New York State Police, Trooper Jason J. Lewis Letter of Censure, 2008
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. . LEWIS, JASON J TROOPER - I I I TYPE: Personnel I I CASE# .2 0070 690 1 I FINDING : .F ounded Complainant: STEPHEN NEVINS I Complaint of Personnel Investigation 20070690 Type: Personnel Sub Type 10/20/2007 Incident Date/Time Report Due Troop: 8:15 PM 12/14/2007 Level Inv. T 3 Commissioned Officer Assigned No Mode Rec. CTV: F Status: C Phone F3660 - T/MONROE Report Location JAB 1/14/2008 Synopsis: On 10/20/07at approximately 8:15 PM, Orange County 911 transferred a caller reporting an erratic driver to Tpr. Jason Lewis (SP Monroe). During the call Tpr. Lewis was unprofessional and condescending to the caller. Tpr. Lewis, as the assigned desk member, also failed to make an SJS entry or dispatch a Trooper to look for the vehicle in question. Troop F to investigate Classification: Finding: F INTERNAL ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS JSubjects: Rank Last Name Troop F IComplainants: l Shield 3024 Rank 511912002 Ml J First Name JASON LEWIS CCC I: UNPRO DOE: TROOPER Location MONROE CCC 2: NEGLT CCC 3: DICDV Last Name NEVINS CAPTAIN First Name STEPHEN SP Employee ~ SexM Address City Home Phone Work Phone State DOE Ml TZS F200 819/1981 Zip iAdministrative Personnel: ID Last NEVINS First ID Last RASO First ID Last SMITH First ID Last FURBECK First RECEIVING MEMBER STEPHEN TZS F200 Date/Time: 10/23/2007 Ml MEMBER AT TROOP NOTIFIED EDWARD MEMBER AT DIV NOTIFIED MARK Ml J 11:00 AM TZS H132 Date/Time: 10/23/2007 11:15AM TZS F211 INVESTIGATOR BRUCE TZS F011 Date/Time: 10/23/2007 Ml 11:00 AM Ml R Date/Time: 10/31/2007 Page 1 of2 Last SMITH Tuesday, June 17, 2008 ID REVIEWER First MARK rzs Ml J H132 Date/Time: 12/24/2007 Page 2 of 2 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMOR..>\~L>UM Troop F Station Middietown Date February 20, 2008 Deputy S~1perintcndent John P. Melville From: Major Edward Raso , Troop Commander Subject: COMPLAINT AGAJNST PERSONNEL - 20070690 - l .EVEL 3 TROOPER .JASON .T. LEWIS, SP MONROF. Reference is made to the previously submitted cover page report regarding the above subject. On February LS , 2008. Trooper Lewis appeared before me and executed his consent to have me adjudicate this matter at Troop level. Pursuant to Rule 3 of the New York State Police Administrative Manual, I have determined that he receive a Letter of Censure and the loss of three days vacation for his actions. l have attached a copy of the Letter of Censure and consent waiver. This matter is closed. Attach. PRESTON L. FELTON SUPERINTENDENT MAJOR EDWARD RASO TROOP COMMANDER STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK STATE POLICE TROOP "F" HEADQUARTERS 55 CRYSTAL RUN ROAD MIDDLETOWN, NY 10941 (845) 344-5300 February 20, 2008 Trooper Jason J. Lewis New York State Police Middletown, New York LETTER OF CENSURE Dear Trooper Lewis: On October 20, 2007 while on desk duty, you conducted yourself in an unprofessional and condescending manner while obtaining information from a caller. You also failed to dispatch a Trooper to investigate the incident or complete an SJS entry regarding the incident. Your actions violated Regulations 8A4, 8A8, 8A9(4) and Section l l 15(d)(3). On February 15, 2008 you appeared before me, executed a waiver and requested that I adjudicate the discipline in this matter. Accordingly, it is my decision that you receive a letter of censure and the loss of three days vacation for your actions. I trust that you will not allow this to happen again. Sincerely, Edward Raso Major Troop Commander NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM TROOP F STATION Middletown DATE To: Major Edward Raso, Troop Commander From: Trooper Jason J. Lewis Subject: DISCIPLINARY ACTION Jannary 18, 2008 ~ I hereby consent to have the above-captioned investigation adjudicated by the Troop Commander under the provisions of Article 3, Disciplinary Action of the New York State Police Manual. I waive the following: 1. The right to have this matter disposed ofby the Superintendent or by a formal hearing. 2. Any right to appeal from the Troop Commander's adjudication which may be a determination of unfounded or, upon a finding of guilty, the imposition of: a. A Letter of Censure and/or b. An intra-troop transfer, with my consent and/or c. A fine to be expressed in the loss of no more than five vacation days to be worked by the member with no additional compensation or overtime and/or d. A period of probation not exceeding 90 days which probation must be for a definite period of time and must include conditions of probation which, if violated, could subject me, without the right of a further inquiry or a hearing, to the imposition of any one or more of the penalties that can be imposed by the Troop Commander, and/or an intra-troop transfer, without my consent. ,., NEW YORK STATE POLICE 2081 D[C 17 P,1 1 LJ O MEMORANDUM TROOP F STATION Middletown DATE December 12, 2007 ~ TO: Deputy Superintendent John P. Melvill\ fi'R01\11: Major Edward Raso, Troop Commander~ SUBJECT: COMPLAlNT AGAINST PERSONNEL - 20070690 - LEVEL 3 TROOPER JASON J. LEWIS, SP MONROE Reference is made to the attached report of Sergeant/SC Bruce R. Furbeck and cover memorandum of Captain Stephen Nevins, regarding the above subjec t. l have reviewed the attached report and agree Lhat it is founded. Trooper Lewis violated tl1e fol1owing Division Regulations: 8A4 - by acting in an unprofessional and condescending manner. 8A8 - by bring discredit upon the Division. 8A9(4) - by exhibiting neglect of duty. Section 1 I 15(d)3 - by failing to dispatch a post car to investigate the complaint. Recommend appropriate administrative action. Forwarded for your review. Att..ich. .... Genl.7 \ NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop£_Station Zone 2 Headquarters Date_ _. ;;.;N;..;;;o.. ;;.v=e=m=b=e-'-r. .; .1.; ;.,9,'-"2=0;..;;0;..;;..7 To: Major EdwW\Troop Commander, Troop F From: Captain Ste~~bs, Zone Commander, Zone 2 Subject: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL TROOPER JASON J. LEWIS, EOD 05/19/02, SP MONROE Reference is made to the attached Geul 30 Investigative Report of Sergeant/Station Commander BRUCE R. FURBECK, SP Momoe, dated October 31, 2001; regarding above-captioned subject. I have reviewed the attached report submitted by Sergeant FURBECK and concur with his fmdings. Investigation determined that on October 20, 2007, Orange CoUDty 911 transferred a caller, Mr. reporting an erratic driver to Trooper JASON LEWIS. During the call, Trooper LEWIS was unprofessional and condescending to Mr. Trooper LEWIS admitted that he conducted himself in an unprof~ional and condescending manner while obtaining information from Mr.Trooper LEWIS also admitted that he failed to dispatch a Trooper to investigate the incident or complete an SJS entry regarding the incident. Investigation into this matter has determined Trooper LEWIS violated the following Division Rules and Regulations: Regulation# 8A4: In dealing with the public, a member must act in a courteous, dignified, and businesslike manner. Trooper LEWIS violated this Regulation by speaking to Mr. in an unprofessional and condescending manner. Regulation# SAS: A member shall not act in a manner tending to bring discredit upon the Division. Trooper LEWIS violated this Regulation by failing to act in this manner, bringing discredit upon the Division, by expressing a condescending and unprofessional tone while interviewing a complainant reporting an erratic vehicle to SP Monroe from his cell phone. Regulation# 8A9(4): A member may be determined to be incompetent and subject to disciplinary action in accord with Rules of the Division ifin the performance of his official duties the Member exhibits neglect of duty. Trooper LEWIS violated this Regulation by failing to dispatch a Trooper to investigate the complaint ofan erratic vehicle and failing to complete the appropriate Spectrum Justice System incident entry as required to be completed for all received complaints. Section #1115(d)(3): When you receive a cellular 911 call that requires a police response, immediately dispatch the nearest available unit, or in areas that are customarily handled by a particular agency, such as a Town or Village, immediately notify that agency or dispatch one of their units. Trooper LEWIS violated this section by failing to dispatch the assigned post car, a Trooper, to investigate the complaint of an erratic vehicle as reported by a complainant from his cell phone. Recommend appropriate administrative action be taken. Attachment GENL30 (.REV 2100) NEW YORK STATE POLICE COVER PAGE TITLE OF CASE REPORTING TROOP MANAGING TROOP DATE OF REPORT (typed} F F October 31, 2007 DA TE OCCURRED TZS CTVCODE F211 F3660 Trooper JASON J. LEWIS, EOD 05/'19/02 Troop F - SP MONROE October 20, 2007 COMPLAINANT: TYPED BY INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD New York State Police trb October- 24, 2007 - October 31 , 2007 I SHIELD REPORTOF ~ SergeanVSC BRUCE CASE# STATION CHARACTER OF CASE - (CC CODE) 20070690 SP Monroe COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL 2546 R FURBECK (PCT0100) STATUS OF CASE ( ) CA ( j C/EC { ) C/fNV ( ) C/UNF ( ) C/UNS ( ( )OPN X ) C/FND Report of Personnel Investigation 2007-0690 REFERENCE: ENCLOSURES: 1. Transcription of recorded audio tape, dated October 20, 2007 2. Copy of the recorded audio tape, dated October 20, 2007 3. General 7 Memorandum of Trooper JASON J. LEWIS, dated October 31, 2007 FOR TROOP/DIVISION HEADQUARTERS DISTRIBUTION: ( } OHO ( ) TROOP ( } OTHER: DESTROY IN 20 - - - use ONLy INITIALS PERMANENT RETENTlON - - - - - - - - - - - - - INITIALS-----RCIII HE.WYORt( STATE POLICE INTER~IAL AFFAIRS BURE AU HEAOOUARTH S ZCOl OEC 28 P 12: lt 0 1 SYNOPSIS: On October 20, 2007, at approximately 8:15PM, Orange County 911 transferred a caller reporting an erratic driver to Trooper JASON LEWIS, SP Momoe. During the call, Trooper LEWIS was unprofessional and condescending to the caller, Mr. Trooper LEWIS, as the assigned desk member, also failed to make an SJS entry or dispatch a Trooper to look for the vehicle. Captain STEPHEN NEVINS, Zone 2 Commander, reviewed the recorded audio tape from this incident and reported that Trooper LEWIS was unprofessional and condescending to Mr. Trooper LEWIS admitted that he conducted himself in an unprofessional and condescending manner while obtaining information from Mr. during the incident. Trooper LEWIS also admitted he failed to dispatch a Trooper to investigate the incident or complete an SJS, entry regarding the incident. Investigation into this matter determined that on October 20, 2007, Trooper LEWIS had violated Division rules and regulations during the recorded audio tape of Mr. reporting an en-atic vehicle. Recommend appropriate administrative action. 2 DETAILS: AT SP MONROE: On October 24, 2007, Captain STEPHEN NEVINS, Zone 2 Connnan.der, reviewed a recorded audio tape from the Orange County 911 center of an incident which occuffed on October 20, 2007, involving Trooper JASON LEWIS. Captain NEVINS repmted that during the recorded conversation Trooper LEWIS was unprofessional and condescending to the caller, Mr. Captain NEVINS further repo1ted that Trooper LEWIS failed to assign an SJS entry or dispatch a Trooper to investigate the incident. Captain NEVINS notified Major EDWARD RASO, Troop F Commander, who advised Inspector MARK SMITH, IAB South. Captain NEVINS assigned Sergeant FURBECK to investigate. 1. 2. On October 24, 2007, member reviewed the recorded audio tape of the conversation which occurred between Trooper LEWIS and a cell c a ~ 08/ 13/80, of Monroe, NY. The recorded audio tape revealed Mr. ~ erratic vehicle, NY Reg: that was traveling through the Village of Kfryas Joel and into the Village of Monroe. Mr. stated that during the conversation, the subjects within the vehicle were yelling at pedestrians in the Village of Kiryas Joel. Trooper LEWIS requested the caller's name, res onded, ' ~ E W I S responded inappropriately, stating, - - Trooper LEWIS later requested the license plate number of the suspect vehicle. After receiving the information, Trooper LEWIS replied, Trooper LEWIS then requested the caller's current location. After information, Troo er LEWIS responded, Trooper LE When the caller responded, Trooper ed the sus ect vehicle was making a left by the diner and added, The caller later stated that the suspect driver ~ the Shoprite plaza. Trooper LEWIS responded, ' . . . . . . . .,, A transcript of the recorded audio tape is provided as enclosure# 1. A copy of the recorded audio tape is provided as enclosure # 2. 11111 3. On October 24, 2007, member reviewed the station Spectrum Justice System and determined Trooper LEWIS had failed to complete an SJS entry to document the incident. A further review of recorded audio tapes and the radio log determined Trooper LEWIS failed to dispatch a Trooper to investigate the incident. , verified he contacted OC911 on October 20, 2007 at approximately 8:16 PM. He verified be had reported the incident to a Trooper and had observed an erratic vehicle travel from the Village of Kiryas Joel to the Village of Monroe. Mr. did not desire to offer an opinion about the conduct of the Trooper during the phone conversation. Mr. declined to provide a written statement. 3 On October 27, 2007, member interviewed Mr. . Mr. verified that he was operating his vehicle, NY Reg: , a 2003 black Dodge Neon, with several friends as passengers on October 20, 2007 at approximately 8: 15 PM. He verified that his friends had been yelling at pedestrians through the streets of Monroe. Mr. additionally stated there had been no violence or threats made by anyone in his vehicle during the incident. Mr. -declined to provide a writt"en statement. 6. On October 31, 2007, member interviewed Trooper JASON J. LEWIS, EOD 05/19/02, SP Monroe, who admitted that he conducted himself in an unprofessional and condescending manner while obtaining information from Mr. during the incident. Trooper LEWIS admitted to the inappropriate comments atttjbuted to him in paragraph #2, Trooper LEWIS also admitted he failed to dispatch a Trooper to inve~tigate the incident. Trooper LEWIS verified he failed to complete an SJS entry regarding the incident. The memorandum ofTrooper LEWIS is included as enclosure # 3. · CONCLUSION: Investigation into this matter has determined Trooper LEWIS violated the following Division Rules and Regulations: Regulation # 8A4: In dealing with the public, a member must act in a courteous, dignified, and businesslike manner. Trooper LEWIS violated this Regulation by speaking to Mr. in an unprofessional and condescending manner. Regulation # 8A8: A member shall not act in a manner tending to bring discredit upon the Division. Trooper LEWIS violated this Regulation by failing to act in this manner, bringing discredit upon the Division, by expressing a condescending and unprofessional tone while interviewing a complainant reporting an erratic .vehicle to SP Monroe from his cell phone. Regulation # 8A9(4): A member may be determined to be incompetent and subject to disciplinary action iu accord with Rules of the Division if in the performance of his official duties the Member exhibits neglect of duty. Trooper LEWIS violated. this Regulation by failing to dispatch a Trooper to investigate the complaint of an erratic vehicle and failing to complete the appropriate Spectrum Justice System .incident entry as required to be completed for all received complaints. Section# 1115(d)(3): When you receive a cellular 911 call that requires a police response; immediately dispatch the nearest available unit, or in areas that are customarily handled by a particular agency, such as a Town or Village, immediately notify that agency or dispatch oue of their units. Trooper LEWIS violated this section by failing to dispatch the assigned post car, a Trooper, to investigate the complaint of an erratic vehicle as reported by a complainant from his cell phone. 4 It is requested that this matter be forwarded to consider further administrative action. .. ' NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop£._Station Date To: Major EDWARD RASO, Troop Commander From: Trooper JASON J. LEWIS Subject: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL SP Monroe November 2, 2007 ~ Member was instructed by Sergeant/SC BRUCE R. FURBECK to prepare a memorandum regarding a COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL. "I was advised of my rights to representation pursuant to Article 16.2 ofthe contract by Sergeant/SC. BRUCE R. FURBECK on October 30, 2007. I am represented by Trooper PAUL MEYER and provide the following account." On October 20, 2007 at approximately 8:16 PM, writer was working a 2-shift, assigned to desk coverage. Member received a ~ll from the Orange County 911 Center involving a cell 911 call. The 911 center advised writer that a motorist was on the line following an erratic driver. Writer then took the call over from OC 911. During the phone call, writer conducted himself in an unprofessional and condescending manner while receiving information from the cell caller regarding the erratic vehicle. Writer conducted the following conversation. i ·:. .• ·---~ : · i!. : •• Wdter is:,veu:aware of the fact that he.had violated Division rules and regulations during th~ ,phone c~ll while at SP Monroe desk. Writer is well aware that not only was he '1nprofe~sional and condescending towards the cell caller, but he made the Division of State Police look unprofessional. Writer is aware that.he failed to complete an SJS entry for the erratic vehicle complaint. Writer also failed to dispatch a Trooper to investigate the erratic vehicle. , .:: . ' • •·.·. : ......_) . Writer is very aware that what he did was totally uncalled for and unprofessional, , member really feels ashamed for his uncourteous and unbusinesslike manner. Writer is 110% positive that this type of behavior will never be displayed again while employed by the Division of State Police.