Cca Ice Exec Approval Form Stewart County Ga June 2006
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Facility Management Agreement Executive Approval Form (Form must be filled out completelv) This fOI'm should be the cov.r pAge: fOI' .11 new contr.cts .nd torw.rded to the BOSG Aclministr.tive Auistllnt (wjth cgntACt) for distribution fiotA Pleue check .ppropri.tte box: D Proposal [8] Final Contract D Contract Modffication/Amendment Description of Agreement / RFP / Amendment submitted for approval: Agreement Between CCA and Stewart County, GA and Intergovernmental Service Agreement (IGSA) between Stewart County, Georgia and ICE Per Diem (If bered, please specify) : _S..54z:w ,2..S'-_ _ _ _ _ __ Contract Base Year(s): CCAIStewart County Agreement : ?I1/06-12/31fU: IGSA Effective Uoon Final Execytion i'ol{f" Contract Option Year(s): CCA/ Stewart County Agreement; Additional_Year Periods Uoon Mutual Written Agreements Between the Parties: IGSA - NIA Date Submitted to Executive Board: 6119106 By his/her sign.&tu,.. below, the Customet' ReMitions ~n.&ger represents th&t he or she .... submithd the AgreenMnt I RFP I Amendment to the 8o&rd with supporting ftnancia;ls.s requiNd by Facility Support Center Policy 1-2. Kim Porter Senior Director, Customer Relations Reviewed and Approved by: Vice President, Business Development ttS-Z·· - Executive Management Signatures of Approval ak Chief ¥utive Officer ~~,/J Chief Financ"al Offic r Chief ;zm r ffL Chief ~ General Counsel