Incarceration Agreement by and Between TN DOC and Hardeman County TN, TN DOC, 1996
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.' , This instrument was prepared by Debra K. Inglis General Counsel State ofTennessee Department of Correction 4th Floor, Racbael Jackson Bldg. Nashville, Tennessee 37243 Charles M. Cary Hardeman County Attorney P.O. Box 306 Bolivar, Tennessee 38008 INCARCERATION AGREEMENT 0 ~ by and between STATE OF TENNESSEE, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION and HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE / INCARCERATION AGREEMENT THIS INCARCERAnON AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 18 day of Se.~t(N\hLr .1996, by and between the STATE OF TENNESSEE, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION ("State") and HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Hardeman County approved the creation of the Hardeman County Correctional Facilities Corporation (HCCFC) for the purpose of constructing and operating a prison, appointed its directors, and approved the indebtedness to be issued by HCCFC: WHEREAS, HCCFC intends to finance the acquisition, constIUction and equipping of a 1,504 bed medium security correctional facility with no donnitory housing (the "Facility"); WHEREAS, Hardeman County desires to enter into this contract to reserve, keep and maintain up to one hundred percent (100%) of the available beds for the State; WHEREAS, the State desires to enter into this contract with Hardeman County to house at the Facility, pursuant to the terms of this Contract, felons (hereinafter "Inmates") sentenced to the care, custody and control of the Tennessee Department of Correction (the "Depanment"); WHEREAS, the State agrees to compensate the county as indicated below for reasonable allowable costs as defined by the contract associated with the housing of felons and the operation and management of the Facility; and, WHEREAS, the State is authorized to enter into agreements with local governments to house State prisoners. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the State and Hardeman County hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS UACA" means the American Correctional Association. UACA Standards" means the standards for Adult Correctional Institutions (Third Edition, January 1990. as the same may be modified, amended, or supplemente~ in the future) published by the ACA. ".. "liM tt tt ! mt 2t t.t t t 066. ... 6 t w/.t .. J.t.t.... "Bed Day" means each calendar day that a bed at the Facility is made available to the State pursuant to an allocation requested in writing by the Department for the placement of an Inmate. including the first, but not the last day. "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the TeMessee Department of Correction. "Contract" means this document. together with all written attachments. exhibits, amendments, renewals and modifications. "Court Orders" means any orders, judgments or opinions issued by a court of competent jurisdiction or any stipulations. agreements or plans entered into in cOMection with litigation that are applicable to the operation, management or maintenance of the Facility or relate to the care and custody ofInmates ofthe Facility, whether currently existing or as may be rendered in the future. "Debt Service Per Diem Rate" means the capital cost per Bed Day as defmed in Section 6.2. "Department" means the Tennessee Department of Correction. "Effective Date of Contract" means the date stated in Section 2. of this Contract. "Facility" means a 1,504 bed medium security correctional institution. with no dormitory housing. to be located in Hardeman County. Tennessee, and real property as specified in Exhibit A. "Fiscal Year" means the period beginning July I and ending June 30 of each year. "Indigent Inmates" means Inmates who are deemed indigent as defined by the Departmental Policy 504.04, as said policy may be amended. "Inmate" means any person committed to the custody and control of the Department who is incarcerated in the Facility. "Inmate Day" means each calendar day or part thereoftbat an Inmate is located at the Facility, including the first, but not the last day of incarceration at the Facility. "Liaison" means a person or persons appointed and paid by the Department to monitor for the Department the implementation of this Contract and/or to act as the Commissioner's designee. The Liaison will also be the official liaison between the State and Hardeman County on matters pertaining to the operation and management services of the Facility and may perform other functions described herein and described in Departmental policies. 3 "Local Area" means Hardeman, Fayette, Haywood, Madison, Chester, McNairy and Shelby Counties in Tennessee. "Operating Per Diem Rate" means the operational cost per Inmate, per Inmate Day, as defined in Section 6.1. "Post Order" means standing orders which delineate the task and job duties of each security position at the Facility. "Staffing Pattern" means each functional area, by position, with an indication ofshift assignment and number of days covered, relief factors and total staffing. "State" means the State ofTeIUlessee, including, but not limited to, the Department. ·State Bed Days" means the State's total allocation of Bed Days. "Service Commencement Date" is July ,1997. "TOMIS" means the Tennessee Offender Management Information System, a mainframe computer system that automates the management of information about offenders under the supervision of the Tennessee Department of Corrections. TOMIS captures all offender related information at the point oforigin to provide accurAte and timely information to those who use it. ARTICLE 2 TERM AND SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT Section 2.1. Tenn. This Contract is effective with its execution by all parties and continues for three (3) years after the Service Commencement Date unless terminated earlier in accordance herewith. Section 2.2. Renewals. The State shall have the option to renew this Contract upon the same terms and conditions for six (6) additional three (3) year terms; provided, however, that such option to renew may be exercised only if, at the time of the exercise of the option, the Commissioner, in the Commissioner's sole discretion, determines that the available facilities and institutions of the Department are overcrowded. The State may'exercise its option to renew by giving Hardeman County 270 days advance written notice of its intent to renew. If Hardeman County does not receive notice of the State's intent to renew 270 days in advance, it shall notify the Commissioner ofCorrection and the Commissioner of Finance and Administration of that fact by certified mail and the State shall have an additional 30 days from receipt of such notice within which to exercise its option to renew. 4 ··.,1.6&i1 ,£.&.£616 ii .3M3 .... dooM .... .iP..u. "Q'Q.Q.Q.Q.Q . . .h . . . . ,Q,..i..i.C.&tgM;44WWW .... ~'"".(... (h , . , Q'. •.... ,vuS!."'.H.Ah.n, SA.W.. .. ,,$10.6.36.. .. ;;;;::;:::: Section 2.3 Requirements. This Contract is not binding until execution by all parties. Section 2.4. Scope of Agreement. This Contract, including all exhibits attached hereto which are incorporated herein by reference, shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and no statements, promises or inducements made by either party or agents of either party that are not contained in this contract shall be valid or binding with the exception of Opinion of Contractor's Counsel described in Section 13.9. No prior agreements or understandings, verbal or otherwise, ofthe parties or their agents shall be valid or enforceable unless embodied in this Contract ARTICLE 3 MAINTENANCE Section 3.1. Maintenance. (a) Hardeman County shall implement a plan, including a preventive maintenance program, to maintain the Facility and all property, both real and personal, contained therein. ,(b) Hardeman County shall provide for maintenance, repair, and replacement for the Facility and shall keep said Facility in good repair, working order and condition, subject to nonnal wear and tear. Hardeman County shall be responsible for all expenses incurred in said maintenance, repair and replacement. Section 3.2. Expansion. Hardeman County, at its expense, may expand the facility by an additional 512 beds, subject to the prior written Commissioner's approval which shall be at the Commissioner's sole discretion. Section 3.3. Utilities and Taxes. Hardeman County shall pay all taxes associated with this Contract and utility costs of the Facility, including, but not limited to, water, gas, sewage and electric. Section 3.4. Property Insurance. Hardeman County shall obtain and keep in force casualty insurance on the facility and on all property to be located at the Facility. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT MONITORING Section 4.1. Monitoring and Evaluation. (a) The Tennessee Department of Correction shall monitor the contract and the perfonnance ofHardeman County. In addition, contract compliance monitonng will 5 be done by the Department of Finance and Administration through the Division of Resource & Development. (b) Hardeman County shall maintain for the State data in accordance with the Standards to include use of and data entry on TOMIS. Section 4.2. Liaison. (a) The State shall provide a Liaison(s) to be located at the Facility. Hardeman County shall be notified of the identity of the Liaison in writing signed by the Commissioner. The hours worked and number of the liaison(s) assigned are within the sole discretion of the State. The Liaison(s) will be an employee(s) of the Department and will be paid by the Department. Hardeman County shall have no control over the activities of the Liaison(s), supervisory or otherwise. (b) The Liaison(s) shall be the representative of the State at the Facility to monitor for the Department Hardeman County's compliance with this Contract. The Liaison(s) may act as the Commissioner's designee with functions as provided in writing by the Commissioner. The State hereby expressly disclaims that the Liaison(s) has any authority, apparent or otherwise, to bind the State under this Contract unless expressly stated herein. (c) Unless otherwise specified in writing by the Cormnissioner, the Liaison(s) shall be the designated recipient of all infonnation required of Hardeman County. (d) The Liaison(s) may be changed during the term ofthis Contract, at the discretion of the Commissioner. Section 4.3 Multiple Liaisons. (a) In the event that the Commissioner designates more than one individual to act as Liaison, the State shall provide Hardeman CO\U1ty with a written description executed by the Commissioner of the Liaisons' level of authority. (b) In the event Hardeman County believes it is receiving conflicting instructions from the Liaison(s) or that the Liaison is acting beyond its level of authority under the Contract or as provided in subsection (a), Hardeman County shall notify the Commissioner in writing. The written response of the Commissioner shall be final. Section 4.4. Office Space. (a) Hardeman COUDty shall provide, at its expense, adequate office space and local telephone service for the Liaison(s) and for the staff of the Liaison(s), which may include a secretary, in close proximity to other administrative offices. 6 (b) Hardeman County also shall provide the Liaison(s) and staff with access to all major office equipment at Hardeman County's expense. (c) Hardeman County shall not provide the Liaison(s) or Liaison(s} staff with gifts or any form ofcompensation at any time. Section 4.5. Liaison Access. (a) The Liaison(s} shall have immediate, complete. and unrestricted access to all parts of the facility at any and all times. (b) The Liaison(s) shall have immediate, complete and unrestricted access to all documents in any way pertaining to the obligations of Hardeman County under this Contract, including but not limited to Facility records. Inmate files. and personnel files. In the event that any such document is not located on the Facility site. Hardeman County agrees to.provide the Liaison(s) upon request with a copy of the document within three working days of the request. (c) The Liaison(s) shall have immediate, complete and unrestricted access to all Inmates. Section 4.6. Meetings with Liaison. Hardeman County agrees to hold meetings as requested by the Liaison(s) to report on the operations of the Facility and to respond to any questions raised by the Liaison(s). Hardeman County agrees that a representative of Hardeman County having supervisory responsibility and authority to address the issues raised shall be in attendance at said meetings. Section 4.7. Reguests for Information. (a) Hardeman County shall provide the Liaison(s) with written responses to any information requested by the Liaison(s) or Commissioner concerning Hardeman County's performance oftbis Contract within the period prescribed in the State's request. Hardeman County shall certify that said information is accurate and if Hardeman County is unable to so certify then Hardeman County shall state the reason therefor. (b) (e) Upon written request by the Liaison{s) or Commissioner, Hardeman County shall compile information in the requested fonn and provide documentation substantiating said information. (d) During construction ofthe facility. Hardeman County shall report in writing monthly to the State concerning the status ofthe construction. Section 4.8. State Inspection. (a) The Commissioner or his/her designee(s) shall have the same access as described in Section 4.5, Liaison Access, which access shall include but not be limited to persons designated by the Commissioner to inspect or audit the Facility and/or Hardeman County's performance under this Contract. Hardeman County is also obligated to provide appropriate access to authorized inspection and regulatory agencies. Hardeman County shall exercise due diligence for the safety and welfare of the Liaison(s), any other S~te employee, and any visitor at the Facility. (b) In addition to any other right ofaccess provided herein, the State shall have a right ofaccess to the property and facility at all times during construction. Section 4.9. Immediate Compliance. (a) If the Commissioner detennines that Hardeman County is not operating in compliance with a term or condition oftbis Contract which in the opinion ofthe Conunissioner adversely affects the security of the Facility or which may present a hazard to the safety or health ofinmateS or other individuals, Hardeman County shall be notified in writing (or verbally ifit is believed an emergency situation exists). The notice shall direct Hardeman County to inunediately correct the noncompliance. . Hardeman County shall immediately notify the Commissioner of the proposed corrective action. If the Commissioner does not object to the proposed corrective action, Hardeman County shall immediately implement said corrective action. (b) (c) If the Commissioner disagrees with the proposed corrective action or if Hardeman County fails to notify the Commissioner immediately of its proposed corrective action, the Conunissioner shall specify corrective action which Hardeman County shall inunediately implement. (d) Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, in such a circumstance, Hardeman County shall immediately implement the corrective action specified by the Department before any appeal is taken. (e) In the event Hardeman County disagrees with the determination of noncompliance or designated corrective action, a request for reconsideration may be taken to the Commissioner. In no event shall the corrective action be delayed pending appeal. Upon examination, if the Commissioner determines in his sole discretion that noncompliance did not exist or that the corrective action required by the Deparonent was excessive, the Commissioner shall authorize payment to Hardeman County of the actual expense incurred in taking said corrective action or excessive corrective action upon receipt of appropriate documentation substantiating said expense from Hardeman County. (f) 8 Section 4.10. Incident Reports. Hardeman County shall implement Departmental policy regarding the reporting of incidents. ARTICLES OPERATION OF FACILITY Section 5.1. Obligations ofHardeman County. Hardeman County ~11 perfonn all JCts and services and ~ompiy wilh all duties and promises as described and in conformance wiLh the following: (a) All applicable constitutional standards. federal, state and local laws, court decisions, and Court Orders, consent agreements, whether currently existing or as may be enacted or rendered in the future; (b) AU existing State and Departmental policies, or, in tbe discretion of the State, policies approved by the Department which may not be identical to State or Depanment policies; (c) Such other policies as the Department may make applicable to Hardeman County in writing during the term of this Contract as same may be amended during the term ofthis Contract. Any change in the scope ofservices as a result ofthis would be compensated by an adjustment either upward or downward in accordance with Section 6.6, Compensation Adjustment for Change of Services; (d) ACA Standards; and (e) The terms oflhis Contract. The standards articulated in (a) through (e) hereinafter collectively be referred to as "Standards." Section 5.2. as described herein. Obligations of the State. The State agrees to perfonn its obligations Section 5.3. Conflicts. In the event ofa conflict among the Standards, Hardeman County is (a) required to follow the Standard as detennined by the Liaison(s). In the event of disagreement between Hardeman County and the (b) Liaison(s) regarding which item provides the standard of service, the Commissioner or his designee shall make the fmal, binding decision. 9 Section 5.4. Policy and Procedures Manual and Operations Plan. Within 60 days after the contract is executed, Hardeman County shall provide the State with a written Policy and Procedures Manual which shall contain policies and procedures for all services to be rendered by Hardeman County in accordance with the Standards. Within 60 days after the contract is executed Hardeman County shall also submit an Operations Plan relating to all areas covered by the contract, subject to the approval of the State. including but not limited to a staffing pattern. security and post assignments. post orders for all security positions by post and shift. and designation of critical posts. Said manual and plan shall·establish the policies and procedures Hardeman County shall follow in all areas covered by this Contract. Said manual and plan shall be subject to the written approval of the State and shall not be altered, amended, modified, revised or supplemented without the prior written approval by the State. Hardeman County shall implement the provisions of said manual and plan throughout the term of this Contract. Section 5.5. Assignment and Transfer oflnmates. (a) Hardeman County expressly recognizes that it is required to complete the Facility and begin accepting inmates under the terms of this contract beginning July I. 1997. and that time is of the essence. (b) Beginning on the Service Commencement Date, Inmates will be assigned to the Facility in accordance with Deparnnental policies. Hardeman County will be provided an opportunity to review the records and comment to the State on the frrst complement of inmates proposed to be assigned to the Facility'- Hardeman County may not refuse to accept any Inmate assigned to the Facility, but if Hardeman County believes that an Inmate has been erroneously assigned to the Facility or is presenting a discipline problem sufficient to require closer custody status which cannot be provided adequately or safely in the facility, it may request his transfer in writing through the Liaison(s) citing the appropriate sections of Departmental policy. (c) Hardeman County's requests for reassignment of Inmates from the facility to another institution for medical, psychiatric. disciplinary or administrative reasons or for fumate furloughs will be made in writing through the Liaison(s) and evaluated by the Department. Any decision by the Department on such request shall be final. (d) The State may transfer Inmates from the Facility with said decision to transfer being within the State's sole discretion. Section 5.6. Safety and Emergency Procedures. (a) Hardeman County shall submit written (I) riot and disturbance control and contingency plan, and (2) disaster preparedness plans to the State within 60 days of execution ofthis agreement. Hardeman County shall cooperate with the State in preparing contingent Inmate relocation plans. 10 (b) Hardeman County shall develop and submit to the State within 60 days of execution of this agreement written guidelines for the prevention of fire. safety inspections, maintenance of fire alarm and smoke detection systems. fue evacuation drills. evacuation plans, a procedure to report job-:related injuries. and provisions for testing equipment to maintain essential lighting. power and communications. (c) Hardeman County shall develop and submit to the State plans for the search and apprehension of any escaped Inmate within sixty (60) days ofexecution of this agreement. Said plans shall address Hardeman County searching for any escapee off the grounds ofthe Facility and coordination with local and State authorities. Hardeman County shaH implement said plans regarding any search off the grounds of the Facility only if so requested by the Commissioner. (d) During the term ofthis Contract, Hardeman County shall develop and submit to the State in writing any other emergency and control plans as may be requested in writing by the Department within thirty (30) days of receipt of said request. All plans required under this Section must be submitted to the State (e) and approved by the State in writing. Hardeman County agrees to make any revisions. deletions or additions requested by the Commissioner or his designee. Upon written approval by the State. Hardeman County shall begin immediate imple1!1entation of the plans or in the case of contingency plans. certify that Hardeman County has the ability and shall implement the plan if the contingency occurs. Said plans may not be revised, amended. altered, or supplemented without prior written consent of the State. (t) AH plans must be in conformance with the Standards. Section 5.7. Medical and Mental Health Services. (a) Hardeman County shall provide. in compliance with the Standards. all physical health services. mental health services and dental services as specified in this Section, utilizing the TDOC Health Services medical records forms. as said forms may be revised or supplemented during the tenn of this Contract. (b) The physical health. mental health. and dental services shall include but not be limited to: ) 24 hour-a-day. 7day-a-week on--call emergencymedical health and mental health care; (2) 24 hour-a-day. 7 day-a-week on-site nursing care; (3) initial health screening; (4) health appraisal examination; 11 (5) daily triaging of complaints; (6) daily sick call per nonnal workday schedule; (7) infinnary operation with at least supervision by an RN 24 hours per day. 7 days per week; (8) maintenance ofbealth records; (9) special medical programs and services for, but not limited to. Inmates with chronic needs or requiring convalescent care; mental health, mental illness and substance abuse services to include a sex offender aftercare program and a substance abuse program that empbasizes relapse prevention and provides for after-care and self-help treatment services; health care specialists; ancillary services - radiology, laboratory, etc.; (13) dental services - routine to include dentures; pharmaceutical services and supplies; optometry services to include eyeglasses; (16) hearing aids; prosthesis, if it is the opinion of the Facility's Medical Director that an hunate's health or well being would suffer or be damaged if a prosthesis is denied the Inmate; (18) health education; and, inpatient and outpatient hospitalization services. (c) Except as set out herein. Hardeman County shall be responsible for the cost of providing all physical health, mental health, and dental services, including but not limited to inpatient and outpatient treatment-any surgery and specialty services. medications. specialty clinics, medically related transportation, medically related security services, and the costs associated with the provision ofservices described above. 12 (d) Hardeman County shall be responsible for security selVices for inpatient care during a confmement period for which Hardeman County is financially responsible. Hardeman County shall provide security at an off-site medical facility after the Department assumes responsibility, ifrequested to do so by the Department and to be reimbursed by the Depanment at the following rates: Year $14.92 per hour Year 2 $14.92 per hour Year 3 $14.92 per hour Such reimbursement rate for any renewal tenn will be fixed for that tenn at an hourly rate equal to the previous tenn's hourly rate multiplied by the inflator rate which shall be c!lculated by averaging the consumer price indices for the immediately preceding three (3) years. (e) Exclusions and Limitations If an inmate is hospitalized at a non-departmental facility, Hardeman County shall not be responsible for inpatient hospital costs which exceed $4,000 per inmate per admission or for costs incurred after the third day of hospitalization, whichever com~ first. The Department will decide on the location ofcare and confinement following this initial period and may, in consultation with Hardeman County's representative, decide to utilize departmental facilities during the initial period of inpatient care. Hardeman County shall not have access to the Department's facilities without the Department's approval. If an inmate is housed and treated at a departmental facility, the Department will assume financial responsibility for expenses incurred within its facilities. Provided, however, notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, any inmate medical expenses resulting from the negligence or willful wrongdoing of Hardeman County, its officers, agents or employees shall be fully paid for by Hardeman County. (l) (2) Hardeman County shall not be responsible for any inpatienthospital cost, including any surgery or specialty services, associated with the treatment of persons with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), as defined by the Centers for Disease Control. Hardeman County shall be responsible for hospitalization costs associated with other HIV infected patients. (3) Hardeman County shall not be responsible for the cost of providing AZT. or other medications therapeutically indicated for the treatment of inmates with AIDS or HIV infection. Such treatment will be at the Department's discretion and expense. Section 5.8. Food Service. 13 (a) Hardeman County will provide food service for the Inmates and volunteers in accordance with the Standards including but not limited to the provision of special diets for medical or religious requirements. (b) Hardeman County shall not be required to follow the Department's master menu, but the food service area must comply with State health regulations. At a minimum the amount of daily calories must conform with the recommended dietary allowances published by the National Academy of Sciences. Section 5.9. Transportation. Hardeman County will be responsible for the following inmate transportation: (a) all within the Local Area; and, (b) outside the Local Area, as necessary when the Department's central transportation is unavailable or time constraints restrict inter-institutional transfer; provided, however, in the event said transportation outside the Local Area occurs more than ten (10) times in any twelve (12) month period, Hardeman County shall provide said transportation if requested by the liaison(s) and will be reimbursed for labor in accordance with the following: Year I $14.92 per hour Year 2 $14.92 per hour Year 3 $14.92 per hour plus expenses and cost of transportation. The reimbursement rate for any renewal term will be fixed for that term at an hourly rate equal to the previous tenn's hourly rate multiplied by the inflator rate which shaH be calculated by averaging the consumer price indices for the immediately preceding three (3) years. Inmate CommiSSary. (a) Hardeman County will provide a commissary for Inmates which shall supply only those non-consumable items at a reasonable price approved by the Department in writing and such consumable items as Hardeman County approves. Section 5.10. Hardeman County may not offer for sale to Tennessee Inmates Commissary items which are prohibited by Departmental policy. (b) (c) All profits derived from the Commissary operation shall be retained . by Hardeman County. Section 5.11. Mail. Hardeman County will provide pick up and delivery ofImnate mail in compliance with the Standards. Hardeman County will furnish first class pc.. ~ge to 14 Indigent Imnates for the mailing of legal documents to courts or legal counsel and otherwise as required by federal or state constitution, statutes. or regulations. Section S.12. Religion. Hardeman County will designate adequate space within the Facility for religious services and provide religious programs and/or religious services in compliance with the Standards. Section 5.13. Inmate Grievance Procedure. Hardeman County will utilize Departmental policies regarding Inmate grievance procedure and the Department's system for maintaining grievance related records. as said policies and/or system may be revised during the term of this Contract. Section 5.14. Security. (a) Hardeman County shall provide Inmate security in accordance with the Standards at all times in the Facility, and while Hardeman County is transporting Imnates and all other times unless relieved of said obligation by the Commissioner in writing. (b) At a minimum, Hardeman County shall provide security, perimeter control, Facility control. control center function, post orders, security patrols. security inspections, continuing procedures, key control, procedure for search and control of contraband, tool control. escape plan detection. appropriate use of security equipment, use of restraints, use of fireanns and chemical agents, tactical unit procedure, inspections, housing unit assignment plans, and internal and external movement control procedures and periodic shakedowns. Section 5.1S. Visitation. Hardeman County shall designate physical space and provide appropriate security and supervision for indoor and outdoor visitation in accordance with applicable Standards, no less frequently than at comparable Department facilities. Section 5.16. Access to Courts. Hardeman County shall provide Inmates with constitutionally required access to the courts by use ofa law library, persons trained in the law, or any combination thereof. Section 5.17. Inmate Discipline. (a) Hardeman County shall implement and strictly adhere to Department Inmate disciplinary rules and procedures as they may be amended by the Department. Hardeman County agrees that no Inmate will be disciplined except as in accordance with this Section. (b) (d) Hardeman County shall use the present or any future system established by the Department for recording disciplinary information. IS Section 5.18. Use of Foree. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the :ontrary. no use offorce shall be allowed by Hardeman County exeept as in accordance with he Standards. Section 5.19. Sentence Reduction Credits. Hardeman County shall submit sentence :redit reports to the Liaison(s) monthly with the decision on awarding or forfeiture of .entence credits remaining solely with the Department. Section 5.20. Sentence Computation. Hardeman County shall provide the State with ~sential data and information relating to sentence computation. All sentence computations. Dcluding calculation ofInmate release and parole dates. shall be done by the Department and opies furnished to Hardeman County and Inmates. All other record keeping functions (e.g. 'Osting ofdisciplinary reports. filing. updating Inmate assignments. custody levels. etc.) are be responsibility of Hardeman County. Section 5.21. Records and Reports. (a) Hardeman County shall provide for comprehensive operations and nmate record and reporting systems for the Facility in compliance with the Standards to lclude use of and data entry on TOMlS. (b) All computer equipment and communication lines necessary to uerface with TOMIS will be provided by the Department at no cost to Hardeman County. ~ort (c) Hardeman County will incorPorate all new systems developed to and track Inmate record information designated by the Commissioner. (d) Upon request. all records. reports and documents will be made vailable immediately to the Liaison(s) for review. At the conclusion of the Contract. all ~ords shall be turned over to the Department. (e) Hardeman County shall prepare and submit to the Liaison(s) such =ports as are required by the State and will promptly notify the Liaison(s) whenever an unate leaves the Facility on Court Order. (t) Documentation required to be maintained by Hardeman County shall lclude: complaints against Hardeman County's staff; the number and nature of violent or ther disruptive incidents among Inmates or against staff; the number and nature of isciplinary actions against staff; the rate at which Imnates complete programs successfully; tid, the number ofInmates productively active and the level of production. Section 5.22. Escapes and/or Number ofEscapees. Hardeman County shall exercise s best efforts to prevent escapes from the Facility. If the frequency of escapes (an escape :defined as one prisoner vacating the premises. so that five prisoners escaping in a group 'ill be considered five escapes) or nearly successful attempted escapes and/or number of 16 escapees shall be in excess of the frequency from comparable State facilities without good cause or shall exhibit a disregard for the safety ofthe general public, the State may tenninate this Contract for cause. Said determinations shall be within the sole judgment of the Commissioner. Section 5.23. Policy Audit. Hardeman Countyshall audit, using personnel approved by the State independent from Hardeman County and its subcontractors identified in this contract, at least yearly, implementation of applicable Department and State policies and procedures. Audit forms showing full. partial and noncompliance with every key area of these policies and procedW'eS shall be developed and copies made available to the Liaison(s) no later than six (6) months after the Effective Date of this Contract. Copies of completed audit forms shall be forwarded to the Liaison(s) for review upon completion of each audit, together with a report outlining the steps to be taken to correct any deficiencies. In the event the audit(s) reveals a Breach (as defined in Section ILl) by Hardeman County. the State shall have available the remedies set out in Article II. Section 5.24. Inmate Work. (a) Any minimum restricted or higbercustody Inmate working outside the secured perimeter must be under armed supervision. (b) Hardeman County will be allowed to use Inmate Labor for Facility operations and maintenance to the same extent Inmate labor is utilized ill other State facilities pursuant to State policy and not for the benefit of Hardeman County its subcontractors. Hardeman County shall submit Inmate job descriptions for the State's written approval before assigning jobs to Inmates. Job assigmnents and re-assignments shall be made by Hardeman County only after the job description bas been approved in writing by the State. No Inmate shall ever be placed in a position of authority or control over another. or (c) Inmates shall not perform services or produce goods for use outside the Facility except upon written consent of the Commissioner. (d) Hardeman County shall be responsible for establishing and administering a compensation program at its expense, which will include Inmate pay. The Department sball provide Inmates with sentence reduction credit Section 5.25. Industries. An industries program may be established at the Facility during the term of the Contract upon the mutual written agreement of the panies. In the event an industry program is establisbed pursuant to this sectio~ unless otherwise agreed Hardeman County shall be responsible for all associated costs, including but not limited to security. Section 5.26. Vocational and Academic Training. Hardeman County shall furnish vocational and academic training as set forth in the Standards. Section 5.27. Classification and Case Management. . . (a) Hardeman County shall comply with Depanmental policies regarding classIfication and reclassification services. (b) Hardeman County shall be required to maintain classification infonnation which confonns to the Department's system. Scclion 5.28. Inmatc Trust Fund. Hardeman County shall maintain an Inmale truSt fund according to departmental policies and the Standards. Section 5.29. Sanitation and Hygiene. Hardeman County shall provide for sanitation and hygiene in accordance with the Standards. Section 5.30. Computer Software. The State shall retain proprietary rights to all State provided software utilized in connection with this Contract. Section 5.3!. Inmate Drug Testing. Hardeman County will conduct drug tests in accordance with Departmental Policy 506.21 and will be responsible for all costs associated with the testing. Selection of Inmates to be tested at random will be the responsibiliry of the Department. .. Section 5.32. Assumption of Control. (a) Hardeman Counry shall review and comment on the Department's plan for assumption of control within fifteen (15) days following its receipt by Hardeman Counry. The plan will provide for the orderly transfer of inmates from Hardeman Counry 10 the Department under any conditions of tennination. Hardeman County agrees to implement said plan upon wrinen notice from the Commissioner. (b) Said plan will also provide for emergency assumption of control by the Department of whole or part of the Facility under conditions of natural disaster, in the event of riot or insurrection or other emergency circumstances wherein the Commissioner deems it necessary for the State to assume temporary control of the Faciliry. The Commissioner shall determine whether and to what extent an emergency circumstance exists in his sole discretion. The plan sh.all address Hardeman County's resumption of control after the circwnstances causing the emergency assumption has ended. The plan will provide for the transfer of all records to the Department. Section 5.33. ACA Accreditation. Hardeman Counry shall achieve and maintain, at its expense, ACA accreditation of the Facility within thirty (30) months of the Service Commencement date unless prevented from doing so by Departmental policies or action or inaction by the State. 18 Section 5.34. Inmate and Staff Identification. Hardeman County shall comply with the procedures in the Standards for Inmate and staff identification including but not limited to, unifonns, fingerprinting and photographing. Section 5.35. Inmate Personal Property Space. Hardeman County shall follow Departmental policy on Inmate personal property. Section 5.36. Libnuy. A generallmnate library will be provided and maintained by Hardeman County in accordance with the Standards. Section 5.37. Volunteer Services. Hardeman County shall implement a plan to provide for volunteer service programs in accordance with the Standards. At a minimum, Hardeman County shall provide for supervision and monitoring of the program and security background checks for volunteer applicants. _ Section 5.38. Release Payments for Inmates. Hardeman County shall follow Departmental policy regarding transportation for discharged Inmates and discharge payments to said Inmates. Hardeman County will be responsible for such payments. Section 5.39. Space for Board ofParoleslInstitutional Parole Officer. Hardeman County shall provide a hearing room for the Board of Paroles two (2) days per month or as otherwise requested by the Board. The hearing room shall be large enough to comfortably accommodate three (3) Board members and fifteen (l5) visitors. Hardeman County shall provide local telephone service and furniture for the hearing room. Hardeman County shall also provide furnished office space five (5) days each month, or as otherwise requested by the Board, for the institutional parole officer. Section 5.40. Post Conviction Actions. The State will defend any post conviction action, including appeals and writs of habeas corpus, by any Inmate challenging the underlying judgment of conviction or the administration of the sentence imposed. Section 5.41. Legal Actions Against Contractor. Agents and Employees. The State is not obligated to provide legal representation for any non-state employee or official in any litigation arising from or based on this Contract, including but not limited to post conviction actions, or any actions brought under the United States Constitution or the Federal Civil rights acts. ARTICLE' COMPENSATION AND ADJUSTMENTS Section 6. Operating Per Diem Payments. 19 (a) The State shall make operating per diem payments to Hardeman County based on an Operating Per Diem Rate per [nmate actually at the Facility for the service period of July I, 1997 through June 3D, 2000, provided. however, after September 30,1997, the State agrees to pay at least the Operating Per Diem Rate for 90% of State Bed Days, regardless of the number of Inmates actually 3t the Facility. Per Inmate Day lnmate Population Per Diem Rate 1-940 941 - 998 999-1336 1337-1504 536.75 526.52 525.76 522.35 Assuming a total State lnmate population at the Facility of 1,504, the blended Per Diem Rate per lnmate is $32.28. During the initial term, after the first fiscal year, tbe Operating Per Diem Rate shall be increased by three and one-quarter percent (3.25%) for each fiscal year. The inflator rate for any renewal period shall be calculated by averaging the consumer price indices for the immediately preceding three (3) years. The Operating Per Diem Rate for each fiscal year during the renewal term shall be increased by the inflator rate. (b) Hardeman County shall make available to the State beginning on the Service Commencement Date, the following bed schedule: Bed Availability Time-Line Date 7/1/97 8/1/97 9/1/97 Beds Available 500 500 504 Total Population 500 1,000 1,504 The State may change the number of State Bed Days that Hardeman County makes available to it before or after Service Commencement Date from time to time by giving Hardeman County 270 days advance wrinen notice of the cbange. The State may lower or raise the State Bed Days in its sole discretion, for any reason or no reason including, but not limited la, the Stale's dissatisfaction with any management subcontract. Norwithstanding any provisions herein to the contrary, Hardeman County shall make available to the State aU or pan oflhe Facility's capacity upon notice described herein and shall enter inlo no agtttment to the conrrary. Any beds not required to be made available to the State by this Contract may 20 be filled with inmates from other jurisdictions. Such inmates shall be kept completely separate in housing assigrunent. (c) No Operating Per Diem will be paid for inmates housed and treated at a State departmental Facility. Subject to the subsection (a) above, the Operating Per Diem payment will be made only for inmates actually incarcerated at the Facility, except an Operating Per Diem payment shall be made for any inmate hospitalized at a non-State departmental Facility during the period when the contractor is responsible for said hospitalization expense. No Operating Per Diem shall be paid for any inmate out on court order. (d) Inmate Days and billings will be determined by the Midnight count of each day, which count shall be periodically reviewed and signed by the Liaison(s). Section 6.2 Debt Service Per Diem Payments. In addition to the Operating Per Diem Payments, the State shall make monthly Debt Service Per Diem payments. From the Service Commencement Date until September 30, 1997, the Debt Service Per Diem shall be $7.46 Inmate Day. Thereafter, the Debt Service Per Diem shall be $7.46 per State Bed Days. Section 6.3. Completion of Facility. Should Hardeman County fail to have the Facility completed and prepared to accept imnates on July 1, 1997, the State, in its sole discretion, may terminate the Contract Said termination shall not be deemed a breach by the State. Section 6.4. Billings. (a) Payment on monthly invoices shall be in arrears and shall be due within thirty (30) days from receipt of the invoice and shall be made through the State's automated clearinghouse wire transfer system. Hardeman County shall complete and sign an "Authorization Agreement for Automated Deposits (ACH Credits) Form". All payments to Hardeman COUilty under this or any other contract, shall be made through the State's automated clearinghouse wire transfer system. Hardeman County shall not commence work or invoice the State for services until it has completed this form and submitted it to the State. The debit entries to correct errors authorized by the "Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposits Form" shall be limited to those errors detected prior to the effective date of the credit entry. The remittance advice shall note that a correcting entry was made. All corrections shall be made within two (2) banking days of the effective date of the original transaction. All other errors detected at a later time shall take the form of a refund or, in some instances, a credit memo if additional payments are to be made. (b) The payment ofan invoice by the State shall not prejudice the State's right to object to or question any invoice or matter in relation thereto. Such payment by the State shall neither be construed as acceptance ofany part of the services provided nor as an approval of any of the costs invoiced therein. The County's invoice shall be subject to 21 reduction for amounts included in any invoice or payment made which are detennined by the State, on the basis of audits conducted in accordance with this Contract. not to have been in conformance with this Contract. Any payment shall be reduced for overpayments, or Increased for under payments, on subsequent invoices. Section 6.5. Billing Disputes. If the amount to be paid to Hardeman County is disputed by the State, then the State, on or before the date the invoice is payable, shall advise Hardeman County of the basis for the dispute and, in the manner provided at;K>ve, pay the amount of such invoice which is not in dispute. Section 6.6. Compensation Adjustment for Change of Services. (a) The parties recognize that each has entered into this Contract based upon the Standards in effect as of Effective Date of Contract. Hardeman County agrees to be bound by any applicable Standard change and said change shall not affect the validity of this Contract. Ifa change occurs in the applicable Standard, either party may notify the other in writing if it is believed said change shall affect the services delivered by Hardeman County. The Commissioner shall make the final, binding decision regarding whether a change has occurred in an applicable Standard and whether said change affects the services rendered by Hardeman County. Any adjustment in the Operating Per Diem Rate due Hardeman County shall be determined in accordance with subsection (b). In no event shall the Debt Service Per Diem Rate be revised. (b) Within thirty (30) days ofthe notice required in subsection (a) above, Hardeman County shall provide the State with the proposed adjustment the the Operating Per Diem Rate and appropriate documentation in support thereof. The Commissioner shall decide whether and to what extent an adjustment in the Operating Per Diem Rate is appropriate. In the event the proposed adjustment decreases the Operating Per Diem Rate then the Commissioner may agree to reduce said Operating Per Diem Rate; provided, however, in the event the proposed adjustment increases the Operating Per Diem Rate then the Operating Per Diem Rate may be increased only by amendment to this Contract as described in Section 14.14. Section 6.7. Failure to Agree on Billing Dispute or for Additional or Reduced Services. (a) In the event Hardeman County disagrees with the State's failure to pay a disputed amount under Section 6.5, disagrees with the detennination of the Commissioner regarding whether and to what extent an adjustment in the operating per diem for change in services is appropriate under Section 6.6, disagrees with the Commissioner's determination under Section 4.9(f), or disagrees with any other aspect or amount ofpayment made by the State then Hardeman County shall submit a claim and the grounds for said disagreement in writing to the Commissioner within thirty (30) days of the date the State either makes partial payment ofthe disputed bill or refuses the disputed bill ~ i~ entir~ty. ~~ilure .0f.Harde~an County to submit said claim and grounds to the CommIssIoner 10 wnung WIthin the tIme 22 period described herein shall be an absolute waiver ofsaid claim. The State shall be afforded a sixty (60) day period in which to effect a cure or take reasonable steps to effect a cure. (b) In the event Hardeman County timely provides the notice described in subsection (a). then Hardeman County may file a claim against the State before the appropriate forum in Tennessee witbjurisdiction to hear said claim. Failure by Hardeman County to file a claim before the appropriate forum in Tennessee with jurisdiction to hear said claim within one year of the notice described in subsection (a) shall operate as a waiver of said claim in its entirety. It is agreed by the parties that this provision establishes a contractual period of limitations for any claim brought by Hardeman County. Neither this Section nor any other provision of this Contact creates or expands jurisdiction of any court or commission over the State. ARTICLE' OPTION TO PURCHASE Upon such time that State policy and statutes allow. the State shall have the right to exercise an option to purchase the Facility and personal property used in connection with the Facility for the amount listed in Exhibit B corresponding to the date of purchase. All management contracts in effect at the time the option is exercised shall be assigned to the State by Hardeman County. Upon exercise ofsaid option. Hardeman County shall. at its own expense, deliver marketable, unencumbered title to the Facility and personal property, as built drawings of the Facility together with plans and specifications, an assignment of all warranties on the Facility and personal property, and a title insurance policy in form and substance acceptable to the State. ARTICLE 8 SUBCONTRACTING Section 8.1. Subcontractors. It is acknowledged and agreed by the State and Hardeman County that the duties and the obligations ofHardeman County hereunder may be performed in whole and/or in part from time to time by subcontractors. Any performance by a subcontractor shall constitute and be deemed perfonnance by Hardeman County hereunder. provided, however. perfonnance by a subcontractor shall not release Hardeman County of its obligation hereunder. Hardeman County is utilizing HCCFC for the construction and operation of the prison. HCCFC has contracted with Corrections Corporation ofAmerica to construct and manage the prison and a copy ofsaid contract shall be delivered to the State within 60 days ofthe execution of this Contract. Hardeman County shall not modify said contracts without the prior written approval ofthe State; said approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Hardeman County shall not enter into any other subcontract, or modification, for operation and management of the prison without obtaining 23 4.51 &¥UHt..2.&. . Ii . J - ' ; _.. J4d 51 u::,... ~ '" W.SiX4JdWtM . Mt .. . /t,M4i4&..t.t.3Z$1.(, t , t .....w.. t .... u.3A$z.:wU.P SN.£.&Z4k"''' iiQ.:" the prior wrinen approval ofthe State. Hardeman County agrees to place in its subcontracts, a provision allowing the State of Tennessee access to the Facility, inmates. personnel and records regarding the perfonnance of any contractor or subcontractor for monitoring purposes. Any such provision shall include, but not be limited to, the same access as provided in Article 4 above. (a) Hardeman County shall provide that all subcontractors warrant that no pan of the total subcontract amount shall be paid directly or indirectly to an employee or official of the State ofTennessee as wages, compensation, or gifts in exchange for acting as officer, agent, employee, subcontractor, or consultant in connection with any work contemplated or prefonned SUbject to the subcontract. (b) Hardeman County shall provide that all subcontractors agree that no person on the grounds ofhandicap, disability, age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or any other classification protected by Federal and/or Tennessee State constitutional and/or statutory law shall be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the perfonnance under the subcontract or in the employment practices of the subcontractor. The subcontractor shall, upon request, show proof of such non-discrimination, and sball post in conspicuous places, available to all employees and applicants, notice of non-discrimination. (c) Hardeman County shall provide that all subcontracts for the perfonnance in whole and/or pan of the duties and obligations of Hardeman County shall contain provisions for the maintenance ofdocumentation and auditing similar to section 14.1 herein. ARTICLE 9 INSURANCE AND DEFENSE OF CLAIM Section 9.1. Types of Insurance. Hardeman County and/or one of its management subcontractors shall maintain and pay for insurance substantially as described in Exhibit C. The State shall be listed as an additional insured. Section 9.2. DefenselImmunity. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, the State does not waive any inununity defenses which may exist by operation of law, including, but not limited to, limitations on the amount of damages which may be awarded or paid 24 ARTICLE 10 STAFFINGIEMPLOYEES Section 10.1. Personnel. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, Hardeman County shall provide adequate staff to fulfill its obligations under this Contract. . Section 10.2. Staffing Pattern/Security Post Assignment. I (a) Hardeman County shall implement a staffing pattern approved in writing by tbe State. Hardeman County shall implement a security post assignment schedule approved in writing by the State. Said schedule shall detail by day and shift the security positions and hours of work. Said security post assignment schedule shall include designation of critical posts. Hardeman County shall also implement a plan regarding the process for managing the security post assignment schedule including but not limited to how the posts may be created andlor eliminated. (b) Section 10.3. Job Descriptions. (a) Hardeman County shall provide as part ofthe operations plan required by Section 5.4 written job descriptions for each position in the staffing pattern including but not limited to job title, responsibility and required minimum experience and education. Any revisions or modifications ofthejob descriptions require the prior written approval of the State. (b) Section 10.4. Personnel Records. On or before the fifth (5th) day of each month, Hardeman County shall submit a report to the Liaison{s) providing the following infonnation; (a) the name of employees hired, indicating position; (b) the name ofeach employee whose employment has been tenninated for whatever reason whether voluntarily or involuntary, and position. Section 10.5 Background Checks. Prior to employment with Hardeman County, applicants shall be subjected to a thorough background investigation and, as to Correctional Officer applicants only, psychological history. Criminal and employment histories must go back a minimum oftive (5) years. Said background investigations shall be available to the State upon request. The state shall not provide NCIC background checks. Section 10.6. State Assistance in Training. (a) During the term of this Contract, Hardeman County shall send a representative to participate in periodic meetings regarding departmental activities and shall 25 send a representative to sessions in which relevant policy modifications are being discussed or presented. (b) Hardeman County shall written notice of the time. place and agenda of the meetings or sessions described in subsection (a) at the same time State employees are provided notice. (c) Said meetings or sessions shall be held within the State, and Hardeman County shall bear any and all expense associated with its representative being present. (d) The Department shall supply Hardeman County with technical assistance, consultation and informational support consistent with that provided other comparable institutions in accordance with the Standards, provided, however, said support shall consist solely of advice and consultation. Section 10.7. Training. Hardeman County shall provide orientation and training programs for all employees in accordance with the Standards. All costs incurred for said orientation and training programs shall be borne by Hardeman County. The Liaison(s) shall be permitted to review training curricula and other training-related records and to audit training classes at any time. Section 10.8. Drug Free Work Force. Hardeman County shall at all times maintain a drug free work force and shall implement a plan for maintenance ofa drug free work force and the employee assistance program. ARTICLE 11 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE Section 11.1 (a) following occurs: Breach. A party s&all be deemed to have breached this Contract if any of the (1) failure to perform in accordance with any term or provision of this Contract in whole or part; (2) any act prohibited or restricted by this Contract. For purposes of this Article, subsections 1 and 2 shall hereinafter be referred to as "Breach." (b) In the event of a Breach by Hardeman County. the State shall have available the following remedies as described further herein: 26 (1) actual damages and any other remedy available at law or equity; or (2) Liquidated damages against the management subcontractor (s); (3) Termination of this Contract. and/or. (c) In the event of Breach by Hardeman County. the Commissioner and/or his written designee shall notify Hardeman County in writing and provide a reasonable period to cure. In the event Hardeman County disagrees with the Liaison(sfs determination of Breach or period to cure, Hardeman County shall notify the Department in writing; provided, however. any appeal to the Department shall not toll or otherwise affect the period to cure. The decision by the Department shall be final and binding. In the event Hardeman County fails to cure the Breach within the time period provided, then the State shall have available any and all remedies described herein. This subsection regarding notice and opportunity to cure shall not be applicable in the event of successive or repeated Breaches of the same nature. or in the event the Liaison(s) or Commissioner invokes the immediate compliance provisions of Section 4.9, or in the case of a failure to have the Facility completed and prepared to accept Inmates by the Service Commencement Date. In the event the Breach is not cured.and in the event the State has notified Hardeman County in writing of the breach within thirty (30) days of the· Breach, the State may elect to invoke liquidated damages. Said liquidated damages shall commence on the date the cure period expires. provided. however. if the Commissioner determines that the management team of Hardeman County·s subcontractors, including but not limited to HCCFC and CCA, has concealed or misled the State concerning the Breach, the liquidated damages shall commence on the date of the Breach and notice shall not be required. For purposes stated herein. management team is defined as consisting of persons in the rank of shift supervisor or above. Section 11.2. State Breach. (a) In the event of a Breach by the State. Hardeman County shall notify the State in writing within thirty (30) days of any Breach by the State. Said notice shall contain a description of the Breach. The State shall be afforded a forty·five (45) day period in which to effect a cure or in which to take reasonable steps to effect a cure; provided, however, that ifthe alleged Breach concerns the State's failure to make payment under this Contract, the State shall have sixty (60) days after the notice to effect a cure unless the payment is the subject of a dispute between the parties. (b) Failure by Hardeman County to provide the written notice described in subsection (a) shall operate as an absolute waiver by Hardeman County of the State·s Breach. 27 (c) With the exception of the provisions contained in subsection (f) herein, in no event shall any Breach on the pan of the State excuse Hardeman County from full performance under this Contract. (d) In the event of Breach by the State, Hardeman County may bring an action in the forum with appropriate jurisdiction provided, however, failure by Hardeman County to give the State written notice and opportunity to cure as described in this Section operates as a waiver of the State's Breach. (e) Failure by Hardeman County to file a claim before the appropriate forum in Tennessee with jurisdiction to hear such claim within one year of the date the notice described in subsection (a) is provided shall operate as a waiver of said claim in its entirety. It is agreed by the parties this provision establishes a contractual period oflimitations for any claim brought by Hardeman County. In the event the State fails to make payment due under this Contract within the cure period specified herein and the amount due exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), Hardeman County may terminate the Contract upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to the Commissioner, provided, however, Hardeman County may terminate this contract only upon the State's failure to pay an amount which is not in dispute. (f) (g) In the event the provisions of this Article are in conflict with the provisions of Section 6.6, Section 6.6 shall control. Section 11.3. Liquidated Damages. (a) Consistent with the provisions of Section 11.1 (c), in the event ofa Breach described in Exhibit D, the State may direct Hardeman County to withhold from its subcontractors, including but not limited to HCCFC and CCA as liquidated damages the amounts designated on Exhibit D. In the event the State directs a withhold of liquidated damages from a subcontraetor(s), the State shall not owe Hardeman County a corresponding amount. Hardeman County agrees that it shall cause all subcontracts to contain provisions whereby the liquidated damages may be assessed against said subcontractor(s) in accordance with this Article. The State shall notify Hardeman County in writing ofthe Breach and the amounts to be withheld as liquidated damages. (b) (c) Liquidated damages shall be assessed in c~nformance with Section (c). (d) The panics agree that due to the complicated nature of the obligations under this Contract it would be difficult to specifically designate a monetary amount for a breach designated in Exhibit 0 as said amounts are likely to be uncertain and not easily proven. Hardeman County hereby represents and covenants that it has carer.l1Iy I'!. ~iewed 28 the amounts contained in Exhibit 0 and agree that said amounts are the liquidated damages resulting from negotiation between the parties, represent a reasonable relationship between the amount and what might reasonably be expected in the event ofbreach by subcontractor, and are a reasonable estimate of the damages that would occur from a breach by subcontractor. (e) It is hereby agreed between the parties that the liquidated damages assessed against subcontractors do not include any injury or damage sustained by a third party. The State is not obligated to assess liquidated damages before availing itselfof any other remedy. (t) (g) The State may elect to discontinue liquidated damages and avail itself ofany other remedy under this Contract in law or equity. (h) In the event Hardeman County disagrees with the State's assessment of liquidated damages, it may file a claim against the State before the appropriate forum in Tennessee with jurisdiction to hear the claim. In the event Hardeman County prevails on such a claim, Hardeman County shall have an option to tenninate for convenience by giving wrinen notice to the State three (3) years in advance. Section 11.4. Termination. (a) In the event of a Breach by Hardeman County which is not cured as provided in Section 11.1 (c) hereof, the State may terminate the Contract immediately or in stages. (b) Hardeman County shall be notified of the termination in writing signed by the Commissioner. Said notice shall hereinafter be referred to as Termination Notice. (c) The Termination Notice may specify either that the termination is to be effective immediately, on a date certain in tbe future, or that Hardeman County shall cease operations under this Contract in stages. (d) Hardeman County agrees to cooperate with the State in the event of a tennination. Section 11.5. Tennination Due to Unavailability of Funds. (a) This Contract is subject to the appropriation and availability of State funds. The Department will include in its budget request to the Legislature for each Fiscal Year the payments to become due thereunder in such Fiscal Year and will use all reasonable and lawful means at its disposal to secure the appropriation of money for such Fiscal Year sufficient to pay the payments thereunder coming due therein. The Deparnnent reaco'"'nably 29 believes that monies in an amount sufficient to make all payments due thereunder can and will lawfully be appropriated and made available for this purpose. (b) In the event that the funds are not appropriated or are otherwise unavailable, the State reserves the right to terminate the Contract upon written notice to Hardeman County. Said termination shall not be deemed a breach by the State. Upon receipt of the written notice, Hardeman County shall cease all work associated with the Contract. Should such an event occur, Hardeman County shall be entitled to compensation for all satisfactory and authorized services completed as of the termination date. Upon such termination, Hardeman County shall have no right to recover from the State any actual, general, special, incidental, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever of any description or amount, and the State shall not be obligated to exercise its option to purchase the Facility pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 hereof. The State presently intends to continue this Contract for the entire term and to pay all payments due thereunder. Section 11.6. Termination for Convenience. (a) The State may terminate this Contract without cause for any reason with ninety (90) days advance written notice except as provided in (e) hereunder. Said termination shall nol be deemed a Breach. (b) Hardeman County shall be entitled to receive compensation for satisfactory authorized services completed as of the termination date, but in no event shall the State be liable to Hardeman County for compensation for any service which has not been rendered. (c) Upon such termination, Hardeman County shall have no right to any actual general, special, incidental, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever of any description or amount, except that the State shall pay for all supplies and equipment on order and not yet delivered to the Facility as of the date of termination. (d) This Contract requires Hardeman County to submit to the State certain policies, documents and information, including but not limited to, a written Policy and Procedures Manual pursuant to Section 5.4 and written Safety and Emergency Procedures pursuant to Section 5.6 (collectively the "Required Information"), which Required Information is subject to the State's written approval. If the State does not approve the submitted Required Information and is unable to approve any re-submitted Required Information, the State may terminate this Contract immediately without notice, penalty or cost. Said tennination shall not be deemed a Breach but shall be deemed a termination of convenience. Any such approval shall be in the sole discretion of the State. Section 11.7. Performance Bond. If the State determines a performance bond is necessary, then Hardeman County will obtain such bond acceptable to the State in form and substance at the State's expense. 30 . .t ",IMI t. MOl. .3 J . .t.t.hA&U ... • • • • Q•• Q.QiQiWiMiWiW.Q.Q.Q.c•• :x:;n,. iQiQiQ.Q.Q.Q.C,&,.:;.Q!:....... w:)#J.. .. .as¥.. ARTICLE 12 PROHIBITIONS Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract to the contrary, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted to authorize, allow or imply authority of Hardeman County to do the following: (a) develop or implement procedures for calculating Inmate release and parole eligibility dates; (b) sentence credits; (c) develop and implement procedures for calculating and awarding approve Inmates for furlough and work release; (d) approve the type of work an Inmate may perform, and the wages or sentence credits which may be given to Inmates engaged in such work; and (e) grant, deny or revoke sentence credits; place an Inmate under less restrictive custody or more restrictive custody; or take any disciplinary actions; provided, however, that this Section shall not prevent Hardeman County from making recommendations to the State with respect to any of the above in conformance with State policy. The Commissioner shall determine whether any action or proposed action violates the provisions of this Article. ARTICLE 13 HARDEMAN COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 13.1. Authorization. This Contract has been duly authorized, executed, and delivered by Hardeman County and, assuming due execution by the appropriate State officials as indicated on the signature page of this Contract and delivery by State. constitutes a legal, valid, and binding agreement enforceable against Hardeman County in accordance with its terms. Section 13.2. No Defaults under Agreements. Hardeman County is not in default, nor is there any event in existence which, with notice or the passage of time or both, would constitute a default by Hardeman County, under any indenture, mortgage. deed oftrust, lease, loan agreement, license, security agreement, contract, governmental license or pennit, or other agreement or instrument to which it is a party or by which any of its properties are 31 .: J",tii ( t 1L. . ,,£.£.£ .. . d.:;: .•. ( J#!tMi)!. WQ,Q.w;$IQiQ.Q.i.Q..C,C J.w::;:::;w .. iQiW:N,Q.d4X4W.JU&..£.& u".(". bound and which default would materially and adversely affect Hardeman County's ability to perfonn its obligations under this Contract. Section 13.3. Compliance with Laws. Hardeman County and its appointed officials are acting in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Section 13.4. No Violation of Contract. Articles of IncOlporation by Bylaws. The consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Contract and its fulfillment of the terms hereof will not conflict with. or result in a breach ofany of the tenns and provision of, or constitute a default under any indenture, mortgage, deed or trust, lease, loan agreement. license, security agreement, contract, govenunentallicense or permit, or other agreement or instrument to which Hardeman COWlty is a party or by which its properties are bound, or any order, rule, or regulation ofany court or any regulatory body. administrative agency, or their governmental body applicable to Hardeman COWlty or any of its propenies, except any such conflict, breach, or default which would not materially and adversely affect Hardeman County's ability to perform its obligations under this Contract. Section 13.5. No Litigation. Except as noted on Exhibit E, there is not now pending or. to the knowledge of Hardeman County, threatened, any action. suit, or proceeding to which Hardeman County is or may be a party. before or by any court or governmental agency or body, which might result in any material adverse change in Hardeman County's ability to perfonn its obligations under this Contract, or any such action, suit, or proceeding related ~~ environmental or civil rights matters; and no labor disturbance by the employees of Contractor exists or is imminent which might materially and adversely affect Hardeman County's ability to perfonn its obligations under this contract. Section 13.6. Disclosure. There is no material fact which materially and adversely affects or in the future will (so far as Hardeman County can reasonably foresee) materially and adversely affect Hardeman County's ability to perform its obligations under this Contract which has not been accurately set forth in this Contract or otherwise accurately disclosed in writing to State by Hardeman County prior to the date hereof. Section 13.7. Opinion ofContractor's Counsel. Hardeman County shall furnish to State an opinion of counsel in connection with this Contract dated as of the date of the Contract. Such opinion shall address Hardeman County's compliance with applicable law, affinn its authority to enter into this Contract, indicate that the Hardeman County is not currently in litigation or have notice of litigation that could cause the Contractor not to perfonn the terms of this Contract except as noted expressly herein and affinn the enforceability of this Contract in accordance with its terms. 32 . ...eo.. ( .itt H . .t.AQ..t. .. uu ..£ #41 i iM.v.3.Q.Q... C.• C.• C.W:::;.C;-,< .•. .t.t.d¥..!UtE,. ( .wiW i.w/h.di.!144Ai ... (Miw.wM'W::,MM. ARTICLE 14 MISCELLANEOUS Section 14.1. Audits. Hardeman County shall maintain documentation ofall charges against the State under this Contract. The books, records. and documents of Hardeman County, insofar as they relate to work performed or money received under this Contract, shall be maintained for a period ofthree (3) full years from the date of the final payment, and shall be subject to audit at any reasonable time and upon reasonable notice, by the State or the Comptroller ofthe Treasury or their duly appointed representatives. These records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Section 14.2. Non-Discrimination. No person on the grounds ofhandicap, disability, age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or any other classification protected by Federal and/or Tennessee State constitutional and/or statutory law shall be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits for, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the perfonnance under this Contract or in the employment practices of Hardeman County. Hardeman County shall, upon request, show proofofsuch non-discrimination, and shall post in conspicuous places, available to all employees and applicants, notices of nondiscrimination. Section 14.3. Binding Nature. The State may, but shall not be obligated under this agreement to make payments hereunder until the State has received satisfactory evidence of insurance required herein and has received a Payment and Perfonnance Bond to the extent required herein. Section 14.4. Invalidity and Severability. (a) In the event that any provision of this Contract shall be held to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, all parties agree that all other tenns and conditions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect except as specific'ally provided in this section. With the exception of the provisions contained in Article 10, in the event any or all provisions of this Contract are found to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable by the commission or court ofcompetent jurisdiction, both parties agree that neither shall be in Breach or liable in any manner to the other for damages, costs, or expenses of any nature which the other might sustain due to said finding; provided, however, in the event said finding reduces the services rendered by Hardeman County, the State may reduce the Per Diem Rate paid Hardeman County pursuant to Section 6.6 and said finding shall not excuse any other Breach. (b) 33 ( ( .,. ...&.2..... .60.5 nhA ........... tJ.t uw. .. Q.C.M.w 6. "h J .. ::-m.. . x~.1;I;'!~;;;;;;;;:;;;v;;.t:;M;:;:;MW.4.AW;W.&J:!(G!(lI:,"',:,""",: """"z;w.· (c) In the event a court ofcompetent jurisdiction finds provision(s) of this Contract to be unenforceable the Commissioner may tenninate this Contract upon thirty (30) days prior written notice without penalty or liability to the State. Section 14.5. Headings. The headings contained in this Contract are for reference purposes only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of this Contract. Section 14.6. Tenninology and Definitions. All personal pronouns 'used in this Contract, whether used in the masculine, feminine, or neuter gender, shall include all other genders; the singular sball include the plural and the plural shall include the singular. Section 14.7. Interpretation and Venue. This Contract shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee. Any legal proceedings against the State regarding the Contract shall be brought in the State ofTennessee administrative or judicial forum with appropriate jurisdiction. Venue shall be in Davidson County, Tennessee. Section 14.8. Duration of Services. Hardeman County agrees that the services and programs set forth in this Contract will be maintained for the duration of the Contract period. Section 14.9. Release. Hardeman County, upon fmal payment of the amount due under this Contract, releases the State, its officers and employees, from all liabilities, claims and obligations whatsoever arising from or under this Contract. Hardeman County agrees not to purport to bind the State to any obligation not expressly assumed herein by the State. Section 14.10. Assignment. Hardeman County shall not assign this Contract without obtaining the prior written approval of the State. Any such assignment sball contain, at a minimum, Sections 14.1 and 14.2 of this contract.. Section 14.11. Research Projects. Hardeman County andlor its subcontraetors shall not publish or disseminate any findings based on data obtained from the operation of this Contract or engage in any research projects without the prior written consent of the State. Section 14.12. Prohibited Payment. Hardeman County warrants that no part of the total Contract amount shall be paid directly or indirectly to an employee or an official of the State ofTennessee as wages, compensation, or gifts in exchange for acting as officer, agent, employee, subcontractor, or consultant to Hardeman County in connection with any work contemplated or perfonned relative to this Contract. Section 14.13. Notices. All notices shall be hand-delivered to Hardeman County or the State's Liaison(s) or sent certified mail, return receipt requested to: 34 -.7,10$636663 MOi.t..! .. UA"": .Q.Q.w .. .w. ( . ,'NQ. d . . .d.i.tJ.4444...( Ji( ••Q.C..... :;,w..??,..... i . . . b. .,:;.1. .13MWQ .. up. State: Commissioner Department of Correction 4th Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg. 320 6th Avenue North Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0465 Hardeman County: Hardeman County Correctional Facilities Corporation c/o Weed, Hubbard, Berry & Doughty 424 Church Street, 29th Floor Nashville, Tennessee 37219 The notice shall be deemed to be received on the date ofthe band delivery or on the third day after mailing. Section 14.14. Amendments. The tenns and provisions of this Contract may be waived, altered, modified, amended, supplemented or revised only by written amendment which has been executed and approved by the appropriate parties as indicated on the signature page of the Contract. Neither the Liaison(s) nor any other employee or official of the State is authorized to modify, amend or waive the tenns and provisions of this Contract except as provided in this Section. Section 14.15. Waiver. No consent, waiver or excuse of any Breach of any of the tenns or conditions of this Contract shall be held to be a consent, waiver, or excuse of any other or subsequent Breach, nor shall any such waiver or excuse be valid or binding unless the same shall be in writing and approved and executed by the party alleged to have granted the waiver as indicated on the signature page of this Contract. Section 14.16. Third Party Beneficiary. Neither Hardeman County nor the State intends to create rights for any third party ofthe Contract and no third party beneficiary rights are created hereby. Third parties shall mean aU persons except the State and Hardeman County, including but not limited to employees of Hardeman County, subcontractors of Hardeman County and Inmates located at the Facility. Section 14.17. Laws. Hardeman County shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local constitutions, laws, and regulations, court decisions, Court Orders, and any applicable state and federal orders in the perfonnance of the Contract. Section 14.18. Attorneys Fees. Hardeman County agrees that, in the event either party deems it necessary to take legal action to enforce any provision of the contract and in the event the State prevails, Hardeman County shall pay all expenses of such action, including but not limited to the State's attorneys' fees and costs of all stages of the litigation. 3S Section 14.19. Approyals. Any policies, procedures or other documents contained or referenced in this Contract subject to the State's approval under the teIIDS of this Contract shall remain subject to State prior written approval whenever they are revised, amended, replaced or supplemented. Hardeman County agrees to accept and implement any revisions, alterations or supplements suggested by the State to any document, plan, policy or procedure which requires State approval. Section 14.20. Set-Off. The State reserves the right to deduct from amounts which are or shall become due and payable to Hardeman County under this or any Contract between the parties any amounts which are or shall become due and payable to the State by Hardeman County. The state may withhold any amounts which may otherwise be due Hardeman County without waiver of any other remedy or damages available to the State under this Contract or at law or at equity. Section 14.21. ConfidentialitY. Hardeman County shall maintain the confidentiality of all records required by the Standards. Section 14.22. Implied Covenants or Agreements. The state shall be bound only by the express, written tenns contained herein and shall not be bound by any implied covenants or agreements. Section 14.23. Notices. Failure of the State to pro~de any notice to Hardeman County descnbed in this Contract whether or not the State had knowledge of the appropriateness of said notice shall not relieve Hardeman County of its obligation to perform in accordance with this Contract and shall not be a waiver or excuse for any failure to perform. Section 14.24. Maximum Liability. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contraIY, in no event shall the maximum liability to the State exceed: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 $20,472,000 522,728,000 $23,395,000 In the event that the State exercises its option to renew, the annual maximum liability for each year during any renewal period shall be calculated unilaterally by the State in the manner shown on Exhibit F. • Section 14.25. Independent Contractor. Hardeman County is an independent contractor for the purpose of this agreement. . *The cballgcs made to Ibis 8eelion ad the addilioD or ExhIbit F have heeD IA'J'Oved by the following panics which have the Contral::t: ~ JJ~on W. Clift, CollDty Ex~live ~obn Ferguson. Commissioner, De~t of TIlls AUgusai' 1996 • Finance &; Administration. This August¥ 1996 previou~ ex~ted -CoDal Campbell. Commissioner. Department of Correction, lblsAugust_ 1996 36 tt t 1. .tt iM.JMM)l .. ;* .16 . r .l 3..d.!.'.";.".. ..?wow.i 1.d._.U"'.d (" .. ;;M.MwXM. .1.h.Q.. i ..W!'i#R .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, intending to be legally bound, the parties have caused their llthoriZed representatives to execute this Contract as of the I E day of em\,g. r , 19-t.k-. Sec HARDEMAN COUNTY STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF C RRECTION \" ~ BY:~ BY: -4=~-u.:~~-.::::::::~::l[I:C~~ _ 37 i it t ,! tdi i!id ( ( ( P&G.6..... /i.:;.w.Q.QiQiMiQ..Qi .. tit .so. us . STATE OF TENNESSEE COUNTY OF Dpt(f dbCC) ) ) Before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid. personally appeared Donal Campbell. with whom I am personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence). and who. upon oath., acknowledged himself to be Commissioner of the Department of Corrections for the State of Tennessee. the within named bargainor. and that he. as such Commissioner. being authorized so to do. executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained. by signing the name of the State of Tennessee by himself as Commissioner of the Department of Corrections. WITNESS my hand. at office. this 5{b.. day of ~ 1996. My Commission Expires: I -~~-q'l STATE OF TENNESSEE COUNTY OF .thr:dCIDQ () ) ) Before me. th-.: undersigned. a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid. personally appeared L( 'co fu.ff-t . with.whom I am personally acquainted (or proyed to me on th. basis of satisfactory evidence). and who. upon oath. acknowledged bLc:.self to be I , [ ~., of Hardeman County. Tennessee. the within named barg~or. a\-Iu....u...a..w:~.:::L;...... and that _he. as such J, being autho . so to do. executed the foregoing instrument for the p9.JP05eS eEin contained. by signing the name of Hardeman County. Tennessee. by lli...PSelf as [.II oh '£fCu..:l~ JI WITNESS my hand. at office. this JS~daY of t ,-' . 1996. My Commission Expires: _.5· a.'l_·99~ _ 38 uQiQiQSvQ. ( PM &.P::.. A. h: .JUt .0. .-.I.. «.Q".. ,J}i";.Q.C.4.Q...Q.Q.wi:iW.Q.QiQ.Q. 0;: • •• , . ... WMPGUX.UWm.;Q4¢WJ.JJ.CQ"Mt.3..;;,:;.c:".. , i. APPROVED: STATE OF TENNESSEE /lJLv-.... ~~... ~ fohn Ferguson Commissioner of Finance and Administration William R. Snodgrass Comptroller of the Trea 39 LIST OF EXHmITS Exhibit A Description of Facility and Real Property ExhibitB Purchase Price Schedule ExhibitC Description of Insurance Exhibit D Daily Liquidated Damages Schedule ExhibitE Disclosure ofPending Litigation ExlnbitF State's Maximum Liability 40 .::l( 6666666666.6 ( QA(JPh.J.U.w.ttl (41 ... .&1 . . ...c.:A. ~ . =::6.**"**",, t. //".&..Wi:;,Q.Q.?.. . . . . . .'J.Q.d.... ,c,:;.h..c.d.%UhJ/P..i ..&&h.t... JJ..timk... LV ..n Ji3;ptM.. .d. .. ii. .1 A4t. . AU., (.wit. ~.:. EXHIBIT A Land in the Third (3rd) Civil District of Hardeman Cowuy. TeMes5ee. described as follows: Beginning at a liz inch rebar set in the westerly line of Old New Castle Road. said point being the southeasterly comer of the Robert Young tract (WS·492); thence South 02 degrees 58 minutes 53 seconds West along the westerly line of said Old New Castle Road a distance of 1120.54 feet to a '12 inch rebar set at the northeasterly comer of out parcel "B"; thence South 83 degrees 23 minutes 27 seconds Wes.t. along the northerly line of said out parcel "B" a distance of 910.63 feet to a 112 inch rew set at the northwesterly comer of said out parcel "B"; thence South 2S degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds West along a westerly line of said out parcel "B" a distance of 1019.33 feet to a liz inch rebar set: thence South 41 degrees 30 minutes 08 seconds West along a westerly line of said out parcel "S" a distance of 511.12 feet to a liz inch rebar set; thence South 18 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds West along a westerly line of said out parcel "8" a distance of 510.01 feet to a l/Z inch rebar set at the southwesterly comer of said out parcel "8"; thence South 5S degrees 53 minutes 41 seconds East along the southerly line of said out parcel "5" a distance of 702.70 (eet to a 'Iz inch rebar set in the westerly line of said Old New Castle Road. said point being the southeasterly comer of said out parcel "S": thence South 34 degrees 06 minutes 19 seconds West along said westerly line a distance of 474.70 feet to a 112 inch rebar set; thence South 37 degrees 33 minutes 06 seconds West along said westerly line a distance of 306.29 feet to a fence comer at the northeasterly comer of out parcel"A"; thence North 55 degrees 48 minutes SO seconds West along a northerly line of said out parcel "A" a diswlce of 116.10 feet to a fence comer; thence North 12 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West along a northerly line of said out parcel"A" a distance of 72.13 feet to a fence comer, thence North 68 degees 07 minutes 32 seconds West along a northerly line of said out parcel "A" a discance of 254.72 feet to a fence comer at the northwesterly comer oC said out parcel -A": thence South 28 degrees 01 minutes 21 seconds West alanl the wesaerly line of said out patcel "A· a dislance at 452.40 feet to a fence the southwesaerly comer of said out parcel -A"; thence South 86 degrees 50 minute::l 33 -=oDds Easl alanI the southerly line of said out parcel "A" a distance of 369.49 feet 10. (ace comer in the wesaerly line oC said Old New Castle Road. said point beina the scucbe&iurly comer of said out parcel "A"; thence South 44 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds West alan. said westerly line • distance of 313.56 feet (C-313.0 feet) to a V2 inch rebar set; thence South 24 depee:s 56 minutes 05 seconds West alona said westerly line a distance of 309.12 feet (C-264.0 feet) to a 1.1.1 inch rebar set; thence South 42 dearees 02 minutes 17 seconds West along said waledy line a distance of 810.17 fee.' (C-759.0 (eet) to a '.1.1 inch rebar set 11 the nonheasterly comer of the Ruth Crowder tract; thence North 42 degrees 34 minutes 38 seconds West along a northerly line of said Crowder tract. distance of 328.21 feet (C-327.0 feet) to a fence comer; thence NOM 87 degrees 54 minutes 19 seconds West alonl a northerly line of said Crowder tract a distance of 600.82 feet (C-602.0 feet) to a fence comer at an interior comer of said Crowder tract; thence Nonh 03 degrees 35 minutes 25 seconds West along an easterly line at said Crowder tract I diswtce of 1394.41 feet (C-1410.0 feet) to • '.1.1 inch rebar set at a southeasterly comer of the Claude E. Blalock tract (Z3-464!465); :.'1ence North 13 degrees 41 minutes 41 seeonds East along an easterly line of said Blalock tract a distance at 1596.86 feet (C-l,592.0 feet) to a fencecomer; thence North 48 degrees 14 minutes 58 seconds East along ~ easterly line of said Blalock tract a distance of 478.88 feet (C-462.0 feet) to a metal T·post; thence North 20 degrees 28 minutes 54 seconds West along an easzerly line of said Blalock tract a distance of S16.97 feel (C-S6S.0 feet) to a liz inch ~bar set; thence North 34 degrees 38 minutes 12 seconds.Wes.t. along an easterly line of said Blalock tract a distance of 96.50 feet to a metal T·post in a southerly line of the Clifford KeUer Estates; thence South 87 del!rees 03 minutes 03 seconds East alon~ a comer. pose; thence North 38 degrees 55 minutes 35 seconds East along a southerly Hne of said Keller tract a distance of 524.09 feet (C-525.0 feet) to a mew T-Past; thence South 38 degrees 03 minutes 14 seconds East along a southerly line of said Keller tract a disWlce of 565.10 feet (C-568.0 feet) to a metal T-post; thence South 86 degrees 26 minutes 14 seconds East along a southerly line of said Keller tract a distance of 689.49 feet (C-690.0 feet) to a metal T-post 11 the southeasterly comer of said Keller tract; thence NOM 03 degrees 41 minutes 31 seconds East along the easterly line of said Keller tract a disWlce of 1138.90 feet (C-1359.93 feet) to a 3Q.inch oak at the southwesterly comer of the said Raben Young Tract; thence Nonh 82 degrees 47 minutes 03 ~onds East along the southerly line of said Young tract a distance of 1609.91 feet (C-161 1.89 feet) to the point of beginning, containing 202.848 acres or 8,836,058.88 square feet, described according to a Boundary Survey, dated December 4, 1995, last revised January II, 1996, prepared by John Wesley Ashwonh, m, TeMessee No. 1344, Ashworth-Vaughan,lne., 195 Center Sueet, Colliervillc, TeMcsscc 38017, Job No. 3832. Being a ponion of thc same property conveyed to Joe R. Keller and wife, Jimmie E. Keller, by deeds from A. Duncan WilUams and wife, Carolyn Williams, of record in Deed Book CS, page 122, Registers Office for Hardeman County, TeMe5seC, and from Catherine freebW'g, of record in Deed Book NS, page 212, said Registers Office. EXHIBIt B Oa(8 of F Jrchase (Refer~ To Last Jul 1997 Aug Sap 47.967.847.10 47.B!58.500.27 1998 Mar Apr 47,191.230.73 47,078.130.25 46.964.48312 46,850,286.70 46. 735,~38.32 Sap Oct 46.620.235.33 Nov Cae 1999 Feb Mar 48.153.423.38 45.916.819.39 45.797.358.29,e20.78 Jul 4e.'~, '04.02 45.436.105.20 48.3 U.S21.sf· Aug Sep Oct 45.192.350.43 Nov Feb 2000 May Jun Jut 44.320,457.12 ~4.065.8g1.e4 -i3,937.e8S.3~ SeD Oct Nov 43.808.859.40 2001 43.155.329.31 MIY Jun Jul 42.48!5t8~~.29 Aug 42.350.009.15 4' ~13.509.~3 Sea Oct Nov 42.078.349.91 41.938.527.~e Oec Feb Mar Apr May 43.879.410.80 43.'49.3315.:52 43.~1 8.633.56 43.022.722.04 42.889.473.77 42.155.581.48 42.621.042.01 Apr Jan 44,822.282.32 .u.193.481.24 Aug Feb Mer 45.089.5tle.70 44.946.233.62 44,697.731.92 44. '12.'19.'3 ~,~.c 8.822.24 Mar Apr Osc Jan 46.:504.37:5.04 4e.387.ge4.18 46.210.971.78 46.035.306.83 Apr May Jun Oec Jan 47,748.824.93 41.638.218.52 47.527.279.46 47.415.802.24 47.303,78T.19 Mlly Jun Jut Aug Jon $46,292.141.91 48.1e4,ge~.40 Nov Oec Feb Purchase Price 4a.078.667 97 Oct Jan PURCHASE PRICE SCHEDULE Day of Month) 2002 "1.800.039.02 41.660.881.11 41.521.050.61 41.380.~44.26 "1.239.3~8.80 41.097.~90.~ tin a"4 a17 38 Uf:v'..' &,$ Jul "0. 001.7:5 IUZ 40.523.129.33 40.37l'.1GG.10 Oct Noy Dec 2003 M.r 39.490.85' .:52 38.340.833.03 Jun Jul Aug 39,199.58199 39.031.812.91 Sep Oct Nov Dec Feb 2004 Mar ~r 37.479.12....15 31.319.082.13 37.1'8.2".28 38.996,873.12 Jun Jut Aug S.p 38.83ot.208.oe 2005 Feb Mar Af)t May Jun Jul Aug SIP Oct Nov Deo Jan 2001 Fib Mlr NK MeV Jun JuI Aug SliP oct Nov Dec J.... 'Ib 2001 Mar ApI Mly J.., JlA 30,828.1575.154 30."35,0422.23 Oc;t Nov C.c Feb Mit ~ 38.871.13;.97 38,507.192.38 38,342.452.3; 38,118.918.11 38.otO.578.81 3!UM3.439.02 315,8115,491.38 35.508.731.50 35.337., SS,SM 35,188,780.77 34,9915,542.02 34,823,49l5.71 34,850,817.84 3<4,478,8CM.<W 34.302.311.315 34,128,9lW.82 33.950.710.1. 33,773.813.81 33.1598,881.52 33.418.849.12 33,050.821.37 32,878.209.84 32.892.915.08 32.509.739.39 32.325.871.37 32.140,727.72 31,954,883.1. 31,rGe.140.32 31,S80.•94.eo 31,381.0042.13 31.202.478.83 :~.820.799.n Aug S.p Jan 38,885,304.2. 38,732,058.45 3B,518,011.91 38,4Z3.341.23 38,261.862.62 38.111,632.53 37.954.6&1.32 37,796.903.38 37.838.396.98 May Oct Nov Dec J8n 40.231.767.63 40.085,029.75 39.937.582.83 39.189.422.88 39.540.~46.91 Apr May JlIn ' .... _1 4Q.811.GlM.82 Aug Sep Jan Feb LJ:C:J 2008 30.Z41,33~.34 30,04e.310.37 29.880.342.78 28.853.•21.00 29.4615.S81.48 29,268.738.80 29.056.954.74 'A A~R '0" 1ft "'. SECOND AMENDMENT TO INCARCERATION AGREEMENT by and between STATE OF TENNESSEE, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION and HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE WHEREAS, Hardeman County, Tennessee and the State of Tennessee, Department of on September 18, 1996, relating to the housing by Correction, entered into Contract No. Hardeman County of felons sentenced to the care, custody and control of the Tennessee Department of Correction, and WHEREAS, the said parties entered in a First Amendment To Incarceration Agreement dated ,and WHEREAS, the said parties desire to amend said Contract in the manner described below, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby amend said Contract as follows: Article is amended as follows: a. By deleting therefrom the foUowing: "Facility" means a 1,504 bed medium security correctional institution, with no donnitory housing, to be located in Hardeman County, Tennessee, and real property as specified in Exhibit A. b. By substituting in lieu thereof the foUowing: "Facility" means a 1,504 bed medium security correctional institution, to be expanded to 2,016 beds, with no dormitory housing, to be located in Hardeman County, Tennessee, and real property as specified in Exhibit A. 2. Section 3.2 is amended as follows: (a) By deleting therefrom the following: Hardeman County. at its expense. may expand the facility by an additional 512 beds. subject to the prior written Commissioner·s approval which shall be at the Commissioner·s sole discretion. (b) By substituting in lieu thereof the following: Hardeman County, at its expense, shall expand the facility by an additional 512 beds. for a total of 2.016 beds. Beds 1505 through 2016 shall be completed and available for use in housing prisoners by January 1,1998. Beds 1505 through 2016 shall be allocated to the State beginning January I, 1998, if the State provides written notice by July I, 1997 of its intent to reserve such beds. Any other change in the State's allocation of beds 1505 through 2016 shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.l(b). 3. Section 6. (a) is amended as follows: a. By deleting therefrom the following: Per Inmate Day Per Diem Rate $36.75 $26.52 $25.76 $22.35 Inmate Population 1 - 940 941- 998 999-1336 1337-1504 b. By substituting in lieu thereof the following: Per Inmate Day Per Diem Rate $36.75 $26.52 $25.76 $22.35 $24.66 Inmate Population 1- 940 941- 998 999-1336 1337-1504 1505-2016 2 4. Section 6.1 (a) is further amended by adding the following after $32.28: Assuming a total State Inmate population at the facility of 2016. the blended Per Diem Rate per Inmate is $30.34. 5. Section 6.1 (b) is amended by adding the following language at the end: "Hardeman County shall notify the Commissioner and the Select Oversight Committee on Corrections of the source and nature of inmates from other jurisdictions being housed at the Facility." 6. Section 6.2 is amended as follows: a. By deleting therefrom the last sentence. b. By substituting in lieu thereof the following: Thereafter. the Debt Service Per Diem shall be $7.46 for the fIrst 1504 State Bed Days and $4.90 for State Bed Days 1505-2016. 7 Article 7 is amended by adding the following sentence at the end of the first sentence: If the State elects to exercise its option to purchase the Facility before January 1. 1998. the purchase price reflected in Exhibit B shall be increased to reflect the actual expenditures for the construction of the 512 bed expansion at the time of the purchase. 8. Section 14.24 is amended as follows: a. By deleting therefrom the following: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 b. $ 690.200 $21.687.000 $22.777.000 $21.476.400 By substituting in lieu thereof the following: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 (State's FY ending June 30.1997) (State's FY July 1. 1997 - June 30, 1998) (State's FY July I, 1998 - June 30. 1999) (State's FY July 1. 1999 - May 31, 2000) 3 $ 690.200 $25.127,300 $29.854.500 $28,125.300 9. 10. 11 Exhibit B is amended as follows: a. By deleting Exhibit B in its entirety. b. By substituting in lieu thereof the attached 4 pages labeled Exhibit B. Exhibit F is amended as follows: a. By deleting Exhibit F in its entirety. b. By substituting in lieu thereof the attached 1 page labeled Exhibit E. The other terms and provisions not amended hereby shall remain in full force and effecL IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have by their duly authorized representatives set their signatures. HARDEMAN COUNTY STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION BY:~~\)~ Donal Campbell. Co missioner State of Tennessee County of J)a \If eboD Before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid. personally appeared Donal Campbell, with whom I am personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence). and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to be Commissioner of the Department of Correction for the State of Tennessee, ,the within named bargainor, and that he. as such Commissioner, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the State of Tennessee by himself as Commissioner of the Department of Correction. Witness my hand, at office, this ~-t:h. day of ~, 1997. a~ ffloaA..Q NOtaI)4ll1bii; My Commission Expires: 11-~S-aOCO 4 State of Tennessee County of Ha rdeman Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, personally appearedDon w. CliffFwith whom I am personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to be County EX~futive of Hardeman County, Tennessee, the within named bargainor, a ,and that_he, as such County ExecutiV~being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the StWS~,,"dtt'Rt"lJatM by haselfas County Executiye . County of Hardeman Witness my hand, at office, this -2..:th.. day of My Commission Expires: 5/24/97 APPROVED; STATE OF TENNESSEE eC::\~.f').. ~~~ Jbhn Ferguson Commissioner of Finance and Administration William R. Snod Comptroller of th 5 April , 1997. LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit B Purchase Price Schedule Revised ExhibitF State's Maximum Liability 6 EXHIBITB HARDEMAN COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PURCHASE OPTION PRICES IASSUMPTIONS: llnltlal PrinclJHlI- Based on Bonds being Issued on June 1, 1997 In the amount of the inlllal principal ($48.400.000) , amortized on a monthly basis for 240 months or 20 years for monlhs 1 through 7. Annual rate of 5.80% utnlzed for debt service. ;purchase Opllon Price - Based on remaining principal due al the end of the month denoled under the monU, column. Purchase Option Month Prle. (R.'.n 10 lISt dly 01 monlh) Jun·97 JuI·97 Aug-97 Sep-97 oct·97 New·97 oec.97 Jan.98 Feb-98 Mar·98 Apr·98 May·98 Jvn·98 JvI-98 Aug·gs 5ep-98 oct·98 Ncw·98 Deo-98 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 t8 17 18 19 Jan.99 20 Feb-99 21 Mar·99 Apr.99 May·99 22 Jun·99 JuI·99 Aug.99 Sep-99 oct·99 23 24 25 2$ 27 28 29 NO\I·99 30 Deo-99 31 32 33 34 35 JlIn.OO Feb-OO Mar-OO Apr-OO May-OO 36 Jun.(l() JuI.Ol) 37 38 Aug.OO Sep.(l() Od-OO Ncw-OO 39 JlIn.Q' JvI.Q' Aug.Qt 5ep.Ot 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 47 48 49 !50 51 52 Od.Q' NO\I.Q' 54 Ollc.()t Jan.()2 58 oeo-oo Jan.Ot Feb-Q' Mar·cn Apr.o, May·Cn 51.152.982.55 50.982.687.44 5O.611.S.25 50.639.82398 50.468.847.65 !lO.293.236.23 50.118.765.66 49.943.49'.96 49.767.350 99 49.590.358.67 49.412.510.89 49.233.80350 55 57 MlJr.()2 Apr.()2 May.()2 JlIn.()2 JvI.Q2 Aug-02 58 Oct.()2 5'.322.~51 53 Feb-02 sep.02 $48.292.741.91 48.184.96540 48.076.667.97 47.967.847.10 47.1158.500.27 47.748.62493 47.636.21652 58.161.717.18 !:l7.1188.21870 57.7!50.477.24 57.612.070.03 57.472.993.85 57.333.245.47 57.192.821.63 57.051.719.09 56.909.934.55 56.767.46471 58.824.306 27 58.480.45590 56.335.910.26 56.190.665.97 56.044.719.67 55.898.067.91 55.7!50.707.45 55.602.634.68 55.453.846.23 55.304.33884 M.OO3.152.10 54.851.466.15 54.699.047.05 54.545.891.26 54.391.995.22 54.237.355.34 54.081.968.04 53.925.829.70 53.768.936.70 53.611.265.37 53.452.Bn.07 53.293.693.10 53.133.744.76 52.973.023.35 52.811.525.11 52.649.246.29 52.468.183.13 52.322.331.63 52.157.668.59 51.992.249.57 51.82$.010.92 51.658.968.79 51.491.119.29 1 2 3 59 eo 6' 62 63 64 65 Page 1 EXHIBITB HARDEMAN COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PURCHASE OPTION PRICES ASSUMPTIONS: Inilial Principal- Based on Bonds being Issued on June 1, 1997 In the amount of the Inilial principal ($48.400,000) amortIZed on a monlhly basis for 240 months or 20 years for months 11hrough 7. Annual rale or 5.80% ulillzed for debt service. Adjusted P,lnc'IHI'· Based on ending balance or principal remaining January I, 1998 (S47,6J8,218.S2) plus additional principal (Bonds Issued on January I, 1998) amortized on a monlhly basts for 233 monlhs beginning In lhe 8Ih month. Purchase Option Price - Based on remaining principal due allhe end olthe month denoled under Ihe monlh column. MonUI IRa'a,.. 10 'nl dav of monlh) Nov.()2 66 0ec>02 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Jan.03 Feb-ll3 Mar-ll3 Apr-ll3 May-03 Jun-03 JuI.03 Aug-ll3 5ep.()3 0Ct-ll3 Nav-ll3 Deo.()J 77 78 79 Jan-G4 Feb-04 Mar-04 60 Apr.Q4 May.Q4 83 Jun.()4 85 Jut.04 Aug-04 88 87 88 69 90 91 92 93 94 Sep.()4 0Ct-04 Nav-04 Dec-04 "-05 Feb-05 Mar.()5 Apr.()5 May.()5 Jun.05 Jul-05 Aug-05 5ep-05 0Ct-05 Nov·05 0l»05 Jan.06 Feb.Q6 Mar.()6 Apr.()6 Mey.()6 Jun.()6 Jul.08 Aug.()6 s.oa 0Ct.()6 Nov-o& Dec-08 .ran-07 Feb-07 Mllr-07 Apr-07 Mey-07 Jun-07 JuI.01 Aug-07 6ep.()7 OCt-07 Nov-07 Det:-07 Jan-08 Feb-08 Ma,·08 al 82 84 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 "0 111 112 113 114 115 118 117 118 U9 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 49.054,232 37 48.873.783.31 48.692.462.13 48.510.29461 48.327.228.51 47.958.431.56 47.772.69813 47.588.062.98 47.398.527.76 47.020.733.70 46.830,466.06 48,639.278.79 48.447.187.48 48.0E0,154.ea 45.865,244.24 45.669.391.74 45.472.592.62 45.214,842.30 45,078.136.18 44.878.469.66 44,675.836.08 44,474,236 78 44.271.681.07 43.863.56758 43.658.040.30 43.451,51965 43.035.478.96 42.825.949.26 42.815.406.83 42..em.846.78 42.191,264.18 41,977.654. " 41.763,011.59 41.547.331.63 41.330.60921 41.112.83931 40,894,018.84 40.874,136.74 40.453,183.68 40.231,183.14 39,783,931.30 39,558,691.81 39.332.357.64 39.104.92952 38,876.402.18 3IUl48.770.25 38,418.028.48 38,184,171.41 37.951.18372 37.717,069.97 37.481,854.73 37.245,482.51 37.007.987.82 36. 769.305.15 38,529.488 94 36.288.51362 36.046.37356 35.803.083.20 35.558.57882 EXHIBITB HARDEMAN COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACIUTY PURCHASE OPTION PRICES ASSUMPTIONS: Initial Princlpal- Based on Bonds being Issued on June t. 1997 In the amount of the Initial principal ($48,400,000) amortized on a monthly basis for 240 months or 20 years for months t through 7. Annual rate of 5.80% ulllized for debt service. Adjusted Prlnclpal- Based on ending balance or principal remaining January 1, 1998 ($47.638.218.52) pius additional principal (Bonds Issued on January 1. 1998) amortized on a monthly basis for 233 monlhs beginning In lJle 8th month. Purchase Option Price - Based on remaining principal due allhe end of the month denoled under !he monlh column. PurWH OJltIon Month CR.'." 10 last d8y or month) APt.Q8 May.Q8 Jun.Q8 Jul·08 Aug·08 Sep.()8 Oct·08 Nov·08 0IIc.Q8 PrIc. 131 132 133 134 135 138 137 138 May-09 139 140 141 142 143 144 Jun-09 145 Jul-09 Aug-09 5ep.09 Oct.()9 Nov.()9 146 147 148 149 150 [)ee.OO 151 Jan-09 Feb-09 Ma,.()9 A!lI.()9 Jan·l0 Feb-l0 Mar-l0 Apr-l0 May-l0 Jun. 10 Jul.l0 Aug-l0 5ep.l0 Od-l0 Nov-l0 0ec>10 Jan· 11 Feb-II Ma,·l1 Apt-" May. I 1 JlltI-ll Jul·ll Aug·" Sep-11 Oct· 1I Nov-II 0ec-11 Jan.12 Feb-12 Mar·12 A!lI.12 May.12 Jun.12 JuI-12 Aug.12 Sep-12 Oct·12 Hoy-12 oec.12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar.13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun.13 Jul.13 Aug.13 35.312.908 76 34.618.004.71 34.568,757.21 34.318.305.02 34.066.642.31 33.813.763.23 33.559.661.91 33.304.332.42 33.047.76684 32.789.96521 32.530.91552 32.210.613 76 31.146.22919 31.482.13538 31.216.76452 30.950.111.03 30.662.166.72 30.412.93135 30.142.392.66 29.870.546.38 29.597.36611 29.322.90566 29.041.ll!l8.54 26.769.958.34 28.491.47862 28.211.652.91 21.930.474.12 27.647.937.49 27.364.034 87 27.018.759.66 26.792.105.81 26.!04.06647 26.214.634.94 25.923.804.49 25.631.56838 25.337.919 78 25.042.851.66 24.146.357.79 24.448.430.67 23.848.249.52 23.545.98154 22.931.055 64 22.630.38356 22.322.229.23 22.012.58548 21.701.445.13 21.388.800.93 21.074.645.62 20.758.971.89 20.441.712.40 19.802.766.62 19.480.945.48 19. 157.S68 B6 18.832.629.26 1S.506.119.12 17.848.35881 17.517.089.35 16.849.743.31 152 153 154 155 158 151 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 1~ 166 167 166 169 170 171 172 173 174 115 116 177 118 119 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 P~3 EXHIBITB HARDEMAN COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PURCHASE OPTION PRICES ASSUMPTIONS: InlUal Prtnclpal - Based on Bonds being Issued on June " 1997 In the amount of the Initial principal ($48.400.000) amortized on a monthly basis for 240 months or 20 years for months 1 through 7. Annuat rale of 5.80'1(, ulllized for debt service. AdJusled Prfnclpat- Based on ending balance of principal remaining January I, 1998 ($47.638.218.52) plus additional principal (Bonds Issued on January 1. 1998) amortized on a monthly basis for 233 months beginning In the 8th month. Purchase Option Price· Based on remaining principal due althe end of the monlh denoted under the month column. Purchase Option Price Monlh IRefe,.. to last day of monthl Sap-13 (lQ.13 Nov·13 0ee-13 Jan·14 Feb-14 Mar·14 196 199 200 Apt·14 201 202 103 May·14 Jun·14 204 205 Jul.14 106 207 208 Aug. 14 5ep-14 (lQ·14 Nov·14 Dec-14 Jan. 15 Feb-15 Mar·15 Apt·15 215 216 217 118 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 Jul·15 12.707.653 93 12.351.539.14 11.993.104.33 11.634.139.39 11.212.836.54 10.909.787 40 10.544.983.52 10.118,416.43 9.810.017.59 9.439.958.45 9.068.05039 8.694.344 79 8.318.832.94 7.941,508.11 209 110 211 212 213 214 May·15 Jun. 15 Aug·15 Sap-15 0cl.15 16.513.64922 16.115.930 68 15.836.57982 15.495.588 78 15.152.94960 14.808.65434 14.482.894.99 13.765.151.79 13.414,75173 13.062.055 18 198 197 7.562.155 54 Jut. 16 230 Auo-16 Sap-18 0cl·16 Nov· IS Dec-1S Jan.17 Feb-17 231 232 233 234 238 237 1.181.31Hl 6.798.541.86 6.413.812 99 6.027.338.86 5.638.936 48 5.248.658.82 4.85lI.49081 4.482.42933 4.066.46322 3.668.583.28 2.867.044 83 2.483.381.70 2.051,739.46 1.650.15068 1.240.59189 Mar·17 238 829.05357 Apt·17 May·17 239 240 415.528.14 10.00) Nov.15 0ee-15 Jan. 18 Feb-18 Mar·18 Apt.18 May.18 Jun-16 221 228 229 235 Page 4 Exhibit F Incarcerllllon Agreemenl • Hardeman Counly. Tennessee FY98·97 30 30 June 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 28 31 30 31 30 July August September October November December January February Marcil Aprtl May June 365 Tolal FY9B·99 July August Seplember October November Docomber Jllnuary February March April 30 May June 385 Tolal FV99·2O 31 July 31 Augusl 30 Seplomber 31 Oclober 30 November 3t December 31 January 29 February Marcil 31 Aprl 30 31 May 338 500 Total FV97·98 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 28 31 30 31 Operallng P., Inmate Populallon Diem Rale 0$38.75 551.250.00 551.250.00 Operating Per Inmale Population Diem Rate 0130.34 1000 1504 1504 1504 1504 1504 2016 2018 2016 2018 2016 2016 Tolal Operating Per DIem Rale 0$36.76 DablSeMca Par Diem Rate 0$7.48 111,900.00 Debt Service Per Dlam Rille 0$7.48 6,250.00 Misc. MeulC8l 20.800.00 DeblSeMce Por DIem Rale 014.90 Operellng Per Diem Rale 0$32.28 19,679,0 IO.2B 4.870,019.68 453,243.28 1.957.999.68 1.957,999.68 1.894.838.40 1,957,999.88 1.894.838.40 1.957.999.88 1,957.999.88 1.768.5 I5.84 1.957.999.68 1.89".838.40 1.957,999.68 1.956,628.00 488.220.18 488.220.IS 451.180.80 488.220.16 451,180.80 466.220.18 488,220.16 421.102.08 488.220.16 451.180.80 468,220.16 "51.180.80 23,115,558.80 5.489.388.40 Debl Service Per Dlam Rei. 0$7.48 2.021,745.60 2,021,745.80 1,958.528.00 2,021,7"5.80 1,958.528.00 2.021,7"5.60 2.021.7"5.60 1.891.310.40 2.021.745.60 1.958.528.00 2.021,7"5.80 468.220.18 488.220.18 451,IBO.BO "88.220.18 451.tBO.80 488.220.18 488.220.18 438.141.44 466.220.18 451,180.80 488,220.18 21.913,113.80 5.053,224.98 Debt Service Por Diem Rale 0$7.46 014.90 Mlsc.Olllcer Tlavel Misc. MOdlcsl 940 58 338 188 512 20lS Per Diem Blondad Rala97·8B PerOfem FY97·9a 36.75 34.545.00 28.52 1.538.18 25.78 8.706.88 22.35 3.754.80 2"-88 12,625.92 30.34 Per Dfem Allo98·99 ptus3.25% 37.84 27.38 26.60 23.08 25.48 19.679.010.28 4,670.019.68 "53.2"3.26 75,000.00 250,000.00 $ Debt SelVlce Per Diem Rale 0$4.90 77,627.30 Opelallng Pel 23,115,558.80 Diem Rele 77.827.30 76.123.19 0133.33 77,627.30 75.123.19 DeblSeMce 77.827.30 Per Diem Aolo 77,827.30 0$7.46 5,489.368.40 0$4.90 70,11".98 913,998.84 77.827.30 Misc. Ollicer 77."37.50 75, t23. t 9 TravoI13.25% Inllelorl 77.827.30 75,123.19 Misc. Medical 258,126.00 913.988.8" (3.25~ InilolOlt $29.854,484.54 DebtSoMce Per Diem Rile 0$4.90 77.627.30 Operallng Per 21.913,' 13.60 77,827.30 Diem Ral. 0$34.41 75.123.19 77,627.30 75,123.19 Debl SelVlce 77,827.30 Per Dlam Rala 77,827.30 0$7.48 5.053,224.96 72,819.09 0$4.90 841.379.75 77,627.30 Misc. Olllcer 73.291.37 75,123.19 TrovaI13.25% Innalol) 77,627.30 Misc. MedJcal 244.304.58 13.25% Inllalor) 841,379.75 128,125.31".2" Tolal Three Veal Contract UabWIy Inmale Pop. llt.900.00 $690.200.00 77,627.30 70.114.98 77.627.30 75,123.19 77.627.30 75,123.19 Debl Service Pel Diem Ral. 0$7.48 651,250.00 Misc. Ofllcer Traval It 1.900.00 231.280.00 347.815.04 338.595.20 347,815.04 335.595.20 347,815.04 488.220.18 421.102.08 466,220.18 451.180.80 466.220.18 451,180.80 Operellng Per Inmele Populallon Diem Rile 0$32.35 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 20'8 2018 2018 2018 2018 DebtSelVlc:e Per DIem Rate 014.90 1,120,176.08 1,505.022.72 1,458,473.60 1.505,022.72 1.458.473.60 1,505.022.72 1.896, I28.84 1.712.832.32 1.898,128.64 1,834,963.20 1.896.128.84 1,694,B38.40 Operating Per Inmale Popuilitlorl Diem Rete 0531.33 2018 20lS 20lS 201S 201S 2018 201S 20t8 2016 2018 2016 2018 Debt Service Per Diem Ratll 0$7.48 $83,797.272.00 Blondod PorDlom FY98·" 35,887.71 1,588.15 B.98t.B5 3,876.83 13,038.28 31.33 PorDlom Ralo99·20 plus 3.25% 39.18 28.27 27.48 23.83 28.29 Blanded Per Diem FY98099 38.628.91 1,839.77 9,282.02 4.002.83 13,459.94 32.35 TIlIRD AMENDMENT TO INCARCERATION AGREEMENT by and between THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION AND HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE lbis Contract, by and between the State ofTennessee, Department ofCorrection. hereinafter referred to as the State. and Hardeman County. Tennessee. hereinafter referred to as the Contractor. is hereby amended as follows: Delete following Section in its entirety: Section 2.1. Tmm. This Contract is effective with its execution by all parties and continues for three (3) years after the Service Commencement Date unless terminated earlier in accordance herewith. and insert the following in its place: Section 2. Tenll. This Contract is effective with its execution by all parties and continues for six (6) years after the Service Commencement Date unless terminated earlier in accordance herewith. Delete following Section in its entirety: Section 2.2. Renewals. The State shall have the option to renew this Contract upon the same terms and conditions for six (6) additional three (3) year tenns; provided, however. that such option to renew may be exercised only if, at the time ofthe exercise of the option, the Commissioner, in the Commissioner's sole discretion, detennines that the available facilities and institutions ofthe Department are overcrowded. The State may exercise its option to renew by giving Hardeman County 270 days advance written notice of its intent to renew. If Hardeman County does not receive notice of the State's intent to renew 270 days in advance, it shall notify the Commissioner ofCorrection and the Commissioner of Finance and Administration of that fact by certified mail and the State shall have an additional 30 days from receipt ofsuch notice within which to exercise its option to renew and insert the following in its place: F:\ContradS\HCCF AmcndJ.doc Section 2.2. Renewals. The State shall have the option to renew this Contract upon the same tenns and conditions for five (5) additional three (3) year tenns; provided, however, that such option to renew may be exercised only if, at the time of the exercise of the option. the Commissioner, in the Commissioner's sole discretion. determines that the available facilities and institutions of the Department are overcrowded. The State may exercise its option to renew by giving Hardeman County 270 days advance written notice of its intent to renew. If Hardeman County does not receive notice of the State's intent to renew 270 days in advance, it shall notify the Commissioner ofCorrection and the Commissioner of Finance and Administration of that fact by certified mail and the State shall have an additional 30 days from receipt of such notice within which to exercise its option to renew 3. Delete following Section in its entirety: Section 14.24. Maximum Liability. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, in no event shall the maximum liability to the State exceed: Year I (State's FY ending June 30, 1997) Year 2 (State's FY July I, 1997 - June 30, 1998) Year 3 (State's FY July 1, 1998 -June 30,1999) Year 4 (State's FY July I, 1999 -May 31,2000) S 690,200 S25,127,300 S29,854,500 $28,125,300 In the event that the State exercises its option to renew, the annual maximum liability for each year during any renewal period shall be calculated unilaterally by the State in the manner shown on Exhibit F. and insert the following in its place: Section 14.24. Maximum Liability. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, in no event shall the maximum liability of the State exceed: Year I (State's FY ending June 30, 1997) Year 2 (State's FY July 1, 1997 -June 30, 1998) Year 3 (State's FY July I, 1998 -June 30, 1999) Year 4 (State's FY July I, 1999 -June 30,2000) Year 5 (State's FY July 1,2000 -June 30,2001) Year 6 (State's FY July I, 2001-June 30,2002) Year 7 (State's FY July 1,2002 - May 31, 2003) F:\Contraets\HCCF Amend3.doc $ 690,200 $25,127,300 $29,854,500 $30,561,700 $29,763,300 $30,382,100 $28,467,100 In the event that the State exercises its option to renew, the annual maximum liability for each year during any renewal period shall be calculated unilaterally by the State in the manner shown on Exhibit F 4. Delete following Section in its entirety: Section 10.5 Background Checks. Prior to employment with Hardeman County, applicants shall be subjected to a thorough background investigation and, as to Correctional Officer applicants only, psychological history. Criminal and employment histories must go back a minimum of five (5) years. Said background investigations shall be available to the State upon request. The State shall not provide NCIC background checks. and insert the following in its place: Section 10.5 Background Checks. (a) Prior to employment with Hardeman County, applicants shall be subjected to a thorough background investigation and. as to Correctional Officer applicants only, psychological history. Criminal and employment histories must go back a minimum of five (5) years. Said background investigations shall be available to the State upon request. (b) The Warden shall immediately cause a "Criminal History Request" from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) to be completed on each individual hired to work at the Facility. The request shall be forwarded to the State and processed in accordance with procedures established by the Commissioner. In no instance may an employee be assigned to a post until the NCIC check has been completed; however, the employee may participate in preservice training while the check is in process. The State shall notify the Warden whether or not the employee is cleared for further consideration of employment. The criminal history obtained from NCIC or FBI may be used solely for the purpose requested, and may not be disseminated outside the Department of Correction or the affected employee. 5. Add the following as Section 6.8 and renumber any subsequent sections as necessary: Section 6.8. Failure to Pay Health Care Providers. The Contractor shall be responsible for making payments to the State's contract hospital and physicians providing services at the F:\ContJllcts\HCCF AmendJ.doe 3 State's contract hospital within ninety (90) days of the invoice date for services to any Inmate assigned to the Facility. When any such debt is more than ninety (90) days old, the State reserves lite right to pay the provider and deduct the amount from payments due from the State to lite Contractor hereunder. 6. Delete following Section in its entirety: Section 14.13. Notices. All notices shall be hand-delivered to Hardeman County or the State's Liaison(s) or sent certified mail, return receipt requested to: State: Commissioner Department ofCorrection 4'" Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg. 320 6'" Avenue North Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0465 Hardeman County: Hardeman County Correctional Facilities Corporation clo Weed, Hubbard, Berry & Doughty 424 Church Street, 29'" Floor Nashville. Tennessee 37219 and insert the following in its place: Section 14.13. Notices. All notices shall be hand-delivered to Hardeman County or the State's Liaison(s) or sent certified mail, return receipt requested to: State: Commissioner Department of Correction 4111 Floor, Rachel Jackson Bldg. 3206'" Avenue North Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0465 Hardeman County: Hardeman County Correctional Facilities Corporation clo Weed, Hubbard, Berry & Doughty 201 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 1420 Nashville, Tennessee 37219 The other terms and conditions of this Contract not amended hereby shall remain in full force and effect. F:\Conl!aaS\HCCf AmcndJ.doc 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF: COUNTY, TENNESSEE: DATE: ~;'J/.. y Nuckolls. County Executive State of Tennessee Countyof ~ o ) ) Before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public ofthe State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Sammy Nuckolls. with whom I am perwnally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence). and who. upon oath. acknowledged bimselfto be County Executive ofHardeman County. Tennessee, the within named bargainor, and that he, as such County Executive. being authorized so to do. executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name ofthe County ofHardeman himself as County Executive. Witness my hand, at office, this ~ day of j~b\uQr~I--_"""1999. ... on ' ..~ i...:, t;a. 9:.",,"; .-"",. ...': ~ -: ...... ~ ~ ~ -": . ~tP>I!S~on Expires: ..:. -.... - ••••.. , ,;i,..I), ... L ... "~.' .. ~ DEPARTMENT OF CORRECfION: DATE:~ State of Tennessee County of ..oa.v IdW""\. ) ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public ofthe State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Donal Campbell. with whom I am personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), and who, upon oath. acknowledged himself to be Commissioner of the Department of Correction for the State ofTennessee, the within named bargainor. and that he, as such Commissioner, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instnunent for the purposes therein contained. by signing the name ofthe County ofHardeman himselfas County Executive. Witness my hand, at office, this JO~YOf~o.r,/ .~ My Commission Expires: -l.\-JS- ~OOO F:\Ccntracts\HCCF Amcnd3.doc s APPROVED: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION: DATE: o G. Morgan, Comptroller of e Treasury F:\ContnsclS\HCCF Amend3.doc S- '3-oU DATE:~ 6 , '",nate Plip. PorDie.. BeAded Rate 97·98 PerDfem 940 36.75 34545 58 28.52 338 25.78 168 22.~ 512 24.E6 1538.18 8706.88 3754.8 1282592 2018 Per Diem Rille 98-99 piLe 3.25% 37.94 27.38 26.60 Blended Per01em 35667.113 .588.1502 8989.8536 23.oe 3876.831 25A6 13036.262 30.34284 I"er Diem 81ended Rakt 99-00 Per Diem phIS 3.25'% 39.18 36826.9132 28.27 \639.16508 21.46 9282.02384 ~.83 4002.82801 26.29 13lt5~.9409 QI604beda 0512~ lise. Med::aI liSC. otIicer I Travel: hree (3) Y~r Cormtt &leftSIC.n $C?~\ BeR:cd PerDera 396S6.5S7S 1765.~7S4 9995.72446 .3·O.eD7i5 14-1&4.8842 32.3469591! 33."556338 33.9845241 34.8341378 $23••7,396 $24.397.242 325,007,113 $25,831.3G2 $i.46 4.106.461 918,221 $5,024.882 ".Q95.242 915.712 $5,010,964 4,,095.242 915.712 $5.01G.95£ 4.OtS,242 .1.90 915.712 $f.01:).954 S2t8.S1£ $213,171 $210,006 1211,(06 $18,~ $81.953 $14,002 .,102 29.238.641 1d). $2'-802 28,763.325 30.3&2.134 12 rna a1.016.~14 $3O.3IZ.134 $28,461,120 31.328775 otaI per DIem Payment ebI 6e1Viee Per DIem Rate: PcrUiem Per Diem PCl~m B~ Dlended ReleGO-01 . PerDtem Rale01-02 PerDtem Rate D2·(J3 pkJI2.5% plus 2.5% pus2.SOA. 421. 40.16 37147.586 41.16 38891.2756 3O.4S 28.98 16&).75921 29.70 1722.77819 28.15 9514.07444 29.51 28.85 9751.9263 24.42 4102.89871 25.66 25.03 4205.4711e 26.95 137i6.4:tiS 28.3J 21.62 t4t41.~ 12 .... $29.763.325 111tOS. TDOC ADMIN Fax:61S-741-460S Mar 13 '00 DON S1JM)QVIST GOVERNOR lS:36 P.02 DONALCAMPDELL COMMISSIONER srATEorD~ESSll DEPARTMENT- OVCORUCTION FOtJRTH PLOOR.KACJilLoMCJ(ioN affiLDINC , .' NASIlVIU.i., TENNIS8IE3'1JG-046S (615) '41S.II00 .st. 4IOOlI 0ft'Ift (6115)531-Dm Fa Milich 13, 2000 The Honorable John D. F~soil Commissioner ofF~ m;ui Ad~tion: Pirst Flnnr, StsteiC-spiij)1 " Nashville, Tenit~s~ 3724~' "j;:' ',';. '~:,'~ " :;,'~.:;':-:',",' and The HonombJe lObO :0. Morgan' Comptroller ofthe.treasury,' . First Floor. State',Capito}·', " Nashville, Tenn~.'~7243 Ocntlemen: The Depamncm of CO~1jun ~~,ruUy requeata yo~"appn:)Yal :of All unmdmcnt to renew the contractbetweeii· the :St.te'of Tennessee, Department of Correction, and to Hardeman, COtlDty; Tennenee, hoUSe inmates sentenced to the care, custody, and r.nntMl of the dep8l't1Jient at the Hardeman County Corr~tiopal Facility. Pununnt to Article 2, Section 2, ofthe,subject'cOn~t, I p.lve detcnninQd that the available facilities and institutions of the Dcpartmcn~ of COrrCction ore l11: capacity. [hank you for yourconsiderattonofdtis,iri1portanl mll1lt:J:. Donal Campben DC:RR FOURTH AMENDMENT TO INCARCERATION AGREEMENT by and between THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION AND HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE This Contract, by and between the State of Tennessee, Department of Correction, hereinafter referred to as the State, and Hardeman County, Tennessee, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, is hereby amended as follows: 1 Delete Section 2.1 in its entirety and insert the following in its place: Section 2.1. Ig[m. This Contract is effective with its execution by all parties and continues for six (6) years and one (1) month after the Service Commencement Date unless terminated earlier in accordance herewith. 2. Delete Section 14.24 in its entirety and insert the following in its place: Section 14.24. Maximum Liability. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, in no event shall the maximum liability of the State exceed: Year 1 (State's Year 2 (State's Year 3 (State's Year 4 (State's Year 5 (State's Year 6 (State's Year 7 (State's FY ending June 30, 1997) FY July 1, 1997 - June 3D, FY July 1, 1998 - June 30, FY July 1, 1999--=:-'Ji..irie 30, FY July 1, 2000 - June 30, FY July 1, 2001 - June 30, FY July 1, 2002 - June 30, $ 1998) 1999) 2000) 2001) 2002) 2003) 690,200 $25,127,300 $29,854,500 $30,561,700 $29,763,300 $30,382,100 $31,171,000 In the event that the State exercises its option to renew, the annual maximum liability for each year during any renewal period shall be calculated unilaterally by the State in the manner shown on Exhibit F. The other terms and conditions of this Contract not amended hereby shall remain in full force and effect. 1 95/39/2903 13:11 7316586896 85/38/2883 12:48 615-741-46B5 DENTON AND C/:!RV PAGE 93/ElS TN CORR ADMIN SERV PAGE El3/1!J5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF: HARDEMAN COUNlY, TENNESSEEi oil?- ~ ~~ ca1Mr DATE: 5/30/03 ,/ Stzlte of Tennessee ) ) County of BARnEt'''N May ~2003. Jl·e1Jt Notary PubIc O,uAQ DEPARTMENT OF C:O~CTION: ~~mm:: StateafT:L&V'd' Countyaf I ~ ) ) 6er-on: me, the undersigned, B Notaay Pubhc of the Sta1e Bnd County aforesaid, personally appeared Quenton I. White, With wham I am personally acquainted (Dr proved 10 me on the basis rX satUifcJdory evidence), and wh~ upon oaUt, etkncwledged himself to be Commissioner of the Department of Corred:ion for the State of Tennessee, the within named bargainor, and that he, as such Comm~iQner, being C1Uthori~ed so to do, exeQIted tm! fbregoing Instrument for ttle purposes therein contained, by signing the name of tI'le COUnty rZ Hardeman himself as County Executive. WItness my hand, at office, My Commission Expires: ~ily cI (Y\Q L( ,2003. O{\~ -(Y). --(YJ~ Notary ~ My Comml$slon expIres SEP. 25.2004 2 APPROVED: DATE:~ John G. DATE:~ 3 EXHIBIT F •• I _ .: ... c . ~. ~.<- ,>"~f"·.-_~'~~~ '. :-. i (1 {I·' .; I~< ~ ;, \_. ~'\ ' ,', • ~~ , :. . .... ; . I:·:;;)~!~:::']i~')!~~' \;::.>:: I I :. ~ ,- ~ ~ i~;: :,'j L···:· , : 04116103 CPI I ""-------------Source: U.S. Department of Labor Bureau 01 Labor Statistics Washington, D.C. 20212 BLENDED PER OIEM CALCULATIONS Consumer Price Index All Urban Consumers· (CPI·U) Inmate Per Diem Rate Population 611/02·5131/03 U.S. City Average Allllems 940 58 338 168 512 Annual Percent Change: 2000 2001 2002 3.36% 2.85% $41.60 $30.01 $29.16 $25.30 $27.91 Blended Per Diem Per Diem Rate 611/03·5131/04 $39,104.00 $1,740.58 $9,856.08 $4,250.40 $14,289.92 Blended Per Diem $40,120.70 $1,785.84 $10,112.34 $4,360.91 $14,661.46 $42.68 $30.79 529.92 $25.96 $28.64 1.58% 2,016 $34.35 $35.24 COMPOUND ANNUAL GROWTH Per Diem Rate 611/04 - 5131105 The compound 8Mual growth in the consumer price index for all urban consumers over the past three years (2000 to 2002) is 2.60%. 1999 2000 2001 2002 166.6 172.2 177.1 179.9 $43.79 $31.59 $30.70 $26.63 $29.38 0.033613 0.028455 0.015810 Blended Per Diem Rate Per Diem 6/1/05 - 5/31/06 541,163.84 $1,832.27 $10,375.26 $4.474.29 515,042.66 Blended Per Diem 542,234.10 $1,879.91 $10,645.02 $4,590.63 $15,433.76 $44.93 $32.41 $31.49 $27.33 $30.14 0.077879 Total Growth for 3 YeafS $36.15 0.025960 Compound Annual Growth I 537.09 FISCAL YEAR CONTRACT CALCULA110NS 52,131.237.36 Total Per Diem Payment: Debt Service Per Diem Rate: @ 1504 beds 512 beds Total Debt Service @ $7.46 $4.90 Miscellaneous Medical: M'scellaneous Officer Travel Expenses: TOTALS BY FISCAL YEAR: , 526.056,508.02 526t 661 ,098.91 S25,052,443.73 .t. 1C&.461 A.: 4.095,241.60 918.220.80 915.712.00 840.~.s8,OO 5,02-1.682.24 5.010,953.60 4,599.094.40 10,000.00 120.000.00 120.000.00 110.000.00 5,000.00 60.000.00 60,000.00 55,000.00 336.595.20 22'.068.00 557,683.20 :~ ;': .;~/::;~.~~:-.; ',', , :ilt~.=:·_:\~;V,-~·, 3.758.64640 ~ ..... - ... .... ~' ... 1 ~~. FIFTH AMENDMENT TO INCARCERATION AGREEMENT by and between THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION AND HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE This Contract, by and between the State of Tennessee, Department of Correction, hereinafter referred to as the State, and Hardeman County, Tennessee, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Delete Section 2.1 in its entirety and insert the folloWing in its place: Section 2.1. Term. This Contract is effective with its execution by all parties and continues for nine (9) years after the Service Commencement Date unless terminated earlier in accordance hereWith. 2. Delete Section 2.2 in its entirety and insert the follOWing in its place: Section 2.2. Renewals. The State shall have the option to renew this Contract upon the same terms and conditions for four (4) additional three (3) year terms; prOVided, however, that such option to renew may be exercised only if, at the time of the exercise of the option, the Commissioner, in the Commissioner's sole discretion, determines that the available facilities and institutions of the Department are overcrowded. The State may exercise its option to renew by giving Hardeman County 270 days advance written notice of its intent to renew. If Hardeman County does not receive notice of the State's intent to renew 270 days in advance, it shall notify the Commissioner of Correction and the Commissioner of Finance and Administration of that fact by certified mail and the State shall have an additional 30 days from receipt of such notice within which to exercise its option to renew. 3 Delete Section 14.24 in its entirety and insert the follOWing in its place Section 14.24. Maximum Liability. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, in no event shall the maximum liability of the State exceed: Year 1 (State's FY ending June 30, 1997) Year 2 (State's FY July I, 1997 - June 30, 1998) Year 3 (State's FY July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999) Year 4 (State's FY July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000) Year 5 (State's FY July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2001) Year 6 (State's FY July I, 2001 - June 30, 2002) Year 7 (State's FY July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003) Year 8 (State's FY July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004) Year 9 (State's FY July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005) Year 10 (State's FY July 1, 2005 - May 31, 2006) $ 690,200 $25,127,300 $29,854,500 $30,561,700 $29,763,300 $30,382,100 $31,171,000 $31,261,200 $31,852,100 $29,816,600 In the event that the State exercises Its option to renew, the annual maximum liability for each year dUring any renewal period shall be calculated unilaterally by the State in the manner shown on Exhibit F. H:\Fiscal-ComlUcts\3292I \HCCF Amend 5 Simole.doc 1 The other terms and conditions of this Contract not amended hereby shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: AN COUNTY, TE~NESSEE: M L~ ,.. ---. . Don difft, County Execu DATE: ~ 1- 1~·05 State of Tennessee COunty of HARDEMAN Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public of the State and COunty aforesaid, personally appeared Don Clltn:, with whom I am personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to be County Executive of Hardeman COunty, Tennessee, the within named bargainor, and that he, as such County Executive, being authorized so to do, exeaJted the foregoing Instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the County of Hardeman himself as County Executive. Witness my hand, at office, this J4f! day of ~_J_u_l'::"Y '- --I ission Expires: ,~--;~=.#-_ 3/21/07 DAiE:~ eorTermas~}~ ) County of ~V'~.....1.._ _-J) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary PUblic of the state and County aforesaid, personally appeared Quenton 1. White, with whom I am personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence), and who, upon oath, acknowledged himself to be Commissioner of the Department of Correction for the State of Tennessee, the within named bargainor, and that he, as such Commissioner, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the County of Hardeman himself as County ExecutiVe. Witness my hand, at office, this My Commission Expires: l'l-tbmy of ~ 2003. . n~'r\ J a dYl. .fV)ClD"---f ~IiC < - ~Commlsslon &PIres SfP. 26. 2004 H:\P!.cal-CODlJaCt$\32921\HCCF AJnead S Simple.doc 2 APPROVED: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION: M. ~J~9:'$---=-.-c-_---- r of the Treasury DATE: AU6 8 6 2993 DATE:~ :' H:\Fiscal-ecntrac:u\3292I \HCCF Amend 5 Siml'le.dnc 3 EXHIBIT F 04/16/03 CPI Source: BLENDED PER DIEM CALCULATlONS u.s. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index Bureau of Labor Statistia Washington, D.C. 20212 An Urban Consumers - (CPI-U) U.S. City Average Per Diem Rate Inmate Population 6/1/02·5131/03 Blended Per Diem Per Diem Rate 611/03 - 5/31/04 Blended Per Ofem Aflltems 940 Annual Percent Change: 58 2000 2001 3.36% 2002 1.58% 338 168 512 2.85% $41.60 530.01 $29.16 525.30 $27.91 2,016 W CO_M_PO_U_N_O_A_N_N_U_A_L_G_R_O_WT_H 166.6 172.2 177.1 179.9 Per Diem Rate 6/1104 - 5131105 $43.79 $31.59 $30.70 $26.63 $29.38 0.033613 0.028455 0.015810 FISCAL YEAR CONTRACT CALCULATIONS $28.64 $40,120.70 $1.785.84 510.112.34 $4,360.91 $14.661.46 $35.24 534.35 0.077879 Total Growth for 3 Years 0.025960 Compound Annual Growth I $42.68 $30.79 $29.92 $25.96 _ The compound annual growth in the consumer price index for all urban consumers over the past three years (2000 to 2002) is 2.60%. 1999 2000 2001 2002 539,104.00 $1,740.58 $9,856.08 $4,250.40 514,289.92 Blended Per Diem $41.163.84 $1,832.27 $10,375.26 $4,474.29 515,042.66 Per Diem Rate 611/05·5/31/06 $44.93 $32.41 $31.49 $27.33 $30.14 Blended Per Diem $42,234.10 $1.879.91 510,645.02 $4,590.63 $15,433.76 $37.09 $36.15 I $ Total Per Diem Payment: Debt Service Per Diem Rate: $7.46 $4.90 """i&collanoous Modica Miscellaneous Officer Travel expenses: TOTALS BY FISCAL YEAR: i', j' $26,056.508.02 $26,661.088.91 $25.052,443.73 ~o 5.024,682.24 4.095.241.(1) 915.712.00 5,010.953.60 4,599,094.40 10.000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 110,000.00 5,000.00 60,000.00 GO,aOD.OO 55,000.00 336.595.20 221.058.00 557,583.20 4,106.461 44 918,220,80 3.758,646 540,446.00 RFS 329.21..Q01 SIXTH AMENDMENT TO INCARCERATION AGREEMENT by and between THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION AND HARDEMAN COUNTY, TENNESSEE This Contract, by and between the State of Tennessee, Department of Correction, hereinafter referred to as the State, and Hardeman County, Tennessee, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Delete Section 2.1 in its entirety and insert the following in its place: Section 2.1. Term. This Contract is effective with its execution by all parties and continues for twelve (12) years after the Service Commencement Date unless terminated earlier in accordance herewith. 2. Delete Section 2.2 in its entirety and insert the following in its place: Section 2.2. Renewals. The State shall have the option to renew this Contract upon the same terms and conditions for three (3) additional three (3) year terms; provided, however, that such option to renew may be exercised only if, at the time of the exercise of the option, the Commissioner, in the Commissioner's sole discretion, determines that the available facilities and institutions of the Department are overcrowded. The State may exercise its option to renew by giving Hardeman County 270 days advance written notice of its intent to renew. If Hardeman County does not receive notice of the State's intent to renew 270 days in advance, it shall notify the Commissioner of Correction and the Commissioner of Finance and Administration of that fact by certified mail and the State shall have an additional 30 days from receipt of such notice within which to exercise its option to renew. 3. Delete Section 10.5(b) in its entirety and insert the following in its place: (b) The Warden shall immediately cause a "Criminal History Request" from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) to be completed on each individual hired to work at the Facility. The request shall be forwarded to the State and processed in accordance with procedures established by the Commissioner. In no instance mayan employee be assigned to a post until the NCIC check has been completed; however, the employee may participate in preservice training while the check is in process. The State shall notify the Warden whether or not the employee is cleared for further consideration of employment. The criminal history obtained from NCIC or FBI may be used solely for the purpose requested. 4. Insert the following as Section 10.5(c): (c) A Security Addendum required by Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations Part 20, is appended hereto as Exhibit G and incorporated by reference herein. The security addendum shall be included in any subcontract for management of the facility. 5. Delete Section 14.24 in its entirety and insert the following in its place: Section 14.24. Maximum Liability. Notwithstanding any provision contained herein to the contrary, in no event shall the maximum liability of the State exceed: (Period (Period (Period (Period ending June 30, 1997) July 1, 1997 - June 30,1998) July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999) July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000) $ 690,200 $25,127,300 $29,854,500 $30,561,700 RFS 329.21-001 (Period July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2001) (Period July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002) (Period July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003) (Period July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004) (Period July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005) (Period July 1, 2005 - May 31, 2006) (Period June 1, 2006 -June 30, 2006) (Period July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007) (Period July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008) (Period July 1, 2008 - May 31, 2009) $29,763,300 $30,382,100 $31,171,000 $31,261,200 $31,852,100 $29,816,600 $ 2,732,648 $33,308,817 $34,183,219 $31,963,555 In the event that the State exercises its option to renew, the annual maximum liability for each year during any renewal period shall be calculated unilaterally by the State in the manner shown on Exhibit F. The other terms and conditions of this Contract not amended hereby shall remain in full force and effect. 2 RFS 329.21-001 IN WITNESS WHEREOF: AN COUNTY, TENNESSEE State of Tennessee County of tWdelWL 1'\ Before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid. personally appeared Don Clifft. with whom I am personally acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence). and who. upon oath. acknowledged himse" to be County Executive of Hardeman County. Tennessee. the within named bargainor. and that he. as such County Executive. being authorized so to do. executed the foregoing Instrument for the purposes therein contained. by signing the name of the County of Hardeman himself as County Executive. 1-- • 20.!k-. ~ &. ~""ot-ary-p-Ub-h-C My Commission Expire DATE: Ie &A;{r;h Before me, the undersigned. a Notary PUblic of the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Gayle Ray, Acting Commissioner, with whom I am personaily acquainted (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence). and who. upon oath. acknowledged himself to be Commissioner of the Department of Correction for the State of Tennessee. the within named bargainor. and that he. as such Commissioner. being authorized so to do. executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained. by signlng,\p@\vpR;,'~~ County of Hardeman himself as County Executive. '. ~~. --".00. ". Witness rn fty.ld. at ,r,"",- DffIC~~\ ~day Of~. 20~. NOTARY PUBUC ;' I II bFTEll~CO My ComrniuJon ExpInls SEP. 20. 2008 RFS 329.21-001 APPROVED: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION: DATE: DATE: Cf~ '-I(-()c, 4 Exhibit F 01m.u; CPI Sllurce IJ S Department of L~bor Bureau 01 L~o, SI~"'IIC' W..honglon. DC 20212 BlENDED PER DIEM CAlQllAOONS Consumer Pnce lnde. All Urban · (CPfUj US C,ly A..rag. lnmmlO Po. Diem RaiD PopulaUon 6/1.115 ·5J31m6 D1ondod POI Diem Po. Diem Rmlo 6J101l6 • 5J3UI1 Blendod Per Diem All horns $4493 53241 13149 $2733 $30 14 940 58 Annual Perc en' Chaoge 33B 2003 2004 2lIl5 2 ~% 266% 339% 168 512 2,016 $4223420 11,ll7978 110,64362 14,591 44 $15,43168 $4618 13331 53237 1~09 $3098 131.ll9 S43,~31 11,932 04 110,93951 $4.719 oa $15.860 8B 138.12 COIIPOUltD AIINUAL GRownt The compoond annual in the consumer puco lndel ror all urban cnn\umer'l ..., Iho paSllhroe ye.,. (200310 2lIl5) os 2 78% 179.9 1840 1889 195 3 Per Diom Rele 6/11111 ,5iJ1iUl1 $4746 $34 24 0022790 00<e630 003300J S33 27 ~e7 S31B4 0083301 TOlal G,_h fa' 3 Years 0027767 Compound Annual GrO¥>1h FISCAl YEAR CONmACT CALCULAnONS Ubc:allaneo.. Officer Tr......1Expo_ TDTAlS BY FISCAl YEAR: 14878 $3519 $34 19 12967 532n Blended Po. Dlom $45,ass 36 12.040 95 111.566 20 $4,9851t 116.754 79 540.11 \. Telal Po. Diem Paymonl: Ubc:allanoo.. Uodlu': $44,61506 $1,96575 51124363 14,B50 21 116,3:)161 Pel Diem ROle 61tiUll . 5iJU19 $39.18 I Dobl SOMtll Po. Diem RoIO: @1504 beds @512bods Tolal Delli SeMce Blended Po. Dlom $2,Jl15.188.n $746 $490 336,59520 128.117,1lSJJi9 $2B,978,53&.s2 S27.199046ll.41 4,095,241.60 915,712.00 5.010,953.&0 4.106,461 44 918.220 III 5,l12Ui82.24 3,750,646 Q) BQl,448oo ut,859.2tl 111,0011.110 1ZO,llllll.llll 1ZO,llllll.llll 110,Dllll.llll 6O,lIIII.lIlI lilI,lIIII.lIlI 55,Dl1l1.m 75,284.00 5,l1111.l1l1 " .. , 4,599,094040 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGAnON CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SERVICES SECURITY ADDENDUM The goal of this document is to provide adequate security for criminal justice systems while under the control or management of a private entity, the Contractor. Adequate security is defined in Office of Management and Budget Circular A-130 as "security commensurate with the risk and magnitude of harm resulting from the loss. misuse. or unauthorized access to or modification of information.• The intent of this Security Addendum is to require that the Contractor maintain a security program consistent with federal and state laws, regulations. and standards (including the CJIS Security Policy in effect when the contract is executed), as well as with policies and standards established by the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Advisory Policy Board (APB). This Security Addendum identifies the duties and responsibilities with respect to the installation and maintenance of adequate internal controls within the contractual relationship so that the security and integrity of the FBI's information resources are not compromised. The security program shall include consideration of personnel security, site security, system security and data security. The provisions of this Security Addendum apply to all personnel. systems, networks and support facilities. supporting and/or acting on behalf of the government agency. 1.00 Definitions 1.01 Administration of criminal justice· the detection, apprehension. detention, pretrial release, post·trial release. prosecution. adjudication. correctional supervision. or rehabilitation of accused persons or criminal offenders. It also includes criminal identification activities; the collection, storage, and dissemination of criminal history record information; and criminal justice employment. 1.02 Agency Coordinator (AC) - a staff member of the Contracting Government Agency. who manages the agreement between the Contractor and agency. 1.03 Contracting Government Agency (CGA) - the govemment agency. whether a Criminal Justice Agency or a Noncriminal Justice Agency. which enters into an agreement with a private contractor subject to this Security Addendum. 1.04 Contractor - a private business, organization or individual which has entered into an agreement for the administration of criminal justice with a Criminal Justice Agency or a Noncriminal Justice Agency. 1.05 Control Terminal Agency (CTA)- a dUly authorized state or federal criminal justice agency with direct access to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) telecommunications network providing statewide (or equivalent) service to its criminal justice users with respect to the various systems managed by the FBI CJIS Division. 1.06 Control Terminal Officer (CTO)- an individual located within the CTA responsible for the administration of the CJIS network for the CTA. 1.07 Criminal Justice Agency (CJA)- The courts, a govemmental agency. or any subunit of a governmental agency which performs the administration of criminal justice pursuant to a statute or executive order and which allocates a substantial part of its annual budget to the administration of criminal justice. Stale aM federal Inspectors General Offices are included. 1 ;:;&W%.Qtw,X """""" .AMtl tt .~ .,~&:::: .3.:,:::!..),.&>.• =, .. ;;;g...( !F.hpll& -.No ., • .t PM "-~" mm..:/MiU.?v .-....4sa .. ~ ,...."",&.".~!r:;::::;iJ,,:*;;:w;UUI= '$&iW.QiQiQ..Q. Q•QiQ / .' ••H ..c c.. w.e:;: .* .n.... Z Wb .." 1.08 Noncriminal Justice Agency (NCJA) - a govemmental agency or any subunit thereof that provides services primarily for purposes other than the administration of criminal justice. 1.09 Noncriminal justice purpose· the uses of criminal history records for purposes authorized by federal or state law other than purposes relating to the administration of criminal justice. including employment suitability. licensing determinations, immigration and naturalization matters. and national security clearances. 1.10 Security Addendum - a uniform addendum to an agreement between the govemment agency and a priva~e contractor, approved by the Attorney General of the United States. which specifically authorizes access to criminal history record information. limits the use of the information to the purposes for which it is provided, ensures the security and confidentiality of the information consistent with existing regulations and the CJIS security Policy. provides for sanctions. and contains such other provisions as the Attorney General may require. 2.00 Responsibilities of the Contracting Government Agency 2.01 The CGA entering into an agreement with a Contractor is to appoint an AC. 2.02 In instances in which responsibility for a criminal justice system has been delegated by a CJA to a NCJA, which has in turn entered into an agreement with a Contractor. the' CJA is to appoint an Agency Liaison to coordinate activities between the CJA and the NCJA and Contractor. The Agency Liaison shall, inter alia, monitor compliance with system security requirements. In instances in which the NCJA's authority is directly from the CTA. there is no reqUirement for the appointment of an Agency Liaison. 2.03 The AC will be responsible for the supervision and integrity of the system, training and continuing education of employees and operators. scheduling of certification testing and all required reports by NCIC. 2.04 The AC has the following responsibilities: a. Understand the communications and records capabilities and needs of the Contractor which is accessing federal and state records through or because of its relationship with the CGA; b. Participate in related meetings and provide input and comments for system improvement; c. Receive information from the CGA (e.g.• system updates) and disseminate it to appropriate Contractor employees: d. Maintain and update manuals applicable to the effectuation of the agreement, and provide them to the Contractor; e. Maintain up-to-date records of employees of the Contractor who access the system. including name. date of birth. social security number. date fingerprint card(s) SUbmitted, date security clearance issued, and date certified or recertified (if applicable); f. Train or ensure the training of Contractor personnel. If Contractor personnel access NCIC, schedule the operators for a certification exam with the CTA staff. Schedule new operators for the certification exam within six (6) months of employment. Schedule certified operators for recertification testing within thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of certification. Schedule operators for any other mandated class; g. The AC will not permit an un-certified employee of the Contractor to access an NCIC terminal: 2 ( t~ . .' W1II *,AS.(J ;;:;::;z i Q .x .{ .... ,"WiQi",' i.;t.$M.:~·· h. Where appropriate, ensure compliance by the Contractor with NCIC validation requirements; i. Provide completed Applicant Fingerprint Cards on each person within the Contractor who accesses the System to the CJA (or, where appropriate, CTA) for criminal background investigation prior to such employee accessing the system; and j. Any other responsibility for the AC promulgated by the FBI. 2.05 The CTA shall ensure that all NCIC hot file transactions and Interstate Identification Index (III) transactions be maintained on an automated log for a minimum of six months. This automated log must identify the operator on III transactions, the agency authorizing the transactions, the requester. and any secondary recipient. This information can be captured at log on and can be a name, badge number, serial number, or other unique number. 3.00 Responsibilities of the Contractor 3.01 The Contractor shall maintain a security program which complies with this Security Addendum. 3.02 The Contractor shall assign a Security Officer accountable for the management of this security program. This person shall coordinate with the CGA to establish the security program. 3.03 The Contractor shall document the security program in a Security Plan. The Security Plan shall describe the implementation of the security requirements described in this Security Addendum, the associated training program, and the reporting guidelines for documenting and communicating security violations to the CGA. The Security Plan shall be subject to the approval of the CJA. even in instances in which the CGA is the NCJA. 3.04 The Contractor shalt provide for a Security Training Program for all Contractor personnel engaged in the management, development, operation, and/or maintenance of criminal justice systems and facilities. Annual refresher training shall also be provided. 3.05 The Contractor shall establish a security violation response and reporting procedure to discover, investigate, document, and report on all security violations. Violations which endanger the security or integrity of the criminal justice system or records located therein must be communicated to the CGA immediately. Minor violations shall be reported to the eGA on a periodic basis, but in no instance less than quarterly. See Section 8.01. 3.06 The Contractor's facilities will be subject to unannounced security inspections performed by the CGA. These facilities are also subject to periodic FBI and state audits. 3.07 The security plan is subject to annual review by the CJA and the Contractor. During this review, efforts will be made to update the program in response to security violations, changes in policies and standards. andlor changes in federal and state law and technology. 3.08 The Contractor and its employees will comply with all federal and state laws. rules, procedures and policies (inclUding the CJIS Security Policy in effect when the contract is executed) formally adopted by the FBI and the CJIS APB, including those governing criminal history record information. 4.00 Site Security 4.01 The Contractor shall dedicate and maintain control of the facilities, or areas of facilities, that support the eGA. 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----.-_. _ .. 4.02 All terminals physically or logically connected to the computer system accessing NCIC and the criminal justice files must be segregated and screened against unauthorized use or observation. 5.00 System Integrity 5.01 Only employees of the Contractor, employees of CGA. the Agency Liaison, and such other persons as may be granted authorization by the CGA shall be permitted access to the system. 5.02 The Contractor shall maintain appropriate and reasonable quality assurance procedures. 5.03 Access to the system shall be available only for official purposes consistent with the appended Agreement. Any dissemination of NCIC data to authorized employees of the Contractor is to be for their official purposes. 5.04 Information contained in or about the system will not be provided to agencies other than the CGA or another entity which is specifically designated in the contract. 5.05 All criminal history record information requests must be envisioned and authorized by the appended Agreement. A current up-to- date log concerning access and dissemination of criminal history record information shall be maintained at all times by the Contractor. 5.06 The Contractor will ensure that its inquiries of NCIC and any subsequent dissemination conforms with applicable FBI/NCIC policies and regUlations, as set forth in (1) the Security Addendum; (2) the NCIC 2000 Operating Manual; (3) the Policy and Reference Manual: (4) the CJIS Security Policy; and (5) Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20. All disseminations will be considered as "Unclassified. For Official Use Only." 5.07 The Contractor shall protect against any unauthorized persons gaining access to the equipment, any of the data. or the operational documentation for the criminal justice information system. In no event shall copies of messages or criminal history record information be disseminated other than as envisioned and governed by the appended Agreement. 6.00 Personnel Security 6.01 Appropriate background investigations must be conducted on all Contractor employees and the Contractor's vendors which provide system maintenance support. 6.02 Thorough background screening by the CGA is required. This investigation includes submission of a completed applicant fingerprint card to the FBI through the state identification bureau. Slate and national record checks by fingerprint identification must be conducled for all personnel who manage. operate. develop, access and maintain criminal justice systems and facilities. Record checks must be completed prior to employment. 6.03 When a request is received by the CTA before system access is granted: a. The CGA on whose behalf the Contractor is retained must check stale and national arrest and fugitive files. These checks are to be no less stringent than those performed on CJA personnel with access to NCIC. b. If a record of any kind is found, the CGA will be formally notified. and system access will be delayed pending review of the criminal history record information. The CGA will in tum notify the Contractor-appointed Security Officer. 4 c. When identification of the applicant with a criminal history has been established by fingerprint comparison. the CGA's designee will review the matter. A Contractor employee found to have a criminal record consisting of any felony convictions or of misdemeanor offenses which constitute a general disregard for the law is disqualified. Applicants shall also be disqualified on the basis on confirmations that arrest warrants are outstanding for such applicants. d. If an adverse employment determination is made, access will be denied and the Contractorappointed Security Officer will be notified in writing of the access denial. This applicant will not be permitted to work on the contract with the CGA. Disqualified employees and applicants for employment shall be notified of the adverse decisions and the impact that such records had on such decisions. 6.04 The investigation of the applicant's background shall also include contacting of employers (past or present) and personal references. 6.05 The Security Officer shall maintain a list of personnel who successfully completed the background investigation. 6.06 The CGA will ensure that each Contractor employee receives a copy of the Security Addendum and executes an acknowledgment of such receipt and the contents of the Security Addendum. The signed acknowledgments shall remain in the possession of the eGA and available for audit purposes. 6.07 The CGA shall ensure that each Contractor employee authorized to access CJIS network terminals or information provided therefrom is specially trained in the state and federal laws and rules goveming the security and integrity of criminal justice information. 6.08 All visitors to sensitive areas of Contractor facilities must be escorted at all times by a Contractor employee with clearance. Names of all visitors shall be recorded in a visitor log. to include date and time of visit, name of visitor, purpose of visit, name of person visiting, and date and time of departure. The visitor logs shall be maintained for five years following the termination of the contract. 7.00 System Security 7.01 Transmission. processing. and storage of CJA information shall be conducted on dedicated systems. Increased reliance should be placed on technical measures to support the ability to identify and account for all activities on a system and to preserve system integrity. 7.02 The system shall include the follOWing technical security measures: a. unique identification and authentication for all interactive sessions: b. if warranted by the nature of the contract, advanced authentication techniques in the form of digital signatures and certificates, biometric or encryption for remote communications; c. security audit capability for interactive sessions and transaction based logging for messagebased sessions; this audit shall be enabled at the system and application level; d. access control mechanisms to enable access to be restricted by object (e.g., data set, volumes. files, records) to include the ability to read, write, or delete the objects; e.ORI identification and access control restrictions for message based access; f. system and data integrity controls; 5 g.access controls on communications devices: h.confidentiality controls (e.g., partitioned drives, encryption, and object reuse). 7.03 Data encryption shall be required throughout the network passing through a shared public carrier network. 7.04 The Contractor shall provide for the secure storage and disposal of all hard copy and media associated with the system to prevent access by unauthorized personnel. 7.05 The Contractor shall establish a procedure for sanitizing all fixed storage media (e.g., disks, drives) at the completion of the contract and/or before it is returned for maintenance, disposal or reuse. Sanitation procedures include overwriting the media and/or degaussing the media. If media cannot be successfully sanitized it must be returned to the CGA or destroyed. 8.00 Security violations 8.01 Consistent with Section 3.05, the Contractor agrees to inform the CGA of system violations. The Contractor further agrees to immediately remove any employee from assignments covered by this contract for security violations pending investigation. Any violation of system discipline or operational policies related to system discipline are grounds for termination, which shall be immediately reported to the AC in writing. 8.02 The CGA must report security violations to the CTa and the Director, FBI, along with indications of actions taken by the CGA and Contractor. 8.03 Security violations can justify termination of the appended agreement. 8.04 Upon notification. the FBI reserves the right to: a. Investigate or decline to investigate any report of unauthorized use; b. Suspend or terminate access and services, inclUding the actual NCIC telecommunications link. The FBI will prOVide the CTO with timely written notice of the suspension. Access and services will be reinstated only after satisfactory assurances have been provided to the FBI by the CJA and Contractor. Upon termination. the Contractor's records containing criminal history record information must be deleted or returned to the CGA. 8.05 The FBI reserves the right to audit the Contractor's operations and procedures at schedUled or unscheduled times. The FBI is authorized to perform a final audit of the Contractor's systems after termination of the Security Addendum. 9.00 Miscellaneous provisions 9.01 This Security Addendum does not confer. grant, or authorize any rights, privileges. or obligations on any persons other than the Contractor. CGA, CJA (where applicable), CTA, and FBI. 9.02 The following documents are incorporated by reference and made part of this agreement: (1) the Security Addendum; (2) the NCIC 2000 Operating Manual; (3) the Policy and Reference Manual; (4) the CJIS Security Policy; and (5) Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20. The parties are also subject to applicable federal and state laws and regulations. 6 9.03 The terms set forth in this document do not constitute the sole understanding by and between the parties hereto: rather they provide a minimum basis for the security of the system and it is understood that there may be terms and conditions of the appended Agreement which impose more stringent requirements upon the Contractor. 9.04 This Security Addendum may only be modified by the FBI, and may not be modified by the parties to the appended Agreement without the consent of the FBI. 9.05 All notices and correspondence shall be forwarded by First Class mail to: Assistant Director Criminal Justice Information Services Division, FBI 1000 Custer Hollow Road Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306 7 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SERVICES SECURITY ADDENDUM CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I have read and am familiar with the contents of (1) the Security Addendum; (2) the TIME Manual; (3) the CJIS Security Policy; and (4) ntle 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20, and agree to be bound by their provisions. I recognize that criminal history record information and related data, by its very nature, is sensitive and has potential for great harm if misused. I acknowledge that access to criminal history record information and related data is therefore limited to the purpose(s) for which a government agency has entered into the contract incorporating this Security Addendum. I understand that misuse of the system by, among other things: accessing it without authorization; accessing it by exceeding authorization; accessing it for an improper purpose: using, disseminating or redisseminating information received as a result of this contract for a purpose other than that envisioned by the contract, may subject me to administrative and criminal penalties. I understand that accessing the system for an appropriate purpose and then using, disseminating or redisseminating the information received for another purpose other than execution of the contract also constitutes misuse. I further understand that the occurrence of misuse does not depend upon whether or not I receive additional compensation for such authorized activity. Such exposure for misuse includes, but is not limited to, suspension or loss of employment and prosecution for state and federal crimes. Signature of Contractor Employee Date -Signature of Contractor Representative Date ---------_. Organization and Title 8