Cca Whiteville Contract Violations 2009
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WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JANUARY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 7/30/08 7/30/08 Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Drug Testing & Substance Abuse Treatment Security and Control Counts ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. 2e 4f CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS Warden's response received 8/1/08: The facility does not concur in this NC finding. AW conducted a thorough investigation of the drug screen procedures as it pertains to incident #750932. His findings were that no procedures were compromised by the C/O. All disciplinary and tests were completed by the C/O and properly turned in for processing and a disciplinary was initiated by the On 7/7/08, i/c #750932, two inmates were charged Officer. While the investigation is on-going at this point it does with positive drug screen. One was processed appear that at some point between the initiation of the DR by the On 11/12/08 a NCR was issued correctly. The other disciplinary report was never U/A officer and the disciplinary reaching the D-board for hearing for a reoccurrence of similar received by disciplinary chairperson. No hearing was that it disappeared. The investigation into how the disciplinary issue. held. disappeared and who is responsible is continuing, but the Drug testing policy in this case was conducted in accordance with the policy. We respectively ask that this NCR be removed as a result of the preliminary findings of this investigation. F/U investigation : 9/17/08. WCF has made procedural changes to enhance the disciplinary process and ensure accountability and the integrity of the process. Also some staffing changes have been made. On 7/29/08, WCFA was unable to clear the 10:30 a.m. count. This resulted in an emergency count being done with it not clearing until 12:47 p.m. Essential item. Warden's response received 8/1/08: Prior to this NCR facility management had already taken steps to improve the count process. The Warden agrees that the count function is of highest priority and has personally reviewed count processes with the Assistant Warden and Chiefs, and the Unit Managers. The entire management team is focusing on count with monitoring of daily counts being conducted by all management team staff to include Per letter of concern dated out counts, housing unit counts and the count room process. We November 10, 2008, CM will are identifying where specific employees may have become lax in continue to monitor this item. this process and will take corrective measures where appropriate and retraining where appropriate. No facility can expect that every employee, at every count will always be perfect, and some errors will occur in the best situations from time to time. While it is not disputed that errors were made in the referenced count; it is important to remember that the process did catch the error and the count was not cleared until rectified as is the ultimate goal. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 8/26/08 CMD note: The issue of who was responsible for mishandling the disciplinary report is not at issue. The fact remains that an inmate with a positive drug test did not receive a disciplinary hearing. The noncompliance report is valid and will stand. As an ESSENTIAL instrument item, this is subject to notification of Breach of Contract. The determination of whether to issue such notification is pending. A followup response by the Warden, indicating the final results of the investigation, and corrective action, will be considered in making this decision. 8/26/08 CMD note: As an ESSENTIAL instrument item, this is subject to notification of Breach of Contract. The CMD was present for a discussion of this incident, which appears to have caused, in part, by an inexperienced staff member in the count room. The Associate Warden's explanation of the problem and corrective action plan is acceptable, and no Breach notification will be issued. WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JANUARY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 9/2/08 Yes 9/9/08 Yes 11/12/08 12/2/08 Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Special Management Inmates Security and control Counts Drug Testing and Substance Abuse Treatment Special Management Inmates ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. NIN 4f 2e 4f On 8/26/08, CM requested to view PELCO camera system to ensure the administrative segregation inmates were being allowed recreation. The inmates received their recreation. However in the course of viewing PELCO, the following was observed: an inmate (medium custody) had been brought in the seg. unit for pending board status. He had not been placed in his cell, when i/m another inmate (administrative segregation custody) inmate was escorted from the shower to segregation cell 107 by one (1) officer. Page 2 CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS Warden's response received 9/4/08: On 8/26/08, staff failed to follow procedure in escorting the A/S inmate. Staff have been properly trained with specialized segregation training. Seg. Supervisor was present but failed to monitor staff. All staff concerned will receive personnel actions for this failure to comply with procedures. On NCR's dated 12/2/08 and 12/4/08, similar incidents occurred regarding maximum security inmates. Warden's response received 9/15/08: It was determined that the 2 referenced inmates did in fact leave the property/intake area and On 9-8-08, WCFA was unable to clear the 4:30 p.m. went back to the units/cells they had been assigned to before they count. An emergency count was done at 6:00 p.m. went to court. The property room supervisor admits she was busy with it clearing at 6:30 p.m. twp inmates were and forgot to contact the count room and the CR officer that the Per letter of concern dated returned by Gibson count sheriff's department at two inmates had returned. As a result of this incident, the facility November 10, 2008, CM will 12:47 p.m. according to the sally port logbook. Both has implemented another step to ensure there is not a continue to monitor this item. inmates were returned to the housing unit without the reoccurrence. Upon the arrival of any inmate(s) to the vehicle gate, the vehicle gate officer will notify the count room and the shift count room being notified. Essential Item. supervisor in addition to the property room staff making the second notification. TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 11/10/08 CMD note: Letter of Concern e-mailed. 10/31/08 CMD note: This is an essential item. The same item was found in non-compliance in the previous monitoring period. A notification of Breach was considered, however, since the problem was not in the count room, and the problem was discovered and corrected, as stated by the Warden, a Breach notification is being withheld. A notice of concern will be issued concerning count issues. On 10/17/08, TOMIS incident #765290, an inmate was charged with positive drug screen. The inmate was never served the disciplinary, therefore no hearing was held. Essential item. Warden's response received 11/25/08: Drug testing officer completed the disciplinary and took it to the count room to be logged and entered. Once entered on TOMIS, the DR was logged on the tracking sheet to be served. The person who picked up the disciplinary did not sign for it and we were unable to confirm who may have taken it. To prevent future occurrences, we have changed steps #7and #9 of our procedures. #7. The DR will be assigned to a staff member to be served. #9. Shift Supervisor will check the DR log to be sure that'll all disciplinaries have been served and properly logged. 2/3/09 CMD note: Breach notification issued 1/16/08. 12/29/08 CMD note: This essential item was also found in non-compliance on 7/30/08. A Breach notification is pending. On 11/26/08, TOMIS incident #771014, a maximum security inmate was allowed out of his cell unrestrained. He then assaulted another inmate (medium custody), who was a worker in the segregation unit. Essential item. Warden's response received 12/03/08: Warden agrees that the event occurred as described. The individual employee violated policy, post orders and training in opening the door of a maximum custody inmate without a second employee and without first securing the inmate with restraints. WCFA had earlier this year completed a specialized training program conducted for staff assigned to segregation and the employee involved in this incident had completed this training. The employee responsible has been terminated. 2/3/09 CMD note: Breach notification issued 1/16/08. 12/29/08 CMD note: This essential item was also found in non-compliance subsequently on 12/4/08. A Breach notification is pending for both items. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JANUARY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 12/4/08 12/4/08 1/6/09 1/6/09 Yes Yes No No Monitoring Instrument Special Management Inmates Special Management Inmates Staffing Staffing ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 3 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 1b Warden's response received 12/10/08: The failure in this instance to immediately contact the A/C was a result of communications to the designated ADO or to the Warden not being made when the medical determination at the hospital was known. At the time of the incident, the injuries were not believed to be serious. The TOMIS incident #771899 was a Class A incident and employee was adamant that he did not want outside medical Corrective Action Verified: no one at the facility notified the Assistant treatment. He was directed to go the ER as a precautionary 2/5/09: No further finding of nonCommissioner or the Commissioner's Designee of the measure due to the possibility of eye damage. When the injuries compliance in regards to employee's injuries. Essential item. were found to be more serious, neither the Warden or ADO were notification. updated. Central office staff had already contacted the C/M due to the TOMIS entry. As a result a directive had been put out to all supervisors and all ADO's specifying responsibilities of contacting the A/C whenever a Class A incident occurs. The directive was provided to C/M. 12/29/08 CMD note: A Breach notification is being withheld at this time, due to the apparent unusual circumstances of this incident, however, such notification may result from any future non-compliance. 4f On 12/3/08, a maximum custody inmate came out of his handcuffs and assaulted two (2) staff members, one (1) which had a serious injury. Upon review of PELCO camera system the following was observed: Other inmates were in the pod while he was being escorted from the shower; no leg restraints; at no time did either escorting officer have a hold on the handcuffs; one of the escorting officers walked away from the inmate prior to him being placed in the cell. Essential item. Warden's response received 12/10/08: Warden concurs that the staff assigned to segregation on this occasion were negligent in the movement of a maximum custody inmate and failed to follow established policy and post orders regarding leg restraints. As a result of this incident and a previous incident, I have directed a Shift Supervisor be assigned to segregation indefinitely, but not less than the remainder of this year to supervise and mentor staff assigned to segregation and ensure compliance with procedures in place for that post. 2/3/09 CMD note: Breach notification issued 1/16/08. 12/29/08 CMD note: This essential item was also found in non-compliance previously on 12/2/08. A Breach notification is pending for both items. On 12/27/08, the "critical" position of Segregation SCO or A/S Shift Supervisor was filled with a correctional officer. He was listed as "Acting SCO". Essential item. Warden's response received 01/13/09: WCFA concedes that this was a poor decision made solely by the Captain on duty, the Captain has been counseled and corrective action has been taken. Segregation will be staffed in accordance with the approved staffing pattern and management has communicated that the supervisor cannot designate one of the C/O's as an acting SCO on the post. 3/5/09 CMD note: The institution took disciplinary action with the Shift Supervisor who made this decision. The problem has not occurred again in 60 days. Although this item is subject to issuance of a Breach notification, the problem appears to have been cured, and no Breach will be issued at this time. One academic instructor position was vacant for a total of 79 days. Essential item. Warden's response received 1/13/09: WCFA does not dispute that the position remained unfilled beyond the 45 day timeframe in the contract. We do believe we acted in good faith to make every reasonable effort to fill this position in a timely manner. Two applicants were selected for this position. Both applicants subsequently decided to decline the job and did not report. Deputy Commissioner approved a 30 day extension. These efforts demonstrated a commitment to D/C to actively recruit, interview and select a teacher. We respectfully request TDOC accept our good faith efforts as evidenced by the tracking spreadsheet to fill this position in a timely manner. 3/5/09 CMD note: A breach notification is being withheld at this time. The position was filled subsequent to the Warden's response. 3 11b Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JANUARY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 1/15/09 1/15/09 No No Monitoring Instrument Security and Control Counts Security and Control Counts ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. 4f 8a CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden's revised response received 1/30/09: Inmate was transported back to this facility by HCCF with the incoming chain. The count room officer thought he had been returned by the Inmate was returned from court on 1/14/09 at 2:15 pm sending institution. She assigned him to HE204 at 2:40 p.m. on according to the sally port logbook. He was also on 1/14/09. This made TOMIS and the board correct. Count was the daily move sheet as a court return. The count clear. At 10:30 p.m. we completed a TOMIS count and it was room officer failed to enter him back into the count. discovered that he was not entered back into WCFA count. He TOMIS screens LIMC/LIMD were not was placed on an out count and reassigned to HE204 by the 5am updated/entered until 1/15/09. Inmate was assigned count. Security of the facility was never in danger and the inmate to FC216 on LIMC/count room locator board, however was accounted for at all affected counts. He was assigned to a cell he was actually in FC110. Staff had moved him, on LIMC and the count board was corrected. All well before count. however this was not communicated with the count Inmate was reassigned by M/H due to cell mate concerns and as room. Essential item. a better choice for inmate. A disconnect occurred between M/H and U/M and countroom. To alleviate this problem all moves will be verified including move sheets and unit logs b the U/M or representative after all moves are complete. Three (3) inmates were assigned to cells but were actually in other cells. Essential item. In response to item 8a, you can see from C/M's statement these inmates moved themselves to other cells inside their own pod. These type moves, when they happen are found at the 10:30 id count. It was discovered at the 10 am count due to a out count being wrong. All inmates received a Class C disciplinary for interference with officers duties. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 4 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 3/5/09 CMD note: The inmate in question may have been put on the count board at 2:40 PM, but he was NOT entered back into the count on TOMIS at that time. This was not discovered until the next TOMIS count. The counts before 10:30 PM cleared because they were not TOMIS counts. The count room needs to verify all returns and incoming chains on TOMIS to ensure that they are all entered into the facility's count as soon as they are received. Since no other issues of this sort have occurred since this incident, no Breach notification will be issued at this time. 3/5/09 CMD note: Due to the fact that the inmates moved themselves, a Breach notification is being withheld at this time. It is recommended that unit staff ensure that their attentiveness level is sufficient to prevent this from occurring. WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 7/30/08 7/30/08 9/2/08 Yes Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Drug Testing & Substance Abuse Treatment Security and Control Counts Special Management Inmates ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS 2e Warden's response received 8/1/08: The facility does not concur in this NC finding. AW conducted a thorough investigation of the drug screen procedures as it pertains to incident #750932. His findings were that no procedures were compromised by the C/O. All disciplinary and tests were completed by the C/O and properly turned in for processing and a disciplinary was initiated by the On 7/7/08, i/c #750932, two inmates were charged Officer. While the investigation is on-going at this point it does with positive drug screen. One was processed appear that at some point between the initiation of the DR by the correctly. The other disciplinary report was never U/A officer and the disciplinary reaching the D-board for hearing received by disciplinary chairperson. No hearing was that it disappeared. The investigation into how the disciplinary held. disappeared and who is responsible is continuing, but the Drug testing policy in this case was conducted in accordance with the policy. We respectively ask that this NCR be removed as a result of the preliminary findings of this investigation. F/U investigation : 9/17/08. WCF has made procedural changes to enhance the disciplinary process and ensure accountability and the integrity of the process. Also some staffing changes have been made. 4f On 7/29/08, WCFA was unable to clear the 10:30 a.m. count. This resulted in an emergency count being done with it not clearing until 12:47 p.m. Essential item. Warden's response received 8/1/08: Prior to this NCR facility management had already taken steps to improve the count process. The Warden agrees that the count function is of highest priority and has personally reviewed count processes with the Assistant Warden and Chiefs, and the Unit Managers. The entire management team is focusing on count with monitoring of daily counts being conducted by all management team staff to include out counts, housing unit counts and the count room process. We are identifying where specific employees may have become lax in this process and will take corrective measures where appropriate and retraining where appropriate. No facility can expect that every employee, at every count will always be perfect, and some errors will occur in the best situations from time to time. While it is not disputed that errors were made in the referenced count; it is important to remember that the process did catch the error and the count was not cleared until rectified as is the ultimate goal. Per letter of concern dated November 10, 2008, CM will continue to monitor this item. Corrective action verified 3/9/09: No further finding of noncompliance in regards to this issue. On 8/26/08, CM requested to view PELCO camera system to ensure the administrative segregation inmates were being allowed recreation. The inmates received their recreation. However in the course of viewing PELCO, the following was observed: an inmate (medium custody) had been brought in the seg. unit for pending board status. He had not been placed in his cell, when i/m another inmate (administrative segregation custody) inmate was escorted from the shower to segregation cell 107 by one (1) officer. Warden's response received 9/4/08: On 8/26/08, staff failed to follow procedure in escorting the A/S inmate. Staff have been properly trained with specialized segregation training. Seg. Supervisor was present but failed to monitor staff. All staff concerned will receive personnel actions for this failure to comply with procedures. On NCR's dated 12/2/08 and 12/4/08, similar incidents occurred regarding maximum security inmates. Corrective action verified 3/9/09: No further finding of noncompliance in regards to this issue. NIN Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 8/26/08 CMD note: The issue of who was responsible for mishandling the disciplinary report is not at issue. The fact remains that an inmate with a positive drug On 11/12/08 a NCR was issued test did not receive a disciplinary hearing. The nonfor a reoccurrence of similar compliance report is valid and will stand. As an issue. Corrective action verified ESSENTIAL instrument item, this is subject to 3/9/09: No further findings of notification of Breach of Contract. The determination of noncompliance in regards to this whether to issue such notification is pending. A followissue. up response by the Warden, indicating the final results of the investigation, and corrective action, will be considered in making this decision. 8/26/08 CMD note: As an ESSENTIAL instrument item, this is subject to notification of Breach of Contract. The CMD was present for a discussion of this incident, which appears to have caused, in part, by an inexperienced staff member in the count room. The Associate Warden's explanation of the problem and corrective action plan is acceptable, and no Breach notification will be issued. WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 9/9/08 Yes 11/12/08 Yes Monitoring Instrument Security and control Counts Drug Testing and Substance Abuse Treatment ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. 4f 2e CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Warden's response received 9/15/08: It was determined that the 2 referenced inmates did in fact leave the property/intake area and On 9-8-08, WCFA was unable to clear the 4:30 p.m. went back to the units/cells they had been assigned to before they count. An emergency count was done at 6:00 p.m. went to court. The property room supervisor admits she was busy with it clearing at 6:30 p.m. twp inmates were and forgot to contact the count room and the CR officer that the returned by Gibson count sheriff's department at two inmates had returned. As a result of this incident, the facility 12:47 p.m. according to the sally port logbook. Both has implemented another step to ensure there is not a inmates were returned to the housing unit without the reoccurrence. Upon the arrival of any inmate(s) to the vehicle gate, the vehicle gate officer will notify the count room and the shift count room being notified. Essential Item. supervisor in addition to the property room staff making the second notification. On 10/17/08, TOMIS incident #765290, an inmate was charged with positive drug screen. The inmate was never served the disciplinary, therefore no hearing was held. Essential item. Page 2 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Per letter of concern dated November 10, 2008, CM will continue to monitor this item. Corrective action verified 3/9/09: No further finding of noncompliance in regards to this issue. 11/10/08 CMD note: Letter of Concern e-mailed. 10/31/08 CMD note: This is an essential item. The same item was found in non-compliance in the previous monitoring period. A notification of Breach was considered, however, since the problem was not in the count room, and the problem was discovered and corrected, as stated by the Warden, a Breach notification is being withheld. A notice of concern will be issued concerning count issues. Warden's response received 11/25/08: Drug testing officer completed the disciplinary and took it to the count room to be logged and entered. Once entered on TOMIS, the DR was logged on the tracking sheet to be served. The person who picked up the disciplinary did not sign for it and we were unable to confirm who may have taken it. To prevent future occurrences, we have changed steps #7and #9 of our procedures. #7. The DR will be Cure verified 3/9/09: There were assigned to a staff member to be served. #9. Shift Supervisor will no new occurrences of the check the DR log to be sure that'll all disciplinaries have been problem since the breach served/properly logged. Cure Response: As a result of the steps notification. Warden's response outlined in the NCR response, there have been no further incidents dated 2/17/09. related to the NCR. WCFA has made a concerted effort to ensure that all disciplinaries including but not limited to those issued for positive drug screens are processed and adjudicated. We are monitoring the disciplinary process on a regular basis and in addition to the response made a staffing change that we believe will improve the efficiency and accuracy of the disciplinary documentation process. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 2/3/09 CMD note: Breach notification issued 1/16/09. 12/29/08 CMD note: This essential item was also found in non-compliance on 7/30/08. A Breach notification is pending. WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 12/2/08 12/4/08 1/6/09 Yes Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Special Management Inmates Special Management Inmates Staffing Page 3 CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 4f On 11/26/08, TOMIS incident #771014, a maximum security inmate was allowed out of his cell unrestrained. He then assaulted another inmate (medium custody), who was a worker in the segregation unit. Essential item. Warden's response received 12/03/08: Warden agrees that the event occurred as described. The individual employee violated policy, post orders and training in opening the door of a maximum custody inmate without a second employee and without first securing the inmate with restraints. WCFA had earlier this year completed a specialized training program conducted for staff assigned to segregation and the employee involved in this incident had completed this training. The employee responsible has been terminated. Cure response: As noted in the individual response on the NCR, the actions involving the opening of the cell housing a maximum custody inmate and the subsequent employee assault were the actions of an individual employee. This employee clearly violated facility policy, procedures and post orders and as a result was terminated. WCFA has made every effort to ensure the segregation unit is safe and operated in accordance with policy. Cure verified 3/9/09: There were no new occurrences of the problem since the breach notification. Warden's response dated 2/17/09. 2/3/09 CMD note: Breach notification issued 1/16/09. 12/29/08 CMD note: This essential item was also found in non-compliance subsequently on 12/4/08. A Breach notification is pending for both items. 4f Warden's response received 12/10/08: Warden concurs that the staff assigned to segregation on this occasion were negligent in the movement of a maximum custody inmate and failed to follow On 12/3/08, a maximum custody inmate came out of established policy and post orders regarding leg restraints. As a his handcuffs and assaulted two (2) staff members, result of this incident and a previous incident, I have directed a one (1) which had a serious injury. Upon review of Shift Supervisor be assigned to segregation indefinitely, but not Cure verified 3/9/09:There were PELCO camera system the following was observed: less than the remainder of this year to supervise and mentor staff no new occurrences of the Other inmates were in the pod while he was being assigned to segregation and ensure compliance with procedures in problem since the breach escorted from the shower; no leg restraints; at no place for that post. Cure response : As a result of the findings notification. Warden's response time did either escorting officer have a hold on the relating to segregation; A Shift Supervisor (Captain) was dated 2/17/09. handcuffs; one of the escorting officers walked away indefinitely assigned to the segregation unit to ensure that from the inmate prior to him being placed in the cell. assigned staff are properly trained and supervised. A meeting was held with the Warden involving the AW Operations, Chief of Essential item. Security, Assistant Chief of Security and the assigned Captain, in which, I discussed my expectations related to the operation and the supervision of the segregation unit. 2/3/09 CMD note: Breach notification issued 1/16/09. 12/29/08 CMD note: This essential item was also found in non-compliance previously on 12/2/08. A Breach notification is pending for both items. ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. 3 On 12/27/08, the "critical" position of Segregation SCO or A/S Shift Supervisor was filled with a correctional officer. He was listed as "Acting SCO". Essential item. Warden's response received 01/13/09: WCFA concedes that this was a poor decision made solely by the Captain on duty, the Captain has been counseled and corrective action has been taken. Segregation will be staffed in accordance with the approved staffing pattern and management has communicated that the supervisor cannot designate one of the C/O's as an acting SCO on the post. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Corrective action verified 3/9/09: No further finding of noncompliance in regards to this issue. 3/5/09 CMD note: The institution took disciplinary action with the Shift Supervisor who made this decision. The problem has not occurred again in 60 days. Although this item is subject to issuance of a Breach notification, the problem appears to have been cured, and no Breach will be issued at this time. WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR FEBRUARY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 1/6/09 1/15/09 1/15/09 2/9/09 Yes Yes Yes No Monitoring Instrument Staffing Security and Control Counts Security and Control Counts Staffing ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. 11b 4f One academic instructor position was vacant for a total of 79 days. Essential item. Page 4 CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS Warden's response received 1/13/09: WCFA does not dispute that the position remained unfilled beyond the 45 day timeframe in the contract. We do believe we acted in good faith to make every reasonable effort to fill this position in a timely manner. Two applicants were selected for this position. Both applicants subsequently decided to decline the job and did not report. Deputy Commissioner approved a 30 day extension. These efforts demonstrated a commitment to D/C to actively recruit, interview and select a teacher. We respectfully request TDOC accept our good faith efforts as evidenced by the tracking spreadsheet to fill this position in a timely manner. Corrective action verified 3/5/09 CMD note: A breach notification is being 3/9/09: No further finding of withheld at this time. The position was filled noncompliance in regards to this subsequent to the Warden's response. issue. Warden's revised response received 1/30/09: Inmate was transported back to this facility by HCCF with the incoming chain. The count room officer thought he had been returned by the Inmate was returned from court on 1/14/09 at 2:15 pm sending institution. She assigned him to HE204 at 2:40 p.m. on according to the sally port logbook. He was also on 1/14/09. This made TOMIS and the board correct. Count was the daily move sheet as a court return. The count clear. At 10:30 p.m. we completed a TOMIS count and it was room officer failed to enter him back into the count. discovered that he was not entered back into WCFA count. He TOMIS screens LIMC/LIMD were not was placed on an out count and reassigned to HE204 by the 5am updated/entered until 1/15/09. Inmate was assigned count. Security of the facility was never in danger and the inmate to FC216 on LIMC/count room locator board, however was accounted for at all affected counts. He was assigned to a cell he was actually in FC110. Staff had moved him, on LIMC and the count board was corrected. All well before count. however this was not communicated with the count Inmate was reassigned by M/H due to cell mate concerns and as room. Essential item. a better choice for inmate. A disconnect occurred between M/H and U/M and count room. To alleviate this problem all moves will be verified including move sheets and unit logs b the U/M or representative after all moves are complete. In response to item 8a, you can see from C/M's statement these inmates moved themselves to other cells inside their own pod. These type moves, when they happen are found at the 10:30 id count. It was discovered at the 10 am count due to a out count being wrong. All inmates received a Class C disciplinary for interference with officers duties. 8a Three (3) inmates were assigned to cells but were actually in other cells. Essential item. 11a Warden's response received 2/15/09: The failure to fill this vacancy was due to a miscommunication. Due to staffing needs a correctional officer was promoted to a senior correctional officer Correctional officer position #118364 was vacant for a before the designated time HR assigned. Failure to notify HR of total of 50 days. ESSENTIAL item. the promotion date caused an overage on the correctional officer fill requirement date. WCFA did have 7 part-time officers employed during that time period who worked a total of 1,318.01 hours. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 3/5/09 CMD note: The inmate in question may have been put on the count board at 2:40 PM, but he was NOT entered back into the count on TOMIS at that time. This was not discovered until the next TOMIS Corrective action verified count. The counts before 10:30 PM cleared because 3/9/09: No further finding of they were not TOMIS counts. The count room needs to noncompliance in regards to this verify all returns and incoming chains on TOMIS to issue. ensure that they are all entered into the facility's count as soon as they are received. Since no other issues of this sort have occurred since this incident, no Breach notification will be issued at this time. 3/5/09 CMD note: Due to the fact that the inmates Corrective action verified moved themselves, a Breach notification is being 3/9/09: No further finding of withheld at this time. It is recommended that unit staff noncompliance in regards to this ensure that their attentiveness level is sufficient to issue. prevent this from occurring. 4/3/09 CMD note: Although this is an ESSENTIAL item, a Breach notification will be withheld on this occasion. It appears that there was sufficient staff coverage for this post during the time the full time position was vacant. WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR MARCH 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 2/9/09 3/10/09 3/12/09 3/23/09 Yes No No No Monitoring Instrument Staffing ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. 11a Warden's response received 2/15/09: The failure to fill this vacancy was due to a miscommunication. Due to staffing needs a correctional officer was promoted to a senior correctional officer Correctional officer position #118364 was vacant for a before the designated time HR assigned. Failure to notify HR of total of 50 days. ESSENTIAL item. the promotion date caused an overage on the correctional officer fill requirement date. WCFA did have 7 part-time officers employed during that time period who worked a total of 1,318.01 hours. The contract requires the physician to be at WCFA sixteen (16) hours per week. During the period of 11/26/08 till 1/5/09, there was no physician at WCFA Medical and except for seven (7) hours on 12/12/08. There was no Mental Health 1b(1) physician here from 1/29/09 till 2/9/09. The week of Service 2/9/09, the physician was only here 4.75 hours. The week of 2/23/09, the physician was here only 12.15 hours. Disciplinary Procedures Special Management Inmates CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN Wardens response received 3/17/09: The facility agrees that we did not provide the amount of physician hours as required by contract/staffing pattern. This occurred as a result of the departure of the physician previously employed and the subsequent decision of the doctor hired to replace him to accept other employment. We now have a contract physician committed to providing coverage for sixteen (16) hours were week. As always, we will continue to ensure that the inmates receive the appropriate medical care. Wardens response received 3/16/09: Facility concurs that this occurred as stated. The DHO reported to the Chief of Security in advance that she was going to have to be off work on the scheduled hearing date. The Chief failed to make arrangements to provide a relief DHO. Formal disciplinary action is pending as a result. NIN Twenty-nine (29) disciplinaries had to be dismissed. Disciplinary Board hearings were not held, nor were they continued. NIN Wardens response received 3/24/09: The Warden concurs that these inmates were not evaluated within the specified time frame. After discussing with the mental health coordinator, it was found Twenty-one (21) punitive inmates were due a thirty that the errors occurred due to her using the TOMIS MGM report (30) day mental health assessment, five (5) exceeded to develop the schedule for the evaluations. This report is not the timeframe. accurate for this purpose in cases where inmates receive additional sentences after initial segregation placement. She will begin using other scheduling practices that will ensure inmates are evaluated within the appropriate time period. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print Page 1 DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES 4/3/09 CMD note: Although this is an ESSENTIAL item, a Breach notification will be withheld on this occasion. It appears that there was sufficient staff coverage for this post during the time the full time position was vacant. WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR APRIL 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 2/9/09 3/10/09 3/12/09 3/23/09 Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument Staffing ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. 11a Special Management Inmates CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Warden's response received 2/15/09: The failure to fill this 4/3/09 CMD note: Although this is an ESSENTIAL vacancy was due to a miscommunication. Due to staffing needs a item, a Breach notification will be withheld on this correctional officer was promoted to a senior correctional officer Corrective Action Verified: Correctional officer position #118364 was vacant for a before the designated time HR assigned. Failure to notify HR of 4/28/09: No further finding of non- occasion. It appears that there was sufficient staff total of 50 days. ESSENTIAL item. coverage for this post during the time the full time the promotion date caused an overage on the correctional officer compliance. position was vacant. fill requirement date. WCFA did have 7 part-time officers employed during that time period who worked a total of 1,318.01 hours. The contract requires the physician to be at WCFA sixteen (16) hours per week. During the period of 11/26/08 till 1/5/09, there was no physician at WCFA Medical and except for seven (7) hours on 12/12/08. There was no Mental Health 1b(1) physician here from 1/29/09 till 2/9/09. The week of Service 2/9/09, the physician was only here 4.75 hours. The week of 2/23/09, the physician was here only 12.15 hours. Disciplinary Procedures Page 1 Wardens response received 3/17/09: The facility agrees that we did not provide the amount of physician hours as required by contract/staffing pattern. This occurred as a result of the departure of the physician previously employed and the subsequent decision CM will continue to monitor this of the doctor hired to replace him to accept other employment. We item on a weekly basis. now have a contract physician committed to providing coverage for sixteen (16) hours were week. As always, we will continue to ensure that the inmates receive the appropriate medical care. Wardens response received 3/16/09: Facility concurs that this occurred as stated. The DHO reported to the Chief of Security in Corrective Action Verified: advance that she was going to have to be off work on the 4/28/09: No further finding of scheduled hearing date. The Chief failed to make arrangements to non-compliance. provide a relief DHO. Formal disciplinary action is pending as a result. NIN Twenty-nine (29) disciplinaries had to be dismissed. Disciplinary Board hearings were not held, nor were they continued. NIN Wardens response received 3/24/09: The Warden concurs that these inmates were not evaluated within the specified time frame. After discussing with the mental health coordinator, it was found Twenty-one (21) punitive inmates were due a thirty that the errors occurred due to her using the TOMIS MGM report (30) day mental health assessment, five (5) exceeded to develop the schedule for the evaluations. This report is not the timeframe. accurate for this purpose in cases where inmates receive additional sentences after initial segregation placement. She will begin using other scheduling practices that will ensure inmates are evaluated within the appropriate time period. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR MAY 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 3/10/09 3/23/09 Yes Yes Monitoring Instrument ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. The contract requires the physician to be at WCFA sixteen (16) hours per week. During the period of 11/26/08 till 1/5/09, there was no physician at WCFA Medical and except for seven (7) hours on 12/12/08. There was no Mental Health 1b(1) physician here from 1/29/09 till 2/9/09. The week of Service 2/9/09, the physician was only here 4.75 hours. The week of 2/23/09, the physician was here only 12.15 hours. Special Management Inmates NIN Page 1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS Wardens response received 3/17/09: The facility agrees that we did not provide the amount of physician hours as required by contract/staffing pattern. This occurred as a result of the departure of the physician previously employed and the subsequent decision CM will continue to monitor this of the doctor hired to replace him to accept other employment. We item on a weekly basis. now have a contract physician committed to providing coverage for sixteen (16) hours were week. As always, we will continue to ensure that the inmates receive the appropriate medical care. Wardens response received 3/24/09: The Warden concurs that these inmates were not evaluated within the specified time frame. After discussing with the mental health coordinator, it was found Twenty-one (21) punitive inmates were due a thirty that the errors occurred due to her using the TOMIS MGM report Corrrective Action Verified: (30) day mental health assessment, five (5) exceeded to develop the schedule for the evaluations. This report is not 05/29/09. No further finding of the timeframe. accurate for this purpose in cases where inmates receive non-compliance. additional sentences after initial segregation placement. She will begin using other scheduling practices that will ensure inmates are evaluated within the appropriate time period. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES WCFA SUMMARY OF NON-COMPLIANCE NOTIFICATIONS FOR JUNE 2009 OUT- DATE OF STANDING REPORT ISSUE Y/N 3/10/09 6/16/09 6/22/09 Yes No No Monitoring Instrument ITEM NON-COMPLIANCE ISSUE NO. The contract requires the physician to be at WCFA sixteen (16) hours per week. During the period of 11/26/08 till 1/5/09, there was no physician at WCFA Medical and except for seven (7) hours on 12/12/08. There was no Mental Health 1b(1) physician here from 1/29/09 till 2/9/09. The week of Service 2/9/09, the physician was only here 4.75 hours. The week of 2/23/09, the physician was here only 12.15 hours. Security and Control Count Medical and Mental Health Services Page 1 CONTRACTOR RESPONSE/DATE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN DATE/METHOD OF CONFIRMATION BY MONITOR/COMMENTS TDOC MANAGEMENT COMMENTS/NOTES Wardens response received 3/17/09: The facility agrees that we did not provide the amount of physician hours as required by contract/staffing pattern. This occurred as a result of the departure of the physician previously employed and the subsequent decision CM will continue to monitor this of the doctor hired to replace him to accept other employment. We item on a weekly basis. now have a contract physician committed to providing coverage for sixteen (16) hours per week. As always, we will continue to ensure that the inmates receive the appropriate medical care. 4f Inmate was placed in segregation pending Wardens response received 6/22/09: Warden concurs with the disciplinary hearing. He was scheduled to be released findings. Count room officer failed to assign his new housing at 10:00 a.m. on 6/15/09. According to the logbook, assignment on LIMC. C/R Officer and OIC have been counseled he was released from segregation; however LIMC on the importance of this issues and both will be given was not updated until 8:28 p.m. Essential item. documented corrective action. 2c Inmate had a order for a narcotic. The order was discontinued on 5/28/09. On 6/22/09, the actual count was sixty-one. CR-2264 showed the count as sixtyeight. There was a discrepancy of seven pills. No documentation could be located to account for the missing medication. Essential item. Wardens response received 7/1/09: Concurs. Investigation was conducted but staff were unable to determine conclusively what happened to the missing pills. No evidence was found to suggest the medication was stolen and believe the error to be due to a failure in the processes. Changes were implemented and training was conducted to ensure the procedures were understood. HSA and CNS will monitor this daily. Instrument name and Item numbers for Liquidated Damages issues are in BOLD print 8/6/09 CMD note: A Breach of Contract notification was sent to the contractor on 7/8/09.