National Inmate Resource Directory Epoch Publications 2008
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This text is machine-read, and may contain errors. Check the original document to verify accuracy. www.Na N National Inmate Resource Directory ADVOCATES ART Guidelines For Submitting Art Dear Artist, LINKS Please read the following guidelines carefully. We are well aware of how difficult it is for an inmate artist to sell their work. And we want to make this experience as pleasant and professional as possible. We realize how much effort and care you put into your work and its presentation. National Death Row Assistance Network of CURE The Primavera Foundation, Inc. T.I.M.E.© Prisoner Self Help Titles Available BUILDING SELF-ESTEEM For Convicts, Juvenile Delinquents and Criminal Offenders by Ed Poindexter A GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL PLEA BARGAINING by Brett Fenster, Esq. Look for our books in your library or ask the prison librarian to order the books. HOW TO APPLY FOR A PARDON The Graduate Group PO Box 371351 West Hartford, CT 06137-0351 Do follow the guidelines below, apply them to every potential seller you present your work to. You may be surprised how much better the response to your work is when you follow these simple steps. What happens if we are interested. If we are interested in your work, we will contact you by mail (or a representative by email). At this point we will want to arrange to see more of your work. If it is not locally available, we will discuss shipping arrangements. By this point we are very interested in your work, but there is still no guarantee your work will be accepted. We understand the burden and expense of shipping and we will not ask you to ship it unnecessarily. You will be responsible for the cost to get it to us, and if we do not accept your work, we will pay the cost to return it. Also at this time we can discuss commission structure and any questions you have about payment terms etc. by Roger Jewell HOW TO HELP A LOVED ONE IN PRISON by Sharie Rae For more information and pricing send a self address stamped envelope to: Though we take on very few artists, we assure you we look at each and every submission carefully. And though the chances are very small we will take on your work, we want to see it. We only ask for your patience as well. There is no advantage to calling or emailing to speed up the process. We will answer every submission with a brief and polite response. We will not critique work presented, there just isn’t time. LIFE IN PRISON Digging in and Getting Started by Timothy R. Pauley OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEWLY RELEASED OFFENDERS 2nd, revised edition by Josh Hoekstra Response time. In general, we are very quick to respond to submissions, within 2 to 3 weeks. Artist and Art requirements: You are a Ready to be Exhibited. Your style must be fully developed and recognizable as uniquely yours. You are a Professional. You are able to pack, ship, and handle your art when necessary so that it arrives undamaged . Your work must be shippable and reasonably able to be handled and stored without special technique. TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND IN PRISON by Alfred Jones, PhD www.gra d u a t e g r o u p . c o m National Inmate Resource Directory What we ARE looking for: Fresh contemporary art in all media. Emphasis on skill and talent. What we will consider, and actively looking for: original pen and ink, pencil graphic, color acrylic. Envelope art and handkerchief art is desired. Clean and presentable art. Only ONE submission to be considered. DO NOT SEND MULTIPLE PIECES UNLESS ASKED. In the event that the piece is not acceptable please include an address to return the art. Include the following information for each piece of art or craft: The name of the artist. The title or name of the artwork. The size of the item. What it was created on (illustration board, canvas, art paper, etc.). Medium used to create it (color pencil, acrylic, ink, and so on.). The prisoner's asking price (I will not price any artwork or craft). Your contact or representative’s information (e-mail, phone, and mailing address). Submission Guidelines: 1) One Piece for consideration. Choose the piece that represents your best work. 2) If possible have accurate photographs taken of your work. Digital is the best way. If you must mail your submission use 1st class mail. Our Mailing Address is at the bottom of this page. Include your contact info in the package. Please save your money and use 1st class mail. Fedex, Expressmail, DHL, etc. do not get special attention. Do NOT send additional work without prior arrangement - We will refuse delivery. This just costs you unnecessary expense and risk. If you want a response, include a self addressed stamped envelope or e-mail. If you want your portfolio back, include a return envelope with sufficient postage. If you have questions mail us at the address below: Epoch Publications National Inmate Resource Directory P.O. Box 97940 Phoenix, AZ 85060 LINKS Prisons Foundation 3) Package your art with care. Remember these are a representation of your work. Ensure that the shipping method is the best to avoid damage and folding art work. 4) Here are several ways to send us images Representative: You may have a person from the outside represent your work. You wil have to sign an affidavit of representation. Your representative will be your contact person with us. Do not duplicate their contact it will not speed things up. It will only cause delays. Your representative may e-mail. In the Subject, put “Artist Submission” In the Body of the e-mail include the following info Contact Information (name, email address, phone, etc.) A brief description of your art and one jpeg attachment. Title, size, medium, year, and other pertinent info about the work sent. Optional: A brief description of your art, and short bio. File attachment requirements: JPEG files only (e.g., picture.jpg or picture.jpeg) Largest dimension 1000 pixels, and no less than 600 Please, no larger than 250kb per file, Larger files will be rejected by the server. ARTICLES LINKS National Inmate Resource Directory BOOKS Return to Honor by Don Kirchner Return To Honor is an organization dedicated to informing and assisting communities, government agencies and businesses in creating “bridges” of understanding and opportunity for qualified former offenders upon their release from incarceration. Don Kirchner Speaker and Author of: A Matter of Time Page ( ) Return to Honor Page ( ) Secrets From Behind the Wall by Don Clair Society tells us that there are hundred even thousands of reasons why people end up in prison, probation or in relationships that are not fulfilling. I asked this question, "What is the one thing you would want to tell a child that you know would absoubtly keep them out of trouble or prison?" After asking this question to thousands of individuals who were in prison Don Clair compiled the answers. Learn the secrets from behind the wall. See Ad on Page ( ) 13 Bourne Ave. Attleboro MA 02703. We have the book you have been searching for. If we don’t, we will find it for you. We also have Videos, CDs, DVDs and VHS. Order for yourself or for a loved one’s special day. We accept stamps. Send S.A.S.E. for more information. Or have your family or friend email: The Graduate Group P.O. Box 370351 West Hartford, CT 06137-0351 They provide inmates with information (at no cost to them) that will help them gain a broader understanding of available opportunities and career options upon their release. Our titles cover a variety of subjects, including law, career guidance and counseling in a variety of fields, and personal development. See Ad on P ( ) National Inmate Resource Directory LINKS Authors Independent authors Human Rights Law Review A Jailhouse Lawyer\’s Manual Books from Tom Lagana Touched by Angels of Mercy Chicken Soup for the Volunteer’s Soul: Serving Time, Serving Others: Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul The Way of the Prisoner: by You Are Never Alone A by Trish Hart God on Death Row by Michael Nadraus For The Love Of The Streets by Cedric Dean Books Groups Groups that offer books to inmates Internationalist Books JACBROWN Books and CD’s Prison Book Program Tradewinds Publications C&B Books Distribution Books 2 Prisoners Louisiana Sedona author signs movie contract After three years of diligent work, Sedona author Don Kirchner has signed a contract for the development and production of his book, "A Maner of Time" as a major motion picture. In a ceremony held recently in Los Angeles, producer Paul Pompian, of Paul Pompian Productions, Inc., announced he has agreed to adapt Don's book into a theatrical feature film scheduled to begin full production sometime in late fall of 2003. Pompian has directed. produced or served as executive producer on over 4S feature films, made-for-television movies and "docu-dramas," He has worked directly with such notable Hollywood actors as Martin Sheen, Charlton Heston. Carroll O'Conner, Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Robert Mitchum and Judy Davis, "With over 25 years experience in the industry, Mr, Pompian's involvement at this time puts us in a most unique and promising position,” said the author. "He's well-respected in an industry that oftentimes has questionable ethics and values." High Ground Productions, Inc. , a Sedona-based corporation, committed to developing and promoting books and movies that inspire heroism and personal courage, has purchased the rights to Kirchner's book and formed the new alliance with Paul Pompian Productions. "A Matter of Time," published by High Ground Productions Inc., is a true story of Kirchner's brief but dramatic involvement with a large drugsmuggling organization in the early 198Os, which resulted in Don's serving two-and-a-half years in federal prison. Don's subsequent efforts to educate fellow prisoners and assist them in the basics of reading and writing led Don to create a prison "re-entry" program and juvenile diversion project, which gained national recognition from U.S. Senators Barry S, Goldwater and John McCain. Numerous law enforcement and federal and state correctional officials. including his own former prosecutor, U.S. Attorney David McGee, of Pensacola. Fla. have endorsedd Kirchner's program. "Society for Return to Honor.” Kirchner has recieved numerous awards, grants and recognition for his work with incarcerated individuals, assisting them in the long and arduous process of returning home and re·creating honorable, productive lives. "I believe that to truly make a difference in the world,” Kilchner said. "One must first get strong and healthy in one’s own work. The positive ramifications of a successful book and movie will do more to raise the level of awareness in various communities to which certain former offenders will ultimately return, There MUST be a system and a philosophy of 'welcoming back' the men, women and youth of this country who have made mistakes,” Kirchner continued. "Eventually, 80 percent of all incarcerated people have to come out. i Given our present system of unyielding, G r retribution-based punishment, they're come out of their experience with a c 'guns blazing' mentality. The Return to ' Honor program has been designed to H each personal skills and vocations to e former offenders so that they can rise to f a new leve1 of functionality in society. The T re-release of the book. “A Matter of o Time” in April 2003 as a hardcover book, combined with the completion of b the t movie production, will do much for the t implementation and development of the t Return To Honor program," added Kirchner. K authur and speaker Don Kirchner ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kirchner attended Colorado State University before joining the U.S,Army in 1969 and serving a tour of duty in Vietnam as a Chief Warrant Officer and combat he1icopter pilot. Convicted in 1981 for his involvement with a marijuana smugg1ing operation in Florida and New Mexico, Kirchner earned unprecedented commendations from his work in prison with other inmates. His firsthand experience with inmates of all ages in federal prison inspired Kirchner to address the desperate need for a support system for inmates upon release from prison. Within six months of his own release from federal prison in April of 1988, Kirchner founded “The Society for Returm to Honor" as an Arizona nonprofit corporation to facilitate the re-entry of former criminal offenders back into society. Kirchner has written extensively on the subject of prison reform and human redemption has published numerous essays and short stories, and is currently self-publishing a book for writers on the subect of turning creative passions into business. Reprint source: Book Reviews January 2003 Building a bridge between former inmates and their communities. National Inmate Resource Directory Buy the book from Epoch Publications Bookstore Page 23 Magazines, Newsletters and Periodicals Publication services Subscription services and independent magazines, newsletters or periodicals. The Graduate Group Cell Door Magazine Miracles Prisoner Ministry 501 E. Adams, Wisconsin Dells WI 53965 Free spiritual recovery reading materials. Books to Library/Chaplain. 12-Step, Bible, A Course in Miracles. On-site training.Spanish available. see ad on page () P.O. Box 370351 West Hartford, CT 06137-0351 For complete manuscript submission instructions, please go the the Author Information page. There you will find all the information you need to submit your manuscript to The Graduate Group for review and possible publication. Lantern Books Used Books Used books available to send to inmates Epoch Publications Book Store Publishers See List on Page () Wanted Books National Inmate Resource Directory CARE PACKAGES Send in your book request to Epoch Publications, PO Box 97940, Phoenix, AZ 85060. Your request will be posted on the website. As books become available you wil be notified of cost (if any) and a contact name. LINKS Loving A Convict EDUCATION LINKS Blackstone Career Institute National Inmate Resource Directory National Inmate Resource Directory National Inmate Resource Directory INMATE SERVICES MEDICAL The T Scott Companies PO Box 652, E. Templeton, MA 01438 Packages, Photos, Shopping, Research & Errands done for you. Prisoners send Self Addressed Envelope for brochure. LINKS LINKS CDC’s National Prevention Information Network (NPIN). The Office of Minority Health Mc Dorman & Associates Loving A Convict The Pennsylvania Prison Society LEGAL LINKS Blackstone Career Institute Human Rights Law Review A Jailhouse Lawyer\’s Manual Georgetown Law Journal Annual Review of Criminal Procedure MINISTRIES Bateman Ministries 43611 Restmore Lot 189 Harrison Township, MI 48045 Publishes a newsletter "Out Reach" for inmates. See Ad on Page ( ) Miracles Prisoner Ministry 501 E. Adams Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 Worldwide non-profit, faith based ministry. Offers 12-Steps Spiritual Recovery materials inc. Bible & A Course in Miracles. Free. Write for catalogue. See Ad on Page ( ) Miracles Prisoner Ministry is a 501c3 worldwide organization providing free spiritual reading materials/DVD/audio based on 12-Steps, NewTestament & Course in Miracles. New Christian Church 501 E. Adams Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 LINKS Wings Ministry Many Voices Prison Mission Association Emmaus Correspondence School Ministries God On Death Row Receive a bible from a family member or friend. Ask them to go to our Amazon Book Store where they can ship a bible to any prison or jail. Ask them to contact your institution first and follow the mailing procedures. Imates may place their name on the waiting list for sponsored or donated bibles. Send your information to: Inmate Bibles, Epoch Publications, PO Box 97940, Phoenix AZ 85060 Support this ministry by sending them unused first class postage stamps. PEN PALS LINKS Convict House PO Box 1477 Ontario, CA 91762 Convict house provides FREE pen pal services and various paid products to inmates. If you are looking for long time friendships or just want to reach out. Premiuim members also receive a free lisitng on the National Inmate Resource website. Have a friend or family log onto and fill out an applicaiton. Friends Beyond the Wall Poughkeepsie Plaza 2600 South Road, Suite 44-244 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-7004 Friends Beyond the Wall has been in business since 1999. They are rating them with 5 stars for the best PAID Pen Pal Service. Selected inmate are also placed on the National Inmate Resource Directory for maxium exposure. Pen Pals Behind Bars Prisoner Pen Pals Dawah International, LLC Prison Penpals Convict News VOL 1 ISSUE 1 KEEPING CONVICTS INFORMED NATIONWIDE JANUARY 2009 inside this issue: Words from the Publisher Millionaire Ex-Convict Dies Convict News National News Stories subscriptions available $18 for the year (monthly) $3 for one issue P. O. Box 1477 Ontario, CA 91762 Recent Court Decisions A’ S A M E R IC T S LARGE N P R IS O R PA P E S W E N Convict Corner Convict Services Directory January 2009 | Convict News | 1 National Na ati t on oNational a Inm al Inmate n ate Inmate Resour Re Resource e Resource urce Dir Directory i ecto Directory tory to w ww .Natio .N ona n lIInmateResouurceD m v u o o t o e n ic s .c m H C ve We Ha d Bran New s ce Servi 5 One Bad-Ass Convict Services Company What We’re About earche S et We will on ti Convic t Send your name and you address and we’ll add add dd it to our Convict Directory free of charge. This is a free name and address only pen pal ad for those having no money. Write “Convict Directory” on the outside of your envelope to us. P e r s on use Ho s ift Prints oto Ph Send us a self-addressed stamped envelope for our free brochure. P. O. Box 1477 Ontario, CA 91762 Cale nd a zed Custo i l a zed Sta We have assorted greeting cards, including x-mas cards. We have killer prices. Send SASE for catalog. tory rec Di G anything you want, get you a price and send it to you in the mail. ary ctory • e r i Intern e Interne e t Fr a CD with the songs of your choice and mail it for you with your letter. al Shop n o We will find Pers ali We have the Ultimate National Inmate Resources Directory. urces D so on s We will make anyone you want r pe Christmas Professi on al If you have personal photos you want copied we will provide you professional prints. m s CD Per Pictures We are gearing up for Christmas. We do gift baskets and personalized puzzles, T-shirts, playing cards and Teddy bears and will send them to whoever you wish. ** Subject to change without notice. tional a N mate Re In ot Want some hot pictures? Send 5 first class stamps and a self-addressed stamped envelope for our catalog. Get Cash: We pay 65% of face value for new books of 42¢ stamps. We pay 55% for all strips of 42¢ stamps. research any issue on the internet and send you the results We will create 24 sheets of stationary for you with your picture embedded in the paper. uy Pos ta Stamps H ads are totally free Just have someone go to our website and type in the ad and upload 4 photos and you’ll be on the internet in 2 hours.* If you don’t have anyone on the outside to put your ad on our website, we’ll do it for $15. eB ge We are starting a newspaper called Convict News and need inmate writers. If you have skills, send us a sample of your work with a SASE. W s Pal Ads n Pe internetOurpen pal vict New n o s in the sI C We want to be the spot where you come for everything! You can order by mail or have someone come to our website and buy it, and we’ll send it to you or as a gift to anyone you choose right away. If you want to buy a lot of what we have ask us for our Special Pricing on bulk orders We are not like other companies out there. We are going to handle your business like it has never been handled before. No games, no delays, no problems. G re eti ng Card s rsWe have “Fantasy Builders” Calendars (We accept prison checks, cash and stamps.) rec m Nati National National al In Inmate Inmate Resource Resource Directory Directory PHONE LINKS Loving A Convict REENTRY PRODUCTS Mike’s Better Shoes 1252 Berlin Haddonfield Road, Voorhees, NJ 08043 The #1 source for providing personalized service to each individual inmate while honoring DOC specifications; all while maintaining the most current and diverse catalog of footwear in the market place. for inmates or as gift to send home for the family. See Ad on Page ( ) Jaden Moore of New York Return to Honor Return To Honor is an organization dedicated to informing and assisting communities, government agencies and businesses in creating “bridges” of understanding and opportunity for qualified former offenders upon their release from incarceration. See Ads on Page 6 and 17 Hidden Plaza of Hyde Park Attn: Color Catalog INT 600 Violet Avenue, Suite 168 Hyde Park, NY 12538 Rated the BEST gift company catering to incarcerated people! Keeping them connected with family, friends and loved ones at special times or 'just because!' In business since 1999, JMNY offers the 'complete package,' along with exceptional personalized service not found ANYWHERE else! See Ad on page ( ) LINKS National Inmate Resource Directory Rated #1 for RESULTS fair INearlf)i 10 Years I R ,,'te - ***** by the Na 10 - a Inmate Resource DIrectory' ... JU5,t a Few of the EXTRAOR'DINARY Benefits our CUen,ts Enjoy ... National Inmate Resource Directory