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$3,000 Settlement on DC Prisoner’s Medical Negligence Suit

The District of Columbia paid $3,000 to settle the lawsuit of prisoner Lawrence Davis, Jr. for injuries sustained due to medical negligence.

While at the D.C. jail on September 5, 2001, Davis requested medical care for a problem with his left foot. His condition continued to worsen, despite written and oral requests for medical care. On December 11, 2001, Davis was hospitalized at Greater Southeast Community Hospital for one day, then taken to Corrections Corporation of America Treatment Facility (CCATF), where CCATF personnel failed to follow treatment orders given by the Community Hospital.

On February 9, 2003, his condition had become so sever he was transferred to the medical center for federal prisoners in Springfield, Missouri.

His complaint alleged that due to improper medical care he had contracted staphylococcus aureus and providencia stuartii. Davis accepted settlement on November 5, 2007, acting pro se.

See: Davis v. District of Columbia, USDC District of Columbia, Case No. 1:07CV00200.

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