Aclu v Dod Doj Questionnaire Regarding Detainees 00002454
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Department'pf Jus.tiG,e In~pector General 'Ques.tionnaire Detain.ees OOJ-OI.G INVEST-IGATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE FOt{ R:~VIEWA~D USE ONLY BYIND'~\fI[jUALFBI ~E:SPONDENTS ... C/P NOT FO~WARD'OR DI~EMI~ATE .QUESTIONNAIRE 10: test-OO.002454 ·As ·o.t 1:h~ last time thjs q!·Qnn·;:Iire.wfl~ Sa\(~~i some r~.quire_dfiel~s; h'W~'1J9i: ~een cc;»mpleted. PIea's'~,te'vieW your responses. -.' : , Please pr'Qvidel'tlie foIl6Wi.n~: information: 1., Fi(S1; nam¢, .-' ... .... ~.~ " .. ; '; ,~~. ,,~ - :.'.- 6~,7CPER4C?REEMfEitiT 6 &:1C PER AGREEMENT 6 &,7..C PER AGREEMENT ~ &·1C ~ ~ 7C Special Ag,ert-j=BJ, 6 &1C, PER AGREEMENT ~ &; 1(; PER,AGR/:EMENT ~ &~7-¢- fE.R 4GREEN!ENT' 6 & Ie PER.AGREEMENT. MI~9Je InltJ~r: '3~ Last name: 4., EnteJ:,ed. on Duty Date (EOD'): 5: Curr.eot DNisiq,nifield Office: 6. t~rrent tab ti.tle; .7: Direct.'dial office.telephOne number: 8. FBI cell 'Phone' nlJmbet: F'$i p,ager nutn'Qer: lO'.. J3e?t cqntaet nUIJ1 ber for YQU:: i, t B,. Background of spe-cific De·ployme'nt·s Dr AS'signntents as ;];1. At any. time alrerSeptember 1'1( 2'0.01, Ctid 'y0U serve a's·a member oftne U.S. MilitaN, or' ~ln. :emp({;)yee ,or contractor of the. FBI or any other g.overnment agency;>, at Guantanamo Bay" tUba; Iraq ~ 'Afg~~m{stall;'or in areq~ cpt')troll~ by·tt;re l!.S'. Military ora lJ.~. intel.lige::npe sen'J.<;e if'] C;;Qnne~tion.'Wit~ the :gI91;>al waf on ,terro'r1 ' o Yes '0 No '12. !=nter the numb,e,r of time,S you wer.ecl~pIQyed OCcis$ig h,ed to. each of the, [Qhowing lQ~eaHpns' .(Gdantanaino Bay, 'Cuba;; lraci'¥Afghanistan; o'r in :any areas controlled byfhe, U:S. 'Military .or a U.S.. i!1tell!g:enc~ serVic~) :-1,' ' , For each: deployment cW,assigmnent ,complete 'the followh~g section. location rsell~ct one) DepJoYm¢.nt 9r ~S!si,giJmeiit'b~g!ln oil'or Dep.lo.Yffi.ent ~r·,ijs5,gnnient,enillll[ qn. , . . " ;G'Ga'ntim'~mb:Bai .' • _ 'N ,'. ;0.' - •• ,. abo.ll.t or about, 12j02.-}20.0 3: 01120/2004 • • l'2a. What was -the ~ger\era'l riatu r'~ !:Inp 8:ljrpo~~ of ybur:assig rim~nt and aCtlvitites? Interrogator l~b. Please provide the'names cifthe.speciffc.. camps, bases, or facilities where you worked. G~mp pel~.~, ~.... _,'..,._,. _ ..,. 12t. NgJ:¢: If ii1fj:>rrnation-:aQPuj, a :Specific canilf, base, ~>r"fac:i1it'1'is,cla:~sifled :ariq,ye SE~REJ, J}lease'ch'eck, her~ 0, in.elude in Y9ur,:answer ~hat 'You ha\(e,lladc;li~.iQ.nal in(Q.r'niation tlpssifled 1:l,bove '5ECRET,,'~1 and" if you know, 'id,entifY the,c1assificatlon .level, licket, :eoinparfment, preg ram, i>r' ,other design:atiem tha~·applles to,the 'i.nformatl,qn, Do not inqlude the-~d<;fitlonar c~sslfled In your OIGQ-005078 'r-7--------.....------------------- -.. questionnaire responses. bIG personneLwith the necessary clearance Will q>ntact you to receive it. Name I L - ' v -_ -"'I _,_",,:: _ ' Position 'SSA ~_ ...... - b6 ._~ ' - _ _ "_- ' _ b7C ;12~. Did YQJI jplntly in.tetYieW pr il']t~rrogate any detairie_e with non-Far p¢t$onnel? : : . 0 y~s @ N~ : ,12f. Did y'bi.l:;iofntlY, pla'riariy"oetaitlee intervieW.or Interrogation :strategy" -Objectives', or tactics .with non- .; IFBI personnel? I I . • c-----·----------------------------------------------- -----------------. 0 Yes No 12g;; Were'vot! ~ver gth~t:V(!~¢ i.nIj9.'Y~· in 9~tqifl~.e int~ry~eW$'~r i!lterrp@~i9,ns with ·q:y~~e No I @ I .~------------~-~-----------------------------------~----'--'--~--~--~-'--J npl)-FBI: ~r~pnnel? A. 'Training Prior to Overseas' Deployment .or Assi~rilmEmt +3. 'IDid 'ypd recE;lye ~ny tral\'lirilli: Instr~cti9'h, qr giJic;lc!nce spec;ifldally in 'pr.eppratrp.n for any-of yo,ur oYer~eas:d¢p.loyment~ or'~'spj9fln1ents? eYes :ONd :Q:Qo No~tRet1;ln 1.3<1.. Who pr6Vid.ed this. ~.rainingt iristrue,ti<;>l)!, or ,~uid~hcei,c;ind where did yolt reC~iVe it? noo.(1~ i-3'~~ I)~scrip' su.oj~cton w,hlc;h:YQu reGeivep, thjs,trqining J instrue!=(o)) 0(' g~idan~. the EC and ,Feeommended belcl( ground Jeadibg\on Muslim cu'ltli're only 15'. Iii, pre,pafatibIi 'for' a'n.>' 'of 'your' ·ove'rsea's d.ep.l6}(.inents~:6r assignmehts,~did you'receive alit tf.3iJiilig" instruction, or:guidance ,concerning the.slandards·of conduct applicable to the treatment,. interyl~Wt9r imerr999tl<;>n of :detain~,~s tlY non-'FaI p~~S:Q'nnel? ' 16', IIi pre~aratioJi fijI: anY,E>fyoiif oVerseas depl<iyments;oY assignmentsrdid yon reeeive:any ffcHnihg." .in,stru¢iol);·o,r ,~l!!d~nc.e co·rceming what you' .wefe,s!-!ppose~ ,'to' qo 'if y.ou o/)se,ryed 'or' hei:!Td ,about the tr~<;ltmentt interview;' 9f ir:it~rrqg'atignbf..j:letail1~es by FE\I: p~rs(mnelt w.hi~h 'YQU belieVed tQ b:e inap:p'rQprlate~ .unpmtesslonal, ~erd9'et :,abUSlve, 'or.unlaWfUl? Qyes ,,0 No, @ Do N.d~ Rec~1I ll.Il']prepq~.tloll·f()r ?n'{Of·Y9!.lr oversea-s.d~pJQYrneo!.s 9r ?s~ignrnelJts~dl~ you r.~!;elv.~:any t@Inlng, . iri~tnjg:icili, qr.guidetnt:i= cqn~erilillg what you Were's,uPPP$.e9. to: do if YQU obS¢rye~ -qr ht$(paliQlJt ''the tr:eatrilent, liitervieW'roY IhterrQgi3tibri,ciJ p.etaihees bY n'on-FBI personnel,. Which, you b~jleved. to he iriappmp'riate(' unj:irbfe'ssional,.cOercive, 'abusive{ or unlaWful?: OIGQ-005079 OYes bDo Not·ltecall @No I lB. Training During Overseas 'Deployments or Assignments 18. burlng any of your overseas-deployments or assignments, did you recelve any tra'lnlng, Instruction; :Qr·g.uJ~.9Jlceconc~rnJ!Jg thes"ta.nd,ards 9f:con,duq applicable to, the treatment; iriterv:iew, or int~rr(jgati9~.of qetaln~s by FBI per~onn~17 ~Ye,s ONi;> 0DQ I\Jqt'B.ecall prbvii:lE;d this' ~raiJiing, iQ~tru~tion(. qr g.uitl'~in!=~? ~ be!ieveone, o'f tlJe S$As~at :GJM,O . 18b. 'Briefly d~crlbe the substance'ofthe traIning, InstructionI' or guidance. provld ed to:you. , To,:tr~at d etalrtees with: same respect :9 [\len t6 'uS Prisoners iat'. Was';:iriy of the tr.alnirig, :iilstnlction,Qr'guidaoce ,provided itrwritlng? ' , . OYes ~N() 0 Do Not Recall . 18;;1. Who 1~. DJ,Jrlng ~any¢f.y~)Ur 9,!¢r~a:!?,~¢pI9ymerit~ ,gt assjg rfments~ >dl~ Vou teteJv~ afl'nr.aining, ifl$tru:c.tion,; or ,g uidariGe.concen'lln{j the,staiidar:ds of ,coiiauPt applicable Io,the,treatrrlent, intervieW~ or Interrogation ,of detainees by non..FBI.personnel? .byes eNo ,'20:. O.Ul:ing ..a ny ofyour ov¢rS'e~s.:aepJ(jym~nt~ or . 000 Not.. Recalf assignriljants" did you recelv.e: any tra!iiihgl, instruction,' or'.Q uid9nceG~ncemin.g what you were sti pposed do .if :You :ObserVed ,or, heard aboiiftbe, " treatment, Intervlew( or InterrogaflaA of detainees by FBI personnel, whl€h you believed to be inappropriate, ul;l'professipnal, ·coerGivel. ;:ib\JsiVe'i: or unlayifuH to 'ONa 21. [)uring any of yaur overseas deployments or assignments" diCl -you receive any trainihgi instruction,' ~r.guidanqH:;<?[lCerr:t'l~gwhat you,.\:V~re Sl{PP9~ed to' qo If ~ou ~bse~v~d:or h~ar,d:aboutihe .. treatment, interviewi .or ioterrC!-gation oCdetC\inees by nPQ-FEtIperspnnel,. ·Wbich ypu believed to b:e inappr~prlate>f. unpfof,eSSion;3l, Go~n:jVef>a.~~sjy¢, ;01" u.rilaWful? ' le.> Adeq iJacy of Trafni hg > i~: I~"your'opinio~, d'id' y~~ receiv.e ad~qu~te tr.airii~gJ:-i'~~tr:uci:1;~: ~;·;g~idanc~·r~~ti'~.g t~'';'tandards ~f c:.ql1Pl\ct ~y ~I 'i3Jld !)<)!l~fBr p~rsP!1f1el ·re1aJIl}g. to: treq~lJ1ent, [l1te.nii~W, or !lJtel'rog~!iQ.n f»f .de.t~inel;s pri~r tP.. ya~(:depJoy.rJien.t Q'r a·s,~iQnme(l't?· 0'yes QNo 2:3'.ln your opinion, did' y,eu receive adequate. haining;r' instruction, or,guidance refatin,g to .standards' ;9r ~n'O,u~ py'FBI:aod. (l'OrT-.f.BI P~S9:nl1el, relating, to'treqtme,ntJ il1te.rv ie,w, Qr iTJterroga~iQJ)'9f , ..... : .detain~~:, yo.ur·El.~plpYr'ne,Ii~.qni$~t9hrt1elif? , _ ,.. .... :... . ' '.. "', ",. OIGQ-005080 o Yes 0. No ;24. In your'opinlon, did iou rec;.eive ild~quate training,. inStruction,· or gui~a[lce concerning what you w~re su,pposed to.dCi lfyoiJ ~h~:;¢Ne« or heard' about the ,ti"earment~ int¢tViewl pi" .int~rrogati6ri Qf detainees, by FBI or non-FBlpersonnel r that' yoll believed ,was inappropriate.' unprofessional', 'CQercive;, abus'ivel. or unlawful?' , eyes 2?.:(OfltI90a'ry .~'tW.~9t- WaYs ~an th~'F~I ,as,Slgnmentsl 0 No IrnJ~1.'9v~ trarnJIl9, on thl.s :~!Jbje~'lpr TU~l;Ir~ ~t:!p'IQ'irn,ent~-or . 26. Please jm)~ide ,anY' additional'iriformation ,:eoA€eniiI1g' traIning 'for' ,6verseas deploym'en'fs Qr assig nments of' FBI J'}ersonnel .you believe is relevant ' ;In(roduc,tion to Part,III: II) this..s,ectiori" ,w,e''a(es~king information reg,ard Irig 'a'w.ide: range of ,in~~.fV(e,~fqr l.~t~rr.Q~atip,!t~ch,nl,q~e~ ?lnd.. otl)~.rWP'es'9.f d,etalnee, tre~~met:)~,al.lege.d; ~o ~aY~,99,~4rr~. Yoy sh~},lJ~ trqt':a'ssu,m~~ jl,lS,t beca,!s~, w¢"C)(e:~,?~~Jqg ~,P9qt i=! pa,rti.c,u\1;lr .ret~nj'q,I,l,~br pl'P.·c,tiq~, ~i),i;)t we.,'I1,?'i.~' '~9,.ncll1d ep ~hc:it. it r(l' (a:c~,g~q!(~Etd ~ .W.e r~~~:i9ll,lze ~ti~t;: :sQm"~ of the:~e lec!lh!q U,€S :<?r P1:9~~~~ ma\f. at tlJtte,~ be, necessarl),( fOf;s'afety and.. s~i.J tity: ii:! a .d,etentiQ'thiettiJlg,> rri~ada iti0IJ, .weiecQg rlize l/ 's.orne of these techniques ,or practiGeS' may, have 'been authorized for,use by military .other gpyernment personnel. or VV[th r~'spett to, ;each '!d~i'lt(fi.~9 te.chn[qve, Rr<1l:qt.lp~, ,6r'typ,~ '«;)f.q>nc!I,iC~ ~~trib:ep l?eroWi we~~~~ :~e'eJs.1n,g 'Infojmatlo.n 'a~Qut'¢I:it¢ durh.1g.Qr i,Il,c~ljo'e'ction Wi~h tij(! r.nt¢r.v.i,¢W'Qr i!:\t~rro.g~.tlon' 9f .a detairiee(.or durin,~~ tbe'deteiitio'n ,o';a'detairiee, beyond what hi.. needed for safetY, ana.'security. 'In' .that contex~r' w.e will ask you to tell us whether ,one or more of·the fonowl ng :statements 'are true:' 1. r'p'~'rsp'n<;lJ,ly,,(jb,?~rv.¢,d Vi.i,~~~flcW~t\ , ' , ' . 2'. I:ohser'Y.ed .detainee(s) io: a'.conditioiJ loat led. r:i!e,ta,.believe' that thi~tbndJjct:·hadJ::lccurred, .3', D.eta1i1~e('Sj to Id :me'tnat tfiis: GO.ridu,dt,.liad occu(i"ed., '4, Others who observed .thfs:c::onduct,desGribed it to me. -5, I hav~ rel~Y?itTI infClr.mption' !=J~s$ifI~4 ~~OI1¢. ));$ ECR.E:T".. ' '6, I ri~V~'bb's,~'rVeQ thl$ ~pn~l,Iet n:~r he:qrd, qbQ1J~ Jt frpf.t1 $b,meo,l1e"..~ih!=l' di~, , , ':2::].., Deprivirig'8 oefainee Of'f00d 6r'waler ..a 0 t per50n,anY"observ~d this ,c'ondud. :.. P', D I o.bser\!~~ de,t~lnee( s} lry ,a .c,9!1d itJ~1"! ~hC!t led 1Tl~ ~~ l?~li~y.e: t~~~ ttJl~ c/;mducj;- had 'qcct!rr~J\., C 0 be~aln~.e(sj told me '~hat tnis' GQnclL{!=t hag ',Qt:~urrej:l. d. 0 others: Who .ohserve.d '.tbis.. condu.cj:,des:cr,ibed It to: me. _. . .. .. - - -- OIGQ-005081 . ,- 0 f. 0 e. , , '" , , .... " . , . .. .' I have relevant Information classified above '\S.ECRET'. I never observed this:conduct nor heard about it from'someone who'did. 28. Depriviog;a detainee qfcl9thlng 0 I P&rsdnally obs¢l"Ie<;l ~his'¢6nduc.t. D,; 0 Iooserved detainee€s). in a·condition that led me .to believe thanhis cohduCt had 6,ccurretl. t. 0 Detainee(s) toldh1e that this condhtt had occurrei:!. a. ,d. 0' others: who obsei'Yed this conduct des{;ribed it to me. e. 0 ~,have relevant Inl'Ormatfon classified above: !·SEGREf". f. 0 I ne.ver'observed fhls:conduat nor heard 'abDut ft 'from someone who did. ~9., DepriyilJg 'a detainee; of-sleep, or ioterr.u pting ,a. D b, c~ d. e. '!?Ieep tlx fre.quent eel! re!Qca£icims or'o.tber meth.qds. I personaUy'ooservea this condQ.t;t. condu,ct b'aC! ,ottcur:red.1 0 r observ.ed:detainee(s) In:a c::i:>nd iti,on that led me to believe lhat tbis .. 0 D~etainee{s) to,ld me thanhls ~().n(luct nad :occCm:ed. ' D o.fhers who nb-served tliis Goiid oct deScribed it to ma 0 r have relevant informatiOn das.sified above' '~S·ECREf"·. f. [~( I never'observed this conduct nor heard about'it from 'someone who did.' ':3'0..Be.ating a oCIetain~e 0 r pr:;r.50nany db~rV~d this condui:L b. 0 I bhse:rv.ed,deti:Hhe~.(s) ih .a,tond itioh that led me: to b"eLieve that this, ~br\dUGt had oct~rred. ·c. 0 D~taine~(s} told 'm.e th'at this' Goriduct had :occurred. d. 0 OtherS' wtib obsefVed thls cond uct d,eSc'ribed It to me. e. 0 I haVe relevant information ClaSsified abmie "SECREP' . f: 0 r never observed this 'conduct nor· heard :aDQ.lll it from .someolie, Who did,. .~. OIGQ-005082 31. Using water"td prevent' breathing by a detcHne:e P'r. to create ,the sensation of drownirig a. [J I personally ,observed this,.conduct. b, o ILobserved detainee(s) In a',conditlon that Ied me to' believe that tnis conduct had occurred. c;:. 0 Oe~ainee(s) t91d me that ttJis conduct had'o ~curre9. u: o IOthers W,hQ ob.servecj t\:lls G~nduct described, i~tg m~; e. o ,r.have,rel~vant information c1assiffe,d a!?'pve,1I$ECRET"', 'f. 0' I never ot>~~rve~, this'liOrQuct nor'heard apo!JUt frorn,sqfT1eqn~'whodid. 3¢..-. l;Jsipg 'hands" rdp'~1 9f':~ny'thjng el$,E}, tQ.',chQKe 9 t's~r'angl~ a ~e~ain¢¢ : I personally obServed: this .conduct. o II observed detainee(s} in ·a concl itiol'r that Ied me to believe that this conduct had ,occurred. d ;betalnee(s) told me that this' conduct had':0 ccurred. a. 0 b. c. : : ,....0 IQt~'ers who :observed ~his cOn'd.u!=t described it tom!=.. ~. o II hqY,~xeleYqnt Inf9rm?l~iQn Glass1fi.ed. Clb.ove ".$ ~tRET'I., d.. r: : ; ~ nev,~r op~~rve9 thjs;eoOd~<;:tJI()rh~r~ ab(JUt I,t frolJl' $Qmeone:\'Vh~ d/:d. 0' : 3-3,. 'Th't:eatehlrig :otber action tp cause', p'hyslc::al paT nF' iniury,.disfigUrement, or,death • a. q I perSonally observed, this eo!'1doct, b. [j pbsehred del:a'ine.e(s). in a,condftid'r! that I me to, believe thatlhis cZonaurit had .occurred. c. 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct-had occurred. d. 0 others' who ol:?selYett this conduqrd~scrlbed ift,o me" :e" o !r ~av-~ r~levaflt ioforme:tt!'on, :c:JbpVe !3EGREJor.. !t : II f: 0' II. never:bbserved this conduct nQr-heard ab Gut it Jrom 'sameQne. who did. t _ A" • '.', • ., ",. '" . • ", • • _ • A •• _.' •• ~ • .. , .' •• ~4. Q~h~(tf,e~~rrien~c:lt aq:ipn'G3L!sing $igri'ifl~l1t p, hysil:;a.l pain or inju,ry r qr .~ai,l.sJi1g pi~f[gurem~r'lJ:.9r .d€jath a. b.. ~. o II personally observed this"conduct. 0. r.~~served ~,~.tartJ~~(s) In!1 that Ied lJle to bel,ieve thqtthis C9l1duct ~ad 'OGcurred~ o In~~ai!1ee(s) told me.. trat t!1:ls cqJ1duct had'o<;cw:-recl, ' ., .. - " OIGQ-005083 , . .. ". .. 0 Others who observed this conduct described It to me. e. 0 I have relevant information classified above. "SECRET". d. f. o ....r never·observed this'conduct nor heard about . . ..' it from someone. who. did. .,,.. " ' . ~ , ". " . ;35. Rlacibg a d·e.tainee,on a hot.sudac~.or burning aJ;l.etaihee a·lo I persOnally,observed thiS :<:o-riauct. b. 0 r observed detainee(s) in 'a.cond.itionthat led me to c. 0 Detaihee(s~ told me that this conduct. had ,occurred. d. 0 others who observed this cElnduc~deseribed it to rna 'e, 0 I have relevalit InformatIon c1assffled -above !\SECREf''.. f. 0 r o!>seryeq thls'(!ond,L!Gt !19r: !Jeqrd 'ab'0l!t' it fro!TI s0rne~m~'who a. 0 I b. 1C' , . 0 p~rsOnally.o bserved thi,s ,q>ndilct. tI 0 IiI' I Others whe cibseriied this mhductcfesGfibed never observed this.:conduct nor'heard aboutit from:someonewho did. a <!etainee to m£iinta'in r '9T restr.<:l,in'ing a ,~et~inl'reJn~ .~ :stre$,sful9f p'ainfu! posi(ipn o iI persOnally' obs~rv:ed thiS .conauct. 0 C. 0 d. 0 'e. 0 f. it 'to ,me. I hav.e relev.ant information' classIfied -abov.e, ·'SECRET". :37., Requir!l1g ,b. I o .Detai'ilee(s}ieJd me that this c.onduct had .6cciJrl:fft e. i a:. qj~. U)b'serv,ed detaln¢e(5) Iii a,co,ndltl6n that led me to beUeve that this conduct had occurr:ea. d. f: . believe that this conduct had.·oGcu·l"r:ed. LobSerVeddetairiee(s). in acorid iti6nthat lea me' to beli~ve thatlhis co'r1'duct had 6.GcO'rrect. Detalnee(s) lold me that this cond'uct had -occurred. Others WhO 'Observed this conduct described it to me. r have fe,levant [nformation classified aooy,€ ~·SECRET". ~ I never observed this.,eonduct nor heard about it 'from someone who did. 0100-005084 ',38:. F.or~ing a detainee tQ perlomrdemal')dlng physical 'e)(er~l$e a~ o [1. persOnally obserVea this ~oni:Juct. b. 0 L.observed detalnee(s) IIi a,eond iti6h that led me'to believe that this condu,ct had occUrred. t. o ~,etainee(s) told me that this conduct had .occurred. -----------, -'---'---'-' -d. ~- o Others who observed this conduct described it to: me: 0 I have relevant Information classified above. !!SECREr'\. t. 0 I. never observec! thIs. conduct.nor heat:dab,muf it from someonewho did. e. 3 '~9. Using ele~tri~1 a de,tain~.e I persdnal!y observed this .condUct. .b:. 0 0 c. q betardee(s)'t'Old me that this ~ondLitt lJaa ,occurred. d. 0 Others, who 65serVea this cohduct described it to me. a. [ol5ser'V'etl,:detainee(s} in B-G'onaition that lcil me to- !5el.ieye tnat lhisco'ooutt. I)'ad -6.ccuftea. e. 0 I have relev:ant information classified abov.e '\S'ECREF'. f. lrl 1- observed' thls:conduct nor'heard about. It"from someone who did. a. D. r persdJiaJiy',o:b~rve(fthjs c6ticfl\Q:. b. 0 I.observed de'taii'lee(~) in c. o ,Detainee(s) tola acoNd itiorHhat led. me to: believe tliatlhis c6ii.duct had occurred. me tnatthis. conduct had ,occurred. d. [j lathers' who obserired this conduct'described it to me.e. 't o II' have "relevant! irifohnation classified abov.e, I~SEtRET'J. lit !I.never observed this:conduct nor:heard,aboutit from someonewho did. ,41. TlJl:entionallY delayl'ng ·or denying- "d~tainee medical <::are ~l. t:J r: per~nany dbse,r\l~d" this 'b., 0 I olJsef,'i.ed.detainee(s) in -;3 colidition that led me to beiieve.thatthis tortd.uct had 'otturred., c; o jDetainee(s).tbld hie tMaUhis cond.t.icJ:. had ·occrrrfed. OIGQ-005085 d. ' o )~t~~rs who obse~ed thl~'condu~t described It t~ me. " " I 0 r hav.e relevant information classified above. "SECRET". f. 0 r n~v~r obs~rv~d thi,swnduc~ nor heard about it from.some0n~whf? did. e. ,42, H'Qpping, or blindfold ing' a :~t~ta\n'ee, qther than ~uring ,tr~J,15p'orta'i:jqn ,a. 0 r pets0nally,observea this 'c(:inthJet. b. 0 I observed detairiee(s) iii a cbnd.ition that led. me to belieVe that this conduct had ,oGcorted. E:. n Detaihee(s-) told me that this conduCt had ,occurred. d, 0 others who 'observed ,thiS conduct described it to me. 0 I have relevant Information classified 'above \'SECREf'l. nor"heard 'about itfrom someone'who did. f. 0 I. never'observed thls:conduct .,' ..... .' . ..... . ,e., : . a. b.. " .,'. ,. 0 r personally,obseF\i.ed this ·,conduct. 0 U>bservM, defaln¢e(~)' Ii) a:,cond ftlOf) that led me to beUeVe that. this condUct had .bctcurr.ea. e, o fDetai'nee(s) told me that this G:.0I1dud had ,occurred. 'd, 0 Others who observed this' eonduct destflbed it to me. ' ,e., o 1r have relevant I'nformation classified abov.e, '\?ECRET"', f. Itf I never'observed tliis,;conduet nor' heard aboutit from 'someone. who did. a, 0 r persOnally, obserV:ed this ,t6 ilOuct. ,b, C. d, ,e. f. bb$e'rVed>detairie~(sJ in a condition, ttiat.lea me'to believe that'this conducfhacJ o<i.d)rr.e'd. . o hetainee(s) told me that this tdi1duct Md ,()ccill"red~ D I , ltf Others who observed 'this G0hduct described it to me. 0 r Yuiile 'te'/evatit information' 'classified a DOMe nSECREr'!. 0 r never observed this'conduot nor'heard about it'fromsQmeone who did. OIGQ-005086 g., f>lease pr9vid~ the app.r9xirnate time fr?\me which t,his conduct oc::curred. f(Clm ,(M/DJYYYYfQrmat or M!YY'iY) to (M/D/YYYY1brmat or .M/YYYJ) 0b:o Not Recall l'!. T~e .detqin~~(s) tr~at~d i; 0 Guan~;;m9mQ 20 Iraq 3. 0 Mghanlslp'J1 4- 0 Other Location 5 0 Do' ~ot. ReCall J.n t~fs w.~y w~r~ lQ~c~~~ at ~h~ ~lm~ In f I. Please.'id,etltlfy: the.d~tain~(s) !:iy'name crnd~ iillmb.~r,: unknown ., . , 'j. Pleas~iQeJ)~ifY~he.p-er$dn{s)whot~at~p thEJ;deta'inee(s) in thl~ mqnher, lncluc[il)g th.ejr l1i;liTIeCs). qhd goVernment ag~ncy(ie'$): unknoWn .. k. Pl~~. id'E1ntifY, any:ot!i:er FB~ p:er.sonli~1 or no,n-F~i 'pers<;mn'el Who dl=tainee(s' ~reate~' ·10' this mariher;~ inCludlhg' tltefr name(s) ,and :ageridY(les): ' ~A/ ~j=B'I, Don't,k.f1Qw 'If he'w[tness~'~ Qr h~ar~ a!:)Out i~ b6 I,. 1hl~ <;~>l)ctl:!.gf 'filg;~J,.Irr~cI i.n ~ofl.I)~Q:ft?1i wiJ:b:; b 7C ,1'~ 9ne,d~tpjn~ 2Q $'ey:erq'1 de.tcHhees. ti-4) ,3 Q ManY.detainees (moi",e. '4) 4- '0 Do. Not Recall ., '. b6 b7C I:,~d noJ r~melJiber 'if $Oitnes~eqthis Qr h9d. It c;I¢$c'ribed tq ~i~'.. 45. ,Subjecting. a detail')eeto QrigtiHlashing lights or darkQes~ a. 0 L p'ersonally Qb.s'et:Ved this cqnduct. ,0', 0 l' oQs.eiY~i;1~detain~~.(s}in ,a ~condjtibn that I~' me. to BeHe:ve thaUh'is corl'dul;:t had Qccutrea. c. .De,tilinee(s) told JiJ~ i'natthis (;onduct had .occurred. .d. 0' otherS who observed .this G:i:lrid.uct described it to me. ,e; h nave 'h~levi:1I1t infermation' c1assiffea aboVe, '.. S'EC REf'! . f. 0 I never -a,bserved this ,rond uct ,nbr:heard ·a bolittlt from. someone who dld. o o .g,_ P'!e~sc;, provide ,tl:)e apPr<;>x_irn,at~ tim~ frame ~u.r'i..n9-vv.hich:.thfs'<::onc\u<;,t occurred., FJ;9m -(f{i!Pf'{YYY formpt or M/YYYY') to fiYl/D1W('i' ;format or M/'frf:{) 0'D.o Nb~ R¢~11 h. The ,detainee(~) treated in this way were located at.the tim~ in: 1 0'Guantanamo OIGQ-005087 2. 0 Iraq Afgh~nistan Other Locatioo 50 D0 Not Recall 3 4 0 0 I. ,Please"ldentlfy the.deta'lriee(s) by name aod number: U.nknown' ' j. '~l~se' fd~nti(y the person{s) W~o tr.ei=lted riame[s) gild g~y~rnment ag¢hcy(i~),: tb:e detaioee(s) in :this manner; indud'ing their .Unknown k. Please identify· any' ptber fBlpe"ri;'bnl1el or non-FBI p,ers'omYel :Who bhS¢lIlea detairie~(5) treat~d In :this manner' Iq~hjdlng tnelr name(s) and a9,~h'c'l(i€s)~ . . " Jto .not ,know if hewitliess_ed it or just heard 'aoQut It I I~ l:hi?'~QnductoGcurre~ ~ ,@ Oll~: det~ine~ b6 b7C in: ~o,nl")~!=tio,n W~h; i '0 'S~ver9rt{et~ln~e$: (Z-4) 3 -0 Many:detainees :(rfrore than 4)' 4.0 Do Net Recall' m. ('QPtlOriai) ,Please, dgGrlhet.he'releVant ¢irGUmstanC¢$ln m!:rr:e'oet~i1;: ,4,E? .a. b', C'. Isot~ting a detaJnee for ali ~xtende<;l'p'erlOd o II 'pe.rSOnally Qb:~e.rv.ed lIils i:oritlutJ. o II90ser:v~d.detaihee(sJ in:a cofiditionthat Iei:Une to believe that this cO.ndu:Ct had,oG(;urred. o :D.etalnee(s) fqldrhe that this condLict had ·occutred. ' d. 0l0thers; who obserVed this conduct descr.ibed it to me. e. q f. o !1 never observed tlirs~Gonduct nor'h~rd about It from- someone' who did. II have relevant fnformation Classified above "S'ECREP. ' :g.. PI~~se pr9vld~ th~ appro~ima~e tilJ1e 'fra,me ',qu wni~.h thJs·c9n~.~et ,(Jc~urr~. F(ont:(WO/YYYY format Qr M'/Y'{'(Y) tq (MIDP/Y'r( forma~ or M/Y'fYY) '0'Do Not RecaJi h,.The .det~inee{.s~ treated .In ·~f1ls way \Ner~ to~C!.ted at the time In:, ~ rtf 911qntanamo 2DI~q 3. 0 '~f9hc;lnlsta.n ~ 0 Other Location OIGQ-OOS088 5 0 D.C? NQt P.e,call ' i, Please id.entifythe·getalnee(s) by. WnkriQwn name and, nl,lmber: J.. 'PI~as.e idehtifY, the' persoh(sfwhi:> treated name(s) and government,agency(ie~)': the det~lineers) in this manner, ih:Cluding their Unknov,rn ,k;, Please itIentify,anY"other FBI personnel or non~FBI :personnel who, observed detainee(s,) treated in this rnalln:,~ri i,,~J~dirjg '.tb~ir n9Jil~(~) ?l'n!:i qg~!1cytiEi~); do nbtler'nertiberexattlY ViiIlich' FBI inteno'gator ,. I. This·contloct :occurred in :c6'nneCtion with:1 0. 'One d~t:ain!=e 1...0 Several detainees (f.-4;) ~ '0 Many detfl!nees .(11.l0r~ th~n 4) .40 Qd Not Rec<;lJ! m. (Optional) Please descrl'be, the' relevant circumstances· in moredetail:' L.kriew that .same· detainees. wliere.:in iSolcitiofLat 'another:,facility,on GTMO', 1 never delt:With "them•. D I personally.observed this conduct. I ~. D II ;o~served deti;llnee(s} il1.a:cond itier.r that le~ me to beneve that. ~his' condl,lGt had 'eccurred. q: D Be~qfn~($) t,o'I9 m~ ,that this <':,ond,uct tJa'q 'occl;lrreg. d. D Others' who described it t~' Q''1~: .. . . observed :this 'conduct ',. t;!. q If hay!? releV13ht jnfbt'matio,o c1 9ssifjel;! a'bQY~ "'$ECW"f;' f. ~' r rfeyerQP:s~rVed thIS c9n.d,lJ¢t nor '/:1eard 'about it fro.mSd[11~On~>wh9'd,ipj a~ ' " ~ , ' , ,-, ~ -", 48. ,Using' rqpi.d resp.o.ns~ tecll:ns 'ahd/or I ~"' , fbn::ed cell e)(traG,tibn~r , a. D I personallY' observed fhis..conduct. .b: c. ~ .. -t;, f. '" 0 r:.ob,seryed det.alJ!e~~)' In acondition th~t leq meto b~lJeve ~h~t;~hls con,duct h<¥l'occurred. o ;[h~,tal!1ee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurreq. 0 pthers' WDO -qb$efY.~g this ¢9D'duct c;¢ri,b~ itti;?,I11~· 0 !.. hay~ .r~levant (nrqJIlJi'lt!gn !=las~ifle9 p b9ve~ "S~C~eT'!. cpn~u.c;;t.n(jr 0. r never observed. th!~ ~-" heard :aqout It from sQrnt;!9Q~··W:h!? did, , ' . ~ .' .. ".-.-. -. - . .. OIGQ-005089 49, Using :a milita'ry working ,dog on ,or near a .d¢fainee,'other than during t:I~tairiee transportation a, 0 I per5<:lnaJIy ob~ryeg this .cqnduct. 0 tob~(ved de!C!in'ee(s) in a-cqhd itiq.n tha.t led me to' believe thqt thi.s <;<;>rrdye,l: had oc~urred. c. 0 O~.taine~(s) t91~ me that this cpnQu~t hap ,o<;curr~cL' 'd.~ 0 Others who observed :thl~ qmduct de'scribed It ,to' me.. 'e, 0 l' ha\le relevant Ilif6rniatioh'j:las'Sifieo 'aboVe, "SECRET". h, f. 0 r n'e\ter bbs~lIted'tliis.cQndu~(lior 50', Threatening hei;ud,ab'q,LJ.t:ft fnjm',S9meQn~ Who: ~Jd, to .Lisl'l ,military W.orking dogs.on or, near' a detainee a. 0 ~ p~r:~,nC!lly- 0bseryecn,~I~ :con~uct. b; 0 I;,oJ;>'Ser::v~q "r;!etalnee(s) in cu::pnQ ifiqn: th?lt led, me t9 Qelje'V'~ thgt thi~, c0n'd.u<;~ had 'qcqJrreq. ~'I 0:, o tDetaJl1ee,(s) tQlg me that ~b'is ~pndu.~t hqd ;o.l;:,Cur~E¥l, o IOthers Wbp Obs~rY.~ thi$ epn~ U9,t q.¢S'c:r(bed it tt>, rtI~. 0- r' hi?ye relevan~ iDf.brma.tion dassitil~d .i;lQove ">S,E¢)~":r"'. 1. o II 6.lfsel"'led this:c6.nduCt nor heard ~bo.u.t it from SQm~(me,:wh6. cUd. ~~ 51. U,slri'}[ sp'ld~rs, 'scorpions, s'r1cikesi, or',other arUmals on or near ad,e't<irnee e', o II personally observed tbj~ :cq!1dUl;:~, o !robse~ed, det~lQ~e.<s) In <,l'condltrQr'that led l1Je'to' thatthls c0.n'duct had 'oc,currect. o (De,taJnel=,(s, tql~ rnt; t!latthis' cOJ:1d oct had oc~urre;h o {Qtners whp 9b$er~~,q ,t/JI~ condUG,t d.escriQeP (t:, t~t tJl~. o ;r have reJ~van,t lo.fbrma~I0':l tlassifleQ Clbd~e ·~SECRET". f: U1 q., D. c: ~ g. ~ n!=ver b,b,setved' this 'cd rid uct npt h~r.d 'a bbtJJ itfrpm scim'eon~wlio: ~ lit.. S2" Thr.e;:iti:!.hiilg to ~I 0 US~ .spiCler.s, pcorpionsr ,snakes, or other arilrrials, on'a detainee: II personally observed this conduct OIGQ-005090 , , b. 0 I observed detalnee(s) In a -cond Itlon that led me to believe that this conduct had "occurred. c. Cl Defai nee(s) told me that this. cond uct had :occu rred. 'd. 0 q~hers'wh~ oQser-ved this conduct'd~scril:Jed It to m~. e.. (J I hav~ rel~Yant ,-nformatlon clctsslfied Clbov~ "SEcm" . f. IB ~ n~ver qps~rve,~ this 'cQn~ u,ct nor .hear~ 'abqut it :trolT}.sqmeo'1e' who did. .s.~. n1sre,sp'ectful ~~ate,me,l)fs~ halidHng r 'or:ac.ticin's' involvilig' the Kp~n , a. 0 I personally'" observed this ,conduct b-.. 0 I:observ.ed detainee(s). In a'condition that led me to'believe that this eonduct had,oGcurred. c. 0. Detalnee(s} told me tnat this conduct had occurr:ed. 0 ~~ 0 "f; 0 tJ~ O~hers' wh9 Qbsery~~ :~,~is oondut;t p'~~~ri~ed it t9 11J.e. I. hay:~ .relevan~ I'ntormat[on :a!?9V~" "S~CRET'-\ ; I n!?y~r 9b,s.e,rv.e~ thi,s!J~ u.ct ,ngr Il~ r5l'~ !?q\-lJ It from :~meQ.'1~ w!l9 dl,d,. i . : 54, Shq'iiin.g p detciil1ee's: facta I or Qther"'hcSi'r't,o emoa'rra'5s:or hUniiliate. a 'detaInee 'a, 0 b, 0 I per5bnally· observed, ttifs.cQhdLict. I, observed detclinee(.s,) ina'c0'nditi'on that led me. to' believe that this eand'i.ict- had :b€clJrrea, 0. [j Detainee(s) t01d me that this conduct, had :o'Ccurred. d. 0 Olhers who observed this c0nduct described It to me~ 0 r hav.e 'relevalJt.lnfor~9tl<;)n c1asslfi~g <;lbove II,SEC~ET"'. 'e. f: ~ I o,bserved this conduct nor heard 'dbeut it from someone'who did, •• " • _,. • • ~ ••• ~...' . . . . .,. '.. '. • , I • • '. • - • l .sSo' RI~ting,a a, b', &, 0 0 0 ,d. O. 0 f. 0 'e. wqmanls,eiothing ~m,a detailie,e [ persOnally obs~tv.etl this COJldLict. [obse'rved detafnee(s).lil a'corfaitioR that led me to believe that thi's conduct ha'd .oecu·rred. Detainee{s) told me ttiiit this candutt had ·.o€di'r'te:d'. bthers who obsef)Jed -this conduct describ.ei.I It to me. I. hqv~ r~levant fi1to'ffTliitiol"!, dassrfi~ Z!!J'ove '!SECREJ:"', I l).ev:~r'led· th(s ~onal,lct'nQr hecj~d -about it f.rQI1.1 some,o_ne "Yho diq, - OIGQ~005091 .. .. .56. Touching a~ 0 b. 0 a detainee or actii:!g toward a detainee in:'o sexual manner I personally obs~n:red this ·conduct. Jobser'led de!qin'ee(s) jn ;a'cond it.ion thqt led~ me to' beli~ve that 'thi.s <;:9iJd.y~t hC;ld oc<;uned.. c. 0 D~talne€l{sj tolp d; 0 .. me th~t this. conduct hap octarred. Others who bbsery~.d 'tn-Is, t;:'ondlJ,ct des~rlbed It to' !TIe., e. 0 I ha)/'e relev~nt ftiforniatiofi das'sifled above. liS ECRR"·. r: M r ne\(er'!:>b~~rve~ ttii~:cqh~u~t ilpr'h!=9r~ .abC;;Uj: it .from ,som~pne who d td. Hold ir'tg aefainee(s)' whd .Were .not offidally ackna.wledg.ed Of reg.ister-ed a.s 'such .by the ,a~.enGif detaining the person. - , '3':] • a; 0 . per:S9nally' Qo-rerveq, this ·<;;~)J1!iuct. ~'. 0 t o~WrYed ·g¢.taln~.~(s) in-,.a cQndi~ipn' that l¢d m~ t9 l?,eli~V¢ th~t thi~ ha.d Q<;f!Jrred; c: 0 D'eta\nee(s) told me that this' corniuct ha'd 0'0curreCi. , d. 0 Others: whQ :bb'setyed this: c~itiduct d'escrib,ed It 1:6 me. e: 0 l' hav.e reievarit ihJorr,i1ation das'sified :aboVe '(SECRET"'• . f. 0' I never obserVeCl this:e6nCllict-fior' hecit<!'abdut it flbm sOmeorie. WhO did. , 58., 'Se'nding a detainee to ane,ther.cOLfntry for more 'aggressive iriteri'ogatlol1 ;;1'. 'b: 0 I perponC!lIy- ol;lseryl;!g ~hi~ :com!ud. 0 l' observed' detainee.(s) in .Cl condition that led.,me 10 believe 1:h<:jtfhis conduct had peG/.u"red; t; 0 Qe.tai.n~e(s) t~ld ~~ that Jhh;' c9n:dOtt. tJaqoc'curr:~, d. 0 "Qth~rs' ~hP oQ~~.rv~d th~S: Cdn:duc;.t tres:cflb~ I~~l:>,m~ e. 0 r have rele..v:ant information Classified .i:l1Y0j,:'e "SECREr". f. 0 I. n~V:er-oQ~E;!rved this:~oi1i:lu(:t nor ti~rtl :atl"Olit it frPrn sofn~6ne Wtio' did. 5.9. Threatening to send a detainee to another',count'r'{ fat detention or ITlore.agg ressive.. rnte'n'ogaffo'h . OIGQ-005092 · .. , D h. personally observed thls..conduct. b. D I-observed detainee(s) in'a condition that led me to believe that this conduct had occurred. c~ D [j~Jainee(s) told rt:le that thi~ condl,ld had 'occl,lf,red: d. D ibth~~ whQ ob'~erv~d this q:mdUc~ l;l.e$~ril>ed It to me: ~. D II hav..e reievant information dassifie9 al10ve "SfCREf'~. a~ , , f o r: n~v~r observed. this :tQn9!l~t nor h~rd 'aQ.put it frorrq)QrTieo,n~Who ,did. 60. Threatening to take attl6h'<:lgalnst a detainee's· familY a~ b. ·G. p L personally' observed this 'conduGt. D. II 'observech;letalnee(s) In'a ,cond Itlon that led me to believe that this l!onduct had occ;:urred. o ID~tai.[lee(s:j ~C?l~ rnt; that this, ~o!1duct hpd :qcc~r:red~ o ~otlJe,? WOP. -o!J~e!Yed this l;0.rrdJ:{9t d~cnbe9 it t9 me:, <1: e.. D ~ h~Vl? ;r.ell?,'J.<trit.llJf<?rr):Ic(tlq.n. t:1C}:S§JfI.~ .9 b9ve, ",~'ECRET·! .. f. 0 r n~ver'Qb,S.e!ll~:c! thjsl<;olidutt noT !le;;ltd 'pQ'OJ;lt- it frOl::rr$\:lm~~il~<WhOdid. a'. b. iI perSonany .observed ihis conduct. o !I 'observed detainee(s) in a's:;ond ition that led me to believe that this conduct had "occurred.· D D' !Oetainee(s) told me that this conduct had :occurred. ~l D tOthers' who oqser:ved this concl u~t,(fescriped it to r:n~; e', 0. II, h~ve re~vant j':lform9tio!l ~I~ssi.f[ed a~ov~ "~E:CR.ET·!~ 'cr. f. , o !r: never·observed this 'condu~t'nor ,heard 'about it :from someone who did.. _ " ' ." I ". ~,", . . ,.,' ••1 . • • •. • " , . • I a. 0 I personally aoserved tnis.conduet. me to, belieVe'thattliis conduct had Oc.curred, b', d Iobserv.ed detainee{s} in .a~t6naitioh fhat' led c. D 0 D !Defainee(s:) told me that this conduct had ,occurred. ~! ~'. it to me., bave re\evaJ:lt jl)f9rmati9n <;Iassifieq Cl:~ove "S,EtRf;T,\ O~hers who -o~ser,ve.c! t~is f;onduc;:t f;I e$cri~ed iI . OIGQ-005093 nJJ~JI never obs~rved thls"conduct no~ h~rd about it from 'someone who did. ,6';J. :Q:~her tre.~~ment pf 9, cleJCline~ tflat in 'your qp,inion was unprofe~sipn<;ll, !Jnd,uly ~rsh 0'[ ?,s>~iv~, "cqen::I'ile, abusive, or unlawful a', 0 I b, 0' personallY' obserVed this :cbn'duct. tobser'led detalilee'(~) Iri:a,condltIQh that led me to, believe that this conduct: had ,occurred., 0 Detainee(s) told me that this conduct had 'occurred. 'd. 0 Q.fhers who observed this condl:lct described it to me~ 'e. 0 ~ hav,e releva!'l~ infoqn.~t[Of! c;jassJ,fieg ~bove "SECREJ:"'. f. 0' r. rev~ ..obsen.rec! tbjs'Gond,u~t nOr',heqn:) .abQuf it from SOqJe,pfle,who did. c, _,r&7ijwYm,~,@l~~,::"" . :~<:,i>:',·A> ' :, <: "::"11: 64" Old, yo,u, qbserye' ?,ny imp,er~qn~ltj(;>n l;)f f,l3I p'ers'onnel by a'oyq!J-e,.durlng em Interyieww Intermga~lo,n'of, ,a",d¢tainee,? ~5~ .oi.d any ,gi;itaiJ:iee: 9'r other pel'~~>.nJ~I['Y9U tnat ~e Qr'she haq ~itn$:sse\f t.hRl imp~rspn~,tlp,n .Qf FBI perstiri'h~i 'iii cohhedio.ri yVith :a' clet3ih~ interv;iew br 'ihte(r-6gafiori? ' " 0, Ye.s. 0' No' '66. Are you aware, any '~sham"'or'''staged~ detainee interviews or interr.ogations.conducted for 'Members ,of ~h,s:Q.:g; or :Cql)gre~~,w:their s~~ff? ' Q Ye?, .~ Nq, 6~" to':you r kr9w1ed,9 e/, <;lId ,a;nY, IT,lHita ry 0rtntelllgenc~ person ~el 'ey~r d~t')Y:, 9r,delay ',~BI ,access to:§l ,_ 'd~~inee,th~ F~I walit~d, tl;) (:rU'E;~~tion be~u~e"th~dectal~e' ijpd ,S;lt~~cHned Lojurles 'aff~r he ) captured?-' ~OYe~ ,eNo' 0. Yes '~No, '69,. W~re you ~y~r to.ld th9t~ClnRl:her F&I ,~!1d~ hl.?:qr I)~r P9rtic;iJ?~Jibl)' in:or pb5i:!r'l~,!:ion 9f; a: detclh'le€, in.te.hii~W or<interrbgatfdn p,eaiuse 'oftfie Hit~Mew,6f iriterr6Q~tibnn'J~thO,d$ being us~d7' OIGQ-005094 0. Yes 0No 70,- Du.ring any'of'Yo\Jr' ov,et~sJleliioimeritS or assjg[lments', dii:l yOIJ n~:port ,any cQric~rJl_s re9ar~,ing_ any'interview .cj'r interrogatiori p,iactiees, or otHer types.of detainee treatment" to' an FBI supervisor7 ' aVes- 0 No 11- Dl,Jrlng ',~ny.of YQIJr oyersea's, d~P:JOYrnents: qr q~lgnm~nrs',dl,d yo\.! ,r,~pj:1rt <;lny ,c;mrc~rns regarj:l1(lg any; ~detajiJ.e¢ inferview,Of' ioterrdga(icin p@ctice.s'o( o,ttier:typ,es' ofdetain~ ,trWmeril yol,l ,observed- or' tieard -abo,ut~ to-a'non-FBI supervisor o'r other non-FBI per:s_orinel?: 0- Y-es <!5. NA '7'l.. H~e yo~ ,eyer b~e[I' Qr~~eq Q_rgir~~!1 (l9t 19 report, 'ord'iscolJrag'ed, in al)Y."~y-frQlJ) .repprti,09,( ,ob~lYr:I,tiQn:s 41' tf)I~~!{Qri~ r~JC!~ .t4 9~aJfl¢¢ !~tn\en,t Qt fl1t.erv-r~Wqr Ilite.rtP.~aJi§n :a¢tiQflS.Qt p~actrtes? OY.~0 No reta!latjorr for 'J:eportJng .Qbserv?lt'ions'or .all~atjons 'Qfpetairt~l;i"~:thle~): pt in~erVi~ ,Qf 'i'lte'rrqgati~!,n 'aq{§ii{s.qt pras:tiC~} , " ,,'" n. tiaye,you .experiencecl·aflY aduat-or threatened , QYe'~·No . 14,_, ttl'P,tjq~~I). pI7a.~' P!,?y[g~ ~'~Y'~:d.~it'io,l).al ~0tJIfne,:,~s '~~~r.dif.19 ~,h~ repQ,t::rQ9 'of ~,!)c;~f.!l~ ~lat~ :~ intervieW or Inlel'rO:QatlQ(:l t~hhisiu¢S, cf~en~(m p'ri;lGfites, 'or·,9th~(deraih~.e !r¢;tttrien,t. 7,6. 'Additional Comments and Reoommenaati6.ris: Than'k ydU'fot ,YOiJr :ct5operation' iii completirig·thisH:JtJ~Stfohna'ir'e OIGQ-005095