AZICA Meeting Minutes, February 11, CCA fined by Industrial Commission of Arizona, 2016
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MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OF ARIZONA Held at 800 West Washington Street Conference Room 308 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Thursday, Febrnary 11, 2016-1:00 p.m. Present: Dale L. Schultz Joseph M. Hennelly, Jr. Scott P. LeMarr Robin S. Orchard Chairman Vice Chair Commissioner Commissioner James Ashley Andrew Wade Melinda Poppe Bob Charles Renee Pastor William Warren Lany Gast Billie Gingrass Valli Goss Rebecca Schaar Yvonne Borunda Kara Dimas Director ChiefLegal Counsel Deputy Director Legislative Affairs ChiefI Public Infonnation Officer Accounting ADOSH Director Assistant ADOSH Director Compliance Officer Legal Legal Legal Commission Secretary Chairman Schultz convened the Commission meeting at 1 :00 p.m. noting a quorum present. Also in attendance were Lydia Terrazas, Commission Intern, and Jason Weber ofSnell & Wilmer. Approval of Minutes of February 4. 2016 Regular Meeting. The Commission unanimously approved the Regular Minutes ofthe February 4, 2016 meeting on motion ofCommissioner LeMan, second ofVice Chair Hennelly. Consent Agenda: All items following under this agenda item are consent matters and will be considered by a single motion with no discussion unless a Commissioner asks to remove an item on the consent agenda to be discussed and voted on separately. The Commission may move into Executive Session under A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(2) to discuss records exempt by law from public inspection. Legal action involving a final vote or decision shall not be taken in Executive Session. If such action is required, then it will be taken in General Session. a. Approval of Proposed Civil Penalties Against Uninsured Employers. 1. b. 2Cl4/15-2372 Tellez Restaurant Investments #6 L.L.C., dba Mariscos Vuelve A La Vida Approval ofReguests for Renewal of Self-Insurance Authority. 1. City of Glendale 2. 3. 4. City of Mesa City of Scottsdale City of Tempe Chaitman Schultz asked if any agenda items needed to be removed from the Consent Agenda, hearing none, the Commission unanimously approved the items on the Consent Agenda on motion of Vice Chair Hennelly, second of Commissioner LeMarr. Discussion and/or Action regarding Legislation. This agenda item may include discussion and/or action regarding the Sunset Review of the Industrial Commission of Arizona, and related Boards, Committees or Councils. Bob Charles provided an update regarding SB1500. He noted the Bill contains a provision to continue the Commission and the vote on the Bill in the Senate Commerce and Workforce Development Committee this week was 8 to O with 1 not voting due to a conflict of interest. He read the list of supporters that signed in to show support for the Bill. He commented on the process to address boiler safety standards, a certification process for inspections, and enforcement. Chairman Schultz commented on the showing of support, noting the difference between affirmative support for a bill and not opposing a bill. Mr. Charles commented on a potential amendment to SB1500. Commissioner LeMarr asked if there was any conversation with stakeholders about the provision that would require the Commission contract with the Office of Administrative Hearing (OAH) for the hearing process in ADOSH matters. Mr. Ashley and Mr. Charles responded to the question and commented on numerous scheduled meetings with stakeholders. Mr. Charles summarized the anticipated process for SB1500 at the Legislature and commented on SB 1420. Presentation from and/or discussion with the Industrial Commission's Public Info1mation Officer. This agenda item may include discussion regarding the operations of the Industrial Commission. Mr. Charles commented on the website improvement project, a media request related to SB1500, and some media requests for records related to ongoing inspections. Commissioner LeMarr asked about the public records requests and Mr. Charles responded to the question. Discussion and Action of Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health Proposed Citations and Penalties. Taylors Demolition and Recycling Corporation, Inc. 5901 E. Pima St Tucson AZ 85712 Site Location: 314 E. Grant Road Tucson, AZ 85705 Inspection No: 1090980 08/21/2015 Inspection Date: 2 Fatality/Accident Years in Business: Empl. Covered by inspection: 25 4 SERIOUS - Citation 1 - Item 1 - a) Jobsite, 314 E. Grant Road, Tucson: Employees were not trained in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to demolition hazards resulting in the death of one employee and the serious injury of another employee. (29 CFR 1926.21(b)(2)). Formula Amt. - $7,000.00 Div. Proposal - $7,000.00 SERIOUS - Citation 1 - Item 2 - a) Jobsite, 314 E. Grant Road, Tucson: Three employees were working in an area where demolition was taking place where the center wall of the building had weakened and collapsed resulting in the death of one employee and the serious injury of another employee. (29 CFR 1926.859(a)). Formula Amt. - $7,000.00 Div. Proposal - $7,000.00 SERIOUS - Citation 1 - Item 3 - a) Jobsite, 314 E. Grant Road, Tucson: On-going inspections of the demolition project for hazards such as weakened walls or loosened materials were not conducted by a competent person resulting in the death of one employee and the serious injury of another employee. (29 CFR 1926.859(g)). Formula Amt. - $7,000.00 Div. Proposal - $7,000.00 TOTAL FORMULA AMT. - $21,000.00 TOTAL PENALTY - $21,000.00 Mr. Gast summarized ADOSH's investigation into a workplace fatality and explained his recommendation for citations. Commissioner LeMan- noted that there was no adjustment for size and Mr. Gast explained why there are no reductions when a violation causes or contributes to a death. Vice Chair Hennelly asked for additional details regarding the operator of the equipment and ownership of the corporation. He noted the scope of the employer's primary business and that the volatile conditions are within that scope. Chairman Schultz commented on the number of years the employer has been in business. Mr. Gast explained how the employer could have used a spotter. Commissioner LeMarr ask if the equipment operator knew that the back end ofbackhoe had hit the wall and Mr. Gast responded to the question. Commissioner Orchard asked about the prior history repo1t and Mr. Gast responded to the question. Vice Chair Hennelly moved to approve the citations and penalty as recommended and Commissioner Orchard seconded the motion. The Commission unanimously approved issuing the citation and assessed the penalty of$21,000.00. Con-ections Corporation of America 1100 N. Bowling Rd Florence AZ 85232 1100 N. Bowling Road Site Location: Florence, AZ 85232 1095384 Inspection No: 09/28/2015 Inspection Date: Complaint Years in Business: Empl. Covered by inspection: 17 2 SERIOUS- Citation 1 - Item 1 - Control Bubble: Employees who remain to operate the pod's control panel for evacuation of the imnates do not have adequate procedures to evacuate in the event of emergency. (29 CFR 1910.38(c)(3)). Formula Amt. - $4,500.00 Div. Proposal - $4,500.00 TOTAL FORMULA AMT. - $4,500.00 TOTAL PENALTY - $4,500.00 3 Mr. Gast summarized the citation and proposed penalty as listed and reviewed the photographs. Commissioner LeMarr clarified the Citation was for not having an adequate evacuation plan rather than actions related to a fire. Mr. Gast responded to the question. Commissioner Orchard commented on the property owner's role with respect to an evacuation plan and Mr. Gast responded to the comment. Vice Chair Hennelly asked for clarification regarding the mention of a previous incident and Mr. Gast responded. Commissioner LeMarr and Mr. Gast discussed additional details regarding the citation. Chairman Schultz commented on the use of keys in a correctional facility and the benefits of a separate ventilation system. Commissioner LeMal1' noted that additional details would be helpful and Mr. Gast responded. Vice Chair Hennelly commented on the circumstances and asked for additional details regarding what happened during the incident versus what was discovered during the inspection. Mr. Gast responded. Commissioner Orchard moved to issue the citation with a $3,500.00 penalty. She explained why she moved a penalty of$3,500.00. Vice Chair Hennelly seconded the motion. Chairman Schultz, Vice Chair Hennelly, and Commissioner Orchard voted in favor of the motion. Commissioner LeMal1' voted against the motion. Silent-Aire USA, Inc. 1145 W Gary Ave Gilbe1i AZ 85233 Site Location: Inspection No: Inspection Date: Complaint Years in Business: Empl. Covered by inspection: 1145 W Gary Ave Gilbert, AZ 85233 A4031-1100409 10/15/2015 3 75 SERIOUS - Citation 1 - Item 1 - a) Spray booth area: A clear space of not less than 3 feet on all sides of the spray booth area was not kept free from 5 gallon paint buckets and ladders stored behind the spray booth. (29 CFR 1910.107(b)(9)). Formula Amt. - $1,400.00 Div. Proposal- $1,400.00 SERIOUS - Citation 1 - Item 2 - Spray booth area: An employee was using the top or top step of an 8' fiberglass step ladder, model and serial number unknown, as a step during access to paint the heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) unit. (29 CFR 1926.1053(b)(13)). Formula Amt. - $1,400.00 Div. Proposal - $1,400.00 TOTAL FORMULA AMT. - $2,800.00 TOTAL PENALTY - $2,800.00 Mr. Gast summarized the citation and proposed penalty as listed. Commissioner Orchard commented on quick abatement and the presence of a designated safety officer. She refe!1'ed to Citation 1, Item 2 and the presence of warnings on stepladders about standing on the top step. Vice Chair Hennelly added that the employee at issue acknowledged that he knew he was not supposed to stand or step on top of the ladder and did it anyway. He commented on training and the employer's eff01is to comply with safety standards. 4