Detainees Positive Response, FBI, 2004
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| Detainees Positive Responses 1. W . SUMMARY CODED CATEGO ares OF JUSTIFICATION CATEGORIES INFORMATIONWITHHELI! S ' l f I INFORlV_1ATION_ Category Category."b! ! AGENCY PERSONNEL RULES AND PRACTICES b! !-1 Internal FBITelephone Numbers. ' Category h! ! CLEARLY UNWARRANTED PERSONAL i g INVASION OF PRIVACY ' ' . b! !-1. Names of FBI SpecialAgentsandSupportPersonnel. -- . b! !-2 Personal Infolmation of FBI SpecialAgentsandSupport Personnel, IncludingDates of EntranceonDuty with theFBI and Other Work-Related Personal Information. tb3> -31» Names of Employees of OtherGovernment Agencies, Including b 1| ! -4 NamesandIdentifying Information of Foreign Detainees, _ Contract Employees. ' IncludingDOD DetaineeIdenti cation Numbers. l NamesandIdentifyingInfonnation of Individualswhoare of tb! I|-5 iIb! I>-6 Investigative Interest totheFBI. - . _' ~ C*".°g°I'.Y b! ! C! 1 l1! _! C!-1 l1! ! C!-2 I Names of Individuals whoareMerelyMentionedin FBI Investigative Records. UNVVARRANTED INVASION OF PERSONAL PRIVACY Names of FBI Special Agents andSupport Persoimel. Personal Information of FBI SpecialAgentsandSupport Personnel, IncludingDates of EntranceonDuty with theFBI and Other Work-Related . |1! !lIC!-3 Personal Information. Names of Employees of OtherGovernment Agencies,Including _' Contract Employees. b! IIlIC!-4 ' NamesandIdentifyingInformation of ForeignDetainees, Including DODDetainee Identi cation Numbers. l b! lHfC!-5 Names andIdentifying Information of Individualswho are of Investigative Interest tothe'FBI. b! IHIC!-6 _ . Names oflndividuals who are Malay Mentioned in FBI tI11Ys§tigs1i :¢l%@s<>rd§_ - "I T . "7 T71 CDDED CATEGORIES ATION VVITHI-IE r11wi1fgRM _LD -' __ - _ coNFl1JENT1AL soURci: MHAFTERIAL T ateeolwt __ with! Names and Identifying Information of Foreign Detainees who _ b! ! D!-1 were Interviewed and Provided Infomiation to the FBI under Implied Assurances of Con dentiality. Category b! ! F! ianmw!-1 . i ENDANGER LIFE UR PHYSICAL .-INDIVIDUAL - Namesand Identifying SAFETY OF ANY - Information ofForeignDetainees who were Interviewed and Provided Information to the FBI, the Disclosure Which of Could ReasonablyExpected be to Endanger theLives or Physical Safety ofThese Detainees of Their Family Members. i i' W ' I .' 1' ' &General Information ' : w-._ -n FJ |-' -I I memtnewn _ - :D . FEDERAL ' _ Z! . BUREAU OF Precedence: Peionrrr . To: . JI INVESTIGATION . Director's Office Date: Attn: DD Bruce 09/02/2004 J} Gebhardt From: ~Inspection _ - - Office of Inspections - ' Qaproni_Valerie _ _ Approved By:Gebhardt Bruce J.?Qr Drafted _ By: Title: GTMQ ' ' E. _ _- . .,4-I _ _ b6 1 b?C-1 Case ID #:2.97. HQ-A132'?6.669-A Pending!; ~' _ '' _ _ COUNTERTERRORI SM DIVI INSPECTION SPECIAL Synopsis: - Inspection Request_approval Division S ION CTD] INQUIRY I to designate INSD! Special Based upon a request -_ Details: _ captioned matter from 0GC,_1NSD conducted of all Bureau personnel who had served in any capacity since 09/11/2001. This surveys which was disseminated " requested personnel to advise INSD if as an __ - Inquiry. they observed A a survey i at GTMO via email, any _' aggressive mistreatment, interrogations or interview techniques of GTMOdetainees by representatives of any law enforcement, military or_Bureau personnel which were not consistent with -. or "Bureau guidelines. Records obtained by CTD determined there were ' S32 Bureau employees or contractors who served at GTMOduring this time frame._ The survey resulted in identifying nine employees who observed such-treatment "summaries of what they observed; and they provided short There_were no documented incidents involving any Bureaq personnel. These provided to General Counsel Valerie Caproni, nine employees be interviewed. ' I In order to requested that matter t summaries who requested .' , were these . commence with the interviews, it is the Deputy Director as an INSD Special designate and approve this Inquiry. . 1 4 I | >-. RESPONSES 1 . J w92. . _ . _To: Director'sFrom: Oégace Inspection :! Re; 297-HQ~A13276669-A, 09/02/2004 _ LEADIB!: Set Lead 1:Action! DIRECIOR'S OFFIQE - A'I _DDFO, DC That the ' attention of the -- request for designation be brought to the Deputy Director. ¢+ Z % ~RESPONSES 2 . _ _______-------n-InnunIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1- .ej * iF :-',-. 7 , -mwnbmem; - I_. 1' . FEDERAL BUREAU DF INVESTIGATION _Date: To: Counterterrorism AttnDAD General Counsel 09/23/2004 T. Jw Attn= Valerie 'Inspeetion_ " - _Office . , Precedence: ROUTINE ' From: . io :> ' gt - u" '*" "'" ~- of ions_ 92 , kContact: I __ _j Harrington E. Caproni ' -i_ ' if b2 ei ApprovedThompson, By: W1 Donald J ¥&@ 92 §jfc"f1 GI-5.1111 137:! Robert -- Case ID '#: -.'g ii 9_§77'-é.'l:IQ§:j;l_3_-?"! {Pending}*3_é , £aé-7 Title: on-10 _ ' .- comrrsnrsnnonrsm _ DIVISION cam!. INSPECTION SPECIAL INQUIRY ' Sknopsis: -Provide results Office of the General _Enelosure s!: .below . of captioned Counsel EOGC! special inquiry _Copies of FD~302s personnel. , - _ following: reflecting-interview results I_* e to the for review. .Enclosed_£or OGC and CTD are the listed FBI _ of the II . 1! 2] 3! .4! b6 1 5! ,b?C 6} 7! -B! 7 1 7 7.77 Q ' 9 Details: In July, 2004, OGC requested INSD to conduct into whether FBI personnel . had observed any mistreatment an inquiry or aggressive behavior of detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba GTMO!. Based upon this request, on 7X09/2004, INSD sent an email.message to all FBI personnel who had served in any capacity at GTMO since U9/ll/2001. The email was detailed as follows: _ -' | ¢ ' RESPONSES-3 gI _~= . 1"! . - To: Counterterroiggm From:'_lnspection :>' Re: 2'97-HQ-l32'?5669 09/2322004 A, ' "You have been identified assignment at Division GTMO, Cuba since has been tasked served in any capacity with as having 09/ll/2001. an The Inspection - contacting those employees at GTMOand obtain the treatment of detainees. to the following: conducted information Employees should " -.- who have regarding immediately respond _ 1! Employees who observed aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees was not consistent with should email respond via Bureau interview for the which policy/guidelines, purpose of a followup interview. -2} Employees who served at GTMD and observed no-'_ aggressive treatment of detainees, should respond via an-EC documenting a negative response. The'EC should include the employees official Bureau name, title, and tenure of assignment at err-10; . _ ' Q The EC should be titled "GTMO, Inspection Special Inquiry", Division, 1327669-A. The EC should with a hard copy. not _' . _ . I Counterterrorism ¬' file number 297iHQ~ be uploaded, but only serialized, ' ' _ _ CTD provided a list containing the identity of all Bureau personnel and it was determined-493 had served in some capacity. This list was utilized for the forwarding of the above described email. _- INSD'received 434 responses from Bureau personnel. Some non-responders included contractors no longer employed by the FBI and employees who had since retired.y INSD received 26 positive responses from Bureau personnel. The majority of these employees did not have knowledge of what the "approved" -interview/interrogation guidelines were, but wanted to ensure INSD was aware be noted that mistreatment observed employees requested of a of or possible incident of mistreatment. .It should the 26 employees who responded did not observe detainees rumored to of outside to provide a by FBI have personnel._ occurred, was organizations. brief allegedly conducted These 26 employees synopsis any Any mistreatment by were of what they observed in order that OGC could make a determination of whether a follow-up interview required. The synopsis provided by each personnel is attached to their enclosed FD 302 in thiscommunication. ' ' - _ ' The synopsis of each of-the 26 incidents was provided to GGC for review. Subsequent to the review, OGC determined that nine of the employees would be required interviewed. The personnel are identified as follows: - ' 2 RESPONSES4 § _ ' . -I ' an LI1 ' . To: CounterterroglgmInspection From; C:> Re: 297-Ho-132?6es9-A, 09/23/2004 1! Boston .2} - be _l _ bn;_1 crnc 3! CIRG 4! Cleveland Division ' Division ' .- Division S! - Houston Division 6! - -TD Anchorage - Division .' 9! -CIRG _ _ 7! The of the above personnel were conducted 8! interviews durinqfthe first two weehs-of_September, 2004 with the exception _ Los Angelee 9 of| _'_ _to_,amedical "L*Ii W and [iswascurrently on extended sick ' 1 ness not available. It should- b6 '1 leave due b7°'1 noted bethatq;:;;;::]had previously documented his concerns of interrogation ec 1 es at GTMO and provided this documentation to OGC. h copy ofEf?i::::]s communication isattachedto this report. ' _ The interviews _ resulted in a determination that no FBI 'personnel were involved in any mistreatment or aggressive behavior of detainees at GTMO. All incidents observed by these employees involved outside entities, the majority of whom could - not be identified.; None of the incidents were similar in nature to those reported at the Abu Ghurayb Prison. Specifics.regarding_. ~each reported incident are detailed in each of the enclosed FD~ ' .3025; - ' 1 - ' ' 4 3 RESPONSES5 ' - 92.n - _ I TO! CO92lD.t8ItE.11'_IC}r;m_ 'FI'O'[fl.; >Bm I1'1:9 Re: 297-1-IQ 13276669 A, 09,-'23/2004 LE392.D s} -=' . .J Set Lead 1:Info! GENERAL COUNSEL AT WASHINGTON ,DC For informat 92 92 Set ' ion and review . _ ' e Lead Z: {Info} COU'NTERf§EEB,OgI §M I A'If_l-L11; wAs_11;Nc;ro1~1, DCVFor . information. 0' n F 92 I -_4. RESPONSES-6 ' if _ __ o _ * _ __ 1__ __ _ [Rcv.0I-31-2003} . H_ -| _' __ " Z_'___ 7_:-- ¢ _' 1 -FEDERAL .- BUREAU OF - - -- _' * INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 09/23/200*! To =Inspection From: Inspection Office of Insgections l' Contact: Y b6 ~1Approved - .|By::---lI _' _I I -- b2 -1 C1 II BY i Case IIJ#= 29'?-'nQ~A132';ss9-A [Pend ing!-$56 Title: G'I'MO -- - COUNTERTERRORISM DIVISION [CTD} INSPECTION SPECIAL INQUIRY ' Synopsis: Forward-original the INSD FD-302s and investigative notes rotor. ' Enc1osure s!: Enclosecifor Original FD-302s interview results of the 1! the INSD rotor are the following: and investigative notes reflecting below listed FBI personnel. ' it =_=.92:-rim-.92i";5 [ i 2} - M5 Stet- 3} 41 _-r'|a92.'l J wi--92 5} 5.=.A-J b6 -1 31¢ -} b7c 5! __,,| 7! 81 i_i to .- soil- it ~1 J1&5 '5?-»c'-o~92 5 =L Detai1s:_ Captioned special inquiry FD-3025 and investigative notes is concluded and the should be placed in file. RESPONSES-7 original l5 l 1 I 17 . _ i- _: t 7? i _ i i I T6:297-HQ-13276669-A, Inapectipn Igalm: Inspection _ 09/23/2004 , .Re: E LEADIB!: Set Lead 1: Info! INSPECTION AT WASHINGTON[ DC ' .- 92 File the .1 F encloséd documentation. 0+ l 92- 2 - RESPONSES-8 _ . _ , - QL FD-340:1 {Rem11-12-89] »r92 [Title] __ ___ . _ afI'F~yM»1ma@@ { ?* *"f* ~ -r7' " ** Y1: N { 1 1 311» F 92 t ukil I fl?+- */L5»-ls=, , H i P=" 1~ { 1" * " = *+ 1 1~ i "lg-¢92" l_ _§_l :"" + -T'v. ' lr : = _ i , *1l% 1/111%. _ _ _ :I _ T; _ 4 ._ ' _- 77 __. _ _ ..l I __ WW W i 11 7 U g ;* * . ~ 1 _ '7 ii i 1:6 we _ gs -* 92L!¥ ' -1 { _ 92 ;;* r M5 1' W 92 Ff _ F L ,7? 92 . I r»" , j -+ T "1 *1 ' L_ L __ _ _ if Q, P_ . "7 T? _p, _ .~ _ ___; ____ <~__ 7 1 92 H 1 92 [ . i _ __ _ . _ K 1 ___ * f; _: in-I -1- Positive Response Number 1 i U <t.* 1»t.¢.:¢S=&Lg=I-<-' I .-2 l_ n 116 "1 - From: F "=~ we ~1 _| BS_! FBl}-.._ F ." ':Page' L -_ -- -_ -. - -Sent: _Monclay, U2. 200410:46 AM August 12 X i a/if ' ---Subjieot: H RE_:GT _M0-" -H M .- _ - __ I mc-1=Mr' ~- _Q _I . -. it |_§-lb _$,_.,,..__ é ._ I , I ._ ' requested; As hereis abrief summary of_"what I observed at G_TM.Q:_._ .I _I Jo *-e'¢'ou'piE 5r oc éissiorié, i".¬nte're?.fi'inte' detainee iieWro6ms-to 'cihai|*iec|*|ji'arit_'l a l1d'fo nes o t'3i'n1a f .-_to.lhe- oor, withno -chair, too'd, orw_a_ter.' M ost'time5-ih urihated lr had. or defacated on themselves, and-had ' -. -' been left there'for_.1B,.24 h_ourso'r' On one-_occas_sion, more. the airconditioning-had been turned down so farat"-5 the teifhperatufewascold so intheioom, that-the barefpoted detainee was-shaking with cold.When 'asked-the I - MF"s what wasgoing on,[was toldthat interrogators from the-day prior had ordered thistreatment, -and the - .- -detainee was otltohe moved.On ariother ocoassion. the NC had-beentunied off, making the temperature in ' the_unventi|a_ted pro_b room ab|y'we|i 1'00 overdegrees. "The detainee-was-almost ohconbjous -the on oor, with a '- pile-'of next,to'lI1irr_|. hair apparently Hehad been literallyrpulling-oiwn his hair olgtth roughoutthe night. Onanother .occassioo,not onlywas thetemp'er_ature'unbearablY_hot, tap 'rr_iusic _butextre_r_r1e|y_io_ud was being played in the; ' Ttoom, and had _ been,e_hefore,'with'the day ohaii-'iedI_hand detaineefootin the-feta|.position and on thetiie ._ _Ar_|1r-duestions,',feeifree'tocaiI_orask iria emai|_':r In l I -£3 ~ ---' * .'b7c-1~' b6_1_;J1 -'Fm'm: IN5D!. ~ .." ' F31! ' -~In._. _-. l 5_El lttThl.l -Ju -29 2004-1o_:sam¢ -_ - -- we - 1 .To " .5 es! FBI! .1 . :e=t_=' =.__ " ' -;:-.' "' " ' ' . :' .11 -9;. -. - -settles-tr-E111;=3?-:.6§te2ee.!'@2t1?se 'nsts :i*;*§*f*§:ii%;'" "ti '-".zgg§. - . _'- .Could you'piease.provideofiwhatyouqbserved?'_ort st|n1_maity Thanksl. ' . _V 1 -' .,..Iii.-Si L:7? if i_ii "ii . ' - ..é-4>en*i}ia1Iiéiessa'e. .- ' " - .' ' _ _ » .is eelsHt1..<rtt% -es w¢<te§titzi@;w & Frorhi _i__ ' {- | has!-than I' i §l 1.:r1Ir:1;tt1*;;:s.t' -- _ wmr-1 i »l e ..._.5°. -" " fl Sen't: ggc -JulManda 12 20114 AM 10:10i e" T===|_iltI~ w=Bn SI-1l2Jest= RE5§TI"lQ,___ _ r. ..t1-t=s.IDS -1 b7C ;i t;- _M__ h_ H, _ _ _M _ ; »r _ r RESPONSES.-10-i -1 - _I . .'_ i aihrespohding 'tt>.j~,;i;Jii.1i-_f-_EEil1.tES-iufttf and'inwpro_per aogressive-treatment interviewtechniques used on detainees at GTMO. ldid observe treatment that wasnot only.- - adgressive; personally but very upsettir':g,' l can t_say that although this treatment-tiras_ perpetrated by -- 'Bureau'en1ployees; seemed thatthese I_ttechniques were beufig employed by.the_n'i|l|ta|'y. ;. ' . _- E, . _ ____ _ _i'_ *7- i_ _ _ i _ .II 1 llviessa- 1={'é; _ _ . .| bsl - . . ' _ . V, __ L __ _b1_ _gwemméntcontigctempfcyeest _J _. - __ _ h--"-h-15":-.1 *_ _; _My name ISSA Boston-_D1ws|on,EOD 7 _ ' ' _ . . ' _currenlIyas5|gnedt0Squa_1d1 ._ x '_ _ " _ b2 -1- »'. b6 2 _,b'?C 2_ 2. ;' ' _- _ .-fs.-----in---_ :*> I--1--» '--I-7 <|Iii..-L-92_..i.-,I-_-5'-1 : Y J. T n'- *7 . - *.- - _ J .... _ _ _ . I F 92 | 4 ' - +- ' '- " '. ? _. RESPONSES"-11=' ~ _ _ _ _.. -.-. ..._ _ 1 . Jytessag "in Hl » fl' r Page 1tof2 e I-0. Caproni Valerie E. OGC! FBI! ." - - o<~~s@»~=B~> i' e i- r:.Sent. Monday,AugustU2,_20D41D.5BAM J ttéglrleo s§f t? .e?'atmz ' t3'm£§ b6 -1 b7C 1' -. .5 < 1r _i t iwiteiigis to F»- T01" _" Caproni'. -' ~ FBI! ValerieE. OGC! -Subject: FWI GTMO " - .... ..e1=;._@t'$.;ir?tFs.@.ti§T;£1faatiz-ea- _ _TU N- E. I ,V5 . i Here theissecond summery./One'rY1*ore go. /d to F~+~=iiBs>@<FB1> ----Ori inal he ~1 Messa e----- -/" Sent: Manda Au ust 02, .QD41O:45AM' r==i_"t i<1~sD> ran b7C 1 .Subject::_RE: GFMO _' - "'- i 5- y1 r -' ' . ' -- e r ._ W __.__'.,1~3_iii?-l'I " ' -_.;,:L.,L=1;,_-_e+-.~:__ _- t @;¥.E'~.E§;§_1.!:@.1.EZ1_1lfL1:1i3;¥3:§L¬ .- _LI, . JI - b6 -1 b7C *1 As requested, here isa brief summarpof whatlobservedGTMO: at _- - ; J4 K." _ J:/1 .._ r _ I Onaggup'ie'E:f oooessions, entered I interview rooms toi nd a detaine_e chained hand and toot in afetal position to the floor, no withphair, food,W8iB@ll,_,OSf or urinateid llf1'lB5,t92'TBy defaoated or themselves, on had and , _ had 'been there-for left 18,24'orhours more. n oneoowssion, theair conditioning had beenturfned down sofar and .-:I . the temperature wassooold inthe room, thatjhe baretooted detainee was shaking with cold.Whenl askedthe Ml? s what was going on ,'I w sgin that interrogators from the day prior hadordered this treatment. and the detainee not be mo92 towas another :%On the"NC oocassion, been off, had turned the making l;empera the unventilated roor1].p"iot:|a well over100 degrees._. The detainee was almost unconcious the ithon a- .pile ofhair next to _hii_n. He hadapparently been literally pulling his ownhair outthroughout the nigh nether. odcassion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud raprnusio was being played in the - " 'and room. h_ad'beer| since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and footin the feta! position on-the tile oor; 'b6 b7C V. I . _I. -' ' , , _ _ _ . . . _" . Any questions, feel to tree callor ask via email. IL 7_" T - . -- b2"1 ' .it -----Original Message--» '_ lI ~I92_ ' , Fmm= IN$Di FBI! 1Sen u _l 'da ul To: {E-S! Subject: RE:.GTMO §@ he -lJ§Qg be "1 2D041D:58AM "- C '1 FBI! _ re ~ _f_ _ . - Co uld you piease'pro~_vide ashortsummary what of you observed ? Thanks. _' ' ---on inal Mesae'---- ' be _1 ,F~m=ih<Bs><»=B1> s i r _ _ . ,, ,_ _ M835- E135 ' ' _Page of2 C ~. r U92--t_;-_;--- b6 -1 ' " b7C~1 WI] ' L L L I am responding to yourrequest for feedback on aggressive treatment and improper.' - intetviewtechniques usedpn detainees at GTMO. - I did ob,se_rv,e treatment that was not only . aggressive, 'but"personally very upsetting, although Ican tsay thatthis treatment was perpetrated by - ' bl ___ Bureau employees. Itseemed that these techniques were bein employed by gcwernnient employeeei centred _- the-military, :33"; -- nameisSA Boston EODmt:un'enl1y Division, - ' aeaig - _C-9, telephone _ ' .'_ : 92 _ _ _. " -" -b6 - bi T1 ' _etc .tnnni ég liawggaeanrnaf '*" "sen _,t _glee?! _ ' 1aawsHava4a;nueu;aummfna"t* 1 B!@!::t' _- _ I RESPONSES 13 - -2 -2 - . Q .bgiossagel ' _ ' Papelof-1 , =2 _ i ruse! |_ I -1 ' b7C -1'-.10; _| BS! I FBI! Subject: RE: GTMO _ . FBI! " -- ._ - », e »- _ _ _I. h. . ,' 'you. Thank witt t pnnt outyour response and once the responses are oompteted, adetermination be made wilt" reference the intewiews. -Orl .- .. InalMessa e ' __. .'7 5ub'ject:RE:GTMO "' ' - ' __ _ Sent: Mondaf ME2125 04 10:10 AM To: mso! FBI! b6 -1 b7C l _' ._ -- . I ." sWsn Ami-°'F7_1= | . b6 -1 b7C -1 bl ___ b6 1__ b7C -1 - I arnresponding to your request for feedbackon aggressive treatment andimproper . _ interview. techniques usedon detainees at GTMO.I didobserve treatment that was not onlyaggressitfe, but personally very upsetting, although can't -I thatsay thistreatment was perpetratedbyBureau .en1p|oy'ees ' ' ' es wenebeing employedby the r"*P'=rrr*ir t"'15! t st _My name is SA -tetephonel h 92_ . .' ' t | - military, government contract . HBoston Division, EOD]::-{currently assioned Squad toC-19; I _ _- , . 92 _ * _' _ 73- . ' l' b2 -1 -" 'se|~r'srr| sslgreo ' b6 ~2 ' b7C -2 _- ' ' < -_.... IdHERE'* °5HUI¬11' -r. .... ..-_M..o..,..Ji..|.-._.............?¬E'_M. _..~.-.-..-._..w-Q... =§ . RESPONSES 14' IE£ER' ItI- ___ , _ Q-I.-.'-...'>'.92l in _, mm ' . IFD-3i Rw,10-6-Q5! iO n.r" n- _ _ Li: 'FEDERA1=BUREALIOFINVESTFGATHHV i _Date was t -elephonically oftuusnriptiun UQ/U9/2004 contactedzconcerning her b6 -2 .b7C' - 2 knowledge oany £§?C'i1 aggressive treatment, interrogations,or interview techniques at ' Guantanamo Bay, Cuba {GTMOJ . After being advised as identity of the_inte:rviewing Agent and the purpose of to the the I interview,|'::_| provided following.information_to the th specific special inquiry questions: V[:|described as an ' her two month.TDY assignment at GTMO interrogatorof detainees. During February and March 2003, [;|wae. teamed withtwo different Naval Criminal '_' Investiga" we Service NCIS] Agents and severaltontract translators for with one s ent, noted during their detainee interviews. 92:]initially worked NCIS Agent for roughly the first three weeks then asecond Agent the last five weeks of of her the TDY. _ a slight work overlap between two theNCIS Agentstraining -transition. The "primary questioning b6 -1 b7C -1 interview the between Agents. .also. noted the interview responsibility for the interro ations was _. assignment for the translators language of thedetainee. ". ' Shaver alternated each varie daily ' based on the spoken' '' ' - witnessedor was _aware ofany aggressive I policy/ guidelinesr no knowledge hador understanding oftreatment, interrogations, detainees at GTMO Department of or interview in on istent with Defense 0 hh/aggressive techniques employed FBI or on DOJ _ authorization for interrogation techniques. _ the permitted. use b6 -1. b'TC -1 . Furthermore, _. was- unaware of DOD authorized interview techniques. ' _Shad or other-U.S. conditions or allegations of no substantivecontact withMilitary Police government personnel at GTMO regarding detaineetreatment and was unaware of any specific misconduct or alleged -by interviewees or mistreatment by others. |::| pictures, video, audio, notes, depicted or described aggressive interview techniques else who was in employed at possession of had n_o - or other docu.mentation_whic1'1 treatment, interrogations or ' GTMO or knowledge ofanycne such items. *. Invcstignljonou 09/09f2004 U.S. personnel stated she b6 -1 b7C -1 ._ . at Washington, D. Cf. Filed? 29?-HQ-nl32'?.669_-A _. Ltelephonically} naemmea N/A - .- 1,, SSAL: *7* _JMW35-E1 l RESPONSES -This dcwnmcnt ountains uciihur recommendations conclusions not oftile FBI. llis the properlyof the FBI andis loaned to your agcnny; ,o_ w- I rs i _ _, q_.. - _V 1|. FD-302a{Rev. 10-6-95! : 4a'l'b - _ ' 297 HQ A1327669 A . - .b6 ~1 mo -_1 i Continua1:ionofFD-3020f ' V 7 - _; J|-1. _ ,Paga - 2 I -I : W-itnessedtheaa aesuenlces at ;'='erriap ""7"' questions e treatment The two separate incidents trailers recall of detainees occurred named Delta Camp. the specific on twodifferent occasions. at the interrogation ' However,[:|was dates or provide detainees identities. In both incidents,. c1'1'ained'hand"a foot in d the fetal position floor of the interview r-ooms-. The "rooms rooms were without evidence control the detainees were and laying on the longer.- of any food or water. of the rooms was regulated The detainees had llrinated - 137:;-1 also recalled the Furthermore, to be either extremely cold orhot.Iilnoted oneoccasion where .excess ' loud rap mu-sic p ayed in the detainee"s interview room. I for believed thedetainees were kepthours, in such ' conditions periods of time more than 18-24 and themselves. . b6 _1 I were without " furni_shings, to include any chairs.thetemperature unable to any knowledge of the two and/for defecated ' ' ~' on __ _ J - ' Shortlyafter the TDYassignment ended,'l:I sent a b6-3.- personal letter to the Director explaining her desire to return to GTMO. |;:|informed theDirector shewasin a position to 1170 -1 - generate s gnificant intelligence collection regarding an investigative matter, and :'_=1,ddLes5Zthe_issue relating to thetreatment - of detainees. . ~ 'b6~ b1'c- " ' RESPONSES-16 i A. L. |_ .. 92 ' ¢ |_______ ___ M _ _ __7___ 1 _ W _ __ __-l-A-# ____ 92 J ms-mu Raw. s-Mfr! .. "s92 -n.- _i ._,. .. ..,.. . ._._ _.. ... ..,_ .. _ . I !: Universal Case.File Number J! - Q L if ? . -Fie|d Aeqgltlng O[fice Evidence , iIL.=-92 Seria1,# =1;.92._f o:igigi=.%zi' ':"i'?qg_ V ~ -2 _..='*"=.'_' -'__' _ >P"; .= b6 -2 we -2 b6 - I b?C Y ' 4:;-|_____-_ ____- :.92zr'r.. . _§- 92 *7 = ;~f---!; =I .,.=@**-' mqn. _ 7' 7 '-_. f_-;l-. -:,_,-_,.,.;-,'. _ 4 Fri 1 b6 -1 b7C -1 ._92 ~ -Hétume U l 5 Nlo_ §-Fi_ec'aipt___ -1:1, . .'i.ven. . P: - . .- I. ._.. . .. 1 ; @F**"¢.*1+'"'YIMe=@**@!i£11i§é¢ Pufm , f i' %¢ " 3,-.1ao,Ru|e-,5-' .-l =i9d_éig§1l::FIl|?léé1fo'f_}Cfiif1i'riiiI"?E5 9.!. 92=- .' _- 1 u -- .» - d ._ 92___.__;l__.'_f_._-.1_ _| I. - . _ ' I Ii ..':IFl§f9f'e| f- aoe:__ ~ . _ . * <<=+?=>I--L-~T=.>=@rI1e'§!=:-=#<%i='r~s"1 Qg§r§|_'I_ptlon. Original nr>tef5"'re ilj|tér_92rie92'ra :1 -r3_ QA 1 92 1 »- . | | - Egcmi A, ' ' - L b6 -2 _ b7C *2 LLLLLL@=1@> ~/L»>,v{§@~L N Z¢Z> I b2 1--L 1; 2% mu ms fP>»1H*¥.& N127 ml L LLL.:%J.;L7;§_1_o II-I L Lem wf /wwW> L LL L LL _LLL_L___L;L~L_1¢ Mg,Lr" aruzz 4w ,' W5 Q4 >9P¢+1L §/ 1»£r¬¬LWLLLLL§é1>L 3ii; - AL l *1 Tj N%1'5 , i;iiL_iLL f ; ;ij;;L;1Li;;;:;L;%;QZ@LL;;L LL L PI Ilillli-Q ma! -M; iL%i;1 "L A»»1~:6f%~=@ ?L _L »_' msspowses-18 L _i: 1 - @% -I fi - 45+/1'? L L g» ? é LLLL1L1>LLLLLL'mg,,L L1:>|JP1a.»921L L 92. L q-q92_92u| L 7 L LLL L LLL I I L F@92:~:~LLLw+//1f>TLfIw L 7Jm A A~*r4 -l>I LL1-Q1. .r' n ' ' ' -. . I | 92 92 M 92 92 92AP - -, H u. L V ' L 3 L_L~ L RESPONSESQQ Positive Response Number ¢ 2 Message .. I nu-11¢ _. . . d ._ - -- Sent Friday, . ' ' . 92 Page 1 of 1_ .- . . ll|.N$D! FB1! - .. ._. . . ' _ . JulyO9,ZUU43:42PM -, .__._U_5____;:... -_ _q», ,,.,..,-, ,,, .. .,;:,-.21.-3--.' _._.. .{ -' " V' .' " To: [NSD!{FBI! L -1 -. ' FBI! .I .' Cc:' Fedaircyk, Janice_K. |R!' FB;;; |R! FBi!_- |R!' _ _- ' b6 - . Sub]ec1:GTMOE-Ma~' i LO_bl=BLEQQEJl . »/ /' Perthérecent F BIHQe-mail request, be advised fhccfiduringmy GTMO Tenure, I didwitness, aggressive _Tr"ecm inferviiaw nan r, interrogafinn Tac_hniqua s],of'|Jafuinee.s e.1'c. by non-Bureau peréonnel. -CIR6's , 11122/2002 Elecf opit CommunicrTOFBIHQ ion 65A-MM C991C|2, serial724!dafoils some of Phase. _' bbsanrutiuns. - .' ' ' ' ' ' __- i I » 1 aZ r . , * / _.r .// _. l _ , = ,I: 1 .4 " i .b6 -1 CIR6/'NCA'VC/BAU " . . Lb2_1 _' /- f i . /' _c Ssr so S l ' ._ 'HapeaIl'_s weII,_. , "-3 ~ ' __ .- ' k'; ¢< - ._ I ~_ 5 RESPONSES-20 " _ 92 .' .. orca-20112-3-96!" hi .- _ ! . " FEDERAL BUREAU OF ,."_ *"' "r"-'- ' r _.I _ XXXXXX ]NVESTIGA.'I ION . FOIPA .DELETED - PAGE INFORMATION .'Page }- withheld entirely at locationin the le. One or more of the _fol1owiing where stateurents, iridicat -explain this deletion; - _ clica ted E-I Deletions were made pursuant to the exenzlptiom in releaseto you. below with no segregeblematerial available for _ .- ' . 1 Section 552a § * oM11 - - U b! !{A! U ¢1! ! U 1! E! b! T! B! U i! !' U b! ! El b! J C! U- ¥I! ! -U U b! l D! U ' ' b! J E! ' .0 T3 b! ! . 03 ! '.D . El -!9! U 'b! !' s ocbm. hU U. fb! B! k! ! - - 1:1 km. I {El Irifornnation only plertainetl tea partywith reference no to thesubjectorof _- a o-lam! I ' request is Listedinthe title -only- . 'ou=>e>. ~ U fb! ! F! ' ~ 00 ! - . _' _ the subject of your ' |:1 ' for *5 Documents originated with Government agenny Ilreseuoelnnents es!. referred were that agency esl! reiriew and direct response to you. ' ad'db-rh'FBla l _-_'Pages contain information l_:!{.another_ Governrnent agency Yon ies}. will be vise y e ' ..' -' to the - releasahilitythis of information following our consultation with the other ageney es!. _- ;, :1 '_Pagelfs! ' witl1held'iJ1as'n1uch analrelease _deterr1'Jination has not been as made. Youdwillbe advised as to the"_ ' " uispositionatalatet _ ' ' 3'. __. ' Pages bl: not were co11side're:i _for release theyasare._i_:Il1pl_ioative of joke _2'q"° '.& an ' 'Page s!withl1e1d for thefollowing 1-easou__s!; ' EThe l 1 - i __ ' _ __ _ _ _ following number is to be used forreference regarding -these pages: l tif ' Posrrwe _-!'C¬-S,'_#g,1-§$Q.__'1VU '2__ __r fs ' £3-ea; :_ Caeimses maes 2.1- 2.11-J Km;m,;.,;X,s mmm X Deleted Page s! XNo Duplication Fee -X for this page ' h in - ' i o0 - U2 Rev, ID-5-95! ._1_ __ FEDERAL BUREAU OF H'WESTIGATION- -_ _ - __ - EEC 32E .0D:| , _ .DarnoftrnnscriptionQgrfl /2-094 __ _ . __r., __ _;__~_ I' _ _Supervisory Sp_eg, Agent SSA! INational Cen'ter'for Analysis--of the theViolent " _ m NCA V e Acad my, Q uantico Vir , Cri es C , F BI regarding his knowledge of any aggressive interrogations, or interview techniques GTMO! ._ After being advised of interviewed g, inia was treatment,. ' _ b6 1 byc -1 at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba the identit of the - interviewing Agent and the purpose ofthe interview, ssab provided the | following information in response to thirteen special inquiry questions: I ._ _ ' . nment to partnered GTMO'began 09/12/2002on and ne n1s TDY O2. ass-i |;q]was with SSE: - ,assistance also to -from NCAVC, both whom providedbehavioral _-1_ the intelli enoe gathering mission involving "the b6 - GTI-IO. detainees. While |:__E-:never participated in detainee bvc -1 interrogations, he 'so1Tletimes observed -them. Also, when ' requested, he reviewed background files of the detainees -to -assist in the formation of interview st-rategiesf civilian w ' primary pointcontact offor thewas | in errogation oa overall responsibility the detainees.'. He-directed the"military reservists who interrogation met - a of 1,5 _ mc - conducted inthe r ations of the-his detainees. _he "did not,'like because , attitu of' e anadvised is I ' os. ' I, . _ 'eoQdid witness aggressive treatment, interrogations niques employed on detainees at GTMO I _be -1 ; inconsistent with FBI or DOJ olicy/ guidelines. Th-e incident involved detainee num}:-erC:F - -, mt -1,4 or interview _When arrivedin GTMO, .numberg|was incarcerat in'a dar ened ce J.l1 the Naval .Bri nurnbe i-[was Sergeant staff a .The lea interrogator for reservist from. |:] requested he and;observe numberjjand provide - b7C an" -113 California. About assessment of -discussions two weeks after his behav or. ' During arr've in GTMO, _ the following concerning_integ_'oggtion options week, ' was to evelbp an interrogation enable the, interrogators to elicit information Iavestigationoo: -09/14/2004 at Quantico, VA Fa.» 297A-HQ-A1327665i-A 300 b6.-1 _- _ for number occurred betweenLd 7 _ ___ ~|.and The _objective Vb6 stra egy w ich would from_r1uml_:>erU - - Datedictated N./A ' This document c0t|ta.|'11s recommendations neither conclusions nor of Lb: FBI. It is the pmparlyof 111:FBI andis loanodin your agency; - 413:4 + 1 so-302 {Rev.11}-6-95! _O h e"n 29'?A-HQ A132?669- ' A _ _ 'b61- ' b7c- ' ' TOn 4 Page Can 1:nationofF_D-3020 Z _l I 1' ' , Qggjgzzgg __ 2 l ._ " ""6nt'1n'!0a?2'uo.2, "rzam"-if:-hej-w t& Brig to Camp Delta, at which point he was fed, and interrogated by an interrogation team, however he failed to provide an substantive information Later that same evening, number was transported to Camp X Ray where he was placed in aplywood ut and interrogated by another military interrogation team until the early L: L-mg morning hours observed both of 10/04/2002 interrogatio adviseotthe screamed and yelled at _,_| ,|c_1 |and number during interrogators both interrogations At some point during the second :|.nterrogatJ.on,:t;__|a |E_::| trned to their uarters During the late aernoon ours o nd re uq 10/04,/2004l:|and returned to- observethe interrogation. of number advised the Koran placed in front of number ' aptain _ UnitedQ1"! States Marine Corp, began to -interrogate point_ during the interrogation the detainee. had been . b6 -P '. 1, Captain|:_|squatt_ed over At some b7C the 3, 4 1,3, .Koran, which incensed nuJnber|i___|and caused him to reach for the -Koran. Whi1e did not observe the incident, he was nearby when it occurre , eard theyelling, -"and wentto -the hut to ---V 1learn--what 'ened. -ha |:;|was then told what'occurred_. ., ' -and then re urned to_ their-quarters. On '¥ 10 05 2002, aGerman Shepherd was placed in front of while h' dler commanded the dog to growl, bark, and n1:|_rnber,E teeth. - andt;lwere displeased the with interrogation techniques ul ize on number |:|and decided to depart Camp Xshow his Ra .They were never again in the presence o number|: .:|believed the interrogation of number | concluded on 10/OB/2002. - _ _ 92 - ' Approximately twoweeks afterthe aforementioned 1no1dent,| |and were at Camp Delta in an . observation room which was located Between two interro ation rooms. G was observing one "interrogation while was observing. another interrogation--when entere t eobservation room. .- had emtaken somehthingh | |accom . Iwhil an1edh him to an interrogation room where he-o served' was laughing and he told and remained in a. etainee the observation with a full beard Ihe wanted to room. later b5 b?C l,3l,3 told that -whose.hea .had.been_'wrapped in duct tape. .-Shortly thereafter,|:land't| GTMO. departed -. telephonic _including advised he andl:| corresponded e mail with E B IHQ representatives, at FBIH and | and others nd via -» RESPONSES-26_ ' . be Q _b7C 1 -1 FD-3l]2a Rcv.lB-6-95! ' 1 QI 0'1'. tl . 29'?A l-IQ-A1321-'569 A _'_ Cnn nua unufm-3020f I . _ 1:6 -1 ' 'b7C 11 _ ,Qn ,Page 3 regarding ££é5Emé5t""f the'aéiai b6 -1 ' ees ensuredwas UC£Be apprized ofetmGTMO. theeven aM0. s £:::;:;1a1so" bT<I -1 b5 *1 |:__|had=no knowledge or understanding of Department 11711 '1 of Defense DoD! authorization for the permitted harsh/aggressive interrogation techniques. He ' any of the interrogation techniques authorized. _|: _ tenure at notes or use of 1 was. not sure if he observed were actually j-' had nocontact withinterviewees during his jI GTMD. He also advised he -had. no pictures, audio, other documentation which depicted or described. _116 aggressivetreatment, interrogations or -interview detainees at GTMO.and_ had no knowled e "of _ ., '1 anyone . additional information ' GTMO. -1 techniques 1°76 else was whopossession in related tosuch items. of :1 had no _the_tr.eatmen of detainees at} employed on _ .' _ ' _Upon his return-from cmo, |:| along with':| related the aforementioned incidents to SAC Stephen R. Wiley. b5 '1 Also, :| drafted an ac dated ll/22/20D2,_which_ outlined the _' C *1 aforementioned events, subsequently forwarded was approved to CTD by SAC Wiley, and Executive Management. I I -RESPONSES-27 - .%"' M 5* ' .mmon;n=-.-.s-1,93! _. -z 0 r;'_>:-y-5:-<." "' ' :'~-:~:*;':,::-92_r1_~_~" --L =14-Q . ,2 : :.--;92 »§,-1 ¢ " I *1 _Uniyppssjl Case File Nummr A 2- @_ 'Fiel.Cl'O Acquiring-Evidence il::e . :1. _$gr_la_l #pfOrlglgatlng Document. -_.é -' . H. . _|_-_' . . _.._ 92. . 31Djtgiieuelvaki" :. W a ..1' 92 -~--~--~ 9292 --|92_| -{;";¥'i -~- . .1,a ...4' 1. - ';_'.+ . H,1: -q.--_ . _1. .; _ 1;: - - ' .'1 .; -1 Q-4__ -='<-'>.b6 =. a -_ '- .. .. '5 ¢ ='!1 ,H."_=*?"'!'P"!°;!? » .- .._..! 1' ; _ ,. -92. ..:411.. 1""? b7C 1 .1.F_ Hameof'Spac1'E|1ge* _- " " F;.__ ToBeRelumed ElYes ;E11J.o ' '. .2-'-. ....92 '92 _ X NK w A F|B0ei'pf+Given -nYes i 0 ._ Grland.-JlJ_l'Y iuiéiei-131'{:bis§§hiii5§i;$_;Qh§ Mule 1 ' b I_.;;__ jlh -_ . l."92.'T|.I|B: h ;_-.'5"1...v-'1'-J. -.r.."-. =5 ' ..4; 1.92 ..w" .'_'.'-92. ' 1' I .|,- 1 1 . 92 ' _Reference: 7 $ -" i 1 :':i 92 ' 1*3i°v'T1iT"4"iF&a1iq[1jl5 , ¢1.9=iFi55!=!=¬ii=J -- . . . .-.,.:__ 92 Desc pticn: 6;§i}ia| _ b6 -1 137:: -1 If 92;..92 . £1. 92 T _ I . -_1.'_._ ;*FaE§Po192|sEs-' l_ Is | _:.¢.. - -'. ¢ _ -.. - J ' _.. no d . __,'_ ._ .. . L *_ i__:. 7 __7_'|,,_j,'_k____ __ _ - ea _ -. ..-. u _' }__ ..__ - *W 5 L 7ln-H- * ~iI- U»m ~ L 41% if 9292 2 j _ b6 .1 I- lid .b7c -1 _ =1 ~ *Q 1~ ~ 5343 56 -2 f~ b7C . @ 7 , ,7 _' * j 1i,=__-_ h ~ »» @:~ -2 _ . "'1 V i _ ' j i Y*- -5*L-h_1:_/'££n_L; M133-C j 17 L __-__ . f 2-;Z_Ii j- /"'"k * " -.l._ ' " _ " W Q - 511.2,] 5 QZ,;=._?'{{:Q;W V _ I;H Q: 1 i 2r pg gtgL£2-L j 92Q92-92f ééginm Q ;;_u§¢,;%, ' J 92_ _-___ P A f L1 ,_ 1 __, _Q- . CL !JfP92!"r-Ax _f_|Q§>L;t! "ub92-;;|'1|-q1__ __ _ __ r*1~ hi -l 31:»¥y-m ;o @-*i if?92l:¢4<& -1»-»J<, _ -_ Lu?/ W! B <L ;W j 7' 92 ___ Z 1L92"£? <-Ln}-f xigmnl LL;-,_/'* r #"'-#*-4';_ ,7 J 92 . 92 _ _ ; __1 ___ _ __ _. _ '_ ____, _, T: 92é_ _ _ ,_~_,_ ___, 1 , ,_ W 1, Q ______1_7"' _ _ 1_ J_ , ;_.:2c-:_5!_L|:|#_'_'-_1'592. M NM./.@7.|%L M,Q,mm_K | ____ _ _ -M14115; ;~/r- -r»¢I. jj j '_' j j 7* { {_-{{-¢m@;».{,-92.a{ an ~92:m~_,?:924R' Q9" 92; .___; _ __ _ q_;1_'_ .___ __0___ _{1~_;§"¢ ' -____ , % B-95 -i*@-;~11 ?"£n-L1h'r£'h.{. r.1: .D"#1~' * _*=-JWJQ ii1,b§.'C -i 3,4*- fff»WW2i '1'|f92§ Fu~_ 3,4 K $ -_ ffK-A] -n r="@§-~ Wm; 1w' { _*% 2W __" #2 _ I { ]@<.w~ »-_4P _; { -_<_Qm { { -[:]2* -Mg; I.gLt _.-;c--»~? RESPONSES? 29 ¥ >v _ 92. A77-n.-.-u7-7 --..¢.1~_7 7 7-_+ 7 77 ;__ 7 4+7- A77-H ' ::~7i7 +7 7 7 ***_ 7_:~:7 :__ 7; _ 7 ;l J "=55 77$ I ' 7u ,511»-Ff 7i 7 7-W 777-7? 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"@ 71< L-_§ MJ l 92 j* 77 -' 1 92 <=r=;77b;711{ 77777-T77»; 77 -77777-7 92-7r5¢"~* W!: 5711177 Li; 7;7~7-3=~7-7-11 gq g-| 7 7 717171>'*4 I-*1=-* ~ H7777777 7 7t77 57711:»-1.77-7 ."$- r9-h'§}l;z7-' T7 9277 7 ¢L1§»~»7»~u--=- =7 775" 1arn3'~Q7&# -*"'~:792r7& r92-7>I~!.7 Y =** - ~D 7 777 : 1&1 ?-/=7*'~IL Q7» A7_ 7 L 7 ii? 77 777 7i7¢[_J¥ Fli b6 -4 .7-/. _ we -4 L7 77 771% 77 . E-LHL chi H n{map _- _ RESPONSES 3O 7 - _§lrZ9 I _ ___ ,__ .. _,.,_.,..,_......_.,,,.,_...,...___.__.____.,....,_;,.,_.._,.,.. ,___..._.. .-_............,-a-.-.-..-'--__,---¢_._-_, ____--.._.-.._._,._,__..-92...--..-.-__..-.-I . .q IJW l.___..-____....-- - 4 b6 . {Y i 5,?hif/Q3,» _"1=r§i»~>r' | ,~¢,,,m}~.» ?_ ? l,3,¢1 4,7I 7 -_=mJ.._. w_/__¬ I ___ _' 9| i ___ ' 92 _ . . if __ [ Hi H jf %_ ~ F I V TML1-/' Y ML? ?_i>J!<?1J-l1@ gin 1 WM ML 591:* v~QI/ Lad,L / n WEr 455 -=1 Y 1='~1:>¬ j j ?_, : > ,_ m£dimg} _17 !;_ i _ T . 92 P. ' 92 _ __j___;Lgg__.,-_; . I/:m-rim bi;-Fur¢jl;. _,-'. W _._*V ' _v-I/'r'w».'_92792: _ _ _h_ _'_ _____ _ _ J_ w~ . J11;-1;Y1" ;@_==¢§ 40'" ml U-.1 =5»;- w Nl 3 4__ _ _, iIM"cl. °l13L;¢r? =L'?F;,_E 92 ,' ___ ' ______ IT ».__ , ____ L~f g Q _. %¢j_»~ 2_;-§_3[f;__§»'/ |"J@»»/*?_*1 __:H__WW -_;___, _ F _ _' I_ _____ /*?__l_ ' _:' _.f!_*1":f"":92_, 1;? T W b6-1,2,»-4 ' ~5-I-"5 ""/*?*3? ~ i Q "-"'l'3"l _L"* gb?°;§' _ " ;@ l:l; ¢Q,@M__~-&W@;»1m ;=»:w~=-~ 1 L _m~92gJ@ q-35; if-'31! _ c f-_£-Ln _____' _ __ _;__ L 1 77 _ 92Z** _if- ___ _ __!'~w1::-}l£P % " _?_wl2Jf=_~"-"Li v:.__¢S?-9:: ,_ 5_'°,,_ A* -1§-__ _J ' ._'__ M__7 j _j'_, __'_ 7.___,_ 111- 11 h 1 F -|MI'f J'H.|=~_¢L_L* r §1£5131?-'L .r'~ IFE5 ;? ! 3 J~9& 5 IW | I kw ~ W *7 1 _ _Z_ _ 1 92 W92~~ j ~ f ,énrv92~';s4-1;-/L f_ ff {4¢"'*/ 3/"--J-i. _, 1 .4 *7 if * ~ ~ 1I 1 . . RESPONSES-31 - M 1 s 3i | _7 {_L!_i}___','____,_6l WE! M-ff1 -vi" _J:__L 7 _J- f , *_ -k , i _* 113' ZC*'!¬r¢;L 7-"E/s Lbi ; £59 _-1 !9*J1~»_"f7' 1 1'21 -M ?_ _~ - 1 pM ¢..4-~. 01,4-@D1§=92_ 1 _ . 1 Y 1 1 1 __ . -IL ,- I _*~92,1:Q--1'11"-*-l~?t1.:1;1_ _Q::sr"~"',|_ £11 if f c;.1,;-J§¢1--9>;._ H 1 , 1 17 WW j i TM 11> 1-- i X-. @§L-_ LLH.11 £g*u_L§_F"' : m9~1~»;:~i L ,_W_ WH , '" ' WW; ,- ,,,,,,,,,,,,, _ . . _ : _ J_>_::s&_rl92?~ a1;1=§m,_, 1::1l lag 1 l '________Tb c -1_ _ -92_L_LL 1 _ __Z _, Z_ 1 71 1 b6 -3 b7C -3 1 l 92 j 1 I 1H {~'-== ~::+W :~E]L1:1¢m~ rm i' l Q,L}§ Lin/I1 _i- W W i .__ ' 1 Q-__1l,,,_é.~.|;-1-M. §>*i},r92-1 7 C-I-==~@l_,_1 ____Z?,' _J c- _ 1 1 3 U~Q19 __92r-1 :@92_rrI/rnr'1-. 54 -5C __ 1 11..|j -la ____ r'QQ~1'1rm1L, W}:-;--1 1/I -~;v~92 *_c,1ul1¢n~J5%->;_&# V _- in-J" :"}.,~ r-?"_ 911°4&?L 92r: . 1 1 _ ?_ j __ - _JIl.a--r* 2:1/1:1*1%_1 92'92>_Qtj 1 _L f Q§;_ *1;1-_ 1f'f'_;_ 7 9,1-~s_.;~ w}%w 2/- 71 . _<1:1,.,p1 LQL-__I:CJ"'921" -, »,=_____§ __.1f_' -Q 1 ,,,, ,_ ~ 1 W _i _.__..b6 -1,3, b_7C -1, 3 é=1=|:] r Juu-§92~b~..»}-rw 5;? }- 41 jr:?§;-g:~:4f==»~;I *=-_ _W 4: 7 1'/-1~=L~2P»»= n l 1 1Z M - W1 W1 W- =1 » @m,_?1°~<%>:£""b_# "~rr*<<>1i "+ H11 W *_W+-» i""92_1EL1,_,; j _ " I I 1 '1 -1 l 1___,f'§",;" 1J11 'jL*_'Q **1 ,,_ l Wk - W_L Q L@?__J=1; lr-Ls-92 ---/ g-Pr~'92. __ _I! .ML _ If 92 _ _ _ _ _ ' 4- 1.19 H Mali» Q-Fr%j;F"~ i7_1?Ei H-J;;__,_ ~_ _ _ ,__, W _ ___ ,___ , _ _,, ,§"_9%,, .lLll_ £L92r~q'1§_ ,¥-VLCQ; __?_W _ i ix b6_4 _,?,Qm*=P' 'E"i§-:1-'I'92i_l£2]: bY°:L "" L<,{m/»¢:~.=4~_._ ¢~~.¢+ Lag. U- - "i " 77!W" " IE! H rH W _'.1 IIIM-M ,92J>s -4 . _ _b7c -4 rI - Jjri __ ~=>l¢1=>_ _ 1:»! N J. Y _ _ Y1 7 ' ' "' ' "W" " _3 __ {_ .__ 92 LJ;,.@,m».n;~¢:=: b V MD _ .-" N. L __ - ?,c_1.<.=::>:,'>$. _T'ir:*" »1@ ?Jr*13<-'» I?=,*-7 ¢:".T " . Wi 1 92 I1 __ I 7W7 k '!£lv-Hv -$_r~.»92Q~,q;r,n~j-' I _- ,J 92 _: , H Ia *1 ,7 92 _ 77 7 §L~£54mNgf%; '4 ___Z_b7c _ ____ W jA ,_- 7 b5 4 77" ' - * T W" 7_ ' if i H __ -3 __ _ -_ 1 - 7 7% _ _ __ , f { I 92 W z Nj, 192 Y ii l ~ Positive Response Number 3 n t 1. -. '5 ' kMesoage , * "_ _ ' . -Page 1of5 . I ¥ u' $92 Owe» I I- ,I_ I____i<1'~1'==* mmmmm __I__I92» we #° F _ ..$3-o-Ht: Thursday,Ju .bi- CI C _1 f5,2U04-10:03AM I To: I1 _{|NSD!I{FBl! "t - --F"It;e.*? _?-:¢§§3;"" V aw -"-"" " . ISubject: R_E:GTMO .- " __ I SENSlTI92_!§_[|CLASSlFlED -- .NON-RECORD I ' " , _ ..___:Ih_,;,_ I-"I b6 ~1 CIRG drafted aletter to OGC at their reciueet to send to the Depamneghefléetense regerds to the ._ in WC -1 o servedtreatment GITMO of prisoners while the Behavioral Ana sisIUnjt/members were deployed to GITMO. I ' have enciosed the eee onsthat apply to my ob's'er'vati0r|s" ." ' ='_ ' M. ---Ori inat Messa e- - _' - ~ b6 *1 F==m=i<:~sD><Fs1>at _' -Ib7 -1' ; .To Wednesdaff Sent: 14, ZUU4 12313 Jlllf PMI'" ' _-.I IIR! FBI! Subject: RE: GTMO _se L! _CL , nor;-aecono I-IED j " _' I"II -- - OK,' but Ihaveno knowiedgeof whet they ere, and we areaoting independentlyof asnow. Could you.I please, in bullet format, email me someof your obsenrations. _ . _I _ _' "1 I .Fmm= m! Fs13 _' -3-_0rIlnaiMessae 3- b6'_1.Sent: _' _- We r1 a u '- 14,2004 11:52 AM To: INSD! FBI! Subject:_RE:GTMO 1. j S_ENS[TlVE BUT UlJ_QLA$SlF|_El1' _I ' __, I ~_ - '_ .be 1.' .[:11 witness o.eve_ra_|"inoidents whichal-r_eady_been have Witt: OGC. documented 1:.~?<:_-1 .-. _- .I _ .I I . --- -Oi'igln§_.92li'92:l8S5aQE.-I---' ." _' _' __" -' ' - From:-MCCRAW, STEVEN c. mso! FBI! ' - -Sent: ' .'_ Frida Jul D9 2004 2:42 PM "rd: MM! FBI!; Iinc 010 com; rm FBI; - Hw-IK1E rrm! -1 * |=e1!_; [FBI - FBUEAN FBI!: ~- 1' FBI ,HO! . _I _ "I11 Cl l M F - LA! HO! FB -51! BI!: F MM R! FBI! I- .- NY] FBII. _OGA! F ;CO! HO LL rm! |lu|£AQ! cJ1s! §FBI!' BATTLE_*<PBI!- F FBI!; on FBI!; _DL ' FBI!; MM! FBI!;- NY! FB - MM! FBI!' FBI!; H0.FBI!' . LD! FBI!; - MM FBI! - FBI!; " LA! I- ' ' NY FB {N0 .ITD {FBI} ' ' ; ! F5I!; us! FBI!; FBI CG N FBI!; CTDHFBI!; . 'RESPONSES-34 F ' ' . u A In late./Qetober 2002, Special FBI .Agmt was observing the interrogation of a_. . detainee when cjnfilian army contraetor,'who in 'cha.rgeofthewas ;An'11y's  interrogators, into came the obse1'yation_and_-esked room SA:to somesee something. -be -1, 3 SA :1 then saw an unknown bearded, 1ong:hairet1 detainee another 5.11 inteno ation room. .b7 -F3 1e3 The detainee had gagged been duet with that covered tape much his'head.. of S ked &# Mr.|:|w1.1ether detainee spit at the inteI_rogatoI8nee weed IvIe._E|-le that the detainee hat-1 been emmmg the _Kora.1'1 end £¢eu'1d stop . Mr. not did nota siivér when ' SA|:j askedhowthe duct tape would befernovedthe -from detainee. P I _In . __ _92. __ , of2002 _ _agents _ September or October FBI -- e .that 4a observed ' go . d :|an canine u_sed_i'n_::m was to intimidate detainee aggre_ssive _' ' . _ * _ . - I _ . _ . RESPONSES-35 . . "F? -Ev -. ~ <13 0 FD-302 R1:-v. 18-6-95! _ o s _ . _l_ -_ -s _ FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION ' . " Dale arm.-awe. 0'!-M15/2004 b6-1,2 .m _ .1 ' Superuisory.Special i AQent_{§§A!,,_H"j_ b7C-¥h2 EOD:| |National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crimes NCAVC!, FBI Academy,-Quantico, Virginia, was interviewed regarding his knowledge of any aggressive treatment, interrogations, or interview techniques at Guantanamo [GTMD}. After being advised of the identit of Bay, Cuba the interviewing Agent and thepurpose th_e__interview, of $SA:provided the bjcfi following information in response to thirteen special inquiry b6 ]. questions:f ' .1. [;;;;::]s TDY assignment began to GTMO the in middle of Septemberand - ended in lateOctober 2002. [:;:;;:|was teamed with SSA|@UUUUUUUUUUUUU also-from NCAVC,oof ' wereresponsible for law enforcement of detainees. interrogations, he requested, he assist in . - providing behavioral and military personnel conducting While[::::::] never participated in sometimes observed reviewed background the formation - ~ civilian.contrac or -occurred. b6 -1 b7c--1 to b6-4 interrogations b 3 1 detainee , files of the detainees to strategies. O __ primary point of contact waswas| ' employed by the military,-who often - _" _ 'a ' _ at GTMO. [::::::]directed. b5 *1. the'interrogations of the ' b7c '1 exhibited "bizarre meaning he displayed a range of emotions and or.became very angry when something insigni icant . ' them.' Also, when .' of interview . _ - responsible for the interrogations military reservists who conducted detainees. '_ SSA |:] advised |:1 behavior", "lost it" analysis assistance _ whom ' - . f E::::::ldid-witness aggressive.treatment, interrog tec nigues employed on detainees at GTMO P 7 ' or interview inconsistent with FBI or DOJ policy/guidelines'on two occasions. b5 '4 The first incident occurred with detainee number'E:]and the b7C'4 second incident an unknown detainee. ' When[:;;::] arrived at GTMO, number was incarcerated ct 1 _g. - b _{ 34 in adarkened planned to occurred with n the have military Naval Bri hours in an attempt to get objected to this technique, appro ed by "the Secretary" personnel interrogate him to to dhe number for cooperate. when said the technique a_ who understood to be Iuws ga.' m 9/'1 on /2004 0 ,;4Quantico, VA 24 b7c - been ' ' I RESPONSES_36' . F =# 29'?A HQ gm_A1327669 be _1 ' A D,,,,_,m,,,, N/A This donumt coma.-i.ns neither reconimondations conclusions :10! of the FBI. It is the ]J1'Opéi1}' of the FBI andis loanedno youragency", ' _L§,4 i i____ wt, ' - .. °¢:I._ , ' . ' Q ~ y FD-3028 Rev.I0-6-95] ___ K" l_ 297A HQ A132T669-A '- - _b6 -1 b vc ,-1 ContimmtionufFD-3020f | ~" _ _ W ,On_O9/IJIZQQQ ,Pagc' ,2 H "' Seoretar "Rums'fe1'd."A'ft"eI: -inpi-1 -frem ~- ' -a the decision was to made provide number1t:]wit oo since e_ ad been on a--self induced fast for afew days. Number |:]'did eatthe food, but still refused to provide any information during his interrogation. I-le was subsequently moved - X Ray, numbe-r|:| b6 -1,3,4 to a plywood interrogation hut in was aggre-ssivel Camp X Ray. . While in interrogated by reservists at the direction of: During Camp military . the b7C -1.3.4 interrogation, the reservists yelledand screamedat number C] Additionally, aGerman Shepard was positioned at the door of the interrogation hut and made to growl and bark at the detainee. At one po'nt oneof the- interrogators "placed aKoran in front _ of numberJ[:[while num.ber|:|was seated ina chair. "The -interrogator then straddled detainee became very angry, information. _. . ' the Koran, at which 'point 1_'.'he but still refused to- provide any ' - -Late one evening,:witnessed a-secondincident which involveda detainee had who been ductbetween taped; |;| and " -Q-were in -an observation room, located wo ' in errogation rooms, watching militar personnel conduct an . interrogation. At some pointyjenteltedtheroom and told Ito come with'him as he wanted to sh'ow something. him " ' ' - accompanied |:|'to another observationroom, located hall, where several Military Police were observin an interrogation. he when entered the_-observation room, down the observed an unknown detainee beard whose -interrogation with a full head_of hair an _a be, head was wrapped in duct tape in the adjacent room. There were two interrogators in the room _ - b7C - with the detainee. :asked if iting the detaineehad been _ spitting at the interrogators ore:-: J. belli ere_nt=behavior toward them. |:| detainee s head replied no, and then told|t:|the had been quoting the Koran. did the detainee and asked duct taped because not approve how he he would not of the planned to stop treatment of remove the duct tape, but[:| never answered him.quar |:'then exited the observation room and_ returned to his ers. Based.--on conversations with? believed use of Department of Defense authorization for e permi e harsh/aggressive interrogation techniques may have come Secretary Rumsfeld. On several occasions 1- from when'|:] questioned Ib6 - . approved by "the Secretary",_ un' whobe erstoodt ' I |:| about the techniques utilized said it had Secretary Rumsfeld.With the excep ionof|:s comments RESPONSES-37 been - me - Q ad, 5- H oo FD-3Q2a Rev. I0-$95! ' n" - , Q 29?A- HQ-.A1327669 A .. ' " _-~ ' b6 -1 1b'?C -1 . Cvrr1i11=lH @n@fFl?-3l_>9-of .0u_Q2LL4/2904 _| .Pas=__,,_ 're gard'in;g Secre't'ary,':b-he-d~ the knowledge -or--~ --for -Vno understanding of Departmento efense {DOD} authorization _ ' the permitted use of harsh/aggressive interrogation, Furthermore, SSA|:believed|:| approve interrogation techniques, including tape on the unknown detainee. |:| had techniques. b6 " had the authority to . the use _. WC no contactwith interviewees during his tenure at GTMO. He also stated he had no pictures, audio, notes ' or other documentation which depicted or described aggressive b6 -1 treatment, interrogations or interview techniques employed on_. 1976 "1 _ _detainees at GTMO and had no knowledge of anyone else who of detainees at GTMO. _-_ possession of such items. |:had no related to the treatment was in additional information - ' Upon his return from G'I along MO,I:| with ' related the _311%,: aforementioned incidents drafted an EC aforementioned events, t'o SAC Stephen R 1. ey.. be" _1 dated 11'/22/2002,which outlined the -We _1 was approved subsequently forwarded by SAC Wiley, and to _CTD Executive Management. - ' I n RESPONSES-38  of t'he'cluc:t ' ' ' 92.- " T' -F , ~=. L V 1% ?*' >_;:, 1=n-a4oa _ g¢v'.s-1-9 i ' _ ....--_._____#._7.._:,.;T_-.. . IU __ } _y ** "';4".i!*.i' I" ** .. "'" "I" * 92 =s92 ' ' < _ . . ?_ '-'" @$5'?%5'!P'""m°°F °' .?*' A Field 'O[ Z pe_-Acquifing_-Euigl1§:nce;f ' -'»_; "1 92Seria;j;_i§§i'_Qriginatli1giloé -' -' _mant _§ __,_, . . |. _.Date;_;!=ie¢:eivec_l _, _- . ._ _ :__' .5: __ ij_,; Fl'DlTl'_ -_ 7_ '. ' _- ' '_ r~_j;. _ . _ .... F|_ame=Fcmm _ _ bu1un , .- " [Address-oi_Oont|1butor] _- -.- _ '_ ~ Byi _ Z ' 1- l:.:_92,f92_:.__ , _ _ _ .- .r.92.' J _J -'- -- b6 _1 "Y: F: - 1'u"E' ;' Q" ' -;_1 . -.. ~92.-H- . §§§""To Be_Het1m'-Jed U YeB_,-- | .' r%,.Heceip:Given%.i;% !1;¥~*@=:» 1 Q46L. -- -7'.1. - I -f§jéter1_'a_['.5;-liis§é&# . -~ Til-"T" -:0Rule s ejs, Fedér&|1? g1-¢;_:'¢jj¥=f6n_mma] Flincadute? - ' 1' .@j§111 e: a3 ' . -. .: : I9292 -.- .- -92 » . 92 P ¢-.- . -'. _ 4. _ t eferendezn .-' ' ,'- _ {_C__Ol1'l-If|'1llF§l§§|i§EI|=!:| Mab /aJ]_. ,, >_ ' _ _Dasc tioh:/l2 6§ginail_lmiegige i ferxiiqw =7 M n": ":41 -r 1 »- L_ .l ' " _. a =1 -.. : : J1 I l . -' M . - 7 . ?_. _ .4 -"- * E s i, -. ¢. ; w__ j _3@!,1: RESPONSES-39' _ .' 92 0 ..-- _1l;gJ " 1 I 92b6Tc 1i -1"" / 7i ii *74 7T ft it W:7? i V 77 77 7' i _J 1_i 1* , $24 é is. -'1». _ 92 -1-"" 7_ i ....___,,.._ H *" * _ I ' ~ , -- .. b1'c -2. 7* _ _? .-- _...___.-_..._._.....__-_.__.....--i......._._-_._._-_..._.-_...._.........-..-_--I-_.-_ -_--......_--.... . ._ _.__ .. . .. _ iI I =1 * - . 1 if ii ii1 * *7 = ' _4i ,92 J . '{2,mJ .% ,1 0;. D513;! _ _[;_LQjk'7'i i /,__. fgm ~rulL l-¢:*~?L=..u1u:¢..l .J_l:m :h_V,_b_f_r i__._?G;!vu:__|_£EA/J Wl m:: ll ff 4* V}_i . . r- . 1L 1 j j Q ,__{92l%_ r-92,, _*__?__:_Q_____ __;___l________ i 7 j _g 92. ,1; F r"u,1»§s1L-L 9135 77 7 ___ __ I5! _' jg? :, r.g;Lg*_J'i___ __ _ ___ _' 1; ___ _ _1 ____ _¬4 '-I ' J '*'}3 _F?!"1'.A;-__._ --Jim §-5_ H ,_ Wjwimi-9¢Q~??*@+~sl,<***li?;L¢g@k_ Qir7w=»s ~ ij -4 J _ _. _;. ,:.~r1., ?'=1|.--L3: 7j§Q_L[p 4- ~_ _V_J1 b6 ~ - b7c r -lit" 1L92'-"'h'L @'z.ATig| f I fit &:!:'b.L *a>_L~:'J§ I21-_jQ':!? i~-*1 ii Q, __ i i b6-4 7-! l w_1~ K h , _b?_c__4 ___ _E -~r-I-.{;____jr1__ B7 /l "" l31$a;'__,, w4_p.1L=uc 11> j,1 1 @}1JILJJLQ--@~¢@-}*_ 3°|4-' *"" Ij W si -7'92~5~|-=-~<. l5i2:%i , l ~ 92 &_§;2~g:}'9l f--'1f _1:u'_LlL=""}r ";L~'"92 qI1___' ~ +01%__ ,_ _ ,_ if ____ __ r i - __ ii H Cir r 7é_b:}§_h§'L&# i fr' f i iml}: W 92 1..., ._ -_,@,;:,p;,'5q 9», i j W . UT %Jwt ff ~ nf b6 -3 b'i'C ?_,__ i_;= lé$'jj llw ~» *1ifak-F 3H}_W_il I i i Hi R c.i-n'_b jj"92r _h¢;L ::L_ , *i&i}::'*-_*4l92'92'::-£' _ _-__JLx ¢*- C92_92f'*&# 1 _RESPONSES-40 92 . x I | /Q- I __ .' . .. .- -...- .-.... ...- |--..... ... ..-.---. 92 W -».- 1 ~~ ' *# _ _ 7'--..-_ ~f - 4L ' 1-4'_-..--H.-..-......-.....--.......-.._ . ____ '92 _ ~ . ' g "" i r ~ 5;, -p jii if ? 1 W 1c'?Fi=1f u.-.:nf925*""~ 1]'92A92A.d 3'q"f__ W {4 Magi;-m¢,W~A u:3~*=92=r%~r 11¢." { &.-.¢+g-h .Pw' j z:;§_g9i%:=L""n_J': P~<g'92r~:==.7 f=c~ T7 { mm 1~»:{§I: i _? a'1 Wm~Pw1J:= j _ _V,_Z -_ plhi:-if ; 92__hr:-»e,,F'?1»'~ T-2:? §_|§&-92J ,Bbgj l l j f, f ,7 9.»; , L1,,-m;,gW?§"2-><¢.i,5_L>-f*,H ,_ W , ,_ ,_§___ ff ? ¢i '7?, #1-42. v~Q *~92_qLh I n / __ J' _1 -» L? "Ci,--' ' W -i-i__,1=s -3_-"__,__, G l !=* __ l1»'lI2; ,1.-1-@»-.»? 3n_f__f*:1"*-92_'/K mi £.;J:4. A j j {ii i _ 7-j--, " 4-,~@=~ Q , j ol~i i?="'=~?1-}' Qggs vjg . lg, 1. |,___ Z1_ , 92 % L L _ _ j ', _¢Q15:-r*%p;-;9 _,, -__,_p~@?Ltv*92? %_ iiah-;.t 1§§~2r-i M5 7,-WQ'_@i-,*~~cn~$§_s-"_@~?=-+1~@? iv,_____________b6 -4 I jaw} 5,I l- W W __ 92"f""jfL.,?,~_,,_»<,,,L».-.b.;=»"-»,{- {{§%@,¢v-»1LJ { A - 1:; 92 _ .-+92_~:1»>_1&# aha/1.* " i l _,*'L_i 5Jf92r~'*-1'1 °-W91: f, W __ Low»-". H j if __ "j i RESPONSES-41 __ - 7 l I I 1 1 ..- - .......-.-.--._._._..__-1.-...._.. _-. 92 x , . "ii JJ ?-'r'H..1df Z KZ K 711*iz _ _ _l_,_: iii:§3 '" ____ _ _ _ _ b6 _,;_ W ff ?,j f __,f ,j ' -1 ___, Z I;"M 1?Z' F __*+¢1c|-1 4&Pk*¢} waif i __ ,___,_I__fJ_gJ./'92" I ___ ' 92__n_§_. j I _ __,__,,, L ji7 1 1. _ ,_ ' _id , :77-__ 1£n.§_]_1Llr~! <:*_1 v~~Q'* " 5_~f____ _»¬92J'*F Y / L5 _111 , | ,__'5:E§> 7' j 7% _ i W-1|::_l~-s:v:Q-'1~sP V ,__ ,,J_,{L_w,.,? L ¢_ W i~, 92 ' a 92 _ i T? *l§5§¢"§3 M-. M, 3/ if 'E_ @~:M9:1~~+/*~ ' Emm j ~V { 9- M1 [llM2, 1% ; ;-1'-" L; L1-i"-<-D FF -" W M hfk im,e:.,_ "l>£~¢=:~ ' 7 .1; ?,, j ha_'-~ ,g$I_'w~"~»§£ k~'~#*-~'=_ _* v; , ?""Qyin}- H f*;~>.%L ?L1~" *?kl.1 -3 /!'_ -_ ,7 - 92 NE IL 1::::n'>'_ - 175., L1/§t~§{%A¢y@» ,;,,; ¢s<>LT Ifj i ,__z 92 2 92 7 ___ .;_L__, ~ | 92 4-_;,L->~Ji.r~+ ¢"~'§,r>w »~»;£,_ 7 _ 7 *1 _ b6 -3 _ i , rix , Wib-|"C-3 ___ __: 9292 L115 _, '5 **'92*_,__ rm ==J_s..n¢1$-*7:-1 1: Q { 1'!sH?592M F ju -chm"? ff jj iw;f A '1 1 b"1c~4_D i __ ff _ 92ij _q192- Z_ J;_, h;~,392-_ » $c_E3 1:5 4 H' -I ll '. .| - . it . i_l . r ' I -1 ri _ I i 1 . ' 1 ¬ _ j ,- fj __:;; FY19 :. t?}J"}92*"f*11 fl»T';l:!~-r1-__ Qf "** fj. 1 W§::-ULl-*~~1'92h1'qy~~ ,=~-::*-V =1! TI ,5NM [ q" £1 -f A"#;ZZ§ :,L:_1;5jC j 5:5-=~'hL }3 }<1=§~_¢< j j Kk ,5 »;i%..@41£ m hi; tlmr m,~1,,. | | ; _J:~l_!l{@~r~-w"z%-¢__,l¢ 92 92 , 92 ,, , ,,,_y 1 -J -. _ *1, jif 4 ¢u~»@Pi_ Q 4927$* E§¢_f4?+.| HI L I 92 I Zsj 92;>~;_!_r *~q=2v-"'19--1[ .Q-.>-'+11< é " = _H 92 _ ____ _ __ ____ __ _,_, ___ 7 _____ __. 7_ __ _ ___ _ 7 __ _ __ b6 -=1 _W H! -f ¢4*-»c'Gi:_r¢~4n§ % ,4=1»|:|_ Q b1c~1.__ * - j 7f--,7 7 /??'7-'~3:->'???-"*§ ">* 1I"" Pilib F*j_;?*<.9-;1E i _:_ _;__] _. i_ Ikfl/9292_jll **_ - _ -___ __b6 _3 __ b7C -3 Aj f U19*1/"Liz; nj @ r~f~<=---= ;c.r l-¢.i-WW, 1-'~~ Jux 92 Z? 4 H/-LLL-""'*'92J"*"" PrQ5-5+ ' ' - ¢ __ . ?f RESPONSES-43 - 4 I Positive 1Response . % s .sNumber 4 1 : Message ' 1. - _' _ _H " -Page of 11 , L _'I ;[|i§|so! __. I_itg_ Fe|! -F."m=.I:Il°920:iFB'iI -sent: Wednesda 106 ~1t' .1s'142os4~2;1rPM- bic .- Subject: GTMO ' _- I t -1 ' ' - I - - ' - ' SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED . NON-RECORD ' . I Iwas TDY to GTMO from dates the dune of 2003 2, to-Juli} 17, 2004. Duringtime that Ididnot observe' 1* . 39QfBSSiV.&..I;[§ tlJJBIl_i..IHEHOJJEIQDQQEilTl1!%.i'ViEA92i-IlE3§?hl1l§|L1Q$.OD .2-IMO! detainees 92.-ir.t1.i.r;.i.1.-wa§.!21el Is9.n§i5.isr!i.Wit. .- Bureaupolioyfguidellnes interviewFBI personnel orby'any interrogators the FT. Belvoir consisting fromAirsh . of ip . - Force OSI, Naval InvestigativeService and possibly efew other servicesalthough Ican't recall which ' _. ones.__However. Idorecall seeing some t_eoh_niq_ues utilized by other interrogators associated not the or FBI with the»Ft. Belvoir interrogators. ;I-occasionally sawsleep 'depravat-ion.interviews with strobe lights, and two different P ' _kinds of loudmusic. I asked the one ofthe interrogators what theywere doingthey saidthat i_t would take _ approximately four days tobreak semeene doing_an'interrogatlon hours 1-Ei onwith thelights andmusic andtour hours oil .l'he sleeprdepravation and thelights and £1ItBl'I'l3 of thelIr-tg musicbeats would wear thedetainee down..There was a-time period where the interrogationswere obtmsive enough that the interview rooms for . treilerwere not available if one of these techniques being wereutilized. -. an entire - 5- : I I 9 contractor other! bragged or that about doing aor lap dance Detainee on-one 1tt:lAnother.inte ossibly b -_ 6_44 {notsure military if contractor or other! .about bragged Detainee making o biistensa anic blackrnetal we music for hour and-hours. Then the intenogator dressed as _a Catholic "Priest and baptized the detainee in orderto ' Iheardmany rumors about thlngelthat Idid not observe. 1spokewith oneintenogator not sure ifmilitary or save him. - .- QEHSITNE BUT .| s -. " _ _- _ -' . _' UNCLASSIFIED | F RESPONSES-44 -gf, - _ ' n - . FD-3H2aw. 1O~6'-95! » _- - . - -. .. - CI--Keir:an.2Wis§..!¢:rrE s_ =»11~=r111-a-h . ; -1- .r5m_;;;§1§4'-- .35,-;_ .- . V ¥rsns':1e=1"s.i-%' :?#Tc7E . +. a.r¢E.a§,xI1r;!.§.1_1= FEDERAL} BUREAUor INVESTIGATION -_ - ' -_ 1:5-1 MC -1 - . | DaI=oftransc:ipl1'm'| 05-mggggggug ' Federal. Bur.eau_...of...lmrs;i1;.i.q§_92;ion FBI ' the identit of the interviewing .interview.provided - his S__e'c_i_al __A_gent SA! ClevelandDivision, EOD temporary duty- wasadvised or Agent and the nature of t-he h -2 ""' MC 2 thefollowing regard to TDYJ assignment; to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba GTMO!: .interviewer was assigned to GTMO in t-he position of _ in errogator for 4'5 daysfroin 06/D2/2003 to 07/17,/2003 115 -1 We"1. as art of a "SpecialProjects"team which consistedof FBI SA[:| - [C1'1ElJI_lOttB Division! anda task forceofficerwhose name he . could b6 not recall, - -1 b- ,6 _1 , interrogations Conducted by or interview FBI or other consistent with behavior by , , . . d1.d'I1Owitness lI. or observe aggressive treatment, techniques utilized on GTMO detainees law enforcement personnel which were not FBI or DOJ policy/guidelines, non law personnel on at least personnel utilizedsleep enforcement but did observe Department two occasions; of Defense On these occasions depravation by playing load the DOD music for hours at a time with four hours between sessions. others brought these instances to attention of SSA was his - Acting Supervisor, " Atlanta Division}. 16 and _b6 _1 who we _3_ at GT _- ' was notfamiliar with DOD policy/guidance a ' in _erview/interrogation techniques were authorized. - regarding w During conversations - interview with unidentified DOD employees techniques, |:::|recalled bein up" or"familycompassion" techniques. It] "identities of activity. in interview DOD interviewers in either interviews personnel the the Yellow, conducted by rooms would located reserve regarding regularly f l :| the O |:]witnessed Brown or Gold in l O . trailers as i. -1 didnotknow the WC involved in these areas; _ occurred Often "1 . Most _ _ DOD ' ' ,_ E5! the occurred at areas. and DOD personnel in an ent're ' regarding asked if he used "fear b6 detainees law. enforcement interview-1' techniques; f or The aggressive interviews Camp Delta bl. such__ _ DOD!- _ssive 1.5] , _ l , hadno substantivecontactwith DOD personnel condition or treatment held briefings by or detai-ne.e's other the DOD Commandwhich provided than .b6 eneral updates of activityandthenumber ofdetainees at GTMO. t] _ Investigation on Q9/15./2§_Q4'___=: 7Washington,_lD_. W i ._W_t*elephon:i._call_yl :=i|=#_282_-__NEW gy 6by bjc_1_ gamma 0%/1?/2O§1_4 ._ _ _ . . . _1 - i Thisdocumentcontainsneitherrecommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the propcrtyof the FBI id ' it and is contents are notInbedistributed outs syour agency. vr" *K or and is loancdto your agcncgr, 1 ' *1 b7 ?'1 _"7 1i FD-3'|J2a{Rev. _ 0O mess! g 1 . 2B2.- NEW . b6 -1 I b7c_-1 _ _ Conn'm1ationofFD-3020f i___ ____ ' ___ ,-on 0_9JL15lf20[}4 _,Psgs_ :2_._ and others were provided atour characterized the cells as the detainees were switched regular food the calories b6 -1 b7C ~l because the contained in - c_ould of the cei'l area at GTHO' a'nd"he"' small but acceptable,- -He recalled that from Meals Ready to Eat ~MREs! to detainee s were the MREs._- becoming overweight ' 1 due to not recall any allegation of mistreatment _ brought to 1S aention by-detainees, other than the detainees referring to techniques employed by DOD personnel as-"games." |:|ind.ieate<i most of the interviews conducted by the his Special Projects team were negative. Special Projects was tasked with interviewing the most.hardened detainees. g _.-F .'. ' . '. Ego E1 ' was not in possession pictures, cf: VlCleO, audio, _notes or other documentation which depicted or described aggressive treatment. He contraband each b6 -1 b7C -1 indicated. the in_terv_iewers were '-searched for time they entered or exited the compound. _' '|:|heard'|many rumors -about aggressive -or inappropriate interrogation techniques by DOD which were = " -unsubstantiated. '-Amongthe rumors he heard were that a female DOD interrogator did alap dance on adetainee, that aDOD interrogator. forced a detainee to and that aDOD interrogate: dressed listen to satanic black metal as aCatholic baptized a detainee in order to save him. I: had hand knowledge" of these actually occurred. events and - ' was unsure as to ¢ II ' RESPONSES-46 music for. Priest and _ hours, no first MC '_ I b6 _l _1 . _ __ - 92 . ' . Q fzr ? . " V .*E'I.'513"- * ¥_ Ll _.__ 2-._;.__ ft. ,92, _»:',_¢_.-__*_!_':.'*'_:._ ..._ |_|;.=;_ I _. ~. -».-."||; .-' 11 L ~-=;m~: 4 Q '-1=1>s§iub{nw.s:7-97:!"-_-_ _ i I h . _ _ .711- .. . . gj I --1' ' " l;Jnivei'saI Caséd-Filg Nlimbgr I {f-gl Field omen Awqul farwg nsiiaaenw % ' ' - -I _if ~;'"1--bate Fleceiiieuj..- 92 %f , -.'_ __1 --- " . _ , ___ hi ,-=_=,9 "Ff .' A 7 {Add_ras§bfC-omributorj *7 * ?.=;;_;? . __.1.._ ..__..,......___.________, ____,_;______________ _I_ _.___.;;_-gt...- ii-By fJ» V _ , ; . t_.;,a<¥ - L * * **~-1~@W=-1% ';Fr9m"Q_ _ ,_H I5; ." r -' 1 3-.$erial#ofO QinatinQ-I l acument _- 92 ..--r'~ '_.'rl'-'.;} ' - _ __ :5;W1" -1..' _-- -*1A: _ _ Rewéd":'LY<=>}'-*.'-@"i"° '92 V. V 92??§%i¢'m"d-JHW-'@§ °'"*v§Pvrwa"1 ?H _ l 92.r!§_*'' _j.;'_ .55.-Q" .-E1"-"?_-QM . ' _._. ._ Rule 6 -e§, Fedbzzil-HdlB1§:of §{3ri1_'|'iint~i1 Procedure ' _ Ly, ..' ;1'»q;_;.':" = EIYBSN_Q_'. -El. .r ' - u_.==2 -" ' -..=;~ ' E3?-;Ti ' e: ' _- ' ' . ' val. - :1_.r¥§§ H .. .r in :5 . 92 . _ _ ya? 92 . »=_ , Fleferer'1qe:_ .' __ ' '_*_; L;, - .31 r .L ;. _| {Gumgn_urioalqlatedalj nnEnclos]ng . -1.- ;.-. . -Desc E1 p n::!1§s on? Z ' i ii | e'i Z .b 6 -1 ' , ' P- ' "§ I. 92> -92_--.' 92"i. V - -P 92 _ -92. r '1" ': J 92 - _-_.< " '5 4=am:o.r ' ' L , ,_Il - RESPONSES-47 ? V i 9// A? L L ,;§CL¬2L 9 b?C | -13.929 | ' :57/,~¢3 - r/ '7'1-I" "7/95 ' b5 -1 I L A1 I/*""~. 5 Z l ..L. L L. . d¢hw2>-.a.¢.'5 ' , ' ' AI A 5-51-'f&<3¢ _ m,L.-A L.,.~~.-#4' Mm ~ !Md A P-/ J éi / _/= b'v,:§-' -"G /1/' 554/-= Hz- W -0" :mm F-KI // L g7=u_4w L V56 3! V5/»v»fv:»'>-~..¢-.-»~ -Q1 -0m. 3& L3,!,L,,,z,,,L;,,,,;L,L VLL,/JiL;a t A; Q. I7 92 i;-we b61-14!;, . - 14/ - I- -:1 0/ ' L I E §=§e?**4 i;L?§L.LLLLLi1*11§§§ I - i1*Ea=5:3'92Hf§1@."§. L 1% _A7/ /I/0 %a:L1=.L.,LL.L@-'==sL _ 1 , ¥ - - L RESPONSES-48 L - L . ___ . i- $1! /fir Q _ ,,,,%,-., é#,w=f- ;@ A ~M/ la/9% 4» ¢*" """ f" "* ** . W , ,,,,,,,. % V L "°"/ ~r£b<./A_% I RESPQNSES I iii I1 i 49 -x Positive Response Number 4i ii ii 5 i _ r' _i l -' ' Rev DI 3] 2003] i ' c i|=e_|:|s|=m_L suneiu OF luvssfrnsnrlou _' ,- _ -- _.r "- . . . , -. ..Io: Cotmterterrorism Attn: ' " I , ..- Precedenesi Imnsbists .- - _ K 01/09/2oo4_ : --"1 7 _-Date: ' Inspection Division ' ' Office of .'2?E . _C Inspections - Room 7531 ' 1 ~ 1- Frsm: Los Angeles .'Squad I-2 1' _' e_ e_ --- 1+ ' Contact} .' ],.L b6 >1 ~ bQ C __1 I QVB 6- BY 3 . , __jg7 X . . I1- ti *1 .' . i ", _' ~- . " ,ssisa , _rm . $ %j§ - -- ' _-Case ID #1 297 HQ A1327669 {Pendingft-Eihy A'Tit1e: Counterterrorism Division, §§ §%§§%§q§.+-' srmo, ' i t i- 1zL__2._'-i ~ Inspection Special Inquiry, §§§ §§%%%§ "'~ i§".§ §*3iiJ°*,l-5.,.5.Z;§»<§%§ =§1E3,:;¥1:'3Z' B33 . ' 2 9'7 HQ -'-1'11 3 276 69A' ' Synopsis: Response to inquiry, of_mistreatment of-detainees concerning potential knowledge ' at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. ' __-~ - Details: 5 Writer .coi'np1eted a 45' day Ttemporary duty assignment TDYJ at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba GTMO!, for the tenure o May 13, 2003 through June 26, 2003.'.writer was'ta§ked as an analyst providing'inyestigative assistance to the Military" Liaison Unit and MLUI in support of Operation observe at any time during ' detainees and/er, witness techniques employed the Joint upon_GTMO detainees, with existing policy/guidelines.'_ . ' . However, although ..lap in female Writer afemale 1 . of -" _ which .wo.u_ld be ' Bnreau interview I- - . did not detainees, Writer does recall a male_unsub detainee was clothing, make-up dance by Force JTTF!, Enduring Freedom. Writer did not said TDY, aggressive treatment interr0_gatioI1{s! or interview considered inconsistent maltreatment of rumor, wherein Terrorism Task applied, and prison-guard, either - observe any - hearing about a purportedly dressed involuntarily given at the direction or a - . ersonal Interrogators music an pe_rfcirmancei_of_MiJ;i'tary tA 1~ erSi J B1 Writer ur - .i,-TTTET rsessvemetst. as conveyedas a - ' uFisg éi i iiés i n iRESPONSES-50 _ i Ii 1|-|-||i I11 |II|'7 ' re i '__ o To: Couhterterrorism From: Los'Angeles . fee; 297__-HQ-Ai32?es9 _A, 0?/09,1200:-1 _ JIM"? Q-nmpsnu tactic which would result cooperation of specific in.the breakdown the detainee.-- It should date, time; personls! stating _'__ _ H_ a d eventual 1U be noted, Writer does not recall the place? and or the ide tity-of the the-aforementioned rumor. .Writer's identifying information fO1lOWS:. ofgicié-.1 Bureeu__eme Joh_Title _< ' _'Ihvestigative Analyst Tenureoof Assignment 05/13/03 - 06/26/0§_. #0 r ' f !. -vi -:1. 2 ~ RESPONSES ,51_ J . b6 -1 b'TC -1 7T7 1. .. t _ , To: Countérterrorisml From: ,LQBAngeleé Re: 297 HQ Al327669-A,i§jjQ§j§£Q§m ._ . .. . h - _1 _hm<s>=,' " ; Set Léad . 15 Info! = -.COUNT§ETERBORISM AI I§SPECTIO11 ' _Read and , _= ~ 531315 IQN clear. §Q -I" I 92 F 3 _- ~RESPONSES -52. 1| Q2 ' I' ---I-2P' _;.I. _', ¢h 3Lo-,.__-;_..._L.-..-;..-_-a D_¢ __ ' 0 E5 6 I FD-3U 2 Rev.we-95; _ . . ' §+'.§E5551EIi?%I3¥$6.5_¥J;9i1iIW.£i;1i5i§E* = _1_- a ,.-_i_:-__.'*£§-.=_;-4,_»;,=_-;;;;?_..5i;.._i= __,,,,-_ _ a - FEDERALBUREAU011' INVESTIGATION :1 :? l ,;1~e=.+ . ' -" - __*___ . 5:1. - ITJET-1:;s.19.;:,;i~.1§¢ .' =.§~;*~;%"F1??2*E'$ _- b6_ J _; Drtsoft|'u.nscr1 []Q{0',?£'2 pti0n' ]O4 --_0n--B-9f0?~f2Q -¢_1 --I-NVESTLGAT-IVE _I .,I ANALYST .. q1A![:| . , N . . ' of bJ.rth SocialSecurityAccount Number hm " Agent ] anddate was advised as to the identity of the interviewingas to the purpose of the interview then - ' - provided the following _IA|4_ __ During I .» IA - I!.I'LfOI'Il'I.&tJ.O |entered_on. dut_ withJ_the Federal of ,Bureau - 1,2 _ _ 1 we-1'2 Investigation FBI! on| I in an Investigative Analys as '_ ' e the approximate and isField currently employed as Office os ngeles time period of May 13 2003 i June 26 ,.2003 IA was on a tem orar Ydut . 9 I ! I P be_l assignment atGuantanamo ay, u_aGTMO! insupport ofOgeration throu h bqc -1 Enduring Freedom. His primary duty during this.assignment was as a liaison between the FBI and the U.S. Military,_primarily with the ' United States Army. Other than.routine administrative support, IA presided themilitarywithinformation regarding FBI i other FBI in erviewsand investigative information as r_equ_ested. I interrogation .. _' IA[:';_'| notamember ofany interview or ' _ team, id not witness any-aggressive interrogation b6 -1 hand knowled e of - any improper techniques being usedon detainees. IA b?C-1 techniques used on detainees, and has no first advised he was not aware of Department of Defense _ DOD po_1cy regarding interrogation techniques, is not aware of any violation of" DODpolicy, and cannot identify anyone who might be aware of any violation of DODor FBI/DOJ interview/interrogation policy. b6AI 1 isooumentation not. inpossession ofany picture-s, "video, which depicts or describesaggressive we '1 notes or other treatment-, detainees possession $30-31 -" Military interrogations at'GTMO, of such items. 131:! Police or interview techniques employed on . not aware of anyone else who might be in . _ -- ~- didnothaveanysubstantive contact with or other U.S. government personnel at GTMO regarding detainee s condition or treatment, and no allegations misconduct or mistreatment._by U.S. personnel was formally to his attentionby interviewees. o 'Irw=stisn!i=m an 7 O9/Q7/@004 J1!__ 7- W 7. -7' ' s_ss§j j W __ - _* ' 17 I . RESPONSES-53 ' _____7_ FM29? HQ Al327669_~A hefzlp 6 f _7__ _____ '77 ' '' b _ _ L 7' of brought . Dmdiomm 09/Q?/2004' _ _1 -i* ,_ itelgephqnioallyl ' ' b -Io ~1 ' '77 :77 Wn7 _ _ Thisdocument contains neither recommendations norconclusions of Lhc: FBI. It is theproperty of theI- Blandis loa.ncd'1ao_yo|._|r agency; it anditscontents an:notto ha diptribmcd outside yourmommy. _ . ;__ _ *92 O .,.-..- . _ i0 0 FD 302a. R.ew. l0'6-95! I 297 HQ-A1327669 A ' - b61 . - ' Conrinuarimrm-Bvzor b6 -1 b7C -1. -._.- IA male about a is:-F was a ib 6 -1 I b7C l" "'- K risen quaxd tactic cooperation. heard the he i _;,Dn . _ Q2L'Q1L2_QD_4_ _.P= |:Idio' atluiisemhewe-ve"r, - that.he heaid 5m mi¢ £"H detainee being dressed in female clothing with make up at the direction 0f.militar92L interrogato1_:s .... Z* i]The rumor l ioa e was given applied, who i b7C ~1 an involuntary lap dance from a -' on u s ed't0 reek AI d rumor. AI concerning this is_ *Eh**dEt e fEee _a 6own not xemember could provide and aing where or no further rumor. . I 1 RESPONSES-54 _ his from whom he information .. '1' jw - é - in L' - nu-I ,*_ _ 1 -. 92 _ 1 E . 1 Jrr.. 1q . -;r" - e ' .- ,-' e . -1 -. ' . ' u H-4-_ .__. - e ".'-3.1 '-'. "_"-_- - J11-..'.-I -_". L .-_---1-¢_r'-_ ._ .-1-_-._-;-92_. | _..| 0 ""'.- ., -I .. f 92"4 . '-I I _' -' -_;-'," ' ;-.'.-..';5»._'-..'.§-_. ;. 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'1Tn.Be Reiumed "ClYesNo =Fleceipt=_Given [3 Ye§Q No ' ._,J.;;|_;,-¢;_'~;;j§l__:. rand Jury Matenhl - Dzsseminete 92§iFf:_h_ ' I Federal _' - i Hules -' ._ J 'Cfiininal toflFluie 6 e!, of Prmed ig l? _.-;;=.W _.1; . _l "NO D. Yes N '~" ' 921.r:.¬:__ I J 92 31; E2:-' Ti e.fl '" fiff 5 .-H -_;i'1;_*;|':%;;_?_._=.s§;_ =W 5* :4. 1 ° '5. .. '.'-'.3' -;~'¢'92 . ,.W .-...._ ,»: ..=:;-ii-5=,'r-%;~ la .-4%,-,-;, i ;_"Ev, __ Fleferenee: r92' E. _,92 ~.. 1 , !.. 0 '1'. - _ -' _ .' '" - _ _.,_ 1cbmmuhim »n"E1iéiés1néM-=wnéu *-'=-=-;§¢;Ir:;@r;;;i%;., 92 ..- i5- _ . 1. Descrlpglon. Or:gir_|al notes re intennew of_ ~' e- W ., '3". "T ' ' -.1 -+.-» __!-;.'<|-,,§,c. i"t.: f b6 -1 ._ :J'.,--.w.~;q_:.92 b'?CI .1 I? . .1 ?..1 ..;u. 1 ._ ,_I- _ _ ..,_:!. Q;-"f'<>=.:'§:';"". ."' I _'._:-":-;:.|92-.1 '1.-F!"';.eZ{?f.. . _:T =:%§.?;"_s,;?;~ 5*", 5.. "if-_-_'"'..'* _j . F.. _._'_,._r. "7 %;' 1-. _ _ -.<Y'L 1 .l%§ .i . -' RESPONSES-55 ..':»"~ - ' - .. ' "I4 .-J-59- =:"§ - i - .}L3.--if- .1§*_5;':- =' r - rs-.;92..1. =':'_'.i~.'-1'. ---- .----._ _l__.,.,_,...,,.__.?=.T__..,.._.._._ _ ..._. .......-. . .,_ .I - ~F Ii . .... .5 . 5 .'-r * F'5 .-. .- _~--w»- 7 U .' fins5':-1-"man §B1f§=§=s1§-g_:.__E :_>__§_1%I;£r1;-1;__?j_g1IE,__ I g.-35""! 1 . _ 7 L _Q..£..__ ._._... .... 77 7 7. 7 _7____ 777 _/I 7 - E1 _:=I; -3,,-»;-..-I-.__._.: :1 , $1i i a a rfami 92 a ' 7i1%f§7®§I;§#§§I F§l¥7!@ 7;...T;5r§;§.§.H7.s1.§::¥:; . ;§;:Y::2@:#§.171@ C '1 . 7777 7777 _7_:_'___7.777_.7 7 777i ?7r=-".7 .777 7" -2 .-______.7 7 7777. _77 7717 i i *7 ' * "1.---' b'1'C _ -7 -1-12F 77 : : .£§..*..C._7_77 _Z7 i. l - 7 7 _ 7 7 71 7,__..7 L . 7..7..._7_.__.__b__2 76 ' 92 5* v7-77; ..7;_¢.1.=...=¢7 <77 J7 72¢ --¢i4Za77:u§77.-L b7C--'---.-;27. 75 "'- ' '"" " '.-' -'~"'"-:-~'-- --~ -- --'-17..., 7... i77.7. , 7»7*'k4: _7_ 7771; _¢7-r7 ~ r " 1@ - - - _ 77,5777 -;71-" 7777177.-T #77 -7- .' 7c7-792,_71~77fr1<!-,L77a.1_ i-* 7<%T'=~ . . _" 7 ,7 "' -_-:-~-=7_;¢je;*";92;~=gr.;_".§'-"1 ,'.*. -2 ~=_'-,~ L»7~:-*"+7~.77-»~7=; 7-:*-f 794 ~7§7:e--77%771¬L:*L1 T1! 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L __'__7;_"_'7 _. _737__-7 77'-7-7777 ' .7-.7 77 - "'7-1 "- 4--';~'-=¢_" '1»-"I-'Z'1 -Z!-7'-T" _7 7_7_7_ 7;_.__ _7E'~$7 7 i"" __7 =I:=={77;¢:~:7~'7 _777_ _7 7 ;;-;5..77;--*¢ 77 77 %747.¢77-"ml-;~r2==7'7'»~;---7~:r Q .7 7777 7777-777777777 77 ' i1 77 7 777 77 :7-*<'7¢£.4"777-!»492.7sti777¢-~;7_7f17 @177-¢--2 -1-7"r2==~77 '?7~: 1 ¢_L:f______J-Q-I177 -7¢¢L'"7779 l-£77 92 H-.92 7 7777777 777;7__7_.77777:7 ;77@£:r.777:7=7~77,e7@7773.-.77>-.7777-7» £777-2;~+77;7,77@.....u1 7774877! 77 1777777777 ~7<» 1' 2"}. 7 7-=~= -=& 7 _? r_ r~ ii-77 f fi ~; :i;_:i: f_____P fH___r 7_7 |..¢...,=.._. .._§ }7l-l<7¢».77§77777=E: 7!? -'2" -' * 757i:-* -77"i' 5- 592 '-¢-7777 -7i¢'F=_>T -9eQ77755* :~_J77_* .l_¬1=r!l7* 77777 -_..__ _-._ .7._....._T+92 77+ "~7._.:l _§7-=7-77 7<-7 *Tl!§7:;7.,777Q'Pi77l?:7:1170777 7{777 *7-:77=l7 7711:7773 £7F72:-7T7!=-'-Z77' _r'77*4 4 17 ,,,,, 7__77___.._77__l " 92| L' <'l1'==-..e<£.___§:£.__1=7-_.J:£.1=,7-7_ Q..7, %. 1 92 J "H; JKK" W K; .__.-._~._._,...____.._____ 5'1 _ " u ' K"K__" -F "1/ ,,_ .,____;, -=:"==-3'92i ,, J,, ""V , t"___ S,, 5&J-2.!-_'__,Q "'3 »_ it _£{_ _..___ _ i_ °- ' L 92=_-._ ____________:__:-:1iJ§;""""_1 a,[!¢_;_=-.-"T 77¢-%»'92-u_|,2'._'J9g,._/W , ?,,*____ __ 7 92_*........_._.&¢a3,;-:~=-1,!Qt,=ZL=-7-'§,,,j_ f , _,?,? _ f W_ =-~v-P__ J"?-&_,. -FL? 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'=:'.1'r EQWH ;."|»-_ _ _ .2» ~11" RESPONSES-57 92 ._ M i*__r ""' u- lwu luwl éfr . 92 l b7C -1 if *5-"Tr-as-~p - -it Questions Conggrning Activities atGuantanamo Bag, CubsQTMO} .-at an--mi. Describe yourroleatGTMO andtheapproximate timeframe. 1-==~'s ---. §<~' 5* F""'1 ' = s;=.:r=..n-if no -ae-~-I . If a memberof aninterview team,please explaintherolesof themembers which _' comprised yourinterviefs-_' teamr M.-r" c _.-i.-s--.- Describe anyaggressive treatment, interrogations orinterview techniques employed on detainees atGTMQ,whichyouwitnessed orareaware o which was-not consistent with r-. 92.a. _. -.*|_-_J_ _-i.-' B131 Tm; Dos-poneyi.g92iiceii;;efsf!a~3e1='~esarf*'e*"?1 ;a';s_-',§_; - f-§_§.;---z;-L~e3r ..~. '_.-. .L What, if any,was your understanding ofDepartment ofDefense anthonzation forthe ' permitted useof_11ars_i11faggressi!*e_inte1rogation tech11iques *1-'-=__-----v-3* _2.»v.-pi'6 10 r-W "r- Describe howyoubecame aware of DOD authorized techniques. .-'1/I A; it In youropinion,wastheaggressive treanneiit, -interrogations orinterview techniques employed on_de_ta.inees at'G'I i§vi_i1_1esse_d i921iQ,"§_iifliich orareaware of,consistent or _ inconsistent Withyour understanding of DOD authorized activityLfinconsistent, ? 'how?Identify anyother indiiliduals whosviniessed thisactivity. 3/; A '5 _ Doyouknoyr theidentity ofeither thedetainee orthe DOD employeer/contractor, andthe approximate datetheincident occurred? A--_ o - ' ' ' l If youwereawareof anyireatrnent, interrogation orinterview teclniiques. employed at GTMOwhich wasinconsistent withFBUDOI policy _a_1;i DOD authorized r l l techniques, did-you document-or' if so,howandto whomdidyou report yourconcerns/I/B ' ? _- - ' ' I Pleaseidentifywheretheinterviewsoccurredat GTMO whichyoubelievemay have beenicontrary topolicyor authorized techniques. ,1./.-..-s-e - Didyouhaveanysubstantive contact with _- Police orother government personnel at GTTMO regarding detainees condition ortreatment? -Describe. ~'92=> Describeany allegations of misconduct or mistreatment by.U.S.personnelbroughtto yourattention by interviewees orothers? -1-'<-M ¢~5-"Jain./'1'» -I-T1;asrs-Ti.».. Q-- ii Areyouinpossession ofanypictures, video, aiidio,notes orother documentation which L depictsor describes aggressive treatment,interrogations or interviewtechniques played ondetainees atGTMO?Areyouawareof anyone elsewhois in possession of suohiterns?/vs, .I .»vo"~_¢----<-»'~:.. e--I~:92.-..-,_ . I - l la . i _ RESPONSES-58 ' 7 __ ,r 7 I 13! - Do you have any additional information _re1ating' the treatrnent of to detainees at GTMO I. which should be brought to ourattention? ;.BZ. .'*'¢ 1 1%--- ~-9 ,cu. 1* rum f 4*"-"" '* yvl-.1.-Ll of """~ 5"~. ' Q5 S 92 u 92 1 RESPONSES-'39 j 3' Positive Response Number 6 n 1 4 N MaSS&g¬ .- . °Page 1 0f2 __;' s9292P§ d;}~5*" ;92 s- 7%; it 1i»s_r33___rFl-;»,5m,,6 Wis? Eh " " r r- 1; 1 -- Te l%_i_li¢TD>_<@Il . RE: ' ' s' g i*"L" Subject:GTMO OK, Iwill oonsideryoua positiveresponse _and no needfor youto do the -. - U/92 . ,5,»_;t.5, 5...>.I- C EC. .Qnoewe-get allthe responses,a detemaination be willmade as-19-wl=|o gets interviewed. -Thanks-again. _. - . . ---_-0rlginaIMessa_ e-I- ' . - ' I _ be -1r e--»i:: ::|rm>><~=s> bjrr; -1 __5BI'lt: Jill?ZUU4 14, WEGFIESUBE: 2258-PM 5,, I__.¢ To: INSD! FBI! -- Subject: -RE; GTMO seusmve BUT UN_CLASSIi'-ED " _'NN-R on ' ., ., - Yes. There was-an incident of observation aof detaineeinastressposition". ljhis was within the regsof ' military techniques buigoutside MIOG No Bureau personnel involved]. That was the lirnit ofdirect obsenratioris. Intémts of knowledge ofmistreatmentcan i speakto thatin great-detaiifrom formal meetings which Iattendedand informal discussions with DoD personnel. BC _ " ,_ r- -eh -- - ~OriinalMessae- -- ' _ _ -- . .-' _ . . - ' _b6 -' _1 rm-1~ialrI~$r>><rB1>i 2 Sen_i::Wednesda _July14,20i]4_2:54_PM _l. To=l'__i___t'Ll C-TB! an. _ ' __ Subject: RE: GTMO J1", I _'- _. sertsnrgiaaur- ' Non-Recon-Q .. . -- _' -OK, l willprint this out and retain when for the interviews start. iwiil take this'as' anegative -responsefor Bu auemployees. -Any observationsother of agencies mistreatment detainees? of __ -- Ori lnal Message-m ' be -1sFmm=E::iUD! FBI! ' A b'r C -1' Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 20042:38PM ' T: I_NSD!. FBI! s é= F5Ii is - -Subject: RE:GTMO __|~| -RCO ~ Or "1 _. ttit . - _ sausmve am" uucLAs_stEiEo ~bi -1 i -s WC "1 ' ._ ;_i -- ~ _ ' RESPONSES-60 _-- ~ ..t_=].>¢qa!,_o oi.ti- "711 l~ l ,92,*;-;.3~¬_Qj ,it~1.sriws_, a. _ Hr » ' " sIF At -that time. itseemed theBureau'swas focus identiiyingany iiabiiityin theform ofdirect involvement. would I behappy to sit downwith -youand walltyouthrough what!saw asthe _predictable onset of aggressive treatment,interrogations or interview techniques. In short, the-Bureau personnelthere had no direct particiaiionl But I think I may be able to assist in. describing thelandscape for you andgiving youthe detailsabout wheresome thingswent oft the tracks.ljust-moved to ITIC [Tyson's Corner! and am phone-less, but l_ have thise-mait --savanna .1 _. .| Message ' ' 6' _. . Page 2 of 2' Q- . - lb6 -4 W "1 up and running.-~ -- : - » 92 k CTD!Fly Team -- " ' SENSJTIVE BUT _UNBLASSIFlED- _ You have been identi ed as having conducted an assignment GTMO, at Cuba since - 9111101.. The inspection Division hasbeen tasked with contacting those employees who have served in any oapaoltv at GTMO and obtain information regarding the _ - treatment ofdetainees. Employees should immediately respond tothe following1 - 1! Employees who observed aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview _' - _teohniques on G -{MO detaineeswhich was not oonsistentwlth Bureau interview policviguidelines, should respond viaemail for thepurpose ofafoliow-up i|_'| oervie'w. Positive emailresponses shouldbe directed to: " ' I -._ _- _ - ' --' ,. - b6 -1 " - _lnspeot1onDivision_-_ . ' -. .. 1, - - I 2! Employees who served at GTMO andobservedno aggressive treatn irrt.-of" ' detainees, should respond via anEC documenting anegative response. TheEC should include the employee's of oialBureau name, title. andtenure ofassignment at GTMO. ' ' ' -, _'" The ECshouldbeti ed Counterterrorism Division, GTIvlO,_inspectior1 Special _, . lnquiryt, . 1 __ .' s le #297-HQ A13276S9-A. The ECshould not-be uploaded; but only-serialized, with _e- ' hard copy forwarded to: . - ' ' ' ' - ' - I _ _ Inspection Division Of oe oflns iii be . -Roomrear ._ estions ' '1 t' T P7 ? '1 ' 1 _'§ENSlT]UE _U_|iCL_AS_S[F|ED _B_l..[[ ' SENSITIVE BUT l._lNCLA§§lFliED . .J SEQJSITIVE-BUTUNCLASSIFIED - - 5ENS_lTNE B'UT_L!NCLASS1EiED RESPONSES 61 . t .. . -=. A,_ -;_<._ IG FD-30.2 Rev. 10-5-95! . _l_ _ " FEDERAL BUREAU or iNVESTIGA'l ION I. . ' 136 l _ _Dale fl -r 41$¢IiPii°11 0311552004 _ -I Division, ea quar ers,.EOD: was contacted - b6 - regarding his knowledge of any aggres.siv_e'treatment, ' bf!-C interrogations, or interview techni ques at Guantanamo Bay, Cu-be {GTMOJ After being advised as to the identit of the interviewing -2 _2 .Agent the andpurpose of the interview, |:_provided LI theb6 ._l following information to thirteen specific special. inquiry """ questions: . -- . Zdescribed 135 "'1 aCase b? j .-]_his -of ' investigator[s}, his 15 Agent tasked tenure,Z| was FBI investigatoris!, . ' to participate month TDY assignmentat GTMO in detainee Department and atranslator. as interviews. During interview team part of-an ' _b7c'1 which consisted of Defense ' DoD! ' Investigator {s} representing DoD, were -from Army Criminallnvestigative Division Force Office of Special Investigations IOSI! CID!, Air and Naval Criminal Q56 -1 -the'E - B'I S b7c ~1 bu, - Investigative Service NCISJ According to [:l . usually took the lead role during detainee interviews. I-iowever, I DoD Investigators occasion took also participated the lead. I ' 'h.I never interrogations, or GTMO-inconsistent with in detainee -interviews and on- -. - participatedinany -aggressi_ve"treatment, ques employed on detaineesat DOJ olicy/guidelines. --However, walked into a Camp Delta ' " i interview techni FBI or during the summer of 2002, observation room and noticed adetainee in an interview rubbing his leg due to possibly being placed in~a stress The detainee was wearin le irons andwas room position. handonffed with cnffs b6 _'1 3 chained his to waist advised the chains were adjusted-to_1 b73 force the detainee to stand in abaseball catcher position. The C detainee was being questioned by two military officers. |or . unable to proved the names of the military officers I or number §j__the|:|-detainee. verbally reportedthis 92in - was . -to| _ *I - _| JAG, usnc Reserve]. [:|did|not have . any substantive oonfactwith|::|regarding this matter ename - that during the fall of 2002, detainee # was being advised held in the Navy Brig at Camp Delta. According to b6-1 the FBI questioned detainee #|:| for approximately x; two _ - months with negative results. The military then moved detainee to Camp X Ray. General Geoff Miller requested permission Investigation 09;/_3;O/209{1fiia":Vienna, on Virginia i W _Z . Filc 29,1-no-.A13'27659-A y o1__" ii '1? 935-A _, to no to _- '_dictated Date _N/A. WH_ 7 '_ be 11 - __ b7C This dooummr contains-neitherrecommendations nor oonolusioos ofthe FBI. 11 it and its contents are not to be distributed outsid: your igoncy. ' ' RESPONSES-62 isthe pi-upeny of thoFBI andis loaned 1o_your agency; ._. 3_ .I is i _ -.,, t® ,_ O, FD-302a um. 1n-6-as! ' :- 23": -so-A13216'69-'A ' lb6 -1 ' ' b7 -1 Gonnhu.-m'o11ofFP-3020? g ,___|:| ___ ,0, _Q_Q/1D/_2[!H !L_,Pag utilige iésééiéi iheéiregative techniques on detainee~#E:]i.....,, b6 Q4 with detainee E. once . V Corbett stated the FBI and DoD investigators had he was transferred to no further Camp X-_-ray. contact mo -4 Durin December 2002, Lieutenant[:::::::l Nurse, U;S.' '"Navy, i-nformed[:| that detainee #E|had been admitted the to base hospital for hypothermia. During a'daily staff meeting, ' b6 L3,4 |;_] inquiredabout detainee #l:_|bein admitted to thehos italb7C l,3 for ypothermia. Lieutenant Colonell ' -[advised] ithatI,< detainee #[:]was not die nosed_with hypothermia.| Ito d |::|that detainee #|lg'| low blood res.-sure hadalong with low bod coretem erature. Accordin- to[::i¬::]no add'onal YP G information was providedto him regarding detainee ii , l -|:| described his understanding of _DoD'authorization . use of harsh/aggressive interrogation techniques b7 : '1 --as very'unE:lea'r"'.' [:1 advised he becameaware of DoD ' ' b5 1 for the permitted .authorized I'. techniques'v1a meetingswith General .-[:::::::]had no Miller. substantive contact with Military Police. d or other U.S. government personnel at GTMO regarding detainee _ conditions or_treatment and was unaware oi any specific allegations of misconduct or mistreatment by U.S. personnel alleged by '_- b6 ~l b7C -1 interviewees or others. [::::::] stated he had no pictures, video,' audio, notes, or otherdocumentation depicted which or described aggressive treatment, interrogations'or interview employed at GTMO or knowledge of anyone else who of such items. " techniques" has in possession . -- 1' 92 -' _ Ii-nn-3-i1$ _*|i _, RESPONSES-63 iii in-is i*_ __ _ 92 . _ . -_,__..__.___..__. . -._. .r__,,J _ _..=. , . .'i' -,.-__<,- J-J _ "1-_:.. ..!"T.."]_ - . ... - . ___ :- Uhlversal Casa§F|Ie Number 2i7-#0-Axazmr .r -13ate_Hace'ived =- i_~ 1;_V_ FieldOf ceAcquiring .E_92fide-_.nce_ _ . I Serialif-of Originating Dqcument . . . r 1.r. _ . L. 92.' .: r' I 1 92'1 .."' ..92 1'1 ..- _.. A- . r r .<.'¥=!sr.2@=.;=r¢-1»;==;=w=»r~@J' " L . I».": '. b6 l ' M M. i%_ .- " :~1. 92- _ .|.' 92.' From I.r,54":I ' >.. 1: ._'L -:">:r»:~F:-'- i ar wlsn J -?» 1-W: W7 b7C l l aeml *- *1--' 1 -4 To Be Heiurned Eljigs. -C _r_imhi'r|al =10 Flulele!,_'.I=.:e:riEi_-r'.2"a.'!-.lEi1.ii:r;:"& Pkoieééi re b6 -1* b'FC -1 Fiec:aipt'Gi92qen' Fl, _Yes_ _' . _ . 1..- ._ . ._ _.., .. C-i:'~an'd.Juiqf.M1éiiqri§j_'¢i§§5i T V » T u,§'é?%2:*1i1LNo,...' . r. .3.'92' ;:;;T;;,i=le_iarenc:_e. q-' l"|t1e: = P . - .: i ~ ' . -.i92?°'1""P$=~?*F9Pj5¢=!P§l"q.*!#' . 9"J.¢.". -. .92_"r. . 1» .1"? qa Q * . K 1 -_, I .,--,.-__ ; __|-_.=-.__... 1. , I gm le -': ' an . _»_. .-- II 92- . .-. ' ;3.92;-7| ' .».'.- .. __ - _- ~ . - 1-.:- r "I := .. I. . I-=._ . __ ._. ._ . .... ., _ -.. -1. . . 7_______ 92,,_,|__ _; ____ = _ Pes'c'ripti0n.' .m'¬-1§r.§ir.§§i§¢ r r.¢' . . /,'< , >, .':-_-iv. '. ' _ r L-c'." ' -;. _ 1'... ._.-; 1'1 92 L": I .__ . ___:. ' H»-5, . -. :.:_;;.,, i...= :.-e : _ _ ' -- .1; - . , a,_' .- -ii»:-Y, '. - '_.' _'.J .. _- r L-'. ~ v@ __ . . : ..5 . b6 l b'?C _-'.| _______ . .,__, 92 - /9gm 9292K , ; :1 ' . b6~1 . w K, N me-1 _ _ Cm v<r,,-.,1....=., 11"»¢»_Z:>72{@/mg»? JLL; _ - fW Y»-5 i ,-., K Tr»;- .11-T! .3/I; K "r W 11 - 7 In ?- - 3 7"_ 77+-.:. - ' ?__j ? i __# "1 ~ < .; "5. ' . I _ .-;w>._.:.."_.._ ._" . _u¬I¢r |j7Q/r -:!'%1/afvrrw - -' /QT - -'4" a/:0 __ ._ .r1;;;'-*& r ~ _" 4 *2!' . ": ."".:":1@"'_». ..*.= +1= ~ 4; ,_ 4*}!/;'J AW H.;? ¢im-iv ml-:4 " £1522? ___T 7_ .¢;-.5,J-H 25; 5& 1 , dd 625& _J1L Jkf//1' 1-; ;_,'Z9»'|: - jwws/E; /ff?l f92;14~§ -.-_i9 ¬ l___h _ ,- I _ __ | hair -4: V ' fr; ' H. V we K: f". I ' g!_T,T_ I - .__ _ n Tm-F -1 _ L ' "1 ,'2£@#Eh i 7 ___ A t» { '7 y-J w vi, W_- . H3 j?-=3 .01. W. ___ 92 { K _,£ ]~4-§= _?-- j;0Z§2v_9;'l~ j _*_ ' f,. . _.92 ' @ _7 @ b7C -2 __ Q1ACw4,;-/»¥ ; { I ..-....1 .-,3.._,92_»_.. - 1...»92 _ _._ f_,__ ,, 1 I;;.._. IW I __ vI | ¢=12=¢¢mlmiéj» =-Mwa pv{ 7;3¢//j/_ 1; ll!»-v5_* g-jY!"...@ $"_-" #"f~~.I .- 1..r.*.*=..1 *_ .._ _;. { _$sE@2. '7 V; _Em_{ , »lR';fg; LR_.7%m .Q@_;{,m; b6 92 -4 * ms -4 L anwlhlbé 5;m E 4;-/» 5; ml? i f I'¬ lf 5W£; n _%l1&# if|§m /{__:@ 7 : 92 ' r 1-441: r 7 7I" ._ i i 7 *7 MW. .. i In _r-"~ 7 .-_* _I'ifJ_ "r " if r if _ W L2 ow; 4> _;>;4»zW41 AF/3/L 5 Wm14¢, V T92 a-¢{f"'S<"l M~r$<Q 53] _-lo IA-M7" §¬~¬I ii¢rJM=&# _ L t Y mJ1'I>-:»<' /1,65? §+w WM<_1;@i mg 7 ' - 4 RESPONSES-65 ' , . -'-'1-10" -"" __. _ _ '-,,--,-_.._--.._.._. . -' _,¢-- "-'- u-" * »---------.-1.----..-.-.-_,_-.. ..._.....-..----1-rwu-----an--v Wm »~" W M @»~% l. E LFTM % ,4 A1 4 _ _{ zL;cQ _] 1W1 A |M»»/ »=»»<+¢ e K. 5I_ If ii. Y",1'.hut,I014; §;1f¬_']['t' L" if;/man/if/-,-_9¢ .77 3 JWJ * % /113 fm/p4»W~/' ii _1_ i-'927____ ' ,7 - __7 .M WW 92 - i _éw % ' 1":LM"~*l£ F 1'~" j j j f 1' 7 »/4: i Z ' _ W _ SJ5'e:-5,;-1=_f_|7!_/Z ha!£}§@q~F _ ¢ F vlvSH155-,» ii ;- H-;s»1.¢ /La.» //Ja/W/I H i _' wag §J4.-pt-r:A:I»7;;r;&# 2 I'fL I J _ 2"/*'§§92 8/ @254 s1 cm V 7 1 92 _ M M ~H» ~@¢>~r'*/;»»»*& 1glii fytsj ¢¢5,fé;a;',é i . j 7,;/ '2/in» ~;?»f'~_-s:g/" , _ j __,. j Z @* $5. "3 4 /, " * ::"' -____ ___ V._-____ 7_ , _ __ _ __ . *"E$@ X 3 _ - 7 ___ _ I7 _ _ , _, ____ _ , 7 : __ , 7 92 __ L , , @6191 l"»""'? @@%*@W#% % 92 ' *7 92 ' _ M, Q - * J. 7*' j WW - 7 7' - -jm *1 " I _ _ _ I 92 ,_._ . @ Jj, GgD * H*/__;§1;[erf!'¢ Jf goM_- I __ ___" ___ T- Y . I . - . W J5 .. @Lm¢-.3 , 5NJ_92'I$ W ! ¥_ £116 ' !%' >::'__ 4; " /Ir-'~»~& I ; _J| .L {hf 355- ___E$¢_§4 1! £1 9a";~j1 -'/ 1_ ,1%"1 -7 j '1' 1j i Qa Mme L L @~¢M 1 1 _ ; 1 RESPONSES-66 Q { __ - -in ~- -.. .._.<._,-.. .1_-.¢-..'-up- I 1 J]@~~1 §>~$*+*@@ {~31 5% K 1<*ir<¢ Q, " .* _1 __ ' **i I ___ ___,__ ,fL:::;:;T'_ <T _ __ H i 7 j 92 92 i J _ 7 92 92 _ J7 7 ""'7 i 77 " w _ ___ _ r 92 _ _ _ _ I F E % 1 RESP6wsEs-57 "* . c Positive- Response Number 7 r ' ' Q-- VMesszigc __ iI .. " - Pagelof . |~so! |=an_- i¢~@»s< -=51» b6_1 it L bi-' - - ' - -° 1 Ii Subject: RE: GTMO " -.1. -- " 92 ' _ Yes.will I put you oown asa positivé response. ydé. Thank -- - .___.;:,'_'.';.:_4 - _.;;-=-'. ... :' ."' .'_l ""..;:|.92' - .' --Ori inalMessa e- - " - From:H0! PB?!. .' - "9'ru= '1 . "1uéo! l H FBI! ' b6 "1 Sent Fri a Ju - 09 2004 5-so PM -¬_||.l_l:||'-.f _: _E" _u UNCLASSIFIED non-gecogg - - " _ 1 ' _l observed wl-lat msy have beén aggressivéiechniques byjg-FBI used interrogators, Does this still fall .s . - into what yougrglooking into? ," ' '' /' " b6 -1 . ..1.- " ' __ . Houston Dwlsnon-1-"Corpus -RA - _r r - Christi _. ._. »/- RE5|J_Q|92|$E_5-68Jr" - .». . _.. ,_.--:3-':~.'Ir -I *:- _ / -"----Or|g1nalNle,ssage=~ -__ _| -- I seht:.5nuay,_Ju:yo9, "2o041=42PM__ ~- _,- _v_._. X-' .-P ! - _- x I2 ~ . _' . FBI 1 HOUFBI' J! Fl3I! FBI V UN! ---92 FB1>;* 7 7NY! FBI!:. _LD ' BL FBI!; AN! _ FBIi:~i.! FB-! FBI .FB1- CGHFB1!: Ml& l!, FBI! l H0! HUHU l- mi FBI!: Il?~! FB1- FBI!; AQ! GA!;. LSl_ FBI; <rH:>1 FB1>; Am- FBI!; T CID FBI!, *_ c'm! FBI i IWP! FBI!: NY! Z PH! _MM - i N0 FBI!; co !; FBI!; IR! FBI!; MM! ; FBI __] =x! rs! FBI!; :-E! FBI! {NY} FBI} w|=! FBI ii FBI! con. ;- V FBI!; MM! " -i _NY!. r _i~1o!_ - H0.! Px! BI CTDUFBI FBI'!; 'ALHF51; ' ' CUHFBI!; FlF1F92lI92f92f'92J MM FBI! MM! !! FBI! -CTD WP! FBI FBI! NF!_ I_=BI FBI!; - FBI!; * [ s1=! = 1"PX . ITD! F51! FBI!; | s1=!- |=a1 SE!- FBI' IR FBI nv NY! j FBI!; l FBI! o MM FBI!; FBI! MM! - " MM FBI!; ~ASD! FBI-MM'! FB1' cm!; |<><ran; {FBI};-CUMMINGS, ARTHUR M. cm! om! FBI!; - mo! FBI!; i . I _ mQ_ s=s: MM! FBI! LA! HO } FBI! * an FE! ATTLE FRANI-CI FBI Ml _ l!£FBI]. LLA! PB 1 9-"! FBI!. FBI!; NO! 'FBI!; IR!' FB{ . NY! b6 -1 b7C -1 - _ I- ' .r===|_"i|W EB1!:|:r -FBINH0> |<MM> FBI!; { 10! cMM_i,~ com ,_ MM FBI BI»L I. 929292 - _- - --"f> - ;f {- Frmp: Mq ki ,-STl'E92fEN'C. ' . -' INSD! FBI! _'-- _ . - . ' ~ FBI!; DE _ . rw KKXHFBI!; or ¥ .e-.' .. .. _. - ' - _. Message -" , ' , QI Page of 1 . |""""'"77"" ."""' V| ir~1so;| FBI! .."'*."""__ - "W""-""""* - ."""'E ' ' J'_'77"'""*" "W "*' '"'"' ""' " ' ' ' " "' -Sent: Wednesday, August .1Et,i'gilPM 12:33 ' |i:il~SD»<FB~»l i -Subjec:t:__RE:-- GT. M0 ' _ §EN§lI!. J.E E -_UJ_U.N¢J..A§SJFl.E_l.1 . NON-RECORD . , ~ Amilitary iriterrogator arid I were interviewing anew arrivalat GITMO during the__e_venintj'hours when weheard what sounded like thunder.'After hearing-several "thundero|aps" we steppedoutside the interview roomto takea ' break and see-if the-weather had madeadrastic change tromJh'e clear_si<'ies had witnessed we prior to the start of ourinterview. -As we walkeddown thehallway ofthe temporary building where the interviewrooms were ' located, l glancedin_an*_open- doorway/iilrher_e new at least twoindividuals dressed in _BDU's standing andan . .----inmate kneeling on"the»floo'r-with_- lgiaforehead on theground, The-inmate was holding" his nose-and -crying. There _was asmell amount--of blood on the floornear the _inrnate's faoeggiiigslted the Bl;J.U-c_ladpersonnel what had- -1_ happened. They/explainedthe,in'mate_ that become-_ups*¬t-w.i'th_them had himselftoa'ri__dthe,- ooi,=_.' I-had //' threw .I heard previouslyrdhat one ofth_efféFna|e rnilit_a__ry=_persorrhel would wet her hands _alT|li.touol1'_the as parfof inmates their psych-opstomake_th e-i ma'tes i e?e'l3"unclean" and upsetthemfiThe inmate's nose appeared 'to__,be - .bleedhig.' of themilitary One personnel:_left=thetoroom retrieve emedicalkit forthe inmate.I sawngthingr-else to " con'tradict'the_miIitary personnel's'__exptanation-ofevents; -j - _-.-- -- 1eel I. "- *2-1|: Houston Chr'stiRA :v|s1on- orpus _l * _" i _ MC 1' ~' _- J ' ' M . _'2.;--Ori inal Message_-' .--' - " ,- .' _. Fmm= rmso! - FBI! trio -1To: H0! FBI! 3. 7 156 -1 S ent:T1'|ursda,-;i'u 2004 9:59 '29 AM sub e- ~i :. -: . - _ ~- _._- ' _ i , * ~ r '' t sensitive B_U_T ur~|c:_1_Ass,||=|eo >. I _ "Could Krou please provide ashortsummarywhat of you obsen.-ed. Thanks. be ~1i . ---Uri inal Nessa'e----' ' iF~m=iiH@> = en b7C -1 I Sent: Frid ,Jul U9, 2004 5:50 PM ' To:| | INSD! FBI! ' SulJject:RE:G'l'MO' _-- SENSiIlVE_B_lJT_UNQLASSlFlED _ _ b6 _1 b2 -1..._ I: .- _ Iobserved whet ma!: have been egg ressivetechniques used 111:;-FBlinten'ogators. by Do still fall into what you are looking into? Houston |v|s|on- _ orpus Ct-1ristiRA _. _- ' ' _. .' _, ' RESPONSES-59 92- - © 51' '2' .Op rs-suz {Rsv. lU-6-95! _ ' -1FEDERAL BUREAU . OF INVESTIGATION - Hm f mu m O9/O7/2OU4 " ' "5PE@ii1~Ag@Ht-i "'"" li A_W_ FedernlrBQ£§eU FBI!, who entered on d ty'wit the FBI on ' 'of Investi ation [:::::::::: and arrived at the Houston Division of the FBI, b2 b6 b7C Corpus Christi Resident'Agency CCRA _on or about 01/22/1998, and whose telephone is number [i::::ff::::] was advised ofthethe identity of the interviewing Assistant Inspector AI! and purpose ofthe interview. SA,[:::::]then provided the following information telephonically: ., - _' ' SA.[:::::]was assigned to an interviewing team at the detention facility Sep "t e at Guantanamo mb t'l er un la 1t eoveN-mb Bay, Cuba enr2002. The {GITMO!, from ite about rvi g'ewin team _ . consistedthree of sinterviewing people, including S_A aBesides team inc ue contract himself, SA linguist, whom_ military and b6 -1 b']"C "1. A believes whose 1 en ity was contracted SA through the could not Army representative whose name SA could either. The Army representative was rom recall, not recall, an organization similar to'the'Air Force's Office of Special . an a nd . -". Investi ations' 1 AFOSI!;?an'investigative however,entity; $A[::::::fcould-not not recall of the organization. He was certain itwas a'Inilitary' intelligence entity since the acti'v_itie's of his interviewing team, deemed by officials at be law» enforcement activities, gathering"interviews that representatives from other most o._f-his stay at - were separated from intelligence _ ' military intelligence personnel and " government agencies performed. For GITMO, sA|:] and his team performed interviews in the morning. .The afternoons and evenings were "4 ,reserved.for-interviews conducted by those who were gathering _ in't.e.ll.-i.g'ence. not know of,-._$A|:921_}-aid thespecific activities that occurred during t e afternoon and evening interviews, 4- - . ' N-ea-r ' end theof SA gs tour of dut atGITMO, about to two three weeks.before anksgiving, T was SA£f:::;j partnered with afemale military intelligence en iste person b6 ~ 1 b'r'C 1' identity SA[::::::]could not recall, but whoma have been awhose military-reservist she since indicated to 5A[::::::Tthat she was_a probationofficer in-Los Angeles, Californ1a.J SA.[:::::] and the military intelligence interviewing effort arrivals at-GITMO, .These . soldier were that focused on a detailed recent group interviews, unlike to an of detainee those he had - ' » hW Mnm- 09/0?/2004 uWashington, Fuse 297-HQ P=132'7669-A ., 395'- "- .,, Se/n| DC _{telephonicallyj Datedicmcd N/A ' .ifia/3:,-11RESPONSES p This document contains neither recommendations aunclusions nor of the FBI. It is the pmpcrtyof the1- Bl and is loaned to your agency; q_-.II-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII____ I_ L '0; ' -: I!I _ v. _ HIII_IIIII _- _______ ___________- . _Q to-am aw.-. 10-e-95! -11 i.@ - ' 29_'?-HQ Al327669-A_ b6 '1 -'b7C -1 ' Om mm mFD§ -| Qof performed evenings. information ' |_______=on_Q2L01.Lz9_0_4.__ with the other interviewing team, occurred in the was to-gain as much The purpose of the interviews as possible from the detainees before they were exposed to the general K detainee population. ' _ S_A|:heard .through theperson placed incharge of law enforcemen _agency personnel at GITMO that other government agencies were using female military intelligence personnel in psychological operations-type activities a ainst the detainees. The person n 'harge,-whose F9 identity SA[::::;:]could not recall, ' toldSA[:::i::Tthat effort todisrup etainees who were . b6 -1 b7C -1 praying.during interrogations, female military intelligence. ' personnel would wet their-hands then touch the_detainee's face, causing the detainee himself unclean. to stop praying agency personnel because he considered s'b e for law enforcement; The person resp to SA emphasized law enforcement; - that agency personnel were notallows? pgpee thistype ofpractice detainees. SA did not witness this _ when interviewing to it, technique, or.anything-similar tactics or b6 -1 1 Defense WC *1 _ materials - the of-interviewing'SA|I|did_not haveknowledge techniques addressed in any type of Department of policy since he of such"a wetting the person placed = never describing technique . performed on a detainee. Sometime of received a briefing in charge of law enforcement near the end of his tour at written agency personnel. GITMO- when he During the ' interview, SA[::::;:Land thesoldier heard banging sounds similar to claps o hunder, but were perplexed by the sounds - since there had not been any indication of rain when they ' entered the interviewing facility. They_decided to exit the" ' -facility to investigate the sounds. . AssA|:_|and thesoldier were exiting the faci 1y, they noticed a detainee on the floor ' - interviewing b6 was intelligence soldier, SA ? and of_an, raqi _ . ' partnered with the military the soldier were conducting- an evening interview b6 -1 b?C ~1 detaineewho had been Afghanistan. - or policy. SA[:::;;:]was only aware of _ the hands from s conversation with -1 b7C -1 another :| interviewing room, crumpled over, and crying.. asked the personnel in the interviewing room, appeared to may have res be militar 'ersonnel based hadhappene'd.' snI recalled onded that the detainee on their in SA all of whom uniforms, what thatthemilitarypersonnel had thrown himself-to the floor.SAbserved thatthedetainee*'s nose appeared to Responses-71 l 1.. 11 it ° FD-302aRev,10-6-95! - _ . 2 9?. I-IQ-Al32'7669fA -- b6 -1 _111, ; b7C -1 Con1inuatiunofFD-302a! _| . |_ __ __,___ __ ,Q.,_ng[o7j§z00_4 ,Pag:___ __ be bliegdng. 1' lsiEsta not f§as"sir"hs.g¢' alnyehn1§* "sis; the incident that ispu ed the account offered by the mil personnel present in the room. SA[:::::]+did note the facility, exited The lack -of b6 1 b7C -1 thunder there was no indication caused him to wonder that w of thunder about the "asset itary hen he outside. noises he had heard. However, since he did not observe the events that transpired in the other interviewing room, and he did not receive other information contradicting the account of ev ents provided by those in the room where he found .the detainee bleeding, apparently from the nose, SP.I:|-could not say that what transpired in that interview room fell outside U.S. 'Department of Justice that there DOJ! policy. was potential for However, SA[:::::]stated the events'occurring in that interview room to not fall in line with either FBI or DOJ policy. "SA: emphasized that he did notobserve any FBI or DOJ personnel-presentjin_the room where interviewing he observed the bleeding detainee. 1_ ;- -Sh[:_|-did not know the identify of present ~in"the_ intervi-ewingroom b6 -1 b7C -1 detaihee,_or the identity of felt that quer in Slki determining the bleeding the detainee; however, SA.[:::::j their logs maintained the personnel. where he observed identities by - would be possible by the military at GITMO. According to the date, interviewing room, andtheidentities of -theinterviewers and detainees for each interview were maintai-nedby the mi li.'t_ar at GITMO. y SA|:|produced 302 of;his_interview of however, b6 -1 b7C -1 the Iraqi he did not maintain detainee FD = soldier on SA intelligence interviewing -teamon the eveninghe observedthe bleedingdetainee,SA[i::::]receivéd interviewingassistance from an Army psychologist or psychiatrist that this ind'vidual was a SA-|:|stated could not-recall SA: he had observedto this person; ' -k i- who was an officer. major, but that he made a comment about what SA[::::::]describedthe_interviewing facilities GITMO as temporary structures. b6 -1 b7C an evening; a copy. -In addition to-the military :]s that The interviewing facility used consisted of about 12 interviewing rooms on either a hallway. _There were six rooms in a row on one side of hallway were and six rooms on the other surveillance interviews without evening when SA|:| rooms that entering allowed side. Adjacent other persons an interviewing room. at he of s ide the. to each room to obs ?Durin GIVE ' the' saw thebleeding detainee, SA|t|was RESPONSES-72 - I92L L 5. '- FID-302a us-5-95! Rev. O IO 29'?- I-IQ A1327669-A u. ' _ Cmmm @o b6 -1 JMof it occupying an interviewing room he observed to detainee in an rooms from b6. l b7C1 -- ' _'b7C -1 ' '| ,.QggQ1¢2ggg his, and on the my at one end of the faciIit§§ and" interviewing room two to three same side of the hallway. SA.[::::::Lreoeived tour of the a detention facilities not talk about what went on at the . at GIIMO; facility with however, edid the military tour-. -Sasdid substantive in nature. personnel he encountered during the not consider any of these contacts -" _ _.SA[::::::]noted that during the course of at least one detainee interview, information he but possibly another as well, he documented received from the detainee about abuses that may ' have occurred in Afghanistan. SA|UUUgUU stated the Iraqi that he-interviewed the evening he observe te bleeding detainee was b6 l' b7C -1 one of the detainees Af hanistan whose information was_specific enough about possible to document in an SA [:fE::]documented the information relating topossible detainee abuse in a-separate case file; one that was address possible war crimes. SA[:::::] did file number and he did not agencies at GITMO documented E:::::]believed that detainee abuse." maintain a being set up to the FD 302. SA copy of not know the case~ representatives from other law enforcement information regarding~possible- ". ' _ ,- ' Based on the condition of the facilities, and _ - having . were held, SA[:::f%Ef%%Eff of systemic indication detainee had teh b6 -1 b7C 1 abusés_in' FD 302. abuse at tt oppor uni tlkowa GITMO.- SA and-provided with He was made aware costing around building an against U.S. th. roug .hthe believed the essential needs, of one detainee $100,000.00 for explosive device soldiers._ , detainees -where cells detainees such as who received werewwell fed medical treatment. medical treatment an eye injury he in Afghanistan sustained while intended for _ . RESPONSES-73 use * ' * ~ + ~ | g 92 . ._.,_-.,_.___ ;_,__ ,1..._ v '-4'°=.""" * * *'" _, .1-w. >. - I | ' w . ... -._ .._' '-1;. -. - -. 1.--> -'_,. .: ' 1&1 --_~ .-. ' in-. >-.'r.Q' ' ,@;'> .'.,-,| I . -., ..,;_._._,_ '*: ; ..._....~ . -. | . 92._ . -P:. '.:>. '6 _.--t-.;_;.L" '-; ; T'3 I-'-..92;it'-1. f .92' H .-' ~-- ."f!"i~".-5 - . T1 _-, . 7;. .r. '.' _ .___._ __-.,"';_ ,.~,_';i3l?-' _ .--... .-2' ..-_' .= - -.92 ~"";- -1-. 9292.,-43;: .,. _.,__., . .' .-_-=-.-_ . .=:£*-r_.._;;;-_?f -.,:; ,-'-_t. -= '4'. - -_|92l__*_': j:. .'>:..-:' - -» '[ . .'5.1--~.'.:;-; ' -i:*:>.1; --W-"' 1'-'" 92 ;' '-I" f:- _. __-:'_'..*.,'j-.1?_-E ' r :.=<,¥$';=:'-; ~ p 9292 J ._- .......n .. .-r... Fl3_¥34U ' HB92r.'7-29-_9 '' ;_ U}1|versql.Casa Flla Number El;-74"'<§Z*Z' Fig.-Id Office Acqu_ _% lrmg EvIq!.eng_a[__-a;,%¢.»n,E5.-;=i_ _._r*' I _1 Serial_-#_dj'0rlginaIlng_Documé _ __: __:" ii . Data Received 5;-1""': ' 70215?":/>-w " . _ 1 j ii ~ . ., '" "fr .' Fmm.' ="92 % N ~ - ? _.. _1 " - .. ~ -- _7 _- ':':: 1:-'-'21 -. -"; "xi" " ' -=.|ff--__1:;§-; "Y-="=*-5 * *'J'?--<b6 -1 -- ' - rI "I -.| |-I-I -Q ' , - _ 5, ' °?§ -. . ..-- __ -_ I' 1; Receipt Given El YésQfl lo_- ~- - Fédaral RuIéS;gI" O!'lmir]_at= Ptlura .3 ,- -__ " , I- -_ . 92 .' J! . .d " . ...;'> -27 - 1- _§_a,. . ._.;~.-_ ..'_v. __.}_.:92I92 ....-: :_--.' f _--1 5-Fifi :- 92 |L -;7:1ti .-i 1.9. _..'<. 92 . ' '~ i=1-51,-;~;;=;';&# 1 ,' I-:.%;"';-§¥1? 1..-:-. . . .'¢ "Q;T<;:§-<1; -7. 1-_|. .'f$_:-"I- :7? zs» ".._-.. ._ "*5'.." -,3,.'_ . .-..".3" __ _., |_;._..-.=_..H 0 _-_1";~ ;_.;.|1§§1-7'¢&# _- I:-' J ,-_-_1 §j';7_,"92 J92 ,_ _L _,- I_.92|-j. 11 _ - _--.~.-.f_-,.-.-; , -"I:-1:_..w---_¬+. _ -_._;_. __,_* i ' .' '1-':=.'. L'.'.*";¥..-'-",5" ,l£,'. -- ¢v-"ti~' - rs_ =_. ..',' ;.{-._-.11-"_ ':;-_,;'_>" ' "M1, _1 ' .. .-- ._1.-4:-_3n ., .,. , --...-, ._;'-s -,1 ,. . '-1=;..;:.E.'.-11* a,-u-7,1 _.-'1 ;-_.__,_"?:j,-.;-;_-if b6 l . TC~;f~ -.1 g;r_=§ - O: : . .12- W 'r?i b ' " -,-;-;.._ ,5'4 --.-.. ¢~~-. _.-:_.-_r :_, =_ . ' I '1 '1 92 - . ..l';|92-H, -1-#*5':"'5 __ IQ}--.,'>e:1._---3 -923| .... F7__|.._|.f._. . » ~ =.-'-;=.w=: -2*;¢ . . - -. ,-1:4:-0'» .§-_i.F-'-= ~- _ _.'2;;~-.,a -__.1 " V. . '1 5.1,: :~92 _ _ ' -; '*..:..3-'-_ . . --1'. I _.-_>'. r?'92_.9292 _ _ ,. _ 1; .-' '-;:.u:t.' : :*=: ;; _ _ Q3. ._ ¢ .:92-3" I. 1I -1 I-|---.-*4! .. _ ._ W. _ -- -if.-;. =.. . :_;. ;r. H'-::92 _ . -'-9292 _ 1" . . - - _-.-_~;;.,:-;.*-.=;'.~ ,_ -.5 .92 -. 92._-.-.---.1I._ .- _,'= __-31.. :. .3, ..",-_~92. -f._.,.¢~.- ,,. _-1'.'_1 ' .. -.' =."J_-. :.j-.'-.1 -1 --_' | Ja$c'|"lpti_p|_1:-_ J2-Clrigi nail"I'1§',i c_:f_ __l inié§rein§é§& . _"Z:' ,. A- . - H = * i;>orr¢11urlicatiti|iEn:l:5§h'|g.|hTgter_ia}_}." __j3:. *_~'~f' I __ |F ' ' _|-' .§;.. -I 1| "5? -=F *7"~:&¥~p _ .vl ' _ . ' . 1 -fl, :_ J . '_ _..1_L' ¢ - -Fleference.. . - .-.- . : ." .1 .-<4 J_ '-"2 . ?"'-H! --.-G"I'.1.'92 -'»& ~J---T-'-3+ -r"-, , .. . __~ ,1-.1 ,,'.'._.r=._1<[1.:92 -' -' '..:1-=-v-q¬.:- _- "I-':tle:'r_.__:T-" _,;-<- ~,:§-' . ___.:k__ LY. _§:. *5." Z. 92 -Y.-K -f-1. L»r;|92<M1%'; 1 _ 92 > - ' -1="'~;@?',"=$& G;a_nd-Jplyf-Dlssamiqqte lgte alOnly Pursuant-to Hujé 6' _ e!. s" _ {'k-.£'1 1~ ¥_ . . --- LIL.|_._'__ ,.,_ .- . ToBaRetumed ElYes' E'§,_|o I -. R "-t_. . 13'- TC * B5! ' ' I _ .' 7» »-..=_~ .9 Ii , _ ," .:i.P_;{92j'- -I -7 71__Has6iE°n mum! ' . - -% _ V " % _ L c :-1;";_ 1. --:.--v . .1" .._:921 I . ..92.__,.. .92| ll. ~- be 1 ,__ __:.| K .I I I . s :51 .- REEPONSES.-? .l. _*_1-_~ W T7 ~ _:_I-'._L'_ __.-__._- ' .1 ._. -.... - . 92 -I _. .¢_.__.. -__.__..92.. I _7__~ Y" . I I 92 b6 -1 b'Jc -1 H // 6/ _'-~;~ _ __ J1? 92 ___ _ _ _____ __ _ _ _ __ ____ _ -.._--_------------.,.._---- ~ L y ~11; 0F { a:zr¢¢¢_.,.¢l¢-w -' I 1-W rv b6 -"2 b7C -2 w _ __ 7 0 r 6T ii" dcnm mi b2 l W--=-*-= Em cf OP /11/if 1i c,..,,..§, ¢5P§»_ r AIL @- 5'/ @r..;p1»|?!-is-¢4:.?'~./6 =F -£4 -7 _ F .92 PET g /y§mL"E.77 -ll -Z-A. -ti} .. até .r9~?.-.r'..d?-@@ E %.=,¢.,," J» W» LW H-»-E"! M ; *4 __/M ./=i.~.-. A, . we-~L ,=¥~»-J--T5 ' 92 4 92 - _;» _',»¢@,.-.,,,@,1,. _¢3--¢»~1'".%/ W-w" . .61 . / l, 2 4 .... . .. I zzmwn www- 3 1 . .. . ..-£.<¬.-'.'...5..'. .13.... .._..¢.@..-ran - -...._.-_.... . _.. _ - --" ... £.*=.':_*-Q l 1 -- i i 92 J-/. ..-@ <"*-' /1+ ;.'7 gyu 6 _0iZ- If .£4!'.{., ,. /Pm. /.r'.f' /H. L -5'15"/F -2 P -..¢/=.. /ram 1 .7" 6-'-W I-w-_>e..-:1-r ~I !1.'=¢M'_.&# r% /A-M.¢:¢1'-I1 92 RESPONSES-75 . I 92. |un"'*ri_,*,,,;' ' ' n ---- --~._---.- 1-.._ ,_,Z, ----- »--_ -- -.. .1.----- 92h 1 ___ W_ 7' 77 W7" _ W__ :;7___ _ ii, ' , __ _:_ _ __ _ -;__-- 92 ®, "414-_; . 1 . I @ 92 W _ % >1 <9| . 0* r rr/57 /:0 /2/¢-AP Q?-* /' -w-¢:»'-v /rxgr n 7"?/;=.-. _, | .l»T " ai ¢»=*-W-. ' F l /-' r??? $77?/' 7"? /QM. /'?Z?-J 1: /5"-try -i§.,F5'C-& *¢/v _ @»r7»'-'zn-¢//1//1» /$=---~ Mia 4"¢='- F?-f-/B I '/ mww K»-1" r» 2;?/r'*£:.-"_7?-qosv. I -. fmm @999-.»-; Jar Z./41-. /.eE=:-m .4/I--. % ,_.£;isr =-=-r2?:»..A-W! 7'" 1." /1" J1 92 I - KI , ., .I % 1? /;»"»=4L+»L»<.»:@<L W /51/=/ ~'-¢- E 1 - H ' ,.' /-" . .... . ' . 4 92 if 92 L 92 ..,.. . .. F ___ZI¢11/¢,.;_>J...,__,¢¢e£@;-3.-_._...z?__._£-:.:.,¢|;=.:r._.. W.-. _,__.. 92 : j 1 _ ..M..__. - . _. " _ _.. 1 7 _ I - .-...J-._-___.92__.__..._..-._.-....4._-..-.-~_..-.__p»....-. -. .- -...-_....J-92__ 4::-_i-_..._-...-1% .-_-92._-7~_.__<_..-1. ¢; - * ____ W a 92 @ 52¢. of n/H» ./75514? I-V. -'1I. <'3° -F? *'-P mn-¬=-=-*92"/ n 7" ,P- »F_ 1 -"*""- -=2 /I//////' ." fl ?% L I Q; J -r/5%»,pa /M.-:w.=»4-'1 /5,»--,;~_,==..-6-.,, ':H"' I __/z_M~ am? 6/J*"_/!1'2E""_" av-L7. ;$5 r //7.4 //./7'1 , l P1/1?-.=r_ M-» /awnmnt-fr -0'9 M7 0:? . % _ ~ /.=v,%zw *'J--1-» ~ I -",. < m/..,./#1-+ /r;'1-mmf. .. m <-/I.¢w ».'F.7 /1?? /:*=- ~¢-?¥"E""' .//1!/?r. .. <. -Fer-ea.-_ . " I /I-' .62, . .-.t.c.m'f,.. .. -_ ia /4'1? .. .. I .In I F E E _".._ __,@'¢1,za_-.,2~1:u-¢_;:*'_-'a=.."3:-1": ¢"¢~l?.¢': 7?7@*%_ @ ;-.}Zi,<¢<?§..f'I1-.L& % i}-;,*,,,¢- %_, __ .<?f'!<'/.- of I 1/4*L".j,,,,. .. L4 ./? ¥¬'#1 i § }, ,¢=.=rm~ A ;-.npm ,w- -I mr" Orw92 Mm .,6 .¢¢.¢-¢.-5-4'?" I?! z_E»=1-/I -W5 "17/ F"~ I 92 i .-, .6'f /m - II .r; , Y VI 1-P1 ' . RESPONSES-?7 z 1F 8 . -92 %' 7?" l92N ' -J . -/ ' ' z Y //*f > 77.%%3"%519*?» ~. . /J// if .//~~f L-7» _! /gw I _ _P¢/ti/FRI , . @ /fiiv/r-Lomw Mk ea:/--i fnmr 7%? ¢-" -,r =~" 1 /Z6/-=' ¢' %i'¢»¢-@~@.6?$'>-fe-1*-=*?>' /4 V//-=i~=-»-»*--A?- f m / rfrfw-=rr/c. @ 6 =7?=4r'/5? 1%-='= Auwf m/#4 /4'5 - I #1-~ I45? - I ,| iL~!_ i .:. ___ _ iii . _ . ____ , ,_ ig; *1-_ _L I 5 I . .§.. . -... 1. _ -- -_ ._.--.-...... 92 s92 | A Mi W E i : RES PONSES-78 ' j i i Ti l i 1 7T 'g*q Questions Concerning Actigities at_G_uantanamo Bay,Quba,_LGTMO1 .-/1! /2! Describeyourrole at GTMO andtheapproximate timeframe. If a memberof aninterviewteam,pleaseexplaintherolesof themembers which comprised yourinterview team. As /3% Describeanyaggressive treatment, interrogatioris or interviewtechniques employedon detainees at GTMO, whichyouwitnessed or areawareof, whichwasnotconsistent with FBI or DOJ policy,/guidelines? What, if any,wasyourunderstanding ofDepartment ofDefense authorigation "forthe permitted use of harshfaggressive interrogation techniques? howyoubecame aware ofDODauthorized techniques. _ t/ HoDescribe ,/f o , In youropinion,wastheaggressive treatment, interrogations or interviewtechniques employed ondetainees atGTMO,whichyouwitnessed orareawareof,consistent or ~ inconsistent withyourunderstanding of DODauthorized activity?If inconsistent, how? Identifyanyotherindividuals whowitnessed thisactivity. -/7! ./8! Do youknowtheidentityof eitherthedetainee or theDOD einployeefcontractor, andthe approximate datetheincidentoccurred? It youwereaware ofanytreatment, interrogatioii orinterview techniques employed at GTMO which wasinconsistent withFBUDOI policyandDOD authorized techniques, didyoudocument orreportit toanyone? If so,howandto whom didyour reportyourconcerns ? 0/ to! - Pleaseidentifywheretheinterviews occurred at GTMO which youbelievemayhave beencontraryto policyor authorized techniques. Didyouhaveanysubstantive contact withMilitaryPoliceorother U.S. government personnel at GTMO regarding detaj1iee's condition or treatment?Describe. 11! Describeanyallegations of misconduct or mistreatment by US. personnel broughtto yourattentionby interviewees or others ? '- 12! Areyouin possession of anypictures, video,audio,notesorotherdocumentation which depicts or describes aggressive treatment, interrogations orinterview techniques employedon detainees at GTMO? Are youawareof anyoneelsewho is in possession of such items? - RESPONSES-79 _ _ 13! D0 y0u have any additional infdrmation relating the to treatment of detainees at GTMO _whi eh shouldbe broughtfo ourattention? P RESPONSES-80 _ _ ____ llI L Positive Response Number 8 _.0 -c , l .' . ~ v Q . 1 Wee/g1§???i7 ' _{Rev.01-31 2003} _I .- f . ~ ~|=eoe|=uu_ B_'UFlE.AU wives-rncgifneou ' O F .a 1 ' . IMMEDIATE" -' '-. -~<92£¢¬* §_92 F~} 6-. Precedence: ;//agk Q Date: /09/2004 JU0 ta ' ." -~ To;'Counterterrorism _a Jy¥ CK ¢a Inspection' /EP " ¢" Att > I' l" .4,,» .I .. be *1 squad 3 _ _ - Contact:B14 ' I Eryn" _ __, , | Approved By- ' ' h?C~1 _ b6_1 _ ..' '1;->< C; Roo meat: _ '_ _b?c __1i& From:Anchorage_ ..-»" - . _ * ' -3 -§~*f§ - =b2-1 _ ' - .11- . .' _ INSPECTION SPECIAL . _ .. iPending] I _ .-- came, _ _fN . 'I i_tle: -COUNTERTERROR-ISM DIVISION, . . ', -or--awe ., .T-M Case ID' # :u297 _ HQrAl327669-A"'i . -é? - _ INQUIRY .- .- ._ . . ./' ,. Synopsis: To provide responseto eemail from steven C._ MeGraw. Inspection.Division on 0?/09/2004. Details:_ The purpose of this electronic provide a response to an e-mail f . J5 C. McGraw. . I -. Writer,Anchorage Field--Of Special ite " |:] - case_agegt on the "Portland-7" GTMO aor period-of Division, counterterrorism- _'- office Writer would into to fingers the shack,at from physical and injuries cause assignment at the time. Camp Xray, injuries to his face. the detainee to include possible When writer of the detainee'sinjuries, writer appeared broken- inquired learned as to ' the ' that detainee had recently exhibited non eompliance with a prison guard,.and that the rapid reaction team was brought_in to bring the detainee into compliance. Writer learned.that no Bureau employees were involved-in above incident. ff I . i .- _ add that when the detainee was brought the interview suffer of bee -1 , approximately 3e4 days and returned_to his i be,-1 detainee ihqestigationg While at GIMO,1writer-observed no apparently improper aggressive'treatmentof detaineesme writer visited Portland _ . Agent|:] briefly visi-ted etmoin o2,-'2-»oo2to. debrief a 'as FISA _ communication is to from Steven Inspection Division on 07/D9/2004. .' RESPONSES-81 II ' _" - - _ _ _ _ _Ii ii -i iQT ' -n, 92 FD-302 .. ' , ll I or or [Rem 10-E-95} I ' ' l . _1_ - ¢ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ' - Dnteofwnnscripiiun ' a- I - -| gl 0950952004 -See-C-i-11. ..£nter_ed » 5sen.1:.. .99". D1~.1'.t.y... . .E.<2P.. eep h one was i i1 adv'sed e ' #9 wener interviewing |i '-_" oftn Off-iCiEll 92 b6 _identity of the SLIPEIVLSOIY-SPEClal Agent{SSA%and b2 _ -. cu-rrentl assi MC_that ned to the Anchorage Division, office the interview concerned" ascertainingany information - possessedpertaining to the treatment and conditions of ' d"eta-inees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba GTMO!. |:| thereafter provided the traveled to b6 detainee b?C - following information: ' ' ,GTMO_in FebruarY_2002, identified as] case specific . _J W information on the*"Port land 7" to debrief a regarding Counterterrorism momatter. Qwas not a member of any interview team. As a HF "Co-case gen of the Portland 7 case, |::|went to the sole purpose of - case. conducting one . -' . The to that -" interview was shack used GTMO for interview relating for conducting "Dog Cages" in Cam conducted in _a make shift -interviews, located X-Ray. When the detainee plywood adjacent to the ' was brought in -for |- - the interview, Ijobservectthe detainee had- black a' eye, -- facial cuts- around b6 -1 were taped. 1°70 "1 the effect _ had done | name: the nose area, and his fingers on up. The -detainee, who spoke English, "they", motioning to the Military Police this to him. A Colonel in charge of both hands said" words-to MP! guards, the MPs,~whose . could not recall, advised that the detainee's injuries were sustained in ascuffle due to the detainee. . becoming K1011".-CiOI Clplia1'1t had toandbe bought into compliance by a Rapid Response Team. The. detainee also had acast on one of his ankles which was for -an injury sustained priorto the detain_ee s arrival at I ' GTMO. - did ., ' ' not have any substantial dealing with any - MP5, other military personnel, Department of Defense DOD! civilians, or any other contr ctors at GMTO regarding detainees- b5 '1 condition and treatment. did WC -1 not observe any aggressive 4 or improper handling, treatment or techniques any of "the detainees inconsistent with FBI or Justice" DOJ! policy what type of harsh gL1ideline3.- L: or a used by. anyone on Department of - had nounderstanding of ressive interrogation techniques were authorizedDOD. by C did not ask anyone what the DOD - lrrvcstigationon DBLQB/200_ __Q-,____ tele:phoni,cal],y_} _ no 297;H,O;l&_1_' __{ieli_b *1 Dat:d1 32was-A' g g i-6 ____ -_ . w 5s,_92|i -iii ;-mgi W,-1 _ __ __ 09 092 04 -7 RESPO-*N_$ES 82% This document contains neither recommendations conclusions nocr the of FBI.It is the pr pulfy of theFBI andis loaned to youragency; - 77 77 ' 77 1 I. ___ . 92 | J ~ Fbéma bul Ci! _ _ :! =' -. ~'29":-so-A1321ss9-A .. ' ' - -- I -- b7C--1_- ewes»-are-sozortt _,_,, ' _ ;§0n'_Q&LQ&L2_0,0i 2 __ policies wara §éiE51n1a§ to the treatnenr"of detainees as he- ~ -" thoughtwas it beyond the scope of hisduty. Since[:::::]was I of. unaware of what-DOD policies were_pertaining to the treatment detainees, he was unable to state whether any aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques employed, in _b6_1 his opinion, were inc0nsistenE:fEE&:iny DODbeing policy. Other than bW;_1 "the overall conditions, which described as harsh, and without air conditioning, including U.S. but which military_personnel were everyone there, subjected to, he did not _witness, or become awareany of,GTMO unduly" harsh treatment. ;| ._ attributed the overall conditions at in February.2UO , as being-due to stages, the operation ' . being in it s relatively -_"' early - ', .; . ' ' _ 1 .|:|w'as not aware of any allegations mistreatment ofnot. _ . of detaineesma_e against any U.S.personnel; [:::::]did ' have any pictures, video, notes or any b6-1 documentation which depicted - WC 1 treatment, interrogations or . other type of ' ' ' or described any aggressive ~u interview techniques employed on detainees atGTM0.Y[::::::]was not aware of_anyone else in I ossession of, or the existence of", any such items. ' ' ' - [E:::::]did nothave any additional information relating_to the. treatment or detainees at GTMO. . 92 o. -RESPONSES-83 _ - ---IIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -. __ 92 ' 77 92 W __*,.__' _ ;_ .. ., .. -m-a-som.=v.s;:-ay! _1______ _ _ _____7'_~ J __ . 92 1 M .. *-':"'_"'-;.""*? ' - __ 92"' . _ -" . H . -.1 ..-~'.-,_ ;'-":".@,r 92Universal Case Fllé Num5§r_.-5/9-'-Y . L FmOffice AcquIrhi'g W "M _.E_Vi!i'iB;T1 §e7 V.{Mseriéiiii-drIgiq_atl '§'E!§Eu; L'% §;if"" VADaie n=¢eiv@¢1§,+_.gz2go+i2f:2;@»~54ff V 92 -1 _'.;.;»_-.-'_,'.--.'_~< -- 92 .¢ , Ii.. .,___. A-' . .-:j-Jid lamg iiicbnf buaugi---» T- 1¥ - . _{T92§dr'aE;spf wmn- 7* "* - _ *___ J by { 'E'; H i*?i" f*" W. 92 '-1?-.'"*{Name=1 R' . £ ;n wial a="1lJ" -., . -' L i'*@'%§é? 5 ¢v4'r~§¢* u .3 -- - "ally?-:__=-""f'§ ' -___ " H. 3_ . .- . " Héceipf-"Given: '* ~" ___ _ -?.:::'?;;: -'.'§,;:;i:L?;:i;;_> .';=:--. _~1=_" F1.-,' ; : _->j;."§_,,'?-5-.'§1 :2 - :'_ _'.. . '3_'T _= ;.__ b6 -1 b7C -1 92 .5tan.é§4umhAa!*;5=i¬®i.5=§minatef lily~BI1 »" "L1; - -' - -" ,. 10' 3e%6' 'iE§B§% eJ-é1@B I§§ i5£¥6*ih?L é¥Er6cadur@@.-.'. I.Liii-@F=?Yi;a}d§ Y~*§?1=??I:-F;-fffgr-'-;'@"3¥. =T ~ v == .' '-5; ' .Z'E.=I:l'_'*:' . -'P,7 "73-"<'1."_~ §T l;.'=:'1.'i:="':'7 j- I J Ir . ;_ l¢*~ h_ Fvp w- 4. _ . Y 1 ..- 92 92 '@ '-" , .. _, ;_ aw ~= ;:;:. - .-" - 5 - . ;>- =¢Y92;~ . K1-._' __-.'.+. __.H 11"} _- HeIarenoe:'i£1"'11;§3-F¢£? 7. $:@;'=;% .=e _r. _--p -. - - ,|-.-~.u%1=1 YF - ..--= ~ -'"7 . 1- _-,-;-_. -- -_...:__i-3:? -2,,-._-.;_ -_--_-.-_,~---.- _{ .-X-'-_ _;_I-_ --,_.. -,.,D_-;e': s_ §:'r1j5t_J_o|'ii§ of'_=ll g, . g '_' *;"- I i' : _' 4 ' . 92 _ .' . I . ' . b6 -1 - '92." b':'C -1 J l 1 . 92l . n I92 __ ' 92.92- ;92H .: Jw , _ "I _; l _._ . __->... Vi __ __ _7 ___ _ __ --:14..--,.- n -w. *92 ? 1 » ,. -.' . RESPONSE5 84 I L1 ' @~/F/:>~ Wm§ @$92r**9l 92. p- if _ E1-ca.»,4,- P5 ___?,_ _; _; "T __W_,_ _ ___;~ N W §Q¢£-1~$r<-_ j %@<:---<-1+ *_ A H #5; W2? ~ 2%-f; ; _ we ; 1; 92 Q52-~~¢<r/&~=;> w=W~w~~ _ 1 b 4 b7C 1:>7D * >¬ §,7Q=/5%'-¬4"§ §Q §i:l { +§ % w hM _ Q b7E 12%-J] * / _? 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' ' Subject:GTMO RE: ' - - " -- I I of I t- * f" '"" - .1 .;_:_- * ' lri._,;?_Yf!.=_I5"-_i.".¥'. 1 OK, thats a positilie response. leftI you avoice mail. Can you emaillme the EC you did? Thanks. ' ----Ori lnal Messa e---- - F-'~=m=lil<1Rn0=B11 e3,6_1 ' Sent: Frida Jul 09 2004 3:10 PM ' bqc _1 10:: ms» Subject: GTMO tat - __ er -! m As you may be -aware, lwasjn GTMO and l did observe aggressiveinterrogation practicesand as a " Behavioral AnalysisAdvisor on interrogation techniques wasaware of extreme interrogation techniques - .-:=. that were planned end implemented against certain detainees. ' ' -' _ .These eventswere summarized in_ memos and anEC written by myself and mycolleagues between Oct. . - and May of-2002. Ihave been discussing a2&1 " ._ these eventswith GC Valerie ' _ Caproni. f r- . _-- ,_ s rll s.0,»i B%.r~_I.cLa§§_lEl.ED_ _ ¢;Ko, of 47' . -_ _ Y/FM 40.J -<"N ' /J o-J" _e i" CI*P> 9 Lie 92 I .- . .' ~ -u n - -. t""92:- -.- ' {Remus-2 -Zing! K0 "'H l '§ HJT'r'1':I-'#5:"" "92: Hrr>-1a!n*~ f"".,92I 92 -3¬¥l .'r:;,,;,, ,_ .1;_. L,¢_r=:a*;_H .3:-L _ v a_ !3»: ... .._, ;-:.e"-" }-*'-=-= I'92.|l+. r__-;;,.1¢_,~ 3;..-.1 4,_f,$ -;;3;,-5" T51, _ rb ¢ ...»..;~' .. E':+ "§=- =.~ ha a ;J,~:'f1~£'l'*+'-: _,£92_f _r-=2 .» - -1. an¢:"_Ji}£J;;;:_:fL:,¥;J%~'~E -.I-..>-.f.~_: ,4 éEH_1g5 *~ *e~e ~ ~-*~ '_ we» *§ "WIM =+»;.E §:= _F »~ 1 we _;;§ =-1!»;-FJFf;?24 -r;-if» P35, := =~'--£1-~,;.~.r_j --r. .:; ' ._'**¢x.r .qre, ' .1.-.-.-0» P "*1 ... fr , *=r?§L§=%1e:*:" - m; fn92.;! ,__,__j£- :;~ '3" 1 ~1-|_1 Q", _A Precedence . ROU_.r:-=_ms 2*-.,1 ;,1 §;;:;1;*_-;_»§.,,~;g§: §ji%,§%,,, em" »-=r;., To . Counterterr - *"W%§%§%%1§*?§¬§' Raymond 5 MEY  1?-_~. -F ?§¬.e'!§¥".'%'£;i92=* " J : HP '3-EE§ ;:=;""l"qJ.1q;.n' ow :>'-¢__-__ "'l1;Hz ~5r;,|_,;_, ,. =,».. f*s -:2*'r,<v= ~'»*' -34 * .51: is*1-9292 1*:~9 Z-1" 1* .'§§¢ ='.1*aj,P .u=?1? "'1,-J: -.rr~5~ ET - . 5}=r_ - ' *+ we 11-* **"~5 * ¢']"{: '=n="=:"r"L§Z3 " -¢"92" i -.3 1;1*'§3.~.,:, »'= §3 ; _;-11%; we-1 =-9 ;£.!'92.L; - r*"5; ,;.§_~,il-..g;_;E;;-¢=§¢,,,,~r--~32 -., Bowman, E § ;~ <;¢%,;F;~§.u General Cou 2 ***"%="r5* ":~a'»¢:~ 9 *;"t- .+_'=? *"3=*" :3"" $"*~* for " ?"* NEHZZLDHBI '"? ~=-1* 5-_"~¬l1 - ?» F" '1.-~:.-=¢:,. .- r i*Counsel I-r»§_.E.¬" '1»?!-¢1 Q,._¢u¢t1.~=-..*=¥Jg»:92 "" ..r---P1 -:1 _-31: : "' gig ,5. "' **at '.=$;Z1§§ 1.1; ' fa f ?_ *5 g "§ Z"~5~ ** ~*-*5 '1 §?.** my :-I*19**MisEsq-ua rai¬l=*3"* M1a.m:|. _»'§E* -b-_ 1 =,, ;,+,~3I;, um G; §=,~§'#$'; ih ector gbpa-rh$§ § , -,_{9 * %*;;"*" -'1 3:1-Tum. »=¢T.._~.1'-..,_ ¢ '1 =;o,§i§ iiat""$1nlu_..» ~¥ ; 3z4-< e-. E*1~W¥*"-.1;< C Frank F191l11ZZ11 " ,~ ll;J$. ..:'f 1! n , ~§:i __rgv__=¬;'*»92- "E ~13-1=+ _l *1' ""92;-1-r -w.L_ ff" M b -1 FI.'Oi'|12 . CIRG I ' _ Beh-avloral Analysls Unlt BAU} ' b6 _f*1 bC *1- . Contact SSA Approved By: wlley .- _ _ l Stephen R Battle Frankie Case.ID #1:{U} 26-SA-MM 99102,}! 19¢ . Title: {U} - ~' ' GTMO IN I EL GUANTANAMO _oo MIAMI .MAJOR ~ CASE BAY CUBA 188 51'{'11Opsis_:I U! To document BAU El.SSJ_5tElI1C.'E and challenges TDY assignment 1n Guantanamo Bay G'I MO} '3» .7*. -during -..ia.r_é¢.1:~;; .%VHu%$92E%%E -,1, -"~'.".- r,-~;~"-:-wQ Enoloeure s! _ regarding issues 1 [U] 2. _ :' U! Enclosed encountered .- documents provide encountered by SSAs| adds. |and :|_n GTMO _ ,~ ~n*"~ Referral/Dlrect [DOD] P-§Zf§.=i§'i.§';%3;i3@liE t-_§;_g,_§§ ;1_::;1a;a&j; 1: mo 211B:,:y";g§:f j§;§;1»?a¥ E|RI'[D.TIO w @=H= %¥li¥i+z5 '5 1*»...q,,..M,,_,,,.,. .. . IS_§fUlI¬EI;AE; EX jP§%'§I i 11117§A $51 5IPm .H OPCA-10 R-3-95] ' ' - l h_._..__._.:._..._. in 92 51 l FEDERAL ' XXXXXX B_T_tREAU 11~WE_sT1GnT10r~r OF " FOIPA - ....__._._..._......s.._.;_-. .- . . DELETED PAGEJNFORMATION SEEET _locationin thele. Oneor more of thefollowing statements, where indicated, - ' Pagelfs! 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B! _- -- aB _ . _ - 1::._<1'<!o> _. i only i ton noreference tothe s_ubject ofyourrequest or" _ s1.1h'ect 3 of your the Infonieation pertained _ I ' _ partywith lU -' requestis1istedin 1et:'n:leon1y.' _ _'El Doeurnaen-ts originated tauith atiother Govemment 'age1icy These ies!. - documents were referred tothat agency es forreiriew anddirect response -. ,_ toyon. , . .' _'Pages eontziiu iofonzta on another Goverrlirtenr -agenCy Yotr ies!,' willbe advised bytheFBIas - . 'to lereleasability ofthis"infonnation following Dotconsultation withthe other agency es!. . 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C-me ormore of the following stateroents, where indicated, _ I - El Deletions were rdade pursuant-to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for releaseto you. _. _ _' Section 552 " _Section U fb! ! -¢ obx-21 . 13 £1!- ! I G b! ! A! .j:|. UX2! 1:1 b! ! B!' - - In cool I1 chm! In tome! CI "D! JfD! U <! ! B b! ?!fE!. U <! ! U U k! ! b! !fFJ .1 E] 4. -=1Ii! unis! - El .' l<! !_ . -_c| E1 b! ! ' III610 ! 552.21 - _ - ! oats! -Erri-:>cn_. :1 one t -wi lnoreference 1e to subject of your_request or."tI_1eof subjec your Information-pertained onlyto_a _ party ' El ' requestislistedin leti eonly; _ E1 s"were referred to that ageney es! Docunaents wi originated a another Govemment agencjnfiesj. These" document ' for re and ew direct response to you. ' '' Pes furnished anofner BE . contain information agency ies!.-bewill advised by FBIas - _ . ' to the releasahility this -of information following our consllltation wlth the other agencjufiesj. ,_ ' _'Page withhe1d'1nas' s! as a nal1release_d_ete1Io1'nation _n1uch notheed made. -You advisedns has to the ' disposition 5.I at a later dste. - iQ7;-imee:iPsseslc3oI-lacs Pageswere: considered not release for as theyare dupiicative 'of__b ___ -Pagr-: s! withheld for the following reasonfsjz _'___ '___ V_ _.- E. -The following number is tobe used for refermce regarding these pages: e __ Po.s J'r92/9 :~L<e_1dva:1§£/Q §2.e¢w'92wT ?. __I Vfruspauses P/I6-85 I?- ¬i"l3:7-:| Deleted Page-.[s! X No Duplication Fee _ for this page ' !QD§l'XZ}Q§ 'xx;x'Jo<J={ FBIID DI once.-in 2-3-96! ' L --- L- i' J XJ{XX_XX FEDERAL BUREA.U_0F INVESTIGATION FOII- _A _ - . 1r .explain -' . - XXXJCXX DELETED PAGE,1192*F0R1vnrnoN steneti" Pa_ge s! withheld entirely at 92 _ this deletion. t: 1_. _2 LL , _ _ _ this loat'oLn the leinOneor more of thefollowing statements, where indicated, L El Deletions were niade pursuant thetoexemptions ntdicatedhelow no with sep-cg release toyou. & __ _ " _- Section 552 L_ in mum L~ Er 011 ! able em.-m1available £01- .. .E1 mats! . ' I: ,"E1@>mm> "t ei:I -~ - El em! I3 b!<5>=L 1:1<w _6>.-_._ E! rn>:1><¢s>__ IIfbJ ! FJ --1:1 _ - coats! . CI '1<! LJ KX5! . is 11 mm _._ the subject of jlonrreqiiest ortiie subject of your _ ., . These to thatagency ies! Documents with originated Government agenny _ _I documents es!.were 1-Lefenred ' fur reiwiew and direct response to you. in 00 ! I11 secs! __. U ef to ' request listed istitle in leOnly. __-,' I -92 El El lnfonnation pertained onlyato_Lpa.rt3= no with rerence - El - l 1390 ! . Cl. MB! |- i! !L 13 00 ! t - _ cans! 'f11L! 'f'} C! __ o t Section 552a a>1m<B> L El b! !L - ____ _ -- . Lanother L r ies!: LY@n win tie advised h~L;' by . Pages contain fnlnished Govers.men_ agency to thereleasnbilitythis of information following onr eomnitatron wi t11eLLother l agency ies!. _ ease__ determination hes notbeen made.-You will be advisedas 1Z0Lthe Page s! witbJ1eld'.inasmnchL as anal 1-_¢1 _ L L L L L L L Lr 1>e1emee<sLePA¢; Pages wereL-not cons_idered' release they for ore dopiicative __ ta disposition at a later date L ' ' .I Pagefs! withheld for thefollowing reaso-n' _s!: __ - _- _- ____ ._ E- The following number to be used reference for regarding these pages: t I -beau/*92¬:O'T' Ir _eeqrrtve J?-¬5_QoA<¬ Nmaart L LL L .Le.:p¢< Maia; 4:325 133 .mmmm X '_De1eted -P3,ge g! X X No D_np1joation' .X Fee X for XXXXXX this page LX _ UPC.A 1l] 112-3-95! _ __ ', _______ __ii - _ ' _ _ _;__: -_ _ !.. _ __;:ii __. _ _ __1 X?DD{_X.X ' ' ' FEDERAL BUREAU OF]NVEST_[ IGATION_ -Form . .DELETED PAGE INFORMA'.I'ION SHEET " ' Page withheld s! entirely at location theinfile. One or moreof the followingzstatenlents, indicated, wher - explain this deletion. . _ _ hriicated below with no segregable material. available for El Deletions were roade pursuant the to exemptions in release toyou. __ .. __ _ -Section 5529, .__I U _'D! .E-L ' 1! too! ohm .' E3 b! ! A! D Er cb><1>@>_ - U [II o matinee: i _' . _El i! Z!_' 00 ! 00 ! -1:1 M7393! .7i IE 92 rots! -D bJC"! C} - _ .- _E|06 ! ' oamrlee l .El ~1! ! 1 .T3 b! ! El 1311 ! o one VEl El . . _ EH9! .5. FI '92 Information -pertained only toa 'Iequestis1is"tedinfoetit1eonIy.' _ El =I! ! E1. W3!. -- Ci. coco _ l 63 ! t -with no reference foeto of youijrequest or the subjectyour of Vnlbject _' - oliginated Gemment Docunlents with anotlier ov _ag enc y - _'- es!; These ooooments were refettred to t.ha1;'- ' forreview anddirect response to yon- . ' infonnation fumished "Govemnient agencyfies!. be advised tl1elFB1 by as . . another . . . will You Pages eontam_, 'to' thereleasab ity this of information following onr consultation with the other age11oy ies!._ _ _ l l' 11' r made. -You _wi11 be advieed as tothe ' ' I PageWiTl1.held'n1as:nu's!l Joh asanal relea_=;e _c_1eterro.1n.>1' as nobeen tion disposition elater at :iate__' _ '_ _ -' 4' Pages.were'_11ot|'considered for release es they one dupiieative of _l_N mimesr :31e__ ___ ms ' Fagewitbheltl e! for the "following reason s]: - ' _T,_ '" The following no-mber to is beused for reference regarding tl1ese'pages: -_ L l r ~en . Q.1>! >¢uM¬yJT Kl~ P2 ? B-_1¬_$_E0»1-£Q_zdm8e or _ __ L[' L'_e$P0nl$eSMae: I31 -If-I-0:] S '.De1eted Page s! X - X No Duplication Fee _X for this page ' XXXJDCX ' virvvvv ' X FBUD OJ orcn-20- 2-3-96! - " ' -- _"} '92 ' ' XDGQUDK 100055: _ XXXXXX '. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION -FOIPA .DELETED _| PAGE INFORl92£[A'I'ION ' withheld Pageentilelyat this s! -location Oneinore or following of statements, indicated where ' -explain this deletion. , i . _ _ l ti onsm ' dicated below withno segregable material available for El Deletions were made pursuant to exenip _ 92 release to you. _ _ _ _' ._ Section 552:1 Section 552 *- ~ IU b! J [:1 -U b! ! B! Ub! Z! . Ub} ! b! ! -1*-J - -' d! } - Ui! ?-! - I1 -oxmc! a -U Ub! '7! E! i -El Ub! ! b! ! F! . U'I! !' . UE! ! . U U. BN3! k! ! 00 ! _ ::|'_ |l -E coo! _ with no referenoe snhject of yonrrequest or the stfbjectyour of _ the_to Ub! 9! Ub! ! omo I 00 ! ' U<! !! b! ! D! l - . I Information pertained-only to_a party ' reqnm is].iste£liJ1 1etltle0I11jI.' _ __ '_' _' _ El 1d ents were referredthat to age:icy ies Docurnents originated with another Government agencyfies}.ocum Il1ese'__ I ' '3 ' for reviewand direct response yon. to . _' ' _- " Pages information funiished another-_GovernmenI ag'ency _wi]l ies!. advised be Yonthe byFBI as - L" to thereleasabiljty this of information following onr consnltation the withother agency es!. ' ' -_ l Page - withheldinasmnch s! a nal release as - -' .dispositi'on at a later dat'e.'' : In U J i _ has_not_been Iation niade. -You ivi.l.l'beto'the advised t1* _ ~ of DETHIMQQS PAR I3! -F Pages were not considered for release as they i-uedup cative _. . . _I - ' - _ - ~ ..'lwithheld age s! we forfa11@wngr=mis>= ' -' efbaeumor was . newts U U i- ab 1'0 - do ptsnmpir 1+-r m>e?:=._ wees F23 u EH _The following nnmlaer is to be used for reference regardingpages: these - _ Posrrave :Z¢.>5_E¢N$¬ gevmoeé if-1 t>ncgm_eHTL ' l f[ L _'.$£_>oM3_ 1'-H] I. .:>;:x!§:>k U;e¢XX;QeQ 6 X Deleted Page s! X No Duplication Fee . X X for this page IX ;~.JoQQ<;X.-x1_XXXX XXXXXX FBIFDOJ |-ix :.T.:E'_:i.'. .7.'_'.'._i';j'_*.*_ .__ *'__i__.__._._..._.._ __,,_;_ __ ;:lT:.: ____ __,___ ___ - .'I.I.._T-iI;' UPCA-20112-3-96! -3 J _ X!§:X.§fXX XXXXXX - FEDER:-ll. BUREAU on INVESTIGATION . " ' . _ FOIPA DELETED PAGE]NFORI92¬[A'I ION - . . ~ Page witliheld s! entirely 31thislocation in meme.Oneormore [J f thefollowing , where statements indicated . _' _ -' - ' explain thisdeletion. ' . bl 'tl1 se available for [II Deletions were niade pursuant totheexemptions indicaled elow W1 _no gregablernaterial releaseto you. _. _ Section 552a - Section 552 92- .-[1 ' ~ om! I1 o><m> Cl only El -:1 b! l ; r ' El k! ! b! '?l C! El lJ! J D! ' ' 1:1aware! - lU El b! J CI 53 ' ! El one .t. i ' 1:1 Ei U kl ll . 'l:l 00 ! n=>o>cF> .3u<1 _4'> Ei 00 ! i D. mo ' El. b! ! I d! ! i! -'3! i:| ' b! ! Bl U ' - El 1 chats! i El- EX-7! .- -' reference tothesubject ofyonrjeqnest orthesubject ofyour lnfonnation pertained onlyto_a party I wi za-no 'reque'stis]istedin 1etitleon1y.' _ _ - El Documents originated niith andt1i|er Govemn1ent agency'_I'hcse ies!.referred to§1ocnmen1s thatagency e 'forreview anddirect response to yon. .i___ ' P1568. . _ ifonwillbeadvised bymeFBIas inf lI3J1ati0i1 furnished Governrneni agency ies!_. . _another " to thereleasability ofthisinformation following onrconsultation wrththeotheragency es!. _ You. willbeadvised asto the ' Page s! wiT.b.he1d"inasmuch -asa nal1;'e1ease'_d_.eter1:oinatio1i hasnotbeenmade . ' disposition ata laterdate.'' ' - _ ' ' ' l3 liege}: were not consideretl for release -they duplicative ail} . 'l , 'Page withlielclfor s} the following-reason s!: g __ __ .____ .__ _;:___ " B_'IlIe.-following mnnher tobeused forreference regarding these ages: t_ P0-SCEIVE @;e.s£oM_e_Mvnf4m =2- >¢5¢_=-mwrjm _o__ - I.L1 ~S|9.6'l'~_35¢-5& P o¬S[41_ .X DeletedPage ' X s} ' _ X No DuplicationFee _X X for this page ' _ X XXXXXX !D{XJCXX DODCXXX FBUD 03 OPCA 1lU' 2H3' 96! W ' ! ' | FEDERAL BUREAU OF - ' ' ! _XFDKXXX INVESTIGATION ' ' FOIPA '.DELETED I , __- , PAGE INFORMXIIDNSHEET " ' _ . ' Page withheld s] entirely atitislecation in tllefileOne more or the of following statements;indicated, where explain this deletion. _ _' _i ' _' III Deletions ' made were pursnant to the exemptions. indicated below. no withsegregable material available for ' release to you. ' _. I _ _ _section 552 c_Section " ea=! ! ~_ [:1 cw! i sszai 1 E1 c@!o!rA! _. 1:1 .E1 cd!<5! rb!r1!<e! - El n=!<3!'; - ' ! El ma! !n!rh!<?!<c! s 1:! mu! 1:1 <h!c1!rD! - 1:! ' i:I"a=!<?!rE! 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' disposition at a later date' ' - - ' .- _ _ 6 .ftages wereconsidered. not release -they for-dtrplieativel lDQIAIMQES of Page s]withhe1dforthe f011uwingreason - -i_ 7 -.s!: ?_ fif Tl _' _I _ ' 'D:|e -fo owingnumber to"be used for reference re_1jarding'these - .___ pages: 1 "s Vi L"P-o.$r Z'rve i/teis!@a¢!ss¢_s!~;.@eerL ft>act;Mjé3;U ft; ¢;Ni _ L5t<:wi0se$~ mm :45e-15¢] e - ' ' - _' ' §<"&"Y"i?"S?'Y " - ' ' ._ X Deleted Page s! X N'o'Duplieation Fee . X for this page _ F3]'_;"|_ _ !Q] !-.;.*. :¬:::a.f.* 1 ores-20- 2-3-sol " __ . _I 1I l .3753955 . FDDDCXLX ' FEDERAL ' BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . FOIPA ' '_DELETED PAGE nwsonmimow5.1;-mar ' Page withheld s! entirely at this locationthe in le.One or more of the following statements; where indicated, explain this deletion. _ _ I El Deletions made pursuant were to the exemptionsbelow indicated no with segregahle 'm3:g1-i;-11 fg;-_ - 9 1'el$e you. to __ _ , ' _'Section 552 -_' l.e- ~El 13 b! ! BJ bl[2! .U . Er oioi. _ -c__ Section 552a - _l ' 13 ._s>1o> A1 _ . El blfl! l -_ _*_:_._ 13 d! ! - U iJ !' .U oioicca - 1:| -1:1b!f7!' -U} V" I11. o om. El b! ! F! U 613 ! one E1 coo! U b! 9J U b! !' 00 ! ~ .J, . '- -U 66 ! ' -U" b! !_ E! I3 fB!{4J' EH1! - 13 ' l- *1! ! - III Goo! ; u-El.Information pertained only to-_a with no referen6e"t0 the subject of-yourrequest ' or . your.o ' 0 _ ' _request is listed in theti eonly." _- _' __ . I originated u' Govemment Docuroents with another ~'3 ' forreview anddirect response to you. l- agency These"es!. documents were referredto that agertcy ie . inf -ormation by ton_ vie.s!. llbe advised by the FB1215-.| Pages oontain _ fiirnislled _ another _ Governrneiit ag enc:y _ - to the releasahility of thisinformation -following our consultation with theother agency ies!.I _ _ _. _Page virithlieldinasroueli s! as a i1a1'1_'elease_ has not beendetermination in ado. be advised as to the ' 'disposition at alatér date.' ' ' _ _' -' _ ._- _ id cl for release as they of be-TAIQJQES " f3 25513;!. LE Pages' not were o_ons' ere .are duplioative ' u . .'-Page s! withheld for the following reason s!:. __ i _- - ' -13- The following number is to he used for reference regarding these pages: " ; i __ . ;P05;7'rvE_ /L6s'P0nJS¬r;Nv/ L - Mcvmen . 88|7r. It h Cr_1¬$P0'H5¢S.Pm;.c_$m |5|-% I53] Deleted Page s!. XNo X 'D L1p1iCationFee _X _ for this page ' X }IX.X'J92 §CX ' 7 I i _ f.'..'_%_;iI' '_i7:.'; :i..::Ti-.:£-.'.:il T -._f"_ ; _'k.7Q?7':.:{iilifI._.ii _' _ '.:_". ;.. ;..".._.i:;. i..._ ._T.f.E.i-;..._ ._1.. .... _- .._:_ ....i:i;_..:;.;.':1£.;; __ ____ _ ____ ___ __ __ ;: E 0PC.A - 2-1+ 2ms} " - - Xi' ._ -. -:-~ ' XX'XX.!D{ i '- '-"FEDERAL on nwnsrrtoarxon BURE - . l ' VFOIPA e u DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET - __ - - I the One more or the of following Statements;indicated,_ where ' ' Pagelfsj withileld entirely at location _ in le. explain this deletion. ' I, ' _ I.! I i tJ:|' tions indicated withsegregable below no available mate -& 1El Deletions were made pursuant to e exemp ' releaseto you. __ _' . _ ' _I'_ _Fiection 551 Section 5523' -_ - "'E 11 rm! ~ 92- :1 clonal El ll?! ' - 5 f1! J 1:1 tomten - 13 E El moi V"I11-cw-!»:c> ' - -U '1! ! El fb! !fD! ' U FIX-'1! . '06 13! - E3 fb} !{EJ U k! ! E! b! !_ F! o'e>t4> L'- 92 E El. one! U - lJ! !' ' U k! ! . ' Ul~:! ! El i."b! 9! Eloato. J'! !' t- . E1 coo! E ' Infonnation El pertained only a to:third wi no areference to the subjectyouzjrequcsi of o1-'t]_1 of your 92 ' request isI.istcd_in the titleonly. l' 1 El _'- _' _ _- ents]1ese'__docnJn were Iefemred originated with ano ierGovemnneni a,gency{ies!. '_1 _ to -that agene ies! ' for reiliew and direct response to you. . I " _ _l' Pages contain infonnation fpmished anothetGovernment agency es!. ion@111advised lrie the by P121 as ._ _ to thereleasability this of infortnation following our consultation with the other agency eg!. ' Page s!withheldinasmuch as a _ _ nal telease detennjnation he not been made.-You will be advisedas to dispositionat a later date the _ were considered for release as they are dupljcative of DQ.'TPu l| AJQQ§-. _l_. Pagesnot ' Pagewithheld s! the for following reason s!: ' --E!-'l hfIl'-'b"'b arr d' 1. : . EB 9 qimgmi ii_i?5i=§F'io3IéB6§3§3§i%5§eisi»5 1~.~,acur4<? P_ wwwesenkaci-lt54]sl EXme<m- 7{1$i1QQ{" xx E -' ' --'X Deleted Page s} - ' ._ X No'Dup1jcatii;m-Fee -X for this page '. FEIIPDEJI _ orcn-202-a-95; - "' u . _ i--! XXX.XX.X FDOUOCK . - FEDERAL BUREAU OF11WEsT1o.4.1'1o1~q norm " V . . _DELETED PAGEmsonm.-ufionsnEE:_r I H entirely ulo 'lI1 ' ofthefollowing statements; where indicated, ' Pagefs! withheld atthis cation . die le Oneor I more explain thisdeletion.__ '_ _' ' _ I _ ' _ i top theexem tions indicated below no segregable material i available for ' E! Deletions weremadepursuant . with Ito.1CIiSE you. __ ' __ ' ' 0° . . Section552 o M1! _ ~ |- in cw! Section 552:1 _ _- E1mare-so _ U ' ! ! El b! ? !EB! 1:1 oars!E _ E "E1 smote! .' 1:1 ant?!- D! _v _ _ U ' b! ! E} El i! Z!' - E1 00 ! - E3 1-'3-00 -! - F3 ' b! ! F! E- W4! - 13 -III b! 9] n<m<_o,.. I ' i! J 1:1 Mo -' .-- .__-51 ' l ' ¢!¬?3_. ' n momimm pe1'tein_ed only to a mesparty with no reference OJThe 't sub'ect of y0I1I, ' request islistediutile iitleonly. " . »1! } I - E- 011 ' _. ! El b! !' ¢!C3! . _-- _ _'. -I ' _1 1 or =qt1es't'bject of your i I IIGovernnaent documents were referred to that a_ge.ucy ie Eli Docllruents originated with mane; agency These _es!. _' forreview anddirect resjionse to you. _' _' _ ' "Pages eontziin informa on byanother Goveuunent agene -You ies!. willbeadvised by-t11e'FB as - ' tothereleasability ofthis iJJ.fo1 foliowing matio11 ourconstlltation with theother agency es!.__ _Page viithheldinasmuch s! asa n:-11 release determination hesnot been made.-You ' ' disposition at a laterdatef ' i LL l _- - _i _ E' it iit bernwees-P/teesstsz S Pages werenotrconsidered for release es they ai-e_duplieative of ' _ __ 'Page[s! withheld forth; following reason_- li willbeadvised astothe- ' i __ _ i W__  _ __ ' The following - number is tohe used for reference regarding these pages: . . l A _ ___ _' E E 'f?o:;T_r;{e __.@f¢es£a@.:seHt~umserL Q¢ _t1>o¢q;v|e.u 1 fl-% crtesp¢~sesPs@esrss-M]_ ' ' X _De1eted'P'age X _ s! X No'Duplicatio11 Fee_X __ X |- 7- - - I III XXXFULX for this page ' X . I IFBUDOJ FD-302 R:v.920-6-95! . -' 1 .., V -' .F1'*$5iFm ;31 §55A?§.3>kIIi-1%?-1-1§;ZJ§?;?; ' " - P¥1$@H'= Iii? -- -"£1-? __--_ I I & '. ht.§a&.$...._.. n:.;.:§.;_z_ . _ l :~L§..-; . -f;1..@§.J~@ . <- 1 . . ." ' l- J'EJ1:l - 1I -. .. .-. ;I1¢1==_:»s:iof1"i1-§-. ---;---mm; .- -#1---_~.:t - --2-1...-: s Ln. V Bea-§.¥1!a.§.a1?¢sI-1~n§$_Ir;1a;.;;; §1'iE2.Ei5H@..I~_'1lEm sn1:1~§=w'rEsfz:l_cI'A:§& BTJREAU o11* -" varé@r.u-=im1 'o?g19g2oo:-1 p un~ b6 1,3,4 b7c interviewed -1,3,4 ' b7D -1 b7F -1 at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, Guantanamo Ba ~-uh .' Also" resent .E1i.1ring '_'in_t'erv Speoial 'Agent . o onthe T - was.-192TC'IS_ f;[an<;'L----eont-r-a asa.L who*pr5§Iaed5tEe Pashtu.-a { guage-translation.-- - 'p:oVide t e following iniormation: t:f IT - b6 -4 -,h1 j-H o t _ ::_ - _eTom1'pl_a_:;1f;g<i' _o_ f_-'be_inq _.mi_stre'a:.te<:'{_b§{_ _'§1'§____'§ E" ,. q1_eten_t:|..onin"Baqram and "di.1r'in'g;i1i§ 3C.rai1s3':.f:.ft.-o_C'amp' '-i:Jel.ta. pointed-E bWI 4; bTD l_ . b?F -1" ' arks on his wrists that he d;§i@ed;¢e; the I V @ ' L;':a.1.'1'se_d ,3 <' he _was |_'1ipse't-13? jrialm ed ._that . _; _ 7 .ha92":i.'n.q_' Iol ' 5 haekIes' _ _ AdditionaIlg;1 7 .i 7 _ ._ I to" _wea§:t. a hood. wgile- i1'_:. transzi;-t 'a.m5." -, _qIl§l_r§1§__¢j_i§l not -respon d . to" a pain in smile in ' told his ear. ,Fu:ther}|4J theta Ialleged that the quards beat him," tran_si1:.',_]i|_i:i;L1rrii92_ad_-_tl1e _f;ra1;.sJ._a.to_:_ tq£, 1~.='.= _:i".l1_s_a:n._d_wa.s -. doo't:or'wo.u1d-seei himlatzer . i.<A¢i:-ording he -is -toi nhoof. oent' ahy-" offsns_e..-__ _£'oro i-_ ; _ came to f2i_is_ -house w _1;_e=1i1=-P." was'_11aving'_ a' meal with guests.-.__US and * -Afghan military 'ersonnel entered his-home and staxted-searching. t USA forces showed. a-pi-oturefof hi-s brother that--they had found - b6~431' . in his houseand askedaQr~it1was..' |:::|adri1i92=ted "t-hatit washis - brother,andfurther_stated_that his bjother_was out]offto E::::] n. b7C -4 b7D ' l b 7F -1 was to1d_that weaponshad been'found in his house{'but[:::]i I :__ Ix 3 _0 n countered that they-were actually found'aG.his brother's house. _-'- '1 '- [;:::1was_e3tremely upset_that-He_was detained idfront_of the;I ' 7 - ema e members of his family and stated that he was ihnocent of any; crime- I-~ 5 ' -Ilater zod-ified. his storyregaiding theweapons-Iannd . . ' admitted that only -two weapons" were. found at this ' ~' 'these'weapons was a Kalashnikov and the other b6 4 b7C -4 h7D -1 b7F l I that!did1_1ot"" Duringthis later ;-scant house." was a British one -of _ weapon f qst'ated thatthe'- two-weapons were.used-£or_bitd hunting. [:::;]furt erstated that"' any additional '{-aezaponswnayi be the property o' his brother"; and that -' _ _ . if there were any,yeapons@ithey had been_aoquired from a Mujahideen. eight-"to-'t_eri-years- ago that 'L¢as"ac-quainted'wi'th his brother. -' ' ._ . _ Ahother theory suggested by[%;:lwas thattheweapons may belong a __ _ _-___._fy*i_§|l1:__ag'e'__;Le1dea§'-, a-nd"re'ite1f.f7ate t at his birqther Wou1d'k'now the fproirenance of ET_1e-.weéIp67s.*"T'*f _f'f'f7_ -* _'_7" 7 "'ffT ___RE_sP0_NsE$-1'62 _ luvcsfigaticn1_o:1 _- '7-Q3L1Q/ r ='.' Guesténsms-Ban-s ' ¢u_b§ " ; Iii- Q - ' fuer: §_55_;';_*1y11§___'§;7-:9f5g_;Q;27 .1;-_$36'_ 1' ' _- _' '_D:iie dictatcd 17'[_]_9Z' ' .I. ' __ __: ___|_ ;| -_ byui "' s -17 _ _ " . _. _This document contains neither recommendations norconclusions ofthoFQI. 1: is bu: propurty of theFBIand is loaned to'3-our ngmcy; I ii andits ::iJmen_tsare be d_i:n_ri b1.:ted outside youragmcyf -- _. . . pM___,. Z __L Z ._W* _ 7_V i 'f }:=n-3o2=+fR'w.1o-5-9;; .' __ -' "I _ .2-SSA-MM-9.99102 -- "._b7C -4."b"'D""1 -. .- we -1 _ _ __ Con92iny_ationot':F1§-3l12of3 W ,cn_ i1§/.o3_ pf Fag, 1, G; pi _Gmmultiple occasions , resented to b6 b7C b7D b7F him According asked" thathis acouserbe 'u 1._ to an enem of his family hac1 " . "promulgated" thali nadl weapons. '= "I-Iowever .. ' _- "" an'un.sub'stant-iated - "V ' rumor g_' ' . ' ' " ' __ _ _ l "5 brother phonetic!. "had with phoneti'C ' _ f::|ar1d had =a"--l.ong_-standing isagreement ower money. ," the basis for this _-Further}. was alle in the ation was an ar ument that Afghan Ann pend used his relationship - with US'" .s; to_':c_onvinCe US" thatl _thehad weapons at -his-_;_ house. insisted that he had-beenwrongly and acoilsed f_ ';i.m p].ic:ated- with"-the we-_apons'.._' " ' :.' _' .. _ "' b6 " b7C b7D h7F - ,. '|:|;descr-ibedan -added 'dime_ns'-ion to the conflict "between his brother and-"enemies.'of'_his -f_a_mily."_ 'A=_:c;ordi_ng to I: amember _ of "onetribe 1. was killed, so someone--from the offending -tribe kil-led 'a member of"; the.o'p'pos'ing__-group. This ociourredapp:-oicimatel eight . years ago and was afadlfoif intt-he animosit held against.e": family". ;_:]_sta"t_ec_1_,-. "_'I his1-"man' is thepause ... - _ on mul't.:i.'p_-le 'oooasioris asked. "for:p_roof'Ithat had 'he committed "some ~-of n. opined _that if -hewere -a "fighter,_."he ' . w 'uld hav'e"ki"lleda1;-1-ien a: himself |:f;|ins1sued that-. b6 4,5,6 b7C 4,5,6 b7D -1 -b7F -1 he.-was asi_ of. _t-hat "hut that su ested 99 le farmer and that '.i.t_ was-only the a se "alle ' one _ had'draw1f1"attention the oi 'the'US _ont'o '_ _ that his. -US iorces hrother would. straighten out would. not let __the"__ situation, -'  hJ._m_c_ommun1c:ate w1thhis brother. "As "an 'additio'nal" mark _ of, his inn'ocezf1ce, |:|opined that no ireason to arrest him and asks-d,. ".W-hyme" and not" '_1.'.2hE my ;brothers?"' -' - who-- also werepresent at the me__al". '|:%explai'ne that his-brother " had traveled -about to speak an t at this with a_ istriot offioial named _ aroad that'was_-_t.o -near built:|S-'§am|i1Y ¢¢> 1PF>und."_ .- .was-w-hy..his brot_her._.was unavailable to corroborate. . _' 1:] insisted that he kne,i-fnothing" of the 92i!eapons-Eound-by Us~ forces in" histhefamily"tompoi.1nd._ s Fur_thethatthé -US_ direoted forces "to inter92ri'ewpeople ofhis village. _insistedl ' _.b6 -4 _m _b7C 4_ b7D ~1' bTF 1 people of the village would support. hi"s'eto'1ycorroborate and that 1iE 1¬.H¬£;f"HEEE3; a'ar*E1i"e"" wea-§@*am*§a~s~4j'.m§c~a -- statedhethat only "commanders have weapons, li eople don't, " _ was asimple; unedu'<:ated__1'-I:armer.._ -claimed to be", and that unable to read-or write .Pashtu. The only ormal education he had _ was through re.l'igi.ous- _t1:_ainirig did admit -to knowi-ng a. few ' words-of Dari, but no other" languages; 5 _. - -I - _ |:| stated"-"that his-family farmed a'--"plot" and grew together _ ___"RES_PONSES-_163-i _" . ' I i-J § W__ _ __ _ . -~ .FD-302a[R|:v.10-6-95! F . . s. -- - ' _. --?"_ - 0 94_'n'~ .- b6 4 _- _' F _ _b7C -4i .-"C:r;1tin1iaEi.nnsfFl§-Il' J2uf l I ,' i,_..0l,,I:l '¬l9/ "-LP?-SL5 & -""- __- : __b7D _' - .-r 265A-M-c99102 b6 -4 b7C ~- - 3 ' 1->10 _bu" _;~ -1 .'_b7F~1- - 9 4 1 ve§;'e.tables, onions specifically _an_d:pomé<j_ranat' .'Q'sta his hands=_were smooth and-_ did not reE1_ec't.hard manna labor beoause the "doctors gave him something to"soften' them._"'_' e lain To how 1.-"his hands ,'.c'ould the rigors heal of farm -from work,_| stat.ec1_ tha't,f"My-.hands_ -_ju'st, better" got and""If you out me it will heal-in four months. -' - '_ ;.' _ ' ' _|:-I.' sfamily-'"_had' maintained the-.-farmsince 'mo'vi'ng to- 92 .b7C q'ill'age Jalalabad from approximate-ljr four ears -ago. Only s"brother |:|remainedinJalalabad. des.c_:ribedthatto--' pomegranates were pla1fited"in"the _fall., _but aterr chan ed this plantingthisin spring thecropharvest and-. t__he_ in 1'1a fa-ll._' dea '.of &1ow_lar.g"e -year-"s of -pomegranates wou e. _' ,<':l.a.imed that 1- 'ar,, his family hartvested,_ phC=net'J.c I of-< has also s -goats and cows. ' " Q53 family-also grows "oriions -in one section "and grain in ano er 1b7F b6 mo - seonion of l-and. ' Th'e_-ent_i1_:e- family works -1:he' land and a1l- of the . family members live wi-thin a'compound -together, b t in -separate houses; The individual families ' Y '3 t;'her:'1se1ves-,.--but.-~share. -" fa geesthouse for'gues_ts_. Further,.|§L¬_r-ystatied two-of hisf that not get along, --but ithat '-the _o_t_hei_:s__close. are_ ' brothers -do " *b6 " b7C b?D P _b7F returned to the theme that certainelements the. _in_ I - village werehappy enemies are ve 5 tojsee him arrested, by U5 foroes"and said," ."My ha py I was captured . They stab people in the back. .Again, " amendedstatement -_1:hi-s bydid =1-ater saying _t~ha-t:& didnit persona yave enemies ,_ but that his brothe-r' due to. the a1.terca1-;ion'_.bet_w'een brother md |:|ea¢plaj.ned-that his had afight approximate y ten" ays prior to h:i.s._<;a'pture his brother -by .US -forces and imjplied -that this was blood betweennhis brother .a'f1d I" be ~ _b7C b7D b7F somehow'1inked-the. to bad ._ -1 ' - _.1 _' "phonetic! r' Fi1:i:the:t', possible the that wasweapons belonged Q] -to' awell"-known comrnande-1'. _|::|admitted that". i'f_ t; e- weapons found 'in t21'e compound hadbee-n new , '-he would-b'e ' ilty. However, weapons the belonged really 'h-is to -brother." 1lQ1;__,_11§;§{E,__1iE_2_!§LI;; _I}§_Q]._lZ1j.§___E§ anyone- because .6.EQ11.5"once to - ey- were ~ ' given a weapon, they were1." restorl§iEIe'_¬5 El f*¬'EETrrTnE?IdeT-*w1To in. ' "--.. -". .- -. ' ' ' .. b6 -4 b7C -4 'b7D -1 b7F -1 ' |:Idenied beinga lmemberiof the T_aliban orAl Qaeda. j' ' Addit-ionally, Qhad" heard of the I-IIG, but heard it for the first time aplpro-Jtimate y four months"-a o and did not know anything-about the organizatic-n._ Eurther,|js:-gatzsd that the Taliban did not - bring peaoef Only since-the US arrival has Afghanistan been ' - J'.._ _. _.;§E§¥EjT. .h. .' lH: :!. .C:D.L V . _ L§ F11!-3i}2a{Re92{..lO _ - i _-93] '. I _. .-_ - _V .¢92 - '-_ I - I. - _-e _ _. _ 1' -F4 '-'-b6 -_b7C -4 _b7D _ -1j" -1 2s5A<mM~e991di gT//? LT[.anee aofaw ,1_@9,.@;a_-;_.{ -i4 o.'peacefol; e7-'ea1o@ &._-.a_ _f~e=;et- I|=,_ 1:_ »j '. |:lre:.terated that the weapons hacl been provided eightto-" ten years ago Further,[::::]cla1med that he cold-Us forceswhere ' to find fJ.VE boa-tee of al'I LI'E11.1f|.J.tl0I'l |:] s famlly brought b-6_ammunltlon " ' Le from Jalalaloacl when. they moved' to -the mc »-1 ago._ Oboe_agai_rI,j|:|insieted that "the farm four the " yeare _- - ax-nmu'r_1it'ion_ not "hie, _ 92§&# p70 * his-bfother} E;:::]stated.that there were_no b?Ff1" _ro¢ket-propelled grenades.foun on the pIEm15ES. _Furt er, the__ . .' , -1 .h' L" ' recoil1es$_ri£le found-by Us forces did not work and was rueted.. -_ -' opined that-_-''- probably _"over' hundred a years old, " but ,' later" modi-fie'd'; this byjeaying that itwas"frorn._his- !'grandfather s a time;w'lgmaintained that-he knew. nothing any of ;-éddiI:_ionaI ,="_weapons_t at may have been_foundon his oompoundf 1' 1_'~ ,_ ,_'|i Z T' 92 fa ' ' ';RESPON5E5d65 " _- - j.-;_ _'z W, TZ _ .. _'."'FD - 3U2[Rev.15Hi-; ! - - -"" .'!""~ " ." .- '~_;5' -92 E i%5$T"'TL7 t;Té 1 ?%* ' - ---r.-a.---:urn1m- -nm1rr1:~m_. s-¥F;£§2;;.¬;£§Eil-?§i=m¬39 " ..I g". , -gm -'5 If<':E1i§"'I& " FL P+'i3= ¬5E '!!'.i,§31f?31f¥.= V' i §iZf?.?"_.__,_...._.~_5" * . .' t . 2- b- --~ * 1* 1-ii:-;=Q;E*ri.1:-u-:§xza1.§§;.*2.§;;' " ' ~--==- . - ' '' ' FEDERAL BUREAU.01?mvmsnemnon. - - -"'""""""""""*i"" * _ _ . . --"'De==~'=f'm .-_"o'e.,g"g . v bqc _ was'.'interviewéa at 'Ca.1'l'lE Eff-Isent to-r-~-the DE1t3..interview were SA . _.' ms -" Ser:v:.ce "{1jICIS!_,. Llnqugstl - ' " Iprovfde Ci;|.._ . I__»lfnVestA.§I_592-t_§|.92{e _ ' IAljiblc ' "' ' _N . . b?D' FBI,' N" sA L,_* . |_l_92Tav'a1 Cr i'1fni'nal-7 -. 2 I V*=t*+@ 11¢> r1 g~11##~=>@" ?i°11»t V111 c I .-:1 *=m¥1~?¥@Fi7°Y _' ' _ - -'I W 156-4 [.s'1t,§t§;d - h§.~_'l1.-a_d. been/be;éLte1;i ,1.;iiC_O_I'1S'Ci,C& _1. ' ' .' ~' gL_gptQxi,mé.1i_E! 1Z_Q1',' l§! weeks;'_é.g'o i'._i@'1jI>_Jf-"i-f'<Z!I.11'.' f_w_1_i_gn - g-;Zwas__ .si':_i_Z|.l, at -Q;;a1_:'_g_11§ __b?c-4 "'-Ray-.7 .Ac-;:érdigg_,__1:gI___ Y I an,{1mJt:;pwn n:ir|beL:;__o_§';_gua;_c'|.--, 1:111 -1 _ 1- =i;;j@@.=_¢:I.1-, unpr@v,6lce; £_;ja.;_=1_s1=,a:tg,;1j'sigiuuinq 'aln'd_-cursing -at. _1'1,ga,.'_ Thg -' - F '1 -gggzgs called--';him_ iI __50nQf a bsttch,"-anda. -"_ba;tta'.j:_c1',j_..then gold - -h'e"=wa's crazy. '- .J _' j - _|? ' ' ulIQilE_§1:'O;Ii¬O:. 1 ;,J';._S:-_S_ _.tot- hiréiself ad: CC?lJ@i,C1l-; .' _ jC -' i .1:;§~.c'ausé' 'he'-_.h receptl I £641, st "Zad_ -_ ' omac]; _s_urqe:1ri stated a" gg'ld:_'_eI 11'a.1_m='.d'.-|__ _ _ _on_ h_i_§ _B,a__qk_-;é|=nd'_e;-t'§r.t~3d .b_eat'i:1"1' it; _ __ __ -b6L MC _ §tat t-}:1e_ I .ed_t;na_ fa'&:e.. |1':hé_', .1¢hQ}C-Eg'§'!:1i:i7m 1.u1_1;J;l -hejpéssed .ou.t'§_| waibeatxn hm becgguse ' . __ig;'__a"92}§;ug;_:i;_;_;; -,-j_n ' b-ID_ b7F - " HI!-<; n_|_|_is_;C11: :i.5;i.a.n. |_-indigaiéd. t3 ¢_1_e::;e--gays; a. fem?-'1e . -. ,_ ~ 'gu'a.rd.-n.amed'._L |whQ;92 also 92:as_ bj§a.t;_i.';_;cLhi:11"an<f1 qralgbgd--h-isThe__a-CI '_ ' ' ani:1'b E;éggtt - I :|.'n-tg ;Ke-c.g.l__-£100 i ~ 7 r. 7 _ -' . . '..- I _' .. _U _, . . -_ 5iét§d' ;;hat'_;1l. 't13g__ié,Qldi_ers_wa _11;i.' - ' l.'9t_::_|I P-I ,D__ a_'Cih E",-¥'T|,--'11.§_ _92§[aS _Q,_Elél-'~ldt ZQOt1;1_¢"_1;1_<'::'sB;i.§T§l.§t'§ifQ .. béa t :'.:1 -' where b5 -4 6 §r_e'-ajznliént'_fq_J;T§i§,,lfag-:'L_;.1 . i w-ard.ei1,. 'f.¢hq'.'5.,s a_'.'' ll.-£7::.i5;{-.1 " ' 1-92i;iérji_cajL1:;.__ vi-§;it'ed_l;3.';;q' _m_é.J;e_, 'at_ 1:hé_-hé$si c'.a.1_%pd hold -the giodtors to 137$ MD * ' ' inrgediately :';etu:_r;; he ca:n3'J1reDort'ed -L=-the '-» '12 . -I???._ I . he 'r._ecei3§d__an '1w¬cn;n_<15__._-_ c-laimgé. thg . ._ §£oreme_I;!:_i_D11§§, _J'.r1ci__ide_§1t__'tTg Ltwc-RadCross re réjsentétives -at C l. 7 | 5l:;a.ted____-ha? ' _ _ I_J_@._'1_ta,._w1io he-'_identi;f_i_e.-'d -a.g;_| _did . gzpgc. _dd a-i13k!l:hinci_ to_.cau'.se ._1:_h'e-' ggarais -to entie -.h"i.sdell. - and did - ' _ _-' e3rje'r§-'t.§;i_-i1g1:'_1;.e5:; i'_nsJ:=ruc1:ed."hi_'m jg do. _' -Ihad what .!__ajgp_e ' " . _to_bé,a. rec_e11t__wQi1m_;1:on._t_1ze=1;92;-idqe;7_of%_¬;§5nogeZ._ Z.~_ ' f ' _- _ . Egctlq '-' _ ___I s_tal:,ed 't];':,at'_'-L-lye _wl.'=1spJ.1t_'i_;1; _a11_.-is_'c:la"c.:Lg::1 dell ' ._ -MD_1 '-After. he? wk i;;vclved_.i:g_a--diapute -:.s_ _é>vé:|.;__£l:>q_g1,__gj..92! E '. ' - ' _b7F*1 I 7" - _§tEd;e';1%th&t+h§; i>s uaa-aJ;&,e_-51;p;~eaJ.:_ica;:l:aj.g,;§c=_1;1da.,,___§_n -pl_=1§;e.Q, in __:i-sgilation_a.jt.'er.argtui;1é;_ wifghj uaiilifl; _ "'. ' . ___ 3* . *'** :__ _ _ __1' _ I ; " t __ i T __;_;*_'* tt _ ; _ inveénsn 2' _"_5]L2 onbn _. a1'_G;uag=;ta'r';ar-rno Hal, Cuba__J .- __ ': Fae» 2'65A--Mmlcé-9102" ' - _" ' 4,6-;_1',3" ' D= ===rr=:===éi"s 23 6-2-. . .-7 ~| [-Nels '_ - ' ~ I ' L' 7 _, . .- 'Fb-soza' I -R=v. 1o-6-951 '2 ., .,_ 115-4-. _'___ -' a- ._b7C -4"-' _. .gss_A-om-cs"9102 _con&5p=;_n;n=ufFD-iozér - ' 's -,"0n ___ . ,¬12g' ;p..;;. I "b5 _;; ,_. 'j . ' ' -stated -he was an -imam-at .the '-4_" _b7¢'Mosq'u_e in -" '_ b?D.~1 f foreigners . b7F -1 ' to be audi Arabia..'_ -This mosque -lI1' Saudi Arabia for an imam, - ' - ' ewployment.- was qualified because he -'h_ad'-memorized sections "two of'the-Koran. ' :- has had -' no jorrnal-religi-ous_tra.i_ni1ig-. H ' " - _- " ' ' " 5-|____Z |mE_ '.a Jordanian male Ila-med b6 -4,5,6 working atbakery b?C 4,5,6 intere-sized -in was" frequented. ._in| traveling -to t-e- |- : '_whi'l _|t_o1d he was -, an "meeting-a woman to ' e't_.UlS. ; 'b7D c:i'tizer-1'ship.": -1 U.S., and told -his'.brother :|citizenshi ,. so b7F -1 , moved -tofthe i::pta'ine U.S'. - had _-; " - ' 1' '. 'arrar;g'ed .a meeting betweei-1| and'| . II __ - -_- .j " ''' '' as working iii-'5a1 1d1_ -'wI.i_en| Arabia .i"r1et- him. av the ..-.e __ . ___ rlndia-na b7C _ name [,__.who MD' _Indi_ana_,__ mi ' ave telephone n1imber'_of his friend _'_ ' '-_ 11atned'.[ _ __ I - in ' -. . . ' ' 'mam"' -_ worked at" 1'1'e'Is1am-ic-in~ -. Center ' - . thou ht -that w l1ing_to elp called and'.arrange Islarnic Center. . ' _- -_ ' rieeded an -ima1'nmayan3 wit ' istrip- _ -to travel to the U..S. an_d __teachat the, '. " ' " '. stated that-.'11,e' was arrestedand .in'carcerated ' - I _-_i? _%a%di Arabia after b_ein'g;'ass'ociate withT-whoan armed robbery. |:| ' was f.ri_end_s- with aman n d -on-ned - ' ' a.__per:Eume' st ' where was. -a re ' In addition, went. out-to" dinner with _-basi-s_. an . __wo ofhis _£.ri'ends-"named- _b7c_.were . 1371:» e au i_ -ian involved in"-an armed ro_ -police . "mp _was an associate of'|_¬ T - '- -" with the robbery, bu was also en cus_tomer_.' ' on a, regular 1' ABE - ery'arrested an by -arrestedbecause he '- -. |statedhe 'h_ad_r' todo- _was coerced by torture '.i_nvolved"'by Saudi Arabian .po1ice.the to admit he was - -- ' spent two years ' ' -- in'carcerat'ed'in apr:'!.son' in] year ac-er; he.._was In. 1" E=leased.,-"he. s¢t~"92er1"i@='i--' I- -"1one1' ' -". I- -56 -4 . we __4 | I hm _1 an -1-;=>'24~Q lworkea for mel ..e I 1 c~ f<fo1v1P Y j92_1s ti'T::uts-i -a: .| k1{-e-~de-a passport issues for foreign workers and we'aah-- -¢ _repres"ented- the -company in _bjlf _1 _-1-_ra£fic_vic_:1a-tionsinvoivi-ng_ foreign drivers. '- ' _ -__j ' ' I- h- ' ' advi_sed-' that he_ took _a'tri1 3i i3har1is't ito-. _- _1989, Arabian when ewas sixteen years old. _ At t_h_e__ time, the Saudi ,. ' gove"-r_nment wasoffering-a .759; ;idis<:ou.nt on iairplarie t:i,c_kets' _u ' _.92 -RESPONSES 167 . ' .', .. - -_,i ||_|_ I if . ' '-- -1| - -- ' -"'Fcp3u1a n@v.1u4t9sj .. .. '1=.' ' a .' . .. ,-be-4'1. -=1 ' -- . -b7C -4-. -_ -11 ._265;?1. M1924-CS{9_l_O2Q _mo "92b"»'F_ -1» - Con!-tIinualinn.ofFD-302 of I _I II ,O11 '5/LZZLQQ I ' : .P!I$= _-;3_ Q ,-to Paki-stan-, the or g$urp'os.e of traveling .'1;o'-Afghanistan H-Flights I ' le_ft_ tlxrice awee1jc,__ and were--a1ways'boo}<:ed. _ ' .__ '. |_. trave1ed frOm"Is'1ama.bad Pakistan to.--Pesha . guest housecalled, .B'eit;A1-Ansar. . _The__ L .b7C5.]_eader J1 this of -house was ar1_ex-Mujahid from S_a_r._1di_Ara _b7D.,f While he was at.the house. ewas 1nfQrmed'there were two military .b6 _45 and stayed in an Arab b7F._1 camps for training-in~Afghanistan; ' 3 xshoirt term trai-ning_,_ usually limited _Farowk camp was for longer training The A1-Siddeék camp was for to ab ut two? weeks. - The All _ e 7 -. - ' " "_ "' -_' ' _.- was' onabr ak,.'from school-,' he ..decid_ed_' so: to. attend the sho_rt'ei'_ -A._l Siddee_}c' 1' ' camp_. '* -' ' The'AL4Siddeek camp has iocated nearKhowst, Kfohanistan. [:::::::::]-rebeived training on.the KALASHNIKOV ahd-physical _"'_ ' l *b5 big _exercise. He claimed 11:. -1~§as .very' land colfii the camp's well was - .- mu~frozen- etat_ed he waeobese. at'_the"and was. unable. time =b7F'~ complete t to e training. ,He attended three days'oi " F ;"g_ -.' _be£.ore".rsquesting to-be sent- ho_m'e_. _H:|.s_;trainer was ' 'from-Mecta;'Saudi ArabiaL_ ".-~ . __. - -' J- wd '.'-_w _'-_¢ - '" . I:I trave'l'ecI to Bo'sn_ia -in 1.995. 3 At.the time.the ' '_wsss;.:rent_ingan aartmelgtwith . '- 'He=*.1as.tated ' S_heikI'PhisKwife-land-_strugg1i-ng Ifr'om[ _I"Sauditi-hanci-ally _Arabia'o 1_ _§.?C'_ pay to his" and rent hm _if-:he_.would 1315 _ ' - " .. . pro ed Him'_with I?-[006 tol0,__0O0 __Saudi'_-Riy _ agree .to journey to Bosnia to fight. He 1e£t_.Saudi..'- _- Ara'b;i_a withenother :_ 'Lan-_na_r§1ed __W. ___ -' c-laimed -his motivation _pos-sibility for traveling to. Bosnia II --_- was money iand t_he._ -. _0f meeting a-.'woma:.'1.wasLimarried at -the 1;_ime, "lo but. indicated the marriage wasnot working . . _. - ' .- tra§e1eH £romI:ISaudi "to 'Zagreb r_ .Fronizagreb the twotraveled ' _. .-. __.'Croatia p aneby. on aCroa " V ' addressby/bus to-Split. ,Croatia.. had an -_ i Slitp 1:1 ' - from' _ Ihis cousin who'wor_ked for AL HAI.'A'AL L=._'EJAMI' OLYAA 'TABAROA'I' AL ~- LIMOBADAI MUSLIM1 AL BOSNIA AL_RIYADH}'"The_translationfor this -» 106 name means.-The'High. Committee" to -Collect Donations for the_Mus1ims_- . ...b7C' ___92__'in__Bo'snia'_,.H-_ Rigadh, Saudi. Arabia. ,~Th-is organization was chaired by -I. 23? I - -SaudiPrince B7iI1f 1EHDEL_'3£ZIZ .. _"Th"e-"two-'s'c b V-.of the_High Committee in SpIitJ[:;;::fi::¥mentioned the_Haramay the beach in'..Spli_t for two_' orthreeda -s. - They ' _or-gani-zation - Haramayn was also the Arab houses sugport provided .' ' I 7 . iI 1VDlVEd'J.IIl osniaw ile organization supp-lied _ W in Bosnia; he was _ _ _ off-ices .- there. ' The ' supp-l_i'e's, money-and to no_knowledge-of any _' Haramayn was chaired Iand Shei1cI:I'orI:| r _. _ :He had by Haramayn, ._- food, medica1- visited the military- by Sheik. =- -Haramayzfwas - ' Responses 1/as .' -" _ . I. ' _. r- -., _- .' - .I1'_; '. -' . nmmnauvmssn ._ E7 ; -f l_* J F" - I 265A-MM-cssioz b6 Q4 b7C -4_ ' . b?D L = b?F L___ W ' Cun nua_;_J unofFI¥3DiufJ o,.oi1_51_2;1L02, 1"" _.»_==;= ''4&# _ headciuartered in R'ivadli§-'Sa'uc Mabia'.' sta-tedlithis was all-common knowledge in-Saudi Arabia _. .r _ ___ _ - o._~ ' b6 -4 b7C 4 b7D -1 b7F -1 They'boarded-a-bus in Split_andtraveledto me; with1a'grqup ef-Ara b s f B igh t ing_wi":1-1-ean 'Ar" Th osnian f_ Contactinformationfor this group.was_ rovideoib I group of Arabs were called .92__ . . ; . A1-my '-_Th-ey_ traveled to b6 I t' M "' B th_ B ' opera ions in osnia_w1 t _' e OE-_I'J.J."-9.1'l.- --E _'s' headquarters" in Zenioaand 92 _c1id.not__li'1-:'e the AL-KATEIEBA "group staY ed for a few--_da' Y s_.', -b7C because of the. strict "e HYW |. Ihe stated group tE3s AL~KATEEBA. 1' ' - -_wa5_j_11vc V_Ed."iI1_ military . Zenica,'Bo -1 'dlSC1P1E and-harsh schedule -' stated he was forced to-get up every morning before tgeS wi&11|:| l.lI1IlS6&# _- ' ra erand Aves notallowed to retiirnto Sleep.-IHe_.ple'atie.d. 5' b7D b7F in" Bosnia 'Al*Zu.bair H -J_' to go to Q different __ P Qrou __P' |_ called _'_ .I -- : -_ l-A1_}Zubair was also involved 1n_mil1tary operations w1th_the.Bosnia =e ' Army,'.but=-was _not__'as s_tri'ct wit:h :ii,scip_le.'_' Al-Zubair had A-rah '" -houses in-Trzavnil-:1," _'I 'and.ano1iherqL;ni:1enti.£_ied u1s__a-, city_.-| " otated ..present Zubair _- houses would gen picked up the Arabs_at.the weapons," house -I::|w¢ @ "ts the Travnik Arab remainder of-his time in Bosnia; . by'the.Bosnian- and taken to fi ht. -There were no weapons :_ heard AL .KA'I and EEBA_ Al ._ at any of the _hquses._ 92l~.'ere'rec'eiving' ..weapons through the Croa.tian mafi_a from.'_Ii"an. Army,-. issued where he spent the I . '. '-'-*1 '- I'b6 '4 ' cQdk' [::;%:iff%%;g%g;;g:Looking and after the Arabs at_the.ho was 'b7c -4 'discovere j. is .they" ta1e_nt,_ at the Travnik b7F -1'= military-operations he as served the a"l1owe d-.him'to [stay '_at_.the.t and. 1'ouse _ bin-1 " 'pe-rform Ehe.'coo"king duties. . |:| 1 house den-iedinvc>l_ve1'"ne'nt with<_any in Bosnia. fQ , '' ,»_ @*. Q '.. in Boenia, he learned-' his wife 15 - Ego _ Saudi _ was he pregnant, BO was forced to retur _o ' ' with the leaderof the house in Travnikname _ bqn _' b 15 Arabia and wes_given pe ' trave _ " spent " l' :return to Saudi. .- a-Sau¢i' , ' ' from ' Jeddah who had *_ i fou,r'months"' fighting in Bosnia. |thought__ ed to Saudi with -ii_nm_in,ma_g@Qd*;;§g§l;Qg;E§rtner;beoause he was not a devout Muslim and. _ ' " wasI ' -~' _enjoyed having agood"E'irr1iéti***** ?-*vé §1_'Ti1[-=1 l i.n*';; -" _*.-".'T"':* -~------ ------_-~---~ --- ' '_ h k 55 b7c W77 _-governmen- an oreign »"-~ |J5eturned toSautli Arabia and worked a-tag]; Contractors as a liaison between the Sau 1 workers in.Saudi. He worked for the com an b7F fora roximately ei htmonths toone While working atEj%:jY .-_ _=_' Contract:ors;, idecided| year; totake ga trip toMeceaand bTD ".- -'visited in Je a_ on is Way homeifrom Mecca. RESPONSES-"169. - I "1 _I -e -17 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIII-IiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 . ,1 ,._ I.-._i. .' .;- I- '-f__. V __ __ - -__. __ x ; ::! o *?"@-3D1= r@=%:1v-bi§si~ f. .- '~-. _n. :b6 -4 .: ' ' b?C-4 -':b?D -1-, I255A-MM-C99102 -'. .b7? ' ni cnnnnun nn nr_F0-302 or .. ' i Al_so_92ir:._I <1 " g the _l_-_-iiime ,-__ -1 i L -<>=1§>/2;/91 Y fan e §_;i_ was -int-roduoed two to 'indi§ridoa:ls& I ,9; _. ~ 'fr%%,E]fe Arab Emirates United by his, frien?! . _ introduced _ s this owI'1er'of_a_'pe-rfume in .He shop if __'a dire_'ct. descendan nine: nnh'ammna' and an unidenfifie man oi Indian descent .'' -' to. né L -.took s bhone|'1"1'u11ibe'r arid' hirn":i.n qozitacted 1§96 - b7C b7D b7F " ja trip to the Uni.te'd_- Arab __jlhernhe Emirates-. _ar_r-ived at_E'" 5 hgmé in AbuHDhabi in the Emirates,.he.learned the-two'wereo » .1 I, j ' 'p1.anni__ng -trip. iio-aChechnya;--"_They. i;1vii:e<i'| W [to go"t:_o_' ' 3 Chechn _ Yg a no fiht . mone for the tri with them. - jtoldl l i ' I Ihe had no l . Itold him not to worry'and provided =f " 1-'1'-ir'n.with Riyals ,S.aucj._':i. -in addition to expenses; 3,00-U-'to'4¢,-000 f' _Q_ [ .fh trave1__ _ ,- 3 .1 ._ The -g1joup'_-'f1ew_ to Baku Azerbai an and-"e'Eayedlat'_ar1_-'. ,_ 5 1_1-r|1i<':§enti£i' in .1_:he city -_ | called 'coi1tac& a ah __ __ -safe" house in arr -uni-denti'f_ie oca_tJ._o11-_'._and they-were-fdriven to - __ - lb6 'b7C -b7D .b7F _ arrived at_.the' housejU.I1E he 1cte me; _'and'_a.z1ot"ber Sauc1i_named - __ ' .,_ spent the-next '{:wo'monT_:hs "the safeat -house» During. I:bis=_time,. _- .. they _'went. on. wa"_l1{S,.r-ode the 'm"erry¢gorr_o u.nd," and=_went sightseeing. "I . _.The_<-.'s_afewas house 'a eta in _a,rea=for'Arabs. tr.ave_lirig_-tq.=Che-chi1ya_. _ -' . ,- .t"¢-if-ight, when but-was. t:,here_'the_ ro te was'_ and 3no c one was"able" t:o-get -Into ech-nya. -.After ntwo mo_11"r;'_hs.,~ a1-1d ,._ I .'-|:]were -boredand returned.home,-_ ' .' _' - ._.; %dec1de:1=tc> we in-51: parents -of i _' -' "unidentified "- 92 - 'amount_ time of 'in_..Saudi '-Arabia~ ' 6. friend-who " '1led -in Bosni-a.. They traveled a" b6 _4 5 6_1:o 'Bahra_j_;1.a'nd balked istoan_to 's_'bro_t The three ' I _fiht g_ . *wo unteered - ._' .'to'-._ ' ' '1 b-;c _4l5,5decided -to-tra've_1 co Ta, mg _1 mon _f_inan§:e tripthe and;gave'-him amop.n_t_ .a'n._& of e§{'p1L15 -travelinge1-@ense_s.. ' The-Igroup traveled by vehicle back : , '._. to_Saudi Arabia end evehtually be Kuwait -They '_de,airlipe '[ . .' re-gervatiions to'' Pakistan. Sa;id a the ; . b7F *1 . -connecbions - necessary to -----__...._92__._...__.________-_________ '_i .-_- . - . get; them to Ta3.:Lkistan_. I-_ - -W_hile~t.he'_-group-_was incident'at'the'Khobar,Towers b6 b?C b7D " b7F - .- . group" was -detained"-by Kuwaiti, the..;in erro ations. up. returned the group Wei 'f1gT 1 h Kt1wai.§t""f or'*a-fiiirghtq--- in Saudi Arabia -occurred Intelligence for teh days- was re ea e" W]... ou' 1 'd."t;hth' _ _jinto Bahra and|_ gla s until things'_re{turned to 1c ar and-'_the- " .Following e21 atlslit p - !went to -". Wh e- inr ' '- for two normaf. Qatag, {and 7 a_|had a disagreement ' "anal l'*i |[Hepartec1' or an 1-lni_ent'i§iec1 ,overmone decided'-"to ~location._ . .Qa1_:a r ' RESPONSES-1'70 ' _ n. ..- -_ -.- . . _, - . . . ; " FD~302a{R:vI.lU~é-953 _ '_ * '1 .'- ,' . _"be .3' __, ._ b7C -' ' - _.. ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' -~ . -4 1 -4 1 -r b7D -1 ' ' 265A-Mlfi-92C99lD-2 ' _ ms -1_ ..C='"?1'"" F*""°1'PD-361 9r|'92_'. POF. =§:=1_Y_j " _retdrn to-Saudi.Arabiai so he flew ' parehts tQ piCk him up.f. to Bahrain-andleailehis ' e 7- h .;'.» - _'K _-.5 - -,- - ~b6 4" -' H. _On his way.£rom Saudi ArabiaI [::::::::]ums-b7D' ' arrested-by' Saudi.'1-ntelligence under suspioion s1:emming from the .Khobar_Towers bombing and his ' prisonin Dammam where he -was '_ ' interrbgatiohb b5 _4 _ aapproximatel-y b?C -4 579 '1 _ foreign travel. -Be was sent to -- =' " beaten for .two_we_eJ1:'sto.pri'0r his He was detained by the Saudi government-f0r_;, j_,._ three months and _re'lea-segi. fl sis passport wa's .r'e_Vok_ec forfone and-_-a half:-_year's._.-_-He , retizrnedhome and mfas-1_1J.red_ as an_' -. b"- D -1' Imam in a- - h' "n H- local mosque. ' --Two"week a ter shis . ' - '" detained by -b5 "4 the Sa di "and interrogated'four b7C -? Durin this ,fi?e years. I passport 'was,-_returne_c1,'__ he _wa-is again ,-_ government." He"was taken to prison i times-over_the-next month-and "¥ELeaSed and returned to| _b7D L- time he; -was 1'13-5° f= FflPlE?yed by. - iiIblaimed _I but his Jeddah ahalf.* He was'.: passport was revoked for to be unaware of the reasons b7F -1 ' his apprehension and.passport revocation; _-' 19- "V | - behihd , ' jt; ." '- '' .' ' In- i998 the Bfahr_ain'.gove'rnment anno92.u1cec_1wasit reissuing , -- _ Bahraini ass ort-s to membersof the - tribe -in, Saudi _ _ .- 55 _Arabia-.'§.. s father was originally from Bahrain and as a ' b7C ' result ' was able to receive a.Bahraini'__pas'spor't.. [:1 ''b7D .ec~:Ee'c!1:e ooul-d no'lo_hgerflive-in: Saudiiarabia because of_ eof overnment He_p= lanned oh oin to live b7F * _e" pars cot-ion -_the-_g I 1. ' _ _ _in-j ' . _-."-_Kuwa-it or"-the United-Arab Emirat-e_s,~ ,andbut--met ' ' ' . ...'. to the--U.S._ . ' ' ¢' _' _ _'1 . ' 'trave1ed visited to'Bahrjain-and the-U.S. -. a' five"year tourism visa. s ather _ _embassy "an received be 1:=?c - .gave him -- 1 .Bahrair to the airport.b center in 19,000 Saudi Riyals for h-is trip ISt&I 1]QJ.1 to] 7and ,,|to| I _" 'IN.. was b?D ' ' en a _. W , __ if .- .c to the ter t u.s_. jse flew Erorri- was-Ip icked _up at _. __ ' the.Islamic moved to the Islam-io _ _' ' ., _|.'IN'. -_ 'He " ' _w 'saud:|..__.Arabia-I to C, b"- F '_________h____j_o1q;_ap_pro§imat-e_J.§-;t§{o months_ before returning to .. . ' ' visit hissiok fathefT*Z§It¬T eightrmonths*in Saedi+Arab¥ _ _returned_tO the U.S. hHe'speht aboht'ten jays in_Wes ' 3 --before he was transferredthe tg Iflamio center oh the _ ___ __Z approxfnatelyf -s-ix and.aha side trips to Michigan ' Arabia:for two or threeweel-cs after _ . and Buffalo, three months, the Trade ..._ months NY- _He then retarded IN.' He spent - W -_j . |.but,also- made.'. returned to Saudi .-.' to_Buffa1o, NY until Center.di'saster. 'I-Ie--£1.-ew to _Bahra:i.n RESPONSES-17i____ _ ' . _ =~ .'T- ~- .1 1i -' - - . . - _ _ __fb6 *4 al -- " . . 92 . __ _ , ~- ' '-. "- .ED=3Uia{R:v.1Qw5-95} ' .P ~i§¬ .-'.I _ bvc -4 _ __b.?D __1. - 2-55A-MM-c9s1o.2 ..- - ;_-'b'»'F 1'92. __CunLinua..t-ion-nfFD-E-02 of._ -. | I _ -' ,OrI__5 '22£9g_,&# H_.Pl§= _.-7iii - £01:-two c'1ays, to-'Ir'an_w1ie_1;e th_er;he,met his 'con' _»~ ' ' _' _ ' '_for themosqué_tour.0f Afghanistan. 1I - I ' - "" ,;~; -- b7C -5 J -'_U- 1 I e It _I _I 1 -_........,-.-.-............--....-__._, _-..__________....,._,.,_,___,_.__._.-.___.,. ..._-__ .._,.... . ._..-,_._ ._._- 6 g- . L F l 1» _ . _'.; 'RESPQNSES-"-1Y2 _ ._ . I J I } I Positive Response Number10 ,I :- i" ii------- - . . ._-1 __ - I 92 _Capi'oni Valerie,-E. OGC}'[F-BI! I ' --' ia 1 _ -I-NSD!tFBl!; . . V.~ - -. .' J --l-1° - - ii 'f'R>' l I F7e|!'__ we -1 '_ Sent:' Munday,AuQust02.20042:45.. PM ' -_'c==j _ -" C_§e|'prcni,Valeriei' _ _", _._$uPjec!;;i8E;__GTMQ"_ H .. ,_ I ' -" ' _- .- .- I OK, thanl-ca foriiie e|_uick. respie|'i_se.._' ' F " " -jiiiiriginal - From: IR!- FBI!, 92_ L ." _. 0*"; '" 05*!'_: I ' l H -_ _ _* °f'1 _'--Te::=e1!-- . zuse! _#16 1 JSent:M0nda Au est C|2, 2001i2:40"PM - __ ' _5|gb]e :_' - -- . - " ._ I-.was-situated. in'thé"observatioi1._bcib1;h-in i_ntew_iew befWéer'1._.tWo roems, -qbservihg intefview an whibh '_ ' -I. ir.1c|uded-ai.-Ieasi-'dne_FB-i'SA,?and'-pdseibly bf ti_1e.oa.col|eague.of'his-_fri:r!1& agencies th_er with -._.. _' inivesitgatiye. pers'onnel_ agsigneil tl'.ie_r_e'a_t-the_ time. The bdoth 92.-.ias_quile créwded because. there were " Iseuerelindivid-uais. present who were obsenging-an "ihter92iiew" _in' '1e.r0orrg thenther side _of'the_ bn ' booth. . . th in a1'rbom',_tl'ie wae seated in-'a detainee andch_ai_r was seciired-in the game method as I'd -seen for all _of. ' ' _'_:the ether; detainees, shackled at his fee!so -that he cquld notIeaxve t_h'e r_e-orn_. Hoyveiverk there _wan1u;:_h' sn t __' . ";ta|_k'ing geing on,-be'ca'i.:se thei-|ights'had be_en'tumed~off and _a St|'0§:ie7|igiJiwas= ar.1d=0ff.3 ickeririg on .d-"= i - _1m:i.ud-rock mus_ic.wa§.being played. '.l estimate. that this went info'r.30 60 minutes. to I wastold byquite a. ' '__-Jew FBI-pei'sc1>nr!e_'| iaétics such-as this-were that quite-'comrnpn.theThis_.vi_ras-the'Qnly' re_attheiime. .ever_ it thatl.ob$eirveddirei:t|y. '_'- _I r- < _. . be-1 1" .. -_ _- . ' . _''_ "_ _ 1- 1 H "_il.'».-;»4:;é1 :}ei.i¢i;=.~=$'=_1a;-_;' T 'i .' LPram-=ik1~s:~»>'<+=B1>-V.-V~V Sent ' and Au ust02,2Cr0411U3AM - 5u_bect:'_ :_ .. "- ' _ ;_ q.L'Ji;,____._ "_ , - 1 _ _' b?c ~1 . |:|-could yc_.=u.piease_prcividi=.=:"ad,ditio|::alinforrnation,-rn'o:e spet_:i <': short si,|rg_|rji1ary!_ _,-- -. -'"'"' _d1§'I§e ie'd*oT1"tha'i"d"rie*i1'rcidenL"-+~ -*-. --- - *-~------'~ f-.- -r----~ - - ~->4 -- ' .- I._ .. . _ . _ _ _ ._ . ' ' '. ' - f_'--3-#O'ri i'naiMesea' - L ~Fmm= IR! _H -I1 _. 1. I ll; ' ' ' '' '' ' -FBI! i . b'i _-.1. l' 'Te: C ;Nm!' Fe1j' ' be '1 -, Sent: Fricla - --._5lIbJ==t= J 1 0.92004 4:10 .- - PM j .II'i'lp_0I'E3._I'lFe: _ High .L Vi l -Gm-'5I-.r'92A'. '_ __ ».. .. RE_SPONSES._:173_ . _ u._ - .'_' ., . -I I - ._ I I - - _Ret cm» e'_' from-Steven C ;-Mci3 mime rew:rece.ived oh_Friday, Joly Def 2oo4..,¢_ I- ~" - _ :-. h As amembefof the Nationatcerperthe for'A_naiysie'cf Violen_t_C me NCAVC! in-the. _3 Criticzii _lncidentResponse Group _ CIRG!,,i was assigned to a.tour_at GTMQ from Juiy--224,' 2003.1-.Whi|ethe|_-e, provided l inten.§iewlinten'ogation_ adviceto F Bi. SAswho weretinvolvegi in - ongoing interactions with detainees. _|'dire_ct|y [4 observed intewiews with12 detaineee. - _' ' .DUring one of theseinterviewsam I notlsure which one at this time!, I-observed treatmeiit of _ another detainee by at di ereht'interview'team,which included teptics tha__t, while not.ove'rIy _ ' 2iggres$ive,' I clearly werenotoonsistentwith Buieau-interview-poIicy!g uide|i|j1es. To my_' . -i ' knowledge, there were noFBI personnel invclyed in-thatinterview. I donot recallat this time - I tI the identities or agency af iiations of those who were irwolxfed in that interview. " .'' " -.5!-arting,~ne"_!ct i92_'ion"dey,-ItiuIyl_'1-2,-fDD4', will be ihttevet statue in Sanblielgo Ceiifotnia, .' arid & - ..~.- J,- J.1.§':19L89§i Al.¬§!<.El..|..i :'i|| P¢..?E92 M0 ?! 5°! fl1|l'WBB|<5F9.tL1'Ti.i"9 mitt ? T°9.'°" to.M° daY1 J -"3'? _'.__'26'."'té1ephohe'n g ' .-_ ' '---SA - . .- ._ ..=tat-_1|n-._._, -- --- ---_,---- ---¢-.- -.... - - - J.b?C . -1' - , . ;. =.._._..._._._.92.._.;.__4.__ _-_ ._-_._;__...........-.. -.-..'_............:|.-_........-.,......-...-....._. .._.__ ....._ ._. .' '' I ' 92 .-. __ ______,_ < _ _"__RES'P_ONSES-1:74 -' '.ti.n:-anri.4-'7 . , 1- ' " _ ' '_'. '. .- i . 1 Positive Response Number 11 o ______ ' ** __ t ,-L >1'-Meé's_a'ge3 b6 1 Wms.o_ FB|! W 7. .7: I __ H ' -- b-TC--5'1 |: LD!tFB1! ._'Pagé _ P __ Y-__ ___1_j_I ' ? if --;__ Vi-_-__ -_.-. - - - .lL<?"'v - -t . " =-t Su'5joot:RE;'.";TMO _. __'"_v?".%. t V¢o ot J _'O|'<_..for now__W.é-v!riI|_oo_u_r!l as a_."P0§iti92f§"' F ponjse. d_o_'the. 'P}oa§o anti you.! fob.-f|ard. __ '_ U -_J{-i. EC Jj92_ _ V~T - +~@ H-'!a=M@1=sa 8--'-t » ' L. ~I = V %1,+ b6 -1.¢F~i |<w> FBI! - _ SH_&H,,92 -bqq; -1 Sent: Monday, Jul?200412, PM -1:31 ---_ ti!-1*- _. .' -_ - -To: W - .- -Sl.Ib.iect_:RE:_G l M0 Q I -- . _-; - IN5D! FBQ ~' .- r ..- -. _' §E_N$I"r'1yE am UNCLASSIFIED .. - -- ;-- ¢ _~¥':j--- ~¥~N N-»RE§ E-B%_:1"_: _¢j j b7C -1, ~t- '_.-,-.@::<'.§iZ3'j?".t;"ieir1 " . ..,.-1».-.' .-=.wa;_-l=-='-'." ~ ..' - ."- L- ,3-e. -' 1 1' - ' -' ' - __:~>+-j ..¥<" .'' '--~"»-_--_ w---& H-' % .any n' "' . 1/__o agpgare uJ agjressivé treah'nent-of'det;T one déinee oes.'"_ -- nblodshot age _0 __eyes an wd hat ' jagpearsto b'bI e _0051 tha1"' congea ed to'h|s_e1glashe§4 7I- I' _am following thise-mail up withan EC and enclosure that willcontain CD a _wjth the original Raw iesand _. -irnagoscotwerted to the TIFF format - l'a_n1 aIso'ir|c|udiF.I9' ranging-from prints féce full to close ups:'of-the. _-- _ .'_ dotaineo; s'eyeo! r ._l_.I__ -.1 '" 'TI V --. bis .'1' ' pecra ' Hotographic Unitflr .- _' .- .' ' .Lab_orator!¥ ' Div'i5iOH''' , . - --O oi aim-$89? -" ' I M_cc_RAw-, STEVEN C.. INSD_!. FBI!. -1 - Fnom: u|" 12 1Sent: T0: _0I to - 20041213? =.- .- .-_ -" ' MM!. FBI.' co -_ M_M f_;h6 -1 "b7C -1 ' HO! FBI! . _ MMHFB1!: o .umFBI _Ho!_ FB1'; , _sJL FB1~-FBI!; NY! FBI!; NO! - . FBI!; DL! FBI! IR!.{FBI -ll! =!; Ktm!' -15H. A"-0; _, FBI!; AN! -- NY! "L5-!__ s1- A o' FB_I!; 1 l l'" FBI!, - M!" FB1! FBI-' SE!- IR ,-- no FBI!; V - F-B "FBI;_ CUMMINGS ARTHUR CTD M; FBI] mo _- =B'I!_; FBI!; co FBI.- J: ' - MM! _ FBQIL ITPX! . _ G0! Est!; w MY!» ~ _ ow! MM!. .Y_ - '=' {FBI}; _SF. FBI!; sF!__ Fa1 FBI -~ _ _" .2-, -1 Mo!-, * t Ho! 3 _ »*'- L-"- MM Fat!; Fer-!:|++|£N+<! c%I!QPX! oak!; V ~ " RESPONSES-175!." 1.' -?:12k:é004--_.- -_ . A50 . -_.l* .1I*'l3' FBI -t~Y c@GA!: I<>< FBI!; ' FBI~!; FBI!; MM! FBI!; MM! Far!,' ' , .I.-D!» F.BI]';' _ Jow! ._ FBI!; -_ _'Tl'D} FBI HO! _OGAFBI cG! FsI i_ MM! Fat!! --MM . Hom=BI!; -<IB~1<EB-I!.~ . FBI!; FBI!: lcm! CF13.-HFBI NY -FBI L @115! FBI ;aAT'n_E,"FR Cm! -ANIQE FBI- oMM!<PB1!!<w~>ctFe1 cw:.c==BI- 92 . -- , 31 MM! FBI! FBI NYUFBI 7 _Ho!. =BI!; - ----------------IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _ I|I|I|u_ _ 7_+ f _ 7 ___7 492 a' 'Q £Révjo1J$1-zone! Y '_' ::::j 3 j 3; a' _q-"----.J _" :::! *-' 1 ' ' .. ii=£p|:aAL? "- Pi'ec:édence': " ROUTINE-' .' To*'-Counterterrorism ._'- " - -' ..- .Attn: . - ;Da.'t.e: 0:!/12 2oo4_ ' b5*1 . F#$§;a §abdiab0ty Qiviéianffi" I Ia : bjrc _l_ - a '? :._ '_ " ~[ a - j' __ Photo .SpeCial ra.hic Unit /[:::].__ b2 i. ' a#PPrPvéd'aBY=aaE::l#w "L b6 -1 =.b?C -1 Drafted By:f: jtb~ a .- " _ :. % '1 ,:'' - _ ciasa-In -#=-.29.1--HQ-Ai32?6.-69-A-a¢7{Pending! . '.,_ __ ' -;~'Ti£ia}:aCbah£ar a:;O:ia@_D1§isioh;'§TMb,;fn$@a¢ti0h ép I ~;Inqui;y@__- 'f <_q* j = _ 5synop§is{Happears ;,".:H I"_a ;. _. '92§, U. , No bbservafian bf aggreasive treatment of detainéés _ _Qbut ph@tQg;aphed-one-dapa;nee who had_blood to be bIoOd_t at_congeaLed to shot eyes Qia eye¥ashes.1-" and what ~,Q' "irt~;ae$d'f La _:'hr :'~F§.Enclosure{s}: Onecontaini CD g ga}l§ ' ,_; 4; 5"[35 ,,"éé;5 '>a.FBj,numbBr[::::::::]';SN i _numbe;[__ é_ p btographedfgn 1b?C _fMa ch_I2 2004 at_4;36 PMby {$&T} Phot0§raphEr]_ _|=af? Fifteen by 8.5 11 color print5*of the detaanee age also IZ"" ;; ,a[:::§]' ' lHC uded this in enclosure..1Photographsfbf[:;§::]are . . '_ '}a#ailable from tha Special Pha£dgraphicfUnit,. uanticq{| r Virginia;___.. ";_*.j - _»,-_-_ _» »'_-_._" '. "a u .be_hl E$eta;i_ls:: _.'Ph6tb§fapha'r.' 'ah Séi_anT;i'fiC " __ C1 _' i-' bn;_1 J Téchnicall of the Special Photographic Unit,.Laboratory -. ¢§[''--a.Division,_was 1. assigned to tephbtographthe detainee's far- eQ' ;5'. . - ' ug_sh6t$_o =severaL_days'and twO_travel'assignment5 f;¢m¢ ~_ 1' _'_March.11}to_March 2UO4._'H I _i - Durin thé.firat~aasig ment,.dn Mar¢h'lQ]'2004|__§ §- T _if * 16; during-ZOQ4 ;nd_JunejIQ ta I1; -detainae~ FBI nmmer IS-N .nur]zber ;- _ ;'.':$C*f4-_:1 jI was photo§ra bed and Maan Case printédat 4:36 H. . _PM, .' ~- with __' _ P" * a; -_ |. .- | II .It was bbserved that had Slight.Syel1ing-arqund-his_le£t eye. ;photoq:aphs what .eyelasnes_was appears to be blood found. -No.observation 'lcod b s h' pt eye s _After reviewing the tha;-qongéaled to qas"madeTa$ ta hw his this .conditiop'came_about,_agd no qomment$'whare heard rom'aQy **~ * *~ T~+ rmgdetainee.P pe:s0nai"regardingwaqgréssive<treatment+%@wara& %ha+ ¢ ' ' .. . ' -= 'i' -_- ' 92 1. _' 7 REsPoNsEs-1_?e._ .i *-..-_ .' .._,-..|_..._,1:_T"':¬': 11;; -ii-i" "'-';j-if E-":1;.;=;;.-._;=i§;;-;-1-.-.':5-.--;::::?i.'fj;>-;:":=-=_;_ .._-.3"-1-:_.1_" ;-""-'_"-_7'_'._.='7 .11-.,. -= _-..._-.=;.., =»....--;_;._.,-3-.¢._,.__1--= ______'; _ } . . |.: -.- .. . ... - --"?i|';'-'-'1'». .. .-.-|_ -:-;-_-:=I_ ._. - ._,-_-I.-;<-.r..'-.1 .._...-<- =.--1._.-._ ;w:_-L..92_.1_-__ - -.-,_,_ ..._h.,_--.; _ _._.,.1 _i.A_..,l-;':_|-'.'_-_~_.;-*_. 'E.'*"'*'.i=_|,i ' .!:.',.'F==.I-'.-'.'.-; -'1E.-=-:=m'.'-;.-.;1-.; P.-;_ :-¢1él-"';:'.-I.-9 -;.~;---,|-.-E: ..;. -'.-.--...--: r.--§:r:£'¥-'-=|'-'.-,;-'é,g§_'4 -=1 . '=-===1*=-:;-=-:.*.-¢'+»-_-. J.-_~' -at - H-.l:|;j_-LE -M--~ -- :-524: -' .-.-.=1 - . -._-, ._-.1--,, '.._01¢.,-,1 .,-1 -. .-T. . ..,, -_ ,_- _.=§¬=':yEt=_Y_;=-...I::;'T'92i_;-:11,£1.--1._-5-,3-,; _;_"_ q_» ;~,--__--;_1-92=..-1.,_,;;,92,:n__-=u?g._g;;g -__;_>=:92';>g" "?~ " . . *'~ _ _92|a_- p ~ _P~@= .?9Y-HQ=1HI3'27-E'5 §=?WU?/12'!20;04'f"""' _ . . were observed .f -', 7N0 other detaineeé to have sim;lar 'conditiQns, nor did I personally hear bf any comments from fihe jArmy pepsonnelponcérning their _ treatmentof the detainees, hgtéfpénsonaliy révigwed my wdrkfrq bQth-_- t;T ".? f assignmehtgtqpd not Seen_any other questipnable imagé5. ? . *_ '~- -- :I¥Dr. < -1--Mr-. 5 » . a r Adams _ . * , _-"-1"'M'1'.' i _-.hire._1'. ' . 1 Mr.. I . >. 92- Y - _ I 92 _' -'RE SPONSI_ES-'17_7 F_ _ .r , Positive Response ANumber 12s ' *92 ¢ __ '?i_ |_"' F-. nu l. _- I 74'-_7 _ 7 |-2on31'-- I' .. " [Rev.0F§ .. - l- __'.' _:-|:|194j=bo1.5c§_& V _ % .BU:RE.Ii1.I__§!_l5' l§iYE§fI-GATIO V-_ -_ _P'i-écea.eeee.=V __ Date: RC:-UT11§1E_ _;-07x12/20-0 1 T03; Inspeceion"¢.7'__ ;i'j -Attnél O¬f%de'0f @6 Infeectio -- - _ _b7C - '- -1 . ' Rc0m7B37- _sw _ .___ _.. _ rm ,_H __ ___ __ _ Ji 4ail; . =. .-.-. ..- ._-- e;'14{JTTF Squad'=' " ' ' -¬$fw;$7_ ' f-_. From:e Denver._,._z _" - - - - Contact: _ _ P~P1=='="= ~-BY" l __- _,_ __ I 1:61? "" b'?C -1- 7-u r, _ m2 .h .-- ...- Drain,-=<1 - BY-i" ." " *: . e . . . - ?-. V e _ jLg e _:-  - V ,T'_i ._f~ihF__i i_; _92_fT_ PP-'_1f1~?.=_.§ .?;: .2.§F-3* §1~§§§IH .é§;;-22;_1;1 E=i=*e?t -=* - .*{§'.§_F_.§-E-i'= Q_.';.. - Case 'I:>_'#="_ 29?-HQ-A1321-s;_s9'~A-;.' _. .-I2§§§Je»; / Pending-}." I;1 s¢.@H;§iii2§.;_@ 1 "|EEi1 i".92>.:*"1-: V ~ E .'I I.-ceUNT'ea i .cl e 'mv:s:0m;'_ :Emon1sM , 5 Gfmd I 'I.N"SPE'CTIONSPECIAL.-INQUl'R1¬_ -" _;_- HERFIP!a;£§,1LTY2I*?I-§§,aIE.I1EI? ' 1 -" - 5#1¥EB-E.-.§.PlPeh11¢§!2ir;e.&1§.1 -:0: in£'c_i<;m. iri_ _e'-_'ma'i1e de't|ec1_ -' ' . _ I _éynopsis{ Reeponse requeet_ e -07/O912004=regarding'GTMQ of fT'] _ -1; " ¢"= w W Details-. From ma --12,_2962-to June- Z-6-,_'_ @003, S-pecielAgent . I ,_ I-ISA} | E EI Den-ve_r, 1served a. __TDY a_t: GTMO.' c-nel On occasion during the final two weeks oi thisTDY, SA[:::::1--~ ' unknown'bt-erY ;1bs -1 - _b7c ~1 ebeerved=two other unknewe individuals.from government agency.t0nducting utilizing-techniques that an interview an with adetainee. . 1' ' "th'FB' were get consistent-wl Vi ,1_' i_nt e'1' p¢>1_i_ cy/guidelines92ri'e_w -1 le, and w mh éd hi . bi éht=;'""fT _ 'a5°. l' - P resent. was =56 -1 Y '- . . _ . _ _ '._Ihe'inte;viewin§ techniques that yere qbser ed b§ BA. involved the two unkngwn-interviewers from an unknown j, @ 3'1 _ -otgex geve£nment'ageney-eitting a detainee down the on floor _ -in the Cen en of being played an inperview'reom, while rap'type muslc waej at.a very.high player, and while the volume using-e interviewers smdked portable Radiofcn cigers and blew the _ ' s oke'from these cigare_towards'the-face of the detainee,-and_', continueusly laughed at the deeeinee._ ' <.terview ~ ' - . _ . geec-hn=_a__q.u;es-ewere ee-en;by __.._ e -" I-"-- room glass ln 'an.adjacent ' *' '" eLneerv eom "d" ea an were" - b?C -1- o'::>ser_<re@.fer' . ew'ce..s-.P'ri|e:: i_:o aS2- L.51-nd'~_SA '_ _.' --. ' '92 . eRESPONSES-1?-'8." '..-. -" - i| --q F Q 1-___ _f- j W? 7 _ I ":E§¥§E:EQ T$j_1t n 15; Ineoection eFromE§'Denvet _ Re:.'297-HQ Al32756$-A} 0?/12/;0u4_, ~- H I1i:¢:>-t I b6 -l b7C -1 ~ vacating detainee the ape aFdue_to physiqal jbeing c their intervie eeesion.with enothei tdontact ompleted. detainee in-this _SA|:]d_:'.g1 -i'1ot.'obserire .any. giirect .One o_ I, . . -a_-.._..1 -incident -from en male, ep roximate "'1 L77 hair.{_T the interviewers jbetween inCide t and the __ the unknown.individuels-involved unknown other he other government agency in this=| was a white ' ' ;* ;'_ " Baeed ._t ,;i fon . .i]3A1 build. brown f_' ~15? " Fs_acquéiht3jces' if ian "<1 familia -;;y __jf, 'with;cheL_ Z ®Névy Criminal'1n¬eL;1genceeAgehcy.TNET3]j1ntervLewe:s; and-. interviewe itGTMO during-this time.£zame} .;b1 I?- _ ;_. -bl» _' .._' T it_is believed with < -reasonable certeint'-tnet the'two'indi¢iduals in this' ¬S!__ invo ind iélent _we 1-e -notlfE:l---N¬ ;I~Si-;-----~~o ------r beiieved that_these wo in:e:viewe:é_mayYheye been from either -~ the Defense:Humint*Se;vioes, Br contraoted the Defense IntelligencéTAgency,." in'so@E fashion through-the US I' -" *1[::;;]did not Army.1Q= ;,H L~f 're¢iously:feport inci&ent'e itin not known ySA[:::;:Twhat interqiewing I =-_ . - _ .j.___ =--'§A b6 "1 .r b7C -1 92 medium_build;.red 92 unknown other gov ly 5'8"_to-5'10in height aq- . approximately~5'l indiyidual involved'in~thi5,incident.from efnment agency was a white-male,* _ "1 o ;_ hair{eg1 a8Ses.e 1 to.6fl"'in height, large _b7C -I -92-. _.~-__ .V ;- guidelineefpolity_£hat not be_requ;red to adhere ot er _*. - I. goyefpmept agencies to. ' .7: _ _ may or may'_- 92 _L . ' Ihs T61; ection From: 'Denver' _'f.'£' _I =88: 291-HQ-A1327a59 A; _LEAD sI: " 07 12/2004 ~: ' _,_ '.-se£'Lead,1} ,,;£¢!'_. - ..:Né?sc;;oN}' ;; _ ' w3§g; _AT * ._§ .;._" "_ .- - - i-7 _-' Inquiry. =' _ _l»_ ++ -._ w 3;=. '. QFor'info$méti¢ td Cquncértefrorism Di§isio ,jGTM0J_f Inspection Special .- .j -- _--¢. - - '_ ~ V ._ _-_-_ "'_' - _._1' .. 77 7 _ - -1 L QWM _. __...__"'_.-_'__._ .V-_ _ -, , 4 '_" 7'* 1 "* ' ** _ '7*" ~ ' ' '74 ' ' _ -. ;____. -92 ' -..._ 92 . "" '"""'r"" -- _REsP0NsEs-1801. ' _r~ _-- ._ 77 _if _ . W __ W ___ __|.._.__ 7';_____-..._ 1 ié Positive 1 Response »s Number 13% If rjf .-,.l . EI I __ ___ -e ~ 7 .. :1ll..:ll of-2. 1 h . ...1'~?<=>>1Fe'>.r.. ~-~_ ie»e.. . eel e~"_'_ ii; 7 _ran C. _ ;., W '1 Te e{1PJ itsii" I I i5:31 J*5 1I _- ' 7_~1- -- 77-T . ._.e We --'-e ' .7-7 Subject:_FtE:GTMO .' Detaineefreatment . -q__ ' I will putyou down as a 'positive resp'onse.and will make OGC adeterrnination reference thetreatment and f .whether_an in_terview._is required. _Tl1anl< you _for the re'sporise._- 3Ii -_ - ' I. .106 -1 .. _etc -1- _.' - ' ' ' '. . --F Fwmeiili <1P1v<rB1>== . . -Sent: Frida Ju U9 2004 5:19 PM ' f . I I 1 ¢.=== l<IPl tFBI! P! FBIl; iP! ire:. Tc: NED! FBI! Subject: Detaineefreatrnent ._ _ _-' , _ - sE_1"us|T n!E"auT - BECQBl;L29l;HQ-m_§2?6B9-A ' .-' "' " - b7C -1 - _-_ __.;_'___-t_.. ' - I ._ ' .' n' .' _ or _in _._ . FP r 1 .- a~-__.__ __-___'_..__-___._1__._,. ' - ' is"written_ This response in to,yo{rrinquiry'cor'1cerning' tech'niques on'Guantanamo used interview detai_r_|ees_which.were consistent not with-Bureau interview policylguidelines. -. .'_ ' _. _. - z I -1wasTD- Yin Guantanait1 oiro'rh'Februar§r to toMarcher,-'2'oq3. there, heard I th-roilgh the While -_usual rumor mill-{other agents; jrnilitary counterpartsiabout technique la useclmilitary b'y iriiterrogators which was notallowed tohe Usedby Agents. The technique was toleaveadetainee shacttledliri an interrogation roorn for an extended period oftime, twelve hoursi or more and , either turn the "air conditioner to itslowest ' possible temperature or off.Supposedly, the detainees were. not removed from theroorns even to relieve themselves.- This was onlyused for the "ditfcult detainees who would not cooperate._ _' : . ' _ _'~;One whiiejn day, one of theinterrogation buildings. I wasin one of theobserva_ti_o_n which looked cooms -at intotwo-interrogation rooms. I wasin thisroom because the-detainee was I Interyi éwing was in oneof 1' the interrogation-roornobsewed from -this room. Laying on the oorof -the other intenogation room was a detainee. believe_thi_s I detainee was subiect to theabove-mentionedextended stayin the interrogation _ ru0m_ ' -_ '. .' ."_ . _ ' Thedetainee did notappear 'distresse'd. The detainee may possibly -have been asleep- t_-le was" dressed in the normat detainee jum_psuit.-His leg shackles were attached to the I-bolt lh thecenter of the. interrogation roomflodr as per SOP. do I not recall the if detainee was or __waswearing not handcuffs. I do not recallobserving any furniture inthe roornon whiclfthedetainee couldsit.The detainee didQappear tohave soiled himself and ididnot"0bserve any uidon the floor around-the detainee. = . _: I J- - -I _ I. . -Ido not [chow how long the detairieewas in theroorrl prior torny viewing him orhowlong he remained there after I sawhirn.I donot know what the temperaturethe of in'terroga_tlon room was or ifthe air _ .__-_~_._i._._ ._..._,__.;,__,.eenditiening»was4;m-or-oil.-I-doindtJ<now+vmo.was.|:espoosibleioethis.detaineelsjniarmgatioo._.Ldo_no1 _ knowwho the detainee was nor would I rebognize'him-as ldonot recallseeing his face. ' " J- I do nohremerrlber anyone if was wlthme-when observed I this or ifthere was someone. who that ' iridividl.la_l_ _l' was.not remember do who lwasiriterviewing the day thisoccurred. do I notremember at- what pointduring rnyTDY thisoccurred orwhat dayit was. This likelyoccurred inthe morningas thiswas vifhen most ermy interrogations tbok place... " ' . .- - _ "b6 Special Agent - ~ .. r ,.- 1:12./zoom " _- I - . e _l ' '. 2 ' ; -' f ,. -1 " Iltny full hureau name I-bqc - Position: _. I I -I -- ._ f___RESP,Ol ~.|SES _ 1_81 -- '_ .- 1' ' :Message' _ -- -' '_ '3 I . '. *_' -' I_0'fc.#: b2-5.. 1 nI - I' ' .I Pa'gé20f2 1& 2 - I IWillbe O_r1 AL fr 0[I1 July 1310 13.'2004.' '. 'SEN5ITlV_,E_L.lNCLAS_5_lF]ED BUT r _ I _____ __..__ _T_._._ '. 92 _._ ______ ____- ___ _____ __7 ._.______ -.._7 .__.._...._?._-.,..__ 1 > ...; .- -----.___ 1 _777..-.92.+.-._____-_.*_____ __-_._» - -- V; _'z_/12z2o041_. ____.._ __...._ 7 _ _ __._... __ ._ ?RESPONSES-182 7-7 - .. 71_7;...-;_._++ __ 7 77_.-_----__ 7 _._! '7 .'._ Positive Response Number 14 --.1, ,._,,. ' ' .' " " Page-1'b  .-Meséagn. 1 . be -1 ___ 70 ?|;0 i:~i $0! Fa1!;-. 0 ..0 ee e _ _0- ? 7 ° 07 l°WFB'1i ' " 'Subj_eci: GTMO R-E: '_ _. _' 'Iwiil OK, eonsider en that posiihie respqnse; Once the fesponées ere re0eived.'delerminati0'ns willbe made as to . " "-whuwillbe-irite_n:iewed. Thanks. . 1- -- _: _" _ 92 . a .' _ . - -~Ori inEii'Messa .-e-.' ---.- . 410 0 c':==-><0=>0 ;-_-%5a';.Ir'. /1 _. We_1.. -_Sent:Frida -Jul 002004 +020 PM .- ._' " " To-: ~50_!' F0r!_ 1,- -- " ' _--'Sub_jer;t:RE:GTl"l0 _jI_- _j. _SSlFIED_ -'1 '* séN§i*E1i. ej§. u'r mic M ..0 _ 1 .,. _ '". , ___._e__Q"-REWRTD ~ =0 . _b6 _ . _ . _._ . .A .- ; ' -- _I ' .'__ - ' ~- ' =--.;|f~-':-' ._. <.' --92.::_-,. I' _ I _' ___-__ _ _ _ _ -..____ _-.-_..--..__,_._ , -1 b": C 1 ,_ .. ,. _ .Whileat GTMO, 005%.-~L=.=0-.é¢m@ "I po'lig:'y non-FBI wa ; conducted t'reetmeE|t'vJhi0 By nbri-Burreéuxand I . _' 1_nun-CITF per_'s0nne'|_ dsedon one detainee; beingdid-nut obsenje any'ph';"sit:a1 mistreatment anyof-, _~_ b6 ~l . -detainee. -"W . --|:l -- -:50-I-0. ._ _-r _ ' " - 1' 0 5-. 0 0 01.; - ' ' . 1"' " ' -- 0 RESPONSES-1830 b2 -1"--- ---_~' E'JriginaI Message--. _ _. '-' From: MCCRAW,'S_TEVEI92l_C. IN$DJ_lfEBI'! -' __. I _ Ta. -- *' ' _.-- --._b6 -1 LC .- -10 _. ~__-A . 'Ser|t: 'Fn'day,.July 09', 1:42 Z004PM MM§_ FB1-' i~1M!' z=0L}; HO} -FBI!;_' . o1_0;_.. c0r-1* M|"_!"F8I; rw |=0r- 0 0_0_ [NY' |=01- j_ -MM}_ FElI}'j _0__cm!|'TLE LA! FBI!_;LL& T I-lO!' I_=.BI]; ans; -FBI -'-'BA .FRANKIE {FBI n [[MM.! FB.I!;01 -C_V!_ .0! f-_ -F_B . . -HO!. FBI!; .sg_ F01-. FBI! J .NY!_ FBI!; ' _1=01! r~10! _E0n'. FE-'51!; FBI00-00:!; _ .0 0! F01!; _" rm D_L!. FBI!;¬-HC'! <3P~ CO! Amy ITD! FBI -MM->001}; in - FBI A' "000 ' 1.sJ_ F01- _____;__I-;:-i.?._..___.-_-¢ ! l_ ;_ i WP! FBI!: {ENYJ E- YEA!; -ASDRFBIJ; 01!; cummm S,-ART1-llJRM@ FBI!; MM FBI!; W - 0 1F01!; "1 -rr0!- =01 IR 0' 00 0 -. . _ FBI!;'_ - 001081»; HQ! F51!; cr01 FB1>;_ _CIDFBI!; OM! FBI!? 'FBI' 0 om! _ M-f"r! %FB »~00 _ . - =0-- 1o<- F01!; -MM-EBI];3 - -. PHF ." .E". ".'l- i ' FBI MM FBI!; __ F01! MM! F01!; FBI!: co J {SE} FBI- __e "0=0I:= 0 - - =01!, _IR T000; 0 F-_ __ " FBI!; MM! MM?- FBI!: 1?! FBI Px! FBI" 0 ><1 0A:; _HO MO! --0 '- T0! 00:11:]; I090! F011; 0=><,><F0n {FBI}; IR'!. FEiI!; Ill FBI!; -' -¢;-.._ ._ -.".1-'_.; .'_'.92_:.= .._.._<;--_'.-. .1.-',-.,j._ "' .¢'-._.'r -:§';',._'-T -' -r'.:.:. ='.I: _ -" : =. --. :,=.-;:_'=".-':--_. .. g'."_~v.-m ...- - --_5.. -- ,.; _.:-.- -, . .',..9275.. ....L r _. §gENS1 1 I_iB_UI__'UhlCLA$1E§Q_."_- . '.5 _ _ -- _ "b6 - _. - .. _ -1 ma: -1_ -WhiieatG'|'M0'f'._obsenEei:'| game 510" -F5|IJGHCY l éatmént 92-vhicuzhh v- condubfed Bus by'r1.on'1 " énc!nun-CITF pas-rsonnelbg.-ing-useqi ononedetainee. -I didnotdbseweany physical rr1istri'eati"ne_nt . - fan dtinee ' 0" fea .-I be-1,-1 ' b7C -1 FBlOmaha -_| .I '" _ -- . DesMoines F1.A..I '-'-' .- _- - __ __ _RESPClNSE_5-18*-1_': '_: "'b2~1' _-¢---<_:>n'_ 51Mess'agg~'-i-L 1_ Fran-um" W.5T_._9vEN-C. -Ir450; FBI!@ -Se:-it:Frid, Iv.09 2004_-: -. 1 42 PM_ ,- - ~_""T0: ' H_lg:-1'01 ' _' '_[MM_! |_=B1 .!£F ! FBI MM _sI -HO" Fan? MM! F-BI!, -92. FBI! MM[_§F_I HO :=_s1!-- " . -'- 015! FBI!, same cu-!u=s1, -_ .- .CV_[FBII; H<:-!¢1=s.~.:'-FBI! .- ,-if :-1 _ KLEPHFBIL N FBI! BI _ 92 -DLFBI!; _ i Am._¢EaI!; _ =-' =-' ~ - - IR: FemNY!"<FBI} 'FD}-G -.- FBI! onoaa 92 c c-nit-_.,_-. . w. -'b6 -1 b7C 1 FBI!{ 010" cow!; N¥'1{. _ . 'lIL 2]"[FBI!, NK1E CTD!{FBI-_ I - I - MM! MM |=sI!,- FBI!, N NYHFBI!; ~ ' - IRT[|=B MM!-{Faff " -92' "=" _- . - _|[Ac;>_}-_gocA! _j LS!_{£§I %3-FBI§ _-_ - - 11:10: 11WLASQUF L MMUFBI1 mo! % I} 1sF ><FBnh -"' I: FED H i I-[SD n FBIm V - _1': -{KX}' . .MM J'i_LwF§ FB1}' -' [!NY}' 'OGA!-* " ___-[FBIH_ __"F 'PHL{FBIkLQLgMMINGS;.ART ., _- _[ -; |_@q1~@_;FB1 I |_ OMFBIIIRIJJ -" FE-11*1 N.- MM!<FE-I! _wM><FBI1 7 ~. _ mM"!_qFs1!,-J. j _-MM -j Mr~T! =aI]; -" -- _ _ |=a1L|_ " - E-SFLIFBI-" _ . _ . FBI] IP~!EFBI!' ' PX!-[FBI NKMFB1! kR1_£FBI>:l- F" - "' |<bs! * |=si -.. -"A-I-tr? - - M0 FBI! !' HQ VH1 _ --FBI, i . __ -_ _FBI]-" ,1 ~ _Y " _. :=Bi ' ai -' 1 F -, l3 E!_'_[FBI1 NF}_ F=BI! -,- V .. . LFBS-' uI UK? iF£3 [x:1"mFan] |I@mFB1~0!: _ {SE}" FE!-I!; _ [NY-saqg -' H - . - - AL!_{EB 1, go!wn$_-,mE. .*' m1|f§§!{ BI] 1§1§"" F1 F - ;- . Wis FBI}! j . _Ps!os¬g§g. _. NY B1-FBI?" ' DL cow» -- . " I CON, 1. _ -7 ' _ H;cs! L §Fs1J |;-! 1 !; J59 ' _.- :=aI!-1*lg ggiglg-l! f 55:4 FBI , T -- I _ in 7/U117 nnn I' : _ 1!; _:2 <'*1W1<FBYlz LA FBI!; -1- ITD FBI}; @E1- F511; - .MM -F "-- ~ U. W ' -in Message ' '- ' I {CD-}fFBI!, '- -- _rm f __ _ - 7'Pa§&3o'f6 *»=s:!"|', |'| 1'J':J5 ' ' ' ' L[ 'CID Q|'F|' J11; - - EYEP:-T - "==-0&1?!I???_--_ PB &# DI j _ - HOWE .FBI ._. ! sa wo! r=s1;¢ {o1! Fs1!.?_' _ _ _{MM}. FE!I]§f'HA_RP.INGTON,TJ. CTDJ EBI!'; ?' ' B; SLHFBI! ME - ' DN FBI-I E'_»I!;"N FBIJ_;MM! FBI!. - ' M FBI!, -- rm 1'-FBI; - . . _11"}; '- AN![FBI; - oea 92 - - |=B1- grim-Fsnj - - -. .-. .-_ s. WFJEFBIL -FBI! Q50 ;92 _* _EF!L[FBI.- _ .110- FBI!; m- N _ _1- may ,' _ _92.{cro!n=m!,j Fs_I!L_ ., -. .Q_,_ 1- 2 l_D!{'BI! fAL'jFB1& 92{1'rn[{ 51 FBI, 7K!. Iz~1sDJ.{?BI;-, . _._ 7 NE F51!? -V' '_ HA, -Fshj _Crm_; Fs1 W; " AL" FBI; HO! FBI; K-><![FBI! Mr~1;_gFq: _ _ CJIS IIliif _. E611" -FBI" ?c T ; in I _ _R!cm BI -_ _.. -- IR FBI! - " - -*". 92 '_rq HN! FBI-1 -h~- *~92_I .Nlqggar.3 FBI!, 061 F_BI!f _{~|-1 Fg_I3_!j___.. ,4,- J co!n=s1;1 -- j mM;_q:.=s: -m i W~11JFIll. I'. SecD 7 -1~-s1!;=_W? L 455:1! SE .M__ I ." 92-92 FBI!; L MM} r=5I FBI!?| 2,- H! _u-10! _. __ _ I!? rm" , X-. _' ' _. FBI! |£CG!_4fBI!f I -_ u W_l.D!_ FBI eager!! -._<rRw=B1!:, -____ - ?=H= BPH}[E§§]*,. . L¢s~==cm§?I>;[ - .M; cmgrar!, ca! .'92. 1 "' - _ fL@ML FBI __ :11}! L -1}- FBI c1n'!u=s1== _Ml-?}[C!GA}; ' ' LVHFBI E!_§FBI- . .LA B :~w»=a1 wr cm! FBI! _§ - _ _.]B|j TfsI_Z[___ ' 7" ' ' FBI 06:»! |rm rm om!, Fszfl c ._' ?JMP§QGA>,Pa1» _. . l"l' *5 ._.92 ' ~ . 9 B9? 92 n.4|h..= _' ' -FBI]1MM FBIJI J. .' - '- - [FBI!, B'I§BI .NY .NY 0 ax 1 ,_92 ,7 F!_ FBr}}? __|_ rI!_;Fs1 ' |_ -_ CTD_1_[FBI FE _ ._!gFa_I!_:[ .BI, .- -,__.3 7* - .L910; FBI!; {_NY!_ FBf!, - r=. -»~ . X :~ >;HFBr;;" ' rrrzawar" .. 2 ; - ; _ _".|=s1 -*1ij _[@4M. FBI' .wJ r=sr!*:|Q j j "_ ' " " T'1 .....;. Lli -FBI-T i E-39-E51f-MM PEIE ;-_ 92 . ' - -j . -" N5!{FBI' - MM , "war, {PX! '3GP< " l lM!' =. i {say FBI}mu FBILi cm! _? _ i i' +511 M'' I' .' '- r MM Psi!, ;-___ FB1!f PX! ;_" _.- . _ wsn? "92 {FE-I!_[lE'1~. .-%%-1" L. 11- an " GA! ' iLLIWYOGA _ ,- MM! -_ n=5!_ r=BI _~. 9 5y_ GA!'| |_,M|g92 FBI!? '[§BA'1_ 7|~BI 7* "'sF' _ ,1;. .REsPbN'-1a_5-".'f__ 1 92"" . :_,-__ MeSSage__ _. _ __ {==B:§; I l ., Page4¢ I'1v~r>rq.c'>sA; l uIsis.! ='sn,&#  NK F51! CG! FBI -SU] FBI] FBI =w_v!{Fs1a. |~1M!':FE>1_!, {Oat} ; .oey ' LR FBI 2; - _'-- {asmsrj __ _- j sgtf FBI! ___ ;! |r cTD ; U .I;-FBI E bx .r | rw! r=s1!; {NY I |_ EP} 92 -iggj _ rr0!<F5r!* |_ *B ' _ {. MP -'51!, M BI i _ESL " -" W u_§t! OGF92. M| MM§' , FBI' '7 C<'3! § '92 F FBI i scycorq; __ _ EH FBI!: -! _.92 g~¢YeA;fL_ _ , -1=- =-, *- 1 , j #50! :1; ,j ' . _~ M " Y92 @zEs1<»1s@>-<» ~ ? . % ;j j .L % j j * FB1>'&&# , ms "FBI' H0 1- rm CELLFBY " M _ om! NRFBI; HO! FB1! W9 FEW cm! {FBI}, Ysugaz ] n.= my Fsl Lgmwy r FD >< FBI c» F!; :- !_ FBI!_; _- FBI; .ak- FBI! m}' " warFBI ! _ SL . -LAHFBI _' {FBI}? _NY In. "' .- - : ' Fan cm! F511? W -- 'H0-!__gPsI* LD!_ _ FBI* _ 5 MM FBI_' -' _. ~c.'r_ FBI -FBI - b6 -1 b7C -1 92'92 _t' |§'A&# .j _[ NY! ___ BFMFE -I Di U. -J} _ H .' <3 c<¬;:G ~. ' ! _*' !' kg-mi __ :_-lI .'- ' _: ____ cT~ay_Fa1 , _92 SD!- FBI! 1 _- I, 1r MMFBI? _ {LDFBI - ; wF.;_ cow!-;~ ~. " - j I ~11 oeA!; _._ FBI!; MM ."_hglisna - if- | +<c1 71%!! *7 |_iBs~;'gFE1 ' _. Far" -_n ._ ?;*FB1 _M.! FBI _- ___ =,_r-1!u=s1!j rw!_¢0s.=. __I; -"__=wE!;.:=ax}; ;l.s!_ FB1= W |_ H01__ Fag;]:| 7 cm!. :_ .. .._[Fsn_;T - j MM}_[fBI1] ,92_&{-{{5}}; .. "- W qwqggsnj |_g:<;g1=B1W _IR}_@=aI oar _c>E}§|.=sI~ .- -" ?EP!1*"!£FB1!i _'u:@L£FB1, - ._; f 1_3y_ --§|="sI! ,=i,~ FBI; -HOMFBI W smssr. ' FBI W NO![FBI . J? I _ LL 1.' h' - CE!'FBI"' . CTD! FBI! _ .' 7 _"~ _o1~'Q_{1=B1', _[s1:!JFB1!';T . I-. - - FBI i _ = c1.A>@ :1 ?* mam 1 --ll" W -1=-s}n=s1!; .QTD!{FBI' I" -. w1=!. FB_I-yf _ _' - 'FBI! 3 Ase! 1%: BBHFBI! ._~92 *' * _* EP ' " "--. *'~ -_ _ ~ . HO! FBI [ ccg_[Fs1 =*_ ----'----~_¢-F LEW-J;tI§BIJ5|* -><l!'-;£FBI i j .0.CJLEBI!.l1,; g ?_. _1 NY! __ | w! z=s1j:'E W "|_fMEJ_ _FBI .*~ _s0;_gr=a1 "- i._W ___ P<5 Fsr.§|_LL _* as!__ - , ~ ._ _u_=sn-.|% j V|__T§W.PBI ] j j %mE>~%<Fa:rl ' - FBI-Fs1! ,'| if [[MO!JFBI " 1 __92 ll kl[HO--FBI], 'FBI!;| 'P 7* "lu_H0!__ X".- L"<FBI1 u|L"HMfBi1~ I W !f:-1&1"; FaFB¥1i ,; ,'H'R' W ' ' F513? HRn MHEQIF - :1w!u=s: W |-m1 r=s1; V..- ." 71:3 0:20:34- W fHRTUFB ,-- " ' 92 >92 - _ V __LA j. _ .RESPONS'ES .,-9_ -x '186_. VL % .="'-*- -"Ness' -. .. .t.,,=¥g6 H ' Ir ' ' - ' "_ ' .-' . __ 'cre "Fe-I! nij_:.=sr'j s, LA F~'BI"" s ilk L Q7 -FBI] |92rY!'_ 7 -FBIl . i1. _1 - FBI ;_ _ _.7 !. FBI' _L mm! [FSI!' DIN]: 5 ' ' . . Jim FE! PFBI! _cro . to!_{FeI -AN} "rFer'!'L.» 1- FBI FBI!; . V s Lien-i __ |£CI'E>}£FB-I!: _ omen7 Y i TP s Iii -11 _7Ei"*B i1- BT"' _ _I_ CTD - . - l92_' {LR} FBI! -1 l I} BI - BI b7C -1. l .s Ear ~CTD Fer; .Cro 'Ci D L FBI-' FL F=BI' i iD EF j T I .BI} lTD' -__ _b6 .11} _¢=_' ,- Pi-i " Fen " MM _NY!i'FBI l;, _s FBI]' MM L{FBI1 rj_ ~ LiFBIALI _ [FBI!" 'IR]_[FBI- is 1=er!;," M __ I Tilggon ' s ENYUOGA!; {HO}{FBI * t.BA.!tEBI!;| is ..__ intre- iJI;! FBI! c! r=eI! '1-iii I LI _ .3 ~__ -. - - Pet!» s_ W9 _ t'_""*Ti~lf5I- Sut1jecI::GTt"1O'_z Impo_rj_ta'nc_e: '.' -I High_. ' §_EHSiTi.VE BUT UN'CIJ92S$lElEQ_; - _._" '.- _ :.. You have beenidenti ed as ha92iingoond|.icted_a_n assignment at GTMO, Cuba sin_ee'9!11t01. The inspectionDivision hasbeen tasked with contacting those employees-who have sewed in'an'y.cap'acity at GTMO end'_obtaih information regarding the treatment of detainees. - '; Emntvveeé Shwid.r@sPwd 10-the fviiowing. 1-- -1- ' _-- ._ " .- . . 1! En-ieioyiees mind oiziseweud-¬=iQgress -treatn'ieni,'_-interrogations ive or initer92riew'technic.;u -. GTMO detainees which was not_c1onsistent_with Bureauintenriew_poiioyifgtiitteiines. shouid _ respond viaemail f.o_r thepurposeofa foiiow-up interview; Positive email responses should. t:"edirectedtq:__ _' ~ ." .-. _ _ , ~ _ ' '- '_- Inspection i92»'|5t92'Jl ._. i' _ _ _ 2} Employees who served 'atand observed GTMO no aggressivetreatment-ofdetaineest ' should respond via enEC documenting a negative response. The EC should include the employee'sBureao.nam_e._ official and titie, tenure of assignment at GTMO. - i-. -; The Ecsheuie-'eé nits: "El0untt-Efierrorietfn Division; G- i'ME_§,_in_spectio Soeciai"Inqui_r¢y"i .' file #29?-HQ-A132?6j69-A1 EC_should THE be-uptoeded, not only. but serialized. with a herd COQYJQPQVBTQQG _, to: .._ ' .' . _' -' - I" _' ' _- I- Inspection Diirision l'_ I 3' " .' Of ceof-Insactions ,' 'V' i' | bk; _l -'.Roon1 B3? ' - -we ' '1 sensirive §UTUJ§iC_LA5Sl_E!_§I_2.- - -r,=s0r:004- _ _ J' _ _. RESPONSES 18? ' __ s i W i __ ___ _ _ A1 LV l l __ - t.9:f 5 'ic§"§roni,vaiékiei§.ieecj'iFsn!' f'' j " sefltii Friday, July-30, ZQQ4 2143 PM ,-Te; '_Vlalerie Caprdni, [OGC} E_. FB|!" " __ _. _ h-Subject: GTMO l=_W: ,. _".2..~'_ ' 5 -.51 'sEnsi'r|vee._uj unct.Ass1|=u5e_.- . NO[§'-B§CQBD-. . - 1 - __ Hereone isof theupdated nsurnrnaries I reduested threeernp_l'oyees.~_ can include. thiswith You package thei --.- -- ¢ii@Pi5eFi0ff."Two_m'ore t0Qo. -' '' -' -' .0_riinH - "ii". From OMi FBI_!_». b6 -1 b7C ~1 " I' 5. ' "T .'. 'u i 5.'¬ni:':i -_1';se"Ps_~a __ Fi'ii:l¬E'?Jt'i¥ & FBI! To: msol Svubject: _V _' Now-gecogg mt: -1~ - _ - _" '- *- .- :" .~ . - ' ;_-.-:. -" " .- . - adetainee " ' "' ' " '_ -while ' " leaving __'_icii'n -r _ oiowing |nterv|_ew_exet_:t date_unkn0wn, the'_intenr'_' iew bun g ._at_Carh p D.eita]a_|t""' approximately 6-:_3'O p.m'. or later-,- tieard-and" l obsenged in thehallway loud rh_u sic_ apd flashes otjight. '-i.-walked ' from thehaiiliuay. into the-open d_oo_r of-ai_..mi_:initorin'g_.rc|or'n what 'wa's'gtJii1'g on-._l tdseeFrom the rnoi1it0ring.r0t!|'r_1, l' looked inside the adjacent interview rdcn-i,_.'attirnei'saw detaineeanother sitting. on the fioor.of.the interview room-with an I5 ;-_aeiidraped-around ag him,'sic_ playedbeing end as_trot:|eiighttiashing.left "i the . __ monitonng room immediateiyafter seeing this-activity. did 'i notlseeany other persons-in'si_de th_e_inter92iiew -room withthe Israeliag draped detainee, but suspect that this was apracticeused by the DOD DHS since the o_n_iy' other persons inside the hallway near this particular intehiiew room were.dressed_in green military .'Fatigues,_. '. similarto thecnes worn byDOD_Di'-15- _and -Urtifo_rr'r_ie_d the__DC_1'!IJ___ltr1_i=. At no time-did'i."dbsen'e Reservists. any physical assaults take placelef this d_e_tai|nee"ndr any;ot ners=wh,iie assigned to GTMCJ.I _'_ I' __. . . :_ ' ' I'un_derst'ood priorto d.epio3m1ent to GTMO,-.that such techniques wei_'e_hot_aiiowed. norapprdved b_1-="FBi'_ polic3;{._ .lNfhiie at'GTi92Ji£li nusuch techniques were nev_er_cpnducted»to_ my knowledge byanyof the CITF personnel assigned at'GTMO. ~ _ _. '. - '3 , J. 3 1. , ' _' ,"' ' _~' Approxii1'iatei§i'-oneor two-days later, DHS,tactics were discussed at awee iyheidCITF staff meeting." Many of the-C2-ifi F'Trivestigatorshow~sorr|_e discussedthe of_ DHS-tactics,-had ibeen counte roduc1ive'ih rapport building with detainees who being were intery-ie'w_ed by F §|.T rn'em_bers." Acting FB'l'S 'a' no" C_ITF person_nei.ihciuding_-FBI agentswereto take artin an such intewiews dr_'interrog_a ions which fell outside' b6 J'. the policy FBi's of-inteririewing detainees. msA advised us eo" tha_t bei_::-ame if.weoiany aw similar'instances.-where agressive,DHS tactics ha ee_n 0served to'r|o.tily_hirn,detaiisiland-"he provide . .b?C would sf make instances-knot-;n_ to. aopropnate GTMO and_D_OJ| DOD it shouid.t' that officials. while at GTMO, ASS ' acted in an--e:-gemplaryniannerand-.represented.-the F las,-a consumate . _ ___ profes-sienal. isT summary detaiisthe only incident I_'i'tave'to report regarding observing arnpn-FBI approved" at GTMO '_ tactic . being used on-a detainee I._ -13.6. _.1._ -. _- || -' .t:..i-. .. . ma a' Des Moines ELA1 ' -. - . _. _- -*»Ori inaimessa =- _...-.-. .. - - .-_ I__- _ _ - - ' » J I _" i t 5 ' _ - " heel _~ -|=r-<>m=_E:jj ] IN-$D}' FBI_!_. "" we _1 . 5ent::Thursda July29,-.200"4_AM 9:59 ... T=~=i:Q:_i<<>~>.<rBI>~. i. i. ' 7 " '2m¢>.nn'4'. .- . -I ' -RESP'ONSES 188_.. ' . ' ' . F' 92../-" '1 . '- ._SuE|jéct:RE:'GTMO U _ E smveaur ms _ t t . 0.0010ieese >100 provide e-_sh0_rt surqmalyidf yv et 0ba_e-wed. yoq - -fhanke. '--_-on iha|Messa e ----. I I- - - 06 -10E~w=i<==~1.cFB1>e 0 .W; -1 5erit:.l=.rida -Jul 00 2004 4:20 PM 0 " -0 we INF-11> ! FBI! _' ' " 7-5L|bjecl::'RE: G'iT~ 1C_J| iJj' UNCLAGSIELEQ SENSITIV -' _-I..i.~ou-R-E0950 L 1:»-5 -1 ." l - ' 1 ' - - 92 ."11. _ -. -- Iwnile"at_GTMO I"00sehred some n0n¢FB|'p0|icy treatn en al-_|ich'wes.cdrid nqnLBure'a_ . - ' .and_-noh-QITF-pefsonnel'beipg used on.or_1e detainee. 1didnotopeerve-anjrphysicelmistreatm - ' U -ens 1 ._ _. 92 ibjc ___ - 5 -- ' -~ . ofari detainee "- _; -- __ . -- - ___ "FBI-Omaha Des Moinese.-AI P' _ .. . - q _-RESPONSES-189 '-' _'----'-0:figina'l_r-1'essage¢j-4-4' . " ' "|='mm=.Mcc0.:92w,-sTE§.rE;~:»c. IN50!" FBI!" .1: 00 ZOG41.42PM r|a"u' _ ':F d ' TO FBI] _- -:_' H - MM FBI! FBI!; ON!;-_ {NY'! FBI_! gw!. ;|= -U m! F01!; HO FBI!; . _FRANKIE-[FBI ;' MM .B_; - _-I-Dlt - 0 FBI!: ~1:!; i ._- LHO] b6 +1 0 0 , FBI! 7c - ..J" "0+0: ._= ; _b ll 0e 0 IIR! FBI!; .".NY!om!; co! EWFBIJ 0 - '- r FBI. _' .. ___ ~0!_ F01!_| - ; _ ASD! "F01-!; ' NY! Q55! _Lt1T0 - FBI! - -__ _ RD! M -FBIH | MM!-' _!lL Mi'W!_-{FBQ1 ' MM}_ ~'MM-F -FBI ~' FB1,[ s1.= F01 FBI! __F cIR-1:cFBI>- 0 F3 92 LQRMFBIMI 00 " »- RNY.]_ FBI.' .FBI; SE :P><-3+ < FB'r>- 00 A1 M0 _- |_[DE1_ §BI-- 501!]? ; i WF! .FBI!; ' ' TD! FBI! El:l!; EBI cm ~-FBIM; --lr ;fJ.J.BIMlNGS;,ABTI1UR I ._ TP.!_§_F_BI __ _? nmr nha N0 .FBI!:"; - F01!; 0 Lm011;rFBI - ]?. r~10.FB»I>; l .-" NK!_{.BI; 0. 01 A0 FBI!?" 0 0MI~0e_:EBIe' !<EB0;B .0 ~10 ~ W _- c:r0 FBI W 1- . :_=B_1;!;0A U92.!.¬FBI " ' 01!] 92 1'_~1M!. -FBI"!; <H0!_0¥B11: 0sn'0=a0'= DWI-FBIJ} N E511 . B : As0!_gFB1 ; -E551-El e VIIHQ MFWHFBIJ; FBI! .'c0!. ' HCj_{FBI1, 0 0|. 0 0| U"lY!{I_=BI_!, WF! F-B NF! FBI! CTD! FBI 92 FBI! 92 in N FBI .FBI!, -"WF AL![F_BI!' KX FBI] LA FBI! MM "~s. FBI!; PGUOGA]; L -s1 j i _;_ FBI!; NY FBI!; INY FBI!;_ * CI!FB;.ocm!; as coN;. ._ -FBI1;| i§M.O]_ FBI!['DLEFBI. ' I!' MIFB%!1:> FBI! F2112: _ FIB . u ~|{1W!_ FBI" t 7 _-._- FBI!;, ' DLLEFBIJ; _. .1TD FBi' " ; -'CID]_ FBI - CTD! L % F511; % <H0><.w~:;| cm FBI -% - FBI!, N03 7Vi FBI!; I! FBI!; __._. on {FBI}, _ - __ FBI!, e SL! FBI!, MM! ¢LFBI! = OGAa;[IR FBI!, _W. NY!_ FBI _[EP!_ FBI L CON FBI! LA}_ FBI om! - H0 FBI D- FBI! w1=! ' < FBI! ; AN! rm! g|=a1!j _- -I _,1T;D!: FBI Rcm FBI [[m< FBI!, 1-rt: FBI! l' ' __ Aq!_gfB1j;| |[CTD!_g|=B1| " .. . _ I .E MM FBI J_ n'n!_ |=a1 ;| - 'V <. __ HNJ . __. =_;1i_"_ __ -." ' '. '"7 If ..l' - ~_ _ 92_I 1" U FBI NY! - b6-1 " r SE!_i§BI!; MM FBI!;TJ. HARR ' PH __ : f>EL Fr's1; H' I H0!. _ 1%, w:.>,§;=:;@, <H@,§§F i;s1u_|=|ia INSD! FBI!, FBI ' ": ~!| ' ' "Y NE CGUFBIEDLEFBI MM FBI MM FBI HQ. BI , CJIS]_ FBI! cu! " FBI! AL!_ FBI 1TD!_ FBI * _;_ FBI 1!; .A cm FBI!, SecD FBI! m<!_ §a1 MM mm $51,»;-~. . - ss -. _ FB1 W FBIH f [_ FBI!; MM _ ..._'. E:|_! ' |=a1!;_| 2?-][MM].' _[;§0GC].§.FBI;},_FBI!;[ { *|;su1_- Fi!i - NH!_ FBI _ -CGUFBI!; -__ ..1~-, ,_[IRL F5I , -w!;@B;!t W _ j RB-FRFBLEI _| _Z mLSI$I!; F} _ _ _Im =. I _CG!_ FBI' j -|=|-q_n=a11; :0 =_ ; EPMF'!_ FBI};_C_J §A'!; -LV! FBI' CID! _ F-BI 92 -" _ rDE!_-MP FBI!, f _ ____ _ __ LvUFBI' " -_ __ _|:>r»1- - FBI .!';__~ _ {CTl3!!" FBI Z ' |_{l"1M} FBI ._ F!{FBI!; LA. _FBI!;|'u NY! FBI!; SU!_ FBI}_; -" . i.n~i~r! ____ FBI; NYHEBI ;-I __; h____| FBT-' V _;.M_..|=B __ -FBI; 'u=B1>:I LL11?!j <FB_11:<m> *1 ; ._' ' .*7 c.11s!_c_r=a11| [~:.~r!_@gg.' _|<c_ T7 .r.~1Y FBI!;.N 1 QGA-J; U"-- -- "MP}_[OGA' 1'-113; : F, _?_ m*!_@+__'-19%!,-J_* U ;; s1;;< ; % .'_ ~' IR! FBI}; CTD ' FBI" ' .~<aH><FBn; .<rrouF.B1- 92 = j _HQRFBI N -131* ? _ - 'cu-n-1nn..4.. k_ _. .. -SA FBI . h{NY}{FBI!, Y} _F_!,___ _£_! F_!,rm. BI _ __. 9 y;. _ _RESPONSES;iE;{ lJ"h% .- - . V , _ . _ .. . ___ ___ 7 .-. _ . r . ''_ Messé-gé '. _ .' . - . Pagé4of 6l I ' VI .- ':_' .Mr~;J_ lf¬MLé§iJ;' FB1 V . "F - >_< HLc1 -- FBI"| 1:, _.___.-IR .FBI ,. 92 1 92 _, Lm FBI! ?MK pl?LL L~ L " _WFL[F,BI -L . L *' [mm =F!; MM FBI!; yBA =13 j - W = _ _Z L PXEBI; ' . _Z CLTD FBI!;.. . . NYIHFJKFA!; w- FBI!; -L 5:. OGA! FBI!: MM! FBI; ;w<sc!cFBn; C61. ; U! _ N 1_ !' FBI! MP - FBI *"IMM -1=.BIL- -£56 ; DE.! FBl; _= . . _ FBI!; ICTD ' FBI= " ' B'5iLEEI! ._ L . _r_»1_92;!_{_|=,B1.¢-' Lrw '.FBI';_ <1"w:L-cFBn;923 1 1-l" -U;L " -_|§5E cnrsa LMM! l] FBI__ L :c@>cFBI_! EP 551- L1 ..* i M FB' |' _MLLi|} BI.!' _ 7' Lu92L 1!; <L1R!cFBn; _L ~m0@A- " L" . |=s1!;_- "L FBI!; ' L<~Y;"<@@A!:[_ ???? W " FBI; ' ' rm! FBI - IR! BI!; FD ' -L MM! FBI! SA! FBI! FBI!; L" "- FBI!; MM! FBI? PX! {OHM L.. 92 L FBI;_![_ MM L..[ NE! FBI!; .L a .MM FBI i IR! 'FBI!'; L _ __ IR.!'_[FBI .L -Bi-I - FBI!; . _.SC .:CON]_; L . ITD! FBIJ; 7 .- L_ L .- if|~m_{osA!";| I[Px!_ W s1_ ,A§g!_ |=:ar. RHOEEBI! iL "_Lb6 -1 .' 'LR FBI" Ib7C -1'.' L' jL 1 L1Tr=L<FBI!|L _._ ,, j _o=sm<F,B11; ' 1[lTD! FBI!| wm sn % |§ %|[HG}{FBI! |?|§muEI 1s!_ |=a1; L -' ' Sei:Dj_ -cm!; FBI!; FB1!-E J L" ' L *' .n! r=s_1!_;j - . -LMM PsL="":_ I _' Lcm FBI! j '1T1>! F,B1!; '; ' ' - MW!. FBI!;' .L ' 1=z!L F_,B_I!;. MM!.- FBI -- SI-! FBn_:L".. -SE! FBI'!; I.-AHFBI! ' ._'_-_,_ Lmr ~FBI!_;_ .'-_' _, L .[WW J1NYLQG5 M ; - E L ._ _' -L _'Aso!_[|=B1 L FBI -; .j . .[gigs MM Lr=ar!;[ij " -SD!-_' W FBI *.LD_EFB_I -w_ -cow L " _j _' _Z _BFE_FBIm_k _Wsm; L ' .-L Lk1~!_ r=BIL:;l J L2w! k L L L 1c1=B:_. CG_CON; ' HO-FBI!; _-an I , Fa1~!; ' % PG! FB1!:| , kmM>.:L -_. - ' |.| KC]§0GA!; AN FBI!; MML ,L .* "FBIJ "" 1L FBI' B5-H551!; : ' WE!. FBI!;] _?__ '" Est! -;l ,_ _i ' |_ NY}_f0GA if _- "_ |.sL' ' +10% FBI ~1=B11j_| _ _ILQTD-!LL1 _ ~ mar L<wE;_ FBIL1,-1 ? ' I' __ VF 2Jr I=n :R!_ §g_i!,;| _I. TB_ J.. x _ _L m'.L A;-EBU1 LT_ L. sw>;<@@51 FBI;-| MMHFBI!_ L{FZl smuF ;I ' ASDn.FBITI; U_E.A!.L _ cow . 1m=»uFBI~ _ _$s!é M >1BI :=jj_j Lr l' FEm; 1*-1¢Tv ? <:E UK L-. FBI , ! Lc0¢Tn=Bn.| av FBI -"II' HO FBI L ? *-" L ?? -j L, - _:@M><FBI!:| ? ' -- ' .-cu-92!"n':92'n.q,, I .' I -'1-_ SI FBI =; L 1-L1er ?L LL Hrrw==uEaLLf- 2 |-csc!:FBI!: ? L Responses-'191-1 I W - *" __ _L n'7"ii NY:- FBI!; w L" " L" I r rif ? at r 7 ~ V ! Fs1!;! J'[;co!_-{|=s1Vl -- ., PX!__ _rw!_ FBI |=|._v!_ __ ; _. f_§B1[-_ _. - ' " NY!_i F:?j |_ ME FBI l_ __ _ so!"_§|.=sIW F PGL FBI l 1d __ Wiw /nirszgl , ;-L _., /j |_ J|92|!_ ,1 anEe1 [gsu Fag FBI M0-.51- Ho] V_ ".-'r~1Y}-_gFaI!j _' FBI!; u Mb]_EBI!; _NHI!_f-FBI' iw "-. ' .F 1-lug-FBI. ." 1" ' 1-um"! FBI!_| ji HR " I-lR~"l'. FBI -. - _ HRT!_gl=sI!,-j T FBI!; LA!_ -F8111 "~ . _. _ -. b6 cT01_ FBI!i, , -I-=~-cosrxl -FBI =TFD!_g1=e1 K. ,- , V|§cr0z:|=Bn f W ' F _ ~" : F CF01 WF 1. f . 18*gm! ,_g _ C113 we _ or " i H11 FBI! i - B.5>tFBI!;|i|*& i §MM!U _1L .-_ cro BI!_,_ F ! .__ b"ic- 1_ ' , .. i- "F-.51-!i.U.i..FBI!; -NY!_[FBI , .' -- F _ . GIID-; EQI-!; ! = -NH]_ FBI];-_ " _ _'-Tl-R3§l .BI!_ .. . .- , Ml921!" FBI}; IP _ _: FBI! C1D!. 'FBI!; ~- l.iIRLR1,-i!;| FBIl:| LLl w! PBIA~!<F_B1! .jF_ _[_[§i'D!_ W FBI' ,__, MM!_[FBI' ~ -d |_ FDL[FB-I |- TF.*!" i=e1~!;| c."ro!_. l=sI1jW ' ATHFBQ; l .~ d . cro FBI! PH FBI!, .- Fa:-!_ _MM FBI-}; ' TP!_ CONE| - '_ HO-J ._- ' KC! FBI ' { FBI!; jmmoony LA!- FBI ' . __ __ HR FBI!; an.» -FB[]_;_L___,, . Ho! =s1! , Ias->FBI! V Sl.Ib]BCtI._ -_ 1|-qpiir-t§ance:_lfiigh _' __ _' ' '92 ..__ *1 1RL[fBI p .l . _____ cr~1M1 FB_I! .F F _- _ ' ' . '§5|gs_|];_ su"ru_n'c:::Ass|F1eo we '"_ '_ .'.BON-B'EC'OBi2I j" 2-_ ..- . _1 __ 2 2 ' You have been identi ed-as ha'vihg' ahassignment oondubied at GTMO, Cuba isinoe 9i :1!U1..- TheInspection Division ha § been tasked with oontaotirlg those employees-who 'have .'se_rved in any capacity at GTMO and obtain information regarding the treatment of detainees; I -' -' Embioyees-should"imrnediatelg to respond thefollowing: _'. ' - . -_ _ .1} Employees who obse ved aggressive treatment, interrogations or interviewjeohniques on G. i'MO.detainees was not yv_hio'h consistent with Bureau interview polioyiguidelines, should ' respo d via-email for. _the purpose of 'a'fol|_o'w-up emailresponses should interview._Positive '5?-ii?T?"!5fF¢i't'5T "-_*"' ""'."i' "'.'*'T__ '-""."'"'.-1" * " " _""..' '.TY" ".. Fu ' ' -. ., s . .I ,- _ _ _ _ _ -'" -mo -1 -lnspect1onD|92{1s|on I __. . 2} Employees who sewed g't'GT:MCl and obeer_vedno -aggressive-lirestmen of detainees ' an ECocumentinga" negative response.The'EC should inoiuoe the " ,_ ._ shouldrespond via -ernployeefs of oial Elureau name. 1itle._B d'tehureof assignment atrGTMO. '. _' ' ' _ The EIC: should titled "Coun 0el'_terrorism GTMO-, irispepiien Division, Special inquiry", .' "RESPONSES*192_ _ . - ".0Mhnn,-I. . I . . _- - .'' 1. _' x ~ ._ F- =_ V _ . __ -- " le#' 2-9.7-HQ.-_A 1 32?The S69-EC A.. shpuid not be |Jpi:';1_aded_,_bu-t only serialized, with a .I'Iarn& " e- -wpvfvmardedw. -e ' ' g ' -- A ~ 1~ .J Inspection DivisIdn_- _- Of ce.ofl'ns ec cins I er-R0c_:m7837 ' _' ' - L b6 -1 .'- b7c -1 ' - fseusmve BIUT UNCLASSIFIED _' _ ISENSITIIVE eujrm_1Q|¢.ss:FIEn ' . .., _ ._ : . . .'.' _ ||- "- .I -._ ...?_ Q I __ _ _ _ ve BUTUN 9.5 SS_1I_-=l;IE];' 5,EJ~|s|f|'|-_' _ _ Tj§é1~is1-TNE e'Bl;_1T"Ul§l.C u L._'-k'. £"»_§_IFLEIJh -- ; !.5ENs|T|vE|3gJurqq_Ag§s|F|E_g~ " . - -1 r x _|- _._... ........._,._-._'._ .. .. - _ _ - .. .._ _ .__----1....--.-;....__...-¢-.-.--92-_-r--...-.-..I......-..-....-._... _ I- _ _.__ ,_ _.,___ __ __ __,_,____;_, ~ 3 _ ?, -. er"-1r':r'.1m|..-". ; - | . 'RE$PO_NSES'j j & _ - . _f' _' .- . --' _ ___"_ - _ »' .I z _ W_ ,.. W A- . §$c }1 ':_ _,,i_::_ _v __ . I II I _. 7_ 1' ' I' - V- . | msD!i¢ti=Br!" ' '___ '< - __ ___.. ,_ W _...:-1 -1 _ . .-. c ____ ____._~r~~ _ W __ Ii P ' I . -Fron;1:'._ Caprcni;Ve1!e'rie'E.._ _I Oi;3§I} -._»_' -I FB_l!"'.:-i ' f _"Sent:"--_M0}1day',Au'gu5t_16, 2004-1-o1'PM b6i-i1itTh-i=> ii|:|i*'1I @P1ifFBi*?tii i ' $ensIII£§;BlQ: u.m;_t,A8$IE§2;' 1 -ON-_RECO . . - . . -_ - Nofurth'er.ihterview necessary. Loud mtlsic aridstrobe light would hewithin'the ncticn'0f"_e'nvii'c down" __ that isana'p'prcved technique forDbD.'.'|The Israeli- ag;.though ocgncxious, doesn't seem to changethe basic _:| technique intocriethat_uii0'u1d beunlawfuiiy abp si~.=e.P V. '_ '__ _ '*_?1""" :".:"i' r _. ._~_. "' _ : _' I -- ii'1E|. ¬".""1":~"; :MEhS5' -.t _1 , tFr=.=mi¢1~sD>rF@1> '_ 197$ -1 -5ent:'Mon BY,1"-92.Ug':LlSf_1§, ZQQ4 2:49 PM _t _ ' __. lTb_: Caproni, 92»'alerie'E.. FBI!_92 - .-j §JGC! t ~ ___'sahje_ct:"F*N;GTM1.> _ A ~.._'_'gEM'sr"rNE..BLITiJw.¢|.A§_gi|?|eQ.* 5 This"-éiiBu{d.lbe £r__1é_.|§st one..':Let-me_kh'ct§:'fciIcv.+ ' --".1-_i 'f 9- _' ,_ 5.-H--'O'ri ihal'MeSsé e--.--5 .-u ' ' _' be_1< .tFwmi: l M>-<w1>t . L r@=t;__ t"1<1~sv><FBnw -_ WC *1 .' $e_n1::_F|,July ida30, 20041:_-$5_FfM '_': .- - 'Sul;ect:"RE:GTMO, . 1 . 92 _ _' --sg i@|s[['1vé-1é:u c;_i-g§5;1E]'5|; r'1,@' '. .- _ , . IHQb;_RE_f;gBQ..__;'____ ;:_t_ - 2 _I '. _ : --?° 1 ° __ Fuliowin'g.a'detaineeinterview'exact'date& _a c.Carnp Delta at .- - 'ab[:rr0xir 8230-,'p._r'n. ate!y prlétei, I hz_~2et'r_d1a observers! inthe nd hallway ioud r|_ju§ic'_and qfiight .iashes '" _ " -waikedfrom'the-hallway in tO the'ope1j_d,o1:!r.qfa i'r|onitoring_ roamtoeee whét'was goingon. --From the -' _' -t . monitdring room,--I icokedinside theadjacent intengiew room." Attl-iattimel savg.-an;>the_t_det:§inee;sitting ' _ _' op _ti_'1e ccr pf the interviey-;' rpcmvv_riti1 an is_raeii¢qlfaped a_g' around hir_n', ioudi m.|5ic'_ being" p_l_éy'ed anda _' etrobe_iightf{aéhir'1_g; I leitther'nc'nibcri'r_-iglrobm'irhmedi?ate|y'ia ec uity: __'.I djd_n_ot_"s'e"e-ényi . er& otherbersons ihsitie theintewiewjregm withth_e@_iS_r_aeli_' d_repe_:_i,detqinee; ]; ag _§u5pe'ct't was a ~_ " _ §t:th ' practice uS'ed-icy -theDODDHSéince-the" un_iy='otif|er perso_r:s'ir_15id_e'tI'ié haili_vya!P-|jiear,this_parti¢ular:,._ . 1- - iritérview room-were dressed ingreenn_'1ii_i_t_ari.1"fatigues,sifniigrtctthe-cajesrwqrn by'E_DO_D-OHS 'and theDOD _--MP4Jnifé1i'med#Ré5eqvisb5=:..At;hoTtinie-tiid»i-Qtieeir-tie;nyupIf:Qisical-H$53 _ '-eqyf6tHéis vi?Hilé'-ééé-igrieb]tci " _ .' _ .-' . . ..|.understi:1c'>c'i; p_rip_r'.-to deploy rn_er|_t_t_o GT_MO92.-_.' thatetichjtechniqties vqere"n0t'e1II_o92qq|,=§_d,_riqrex byFBI_ -pc_|icy;. _W}:|i|e 'at GTMO no_suc'h techniques were;-never co'r_|_ductedmy.kncwi_etigé.by to anyiof the,-GITF '. 92 personnel assigned a_tGTMO.:.' 'j - 1-'.___ Y ._ - I"? _1;-." -. " Abprsximételyfche or twodays-later, ._Di_'jiS tactics werediecu5s'ed1at.a w'ee|heldICITF y} Btaffmeeting. -- - _; ';ru_'iariy oftheCITFi'r192_»e§tigatdrs"discuasedlhpw-s_omé.of theDHStectics'_ha'gi_ beeh-cbunterprqdin-'. ctive b_ui|din ra crtwith-detainees whowere_be'ii I_§1-i['1_t_er92|i'_j92§_~weciby.-CITE merriberé» "Acting-FBI. .- - _.b6 Q1_" '$S advisec_i_tha_t no CiTF_Qérscn13_e| incI_l.|tf.iirig-EB-1_éige|:|ts=w pfart'ih such. ~ ainees; b-JG_]_. - interviews orinterrogations.-.-which.fellputs|tietj:1e'EB| qf'int_e|'ir1ia92iiin_g"§iet. s-'po|i_cy -P_tSSA_ - 1-. ' aiso ' snaxz-004 -. apI_vised,us that ifwebecame au_iajre5of"any _s| miIar instances where:-ag ressive DHS -- 5 '- 77 -'* Mesesagén :13" _' " 'I -- I - I. " Pa V0 3Ie2o'f.? . 'nz;d:%§een'c->bs§éw'ed'ta "téc c$ IPhF0v'id'er1.etaiIs,'an»§ rnakelihene nb 7}".himinstances méwiwm"-- ' Q h~§ " _. appropriate GTMQDOD ._-1m1.o'oJ should0f noted be ciaIs'."It that while _at'GTMO-, ASS/ *5 1 actec_1__in_anmanner exemplary and represented thé"FBJ as aconsunn'ate'profes$iona|. summary MC-1 _Th I -det_aiis' only incidentl the have to repert regarding nbserving anon-FBI-'approvec,i beingiused tactic on a' _ 92 -det_ain_eeatG'TMO._-"-" .' - - __ I _' _'-_.1_ '_. - .- _I136 1 _ I-ma _' I' -¢--' 3'-Des Moinés-R.A.-.- 1" -.92 V J- - ~b5 -"l_-¢C_!|'"i' Nessa E:-'-' " . . inal _ -" rF'°m= IN.5°>. @I>ln b7C -1 _.- _ -Se V>T|-if _c:; ntThursaJu 9 :. . 2. OM! FBI! ¢ |- 1 2[II_04l-9:59-AM _ ..-92 "--Subjeqct:_RE:G_IT92*[O_"_ I 92 '" 92 9 "* ~§ENSlT'|§!E92l§lr; '|,: 55315' l-'_= |g1;; _ "N95-ggcg_3m»; 9 "- - _, ' *'-C" -1 Iané uidl n§v'iné..3.5 brt|sufnn1aIY '|'_h;=1nk$. ~ofwhatYbu czibsi-I : F .Y°- Fe -P. -. .. . .. . . '-Ori inaiMeSsa e-. n _b6 . _ '- . Fr@m=i:@~><FB1>.n -1 -u _;-Sent. Fri a,.J ~n- _C-1 'tin .16.: us,:2o0+4.2u PM-'._ 92{- L < -- mso! FBI} .. ~ 1 'jS.E.I-:lSl_ GUI. g ggg? 5§|E| l']92.{.E gD_3 9 H- " -_-be -1 1-b?c_¢1 VI ' WhiteGTMO at |,obsewedlson1e-nnn-FBI pbligy téafnneniiwhich '.-"as nonco.n'd f - ' B.U.reau_ and r'1on-'ClTF. personnel being used on |q~n|;.detaineeI did-_no gbslerve t any physicat ' b6 -1 -1 -- .mistre'atmentofany detainee.-""'. . -" ' rna.a~ ; -- D'e5'.MoiheS - ' R.Ai' ' - - - _- I-- -'-Ojiginal Mes§age'7--1- IFrum:--MccP.Aw;s*|"EvEu:c.{1Nso! F51!. ." Ser|t'Fnda 09 Ju 2004 1:42.PM .- . J '- _- it- _- .Hoi!"_@a1;!;] . 'OID!'. |_ MM"L' FEiI;C0N _[EN¬..¥FBi!; wr -F51; MM '{|=BI!;| . I MM!-.{FBI!,=| 4 ~- _ - be 1 "CJIS ; W1 -.1 _£EBIJ.: -f-JJ.!~!_ E5I.!" - - F51* 11,BATH . ----1.1. .._h an . -_ ' h. - _ .. . LA Fan 3 L: . ;.- H0!" ":_ .. - FBI --{Fan _; MM" -wu=.aI.>; |- .. . SJ FBIH l_'D"FBI; V<- 1+0!Y%L wan 0N 1FBI 1] J92f"."'L R TL _ _- FB Q % ml - n - kNYm=BI-n - <mn>cwI> n I"" H. AN! -FBI; .- fNO. .1:=1.- -. . FBI; c:,";. IR -- FBI .- n :T |:i<£*'M5TFBlFL WMEMMMPBIM TKH0! I _ _; _mYY{EBI_;_ -H'QL§O'GA W i i COM-F_BIj J _.- CG!_ FBI - ." - ...____ |=B1}, _ _ 92 . SE16./200'4§ ' " REsPqmsES4195 . I%_. MaS'sage ' r -" -,* O» % .j.l.- f ~P».g=s.<>r1 W " I 'C'l'D! I ;FBI! V A _ ; ~ ' B -N BI; _. ._ I . __ .|_ cTm_p=a1lL .j +{M| f4}__{FBI&# IIDJJFBI .[FBI!;| _MM!_ - W_FBIF;{ w§!_¢[_|=B1g;|_ - ff - N! !_ GAJi| _|<xEBI!_;_|' _*__W __. a_|-1! FBI!; 'qu%x_om.rFBIf; _ IL F % MM! _{FBI!;_| MIMFBI!,-j tM!]FBI!;_| M mes, ARTHURM.- C170 FBI!; - MM Fan - ...|j MM!_;EB_I V_s:_=_! . FBI {NY} Fan}j_.[MM!_ |=s1 C?_!_ _ FBI ' 3H5 ' .B Q . _ IRL FBI- _ _ - _'Px!_._ FB1i j 1 MojjFEQ;j -92. ."- [ - - =>.- -- FBI; m!_ |=s-'' 11 . _' ____ .PXL FB ' 7 . i . =_ - __ H0 -- l -I I17 0F W1_:!; EBI' _._EmB - - NYFB _ _M___" ' l'_ F92L!_ 7_ '¢1:>uFB1> FBI ':o<>;FBr| 9<PBn;. j war!: ' N O FBI]; L UWF PGL FBILIEMM | l.'|:' FBIEi|_ "'N_Y!_ U. I. [[DL!_&# OG#!_;_ =B1 U ' con "j i s1! ccm; -£1 FBI Iv MP FBI-; - ' *1 .j lL|_{CG}_[FBI,k[R& . L L92lY E r ssi_{ DGA . j uni, . t.FL!_'EFB_I};-|§_ b6 -1 -mc ~1 __ ' - MD FBI ' -- -'[ [IIH I[Mm-_g|=B1y|_'L'= CWHFBIMW UCEUFBLEG |' M92ijj1 'FBI '. UUDMFBI 'D' LIA!,_I.'DtuFBni. |I=;I 1:51; _ _cro>_ FB1; _ CTD}jF'=-BI; _ _ -|-|0!-_{00w- W_P:-+gFB1-; ' WLmo!-- I FBI!% _~c0n. FBI!;-I i<SEa F5131 | _ . = ]'§sL.|=a'I!j -. .|_{ME*!]jFBI!_;|Z W 1-mm ' FBI-'HARRINGTON_,TJ. c'r|:>1_L=a1-_ N?1'_!.' " MP¥i!. .EBI-fl |J=_ MM=!; -E51!; I q I-FBI U1.- |£WFl"WFBI! LE Fe: _l Iil!i=I9H AI @;_¢sa;1,'J ?__ W AN FaI! rm!- -|=.B;!;_ IR!'_ FBI _.u!_- cow; - r-ro!. _or5A!; ma! y- -FBI '[DN!{FB1' '] cr0 |_=a1" |q_p=a'n;LLi ' |_ TlI1]__ I-=EI' _' 1 HO!_' F_B _l_ AQ_!_ -. .FaI!;_| ?,*__ *_ - J .- FBI -__ j -Ag1F*Bijj _|_q[-no cc [1=BI§;|- [T+0q_@r-=B1;|j MM - -HO-!- -FBI! - _Q21-1s= ,1-;| 7- cn! _;.|=a1 ; - Pam- " FBI!;-_ -. EBI~ _ _1.'t>q-_QF'gt= _ _AL}; " .1112. FBI *- * .-SI*,-Z-FBI - . |'L_ _INSD!_{FBI.* E |' -__MER1fs1 1'] | c FBI - FBI MM! FIH_HU.L§FBI& .|  . MM F I.-' -_, CTDHFBI} ., .__=._I ;_7 UB -IRD--~_ FBI'_ - NK}__{"FBI h-I __ I I]_ sg!_; ;__ W _rro Fs1] ~ 8/"16¢ 2O¬l4' I i DLHFBI! .MM}_ r=BI' __ FBI-' H _.M .;_ . V- =RESPONSES-196" - .. _. _-_,, _ . ....1 _ _Pé,c4[.!f.7 . __ _ occ 'FBI' WW _5U]_[FBI' ce};;1=s11,-_| - W _LDL FBI; -:3 i§' " :- . NH-!_{FBI1; 1__ -- V . ; LTD FBI ; _ _-CTD!; FBI V 1 - CG]_[FBI' WW PH!__[FBI!j_FW W -OM FBI!;7' 1 W .EP!_§EBI __LV c10! |=a1! MP 1.=ar!;" .0GA'!" . : =- Y CTb!' -II* i!'11 FBI.| i §F!FB1|__11i FBIJE .I j _ LAL{f_BI W "~~rLg5s1.W W su _g=s1» - ._; DE}_{FBI MP FBI! . NY! FBI!; . .92"_ NY}_ §BI . j |._ _[DN!_.[FBI LA}_ FBI]_,_| ... !_§4,_| W _ krw]_- FBI I;_ NY}_[OGA , §LA1~§FBI1;| _ _ 1R!_ |=a1E|_|__ W |.Ajj?EI1,-W . _; cg;s!_ |=s1 NY! oszx! ' - -- - ..- |<c;_ |=Es1!_,-_|__ W =Mlmgsn-; - .'CE . 3j FBI B-- ' ___ F ~ FBI!; I M 1! - {H6!_ FBI, SA]_[FBl _ -.W .' 1 ;' 1'l'DJ_ FBI [ MM! FBI! EMM!, ' FBI!; lIR FBI!|ENXUFBIEMM ' ICIUFBI 'FBI] '1!|9 I1 156 -1 bjc -1 MM |'!92LQ,-§0GaRf FBI_ .9!,. ' --I£_- W HF- BI NY FBI} W. -MM FBI" 92 ; ' - - ..4 . 1_ l]:L|_'' .MM!_{FBI'_ . _ LL|_ MM]_' FBI-{ .OGA' MM!W@{!j ' ..AiI FBI!:..1Es: - _rm FBI! _- .- W -R .F W LLB! .&# W _, np}_.;FB:w FBI = ._[ sA MML{FBI1{ _.-!.,;__ FBI"' W WWW WWJI-um A * _ W .~92q_{-cam] -N .-1Rm, ' :=a1!,'_| - - L'L'| WIISLEQGA. Jn|-!_ Fe-1!;] W "MM!__ FBI _td;MM_!_ Fa1.;,-L __W BHQFBI ' ~-"--- . _W 5§!_ _FB1 _mjpx!-_ =.5I!;_ _.' _gc1-011551 -TPE =B1 _-- m'1 o@A!; . SL]_-_ FBI!_J |_'{m<' ." = _g.M*réi!;{FB1. L Gc]_-gal-I .I_ rm-1l|a:1j;- ~ % su1tFBI!i Li DE-HFB1-J; %<~Y>W<FB%1n: "= |_qMP;_ -F511] ' LR"- FBII =:$m=B1T1 ._. W -' 11= 11:21:11 rm FBI!;WW_ NYFBI _W ..:H L _EPf|a_s-!n=aI! EBI":*7* l MM!| ' érm -:=an;% . sn esp.! N} FBI!, LL? se OGA! MMRFBI I FBI - -- . -1 j CG!; '---CON ' J1 -LP ' !: - FBI! 1W IR IR!_[FBI BH FBI rm FBI NY!_ Q§A' W V _.- __ "_ ~-- -A-s|aq- =|_=a1-!7 W -W .El"=Ri{E5I____]_: +|e-@552!;' <;m FBI Ice. -FBI W ' _,. ; -rm. FBI. -1'ro1 |=a1!;| - ASD! FBI!; HQ W . .'MW]_ FBI; _ r=sr-' W.W Ili=! WW . rm ;_ ; -cm 'FBI'.CJI5"'FBI'- CTD ! FBI-J;_|_A!_g55n;| .W - _W Se¢D!-{FBI} HO! F31! 'W,-_ ._ *- 81 16f20U4. - FBI!: .. -FBI -* ' IR 'r=a1 W L _» s|.1!;. -' 1II- %V 1-D! F5111 __N *_|=s1~ RESPONSES, -- _' -_197 ? MM! . ' _ ..- .Més~§;g¢ . Vi _-. _. '»7?L" §% HI!;{M5-i!.l=a:A i_ Asn, 'ff|' r<:xf . FBI FBI _ rm osa __ I 1W 1 Br=!_g|=a1 .JN}_g=a1 _'BF!_[FBI' _q2vvLq.0c-1A!:1' LM ]_ FBI],| :__ ._ .;~1=s1y|*i w5_ c0N, -MM~!_ FB{; - _I !_ FBI' j ?_ " >1-I -j cs!_ ::or~n, 1 -.- » '1 FBI-' F'G' kH0}_' _ j FB FBnI-' V A!;|i_-&# --[Ll |gAr~1 .1?-BI 15 _ - __ BMM!_'_ Hi NL? ' as!{|=a ._i we!FB -L~|__ FBI F511 _l[MM!_[FBI D h'NY!_ GA} |_s"I' H-_FBI __ l __ ' __." -CTD FBI ' ;MM] -T FBI ' CG NY! FBI ' _ WE!~ FB1_' . FBI"IR FBI '.WF.FB!! M ' |i~»;>§A* j A = - : "DE FBI LES Fan]1 IIu~1M;>= Fsn" - L' C0 !" FBIJ;? ». [-Li __ ; 'B5.}.' FB_I!; - .' I[_LA!_{CO _1TD'L __: 'A FB1 [MM . II ~cm!_ F.s1!,-J o! cFBI->; H = . -b6 *-L-1--_- "% %LL|'@' _ccE>rFBIg| FB . P. CTD}-L:@¢1_!FBI' FBI1;]- l- mFBI' _'- - I b7c -1. =1 "- MW '-FBI- - .- _"" |'?G!- FBI!. i "'3 , _- kM HG FBI -- _. ow f| m0-- .[f-tjTD1_§FBI- "gar»-n FBr!; Cj {FBI!;|,___ _ll lfllliillil NYMFBI I30: FE! [{c0!_@l!_J PX}_[f,B£L FBI} :.v Fs1, | SD!__ FBI' - - ' I . |_ su FBI!; - .-f __ _ 11>; HN -FBI I! 'HR;:I'-!_§F-BI ._ _"|_lIFFRT .EBr HRMFBIJ 1" 7 ~ ,7 _[1_-AEFB1-- NYUFBIJ, _ i M§Lg|=a1 . W_ _PG}_ FBI.- - | r~.|Y}_ |=Bj_ .~: 5W'Jr=1gFs1 r1m=aI1, _~.' j -' __ MO '-FBI -i_HOuFBI_L|_E __ _? _ ;-. -->- " _Mo. Es;£| UI. F211;" " FB UFBI l * _kNYL |'- BL W 7 0 FBI FCTD!_ FBI ---_@cm1_{r=a1 i:sA!._=.:92|r§!;gFs1-' jI-?'-rr|::!i<?i=a1 "~ _.V ",__ FBI! ? rrrr>1 FE-I! * F-TD! F5113 _ |_w{! EFB1!; CF-D! FBI! - "1'|'D.!_ FBI - Lf Fs1 as FBI *MM EBI; L FU" NY!;_ fBI!_;] _u {as}-g0G_A, I;' "I . 2' V_-_ .1 1- *'-"_& _; b6 1 . @@A>';<a¢><FaI> ; L to i " .- = ' --=b'7C - - -. ~ " ._ . KC'E]=BI _-- 1 _ _' 1 I1!! H _ Subj_.ect:_'_. .- ~ 1mp_c_vrtH"11ne:_ High : - _ MM! ?iaI!_- '!H ., - - 7 ' ._-' _' |-11:1 !. ~- ' - - _ -' _; '__1 _92 ' ' ' ' .- sensrrrve _gJTUNC_2L .Sf..i_[Fl_lE_l,1_-_- -"NON-RECORQ" .-' 1- _' Q . _ _,- . "- hou.i"|e identiiiuqsidnes aoing |'ve'be'e1r| odri-duotied ejssignnientliét GTMO_,'Ci& ' ' i ' ' s' 9111101 . The Inspection Division hasbeen-tasked with contacilng-tiwose employees . _who havesewedin anyoapaciiy at_GTMO-and obtain information regarding the -" .- _tre'atrr|'er|t_ of d'e_tainees. Employees should immedigtgig resp'ond to the following : aQ§re§é.i*el-Ireeirnent. inierr.qe.?a1:I§3ns _ - or.inten . '' i'¬ChT]iqU92=§S GTMU U"éia'iiTe'i-ES ¬5I1 Wi iii:!'fW§5 n0i't§O'n5iSté i'Wiih-Eliiféi. policyfguidelines, should respond v'ia-email forthepu_r_p'ose of a follow-up intervieyv, ' _ . '_ F osit_ive'e|_naiiresponsesshould be_dire'.c :ed-to; _ -_ --r. _ .' . -- _- . b6 ~1 - _ ~_ _ nspeotion,_ lVI$||DT_92 _. - __ . _. _ . _. 2!-'_Er_1f|plo3?ees whosenieoatGTMOendobserveq noaggressive lreatrrienl of. '_ _-__ --.. 'detair1ees,'shouId respond viaéln'EC do_cumenting-a.negative response, Tr|_e'E_c. ' ' ' - .T shoijld inolude'|e'emplojreeTs o c_ial'Bureau name itlel and£_en'ure.'_ofa$sigi1 ' _.' -TheECshoilrld betitled"'C'ounterterrorism Divi5io_n;'G rnspe¢:ran;spe¢ia;_.._ FN|Q_-, _ , " -file#!'29_7'-HQ-A13276_69-AEC shouldnotbe _up| 5ade_d.'butonly-s&# The hardcopyfonvvarded'1o:_._. ' -_ ' '. 4 _ 92 '. .r. _- - ' ' ' - I r . _ _ _ .. - ,_i I- - '1n's_p1ection'Di92iisiqn ' -' T L '."0 i<:eoilr92 ec ons _b6'_1 i _b7c: -1 SENSiTNE_BUTU_NEI:ASSIE1EB ~ .--'_.' -Rm __ -' '; -' -.s,g1:is'|T'1y:iz_13yi UN ,i7.b;S5l_E|Eg.'h . _'. ' .~'- . - " '_""_ P _ ' - T '"."'j;'"'f 1 if " .""T"7":': 'f-_" " ** ' " f'j"" ' ".'_"j*"§','" " 1 -7 _&# - §_ENSITl}1 EBUT_!JNCL_ASSlF IE D - _:_gsns1'hyé B_L_i'-j|'L_LJl:l_!.f.?LA$SJ,i=iEl':p' .'V'i _ . _- 8/15.12004.- _ .RE5|5cjNsEs-199.- ' ;; , _ .. ___ ___ ._ _|._r§§_s_ ' s§.ge.''_ _' T - P5gé._&# 4- ' -§_l§5I;SlTNE_BUTiU -CLA§SlFl_ED " -SEus|T1vEBu1'uNc1'.Ass||'=|, I ¢ I 1 .1 J r 92 J .in1 . -92. 92 , ".- . ' L - sx16x2oo4~- - %% RESPONSES-200.. . -- > Positive Response Number ¢ 15 a '~. _n|cLIN$B> FBI!n1P ' % »% '4" B¢4 7 -- .. i:;*|~~ss>w=B»> L ?n W1 _-1 Se-r_1t:' Wednesda ,July14,2D04.3:5QPM . . - _ ." - -' - -.:.., 5ubj¢¢+;R1;;eTMc_;y-'_" - UNCLASSIEIED " . , "°"-RCRD , .- 1 * ' '. Until 'OK-, decidelwlhal we i:c$rr_1;':iif= was 1nt,'li:=::i|jisidert1"|'isn no n_ee;_! to do an n 92 _ _ .-InaiMes;5'a e--n V I h;I in J AIn{me -1-:xL~-.-===r-=i "11? F .="-S'¢I__1i::>TueSda'-"3'u| -1-3:2 04-*9=s2-AM; i~ L _ " VFm 1~ _Ns|3! - ~- I . ' *' ' * ' j~-- . - - 'b7c M"'l;|' -1. -' ' a 0nayear.TDY.-_ - - _' 92 ._. --' - .|have_ een assigneoG_TMQ-slnca-Oct0t1er20lJ3 on I-- " -. r be -1 '-- '_-. .I -. -- - -- . . . I hzlave ubéewéd interview iechniques not consistent with Bureau intervievi poiicy, but in compliance with Department qf-Qéfense. "DOD policy. Ih;'ve-npt_taken_ any interyiew partjn uyhere these enhniques wegrg allqwed .bL;thaye or'1lyo_bserveq|.._ .-;_ _ '. - ~'. _ __' 7 _Thé Eletaiiéuof tnéss; i-r'1tér~:i -n jcu-rt'sha§c_|'<|in§ e_92}v§'coi1:*;ist-c ner, Edld tenn§er;h4ré5,'I§uB :_f,td- -' the ' mln -st1fqbe_|igl1t§|énd.féf92interr0ga u_m_-o'dm in Igngpefiods tinge, for or __p|92ga_ir_1, this ~_¢_vas=conststé|'nt with U00. , 92 -pq|ic_yn0t_F-Blpoiicy- I ,- ..- -" _ -' __v -_ 1-_ _ _'.-f - __'._Fo'r 5% |h§pe<=mm 0j_visicn,": infnrmatidn be_of['GTMO .-.-miIfx si mnbmtq sno*"._ rrém cén Contact me if ' .. necessarqyi " -_¥ - - -'_- -i bvc -1? - _ ..= . .I -92.-_ -...__. __....._.:._..---_ ,-_._ ', |§n:L.g§s|F1g'Q" _. [ _ ."_ " .- ,'- _1 . _ _A 7:_..._ _' ..'...:;_. ...__ _..____,_ ,.._._._'__._'._,___4_,._,_._....._.' .__'______,___,-__ __._. ________,_.,___.__.,' L1,___,.........~_ _-_,____ ____';_ __..__ ____ ,,.. ' 1 -. -=_-* R iESPQN§ES-.2.01".: " -71412004 . | _ __ -- _. __ _ .- . 92. n »- ' Positive Response Number _, * 16 . ' *7 mi _ ' -'_ _- ' __I Mosls 1 gel -H _- Pagelof2 hi6i I-1;_____ __,._, _e i,__, _msD! Q ___ ______j__,,__, _ , - '.Subject:l§EiGTMO. :- .. - . l- '_ thie _a l-.ivill.olassify as fesponae; oosi needito ve anThanks." No EC.-T do _i ' - --J-¢"'a<;i¥* - i _--'--on lnal'Me -_ .ssa e---" ' ' " .- - " Fron'92: | i0<!- FBI! ._ §§c"11'Sent: uesd zoo»; 4:25 PM» ~ - -_T° _ INso! Fa1!_ -s .____uJ"_1._ ct:RE: MO. _ . - ;." 5.. __ -- .' _' "h 's_E.L4S|Tjve'_e1'L1j,1_|gQAssiF1EQ '~ __ -i . 'b7C i _' , -' "i' ' justatom-ed ' ;in|1i_1a|.lea§ie fmm read_the_be|ow and repiy_e-ntail. reouested .'-1wasioyioomormmsizsioa-1ir11rn3j ; -. - ' . -"I- he only-rhatterwhioh may berelevantthatlol1seriied.t1vas':':__-_ _- -- . - -. 115 "1 l.{DateL'ln'known,_possilqi3i' -3-ctl'No~ttime at'Campi_l2elta, :- iamej -'71 MC ' Gold'Trai1er,'"l_ believe! lnlewiewllntenogation treiler.-We heard loud musiocoming from, the right fa'r_near '. -_ .'of oneofthe"interikiewiinterrogatlon roomsfand proceeded to enter the observation hoothin bet_wee_n-. 'I -- -_rooms,' 1ig'l_-its The the-lnteniiewllnterrogation werje_off'in butthere room was a strobe light onwith loud . e - _music _. inside anda clotheddetainee sitting on the oor, noone elsewas inthe roorn.An unknown white ' = _be _1 " -- 'm'ale civilian clothing ente:ed the'obaeniation room we werein. and toldus we should notoe there._ SA'f .. . an-fc _1 -_|':_lE]andn1yselte:dted - _ ._. 1eroonj.' ' ~ 1-~_" I_, . - .-i . _ _ . 5 .' : ._I Doesthis constitutelaggneesiyejeatment and wafranta follow-up-linteriview-by ?' if not, you should" I . _.'-c'_.ornp_letereply a'negat_ive ECstating I did- not observe anji other uhusuoliaggressive treatment ? '_ _. ' _ -1 - _- _.. -_. ___ ' .- b7C 1 --'3A' FB|= _' . K ' "on, ..'-_- . ..-~ - 1 . ' .. . "'3 ' Johnson-city RA " _o2 -"1__ _' .1..-~.--OI'ig_ina_ll'/le'.;5agt=; _. - -.---' _Fi'om:' MCCRAW, SFEVEN c. NSD! FBI! l _ sent: Friday,July 09, 20042:42 PM -- - -. " supject:errM0_ -- " - " ..1mpor.ta_r|ce:..t-li'gh_. ...-. .= _. -' _ _- .. _ _ _ A _ ' SENS]J'iVEEiIi'UNCL555SlFlEQ ". t" - You havebeen identi edas'hav'jr|g an conducted assignment at GTMO.Cubasince 9!11l01; The_ inspectionDivision has beer|.iaslced_ with contacting those employeesguho havesewed in any ' capacity at GTMO and obtaininformation r_eg'arding treatment the detainees. of Employees should 1 immegiatelg respond to the following :l M l . I' - _" T .. .. I ' '- ' |__ 92 ' ___ t _I ;: ___ _ |<Ii~ev_>t¢FB!> - t:§¬~ 55i,&# Sent: Tuesday, Ju|y2?', 1:25 PM 2004 '_b7° -H _1 __ " _ _- _ ., Subject:"GTMO-' '..' T . .. . . SEN-SlIlVE-__B._UJ' u1§ICLAs§:F|E0_1&# _' - -' ..IQON-RECORD .- " .', '' ' b6 l _ r:5-1-_-_ - hewiidght'it remembem1e-ter|ing'-him :~~--- -~:;-:-- '<-.|'can r-:.=-2=1-"--j --Atthe-time, i th:5uWes SA|; _|uitr1_me_fdr_we ii- ere paired tbgether mest_cf 1e_tjme_L n0t.recalt.' Bdtq sA|:|regeming_mi's .." 'b?C |j _|_5tte|k' -1 matter.advised He he'_v92fas not"wi_t_h_ oh the d;1y'i_n,ques r_rie dn -'uwhoitwasthatwaswithmel;. -" i - -_ _;-;. -" 1 - 1 Knoxville Division, -.}ohnson.City'RA _1-b6 b-1 --_-e--O_ri Ina!-Messa e'---"_ .' = . ~r.r==m=ei<i<><>-<FB1> e-VV . lb7c_ -1_-___ j-q= '_ NSD5__ EBI'! b5 '1Sent'Tuesda Ju13 2004425 ' Sub' ::G-TMO.-'~ . _ - NONiR5QQ_ 31:1," -_._Q__; - ' PM = ' b6 -1 . J§-" ' w Iljust_rét11'i'|1ed.frorn'anr:1_u'alIeéive-add h_eiew? 'féc|_ue5ted-reply éfmgilf__i_read'-the |__weeTDY tb'emo :mm"'sr251ds-11:11x0a... ~- - 3_ _._ _ The o_nty_-mafteriavhieh m§y?ui=; reieirant-that! dbsewe_~i:I I _west_ :._ ='. _:-' _l; _I" '_ ' ' " ' . -{Date U_ni<no~.-in, Oct!Nov -poslsibty timefragnej SA ar|d n -zyseif were at Camb Betta; in the Goid EEC E1 ' Treiier, I believe] interview- lnterrtugaticn trailer. heard-ie_ud_. music comiftg fr0r1|1 the fat right rearof one-of the -.- _.' intewjewlinten'ugatio_n roomsand proceeded tq enter the oI:iser92__r§ti_on_bodth in -betweeri roqms. Thelights were'' C|ff_in -. the Intewiewfl terregation room but'there'wes astrobe light-on withlaud rijusic_inSi_dé-and_ eéibthadf _" ' j ' _ ' _ detainee _' sit_ting'c:n oor, no the cine else was inthe teem.A _Ll k D92'f ~WhitB in ciyilian male dlothingi entered'_the3,5 -1 ' _;_-- #e|::serVBtien reerr|?we>we_n=$'iq% "and:tatd'~E|s-»ye1shQu|d C_1 " Dge_e.this deqstitdte-ag_gree$i1;e~treatn'rent inzémew and-warrants youby ?" '|rnfd:,.sn@uia Retina»;-up cm -npreée-a ' -_ " ' _negative _ reply EC stating ! .I did not . i-..$A|:]FBi- observe anyether unusuavaggressive treatment? _ . . _1 . ' -ma _-_ 92 I _.- -1 .' - -' ' I - Q_ _ . ' :_ , , 'D'iviiI K D§ Vl||B.' o|*-1. -- ' .' I Johnson-City'_RA -I - ;"- '- b2 -1 ._?/2?x200¢_ * 7 _117 __ _ . - _ 92RESPONS_ES 2Q3 __ _- _ i 4| II_ i ._ t -&_ _ -' w __ ,- - Positive Response Number 17 . 92 » i ' I§f1'3s§a.Ee I :.'Pa.ge1 -be -'1' Hif ulN5D.!{F5 '_ "_' t!~ T 1°" ".1! sear;-.' -'1Nednesqa7y,July14:-2004-7:59AM _. -1 _ ___7._f_? f'- .2 H -- Ii ~T==e= |:irsE>»<EB*>f P" ~L éubge-;;sj~_1o-. V, '. ' -7 _SEt~1S1 |_ iv-E u_Mci..==.s§IE1§_I;_r BUT ., __ M017:-gggggn3- _- __. _ i it/ ,»~' . . '_" - - -_ _- ~I ._ "Q1 - .-_ . . -. - OK, I-'wi_|I COi1SideE__thi5 apbsitixie 'resp|_:|r'1se._ d_o-an No req1_.1irementfory0u Thank; EC.. the fer respgnse. te _, ~ .b6 inal l?*ie§Sa _. 5. _-" : *1 " FP9m= 5E-ll-@I!--- iti b?° 61'T0i §5D1 F5I!, ' . i sent: Tuesday,"-Juiy21304 13, 2-1;-4' PM_ __- .Subje¢t:G- l'M_0.. .. _- ' ' ' I -' I -:' "I ' - '- WHt t t " I r .SEN_SlTI U'E Bl[l'.UNC_LASS_IE1§Q _-[gem-Rscogn 5 .. 9292 -' - _,_ .- -. ._ -u _|i-1.-:respe_;1sé' _tc:_'t_h-e'recjuest-for t-_reet1T92_er|t_efd_eta_i1I'| ¥nf_0.rrT_1_atidn'g"eg et GTMQ: I. _ __ _' "|"s_é5F@u_;LT;iY"51_I_errMoTfrqm ear1y :.I1.]|'*ie 'rr;|idLJu|y.-20$-. one id .-ncaassipn |witiiessed O_ri ziitemiéw. 9 .techniqué.s thetibetieve werenot cons,ist_e'nt with F;Bl_'iF1lENiB_W_pQ|ipy or gpidelinee. Sometimemid in tqi1... -_ léte JuneIviewedan |'hter_rogatio_n'th'rough one way'glass_beh'|g conducted an in actiaeent interview room. _'1 --I witnessed cteta,ir1iae=seetect-in "a middle theof the ¢_er'while lqudlrap crheaw metal music was eeir;g_ ' ,-- _. ...-pfgye from a porteble CD_ player. Two intértogatbrs were standikig above__tha detairiee end continuously; ' laughing and blowing ci ar 5I I_1O|<8 in thedetéir;ee_'s'fai;e;' identi es ofthe interrogators Wl ilethe _92 is __ _ -unknqwn,Ibelievethat they were_assnqiatetI.wit|¢i'Defense _S'ewices'0r Hu_n_1int by theUS-Army. cpntragted _ __ l.1 "_ .' -'_,:¢1ir1 éC'v92_aitl:_be |ore -detailed se:jt'reg'ari:ijhg .5 :' ._:' '_ 7' ltj'1is lj Ab?C.b6 1- i _1i-2 s lii ~ ' '. 1 "-FBiS.eattle ._ .' -_b2 V "i -_ ' ' ' -1 .- . _. -gezisiriveeu1iuuc§L2§§iFiEn_~ _.' " _-i_L-.emeeere-s1nite_e.u1u.ttc1.»issIEIEL._. ittt;.?.t,i,_..__.._;._,.;;._-_.--t+;._.-=..__i-;___.__i,i.: _i._-.;.;_ _-_ ' -RESPONSES 204 .-- 71-'14."z004 . -' " .: r Positive Response Number 18 .i, il é . 92 ' _' - -92 Message." W - . _ - ." .Pagelofl ;F_ at r ,' T{e1N$v! =~ FBI!J ea dd rp b7C -1 _Sent: Monday, July 26,'-200-42:52 PM _' [_71%-=r |j|<%'~$.D>r<FBeI1e _ Suh§ect:GTMOlnquiry .__. " ._- §ENSIT1VE_BUT_lJ N-Q1-&§$lFLE._E_J_' '. , be -'1 Fnr.liet-reeoneilie on 8Apurposes. Albuquerque wision,did not inerscrnélly abusive obleerve b?c -1 -behavior towards detainees while at GTMO. As indicated in my._5C,,instar1ces reported of abuse by detainees - were reported viainterview FD-3025; _ _' _. _- ' ' ' ' _. _d emsJ1, ILEBur UNCLASSIFIED I ¢ F *1 -2 92- :- J -' RESPONSESQO5 1126:2004 ~- - _-_ -* . F J77 77 *7 * 7 W '7 7 7 7 _ 7 77 ___ j e' 'FEDEFlAL_BUREA_U OF lNvE$T|aATioN - H,i l_.II. I v_ _5H._.hl 'Precede::ice.:' -RQUTI1-12.} __ -. _'Da._3c'.e:-' - 0'7./231 -' _ ' . __ IIi1spec921:io'n' o_: l ' Attn':i92__T;_Tnit :Chief.&# 115L.  -=. Room ?837'.-b7C IiiFru 5- , Rlbuquerq éi '" "' T1"-@ i.; - ' ,.' _j_u' ""lJ f' .' " ' ' ..'Squad.6XLCRA ' -- _._Cr:»n_tact:: -132 I ' b61 - '-- "!1,._ -mc: ~1 APPIQVE5 31" llh -___ -1 . -,_ 5 -" §/' -3 ' I-' '_ - __I-_ -.-- ' _ -=_'_ i ._ ' ' .-§g,_ +e e_:-¢§§y§1 P = M _"- _I ; 11 » i Case -:1: #= '23"?- H'Q-A1jgvss;9iA _-ipem-ring!". ' '1~it1é=-..-" ',cou:41T . < - - _'"'i.c;'rr~1o;~ _ .- .;_ INSPECTION -SPECIAL INQUIRY - i .-- , ~-3-_ _ . _- .'._'sy£=@psi-'5; if cfl. --Res-iaonse '.;L¢1;ing',ssRA|:|: of G"l"1'*10f'ee y _I |_ -;-_in|t;eI 1;Qgat|iC_JI'1s _'_ .-_ l II : _ 1-. ll -__ _ .?C-1 _:bé-ta:i.-ié=" --~ Z0133 sA was 'r1:iY-ro_ jermei bégi';1 l_.-b64- .ning Tl " '28. for 45_daY$'&i1'iin_Pa-rti-=:'iPat'eQ. interrbat'i.-0ne'-3  _- bl - ."_ i1almds Z .. e';<'¢1.us_i_»-eg U-1'8-. withCID--of-fic Army er - "Ig5; Véi -// b6 -1 _3.' the outset, 2.. NC '_ 7At 5 [and*6f éf'E ?EE pETe6 e1natJGIMQ ETTIV1 we;e_' __ e .-instructed;in=e clbsed-door orientation to abide by Bureau ;.- be giveqs iranaa .-_ policy.= and guidelines inconducting inte:r0gaLionsr'with ~_ ~Hthe .-. __.. .... -,.. .< _ b7c _1' Bxcepeion that detainees were net to l_ - ' warnings. QBureeu.personne1 yere;¢1ear1y{told-that theaFBI¥did'.i " '~' -not condq e-dz participate in, sbme mili¬ary_interrogatiqn I techniques jThis referenpe was made_specifically td. I -iI1'ter1 C:gatiOn -te_C_h:1iq1.1'ésI militaryofilfite-1],-igerice officers, .| not to other milita membere of the_CriminaL"Investigetive , - _- _; _ . , 11$ '_ '1_ Ta_._ak ,_Force -Slx dic1'rIbt any,ab'1.1sive-1;r&# 'witn'e' _. 11¢ -L detainees during interrqgations or othepwise. ' -_§'_-_'-' i e§' "_ Qdeasiqhaiif, during interview seesiqne}-Qeteiheee _- complained 0f_ineppropriete beha ior by military;pereDnneL.= . Such Qpmplaints were'inc¢rporaced intd interYiew.FD-3Q2s~per ~ , _ins¬ructions of Bureau management _'An example-of sueh.e.__ _ _ "" ""-' repéfrt " - déin -'}':>'ef_ft: 1Td "i fi 3'l"51iI'? F[MIC9'9T0F2TA1?1£ --.-.--~; ------1-- _4" " .and. zwhich e detainee alleged.a female.guard_removed.her_b *, /h ? ¢¥, while pressing her'body against a shackled and restrained ,.~ +-__ detainee from 5.for menetrual blood behind, ' handled. his on his lack of_Cooperation, head and genitalia a.nd_'wiped face as a ford of punishment .TheHdetaihee.stated ;his'persen "P¥T5;=%1?..¬E¥33.2 ':_ WB6_ 1 Tf . _ - ' _ '1 _ ' ' Ji 5':'i1w.$IFI RESPONSES- Z06. ' .. ,__... c.......$ .. ..;_.._e .,_... ,_. ., -~ -r .-- néiiféBii.?.2E9.m*-z{'2.L§.i=.~;!.a§' _ tEmwm§ @§@H_n ._'~ __ ._=_ ' _-F,ee i,,»%mi;T- M PELCZIAS$lFY;i£!i§§.1 Z ;l?§l5§?_D_3.l? . - - »-1.-- E15???"-=_?§?T¥--5--ZlF?-E155 ": i ; -I-"---$9= =» .----- .* - - ., _ _§I3LEi§3'§§!§§!111i°¬ U'm-E_.§ -- ;. % G *1 Ir1spectionH'P1 OT =' 'A1buquer_§nie ' . Re:. 291-HQ"*A13'2?"a59-A, 01/23/2_oo4. " _ . ' _ . 92 ..: .re§ur gd'fr0m ché interrogation'with bldod 9i$iblE @H-his92f@¢E .- "and head; = -" ' ..'.-"--3*- n n'- . . 1-- ,- "7 - "' '@ .' - .Q5= ' ..- 7 _ 6 I. I I _ 92 . , .-,: -' J . .- '- . . ." - RESPONSES+207- . .': _. a 0 92 , . . - ' Albuquefque. -" To: ''insp__eC_tiTon _From Rei- . ' _I .q?{g3/2004 * 297fHQzA1327669< 2; . .1 . .I _ - L33D sJ: .- "QY' . Sgt Le_.a'd .l:'. _{II1fO!-.Z_: INSPECTION _ _ _ _ ' = :hAT'WASH;NGTON' Dc;" _ Q-;For_in onlyl orma;iQn I J I 9 1 ' - .' _ _ -_ I _ I1 _; an . -- . ' :- -_ ' 'J 1 ....__.,_ . - ----I--__._._-.-.~.._ -I-.----.--3-_-1-L-----_---71-----i_...-___.T_..._..-._-_-.-._..L-_.__.T_._._.._._._|___,___,___,,,. ._,_.,._... - ; :1 .- _- _ -F 1 ' I _ r r ?RESPONSE_S fi 20 a_'"' . FDM2mwJW&%! ' . _ 5 ; - - . 1." FZEIiERAL'BU1¬1§AU or INVESTIGATION" "_ __ISN} Delta, United b6 r b7C b TD _ DTF "' = -internment Serial-Numberi . an Egyptian male, was interviewed-at CampNayal Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by Special States Agents| [of the Federal Bureau of Investigation l,__ eDivision , _l-eflthé 9% Contract nité ._ -i' ' Investigations linguist ates A d ._ I}~] The'first fifteen minhtés'of the interview - ocburred __ , interpreted between-Arabic and-English. The iollowing during the'oonrse of the_teo¢hour;interviey;i_: -_._., English, [:::::::] and Criminal 7 : occurred in said'he learnedwhatEnglish he knowsat the ' University of Cairo, Egypt. ;He appeared to heYé.appr0ximately a 2 level commandof.English on.a 5 scale He'smiled frequently and. _b6 ~4 1::-TC-11 1:3-TD -1 ..b'?E -1 - ed madesome-attempts at humor-E:::::::]eaid he hadbeeninterview 1by_a man this mqrning._ The interviewer would not say what agency --he-repreee nted.. garuer-small,-t'a_lk, |:| requested" the"-interviEW 'oontinue'dn Arabic.1 -b6 -4 b?C -4 - i .' ' [:1-beoan e""se_rio'ns='and saidhe -learnedafter coniingt to Camp Delta _b7D -1 that the-Egyptian government has accused him of being part of'ai1955 plot to assassinate President Mubarak _They also b7F -1; I _;'e*_]'-' Q}? ,_ qq- _l"-= say he is part'of an.organization called Al Wa!ad;- He then said he wanted~to describe_what the Egyptian government-is like._ He said in'i9E1, a law was passed-in Egypt_which'says he can be tried in .Egypt . without anyxrights:andfwithont a lawyer, and that the death penalty_oan_be imposed on.him.';T%is lam plaoes'oi%i1ians uneer-~ military law,.THe.believes'peopleshould be tried'by civilian , -courts, "ts -4 " b?C -4' b?D -1, 'b?F -1 not military courts. He also said the Egyptian'government conducts operations such as bombings-and blames'them on Islamic groups to justify their actions against snch groups,-This happensd -under past,administrations,in Egypt also_ Q ;~l '* _ t» lE::::::::]said t the accusationsof the Egyptian goeernmen against him, are.not such as his.alleged part in the assassination-plot, true '-He reasoned that, if these things were true, he'; Egypt. After Egyptl Yet -he wee able to - f'ly'~out' e-F "E"a ff6"T1§iEf1TfvafLjir1-p~a*e'ep~ would have been arrested all, by Egyptian he said, it authorities was_not as if 1in_-iQ_@haEnhelhad iQbbed_a;QaQg,;it;yas a_plot to kill . in his true name. It was only after while he was in- the allegation he traveled were the-President of to Afghanistan and *,,5Ee,' e,9 ~ "- ""5 §= 104.42 *°"' 112093.! " -El§i1enteI sme;_Eie>s,,,,¢,ube , h- J " - _; .Fi ;g55__5_h1g;]g1_~[399j'j;g2. ||:# $l;_3L_,r§A_§=1_0_.-_ *' -I>*1== di'=I51==d D'4J __ 1.'/_20 _._ _ b6-1 "b ' b7C 1 _?_ _ ' _ _. .' __' 'ii,,,_; , oi _"1 'f . T_ ," 1 i_: ' -__ii~_,ii, . This doc njsnt contains nsilther recs-rninunda not§:'on_::|usinns uns of-u:-FB].;" it isthepmpea1'y of '-ih: andisieaned'_tn !r:mir agency; -1t and its cuntznti are not tn be distributedoutsideyouragency. ' ' ' -' . ._ , . . . 1 , All I -. ED-3n2aG%¢v.I04a5j - "_ GZ:?-*'___ '-' --; _ _* :;:1 J _ _. ' 92 "b6 -4 265A=MM _C'99lO2. SUB.AA 40 .-_ - ' .= '-_t _me __;;' -4" _ I -b7D -1 =- , _. I :@mMwc @JMOf';;i ";'__ ,@1Q§Zg;K2DU3 -1? oh; was arrested that the allegations were made; -He believes one of many who were arrested ae a I E.S_p0I1SE to the Septefnber 11, "2'_0Ol' order to show that.the United States was doing something about the-attacksL ._ .. .--. "- --7 -- "__3r 1-_ b6 _-4 -=b7C -4_-_ -b?D -1" -b7F -1- .liars.J_He. 't-" [;;::::::]said'he found all has the interrogators to_be' oes not trust any of them;1-Heigeve an example o£_the behavior of -with blood on Americans. A his-face and detainee returned £rom.anfinterrogation' ; head. ,He said a female_interrogator,j j after'not getting'cooperation fromYhimq1called.f0dr guards into the room.,.While the guards held_him,-she removed her blouse, embraced the detainee_froo.behind and put her hand on his genitaIs. The _ interrogate: es on her_menstrual period and she wiped_blood £rom'her body on his face and head? He said he asked one guard, "Why_do you hate me?"_The guard reeponded;fPI£-I:oould¢ '-b6 -4 " b7C 4; .'b7D -1 ' b7F-1 I would kill you."' T -:' _ . co p1ained'-."i 1as'-I-t'o1d him what he is. _accueed_o doing. He is_ready to he against him. He offered that there him:-i.'I.. Y*'~' _' 1.; -,. 1. 2A." He wi1i face_a He will tried-if there are three _..-1. . is evidence q '-". military'tribuhal '_a -"_ "'_ -=' be-returned'to'Egypt, wherehe will _"imprisonment Iv 3: _He will-be " ' political qi poseib1e_outcom and torture _. ;- _ 1" released to.a co ntry where asylum-i _. ":__ _" -H. face life ' i e ' he can claim-;'; i " -i ¢ "¥'isaid he hennderstands the'imoact'of'the*Seo ill -attaokspn But he complained about the treatment_he has received '_ during_his arrest, traneport,'and detention. _He said the prisons" in Egypt are better-than here. But he declined to say'how he knewthe difference. He denied ever telling previous interrogators that- b6' 4'.' he had-been-tort b7C -4 - ' .b7D *1 'b7F -1"; believed red before by_Egyptienauthorities; -. ;_ -92 According t before; in the humane treatment J' » he wa's'arrested,' he - of prisoners in the United States, Fof'EH1ewreaeo T*when"he wae% irse~in£ ihterrogators. Bet he found his assumptions-about~treatme in the U.S. system no-rights to honest with to;be-incorrect Helbelieves Arabs. He doubts anyone who him. .He-believes override decisions control _-the of the American media. the United.States interviews him extendswill be the.D,S.-inte11igence'agencies 1- U SJ military and " . that Jewish people - ' -- ~RESPONSES<2 1'U "- j _- ' - 5-50mi-.10-s-95; _-_.. '_ 1. _- " . . ._ -_ -_ __ _I _106-4 I- 1 '2.ssA~ M_M-cs91o2-'suB_AA 40 l" ' iiEgg . ' '5 .- ~'b7E 1" '-'r::@"ri:s:1u=u192an¢'.r'1=:»ani=5rNL '_', ,P_=:=h_._ ;.0h§ iéC2i/-. .. ~.- . -. - ' - hThe ihteitj riewers e;@Ilained'-to that"'he i' was" b6 -4 _detained during atime of war 'and- that he falls under amilitary" b7C -4 b7D -1 b7F -1 1 rights as people-who face civil tribunalsl |-asked what_  ' "System of justice; '- wouldbe done '- 'II is why Ihis he is-not with him. "He was told he _bein afforded wi].-_ - either the -same be tried or _" released-'- -He""s,aid-he. believes he will he returnedto Egypt. He - .-'_wa's t_:o_ld'i;he 'U_i'iite'd."Stai:es -not followingis the 'dictates"o-fthe W Egyptian]-government, "that the. possibility of political asyliim was. . ment_ion_ed in his fi- 1'e..-that and _his'fate was not certain . Iinterviewers are-_t-rying to determine --' ancllto Al'*Q_ae|_:1a. _ '_. b6 '4 -' _' H. - ' | w '37 :"'4." MD _1.. _Ioperate. bu. _1 He o_ .The-_ the Tal_iban' _-- . . said-"he__know's both" Cilia the the and how FEI'-' "do 't1'1i s' a'nd'how the tr to obtain how e sI t_Ih ' :LnforImatioh.___._He would not =. . who is linked to '-._. ~ . "_ y._ _'ng ,__ yI I yI s_ay-,how 'he'.knows these things". = I-Ie then. asked", 'ii'.the' int-enticn--is .1:_c.-turn.-hin1_back't'cI I Egypt, why-'just. not turn h-irrr ove:r:I'n'o'w?. .'IHetold -was are it-cc _- manyunanswe-iced 'questions{ tc}'him let--go. immed-i-ately. _.I'-Le said. he I belie'vesfrom the intervi-"ewe r_s_' ,.po'int ,-of view, -.he is .eithe'r ' _asscciatfed with the Taliban and -Al-Qaeda, or he was just -caught in :I the 'net,so why II b6 -1 brc -1 not get as rriuch "ir1Itell'igence"_'from as possiblel him As-vsoon "as the interrogators get all they can . hand him over to. Egypt "cr-1' apl-ate .- -. -I __',. _. - trust _- I _I - - -'_'Iconversation hie was--'followed by _.. could -be. developed betwe'e'n" SA -Jw De1.ta'lon E1 =3 --enou hto; from him, I. I ..t.hey= will: I II II -_ _. -a '_dis_cussion of . how ' have repeated -meetings, e" at Camp and - ' -' - - ' offerwasmade to'hc1d'moi f"req1.1eIit'inI:Er92.'iews. e this way, ' ~-In ggcfq - perhaps some tr.ust_could-be_ c1e'v and-[:| e 1oped wou1d- feel- =" _b7D _1 acculdhelp h-i'm1con;_p'1ete process Guantanamo at -w at-timethe Bay. seemed willing to address this piopcsal ' thenHe asked - 92 comfortable opening-_up it"was _ar1d . ended with asked if and -providing he." could sayhis the understanding. his complete histo ',which ' 1375- _1 prayers. The that another interviewwas iritervi-ew' would occur irI1_; - two weeks, at which time -this pioposal could be'Id:i._sc1is-sed .I again. I I-I .-_-._..-_._.-____._..._.._._..-__._._i.-_.__;___,..__._92 __ ________' ___ . j- "RESPONSES-.211 _ .I - Positive Response Number 19 O 7 - _ Message ____ l_ ha 7 '- I '1=-_" 1 ofl T<1~S@HF§n11,_ -1 " -» L _-3u'bject:FlE:GTMQ... ._ -._ _1 __ . I -I OKf0rnow'weWi|| positiveéountthisasja response.-No need-todo EC.-jan[ nanks.'-.= . ,,w,_ - -Ori'ina|-Messa-_: e-=-;--- .-e . - _-I ~ _Fr=mj=|gIil.tI<><>2L- _" FBI: -L .' -b6 -1 - _Sent:Tu$da' 1.3-2004912B"AM-_ Jul _- . _-- A-I 1-' 1~s:=-ml» , ,S_u_bject':G'1' - M0 ' - .- - - '» _-1sg;gs[1j|i{Eeu-T"u'Mg_1,.A§'s1E|Eo -"b6 l . - ' .- - mb":c 1'-'--.MF-|:[ ' 2. ._ "' .: _'-_ " --'_ _'_--_-I wofked.-at~GTMO from June-through Augustof2U02.'-Durin_g time penodl_ob§eweo that one incidenf'''1in aninterrogation roornwhich waacontraryto Bureau interview p'ol'icy!guide|ines. |Ob5e|.'Ued3d_et_3ir1e . .in aderkened interrogation roofn shackie to the bolton the in oor _a kneeiingposiiiori.Theroom was - , ~ COIT1ple_t&ly92dark and there ;- eas a_ as|-ring Frtdbe .|igh_t plecedin frontof the detainee and aStereo was ' -_ ' playing loudfnusic in-Vthe foom. looeewed a maleintefrogator outsiqe theroom during the time. '3met|' . ' -loheerved tl-iis activity; _Theinterrogate? vJas'wea_rin_g_ a BDUunifo_rm_w|'th no-unft_patc11es._or-heme page on" .the uniform am haveno idea-'wf1a_t agency he worked for; "howeyrerfl never obsemed any FEE! pen-sone! -I.involyedinrthisjnterrogatiori._l11atIcieecribeo. ' r -" - T ' _ -- '__ -- -"sensrrIvE;eu1f,o§|ii,LAss|FJEn '~ - ',s-" 1 - .-I __ ? 3;2004 :'RESP.ONSES-212'_ _.. 92 _ _ _ Positive Response Number 20 "- Wl ssaaé -" l1 l ll alli et liitwr ii 1 Li |:lf5E>IFB*i bi? _-1 Pae¢_&# l l ., .Sent: _Mon;day,Juty12,20El4B;46__AM -- ' -SlJb]6C !RE GTMO b 92'_ "'..'5EN~ -- ,LlT1V_E-_E'JT uwCLA§§l E.Q »_ . lT'h'ank_ you forthe responae.»_l will'print.your response outaridttadetenninationisrnade whether this'prao_ .' .; . __ wasnotappropn'ate,_youwillbejntervieweej _ __ 1 _ _._ _l .-,. :or.iinairmessa e.~ 4:-... o._,-Fwm=' §Ei-_- .FBIi-:' Jul 11 2oo4'3:_z9 PM b6 -1 .- sent: Sunda _ _ _ ._ bt ._ -1 '__To= IN5DJ FBI! ' -Cc: {_SE!_{FBI!" "U, r. - . _ -5 _3!; ~; .gt _I_-" ' e. = - _ -§ubje'<_it:__RE:G _ F- l'MO' , ._ t.- ..§§ns|31|ve1eU*r,un§LA§§J §l2... - -NON-R§CORQ' _ -1564 ._ g - _' . __ , . ' .-I'm responding '_uiale4l11ail becausewas I aware of apractice of irxterrogating';letainee_s_ which l did-not feel? was appropriate. _ Duringmy short TOY atGTMO inJuly 2002,!took partin _some|discussioJ-|s'abouta ._ - - practice-whjich hadbeen utilized in which the detainee would be placed in the interview room approximately ..6-By _-'or=to the schedglgd.inte{92iiew'. The 'air"conditionir|g_in_ the roomwould beturijied down to as - - ' 55 de§'rees_ltwas comm0n.practice_to-have-thedetatnees restricted frommovementwith ' ' hand lego room, whit: _ff5, end a_ chair-1-bolted to thetloor,- which would prei/er. it'tl_1em from moving around the t t-hiscase would -prevent them from adjusting theair cohditioning temperature." _' ' .Myinteriiiewteam not did parttc-ipate in this practice; but l vaguely recall seeing detaineesrooms by in themselves inconditiolns which! believedincluded un_comfortabl5r _were octzasionsfwhen ourinterview team" would show ' was uncomfortabtycotd. up l°or'an interview and the temperature inthe room '. However. the'd.etainee'was rarely inthe-roomior anylength of-time before the __ Yinterview aridwewould immediately _the - -not - cold environmen_ts.. There '_ _ I- torn The air conditioning temperaturea.com_fortab|e-level. to brought t -' topicup to the Marine Corps JAG assigned to us-and they actually-lziegaridiscourage to this practice, 92 neceesarity because of my efforts, but_othe_r_sagreed that with my vyeiwsas well. .' ' ;' -- ._ -1 .__t>2 If fee to heed ecintaot me a_beut thiehe mate}, i-eeizhed at t-.-5m.a'i[_:[ tat my cell hpmné,|:| H h-__b?<_= , -1 _-_ " .----0riginalt4essage- - I _REsP0r»i$|_5s-,213~ ' . _ _ " From:MCC RAW,.STEVEN-C.'[INSD![FBI! _ -_ l_ _-_ - ' Sent: Frida' Jul oe, 2004 1.1-:42AM_' . . _._ ." , b6 l 1To: tM tMM>cFa1 Ho>u=s1 t _. _.b7c -1 1 .-. "_1w12r2004 _[O10] .-- _V . _ii _ N t'.UFBI. i MM!ti=a1>;l |<i.¢i; -i=a1 cowl [MM eat" j HO! i=_eI!;92_____| cJIs_!_t1=en,BA I- ' hm F81; _ " FBI!; .- Pesitive Response Number 21 ._M-essage _ "' ~. I I " _' - _. - .,. -.- ' l."3.gBl.0ID - Wll'"f*°ll_ E."l>.;~ ~l ~~ be -1"ie==fm=.l:li<*~s5>i iFB*>ii e» MC -1.Sent:_'- Monday,-July1'2,2Oi_ ' I.' B:31AM _ _ __ .sl:|<@e1¢PB':esis i r?. &; ~*~. -- . .'~@ %mW;@H;a Subject:GTMO RE: .', rm _' -I . __=-,_='E¢*,'< etc --i UNCI:A§§lFlED _ _'_ - _. NON-BE-COBQ .. - _" v N92 " _ ._ '_| will put izou down as positive _a response, so no need todo an-EC. !'wil|'p:rintoutt|1ele ' Q  . - ascertain ifihe treatment is beyond the scope. ,'Thank_-"you-for response. y.oi|r - _- - -_ _ _ ----0ri?ma1Messa?e----.- .- "-FE1I].- .. 'F|*n_m. cs! July U9,2004 5:32 PM3I _'b6 ' -1Sent : _F|'.iday, _b?C To: mso! 5ubje_ct:F'-E: -1: FBI! _. _ .. _- ' ' _---. _- I"an:_i i¢i;ig'.ie e1r_.oi1'the:sid_e c_auti0i1_her_e,:so'tl_1ese of my or may fen 111;-i in W .92_-. .wit.hii:i the parameters you-are using. I have been repeatedly assured tl1 at,'a1tlio_ugh some the of . _ techiiiqties titilized;-by some of the non-FBI interrogators here are we]l'outsid_.e what would_" - generallybe . coi/isidered proeediire -standard for-a CONUS'__FBI _al1 interview, the of techniques. t--iised have beeo'_ap'proved the Se'eDe_f. _H-owei-Yer by personally I feel about these techniques; Lhave been-.assured' DOD had permission. that further I iiot'h'eli_e_vedo al<in",toaetivities the anything at .; Plbu Ghareb in Iraqhave talteii place here.-~_ _ Eitiiationz Ifwas told " . . ~'I' _ on or about_Th11i'sday,' April ZQQ4 by member a 22 DOD's_North of I A ' Eiirspe NA'E!' team sia:|:| whom he d,ebriefs,_ had provided the 'foi1oWi11g: _S_oi'netime.iJ1 ' -1 'secon_d_or week of 'l1l'l. Fehniary 20U_4,|: of l.1'Cl was _tak_eri to reservation i:}was on both FBI ' and NABhold_!- He did notrecognize the'-interviewers. anew-hen he told he__didn t want to -,- _ speéik an to one unless they were ii_1t_-roduoed by ];i1a'r interrogators;wasyelledj he at for 25 ' e inintL'1es.|iLlwa.'s the rooni.'_tempe_ratore was short.-shackled, sigiii cantly.-lowered "stro'b& 3b6 ' 1170 were used, and possibly loud niusio._ There were two maleinterrogators; one stood behind ' -4 -4' ' alnd.t];ie- other in :ont. The yelled athim and'to.ld_ he was him never leaviiig_l1ere.. The ' _' iiiterrogator to gr-=i|jis ti-led identify photos. Afteriiiitia1'25 me or yeHing,|:|was, iniiiiites left alone inthe 1'OOIIl in thiscondition for eppfoxiniately hotilrs. 1'-2 1At onepoint,-the'interr'ogato '- ceme.haok in-theefternoon to rnsl-re _sure'he 's_til1' was Diiring the 12 there. how.-1rs,|jwas not ' ._ permitted to 'ea.t,'j:ii<ay, use the bathroom. or One ' ofthe inteiro gators was desc:_ribed_as olclflate ; 50's, and grey black hair, -mustache with nohe;1rd,_short,' aridslciiiriy, wore a Bluesh_irt._.-' --_ ' - My actions: I verbally iliforrned my GTMO SSA_wl:ien received I the information ,._1later' __- i "-ii1fonn'ed tlierG1°MO~{9n Scerie-¬~on;im-ander~via e-mail eiH95il95?'20EI4s»---§ ---------=--&# Note: Itisirny nnderstanding all ofthese techniques were,at thatttime,_permitte_dDOD. per We believe theinterviewers may have been with CTCbased iipon the physicaldespription and"tlie fact mats wastaken an to interviewroom without -appearing the on-schedule. .. Ibelieve-theythe are I b6 - bTC ~4 -4 only entityherethatcandothat. ell! » '_ »" - -1. 92.'. '. . - r _' t-_ . . v1 . b6 -4 b7C -4. hm app¢,@at.;1y 15 hsmgby NAB. T tbughout st s¢s5;¢n;|:|pe55¢@11y t rew-ujs a?' -in _= trashcan; Atthe time; Ifvyaé told he-had anulcer -and that the stress was-irritating it. I was later. ._ ' . advised he hadastcmachvirus.Iwas toldhéhad been.g i92'ren' ashbt of Motrin or soriiething like -.that!b3rthe.medica1staff. ' -" _'. b6 3,4 b7C 3,4 ' actigns: My Dile in part to the fact that LTC |:wa_-s_pres¢'nt anH.did not-object ti! the-' I - situation,"and Ithat nav_e1' hbard|:|ask t6bG'1'BU.Il his cell0r'_requ¢S1'n1cdica1 ¢d to I Y a . ' tbcpk ho arztion- stzbsequently I reported this td-the GT-MO O11:-Sceni:Co;nm:1_nd~';i"via_e-i on _j_ -05/osrzood. - I- . b6 #4 -_ . -- .1 t ,.. -. _- I Situat1on:._I b_ri; - observedfOll0jari11g'i1-1_-{early the 'A'n¢m;_1rs-were Apt il_0f20 _inade : by bein b7c ~-1 NAE'tb. |i_|[::|refu.sed debrief -spaak i.t'1teract'w1't to or itlterrogatqrs-it; Ibelieve anywa . _& |:]was kaptin an i11tc1 r0g;_ti0n ro'0m.for-aj:proxi1natc1y_1_5 :sho;'t-sha¢_k1ed;_vrith hours, ___ .' -lights andpossibly niusic. .. _l_ '_- ' - _--. '' ._ . -_ '_ " Mylacticms:Becausewas it mynndergtmding that,"-at that"ti1:[1é,ofall_these tech1:|iques I, - ?pernj:itt§:dpe:rDC:}D-,1did-.notrcpoi<t'this.: _' 1» ..' ' . _~_ ' -' Fi-nm.:MC§CRAW,STEVENC={1'NSD! ~_ FBI} .h . _- Tu: cwncmn; .. Sent:Fri?:'9i'20042-:42PM"" - 'FBI!; - ._ aw! ._ _ MM! FB11;_- -" - I 01~I!; MM!u=1a ~t<N*nrEB11- - - _-- :_-'- ~" - " w '; 1 FB1- MM!-z-1=B11; '_ '. I.-.A!{FBI!; t O!_ FBI!_CHS! FB1!;.BATI'LE, '.~ -.~cm F.B1- :1~m>_<FB -< §w '1:-. 0 ml . S B] Z_ ;- _ I BI; . ~-D . A'N! FB1!f ." -.fFBI!_ t -rNY!t<EB11; " <c0>r1=P»1>- . -.- mo: 1_ <Ho><@GA>; <c@>u=Bn= t ?_ - !_ FB ;' Era!-1; LD!- FBI!; 1 10;. 1 FBI-1;. BL - 0!~ FBI!; 1>.; =1a1!; 0; FBI!; A 0; _ 1 OGA]-' B1! :-,! _CTg]JD FB =_BI!%:!_ '~ ASD! ._ _FBU ~' ' rm BI!; _- t -c-rivv]. .PR1!; ".DJ:1=tBn; 9_ MM B WP PB J NY! OGA} V><Fn;[ 1urr ; WC ~15|@H! FBI!;ctn~/11~'.-nlqqes ARTHURM. - -" 01"-13!_g1=Bn;l _ W win an *" 0 .mn _ - be- 1 t FBI] -1 1!: iFBI! - ~; '! FBI!. FBI! - FBI! . 'F1" FBIJ; " IRJCFBI .F .92 FBI] FBI! _. _ - i PX!- PB 0 P 0;-.1; ..[RL FB cmlgrs [ Ink. ' ' HQ FB1-1 us FBI!; 1'5 Ili - ;| fl I ' I-A FBI!; -' j S ; FBI N}f;____ . MPH = .I" __ i s1_=!Q='B1 PG! FBI!; D1-] C'9N]i _. $D. C0N] N"1. ! OGA} P-$}' .F13l!; " I ' rm t FED P FBI! ~_{a=*_- IJI . - _" ' YOGA!; C0 FBI!; SEHFBI! ?_ |_[qpB- BI cm 92 92 . I HFBI!; _. . ._ CI! F13 1311;" MJJJFB - 1 CG! FBI!; . _- MO [FBI]; : - T. " _ _.]_ -PB om _1! I __ _. MW]_[FE5_. _ - ___ ' 1!;. - _~ - .<F_Br>;] t i.<c"rm'a=BI>;l _1 - _|u:>L! FBIn; _ I.L - " _ t ' ' 2" ?/f1'2/2004In Q: I'---RESPONSES-'215 . I ' l -.' -' . __ Positive Response Numbers22 I_ -pg _ l _,v . ._< -I .._ nF °m=.-i|::<d1"$°><FB '_ >dn - .' V V.; b6 -1' b7C -1 .Sent: '-Monday, July_12, 2004 9:09 AM . .T='= |:|I°TD> FB >d¢in ' _'SnIhject: G'|'M_O_u. -1 _" .. d II Vnr. " ssjgsrnvs au1uJ~n':Lgs§|F1En_ - ' . -hi5 !-_ ; Nb Eflhnaquihred, I willhandIé.. Th'anks.' - -_ "b6 1 + b7C -1 -J , _i. __,_ ..¢:-:~ .I _I I. ~ E>_,92l '92 .~_ _ u'..51 -I :-- _- ' . . . V . .~. -' -4-§'1§JrIginai'i'_P'_1essage--_e-'-" -. .- F@m Cm! F5I! 56 ti -__. _l1_ona "- T1== M Cl ' h' '' -]U| '1.-2 2004' 9:93-AM I _l I! |l *i |1~===» FBI |. l _ __ g-5i.|bjeCt:'RE':GTMO ~. b6 1 b7C -1 - i. _ -- ' |:|Iha'vej11§:ver beérjGTMO-, to ymifstill do an nédd EC?_|:lI . ' -. . --~'--'-Ori ' Messa e---- ' Fffom : _ b6 -1 ' - ' '_ -- ' ' {I192lSD} FB"I!' '- ' -Sént:Mbn-7: 12z'2004 8:21 ' .1 we ~1 1 r@=|::|1¢w>@Bn L .-'.- -Sub]ei:t:RE:GTMEO_-__- L1 '- 1-uucLA§'§|E|g-0 -ngn-gscggn . _- - ._ _ . _ _ ' Piease respdnd via EC'thét you did n<§t'.d|:>serIve treatment agg_'__re: GTMO. zit willI put your»-sixie .- - _name'd.own_§_f'a Afghanistan subsequent rgeuirgw is. required._ '"_I' ' -' ;' ' __ "-'---0rfina|iMes5a '-~- i- -I ' .' -- . -' ' _ be -1" _FT9m= 12 2UU4'_3:1'6AM_ U-:BI!' '" IRESPUNSESQ216: .; byc _1'_5ent:M0nd'a'.JuI - -_,L. - _ .1~==|i|<:e=.s@><FB1> »¢ Sub3ect:-F g1l:GTrg1GJ _'. I'-.Importance:g-Ugh b6 "1 b7C -1 5|:]_I . _, 1 '_ ..__- did nOt'obs'crve tréatlncntGTIN-EEU, -at however, I didobsérveteafrnent_ dud -_sDm¢ procedures in Af anistan. _I willrsspljgid ifrequired.Iam cilrrqntly '[_ to DY - '- _,.I_,egat'Riya_dh._Thanl<s§, __ -._'_ ..__. .1.-..-._ 1 ' _From:-MCCRAW,STEV'EI~T_.C. D92ISD! FBI! '. -I _' . - ~-1 _V. l _- 195 1 -' we- .. _ . _ . _' ' --' . ~ - I|_ H0}_ FBl1;_|_ ¢d d B11;-I ,l¢1WuPB1 _I____ ism}-cPBd~6 ' .' II - .... ......__...:_..-.:_.....-.i..--3 --v --.-.__.. .....'... n._ I.- I. _ _ .- .Sent:'Fri H9!-ZIJIIJ4 PM 2:42 ' __ ' - ' - ,. - ~_ _ Togli ,, 7__' _![F_-Bf |_1M1.92rI__ ' . ' '_ _ |I!, M1vILEBI!_;_| | LAJ.£FBI]i| mum TI _ |_ CHS1jFBl2.;J:3A;'gII_!.¥ BB. " _ I=.1 I1 52210! F211 <s El 1"_>u,~' ,- - m2z2o0¢ ' ' " -- ' 92 Positive Response Number 23 _,i, i|| L*-I __ .-_-I ilvfessagen .-i '1 _l ' @I pi _| I. _ F'a lznfi 1 'II1@> V 117° "1 .Monday, July12,20D4 PM' 12;5s _§ _.- - sass; ' 53>; :;;:;1:»'--' - .- ' s'uEjss:-he- GTMQ-' "' ' - ' §§!j'§5lTlVE_BUT - pg _, _~92 -f'é UN§LASS *' '|s D~Ywco - -_-Count . vé: ' . 'W ' n/J Fz'i& ' -; Y l; £C'E13 _ as eenwn¢ep_ is in dje_pr_ca::'e§s approved.of-péing _: _' " ' - ' _- _-'7. -O{ igi'na| _' ;Message---» ' .- - "'_Frdfn': STE92!_EN'C. MCCRQW, [N5Q}. FBI} - Sent : |YIo_r1_d3y, July .12_-QZQU4 12:13 PM. -"'Tfo:. ;_ I .- _S!-'b.ie_¢_t:.G, I'P- 1'E>'_ s "Impd__r-tance:'High _ . V _s.|sz~:"s'17r|i/15 BUT U_NCLé;§§lPlEQ 3- "__.NDN-REORD i ; " -. _ _-_ .-.56 -_1 -"_ Rafgrence pr;eviouss_"e-mail captiongdre T¥10's'92=_;_i'r.it1i92 ma ér. hég ve rapliess and svhlo -3-' '_b7C _1 V __- sgswere previou_sl1,r~ instructsfd to subrfi_ft an to the{fnsp_ECti0n Divi§i_qn,_Attentj'on:' Chief .Unit 3s.-s_:,1ss|s senq i snort. a neqauvs e-mall-to Un|t Chj1f3f|:|t_o assist in redunoilialiqh ef'thé <51.-Mo -' -_C2i:Jl'as3cicinsLfegardingthis'r1?| bé_dire'cted_t§"lEi nitCHief|:]at| _b2si11e1f&# -1] "- ' - 1' b6 -1 _ §ENS|TlVE_ BUTUNCL!k§SlFl§;Q _;__ _we .' _1_ ' 5sE;us1Tjv1 Bu'r"_;JfgE:-L,-=92's:s'|g=lE1:>' i - : . . 1' ' RESPONSES-21'? '_ .'FD-302{Rev.1 -6-95}-- _ --_ . . -Ll-:1-. . 3 -FEDERALBUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 92 _ _ _'_ __. _ be -,' l ' -' l Dareefuanscz-i1m'cn' OjL[29"g2!1§ lSN:' was'iiite_rviewed-at De1ta,'Guanta Y bio~ _.BaCuba " by Special Agent ederal b7 E . was Bureau oflnvestigation FBI! maj b-7D_N'av_a] C_I'iII1iI1a'1 er:/ice _CIS!-_' The was illterviiew conduoted English Inves  __ _. advised the of reason for the1I1_lZ81'V'l.BW-. __ i _ __ ___ _. __. _. __ ea" -4 _. ' .' _qttesti.o11-edabout his speci Icaphire ogjjgi byithe l92lortIjlern_ llliance .215 '4 ' Kondoz, Afghanistan and his subsequentto transfer Mazar-'e-Sharif. . _ '_ -' - . b7F -1,. - j___ ' ' . Aroilnd -' " Neeemear 205% Noveniber 2.001 d his tweets l; mg were to . get out ofKozidoz. |::|and'others jitmpedinthe beds oftmc s. ' etrucks .drovefor awhile, then _' -" -came to a river, _where' they wereforcedto getout ofthe trucks-Their planwas tos1-11-render United to _b5' I~Iati onsforces. a_0190 At opt toZ_020Q,_mgre.t1-ucks appeared. mg to into get ofone these _. 33° trucks"-buthis friend - _. _ I£5151-:[ _.. had failedto put his shoes -L - Mg : ori.He . WE-1.i'I'3d_fU1f and _while_wait_ii1g, tlte-tifucigsthey _wcre_go1__ng'to get in-to, drofve -Some _oi_ f. -~ -planes flewoverhea . 'it_mce wasdark hecoiild notfsee the tnatlciiztgs on the planes; .'I'1:te p1e;nest1sed' & ;- _ __ . _some type of ho or ' cendiary device and proceeded toblew 1_1p l1lZ[6_thatg E[1lClC$ was initially -. 7-goingto getmt 'saw'm@y orgetsevercly--1_11Jured. peopledic i _- . _ Lr._ is Jsid] and sweet s-1e1e, s1i= I:l. - started wallciiig. Theycould heargunfire i11t]1c distance. .'_ey so ear' elicopters. Themed walked" b6- bat-'k"towards'-the river and observed women crying. Thewomen werelocals whose homes-hadbeen . 1°79 - hm _pegplg destroyed by-the. pl_anes.|:| estimatedthat eight tonine truclts were d_estroyed..They were full of to surrender. Hebclieifesathat between 390 a_t_1d 4-DOeo le were-killed trucks t.-;We -e eblew -up; Hadfr_iend,|:|been_ready;with_hi_s his .'- -. - _ - on |:|wouldhave':shoes - ___dicdoI1'one-ofthe'tr'ucks;i I - ' --Pakistani H -' "' ' 'l:_l'saw"TaI'i'b by indifferent yelaioi-es. - He inan attempt truck t'o|gc ot-I1 The thearea. trLLck away d1'ove was andevent_ - b6 _4 stopped by tlie__l92_ljortheri1 Allialice. -and t1'1e' in thetruck others wereforced toget out_. -The 157:; -4-i Nor 1en1'A1liance soldiers tooktheir jackets ,1 money, and shoes.The- Northern Alliance soldiei-swere mo _1. _- tootinany type-O=f uniform. -They did not have glms atthis time.Theyloolced like civilians. _ _. . .. _NF -' , ._ ' |:|and'his -group were forced to w throiighavalicy, between two high hills. He. . I'_ c sepeople on the hills-with and guns camcorders. They--were'_ the videotaping group of walkers. = _ __was Searched a-gain and l1l5_l1il1.Il.Cl5 were tiedbehind hisback. _ _.. __ " - _-_ b6 "Q " '--' - - On the second dayafterhis-capu1reil::|i-aas put into a_ ditch by the Northern Alliigmc b-,92C _so'1'diers.l;:|desoribed -'trucksthe Northern Alliance as_"'Ch.1Iiese' people. spent I-lo night all intheditch. 1579 ' - On the thir day showed up andthe prisonerawere tojutrtp allowed ll'_lB_ti' into 1:>?a- ' ". |' lpmrisnti on 01-Z'L'9f2i303___Z n ' allQC-ua1f1tane:mo_Ba-92LL__Cuba_ ' . __:' ' I-"i|=# 255;a_;MM;"¢99_102w-i . J I'-_ Deladictated Q1-.-L29 _gg37 3,,iQAE _ Wb7C :1 i._/p - "_ W - ' -"F15-snzatasvr to-5-95! e . ' - _ . - .>. _ - b6 zs=5n-1viM-c991__o2-_ -_ _ __- .. _. "- bl ? "4 _ .__ . ; -4 b?D -1 we -1 _' _, _ . .Culitirlhntion q1'm-3q25r1' . _ . ' - .' 116- b7CI me - ' ' .1 __| i *' land " V _ _ 1 . ._--0; 0.1/:9/200,3 u' _;Ps -- . ___ ._' ...,, ' . _ _,_ _ Jgotmto onetrnck,'and[:|got1_nto=anoth fuJ1ofA.fghan1 ' ' =' b7F ' " _-_ I'he'tr|.ieks awhile -andstopped drovelfor at ari'tir1,k;nov_m.-loc_ation. 'ta1-1, caueasian, Anieriizan :nan who was.w 0the trucksand theoccupants; -The man-then left an did __ej_ea_11_s_ rnan_was.talc.u1g . The pictures cfnotisee himagai1i.' Thetrucks started .- hp agai11_.a,r_1d drove At off.night they arrived at Mazar-e-Sharif. ;;]saw -lines of people h0ld' guns, The truck m % in hacked up t_o'a large container an It eoocupantspf the bed'Qf&# truck-were-forced.-i_nto'1the container-.; -_ -Q_.; a ' -4 b6 -4b7C _b7D -1 are -1 p. .-;- 1 ,- '_ _, :' .-__ . I - ._ ;'_ 92 __'.;6detain_ee_ descnb.ed the container as cells-at being red color, in like-a looking shipping containe -It was about'_ size o e Camp but Delta, -wider. . | windows only and smal holes nearthetop "for ventilation. Thecontainer was made ofinotal. estimated thatat least 100 rnen wereforced into"-the container. Thecontainer-was -then closed. P_eop1e.inside_b.egan to screarn" and ' hang-on the outside-of .contain_er; the noone -but opened it. -|_:[blaoked; out ¬1l1_e .to of 1ack_ airwhile 'it v_v.-asstill outside. darkHe-carneto_Whenit'-=qas.1ightand-noticed that itappeared there were newholes in the outside-wall of the container. .-He-noti ed that the 1':neta]' was pushed inward, .t_owards the people inside" the_conta"i1_1er-,.a sonlethirig s if had pugnctured the container 'orn the outside. - He said.he hada' we un¬lon right his typewliieh elbow _he'.thou_g_ht mayhave .from.a-bullet. been thou- the _.punctL1resin themetal container rnay hat-'e'o'ome'from. gun re". I-I_[e' tfloesnot be1i'e92_ze_ t. ep'unetu_re_ '-he-sawerepnorto present hisblanking ont.'_j ._ .|"E-'- -- - ... ,_ -'j .2 ,-i ; = . ' . _--|:noticed-the-tn-an .''_hi1n dead. lie Hesaw -wasstill -green; c_on:u' thewas Inan.?s'n1otith'. nothad eatenor El.t'3I1l fortwo -3J1},f1.l1.i.t1_g days..= not given anything to eater;The men-~i.n'-thetoolesloths container and-rnhbed-them against the ceiling of~the'container water. 1- _: to get the condensation that had _ac_cun1ulated_:_there. the 'The3cloths" out so -rung they coulddrink the . _ -" ' !_- l: helieves he _only about 20 people survivedthe " . ' --' . eontainerlforiapproitirnately -I-Iezeshtirnatedlthat ordeal._' '' . -- . _ . - ''_ - theWhen contained was nally opene'd;I:|no peopl'e opened ced thewh th 14:70 4 . '" ' put the mincontainer at Mazar-e-Sharif and when it was opened were they Sabergaan at ail. j iii? :i hdbeenmoved92whilehewasinit.~ ' _' " ' _b -4 - container wore the same typeof civilian clothes hehadseen earier on the NorthernAlliance soldiers. e COIHEIIIISI a A.-.d0<=tnr;1T=atsdhiS. attI1W1;th.i9§§ins-aftst.ttis.rslsss== ._ _.. .. .. =- _.; -. a .:j:ould not say why -he was put into the container. He thought it might. have been- bee -he ause looked.more like an Afghani than aPakistani. Lgdid not see happened whatto the _. deceased, but "later heard that the captures had gone through;_err poo etsand taken money and_perso_nal items. Thedead were put intoIa bighole and buried. Healso heard that some of themen whowere too weak to-getout of the container on theirown wereput intothe holealso. . ._-. iU The soldiers U.S. 31a1TiV¢d_ StlbergaanF111 ahe released w& ?-bt1ut:oneh front the container|:|s initial_capture and placement into the container-weret et 'ee days worst his of life. . -- as-spouses-219' _ =_ -1 . --;'- ' L Positive s Response Number 24 .- i iii 1 -Megsage '- I b6 -1 b7C -1 - _-_".'_P§" 1ofl _|<i $F I§1TF"3'T t £1 |-' {{{{ it t ~|_i|:¢T@={FB->it Q-. ~, 1 -'s@m&'_ 3:22_PMh 'Mo_r|day,_Ju|y12,2C|D4 _ ' -. Q=1 -' fsubjecu :.~ ' ~_ GTMO, I' ' _' ' ' Q; _SENSlT1VE UNQLASSIFIED agr you-ggconn-: - .. Y 4 --' -- Fositivefesponse perourcohyersatioh . - c:n'O7I12I2_0t'J4!I_ -_ . . rwas"TDY GH11/10 at 0TI1i3» from 2l!-0;!--'09_f1J'2!2iIfi03 1'0i2 a12ob3'-11n_aI2 théarid pig a:.<_:;& odlof [W16 -093032003, on one occasion Iwitnessed a detainee inan interview rdorn whowas, sub]et:t_ed' to loud 'V' .mu$5;;.a§1;|,-gtrgiqe_-I-witnessed lights-. .tt;is_.whi_le:wa_[kin'g1_paSt the r2DOIT!.0__r1=£T1!'? wayt'0= another interview. do'not_ I -'__ '  .racal| the exact dateor theti_m'e oqcurred-.-The_re -this _no,FB| wéré pEl'50|'ll1é|_in th_e room thé io'ud.i_'riusic a étrobelights. '-|' "" '_.:;¢ _; -.'-_-__.. - -- i._ i J -' b5 -1 .' bYC_ 1 .-TFOS/RFFIUYI/Roam1.5223 .. .- T b.2.'1" SEBlSLi1;N&B:_lJT'UNCLA$.. iSlI$lE_I5 " J r 92 I r _ t m2:2oo4 .l I RESPO'N'SES=220 * - " V _. - Positive Response Number25 i- . J ' 1.- _i "' Ji i i i _. fl 7 __; Y7 ._Me'ssaLgc"" 1-' '. ' ll' ' 2' HY: -. _ _ _7_:_ __ '_ ."_Pa5e1_ 0 ,, - L _ ___;__ __ _ _, __,__rI~§v>i <=?B{11 ~,7; ; _ _ 92:i1<@r@>"<rB'> Li *- 6*- 1Vi -, Subject: RE: RE: GTMO mreavusws 1" _ _ OK thanks. vvillkeep as thisa_poeitive_resporise,' gthlerihave same. statecneeci hue Nd y0u'to_dcfur EC, " an .h'_' e-L--I -. -h£3'I -' I- -ih_inaii " 'ies'sa ,' ' I -._ *- r==r=m=F_ ;Q |<<:w><rB1> ~ 4 _, Ju 13 2004 11:06 AM.-' _ _ WC ~1. Tm <1~$@1<FB11 e ". 1- "i ' ~-I ' Suhjec1:_:RE:G1'i"1E!I| ._ {1'ER92flE92-'ifS_:_ . _' .. r -1:6-1 _' _ Sent: Tuesda _ .' .1 bvc 1 - ' . - . = ' _ __- _' - -'deployed was rc->"c;n}10" $11 thefoiinwingviaie-as listen}; o2;_1s:ea_1D"o3:1ar63; crumbs 09102103, 10' 1" - ' -, USIS1 I04 tg GU02/04'-;.ponduci in_crde_r't0 interviews of nancial operatives of Al-Qaedaand _U1e Taliban. I " did not witness any aggresaive behavior or interview techniques being_used GTMD on detainees that isnot ' ./consistent with Bureau poiicy. However, during the éecnnd depinyment; 0111730309.92'0?J03_, 10 ubsehred v' i -- a detaineebeingvexposaci loud to n1usic~,and a;$i.rqbe. iight=during_ an interrogailon.I dono; rec_aiI thedate--, 1that this tookplace, the_Idetain'eenam_e,.or swho" was interrqgating the_det_ainee. I"-saw wha; was going on' . ' approximateiy _.a1 10:00am and Ibeliev_a'tne-qetainee refenedwas in as.-the poisifan man'dL1e _1 tcvhis _ _knowledge-_o_fchan'1ical &'b_io|ogiq.a|_weépo'né._" - - -_ T .. ,3 . - _'b7C -1' _ _- ' 5Eli1$lT192,f__E_-_l3I._I_|"Li N.CLASSiFIEQ92 2 1 - - - ---- -- "v--- - --- - ---;--+--- --_ '--- _ -._ _----- --_--_--'..--i_',-.__--_--_-_-.._-92---_ ----.---._.._..__ ---__ _...___.....______ _.. ___ --_. _.. .. .¢ x "- 2r;3xzo04 - _" '_ .. RESPON-SE5-221" .- _ Positive es Response Number , . . 26 I i '. RESPONSE-S-222 1 L . City Opaall92'M92' 1- 1' ' 1| Gander 'Las92_'IN -arno F92l's92_Na'ma Tm='a1'qr 92 92 Operalibn Enduring FreedomGuantanamoay Operation En_d|_1ring F:e_ad_<_:-m Guanranamnay-_ OperationEnduring 'Fre;-:dpn1' Guantanamo Ba?Mr._ Cub -Tm: ' lrmu dfrléé Mr.-_I. Cuba'_ péralinn Ertdunng F_ree4on92'Guar921§marr_92_r:_ Bay Jab 5__ , . . 0 _Cui_1a' ~ _'@M~» 'Gu_antanan_m:92 Hay0P'QI'a1i0n _Ef ldurinQ Fr_eac|o_m Ms.- -- Cuban -" CubaMr, .- _.- Cuba ML." Cuba -Mr. ~ I uba Mr. - Cuba .Mr.-_¥ Cuba . Mr. " Cuba." Mr. b6 1:7 . _' Ballla "- F __ Frankie ' .' me. . cum ' Ms; -_ Cuba »- -1 92 +'w OperationEnduring Freedom Guanlahamn Bay 3 Dperalinn: Enduring FrB_Bd0m Guanlanamn Bay ' _-Drieratiun Enduring Fraiaclorri .G|_ranlanar1iu _Bay opeisriun §ndLi Frcgdum _ng- _- r IMM 1 gno- - 5B3. GU§|nta'namd'Bay If §n M_-" Gut-.inl_ana Bay -- ";.H@ mn {Mm l_II{1eraliun'E Fraadpnn 1;lLrrirl1g ,0pqra|iun Enduring'Fregdu'm . DpéraliunEnquring Freedgm -' I Vj'_NY ' -.' Guah'tarqan'1n Bay Operauon Enduring Fre|_§dorn__' Cuba- Guanlénarnu Bay Opagatfun Er1durin'g.FrB_ed0rn Mr_ . Cuba "' Operatidn Bay -Enduring Fraedorn Guantanamu Mr. "Cuba .O e athn _Erldurirng Fraadorn _ _ {NY Mr, . ._Quba ' . MM Qlperalidn Enduring Fréeriur-n 'LA Up r lidnEnduring Freedom Mr..' .' Quna. Mr. CubaOperéllun-Ellduring Fr'eadom_ ML -_.Cuba Ba; Operation Endunng Fraédom Guantanarncr Bay Mr-. '_ .". I Cuba _' Dperaliun_Em:luring 1 Freedom-Guanlan mn 1 4*!" ' ' Bay DperaliunEnduring Freéciomc ar.1rar'1'am@' Mr; V_ Cuba:Mr. . .Cuha Guantanamo Bay Dpérallbn Enduring r=|-ee_d_6_m 1 E110 _ Guanlaharnp Bai Mr. ._ t_';uba' 0para1iE|n.Endur'ir1g FrGedum .'_, -FIR -- - -Ciper}|tion Endunng Freedom G'u an_lunam0_ Bay M5; . 'r'3ul:ra'_ Guanlahuniu Buy Mr.'_ r _Cuba Opararicm Eridilrlng Freedom Mr. ' 'Cuba" Guanianarno ay OperalionEnduring-Frnaplom Qua ' Guanlanamul ay A Mr, Cuba operation Freedom Mr, ' Cuba _'Gua|_1lanamo Bay Operation Enduring I-fniedom Mr. Cuba .Bay OparaliqnEnduring Fraédom Guantanamo .;'H0_"Mr. cuna qpmauén 'EI'|c'Iuring_ freedomGuanlanamoBay "A A ss My -Cuba"_" .Qnafél92ar_§ Endu;ing'-F.réadom Guantanamo Bay _Mr. ' _Cuba ' _C|peri-Minn Enduring Freédom Bay Dperaiiqri Enduring FreedbmGuantanamo Mr.-" cups. _ . Cuba ' Guantanamo El-ay. A Mr. -' Operation Enduj Fréédom ng .Guanlanarm' Hay Guarilanamu'Bay Gu_antanarrn: Bag? " V195 ._ R-1.-.-_E'<1~' Guanlanamp Bayi Guanianamn Bay Guantanamo Bay _A, A in ~ - . I? "- r W -. ;NY" .ir::>1_ _. Lr4r=;-Ir-M. "- --.1e'a"m .- J 92 ______ L5»: Namé -L m. r 0 Mr. Cuba Mr. Cuba Mr. Mr. .4- 1 g Cuba" Cuba - Ms. Mr. _-Mr; MI. .Mr. Pi-- t -ii _,7 First Hams '-oar. "- Mi . .- Mr. .Mr. der' _.Thoat -Mr. ' MI. '. Mra"I' OI i no -1 b7C -1 _ Cuba Cuba Cuba. coup Cuba Cuba .Ml . "_ rm. Ms. Cuba .Mr. ' Ms.Cuba C.ub-a M5,, Cuba. -Mr. ' Cuba _Ml . ' Ms. - Ma. .Mr. ' Mr. ' '--"!IMF; 2; .Mr._ ' Mr. Mr. ' Mr. MS. .Mr. Cuba ' Cuba Euba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba |::5§ -**%" Citpaalion-;_-II_' _ operation Erfdunng Ereadom Opa-ra1ioh'End_urin§; I -readom_ 1 Dpargtion Enduring Freedom Qperation Enduring Fraaolum." 1 Operation Enduring Ereadorrg .Upofation _Eiiu_a-ring Eréédoni Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Endur_in_g_Freadom _' Operation Enduring FréadomCity Operation Enduring" FreedomGuantanamo Bay Quantanamo Bay Dporation nduring-Froédom Guaotanaino any Jab Title Guantanamo Eiay 0peration.Enduring Freédorn Guantanamo Bay 6 §rrq|d orr1_c_e' ' Guantanamo-aay_inn "Unara92ion_Endusi.r92g Froaoam - 0pe_ration_Enduring Freedom -_Gu anianan1o_ Bay A. Cuba' Operation l_Enduring'F_reo_d|:ifn'-' i"°» 0pa_rat_ionEnd_uri_n'g Freedom <$uantana_mo'Bay Freedom Cuba Qperatipn Enouring NY . Guantanamo Bay Cfuba Cuba Cubs 4Z1oeration_End92nin923 ftéaidorn Guantanamo Bay Dperat1'on:EndurIng'Freedom Operation Endunng-Freedom Gunntanarno Bay Cuba CubaCuba Oparation Enduririg Fréadom- Guantanamo ay '-DparationFreedom _Enduring Guantananio Ba»; Ut>B'Iation.Enourihg Froedom Bay Guantanamo -_Ope_ration Enduririg_Froedo'|"n Gujanta'narno Bay Operation Enduring Freedom Guantanamo Bay' Operation-Enduring Freedom Guantanamo Bay 0oerat_ton Erhduring. Fre_edorn Gua tariamo Bay Oparation En f FreedomGuantanamo Boy: .=r_P " [H0 co iQT.- EHCI }CG Guantanamo Bay Guantanamo Bay ' . ' {MM - iHO Erw-. 4=01 Cu_.|i:|EI Cuba Freedom Enduring Cuba01ior_a'tion'h Guani-anam_o.Bay Guantanamo Bay ouauaaam Bay ° Guantanamo Bay ' GuantanamoBay Guantanamo Bay Guantanamo Bay --D|: eratiE?7'1T!'3.I:|;iu'rin'g" Eiaedom §LS ' Operation Enduring Freedom =on Endtt Freedom ng Guan|anarr1o_Bay. Cuba _Oporat_ion Dparation Endurtng figgtiiorn ' F. Guantanamo Bay A.. . ._Op}iration Enduring Etlaadom HQ . tin Cuba Operation Enduring GU_3I'i928I"i6_i'i"lO _ = I B81 Frééiziom Ii-NO Guantanamo Bay G118-.11'i===!11Bi"11.=' Bar MM ... 2_of'1 Guantanamo Bay Gutin92anat11O B181 an ' -|R- ' ERF ' LAB - HE]. =_ .Last Name 'First Name Gémtor. '- TheaterMr. ' _Cuba Mr. Cuba Mr. _ _Cuba "op q'aiibn_..- _-Ms!-.~:Cuba_'l" ' Operation Mr. .qutia _. " '.Ur1 r.ali_on Mr. Cuba - .. Opqration Cuba Cuba] D|}eratio_n Cuba Operation Cuba ' Operation Guantanamo-Bay turn;-:-izi.=@= Mrj. - .-Cuba-_ Mr: -I.- Cuba Mr. Mr. _U|Tll'I'92'I'lQ3 hi5 1 b'i|'C -1 lti'ir.__ Mr. M9, ' _Cuba City Mrs 1' ' '1 -cuts: ' Mr. "_'Cuba "r ' Guantanamo BayEnduring Freédom Enduring Freedom" Enoiii1{1g_Fiééimm' Guantqnamci- Bay Ms. ._. Cuba 'End'urir1g Fraedom Cuba _ "Enduring Freedom t;uba:'-{I255,t?.z*m% ;3Ei%ii% Guantanamo Bay Job Tllto Eriduring 'Free'dorn Mr. - ' -Cuba Guantanamo Bay Mr.__ -Cuba. Mr." Cuba ' O Operation Guanlonarno BayO Operation iiiiatiirt §?Rr é éiiBiiiT§§t;oan|eiijar§io,B;ir A A Ope|"a tio'|_1-Enduring__Froedom Ms. Cuba ' .Endi._iring Freedom Mi. .-El.lb3' Endu ring Ereédom Mr... __ ' Opératioh Enduring Freedom Guantanamo Hair Cuba Mr. -. Guantanamo Bay Cuba I ~Mr. Ms. - _Cuba Guantanamo Bay Ms. Mr.. = j ' gona- Fioid Ol éo Bay Qparrition EnduringGuantanamo lfraadoin Cuba Guantanarno Bay . CLIDG . Of>eration.'_£ndurtng Freedom Guantanamo Bay cube A Fréedom Mr. Cuba ' Opia'ration'-Enduring Guantanamo Bay Operation Enduring Fré_odon"i Guantanamo Bajr O Mr, Cuba. Opt-:'ra1io|i_Freedom Enduring Guantanamo Bay Ms. Cuba ....0peralton_Enduring Freedom .t_'3uanlanamo Bay Ms. "Cuba'Operation Endu rlgFraadorr! 'Guar1tan_amo'Bay Mr._-,_Cuba- D|I|'eFatioE i]§?idii §_=_uantana'mojElay='..-gr g. i_=.'r'_'oa1i:iii._=-} Gua_nt*anamo~Bay Oiaerétlon _Eno'1_.iring Freg d'orri_ PH"_ | MM. . no G'u3nlanaI'I10 Bay Ho_Endurii1g Freédom Operation Enduring _Fre'a;li:m Guantanamo Bay Operalicin End_uril1g .Fr_oedom Guantanamo Bay Cip_aral1on S S Operation Enduring Freédon-iGuantanamo Bay Operation Endurin FreedomGuantanamo Bay"-h oiiartition Enduring Fraadb t Guantanamo H_ay. -_ Opéralion Enduring Freociom_ Guantanamo Boy Oporation Enduring FreedomG'u_antan'amo Bay Buantanamo'Bay Bay Dperatiorl Enduring FroedomGuantanamo Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom Opération Enduring Freedom Guantanamo Bay Opgratlnn Enduring Frégdori-i tjooraiion _Ei'1uiiiriii;i Ff§§a_iiom Guant rganuo Bay A l'- ' Opétraliunl E duF:rée:_i'or1"i ng -Guantanamo Bay S. 't?iuantanarno_Bay Guantanamo Bay MM sr= ' -NY CD ' HQ A. -'3of1Ei ' | > -RESPONSES-224 . P ,_.j_.-i-i-an---_ f' Last Name First F" "T Name .- Gander- Theatei . 1 "Cuba Cuba= *,5I:'|ii1r"§;?. g!Y>I-5;3"E='. §="fCi.t1i '." Cuba Cuba Cuba ' i i T .MS. .1_arc b6 -1 -1 i CUIJG Cuba Cuba Cuba_ . 6 Cuba Ct.Iba= Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba '<*_~~:-=,:.=:-as-r_: i ' I Lrr] L- ii Cut:a£.., 1 ' - 2 Cuba" onun Cuba: CubaCuba City -- Ctpeélliio " Operation Eriquilng Freedom 'GUS[liB[l3F_i1D B87 Jdp Title _.Operation EnduringFreedom A . ~canrraropnrniian"=En_a isn @T¢?ae=inm:-> auamananinraay. I . Guantanamo §Jij'i:r'atia'n Freedom Enduring IN Ba"? A._. _' .- -- .'0perat'|on Enduringfrefad m 92 1 hm Gander." .Th-aali -- -' r D_lJBB "_" 1 " 1- "V '. . =;Il.'v"Mr. ._ Cuba - .. Dpara_tion Enduring FréadomGuonlanarno Bay Operation Endurlng_Fraettom I _Guantana'ma Ba? Mr._'Cuba tt.rtr1- -I Cuba Ms.'_ . -"Cuba".- Ogeratloijl Er_idurIrig'Froadom._ Guantanamo Bay 0|;-aratton Endurlng Fre_edom Guantanamo ._ ayi - 3; M r.2» ours ;"=92iifwi?_'L'-':'I*i1i=i-3?? iieiiaitorr l_§iiout_tt1§?I§_ri§ Elnj i§?;'Gtianta_naijng;.§ay=; Mr. 1 ' Cuba Opa'rotio_n Enduring Freédom Mr. 1.Cuba Opato on Endu nq Freéaom Mr. " ' Cuba Operation Endur1'r'|g Freedom Guantanamo Bay Operation. Enduring FraedomGuanlananio B;92,r_ Mr. _Quh Ms. Cuba" Mr; - ._ .Cuba Field Clftrca AL Guantanamo_Bay Guantanamo Bay Oporati-on Enduring Freedom Operation Endur|'in'g Eréiedom no 5 .I ' Enduring Fraeoom Mr. V _ _Cuba 'Operation K§tt:Mr. - '-Cuba ' Operation Enduring Fraedom 92. f. Mr. ' -_ _Cuba" Guantanamo Bay Operation Enduring Frao'd:in'I MP" Mr.. ".-"t:uoa__ Operation Enduring-!fra'ga'do1'1i Guantanamo Bay Mr. Cuba It-tr. ._ .-Cuba - Mn Operation Endurtng FreedomGuantanamo Bay -' ' EndL|n'r|g' Oporation FréedomGuantanamo Bay MM Guan1ariarrio_Bay SF WF Guantanamo Bay i Operation Enduring Free_dorn -' .Oporation_.Endurlr_'ig Freedom Operation,-Entiuring Frae,d_om ti- Ir.._ '_ 'Cub'a Mr. - -Cuba . ' 0pora1ion_.Enclurtr|g Eraaoom Cuba t Mr. _Cuba Mr. Cuba-' Ms.- -' Cuba Mr."" .' Cuba -M5.92. "_ Cuba Mr. _-Cuba Mr-. Cuba . Opgration Enduring FreedomGuantanamo Bay Operation Enduring Frozydqmwnwhamo Bay NY St Guantanamo-Bay cur -_ Guantanamo Bay "CG Fréedom OparatioI1'_E|iour§ng Operation Enduring Fraadom Dporalion~Endur|ng Frea oon'| Mr .= .Cuba 1-1Oparatton_Endu'rir_1g FreedomGu_antar1amo Bay Guantanamo Bay MI.-_ _f _Cuba Opérat_|o'I1 Enduring Freedom 'BS.' ooinrgnamd Bag} ML '. Cuba'Ms.- l_ Cuba ' D|Ji:|' El_t%1Jl1'En_:1uFing Guantanamo Hay Freudorrfi Mr. '_ V_uba-_ Operation Enduring Freactorn Guantanamo Bay Guantanamo Bay ML. - .'C|.rtJ'a' _O|J'era1i_ori'Er1duiing Frieaqoi-ri '.Dpéra1ion I" Fraaoom E_nd1i_ring ' Mr. g ' Cuba'Guantanamo Bay Bay Mr. ;__-_ ' Cuba ' _'°P°.m"='i92 Fi§§s1°i E 'Guanta'r1amo w".' g 1'31~ Guantanamo Bay Operation-Enduring Frpadom -Guantanamo Bay Operation [Enduring Frébdom Guantdnarno Bay MM MM DL. gm-16.-. gt , Gi.la_ntanamo '_RESPOl92iSE_Erf! i-A. Bay Guantanamo Bay" ' Quantafnarno Bay Guan lé1ri£l_m'D Bay Guantanamo Bay ERF o92__ ERF LA" 1 4 A ' Gender Laet___1'~|ama F|rst_Nar|1e_ _- _' '2 __ ' ' ". -1 _ _.._ M" ._ _. ' Theater Cuba -" _Mr.- . '_Du_baUoerati_on'Eridu1'irig _ BayS Fraadorrr Guantanamo i-'-*<:r.=a=:;:.~",f=*-Y~i:uriaa:t*~.'C'¢' aiifua-aaaivriénli tho T I -Ms, _'Cuba " __O|:ierat|onE_r1dur|i1g'Freédorn G|.ian_lanamoBa§r ' --[MM _,PH - Harrington Op-aationli. _'ii City" . Bay OparatlonEnduring Freedom Guantanamo Mr.-' l :;Cub:a':. 0p_era_iiun Enduring Fraecium'"_'Guanta'nan'92o aay ,'Mr.' . __Cui::a .''_Oparaiion'E|1during Freedom Guantanamo Bay JobTmii Ms. ": Cuba Bay ' EField Difica Qgieraiion Enduring lfreadoinGuantanamo Ms. ' Cuba iH=e' Bay _Operation Enduring Freadpm Gua tariarrip .iHCl " -_Mr.-' '_ -Cuba OoeraiionEnduring Freedom Guantanamo Bay ' Mr. i 92 Thurjnas Cuba Mr.Mr. -Cuba ' 'uu._ ..cuu.=' Ms. ' __.CuI:ia Mr, = - Cuba - Qparalion Enduring Fr;-{edom Ms.- --Cuba _ Guantanamo Bay Operatihn Enduring_F=readam._ Bay 0peratio|1.|_Endur|ng Fréadmn Gualnlalnamo 1:5 -1 ]:>'?C -1. Operation Enduring Fre_ei:|orr_| iEmaiiira-iFi§aa ni. _.i.N9 EH0-. Operation Enduring Freedom Guaritanarnq Bay Oparalion En iiring F_reeclon'i_ Guanlainarno Bay Qparaiion Enduring FreedomGuanlanaino Bay inc: f~ oi~t_ Mr. ' Cuba Mr. 1' -Cuba . Bay:" ME. Operation Enduring FreedbrnGuanta'narn0 Mr.'. _. .: Cuba Ciparaiion Enduring FréedomGuantanamo Bay Mr. Cuba -Operation Enduring Freedorn Guanianqrio B31; Mr. _' -' CU'ba' ' BayOpgratlon Enduring FraedfzrnGoant_ana|'rio_ Mr. '. |- . outta Gu nianamo Bay CiIpe'ra1ion'Enouririg_ Fratj.-oorn Guantanamo Bay Mr.'_' .' Cuba_ Ofaaralion Er'icIu'ririg_ Freedpm_ Mr. __ _ CubaBay Op;-:ratio_n -,Endurin_g "Freedom-iii-Iuantanamo Mr.» Cuba Opérailon"Endtiring FreadornGuantanamo Bay Mr; -_. _..Cubti. OperationEncluring-Freadorn Guantanamo Bay A. _- -'_EFtF ' Ms. _Cuba" Guantar1a ' rno_Bajl-' Operation Enduring l_?reed0rr1 Mr . . _.Cuba ' Opératio'n'Endu_r|ng FreedomGuanlan a'r92"|i':|'_Ba5t :.u~r Mr." - Cuba Bay Operating En|:iu_rinj;| FreedomGuantanamo '=' EP. Mr. ' Cuba Operation. Enduring_Fre'e'dciri'1 Gulanianamb Bay |'irir._. -Cuba Operation Endy'rin_g Freedom _ BuantanamoBay Mr, ' CubaGuantanamo Bay Oparalion Enduring Fraegiorri Ms. ."- Cuba - ERF -Guantanamo Bay Mr, ' ' Cuba Ag -.1 Mr. Cuba " §' |R Mr. h . Cuba .s.- C5 _Oparati_onYEnduring'Freeci0rn Guanianamo ay opayaisan Erlouring} Fl:-igaclom Guantanamo Bay operation" Enuu_rmii'Fj§§aum [Mi G_ua'n92a_r_1arno Bay Oparaiion E_r|ou'r|ng'Freedum §'CG'. Guantanamo Bay Guantanamo Bay - '-"ti oi'1B_ j 5' ; ..A __ :I-[Q - _ RESPONSES-222 _' c '- i in _f=:T'/"9"" l -_ - . :; """-T - ..Firbtl92-lama I _ IGander",T_l1B'nl -- st__Na1'no . |t-r ML: . Mr. -.' - Ms. '. .ca.-ha --_Mr. Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba ' Mr. I-.- -- - -Mr. '. Mr'. .=f r ' : -r:2?;". :;i.irr"r1;;;:_;:--_;. __' ME. II. K3 -' Mr. - Mr. 1- r i t- I Ml'.'_ __ .-Mutt Mr. -I __ b6 -1. bTC -1 i M5_ ' ' -' ,Mfs.-.-'. .- t, Ms. _Mr. 1_ . Mr. ' . Ms: ltrtr . "- Mr...._f : _' Mr. t r ir . {$1 . Mr . Mr. .. Mr. . Mr. - ' .I r 1 _l -1r_.»-" Mr" I. Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cub8:: j tm! /-.rJa..-'92.- . Last Narne 7 I J Elrat .P_ candor ..ThdateI" Mr. ,.'-Cubaf Namb Mo. ' ' Cuba -I Q "O|?iaa_{i0n_- _'_- . ' Oporation Enduring Freadbm Operation Enduring Fraédol Mr. -' Cuba ' ' ' Oporation_Endtirinb FreedomMr. . 'Guba' G paralion_ Enduring _Fraedo'm Cll§| :_. Ms. Cuba .Operation Enduring Fr'ead1:im guantanamu B_ay_ : ' Fraadom_GuantanamoBay X" _' Cut-B Operation Enduringi ' "0p_araU6n ¬r_|duiingTFrendom X_ - ,Cuba-' Guen'ta'narno Bay Mr. -_ ' Cuba " Oparaiion_En_du||ng Freedom Ms- - "-Cuba" ' Operation Enduring Fratadbrn Mr. Cuba " Mr. "_ - Cuba 92 '- G'uanlar3_alno_B Operatiori'Enduring_F_maddm £3-u Hay anlaftamo "'_Guantana|'nq-Ba nn.- '_j3uba' Guantanamo Bay Operation _Enduring Fraedofn Mr. - CopaGuantanamo _Bay .-Gua'rita_namo"_é!ay Mr. __ f.C!.tbEl_ . O'p'Br_a1i'on Freaqun Endu Guantanamo ay ng Mr. '-Cuba __ Operation Enduring Fréadntn i=_|;i=i' Oparaiiulfl Enduring Fri-iadom oi; -_. Oi:n;raLion'Enduring Freadorn ay Mr. __' __Cul:ial WGuantanamo Opératton Enduring Freedom.Guantanamo 'Oparation_Endu|1ng Fraed-om Guantanamo Bay Ms.- -- j Quba Cuba ' Mr. . .Op'eraE|on Freedom Enduring Guan|anan1oBay_' _._Guantaharuo Bay Mr. ' - Cuba; b 1. $1 Ir;-§ ulna; Mr. Cu_ba' ' . ==35"g?+:g;;;q;g;;jggooo.w;§;-gag;§3paraijon:_E_nit i| "§ $%i*i§ ?{"nii f; 3ii'ant'i|i5'é -Guantanamp'_B_ay nu. pupa ' Operation Er1_du_r'ing Freedom Guantanamo Bay Mr. ' Cuba Ma.- ..Cuba I Mr. -"Cuba ML. _" Mr. . " tjperallun Enduring Frdtaljiiirn 'Ci..|bB' Qperalinn Enduring FreedomGuantanamo Etay Cuba-Operation Enduring Freedom Guantanamo Bay Mr. _Cuba". Ms._ Cu_ba' Mr. ' . Cuba .-. Ms. -=: Opqrdllgbn Enduring FreedomGuantanamo Bay Operation Endurlrig 'Fre_¢dorr| E:-Cuba Qpération Enduring Fraadonji WED _ LAB . BF ' IF! - . GiIantanamp_Bay ..=ERFOperation Enduring §=roadon1Guantanamo Spy HQ ' Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom Operation En_durIn'g Fmadom Mr. Cuba Mr. Cuba '~ Operation Endunrig .g H0 Eraeiiorn Mr. . C|.fha' ' _OporBliI:Jr92 EI_1dI.I Freedom r_1g';:s"-:t*.i¥=.I3¥-'' - PI-I Mr. .' Cubasvwrartwi Endurlné F.r=?;==9'=m Operation Enduring Fr édornGt.ian!an_arnp Bay Operation gndurmg Frébuum .H° 1w. no -- _Guar1tanamo-Bay Guantanamo Bay -.-.---a =- '-' .l::'ra}- a--- -_ -- = -antsj I GU'&nl£_m'at't& Guantanamo Bay ' _RESPO'iiSE5¢229-.' G'uantanamo' Bay L92it- -_ Guantanamo Bay-' -. Gu'ant.a_na:_-no BayDE EMF " Guaritanaipu Bay- -Guanlanamolbay GuantanamoBait. Guantanamo Bay w Ho"-. '92. i . ._ Last Name ' First Name Gnradar Thealfar-1 Opeetion Mr. ' 3 "Cuba Mr." _- Cuber Mr. -Cuba Mr. Cube. Mn .. Cuba? Cuba 1 '_ Oparailpn EndilrlngFreedom Uperajiun Er-|duri'rig' Freedhm any - Ii . G'1.i$ntanamq Bay OpEri;l|dr_r_E|'|_du'rin'g Freédrairl U1!_£+I8_llr_§i'| Endur|ng_Fre_ed0l r1 C-§uantanamu_B ay -_.J;.r§b'TilIe l§uan92ai1amu_Bay '3 '2 uu ii I-?l l;'iacl| 1:°r?.1J ii?E .i¬l~.{ '#-.i= »f§rT :ri?§i1i§i§r*i§,a-r3§;i_i_§;;:_"_Q;iér;iis¢ihE Fluid 0f cb- Operation Enduring F_rea'do'n'_| O'parat ||:_ii'| FrqeddmEnduring - - Operation Edduring __Guarilan'emn Bay MT: Freelduin Guentanemo Bay" Mr. 'Cuba ' ,Opera_llor_1 Enduring 'su_ 1 .. G_Lfe|f|tan_amo_-A Bay .Fr_eadom' Me. I.- Cuba T Guentanamu BayFA Mr. 0 Cuba ._A- ..; Mr. Cuba '%i'=.1? ."E:-'-.'i*» Mr.- .' Cuba K bu Upqrdriqn Enduring Freédom Md. __ G_uha",'_- Ojie_ralidn:'Endurihg'-Freedom Dpqralion EndurinigG_uantanamo._Bay Freedom Be -1-92 i b'?C 1 O _r& _i._A_"' Upere.l un_Endi.|ring Freedom Mr. -'_ C_ulJj: a"' Guantanamo Bay 1 Mr. Cuba Ms." '.-Cuber Operalldn Enduring Fre|:_d_orri Oparariqn Enduring Freedom Eiuénianéme Bey Giranienai b Say - _Operation Enduring] Freedom Mr.'_ "t>£|ua'_ ' .Gu;1n1ar'rerm Bay Mr. '-lCuba' '- O'|:|eratirfmFreedom Enduring . 92 Operation Enduring Freedom Guantan mp Bdy Mr. Cuha_ -_ Mr. " Cuba . Gui-1'ntanar'ru:r Bay 0pBr§I1io jEnduri'r1_§Fr§gédqm Gualjlarreme Bey Mr. .Cuba _0pera_lion Endu Freedom ng Gdarnlenemp Bay HT; .Cuba Opereiibn_'Endufin5'; Freedom i Dperajiuri Enduring FréedomGuantanamo Bay0". .' Mr; __ urina_GLlanlanaTno Bey _Eni1urlng_F.teedr_5'rn Mr..'_ I Cui:|e_ .-Operation MS. DUDE! Operatidn Enduring Freedcrm Guantanamo Béiy -1 . Opératibn Enduring FréedbmGuantanamo Bay Mr_- _-_Cuba Guanlenamn Bey Mr." '. Cuba Ode.-ration _Endurin'g Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom Guenianamd Bay Mr._-.: _Cuha'_ i§ueirrtaii_smn' Bay Mr. -Cuba ' _DpEIdi}dn Enduring .F_r'e'edom Guanlanamo Bay; Mr. '. 1; Cuba Operetlon Enduring Fraedarh Ms. .Cuba ' Ugerdiien Enduring FreedomGuénlenamo Bay; - A ." Operalinii Enduring FreedomGuégnianarnd _Bay Mr. ,Cuba .Sj_'- 'Guantanamo Bay Dileraiion Er'1_duri __ ng'Fréedcri'| Ms. __ Cuba-. Gueinianarm Bay Mr, Cuba' Oué qiim EF?*='*!'F!Frééd m E! .-A_ _. ,- i i 9'- * 5 Guanfanamo Bay Opérellbn Ehduring'Fré_§dum' _ 1 Bay 8"}? [Jpqratian Enduring FreedomGua_nt_a'n Gueniariamu Bay Gua_n_l'anarnq Hay -GLi-3-l1|Bi'lBT |'1O'BB! '_Guankan:irr_1d Baymu: .. Ho 1'fa'=>r1e I "RESPONSES-230 " 1 1 NY ' _; SA ' NY, . ERF . I'l'l'l _ I Z _ r 5 I. . _ l'_l..'aat_NarneName -'-First _ Gander . Theater 'Dpeatiun - ' 3"!" . . Ms; ' -Cuba Guantanamo Bay 0p_era92§qn gqdumgfregoom . I Ms..' _'CUba' Oparaiion Enduring; Freédoni -Gu_a_nt_anamo Bay .i'ul.r'.- =-'[1uba Oparaiion Enduring F_lje'ad0i'11' _G_[_1a'ntanamc| Bay Operation Enduring Freedorn Ms. ._-._ Cuba ' Qperaiion Enduring-.Fraadorn' MS. .-CL|l:|i!_ MF:___ , -cUb_a' Operation Enduring Freedorn ii .GuanIanamo_ Guan_iar_92arr_1o Ba?Job ..-_qr_,.,_.. F-:---:--i-=: G_uanlanamo Bay M3- H5-;¥3.;@'=:,¬ : '1 M11611" oi:can-=; ari1ji1rrn'§iFra'ao6iri<r=-ti u am air:-air ia"|§5§ 1 Mn cuoa . Mr. -.Cuba . .'Gua'nlE'|namo Ba§*'. Freedom. Mr_._ . Cuba '- Operation Enduring Operalion Enduring Freedoln Guantanamo Bay S . Mr. Cuizra _' Enduring .Freadqm Guantanamo Bay -Mr. Mr. "-- .--Cuba I ' .'_Dparali0n -15? Ms. Cuba " Operation Enduring Freedom Guariianamo Bay - ' '._Operaiion-Enduriruj Freedom 5.-_-;92g'.;:_~ 1 an Guantanamo Barf Tllla A We ' ' '1q-Eil -1115' -1 - 1':TC -1 u Qperaiion Enduring Freedom-_ouah£a nanio.aay" mi.-' .'.cuoa-.._ '. ' Cuba-_ Freedom=Guaritan_an"|o'Bay ~1r_.=,-_Cuba 'Uperaiion Enduring Guantanamo Bay Map -. Cuba'- Ops:-aiicn E'ndu'ring'Fr.aeEi'cm Oparaiion 'Enduring Fr'E:edori1 Guanlanarno Ba? Ms-.. - Cuba Operation Enduring Freedom .Mr. " ,Guba-. Ereadorn m;.'._. Cuba.-- Operation Enduring Flelclf flioia Oparaiibi] _Enduring' Freedom Ms.__ .'Cuha ,MM _Opemrion Enduring Fr-e_edorn' Ml'_CIUD3 . " Freedom '_Guia'nta_nar_nd Bay." Mn 'coha ,- 0para_l|o'n Enduring -Guanianamo Bay Oped-aIIon'En'durh92g Freedom Mr. £IL!B '.'Dpara on En'dl'.Irin_g FreedomGuan|anamo- Bay Mr. Cuba Guanlanamo Bay Operation Qnduifing Freadurn .IMs.' --Gubja .Guan'ianamo Bay Oparaiion Enduring. Freedom Cuba _ -Uperaiion Enduring FreedomQuanianamo Bay Bay Mr. Oper'a_i_ic_:r_1 FreedpiGuantanamo l Enduring ' r. M Opaijaiion Enduring FreedomGuantanamo Bay .i92iis. Operaiion Encluiing Eraadom _Guantanamc_| Bay Guantanamo Bay Mr._ -E-_' Cuba Clpération lgnduring Fraadorn Ms. .Cuba Operation Enduring Freedom 'Guan|animo Bay M5. -Cuba'- . OperationEnduring Fraadom SA . "Mr. _' ERF ' I Cuba °Pa.H"Pn Endurrig Ffaaibm Mrl.-' HCuba *' -'O|:fér_atIuii F[_e'étlcirn Enduring IF! r Mr. ,. Cuba Opai'_atic':n Fr.a'edori1' Enduring Guantanamo -Bay .Guantanam'o Bay Gua'nlanarnb_Bajr O Guanianamo Bay S A. -Cuba. CLiba_ Guanianamo_Bay Guantanamo Bay i i ' _ h ii 1 1 Guantanamo Bay Guantanamo Bay i. . _. s .i .° i "WP . i i MM '. -- 'PH -=1".-I ,6 R'EsPons'E.S-231 D, NY - _ 3 A. .- IA r a¢ 4 I HQ IR. -92 < , Flrsl Hams .0-M 0-Iv Gender [heal'a_r_ "Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba" ' CulJa_; Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba Ollba l';1.|1-.ia Cuba Cuba Cub? Cuba Guba W ? nh§=a¢?;;m Cuba Cuba .D|;:e-allon -.-' - T" " _' City __ v 1 ---.Firsl-.Name ' Last Nama- ' Gender ' -Theater _. '_ _Mr. . Cuba .-Ms. 1 ' Cuba - .Mr. I _ , Cuba Mr.-' /Cuiia - . Mr. ' Mr. - Cuba" Cube" .- .' r City -_ Drieraiion Enduring Heédoni GuanlanarlioBay Operaiion-Enduring Freedorrl_Guanlar-amo Bay E.U3 l,Bl5 iEI l;lU-EB? Ci'p_i_3raiion Enduring Freedorn Guantanamo-Bay Operation EnduringFroedom Dperaiiun Enduring Freedom OperationEnduringF92'oai1oi"ri ' _' Mr. '_"r.Cuba Ciperaiiori _Endur|ng FreedomGuantanamoBey Guia_ntsnp|;i1o _Bay GuarjianarrioBay _ _M1'_.'-Cuba"'' Operaiinn E|'li3Ll'l'|ng'Fl Guanlanarrio Bay 8B¬|D|'1;l -_.-..C_uba ._ . .=r Mr. _-.__Cuba Mr. ' Cuba cub; Mr_ "' _ i _Mr'.' ' cube -1 h'.|'C -1 C1 i _ 'Mr.. '- Cuba My. ; -"C_uba_ Mr._ "Cuba ' Mr. Mr. . I Cuba .' r_I -- Cuba _ Mr.. ' ' - Cuba - iiiriti - -Jo!!Tilla l Guantanamo Bay TA Operation Enduring -Freedonii OperationE_ndurir_rg Freedom GuantanamoBay QperaiionEnduringFreedom Guanlé amo Cay Dpofraiiun Enduring FreedomGugnianerrlo Bey Operolion -Enduring Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom EJpe|'a' Enduring Fraédom un i=.D'perallon"EnduringFraedom Guantanamo Bay Operation Endur_ing_Freedom_" _Guarii_ar|'arno,Bay Guarilanarno Bay I R Pxu ll-{Q ' ' ' Mr' -" ._Op_eraiion.Enduring Frogqdo ' ' i ' S " -- . -. I/Cuba GuantanamoBay Mr Gllientanerno Bey '_4'*i-'L ;i*;'; -l§'1E§:!'-:'§!E' FRF Oiioroiioii Enduring FreedomGuantanaino pay._.A Mr.» __fCuba _.S ii» ' Mr -" "aim; Operaiion Enduring Freodorn Gua_nl'anarno.Bay _Cube Qperallon Endurhg'Fr_eedo1_'_h ERF- ' Mr..'_h-Qulia _.' OperaiionEnduringFraadom' Guantanamo Bay 'Mr;» ._ Cuba Oparalion_l-Qnduring Freadom 1 Guan_ianar|'[o_B ERR. innV gy i§'i?%*33|5§'5 Ui§ii=-'§!iE'HFF19FE9955Ri1' Guanianerrioq Guanianamo Bay PL _ Mr.. *Cu'ha' OperleiEnduring on Freedom - _ ':.rzrr.! _i 1 H0' _ ', ""'_:" 1:|i| 2"5""°: ;.:"§PouSEs-2.3a-' ho. ; 6~?'*" jm ' .-= Mr. Cuba 1- Ms. " _Cuba Mr. J _' Cuba _. Ml . _ Cuba . -Mr; -Cube :Z£ 1 GuantanamoBay -Mr. Cuba " -.Mr.' - >.Cuha OperaiionEnduringFreedom OperationEnduringFreedom d Office" Operation "Enduring Froedom D|:|ei'atI'c_inEnduring-Freedom: Operation .E_nduring Freedom C'para'iion EriduririgFreedom OpéralionEnduringFreedom ' 0i>or§1lkin_Endurinu FIFQQQW Guanianamo Bay i E. Operation. E_nduring_ FreedomGuanianajmoBay GuanlanamoBay GuanlanamoBay. Guan_ia r|an io Bay G'ua_ni_an:irno Bay Guarilanamh Bay" in. _, '§.-3_u'a;nlanamo Bay GuantanamoBay _'A ERF MM. ' EL: r . be. i_A. iii - r~irr-HQ.. I I ."° ~ HO l | l k i 92 First Narnia!.'.Garider "_THg'al'ér: -7 LastNew ' - ' Mr . Cum; ' Cuba O|aeatlgS}92- 1 " Ms Cuba 0p'e|jalinn Enduring Fpaédqm |. - " O'peraliun"_E_ndurir|g Freedom City .. 1-X -I----.._cu|=a' Ms. . ._Cuha Bay Qparuinn Enduring FnaeddrGuz_a_n_lanai1'|o - -Operation .EndurIng Fréedom Guanla ambBay Qper 6rg_Endui'_ing Freadb Guanlériéino Bay Bay Operation 'Endu:-trig FrqédomGuanianamo Guzinlanarnu Bay Oaerétidn Emurmg'FmBd§;T| .- Ms. .- Cuba -.|'u'|s." 1 . rm.- C M13- Guanlanarnu _E!ay'_ Opem dn Enduring Frea'dbr_n ' jznr .JobTitle" i=1¢|'a 0{II|:a' Bay -s Ope1é|t§on'Er'1dur'|ng Fljbed mGuantanamd _'_f~A_: lJiM_' _'_C-iuaplanarnc: Gay O'p_ai'$l§on Eriduring Fre'eU0m' /.Mr-. _.<,3uha-. 5 '-1. Ha". Baj;-'Mr.', "Cuba. Dparalior|'E'nduring 'Fr Guar ae|:lDmqmc -. B.-_'Mr. . '.'_Cu_l§a .'OperationEnduring Bay Freed i Guénljanamo Mé; Cuba Mr.-" --Guba- - a '3ua'r|{1anamo_Ba§ Guanianamo Bay Guanlanafnb Bay .' Mr.- --.'@*1l=é.-_ _0Qeralin;1Endurmg Fiiaedorn 92 ~'_ ; " Cuba - Mr. _- .O Gua 1 921_ana'1'rlo Bay DperalipnEnduring .Fl'¬IBl2iDlT! Dpération Ehdurjng Ereeqarn _Cuba Dpé_raI,ia_r92 Endu{L_ng Fyéednm _'Mr. ' ' _Cub_B' O'para'liuf> Eijduri Freadpm g " Mr.,__ ._Cuba_ _Opera1ic|n Enduring ;Fl'QBd_l3!'I_ l * i l .0péra'1it>n En u ng FrpedunG|.ia_f|I_anarm_:| Baj Guantanamo Bay _Opqrali_o:_: _En|:lui'ir1-3 Fraqdnm __ Mr. Cuba '_Mr.' Cuba-: ' Mr, Cuba Mrf " Cuba b -1 25,1 Y -1 .r _ - Ms. . Cuba ' ME. _ Gubti "Ms.'Cuba I Mr." Cuba -~Mr'_ "Cuba Mr. t _Cuba Mr. Cuba .- Guantanamp Bay TRu1'='|fRT_éb|= ' _' . 0pef3lIr.ih;EndlH'i'92g'FrBed Guanlanamo Bay. s '1.EBF.. Opera Eiiduri nn Freedom gGuanlanamuj ay ogerarian Endu Fréadnm g Guantanamo Bag Operaiiup -E_riquri_1g Fre'édo1j|1 . Q. Guanlanamo-Bay Op-iafatlbn Enduring Fraud-um Ope'ralinri' Enduring Eraadnaa OperationEnglurlng 'FrB¬I:Idn] _'-_ MI._ '-_C|'.|ba Guan1ar|an'|o Bay _V 92.P ' Cuba Q Egg1,._ = g=s__-]_ -_ Mr. -"¢;"Cuba . ~*@%~'ai92_4f<i;-;j=g1@_=;~;_.!;uban?92z§§ . ¥§% ="::$?-.??; L*_1;. ~ jDn§r lI§ ,'Eng - K- _. Ii Operafion Endu ng Ereedom Guantanamo Bay Operation Ehdu Ffeadom i] Guaniailafno Billy Mr___ _ __ _. 0piaral1onEndunjngFreedom _ , y_; .. Cu§'=l_ Guahfanarno Bay. .. . Guanianamo" Bay Mr ' Fraaqparn_ Guantanamo Bay-.___.; _ ~_Mr. "_Cuh_1a.'lperaliun udurlrjg Guania amoBay Mr. ' - Cuba G_ua_nIai'!amo Bay Guanianamé Bay Guarlfanamo ea . ."{ ""}-'. 1 term Qpgrgiitm Englu ng {-4. j . 3. - A ' E ;-_im|u_ .' 0pe}a1kgn.E 5u n§_E§aéi{6m Guania_r1é1'noBay ' ' Dpar qn-_ Endu|'ir_1g Fmacfom Guanlzanamcr-Ba' E ;~ -_1;;;DH5._-'NJ: -1 M - . GuE |I'lTa'!'laITllO Bay .5 -,wE-" yA r_.;¢+i.-,1 ._ " LS 5ReSPQu_sEs=z33__' ' 1 1 PF ~' Last_l92_lama r FirstNarria - ' Mr.- .Ga'nda'r" __'Th_aater' - .Dpm_llior|' _ .' -' _ '-ciw 'E;ub ' T a Oparatlon End_u'rin'g Freédorn'Guanlom_:|mo Bay: .. . Cuba Bar m<> .Operation ._ Enduri noFtbedorn , . -.Bu== 92§*9» Cuba '_§lparati'oI'i Ms Bay Enduring Frée om"Guantanamo ' Mr. - Cuba -' ' '_ "Guantanamo §a3r OpBr892io _'Ehduring Pqaéunm .- Mr. -' Ma puba' . Mr.. . . Cuba . Cuba ',.G§1a'f1§anamo&# I;-lqiantanarno Ba? Oparaiion Enduring Fraédom Operation Enduring Fraadorn; __Mr. . . __'§3ubaOperation Enduring Fraaoom Cuba '_ Operallon Erich.i|'ing FroeQ'om"Mr; Cuba " Guantanamo Bay Oparallon. Enduring Frae_ddr_n_ Mr. O1iaration'|E_hc|uring FteodomI _Guar1l_an_ama'Bay Cuban; . ,' 92__. ' Ci .Ms-92 Qpe'n_atior_| Endurinh Freedom _G_uanlanamo-Bay | I . 92 - I I :Mr.. .Cuba ' Mr' Cuba 92 Mr - ~ "Ms 3 ! b5 -1 b7C -1 _ -. ' ' Mr Mr. 92 f Mr r Mr. Mr. Dilatation-':Ei_92du'ring Fréadonl Operation E|'1du|'i:_1g'lf-'r£:E¢.d0_n_'1 .1oh Ti é . Upe}ation' Er||:lu_ring Freadom Guar|@'an_amr5"Bay Guanianamo BayA Gqaniooamo'Bay Gu5I3'|I§;I1amo' Bay*9. Guantanai-no Bay s Cuba" " Opr3}ratioriE|1d|,rrinQ'92-=r=1_e'odom' Guaniar1eimo.|§_&1r [E|a|u Dillte Cuba opuamn E-ndunng Frgedom ...Cuba -.' Oparalron S Enduring Fr9§dom-an 1 . Cuba _-_ DpBf3UlI_ll l.El'_'l freedom Uri g :"° .. r *""= n Oparallon-Endurlhg_FrBe,dom - cum: Cuba Y Oparatiorj Enduring Fraador-n_' Cuba ' Operation _Gi:ar11.ana'nu:| Bay Enduring Fréadorn co 'Cuba " Guaniarramo Bay Opera on EntfUrIng'Ereadom Cuba '1 Bay A Operation Enduring Freedom Guanranomo Cuba -' .' ,Opara_Iion E_i1o_urir'1g'FlfBédom' A A -wi: _ Goanianarnnf ajr Guantanamo Bay A CubaJAIg'hani_s Enduring 0pé_ration Freedom Cuba -' Cuba Guba_'_ . 92 4HR" _ . _GuanIarjamo.Ba3i w|=0 -0 anna. -' Enr!_u1-ing'?robdom_ Bay . 1_.. Cuba Operaiion" U|:|'ara'1ror_92 Enduring" FreedomGuantanamo 92 . 'iF§ .--é' #<'%, |?!¬Ji--Guantanamo Bay Clperalion Enouri Ff?Bdon1g '=ramr:;;aE;2%§5.b§ra=:@r"rr4»:z§;iiE?n§3?§ Mr " Cuba "' ' ' -Guanifanarruo -'"' i_' Guan_lanarn'o Bay A1ay 0per'_a1Ion Ehguring Fraadriwm MM .Gu'an92anamn Bay A. Opararion Enouring'Free_dom'AIghanisIa_n Gu_a_I'nl_ariamo_ Ba} ' ino Operation Enduring _F_n;§:dr>m Guantanarno Bay oneran .En<1urin9'Fr¢i=dvm . Afghapislan Guantanamo Bay A -'G_|5aralIo_n_ Enduring Fréedom .._.iHQ . _ I. sr:--3 Cuba_j. ' . K_ Mr. . Mr. Mr. . Mr, . Mr. Mr. - Mr. - -Cuba1- . Bay Opiaralion Enduring fréedom Guanlanam-o _Afgl1_arif5lan Guantanamo Bay .- 1_dof16. ' ' E1 . _ his-' - Inurrnr. -g-,1 . $;.ERF- imam . - REs'P0'|~rsEs-2'35 QC. 5' "1 IPGJ_l-IQ in»-. r -PB" 92 92 1 Last Name Ge r| '|_"i-'|_'a'aI|'rr itlor -- _ -First Name Mr. . - '. -Afghanistan .'Cit5r -_ ' _' _ _ 1:" ' Mr. ;-. ' Afghélniétan Or_!nat|on_ ' Iixfg énistan OperationEnduring Fregadom 'N'ir. -' Enduring _F| e'edci_m Mr. -,.' V ifghaniqlan operation Oporation 'EnduriI'IQ' Freedom Mr. - _Afghan_is'ian i i <3 4. -. .1-§i3114_1%|$"' ' A . f_,EieldOftl=é 1cG.'HQ.' - _iQM ' is .. OperationEnduring Freedom Mr. -_ A_fghanistan' P . --r 92.. i1'i°. I-i. . ii» O Operation Enduring F|'BBdOi'[| i . --Mr. A.- IAfghanista_nOparation Oporr-rtii;v Enduring r3Freedorn Enduring Freedom Mr; -- . Nghalntstan 5 Mr. ' - - AfghdnisiénOperation Enduring F_r_e9_ciom Mr. IjEn|':_iui1ng FraBd§:||*|1 AfghanistanOperation; Operation Enduringj Ffeodom Mrfl "J5.fgha_r|is|an Operpilon Endurlnq.Fread_orn r '|iN_Y : Mr. _.. Afghanttan Opar iipnEnduring Freedom Mr. ' _"Afgi'i£ir|islsI1 b6 1 pm: -1 OC- INY _. ' A-- LV ' Operation En'dL1i1'|_1g Freedom Mr.." _Afghlar'|islan _Opé ation'Enduring F_-reédorn Mr.'Afghanisién Mr. Ng pnisian Mr. Opéra_tion_'E|_1dui1ng Frgédorri OperationEnduring Freedom j_"'Aighanistan '-Pi Operétion Endu_r_ing_Freecidm ii-1r. __Argha_n|_sr_an Q iMrL' . i i Operation EnduringFreedom Mr. ' -Q Ahghanislan -Mr. I ArghaniaténOperation Enduring Freédom Mr. - 7 " Aighairiislan OperationEnduring Freedom" Operation Enduring Freedom_<' Mr. . _'Afghanislan ., .',Aigha|1iston-Dpara qnEnduringFreedom Operation E_riduring' Fro:-1_dorri" Dperbiiqn Enduring Fr'eBd :r|'i Operation Enduring Freedcirn .Mr. " ' _'Afgl-_|ani5i8n Operatipij Enduring Freddorn " _Mr. -_ ' -_Afgi92anfs_Ia_n' Oppraiiog Enduring "Freedom r [_o~|_.' . 11= 92 _'=Aighq;92'r'5i1an Operation Enduring Frgedom _Mr.' '_ JPifghanldlpn Operation Enduring 'Froadom Afghanistan , Endurirrg FreB_d0m_ .Mr..'_ ' " ' Operation oiohanisi "-Qii.@rii.tii>n §i'"3iiT!! Q'FT-°9d°{" Enduring Fraa-dm-ri _ _ Afghaniélan_Clperation Mr.-. Afghanistan _O|J§2IE[itIlI'i Enduring Fraodpm RESPONSES-236 .- _'; _1'sqr_1a_' "line 13!? _.'-.&# iB3. ' Y-1 ' .ME .- .:JN :l 'SU Mr Mr. I -Afg anlsi n .Mr; _ i Enduring 'Frea-dom Mr. -- AfghanistanOperation Mrj ' _ *_Ai ghar|i5ian " Doorman Enduring Fre_e_d'orr1 .M_r. ' :'iafghonisiah r iuo= no'IPX 'iro F IMO . ifNH_" NY. _- rm lunr .- urn lint I 'HRT liu=.1" ' mar 1 . Last Name FIrst_N ama Gander Theater . Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan" ' Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan I diQfl l|::a Afghgrnisian |l5l_oI |l;A > Afghélhist tl Afghanistan_ . i.' . to .0 Opeiliinn -Lt? . Operalion Enduring Freedom Operelion Endurirgg Free_dom .. ..Y Operation Enduring Freedom" _ 1-_ 'D|5e'rot[on Fifaedoln Enduring" -fur Operation EhdLl_l'|l'1Q'FfEéd0l'r1 ' __Opara1to_n Enduring _Freed|om ""-1H0 ' ' ; Operation -Enduring Freedom Operation Ehdut-Ind Freedom Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Freedom OperationElidurifig Endgflng Freedom"l' Afghapislon -. Afghanistan Operéliun nduring .f-Ieedom Endunhg Freedom Afg anIs_tar|- j peration nrgnqntslunQpBrE|liun'ErIi1u 1 |g Freedom -Ew.-' . f".@{HO ' l QHQ.-. "" lwm ' :"r'r1.1 ' ' -pr. <n.ngnan|st;tn,; ;'£3r;ittr1Jtt13ti;¬rij!l§ itt9..Fre§dnmt§é:¢§§.' Afghanlsiarw .0pe_ration Enduring F_r,aedom.- .- _ _ ;Hm=Iy réarn iHD-Fly Téam Aigheinlgdafl 'o;;.=;rattut1_'t5'i|u92'1_r1ngFieit<1r>m-__ '_ _ '_ " Afghanistan .O_parattn'n_l§.n'durIng Freedom , .- i-_lO¢F|y Téam 1' ICRU. .- !LR_ -' 1.- 1 _92 - .. ' RE5PONSES 237' '- 1'anr1e 1 .;-. 1 1 Response Which Are Not Purely Negative I Resp0nse'A 1 .' o Rev. 01-31-200:1-- o i FEDERAL eunenu or INVESTIGATION ? :==-maenw PRIORITY Date 0 7/12/ 20 04 To :»-"'Countedr;t'error tn: ism> Z *1 '92 ,_ .- _- .Inspec _ _ ion Special Inquiry ion Division ._ Inspec ..___._.._... _____._i.6 g._. .._bé_ _ _ .. ~1'-c From: Boston_ ' Hudson b6 -1 b7C l RA ' ~ Contact: I SA Approved By: I Z - Title: Synop si To report 92 _ Pending] ' negative response _ from captioned writer. . b6 Details: 0 Bureau name: 1;? l:l ff-lC'iEl 1 Special ' Title: Agent -' Tenure of Assignment at ' 2002} _ ;With / b2 -1 GTMO SPECIALINQUIRY ' s: ext: ,E ' a= /W #: 297-HQ-B13276-69-A ' _I N _I ma-ta o By} a jat Case ID *1 C -. ' - GTMD: 45 days _[July 'Auguet t1 -1e exception of fluctuations in room temperature controls by military personnel, any aggressive treatment towards duty. -' - captioned writer detainees during did not his tour .¢'§ Ir & RESPONSES 238 observe of - 1 -1 - Response B Ihglessagq;' '_' - :P_ag6 1 l______J 9~8=>>»<PB=> a'°'f . August 02,2094 - H 1!, 5:22 PM 5I5 . l¢3f12 . -' MC -l .i- .a .-51%-TE:,;12 U ---- sent; Monday. S_u_bject: GTMO RE: - _I a |a . _-I - __i§£~NCN-R RD '- ' . . ." _' -- ' - 'b6 -1_ ' 1 ii;l*i§'§ifIr:*'1 5%Bi? 'é&# a aE;~§a@aa@§a>aa§ ~a a - _;,.__ g _£§___ ,.. .. , _M..- _ - "'§ .._¢I-ms r 1~'r"= H1;?1?.?.éi .§L-.a.=" 1_-3; _ _- _- 92 -. i;1I?%I1&-FmP.m:ai I0§??E - dTTi .iE1iiEE -§ERE_II1I:'§§I;§§%I.TlJIlI1-.L15$iJIA _';___-._a:.......; __,..._........,_.,1.:192..:..§.:.;.,-_:,--~, _.., _...._ ,5,,_,,_-_,,__ _ I-was MaatETml!12!tI2I2lilIM1f1Iil2BIIii and aaa not aI:rsnnally'ullsar1e anu_mislram|.1=_m nl J~ Hi-aiainaas. wan!!! I aa um sllmiaad_ii.aI1!nl1i||9;sir':1_iIar in -311111 iif iil uccanadat Sauna _;l!ei!a' arinr in orll i W I'M at '"iTg Imm:annat _i_EI.. ha aue that anabsiws astiuinl wauiui mam auaumain the --_ iIrBsaan'a-aihureaunlsaanaa. - -J ._ -- i. '_=" I I _"11 .' ~_. bi <~ . 3li il!flIliI 3 '92 lil$_II_!;9 Ei!§i:_lI saaa;l aalaa,-aai_11un.aau -.' _ :2 r__:au|nagu1a:.§:u _all imas_aaia!!aua;n.1iaa1m uarspnnal were-Y - b7C mv aiiagaligns-_ragarainn harsh lraammnt are inalunaliin ma aarauraun !a' me $- if allegalimlsat _can AI/|u_n§'|si_cai"§st|*_a usau lm at Bilraib.-.a!J: ai!_aaatiaasara_;;ma _-.b7D _ 302. -allaaiaa iin llllslll is aaraaanv asaggressive as ma mannlnuesailsaaa-as have Man - = I-aeaame am o'i';~.rai!aIniaamatianmaj: .'at6TM1i. amalnea ha. mialnianal item mamas Saaaiaiis! inlanI1an'af2!3II3.- = , ~.; a a- a V? .k 4 b6 b7F 11 [1$i|:[lhaaaiuiilunumansiatar-listingmqTBY.. IiiEast ar1raas:anar,1§|:_|naa. asnI&# ~1 Tim 1!i1g¥nursIa§'¢f"|aa uwnn-aaznauian Ta__rkasma,w!_1in:n e'!'aaa1 taaamamu aa avlizr-'lI1 ma-alllnesa mfafs regular Wl_EiI aamact 'a!_l_uI_il:a_a:_1n_ra1& mm aaiainaas." jgaur -lSama 92ai_1 .flin and ranama ma1tiniianu'|Imvinna-ui.-unlna. 'wara-uljnrau I'l1e_iIi!B.l!rs ! a:1_||1in anler l_1imanistan In_ amt imrsanelauiiasinu iihinaaa uII|1ression._-were amen Tim Inspired-by-Ba ;_iu,frea man ma. £8_ b _gwasjairmerill 1 l:rua|1aa5£erinr. a tnalnsaluas Tns lliqhu_rs.éahsi ha glmng tar to;1._. are aamncranv; and may iuulizell-ihr: llnimn Stains. llliluugn melliululrs ara_-Muslim their agaua-|Ii:i nut- auaaar ianciuna ill lSi3Illi_!} raniualism; may ciimesl inam an anlitiaal -t:ung|e|:1iuu"ia Islamic - - ; zarrariats me ur Taiiiuan. Huweuemlair camu in iuhanistan-was l1umne:_|,_a_riuI an!in .Pai{ist_an. may ' _ 'mc'lIiu8iars Imus weracaumraaj PiIIii$liilll5,WiHl halt ileiniramerfatl In-I15 l:il$ lmi!l.iIi1Ii l1ali_IIn":iI! ." ramapmeal airaa v-ta__ .ui ::iais._ ninasa Il_I._-.pa_s aiiauell that ma liiulmrs who alara.-lraiusiena -aireivlixltn ma ilinasaHan: immaaiatalu axaaulaa.M ma iimaoi my 1'M,.lIS' ware aaa_si_:3arinu tli cials wllallier _ Ia Maram-1 igim rs'ta &:l|inasa;aussilm1 aim gaintosalunura-far an cinatan I15. actian in Ilia mmaaa iasi. maiiiglwr aalainaas at amawere-cumzinaanmay matwaula he immamamlyaxa|:utaa.it_meu_ wereramma}|ml:nilia._..'_ ' ';. .'_ 3 -j 1- - -" - 1' ' b1 __ r ' ' h MeBB2=;ge___ ~-. cs: F F - I I BF B _ _ _L I|||L_ Palgc-:2o &# l FF -F " ~ F! % B i E¬'H$ -I "|17_ Ii!2ElIl2.!%J_§ar 1§, j linclnnen that ~ nr|:1at;B_mn.ii:e a_raBraBi11ali§nema1u aa!|B2.Iiuiavaiiaisqiasnatlling-1 owing-a5!ysiBa!a1i_usaB bl _ _ _ - i E'i'_l' _lI;lllliit- $16585§ll!lI!Il!~!§l§IIl!i'5'SiI1li1;ilIIIill£11373 _= ., '_-- hm -1 _..-BTBB Uighur steal!:-is _:;sa:3n_at!I_l uniuawBreur.u|a:-mm linglwas .a§!||1is1l:B dowin: harsh {mammal = - ' awatalnees;--Hal auantlu a-"smukina {%l!n'.' reggnliug allusaui min-uamiuaas. Hawauggji-.!I1e.lilgl1urs&# -" an aratrua 1 .-.mBrBwBsaaamu.atGIr , ::i_tw_as ismzpmlazi-uriarm||||l,1l1|lilnmllriuriu [lIB.!} |lS1I& ~ .._s_ii=am1|'_ I-1:|:IiBvBit'Baa:sBalI_Bli eI1B. iHfii 'i!lli_l$B am -Bay.iiIi]Ti'I1]I.1l92 nncurresl J!lli]lI'l .-_ - have nsnurye margasm as liiaiy min iiiIiillU0iilBlIl!?il ll_I1l}l'SlllI!jl!i, ."_ _._ .. ~_ FF 'Ih':_1;t- B-a1?li_i'i:aia'|_n,:_' F ' 'nhse|' £'a m'Bssiuet ' ' arei -3l!25':ayai'I!il| aa nant l elaineé i 33;? ulienriaws llmhursl ~' - , ._ inma .ll Ii: Ii I. , .1, b7D . _ - b?F _§.§C*}1l $n|:|Ba:zgsiBmB:np.mBwBm 1::-:!nln::e:B:imes§B1z_;u;:_u ~ -- . _-'_ ¢_' '_ _-' _i.- .-'-Ma-ssag'e-I--I? Crr1gina|_' - - __ -. 1- Fwm.=Mc<:RAw,FFEvE~ <3- INSDHFBII ~"F F _' I .- .. 9 J F '-: I , ,_ B '1-B: l' r~1§~4!. ' gMM! F_B_t!FB1 ' Ho! .FBi!&# Sent Frida - Jul" 09 2004 1-42 PM '. ' ' .- " -- .- ' ."' ' I- -._, [o1o!, c,0~- Ml ¢Jl_!_]FBI' t ~:&_gFB1!; , H0 FBILE NY!_' = MM! FBI' FBI] mu? g L|]iu92!_-{5B1Hr! |. "-.~_ -_ ' QB ____! Ls FB;!,LBATrLE,' FRAN ,B1; @@F ~FBI . , 7B _ 1U-A! "wm=B1!,] ._ FBI! ; F 1-.10FBI!; _-. NY! _,|cu F15! i<n1.!.FH1~ am! FBI!_ B A.NlFB1' .j - !<FB1!;- ' | . _" _- - H0H%g FBr- ; FBI' Kcs!_-_[gB1j ]Fr[|:=!_gFBI!_ ~ _ .CO--FBI -b6 -1' MM"!'FFBI ~M!cFB1!U<Ho!<FE11;J B I~ - '-bin: ~1n1B>FBI- NYHEBI!; ! -F 92 9 1FBI!; 92 FBI . Fen Fm! FBI! {CID! F MM! FBI- FBI FQ!<o<:-M Ls! . <As1:>!<FBI- mo! F ITD] FBI!; ASD!_[FBI MM! ' FBI!;| _| |w! QOGAJL! B|I| 9_9_{FBl!; _ [PH} EBI!; cummwss ART!-I.UR"M. cmFBI MM! FBI!; ~ _T l _MP-1>£FBI°M FB1 IRD! MM FBI!; MMFBI' FBI~92 MM!{EBI!{U . i -. '_ |F511;! MM! lJsF! sF! FB1NY! FB[!; -_ CO!- FBI-!_; B B B FB1! _ss! FBI-! i .j -- BF"= 1 - WF! A IR!_ FBI' Fm-FB1!;[ *.£PX OG§~;_ J mo FBI QFBI] $ éE? ? NK! FBI}; _! HIR! FB1!;- am?! - F i l*§%cFE11n F wE> Jj~FuFBn,'1 B.NY " F<FB1>-FALUFBI Wi CII{J F_BI! _ J<><! FBI! LAWBI!; _' "' " l VV jF MP! FBI!; "_ ' BESF0N'sEs'-24 V ' " Response C aemnunlnni u£2; - <:> Fensnnn. Bunenu or INVESTIGATION A Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 07114/2004 To: Counterterrorism .Attn: 'MDLU Inspection 1 =*== - From: Counterterrorism _ UC |:| £?<: 31 Divsion ' FA/RDTU<~ [W Contact: SA Approved By: Bald Gary M 9292 Harrington T J b2 -Battle Frankie 1' | . -I - ' | b6 Drafted IBy: iald I ,,_ b7C - Case ID #: 297-HQ-l327569 A Title: COUNTERTERRORISM tenure at -1 I ~1 _ _Pending! DIVISION GTMO, INSPECTION Synopsis: To _1 advise of GTMO. - SPECIAL INQUIRY observations of Details:' Special Agent| ' treatment during " Iwas assigned TD! to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba [GTMO from 1 March 2004 through 27 b6_1 April 2004. While there SA witnessed interviews MC _l However, SA did not observeaggressive any that were treatment or the use oin erview/interrogation techniques which could inconsistent with be characterized as adversarial Bureau interview in nature. policy/guidelines. O0 ' b6 -1 S:92CTD92E ly Team92 137;: -1 RESPONSES-241 i _92- Resp0nseD __ ___ I: Message l ' If _ _' Page of4 1 _lilwsgurslw_I _Cc: 777 7 77 7T2:qV:;7j;V 77 IR! FBI! |' ' Subject: RE-'_:GTrv1O - .Since you did notpersonally observe any mistreatment, we will classify this asanegativeresponse. Thanks. r----Ori " --- ' ,From: ~ -I IR! FBI! Sent Tuesda =- b6 -1 ' - . Cc | Subject; Jul 13 2004 9 AM ' 1 20 {IR]{FBI! - uncr_Ass||=:so _ RE: GTMO 1 ssns|1ivs_s_u;r ' NON-RECORD - -I was assigned-to GTMO fromJuly 1?,2003 August ?,2003. l'mamember of CIFEC-is Behavioral _ ' Analysis Unit andour function was toobserve interviews of detainees and provideinterview strategies as . heeded. Duringmy tenure there, Inever personally witnessed agressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMOdetainees. Idid hearloud musicbeing played and peopleyelling loudly from behindclosed doorsof interviewrooms butI could not say theywere yellingat detainees.I also observed strobe lights ininterview rooms on anumber of oooasions but neverobserved those being used on detainees. _. ' -' i- -'_' Thereweremany comments made by investigators during my tenure at GTMO that every time theFBI ' established arapport witha detainee, the militarywould step in and the detaineewould stop being _ cooperative. There were alsoaccusations that the Militarywould present themselves as FBI Agents to detaineesand harrass thern butthat wasnever personally observed byme. ~ _I etc lfyou any havequestions, pleaseme acontest - __ ' b2_1 agile or I -1 ' .- 1CR6! CA C ' '-. . _FBI Academy ' ' _-_ Quantiedvirginia ' 22135 --_-Original Message--. , From: MCCRAW STEVENC.INSD! ." _Sent: .-' RESPONSE; ' 242 FBI! -. Monday; July 12, -2004 12:13 P N_Y!_ FBI!; ' -_t HO!- FBI!; - MM _HO! FBI!; FBI!; NY! - - FBI!; FBI!; no! FBI - FBI!; HQ! FBI' MM! tn:-11!; ' _1 . 136MM!B m! FBI!; Fs1 -no! =s1!; -7/1312004 ' Te=EP'11 |J FBI!; MM! FBIl' " o1o! c'on- we *1 " " _NY um 1. Q FBI- cu!__FBI ' CllI5! FBI - earns F_RANl IE CTD! -FBI s1!_gFs1!;_ to FBI : I31-HFB1!; 0! FBI; IR! FBI- NY! FBI i-lO! OGA' __ cs! FBI MM! FBI!; no! FBI!; us! _ FBI!' OGAJ; _1-5!'iFBI!;' ' FBI; en; I ** co! FBI!; NY! Rev. or-31-zoos! ' " FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . 1, - Precedence: ROUTINE __ Date: - -To: Inspection ' .FI. OIl1i. _' " - b?C -1 .b6 Approved l ssA| By: Tidwell . _WWWW .. -- |_' b2 -1 J Stephen id? / W __ _Fedarc _ , - BAU 3 . ctintact: b7C -1' b6 -1 Attn: . CIRG. . pNCAVC, _ 0'? 3/2004 - k Janice. ' ' Drafted By: _ Case ID#: 29 ? HQ A132'?669-A Pending!i',?5"2-* - Title: COUNTERTERRORISM DIVISION, en-10, ' - INSPECTION - ' . _ SPECIAL INQUIRY - ' . Synopsis: SSA interrogations or GTMO detainees. Administrative:, Reference interview techniques July 9 Analysis Unit on _- electronic mailings McCraw, Inspection_Division; Details: SSA __ did notpersonally witness any 1;$C_El aggressive treatment, - CIRGJ , Behavioral _ and 12, of AD'Steven C. _ 2004. - Critical Incident 3 saw-3} ' _ Response Group b6 '1 wasdeployed to stmo we '1 from July 17, 2003 - August 7, 2003. Members of the BAU Unite were regularly deployed to GTMO to observe interviews of -detainees and provide interview strategies and other behavioral " assistance as needed. During my tenure at GTMO, I never _' personally witnessed any aggressive treatment, interrogations or interview techniques on GTMO detainees. ' "I On several occasions, I did hear loud music being played and people yelling loudly from behind closed doors of interview rooms but I could not say that detainees were present in those rooms. I also observed strobe lights in interview rooms on several occasions but never observed those being used on detainees. ' There -. . were many my tenure at GTMO that every with adetainee, the military would stbp being cooperative. _ comments made by investigators during time the FBI established a rapport would step in and the detainee ' The military did not stop the ' I interviews whilewere they progress inbut routinely took contro V. . RESPONSES-243 92 . - . » | _0 From: CIRG To: Inspection Re: 297-HQ-P11327669-A, of the detainee when Q' 01/13/2004 the interview was completed. The next that detainee was interviewed, his level of cooperation diminished. .There were also accusations made by differentinvestigators that Military interrogators would present themselves as FBI Agents to detainees was time ' J ' and harass them but that be was neverpersonally observedby SSA[::::::] _' ..-. r- 1 4 1 1' .2 - _i ' b7C_q RESPONSES-244 ' * Q Re: 0 ?91' Toi IDS-Pectipn ?i5om-. CIRG "297-HQ-A1327669-A, 0?/13/2004 _ . LEADKB!: Bet Lead 1: Info! ' INSPECTQQQ . AT WQSHINGTON, Read and DC cléar. +6 I 3 RESPONSES-245 Response E Q! Rev. OI-31-2003! FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence : - sate: /2004 _ROQTINE To: Inspection b6 -1 b'?C -l Division Attn: ".'£Q§-ffi¢_é: §?'F&# S-1; ??}§: 5F3. <'?5.§,.@-.111. ot-'i;;ofn it e ,' From: New I CD~30 b6 -1 Contact: SS I _If _ _]_. 92 r edY B -1 §?3T;_-..§.E-..12i.1f~=;:zq@ Approved By: D "3 York _ if/TC "1 r" :|-'.---_-_--2-»=-g Sfz . -L3 95_§j¥E,{l3{ff_:i.§',' Ing PE-AS Q;-1* 011-==4F4% _=m-:-.- ,.'._' Case ID #: -;t29 ¬HQ§Ai32§6¬§e§71; Pending1"fqB1*E7 .- __92-',-.||,-__..',, .-.._'_' ..' .1 ..1-..-q _;_. 921..-.sf.=._-- ----- . .- '1 :i. tle: wGTMD COUNTERTERRORI SH DIVISION -- . INSPECTION Details: §i;E:nF0sHATIOHscnwrrrurs ~~*'~~ =@r.rar.M tn- seesiisiu ti=1ef'EIE 1;.s;.><&# SPECIAL INQUIRY Synopsis: -To at the Us Military ~ @§E %gmm m mE$ e__- report writers two ! tours of assignment Base i_n_ Guantanamo Bay Cuba G'I'1'-10} . _ - Ti! I Writer conducted two '{2! assignments at G'IfMO, Cuba in aFBI/Interrogator capacity. The first tour commenced on O4[3'0/2002 and ended 05/ 30/2002. The second tour r:ommeric_ed on 07/17/2002" and ended oa-/1'?/2002. IHQ At the time, writer was I. a New York City Department INYCPD} Detective assigned Police to-the Joint Terrorism Task Force {JTTF! within-theFBI/%fySquar-I-as. Kg;g_Qffice, _ |.. ' ipsorscra A555 i;* U1 During the periods great many of the conducted jointly time did or was writer observe aggressive treatment was noted. of A few of the the interrogators, some wanted language. i.e. to be moved these issues All noted above, writer interrogated detainees at GTMO. These interrogations with US military intelligence officers. At persona the detainees 11 yldith invo ve w and in detainees directed certain concerns however minor were forwarded e- ,-' cxf p'_. -m92a_,,._ 1.___. MT:-h . T_. _ e§ =_|-92;,|' .'i;"r_:;=.. ._. =_":' I to _the e_----cc: 1_,!@5»;..'.1§.-'1. . _BEAR§HEn_" 1.? ; TTC to minor medical issues, food complaints and closer to others.that spoke the same OO - Vaha !, opposite RESPONSES-246. 7. | a any fact the proper officials. I were no b6 1_ am-H@~"Prl3;17éb?-/ **ma:1> _ sanmzs: r| _U LED Q _ -- niiv ' mm: I '* v. Response F ' ' ?§y- Q2; Qg; Rev. Ol-I1-2003! _J _ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 92 . Precedence: ROUTINE Date: U7/l To:- Inspection IAttna /2004 V Steven C. raw ' . Room 783 Erm: Memphis | Squad 7/Nashville RA - ~e, -5 _ I 1 '?C App aved, _ _ Con :SA b6 1 b 1:36 -1 h7C -1 Unit Chief " Ie* ' I I' I _bg -1 ====-We l:lBr ICaseID '29?-no-A132?6s9-A #= {Pen -Title: CONTERTERRORISM ~GTMO; DIVISION; - INSPECTION SPECIAL Synopsis: Response of detainees INQUIRY to request at Guantanamo -Administrative: This EC from FBIHQ regarding treatment. Bay, Cuba GTMO!. is in response _ to email from.AD I Steven C. McCraw, Inspection Division, dated July 9, 2004, . requesting responses from employees who served assignments at GTMO. The email requested that employees who observed a -ressive treatment -immediately email Unit _ I Chief[:| and that thosedid who not observe treatment such b6 -1- ' sou that the submit an EC stating EC should not be such. The uploaded, but email further should be requested. b?C-1 serialized, withahard copy directed to unitChief b6 1 ' Details: " -Respondent's official Bureau name and title Eas ALAT, -I? e ective of GTMO detainees. "I gP Secial - '-A ent endin August 15, Q9. transfer to 2004}._ Tenure is S. Le at Rabat of assignment at GTMO was March 3,2003 through April 15, 2003?, Iobserved interview techniques no aggressive did not which were interview'policyfguidelines. ' '0n two or three in an did interrogations Iobserve not consistent the use with Bureau of - occasions,_during regularly . scheduled interviews, detainees subjected to loud music to keep pornographic photos treatment or use nor advised me that they had been them awake and had been shown effort to upset them. I have _RESPONSES -247 no I ' u Q To: Inspection From: RE: 297 HQ A1327669-A, knowledge that these was under activities that sometimes that Defense DOD! common knowledge reoall O7/12/2004: the impression Department of Q Memphis~ _ were done by FBI employees and these interviewers. among FBI employees was_disoussed at staff detrimental used by were techniques contract and it This was meetings because it to our efforts of as I was a topic attempting r was to establish rapport with detainees:""i"aiso reCall"thatm""""m translators who worked with both FBI and DOD_interviewers} also sleep confirmed the allegations of the detainees physical No detainees mistreatment of or translators advised me of any ' detainees by any interrogators, guards, or any other employees, civilian M regarding ,' deprivation. or military, at_GTMO. I -.. r z_ z RESPONSES-248 " u . 61? 92-..|Inspection From: .I , To: . Memph_1s- Re: 297-HQ-Al327669-A, _ Q1 U ?/12/2004 I-EAD s!: Set Lead 1: [Info]. INSPECTION ' AT EQSHINQIQN, DQ For information. §§_ 1 ¥ -3 < RESPQNSES-249 '7 41* W" '7:__ _ ____ 7" lI_ _7 i Response G _k -. - -If it -El ,--|, } ___ _ __ .4__.. -- _**'_I_?_| r~rso! W--Fs|!. __jT _____.. __; . __ ' rs»-=si:irs~>»<rr»i 1 _ . _- r '1. }Q§,C_§1 Sent: M@ncia',.1uiy.1s,2uo45;2r PM. Tu: " Subject: GTMO92 " . l lNSD! FBl! ' ll " ' . §§_hlSlTI1EuM<;1_As_stFIEni s'uT ' _ N'N-.RECORD_ --~ _ . _- - b6 -1 lnspect0rQjust lreturned to theof ce after toda' gone being two weeks, for so that is why this response is 1217C _a Ia week -1 e. y-official Bu name is Special Agent, and tenure of assignment at.GTMQ of 3i 4I03to #18203. I observed no aggressive traatrnen ,interrogations, or interview techniques on GTMO . ' detainees which was notcor|_sjstent with Bureau interview policy orguidelines. lfthad; Iwouid have ' such abuse immediately. reported If anything,-thedetainees weretreated withprofessionalism. aswell as extreme ' ' restraint, considering some of theiraotions against the guards. Most detaineesi interviewed were asked by - __ myself, or the other CITF interrogat_or,.how?tl1ey were being treated. The onlycomplaints recall I dealtwith rriail . not being rreceived, dental issues not being g|92_ren-immediate attention, and other non-abusive ISSUES. The senior._ CITF of cialI wasteamed withwouldfoliow u on thesecomplaints as soon as the interviewiinterrogation was completed.follow. An'EC,will gou_ Thani_< '_SLC, Rf-92, Boise -_ sbsnsijws BL1T_UNCl._i}92$§IFlED '_155 _1 - - .me _' _.~ -1 '1->2 _ _ _ -1_ 1 _ ."In omnna - RESPONSES-250 ' _ _- _- 1-: 1--_77_ _-L r _ _ _-1 G! . '0113 rev.?-zoos! FEDERAL r. BUREAU OF Q INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINEDate: -0%9/2004 be 1 To: Inspection ittml p_ __. C '1 . Room7&7 92_. ,. - -- --From: Sal-1: -La-I ;-e~-C-it-y!" - I b6 ~1 -B Q3.'8 E RA 2 _' Contact: SAf liI ' . ' E 7 9 b2 /' _ -1 ' The Boise HA ls a W? -1 APP °"°d _BYDEUJ e rJ um: mall once ' Hmadmt lm lm: I=raf=e=1BY= l:|='dek an 92 CaseID #= 29'7 HQ-Al32'?669.-A ." &# Title: Counterterrorism Division, ". GTMO, ' '- .Inspection Specia-1 Inquiry Synopsis: Provide . negative response to abuse inquiry. Details: Special Agent! _, I an a45-day TDY as -Boise RA, served during the period March 3, 2003, - Salt Lake City, 92 ' interrogator/interviewer ' to April 17, 2003. Actual days at GTMO, were March 4 April 16, 2-003. March 3 andApril 17 were }k:§;C :l travel days between Boise, Idaho and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. During TDY this period, SA_ didor interview not observe any . aggressive. treatment, interroga ions techniques on GTMO detainees which was ot cnsistent with Bureau interview 92 policy/guidelinesf SA would have reported such treatment immediately had _she observed it. -__ _ ' The detainees interviewed by SA and her be-1:11:-1 Task: Force partners were -1 various _CI'I F Criminal Investigation asked if they had any complaints about their complaints that were made concerned lack dental appointments not being made, not their hair/beards to desired length, etc. concerning mail and dental appointments the investigators. ' ' I n! treatment. The of mail/delay in mail, being allowed to grow The complaints were followed up on by a {" _ C _- _ .&0: Inspection ggig: Salt Lake City Z! Re: 297-I-IQ Al327659 A, 0'?/19/2004 LEAD B!: Set Lead 1: Action! ' IN§PECTIQN AT WASHINGIQE, Read and QC Clear. n 2 RESPONSES-252 _- Response H 1| 1 r it be -1[see iii _-7*» ____ 77_ _ ;| lHsDHFB.I! 'i _ _ . _ _Z. ' ' " '* irg7"" iiw-q nwhrq 7""'_ iW'_""-_ 7 i" 7in Vi 7* ivi 7".Fri 7' W7*' " " ' T"' 'i7*7"**:' fa '1' . _5ubject: RE: GT_MOlnspection Special inquiry . -I _I __ __ _QK thanl<sL i~iad'a couple ofthe same 'resporisesi,ob_servationst idonot beieive it tsthe criteria of the inquiry, so - we will consider itanegativeresponse. Thanksagain. "__ . _ - _---'-ifJri'?'inalMessa?e-:-_- " "' , _From. [CG![FBI! - g cfl Ser|t:Tuesi:la Jul 13 2ou4'2;17 ' 1PM . .To: zi~iso! FB1! '- ., Cc: .-BI! ,.~_ Subject: GTM0 nspectionSpecial -Inquiry 'SI NSITN UT _RECQ_BQ.29I-HQ-A13ZT_669 . - i ;_ 1 I _ __| did HQIIOUSEFVB physically any aggressive treatment GTMO of detainees but, asthe email-was '92 ' written requesting iniomnation regarding the observation oi "aggressive'treatment, interrogations or" _interview techniques dn GTMO detainees which wasnot consistent with Bureauinterview -_ .- - - ' policy-iguideiines" .I willinclude the following obsewations andiallow the inspeotion Division to dete_rrnine_if itfalls under the desired criteria: ' __._ -_ - ' - " .- .5 _ -A detaineelwas into ledan interview roorn by hooded MPs. The detainee was alsohooded and the hood -' was _|'B'i by theMP511OVEi.T for theinterview. This procedure-was under not ourtdireotion. This happened on two occasions.' '» ' ; ' ' I1'-" _-_ ," _ _Inan interview trailer, observed i interviewroorn an ashing with lights and loud rock music coming through ' under and adoor. I didnotobserve anyindividuals inside as the solid door was closed. observed I this-' 'onlyon§:e._; I' _" "' " ' ' . .-. _. -, ' 7An EC wiii.follow reporting the above. _- -- -_ -- ~ i$Al:| ' __cT-1- _- I , ' _- D6 -1 _ _ . _' T' --»w<: -1 .- " - __sEi~is|TivE _BU;-U_N§_LASSIEi§Q - _ _' h -. .w14:2o04 '.RESPONSES 253 __ ; _ J Response I ,i it F i 156 1 ll Front |i*~*"@F>>rFBi> LA! FB|!.l ' .'" Kt " __ K C 1 .Sent: Wednesday, 2'00-41:2? .Ju|§1-1', r5M- i I::i~~e>e-> _ fSi._|b_iect:GTl'MO' _-. . ~_SEIilSIT E*BUT_LJ|'iiCLA SSlFiED ' -- QQN-B§CORD b6 1 - -= . ~ .- . '; I eawjone inter.view_where the detainee was interviewed while sitting on theoor. Thefoiiowing _mqming '»during theail handsbrie ng there was direction given on the proper treatment detainees of during an interview. '| -' .qnly assume this dieeussion was e_ result of thedetainee beirig interyiew white sitting on the oor.-' _._. ' Any ': further qniestion orcornmente please coritact the @ direot line. Lbi -1 ' -- .- SENSIIIYEBUTUNCLAS§lF|ElQ ; "92- .. - - _ __ t ' 1r14i2oo4'*7 ' ' "i'ii* "- RESPONSES 254 ., - -r -_ ; - Response J i' Message - " '. _" _" ' I' _Page l|_of"3 p °e ll:I<P><=<FlB'I>l I~ Subject: RE:GTMO. _- ' ' _ _ I w lclassify that as a negative. Thanks fer_ the response. --¥0rl' Mesinai e-'--_-_ ==~=~=h<P><»<e:> L _ _Sent: Wednesda%' Jul?ZUO4 14, 1Z:23'AM" _. b _1 To: INSD!- FBI! _ Subject: RE:GTMO - .,_ I ' .._ _._'_ I ,. ' 92 -_ ._ . _ - O11 one morning parmer my em OSI went hito the ohsetfvatibn accross roem_ hall the from our -' interogation roomto get achaii . While in the'r'e he called me in.In-_ one of theether mte1-og_ati'on . reotns was a detainee sittirig in echairalone in the 1_'o_0n:|. -The g1 assI2.way mirror was very waim ' to thetouch,as -if the room teII;p.__wa.s92 the interfiogatibn room-._ The-detainee appeered-be to s1eepingit1thechai1'.' '_ i -1 - __ '. I The next day vathilen getting achair irt the ebserttatieij teem I ebserved'wha't appearedbetothe same detainee the san1e'i'oom-.. window felt very Thecoolthat-moming, as if the room temp. was lowAgain . the detainee was aloneattd appearedtc be sleeping in thero'om.' _' '_ I do not kpe-w _wl{at'lSN the detainee number I.1OI"'_92_PV-hi! hadthe detainee in-the roont. I_clid_not go -into the interoga roan; en and do_n_'t1c;1~;>w the ream _' 3' .' _' - -.- - ' _ A er making tl1ese'ohserva left ithe 0bsem1ttion_re0m 0ns we subseqtiently and conducted bur _' inter~rie}r_facross-.thehall._' '_ ' ' -' .' I wouldeppreeiate any-input you.'.l:'1ave _regardiiig_obse1_vat1'0ns." these . _= -_---O'ina.1'Messa _" -=--" .t, _ b _eFroa?ht<n<sD> Sent: Tue'Hl3l2D04-7:41 AM .-_ ' T°=I::|lPX1rFBI> 7Cc: ' - : re-1:L " . .- ," Subject: RE:_GTMO _- ' -UNCLASSIEJED . F _u;uaec;uuf'-- _.--l; ._-. _ l _ .- b __ - -If youlceuldprovide-rhelan just a emailtwith short syhopsis of you observed and we will. ma'determina1:'on he whether it should classt he as rrhstreatnwent edwhat Thanks. of - b_1' - ' -'-----Ori ina|Messa l-1-'" --. b-t ' . m4r2004 W _ -' _' LF1-»=h<1=><><FB1> 1 __ _ ' ' .'= . '" _ ' ' -RESPONSES Z55 ." .+~. . -' " _:' sol b6 -1 b7C -1 h s Message V h l .:.~Pae='~*-<=.w Sent:92'l13 u_esda 2Dt'J412:48 jut AM u- To: INSD! FBI! Sub : .'_ ' Import:ance:High-_ ' - _- .- . . ' While at GTMOI observedsomething that may or'may_:'not -consistent with beour policy because my infcnnationis veryl.i1iu'ted_-'-I like todiscuss wouldthis to - - determine how I-should r'espon'd. I-_am c11rrej;itly'I in Isianiabad, -DY Pakistan until V2.1 end-.wi1l return tothe officein PhoenixDivision, TucsonRA onW26. . _ - .- ," 'YOILIliIl3YC01 1I$.Ciattbv 8_ii.lIiilB.ISi.8J1121iJ3.Ci to Tucson - ' b2 __1-. ~Maynun1ber,inTucson_is 3e-mail -or wheuifetum . .g'" ____ ,_Le - Thanks, ' i 1' - ._b6 -1 b?c ~1 ' .---Ol ig;inalI92fIessage---- _From: _' _-' " ,, . - _ .- -- MCCRAW, STEVEN C. LINED!FBIJL ' __ _- "- ' Sen:F ?i'i ' --- 7" - ' ' " estiiiiieeieta ' Subject:GWU_'.-' _' . _. .'_ .' ia ' i ' . SENSITIVE BUl_UNClugSS'IFiE_E. g_ _ . -- _, _. , 1 _. _ i Youhave been identi as ed having conducted an essignrn_er'it at C-§ |'IvlO,' Cuba since ' -. _9t1i,1U1.The inspection Divisionhas been tasked withco_r_"|t_acting thoseernployees ' _ .who have served in anycapacity at GTMO and'o_btaininforn1ation theregarding treatment detainees.gmploveesshould of immediately; respond to the toilmving :- '1! Employees _who observed aggressive treatment, interrogations interview or ' - teehniques on GTMOdetainees which was notconsistent with Bureau intervi_ew_- ~.polieyiguidelinesi, should respond via ernaitfor the purpose of atoilow-up 'iriter_view_:_ - _Positive ernail responses should be directed to:-' - .- -~ 5 L ' .' ' ._ _ ; . .- _ __ ~- b6 -J. -' inspection Division .' .1 I- . . t -2! Employees whoserved at GTMO-andobserved no aggressive treatment of ' ' detainees. should-respond via an'EC documenting a negativeresponse. The EC .sh uld ineiude theemployee'sBureau o iciai name. title. and tenure of assignmentat ' 'G.TMO._ , __ .-_ _ _- - - The EC should betitled "Quuntenerronsni Divlision} GTMO. Inspection Soecial _" '" |nqui|'y",- .'- -- H-I ' - . _-1 . I . .. I -il|B #29?-HQ-A31 32-17559-A.EC TheShlitlid FIOI b¬'UD|OEdEd. only §EliE|iZBd, -|'ii' E. ' . hard copy idniizarded to: ' .. ' ' t - -' _ ' ' . _- ' inspection Division ' __, - Of ce of Ins ectionls '" '; Rizsponsas-25's.t _m4g2@04 , _14! ] _-P -1 Messagej. ' - '. ' ' SENS-ITE!E.BUl .' - , 1.1 §i=A§SlFlED_ . " Pa_gc.3o Room 7'83?" '. H I '_ ' RESPONSES-2_57_. m4r2004'._in '- _ _ _ [ i l . Response K .MBSS&ge.__*_* % 7. ?Page _1C;f1"f l. __ Ml..Eh;e:.E;.|._ilE...._!.__.-.} _ _-I . Prl5_'_,=_~3=¢11>><FB'>e 1 , YI-|1 b6 ~1 b7C -1 Sent: '|=neey;'Ju|yo_e,20043159-PM -. Te |:|<1~S@> FEW Subject: GTMO aeeignment --- . '- I ' - . ' "r -QNGLASSIF-IED _bl -. 151 .- -- l Non-gggoen -- ". " - eeef .l - u _' PEA'$°.lT;57§1'- §4'?§l -l§ - - - *. :~ .. _ ' ' _'- - . l5? =likeii2i.iiIefi.:t*§-§éE=f%'f§eie.I. - - - ~. ~- ". L -" _ _ ' 1 was assigned GTM to pIf} _?!2_3 - become 8122102. While eiener 1 eny observe elielreetmen detaineesand did not pa c|pa eInany ewiews,I did aware thatthe interviewrooms werekept pretty ' coldand that interviewees were kept in'those rcerns forextended perlods of time. _ ' , if . 7_i -N _ Additienallyl 7__ in the cell in |so|'¬ foron an extended per1od3f'Tin'|e, up toSl ays. 1-i lnli __ I ' _ ne detainee wast-cept -' .-' ' - Are these considered violations of f'Bureau interview,poiicylguidelines? ' - _I, e - ' . " . - -" ' r ;- .- ?§ii Im§unIE:RIii;I 512? ' ' __ : " L l it _m_2/2004'. - Vl L. -- Jaeseonses-zse l "-. -. _. Response L ' ' - ' >, Message _- I l ; _ b6 ~i b7C 92- ' From;-L V 1 Sent: TuesdaJul 13 -1 -- . __ -V}-I-agg _ _ *[ s|::-! 'r=e|! -- 2004 :24 PM ' _- _ _- _ - "5ubje¢t m'garding GTMO treatment of Detainees Forthcoming from LJC ' - ' .LLlilQ.LA§5.l.E|§Q . - NON-RECORD b6 1 b7C -1 -'Hei'IoMrl:|" '_ '.' " _ H" Per email - f instructions fromStevenC. McCraw,-I arnsending thisemailto yopto advise-Iwi be submitting an _ email-and did_n0t'personaily obsenreaggressive treatment ofdeiainees. ' - -'" _ I--arln eware however, that cletalinees could beidentitobe ed niaced on a Iiet-for a sperii ' cinterrbgaticrt techn-iqué-involving interruption ofsleeppattern,-callled frequent yerprograrri. I was,TOYtoQTMO 91.1103. "1rough11-!11J03._ ._ . -" _-' '_ _ _, _ ' ' -- 1_ __ I '_-b6 1 " nitC |e SAAPU ' - -' _ ' I I-' ' - iggat t . _ '1_ 1 _.,, | I-. L ~ " ?ri4r2n04 _RE$PONSES-259' ' .- - i- I . Rev.01-3 e -."r l-1003! ® .= 1. FEDERAL BUREQU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE To! Inspection Date: 7*./15/2004 Division Attn: b6 -1 me - 92 | . b6 " ' ' I _ _Office ;Room From: Administrative Services ' SAAPU, Room 10130 I Contac:t.| ii Approved By:l -1 pections blc-J _ 37 ' " '_ Z ILl: --' _ J. f' kid}? _ ' E JM51 t Case #=_ ID 297-HQ-A132'7669 A Drafted. By:|p _ Tit1e:' COUNTERTERRORISM DIVISION, GTMO, INSPECTION SPECIAL INQUIRY FOR SPECIAL AGENT SA! APPLIC}NTS' ' Synopsis: Report of negative interrogations or conducted observation of aggressive treatment, response to email of individuals identified July 9, 2004 from as having interview techniques Details: This EC is in Steven C. McCraw to all an assignment I was on GTMO detainees. at GTMO, Cuba since on TDY assignment to Detainee-Liaison Unit . 09/11/2001. _ _ GTMO, Cuba for the.Military IMDLU! from September 1, 2U03.through . November ll, 2003. During this time frame I was assigned to participate in interviews-of the detainees being held at GTMO. During my assignment I did not observe any aggressive treatment or aggressive interrogation or interview techniques of detainees at GTMO. During my the military assignment at personnel aseigned_to cooperative detainees could be GTMO.I received operations at placed on alist abriefing from GTMO, that for aspecific interrogation.technique involving interruption of sleep pattern, called the "frequent flyer program." With this particulartechnique, identified block to cell block or every two hours military pereonnel along with all of detainees were moved frequently at intervals that appeared to be depending on the_shifts and """""' 7* $? ' ,. from cell every hour availability-of to move the detainee. Detainees were their personal belongings. Due to the RES PONSES-260 non- _ moved movement I ~ To: fnspection Divieion From: Administrativg;Services Re: 297-HQ A1327669-A, 07/15/2004 -' _ to different cells throughout a particular the detainees 24 hour detainees period. seemed had their sleep "The duration to depend of the interrupted program for on the,cooperativeness of the detainee. I did not participate in this program and do not know of any participation of FBI personnel in recommending detainees to this program. I did observe on the detaineemovement-databaee,-some-detainees moving approximately recall the names every of these were hour or on the every _ movement-records, two hours.'I do not detainees. ' ' 1 2 . RESPONSES-261 9 _ .: _ _""92 _ _To:297 Inspection Didieion From: Administrativgggervicee Re: HQ~Al327669<A, O7/15/2004 _ - .J , LEAD{s!: Set Lead 1: Info! £1! -?1"1I1ET,I5Te13 £¥T1,*92"E ,§ERi AT AGENT - For PRQCES5ING, no information only. Set Lead 2: Action! INSPECTION DIVISION ' Bring attention of the information - in this appropriate personnel. communication to _'_ Q9 . 3 ' RESPONSES-262 ' the