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$20,500 Award in Suit Over New York Prisoner Falling From Roof

In November 1996, the New York Court of Claims awarded a prisoner who had fallen from the roof of a prison while on a work detail and injured his knee $20,000. It awarded his wife $500 for loss of consortium.

Plaintiff Tucker was a prisoner on a work detail in a park when he slipped on snow that had been shoveled and fell while trying to descend from a roof. He suffered a fractured calcaneus and injured his knee. He filed suit in state court alleging the state had created a dangerous condition by requiring him to walk on the wet and slippery roof singles and failed to warn him of the hazard. The court returned a verdict in his favor.

See: Tucker v. State of New York, 1996 WL 796427 (N.Y. Ct. Cl.)

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