Department of Justice Response to Foia Obtaining and Using Evidence From Social Networking Sites 2010
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U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Division Washington, D.C. 20530 CRM-200900732F MAR 32010 Mr. James Tucker Mr. Shane Witnov Electronic Frontier Foundation 454 Shotwell Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Dear Messrs Tucker and Witnov: This is an interim response to your request dated October 6, 2009 for access to records concerning "use of social networking websites (including, but not limited to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Flickr and other online social media) for investigative (criminal or otherwise) or data gathering purposes created since January 2003, including, but not limited to: I) documents that contain information on the use of "fake identities" to "trick" users "into accepting a [government] official as friend" or otherwise provide information to he government as described in the Boston Globe article quoted above; 2) guides, manuals, policy statements, memoranda, presentations, or other materials explaining how government agents should collect information on social networking websites: 3) guides, manuals, policy statements, memoranda, presentations, or other materials, detailing how or when government agents may collect information through social networking websites; 4) guides, manuals, policy statements, memoranda, presentations and other materials detailing what procedures government agents must follow to collect information through socialnetworking websites; 5) guides, manuals, policy statements, memorandum, presentations, agreements (both formal and informal) with social-networking companies, or other materials relating to privileged user access by the Criminal Division to the social networking websites; 6) guides, manuals, memoranda, presentations or other materials for using any visualization programs, data analysis programs or tools used to analyze data gathered from social networks; 7) contracts, requests for proposals, or purchase orders for any visualization programs, data analysis programs or tools used to analyze data gathered from social networks. 8) guides, manuals, policy statements, memoranda, presentations, or other materials describing how information caHected from social-networking websites is retained in government databases or shared with other government agencies." While processing your request, we located one record totaling 33 pages. After careful review of this document we determined to release this item in part. We are withholding portions of the record pursuant to the exemption in 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6)which permits the withholding of personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. The withheld material consists of work telephone numbers and e-mail addresses ofDOJ attorneys. We wiH continue to search for any additional documents that may be responsive to your request. We estimate that it make take approximately fourteen days to complete the processing of your request. Although your ForA request is the subject oflitigation, I am nonetheless required by regulation to inform you that you that you have a right to an to an administrative appeal of this partial denial of your request. Your appeal should be addressed to: The Office ofInformation Policy, United States Department of Justice, 1425 New York Ave., NW, Suite 11050, Washington, DC 20530-0001. Both the envelope and the letter should be clearly marked with the legend "ForA Appeal." Department regulations provide that such appeals must be received by the Office ofInformation Policy within sixty days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, ~N- GoI1~ale;z.. G:J1~ Rena Y. Kim, Chief Freedom ofInformationiPrivacy Act Unit Office of Enforcement Operations Criminal Division W \ Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Obtaining and Using Evidence from Social Networking Sites - . -- """:~' "'~,;O'_"_ Facebook, MySpace, Linkedln, and More John Lynch Jenny Ellickson Deputy Chief, Computer Crime Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Trial Attorney Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section \, Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section AGENDA Introduction to Social Networking Sites Overview of Key Social Networking Sites Additional Legal and Practical Issues , Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section AGENDA Overview of Key Social Networking Sites Additional Legal and Practical Issues _ "'-'o.'\..'-);~} • i?f.7P'~ .jJ " . h, '. 'r), Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section \i .-/!j !'~l \\,.!t:1 '~~IHE Introduction to Social Networking RISE OF ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS 1997 2003 Friendster, Linkedln 2004 MySpace 2005 Facebook 2008 Twitter Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Introduction to Social Networking POPULAR SOCIAL NETWORKS Worldwide: Facebook u.s. and Canada: MySpace, Linkedln, Twitter Europe: MySpace, Twitter, Hi5, V Kontakte Latin America: HiS, Orkut, Tagged Asia: QQ, Friendster, Xiaonei, Orkut, Mixi, HiS Middle East and Africa: Maktoob, HiS l Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section WORLD MAP OF SOCIAL NETWORKS ;,;g CY'Norid Facebook II Hi5 Iii! H",'es "'",. III lw;~,_""" fj[,l lide ~ Maktoob • Mixi .. MySp.ce • II NetS"za-klasa od~6ttlaSSniki 1:1 One • • Ol'kut QQ SI,yrock " V Kontakte n:~ Wretch Zing Image courtesy Vincenzo Cosenza ( data based on Alexa and Google Trends :!'r~Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section "4~, ~~ '0 0' . j~1 '"'S:,"~ Introduction to Social Networking POPULARITY IN THE UNITED STATES Most-visited websites in the U.S. (August 2009) 1. 2. 3. 4. 0 5. Google Yahoo Facebook YouTube MySpace • • • 13. Twitter • • • 27. Linkedln Source: - August 12, 2009 list of Top 100 websites in United States. :1 ,Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section , p Introduction to Social Networking THE BASICS Most social-networking sites allow users to: • • • • • Create personal profiles Write status updates or blog entries Post photographs, videos, and audio clips Send and receive private messages Link to the pages of others (Le., "friends") How can LE obtain data from these sites? • Some info may be public Z~ • Use~CPA'~,O get info from ~providers (7 . ) • Undercover operations? ( "\ ,,'--/ " '.--.-=:---_•. / ! \. Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Introduction to Social Networking UTILITY IN CRIMINAL CASES ( Evidence from social-networking sites can '( • • • • • 'J Reveal personal communications Establish motives and personal relationships Provide location information Prove and disprove alibis Establish crime or criminal enterprise Also: instrumentalities or fruits of crime. · I,. Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section AGENDA Introduction to Social Networking Additional Legal and Practical Issues :,1, Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Overview of Key Social Networking Sites FACEBOOK Founded in 2004, primarily catering to students Now over 250m active members worldwide Over 10b photos in Oct 2008; adds over 1b monthly Applications run on Facebook platform True names encouraged but not guaranteed . Privacy model is highly granular; present different information to different groups or individual users Messaging includes mail, real-time chat, "wall" Now used in private background checks ~oobface - virus/worm vector G~ ! Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Overview of Key Social Networking Sites FACEBOOK ,'lij Vemi Moore IFactbook- Mic;~:iohl·~'t.,,~ BcplC,lrl!f Ptovide~- by Criminal DivisiQ~'t.~',~", ,-i,:;!,/,-')i -(~:G :tj:.L~,;~;;~~;~;~;;~~~~r.d~i~~~;:~:.": E'tle Edit liew F,!vcrites '~'o;;;:;;"'';':-'Ii~'s~~ 100ls ._- ':", -;,","., ,~!~,:".' :i:i'~"4:J~~~~'~:{ ·:::'::~!ff.~::~:? :~:':f~~:";!~~ ;;;;:;~;:,>, " .' , ..•. ,_,,_, '._ ',' . _,. . . ----.,---'---.. ,'-'''-='''.. --'-'{£.,--::~ ' - " ..,', ,,"""'.~J'''"'', __ . _..,-. , •. -"~~-,~.'~."''''-'"'~-.",.,,,;--;c''="".,"'''''=c';'"_ .. ffi1 .. ~:',...,.,.. Dellli Moore Is 011 Facebook Wall Info,· Photo"s VouTu~ Sox r~ "lS-E~~~-·:-·®'-T£al' ~ » __.-~=~,."·~ ..·.,.,..",'..."·r•.,.,,..~.-.,.. ,"'", 1ll~"'''''''ls~'9ii;,,;,;,;.;, FacebllQI\ to connect" wrth Deml MQore. Ifotes Infcum3.tion LlIS./l.IlgI:IelI,CA llir!!'d3~; No\'.mbu 11 P iF·" .t!dp ·;)~]~'~:~;~~;;:~:;~'-'~·:~-··:·-·'~=~~'='~·~:~=.r'::::i---·--·"---'--·'·'··· .. ",n",.~~_,,-,....,'"."" .J. ~!LX.,f:, L;l'~[~arm ,.• ~. Demf Moore P[!; help get the word ollt t In 8 AmerlCll~ is ilt risk of hunger. Jotn a community that carEs. Go to IItr,w.facelJoolconv'ketloggCilrES and become a FAN f.n\!< to h~lp end us h1J11ger. watch the-video below th~we aeatedwlth all of YOUtI let Gof 1, 115,626 f",rn me know h::w,yolJ like It ••• ".. ) Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section }<<;-----:~---------.....;~-:..._-------------------- p1i ~-'7 1i;S§i",<.";",,,;;;:r~ < < Overview of Key Social Networking Sites FACEBOOK TYB:H= Bll'!i' nameN tag: --------, ·cw d!:n:ms·ea pe rS(HiJ ~ _." ,-- o Caroline Pryce o Chrissy rvlingay o James Norman D Bareham o Tim Gunton o Aaron Cheang o Ad rvlajora Natus Sum o Adamr"!acer , Katy o Alex Higham j 0 AlexTariina [ Tag I [ Cancel] V ';;;;,,;;.,' Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Overview of Key Social Networking Sites FACEBOOK iii Who Can Find. YOll 0" Facebook? lit Who Can See This? Friends o or o friends o Some Friends e Friends. Friends (~) rrlc-ndsof friends ~-h Frfends. Mj;' fn!.",!.!:;. -9.r,G the-' j'r,£"j::, ;..--",~ !'ee this. (: ;,-; ~. C1 -DnlV Frrends ~: ... ,; (- q. ,:;.( ;.'"c" ~C:';' 1:'· Onliy D.r;;·~· frje;~jj~ Co;;;'.'1 ~>::.~ Ch;::,\:',;,~ th<:>-. !T.,e;dfi<: i'ri,,:'rlo '"< -c:-::'~ ~",e t\1 i :>-. Onry Me Networks On\' YI;!:U~fld ::;i,ll;;r.u:::/ i"1€::','•.::,rK(i" ':2('1' !;8.9 this, Networks _-,-_ CN' ...... ;, ~~~f My N"l:W()fk~~", ... fc~·.1.·: ... (am::-cl J 'i, Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Data is organized by user ID or group ID Standard data productions (per LE guide): Neoprint, Photoprint, User Contact Info, Group Contact Info, IP Logs HOWEVER, Facebook has other data available. Often cooperative with emergency requests. ('] ~ l Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Overview of Key Social Networking Sites MYSPACE Founded 2003, now owned by Fox Interactive Media 2006: Most popular SN; passed by Facebook in 2008 Currently tens of millions of active users monthly True names less encouraged than Facebook Messaging through messages, chat, friend updates Application platform rolled out early 2008 Young user base, history of child safety concerns .---_.-_.--------.. Pnvacy is currently less granular than Facebook ~-, --' _ ' _.' - , --- -, ._- .. ,----~_._-_._ _ ~_ ----~ Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Overview of Key Social Networking Sites MYSPACE Status and Mood Michelle FaIrplay ;.1y Re\'>' f.avcrile OBJltE: 1.lanonlll1e~!Go c:hectltlem Out..lImilzlng! Wood: lIf1lorOllS ~ 11 G:1S FM JIII:<4 Mlc:hene fairplay ['Ill lost a 112 [nell off ~ hl~s~ Llood: exhlllldad@ iUe:DlPlfiJol1.;!:j LtichemE Fairplay Is tilllmg Spec;ial KaM watting. ouL F.!Md: JmlgMed'$ !iI 1;;:-(1 FMJ:1 t~ Michelle Fairplay Is gettlng reatiy 10 slvn a contrllcl that colllO change my llje.'!:~ HenG Sh!lIlghlll China!' @ Mood: lICCCHI1prlSh~il ;,1 12:~ PI!. J~\ a Interests General (t).10Q% ... 111 Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Overview of Key Social Networking Sites MYSPACE Overview of Key Social Networking Sites MYSPACE JU5t Amy !5 0fTletimcs lsalbelle Wanders &.L"O"'J"1 AN" GAL"YO/" Laura '. " , .'\,) Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section . Overview of Key Social Networking Sites GETTING INFO FROM MYSPACE Many profiles have public content. ,~ Data is organized by FriendlD"\ see LE guide. : , ~ MySpace requires a search warrant for private ) messages/bulletins less than 181 days old ' ~ • Also considers friend lists to be stored conten~ , Data retention times User info and stored files - indefinitely 'Ii" IP logs, info for deleted accounts - 1 year) / ~ Market leader in "micro-blogging" Began in mid-2006 as "status message" service Ubiquity and ease of updating, but limited space Breaking news, real-time updates: USAir, Iran Most multimedia handled by 3d party links Simplified privacy model: updates pUblic or private . Direct messages are private; sender can delete ~ Short URLs used to serve malicious links and code )., / ( Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Overview of Key Social Networking Sites TWITTER Ble Idit 'fj.ew F!,Jorites: Ieoh Help ~C;~~~'-''':;' -b]'s;~ct '.~-~-.-""""-' ·~~~-:,,·.~_J-,~~~;:-~r:~i~'_~:u::~:,~d:i,~:~;;c:o~~·.;-~ i~i~:;r~'"_ ',.:.": '- :.' ':,:-_:'_~-:'-]=~-.':-,-':~~"_:'~,-:,:~~'--"-T;"erifiedAccol1nt Name Brook Busey Bio Blame it on the a-a~a~a alcohol. 130 90,507 fr;ltol.';lng Tol!o-\'lI,r1; Tweets Fa:JOntas Halve<f FoOds #unpopularstoiES II Following RT @serailnowiullove thp.- Transformer who changes Into a hotel lobby - Re<:epticon @l{e!lyOXiorc @louisvinellthink kids ShOuld be taught the True Alphabet: R.S,T,N,l and E_ I endorse this sentiment heartily. RT @raiflnwiisonfart noise PDtatoes, Ti'lbasco and Dos EqUis for my hangover. View Ail. 1.,595 I Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section ( Overview of Key Social Networking Sites r GETTING INFO FROM TWITTER The good news • Most Twitter content is public • Private messages kept until user deletes them The bad news • No contact phone number ) • Only retain last login IP \ . \ • Will not preserve data without legal process ) • Stated policy of producing data only in \ \ response to legal process (i.e., no 2702) ) • No Law Enforcement Guide \ Overview of Key Social Networking Sites LINKEDIN Business-focused with enforced limits to interaction Profiles focused on education and work experience Use for criminal communications app,ars limi'te~ ~ 'V But can be used to identify experts )~ . Can check background of defense experts) , Privacy model similar to Facebook Profile information is not checked for reliability Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Overview of Key Social Networking Sites LINKEDIN I··· . . . . . fllckObama Obama to your netvlork President Dfthe United States of America Washington D.C. f",1etro Area Current Past • President at United States of America • USSenatof at US Senate (IL-D) Public profile powered by: Linked WJ Cre:aif' a PUblIc prcfile: Sign 18 or Join Now • Senior Lecturer in Law at University of Chicago Law School Education • State Senator at /Hinois State Senate View Barack Obama's full profile: • Harvard University • See WllO you and Samek Obama know In • Columbia University in the City of New York • Occidetltal College Connections Industry Websites common • Get introduced to- Saraek Obama • Contact BarackObaOla dfreetfy r&l 500+ connections <.c:::Y Government Administration • White House website • Join Saraek's Linkedln Group • f,,1y RSS feed Name Search: Search forpeopfe you kllowfrom oller 40 mll1ion professionals alreadY on Linkedln. .' Done: ._·.c_._"~.""""",,_. E@Internetl ProtEcted Mad~ Off ,~ . _. ·:f;.,lClO% .. .. ~._ ~_ .... _ ",;;'; ;:;.,.-.,,),:;,: Jj ~', ",! ~ ... \\' h "1'\ '" Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section .,' AGENDA Introduction to Social Networking Overview of Key Social Networking Sites 3il-"~,')'''~I' Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section '~" ,"'" .~ :, ,~ ,(' ,X -~3 c" J1 . ~, '\f'~~,,, . '."~"y Legal and Practical 'Issues FEDERATED IDENTITY ISSUES • Social networking sites increasingly adopting federated identity schemes o ,~.----..: OpenlD, Facebook Connect • Facebook, MySpace, Yahoo!, and Google ide~tity auth~nti.catoJ:s..: ".SjngleSign~!~" a~a (~ moCfe " , • Example: A user can log in to a Facebook account using Google credentials a a a • After a link is established between two accounts, Google will check and vouch for identity of its user Authentication information split from activity information , In turn, a Facebook login may be used to authenticate to/"-"":~) s~-Usjng "Facebook Connect" ( 't\ ;/attributi.Q.~ is necessary, must determine identit~ ) provi er--- not simply the domai'f[ ----.."..~.._- ..-."":..~/ -------... .. Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section , " 1 Y~t}f~' _':<!.¥/! Introduction to Social Networking ~z~~s>~ TERMS OF SERVICE I PRIVACY POLICIES • Social networks have extensive terms of service and privacy pol icies . ~ , ::,7:~::~Zi~::;~~:;od;::~:~-i~{:gL~ioces~ and protect service against fraud/damage • U.S. v. Drew - can failure to follow TOS render access unauthorized under 1030? Employment policy cases tend to say yes o But concerns that transforms lOS into private criminal code for site misconduct o // I Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section Legal and Practical Issues DOES THE PPA APPLY? • Growth of social networks raises questions of breadth of PPA o o o Is Facebook/Twitter a "similar form of communication" to a newspaper, book, broadcast? (Ashton Kutcher? CNNbrk? Ira~?) No easy answers, but look to intent to ) ,,-;z) communicate news to sizable audience, ) In many cases, Guest v. Leis rule will be\ sufficient; CCIPS can help with analysis) ~ v • Congress continues to examine media shield "\ '~Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section \, \ ; ,I / Undercover operations after U.S. v. Drew I ~ ~ • If agents violate terms of service, is that -z >C.r "otherwise illegal activity"? I4i--<V -', .! 1 ::;j :~1,~;. .,..!. . i Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section "l rllli ~j Legal and Practical Issues l(i~",~~,~? WITNESSES & SOCIAL NETWORKS 7 Many witnesses have social-networking pages • Valuable source of info on defense witnesses • Potential pitfalls for government witnesses Knowledge is power • Research all witnesses on social-networking sites • Discovery obligations? Advise your witnesses: • Not to discuss cases on social-networking sites • To think carefully about what they post / , Legal and Practical Issues OTHER COURTROOM ISSUES Social networking and the courtroom .can be a dangerous combination • Use caution in "friending" judges, defense counsel • Warn jurors about social-networking sites Social networking + mobile devices = (5;') real-time updates on courtroom events,~y , Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section ,.' :',,\" i./j~ . 'ii't~, ,~. '. _, tti~ -"~CIPS Duty Line: 202-514-1026 ~ l' John Lynch B6 '" ---~ Jenny Ellickson ~ ~