Trends in State Parole 1990-2000, DOJ BJS, 2001
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U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report October 2001, NCJ 184735 Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 By Timothy A. Hughes Doris James Wilson and Allen J. Beck, Ph.D. BJS Statisticians By the end of 2000, 16 States had abolished discretionary release from prison by a parole board for all offenders. Another four States had abolished discretionary parole for certain violent offenses or other crimes against a person. As a result of the movement away from release by parole boards (discretionary parole), release determined by statute (mandatory parole) became the most common method of release from State prison. After 1990 mandatory parole increased from 29% of releases to 41% in 1999, while discretionary parole decreased from 39% to 24%. Despite changes in release policies, 652,199 adults were under State parole supervision at yearend 2000, more than a 3-fold increase since 1980, when 196,786 adults were on parole. About 312 adults per 100,000 adult U.S. residents were under parole supervision in 2000, compared to 121 in 1980 and 271 in 1990. While the average annual rate of growth in State parole from 1980 to 2000 was 6.2%, the largest increase occurred between 1980 and 1992, when the number of adults on parole grew 10% annually. After 1992 growth in the number of adults on State parole slowed, increasing at an average annual rate of 0.7%. This report focuses on trends in the State parole population after 1990, the effect of sentencing policies on community release, and the implications for success or failure of offenders under community supervision. Highlights State parole population has remained stable since 1992 • After more than a decade of rapid growth, the number of adults under State parole supervision has nearly stabilized — increasing by 33,510 (0.7% per year) since 1992. Number of parolees 700,000 Yearend 600,000 population 500,000 400,000 300,000 Annual entries 200,000 100,000 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 • During the 1980’s, entries to State parole supervision tripled, growing from around 113,000 to 349,000 in 1990. During the 1990’s, parole entries continued to rise (up 2.4% per 2000 year), but were offset by an increase in parole discharges (up 4.6% a year). Since 1990 mandatory parole releases have increased, while discretionary releases have decreased • Between 1990 and 1999, the number of discretionary parole releases from prison dropped (from 159,731 to 128,708), while the number of mandatory parole releases nearly doubled (from 116,857 to 223,342). Percent of releases from State prison 60% 50% 40% Discretionary parole 30% 20% Mandatory parole 10% Expiration of sentence 0% 1980 1985 1990 1995 • In 1999 nearly 100,000 inmates released from State prisons served their entire prison term (18%), up 1999 from 51,288 (13%) in 1990. 42% of parole discharges in 1999 successfully completed supervision • Among State parole discharges in 1999, over half of discretionary parolees successfully completed their term of supervision, compared to a third of mandatory parolees. Percent of parole discharges successfully completing supervision 70% Discretionary parolees 60% 50% All parolees 40% 30% Mandatory parolees 20% 10% 0% 1983 1985 1990 1995 1999 • Success rates were higher among parole discharges who were first prison releases (63%), age 55 or older (54%), and female (48%), than among those who were re-releases (21%), under age 25 (36%), and male (39%). Table 1. Number of persons in State prison and on parole, yearend 1980, 1985, and 1990-2000 Year State prisonersa Percent Number change State paroleesb Percent Number change 1980 305,458 196,786 1985 462,284 283,139 1990 708,393 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 753,951 802,241 879,714 959,668 1,025,624 6.4% 6.4 9.7 9.1 6.9 568,887 618,689 620,390 628,941 627,960 13.3% 8.8 0.3 1.4 -0.2 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1,076,375 1,127,686 1,176,055 1,228,455 1,236,476 4.9 4.8 4.3 4.5 0.7 620,498 631,275 629,216 643,452 652,199 -1.2 1.7 -0.3 2.3 1.4 Percent change, 1980-90 1990-2000 Average annual change, 1980-90 1990-2000 502,134 131.9% 74.5% 155.2% 29.9% 8.8% 5.7% 9.8% 2.6% Note: Counts are for December 31 of each year and may have been revised based on the most recently reported counts. a Based on prisoners under the jurisdiction of State correctional authorities. b Adult State parolees only. States have reduced the discretion of parole boards in determining prison release From 1990 to 2000, the State parole population grew at a slower rate than the State prison population. During this period, parolees increased 30%, compared to a 75% increase for State prisoners (table 1). On average, the parole population increased 2.6% per year, while the prison population rose 5.7% per year. The low rate of growth in parole supervision reflects changes in sentencing and parole release policies that have resulted in increasing lengths of stay in prison and declining prison release rates. (See Prisoners in 1999, August 2000, NCJ 183476.) Historically, most State inmates were released to parole supervision after serving a portion of an indeterminate sentence based on a parole board decision. (See box on this page for definitions.) In 1977, 69% of offenders released from State prison were released by a parole board. In 44 States and the District of Columbia, parole boards were responsible for the majority of prison releases. In other States most inmates were released through expiration of sentence (Louisiana, Missouri, and Wyoming), to probation (Idaho), or to mandatory parole (Alaska and Arizona). Discretionary parole parole boards have discretionary authority to conditionally release prisoners based on a statutory or administrative determination of eligibility. States began moving away from discretionary release policies in the 1980’s in favor of determinate sentences and mandatory supervised release. By 1989 eight States had abolished discretionary parole. In 20 States the majority of prison releases were through expiration of sentence or mandatory parole release. As a percentage of all State prison releases, discretionary parole releases decreased from 55% in 1980 to 38% in 1989, while mandatory parole releases increased from 19% to 30%. Data sources Continuing the shift away from release by a parole board, an additional eight States abolished discretionary parole in the 1990’s. Most of the remaining States further restricted parole by setting specific standards offenders must meet to be eligible for release. Parole defined Parole a period of conditional supervised release following a prison term. Prisoners may be released to parole either by a parole board decision (discretionary parole) or according to provisions of a statute (mandatory parole). Mandatory parole generally occurs in jurisdictions using determinate sentencing statutes. Inmates are conditionally released from prison after serving a portion of their original sentence minus any good time earned. National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP) collects individual inmate records for prison admissions and releases and parole admissions and discharges. Annual Parole Survey (APS) provides a count of the total number of persons under parole supervision on January 1 and December 31, and a count of the number entering and leaving supervision during each year. National Prisoner Statistics (NPS-1) provides yearend jurisdiction-level data on the number of prisoners in State and Federal correctional facilities and the number of parole violators returned to prison during each year. Survey of Inmates in State Adult Correctional Facilities provides self-reported data on individual characteristics of State inmates admitted to prison while under parole supervision and on characteristics of soon to be released inmates. 2 Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 States that have abolished discretionary parole, 2000 All offenders Arizona Californiaa Delaware Floridab Illinois Indiana Kansasc Maine a Minnesota Mississippi North Carolina Ohiod Oregon Virginia Washington Wisconsin Certain violent offenders Alaska Louisiana New York Tennessee In 1976 the Uniform Determinate Sentencing Act abolished discretionary parole for all offenses except some violent crimes with a long sentence or a sentence to life. b In 1995 parole eligibility was abolished for offenses with a life sentence and a 25-year mandatory term. c Excludes a few offenses, primarily 1st-degree murder and intentional 2nd-degree murder. d Excludes murder and aggravated murder. By yearend 2000, 29 States and the District of Columbia had adopted the Federal truth-in-sentencing standard that requires Part 1 violent offenders to serve not less than 85% of their sentence in prison before becoming eligible for release (table 2). Part 1 violent offenses, as defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reports, include murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. By adopting this standard, States could receive truth-in-sentencing funds under the Violent Offender Incarceration and Truth-in-Sentencing (VOITIS) incentive grant program as established by the 1994 Crime Act. VOITIS grants can be used by States to build or expand prison capacity. Five States (Delaware, Minnesota, Tennessee, Utah, and Washington) enacted truth-in-sentencing laws prior to passage of the Crime Act. The remaining States passed truth-insentencing laws after 1994. (See Truth in Sentencing in State Prisons, January 1999, NCJ 170032.) At yearend 2000 nearly three-quarters of the parole population was in the District of Columbia and the 29 States that met the Federal 85%-standard. Nine of the ten States with the largest parole populations in 2000 met the Federal truth-in-sentencing standard for violent offenders. Texas, with the second largest parole population, required violent offenders to serve 50% of their sentence. Overall, 11 States more than doubled their parole populations from 1990 to 2000; 6 of the 11 were Federal truthin-sentencing States. In absolute numbers, 6 Federal truth-in-sentencing States (California, Illinois, Louisiana, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) had an increase of 11,000 or more parolees. Thirteen States (9 of which were Federal truth-in-sentencing States) experienced a decline of at least 10% during this period. Table 2. Number of adults on parole, by State, yearend 1990, 1995, and 2000 Parole populationa 1990 1995 2000 All States Truth-in-sentencing Statesc Arizona California Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Illinois Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Utah Virginia Washington Wisconsin Other Statesd Alabama Alaska Arkansas Colorado Hawaii Idaho Indiana Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire Oklahoma Rhode Island South Dakota Texas Vermont West Virginia Wyoming Number Percent change per 100,000 adultsb 1990-2000 502,134 641,038 652,199 29.9% 312 2,474 68,120 416 1,002 5,157 5,237 20,406 18,882 1,991 5,647 9,754 18 11,083 1,701 3,321 8,939 23,172 1,283 42,360 10,409 130 6,601 7,972 57,298 3,770 10,221 1,543 8,671 9,114 4,111 4,109 91,807 1,233 1,033 6,340 11,197 19,434 29,541 2,340 6,094 19,028 55 13,862 2,117 1,510 13,001 37,867 1,366 55,568 18,501 114 7,432 15,019 73,234 5,545 8,851 2,700 10,188 875 7,548 3,474 117,647 1,868 579 5,684 6,046 21,556 30,199 2,763 3,829 22,860 28 15,753 3,072 1,596 12,357 14,899 1,670 57,858 3,352 116 18,248 17,832 82,002 4,240 8,094 3,266 5,148 160 9,430 40.4% 72.7 349.6 -42.2 10.2 15.5 5.6 59.9 38.8 -32.2 134.4 55.6 42.1 80.7 -51.9 38.2 -35.7 30.2 36.6 -67.8 -10.8 176.4 123.7 43.1 12.5 -20.8 111.7 -40.6 -98.2 129.4 92 478 73 98 1,244 49 358 329 126 194 704 3 215 85 77 297 235 127 405 55 24 216 693 876 141 189 216 96 4 236 6,291 551 3,559 2,140 1,383 318 3,291 3,239 11,106 4,816 685 596 2,702 527 2,752 369 681 104,693 297 991 358 7,793 459 4,685 3,024 1,689 619 3,200 4,257 15,748 5,256 744 661 2,863 785 2,356 591 688 103,089 618 923 403 5,494 507 9,453 5,500 2,504 1,443 4,917 4,909 14,143 3,703 621 473 4,056 944 1,825 353 1,481 111,719 902 1,112 514 -12.7% -7.9 165.6 157.0 81.1 354.5 49.4 51.6 27.3 -23.1 -9.3 -20.6 50.1 79.3 -33.7 -4.3 117.6 6.7 204.2 12.3 43.8 165 116 474 172 273 156 109 161 359 76 92 38 273 102 71 44 268 747 196 79 141 a Based on the Annual Parole Survey. Parolees per 100,000 adult U.S. residents based on State populations for April 1, 2000. c States met Federal truth-in-sentencing standards under the Violent Offender Incarceration and Truth-in-Sentencing incentive grants program in fiscal year 2000. d Some States may have truth in sentencing but did not meet the Federal standard. See Truth in Sentencing in State Prisons, NCJ 170032. b Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 3 Four States accounted for nearly two-thirds of the growth in parole during the 1990’s Four States (California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas) supervised over half of all State parolees at yearend 2000. Together, these States accounted for 64% of the growth in State parole from 1990 to 2000. In the 1980’s discretionary parole was the primary method of release from State prison (table 3). Between 1985 and 1990 discretionary parole releases increased from 88,069 to 159,731. The number released by State parole boards peaked in 1992 (at 170,095) and declined each year thereafter, dropping to 128,708 in 1999. Consistent with the adoption of truth in sentencing and other mandatory release statutes, mandatory parole releases have steadily increased, from 26,735 in 1980 to 116,857 in 1990. By 1995 the number of mandatory releases exceeded the number of discretionary releases. In 1999, 223,342 State prisoners were released At yearend 2000 nearly 1 in every 320 by mandatory parole, a 91%-increase adults were under State parole supervi- from 1990. sion. Overall, there were 312 parolees per 100,000 adult U.S. residents in 2000, up from 271 per 100,000 Releases from State prison, residents in 1990. by method of release, 1980-99 Sixteen States experienced a decline in their parole populations. Washington State (down 98%), followed by North Carolina (down 68%) and Mississippi (down 52%), had the largest declines, as the result of abolishing discretionary parole. Among States, Pennsylvania (with 876 parolees per 100,000 State residents), Texas (with 747), and Louisiana (with 704) had the highest rates of parole supervision. Excluding Maine and Washington, which abolished parole in 1975 and 1984, respectively, North Dakota had the lowest rate of parole supervision (24 per 100,000 State residents), followed by Nebraska (with 38), Rhode Island (with 44), and Florida (with 49). Since 1990 discretionary releases have declined; mandatory parole and expiration of sentence releases have increased Regardless of their method of release, nearly all State prisoners (at least 95%) will be released from prison at some point; nearly 80% will be released to parole supervision. (See Prisoners in 1998, August 1999, NCJ 175687.) As a percentage of all releases, mandatory parole releases increased from 29% in 1990 to 41% in 1999 (figure 1). Discretionary parole releases dropped from 39% to 24%, while releases due to expiration of sentence rose from 13% to 18%. 4 Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 Percent of releases 60% 30% Discretionary parole Mandatory parole 0% 1980 As a percentage of all releases from prison, violent offenders have remained stable, while property Releases from State prison, by most serious offense, 1985-99 20% 20% 10% Overall, the number of prison releases rose from 405,374 in 1990 to 542,950 in 1999. Based on the most serious offense for which prisoners had served time, drug offenders comprised an increasing percentage of prison releases. Nearly 33% of State prison releases in 1999 were drug offenders (up from 26% in 1990 and 11% in 1985) (figure 2). The number of drug offenders released rose from 23,000 in 1985 to 105,800 in 1990. After 1990 the number of drug offenders continued to go up, reaching 177,000 in 1999. Percent of releases 50% Property 40% Violent 30% 50% 40% Growth in prison releases linked to drug offenders Drug 10% Expiration of sentence 1985 1990 Public-order 1995 1999 Figure 1 0% 1985 1990 1995 Figure 2 Table 3. Method of release from State prison, for selected years, 1980-99 Year All releases* Discretionary parole Mandatory parole Other conditional Expiration of sentence 1980 143,543 78,602 26,735 9,363 20,460 1985 206,988 88,069 62,851 15,371 34,489 51,288 1990 405,374 159,731 116,857 62,851 1992 430,198 170,095 126,836 60,800 48,971 1995 455,140 147,139 177,402 46,195 66,017 1999 542,950 128,708 223,342 66,337 98,218 Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released from State prison. Counts are for December 31 for each year. *Includes releases to probation, commutations, and other unspecified releases and excludes escapees, AWOL’s, and transfers. 1999 offenders have dropped sharply. Nearly 25% of releases were violent offenders in 1999 (down from 26% in 1990), and 31% were property offenders (down from 39%). Between 1990 and 1999, annual releases from State prison to parole supervision grew by an estimated 78,900 inmates (table 4). Drug offenders accounted for 61% of the increase, followed by violent offenders (23%), and public-order offenders (15%). The number of property offenders released to parole declined from 1990 to 1999. About 98,000 State prisoners were released unconditionally through an expiration of their sentence in 1999, up from 48,971 released in 1990. These inmates were released without any parole supervision. Of those released in 1999, 32% were violent offenders, 32% property offenders, 24% drug offenders, and 12% public-order offenders. Prison releases have served more time and a greater portion of their sentence before release Among all State inmates released from prison for their first time on their current offense (“first releases”), the average time served in prison increased from 22 months in 1990 to 29 months in 1999 (table 5). Released inmates had also served an average Table 4. Partitioning the growth in method of release from State prison, by offense, 1990-99 Most serious offense All offenses Violent Property Drug Public-order Parole supervision* Change, Percent 1990-99 of total Expiration of sentence Change, Percent 1990-99 of total 78,900 100.0% 46,900 100.0% 19,800 -1,100 52,100 13,000 23.3 15,500 9,100 14,900 7,600 33.0 19.3 31.7 16.1 61.4 15.3 of 5 months in local jails prior to their admission to prison. Overall, released inmates had served a total of 34 months in 1999 C 6 months longer than released inmates in 1990. Murderers released in 1999 served on average 14 months longer than those released in 1990 (106 months versus 92 months). Rape offenders served 17 months longer (79 months compared to 62 months). Drug offenders served 27 months in 1999, compared to 20 months in 1990. Reflecting statutory and policy changes that required offenders to serve a larger portion of their sentence before release, all offenders released for the first time in 1999 served on average 49% of their sentence, up from 38% in 1990. Of the four major offense categories, violent offenders served the highest percentage (55%) in 1999, followed by public-order (51%), property (46%), and drug offenders (43%). Offenders convicted of assault served the highest percentage of their sentence (about 59%), followed by offenders convicted of rape (58%). Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released from State prison. Counts are for December 31 for each year. *Includes all releases to parole, probation, and other conditional supervision. Table 5. Sentence length and time served for first releases from State prison, 1990 and 1999 Mean sentence lengtha 1990 1999 Mean time served in C Jailb Prison 1990 1999 1990 1999 Total time servedc 1990 1999 69 mo 65 mo 6 mo 5 mo 22 mo 29 mo 28 mo 34 mo 38.0% 48.7% 99 mo 209 88 128 77 104 64 87 mo 192 102 124 76 97 62 7 mo 9 5 7 5 7 6 6 mo 10 6 6 6 6 6 39 mo 83 31 55 30 41 23 45 mo 96 49 73 42 48 33 46 mo 92 37 62 36 48 30 51 mo 106 56 79 47 55 39 43.8% 43.1 41.0 45.5 43.8 42.8 43.9 55.0% 53.1 52.5 58.3 57.0 51.6 58.7 Property offenses Burglary Larceny/theft Motor vehicle theft Fraud 65 mo 79 52 56 56 58 mo 73 45 44 49 6 mo 6 6 7 6 5 mo 5 4 5 4 18 mo 22 14 13 14 25 mo 31 19 20 19 24 mo 29 20 20 20 29 mo 36 24 25 23 34.4% 33.9 35.5 33.1 33.2 45.6% 44.3 46.9 52.5 41.7 Drug offenses Possession Trafficking 57 mo 61 60 59 mo 56 64 6 mo 6 6 5 mo 5 5 14 mo 12 16 22 mo 20 24 20 mo 18 22 27 mo 25 29 32.9% 29.0 34.8 42.8% 42.4 42.0 Public-order offenses 40 mo 42 mo. 5 mo 4 mo 14 mo 19 mo 18 mo 23 mo 42.6% 51.1% All offenses Violent offenses Murdere Manslaughter Rape Other sexual assault Robbery Assault Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released for the first time on the current sentence. Excludes prisoners released from prison by escape, death, transfer, appeal, or detainer. a Maximum sentence length for the most serious offense. Excludes sentences of life, life without parole, life plus additional years, and death. Percent of sentence servedd 1990 1999 b Time served in jail and credited toward the current sentence. Based on time served in jail and in prison. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. d Based on total sentence length (not shown) for all consecutive sentences. e Includes nonnegligent manslaughter. c Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 5 Table 6. Time served, maximum sentence, and percent of sentence served for Part 1 violent offenders, by State, 1993, 1996, and 1999 Mean maximum sentencea 1993 1996 1999 All States Mean time served 1993 1996 1999 Percent of sentence servedb 1993 1996 1999 108 mo 99 mo 103 mo 46 mo 50 mo 53 mo 46% 52% 56% Truth-in-sentencing Statesc Arizona California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Utah Virginia Washington Wisconsin 89 mo 69 58 71 -74 150 91 192 -104 -43 50 106 96 121 70 94 136 47 237 111 117 100 130 121 107 41 84 88 mo 71 63 74 -84 134 99 135 -98 -50 56 118 98 108 67 96 121 60 226 65 119 90 121 90 97 47 82 93 mo 60 60 80 -91 117 107 146 -96 -52 60 128 99 120 77 98 120 38 165 62 140 104 131 100 113 49 80 41 mo 43 33 38 42 31 63 40 39 29 67 43 46 34 45 74 47 38 50 33 31 61 43 54 44 48 43 41 31 41 46 mo 48 36 49 42 45 67 45 48 33 68 44 53 37 58 78 46 37 53 44 47 71 37 61 44 58 36 50 34 43 50 mo 49 37 64 46 53 76 48 58 41 45 39 59 39 57 85 53 57 66 52 29 64 42 80 46 65 35 62 38 51 50% 62 57 54 -42 42 44 20 -64 -/ 68 43 77 39 54 53 24 66 26 39 46 44 37 36 38 76 49 54% 68 57 65 -54 50 45 36 -69 -/ 67 49 80 43 56 56 36 78 32 58 51 48 48 40 51 72 52 58% 81 61 80 -58 65 45 40 -48 -/ 65 44 86 44 74 68 44 76 39 67 57 44 50 36 55 78 64 Other Statesd Alabama Alaska Arkansas Colorado Hawaii Idaho Indiana Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire Oklahoma Rhode Island South Dakota Texas Vermont West Virginia Wyoming 129 mo -115 131 98 138 104 108 242 118 123 89 118 -98 104 80 101 157 100 171 140 113 mo -124 109 89 124 90 111 156 106 110 119 123 86 89 110 80 78 123 113 108 123 104 mo -88 157 96 125 98 102 196 99 98 -140 107 100 111 68 72 97 121 139 137 53 mo -65 35 39 64 59 54 77 63 51 61 55 -36 34 44 36 48 29 76 69 54 mo -71 37 40 57 80 56 71 59 61 54 49 34 39 42 50 37 57 56 50 69 55 mo -63 56 50 59 36 46 / 57 61 60 61 41 48 47 46 29 59 54 62 55 42% -57 27 40 47 57 50 32 53 42 69 47 -37 33 55 35 31 29 44 49 48% -57 34 45 46 89 51 45 56 55 46 40 40 44 38 63 48 46 50 46 56 54% -72 36 52 47 37 45 / 58 63 -44 39 48 42 67 40 61 45 45 40 Note: Data were obtained from the Violent Offender Incarceration and Truth-in-Sentencing (VOITIS) Incentive Grant Program. Includes only offenders with a sentence of more than 1 year released for the first time on the current sentence. Excludes persons released from prison by escape, death, transfer, appeal or detainer. Part 1 violent crimes include murder/nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. --Not reported. 6 Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 /Not calculated. a Excludes sentences of life or death. b Based on States that reported both mean maximum sentence and mean time served. c States met the Federal 85% requirement for VOITIS grants in fiscal year 2000 based on 1999 data. Excludes the District of Columbia. d Requirement for percent of sentence served may vary by State and by type of offender. Time served by released Part 1 violent offenders increased in 33 States between 1993 and 1999 Through the VOITIS program, 33 States reported an increase in average time served by released Part 1 violent prisoners between 1993 and 1999 (table 6). Overall, time served by released Part 1 violent offenders rose from 46 months to 53 months. The average time served for violent offenders released in 1999 ranged from 29 months in North Dakota to 85 months in Missouri. The percent of the total sentence served increased from 46% in 1993 to 56% in 1999. Part 1 violent offenders in Missouri (86%), Arizona (81%), and Connecticut (80%) served the highest percent of their sentences before release. Violent offenders in Utah and Arkansas served the lowest percent of their sentences before release (36%). On average, in 1999 released violent offenders in Federal truth-in-sentencing States served 50 months (or 58% of the average maximum sentence), while violent offenders in other States served 55 months (54% of the maximum sentence). Between 1993 and 1999, the percent of sentence served by released violent inmates rose in 21 of the 25 truth-in-sentencing States that reported data and in 12 of the 21 States not meeting the 85%-standard. Inmates released by parole boards served longer than those released by mandatory parole In 1999 prisoners released by discretionary parole for the first time on the current sentence had served an average of 35 months in prison and jail, while those released through mandatory parole had served 33 months (table 7). Among discretionary Table 7. Sentence length and time served for first releases from State prison, by method of release, 1990 and 1999 Type of release and offense Mean sentence lengtha 1990 Mean total time servedb Percent of sentence servedc Mean sentence lengtha 1999 Mean total time servedb Percent of sentence servedc 82 mo 118 77 70 44 29 mo 49 25 20 18 34% 40 31 29 37 89 mo 126 83 80 49 35 mo 59 31 28 21 37% 44 34 33 39 Mandatory release Violent Property Drug Public-order 42 mo 64 38 33 27 27 mo 41 23 20 19 55% 59 52 50 61 48 mo 66 43 40 38 33 mo 47 30 27 25 61% 63 59 59 61 Expiration of sentence Violent Property Drug Public-order 56 mo 81 50 35 43 31 mo 44 27 21 28 53% 53 52 57 62 49 mo 69 41 41 35 36 mo 52 30 29 25 67% 68 65 65 66 Discretionary release Violent Property Drug Public-order Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year. Excludes persons released from prison by escape, death, transfer, appeal, or detainer. a Excludes sentences of life without parole, life plus additional years, life and death. b Includes time served in prison and jail. c Based on total sentence length (not shown) for all consecutive sentences. releases, time served rose for all types of offenders during the 1990’s. In 1999 violent offenders released by discretionary parole served 10 months longer than violent offenders released in 1990; property offenders served 6 months longer; drug offenders, 8 months; and public-order offenders, 3 months. Among mandatory parole releases, time served also increased for all types of offenses C violent and public-order offenders served 6 months longer in 1999 than in 1990, while property and drug offenders served 7 months longer. Although the average time served by discretionary releases exceeded the time served by mandatory parole releases in both years, discretionary releases served a smaller percentage of their prison sentences before release. In 1999 discretionary releases served 37% of their total prison sentence (up from 34% in 1990); mandatory releases served 61% of their sentence (up from 55%). Prisoners released due to expiration of sentence had served longer in 1999 (36 months) than in 1990 (31 months). Violent offenders released through expiration of sentence had the largest increase (8 months) in time served in prison. In 1999 violent offenders released through expiration of sentence served, on average, 68% of their total maximum sentence, up from 53% in 1990. Among discretionary and mandatory parole releases, black offenders served longer than whites Time served by prisoners released for the first time on their current sentence in 1999 varied among white, black, and Hispanic prisoners. Overall, black non-Hispanic offenders released by Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 7 Table 8. Mean time served in prison for first releases to State parole, by method of release, 1999 Most serious offense Male Discretionary parole releases Female Whitea Blacka Hispanic Male Mandatory parole releases Blacka Female Whitea Hispanic 36 mo 26 mo 34 mo 37 mo 33 mo 34 mo 24 mo 31 mo 38 mo 30 mo 60 mo 122 58 93 52 61 46 45 mo 91 52 -41 40 34 58 mo 126 52 80 52 62 43 62 mo 116 67 122 54 61 48 47 mo 113 39 54 40 45 41 48 mo 104 50 86 46 51 32 36 mo 87 42 -44 33 27 47 mo 112 46 82 49 52 30 53 mo 105 53 98 43 56 36 41 mo 97 52 71 42 39 29 Property offenses Burglary Larceny/theft Motor vehicle theft Fraud 32 mo 39 25 26 26 21 mo 27 19 21 20 30 mo 37 24 26 24 32 mo 41 23 26 25 30 mo 36 22 27 26 31 mo 37 26 24 27 22 mo 24 20 19 22 29 mo 35 25 23 25 33 mo 41 27 28 27 29 mo 34 24 24 23 Drug offenses Possession Trafficking 29 mo 27 29 24 mo 23 24 27 mo 24 28 28 mo 26 28 31 mo 34 29 27 mo 27 31 21 mo 20 26 22 mo. 20 25 31 mo 34 36 26 mo 27 29 Public-order offenses 21 mo 19 mo 19 mo 22 mo 22 mo 26 mo 21 mo 24 mo 29 mo 24 mo All offenses Violent offenses Murderb Manslaughter Rape Other sexual assault Robbery Assault Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year. Excludes prisoners released from prison by escape, death, transfer, appeal, or detainer. Includes time served in prison and jail. discretionary parole in 1999 served 37 months; white non-Hispanics served 34 months; and Hispanics 33 months (table 8). Black offenders released by mandatory parole served 7 months longer than whites (38 months compared to 31 months). Hispanics served 30 months. Among released violent offenders, blacks served 4 months longer than whites before a discretionary parole release (62 months compared to 58 months) and 6 months longer before a mandatory parole (53 months compared to 47 months). Hispanic prisoners served the shortest amount of time for violent offenses before release (47 months before a discretionary parole release and 41 months before a mandatory release). In 1999 Hispanics served longer than other groups for drug offenses before a discretionary parole release (31 months versus 27 for whites and 28 for blacks). Black drug offenders served more time before a mandatory release (31 months), than whites (22 months) and Hispanics (26 months). Women released in 1999 served less time in State prison than men, regardless of the method of release. On average, women released by discretionary parole served 26 months, and 8 Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 --Not calculated. a Excludes persons of Hispanic origin. b Includes nonnegligent manslaughter. men served 36 months. Women Over half of prison releases had a released by mandatory parole served prior incarceration; more than a 24 months and men served 34 months. quarter were parole violators For violent offenses, women served 45 months prior to discretionary release compared to 36 months among women who received a mandatory parole. Women in prison for drug offenses served 24 months before a discretionary release and 21 months before a mandatory release. Table 9. Characteristics of State prisoners expected to be released by yearend 1999 Characteristic Percent of expected releases Most serious offense Violent Property Drug Public-order Other 33.2% 26.6 26.7 13.3 0.2 Number of prior incarcerations 0 1 2 3 to 5 6 or more 44.0% 20.6 9.9 15.3 10.2 Criminal justice status at time of arrest None 46.4% On probation 26.2 On parole 26.7 Escape 0.7 Note: Based on data from the Survey of Inmates in State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1997. A majority of released State prisoners had been in prison before and were returned to prison for new offenses or parole violations. According to inmates in State prison in 1997, 56% of those who expected to be released to the community by yearend 1999 had one or more prior incarcerations, and 25% had 3 or more prior incarcerations (table 9). Among those expecting to Table 10. Substance abuse, mental illness, and homelessness among State prisoners expected to be released by yearend 1999 Characteristic Percent of expected releases Alcohol or drug involved at time of offense 83.9% Alcohol abuse Alcohol use at time of offense Alcohol dependent 41.5% 24.9 Drug use In month before offense At time of offense Intravenous use in the past Committed offense for money for drugs 58.8% 45.3 24.8 20.9 Mentally ill 14.3% Homeless at time of arrest 11.6% Note: Based on data from the Survey of Inmates in State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1997. Table 11. State parole entries and discharges, 1980 and 1990-2000 Year 1980 Entries 113,383 Discharges 105,215 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 349,030 355,748 362,466 372,823 382,999 274,697 300,084 325,470 366,038 374,183 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 381,878 390,537 396,651 409,922 423,850 441,605 368,746 372,875 389,074 402,946 410,613 432,183 Note: Based on the Annual Parole Survey, 1980-2000. Counts are for entries and discharges between January 1 and December 31 of each year. return to the community by 1999, 27% had been on parole and 26% on probation at the time of arrest for their current incarceration. These criminal records were compounded by histories of drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, and homelessness (table 10). Among prisoners expected to be released to the community by yearend 1999, 84% reported being involved in drugs or alcohol at the time of the offense. Nearly 25% were determined to be alcohol dependent, and 21% had committed the offense to obtain money for drugs. Fourteen percent were determined to be mentally ill, and 12% reported being homeless at the time of arrest. State parole entries and discharges rose during the 1990’s During 2000 there were 441,605 entries to State parole, a 27% increase over the number that entered parole in 1990 (table 11). The number of discharges from State parole rose from 274,697 in 1990 to 432,183 in 2000, an increase of 57%. During the 1990’s, State parole entries increased an average of 2.4% per year, while parole discharges increased an average of 4.6% per year. Discharges include parolees who are successful as well as those who are unsuccessful (including revocations, returns to prison or jail, and absconders). Discharges also include parolees transferred to other jurisdictions and those who die while under supervision. Re-releases an increasing portion of State parole entries Among parole entries, the percentage who had been re-released rose between 1990 and 1999. Re-releases are persons leaving prison after having served time either for a violation of parole or other conditional release or for a new offense committed while under parole supervision. In 1990, 27% of entries to parole were re-releases; in 1999, 45% were rereleases (figure 3). During 1999 an estimated 192,400 re-releases entered parole, an increase of 103% over the 94,900 re-releases in 1990. Table 12. Criminal justice characteristics of State parole entries, 1990 and 1999 Characteristic Percent of entries 1990 1999 Most serious offense Violent Property Drug Public-order Other 24.8% 38.7 27.2 7.4 2.0 24.4% 30.8 35.3 9.0 0.5 Method of release Discretionary parole Mandatory parole 59.8% 40.2 41.7% 58.3 Type of release First release Re-release Other 72.4% 27.2 0.5 54.2% 45.4 0.4 Time served in State prison First releases Less than 12 mos. 47.0% 12-23 25.2 24-59 20.3 60 or more 7.5 34.0% 27.7 26.1 12.3 Mean time served 22 mo 29 mo Re-releases Less than 12 mos. 12-23 24-59 60 or more 74.2% 15.8 8.1 1.9 72.3% 13.7 10.3 3.7 Mean time served 11 mo 13 mo Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released from State prison. Data are from the National Corrections Reporting Program. Entries to State parole, by type of prison release, 1985-99 Percent of parole entries 80% 60% First releases 40% Re-releases 20% 0% 1985 1990 1995 1999 Figure 3 After having been returned to prison for a parole or conditional release violation, re-releases served on average 13 months in prison in 1999 (table 12). From 1990 to 1999 their average time served in prison following re-admission increased by 2 months. In both years about 7 in 10 re-releases had served less than 12 months in prison. Table 13. Demographic characteristics of State parole entries, 1990 and 1999 Characteristic Percent of entries 1990 1999 Gender Male Female 92.1% 7.9 90.1% 9.9 Race/Hispanic origin White non-Hispanic Black non-Hispanic Hispanic Other 34.2% 48.8 16.3 0.7 35.4% 47.3 16.1 1.2 Age at prison release 17 or younger 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55 or older 0.2% 23.4 26.6 22.2 13.9 7.3 4.9 1.5 0.1% 16.3 19.0 19.7 19.2 13.5 10.2 2.1 Mean age Education 8th grade or less Some high school High school graduate Some college or more 31 yrs 16.8% 45.4 29.6 8.2 34 yrs 11.0% 39.8 42.2 7.0 Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released from State prison. Data are from the National Corrections Reporting Program. Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 9 An increasing percentage of women entering parole had served time for drug offenses (table 14). In 1990, 36% The average age of prisoners released of female parole entries were drug offenders; by 1999, 42% were drug to parole increased from 31 years in offenders. Women first released to 1990 to 34 years in 1999 (table 13). parole were less likely to be property In 1999 an estimated 109,300 State prisoners age 40 or older were paroled, offenders in 1999 (35%) than in 1990 C 26% of all entries to parole. This (42%). As a percentage of women entering parole, violent offenders was more than double the 47,800 remained unchanged (16%). prisoners age 40 or older who entered parole in 1990. Among parole entries, the racial and ethnic distributions remained nearly The number of parole entries among inmates under age 35 declined over stable during the 1990’s. In 1999, 35% the period. In 1999, 233,500 State of parole entries were white, 47% were prisoners under age 35 entered parole, black, and 16% were Hispanic. Violent down from 252,700. The largest offenders accounted for approximately decline was among inmates age 25 a quarter of first releases among whites, blacks, and Hispanics in both to 29. In 1990 they represented 27% 1990 and 1999. of all parole entries; in 1999, 19%. State parole entries older in 1999 than in 1990 Female entries to parole increased during the 1990’s In 1999, 10% of entries to State parole were female, up from 8% in 1990. The number of women who entered parole increased from an estimated 27,600 in 1990 to 42,000 in 1999. Although the 52% increase in the number of female parole entries outpaced that of males (up 19%), there were 381,900 male entries in 1999. Drug offenders represented an increasing percentage of parole entries, among all groups. In 1999 drug offenders comprised 39% of black parole entries (up from 31% in 1990); 43% of Hispanic entries (up from 41%); and 21% of white entries (up from 18%). Parole success rates unchanged since 1990 Of the 410,613 discharges from State parole in 1999, 42% successfully completed their term of supervision, 43% were returned to prison or jail, and 10% absconded. In 1990, 45% of State parole discharges were successful. Between 1990 and 1999 the percent successful among State parole discharges has ranged from 42% to 49%, without any distinct trend. States differed in their rate of success among parole discharges (table 15). States with the highest rates of success in 1999 were Massachusetts and Mississippi (at 83% each), followed by North Carolina (80%) and North Dakota (79%). Utah (18%) and California (21%) had the lowest rates of success in 1999. When comparing State success rates for parole discharges, differences may be due to variations in parole populations, such as age at prison release, criminal history, and most serious offense. Success rates may also differ based on the intensity of supervision and the parole agency policies related to revocation of technical violators. Table 14. Most serious offense of first releases to State parole, 1990 and 1999 Most serious offense Male First releases to State parole in 1990 Female Whitea Blacka Hispanic Male First releases to State parole in 1999 Female Whitea Blacka Hispanic 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Violent offenses Murderb Manslaughter Rape Other sexual assault Robbery Assault 26.1% 1.8 1.0 2.1 2.9 11.1 6.1 15.9% 2.2 1.6 0.1 0.4 6.4 4.3 23.7% 1.7 1.4 2.3 4.5 6.8 5.5 27.0% 2.0 0.9 1.7 1.4 14.0 6.3 22.4% 1.9 0.7 1.7 2.0 9.9 5.4 28.7% 1.4 1.1 1.8 3.8 9.5 9.4 15.9% 1.3 1.2 0.2 0.4 4.9 6.2 25.9% 1.0 1.3 2.3 5.6 5.5 8.1 28.4% 1.6 0.9 1.2 1.7 12.2 9.3 26.7% 1.6 0.9 1.3 3.5 8.0 9.6 Property offenses Burglary Larceny/theft Motor vehicle theft Fraud 37.6% 18.4 9.2 2.7 3.9 41.5% 6.1 17.3 0.9 14.8 44.9% 20.6 10.7 2.8 6.7 35.3% 15.0 10.5 2.3 4.2 28.3% 16.3 5.9 2.7 1.6 28.7% 13.4 6.5 2.2 3.3 35.3% 6.4 12.8 1.2 12.4 38.6% 16.7 8.8 2.3 6.3 24.9% 10.3 6.9 1.7 3.5 20.4% 10.6 3.7 2.5 1.3 Drug offenses Possession Trafficking 26.6% 7.9 14.0 36.2% 11.0 17.7 18.4% 6.0 8.2 30.6% 10.2 15.5 40.5% 7.7 26.8 31.3% 8.5 17.4 41.7% 12.0 20.0 20.9% 7.4 9.2 38.7% 10.1 21.9 42.6% 9.4 26.6 8.5% 5.1% 11.2% 6.1% 7.3% 10.9% 6.5% 14.2% 7.6% 9.8% All offenses Public-order offenses Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released for the first time on the current sentence. Excludes prisoners released from prison by escape, death, transfer, appeal, or detainer. Detail may not add to total because of rounding and exclusion of other/unspecified offenses. a Excludes persons of Hispanic origin. b Includes nonnegligent manslaughter. 10 Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 Table 15. Percent successful among State parole discharges, by State, 1990, 1995, and 1999 Region and jurisdiction All States Percent successful of all parole discharges 1990 1995 1999 44.6% 44.3% 41.9% Northeast Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont 55.0% / 75.8 60.1 61.3 48.9 79.2 62.6 38.2 55.3% / 71.3 67.3 43.1 51.9 70.3 64.8 48.6 57.7% / 82.9 -55.1 54.9 / 65.9 65.8 Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin 47.0% 73.0 69.8 11.5 52.7 73.3 52.5 68.2 76.6 52.4 66.8 72.6 66.3% 74.6 68.0 37.4 60.0 66.6 66.4 57.3 75.7 50.0 70.6 59.1 62.9% 63.0 60.9 32.3 51.9 55.7 40.4 62.9 79.1 43.6 62.6 63.4 South Alabama Arkansas Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia 28.8% 68.1 82.8 40.1 61.2 62.2 22.6 61.5 67.2 62.6 78.8 69.2 54.7 35.9 35.1 68.0 48.2 / 40.1 -48.8 40.9 60.2 31.6 47.8 64.6 78.2 68.4 67.0 55.9 25.8 41.0 57.8 46.0 72.1% 39.6 / -56.5 63.4 33.7 46.9 47.0 82.7 79.8 75.4 65.3 42.3 54.9 63.2 65.2 West Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming 44.0% 62.3 19.4 58.2 13.1 61.5 55.3 70.4 37.8 27.9 21.8 47.9 66.1 39.5% 48.9 20.9 48.9 40.5 26.0 -74.6 28.9 39.6 23.7 29.4 48.5 33.7% 61.9 21.3 36.3 32.4 46.4 59.9 66.8 28.5 50.6 18.5 / 59.6 Note: Based on the Annual Parole Survey. Counts are for discharges between January 1 and December 31 of each year. --Not reported. /Not calculated. Success rates highest among first releases and discretionary parole releases In every year during the 1990’s, first releases to State parole were more likely to have been successful than re-releases. Among State parole discharges in 1990, 56% of first releases successfully completed their supervision, compared to 15% of re-releases. Of all those exiting parole in 1999, 63% of first releases were successful, compared to 21% of re-releases (table 16). discharges in 1999, 54% of discretionary parolees were successful compared to 33% of those who had received mandatory parole. Between 1990 and 1999 the percent successful among discretionary parolees varied between 50% and 56%, while the percent successful among mandatory parolees varied between 24% and 33%. Among parole discharges in 1999 who had been released from prison for the first time on their current offense, mandatory parolees had a higher success rate (79%) than discretionary Success rates also varied by method of parolees (61%) (table 17). Discretionary parolees in 1999 who had been release. In every year between 1990 re-released from prison were more and 1999, State prisoners released by likely to be successful (37%) than a parole board had higher success rates than those released through mandatory parolees (17%). mandatory parole. Among parole Table 16. Percent successful among State parole discharges, by method of release from prison, 1990-99 Type of releaseb Year a b All dischargesa First release Re-release Method of releaseb Discretionary Mandatory parole parole 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 44.6% 46.8 48.6 46.9 44.3 56.4% 60.7 57.4 65.4 56.7 14.6% 17.1 22.5 23.0 19.1 51.6% 52.6 50.7 54.8 52.2 23.8% 24.9 29.8 33.5 30.4 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 44.3 45.2 43.4 43.8 41.9 63.4 67.4 63.4 62.9 63.5 18.0 19.4 18.7 20.5 21.1 54.3 55.9 55.8 55.3 54.1 28.0 30.2 30.8 32.2 33.1 Data are from the Annual Parole Survey. Data are from the National Corrections Reporting Program. Table 17. Percent successful among State parole discharges, by type and method of release, 1990-99 Year First release Discretionary Mandatory Re-release Discretionary Mandatory 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 59.6% 58.5 49.4 58.8 53.2 51.5% 51.9 59.8 88.8 81.6 26.7% 33.5 43.3 41.8 43.9 11.7% 13.7 16.6 17.4 13.7 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 57.8 60.2 60.9 61.7 61.4 81.5 84.3 78.9 78.6 78.6 40.4 42.7 39.2 38.1 36.7 12.7 14.0 13.5 16.2 16.6 Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released from State prison. Data are from the National Corrections Reporting Program. Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 11 Among parole discharges, success rates rose for blacks and Hispanics; dropped for whites Hispanic parolees, who had the lowest rate of success in 1990, had the highest rate in 1999. Between 1990 and 1999 the success rates among State parole discharges increased from 33% to 39% among blacks and increased from 31% to 51% among Hispanics, but dropped from 44% to 41% among whites (table 18). The 11 percentage-point difference in success rates between white and black parole discharges in 1990 narrowed to less than 2 percentage points in 1999. For female parole discharges, the rate of success rose over 10 percentage points (from 37% in 1990 to 48% in 1999). The success rate among male parole discharges increased from 36% to 39%. Table 18. Percent successful among State parole discharges, by selected characteristics, 1990 and 1999 Characteristic Percent successful 1990 1999 Gender Male Female 35.9% 37.1 39.3% 47.7 Race/Hispanic origin White non-Hispanic Black non-Hispanic Hispanic Other 44.1% 33.2 31.0 33.6 40.9% 39.0 50.6 42.2 Age at parole discharge 17 or younger 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55 or older 26.2% 33.4 34.8 34.1 36.8 38.4 46.2 56.6 42.9% 36.3 42.6 39.0 38.3 39.5 43.1 54.5 Method of release Discretionary parole Mandatory parole 51.6% 23.8 54.1% 33.1 Type of release First release Re-release 56.4% 14.6 63.5% 21.1 Most serious offense Violent Property Drug Public-order 39.1% 33.8 33.7 46.1 41.0% 36.5 40.9 47.1 Time served in prison* Less than 12 months 12-23 months 24-59 months 60 months or more 74.6% 67.7 59.1 49.5 74.0% 68.7 62.7 62.0 Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released from State prison. Data are from the National Corrections Reporting Program. *First releases only. 12 Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 Older parole discharges had the highest rates of success in both years. Accounting for 2.1% of discharges in 1999, parolees age 55 or older had the highest rate of successful completion (55%). Among parole discharges in other age groups, success rates fluctuated between 36% and 43%. Success rates highest among first releases serving less than 12 months in prison Among parole discharges, 74% of first releases who had served less than 12 months in prison successfully completed parole, the highest success rate among paroled first releases. As the length of time served in prison increased for first releases, the success rate declined, with offenders with the longest time served (5 years or more) having the lowest success rate (62%). The rate of success for this group still exceeded the overall success rate of 42% for all parolees. In 1999 parole discharges served an average of 26 months under supervision, up from 23 months in 1990 Among first releases from prison, successful parole board releases served, on average, 34 months in 1999; while successful mandatory parole releases served 21 months. Unsuccessful parole discharges released by a parole board served an average 26 months, while those released by mandatory parole served 19 months. Overall, successful parole discharges in 1999 served an average of 27 months under parole supervision and unsuccessful discharges served 24 months. Regardless of outcome, State parole discharges who had been released by a parole board served longer under supervision in 1999 than in 1990. Average time served on parole* 1990 1999 23 mo 26 mo Method of release All releases Successful releases Discretionary Mandatory 25 mo 27 21 27 mo 34 21 Unsuccessful releases Discretionary Mandatory 21 mo 19 22 24 mo 26 19 Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released from State prison. *First releases only. Rates of successful termination higher when California is excluded The size and make-up of California’s When California data are excluded, parole population, combined with the the success rate for all parole low percent of successful terminadischarges rises to 53% (from 42%), and the rate for mandatory parolees tions (25% in 1999), affect the increases to 64% (from 33%) in 1999. national rate of success for parole discharges. If data from California are removed from the analysis, the Percent successful among parole discharges in California and all other States, 1995-99 comparative rates of success for discretionary and mandatory parole California Parole in all other States change dramatically. All Manda- DiscreOverall, California accounted for nearly 30% of all State parole discharges during 1999. Discretionary parole, though available as a method of release, is rarely used in California. In 1999 more than 99% of California’s parole discharges had received mandatory parole. Year parole All 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 22.7% 23.8 22.8 24.3 25.2 52.8% 56.6 55.9 54.5 53.3 tory 64.0% 71.6 67.2 65.7 63.9 tionary 54.2% 55.8 55.8 55.2 53.9 Note: Based on prisoners with a sentence of more than 1 year who were released from State prison. Revised 2/14/03, th Table 19. Percent parole violators among admissions to State prison, 1990 and 1999 Region and jurisdiction Percent of admissions that were parole violators 1990 1999 28.8% 34.8% Northeast Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont 43.4% 21.3 31.4 19.3 20.8 18.1 26.1 24.9 14.5 17.4% 40.9 22.7 31.6 35.5 31.5 36.1 19.0 17.0 Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin 25.4% 5.3 26.7 35.0 23.2 23.1 26.2 16.3 13.8 12.9 17.7 19.2 27.3% 9.6 19.3 38.2 36.8 32.1 38.8 16.1 18.7 17.6 20.7 31.2 South Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia 25.9% 22.4 6.2 5.3 21.1 27.5 14.7 13.8 13.9 13.0 3.4 22.8 32.9 37.1 10.2 13.0 9.3% 25.3 25.3 6.9 20.5 31.9 53.1 32.6 9.7 12.8 14.1 24.1 36.2 21.0 11.1 9.7 West Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montanab Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming 14.0% 14.0 58.1 20.9 27.7 20.4 19.9 18.6 28.4 48.0 51.0 13.0 6.4 44.2% 23.0 67.2 37.1 49.1 32.2 -17.7 35.7 25.1 55.3 10.5 34.5 All Statesa Note: Based on data from the National Prisoners Statistics (NPS-1 ) series. --Not reported. a Excludes the District of Columbia. b Parole violators comprised 9.5% of admissions in 1999; however, data on other persons returned after post-custody supervision were not available. Number of parole violators returned to prison continued to rise during the 1990’s In 1999, 197,606 parole violators were returned to State prison, up from 27,177 in 1980 and 131,502 in 1990. As a percentage of all admissions to State prison, parole violators more than doubled from 17% in 1980 to 35% in 1999 (figure 4). Between 1990 and 1999 the number of parole violators rose 50%, while the number of new court commitments rose 7%. On average, the number of parole violators grew 4% per year, while the number of new court commitments rose 0.8% per year. In 1999 parole violators accounted for more than 50% of State prison admission in California (67%), Utah (55%), and Louisiana (53%) (table 19). In five States C Florida (7%), Alabama (9%), Indiana (10%), Mississippi (10%) and West Virginia (10%) C parole violators comprised 10% or less of all admissions. In 35 States parole violators increased as a percentage of admissions between 1990 and 1999. As a percentage of all admissions, parole violators rose the most in Louisiana (from 15% in 1990 to 53% in 1999). Nearly a quarter of State prisoners in 1997 were parole violators Based on personal interviews of State inmates, an estimated 24% of prisoners in 1997 said they were on parole at the time of the offense for which they were serving time in prison (up from 22% in 1991). Of the 1,129,180 inmates under the jurisdiction of State prison authorities at yearend 1997, approximately 271,000 were parole violators. Parole violators in prison in 1997 were older and more likely to have committed a public order or drug offense than parole violators in 1991 (table 20). In 1997 about 25% of parole violators in prison were age 40 or older, compared to 17% in 1991. In 1997 an estimated Admissions to State prison, by type of admission, 1980-99 Percent of admissions 100% 80% 60% New court commitments 40% Parole violators 20% 0% 1980 1985 1990 1995 1999 Figure 4 34% were serving time for a violent offense and 23% for a drug offense. In 1991, 36% of parole violators were in prison for a violent offense; 19% for a drug offense. In both years, more than 42% of parole violators reported having been incarcerated 3 or more times in the past. Table 20. Characteristics of parole violators in State prison, 1991 and 1997 Characteristic Percent of parole violators 1991 1997 Gender Male Female 96.0% 4.0 95.3% 4.7 Race/Hispanic origin White non-Hispanic Black non-Hispanic Hispanic Other 31.2% 48.4 17.9 2.5 27.5% 51.8 18.3 2.4 Age at prison release 17 or younger 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55 or older 0.2% 15.1 26.1 25.9 16.0 9.0 5.9 1.9 0.1% 9.4 20.8 24.1 20.3 13.9 9.3 2.0 Most serious offense Violent Property Drug Public-order Other 35.9% 35.8 19.3 8.7 0.3 33.7% 30.1 23.1 12.9 0.2 Number of prior incarcerations 1 37.8% 2 19.4 3 to 5 26.8 6 or more 16.0 42.3% 14.0 26.3 17.3 Note: Data are from the Survey of Inmates in State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1991 and 1997. Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 13 of an arrest or conviction for a new offense; 22% said they had absconded or otherwise failed to report to a parole officer; 16% said they had a drugAmong parole violators in State prison in 1997, 215,964 (85%) reported that related violation; and 18% reported their parole had been revoked or taken other reasons such as possession of a away for violating the conditions of their gun, maintaining contact with known release. Of that number, 70% said that felons, or failure to maintain employtheir parole had been revoked because ment (table 21). 70% of parole violators in prison in 1997 returned for a new offense Table 21. Reasons for revocation among parole violators in State prison, for all States, California, New York, and Texas, 1997 Reason for revocation All States California New York Texas Arrest/conviction for new offense 69.9% 60.3% 87.1% 78.8% Drug related violations Positive test for drug use Possession of drug(s) Failure to report for drug testing Failure to report for alcohol or drug treatment 16.1% 7.9 6.6 2.3 1.7 23.1% 12.2 8.9 4.6 1.1 11.4% 5.6 5.6 1.3 1.9 10.7% 4.3 5.6 1.3 1.2 Absconders Failure to report/absconded Left jurisdiction without permission 22.3% 18.6 5.6 26.6% 24.7 3.9 18.4% 17.2 2.5 19.7% 17.2 4.0 Other reasons Failure to report for counseling Failure to maintain employment Failure to meet financial obligations Maintained contact with known offenders Possession of gun(s) 17.8% 2.4 1.2 2.3 1.2 3.5 20.7% 1.2 0.7 0.2 1.6 3.8 10.6% 2.0 0.6 0.0 0.4 1.9 13.8% 1.9 0.9 2.7 0.8 2.3 Note: Data are from the Survey of Inmates in State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1997. Excludes 37,440 parole violators who reported that their parole had not been revoked. Detail adds to more than 100% because some inmates may have had more than 1 violation of parole. Table 22. Characteristics of parole violators in State prison for all States, California, New York, and Texas, 1997 Characteristic Gender Male Female All States California New York Texas 95.3% 4.7 92.9% 7.1 96.7% 3.3 94.6% 5.4 Race/Hispanic origin White non-Hispanic Black non-Hispanic Hispanic Other 27.5% 51.8 18.3 2.4 30.8% 33.4 31.9 3.9 11.1% 54.2 33.1 1.6 23.1% 50.3 26.0 0.6 Age at prison release 17 or younger 18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-54 55 or older 0.1% 9.4 20.8 24.1 20.3 13.9 9.3 2.0 0.2% 8.8 19.8 25.5 22.9 12.8 8.0 2.0 0.0% 8.6 19.8 26.0 20.3 13.3 10.2 1.8 0.0% 6.1 19.1 23.3 21.1 15.5 12.3 2.5 Most serious offense* Violent Property Drug Public-order 33.7% 30.1 23.1 12.9 24.4% 25.3 27.1 22.9 40.9% 15.6 33.6 9.4 33.3% 36.8 21.3 8.6 Number of prior incarcerations 1 2 3 to 5 6 or more 42.3% 14.0 26.3 17.3 28.9% 12.6 27.7 30.7 52.9% 12.6 26.7 7.8 44.1% 14.1 28.4 13.5 Note: Data are from the Survey of Inmates in State Adult Correctional Facilities, 1997. *Excludes other/unspecified offenses. 14 Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 Half of parole violators incarcerated in 3 States The three largest State prison systems (California, Texas, and New York) held over half of all parole violators in prison in 1997. California held 22% of all parole violators in prison, Texas, 21%, and New York, 8%. Within each of these States, the percentage of prisoners who were parole violators was higher than the national level: 39% in Texas, 38% in California, and 28% in New York, compared to 24% nationally. Among parole violators returned to prison, those held in California (60%) were the least likely to have been arrested or convicted for a new offense and the most likely to have been returned for a drug violation (23%). About 11% of parole violators in New York and Texas reported a drug violation as a reason for their return to prison. Characteristics of parole violators varied among the 3 largest States A higher percentage of parole violators in California (7.1%) were women than in Texas (5.4%) and New York (3.3%) (table 22). Nationally, 4.7% of parole violators in State prison in 1997 were women. New York had the highest percentage of parole violators in prison who were black (54%), followed by Texas (50%) and California (33%). In New York, 11% of parole violators were white; in Texas, 23%; in California, 31%. The percent Hispanic among parole violators ranged from 26% to 33% in the three States. New York had the highest percentage of parole violators convicted of a violent offense (41%), compared to 33% in Texas and 24% in California. New York also had the highest percentage of parole violators returned for a drug offense (34%), compared to 27% in California and 21% in Texas. Among the three largest States, parole violators in California had the longest criminal histories. More than 58% of parole violators in California had been incarcerated at least 3 times in the past, compared to 42% in Texas and 35% in New York. Nationwide, 44% of parole violators reported three or more prior incarcerations. Methodology National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP) The National Corrections Reporting Program collects individual level data for persons admitted to and released from State prisons and offenders exiting parole supervision, in each year. NCRP is the only national collection that provides data on offense, sentence length, and time served for State prisoners and parole discharges. While NCRP collects data on all offenders, this report includes data on prisoners with a total sentence of more than a year. In 1999 release data were reported by 37 States and the California Youth Authority: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. In 1999, 27 States and the California Youth Authority reported data on parole discharges: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. These 27 States reported 335,646 parole discharges in the 1999 Annual Parole Survey, which represented 86% of all State parole discharges in that year. From 1990 to 1999, 27 to 31 States submitted data on parole discharges. States that reported only successful discharges or only unsuccessful discharges were excluded from calculations of success rates. Annual Parole Survey The Annual Parole Survey provides a count of the total number of persons supervised in the community on January 1 and December 31, and a count of the number entering and leaving supervision during the collection year. The survey covered all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Federal System, for all years from 1980-2000. NPS-1 also collects comparable data on prison admissions and releases with a sentence of more than 1 year. Admission counts include data on new court commitments, parole violators returned to prison, and other types of admission. Data on method of release from State prison include counts for mandatory parole, discretionary parole, other conditional releases, and unconditional releases from prison. Transfers, AWOL’s and escapees are excluded from the release data in this report. Surveys of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities, 1991 and 1997 The Surveys of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities, conducted every 5 to 6 years, provide detailed data on individual characteristics of prison inmates. Based on scientifically selected samples of facilities and of inmates held in them, these surveys provide detailed information unavailable from any other source. To determine characteristics of inmates to be released by yearend 1999 C including gender, age, race/Hispanic origin, offense, criminal history, substance abuse, mental illness and homelessness C information was drawn for this report from the The 2000 parole survey was sent to 54 1997 survey. Comparisons of parole violators and reasons for revocation in respondents, including 52 central reporters, the California Youth AuthorCalifornia, New York, and Texas (selfity, and one municipal agency. States representing States in the sample) with multiple reporters were Alabama were also based on data from the 1997 (2) and California (2). The 2000 survey survey. had a 100% response rate. For descriptions of the 1991 and 1997 These 37 States reported a total of National Prisoners Statistics (NPS-1) surveys and information on the sample 499,886 releases from prison in the designs and accuracy of the estimates, see Comparing Federal and State National Prisoner Statistics series, The National Prisoners Statistics Prison Inmates, 1991, September which represented 91% of all releases (NPS-1) series obtains yearend and 1994, NCJ 145864, and Substance in 1999. Between 35 and 39 States midyear counts of prisoners from Abuse and Treatment of State and provided data on releases from 1990 to departments of correction in each of 1999. Data were reported on the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Federal Prisoners, 1997, January 1999, NCJ 172871. maximum sentence length for 93% of and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. 227,100 first releases reported to the Excluded from NPS-1 counts are NCRP in 1990 and 93% of the 243,055 persons confined in locally adminisfirst releases reported in 1999. Data tered confinement facilities who are were reported on time served in jail for under the jurisdiction of local 77% in 1990 and 85% in 1999 and time authorities. served in prison for 95% in 1990 and 99% in 1999. Trends in State Parole, 1990-2000 15 The Bureau of Justice Statistics is the statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. Lawrence A. Greenfeld is acting director. BJS Special Reports address a specific topic in depth from one or more datasets that cover many topics. To keep current on criminal justice statistics, at no cost... Subscribe to e-mail notification of the latest statistical releases from BJS, the FBI, and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention through JUSTSTATS. To learn how to subscribe, see Timothy A. Hughes, Doris James Wilson, and Allen J. Beck wrote this report. Paige Harrison provided statistical review and verification. Ellen Goldberg and Tom Hester edited and produced the report. Jayne E. Robinson administered final production. This report and others from the Bureau of Justice Statistics are available through the Internet The data from the National Corrections Reporting Program, 19831998, are available from the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data, maintained by the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, 1-800-999-0960. The archive may also be accessed through the BJS Internet site. October 2001, NCJ 184735 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics Washington, DC 20531 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 PRESORTED STANDARD POSTAGE & FEES PAID DOJ/BJS Permit No. G-91