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TDCJ Settles MVA Personal Injury Suit

On April 8, 2005, an undisclosed settlement was reached in a personal injury suit filed against the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) and Department employee, Ronald Babic. Represented by Texas City attorney Russell G. Burwell III of
Burwell, Burwell, & Nebout, LLP, Plaintiff Georgia Meyer accused Babic of negligence after the TDCJ vehicle he was driving rear-ended her vehicle as she was stopped at a red light. As a result of the accident, Ms. Meyer "suffered painful, severe, and permanent injuries to her neck and back." As Mr. Babic was "in the course and scope of his employment" with the TDCJ at the time of the incident, the State was liable for his negligence.

Accordingly, Plaintiff sued Babic and the TDCJ seeking damages, attorney's fees and costs. The order dismissing the case with prejudice on April 8, 2005 did not divulge the specifics of whatever settlement was reached between the parties involved. See: Meyer v. Babic, Galveston Co. Dist. Ct., 122nd Jud. Dist., No. 03-CV-1514.

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Meyer v. Babic

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