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Illinois Police Brutality Suit Settles for $180,000

The City of Waukegan (Illinois) settled a civil rights action against police for $180,000 after the 2005 macing and beating of concerned citizen Rogelio Rios Castillo. Castillo verbally tried to prevent police from excessively beating an arrestee in front of his home.

Castillo witnessed policemen Arturo Flores and Michael Rauschenberger beating a man who was being arrested in front of his house. He approached them stating, "You don't have to beat him like Rodney King," and was then himself beaten, maced and arrested. The charges against him were subsequently dropped.

Castillo moved from the Chicago area and filed suit alleging excessive force, false arrest and malicious prosecution. The City settled. Rauschenberger resigned and moved out of state but Flores remains on the police force. Police Chief William Biang and City Attorney Brian Grach did not comment on the incident. See: Castillo v. Flores, U.S.D.C. (ND Ill.), Case No. 1:06-cv-03254.

Source: Suburban Chicago News article, "$180,000 Settlement For Police Brutality" Aug. 16, 2007.

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