present to the COUrt for entry a I Stipulation and Agr"...ed 4 Order of Dismissal Wilh Prejlldice~ to d.ismiss. aU pendmg litigation on this matter am ng: . laimiffs 5 and defendants, except the pmtic.s agree to <6 prejudico. 7 7. dismiss plaintiffs' Fifth Chim for Relief without Defendants agree to comply with the terms of this agreement duriIlg B. 3D-month R enforcement period. During this 30~moIltll enforcement pedod, plain i£~ must :ltl:emp( to reJ -olve 9 any and all dispUles concerning the defendants' C(lotirrufng compliance with this 3!:t'l"CCmcnt through 10 the [o!lowirlg dispute resolution process. P aintiffs shaH 'infonn counsel for the DOC, Criminal 1] Just-tee Divi.sion in writing of oy !lHGged subsmndal non-complia.nce. 12 resolved. at Ihat stagc, plaintiffs or counsel for plain iffs and counseL fDr me DOC 13 . confer in good faith [0 tI)' to Unless the problem is resolve any differences. This agreement does DO [ wm meet and require pi aJnriffs t,o 14 exhaust DOC'.ii ad ()"Ii nistral ive gricva nee proces.'l prior to atttempting to re.solve any and all dtSp'Utes 15 lbrough (he alternatjve dispute resolmion process described. in this agreement. 16 cannm be 17 in a federal or Slate court of competent jurisdi\.ilOD. lo,c;:.ated within the geographic boundaries of the a re~olvcd by meeting and conferring, then !he plaintiffs may pursue specific p~rfommncc . 1 Western District of Wa.shington on hehalF of the plaintiffs lo remedy any 19 agreement 20 8, IfEhetspme non~complia[1ce whh this The pn:::yaUlng party in any ac(on for spec.ific performance of !his agreement wn 21 be entitled to recover attorney fees and costs. consistent with. applicable law .and the Prison 22 LitigallQr1 Reform Acr. Each side wiU b(!M rheir own coots and attorney fees in pursuing a disput,e 23 res.olution process to resolve 24 agrcemem precludes the moe of any other typo of alternative dispute resolution process that tbe 25 parties agree to employ. [}!1y alleged non~compliance with this agreement. othing in this 2{i, RELEAS E AN D SEITLI!MJ3NT AGREEMUNT 9 11TIORNEY GENElVi.T' OF WIlSlH IiN!G1"O CfIIl'IiMI h"u i~ ni\'i~ijon ro 1l4~ ~Ol16 WA 9iS04~H6 (J60} m·l44 Qly:npr~,. Defendants agree to comply with the renDS of this agreement for 30-months, 9. • P. 11 FAX NO. ccr-OI-gg FRI U4: 48 Pt1 2 beginning on the implementatkm dale specified in parn.graph 10 below t an to wai:ve ,their right, if : 3 any, to request or obtain lCnninaf:ion of this agreement prior 0 the oxpiration of the 30-month ~ enforcement period pursuant to i8 5 the expiration of the 30-month enforcement period, defendants .may petition 6 rnnnloation in accordance with 18 U.S.C. 7 case 18 U,S.C. § 3626(c)(l997)(as amended onoy. 26, 1997) shall apply. Plaintiffs may op_ Qse 8 defendant!:' motion for temlInation plh"Sua.rlt to 18 U.S,C. § 3626 (b)(3)(as amended 00 ·Qv. 26, 9 1997). .S.C. § 3626(b)(2)(1997)(as amended on Nov. 26, 1997). ! ~ J626(b)(1)(asamendcdon Nov. 26 1 Plaintiffs; opposition uuder 18 U.S.C. § 3626(b)(3) to terminate shall be limired to 10 plaintiffs' claims where relief was obt.uned through provls'ons of this Release and Settlement· 11 Agreement. 12 On or by rilme months frorn the dare this agreem.eIlt is signed, the defendants shall 10. 13 implement this agreement, including the amendmsnr to DOC Policy 450.100. proposed 14 amendments to W C 137-28-220 and WAC 137-28-260, and all other injunctive reli f obtained by 15 plaintiffs through t:h is agreement. 16 This document is not a c.onsent decree, but it is an agreement enfurceab1 through 11. 3 17 the contractual remed ies spec j !ie<.!., hereiu. 18 shOldd be construed as creating or e;ttiDguishing 19 interests. 20 one of the provi.41lons contained in this agreement any state or federal con. tiruUonal This agreement COrlslitures rno fmal wril12n expression of all [he terms of se ement 12. 21 and is a complete aru.I exclusive statement of those terms. No oilier agreements, in writincr or oral 22 bind the parties. The undersigned hereby declare the temt.'i of [his settlement ,~greemcnt 23 13. 24 completely 25 final and binding compromise, adjustment and settlement qf any and all claims. disputed or 26 orhenvise., RELEASE A 0 AGREEMENT wholly understood and voluntarily accepted for the purpose of making a s'~:rrU~Mc T 10 fun and ATIOR..·{BY GF.Nf.lV.l . OF ...."iI·uNmON C(imilNll ;u~li~ Thy' in 1'O~4(j1 [~ 0l~ln~j3, WA 9~S(l,f"'11 G (~) .~~ ·l445 are • .- ~q FAX 0.. P. l2 : -, , 2 3 14. This agreement may be signed in counterpa.rt otigio~Js and way b£i delivered by. facsimile with Qriginals to follow, 4 DATED this 5 For Plalntiffs~ Itt' day o[October, 1999. 7 ' ~{) ~. ~~_. 8 ... 9 WSBA No 10 11 7'" ~~(J~~~ For Defendants: 1!J/.!./11_ Date 5236 Authorized to Sign by and for AU Plaintiffs _~/O/Jtti .. nate l2 KAS . . WSDA No. 27100 Assistant Attorney General 13 ~~Ldh9 14 IS . A11 . E1 ate" . WSBA No. 27531 Ass istam Attorney General 16 17 18 1rlrC'HAELT. :MITCHEL[ 19 WSEA No. 6088 Sr. Assis[ant Attorney General 20 AUmneys fOf Date Defendants 2i 22 23 ELDON VAlL 24 Deputy Secretary DeiJ artment 0 f Corrections Date 25 26 RF.Lf.AS E AN D S[;;,nLEM ENT AGREEAl!NT 11 "'!TO·EU'ffi;'{ CLttaJI L. 0[' WAI;HINCiTON erEmlrlal Ju.1J I~ DJ',IhIQll I'O!lI};ll~IlII15 O~ill, WA 9 ~a .01 Mi OoSO) ~!6-1 oH'