Keefe Commissary Contract With Fl Doc March 2009
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CONTRACT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND KEEFE COMMISSARY NETWORK, LLC This Contract is between the Florida Department of Corrections ("Department") and Keefe Connnissary Network, LLC ("Contractor") which are the parties hereto. WITNESSETH Whereas, the Department is responsible for the inmates and for the operation of, and supervisory and protective care, custody and control of, all buildings, grounds, property and matters connected with the correctional system in accordance with Section 945.04, Florida Statutes; Whereas, this Contract is entered into pursuant to ITB 08-DC-8046 authorized pursuant to Section 287.057 (l)(a), Florida Statutes; and Whereas, the Contractor is a qualified and willing participant with the Department to provide statewide canteen operations services. Therefore, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived hereby, the Department and the Contractor do hereby agree as follows: I. CONTRACT TERM AND RENEWAL A. Contract Term This Contract shall begin on March 29, 2009, or the date on which it is signed by both parties, whichever is later, and shall end at midnight on March 31, 2014. In the event this Contract is signed by the parties on different dates, the latter date shall control. This Contract is in its initial term. B. Contract Renewal The Department has the option to renew this Contract for one additional five (5) year period(s) after the initial Contract period upon the same terms and conditions contained herein and at the renewal prices indicated in Section ill, Compensation. Exercise of the renewal option is at the Department's sole discretion and shall be conditioned, at a minimum, on the Contractor's performance of this Contract and subject to the availability of funds. The Department, if it desires to exercise its renewal option, will provide written notice to the Contractor no later than thirty (30) days prior to the Contract expiration date. The renewal term shall be considered separate and shall require exercise of the renewal option should the Department choose to renew this Contract. IT. SCOPE OF SERVICE A. Services to be Provided The Contractor shall provide statewide canteen services in Department facilities. This includes provision of iumate canteen services on a daily basis and canteen services in visiting parks as specified by the Department. Services shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements outlined in this Contract. The Contractor shall provide all products for resale as identified on the Attachment A Department's Master Canteen Products List and related support services. No deviations from the minimum service requirements shall be permitted without the prior written approval of the Department. The Contractor shall act in good faith in the performance of all contract provisions. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 1 of63 B. Rules and Regulations 1. The Contractor shall provide all services in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, and Department of Corrections' rules and procedures. All such laws, rules and regulations, current and/or as revised, are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. The Contractor and the Department shall work cooperatively to ensure service delivery in complete compliance with all such rules and regulations. 2. The Contractor shall service and operate all canteens in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, and Department of Corrections' rules and procedures applicable to the packaging, distribution and resale of items sold in the Department's canteens and the general delivery of canteen services. All such laws, rules, regulations, and procedures, current and/or as revised, are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Contract. Such rules, regulations, and procedures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. I. J. k. 1. m. n. o. 42 Code of Federal Regulation Part 2 Chapter 500, Florida Statutes (as applicable) Section 944.516, Florida Statutes (Administration ofInmate Trust Fund) Section 945.215, Florida Statutes Rule 33-203.101, Florida Administrative Code Rule 33-601.800, Florida Administrative Code Rule 33-602.101, Florida Administrative Code Rule 33-602.201, Florida Administrative Code Rule 33-601.203, Florida Administrative Code Rule 33-602.232, Florida Administrative Code Rule 33-602.220, Florida Administrative Code Rule 33-601.722, Florida Administrative Code Department of Corrections' Procedure Number 604.602 Canteen Operations Department of Corrections' Procedure Number 602.015 Inmate Visitation Photo Project Department of Corrections' Procedure 401.015, Employee TB Screening and Testing 3. The Contractor will be required to maintain full accreditation by the American Correctional Association (ACA) as related to canteen operations at accredited institutions. Failure to maintain accreditation may result in assessment of liquidated damages as set forth in Section II., DD. ofthis Contract. 4. The Contractor shall ensure that all Contractors' staff providing services under this Contract complies with prevailing ethical and professional standards, and the rules, procedures and regulations noted above. 5. The Contractor shall ensure that all staff perfonning services under this Contract or regularly accessing the Department's institutions is tuberculosis (TB) screened and/or tested as required by Department Procedure 401.015, Employee TB Screening and Testing. Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the TB screening/testing. 6. Should any of the above laws, standards, rules or regulations, Department procedures, or directives change during the course of this procurement or resultant Contract tenn, the updated version will take precedence. 7. The Contractor may enter into written subcontract(s) for perfonnance of certain of its functions under the Contract. No subcontract, which the Contractor enters into with respect to perfonnance of any of its functions under the Contract, shall in any way relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the perfonnance of its duties. The Contractor shall ensure that all MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 2 of63 subcontractor agreements are approved in advance by the Department's Contract Manager and shall contain provisions requiring the subcontractor to comply with all applicable terms and conditions ofthis Contract. 8. C. The Contractor agrees to modi:tY its service delivery, including addition or expansion of canteen services in order to meet or comply with changes required by operation of law or due to changes in practice standards or regulations, or as a result of legal settlement agreement or consent order or change in the Department's mission. Any changes in the scope of service (with the exception of additions/deletions pursuant to Section II., D., 2.) required to ensure continued compliance, with State or Federal laws, statutes or regulations, legal settlement agreement or consent order or Department policy, will be made in accordance with Section V., Contract Modifications and Section VII., CC., Scope Changes After Contract Execution. Communications 1. Contract communications shall be in three forms: routine, informal and formal. purposes ofthe Contract, the following definitions shall apply: Routine: For the All normal written communications generated by either party relating to service delivery. Routine communications must be acknowledged or answered within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt. (Use of email is acceptable). Informal: Special written communications deemed necessary based upon either contract compliance or quality of service issues. Must be acknowledged or responded to within fifteen (IS) calendar days ofreceipt. Formal: The same as informal but more limited in nature and usually reserved for significant issues such as Breach of Contract, failure to provide satisfactory performance, imposition of liquidated damages, or termination. Formal communications shall also include requests for changes in the scope of the Contract and billing adjustments. Must be acknowledged upon receipt and responded to within seven (7) calendar days ofreceipt. 2. The Contractor shall respond to Informal and Formal communications in writing, transmitted by facsimile and/or email, with follow-up by hard copy mail. 3. A date/numbering system shall be utilized for tracking of all formal communications. 4. The only personnel authorized to use formal Contract communications are the Department's Contract Manager, Contract Administrator, and the Contractor's CEO or Project Manager. Designees or other persons authorized to utilize formal contract communications must be agreed upon by both parties and identified in writing within ten (10) calendar days of execution of the Contract. Notification of any subsequent changes must be provided in writing prior to issuance of any formal communication from the changed designee or authorized representative. 5. In addition to the personnel named under Formal Contract Communications, personnel authorized to use Informal Contract Communications include any other persons so designated in writing by the parties. 6. In addition to the contract communications noted in Section II., C., if there is an urgent administrative problem, the Department shall make contact with the Contractor and the Contractor shall orally respond to the Contract Manager within two (2) hours. If a non-urgent administrative problem occurs, the Department will make contact with the Contractor and the Contractor shall orally respond to the Contract Manager within forty-eight (48) hours. The Contractor or Contractor's designee at each institution' shall respond to inquiries from the MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/1 0/08 Page 30[63 Department by providing all information or records that the Department deems necessary to respond to inquiries, complaints or grievances from or about inmates within three (3) working days of receipt of the request. D. E. Service Locations 1. InstitutionslFacilitv Locations: The facilities to be included under this Contract are indicated in Attachment B. 2. AddlDelete InstitutionslFacilities/Canteens for Services: The Department reserves the right to add or delete institutions, facilities or the number of canteens in operation at an institution or facility under the Contract upon thirty (30) calendar days written notice. Such additions or deletions may be accomplished by letter and do not require a contract amendment. Final Implementation Plan and Transition Date Schedule The Contractor shall commence implementation of services on March 29, 2009, and full service delivery of canteen operations shall be completed at all institutions by June 26, 2009. Beginning on March 29, 2009, the Contractor shall begin selling items on the Attachment A, Master Canteen Menu dated March 2009 on a statewide basis. Additionally, the Contractor will sell items on the previous menu (Master Canteen Menu dated November 2008) that are no longer a part of the current menu (Attachment A) at the previous menu prices while stock supplies last or until June 26, 2009, whichever comes fIrst. The Contractor shall post both menus, side-by-side, at the locations required in this Contract. The Department will provide persorrnel from the Office of Information Technology and Bureau of Support Services to facilitate transition of services at each institution. The Contractor shall contact the OIT Liaison to coordinate the transition of information technology matters. Effective June 26, 2009, full service delivery of statewide canteen operations, as required by this Contract, shall be fully implemented. F. Administrative Requirements I. The Department shall not provide any administrative functions or office support for the Contractor (e.g., clerical assistance, office supplies, copiers, fax machines and preparation of documents), except as indicated in this Contract. 2. The Contractor may utilize the existing phone lines dedicated to the canteen(s). The Contractor shall transfer billing for phone service associated with these dedicated lines effective the start date of services at each institution. Contractor shall pay for any costs associated with the transfer and operation of service. The Department will allow the Contractor to install phone lines with off-site access; however, these devices are prohibited from inmate usage. Phone installation and service must be in accordance with institutional security requirements. The Contractor will be responsible for the obtaining, maintaining, payment and cost oftelephone service. 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing and paying for the following items m quantities sufficient to ensure compliance with the service requirements ofthe Contract: • • • • Office supplies; Office Equipment; Bags for delivery (clear, see-through perforated); Shrink wrap; MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 4 of63 • • Microwaveable disposables; and Napkins. The initial purchase of any of the above-referenced items must be approved in advance by the Contract Manager. Once the Contract Manager has approved of the specific item to be purchased, additional purchases of approved items may be made by the Contractor without furtherreview. NOTE: The Department will provide cleaning supplies for the Contractor's use. Contractor shall ensure that canteen areas are regularly cleaned and sanitized as needed. 4. The Equipment (excluding Information Technology Equipment) This section does not apply to information technology equipment. With the exception of Department-owned forklifts, the Contractor shall utilize their own equipment for receipt and storage of commodities at the warehouse and for transportation to the canteens. The Department will not provide any additional equipment for use in support of the Contract, i.e. carts, or other transport equipment. The Department will also provide warehouse space for the on-site storage of canteen products and will also allow the Contractor to utilize any existing shelving units. Additionally, all equipment utilized must be approved by the Contract Manager and shall meet Department security guidelines. Equipment purchased by the Contractor for the receipt, storage and transportation of commodities shall be owned and maintained by the Contractor, at the Contractor's expense and shall be retained by the Contractor at Contract termination. 5. G. Pursuant to Section 945.215, Florida Statutes, the Department must deposit the net proceeds from the guaranteed per diem payment into the State's General Revenue fund. The Department has, however, incurred certain operating costs in support of this Contract which shall be recouped by the Department. These costs include, but are not limited to, contract administration and monitoring positions, information technology support, annlli\1 bandwidth costs related to institutions using the canteen service, current costs of the secure connection hardware and the cost of remote Virtual Private Network (VPN) access. These costs shall not be separately reimbursed by the Contractor, but shall be recouped by the Department from the guaranteed monthly per diem payment. The Department will indicate the amount of operating costs on the monthly invoice to the Contractor, which shall be paid as part of the guaranteed monthly per diem payment via separate submittal as specified in Section III., A. ofthis Contract. This amount may be increased or decreased at the Department's discretion based on actual costs incurred. Hours of Operation The Contractor shall operate canteens during the hours set forth below. Hours of operation are subject to change. In the event of an emergency, the hours of operation will be subject to change without prior notice. For changes in the hours of operation related to non-emergencies, the Department will provide forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Contractor. Canteens may be shut down without prior notice by the institution at any time for security and other reasons. At the discretion of the warden, and depending upon the type of lockdown, canteens may be allowed to continue to operate during lockdown periods. The Contractor's on-site representative will be notified by appropriate Department staff of any required closures of the canteen or whether the canteen will be allowed to operate during lockdown periods. I. Institutional Inmate Canteen Hours The Contractor shall ensure that the institutional inmate canteens operate at the same time that the respective institution routinely conducts canteen operations. Hours of operation differ from MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 091l 0/08 Page 5 of63 institution to institution and for summer and winter months and are established by the Warden or chief correctional officer for the facility. Generally, as determined by the each institution's Warden, the hours of operation for the institutional inmate canteens will be from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Eastern Time and then from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Time, with additional hours of operation varying during summer and winter months. Canteens will be closed during the lunch and dinner hours and during inmate count. The canteen may not reopen until the count clears. Security shall be available to facilitate opening and closing of the canteen. Receiving hours for both summer and winter operation are from approximately 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Eastern Time. 2. Visiting Park Canteen Hours Visiting Park canteen hours will be determined by the Warden, and the hours of operation will generally be from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time, each Saturday and Sunday, and the Department's recognized holidays. Security shall be provided by the Department to facilitate opening and closing of the canteen. H. Master Canteen Products List 1. All products approved for resale in the Department's canteens are listed on the Master Canteen Products List (see Attachment A, dated March 2009). The Master Canteen Products list is comprised ofthe following separate product or menu lists: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. J. k. Male Inmate Canteen Menu Female Inmate Canteen Menu Visitor Park Canteen Menu Death Row Menu Death Row Arts & Crafts Products Death Row Electronics Male Quarterly Order Products Female Quarterly Order Products Male Weekly Order Products Female Weekly Order Products Close Management I & II, Male 1. Close Management I & II, Female m. Close Management III, Male n. Close Management III, Female o. Holiday Menu (To be submitted to the Canteen Review Team for recommendation prior to October 1~ annuaJly.) 2. Unless otherwise indicated, all items on the approved Master Canteen Products List must be available in the inmate canteens for resale to inmates unless otherwise determined by the individual institution's Warden. Only items on the Visitor Park Canteen Menu may be sold in the Visiting Park Canteens. If the Contract Manager and Assistant Secretary of Operations determine that an approved item shall not be resold through the canteen, the Contract Manager shall provide written confIrmation to the Contractor and the item shall be removed from the Master Canteen Products List. 3. The Contractor shall ensure that in the inmate canteens, Inmate Canteen Menu items are made available for daily sale. In all canteens, stocked items shall be kept in appropriate containers to ensure freshness and suitability for consumption. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 6 of63 4. A sufficient amount of inmate canteen items identified as inmate property items shall be kept onhand at the institution to ensure that any item can be purchased by at least the average daily nnmber of inmates typically requesting the item on a weekly basis. See Section II., L., 3. for additional information. 5. In addition to restrictions on specific items that may be noted on the Master Canteen Products List of items approved for resale, the following "Prohibited Items" may not be sold in the canteens: a. b. Products utilizing aerosol dispensing; Products containing alcohol that when swallowed or otherwise ingested cause inebriation or product containing flammable levels of alcohol will not he approved for resale in the canteen; c. Products determined hy the Department to be a security risk; d. Products in glass containers; e. Items packaged in a manner not intended for immediate consumption (i.e., not prepackaged, single serving size); f. Fountain drinks; and g. Food items not packaged in self-opening containers. L Master Canteen Products List Pricing and Price Increases I. The Department has established fixed pricing for all items on the Master Canteen Products List (dated March 2009). Prices shall not exceed the fair market prices. The Contractor shall make all items contained on the Master Canteen Products List available for purchase at the price(s) indicated. These prices shall be maintained by the Contractor unless approved in writing by the Department's Contract Manager. The Contractor may request price increases for individual products as identified on the Master Canteen Products List by submitting a letter to the Contract Manager at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual anniversary date of the Contract. If the Contractor fails to timely submit a price increase letter to the Contract Manager by the required date, price increases will not be entertained by the Department until the following year's anniversary date. The request for price increases must include written justification for the increase. The requested increase shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the then-current selling price of the item for which a price increase is sought. Any price increase that results in the price of a product exceeding the fair market price will be denied, regardless of the percentage of increase requested. The Department shall have the sole discretion to determine what percentage increase, if any, will be allowed. The Department shall have the option of: approving the requested percentage; approving an increase, but at a lower percentage than requested; or denying the request entirely for any or all items for which a price increase is requested. Price reduction changes shall also be made by letter and may be submitted at any time by Contractor to the Contract Manager. Price reductions will not become effective until approved in writing by the Contract Manager and/or Canteen Review Team. 2. Pricing Tobacco Products In addition to Section II., L, I, ahove the Department and the Contractor have reviewed the pricing of tobacco products which have been impacted by the implementation of a Federal excise tax effective April I, 2009. The increase in this tax will be passed onto the purchasers. In addition, a price increase on specified tobacco products has been levied by manufacturers and documentation confirming those increases has been provided by the Contractor to the Department. These increases are reflected in Attachment A, Master Canteen Menu. Future MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 0911 0/08 Page 7 of63 review of pricing on tobacco products will be made on a semi-annual basis for manufacturer increases and decreases. Upon request, the Contractor shall provide manufactnrer invoices (or other appropriate documentation) to illustrate the current manufacturer pricing. Price increase or reduction changes shall be made by letter and will not become effective until approved in writing by the Contract Manager. Under no circumstances shall price increases exceed fair market pricing. J. Additions/Deletions and Substitntions to the Master Canteen Product List The approved Master Canteen Products List will be reviewed not less than semi-annually by the Department's Canteen Review Team. All additions/deletions to the Master Canteen Products List must be recommended by the Canteen Review Team and approved by the Secretary. Should the Contractor desire to add or delete any products not on the approved Master Canteen Products List, a written request with sufficient justification must be submitted to the Contract Manager for review and submittal to the Canteen Review Team. Written justification must list each item to be added or deleted, indicating whether the item is kosher, taxable or nontaxable, and providing an item description (including brand name and portion size, if applicable) and quantity or packaging information (i.e., number of items in a pack, etc.). The Contract Manager will forward. the request to the Department's Canteen Review Team who will review the request, no less than on a semi-annual basis, and make their written recommendations to the Secretary. A revised Master Canteen Products List will be provided to the Contractor within thirty (30) calendar days of approval by the Secretary. Approved additions and deletions must be provided by the Contractor for sale in the canteens within sixty (60) calendar days of written notification. The Department reserves the right to approve or deny any such requests based upon the best interests of the State of Florida and the Department and in keeping with security and other operational requirements. In addition, the Contractor may request that items be substituted if no longer available from the manufacturer for resale. Substitntions will only be allowed if the item to be substitnted is ofthe same or similar quality, packaging, and price. Requests for substitntion of products shall be submitted in writing to the Contract Manager and shall be approved or denied in writing back to the Contractor within fifteen (15) calendar days ofreceipt. K. Posting ofAvailable Menus with Prices The Contractor shall ensure that the approved Inmate Canteen Menu and Visitor Park Canteen Menu, with clearly delineated prices, are posted at or near each respective canteen and on a central bulletin board accessible to the inmate population at each contracted institntion. All lists shall be posted in a manner so that each is easily viewable. L. Additional Canteen Services 1. Inmate Photo Project The Contractor shall ensure the inmate canteens sell photo tickets to the inmates for $2.00 per photo ticket and to inmates and visitors at the visiting park canteens for $2.00 per photo ticket. All inmate and visiting park canteen processes relating to photo ticket sales will be in accordance with DC Procedure Number 602.015, Inmate Visitation Photo Project. All photo/printing equipment required to support this project will be provided by the Contractor. All equipment must be approved for use by the Contract Manager prior to use in any facility. All equipment purchased by the Contractor shall be owned and maintained by the Contractor, at the Contractors expense and shall be retained by the Contractor. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 8 of63 2. Postage Stamps The Contractor shall ensure that u.S. postage stamps are available in the inmate canteens in sufficient quantity and sold at face value. 3. Weekly Order Items In addition to items routinely stocked for resale, the inmate canteens shall also sell approved inmate property items that are stocked in the warehouse. Weekly orders will be processed through a designated inmate canteen, and delivered to the designated area for pick up by the inmate. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 1. J. k. 1. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. AMlFM Radio w/Earbuds Anti-fungal cream Battery-Operated Razor Checker set Chess set Clip-on Sunglasses Denture adhesive Denture bath Denture toothpaste Dominoes Hairstyling gel (female facilities) Jigsaw puzzles Perm Kits (female facilities) Headphones, Replacement with ear buds Scrabble Game Shower Cap - Female Facilities Sports Watch Stud earrings - Female Facilities Wall calendar Wallet Watch band Inmates wishing to purchase weekly order items that are stored in the warehouse will fill out the weekly order form and deliver the form to the inmate canteen. Contractor staff shall collect the order forms weekly, process the order at the canteen warehouse, transfer the items into each canteen's inventory, and charge the requesting inmate's canteen account for the total cost of the order. The warehouse inmate operator will fill each order from the weekly order form, and the orders will be bagged individually by inmate name and DC number. The Contractor staff shall ensure copies of the completed order forms are attached to the bag containing the canteen items. Completed orders and forms for canteen items will be taken to the specific canteen where the form was picked-up. Any/All property items will be delivered by the Contractor to the property officer for processing. At the female facilities, the Contractor Staff shall provide a copy of the order form with perm kits that will be delivered to the beauty shop/cosmetology. The purchasing inmate will sign for receipt of purchased products at the point of distribution. 4. Quarterly Orders To process Quarterly Order Products, the canteen system must have the ability to separate quarterly order purchases from regular inmate canteen purchases as dollars spent on quarterly order purchases are not included in the imnate's weekly draw. Quarterly order forms will be made available at the discretion of the warden for the general inmate population in a manner directed by the warden. The inmate will fill out a quarterly form and send the order form to the designated Contractor staff (Canteen Manager) assigned to MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 9 of63 the facility during the first week ofthe first month ofthe quarter. The Contractor will review the forms for accuracy and completeness, verilY all prices and add sales tax to detennine the total sales amount. The Department will provide to the Contractor nsing File Transfer Protocol (FTP) technology the inmates' current Trust Fund Balance. The Contractor will complete the order with inmate name, DC#, and total sales amount indicated. The total sales amount will be compared with available inmate funds. The sales amount will be deducted from the inmate's account, and the total consolidated order will be processed. The Contractor is required to send a file to the Department nsing File Transfer Protocol (FTP)technology, which will automatically deduct sales from the inmates' accounts. Upon receipt of the items, the items will be forwarded to the property officer for distribution to the inmate(s) placing the quarterly order. M. Inmates in Special Housing Units or Other Confinement Status In addition to inmates in general population, the Contractor shall sell canteen products to inmates in special housing units including Close Management, Administrative and Disciplinary Confinement, Death Row, Infirmary, Transitional Care Units (TCU's) and Crisis Stabilization Units (CSU'S) (psychiatric Units). The specific procedure to be utilized by the Contractor shall be established by each individual institution pursuant to a confmement delivery schedule approved by the Warden. In general, confinement orders shall be processed as follows: The inmate shall be provided with a manner in which to fill-out an order form and receive the items ordered within three (3) days or earlier if required by the institution's confinement delivery schedule. All signed order forms will be sent to the Contractor's staff (Canteen Manager) assigned to the facility who shall debit the inmate's canteen account. The Contractor's Canteen Manager or the Inmate Canteen Operator will deliver orders to the housing units for distribution, as determined by the individual institution. After delivery of the canteen orders to the housing unit in clear, perforated bags provided by Contractor, Security Staff and the canteen staff will distribute the orders cell-by-cell. The inmate receiving the items will sign the receipt for the merchandise delivered. The Contractor's Canteen Manager will update the CM/Confinement order log for tracking purposes. Any undeliverable sales will be voided and merchandise will be returned to stock and credited to the imnates account. Canteen orders will be processed weekly using appropriate order forms. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing a sufficient number of order forms for each applicable institution. The Contract Manager shall provide an original of each required form to the Contractor within ten days of contract execution, which may be duplicated as needed by the Contractor. N. Existing Inventory The Contractor shall ensure all inventory available at the institution on the agreed-upon implementation date for services is compliant with the Department's Master Canteen Products List. Any inventory item not in compliance shall be removed and not made available for purchase in the canteens. O. Inventory Control and Product Loss At all times material hereto, the Contractor shall be responsible for its own inventory maintenance and control. The Department shall not be responsible for any losses suffered by the Contractor related to failure to maintain appropriate inventory control. In addition, the Department shall not be responsible for any losses suffered by Contractor related to property destruction by inmates, or as a result of fire, or theft. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to secure and provide insurance coverage. P. Kosher Items The Contractor shall clearly identifY all kosher items listed on the posted menus. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09110108 Page 10 of63 Q. Applicable Sales Tax The Contractor is responsible for detennining the application of sales tax and for reporting and submitting all applicable sales tax to the Department of Revenue. The Contractor shall resolve all sales tax issues with the appropriate governmental agencies. R. Inmate Spending Limits Inmates are allowed to spend an amount set by the Secretary not to exceed $100 per week, exclusive of all items obtained through Quarterly Orders. This amount is currently established at $75 per week subject to availability of funds. S. Canteen Security The Contractor shall comply with Department key control procedures. All canteen keys and locks for canteens and lockboxes will be provided and maintained by and shall remain under the exclusive control of the Department. The Department shall ensure that the Contractor has reasonable access to the canteens and institutional warehouses at all times that the canteens would nonnally operate and at other reasonable times requested by the Contractor. T. Warehouse Receiving/Distribution The Contractor will be responsible for purchasing all commodities necessary for canteen operations. The Contractor will be responsible for receiving all commodities delivered to the institutions. In the event Contractor staff is not going to be available at the institution to receive the commodities, with the exception of unavailability due to emergency, Contractor or Contractor's staff shall notifY the Warden who shall direct the Department's warehouse staff to receive the commodities and sign for pallets or boxes. The pallets or boxes received will be immediately transported to the assigned, secured (Contractor) area. In no event shall Department staff be responsible for counting received goods or for certifYing that shipments are correct and accurate. Signature will only serve to verifY that a shipment to Contractor was received. The Contractor is responsible for accountability of all commodities received on Contractor's behalf by Department warehouse staff. The Contractor agrees to hold the Department harmless from any and all claims, or disputes arising from, caused by, or related to any agent or employee of the Department receiving canteen goods or commodities as contemplated under this section. The Contractor will be responsible for ordering, receiving, storing, and accounting for all canteen commodities. The Department has designated existing warehouse storage space (including refrigerated space) for the support of the Contract. The Contractor will assume all responsibility for inventory stored in the provided storage space, and Department staffwill not be utilized for receipt, handling or maintenance of contractor's inventory (including movement from the designated warehouse space to the canteens). The Department will provide inmates to unload and receive canteen commodities shipped to each institutional warehouse; however, Contractor's staff is responsible for proper receipt and inspection. The Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that the commodities are ordered and deliveries are made in accordance with the delivery schedules and security procedures established at each institution and/or facility, including inspection of each delivery and removal and disposal of shrink wrap and other plastic packaging. Each institution and/or facility requires advance notification of all non-scheduled deliveries. u. Availability and Use of Inmate Labor The Contractor may use inmate labor to assist in daily canteen operations; however, inmates will not be considered employees of the Contractor for any purposes whatsoever. The Department will select MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 11 of63 and provide the inmates to be utilized. The actual number of available inmates shall be agreed upon by the Contract Manager and Contractor and reviewed or revised as necessary. The Contractor may request the Warden to remove any inmate from assignment to canteen operations. Inmates shall be replaced within three to five working days. No inmate shall be assigned to any position that requires him or her to supervise another inmate. Only inmates with verified social security numbers will be assigned to work in daily canteen operations. I. Inmate Labor for ReceivingIWarehousing As determined by the Warden, the Department may provide inmates to unload and receive canteen products shipped to the institutional warehouses; however, the Contractor's staffwill be responsible for proper receipt and inspection of all shipments. 2. Inmate Pay The Department will pay inmates who work in the canteens or perform canteen support functions. The Contractor shaIl provide the Contract Manager or designee with a report identifYing the inmates that have worked in the canteens for the previous month. This report shall be submitted no later than the fifth (5th) working day of each month. The report shall be submitted on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in the Department's designated format. 3. Inventory Shortages Related to Inmates The Department will not be responsible for any shortages in the Canteen Inventory, regardless of the cause of the shortage. The Contractor shall comply with applicable Department procedures regarding shortages related to inmates. 4. Monthly Evaluations The Contractor shall conduct monthly evaluations of inmates assigned to canteen operations by the tenth (10th) calendar day of each month on forms provided by the Department. These evaluations shall be submitted to the Classification Section at each institution. 5. Disciplinary Reporting In the event of rule violations by inmates working with the Contractor, including loss or theft, the Contractor shall document the incident on specified Department-provided forms and notiJY security personnel at the institution. Copies of all documentation shall be submitted to the Control Room at each institution. Security personnel are responsible for taking the necessary steps for disciplinary action.. V. Contractor's Staff Requirements I. General Administrative Requirements a. The Contractor shall provide an adequate level of staffmg for provision of the services outlined herein and shall ensure that staff providing services is highly trained and qualified. Additionally, the Contractor shall liaise with and maintain a good working relationship with the DC staff, and the community, if required, to support the Contract. b. The Contractor or Contractor's staff shall comply with the Department's security guidelines (Attachment C) on institutional and facility security policies. Violations of these rules could result in termination of the Contract. The Contractor shall contact, within ten (10) calendar days of execution of this Contract, the institution(s) or facility(ies), within each region for MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 12 of63 which the Contract was awarded, to obtain a copy of any specific institntional or facility rules. 2. c. The Contractor shall ensure that staff wear attire suitable for the work conducted in the performance of this Contract. d. Contractor staff shall be subject to searches of their person or their vehicle or searches of equipment and/or products at any time. The Contractor must permit inspection of their vehicles and search of contract employees and representatives, and their personal possessions before being admitted or leaving state property. Violation of Department of Corrections' Rule 33.602.203 Control of Contraband, Florida Administrative Code, and as defined in Section 944.47, Florida Statntes, is a felony and is punishable as provided by same. e. Security procedures at any correctional institntion or facility are stringent and necessary. This includes security screening when entering and exiting the institntion or facility and may include a thorough inventory of tools and materials. The Contractor shall provide the institntional staff with a tool inventory sheet upon signing-in. The Contractor is advised to carefully consider the impact of additional time when developing the bid. No additional compensation will be made for time involved in adhering to security requirements. Staffmg Plans and Levels The Contractor shall have at least one employee (Canteen Manager) on-site at each major institution during all normal working hours (typically M - F; 8 - 5) to oversee canteen operations and respond to canteen issues, regardless of the number of canteens operating at the institntion or satellite facility. This employee must be able to make operational decisions on behalf of the Contractor. Upon implementation of service, the Contractor shall provide to each institntion's warden, a list indicating all contact information for the assigned Canteen Manager and for any other person who may be contacted to make decisions regarding the canteen operation when the on-site employee is not available. The facility Warden will establish the working hours for this employee based on the warehouse hours. In addition, one (1) week prior to the scheduled implementation date for each institntion, the Contractor shall provide a staffmg roster to the Contract Manager for the respective facility. The roster will include the name, position, title for each member of the Contractor's staff at the institntion. In addition, the Contractor shall provide the names and phone number for Contractor's regional management staff that can be reached in the off-hours of Contractor's canteen staff. 3. Contractor Key StaffAdministrative Positions and Responsibilities The Contractor shall provide the following minimum key administrative staff positions in support ofthis Contract: Administrative Project Manager for Canteen Operations Services (or equivalent title) The Administrative Project Manager is the individual who will have corporate responsibility for administration of the Contract. This individual shall have a minimum of two (2) years experience within the last five (5) years at a management level, providing direct administrative oversight of a canteen service operation. 4. Staff Conduct The Contractor's staff on-site shall adhere to the standards of conduct prescribed in Rule 33208, Florida Administrative Code, and as prescribed in the Department's personnel policy and MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 13 of63 procedure guidelines, particularly rules of conduct, employee uniform and clothing requirements (as applicable), security procedures, and any other applicable rules, regulations, policies and procedures ofthe Department. In addition, the Contractor shall ensure that all staff adheres to the following requirements: a. The Contractor's staff shall not display favoritism to, or preferential treatment of, one imnate or group of inmates over another. b. The Contractor's staff shall not deal with any inmate except in a relationship that supports services under this Contract. Specifically, staff members must never accept for themselves or any member of their family, any personal (tangible or intangible) gift, favor, or service from an inmate or an inmate's family or close associate, no matter how trivial the gift or service may seem. The Contractor shall report to the Contract Manager any violations or attempted violation of these restrictions. In addition, no staff member shall give any gifts, favors or services to imnates, their family or close associates. c. The Contractor's staff shall not enter into any business relationship with inmates or their families (example - selling, buying or trading personal property), or personally employ them in any capacity. d. The Contractor's staff shall not have outside contact (other than incidental contact) with an inmate being served or their family or close associates, except for those activities that are to be rendered under the Contract. e. The Contractor's staff shall not engage in any conduct which is criminal in nature or which would bring discredit upon the Contractor or the State. In providing services pursuant to this Contract, the Contractor shall ensure that its employees avoid both misconduct and the appearance of misconduct. f. Any violation or attempted violation of the restrictions referred to in this section regarding employee conduct shall be reported by phone and in writing to the Contract Manager or designee, including proposed action to be taken by the Contractor. Any failure to report a violation or take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending party or parties shall subject the Contractor to appropriate action, up to and including termination ofthis Contract. g. The Contractor shall report any incident described above, or requiring investigation by the Contractor, in writing, to the Contract Manager or their designee within twenty-four (24) hours, ofthe Contractor's knowledge of the incident. h. At no time shall any Contractor's employee while delivering services under this Contract, wear clothing that resembles or could reasonably be mistaken for an inmate's uniform or any correctional officer's uniform or bears the logo or other identifYing words or symbol of any law enforcement or correctional Department or agency. 1. The Contractor shall NOT provide individnals possessing "temporary work visas" to fill positions under this scope of service. J. Ail Contractor/subcontractor staff providing services under the Contract shall have the ability to understand and speak English to allow for effective communication between Contractor staff and Department staff and inmates. k. The Contractor shall provide their employees with a copy of these standards of employee conduct and document receipt of such notification in the employee's personnel file. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09110108 Page 14 of63 5. Background/Criminal Record Checks a. The Contractor's staff assigned to this Contract and any other person performing services pursuant thereto, shall be subject, at the Department's discretion and expense, to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Florida Crime Information Center/National Crime Information Center (FCIC/NCIC) background/criminal records check to include fmgerprinting. This background check will be conducted by the Department and/or a thirdparty vendor and may occur or re-occur at any time during the Contract period. The Department has full discretion to require the Contractor to disqualifY, prevent, or remove any staff or other person from any work under the Contract. The Department is under no obligation to inform the Contractor of the records check fmdings or the criteria for disqualification or removal. In order to carry out this records check, the Contractor shall provide, upon request, the following data for any individual Contractor or subcontractor's staff assigned to the Contract: Full Name, Race, Gender, Date of Birth, Social Security Nmnber, Driver's License Number and State of Issue. The Contractor shall not consider new employees to be on permanent status or subcontractors to be accepted for service delivery until a favorable report is received by the Department. b. No person who has been barred from any Department facility shall provide services under this Contract at another Department facility. c. Department employees terminated at any time by the Department for cause may not be employed or provide services under the Contract. d. No person who has previously been employed by the Department may be assigned to provide services pursuant to this Contract without the prior written approval of the Department's Contract Manager. e. 6. The Contractor's staff shall be subject to the requirements of this Contract and may be denied access to the facility by the Warden or designee. Contractor Staff Training and Education All Contractor's on-site staff providing services under this Contract shall be required to receive Annual and/or New Employment Orientation as required by the Department's Bureau of Staff Development. This training includes, but is not limited to, orientation and appropriate training regarding on-site security at each institution. Contractor shall contact the Institution's Warden, or designee to arrange for training. Any employee who is hired by Contractor from the Department, who completed this training while employed with the Department, will be exempt from the training requirement. W. Information TechnologylPoint of Sale Systems I. Overview of System Operations The existing and future canteen infrastructure at each institution shall consist of a server, software, and point-of-sale devices; all of which are owned by the current Contractor. The Contractor-owned equipment resides on a segment of the Department's computer network that has been specifically configured for the Contractor's use. These local networks have been configured with special security measures to ensure that the Contractor's employees cannot access any of the Department's Information Technology resources through the network other than the canteen system. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 0911 0108 Page 15 of63 There are other Contractor-owned and operated servers which are located in the Department's Data Center located at its Central Office location at 2601 Blair Stone Road in Tallahassee, Florida. These servers consist of a main applications/database server, and two auxilimy servers used for data communications and software management. The main server in the Central Office communicates across the Department's Wide Area Network (WAN) with the local servers and communicates with the Inmate Trust Fund System which is housed on an IBM Mainframe Server. The central canteen server also includes the central database which manages detailed sales transaction records and demographic data on all inmates. The point-of-sale device in each canteen communicates directly with the local server located in the canteen warehouse at that institution. Each local server houses a database containing the upto-date spending authorization for each inmate. All sales transactions that occur in the local canteens are recorded in the local server's database and these transactions are recorded against the inmate's spending authorization. The local servers in turn synchronize throughout the day across the Department's WAN with the main server in Tallahassee (Central Office). Even if the local server is unable to synchronize with the main server, the local canteens can continue to operate. This design allows the canteen systems located in the institutions to remain operational even if there is a loss of communications across the WAN between the Institution and the Central Office. Each day, after all canteens have closed, the main server in the Central Office automatically prepares a data file that lists all sales activity for the day, and places the data file on a secure network share at a pre-designated time. The Inmate Trust Fund System then obtains the data fIle using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and reads the sales data that it contains in order to recalculate the canteen spending authorization for every inmate in the system. After recalculating the spending limit for each inmate, the Inmate Trust Fund System then places a file called the "housing file" back on the share to be uploaded to the canteen application database. The housing file contains the name and DC number of each inmate in the system, other identifying infonnation, each inmate's location, and each inmate's up-to-date spending authorization limit. This infonnation is programmatically transmitted to the local institutions thereby updating the databases on the local servers. If the Contractor's data file, which contains the sales activity for the day is not uploaded to the Inmate Trust Fund system, the Contractors Cashless canteen system shall have progranuning setup to automatically not let the canteens open the following 'day. In addition to the file exchange and data synchronization that must occur each day, there are other routine maintenance tasks that must be perfonned. In order to allow for these routine tasks, a service window has been established from 12:00 AM until 4:00 AM each day. 2. Point of Sale System Requirements In each canteen to be operated under Contract with the Department, the Contractor shall provide its own turnkey point-of-sale system which shall confonn to the following general requirements: a. The system shall include all hardware and software infrastructure required for operation of the inmate canteen, which, at a minimum shall include, but not be limited to, perfonning and recording sales transactions, printing receipts, inventory control, and transmitting data for use by the Department's computer systems. b. The Contractor shall provide infonnation technology equipment required to run the point of sale system and related canteen services. Throughout the tenn of the Contract, the Contractor shall own all systems and equipment and shall conduct all maintenance, repairs, upgrades and replacement to systems and equipment at no cost to the Department. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09110/08 Page 160f63 Additionally, the Department shall have the right to inspect any and all information technology equipment (standalone or connected to the network) without notice at any time. c. The system shall include cashless point-of-sale devices located in each canteen which record all inmate sales transactions against inmate accounts by utilizing a shaded barcode which is imprinted on the front ofthe inmate's identification card. The system shall function with the existing inmate identification cards being used by the Department and shall not require any modification to the existing cards in order to function reliably. d. To avoid potential for abuse of the system by inmates working with the Contractor in the canteens, the system shall not use a keyboard or other easily manipulated input device to support operations within the canteens. e. The canteen point-of-sale system shall be installed and function on a separate segment of the Department's computer network which has been established specifically for the canteen system at each local institution in which one or more canteens is/are located. The computer network is an Ethernet Network configured for Internet Protocol-based data communications. (Network Diagram and Conceptual Diagram included in Attachment D) f. The system shall not utilize wireless data communication technology either for transmitting sales data from the point-of-sale devices, for data communication with other computers, or for data communication with the Contractor's corporate network. g. In the event of system failure, the Contractor shall have the ability to operate any or all canteens manually, as applicable. When this occurs, all sales data shall be provided by the Contractor to the Department in a manner to be specified by the Department based upon the nature of the system failure. The Department shall provide inmate account balances to the Contractor also in a manner to be specified by the Department based upon the nature of the system failure. h. The system shall be capable of continuing canteen operations on the Local Area Network (LAN) at each institution, in the event ofa failure of the WAN outside of the institution. To do so, the Contractor's system shall utilize a "store-and-forward" or equivalent technology. If the store-and-forward technology utilized requires the use of a computer system, other than the point of sale equipment, to be located at the local institution, said computer system shall be provided by the Contractor and shall be located in a controlled area to be designated by the Warden of that institution. The Contractor shall he responsible for safeguarding said computer in a manner, to be approved by the Department, which provides strict access control and which is at no time accessible by any inmate. I. The system shall utilize a "central server" located in the Department's data center in Tallahassee, ,Florida or at a location of the Contractor's that facilitates access to the server for the Department's mainframe. This location shall be approved in writing by the Department's Office of Information Technology (OIT). Contractor's central server shall function as the gateway for exchanging data between the cashless canteen system and the department's Inmate Trust Fund System and with the Contractor's corporate network. The data exchange shall utilize File Transfer Protocol (FTP) when providing data to and receiving data from the Department's Inmate Trust Fund System. The "Cashless Canteen Record Structures" that the FTP files shall utilize is included in Attachment E. J. The system shall be capable of printing, transmitting electronically, and maintaining detailed transaction records and audit trails and providing all necessary reports. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 170f63 k. The Department shall be able to deactivate ("lock-down") and reactivate the canteen system at eacb individual canteen location or by institution or statewide, as needed for security or if a job (data-upload) or system fails. Designated Department security or finance and accounting personnel shall be able to remotely deactivate ("lock-down") individual or all canteen systems. Tbe procedures for performing the lock-down shall be fully described in a manual (see Section II., W., 3.) to be provided to the Department by the Contractor, with final approval of the procedures to be made by the Department. Department staff selected to perform the lock-down or reactivation procedures shall be properly trained to perform this system functionality by the Contractor. Any and all decisions on whether to deactivate ("lock-down") individual or all canteen systems will be at the sole discretion of the Department. 1. The system shall have a method by which designated Department security and finance and accounting personnel can review inmate purchases. These procedures will permit a review of purchases made by individual inmates as well as purchases made at specific institutions. The system shall also allow designated Department staff to conduct queries of sales by specific items. The procedures for these reviews and queries shall be fully described in a manual to be provided to the Department by the Contractor (see Section II., W., 3.) with fmal approval of the procedures to be made by the Department. Department staff selected by the Department to perform these reviews and queries shall be trained to perform this system functionality by the·Contractor. m. All Contractor equipment sball be installed and secured, both physically and technically, in accordance with the requirements in Florida Department of Corrections' Procedure Manuals 206.001; 206.002; 206.004; 206.005; 206.007. In addition, the Department has other applicable procedures that are "restricted" due to their content and are not available to the public. Due to the nature of data security requirements, these procedures are rather general and are subject to frequent change without notice. In all matters pertaining to data security, the Department reserves the right to protect its data by any means that Department data security personnel deem appropriate. n. The Contractor shall provide an easily identified "quick disconnect" method to enable the Department's staff to immediately terminate contact between the Contractor's canteen system and outside communications wbenever institutional security is threatened. Said "quick disconnect" method shall not endanger records ofprevious transactions. o. The Department shall not be responsible for loss of data or loss of sales due to any interruption in service caused by deactivating or reactivating of the canteen system by Department staff, including shut-down via "quick disconnect". p. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor's point-of-sale equipment be configured in such a way as to allow for user access to the Internet or Department's Intranet. 3. Other Technical and Operational Requirements The Department will designate an individual to act as OIT Liaison for purposes of approving or coordinating approval of system functions where such functions may impact the Department's computer network. In addition to the system requirements enumerated above, the following additional technical and operational requirements shall apply: a. Prior to implementation of Contractor's system, the Contractor shall provide to the Department's OIT Liaison a User Manual and a Technical Manual. The User Manual shall MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 18 of63 contain detailed instructions for any interfaces that will be used by Department employees. Those instructions shall be written in language that is easy to understand and follow by individuals possessing minimal computer experience. The intended audience of the Technical Manual will be technicians and programmers within the Department's Office of Information Technology. The Technical Manual need not provide detailed support instructions since the Department will not be providing technical support for the Contractor's system. It shall however, contain a general overview of the system specifications and functions in order to assist on personnel in supporting the network on which it resides and operates. The Technical Manual shall include technical diagrams, where appropriate. b. The Contractor shall provide its own qualified technical support staff on-site during system installation and thereafter, when needed, to troubleshoot and correct system problems or outages. The Contractor shall ensure 1hat subcontractors assigned to provide technical support, whe1her during installation or thereafter, pass a Department background check and . follow local security procedures as determined by the Warden at each institution. c. The Contractor shall receive no technical support from Department Technical Staff for its system. The Department's technical staff shall however, provided support for 1he Local and Wide Area Networks. d. The Contractor shall provide service desk support whenever 1he canteens (including visitor park canteens) are in operation. The hours in which 1he Contractor's service desk is operational shall take into account 1hat Department institutions are located in both Eastern and Central Time Zones. e. All problems encountered wi1h 1he canteen system shall be reported to 1he Contractor's service desk whether the person reporting the problem is an employee ofthe Contractor or an employee of1he Department. The Contractor's service/support desk shall maintain a log of all calls received which may be used to investigate complaints concerning adequacy of servIce. f. Any problems 1hat are encountered wi1h the Department's network, which the Contractor believes are affecting canteen operations, shall be reported to the Department's service desk by the Contractor's service/support desk. The Department's Information Technology Help Service Desk phone number is: (850) 487-1550 and toll free number is: (866) 859-1254. g. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor's service desk "refer" a caller back to the Department's service desk or other technical support staff. When a caller has contacted the Contractor's service desk for assistance, the Contractor's service desk shall follow through with the call until the problem is resolved and the details of the problem and its resolution have been recorded. h. At no time shall Contractor's employees operate Department-owned equipment, such as the systems which manufacture identification cards and at no time shall Department employees operate Contractor-owned equipment (other than point-of-sale devices operated by imnates) except as described in Section II., W., 2., k., for Department required deactivation ('Iockdown") and reactivation of canteen systems. 1. If Contractor's employees require computers for conducting Contractor business, the Contractor shall provide those computers. However, under no circumstances shall the Contractor connect Contractor-owned computers to the Department's primary network. Should Contractor employees require data communications access to the Contractor's corporate network, the Contractor shall request such access through the OIT Liaison and make mutually acceptable arrangements to accomplish that communication. If the MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 0911 0108 Page 19 of63 Contractor requires the ability to connect to/with Department's computer network from outside the Department's internal computer network, the Contractor shall, prior to such connection beiog established, provide to the OIT Liaison a detailed description of the Contractor's computer network and a detailed description of the security measures that the Contractor employs to provide data security to the Contractor's network infrastructure. If the Department does not approve of the security measures to be utilized, it shall notify the Contractor in writing via notification from the OTT Liaison (with a copy to the Contract Manager and Contract Administrator). The Contractor shall have a reasonable time period withio which to modify its security measures to ensure that the Department's computer network is not negatively impacted by establishment ofthe connection. J. Contractor Access to the Department's Network: All access to the Department's network or access to Contractor's private network on the Department's property iocludiog but not limited to Dial-up, DSL, Cable and/or Satellite must first be approved by the Department's Chief Information Officer (CIO). To obtaio this approval, the Contractor must submit a written request for the access together with their security policy/procedure and a network diagram of their proposed connectivity to the Department's Office of the CIO. After review, the CIO will make the final determioation, providiog a written response to the Contractor's request. Any proposed data communication from an outside non-law enforcement entity must be implemented via a LAN to LAN Virtual Private Network (VPN). Tbis VPN service is provided by the Department of Management Services (DMS) at the request and expense of the Contractor. Access by law enforcement is provided through the Criminal Justice Network (CJNET), admioistered by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The Contractor must agree to followall ofthe Department's Information Technology Procedures including but not limited to Personal Computers (PC), peripherals, Security and Network access. k. Security of Information Technology Equipment: All PC's must be located within secured (locked) offices. No PC will be unattended without a Password protected Screen saver configured. All vendor PC's must meet mioimum OTT standards iocludiog a fully functioniog up to date antivirus and spy-ware detection software approved by OTT. This software must update continuously on a daily bases. USB Flash Drives are not permitted behiod a secure perimeter, without written approval from the CIO. All locations will have the ability to disconnect/disable communications from outside the perimeter to eliminate the ability to communicate between PC's withio or outside the facility. 1. Internet Access: All computers (includiog contractor equipment) will only be used to conduct the "official busioess" or business contracted by the state. No Department employee, consultant, contract employee or vendor will use the Department's Internet Services for non-work related purposes. m. Services which allow the Contractor to manage its technology infrastructure remotely (from outside of the Department's internal network) shall be coordinated with and approved by the Department's OTT Liaison or designee and any associated costs of such services shall be borne by the Contractor. This section refers to direct costs charged by the service provider which provides said remote connection capability to the Contractor. It does not refer to costs to the Department which are covered elsewhere under operatiog expenses. n. Prior to completion of full-service implementation, the Contractor shall provide a disaster recovery system acceptable to the Department which provides for a means to manage the canteens in the event of a catastrophic event. The Department may require that said disaster recovery system be tested as a part of the Department's normal disaster recovery exercises. If the Department does not approve of the disaster recovery system proposed, it shall notify the Contractor io writing via notification from the OIT Liaison (with a copy to the Contract MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09110108 Page 20 of63 Manager and Contract Administrator). The Contractor shall have a reasonable time period within which to modifY its disaster recovery system to the Department's satisfaction. 4. Exchange of Canteen Sales and Inmate Information The Department operates a centralized mainframe system for statewide Inmate Trust Fund processing and accounting. Data must be exchanged daily between the inmate's account on the mainframe and the Contractor's canteen using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) at the time specified by the Department. The Contractor must provide a single centralized interface with the Department's Inmate Trust Fund System as illustrated in Attachment D. The Department will assume no responsibility for sales to inmates with insufficient funds caused by contractor's failure during the data file exchange. 5. Information Security The Contractor's software must be written and function in a secure mauner free of bugs and not contain any vulnerability that could jeopardize the Department's information security or network. At a minimum workstations and servers will be managed by a comprehensive Patching and Vulnerability management program. This will inclnde virus protection and a patching utility. The Department reserves the right to review the software at anytime for compliance. Industry standard programming standards (i.e. COBTT) should be adhered to and documented. This documentation can be reviewed by the Department at anytime. A documented Information System Development Methodology (ISDM) approved by the Department will suffice for programming standards, Changes to the production environment (hardware and software) must be pre-approved and flow through OTT's Change Management Process. The Contractor will maintain an Information Security Awareness program. This program will be designed to keep users of the system up to date on cyber security events capable of compromising the system and or network. 6. Software Escrow/Source Code Agreement a. This Section only applies to the pre-existing and proprietary software applications owned by the Contractor for use in the contracted services performed by the Contractor. The Contractor will provide programmers guidance and documentation and all programming source code of such applications. Source code and programmers guidance documents will be used by the Department's staff only in the event that the Contractor is unable to continue doing business during the term ofthe Contract, to include, but not be limited to: (I) the filing of a petition in bankruptcy court (unless filed for purposes of reorganization) by or against the Contractor, and the failure of the bankruptcy trustee or debtor in possession to either assume or perform under this Contract, or to have the bankruptcy proceedings, terminated with forty-five (45) days after the filing of such petition, or (2) the Contractor's failure to continue in business without a successor, or (3) an adjudication by a court of competent jurisdiction that the Contractor has failed to provide in a material respect the obligations under this Contract. b. The delivery of the software, source code, and documentation shall be provided on CDROMs and at minimum the delivery will contain: MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page2l of63 (I) The Software Application in its entirety (i.e., the compiled software executable, its (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) c. X. associated companion files); The complete software source code for the software application; The build instructions for the source code; The database format; The system requirements required to operate; The programming guidance documentation; and A "README" file cataloging the data and files contained on each CD-ROM Additionally, the Department will not release the source code or programming documentation to others, other than for the purpose of modifying the software for the Department's use. Inmate Canteen Accounts Only inmates, who have an account through the Imnate Trust Fund System, are in proper possession of a Department identification card and who are not otherwise restricted, are allowed to purchase canteen items. Identifying information is contained in a UV-protected barcode on the inmate's identification badge, including date of birth (8 characters), card number (2 characters) and DC number (6 characters). The Contractor will provide a methodology to allow the Department to activate and/or deactivate a canteen account for various reasons, including transfer of the inmate and generation of a new ID card. Activation for a newly received inmate must trigger a daily download of canteen spending limit information from the Inmate Trust Fund. These processes may occur at any time of the day or night, twenty-four (24) hours a day, 365 days a year. Y. Minority/Service Disabled Veteran Business Utilization and Reporting The Contractor is encouraged to purchase canteen products from certified minority/service disabled veteran businesses in carrying out the provisions of this Contract. Subcontractors will only be considered to be certified minority/service disabled veteran business enterprises if they meet qualifications as defined under Section 288.703 and Section 287.0943(7), Florida Statutes. The Contractor shall report any certified minority/service disabled veteran business utilization using the following process: Reporting of certified minority business enterprise information shall include the minority vendor name and address, the minority code as designated by the Florida Department of Management Services, a brief description of the item(s) purchased and the dollar amount of item(s) purchased. This report shall be forwarded to the Department's Minority Business Coordinator by tenth calendar day of each month following the month of purchase. The Contractor shall provide monthly reporting on, and verification of, all dollars expended with regard to purchases from CMBE/SDVBE's to: Jane Broyles, Minority Business Coordinator Department of Corrections Bureau of Procurement and Supply 260 I Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500 Z. Imnate Complaints/Grievances Inmates have the opportunity to file grievances about any aspect of their incarceration, including the provision of canteen products. Any grievances filed by inmates regarding canteen products shall be referred to the Contractor's Representative or designee, identified in Section IV., D, who shall review the informal grievance and provide information to the Warden or hislher designee for MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09110108 Page 22 of63 response, as necessary. The Contractor shall furnish all infonnation in a timely manner and in keeping with all applicahle response deadlines. Any grievances not satisfied at the institutional level can be appealed by the inmate to the Bureau of Inmate Grievance Appeals for resolution. The Contract Manager reserves the right to resolve grievance matters on the Department's behalf. The Contractor shall provide canteen services within the parameters as defined in Section II., Scope of Service and as directed by the Department. AA. General Reporting Requirements The Contractor shall provide the following general reports to the Department, as delineated below in an approved fonnat approved by the Contract Manager or designee. BE. 1. Inmate Pay Report: The Contractor shall provide the Contract Manager or designee with a report identifying the inmates that have worked in the canteens for the previous month. This report shall be submitted no later than the fifth (5th) working day of each month. The report shall be submitted on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in the Department's designated fonnat. 2. Ad Hoc Reports: The Department reserves the right to require ad hoc reports, other infonnation pertaining to Contract compliance or other reports or infonnation that may he required to respond to grievances, inquiries, complaints and other questions raised by inmates or other parties. The Contractor shall submit the report or infonnation in not less than seventy-two (72) hours after receipt of the request. When time is of the essence, the Contractor will make every effort to answer the request as soon as possihle so that the Department can respond to the authority or party making the request. Perfonnance Measures The Department desires to contract with a provider who clearly demonstrates its willingness to be held accountable for the achievement of certain perfonnance measures in successfully delivering services under this Contract. Therefore, the Department has developed the following Perfonnance Measure categories which shall be used to measure Contractor's perfonnance and delivery of services: I) 2) Perfonnance Outcomes and Standards; and Other Contract Requirements. A description of each ofthe Performance Measure categories is described below: I. Perfonnance Outcomes and Standards Listed below are the key Perfonnance Outcomes and Standards deemed most crucial to the success of the overall desired service delivery. The Contractor shall ensure that the stated performance outcomes and standards (level of achievement) are met. a. Per Diem Payment Outcome: Measure: Standard: MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 All Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) monthly per diem payments due to the Department shall be timely received (within fifteen (15) calendar days after the final day of the previous month). The number of days from the first day of the month to the date payment is received by the Department. One hundred percent (100%) of payments shall be timely received. This perfonnance outcome shall be measured on a monthly basis. Page23 of 63 b. ACA Accreditation Outcome: Measure: Standard: c. The Contractor shall maintain full ACA accreditation for canteen operation services at currently accredited institutions. ACA Accreditation shall not be lost as a result of failure to maintain canteen area operations in accordance with ACA standards. One hundred percent (100%) of ACA Accreditations for Canteen Operations Services shall be maintained. This performance outcome shall be measured yearly in accordance with the ACA audit at the respective institution. Inventories Outcome: Measure: Standard: One hundred percent (100%) of all products (on the Master Canteen Products List not including Weekly or Quarterly Order products) shall be maintained in inventory at each canteen (inmate canteen and visiting park canteen) and 100% of all Weekly Order Products shall be maintained in inventory atthe facility. On-site review of actual inventory at any canteen or storage area within an institution or under that institution's purview at any period during the quarter. A minimum of ninety-eight percent (98%) of -all products (on the Master Canteen Products List not including Weekly and Quarterly Order Products) shall be maintained in inventory at each canteen (inmate canteen and visiting park canteen) and ninety-eight percent (98%) of Weekly Order Products) shall be maintained in inventory at the facility. This performance outcome shall be measured quarterly for each Department institution at which canteens are in operation. By execution of this Contract the Contractor hereby acknowledges and agrees that its performance under the Contract shall meet the standards .set forth above. 2. Other Contract Requirements Measure: The Department will monitor the Contractor's performance to ensure maximum compliance with other contract requirements including, but not limited to the following. a. All Corrective Action Plans shall be timely submitted (when applicable); and b. Terms and Conditions ofthe Contract not involving delivery of services listed above. Standard: The Contractor shall achieve 100% compliance after the time frames allowed for corrective action on identified deficiencies. Performance shall be measured on a monthly basis beginning the second month after services have been implemented except if earlier action is determined necessary by the Contract Manager. CC. Monitoring Methodology I. Performance Outcomes and Standards The Department's Contract Manager and/or designee will monitor the Contractor's service delivery at each institutional site to determine ifthe Contractor has achieved the required level of performance for each Performance Outcome and Standard identified in Section II., BE., I, on a semi-annual basis. If the Department determines that Contractor has failed a Performance Outcome and Standard, the Contractor will be sent a formal contract communication in accordance with Section II. C. Note: The Contractor shall correct all identified non-compliant service delivery related to failure to meet the Performance Outcomes and Standards identified in Section II., BE., I., however, this shall not negate the fact that a performance outcome and MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 24 of63 standard has not been met and that liquidated damages will be imposed. In the event the Department detennines that liquidated damages should not be imposed, the Contractor shall still correct all non-compliant service delivery within thirty (30) calendar days of written notice. 2. Other Contract Requirements The Department shall monitor Contractor's compliance with all other contract requirements as detennined necessary but no less than once a year. (Final Contract Monitoring tool to be developed by the Bureau of Institutional Support Services in accordance with the requirements of this Contract). Such monitoring may include, but is not limited to, both announced and unannounced visits. The Department's Contract Manager or designee for Contract Monitoring will provide an oral exit report at tennination of each site visit and a written monitoring report to the Contractor within three (3) weeks of the visit. Non-compliance issues identified by the Contract Monitor or designee will be identified in detail to provide opportunity for correction. Within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the Department's monitoring report, the Contractor shall provide a fonnal Corrective Action Plan (CAP) in response to all noted deficiencies to include responsible individuals and required tirue frames for achieving compliance. The Contract Manager, designee for Contract Monitoring or other designated Department staff members may conduct follow-up monitoring reviews at any time to detennine compliance based upon the submitted CAP. The Department reserves the right for any Department staff to make scheduled or unscheduled, announced or unannounced monitoring visits. During follow-up monitoring, any noted failure by the Contractor to correct deficiencies for Other Contract Reqnirement violations identified in the monitoring report within the tirue frame specified in the CAP may result in application of Liquidated Damages as specified in Section II., DD.,2. 3. Repeated Instances of Failure Repeated failure to meet either the Perfonnance Outcomes and Standards or Other Contract Requirements or to correct deficiencies may, in addition to imposition of liquidated damages, result in detennination of Breach of Contract, and/or tennination of the Contract in accordance with Section VI., Tennination. DD. Liquidated Damages (General) By executing this Contract, the Contractor expressly agrees to the imposition of liquidated damages, in addition to all other remedies available to the Department by law. The Department's Contract Manager will provide written notice to the Contractor's Representative of all liquidated damages assessed accompanied by detail sufficient for justification of assessment. The Contractor shall forward a cashier's check, money order, or company check to the Contract Manager, payable to the Department in the appropriate amount, within ten (10) days of receipt of a written notice of demand for damages due. 1. Liquidated Damages For Failure to meet Perfonnance Outcomes and Standards The Contractor hereby acknowledges and agrees that its perfonnance under the Contract must meet the Perfonnance Outcomes and Standards set forth in Section II., BB., 1. If the Contractor fails to meet any Perfonnance Outcome and Standard, the Department will impose Liquidated Damages as indicated below: MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 25 of63 a. Per Diem Payment: For failure to comply with the Performance Outcome and Standard ideutified in Section II., BE., I., a., the Department will impose liquidated damages of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per day for each work day past the fifteenth (I 5"') day that the EFT has not been received. This shall be assessed on a monthly basis. b. ACA Accreditation: For failure to comply with the Performance Outcome and Standard identified in Section II., BE., I., b., where the Contractor fails to maintain ACA Accreditation for canteen operation services, the Department will impose liquidated damages in the amount of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) per institution for the loss of accreditation due to canteen operations. This shall be assessed on an annual basis per institution, depending on the date ofthe ACA audit. c. Inventories: For failure to comply with the Performance Outcome and Standard identified in Section II., BB., I., 3., the Department will impose liquidated damages of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for each institution that does not maintain a minimum of 98% of onhand inventory. This may be assessed on a quarterly basis per institution (including all DC sites under that institution's purview). Repeated failure to meet an established Performance Outcome and Standard, for a consecutive monitoring period will result in liquidated damages being doubled. 2. Liquidated Damages For Other Contract Requirements For failure to meet other contract requirements, set forth in II., BE., 2., liquidated damages will be imposed as follows: a. Failure to Timely Submit Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (addressing Other Contract Requirements) In the event that the Contractor receives a Monitoring Report requiring a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to be submitted and fails to submit a CAP responding to each specified written deficiency within the time frames specified in Section II., Cc., liquidated damages in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per CAP not timely submitted will be imposed. b. Failure to Timely Correct Identified Contract Deficiencies In the event the Contractor fails to correct deficiencies noted in the Department's monitoring report within the time frames indicated in the CAP, liquidated damages in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per institutional site where deficiencies have not been timely corrected shall be imposed until such time as all noted deficiencies are corrected. The Department has the discretion to extend any timeframe indicated in Contractor's CAP as indicated in Section II., CC. EE. Deliverables The following services or service tasks are identified as deliverables for the purposes ofthis Contract: I. 2. 3. FF. Timely submission of commission payments. Canteen services as described in this Contract. Compliance with Other Contract Requirements. Contract Termination Requirements MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 26 of63 1. The Contractor shall submit a plan to the Contract Manager no less than one hundred-eighty (180) calendar days prior to intended contract termination outlining steps for transition of service upon contract expiration or in the event of contract termination. The plan shall set forth . the date and time of transfer of responsibility by the Contractor to the entity assuming service, with a schedule for each institution. 2. During any transition period resulting from cancellation or termination of the Contract, the Contractor shall work cooperatively with the entity assuming service to maintain services in accordance with contract provisions. 3. Information Technology Eguipment/Software: Upon termination of service delivery, whether resulting from expiration of the contract or termination for any reason except Termination at Will by the Department, the Contractor, shall provide the use of the existing information technology equipment/software to the Department or the Department's Contractor for six (6) months after the end date ofthe Contract and at no cost to the Department. If the Department initiates Termination at Will, then the Contractor shall provide the use of the existing information technology equipment/software to the Department or the Department's Contractor, on a month to month basis for $15,000 per month after the end date of the Contract for a period not to exceed six (6) months. m. COMPENSATION A. Payment and Invoices I. Guaranteed Per Diem Payment to the Department Regardless of the amount of gross sales, the Contractor will compensate the Department in an amount of $0.96 per day per inmate based on the Department's Average Daily Population. The Department will begin to receive the $0.96 payment for the inmate population all institutions or facilities that provide canteen services beginning on March 29, 2009. Compensation shall be paid for each calendar day of each contractual year. Payment of the per diem amount shall be tendered to the Department by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to a specified Department . account within fifteen (15) days after the final day ofthe previous month. 2. MyFloridaMarketPJace Transaction Fee Payments to be made under this contract are not subject to the MyFloridaMarketPlace Transaction Fee pursuant to Rule 60A-1.032, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C). A Form PUR 3777, Notice of Transaction Fee Exemption, has been filed hy the Department. 3. Contractor Payment Submission Contractor agrees to submit payment on a monthly basis. The Department shall provide a monthly invoice to the Contractor based on the total inmate man-days for the month. The monthly invoice amount shall equal the total inmate man-days for the month multiplied by the per diem rate. The Contractor shall remit the total monthly per diem payment broken down into two submittals: One submittal comprised of a per diem per inmate of .0245 cents to be paid to the Department to recoup operating costs and a second submittal consisting of the remaining amount of the monthly per diem ($0.9355) due to the Department. Payment shall be due and tendered to the Department by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to a specified Department account within fifteen (15) days after the fmal day ofthe previous month. The name and address ofthe official payee to whom payment shall be made is as follows: MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 27 of63 Department of Corrections Bureau ofFinance and Accounting Post Office Box # 13600 Centerville Station Tallahassee, FL 32317-3600 The Contractor shall provide the payment by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to a specified Department account within fifteen (15) calendar days after the final day of the previous month. In order to coordinate Electronic Funds Transfers for payments of revenue generated under this Contract, the Contractor must contact Brenda Rivera (850) 410-0785 in the Department's Bureau of Finance and Accounting, Post Office Box # 12100, Centerville Station. Tallahassee, FL 32317-2100. 4. Accounting Responsibilities and System Access The Department's Bureau of Finance and Accounting, General Revenue and Iumate Trust Fund systems exchange accounting information with the Contractor. Therefore, the Inmate Trust Fund staff requires and Contractor agrees to provide, access to the Contractor's system. This section describes the accounting responsibilities for remitting of canteen sales, canteen catalog orders, and canteen operator shortages. The Department's Inmate Trust Fund Accounting system is responsible for the remittance to the Contractor ofthe following: a. b. c. B. Weekly total gross canteen sales collected. Quarterly total gross canteen catalog order sales collected. Quarterly orders are processed in February, May, August and November. Funds collected for the purchase of electronics by Death Row inmates. Travel Expenses The Department shall not be responsible for the payment of any travel expense for the Contractor that occurs as a result ofthis Contract. C. Contractor's Expenses The Contractor shall pay for all licenses, permits, and inspection fees or similar charges required for this Contract, and shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, and any other requirements applicable to the work to be performed under this Contract. IV. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT A. Department's Contract Manager The Contract Manager for this Contract will be: Charlie Terrell, Chief Bureau of Support Services Department of Corrections 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500 Telephone: 850-410-4278 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 28 of63 The Contract Manager will perfonn the following functions: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maintain a Contract Management file; Serve as the liaison between the Department and the Contractor; Evaluate the Contractor's perfonnance; VerifY receipt of deliverables from the Contractor; Direct the Contract Administrator to process all amendments, renewals and tenninations of this Contract; and Evaluate Contractor perfonnance upon completion of the overall Contract. This evaluation will be placed on file and will be considered if the Contract is subsequently used as a reference in future procurements. The Contract Manager may delegate the following functions to the Local Contract Coordinator: I. 2. 3. 4. VerifY receipt of deliverables from the Contractor; Monitor the Contractor's perfonnance; and Review, verifY, and approve invoices from the Contractor. Will e-mail the Contract Manager that the work is completed, and fax any documentation relating to the service. The Local Contract Coordinator for this Contract will be: Lynn Hart, Assistant Chief Bureau of Support Services Department of Corrections 260 I Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500 Telephone: 850-410-4271 B. Department's on Liaison The on Liaison for this Contract will be: Marty Altman, Chief Bureau of Technology Services Department of Corrections 260 I Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500 Telephone: 863-767-4518 The OIT Liaison or his designee will perfonn the infonnation technology tasks identified in the Scope of Service as well as the following functions: I. Serve as the liaison between the Department and the Contractor for infonnation technology issues. 2. Coordinate on personnel to facilitate transition services at each institution. 3. Inspect any and all ofthe Contractor's information technology equipment. 4. Approve safeguards and access control (including remote access) for Contractor's computers. 5. Approve the location of the Contractor's "central server." 6. Coordinate approval of system functions where such functions may impact the Department's computer network. 7. Coordinate the Department's technical staff in the provision of support for the Local and Wide Area Networks. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 29 of 63 8. 9. C. Approve Contractor's disaster recovery plan. Approve the ISDM and any changes to the (hardware/software). Contractor's production environment Department's Contract Administrator The Contract Administrator for this Contract will be: Robert E. Staney, Chief Bureau of Procurement & Supply Department of Corrections 260 I Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500 Telephone: (850) 488-6671 Fax: (850) 922-5330 Email: The Contract Administrator will perform the following functions: I. 2. 3. D. Maintain the official Contract Administration file; Process all Contract amendments, renewals, and termination of the Contract; and Maintain the official records of all formal correspondence between the Department and the Contractor provided by the Contract Manager for filing in the Contract Administration file. Contractor's Representative The name, title, address, and telephone number of the Contractor's representative responsible for administration and performance under this Contract is: Marcus A. Perez, Vice President or Sales Keefe Commissary Network, L.L.C. 1371-1 Tradeport Drive Jacksonville, FL 32218 Telephone: (904) 741-6776 Fax: (904) 741-6963 E. Contract Management Changes After execution of this Contract, any changes in the information contained in Section N., Contract Management, will be provided to the other party in writing and a copy of the written notification shall be maintained in the official Contract record. V. CONTRACT MODIFICATION Unless otherwise stated herein, modifications to the provisions of this Contract, with the exception of Section III., A., Payment and Invoices and Section IV., CONTRACT MANAGEMENT, shall be valid only through execution ofa formal Contract amendment. A. Department Required Scope Changes During the term of the Contract, the Department may unilaterally require, by written notice, changes altering, adding to, or deducting from the Contract specifications, provided that such changes are within the general scope of the Contract. The Department may make an equitable adjustment, (i.e. increase or decrease in rate, reimbursement for costs, etc.) if the change affects the cost or service delivery. The MODEL DOCUMENT REvISED 0911 0108 Page 30 of63 Contractor will be required to expeditiously execute an amendment to effect such changes, which execution shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Department shall endeavor to provide written notice to the Contractor thirty (30) days in advance of any Department-required changes to the technical specifications and/or scope of service that affect the Contractor's ability to provide the services as specified herein. B. Other Requested Changes In addition to changes pursuant to Section V., A., State or Federal laws, rules and regulations or Department, rules and regulations may change. Such changes may impact Contractor's service delivery in terms of materially increasing or decreasing the Contractor's cost of providing services. There is no way to anticipate what those changes will be nor is there any way to anticipate the costs associated with such changes. Either party shall have ninety (90) days from the date such change is implemented to request an increase or decrease in compensation or the applicant party will be considered to have waived this right. Full, written justification with documentation sufficient for audit will be required to authorize an increase "in compensation. It is specifically agreed that any changes to payment will be effective the date the changed scope of services is approved, in writing, and implemented. Ifthe parties are unable to negotiate an agreed-npon increase or decrease in rate or reimbursement, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Institutions - Institutions, shall determine based upon the changes made to the scope of services, what the resultant change in compensation should be. VI. TERMINATION A. Termination at Will This Contract may be terminated by the Department upon no less than ninety (90) calendar days notice, without cause, or by the Contractor upon no less than one hundred eighty (I 80) calendar days notice, without cause, unless a lesser time is mutually agreed upon by both parties. Notice shall be delivered by certified mail (return receipt requested), by other method of delivery whereby an original signature is obtained, or in-person with proof of delivery. B. Termination for Cause If a breach of this Contract occurs by the Contractor, the Department may, by written notice to the Contractor, terminate this Contract upon twenty-four (24) hours' notice. Notice shall be delivered by certified mail (return receipt requested), by other method of delivery whereby an original signature is obtained, or in-person with proof of delivery. If applicable, the Department may employ the default provisions in Chapter 60A-l, Florida Administrative Code. The provisions herein do not limit the Department's right to remedies at law or to damages. C. Termination for Unauthorized Emplovment Violation of the provisions of Section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act shall be grounds for unilateral cancellation ofthis Contract. VII. CONDITIONS A. Records I. Public Records Law MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 31 of63 The Contractor agrees to allow the Department and the public access to any documents, papers, letters, or other materials subject to the provisions of Chapters 119 and 945.10, Florida Statutes, made or received by the Contractor in conjunction with this Contract. The Contractor's refusal to comply with this provision shall constitute sufficient cause for termination ofthis Contract. 2. Audit Records a. The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents (including electronic storage media) in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all revenues and expenditures of funds provided by the Department under this Contract, and agrees to provide a financial and compliance audit to the Department or to the Office of the Auditor General and to ensure that all related party transactions are disclosed to the auditor. b. The Contractor agrees to include all record-keeping requirements in all subcontracts and assignments related to this Contract. 3. Retention of Records The Contractor agrees to retain all client records, fmancial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents (including electronic storage media) pertaining to this Contract for a period of five (5) years. The Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate record-keeping and documentation as required by the Department and the terms of this Contract. Copies of all records and documents shall be made available for the Department upon request. All invoices and documentation must be clear and legible for audit purposes. All documents must be retained by the Contractor at the address listed in Section IV., C., Contractor's Representative for the duration of this Contract. Any records not available at the time of an audit will be deemed unavailable for audit purposes. Violations will be noted and forwarded to the Department's Inspector General for review. All documents must be retained by the Contractor at the Contractor's primary place of business for a period of five (5) years following termination of the Contract, or, if an audit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of five (5) years, the records shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Department to facilitate the duplication and transfer of any said records or documents during the required retention period. The Contractor shall advise the Department of the location of all records pertaining to this Contract and shall notify the Department by certified mail within ten (10) days i£'when the records are moved to a new location. B. State Objectives Within thirty (30) calendar days following award of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit plans addressing each of the State's four (4) objectives listed below, to the extent applicable to the items/services covered by this Contract. Note: Diversity plans and reporting shall be submitted to Jane Broyles, MBE Coordinator, Bureau of Procurement and Supply, Department of Corrections, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 323992500. All other plans shall be submitted to the Contract Manager or designee as specified in this Contract. 1. Diversity in Contracting: The State of Florida is committed to supporting its diverse business industry and population through ensuring participation by minority-, women-, and servicedisabled veteran business enterprises in the economic life of the state. The State of Florida Mentor Protege Program connects minority-, women-, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises with private corporations for business development mentoring. We strongly encourage firms doing business with the State of Florida to consider this initiative. For more MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 0911 0/08 Page 32 of63 information on the Mentor Protege Program, please contact the Office of Supplier Diversity at (850) 487-0915. The state is dedicated to fostering the continued development and economic growth of small, minority-, women-, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises. Participation by a diverse group of vendors doing business with the state is central to this effort. To this end, it is vital that small, minority-, women-, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises participate in the state's procurement process as both Contractors and sub-contractors. Small, minority-, women-, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises are strongly encouraged to be utilized under this Contract. The Contractor shall submit documentation addressing diversity and describing the efforts being made to encourage the participation of small, minority-, women-, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises. Information on Certified Minority Business Enterprises (CMBE) and Certified Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (CSDVBE) is available from the Office of Supplier Diversity at Diversity in Contracting documentation should identifY any participation by diverse contractors and suppliers as prime contractors, sub-contractors, vendors, resellers, distributors, or such other participation as the parties may agree. Diversity in Contracting documentation shall include the timely reporting of spending with certified and other minority/service-disabled veteran business enterprises. Such reports must be submitted at least monthly and include the period covered, the name, minority code and Federal Employer Identification Number of each minority/service-disabled veteran vendor utilized during the period, commodities and services provided by the minority/service-disabled veteran business enterprise, and the amount paid to each minority/service-disabled veteran vendor on behalf of each purchasing agency ordering under the terms of this Contract. 2. Environmental Considerations: The State supports and encourages initiatives to protect and preserve our environment. If applicable, the Contractor shall submit a plan to support the procurement of products and materials with recycled content, and the intent of Section 287.045, Florida Statutes. The Contractor shall also provide a plan for reducing and or handling of any hazardous waste generated by Contractor's company. Reference Rule 62-730.160, Florida Administrative Code. It is a requirement of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that a generator of hazardous waste materials that exceeds a certain threshold must have a valid and current Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Number. This identification number shall be submitted as part of Contractor's explanation of its company's hazardous waste plan and shall explain in detail its handling and disposal ofthis waste. 3. Products Available from the Blind or Other Handicaooed (RESPECT): The State/Department supports and encourages the gainful employment of citizens with disabilities. It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles that are the subject of, or required to carry out, this Contract shall be purchased from a nonprofit agency for the blind or for the severely handicapped that is qualified pursuant to Chapter 413, Florida Statutes, in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in Section 413.036(1) and (2), Florida Statutes; and for purposes of this Contract the person, fmn, or other business entity carrying out the provisions ofthis Contract shall be deemed to be substituted for this agency insofar as dealings with such qualified nonprofit agency are concerned. Additional information about the designated nonprofit agency and the products it offers is available at If applicable, the Contractor shall submit a plan describing how it will address the use of RESPECT in offering the items under this Contract. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09110/08 Page 33 of63 4. Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE): The State supports and encourages the use of Florida correctional work programs. It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles which are the subject of, or required to carry out, this Contract shall be purchased from the corporation identified under Chapter 946, Florida Statutes, in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in Section 946.515(2), and (4), Florida Statutes; and for purposes of this Contract the person, firru, or other busiuess entity carrying out the provisions of this Contract shall be deemed to be substituted for this agency iusofar as dealings with such corporation are concerned. Additional iuforruation about PRIDE and the products it offers is available at If applicable, the Contractor shall submit a plan describing how it will address the use of PRIDE iu offeriug the items under this Contract. C. Procurement of Materials with Recycled Content It is expressly understood and agreed that any products or materials which are the subject of, or are required to carry out, this Contract shall be procured iu accordance with the provisions of Sections 403.7065 and 287.045, Florida Statutes. D. Sponsorship If the Contractor is a nongovernmental organization which sponsors a program financed partially by State funds, iucluding any funds obtaiued through this Contract, it shall, in publiciziug, advertisiug, or describiug the sponsorship of the program, state: "Sponsored by Keefe Commissary Network, LLC and the State of Florida., Department of Corrections." If the sponsorship reference is iu written material, the words "State of Florida, Department of Corrections" shall appear iu the same size letters or type as the name ofthe organization. E. Employment of Department Personnel The Contractor shall not knowingly engage in this project, on a full-time, part- time, or other basis duriug the period of this Contract, any current or forruer employee of the Department where such employment conflicts with Section 112.3185, Florida Statutes. F. Non-Discrimination No person, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national ongm, age, gender, marital status or disability, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the proceeds or benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to, discrimination iu the perforruance ofthis Contract. G. Americans with Disabilities Act The Contractor shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimiuation clauses, the Americans with Disabilities Act, or with any other such rules, regulations, or orders, this Contract may be canceled, terruiuated, or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further Contracts. H. Indemnification The Contractor shall be liable, and agrees to be liable for, and shall iudenmifY, defend, and hold the Department, its employees, agents, officers, heirs, and assiguees harruless from any and all claims, suits, judgments, or damages includiug court costs and attorney's fees arisiug out of iutentional acts, negligence, or omissions by the Contractor, or its employees or agents, iu the course ofthe operations of this Contract, iucludiug any Slaims or actions brought under Title 42 USC § 1983, the Civil Rights Act. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 34 of63 1. Contractor's fusurance The Contractor agrees to provide adequate insurance coverage on a comprehensive basis and to hold such insurance at all times during the existence of this Contract. The Contractor accepts full responsibility for identifYing and determining the type(s) and extent of insurance necessary to provide reasouable financial protection for the Contractor and the Department uuder this Contract. Upon the execution of this Contract, the Contractor shall furnish the Contract Manager written verification of such insurance coverage. Such coverage may be provided by a self-insurance program established and operating uuder the laws of the State of Florida. The Department reserves the right to require additional insurance where appropriate. If the Contractor is a state agency or subdivision as defmed in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the Contractor shall furnish the Department, upon request, written verification of liability protection in accordance with Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. Nothing herein shall be construed to extend any party's liability beyond that provided in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. J. fudependent Contractor Status The Contractor shall be considered an independent Contractor in the performance of its duties and responsibilities uuder this Contract. The Department shall neither have nor exercise any control or direction over the methods by which the Contractor shall perform its work and functions other than as provided herein. Nothing in this Contract is intended to, nor shall be deemed to constitute, a partnership or a joint venture between the parties. K. Disputes Any dispute concerning performance of this Contract shall be resolved informally by the Contract Manager or designee. Any administrative dispute that can not be resolved informally shall be reduced to writing and delivered to the Department's Assistant Secretary offustitutions. The Deputy Assistant Secretary ofInstitutions shall decide the dispute, reduce the decision to writing, and deliver a copy to the Contractor, the Contract Manager or designee and the Contract Administrator. L. Copvrights, Right to Data, Patents and Royalties Where activities supported by this Contract produce original writing, souud recordings, pictorial reproductions, drawings or other graphic representation and works of any similar nature, the Department has the right to use, duplicate and disclose such materials in whole or in part, in any manner, for any purpose whatsoever and to have others acting on behalf of the Department to do so. If the materials so developed are subject to copyright, trademark, or patent, legal title and every right, interest, claim or demand of any kind in and to any patent, trademark or copyright, or application for the same, will vest in the State of Florida, Department of State for the exclusive use and benefit ofthe State. Pursuant to Section 286.02 I, Florida Statutes, no person, firm or corporation, including parties to this Contract, shall be entitled to use the copyright, pateut, or trademark without the prior written consent of the Department of State. The Department shall have unlimited rights to use, disclose or duplicate, for any purpose whatsoever, all information and data developed, derived, documented, or furnished by the Contractor uuder this Contract. All computer programs and other documentation produced as part of the Contract shall become the exclusive property of the State of Florida, Department of State, and may not be copied or removed by any employee of the Contractor without express written permission of the Department. The Contractor, without exception, shall indemnifY and save harmless the Department and its employees from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for or on account of any copyrighted, patented, or unpatented invention, process, or article manufactured or supplied by the Contractor. The Contractor has no liability when such claim is solely and exclusively due to the MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 35 of63 combination, operation, or use of any article supplied hereunder with equipment or data not supplied by the Contractor or is based solely and exclusively upon the Department's alteration of the article. The Department will provide prompt written notification of a claim of copyright or patent infringement and will afford the Contractor full opportunity to defend the action and control the defense of such claim. Further, if such a claim is made or is pending, the Contractor may, at its option and expense, procure for the Department the right to continue use of, replace, or modifY the article to render it noninfringing. (If none of the alternatives are reasonably available, the Department agrees to return the article to the Contractor upon its request and receive reimbursement, fees and costs, if any, as may be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.) If the Contractor uses any design, device, or materials covered by letter, patent or copyright, it is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the Contract prices shall include all royalties or costs arising from the use of such design, device, or materials in any way involved in the work to be performed hereunder. M. Subcontracts The Contractor is fully responsible for all work performed under this Contract. The Contractor may, upon receiving prior written consent from the Department's Contract Manager, enter into written subcontract(s) for performance of certain of its functions under this Contract. No subcontract, which the Contractor enters into with respect to performance of any of its functions under this Contract, shall in any way relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the performance of its duties. All payments to subcontractors shall be made by the Contractor. If a subcontractor is utilized by the Contractor, the Contractor shall pay the subcontractor within seven (7) working days after receipt of full or partial payments from the Department, in accordance with Section 287.0585, Florida Statutes. It is understood and agreed that the Department shall not be liable to any subcontractor for any expenses or liabilities incurred under the subcontract and that the Contractor shall be solely liable to the subcontractor for all expenses and liabilities under this Contract. Failure by the Contractor to pay the subcontractor within seven (7) working days will result in a penalty to be paid by the Contractor to the subcontractor in the amount of one-half (liz) of one percent (I %) ofthe amount due per day from the expiration ofthe period allowed herein for payment. Such penalty shall be in addition to actual payments owed and shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the outstanding balance due. N. Assignment The Contractor shall not assign its responsibilities or interests under this Contract to another party without prior written approval of the Department's Contract Manager. The Department shall, at all times, be entitled to assign or transfer its rights, duties and obligations under this Contract to another governmental agency ofthe State of Florida upon giving written notice to the Contractor. O. Force Majeure Neither party shall be liable for loss or damage suffered as a result of any delay or failure in performance under this Contract or interruption of performance resulting directly or indirectly from acts of God, fire, explosions, earthquakes, floods, water, wind, lightning, civil or military authority, acts of public enemy, war, riots, civil disturbances, insurrections, strikes, or labor disputes. P. Substitution ofKey Personnel In the event the successful Contractor desires to substitute any key personnel submitted with his/her bid, either permanently or temporarily, the Department shall have the right to approve or disapprove the desired personnel change in advance in writing. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 36 of63 Q. Severability The invalidity or nnenforceability of any particular provision of this Contract shall not affect the other provisions hereof and this Contract shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision was omitted, so long as the material purposes of this Contract can still be determined and effectuated. R. Use ofFnnds for Lobbying Prohibited The Contractor agrees to comply with the provisions of Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, which prohibits the expenditure of State funds for the purposes of lobbying the Legislature, the Judicial branch, or a State agency. S. Verbal Instructions No negotiations, decisions, or actions shall be initiated or executed by the Contractor as a result of any discussions with any Department employee. Only those commnnications that are in writing from the Department's staff identified in Section IV., Contract Management, of this Contract shall be considered a duly authorized expression on behalf of the Department. Only commnnications from the Contractor's representative identified in Section IV., D., which are in writing and signed, will be recognized by the Department as duly authorized expressions on behalf ofthe Contractor. T. Conflict of Interest The Contractor shall not compensate in any manner, directly or indirectly, any officer, agent or employee ofthe Department for any act or service that he/she may do, or perform for, or on behalf of, any officer, agent, or employee of the Contractor. No officer, agent, or employee of the Department shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract or purchase made, or authorized to be made, by anyone for, or on behalf of, the Department. U. Department of State Licensing Requirements All entities defmed nnder Chapters 607, 617 or 620, Florida Statutes, seeking to do business with the Department, shall be on file and in good standmg with the State of Florida, Department of State. V. MyFloridaMarketplace Vendor Registration All vendors that have not re-registered with the State of Florida since March 31, 2003, shall go to complete on-line registration, or call 1-866-352-3776 for assisted registration. W. Public Entity Crimes Information Statement A person or affiliate who has been placed on the Convicted Vendor List following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid or proposal to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid or proposal to a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids or proposals for leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a Contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant nnder a Contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold arnonnt provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for Category Two for a period ofthirty-six (36) months from the date ofbeing placed on the Convicted Vendor List. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 37 of63 x. Discriminatorv Vendors List An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the Discriminatory Vendor List may not submit a bid or proposal to provide goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid or proposal with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids or proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not perform work as a Contractor, supplier, subcontractor or consultant under a Contract with any public entity and may not transact business with any public entity. y. Governing Law and Venue This Contract is executed and entered into in the State of Florida, and shall be construed, performed and enforced in all respects in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Florida. Any action hereon or in connection herewith shall be brought in Leon County, Florida. z. No Third Party Beneficiaries Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, neither this Contract, nor any amendment, addendum or exhibit attached hereto, nor term, provision or clause contained therein, shall be construed as being for the benefit of, or providing a benefit to, any party not a signatory hereto. AA. Reservation of Rights The Department reserves the exclusive right to make certain determinations regarding the service requirements outlined in this Contract. The absence of the Department setting forth a specific reservation of rights does not mean that any provision regarding the services to be performed under this Contract are subject to mutual agreement. The Department reserves the right to make any and all determinations exclusively which it deems are necessary to protect the best interests of the State of Florida and the health, safety and welfare of the Department's imnates and of the general public which is serviced by the Department, either directly or indirectly, through these services. BE. Cooperative Purchasing As provided in Section 287.042(l6)(a), Florida Statutes, other State agencies may purchase from this Contract, provided that the Department of Management Services has determined that the Contract's use is cost effective and in the best interest ofthe State. Upon such approval, the Contractor may, at its discretion, sell these commodities or services to additional agencies, upon the terms and conditions contained herein. In addition, other political subdivisions may also purchase from this Contract at the discretion of the Contractor. Entities purchasing from this Contract assmne and bear complete responsibility with regard to performance of any contractual obligation or term. CC. Scope Changes After Contract Execution During the term of the Contract, the Deparhnent may unilaterally require, by written order, changes altering, adding to, or deducting from the Contract specifications, provided that such changes are within the general scope ofthe Contract. The Department may make an equitable adjustment in the Contract prices or delivery date if the change affects the cost or time of performance. Such equitahle adjustments require the written consent ofthe Contractor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Department shall provide written notice to the Contractor thirty (30) days in advance of any Department required changes to the technical specifications and/or scope of service that affect the MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 38 0[63 Contractor's ability to provide the service as specified herein. Any changes that are other than purely administrative changes will require a formal Contract Amendment. DD. Performance Guarantee The Contractor shall furnish the Department with a Performance Guarantee in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) that shall be in effect yearly for a time frame equal to the term of the Contract. The form of the guarantee shall be a bond, cashier's check, or money order made payable to the Department. The guarantee shall be furnished to the Contract Manager within thirty (30) days after execution of this Contract. Upon renewal of this Contract, the Contractor shall provide proof that the performance guarantee has been renewed for the term of the Contract renewal. Based upon Contractor performance after the initial year of the Contract, the Department may, at the Department's sole discretion, reduce the amount of the bond for any single year of the contract or for the remaining contract period, including the renewal. REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 39 of63 Waiver of breach of any provision of this Contract shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shall not be construed to be a modification ofthe terms ofthis Contract. This Contract and any attachments or exhibits if included, ITB # 08-DC-8046 and the contractor's response to the ITB, contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. In the event of any conflict in language among these documents, the Department's Contract will govern. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. CONTRACTOR: KEEFE COMMISSARY NETWORK SIGNED BY: NAME: TITLE: DATE: FEID#: Approved as to form and legality, subject to execution. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS SIGNED BY: NAME: Richard D. Davison NAME: ~J!Jleen Von Hoene TITLE: Deputy Secretary Department of Corrections TITLE: (;';~;ral Counsel 'J/U/oy I DATE: MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 40 of63 DATE: ,¥rr-? Department of ChCfions • :J,J: ATTACHMENT A -MASTER CANTEEN PRODUCT LIST (March 2009) INMATE CANTEEN MENU BASIC, Full Flavor, King-size, pack $2.39 $3.75 BASIC, Menthol, King-size, pack $2.39 $3.75 MARLBORO, King-size, pack $3.76 $4.47 NEWPORT, King-size, pack $3.50 $4.21 TOP, Menthol, box/pouch, .65 oz. $1.69 $3.46 TOP, Regular, box/pouch, .65 oz. $1.69 $3.46 REDWOOD, 1.2 oz. can $3.95 $4.02 SKOAL, Wintergreen, 1.2 oz. can $4.75 $4.82 TOP, Cigarette Papers, 100 pack $0.62 $0.78 $0.53 Lighters, CALICO, ea. Toiletries Baby Powder, GOOD SENSE, 4 oz. $1.29 Conditioner, ALBERTO V05, 15 oz. $1.09 Denture Adhesive, EFFERGRIP, 2.5 oz. $4.12 Denture Bath, SEA·BOND, ea. $1.76 Denture Toothpaste, FRESH N BRITE, 3.8 oz. $3.24 Hair Dressing, DUKE, 3.4 oz. $2.02 NOXEMA, Skin Cream, 2.5 oz. plastic jar $2.39 Shampoo, ALBERTO VOS, 15 oz. $1.09 Shampoo, Dandruff, HEAD & SHOULDERS, 14.2 oz. $4.89 *Soap, IVORY, 3.1 oz. (no boxes) $0.40 *Soap, DIAL Anti Bacterial Deodorant Soap, Gold, 4 oz (individually wrapped) $0.93 Sunblock, GOOD SENSE, SPF 30,4 oz. $3.21 Toothpaste, COLGATE, Gel, 4.2 oz. $3.41 Toothpaste, COLGATE, WI Mouthwash, Icy Blast 4.6 oz. $3.41 Sundry Comb, Pocket, 5", NEW WORLD, Black Plastic $0.25 Cotton Swabs, Q·TIP, 170 ct. $2.39 Emery Boards, TRIM, #62500, 10 ct. $0.99 *Floss Loops, 30cl., LLP $1.78 Nail Clippers, (no file), TRIM $1.49 *Cross-Strap Flip Flop(Lg) $0.94 *Cross-Strap Flip Flop (Med) $0.94 *Cross-Strap Flip Flop (Sm) $0.94 *Cross-Strap Flip Flop (XLg) $0.94 * Soap Dish, Two Piece, Clear $0.99 * Toothbrush Holder, Two Piece, Clear $0.99 Toothbrush, Soft, COLGATE, (Cello Wrapped) $0.45 Health Aids MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 41 of63 , , Antacid, ROLAIDS, Peppermint, 12 tablet, roll $0.99 Anti Fungal Cream, TINACTIN, ~ oz. Cough Drops, HALLS, Mentho-Lyptus, 9 count Lip Balm, CHAPSTICK, .15 oz. $6.39 $0.99 $1.79 Nasal Spray, GOOD SENSE, 1.5 oz. $2.49 Pain Reliever, Non Aspirin, TYLENOL, Extra Strength, 1 pouch 2 caplets Vitamins, ONE A DAY, Advanced Formula, Maxium, 60 ct. $0.29 $7.99 Candy CERT'S, Peppermint, .72 oz. HERSHEY'S, Milk Chocolate, 1.55 oz JOLLY RANCHER'S, Original Assortment, 3.7 oz. $0.89 $0.89 $0.98 M&M, Peanut, 1.74 oz. SNICKER'S, 2.07 oz. Soft Peppermint Balls, STEWART CANDY CO., 2.5 oz. $0.89 $0.89 $0.80 $1.99 Sugar Free, Chocolate Candy, HERSHEY'S, 3 oz. Cookies/Snacks Beef and Jalapeno Cheese Sticks, JACK LINK'S, 1.2 oz. $1.29 Cereal Bar, KELLOGG'S, Nutra Grain, Apple Cinn, 1.3 oz. $0.79 Chewy Trail Mix Bar, NATURE VALLEY, Mixed Berry, 1.2 oz. $0.79 Chex Mix, Traditional, GENERAL MILLS, 3.75 oz. $1.59 LAYS, Plain Chips, Classic, 2.750z $1.29 LAYS, BBQ, Chips, 2.75 oz $1.29 LAYS, Sour Cream and Onion Chips, 2.75 oz $1.29 LAYS, Corn Chips, Original, 2.75 oz $1.29 DORITOS, Nacho Cheese 3.58 oz $1.29 Pork Skins, MAC'S, 1.75 oz. $0.99 CLOVERHILL, Bear Claw, 4.25 oz. $1.49 CLOVERHILL, Chocolate Iced Jumbo Donut, 4.5 oz. $1.49 CLOVERHILL, Chocolate Iced Honey Bun, 4.75 oz. $1.49 MRS. FRESHLEY'S, Honey Bun, Grand, Iced, 60z. $0.99 Cookies, Marias, GALLETAS, 6 oz. $0.75 Cookies, UNCLE AL'S, Banana Cremes, 5 oz. $0.69 Cookies, UNCLE AL'S, Chocolate Chip, 5 oz. $0.69 Cookies, UNCLE AL'S, Peanutbutter Cremes, 5 oz. $0.69 Cookies, UNCLE Al'S, Strawberry Cremes, 5 oz. $0.69 Crackers, Cuban, GILDA, 3 oz. $0.57 Crackers, Peanutbutler, LANCE, Toast Cheese, 1.3~ oz. $0.59 * Crackers, Saltine, 4 oz. (Packaged for resale) $0.62 Crackers, RITZ, 4 oz. Dill Pickle, VAN HOLTEN'S, 5-6 oz. $1.89 $0.99 Oatmeal, Instant, QUAKER, Cinnamon Roll 1.51 oz. Oatmeal, Instant, QUAKER, Maple Brown Sugar, 1.51 oz. Oatmeal, Instant, QUAKER, Regular, .98 oz. Peanuts, Salted, PLANTERS, 1.75 oz. $0.39 $0.39 $0.39 $0.59 Pop Tarts, KELLOGG'S, 3.67 oz. (Frosted Fruit Flavored Only) (2pk.) $0.89 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/1 0/08 Page 42 of63 Squeezer, PORTION PAC, Cheddar Cheese, 1 oz. $0.35 Squeezer, PORTION PAC, Jalapeno Cheese, 1 oz. Squeezer, SQUEEZ-UMS, Peanut Butter, 1.12 oz. $0.35 $0.27 Sunflower Kernels, PLANTERS, 3 oz. $.89 Frozen Beef Charbroil w/BBQ, "BIG AZ", PIERRE FOODS, 8.1 oz. $2.50 Beef Charbroil w/Cheese, FAST CHOICE, 4.85 oz $1.50 Breaded Pork Chop, "FAST CHOICE", 5.35 oz. $2.00 BubbaTwins Chili Cheese Dogs, PIERRE FOODS, 8.5 oz. $2.50 Country Fried Breast Patty w/Cheese, PIERRE FOODS, 9.20 oz. $3.00 Ham & Cheese Sandwich, PIERRE FOODS, 4.6 oz. $1,50 Sausage, Biscuit, Twins, FAST BITES, 3 oz. $1.25 French Bread Pepperoni Pizza, BETTER BAKED FOODS, 5.0 oz. $2.50 Half Pound Beef & Bean Burrito, EL PUESTO DE PEDRO, 8.00 oz. $2.50 Ice Cream Bar, SNICKERS, 3.3 oz. $1.49 Ice Cream Sandwich, DECONNA, 4.1 oz. $1.00 Nutty Buddy Cone, DECONNA, 4 oz. $1.00 Original Vanilla, KLONDIKE, Bar, 5.5 oz. $1.50 Entrees Beef Stew, ARMOUR, 8 oz. $1.28 Chlli WfBeans, Western Hot Style, ARMOUR, 8 oz. $1.28 Flour Tortillas, OLD EL PASO, 6",10 count, 8.2 oz. $1.99 Soup - Beef, MARUCHAN, pouch, 3 oz. $0.45 Soup - Chicken, MARUCHAN, pouch, 3 oz. $0.45 Soup - Beef, Low Sodium, MARUCHAN, pouch, 3 oz. $0.45 Soup - Chicken, Low Sodium, MARUCHAN, pouch, 3 oz. $0.45 Tuna, In Water, STAR·KIST, pouch, 2.6 oz. $1.50 Condiments $0.34 A·1 Steak Sauce, Indv., .5 oz. Creamer, CARNATION, Coffee Male, Non Dairy, 3.00 gm. Pk. $0.04 $0.02 Ketchup, lndv., HUNTS, 9 gm. Pk. Mayonnaise, Indv., KRAFT, 9 gm. Pk. $0.04 $0.02 Mustard, Indv., FRENCH'S, 5.5 gm. Pk. $0.02 $0.06 Plastic Spoon, ea. Soy Sauce, KIKKOMAN, Single Pack, .25 oz. Sugar Indv., DIXIE CRYSTAL, 3.5 gm Pk. Sugar Sub, EQUAL, 1.00 gm. Pk. Sweet Pickle Relish, Indv., PORTION PAC, 9 gm. Pk. $0.02 $0.02 $0.04 - - Drinks $0.20 Cocoa, Indv., NESTLES, .710z. Coffee, Indv., Decafe, SANKA, 1.9g $0.24 $0.19 Coffee, Indv., Select Roast, MAXWELL HOUSE, 1.7g Coffee, Instant, NESCAFE, resealable, 4 oz. pouch $3.85 $0.89 Cola, COKE, 12 oz. can Cola, DIET COKE, 12 oz. can MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 $0.89 Page 43 of63 ':_ J: Cola, SPRITE, 12 oz. can $0.89 Tea, Individual Bags, NESTEA Tea, NESTEA, 12 oz. can $0.04 $0.89 Personal Property *ADVANCE, Water Resistant Sports Watch #40823X, w/Battery $4.69 AM/FM Radio w/Earbud, GPX, R2825, Clear $16.68 Digital Radio, AM/FM w/earbud, SONY, SRF-M35FP, Clear $35.85 BRAUN, 370 Twist Razor, Battery Power $14.99 Combination Lock, MASTER, Series V-68 $6.59 Headphones, Replacement, HP-6, KOSS $11.00 Miscellaneous Batteries, AA, Alkaline, ENERGIZER, 2 pk. $1.75 Batteries, AM, Alkaline, ENERGIZER, 2 pk. $1.75 *Blue Mesh Bag for carrying canteen items (18x12x6) $3.00 *Calendar, Wall, 1Year, Glue Binding (12x12 when closed) $3.08 Cards, Playing, Pinochle, AVIATOR $2.49 *Cards, Playing, COLD CASE $2.19 Checkers Set, PRESSMAN $2.49 Chess Set, PRESSMAN $2.49 *Clip-On Sunglasses $3.74 *Sunglasses, Non Reflective, Black Plastic Frame $1.00 *Cup, Coffee Mug, 1 piece Molded Plastic w/Handle 12 oz. $0.99 Dominoes, Double Nine, PRESSMAN $2.95 Dominoes, Double Six, PRESSMAN $2.49 *Envelope #10 White, each $0.15 *Envelope 10x13 White, each $0.22 Handkerchiefs, HAV·A HANK, (White Only) 1ea. $1.19 Insect Repellant, CUTTER, Stick, 1oz. $4.80 *Mirror, Plastic, Non-Breakable, No Magnet, 6"X4.5" $1.50 *Notebook Paper 8-1/2" X 11" White 150 ct. College Rule $2.19 Pen, Black, Stick Md. Pt., BIC $0.16 Pen, Security, Black, RESPECT OF FLORIDA $0.65 *Pencil (#2) $0.10 *Photo Album, No Metal, 10 Sheet, Generic #21638 $1.00 Photo Ticket, ea. (tax included) $2.00 *Plastic Cup, No Lid, 22 oz., $0.33 *Poncho, Clear Vinyl, 50" x 80" $2.99 *Racquet Balls, 2 pack $2.52 Replacement Earpads, Black, KTX·6, ea $0.30 Scrabble Game, PARKER BROTHERS $19.19 Shoe Laces, KIWI, 54" $1.79 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 0911 0108 Page 44 of63 ,I , Shoe Polish, Black, Liquid, KIWI, 2.5 oz. $5.99 Wallet, No Metal, Basic Editions $3.20 *Washcloth, White, 1 Ib/dz, style 90 $1.32 *Watch Band, Nylon, Velcro, Black $3.48 WEBSTER'S, Pocket Dictionary $5.85 *Executive Diary/Journal $6.49 Postage .01 Postage Stamp $0.01 .02 Postage Stamp $0.02 .03 Postage Stamp $0.03 .42 Postage Stamp $0.42 As of 4/1/09 Male Only Hav-A-Tampa, Jewels, ea. $0.63 $0.76 REDMAN, Chewing Tobacco, Large Size, pouch, 3 oz. $4.79 $5.04 COPENHAGEN, 1.2 oz. can $4.69 $4.76 BARBASOL, Brushless Shave Sensitive Skin 5 oz tube $4.49 MAGIC, Shave Cream, Tube, Regular, 6 oz. $3.59 MENNEN, Deodorant, Anti-Perspirant, Clear Gel, Fresh Scent, Speed Stick, 3 oz. $2.79 MENNEN, Deodorant, Active Fresh, Speed Stick, 3 oz. $2.79 *Hair Brush (no handle), wood $2.00 Female Only US SALES, Large Stud, Ear Rings, Pierced, pair $20.00 US SALES, Small Stud, Ear Rings, Pierced, pair $12.00 ALWAYS, Maxi Pads, Ultra Thin, Regular, wlflexi wings, 18 ct. $3.69 ALWAYS, Maxi Pads, Long Super, w/flexi wings, 16 ct. $3.69 BLACK & WHITE, Bleaching Cream, .75 oz. $3.44 CARDINAL COMB, Hair Brush, Short Handle, Vented, Stiff, ea. $0.88 COVER GIRL, Blush, #117, Plum Plush, ea. $5.99 COVER GIRL, Blush, #135, Snow Plum, ea. $5.99 COVER GIRL, Blush, #180, Brick Rose, ea. $5.99 COVER GIRL, Eye Shadow, #215, Country Woods, ea. $6.99 COVER GIRL, Eyebrow Pencil, #500, Midnight Black, ea. $2.50 COVER GIRL, Eyebrow Pencil, #505, Midnight Brown, ea. $2.50 COVER GIRL, Foundation, Smoothers, #720, Creamy Natural, ea. $7.99 COVER GIRL, Foundation, Smoothers, #755, Soft Honey, ea. $7.99 COVER GIRL, Foundation, Smoothers, #770, Toasted Almond, ea. $7.99 COVER GIRL, Lipstick, #540, Midnight Mauve, ea. $6.99 COVER GIRL, Lipstick, #575, Really Red, ea. $6.99 COVER GIRL, Lipstick, #825, Nude, ea. $6.99 COVER GIRL, Pro Allin One, Mascara, #010, Black, ea. $7.49 COVER GIRL, Pro Allin One, Mascara, #015, Brown, ea. $7.49 DARK & LOVELV, Conditioner, 13.5 oz. $3.99 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 45 of63 DARK & lOVELY, Perm Kit, Regular $6.49 DARK & lOVELY, Shampoo, 13.5 oz. $3.33 GOODY, Combs, Kant Slip, (Side) 2 Pk. $0.88 GOODY, Hair Claw, Large $2.12 GOODY, Hair Rollers, ( Lg), 10 pk. $2.00 GOODY, Hair Rollers, (Med), 12 pk. $2.00 GOODY, Hair Rollers, (Sm), 14 pk. $2.00 GOODY, Pony Tail Holders, Ouchless, Elastic, (No Metal), 5 ea. $0.50 GOODY, Hair Net, White or Black, ea. $0.96 * Make Up Bag, Clear $5.99 lUSTER'S, Pink Oil, 8 oz. $4.99 MASSENGll, Douche, Vinegar & Water, 6 oz. Extra Cleansing Vinegar and Water Twinpack $2.69 MENNEN, Deodorant, AlP, Clear Gel, Shower Fresh, 2.3 oz. $2.79 MENNEN, Deodorant, Gel, Powder Burst, 2.3 oz. $2.79 OIL OF OLAY, Quench Body Lotion, 8.4 oz. $5.99 PlAYTEX, Tampons, Unscented, (Regular), 16 ct. $4.99 PLAYTEX, Tampons, Unscented, (Super), 16 ct. $4.99 *Shower Cap, ea. $0.15 TRIM, Tweezers, Blunt, Carded $1.99 ULTRA SURF, Laundry Detergent, 2 oz. $0.75 ZEPHYRHilLS, Bottled Water, 1pt. 9 oz. $0.99 VISITING PARK MENU KELLOGG'S, Cereal Bar, Nutra Grain, Apple Cinn, 1.3 oz. $0.79 NATURE VALLEY, Chewy Trail Mix Bar, Mixed Berry, 1.2 oz. $0.79 LAYS, Plain Chips, Classic, 2.75 oz $1.29 LAYS, BBQ, Chips, 2.75 oz $1.29 LAYS, Sour Cream and Onion Chips, 2.75 oz $1.29 LAYS, Com Chips, Original, 2.75 oz $1.29 DORITOS, Nacho Cheese 3.58 oz $1.29 MRS. FRESHLEY'S, Honey Bun, Grand, Iced, 6 oz. $0.99 Cookies, Chocolate Chip, FAMOUS AMOS, 3 oz. $0.99 Cookies, Oatmeal Raisin, GRANDA MA'S 2.5 oz. $0.59 Crackers, Peanutbutter, LANCE, 1.38 oz. $0.59 Crackers, W/Cheese, LANCE, 1.38 oz. $0.59 Microwave Popcorn, ACT II, Buttered, 3 oz. $0.79 Pudding, Chocolate, KRAFT, 3.5 oz. $0.50 Pudding, Vanilla, KRAFT, 3.5 oz. $0.50 Squeezer, SQUEEZ·UMS, Peanut Butter, 1 oz. $0.27 Sunflower Kernels, PLANTERS, 30z. $.89 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Garden Salad, FRESH EXPRESS, 6 oz. bag, (iceburg lettuce, carrots, red cabbage) bowl/spork provided by contractor MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/1 0108 Page 46 of63 $1.55 ,, , Apple Sauce, Original, MOTT'S, 4 oz. $0.50 Mandarin Orange Cup, DOLE, 4 oz. $0.74 Mixed Fruit Cup, DEL·MONTE, 4 oz. $0.66 Raisins, DEL-MONTE, 1.5 oz. $0.35 Beverages Bottled Water, ZEPHYRHILLS, 1pt. 9 oz. $0.99 Cocoa, lndv., NESTLES, .71 oz. $0.20 Coffee, Indv., Decafe, SANKA, 1.9g $0.24 Coffee, Indv., MAXWELL HOUSE, 1.79 $0.19 Cola, BARQ'S, Root Beer 12 oz. can $0.89 Cola, COKE, 12 oz. can $0.89 Cola, DIET COKE, 12 oz. can $0.89 Cola, FANTA ORANGE, 12 oz. can $0.89 Cola, MELLO YELLOW, 12 oz. can $0.89 Cola, SPRITE, 12 oz. can $0.89 Strawberry Kiwi, TROPICANNA, 15.2 oz $1.99 Juice, Apple, TROPICANNA, 15.2 oz. $1.99 Juice, Orange, TROPICANNA, 15.2 oz. $1.99 Juice, Orange·Pineapple, TROPICANNA, 15.2 oz. $1.99 Juice, Vegetable, CAMPBELL'S, V-8, 12 oz. $1.79 Tea, NESTEA, 12 oz. can $0.89 Entrees & Frozen Bagel, Cinnamon Raisin, wI Cream Cheese, BAGELTIME, 4.6 oz. Bagel, Plain, w/Cream Cheese, BAGELTIME, 4.6 oz.. BBQ Chicken Wings, PIERRE FOODS, 5 oz. $1.25 $1.25 Beef Charbroil w/Cheese, FAST CHOICES, 4.85 oz. Bubba Twins Chili Cheese Dogs, PIERRE FOODS, 8.5 oz. Rowdie Spicy Rib, PIERRE FOODS, 5.5 oz. Sausage & Egg Pancake Sandwich, PIERRE FOODS, 4.80 oz. $2.25 $2.25 $2.25 $3.00 $2.50 $1.50 $2.50 $2.25 $2.25 Sausage, Biscuit Twins, FAST BITES, 3 oz. $1.25 French Bread Pepperoni Pizza, BETTER BAKED FOODS, 5.0 oz. Half Pound Beef & Bean Burrito, EL PUESTO DE PEDRO, 8.00 oz. Lunch-N-Go, STARKIST, Chunk Light Tuna, 4.1 oz. $2.50 $2.50 SOup - Beef, MARUCHAN, Instant Lunch, 2.25 oz. Soup· Chicken, MARUCHAN, Instant Lunch, 2.25 oz. $0.99 $0.99 $1.49 $1.00 $1.00 Buffalo Chicken Wings, PIERRE FOODS, 50z Southern Fried Drummies, PIERRE FOODS, 5 oz. Country Fried Breast Patty wCheese, PIERRE FOODS, 9.20 oz. Beef Charbroil w/BBQ, "BIG AZ", PIERRE FOODS, 8.1'oz. Ice Cream Bar, SNICKERS, 3.3 oz. Ice Cream Sandwich, DECONNA, 4.1 oz. Nutty Buddy Cone, DECONNA, 4 oz. Original Vanilla, KLONDIKE, Bar, 5.5 oz. $2.19 $1.50 Candy $0.89 $1.09 $0.89 BUTTERFINGER, 2.10 oz. Chick-O-Stick, ATKINSON'S, 2 oz. Special Dark Chocolate, HERSHEY'S, 1.45 oz. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 47 of63 M & M, Peanut, 1.74 oz. SKITTLES, 2.17 oz. SNICKERS, 2.07 oz. TWIX, 2.0 oz. $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 Condiments A·1 Steak Sauce, Indv., .5 oz. $0.34 Assorted Jelly, FLAVOR FRESH, 10 gm. Pk. $0.06 Creamer, CARNATION, Coffee Mate, Non Dairy, 3.00 gm. Pk. $0.04 Ketchup, lndv., HUNTS, 9 gm. Pk. $0.02 Mayonnaise, Indv., KRAFT, 9gm. Pk. $0.04 Mustard, Indv., FRENCH'S, 5.5 gm. Pk. $0.02 Plastic Spoon, ea. $0.02 PlastIc Spoon, ea. $0.04 Salad Dressing, HEINZ, Low Fat, Italian, 1.5 oz. $0.29 Salad Dressing, HEINZ, Ranch 1.5 oz $0.29 Soy Sauce, Indv. KIKKOMAN, .25 oz. $0.06 Squeezers, PORTION PAC, Cheese, 1 oz. $0.35 Sugar Indv. DIXIE CRYSTAL, 3.5 gm. Pk. $0.02 Sugar Sub, EQUAL, 1.00 gm. Pk. $0.02 Sweet Pickle Relish, Indv., PORTION PAC, 9 gm. Pk. $0.04 Miscellaneous Photo Tickets (tax included) $2.00 Crime Stoppers Playing- Cards (Poker) $2.19 MALE QUARTERLY ORDER Men's, RIDDELL, Impact Cross-Trainer, Low Top, Soft Leather, Athletic Shoe, White/Grey, Sizes - 7-11 including half sizes, 12, 13, 14, Standard 0 Width Men's, RIDDELL, Intensity, High-Top, Soft Leather, Athletic Shoe, Sizes 7-11 including half sizes, 12,13,14,15, Standard 0 or 2E Width Men's, RIDDELL, AXT 2000 Cross Trainer, low Top, Soft Leather, Athletic Shoe, Sizes 7-10 including half sizes, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Standard 0 or 2E Width Men's, NEW BALANCE, MX608 Cross TraIner, Low Top, Soft Leather, Athletic Shoe, Sizes 6.5 - 12.5 , 13, 14, 15,16, Standard Dand 4E Width Men's, NEW BALANCE CBB201, High Top, Soft Leather, Athletic Shoe, Sizes 7-11 Including half sizes 12,13,14,15, Standard 0 and 4E width $14.19 $32.98 $28.39 $49.99 $42.29 Athletic Supporter S to XL, BIKE $4.10 Gray Sweatshirt, Sizes: Sto XL, RUSSELL ATHLETIC $7.90 Gray Sweatshirt, Sizes: 2XL to 4XL, RUSSELL ATHLETIC $12.40 Gray Sweatshirt, Sizes: 5XL to 6XL, B&B CLARK $12.40 Men's Long Sleeve Pajamas, BOTANY 500, Size Sto XL $11.38 Men's Long Sleeve Pajamas, BOTANY 500, Size 2XL to 6 XL $16.62 Men's Short Sleeve Pajamas, BOTANY 500, Size Sto XL $10.83 Men's Short Sleeve Pajamas, BOTANY 500, Size 2XL to 6 XL $16.13 Gym Shorts, Navy Blue, B&B INDUSTRIES, Sizes: S to XL $4.53 Gym Shorts, Navy Blue, B&B INDUSTRIES, Sizes: 2XL to 6XL $7.55 Gym Shorts, Navy Blue, ERICK HUNTER, Size 10XL $7.55 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 48 of63 §/}iiiiii4i0iiiiEi0S!!: Ei'iVii%i\J\Wi:Zi Men's Boxers, HANES, Size S to XL, 3 PK $7.92 Men's Boxers, HANES, Size 2XL, 3 PK $12.63 Men's Boxers, PLAYERS, Size 3XL to 5XL, 2 PK $11.26 Men's Boxers, PLAYERS, Size 6XL, 2 PK $12.02 Men's Crewneck T-shirt, HANES, Size S to XL, 3 PK $7.92 Men's Crewneck T-shirt, HANES, Size 2XL to 3XL, 3 PK $13.01 Men's Crewneck T-shirt, PLAYERS, Size 4XL to 6XL, 2 PK $13.42 Men's Thermal Underwear, Pants, Indera, Size S to XL $4.74 Men's Thenmal Underwear, Pants, Indera, Size 2XL to 6XL $6.46 Men's Thermal Underwear, Shirts, Indera, Size S to XL $4.74 Men's Thermal Underwear, Shirts, Indera, Size 2XL to 6XL $6.46 Deluxe Crew Socks, Cotton, One Size Fits All, Indera $0.85 Master Lock 31 MK - BLIND INMATES ONLY $10.59 • FEMALE QUARTERLY ORDER Women's, RIDDELL, Low Top, Soft Leather, Athletic Shoes, Sizes 5 - 9 including half sizes, 10, Standard Width Women's, REEBOK, Classic Nyion, Athletic Shoes, Sizes 5 - 10 including half sizes, 11, Standard Width ~ $29.40 Women's, NIKE, Women's T-Lite, Low Top, Soft Leather, Athletic Shoes, Sizes 5-11 including half sizes. Standard Width $51.18 Women's, NEW BALANCE, WX621 Cross Trainer, Low-Top, Soft Leather, Athletic Shoes, Sizes 5 - 11 (including half sizes up to 10 1/2) Standard Width; Sizes 11, 12, 13 Standard Width up to 2E Width $49.99 Gray Sweatshirt, Sizes: Sto XL, RUSSELL ATHLETIC $7.90 Gray Sweatshirt, Sizes: 2XL to 4XL, RUSSELL ATHLETIC $12.40 Gray Sweatshirt, Sizes: 5XL to 6XL, B&B CLARK $12.40 Women's, BOTANY 500, Pajamas, Long Sleeve, Lt. Blue, Sizes: StoXL $14.06 Women's, BOTANY 500, Pajamas, Long sleeve, Lt. Blue, Sizes: 2XL to 6X $15.34 Women's, BOTANY 500, Pajamas, Short Sleeve, Lt. Biue, Sizes: S - XL $12.78 Women's, BOTANY 500, Pajamas, Short Sleeve, Lt. Blue, Sizes: 2XL - 6XL $15.34 Gym Shorts, Navy Blue, B&B INDUSTRIES, Sizes: S to XL $4.53 Gym Shorts, Navy Blue, B&B INDUSTRIES, Sizes: 2XL to 6XL $7.55 Gym Shorts, Navy Blue, ERICK HUNTER, Size 10XL $7.55 Thenmai Underwear Pants, Indera, Sizes: S to XL $4.85 Thenmal Underwear Pants, Indera, Size: 2XL . $6.72 Thermal Underwear Shirts, Indera, Sizes: S to XL $4.85 Thermal Underwear Shirts, Indera, Size: 2XL $6.72 Bra, JUST MY SIZE, 42-44B, 38-48C, 38-48D, 38-50DD $13.08 Bra, HANES COTTON CURVES, 34B, 36B, 38B, 36C $7.70 T-shirt - Gray (no pocket), FRUIT OF THE LOOM, S-XL $3.82 T-shirt - Gray (no pocket), FRUIT OF THE LOOM, 2XL - 3XL $6.38 Women's Cotton Briefs, White, HANES HER WAY, 3 pkg, Sizes: 5 - 8 $5.57 Women's Cotton Briefs, White, HANES HER WAY, 3 pkg, Sizes: 9 -14 $7.18 Deluxe Crew Socks, Cotton, One Size Fits All, Indera $0.85 Master Lock 31 MK - BLIND INMATES ONLY $10.59 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 49 of63 , } DEATH ROW CRAFTS & ELECTRONICS MENU String Along - Strinq Art Crayola - Washable Watercolors $16.60 $7.84 Assorted Cardstock - 50 sheets $2.70 Strathmore Paint Pad $2.80 MindWare Color Book $5.90 MindWare Color Book $5.90 Strathmore Charcoal Pad - 32 Sheets $3.10 'Color Activity Book $1.70 Crayola Paint Brushes - 8 brushes $3.10 Crayola Color Pencils - 64 pencils $15.70 Alphacolor Soft Pastel Chalks - 12 chalks $9.20 Twist-Up Crayons -10 crayons $2.35 Crayons - 64 crayons $8.90 Crayola Finger Paint - 6 bottles $12.00 Search and Find Crosswords AMP'D ATSC11 -11' LCD Digital TV w/out speaker $1.25 $1.25 $245.00 ACTION ADAPTER # 3120 $10.99 Massey 8" Clear Fan $15.90 12' Headphone Ext (Y) $4.88 TV Transformer Spade Connect (Y) $2.08 *Classic DTV-2000 Clear ATSC Converter Box $59.99 1.) Items identified with an • (asterisk) shall have comparable items submitted to the Contract Manager for approval prior to being placed on the menu. 2.) Name Brand menu items will be considered for substitution by the Contract Manager UDon submittal of comparable Name Brand items. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 50 of63 ;·1 ATTACHMENT B- CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONs/FACILITIES MAJOR INSTITUTIONS 'Indicates a work camp adjacent to an institution. Region I , Apalachee Correctional Institution East (Male) 35 Apalachee Drive Sneads, Florida 32460-4166 (850) 718-0688 Fax: (850) 593-6445 , Calhoun Correctional Institution (Male) 19562 SE Institution Drive Blountstown, Florida 32424-5156 (850) 237-6500 Fax: (850\ 237-6508 'Franklin Correctional Institution (Male) 1760 Highway 67 North Carrabelle, Florida 32322 (850) 697-1100 Fax: 1850\ 697-1108 Gulf Correctional Institution Annex (Male) 699 Ike Steel Road (850) 639-1509 Fax: (850) 639-1508 Apalachee Correctional Institution West (Male) 52 West Unit Drive Sneads Florida 32460-4165 (850) 718-0577 Fax: (850) 593-6445 , Century Correctional Institution (Male) 400 Tedder Road Century, Florida 32535-3659 (850) 256-2600 Fax: (850) 256-2335 Gulf Correctional Institution (Male) 500 Ike Steele Road Wewahitchka, Florida 32465-0010 (850) 639-1000 SC 790-1000 Fax: (850) 639-1182 , Holmes Correctional Institution (Male) 3142 Thomas Drive Bonifay, Florida 32425-0190 (850) 547-2100 Fax: (850) 547-0522 Jefferson Correctional Institution (Male) 1050 Big Joe Road Monticello, Florida 32344-0430 (850) 342-0500 Fax: 1850\ 997-0973 Northwest Florida Reception Center (Male) 4455 Sam Mitchell Drive Chipley, Florida 32428-3501 (850) 773-6100 Fax: (850) 773-6252 , Okaloosa Correctional Institution (Male) 3189 Little Silver Rd. Crestview, Florida 32539-6708 (850) 682-0931 Fax: (850) 689-7803 Santa Rosa CI (Male) 5850 East Milton Rd. Milton, Florida 32583-7914 (850) 983-5800 Fax (850) 983-5907 , Wakulla Correctional Institution (Male) 110 Melaleuca Drive Crawfordville, Florida 32327-4963 (850) 410-1895 Fax: (850)410-0203 , Walton Correctional Institution (Male) 691 Institution Road DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433-1831 (850) 951-1300 Fax: (850) 951-1750 , Jackson Correctional Institution (Male) 5563 10th Street Malone, Florida 32445-3144 (850) 569-5260 Fax: 1850\ 569-5996 , Liberty Correctional Institution (Male) 11064 NW. Dempsey Barron Road Bristol, Florida 32321-9711 (850) 643-9400 Fax: (850) 643-9412 'Northwest Florida Reception Center Annex (Male) 4455 Sam Mitchell Drive Chipley, Florida 32428-3501 (850) 773-6500 Fax: (850) 773-6611 Quincy Annex (Male) 2225 Pat Thomas Parkway Quincy, Florida 32351-8645 (850) 627-5400 Fax: (850) 875-3572 Santa Rosa Annex (Male) 5850 East Milton Rd. Milton, Florida 32583-7914 (850) 983-5800 Fax (850) 983-5907 Wakulla Correctional Institution Annex (Male) 110 Melaleuca Drive Crawfordville, Florida 32327-4963 (850) 410-1895 Fax: (850) 410-0203 Region /I , Columbia Correctional Institution (Male) 216 S.E. Corrections Way Lake City, Florida 32025-2013 (386) 754-7600 Fax: (386) 754-7602 , Baker Correctional Institution (Male) P.O. Box 500,20706 US 90 W. Sanderson, Florida 32087-0500 (386) 719-4500 Fax: (386) 758-5759 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 PageSlol63 ....., Columbia Correctional Institution Annex (Male) 7819 N.w. 228th Street Raiford, Florida 32026-1000 (904) 368-2500 Fax: (904) 368-2732 Florida State Prison (Male) 7819 N.w. 228th Street Raiford, Florida 32026-1000 (904) 368-2500 Fax: (904) 368-2732 , Cross City Correctional Institution (Male) 568 NE 255~ Street Cross City, Florida 32628 (352) 498-4444 Fax: (352) 498-4333 or 4334 Florida State Prison 0 Unit (Male) 7819 N.W. 228th Street Raiford, Florida 32026-1000 (904) 368-2500 Fax: (904) 368-2732 , Gainesville Correctional Institution (Male) 2845 NE 39~ Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32609-2668 (352) 955-2001 Fax: (352) 334-1675 , Hamilton Correctional Institution (Male) 10650 SW 46~ Street Jasper, Florida 32052-1360 (386) 792-5151 Fax: (386) 792-5159 Hamilton Correctional Institution Annex (Male) 10650 SW 46th Street Jasper, Florida 32052-1360 (386) 792-5151 Fax: (386) 792-5159 , Lancaster Correctional Institution (Male) 3449 S.w. State Road 26 Trenton, Florida 32693-5641 (352) 463-4100 Fax: (352) 463-3476 Lawtey Correctional Institution (Male) 7819 N.w. 228. Street Raiford, Florida 32026-2000 (904) 782-2000 Fax: (904) 782-2005 , Mayo Correctional Institution (Male) 8784 US Highway 27 West Mayo, Florida 32066-3458 (386) 294-4500 Fax: (386) 294-4534 New River Correctional Institution East Unit (Male) 7819 N.w. 228~ Street Raiford, Florida 32026-3000 (904) 368-3000 Fax: 1904\ 368-3205 Reception and Medical Center West Unit (Male) 8183 SW 152" Loop Lake Butler, FL 32054-0628 (386) 496-4689 Fax: (386) 496-4689 'Taylor Correctional Institution (Male) 8501 Hampton Springs Road Perry, Florida 32348-8747 (850) 838-4000 Fax: (85m 838-4024 Union Correctional Institution (Male) 7819 N.w. 228fu Street Raiford, Florida 32026-4000 (386) 431-2000 Fax: (386) 431-2016 , Madison Correctional Institution (Male) 382 Southwest MCI Way Madison, Florida 32340-4430 (850) 973-5300 Fax: (904) 973-5339 New River Correctional Institution West Unit (Male) 7819 N.W. 228· Street Raiford, Florida 32026-3000 (904) 368-3000 Fax: (904) 368-3205 'Reception and Medical Center Main Unit (Male) Hwy 231 Lake Butler, Florida 32054-0628 (386) 496-6000 Fax: (386) 496-3287 'Suwannee Correctional Institution (Male) 5966 US Hwy 90 Live Oak, Florida 32060 (386) 963-1540 Fax: (386)-963-6103 Taylor Correctional Institution Annex (Male) 8501 Hampton Springs Road Penry, Florida 32348-8747 (850) 838-4000 Fax: (85m 838-4024 Regit;m III , Avon Park Correctional Institution (Male) P.O. Box 1100 County Road 64 East Avon Park, Florida 33826-1100 (863) 453-3174 Fax: (863)453-1511 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 , Brevard Correctional Institution (Male) 855 Camp Road Cocoa, Florida 32927-3709 (321) 634-6000 Fax: (321) 637-7728 Page 52 of63 '. j Central Florida Reception Center Main (Male) 7000 H C Kelley Rd Orlando, FL 32831-2518 (407) 207-7777 Fax: (407) 249-6570 Central Florida Reception Center West Unit (Male) 7000 H C Kelley Rd Orlando, FL 32831-2518 (407) 207-7777 Fax: (407) 249-6570 Hernando Correctional Institution (Female) 16415 Springhill Drive Brooksville, Florida 34604-8167 (352) 754-6715 Fax: (352) 544-2307 Lake Correctional Institution (Male) 19225 U.S. Highway 27 Clermont, Florida 34715-9025 (352) 394-6146 Fax: (352) 394-3504 Lowell Correctional Institution Annex (Female) 11120 NW Gainesville Rd Ocala, Florida 34482-1479 (352) 401-5301 Fax: (352) 401-5331 'Polk Correctional. Institution (Male) 10800 Evans Road Polk City, Florida 33868-6925 (863) 984-2273 Fax: (863) 984-3072 'Sumter Correctional Institution (Male) 9544 County Road 476B Bushnell, Florida 33513-0667 (352) 569-6100 Fax: (352) 569-6196 Zephyrhills Correctional Institution (Male) 2739 Gall Boulevard Zephyrhills, Florida 33541-9701 (813) 782-5521 Fax: (813) 782-4954 Central Florida Reception Center East Unit (Male) 7000 HC Kelley Rd Orlando, FL 32831-2518 (407) 207-7777 Fax: (407) 249-6570 Demilly Correctional Institution (Male) 10980 Demilly Road Polk City, Florida 33686 (863)984-9170 Fax: (863)984-9176 Hillsborough Correctional Institution (Female) 11150 Highway 672 Riverview, Florida 33569-8402 (813) 671-5022 Fax: (813) 671-5037 Lowell Correctional Institution (Female) 11120 NW Gainesville Rd Ocala, Florida 34482-1479 (352) 401-5301 Fax: (352) 401-5331 , Marion Correctional Institution (Male) 3269 NW 105th Street Lowell, Florida 32663-0158 (352) 401-6400 Fax: (352) 840-5657 Putnam Correctional Institution (Male) 128 Yelvington Road East Palatka, Florida 32131-2112 (386) 326-6800 Fax: (386) 312-2219 'Tomoka Correctional Institution (Male) 3950 Tiger Bay Road Daytona Beach, Florida 32124-1098 (386) 323-1070 Fax: (386) 323-1006 Region IV Cha~otte Broward Correctional Institution (Female) 20421 Sheridan Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33332-2300 (954) 252-6400 Fax: (954) 680-4168 Dade Correctional Institution (Male) 19000 S. W. 377fu Street Florida City, Florida 33034-6409 (305) 242-1900 Fax: (305) 242-1881 Everglades Correctional Institution (Male) 1601 S.w. 187fu Ave. Miami, Florida 33185-3701 (305) 228-2054 Fax: (305) 228-2039 , Hardee Correctional Institution (Male) 6901 State Road 62 Bowling Green, Florida 33834-9505 (863) 767-4500 Fax: (863) 767-4504 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Correctional Institution (Male) 33123 Oil Well Road Punta Gorda, Florida 33955-9701 (941) 833-2300 Fax: (941) 575-5747 , DeSoto Annex (Male) 13617 S.E. Highway 70 Arcadia, Florida 34266-7800 (863) 494-3727 Fax: (863)494-1740 , Glades Correctional Institution (Male) 500 Orange Ave. Circle Belle Glade, Florida 33430-5222 (561) 829-1400 Fax: (561) 992-1355 , Hendry Correctional Institution (Male) 12551 Wainwright Drive Immokalee, Florida 34142-4797 (239) 867-2100 Fax: (239) 867-2255 Page 53 of63 ~'i Homestead Correctional Institution (Female) 19000 S. W. 377'h Street Florida City, Florida 33034-6409 (305) 242-1700 Fax: (305) 242-2424 • Martin Correctional Institution (Male) 1150 S.w. Allapattah Road Indiantown, Florida 34956-4397 (772) 597-3705 Fax: (772) 597-3742 South Florida Reception Center Main Unit (Male) 14000 NW 41" Street Doral, Florida 33178-3003 (305) 592-9567 Fax: (305) 470-5628 Indian River Correctional Institution (Male) 7625 17fu Street, SW. Vera Beach, Florida 32968-9405 (772) 564-2814 Fax: (772) 564-2880 Okeechobee Correctional Institution (Male) 3420 N.E. 168fu St. Okeechobee, Florida 34972-4824 (863) 462-5474 Fax: (863) 462-5402 South Florida Reception Center South(Male) 13910 NW 41" Street Doral, Florida 33178-3014 (305) 592-9567 Fax: (305) 470-5628 WORK CAMPS, FORESTRY CAMPS & ROAD PRISONS Region I Berrydale Forestry Camp (Male) 6920 Highway 4 Jay, Florida 32565-2204 (850) 675-4564 Fax: (850) 675-0801 Calhoun Work Camp (Male) 19564 SE Inst. Drive Blountstown, Florida 32424-5156 (850) 674-2887 Fax: (850) 674-2503 Century Work Camp (Male) 400 Tedder Road Century, Florida 32535-3659 (850) 256-2600 Fax: (8501 256-5005 Gulf Forestry Camp (Male) 3222 DOC Whitfield Road White City, Florida 32465 (850) 827-4000 Fax: (8501 827-2986 Jackson Work Camp (Male) 5607 10th Street Hwy 71 North Malone, Florida 32445-9998 (850) 569-5260 Fax: (850) 569-5996 Okaloosa Work Camp (Male) 3189 Little Silver Road Crestview, Florida 32539-6708 (850) 682-0931 Fax: (850) 682-4578 Tallahassee Road Prison (Male) 2628 Springhill Road Tallahassee, Florida 32310-6730 (850) 488-8340 Fax: (850) 414-9032 Bay City Work Camp (Male) 1001 West Highway 98 Apalachicola, Florida 32320-1272 (850) 653-1020 Fax: (8501 653-2592 Caryville Work Camp (Male) 1005 Waits Ave Caryville, Florida 32427-0129 (850) 548-5321 Fax: (850) 548-5305 Graceville Work Camp (Male) 5230 Ezell Road Graceville, FL 32440-4289 (850) 263-9230 Fax: (850) 263-9235 Holmes Work Camp (Male) 3182 Thomas Drive Bonifay, Florida 32425-4238 (850) 547-2703 Fax: (850) 547-3169 Liberty Wonk Camp (Male) 11064 NW Dempsey Barron Road Bristol, Florida 32321-0711 (850) 643-9542 Fax: (850) 643-9562 River Junction Work Camp (Male) 300 Pecan Lane Chattahoochee, FL 32324-3700 (850) 663-3366 Fax: (850) 663-4773 Wakulla Work Camp (Male) 110 Melaleuca Drive Crawfordville, FL 32327-4963 (850) 413-9663 Fax: (8501 421-1261 Walton Work Camp (Male) 301 World War II Veterans Lane De Funiak Springs, Florida 32433-1838 (850) 951-1355 Fax; (850) 951-1766 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 54 of63 ~Ji. Region II Baker Work Camp (Male) P.O. Box 500 US 90 E. Sanderson, Florida 32087-0500 (386) 719-4670 Fax: (386) 719-2775 Columbia Work Camp (Male) 216 S.E. Corrections Way Lake City, Florida 32025-2013 (386) 754-7600 Fax: (386) 754-7602 Cross City Work Camp (Male) 568 N.E. 255· Street Cross City, Florida 32628 (352) 444-4444 Fax: (352) 498-4338 Gainesville Work Camp (Male) 1000 NE 55. Blvd. State Road 26 East Gainesville, Florida 32641-6067 (352) 955-2045 Fax: (352) 955-3119 Hamilton Work Camp (Male) 10650 SW 461h Street Jasper, Florida 32052-3732 (386) 792-5409 Fax: (386) 792-5432 Lancaster Work Camp (Male) 3449 SW SR26 Trenton, Florida 32693-5641 (352) 463-4100 Fax: (352) 463-3476 Madison Work Camp (Male) 382 SW MCI Way Madison, Florida 32340-4430 (850) 973-5302 Fax: (850) 973-5358 SC 296-5339 Mayo Work Camp (Male) 8976 US 27 West Mayo, FL 32066 (386) 294-4752 Fax: (386) 294-4532 RMC Work Camp (Male) P.O. Box 628 Lake Butler, FL 32054 (386) 496-4050 Fax: 1386\ 496-4060 Taylor Work Camp (Male) 8501 Hampton Springs Road Perry, Florida 32348-0000 (850) 223-4501 Fax: (850) 838-4024 Suwannee Work Camp (Male) 5966 US Hwy 90 Live Oak, Florida 32060 (386) 963-1540 Fax: (386)-963-6103 Region III Avon Park Work Camp (Male) Post Office Box 1100 County Road 64 East Avon Park, Florida 33826-1100 (863) 453-3174 Fax: 1863\ 453-1511 Largo Road Prison (Male) 5201 Ulmerton Road Clearwater, Florida 33760-4006 (727) 570-5135 Fax: (727) 588-4920 Brevard Work Camp (Male) 855 Camp Road Cocoa, F132927-3700 (321) 634-6130 Fax: (321) 634-6051 Levy Forestry Camp (Female) P.O. Box 1659 County Road 343 Bronson, Florida 32621-1659 (352) 486-5330 Fax: (352) 486-5335 Lowell Work Camp (Female) 11120 NW Gainesville Road Ocala, Florida 34482-1479 (352) 401-5301 Fax: (352) 401-5331 Marion Work Camp (Male) Post Office Box 158 3269 NW 105. Street Lowell, Florida 32663-0158 (352) 401-6865 Fax: (352) 401-6443 Sumter Work Camp (Male) Post Office Box 1807 9544 County Road 476B Bushnell, Florida 33513-0667 (352) 569-6114 Fax: (352) 793-6645 Polk Work Camp (Male) 10800 Evans Road Polk City, Florida 33868-6925 (863) 984-2273 Fax: (863) 984-1761 SC588-1761 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 55 of63 -i Tomoka Work Camp (Male) 3950 Tiger Bay Road Daylona Beach, FL 32124-1098 (321) 323-1220 Fax: (321) 323-1006 Region IV Arcadia Road Prison (Male) 2961 N.w. County Road 661 Arcadia, Florida 34266-8203 (863) 993-4628 Fax: (863) 993-4630 Big Pine Key Road Prison (Male) P. O. Box 430509 450 Key Deer Blvd. Big Pine Key, Florida 33043-0509 (305) 872-2231 Fax: (305) 872-9417 Desoto Work Camp (Male) 13617 S.E. Highway 70 Arcadia, FL 34266-7800 (863) 494-3727 Fax: (863) 494-1740 Ft. Myers Work Camp (Male) P.O. Box 051107 12551 WainwrightDrive Immokalee, Florida 34142-9628 (239) 332-6915 Fax: (239) 332-6992 Hardee Work Camp (Male) 6899 State Road 62 Bowling Green, Florida 33834-9505 (863) 773-2441 Fax: (863) 773-0160 Glades Work Camp (Male) 2600 NMain Street Belle Glade, Florida 33430-5314 (561) 829-1800 Hendry Work Camp (Male) 12551 Wainwright Drive Immokalee, Florida 34142-9628 (239) 867-2251 Fax: (239) 867-2256 Loxahatchee Road Prison (Male) 230 Sunshine Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33411-3616 (561) 791-4760 Fax: (561) 791-4763 Sago Palm Work Camp (Male) 15500 Bay Bottom Rd Pahokee FL 33476 WORK RELEASE CENTERS Region IV Hollywood WRC (Female) P.O. Box 8759 8501 W. Cypress Drive Pembroke Pines, Florida 33025-4542 (954) 985-4720 Fax: (954)967-1251 MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 56 of63 ATTACHMENT C- DEPARTMENT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACTORS (1) FS 944.47: Except through regular channels as authorized by the officer-in-charge of the correctional institution, it is unlawful to introduce into or upon the grounds of any state correctional institution, or to take or attempt to take or send or attempt to send therefrom any of the following articles, which are hereby declared to be contraband. (a) Any written or recorded communication or any currency or coin given or transmitted, or intended to be given or transmitted, to any inmate of any state correctional institution. (b) Any article of food or clothing given or transmitted, or intended to be given or transmitted, to any inmate of any state correctional institution. (c) Any intoxicating beverage or beverage which causes or may cause an intoxicating effect. (d) Any controlled substance or any prescription or nonprescription drug having a hypnotic, stimulating or depressing effect. (e) Any firearm or weapon of any kind or any explosive substance. (This includes any weapons left in vehicles) (D Any cellular telephone or other portable communication device intentionally and unlawfully introduced inside the secure perimeter of any state correctional institution without prior authorization or consent from the officer in charge of such correctional institution. A person who violates any provision of this section as it pertains to an article of contraband described in subsections (a), (b), or (D is guilty of a felony of the third degree. In all other cases, a violation of a provision of this section constitutes afelony of the second degree. 2) Do notleave keys in ignition locks of motpr vehicles. All vehicles must be locked and windows rolled up when parked on state property. Wheel locking devices may also be required. 3) Keep all keys in your pockets. 4) Confirm, with the Institutional Warden, where construction vehicles should be parked. 5) Obtain formal identification (driver's license or non-driver's license obtained from the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles). This identification must be presented each time you enter or depart the institution. 6) Absolutely no transactions between contract personnel and inmates are permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, giving or receiving cigarettes, stamps, or letters. 7) No communication with inmates, verbal or otherwise, is permitted without the authorization of the officer-in-charge. 8) Strict tool control will be enforced at all times. Tools within the correctional institution are classified as AA, A, or B. Class AA tools are defined as any tool that can be utilized to cut chain link fence fiber or razor wire in a rapid and effective manner. Class A tools are defined as those tools which, in their present form, are most likely to be used in an escape or to do bodily harm to staff or inmates. Class B tools are defined as tools of a less hazardous nature. Every tool is to be geographically controlled and accounted for at all times. At the end of the workday, toolboxes will be removed from the compound or to a secure area as directed by security staff. You must have two copies of the correct inventory with each tool box, one copy will be used and retained by security staff who will search and ensure a proper inventory of tools each time the tool box is brought into the facility, the other copy will remain with the tool box at all times. Tools should be kept to a minimum (only those tools necessary to complete your job). All lost tools must be reported to the Chief of Security (Colonel or Major) immediately. No inmate will be allowed to leave the area until the lost tool is recovered. 9) Prior approval must be obtained from the Chief of Security prior to bringing any powder-activated tools onto the compound. Strict accountability of all powder loads and spent cartridges is required. 10) All construction materials will be delivered into the compound on trucks entering through the sallyport gate. As the security check of vehicles is an intensive and time consuming (10-15 minutes) process, the contractor is requested to minimize the number of deliveries. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 0911 0108 Page 57 of63 11) Establish materials storage and working areas with the Warden and/or Chief of Security. 12) Control end-of-day construction materials and debris. Construction materials and debris can be used as weapons or as a means of escape. Construction material will be stored in locations agreed to by security staff and debris will be removed to a designated location. Arrange for security staff to inspect the project area before construction personnel leave. This will aid you in assuring that necessary security measures are accomplished. 13) Coordinate with the Warden and Chief of Security regarding any shutdown of existing systems (gas, water, electricity, electronics, sewage, etc.). Obtain institutional approval prior to shutting down any existing utility system. Arrange for alternative service (if required) and expeditious re-establishment of the shutdown system. 14) With the intent of maintaining security upon the institution's grounds, a background check will be made upon all persons employed by the contractor or who work on the project. The Department, represented by institution's warden, reserves the right to reject any person whom it determines may be athreat to the security of the institution. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 58 of63 CONTRACT #C2562 ATTACHMENT D-NETWORKAND CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAMS Conceptual Diagram ..., .. , Equipment at Central Office ,~ ~ Tallahassee.FL U h 'j ;1 II " Typical Cashless site at Correctional Insfittrtlon I JPrlIlfsr DOC L.Att MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09110/08 Page 59 of63 !;j.. canI~&WaAlf ~ '. ~ ~ ...-.. ~. -~ II I.~ CONTRACT #C2562 Network Diagram , I ~ I f Cashless Canteen Correctional Institution ORty Configuration I t ! ! I MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 60 of63 CONTRACT #C2562 Cashless Canteen Diagram of Nightly Jobs 060906 CASHLESS SERVER 9:15PM EX1RACTJOB -----. MAINFRAME Kl#l#DWN - DeAN.PROD. JBPGM121. FTP CANSALES.F## # I 12:01 AM I iB85S### (IBPGM,2,) AS SOOH AS THE SALES JOBS iB85KW3 (IBPGM12j OOMPLETE OB2lIMS ( OB2/IMS / ASSOQHAS llIESETUMIT DCFiN1'llOG. IB85H##11 (IllPGM1251 JOB COMPLETES lBPGM125 HOUSlNG,F#II# ~I- BANKlNGJJP APPLY HOUSING v~ UMlTS MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10108 Page 61 of63 CONTRACT #C2562 ATTACHMENT E- RECORD STRUCTURES FOR CASHLESS CANTEEN/INMATE BANK NIGHTLY JOBS CASHLESS CANTEEN RECORD STRUCTURE Sales.txt 33609111/2006150949010000000009/11/200623.01.3100 33609/11/2006151469010000760109/11/200623.01.3100 33609111/2006152349010000000009/11/200623.013100 33609/11/2006153966010000329609/11/200623.01.3100 33609/11/2006154110010000000009/11/200623.01.3100 Sales Extract Record Structure for Cashless file K###.dwn and Mainframe file DCFIN.PROD.IBPGM121.CANSALES.F###: Header Record: 10200123000990000039314 1- 3 = facility 4 - 8 = number of records in sales file 9 - 13 = number of records with sales (non zero amount) 14 - 23 = total sales amount Detail Record: 10208/01/2000000001010000305008/01/200018.40.0101 1- 3 =facility 4 -13 = sale date 14-19=dc# 20 - 21 = card number 22 - 29 = sales amount 30 - 39 = upload date 40 - 47 = upload time 48 - 49 = canteen # Housing Housing.txt D09/11/200609/1112006 336150949MCINTOSH, TONI M. 336151469WILLIAMS, DARYNDA F. 336152349HUNDRIESER, BARBARA J. 336153966MILLER, ANNEITE B1117L22MCINTOSH, TONI M. 81104U22JOHNSON, DARYNDA L. C11 01 L21 HUNDREISER, BARBARA A1133S21 KILKELLY, ANNEITE 00000000019591026 00000000019580314 00000000019640610 00000000019560706 00000000 00010000 00000004 00010000 Housing File Record Structure for Cashless file BANKING.UP and Mainframe file DCFIN.PROD.IBPGM125.HOUSING.F###: Header Record: X05/03/200105/03/2001 1-1 = Housing Type (W= Weekly Run, D= Daily Run) 2 -11 = Date of housing run on mainframe (shOuld always be yesterday's date) 12 - 21 = Last sales recorded on mainframe (should always be yesterday's date, unless there were no canteen sales yesterday) Detail Record: 102008841 CRINER, RICHARD C. 1- 3 =facility 4-9=dc# 10-34 = name 35 - 40 = location M2140S11CRINER, RICHARD G. MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09110108 Page 62 of63 26323247619480110 00000011 CONTRACT #C2562 41-41 = sex 42 -42 = race 43-67 = aka 68-76 = ssn 77 - 80 = birth year 81 - 82 = birth month 83 - 84 = birth day 85-88=pobox 89 - 94 = spending dollars 95 - 96 = spending cents 97 -102 = dc # (new dC# if the dC# in position 4 has been merged) INMATE TRUST FUND/CASHLESS DESCRIPTION OF NIGHTLY JOBS 9:15 PM:. On the cashless server, an extract process is initiated to create the sales file for each of the 52 institutions ("Some institutions are combined for IT purposes). The sales files are placed in individual institution folders as expected by the mainframe Inmate Bank batch jobs. 12:00 AM: The sales jobs IB855### start running. The 52 sales jobs run one at a time. The jobs use FTP to pull the sales extract file (K###.dwn) from each cashless server up to the mainframe (DCFIN.PROD.lBPGM121.CANSALES.F###). If there is an error during the FTP process, an email will be sent out to the cashless on-call team and to the programmers. The mainframe program IBPGM121 takes the daily sales and applies them to the inmate bank database with the status "PRCD (CANTEEN)". AS SOON AS THE SALES JOB IS COMPLETE: On the mainframe, the set limit job IB85KW3 (IBPGM122) is run for all inmates (regardless of location) in either daily mode or weekly mode. The daily mode recalculates the spending limit for only those inmates that have had deposits posted and holds changed (added, updated, or deleted), or special withdrawals created today. The weekly mode looks at all inmates and changes the status of last week's sales from "PRCD (CANTEEN)" to "PROCESSED" and recalculates the new weekly limit AS SOON AS THE SET LIMIT JOB COMPLETES: On the mainframe, the housing jobs IB85H### run for each of the 52 institutions. The program IBPGM125 takes the daily sales file (DCFIN>PROD.IBPGM121.CANSALES.F###) as an input file of active inmates at the institution and creates a housing file (DCFIN.lBPGM125.HOUSING.F###) listing the inmate infomnation and spending limit for the cashless system. Each housing file is pushed, using FTP, to the cashless server in the appropriate institution directory with the file name banking.up. If an error occurs during the FTP process, an email will be sent out to the cashless on-call team and to the programmers. The current housing limits are then applied by the canteen application. Legend: ### = Institution number MODEL DOCUMENT REVISED 09/10/08 Page 63 of63