Cca Whiteville Contract Violations 2006
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WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JANUARY 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 7/5/05 Yes 9/19/05 Yes 10/27/05 No Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden’s response dated 8/10/05: We dispute the noncompliance in that at this time the purpose for the Security Addendum has not yet been carried out. NCIC terminals have not been installed at CCA facilities contracting with TDOC. Staffing 16 Security Addendum not signed by staff. Therefore, the non-compliance notification is premature. [NOTE: Warden's original response of 7/18/05 was subsequently withdrawn and this response submitted. ] Warden's response dated 9/27/05: Warden called Asst. Commissioner shortly after this occurred and discussed this Inmate was segregated pending situation with him. There is no violation of policy or contract in investigation for fighting on 9/14/2005 at this case as the decision to remain in the shower was made by 10:50 am. He was assigned to a cell but the inmate. Supervisory staff acted on good intentions in the occupant would not allow him to enter following the Warden’s previous directives to avoid uses of so staff placed inmate in a shower stall force/use of OC when I/M’s refused to allow restraints to be while arrangements could be made. Special (NIN) applied to remove them from a shower based on reasoning Segregation staff continued to document management No item that after a period of time they would decide on their own to the inmates location throughout the night Inmates number allow removal from the shower without the need for force. In a as being in the shower. At approximately number of cases over the last several weeks this occurred 6:30pm 9/15/05, after over 30 hours the after a brief period and no need to use force. Secondly if OC inmate was removed from the shower and agent had been used we then would have had to put the placed in a segregation cell. Staff has not inmate back into the shower for decontamination. It is my belief completed any type of reports to reflect that in such situations force should be a last response as long the incident that occurred. as the inmate is not presenting a risk of harm to himself or others. Warden's response dated 11/3/05: The above write up references TDOC policy 502.04. Upon detailed research of the said policy, there is no reference to a “segregation handbook.” Policy requires inmates to be orientated and that orientation Policies and may occur using a written packet of information. Although, Procedures policy and/or the contract does not require a segregation WCFA does not have a current TDOC Manual and 1d handbook, Whiteville Correctional Facility does issue a approved segregation handbook. Operations “segregation information packet” to all inmates placed in Plan segregation and an orientation is completed of segregation rules and regulation. The CR-2110 is also signed by the segregated inmate(s) and placed in his institutional file for viewing. In addition, the Segregation Packet” is reviewed on an annual basis. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS CM note 1/5/06: Item outstanding, under review. TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 10/24/05 CMC note:…the contractor is expected to provide appropriate training to staff, and to document such training on the form contained by the addendum. A copy of the signed agreement may be forwarded to the Liaisons' office for filing, however, it would also be appropriate to maintain a copy in institutional training or personnel files. 11/23/05 CMC Note: Plan of Action submitted by Warden, is under review. 11/7/05 CMC note: Letter has been issued by Commissioner indicating that this is a breach and that subsequent breaches may result in liquidated damages. CM note 1/6/05: Item outstanding, WCFA in process of TDOC approval for segregation rules. CM Note 11/10/05: WCFA staff provided CCA form 1-13a showing that the appropriate segregation policies had been reviewed by WCFA staff on annual basis. 11/23/05 CMC Note: E-mail of clarification sent to Warden 11/4/05 indicating that a separate handbook, per se, may not be required, however, approval in writing by TDOC is required for any rules for the unit which differ from those of the general population and are not authorized by TDOC policy. Determination as to whether this is in non-compliance will be made when CM determines if all rules for segregated inmates have been approved by TDOC. 1/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JANUARY 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 11/16/05 12/6/05 Yes No Monitoring Instrument Release Procedures Staffing ITEM NO. 3 11b NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS Several improper actions were taken by WCFA staff concerning the release to detainer of an inmate. Warden's response dated 11/21/05 indicates that procedures were examined and new procedures are being put in place to cross check staff more closely to ensure this does not occur again; records staff were counseled and trained again on proper release procedures. Verified 2/14/06: By review of inmate releases, TOMIS entries and reports and facility inmate records. Two non-security positions were not filled within 45 days. Position #118064, Clinical Supervisor, Position #118068, Registered Nurse. Warden’s response dated 12/8/05: WCF has advertised locally and nationally in an attempt to fill these positions. WCF continues to practice due diligence in filling these positions however have not at this point been able to recruit applicants. Recruitment continues in an effort to fill these positions as expeditiously as possible. We are covering the CNS position with an acting supervisor until the position is filled and covering the RN position with overtime . CM note 2/13/06: Item still in noncompliant and is outstanding. RN position filled 1/10/06, vacant 81 days. Acting RN named to Clinical Supervisor position 1/9/06 ( memo dated 2/10/06 to reflect this announcement). Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 2/10/06 CMC note: A determination of breach status is pending additional information concerning RN coverage and acting CNS credentials. 1/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 7/5/05 Yes 10/27/05 12/6/05 Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Staffing Policies and Procedures Manual and Operations Plan Staffing ITEM NO. 16 1d 11b NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE Security Addendum not signed by staff. WCFA does not have a current TDOC approved segregation handbook. Two non-security positions were not filled within 45 days. Position #118064, Clinical Supervisor, Position #118068, Registered Nurse. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden’s response dated 8/10/05: We dispute the noncompliance in that at this time the purpose for the Security Addendum has not yet been carried out. NCIC terminals have not been installed at CCA facilities contracting with TDOC. Therefore, the non-compliance notification is premature. [NOTE: Warden's original response of 7/18/05 was subsequently withdrawn and this response submitted. ] Warden's response dated 11/3/05: The above write up references TDOC policy 502.04. Upon detailed research of the said policy, there is no reference to a “segregation handbook.” Policy requires inmates to be orientated and that orientation may occur using a written packet of information. Although, policy and/or the contract does not require a segregation handbook, Whiteville Correctional Facility does issue a “segregation information packet” to all inmates placed in segregation and an orientation is completed of segregation rules and regulation. The CR-2110 is also signed by the segregated inmate(s) and placed in his institutional file for viewing. In addition, the Segregation Packet” is reviewed on an annual basis. Warden’s response dated 12/8/05: WCF has advertised locally and nationally in an attempt to fill these positions. WCF continues to practice due diligence in filling these positions however have not at this point been able to recruit applicants. Recruitment continues in an effort to fill these positions as expeditiously as possible. We are covering the CNS position with an acting supervisor until the position is filled and covering the RN position with overtime . Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES CM note 1/5/06: Item outstanding, under review. 10/24/05 CMC note:…the contractor is expected to provide appropriate training to staff, and to document such training on the form contained by the addendum. A copy of the signed agreement may be forwarded to the Liaisons' office for filing, however, it would also be appropriate to maintain a copy in institutional training or personnel files. CM note 1/6/05: Item outstanding, WCFA in process of TDOC approval for segregation rules. CM Note 11/10/05: WCFA staff provided CCA form 1-13a showing that the appropriate segregation policies had been reviewed by WCFA staff on annual basis. 11/23/05 CMC Note: E-mail of clarification sent to Warden 11/4/05 indicating that a separate handbook, per se, may not be required, however, approval in writing by TDOC is required for any rules for the unit which differ from those of the general population and are not authorized by TDOC policy. Determination as to whether this is in non-compliance will be made when CM determines if all rules for segregated inmates have been approved by TDOC. CM note 3/6/06: Item now compliant. RN position filled 1/10/06. Clinical Supervisor position filled 2/20/06. 4/15/06 CMC note: Notice of Breach and Assessment of Liquidated Damages letter dated 3/13/06 sent by Commissioner. Response dated 3/27/06 received. Follow-up visit to facility made 4/4/06; final determination of Damages amount pending. 2/10/06 CMC note: A determination of breach status is pending additional information concerning RN coverage and acting CNS credentials. 2/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 2/13/06 2/27/06 No No Monitoring Instrument Disciplinary Procedures Records and Reports ITEM NO. 4d NIN NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE On February 10th while housed in segregation, an inmate refused to except a general population cell assignment and was charged with (RCA) refusing cell assignment. On Feb.13th staff self reported to TDOC Liaison that the disciplinary report had not been served according to policy. The inmate was ordered again to leave segregation and refused, a new (RCA) disciplinary was issued. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Wardens response dated 2/16/06: Subsequent review of the disciplinaries received by the Disciplinary Board Chairperson indicated that an inmate had received a disciplinary report for refusal of a cell assignment on 10 February 2006, thus changing his status from punitive (a release) to Pre-Hearing Detention. However, this report had not been served in a timely manner. Upon observation, TDOC personnel were immediately notified by WCF staff and the problem self-reported. At that time, the recourse for correction was also described to TDOC personnel. It was determined the inmate would be released from the segregation unit on 13 February 06. Yet, inmate White again refused the cell assignment and refused housing in general population. Thus, another disciplinary report was generated and served to the inmate on 13 Feb. in accordance with policy. WCF had previously implemented processes to prevent this type incident; however as the segregation SCO failed to alert the shift supervisor of the Disciplinary report it was not logged and followed up on by the shift supervisor(s). The negligent staff members responsible for ensuring inmates a Inmates had work related injuries and were seen by WCF medical staff for these Warden's response dated 3/7/06: The TOMIS LIBJ entries injuries according to CR-2592, Accident/ have been completed on the above inmates. Also, each work Incident/ Traumatic injury reports. Staff supervisor verified and completed the witness version section failed to enter TOMIS LIBJ (Incident) of CR-2592 (please see attached). To ensure future reports for inmate work related injuries as compliance, all work supervisors will receive training on the required by TDOC policy, Furthermore the policy and proper procedures involving inmate inmates work supervisor failed to verify injuries/accidents. and complete the witness version section f CR 2592 Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 2/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR March 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 7/5/05 Yes 10/27/05 12/6/05 Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Staffing Policies and Procedures Manual and Operations Plan Staffing ITEM NO. 16 1d 11b NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE Security Addendum not signed by staff. WCFA does not have a current TDOC approved segregation handbook. Two non-security positions were not filled within 45 days. Position #118064, Clinical Supervisor, Position #118068, Registered Nurse. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden’s response dated 8/10/05: We dispute the noncompliance in that at this time the purpose for the Security Addendum has not yet been carried out. NCIC terminals have not been installed at CCA facilities contracting with TDOC. Therefore, the non-compliance notification is premature. [NOTE: Warden's original response of 7/18/05 was subsequently withdrawn and this response submitted. ] Warden's response dated 11/3/05: The above write up references TDOC policy 502.04. Upon detailed research of the said policy, there is no reference to a “segregation handbook.” Policy requires inmates to be orientated and that orientation may occur using a written packet of information. Although, policy and/or the contract does not require a segregation handbook, Whiteville Correctional Facility does issue a “segregation information packet” to all inmates placed in segregation and an orientation is completed of segregation rules and regulation. The CR-2110 is also signed by the segregated inmate(s) and placed in his institutional file for viewing. In addition, the Segregation Packet” is reviewed on an annual basis. Warden’s response dated 12/8/05: WCF has advertised locally and nationally in an attempt to fill these positions. WCF continues to practice due diligence in filling these positions however have not at this point been able to recruit applicants. Recruitment continues in an effort to fill these positions as expeditiously as possible. We are covering the CNS position with an acting supervisor until the position is filled and covering the RN position with overtime . Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES CM note 1/5/06: Item outstanding, under review. 10/24/05 CMC note:…the contractor is expected to provide appropriate training to staff, and to document such training on the form contained by the addendum. A copy of the signed agreement may be forwarded to the Liaisons' office for filing, however, it would also be appropriate to maintain a copy in institutional training or personnel files. CM note 1/6/05: Item outstanding, WCFA in process of TDOC approval for segregation rules. CM Note 11/10/05: WCFA staff provided CCA form 1-13a showing that the appropriate segregation policies had been reviewed by WCFA staff on annual basis. 11/23/05 CMC Note: E-mail of clarification sent to Warden 11/4/05 indicating that a separate handbook, per se, may not be required, however, approval in writing by TDOC is required for any rules for the unit which differ from those of the general population and are not authorized by TDOC policy. Determination as to whether this is in non-compliance will be made when CM determines if all rules for segregated inmates have been approved by TDOC. CM note 3/6/06: Item now compliant. RN position filled 1/10/06. Clinical Supervisor position filled 2/20/06. 4/24/CMC note: Liquidated damages assessed 4/17/06. 4/15/06 CMC note: Notice of Breach and Assessment of Liquidated Damages letter dated 3/13/06 sent by Commissioner. Response dated 3/27/06 received. Follow-up visit to facility made 4/4/06; final determination of Damages amount pending. 2/10/06 CMC note: A determination of breach status is pending additional information concerning RN coverage and acting CNS credentials. 3/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR March 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 2/13/06 2/27/06 3/14/06 Yes Yes No Monitoring Instrument Disciplinary Procedures Records and Reports Use of Force ITEM NO. 4d NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE On February 10th while housed in segregation, an inmate refused to except a general population cell assignment and was charged with (RCA) refusing cell assignment. On Feb.13th staff self reported to TDOC Liaison that the disciplinary report had not been served according to policy. The inmate was ordered again to leave segregation and refused, a new (RCA) disciplinary was issued. Inmates had work related injuries and were seen by WCF medical staff for these injuries according to CR-2592, Accident/ Incident/ Traumatic injury reports. Staff failed to enter TOMIS LIBJ (Incident) NIN reports for inmate work related injuries as required by TDOC policy, Furthermore the inmates work supervisor failed to verify and complete the witness version section of CR-2592. A pre-planned non-emergency Use of Force occurred in segregation in which chemical agents (OC) were used to extract an inmate from his cell due to him 4g(2) flooding the cell. Even though medical staff was present during this incident there isn’t documentation to show the inmate’s medical file was reviewed prior to the Use of Force (chemical agents). CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Wardens response dated 2/16/06: Subsequent review of the disciplinaries received by the Disciplinary Board Chairperson indicated that an inmate had received a disciplinary report for refusal of a cell assignment on 10 February 2006, thus changing his status from punitive (a release) to Pre-Hearing Detention. However, this report had not been served in a timely manner. Upon observation, TDOC personnel were immediately notified by WCF staff and the problem self-reported. At that time, the recourse for correction was also described to TDOC Verified 3/28/06: By review of personnel. It was determined the inmate would be released disciplinary log, segregation logs from the segregation unit on 13 February 06. Yet, inmate and TOMIS reports. White again refused the cell assignment and refused housing in general population. Thus, another disciplinary report was generated and served to the inmate on 13 Feb. in accordance with policy. WCF had previously implemented processes to prevent this type incident; however as the segregation SCO failed to alert the shift supervisor of the Disciplinary report it was not logged and followed up on by the shift supervisor(s). The negligent staff members responsible for ensuring inmates a Warden's response dated 3/7/06: The TOMIS LIBJ entries have been completed on the above inmates. Also, each work supervisor verified and completed the witness version section of CR-2592 (please see attached). To ensure future compliance, all work supervisors will receive training on the policy and proper procedures involving inmate injuries/accidents. CM note: AW has initiated training and procedures for staff to ensure compliance. CM will continue to monitor. Warden's response dated 3/20/06: Prior to the use of force in Segregation, Asst. Shift Supervisor met with LPN in the Medical Department and advised her that a pre-planned nonemergency use of force was going to be conducted. Therefore the nurse reviewed the inmate’s chart to ensure there were no health restrictions or contraindications pertaining to administering chemical agents. After review the nurse concluded there were no health restrictions. However, she did not document this in the medical chart. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 3/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR March 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 3/24/06 No Monitoring Instrument Special management Inmates ITEM NO. NIN NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 3 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden's response dated 3/24/06: Immediately upon notification by facility staff that an officer had mistakenly placed a punitive segregation inmate into the segregation rec cage Punitive segregated inmate was placed with another inmate who was max custody, the Warden inside a segregation recreation pen with a directed that the Chief of Security personally investigate. After (AS) administrative segregated inmate. determining that the error had in fact occurred, Chief of security at the Warden’s direction self-reported the incident to the Contract Monitor. The officers involved in making the error received corrective action. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 3/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR April 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 7/5/05 Yes 10/27/05 12/6/05 2/27/06 Yes Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Staffing Policies and Procedures Manual and Operations Plan Staffing Records and Reports ITEM NO. 16 NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE Security Addendum not signed by staff. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden’s response dated 8/10/05: We dispute the noncompliance in that at this time the purpose for the Security Addendum has not yet been carried out. NCIC terminals have not been installed at CCA facilities contracting with TDOC. Therefore, the non-compliance notification is premature. [NOTE: Warden's original response of 7/18/05 was subsequently withdrawn and this response submitted. ] Warden's response dated 11/3/05: The above write up references TDOC policy 502.04. Upon detailed research of the said policy, there is no reference to a “segregation handbook.” Policy requires inmates to be orientated and that orientation may occur using a written packet of information. Although, policy and/or the contract does not require a segregation handbook, Whiteville Correctional Facility does issue a “segregation information packet” to all inmates placed in segregation and an orientation is completed of segregation rules and regulation. The CR-2110 is also signed by the segregated inmate(s) and placed in his institutional file for viewing. In addition, the Segregation Packet” is reviewed on an annual basis. Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 10/24/05 CMC note:…the contractor is expected to provide appropriate training to staff, and to CM note 4/13/06: NCR issued: document such training on the form contained by Contractor has failed to initiate the addendum. A copy of the signed agreement training. 1/5/06: Item outstanding, may be forwarded to the Liaisons' office for filing, under review. however, it would also be appropriate to maintain a copy in institutional training or personnel files. Verified 4/28/06: Asst. Comm approved 4/11/06. CM note 1/6/05: Item outstanding, WCFA in process of TDOC approval for segregation rules. CM Note 11/10/05: WCFA staff provided CCA form 1-13a showing that the appropriate segregation policies had been reviewed by WCFA staff on annual basis. 11/23/05 CMC Note: E-mail of clarification sent to Warden 11/4/05 indicating that a separate handbook, per se, may not be required, however, approval in writing by TDOC is required for any rules for the unit which differ from those of the general population and are not authorized by TDOC policy. Determination as to whether this is in non-compliance will be made when CM determines if all rules for segregated inmates have been approved by TDOC. 11b Two non-security positions were not filled within 45 days. Position #118064, Clinical Supervisor, Position #118068, Registered Nurse. Warden’s response dated 12/8/05: WCF has advertised locally and nationally in an attempt to fill these positions. WCF continues to practice due diligence in filling these positions however have not at this point been able to recruit applicants. Recruitment continues in an effort to fill these positions as expeditiously as possible. We are covering the CNS position with an acting supervisor until the position is filled and covering the RN position with overtime . Verified 5/5/06: By review of WCFA staffing legend, all positions filled within contracted time limits.CM note 3/6/06: Item now compliant. RN position filled 1/10/06. Clinical Supervisor position filled 2/20/06. 4/24/CMC note: Liquidated damages assessed 4/17/06. 4/15/06 CMC note: Notice of Breach and Assessment of Liquidated Damages letter dated 3/13/06 sent by Commissioner. Response dated 3/27/06 received. Follow-up visit to facility made 4/4/06; final determination of Damages amount pending. 2/10/06 CMC note: A determination of breach status is pending additional information concerning RN coverage and acting CNS credentials. NIN Inmates had work related injuries and were seen by WCF medical staff for these injuries according to CR-2592, Accident/ Incident/ Traumatic injury reports. Staff failed to enter TOMIS LIBJ (Incident) reports for inmate work related injuries as required by TDOC policy, Furthermore the inmates work supervisor failed to verify and complete the witness version section of CR-2592. Warden's response dated 3/7/06: The TOMIS LIBJ entries have been completed on the above inmates. Also, each work supervisor verified and completed the witness version section of CR-2592 (please see attached). To ensure future compliance, all work supervisors will receive training on the policy and proper procedures involving inmate injuries/accidents. Verified 4/28/06: By review of TOMIS and (CR-2592) Accident Incident Traumatic injury reports. CM note: AW has initiated training and procedures for staff to ensure compliance. CM will continue to monitor. 1d WCFA does not have a current TDOC approved segregation handbook. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 4/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR April 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. A pre-planned non-emergency Use of Force occurred in segregation in which chemical agents (OC) were used to extract an inmate from his cell due to him 4g(2) flooding the cell. Even though medical staff was present during this incident there isn’t documentation to show the inmate’s medical file was reviewed prior to the Use of Force (chemical agents). 3/14/06 Yes Use of Force 3/24/06 Yes Special management Inmates NIN 4/7/06 No Use of Force 3h NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden's response dated 3/20/06: Prior to the use of force in Segregation, Asst. Shift Supervisor met with LPN in the Medical Department and advised her that a pre-planned nonemergency use of force was going to be conducted. Therefore the nurse reviewed the inmate’s chart to ensure there were no health restrictions or contraindications pertaining to administering chemical agents. After review the nurse concluded there were no health restrictions. However, she did not document this in the medical chart. Warden's response dated 3/24/06: Immediately upon notification by facility staff that an officer had mistakenly placed a punitive segregation inmate into the segregation rec. cage Punitive segregated inmate was placed with another inmate who was max custody, the Warden inside a segregation recreation pen with a directed that the Chief of Security personally investigate. After (AS) administrative segregated inmate. determining that the error had in fact occurred, Chief of security at the Warden’s direction self-reported the incident to the Contract Monitor. The officers involved in making the error received corrective action. An unplanned non-emergency Use of Force occurred in segregation, an inmate refused to remove his arm from the cell door food flap. Officer used physical force to secure the food flap and supervisory staff entered TOMIS incident report (00653467). According to Accident / Warden's response dated 4/14/06: The Shift Supervisor and Incident / Traumatic injury report CR-2592, the Segregation officer on duty at the time of the incident were medical staff didn’t see inmate Rollins until counseled regarding procedures to follow in the event of any 6:30pm. Also according to TOMIS incident force being utilized. In addition, accident injury reporting report, Commissioners Designee was not procedures will be addressed in the next Supervisor meeting. notified until 8:00pm, which wasn’t within the policy time frame of 1 hour of occurrence. According to the facility incident reports for this date, no emergency or unusually occurrences to prevent the notification from being completed in a timely manner occurred. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 4/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR April 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 4/13/06 4/18/06 4/18/06 No No No Monitoring Instrument Staffing Special management Inmates Special management Inmates ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE 16 Signed acknowledgement of Security Addendum (Appendix F) as required by Contract is not present in WCFA staff personnel files. Moreover WCFA has failed to initiate training for applicable contract employees who will have access to inmate institutional records containing NCIC reports. This training will inform staff on proper use of, and confidentiality requirements of, those reports. 4e 4g Upon review of segregated inmates with restraint orders, approximately 19 inmates housed in segregation with different security classifications have restraint requirements posted on their cell doors. A memorandum from the warden/designee to the commissioner’s designee for review detailing the actions taken did not occur within the next business day as required by policy. According to TOMIS incident (00653688) report posted 4/9/06, Inmate had covered his cell door window obstructing the officer’s view. Staff obtained verbal approval from the chief of security and commissioner’s designee to remove inmates property and place him on property restriction. The commissioner’s designee was not notified by memorandum by the next business day for review and approval as required by policy. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 3 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES CM note 4/28/06:Warden has contacted Asst.Comm. regarding this issue and will forward a response upon his advisement. Warden's response dated 4/27/06: The initial process was to submit a restraint memo to individual inmate’s segregation file. We were under the perception that when TDOC Liaison reviewed these files on a daily basis she would review the restraint memo in the process. Asst.Warden has instructed the Shift Supervisor to forward a copy to her office immediately upon restraint restriction sanctions being applied. If the restraint restriction is warranted after regular business hours, the Shift Supervisor’s have been instructed to slide a copy under the TDOC Liaison’s office door. Warden's response dated 4/24/06:An interview was conducted with Shift Supervisor who was on duty. He stated he gained approval from TDOC Liaison on 040906 to place Inmate on property restriction. He drafted the restriction memo and placed the memo on Inmates cell door as required. However, he was unaware that the Warden’s signature was required. Shift Supervisor was counseled concerning property procedures and understands that property restriction memos require the Warden/Designee and the TDOC Liaison’s signature. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 4/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR May 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 7/5/05 Yes Monitoring Instrument Staffing ITEM NO. 16 NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE Security Addendum not signed by staff. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden’s response dated 8/10/05: We dispute the noncompliance in that at this time the purpose for the Security Addendum has not yet been carried out. NCIC terminals have not been installed at CCA facilities contracting with TDOC. Therefore, the non-compliance notification is premature. [NOTE: Warden's original response of 7/18/05 was subsequently withdrawn and this response submitted. ] A pre-planned non-emergency Use of Force occurred in segregation in which chemical agents (OC) were used to extract an inmate from his cell due to him 4g(2) flooding the cell. Even though medical staff was present during this incident there isn’t documentation to show the inmate’s medical file was reviewed prior to the Use of Force (chemical agents). 3/14/06 Yes Use of Force 3/24/06 Yes Special management Inmates NIN 4/7/06 No Use of Force 3h Warden's response dated 3/20/06: Prior to the use of force in Segregation, Asst. Shift Supervisor met with LPN in the Medical Department and advised her that a pre-planned nonemergency use of force was going to be conducted. Therefore the nurse reviewed the inmate’s chart to ensure there were no health restrictions or contraindications pertaining to administering chemical agents. After review the nurse concluded there were no health restrictions. However, she did not document this in the medical chart. Warden's response dated 3/24/06: Immediately upon notification by facility staff that an officer had mistakenly placed a punitive segregation inmate into the segregation rec. cage Punitive segregated inmate was placed with another inmate who was max custody, the Warden inside a segregation recreation pen with a directed that the Chief of Security personally investigate. After (AS) administrative segregated inmate. determining that the error had in fact occurred, Chief of security at the Warden’s direction self-reported the incident to the Contract Monitor. The officers involved in making the error received corrective action. An unplanned non-emergency Use of Force occurred in segregation, an inmate refused to remove his arm from the cell door food flap. Officer used physical force to secure the food flap and supervisory staff entered TOMIS incident report (00653467). According to Accident / Warden's response dated 4/14/06: The Shift Supervisor and Incident / Traumatic injury report CR-2592, the Segregation officer on duty at the time of the incident were medical staff didn’t see inmate Rollins until counseled regarding procedures to follow in the event of any 6:30pm. Also according to TOMIS incident force being utilized. In addition, accident injury reporting report, Commissioners Designee was not procedures will be addressed in the next Supervisor meeting. notified until 8:00pm, which wasn’t within the policy time frame of 1 hour of occurrence. According to the facility incident reports for this date, no emergency or unusually occurrences to prevent the notification from being completed in a timely manner occurred. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 10/24/05 CMC note:…the contractor is expected to provide appropriate training to staff, and to CM note 4/13/06: NCR issued: document such training on the form contained by Contractor has failed to initiate the addendum. A copy of the signed agreement training. 1/5/06: Item outstanding, may be forwarded to the Liaisons' office for filing, under review. however, it would also be appropriate to maintain a copy in institutional training or personnel files. Verified 5/17/06: By review of TOMIS reports. Verified 5/24/06: By review of TOMIS, segregation reports and log entries. 5/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR May 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 4/13/06 4/18/06 4/18/06 No No No Monitoring Instrument Staffing Special management Inmates Special management Inmates ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE 16 Signed acknowledgement of Security Addendum (Appendix F) as required by Contract is not present in WCFA staff personnel files. Moreover WCFA has failed to initiate training for applicable contract employees who will have access to inmate institutional records containing NCIC reports. This training will inform staff on proper use of, and confidentiality requirements of, those reports. 4e 4g Upon review of segregated inmates with restraint orders, approximately 19 inmates housed in segregation with different security classifications have restraint requirements posted on their cell doors. A memorandum from the warden/designee to the commissioner’s designee for review detailing the actions taken did not occur within the next business day as required by policy. According to TOMIS incident (00653688) report posted 4/9/06, Inmate had covered his cell door window obstructing the officer’s view. Staff obtained verbal approval from the chief of security and commissioner’s designee to remove inmates property and place him on property restriction. The commissioner’s designee was not notified by memorandum by the next business day for review and approval as required by policy. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES CM note 4/28/06:Warden has contacted Asst.Comm. regarding this issue and will forward a response upon his advisement. Warden's response dated 4/27/06: The initial process was to submit a restraint memo to individual inmate’s segregation file. We were under the perception that when TDOC Liaison reviewed these files on a daily basis she would review the restraint memo in the process. Asst.Warden has instructed the Shift Supervisor to forward a copy to her office immediately upon restraint restriction sanctions being applied. If the restraint restriction is warranted after regular business hours, the Shift Supervisor’s have been instructed to slide a copy under the TDOC Liaison’s office door. Warden's response dated 4/24/06:An interview was conducted with Shift Supervisor who was on duty. He stated he gained approval from TDOC Liaison on 040906 to place Inmate on property restriction. He drafted the restriction memo and placed the memo on Inmates cell door as required. However, he was unaware that the Warden’s signature was required. Shift Supervisor was counseled concerning property procedures and understands that property restriction memos require the Warden/Designee and the TDOC Liaison’s signature. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 5/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JUNE 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 7/5/05 4/7/06 4/13/06 Yes No No Monitoring Instrument Staffing Use of Force Staffing ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN 16 Security Addendum not signed by staff. Warden’s response dated 8/10/05: We dispute the noncompliance in that at this time the purpose for the Security Addendum has not yet been carried out. NCIC terminals have not been installed at CCA facilities contracting with TDOC. Therefore, the non-compliance notification is premature. [NOTE: Warden's original response of 7/18/05 was subsequently withdrawn and this response submitted. ] 3h An unplanned non-emergency Use of Force occurred in segregation, an inmate refused to remove his arm from the cell door food flap. Officer used physical force to secure the food flap and supervisory staff entered TOMIS incident report (00653467). According to Accident / Incident / Traumatic injury report CR-2592, medical staff didn’t see inmate Rollins until 6:30pm. Also according to TOMIS incident report, Commissioners Designee was not notified until 8:00pm, which wasn’t within the policy time frame of 1 hour of occurrence. According to the facility incident reports for this date, no emergency or unusually occurrences to prevent the notification from being completed in a timely manner occurred. Warden's response dated 4/14/06: The Shift Supervisor and the Segregation officer on duty at the time of the incident were counseled regarding procedures to follow in the event of any force being utilized. In addition, accident injury reporting procedures will be addressed in the next Supervisor meeting. 16 Signed acknowledgement of Security Addendum (Appendix F) as required by Contract is not present in WCFA staff personnel files. Moreover WCFA has failed to initiate training for applicable contract employees who will have access to inmate institutional records containing NCIC reports. This training will inform staff on proper use of, and confidentiality requirements of, those reports. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 10/24/05 CMC note:…the contractor is expected to provide appropriate training to staff, and to CM note 4/13/06: NCR issued: document such training on the form contained by Contractor has failed to initiate the addendum. A copy of the signed agreement training. 1/5/06: Item outstanding, may be forwarded to the Liaisons' office for filing, under review. however, it would also be appropriate to maintain a copy in institutional training or personnel files. Verified 6/29/06: By review of Use of Force documentation, TOMIS reports and segregation logs. CM note 4/28/06: Warden has contacted Asst.Comm. regarding this issue and will forward a response upon his advisement. Verified 6/13/06: Facility training was provided to designated staff. 6/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JUNE 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 4/18/06 4/18/06 6/2/06 No No No Monitoring Instrument Special management Inmates Special management Inmates Special management Inmates ITEM NO. 4e 4g NIN NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE Upon review of segregated inmates with restraint orders, approximately 19 inmates housed in segregation with different security classifications have restraint requirements posted on their cell doors. A memorandum from the warden/designee to the commissioner’s designee for review detailing the actions taken did not occur within the next business day as required by policy. According to TOMIS incident (00653688) report posted 4/9/06, Inmate had covered his cell door window obstructing the officer’s view. Staff obtained verbal approval from the chief of security and commissioner’s designee to remove inmates property and place him on property restriction. The commissioner’s designee was not notified by memorandum by the next business day for review and approval as required by policy. Two inmates assaulted another inmate. Both were segregated and charged with the assault. Staff interviewed the assaulted inmate and he was allowed to stay in general population after he stated the incident was over and he didn’t feel threatened. Incompatibles were enter and approved between all three inmate. After both inmates finished their punitive time, they were released back to general population with pending incompatibles. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden's response dated 4/27/06: The initial process was to submit a restraint memo to individual inmate’s segregation file. We were under the perception that when TDOC Liaison reviewed these files on a daily basis she would review the Verified 7/10/06: By review of restraint memo in the process. Asst.Warden has instructed segregation documentation the Shift Supervisor to forward a copy to her office immediately and procedures. upon restraint restriction sanctions being applied. If the restraint restriction is warranted after regular business hours, the Shift Supervisor’s have been instructed to slide a copy under the TDOC Liaison’s office door. Warden's response dated 4/24/06:An interview was conducted with Shift Supervisor who was on duty. He stated he gained approval from TDOC Liaison on 040906 to place Inmate on property restriction. He drafted the restriction memo and placed the memo on Inmates cell door as required. However, he was unaware that the Warden’s signature was required. Shift Supervisor was counseled concerning property procedures and understands that property restriction memos require the Warden/Designee and the TDOC Liaison’s signature. Verified 7/10/06: By review of segregation documentation and procedures, property restriction procedures. Warden’s response date: June 6, 2006, Facility acknowledges that an error was made in this instance and is taking measures to ensure that prior to segregation releases, incompatibles are checked. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 6/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JUNE 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 6/28/06 No Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. Disciplinary Procedures Five inmates were segregated pending investigation and charged on 6/16/06 with appropriate TOMIS entries completed in the AM. On 6/19/06 these inmates were escorted to the general population disciplinary hearing room to have their hearings in 4a(5) the PM, after the policy time limit of 72 hours had lapsed. This is at least the 9th time that a non-compliance report has been issued for the same/similar problem (ref. non-compliance reports dated 7/10/03, 7/18/03, 8/12/03, 8/19/03, 11/25/03, 2/25/04 4/15/04 and 4/25/05). NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 3 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden’s response dated: 7/5/06 Whiteville Correctional Facility acknowledges that the hearings of the said inmates were delayed until after the 72 hour time frame. However, with “good cause” as quoted in TDOC Policy 502.01 IV. DEFINITIONS: E. Good Cause: Circumstances beyond the control of the party (e.g. illness, previously unforeseen need for witness not immediately available, etc.) Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 6/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JULY 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 6/2/06 6/28/06 Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Special management Inmates Disciplinary Procedures ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NIN Two inmates assaulted another inmate. Both were segregated and charged with the assault. Staff interviewed the assaulted inmate and he was allowed to stay in general population after he stated the incident was over and he didn’t feel threatened. Incompatibles were enter and approved between all three inmate. After both inmates finished their punitive time, they were released back to general population with pending incompatibles. Five inmates were segregated pending investigation and charged on 6/16/06 with appropriate TOMIS entries completed in the AM. On 6/19/06 these inmates were 4a(5) escorted to the general population disciplinary hearing room to have their hearings in the PM, after the policy time limit of 72 hours had lapsed. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden’s response date: June 6, 2006, Facility acknowledges Verified 8/10/06: By review of that an error was made in this instance and is taking measures segregation logs, TOMIS reports to ensure that prior to segregation releases, incompatibles are and incompatibles filed. checked. Warden’s response dated: 7/5/06 Whiteville Correctional Facility acknowledges that the hearings of the said inmates were delayed until after the 72 hour time frame. However, with “good cause” as quoted in TDOC Policy 502.01 IV. DEFINITIONS: E. Good Cause: Circumstances beyond the control of the party (e.g. illness, previously unforeseen need for witness not immediately available, etc.) Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 7/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR AUGUST 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 6/28/06 8/8/06 8/30/06 No No No DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. Disciplinary Procedures Five inmates were segregated pending investigation and charged on 6/16/06 with appropriate TOMIS entries completed in the AM. On 6/19/06 these inmates were 4a(5) escorted to the general population disciplinary hearing room to have their hearings in the PM, after the policy time limit of 72 hours had lapsed. Warden’s response dated: 7/5/06 Whiteville Correctional Facility acknowledges that the hearings of the said inmates were delayed until after the 72 hour time frame. However, with CM note: Non-compliance “good cause” as quoted in TDOC Policy 502.01 IV. issued for same/similar item DEFINITIONS: E. Good Cause: Circumstances beyond the 8/30/06, item outstanding. control of the party (e.g. illness, previously unforeseen need for witness not immediately available, etc.) Record and Reports Inmate attempted suicide while housed in segregation. Staff was required to use 6a(3) force to regain control. Staff failed to enter TOMIS (LIBJ) and disciplinary reports concerning this and surrounding incidents. Warden’s response dated: 8/9/06, Whiteville Correctional Facility admits it failure to comply with policy and procedures on this particular incident. That Shift Supervisor on shift at the time in question has resigned due to his negligence in this matter. Management is taking all precaution to ensure this error does not occur in the future Disciplinary Procedures Inmate was segregated pending investigation for protective custody on 8/19/06. After the PC review panel denied protective custody, the inmate refused a 4a(5) cell assignment in general population and was issued a disciplinary on 8/25/06. Inmates disciplinary hearing was not heard within to the policy time limit of 72 hours. Warden’s response dated: 9/1/06. Whiteville Correctional Facility agrees with the above noted non-compliance issue. The Disciplinary Chairman acknowledges the oversight and has been held accountable. Also, additional procedures are being developed to ensure future compliance in this area. Please note: that the Chief of Security discovered this error prior to the issued write-up and self reported to the Contract Monitor. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 1 Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 8/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR September 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 6/28/06 8/8/06 8/30/06 No No No DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. Disciplinary Procedures Five inmates were segregated pending investigation and charged on 6/16/06 with appropriate TOMIS entries completed in the AM. On 6/19/06 these inmates were 4a(5) escorted to the general population disciplinary hearing room to have their hearings in the PM, after the policy time limit of 72 hours had lapsed. Warden’s response dated: 7/5/06 Whiteville Correctional Facility acknowledges that the hearings of the said inmates were delayed until after the 72 hour time frame. However, with CM note: Non-compliance “good cause” as quoted in TDOC Policy 502.01 IV. issued for same/similar item DEFINITIONS: E. Good Cause: Circumstances beyond the 8/30/06, item outstanding. control of the party (e.g. illness, previously unforeseen need for witness not immediately available, etc.) Record and Reports Inmate attempted suicide while housed in segregation. Staff was required to use 6a(3) force to regain control. Staff failed to enter TOMIS (LIBJ) and disciplinary reports concerning this and surrounding incidents. Warden’s response dated: 8/9/06, Whiteville Correctional Facility admits it failure to comply with policy and procedures Verified 10/11/06: By review of on this particular incident. That Shift Supervisor on shift at the infirmary records/logs, TOMIS time in question has resigned due to his negligence in this records. matter. Management is taking all precaution to ensure this error does not occur in the future Disciplinary Procedures Inmate was segregated pending investigation for protective custody on 8/19/06. After the PC review panel denied protective custody, the inmate refused a 4a(5) cell assignment in general population and was issued a disciplinary on 8/25/06. Inmates disciplinary hearing was not heard within to the policy time limit of 72 hours. Warden’s response dated: 9/1/06. Whiteville Correctional Facility agrees with the above noted non-compliance issue. The Disciplinary Chairman acknowledges the oversight and has been held accountable. Also, additional procedures are being developed to ensure future compliance in this area. Please note: that the Chief of Security discovered this error prior to the issued write-up and self reported to the Contract Monitor. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 1 Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 9/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR October 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 6/28/06 Yes Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. Disciplinary Procedures Five inmates were segregated pending investigation and charged on 6/16/06 with appropriate TOMIS entries completed in the AM. On 6/19/06 these inmates were 4a(5) escorted to the general population disciplinary hearing room to have their hearings in the PM, after the policy time limit of 72 hours had lapsed. 8/30/06 Yes Disciplinary Procedures 10/3/06 No Classification Procedures 10/6/06 10/13/06 10/16/06 NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden’s response dated: 7/5/06 Whiteville Correctional CM note: Non-compliance Facility acknowledges that the hearings of the said inmates issued for same/similar item were delayed until after the 72 hour time frame. However, with 8/30/06, item outstanding. “good cause” as quoted in TDOC Policy 502.01 IV. DEFINITIONS: E. Good Cause: Circumstances beyond the control of the party (e.g. illness, previously unforeseen need for witness not immediately available, etc.) Facility did not provide to TRICOR’s Warden's response date 10/6/06: Facility concurs that by Director of marketing an updated semioversight this report was not submitted at the correct time. It annual summary of clothing need has now been completed and submitted. projections for July through December 06. Pervious projection dated Dec. 16, 2005 (for Jan. 2006). Clothing, Sanitation and Hygiene No While monitoring drug testing procedures this period, staff could not provide Drug testing documentation to support testing for July and 1 Substance through and August 2006. Even though some documentation was present for abuse 27 Septembers testing, the 10% of population treatment required weren’t completed. Records and Reports DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS Warden’s response dated: 9/1/06. Whiteville Correctional Inmate was segregated pending Verified 10/18/06: By review on Facility agrees with the above noted non-compliance issue. investigation for protective custody on disciplinary, segregation logs and 8/19/06. After the PC review panel denied The Disciplinary Chairman acknowledges the oversight and TOMIS MGM reports. has been held accountable. Also, additional procedures are protective custody, the inmate refused a 4a(5) cell assignment in general population and being developed to ensure future compliance in this area. Please note: that the Chief of Security discovered this error was issued a disciplinary on 8/25/06. prior to the issued write-up and self reported to the Contract Inmates disciplinary hearing was not Monitor. heard within to the policy time limit of 72 hours Inmate was classified minimum trusty. Warden’s response dated: 10/6/06 These letters were re-sent Notification of Committing Jurisdiction (CR- and copies placed in the inmate’s file. The Records Staff and 1d(2) 1850) not present in inmate’s institutional Classifications Coordinator will ensure future copies are placed file. in the file immediately and not placed in the “to be filed” stack. No No CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 1 5a 10 Staff could not provide requested records/documentation required for conducting a complete quarterly audit of inmate drug testing procedures. Warden’s response dated: 10/16/06 Just prior to the audit of this area, the drug testing officer went on FMLA leave and has not returned to work. Facility staff was unable to find the required documentation. Another employee has been assigned the responsibility for drug testing. Warden’s response dated: 10/18/06: As noted on the previous finding, the UA officer went on sudden FMLA leave just prior to the audit of this area and the supervisor’s position had been vacant with the person hired for the position still in training. Changes in this area of assignment have been made and steps to correct the deficiencies and preclude their b i t k Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 10/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR October 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 10/18/06 10/19/06 10/26/06 No No Yes Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE A planned non-emergency use of force with chemical agents occurred to extract inmate from his cell. The warden/designee was not notified for prior approval of a large canister of OC chemical agents (MKIX) to be used during this extraction. 4g(1,2, Medical staff had been notified nor was Use of Force 3) the inmates medical file reviewed prior”. Staff with first–hand knowledge did enter a TOMIS report, (00675408) Use of Force chemical agents. This report does not reflect a true and accurate account of the incident as witnessed by the acting CD. Records and Reports Staff with first–hand knowledge did enter a TOMIS report, (00675408) Use of Force chemical agents. This report does not reflect a true and accurate account of the incident as witnessed by the acting CD. 2b, 10 Inmate was segregated 10/16/06 pending an investigation for protective custody. The protective services routing form (CRSpecial management 2b, 10 3241) was not provided to the Commissioners Designee for approval Inmates within the 72-hour policy guideline. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden’s response dated: 10/23/06 An investigation was conducted by AW and Chief into this incident and the resulting use of force. Facility agrees that the Lt. who was just recently promoted into the position failed to follow applicable policy and that the TOMIS report contained information that was not completely accurate. The Lt. was counseled and will receive disciplinary action. Warden’s response dated: 10/23/06 First issue is a repeat of the other NC finding of same date and incident and as answered on that response, corrective action is being taken. As to the failure to provide incident reports, the facility acknowledges that due to several recent changes in staffing including the Chief of Security, Asst. Chief of Security and the Chief of Security’s secretary, there was some confusion regarding the provision of the CCA incident report to the monitor and communications have been made to appropriate staff to provide the 5-1A to the monitor in the future. Warden’s response date: 11/6/06 Corrective actions have been initiated to ensure that the CR-3241 form is completed and given to the Commissioner’s Designee as soon as it is reviewed by the Chief of Security. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 10/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR November 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 10/3/06 10/13/06 ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Classification Procedures Inmate was classified minimum trusty. Warden’s response dated: 10/6/06 These letters were re-sent Notification of Committing Jurisdiction (CR-and copies placed in the inmate’s file. The Records Staff and 1d(2) 1850) not present in inmate’s institutional Classifications Coordinator will ensure future copies are placed file. in the file immediately and not placed in the “to be filed” stack. Yes Clothing, Sanitation and Hygiene Facility did not provide to TRICOR’s Director of marketing an updated semiWarden's response date 10/6/06: Facility concurs that by annual summary of clothing need oversight this report was not submitted at the correct time. It projections for July through December 06. has now been completed and submitted. Pervious projection dated Dec. 16, 2005 (for Jan. 2006). Yes While monitoring drug testing procedures Drug testing this period, staff could not provide and 1 documentation to support testing for July Substance through and August 2006. Even though some abuse 7 documentation was present for treatment Septembers testing, the 10% of population required weren’t completed. Yes 10/6/06 Monitoring Instrument 10/16/06 Yes 10/18/06 Yes 5a Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden’s response dated: 10/16/06 Just prior to the audit of this area, the drug testing officer went on FMLA leave and has not returned to work. Facility staff was unable to find the required documentation. Another employee has been assigned the responsibility for drug testing. Warden’s response dated: 10/18/06: As noted on the previous finding, the UA officer went on sudden FMLA leave just prior to Staff could not provide requested the audit of this area and the supervisor’s position had been Records and records/documentation required for 10 vacant with the person hired for the position still in training. Reports conducting a complete quarterly audit of Changes in this area of assignment have been made and inmate drug testing procedures. steps to correct the deficiencies and preclude their reoccurrence are being taken. A planned non-emergency use of force with chemical agents occurred to extract inmate from his cell. The warden/designee was not notified for prior approval of a Warden’s response dated: 10/23/06 An investigation was large canister of OC chemical agents (MKconducted by AW and Chief into this incident and the resulting IX) to be used during this extraction. use of force. Facility agrees that the Lt. who was just recently 4g(1,2, Medical staff had been notified nor was promoted into the position failed to follow applicable policy and Use of Force the inmates medical file reviewed prior”. 3) that the TOMIS report contained information that was not Staff with first–hand knowledge did enter a completely accurate. The Lt. was counseled and will receive TOMIS report, (00675408) Use of Force disciplinary action. chemical agents. This report does not reflect a true and accurate account of the incident as witnessed by the acting CD. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 11/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR November 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 10/19/06 10/26/06 Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Records and Reports Staff with first–hand knowledge did enter a TOMIS report, (00675408) Use of Force 2b, 10 chemical agents. This report does not reflect a true and accurate account of the incident as witnessed by the acting CD. Warden’s response dated: 10/23/06 First issue is a repeat of the other NC finding of same date and incident and as answered on that response, corrective action is being taken. As to the failure to provide incident reports, the facility acknowledges that due to several recent changes in staffing including the Chief of Security, Asst. Chief of Security and the Chief of Security’s secretary, there was some confusion regarding the provision of the CCA incident report to the monitor and communications have been made to appropriate staff to provide the 5-1A to the monitor in the future. Special management Inmates Inmate was segregated 10/16/06 pending an investigation for protective custody. The protective services routing form (CR3241) was not provided to the Commissioners Designee for approval within the 72-hour policy guideline. Warden’s response date: 11/6/06 Corrective actions have been initiated to ensure that the CR-3241 form is completed and given to the Commissioner’s Designee as soon as it is reviewed by the Chief of Security. 2b Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 11/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR November 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 11/6/06 No Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Staff used OC from a (MK IV) canister on an inmate inside an unlocked cell without Warden's response, dated 11/28/06, makes the following prior notification to medical staff or review points: 1. The CD's report that the Shift Supervisor had not told of medical file. When reporting incident to her about the inmate's alleged aggressive behavior was based the CD, shift supervisor failed to mention only on her feelings. 2. The issue raised by the CM that the any details of inmate aggressive behavior. gas was used in a cell is irrelevant. 3. The use of force was Use of Force 4g (2,3) There is no documentation in inmates spontaneous and did not require prior approval. 4. Policy does medical file to support that medical staff not require that medical be made aware that the inmate who was advised during the pre-segregation was gassed was trying to swallow something (reportedly drugs) evaluation that the inmate had at the time. 5. TDOC staff fails to communicate with facility chewed/swallowed an alleged substance, staff. possibly drugs. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 3 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 12/11/06 DCCO CM note: A review of the incident report and applicable policies provides the following responses to the points raised by the Warden: 1. The CD's report that the incident report did not correspond with what the Shift Supervisor told her is not based on her feelings, it is based on what she was told by the Shift Supervisor. 2. WCFA policy 9-112 A.5.E.5. states: "In all uses of gas in cells there shall be a review of medical files prior to using gas". The use of gas to make an inmate spit something out is questionable, and the cell door could simply have been closed if the inmate was aggressive. 3. Documentation indicates that prior to using gas, the Shift Supervisor called for a video camera, which was then dispatched to the area. This was not, therefore, a spontaneous use of force, but a planned use of force which requires prior TDOC approval. 4. As the Warden's response also states, it would have been appropriate for medical staff to have been made aware that the inmate had swallowed something. It is TDOC's position that it would also have been appropriate for this to be documented in the inmate's medical file, and for a drug screen to have been performed (since the inmate was thought to have swallowed drugs). Neither of these actions is documented. 5. TDOC staff regularly communicate with facility staff, both verbally and in writing, in an effort to facilitate the improvement of facility operation and to hold the facility responsible for operating the facility as required by the contract and approved policies. 11/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR November 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 10/26/06 No Monitoring Instrument Records and Reports ITEM NO. 10 NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden's response, dated 11/28/06, makes the following points: 1. The report cited by the CM is required to be On 10/30/06 staff used force (chemical completed within 21 days. 2. The CM should have advised the agents) incident #00676614. The 5-1a Warden that the report was expected by the end of the shift. 3. incident report packet wasn’t submitted to The NCR is not specific enough to respond to. 4. The Liaisons the CD by conclusion of the shift. This do not work to improve facility operation and cooperation. 5. report was under the TDOC Liaisons door The Liaisons keep trying to find things that are wrong, resulting 11/2/06. Furthermore the 5-1a and TOMIS in inaccurate reports based on assumptions rather than facts. report does not reflect a true and accurate 6. The TDOC is not complying with many requirements of the account of the incident told to the CM by contract, including weekly meetings between the Warden and the shift supervisor. Liaisons. 7. The Liaisons continue to seek minute details to report on without discussing them with the Warden in advance. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 4 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 12/11/06 DCCO CM note: A review of the incident report and applicable policies provides the following responses to the points raised by the Warden: 1. Policy requires the Use of Force report to be submitted to the CD no later than the conclusion of shift. 2. The late submission of these reports was reported on an NCR 10/19/06. This should have served the purpose of informing the Warden that the CM expected policy requirements to be complied with. 3. This incident and the shortcomings of the facility's Use of Force report are dealt with in depth in the NCR for Use of Force item 4g above, which was submitted to the Warden simultaneously with this NCR. The Warden admits in his response that the Use of Force report in question was not accurate. 4. TDOC staff constantly communicate with facility staff, both verbally and in writing, in an effort to facilitate the improvement of facility operation and to hold the contractor responsible for operating the facility as required by the contract and approved policies. 5. There are many instances in which the Liaisons have discussed concerns with facility management prior to/in lieu of issuing NCRs, as well as cases in which the CM has withdrawn NCRs or NCRs have been withdrawn by TDOC management. Open communication does not preclude the use of the monitoring process required by the contract and policy. 6. WCFA management has been asked if weekly meetings would be useful, and have indicated that due to the close proximity of the Liaisons and Warden and their immediate access to each other, such meetings would not be helpful or necessary. 7. The issues discussed in the NCRs issued by the CM are not “minute”. They are required by Policies and the contract, and are listed on the monitoring instruments with which the State safeguards its interests. 11/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR November 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 11/15/06 No Monitoring Instrument Disciplinary Procedures ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE 10 inmates were segregated 10/31/06 after being on a segregation waiting list. The segregation packs with movement 4a (6) confinement forms were not immediately made available for commissioner’s designee review until 11/13/06. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 5 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden’s response dated: 11/20/06 On October 31, 2006, Disciplinary Chairperson SCO Ponds sought and received approval for the above Segregation placements and four additional inmates who are not on the above list, by notifying TDOC Bettie Hammond via telephone and discussing the placements. Additionally, per the Chief of Security’s Secretary, on November 1, 2006, the segregation packs with movement confinement forms were placed in the TDOC Office. However, the employee who retrieved the files from the TDOC Office failed to check all of the files to ensure they were signed and therefore ten out of the fourteen files were not signed. The Assistant Warden and Chief of Security have counseled the Segregation Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 11/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR December 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 10/3/06 Yes 10/6/06 10/13/06 10/16/06 10/18/06 Monitoring Instrument Classification Procedures ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Inmate was classified minimum trusty. Warden’s response dated: 10/6/06 These letters were re-sent Notification of Committing Jurisdiction (CR-and copies placed in the inmate’s file. The Records Staff and Verified 12/15/06: By review 1d(2) 1850) not present in inmate’s institutional Classifications Coordinator will ensure future copies are placed inmate's institutional files. file. in the file immediately and not placed in the “to be filed” stack. Facility did not provide to TRICOR’s Director of marketing an updated semiWarden's response date 10/6/06: Facility concurs that by Verified 10/6/06: Facility annual summary of clothing need oversight this report was not submitted at the correct time. It submitted Clothing projections projections for July through December 06. has now been completed and submitted. memo. Pervious projection dated Dec. 16, 2005 (for Jan. 2006). Yes Clothing, Sanitation and Hygiene Yes While monitoring drug testing procedures Drug testing this period, staff could not provide and 1 documentation to support testing for July Substance through and August 2006. Even though some abuse 7 documentation was present for treatment Septembers testing, the 10% of population required weren’t completed. 5a Warden’s response dated: 10/16/06 Just prior to the audit of this area, the drug testing officer went on FMLA leave and has CM note: Monitored Jan 07 to not returned to work. Facility staff was unable to find the ensure staff had time to correct. required documentation. Another employee has been assigned the responsibility for drug testing. Warden’s response dated: 10/18/06: As noted on the previous finding, the UA officer went on sudden FMLA leave just prior to Staff could not provide requested the audit of this area and the supervisor’s position had been CM note: Non-compliance issued records/documentation required for vacant with the person hired for the position still in training. 10/19/06 and 11/6/06 for same or conducting a complete quarterly audit of Changes in this area of assignment have been made and similir item, item outstanding. inmate drug testing procedures. steps to correct the deficiencies and preclude their reoccurrence are being taken. Yes Records and Reports Yes A planned non-emergency use of force with chemical agents occurred to extract inmate from his cell. The warden/designee was not notified for prior approval of a Warden’s response dated: 10/23/06 An investigation was large canister of OC chemical agents (MK- conducted by AW and Chief into this incident and the resulting IX) to be used during this extraction. use of force. Facility agrees that the Lt. who was just recently 4g(1,2, Use of Force Medical staff had been notified nor was promoted into the position failed to follow applicable policy and 3) the inmates medical file reviewed prior”. that the TOMIS report contained information that was not Staff with first–hand knowledge did enter a completely accurate. The Lt. was counseled and will receive TOMIS report, (00675408) Use of Force disciplinary action. chemical agents. This report does not reflect a true and accurate account of the incident as witnessed by the acting CD. 10 Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 12/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR December 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 10/19/06 10/26/06 11/6/06 Monitoring Instrument ITEM NO. NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Records and Reports Yes Special management Inmates Inmate was segregated 10/16/06 pending an investigation for protective custody. The protective services routing form (CR3241) was not provided to the Commissioners Designee for approval within the 72-hour policy guideline. No Staff used OC from a (MK IV) canister on an inmate inside an unlocked cell without Warden's response, dated 11/28/06, makes the following prior notification to medical staff or review points: 1. The CD's report that the Shift Supervisor had not told of medical file. When reporting incident to her about the inmate's alleged aggressive behavior was based the CD, shift supervisor failed to mention only on her feelings. 2. The issue raised by the CM that the any details of inmate aggressive behavior. gas was used in a cell is irrelevant. 3. The use of force was Use of Force 4g (2,3) There is no documentation in inmates spontaneous and did not require prior approval. 4. Policy does medical file to support that medical staff not require that medical be made aware that the inmate who was advised during the pre-segregation was gassed was trying to swallow something (reportedly drugs) evaluation that the inmate had at the time. 5. TDOC staff fails to communicate with facility chewed/swallowed an alleged substance, staff. possibly drugs. 2b DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden’s response dated: 10/23/06 First issue is a repeat of the other NC finding of same date and incident and as answered on that response, corrective action is being taken. As to the failure to provide incident reports, the facility CM note: Non-compliance issued acknowledges that due to several recent changes in staffing 10/19/06 and 11/6/06 for same or including the Chief of Security, Asst. Chief of Security and the similir item, item outstanding. Chief of Security’s secretary, there was some confusion regarding the provision of the CCA incident report to the monitor and communications have been made to appropriate staff to provide the 5-1A to the monitor in the future. Staff with first–hand knowledge did enter a TOMIS report, (00675408) Use of Force 2b, 10 chemical agents. This report does not reflect a true and accurate account of the incident as witnessed by the acting CD. Yes Page 2 Warden’s response date: 11/6/06 Corrective actions have been initiated to ensure that the CR-3241 form is completed and given to the Commissioner’s Designee as soon as it is reviewed by the Chief of Security. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 12/11/06 DCCO CM note (summarized): The CD's report is based on what she was told by the Shift Supervisor. 2. WCFA policy requires medical review prior to gas use; use of gas to make an inmate spit something out is questionable, and the cell door could simply have been closed if the inmate was aggressive. 3. This was not a spontaneous use of force. 4. it would have been appropriate for medical staff to have been made aware that the inmate had swallowed something and for this to be documented in the inmate's medical file, and for a drug screen to have been performed. 5. TDOC staff regularly communicate with facility staff. 12/06 monthly WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR December 2006 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 10/26/06 11/15/06 Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Records and Reports Disciplinary Procedures ITEM NO. 10 NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden's response, dated 11/28/06, makes the following points: 1. The report cited by the CM is required to be On 10/30/06 staff used force (chemical completed within 21 days. 2. The CM should have advised the agents) incident #00676614. The 5-1a Warden that the report was expected by the end of the shift. 3. incident report packet wasn’t submitted to The NCR is not specific enough to respond to. 4. The Liaisons the CD by conclusion of the shift. This do not work to improve facility operation and cooperation. 5. report was under the TDOC Liaisons door The Liaisons keep trying to find things that are wrong, resulting 11/2/06. Furthermore the 5-1a and TOMIS in inaccurate reports based on assumptions rather than facts. report does not reflect a true and accurate 6. The TDOC is not complying with many requirements of the account of the incident told to the CM by contract, including weekly meetings between the Warden and the shift supervisor. Liaisons. 7. The Liaisons continue to seek minute details to report on without discussing them with the Warden in advance. 10 inmates were segregated 10/31/06 after being on a segregation waiting list. The segregation packs with movement 4a (6) confinement forms were not immediately made available for commissioner’s designee review until 11/13/06. Page 3 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 12/11/06 DCCO CM note (summarized): 1. Policy requires the Use of Force report to be submitted to the CD no later than the conclusion of shift. 2. The late submission of these reports was reported on an NCR 10/19/06. 3. This incident is dealt with in the NCR for item 4g above. The Warden admits in his response that the Use of Force report in question was not accurate. 4. TDOC staff CM note: Non-compliance issued constantly communicate with facility staff. 5. Open 10/19/06 and 11/6/06 for same or communication does not preclude the use of the similir item, item outstanding. monitoring process required by the contract and policy. 6. WCFA management has indicated such meetings would not be helpful or necessary. 7. The issues discussed in the NCRs issued by the CM are not “minute”. They are required by Policies and the contract, and are listed on the monitoring instruments with which the State safeguards its interests. Warden’s response dated: 11/20/06 On October 31, 2006, Disciplinary Chairperson SCO Ponds sought and received approval for the above Segregation placements and four additional inmates who are not on the above list, by notifying TDOC Bettie Hammond via telephone and discussing the placements. Additionally, per the Chief of Security’s Secretary, on November 1, 2006, the segregation packs with movement confinement forms were placed in the TDOC Office. However, the employee who retrieved the files from the TDOC Office failed to check all of the files to ensure they were signed and therefore ten out of the fourteen files were not signed. The Assistant Warden and Chief of Security have counseled the Segregation Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 12/06 monthly