New York State Police, Trooper Gregory S. Spak Letter of Censure, 2014
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INTERNAL AFFAIRS BUREAU PERSONNEL COMPLAINT TRACKING DCN: 20140031 CTV:F5659 Subiect(s): Trooner Greao~ S Snak Investi.,ated bv:sertteant Geortte S Okst Staff Insnector:Ma;or Michael Ko-.. SUBJECT IDSTORY REVIEWED? [8J REGION: South LEVEL:3 Troop or Detail F Date: 4/22/14 ON PROBATION? ,, AUDIO? □ VIDEO? TYPE: Personnel 0 □ SYNOPSIS: On 01/10/14 Trooper Spak was approached by a disabled motorist requesting help with his vehicle. Trooper Spak left the area without providing any help. Closed Founded. D Unfounded D Unsubstantiated D Closed by Investigation ~oop Level O Division Level Finding of Investigation: [8J Founded Recommended Level of Adjudication: Adjudicated at Troop[] r d d Date: ssistant Deputy Superinte ~ ?tu-<f' ,!Jrv'•J Ad.,· C,,rfJ """1, J'.J''"o ,.J Finding of Investigation: ~Founded Recommended Level of Adjudication: ~=-""" /14 "'"" ...., ■IR-- '!i ~ f.,w vd) ir (k J''ZJ:,,..,, ~ d"..,,.urr ~ G, ,,/rA4-A, 'f lml\te\nleittffJlttJi'nalli'Mt',1, Comments: , 7 f','L. J,44-t,( Disposition: /1.,<, • .,,_,-r,..£f'/ Co,W- t/,1t:.. 4 er S"'. D Unfounded D Unsubstantiated D Closed by Investigation lg(Troop Level D Division Level ✓-.2'1-/V ,!,('.' 7', ,,,,,,_,, ,, , ,,, • . , · ic. l'A.-«f-,;:, D Division Level Reco , Tr op Level - Return to Chief Inspector D Division Level - Forward to Division Counsel Date Forwarded to Counsel or the Chieflns ector: D Troop Level Rank/Name of Member Notified, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date Notified: _ _ _ _ __ Notified by Whom: • JOSEPH A. D'AMICO SUPERINTENDENT MAJORPATRICKJ.REGAN TROOP COMMANDER STATE OF NEW YORK N:Ji:W YORK STATE POLICE ' TROOP "F" HEADQUARTERS 55 gtYSTAL RUN ROAD MIDDLETOWN, NY 10941 (845) 344.5300 July 24, 2014 " . Trooper Gregory·S. Spak New York State Police Middletown, New York LETTER OF CENSURE De~ Trooper Spak: . On Jamiary:,10, 2014 you failed to provide assistance to a disabled motorist who had requested help in finding roadside repair seIVice. Your actions violated Regulation 8A2, specifically 8A8, by act;ing in a manner which brought discredit upon the Division. On July 23, 2014 you app.eared befure me, executed a waiver ~d requested that I · adjudicate the discipline in this matter. . Accordingly, it is my decision that you receive a letter of censure foryour actions. I trust that you will not allow this to happen again. A' Pa ckJ · Major Troop Commander NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop F Station Middletown CVEU Date To: Major Patrick J. Regan, Troop Commander From: Trooper Gregory S. S p a ~ Subject: DISCIPLINARY ACTION June 25, 2014 //tt'\ I hereby request to have the above-captioned investigation adjudicated by the Troop Commander pursuant to Rule 3, Disciplinary Action, of the New York State Police Manual. I waive the following: I. The right to have this matter disposed of by the Superintendent or by a formal hearing. 2. Any right to appeal the Troop Commander's adjudication, which may be a determination of unfounded or, upon a finding of guilt, the imposition of the following penalties: 1. A letter of censure and/or ii. An intra-troop transfor and/or iii. A fine to be expressed in the loss of no more than five vacation days to be worked by me with no additional compensation or overtime. NEW YORK ST ATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop F Station Middletown Date July 24, 2014 To: Deputy Superintendent Daniel R. Penny From: Major Patrick J. R e g r Commander Subject: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL - 20140031 - LEVEL 3 TROOPER GREGORY S. SPAK . Reference is made to the previously submitted report regarding the above subject. On July 23, 2014, Trooper Spak appeared before me and executed his consent to have me adjudicate this matter at Troop level. Pursuant to Rule 3 of the New York State Police Administrative Man_ual, I have determined that he receive a Letter of Censure. I have attached a copy of the Letter of Censure and consent waiver. ' · This matter is closed. Attach. NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM TROOP F STATION Middletown ])ATE April 10,.2014 TO: Deputy Superintendent Daniel R. Penny FROM: Major Patrick J. Rei Troop F Commander SUBJECT: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL - 20140031 - LEVEL 3 TROOPER GREGORY S. SPAK, CVEU MR. PHILIPP R. GERSTER, NY Reference is made to the attached report of Sergeant George Okst and cover memorandum of Captain Frank J. Keyser regarding the above subject. I have reviewed the attached report and agree thafit is founded. Trooper Spak violated Regulation 8A8 when he acted in a manner which brought discredit upon the Division of State Police when he failed to provide assistance to a disabled motorist who had requested help in finding roadside repair service. · Recommend appropriate administrative action at Troop Level. Forwarded for your review. Attach. NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop F Station SP Middletown Date April 9, 2014 TO: Major Patrick J. Regan, Troop Commander, Troop F FROM: Captain Frank J. Keyser~~ SUBJECT: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL- LEVEL 3 - 20140031 TROOPER GREGORY S. SPAI(- CVEU MR. PHILIPP R. GERSTER, , NY Refererice is made to report ofComplaint Against Personnel 20140031 dated January 30, 2014 and the attached investigative report of Sergeant George S. Okst dated April 7, 2014. I have read Sergeant Okst's report and find it satisfactorily submitted. Additionally, I concur with his findings and conclusions that the above referenced complaint against personnel regarding Troc,per Spalc is founded. Trooper Spak violated Regulation 8A2 by failing to comply with Division Rules and Regulations, specifically Regulation 8A8, when he failed to provide assistance to a disabled motorist who had requested help, thereby bringing discredit to the Division. Recommend appropriate administrative action at Troop level. Attachment .,. GENL.30'(REV 2/00) NEW YORK STATE POLICE COVER PAGE TITLE OF CASE REPORTING TROOP F Trooper Gregory S. Spak EOD 09/09/2002 SP Middletown CVEU MANAGING TROOP F DATE OF OCCUR.RED TZS 01/10/2014 CHARACTER OF CASE - (CC CODE) COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNELL (PCT0IO0) 04/07/2014 CTVCODE F043 F5659 TYPED BY INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD Complainant: Philipp R. Gerster D O B 12871 State Hwy 23 Davenport Center) NY 13751 DATE OF REPORT 02/03/2014 to 04/01/2014 REPORT OF gl_N- gso SHIELD Sergeant George S. Okst STATION 1943 CASE# SP Middletown CVEU 20140031 STATUS OF CASE (□) CA C□) C/EC (□) C/INV (□ ) C/UNF (□) C/UNS ,ENCLOSURES: (181) C/FND (□) OPN TO DIVISION HEADQUARTERS AND TROOP F 1) Letter ofcomplaint from Philipp Gerster 2) TE24lfDrivetNehicle Examination.Report NYSPF0 11667 3) Memorandum of Trooper Gregory S. Spak DISTRIBUTION: (□) DHQ. (□) TROOP (□) OTHER: FOR TROOP/DIVISION HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY DESTROY IN 20 _ __ INITIALS _ _ _ __ PERMANENT RETENTION,_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ INITIALS RCN REPORT SYNOPSIS: On 01/28/2014 I received a letter from PHILIPP R. GERSTER, D O B - 12871 State Hwy 23 Davenport Center, NY 13751, that stated that while entering the tandem lot at exit 18 off of the New York State Thruway to deliver another tractor to one of his employees that had broken down, Trooper GREGORY S. SPAK EOD 09/09/2002, assigned to the Troop F CVEU, had been rude and unprofessional towards him. In addition to this, Mr. GERSTER states that Trooper SPAK had failed to render assistance to another truck driver that had stopped, who advised Trooper SPAK that he was disabled and asked for assistance in obt~g roadside repair services. Investigation into this matter failed to substantiate the allegations of rudeness but revealed that Trooper SPAK did fail to provide assistance to a motorist that had requested help. At this time I recommend that the appropriate administrative action be taken. DETAILS: AT MIDDLETOWN NY 1. On 01/28/2014 I received a letter from Mr. GERSTER stating that he owns a towing company in Davenport Center NY and had responded to exit 18 off of the New York State Thruway on 01/10/2014 at approximately 1:00PM to swap out a tractor with one (1) of his drivers that had broken down. Mr. GERSTER stated that Trooper SPAK was rude, unprofessional and failed to provide assistance to a motorist that had stopped and requested it of Trooper SPAK. 2. On 01 /28/2014 I notified Captain FRANK J. KEYSER, Troop F Administrative Captain of the allegations who in turn notified Captain JAMES C. MICHAEL, Division JAB. 3 On 03/10/2014, after numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact him, I telephonically interviewed Mr. GERSTER at . Mr. GERSTER stated that on 01/10/2014 he had drove from his shop in Davenport Center, NY to the New Paltz tandem lot on the Thruway towing a replacement tractor for one of his employees that had broken down earlier in the day. Mr. GERSTER stated that as he exited the tolls, he slowed, and was going to pull into the tandem lot. Trooper SPAK, who appeared to be initially engaged with another truck, stepped out into the roadway, he initially thought to assist him in crossing traffic. :Mr. GERSTER stated that he pulled into the lot and engaged the PTO to start to drop the tractor and exited his vehicle. Mr. GERSTER then stated that the Trooper asked what he was doing. :Mr. GERSTER tried to explain but was interrupted by the Trooper and told to get back in his truck. Trooper SPAK then started questioning him about the two (2) trucks. Mr. GERSTER stated that his employee had come over to his tow truck and that Trooper SPAK had directed him to return to his truck. At that time Mr. GERSTER stated to Trooper SPAK that he knew a lot of Troopers and asked if that would help him. Trooper SPAK stated that he was going to be conducting a commercial vehicle inspection. Trooper SPAK started to conduct the inspection, checking the lights, when another driver came over to Mr. GERSTER and requested assistance because he had broken down and Mr. GERSTER was driving a tow truck. Mr. GERSTER advised him tha:the wasn't from this area and advised him to ask the. Trooper doing the inspection. Mr. GERSTER watched go up to the Trooper and heard the Trooper tell him to get back in.his truck because he was busy. Mr. GERSTER stated that Trooper SPAK completed his inspection and gave him back all of his paperwork, a copy of the inspection report, returned to his vehicle and drove away without checking on the other driver that requested assistance. Mr. GERSTER declined to provide another written statement stating that the letter he sent was sufficient. Mr. GERSTER did provide me with names and phone numbers for his employee and the other driver that was at the scene. A copy of Mr. GERSTER's letter is attached as ENCLOSURE #1 . 4 On 03/10/2014 I examined the TE241 e DriverNehicle Examination Report number NYSPF0l 16667. This report shows a start time of 1:02PM and an end time of 1:20PM. and ah out ofservice violation of having a loose tied own on the wheel lift. A copy of this report is attached as ENCLOSURE #2. 5 On 03/10/2014 Itele honicall interviewed ROYAL N U F F E R , the driver of the truck that requested assistance. Mr. NUFFER stated that on 01/10/2014 he was driving his truck earlier in that week and that he had broken down with it and spent a couple of days awaiting repairs. His trip finally got under way again and as he was exiting the New York State Thruway he felt something snap in the front end. He observed a Tow truck and a State Trooper in the New Paltz tandem lot as he exited the tolls. He stated that he pulled into the tandem lot and that he walked up to the tow truck and inquired about getting assistance and was told that the tow truck was riot from this area and that he should ask the State Trooper that was checking the lights on the tow truck. Mr. NUFFER stated that he had gone up to Trooper SPAK and requested assistance and the Trooper told him to return to his truck. After finishing with the tow truck the Trooper left the scene without ever going to Mr. NUFFER and determining what type of help he needed. Mr. NUFFER stated that Mr. GERSTER, the operator of the tow truck, had helped him out and.made arrangements for his vehicle to be towed to a repair shop in the area. Mr. NUFFER declined to provide a written statement as he travels a lot as a truck driver and doesn't always know where he will be at any given time. 6 interviewed DENNIS H U L ~ , a former employee of 2 Mr. GERSTER. Mr. HULL stated that on 01/10/2014 he was driving a tractor belonging to Mr. GERSTER and that he had broken down at the New Paltz tandem lot of the New York State Thruway. He stated that he had contacted his boss, who brought him another tractor to replace his so he could continue his trip. He stated that when his boss, PHILLIP GERSTER, entered the tandem lot at exit 18, he walked over to the tow tru_ck and was greeted by Trooper SPAK who told him to return to his truck, which he did. Mr. HULL did not return to his boss's truck until after the Trooper left the scene. Mr. HULL further stated that he saw another driver go up to Mr. GERSTER and then to the Trooper and then return to his truck. Mr. HULL stated that he did not hear any of the conversations that transpired between Mr. GERSTER, the other truck driver and Trooper SPAK. Mr. HULL stated that he did not wish to provide a written statement and that he and Mr. GERSTER had parted ways on less than friendly terms. 7 On 4/1/2014 I interviewed Trooper SPAK who stated that on 1/10/2014 he was conducting CMV inspections at the tandem lot at the New Paltz tandem lot at exit 18 off of the New York State Thruway. At approximately 1:02PM he observed a heavy duty tow truck pass through the tolls heading towards State Route 299. Trooper SPAK stated that as he flagged the tow truck into the tandem area the driver drove past him and into a corner of the lot, where another truck was sitting. Trooper SPAK further stated that the operator of the truck identified himself as Mr GERSTER and that the other truck there belonged to him also and had become disabled. Trooper SPAK stated that when he advised Mr. GERSTER that he was going to perform a CMV inspection on his truck that Mr. GERSTER became agitated. Trooper SPAK stated that at that time he went back to his truck and got out equipment to perform the inspection and returned to the tow truck. Upon his return to the tow truck there was another person standing there talking to Mr. GERSTER. Trooper SPAK requested that person return to his vehicle, which he did. Trooper SP AK stated that he never heard this person state that he had been disabled and request assistance in obtaining roadside help. Trooper SP AK completed his inspection, noting an out of service violation of having a loose tiedown on the wheel lift. A copy of this inspection report was given to Mr. GERSTER and Trooper SP AK then left the tandem lot. Trooper SPAK was requested to provide a memorandum of this and a copy is attached as · ENCLOSURE #3. CONCLUSION: Investigation into this matter fails to substantiate Mr. GERSTER's allegation of rudeness but does reveal that Trooper SPAK did fail to provide assistance to a disabled motorist that had requested help in finding roadside repair service. Although Trooper SPAK denies hearing Mr. NUFFER request assistance, both Mr. NUFFER's and Mr. GERSTER's version are consistent and contradict Trooper SPAK's account. Therefore, Trooper SPAK is in violation of Regulation 8A2, failing to comply with the Rules and 3 Regulations specifically Regulation 8A8 a member may not act in a manner to bring discredit upon the Division of State Police. 4 Gerster's Triple E Towing and Repair, Inc 12871 State Highway 23 Davenport Center, NY 13751 607-278-5212 01/20/2014 RE: Complaint against Trooper Gregory Stak Badge #2648 Troop F Headquarters 55 Crystal Run Road Middletown, NY 10941-9755 My name is Philipp R. Gerster and I am the owner of Gerster Trucking, Inc. which operates 15 trucks and trailers and Gerster's Triple E Towing and Repair, Inc. which operates 2 heavy duty wreckers. The following letter is -in regards to an encounter I had with a New York State Trooper in New Paltz, NY on 01/10/14. I am writing this complaint after a very distasteful and disrespectful encounter with NYS Trooper Gregory Stak, Badge #2648, on 01/10/14 in New Paltz, NY at the tandem trailer drop yard off of the NYS Thruway. It was around 1:00 pm eastern time as I exited the NYS Thruway at New Paltz NY. I was operating my Heavy Duty Wrecker towing a replacement tractor to New Paltz, NY as another one of my trucks had a breakdown earlier in the day. As I exited the NYS Thruway in New Paltz I turned on the flashing yellow warning lights on the tow truck so I could safely cross over three (3) lanes of traffic to pull into tandem/trailer lot where my other truck was broke down. As I was crossing traffic to access the drop yard Trooper Stak was standing on the steps of a red truck that was hauling logs. Trooper Stakjumped off the steps and stepped into the roadway as I was ¾ of the way across the three lanes of traffic heading into the drop yard. At this time I had thought the Trooper was stopping traffic to assure my safe entry into the drop yard as he was just with another truck. After I pulled into the yard I engaged my PTO in the tow truck and got out to begin the process of unhooking the replacement unit I had just towed in. At this time Trooper Stak came around the back of the unit I was towing and in a very stern and unpleasant voice asked me what I was doing. Being taken back for a moment I tried to explain to him that the truck that was off to my left was one of my units and was broke down and I had brought this replacement unit down on the tow truck and was swapping them out. Trooper Stak did not let me explain any of this, he pointed his finger at me and hollered to me to get back in my truck immediately!! At this time I stopped what I was doing and promptly sat back in the tow truck. Trooper Stak then climbed up on my step and started questioning me, "Do you own the tow truck? Do you own the broke down truck?, Where did you come from?, Where are , I I . .,_ 1 you going?, What is the problem with the other truck?". I felt like I was in an interrogation room and had no idea why. While Trooper Stak was asking these questions my cell phone was on the dash of the tow truck and started to ring. I reached up and hit the ignore button so as not to have the phone ringing while Trooper Stak was asking me questions. Approximately 30-45 seconds later my phone started to ring again. I again picked it up and turned it off as I did not want it to keep interrupting the Trooper. As I was doing this I was told, and I quote, "If you answer that we are going to have". I quickly interrupted and asked Trooper Stak "Going to have what?" , no reponse was given. I could not believe a NYS Trooper was treating me so disrespectfully in all of my years of driving and of the many friends of mine who are NYS Troopers. I was in disbelief that Trooper Stak was conducting himself in this manner. I immediately asked him if it would help if I knew any other troopers, hoping maybe this would take the edge off an already tense situation that in my opinion was getting out of control rapidly. He asked who and I gave him the names of 5 troopers from Troop C in Oneonta, NY. Trooper Stak then asked me what I had done wrong that I was dropping names. I explained to him I thought it would ease the tension. He told me it did not matter and he would be performing a Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspection. As Trooper Stak starts the light inspection, another truck driver pulls up by where we were. The driver comes over to my truck and informs me that he is having mechanical problems with his truck and is looking for a shop. I told him I was not from the area and did not know of any but that maybe the NYS Trooper who was now behind me checking my lights could help. As Trooper Stak was walking back to my truck the other driver introduced himself, apologized for bothering him as he knew he was busy and asked for some assistance with finding a local repair shop. What I witnessed next was absolutely appalling!! Trooper Stak began hollering at this driver; "Can't you see I'm busy? I don't have time for that, Go back to your truck right now!!" This driver stopped to be helped by a State trooper and was verbally accosted for doing so. What happened to the oath Trooper Stak took to Serve and Protect?? This looked more to be like Badger and Degrade. I still to this day can not believe I witnessed a uniformed NYS Trooper speak to a member of society to whom he vowed to serve in such a derogatory way. The truck driver then very quickly walked back to his truck and waited. Trooper Stak again after completing the light inspection climbed back onto the side of my truck and asked me for my license and registration paperwork. I handed Trooper Stak my license along with a three ring binder with all the paperwork for the truck in laminated sleeves so all Trooper Stak would have to do is flip through the pages to view all registrations, insurance, HUT, IFTA and thruway authority documents. Trooper Stak looked at me and said "I didn't ask for all this, I want the documents taken out now". Why was I treated like this? Why was this NYS Trooper treating members of the public with such disrespect? At this point I now am getting very angry and upset. As I know from friends of mine that are NYS Troopers this is NOT how they are trained to deal with people. 2 I did what was asked and removed all documents from the laminated sleeves and gave them to Trooper Stak. While I am doing this the driver of my truck walks over to ask me if he should unhook the truck from the trailer or ifl wanted him to do something else. Again, Trooper Stak begins to holler at him; "What do you need? Go back to your truck immediately." My driver apologizes and states "I just wanted to see if my boss wanted me to unhook." Trooper Stak hollers at him; "Did you not hear me? Get back in your truck NOW!" Trooper Stak then goes to his vehicle and comes back about 2-3 minutes later. He gives me all my paperwork back along with my CMV Inspection Report and leaves. Please remember earlier there is another truck driver who is having mechanical problems waiting for him to come assist him. Instead Trooper Stak drives right by him as he leaves and never stops to help him. In conclusion I believe that Trooper Stak should apologize to the driver of the other truck who asked for his help and was treated so rudely. Second, I believe that Trooper Stak should apologize to my driver for being rude and disrespectful to. If you are interested I can provide the names and phone numbers of these people if you feel the need. Finally, I would like to be kept in the loop to what disciplinary actions he may receive or will be taken as a result of this. Again, I can't believe that I witnessed a NYS Trooper act in such an aggressive, rude, disrespectful and condescending manner. I surely hope that something can be done to insure that no one else in the public has to be subjected to this and I also hope that by filing this complaint my 10 or so trucks and drivers that travel along the New Paltz area, off the NYS Thruway are not targeted and harassed due to this complaint. Respectfully, ~~2 Philipp R. Gerster CC: --:::, New York State Police Internal Affairs New York State Office of the Superintendent The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Police Benevolent Association of the New York State Troopers, Inc New York State Senator James L. Seward 3 New York State Police Public Compliment or Complaint Form The New York State Division of State Police Is dedicated to providing the highest quanty police seivices .to residents of and visitors to New York State. Your compliments and. complaints are important to the State Police ,and we appreciate your taking the time to communicate with us. Pl~se identify if this ls a D compliment or a.~ complaint 'About you: WOlkPhone: HQnie . tori"lf'~s2,2Home SlateJProv: : 12gr,1 9 . ~ . 23 · . State/Prov: Work Stree.t Address: 1 s.~ G. o,~~"1<-9, Country: Zip Code: ~~ /s75/ Country: Zip Code: To be able to Identify the NYSP employees to which yo.u refer, it is important that you be as specificas possible in your description of the employee(s) and the incident. . j . Aboutthe Incident: Badge f/:. Date: Badge#: loaition; . 2/:J l/f" · · IIi O I'-/ /Vew Pc:, , ·Troop car. No: Al T/,,,,...,.,7..J~ Other descriptive infC>rmaticin: f -. 5 l Please provide a brief description of the event(s) that caused yo.u to bring this to our attention. - . .. ,.:,, Mail complimen1s to! New York State Police Office of the S.l!perintendent Bldg. 22, 1220Washington Ave. Albany, New York 12226 - . .. Man comp1a1nts·~·: .. New York Stat~,,PpU<;il ,. ":·,'- . . . ·- I necessaN, continue on the other side. ~ature: •· ,;;:;;~ ·1ntemal Affajrg Bureau ,. ·. ,~ft ' 7 Bldg. ~)220 : ~~h;o~~/}v.e: Albany, NewYoik 12226 ,, ,. ·, ... ' ..... ,.~· '. ., --7~~ 112:~}1'-I DRIVERNEHICLE EXAMINATION REPQRT NEW YORK STATE POLICE Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit Report Number: Inspection Date: Troop F Start Time: lnsp. Level: TE241f (7101) 01:02 PM End Time: 01 :20 PM 2 - WALK-AROUND DRIVER/ VEHICLE HAZMAT lnsp: GERSTER TRUCKING INC Driver: GERSTER 12871 STATE HIGHWAY 23 License#: Date of Birth: DAVENPORT CENT,NY NYSPF0116667 1/10/2014 13751 USDOT#: 713784 Phone#: MCIMX#: 329000 State#: Fax#: Location: NEW PALTZ (EXIT 18) Highway: 1-87 County: ULSTER , PHILIPP R State: NY CoDrlver: License#: Date of Birth: MllePost: Origin: ALBANY Dest.lnatlon: NEW PALTZ State: Shipper: Bill of Lading: , NY Cargo: • NY DRr,/EAWAY /TOWAWAY VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION Unit 001 1)pe I TR Make I I K>N BRAKE ADJUSTMENTS Year 2000 Slate I NY Equipmenl ID I I 18725PC 29 VIN# I CVSA# 1XKDDU9X6YJ856555 I I I NO BRAKE MEASUREMENTS REQUIRED FOR LEVEL 2 INSPECTIONS VIOLATIONS VooCode 393,104F3 HazMal: Section Unit 393.104(1')(3) 1 oos allition #. y Vertly Crash u V,clalions Oiscoveced LOOSE TIEOOWN ON WHEEL UFT NO HM TRANSPORTED Placard : NO Cargo Tank: Special Checks: the Pursuant to authority contained NYS Transpon.ation Law, I hereby notify and deciare No Motor Carrier shal permit or require this driver to operate arw motor vehicle until: _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ Out of Service. 1.) NOTE TO_DRIVER: Reium this report to the motor carrier whoso name appears at the top. 2.) NOTE To ·REPAIRER: If entries are made In the violation section above, p!eese sign the report when repairs are completed. Signature Of Repairer X: Facility; Da1e: 3.) Sign and retum this report ONLY if vio!ations are entered in the violation sedion. RETURN ADDRESS: New York State Department of Transportafion Truck Inspections 50 Wolf Road POD 53 Albany, New York 12232 4 .) TRAFFIC TICKETS: If Issued, MUST be returned to the COURT whose address appears on !he front of the TICKET. S.) MOTOR CARRIER CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that all vlolatJ011s entered on this report heve been corrected and action has been taken to assure compliance with the NYS Transportation Law and Regulations. 8.) If the vehicle has NOT been repaired and HAS been permanenUy removed from service, lnltlal here Signature of Motor Cerrier X: Report prep.ared GREGORY ---------------- By- Badge#· S SPAK 2648 x _____________________ _ __ _ __ _ and sign the report Tide: Dale: ~oy Received By·. PHILIPP R GERSTER x ___________________ IIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIWlllllll l lllllll~IIII NYSPF0116667 £µc.\osuRt Genl. 7 :t:J:- 3 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop..E_Station CVEU Date,_ _ __:4.,_/1,.,_/1'-"'4 To: Major Patrick J. Regan, Troop Commander, Troop F, Middletown, NY From: Trooper Gregory S Spak Subject: Personnel Complaint - PHILIPP GERSTER G.S. S• I was advised by Sergeant GEORGE S. OKST of my contractual rights per Article 16.2 of the employee's contract and I provide the following written statement. On January 10, 2014 I was assigned to the Troop F Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit and was conducting truck inspections at the 1-87 Exit 18 Tandem Lot in the Town of New Paltz. At approximately 1:02PM, I observed a 2000 Kenworth heavy-duty tow truck towing a tractor pass through the toll booths heading northbound towards Route 299. As I flagged the truck into the tandem lot for an inspection, the driver of the truck drove past me and pulled into a corner of the lot where another truck was sitting. I walked over to the truck, identified myself and explained the reason for the stop. The driver of the truck, PHILLIP GERSTER, stated to me that the truck he pulled next to belonged to his company and was broken down.· I explained to GERSTER that I was going to inspect his truck and GERSTER became agitated stating that he was bringing the towed tractor to the lot for his other truck that had broken down. Upon my initial approach of the truck I had observed that the single chain tiedown holding the tractor onto the tow truck was visibly loose and subsequently an out of service violation. I further explained to GERSTER that because I had observed a violation I would continue to do an inspection. GERSTER then stated that he knew several members of the New York State Police and pointed to a row of New York State Police PBA stickers affixed to the truck's front windshield. GERSTER, while pointing to the stickers, stated "Are you sure you want to do this?" I indicated that regardless of his association with members of the New York State Police I was going to inspect his truck as was my intention from the lime I stopped him. GERSTER stated "I hope you know what you are doing." I returned to my troop car to obtained gear necessary to inspect the truck and upon my return an individual was standing next to the driver's side door talking with GERSTER. I approached that individual and politely asked him to stand aside so I could begin my inspection of the truck. That individual then turned to me and stated that he was an employee of GERSTER and that he was the operator of the broken · down truck. I acknowledged that and again asked him to return to this truck, to which . he replied "You can wait a minute, I'm talking to my boss." I waited several moments and the individual then left the side of the truck. I walked up the driver's door and asked GERSTER to start the truck to which he replied "You are really inspecting me? Even after all the people I told you I know?" I replied in the affirmative and again asked GERSTER to start the truck, which he did and I subsequently completed a CVSA Level 2 inspection. I returned to my troop car and completed a Level 2 DriverNehicle Examination Report Form TE241f NYSPF0116667 indicating one out of service violation of section 393.104f3 (loose tiedown on towed vehicle.) I did not issue GERSTER a UTT for that violation. I returned to the truck to give GERSTER his inspection report and observed another individual standing next to the driver's side door. I assumed this individual was another employee of GERSTER's associated with the broken down truck. I politely asked this individual to return to his truck to which he replied "Okay" and immediately walked away. At no point did this individual state to me that he was not associated with GERSTER or that he was in another truck that also had broken down. He at no point asked for assistance or indicated in any way that he was in need of help. I gave GERSTER his inspection report, walked back to my troop car and left the tandem lot. At no point was I rude or unprofessional to GERSTER, his employee, or the driver of the other truck.