New York State Police, Trooper Jason J. Lewis Notice of Suspension, 2010
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LEWIS , JASON J TROOPER TYPE: Personnel CASE# 20100232 FINDING: Founded Complainant: STEPHEN NEVINS Complaint ofPersonnel Investigation 20100232 Type: Sub Type P.ersonnel 4/22/20 10 Incident Date/ Time Report Due 4:00 PM Level Inv. 6/7/2010 Troop: T Commissioned Officer Assigned No C Mode Rec. In Person C7V: 3 Status: F F3660 • T/MONROE Report Location 11/22/2010 IAB I Synopsis: On April 22, 2010, Trooper Jason Lewis was assigned a 1 tour out of SP Monroe. At approximately 4:00 PM, he failed to answer his radio when repeated ly called by the SP Monroe desk member. He was subsequently found to be off post without proper authorization. Troop F to investigate Classification: 1Subjec~s: Finding: F INTERNAL ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS - j Employee ID Last Name Rank DOE: TROOPER Ml J First Name JASON L EWIS 5/19/2002 F Location MONROE CCC 2: COMA CCC 3: FLSEN Troop CCC 1: NEGLT I [Complainants: Employee I D Shield 3024 Rank First Name STEPHEN Last Name NEVINS CAPTAIN SP Employee ~ SexM State Address City Home Phone Work Phone ,A.dminlst;ative Person_nel: NEVINS E~pfoyee ID Last CORLETT Employee ID Last NEVINS Employee ID Last rzs F200 8/9/1981 Zip J Employee ID Last DOE Ml MAZZONEJR Monday, December 27, 2010 ID First ID First ID First ID First RECEIVING MEMBER TZS F200 Ml Datemme: 5/6/201 0 STEPHEN MEMBER AT TROOP NOTIFIED KEITH Ml M Ml TZS F200 Datemme: 5/6/2010 Ml MEMBER AT DIV NOTIFIED RICHARD TZS F012 Date/Time: 5/6/201 O MEMBER WHO NOTIFIED TROOP · STEPHEN L 11:00 AM 11:00 AM TZS H132 Date/Time: 5/6/2010 11:00 AM Page 1 of2 = ID Employee ID Last First KEYSER FRANK - -Employee ID Last 1111111111111 KEYSER ID First TZS F290 MEMBER WHO NOTIFIED DIV Ml J Date/Time: 5/6/2010 -- -- - - - -- - ----- - -- TZS F200 INVESTIGATOR FRANK Ml J Date/Time: 6/16/2010 - --Employee ID Last 1111111111111 ID First SMITH TZS H132 REVIEWER MARK Ml -- Monday, December 27, 2010 = J Date/Time: 7/20/2010 - - - - -- - - -- Page 2 of2 NEW YORK STATE POLICE .,. BUILDING 2~ 1220 WA SHI NGTON AVENUE ALBANY, NY 122.26 225'7. SrJ; \/EN F CUMOLETTI Of!Pi.-f'( SJ.PE"°l•tT£1-4DENi October 29, 201 0 Trooper Jason J. Lewis New York State Police Troop F Middletown, New York LETTER OF CENSURE NOTICE OF SUSPENSION Dear Trooper Lewis: On April 22, 201 0, while working a ''1" shift, you were intentionally off-post, at the home of an acquaintance, for nearly an hour without advising your radio control point of your whereabouts. During this time, SP Monroe repeatedly attempted to reach you without success. While you were off-post, you left your assigned Division vehicle running, in the acquaintance's driveway, with the windows down. You also asked a Trooper at SP Monroe to run a NYSPIN inquiry for you, ostensibly in furtherance of an on-going criminal investigation. However, there was no such investigation. You used extremely poor judgment by being off-post and unable to respond to radio calls for assistance and neglected your job responsibilities by engaging in this behavior. To exacerbate matters, you were less than truthful during your sworn statement. Accordingly, you are hereby formally censured. You are also suspended without pay for five (5) days, November 8, 2010, through November 12, 2010. In addition you will be transferred to SP Middletown. For, and in the absence of, the First Deputy Superintendent. Very truly yours, SteVen ~Z/::~. Deputy Superintendent FIRST ENDORSEMENT TO: Major Edward Raso, Troop F New York State PoHce, Middletown New York FROM: Trooper Jason J. Lewis, Troop F - ~ New York State Police, Middleto~~New York ~ . DATE: \ SUBJECT: PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION Pursuant to Rule 3.4 of the New York State Police, member: ✓ □ Accepts the penalty imposed by the First Deputy Superintendent. I decline to accept the penalty imposed by the First Deputy Superintendent. I request, pursuant to Rule 3.4(1;>), that formal charges be prepared and served · upon me, that a hearing board be appointed and a hearing conducted. I understand that the penalty . imposed by the First Deputy Superintendent .will, be withdrawn and will not be binding on the hearing board, or the Superintendent, once charges are executed. SECOND ENDORSEMENT TO:· FROM: DATE:. SUBJECT: Deputy Superintendent St~~moletti C4- , Major Edward Raso, Troe F New York State Police, Mid e1§n, New York \ 9/u,\ l D PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION Forwarded for appropriate action. I. . . ' · NEW YORK STATE POLICE OFFICE OF THE FIRST DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 1, _2010 To: From: Subject: Trooper Jason J. Lewis, Troop F New York State Police, Middletown, New.Yark · Dep\JtY Superintendent StevEln F. Cumole~ PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION Pursuant to Rule 3 of the New York State Police, I have reviewed the report of an investigation intq your activities on April 22, 2010. On that date, while working a "1' shift, you were intentionally off-post, at the home of an acquaintance, for nearly an hour without advising your radio control point of your whereabouts. During this time, SP Monroe repeatedly attempted to reach you without success. While you were off-post, you left your assigned Division vehicle running, in the acquaintance's driveway, with the windows down. You also asked a Trooper at SP Monroe to run a NYSPIN inquiry for you, ostensibly in furtherance of an on-going criminal investigation. However, there was no such investigation. You used extremely poor judgment by being off-post and unable to respond to radio calls for assistance and neglected your job responsibilities by engaging in this behavior. To exacerbate matters, you were less than truthful during your sworn statement I find reasonable cause to believe that your behavior violated Regulations of the State Poli~e, including Regulation BAB. · It is my judgment that you be suspended without pay for five (5) days, transferred to SP Middletown and formally censured. Rule 3.4 of the New York State Police Administrative Manual sets forth the procedures you are to follow. For, and in the absence of, the First Deputy Superintendent. NEW YORK STATE POLICE OFFICE OF THE FIRST DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT MEMORANDUM Date: October 1, 2010 To: Trooper Jason J. Lewis, Troop F New York State Police, Middletown, New York From: Deputy Superintendent Steven F. Cumole~ Subject: PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION . Pursuant to Rule 3 of the New York State Police, I have reviewed the report of an investigation into your activities on April 22, 2010. On that date, while working a "1" shift, you were intentionally off-post, at the home of an acquaintance, for nearly an hour without advising your radio control point of your whereabouts. During this time, SP Monroe repeatedly attempted to reach you without success. While you were off-post, you left your assigned Division vehicle running, in the acquaintance's driveway, with the windows down. You also asked a Trooper at SP Monroe to run a NYSPIN inquiry for you, ostensibly in furtherance of an on-going criminal investigation. However, there was no such investigation. You used extremely poor judgment by being off-post and unable to respond to radio calls for assistance and neglected your job responsibilities by engaging in this behavior. To exacerbate matters, you were less than truthful during your sworn statement. I find reasonable cause to believe that your behavior violated Regulations of the State Police, including Regulation BAB. It is my judgment that you be suspended without pay for five (5) days, transferred to SP Middletown and formally censured. Rule 3.4 of the New York State Police Administrative Manual sets forth the procedures you are to follow. For, and in the absence of, the First Deputy Superintendent. FIRST ENDORSEMENT TO: Major Edward Raso, Troop F New York State Police, Middletown, New York FROM: Trooper Jason J. Lewis, Troop F New York State Police, Middletown, New York DATE: SUBJECT: PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION Pursuant to Rule 3.4 of the New York State Police, member: □ Accepts the penalty imposed by the First Deputy Superintendent. □ I decline to accept the penalty imposed by the First Deputy Superintendent. I request, pursuant to Rule 3.4(b), that formal charges be prepared and served upon me, that a hearing board be appointed and a hearing conducted. I understand that the penalty imposed by the First Deputy Superintendent will be withdrawn and will not be binding on the hearing board, or the Superintendent, once charges are executed. SECOND ENDORSEMENT TO: Deputy Superintendent Steven F. Cumoletti FROM: Major Edward Raso, Troop F New York State Police, Middletown, New York DATE: SUBJECT: PERSONNEL INVESTIGATION Forwarded for appropriate action. NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM TROOP F STATION Middletown DATE July 9, 2010 TO: Deputy Superintendent Anthony G. E ~ FROM: Major Edward Raso, Troop Command~ SUBJECT: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL - 20100232 - LEVEL 3 TROOPER JASON J. LEWIS, SP MONROE Reference is made to the attached report of Lieutenant Frank J. Keyser and cover memorandum of Captain Stephen Nevins, regarding the above subject. I have reviewed the attached report and agree that it is founded. Trooper Lewis is in violation of Sections 30A2, 5B2, SA3, 12A5, and NYSPIN 4.1(7). Recommend appropriate administrative disciplinary action. Forwarded for your Attach. NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop£...Station Date Zone 2 Headquarters June 15, 2010 To: Major Edward . so, Troop_Commander, Troo~ F From: Captai~en evins Subject: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL.:. 2010-0232 TROOPER JASON J. LEWIS - SP MONROE - EOD 05/19/02 j Reference is made to the attached report of Lieutenant Frank J. Keyser, Zone 2 Headquarters, dated June 16, 2010, regarding the above-captioned subject. · I have reviewed the attached report submitted by Lieutenant Keyser and concur with his :findings. Investigation into this matter has revealed that on April 22, 2010 while working.a 1 shift .and assigned to post 669/609 Trooper Jason J. Lewis was intentionally off post without advising his radio control point (SP Monroe). While off post and without a portable radio, SP Monroe was unable to reach hlm;·despite repeated attempts, regarding an erratic operator. The investigation revealed he went off post to visit an acquaintance who resides in the Village ofKiryas Joel. In attempting to locate the woman's residence he improperly requested · from the SP Monroe deskman, a NYSPIN inquiry on a vehicle registration. lbis Trooper Lewis explained was done in the furtherance of a criminal investigation. In fact there is no ongoing criminal investigation regarding that subject. Shortly after this occurred, Trooper Lewis volunteered to Zone Sergeant Michael J. Quinn, that he had been in Kiryas Joel visiting a friend. Contrary to this, in his statement, Trooper Lewis stated that his presence at the residence was part of a legitimate investigation. Tuer~ was no SJS entry made regarding his activity. Furthermore , while in the wonian,s residence for more than an hour Trooper Lewis left his assigned Troop car, 2F5 p'arked unattended, with the keys in the ignition, engine running, and driver's window open, completely unsecured. Trooper Lewis statedJhat he spoke with both the SP Monroe deskman and an Investigator regarding their attempts to raise him. Interviews of both·Members contradict that statement. Trooper Lewis has been employed as a New York State Trooper for over eight years. Except for.a disciplinary stint assigned to Troop "F' Communication~, Trooper Lewis has been assigned at SP Monroe. Trooper seriously. In this latest .incident Trooper Lewis made a decision to.leave his assigned post and make no provisions for receiving any communications regarding his patrol responsibilities. He has shown a complete disregard f~r his responsibilities to the Troopers assigned to his shift on adjoining posts as well as the public is accountable to protect. By failing to properly secure his ·assigned Troop car he allowed the vehicle with all its equipment and weapons to be a target for any thief that happened upon it. Trooper Lewis ~bused his authority to obtain NYSPiN information for a non-lawful purpose. In an attempt to legitimize his actions, Trooper Lewis made two untruthful statements in his official statement. He contradicts the reason why he visited the woman and then contradicts the fact .that he did not contact the at SP Monroe _or the Investi ator both of whom tried unsuccessfull to reach him after he did not answer his Troop . he Recommend appropriate disciplinary action against Trooper JasonJ. Lewis. Attachment GENL.30 (REV 2/00) NEW YORK STATE POLICE COVER PAGE TITLE OF CASE REPORTING TROOP MANAGING TROOP F F June 16, 2010 DATE OCCURREID ·TZS April 22, 2010 F211 CTVCODE F3637 Trooper Jason J. Lewis Troop F - SP Monroe, EOD 05/19/02 Complainant: INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD Captain Stephen Nevins ApriL27, 20·10 - ~une.7, 2010 Troop F - SP Monroe, EOD 08/09/81 DATE OF REPORT . (typed) TYPED BY fjk ~ SHIELD REPORT OF 2551 Lieutenant Frank J. Keyser CASE# 2010-0232 STATION SP Monroe CHARACTER-OF CASE - (CC CODE) COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL (PCT0100) STATUS OF CASE ( ) C~ ( ) C/EC ( ) C/INV ( ) C/UNF ( ) CJUNS ( X ) C/FND ( ) OPN. ' .. REFERENCE: RE;port of Personnel Investigation No. 2010-0232 ENCLOSURES: 1. Memorandum of Zone Sergeant Michael Quinn, da1ted April 27, 201 0 2. SP Monroe Pers. 29, dated April 22, 2010 3. Copy of transcript of radio transmissions of April 2~~. 2010 4. .Copy of CB6 Raillllllllllll April 22, 2010 dated April 27, 2010 5. Statement from 6. Statement of Trooper Michael Glassey, dated May 11, 201 0 7. Copy of NYSPIN inquiry 8. Statement of Investigator Leqnard Caruso, dated May 11, 2010 9. Memo~ndum of Trooper Evan Rothbaum, dated May 11., 201 o ·10. Statement of Trooper Kristen Er~rio, dated may 11, 20110 11. Copy of the Fuel Transaction Report, dated April 22, 2010 12. Copies of SJS entry #s 3503118 and 3503296 13. Copies-0f-lnGident Report# 2700146 and# 21049:37 14. Statement of Moses Witriol, dated May 25, 20·10 15. Transcript of T~ooper Jason Lewis's interview dated Jun·e 7, 201 0 ·. . FOR TROOP/DIVISION HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY DISTRIBUTION: j ·) DHQ ( ) TROO_P· ( ) OTHER: ; ZONF~tO APP~ . TROOP DHQ .N\ Q DESTROY IN 20 -PERMANENT RETENTION INITIALS RCtil INITIALS NE\'l YORK STATE P!iLf':F. !NTERJIAL M·rAl:-lS BU: EAU 1-:EAO:UA!HtHS , 2010 JUL 28 P ij: ll ~ ()col. 31 SYNOPSIS: On April 22, 2010, Trooper JASON J. LEWIS, SP Monroe~ EOD 05/ 19/02, was assigned post 609/669 in non-video. equipped Division vehicle. 2F5. At approximately 4 :00 PM, he failed to answer his radio when repeatedly called by the SP Monroe desk member. He was subsequently found to be off post without proper authorization. Investigation has determined that on April 22, 2010, at approximately 3:52. PM, Trooper LEWIS was off post in the area·of in the Town of Highland Mills, where he directed the SP Monroe desk member Trooper MICHAEL GLASSEY to conduct an improp~r NYSPIN inquiry on New York registration Furthermore, Trooper LEWIS failed to respond to repeated attempts to co~tact him via the SP Monroe radio for an extended period of time. In addition, Trooper LEWIS· failed to properly secure his Divisio~ vehicle by leaving the engine rutu1ing while he was inside of the residence. It also appears that Trooper LEWIS was not truthful in his -response to questions during the statement. Recommend appropriate disciplinary ~ction. 1 DETAILS: AT SP MONROE . 1. On-April 22, 2010, between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM, Division vehicle 2F5 assi~ to_.SP Monroe was observed parked at a residence for an extended period of time a t • in Highland Mills, New York. During this time, Trooper LASSEY, the SP Monroe desk person repeatedly contact 2F5 via radio transmissions for an extended period of time, without receiving an answer. Captain STEPHEN NEVJNS was notified and assigned Lieutenant FRANK KEYS~R to · mvestlgate. . • • 1 .. I 2. On April 27, 2010, I interviewed Zone Sergeant MICHAEL J. QUINN, BOD 09/22/86, SP Monroe, who stated that on April 22, 20 I 0, he was assigned a B tour out of Zone 2 Headquarters. He stated that at approximately 4:45 PM, on that day he received a phone call from Kiryas Joel Public Safety Director MOSES _WITRIOL, who asked for Zone Sergeant. DAVID_ SCOTT. Sergeant QUINN advised Mr. WITRIOL tµat Sergeant SCOTT was on pass ·and Mr. WITRIOL advised that he would call back. Sergeant QUINN stated that a few minutes later, at approximately 5:00 PM, Trooper JASON LEWIS entered the Zone office and inquired if Mr. WITRIOL had called, which Sergeant QUINN replied that he had. Trooper LEWIS went on to say that Mr. W!TRIOL may say . or_imply that he was just in a residence in Kiryas Joel for a substantial length of time and that Mr. WITRIOL may accuse him (Trooper LEWIS) of sleeping at the residence. Trooper LEWIS· further stated that a friend of his· in the Village had contacted him and · told · him that Mr. WITRIOL and others were watchiIJ,g him at the residence. Trooper · LEWIS stated that ~e was visiting a friend at the residen~e for approximately 40 minutes. Zone Sergeant ·QUINN completed a memorandum, which is attached to this report as . Enclosure # 1. 3. On April 27, 2010, ·I reviewed SP Monroe Pers. 29, dated·April 22, 2010, which indicated that Trooper JASON LEWIS was the operator of 2F5 on that date. A copy of the SP Monroe Pers. 29 for April 22, 2010,'is attached this report f.lS Enc;:losure # 2. · to 4. On April° 27, 2010, I reviewed the radio transmissions from SP Monroe Desk Members to.rrooper in Division vehicle 2F5 on Thursday, April 22, 2010. On April 22, 2010, ·at approximately 3:57PM and 3:58PM, SP Monroe. Desk Member Trooper MICHAEL GLASSEY contacted Division vehicle 2F5, but did not receive an answer. On April 22, 2010, ,at approximately 4:21PM, Investigator LEONARD CAURSO contacted 2F5, ·but did not receiye an answer. A copy of the transcription is attached as Enclqsure # 3. It s~ould be noted that the radio fog for April 22, 2010, does not reflect · any radio transmissions of Trooper GLASSEY or Investigator CARUSO to reach 2F5. A - copy of the CB6 Radio Log is attached as Enclosure # 4. 5. On April 27, 2010, I contacted MOSES WITRIOL, Director of Public.Safety for Kiryas ·Joel, and asked if he c o ~ y other witnesses regarding this incident. Mr. WITRIOL advised that Mr. was a witness. . 2 6. On April 27, 2010, I interviewed Mr. Monroe, New York. He stated that on April 22, 2010, at.approximately 3:30 PM, he was in _the area of Road on business when he observed Troop car 2F5 parked unattended in t~e rear of the driveway at that location. He continued to a · residence ln the area to conauct an inspection and when he_ passed Road about 10 to 15 minutes later, the Troo car was still in the s ~ residence. He continued to his residence on · but returned a short time later , and again observed-the Troop car parked at Road. At this time he walked through an adjacent yard to obtain the plate from the Troop car, which he noted was 2F5. He also noticed that the Trooper car was running, the driver side window was open and the car was unoccupied. He left the area at about 4:05 to 4:10 PM and the ~ remained in the driveway. A copy of the written statemen( obtained from Mr. - - i s attached to this .report as En~~osure # 5. 7. On May 11, 2010, I interviewed Trooper MICHAEL GLASSEY, SP Monroe BOD 09/090/02 at SP Monroe. Trooper GLASSEY stated that on April 22, 2oio he was assigned the SP Monroe desk. He stated that at approximately 3:51 PM on. that date, Trooper JASON LEWIS texted him to conduct a NYSPIN inquiry on New York registra.tion which he did. Trooper GLASSEY then texted the res onse back ~ LEWIS which ·was that the registered owner the vehicle was --o NY. The vehicle was a Trooper GLASSEY stated that he did not ask Trooper LEWIS the reason for t}:ie inquiry, nor did Trooper LEWIS provide it. At approximately 3:57 PM, Trooper GLASSEY stated that he received a report of an erratic operator, eastbound o.n State Route 17, near exit 128. He stated that he called Trooper LEWIS, the highway post c·ar, at 3:57 PM and received no response. He added that he attempted to contact him again at 3:58 PM. and again ·received no response. Trooper GLASSEY .stated that approximately 20 minutes later, SP Monroe Investigator LEONARD CARUSO attempted to contact 'Trooper LEWI,S by radio from SP Monroe desk, also without receiving a response. Trooper GLASSEY stated that he had no contact with Trooper LEWIS at the end of their shift on April 22,.2010, but when he worked next on April 26, 2010; Trooper GLASSEY stated that he told Trooper LEWIS that when he calls him on the radio, ·he has to answer. .Trooper GLASSEY stated .that at no time qn April 22, 2010 did Trooper LEWIS con,tact him and advise that he Was going to be out of service at any location. Trooper GLASSEY stated that he did not notify a Supervisor that Trooper LEWIS did not answer the radio because Trooper LEWIS had not recently called out on a vehicle and traffic stop and was not assigned to a complaint. Also, it was near the end qf his tour so he thought that he might be fueling his vehicle. A copy of a transcript of Trooper GLASS~Y1s st~tement is attached as Enclosure# 6. A copy of the NYSPIN inquiry is attached as Enclosure# 7. · ·of 8. On.May 11, 2010, I interviewed Investigator LEONARD CARUSO, SP Monroe BOD 01/08/96. Investigator CARUSO stated that on April 22, 2010 at approximately 4:20 PM, he needed to contact Trooper LEWIS for personal reasons, so he tried to contact him via cell phone, then_via the· SP Monroe desk radio both without-receiving a · 3 response. Investigator CARUSO added that he left the station after trying to reach Trooper LEWIS and did not have a conversation wit him regarding his .whereabouts at that time or the reason why he didn't answer the radio. A copy of a transcript of Investigator CARUSO's statement is attached as Enclosure # 8. · 9. . On May 11, 2010, I interviewed Trooper EVAN ROTHBAUM, SP Monroe, EOD· 10/30/00. Trooper ROTHBAUM staied that on..April 22, 2010 he-was working a 2-5 shift out of SP Monroe assigned Divi~ion·vehicle 2F5. He ~tated that during his tour he did not recall any radio problems with his vehicle during his tmJr. Trooper ROTHBAUM completed a memorandum, which is a_ttached as Enclosure# 9. , · 10. On May 11,-2010, I interviewed Trooper KRISTEN M. ERA.RIO, SP Monroe, EOD 01/15/07. Trooper ERARIO stated that on April 22, 2010, she ~as working a 1 shift out of SP Monroe assigned Post 608/KJ in Division vehicle 2F6. She stated that she· did not hear the raaio transmissions from SP Monroe to 2F5 on that date. In addition, she stated that she was· not aware . of Trooper LEWIS' location at the time he was being called, nor did she make any attempt to contacf him either by car to car radio or. by cellular telephone. A copy of a transcript of Trooper ERARIO's statement is attached as Enclosure # 10. · · · .11. . On May 12, 2010, I obtained a copy of the :Fuel Transaction report for Divisio•n. · vehicle· 2F5, which indicated that 2F5 ,was fueled tip at 4:49 PM on April 22, 2010. A copy. of the Fuel Transaction report is attached to this'report . as EncloS1.Jie. #., 11. · 12. On May 12, 2·0 10, I obtained a copy of Trooper LEWIS' SJS entries for April 22, 2010, which recorded his activity for tfott day which included a suspended operator on Orange and· Rockland Road in the Town. of Mo·nroe. .(Incident # Trooper LEWIS also processed a subject at SP Monroe for CDL prints. (Incident#· A copy of both SJS entries is attached to this report as E~closure # 12. 13.. . On Ma 12, 20 LO, I reviewed SJS entries involving, and of 9/24/2008. Both incidents were complaints , investigated by Trooper L E W I S ~ c i ~ Trooper FORESTIRE, (2008 incident). A copy of both .incidents #- } I - are atta9hed ·to this report as Enclosure# 13. 2010 I interviewed of ■ , New York at SP Monroe. stated that he w:;ts familiar .with Trooper LEWIS after me.eting him when he responded to ·his residence for complaints in 2007 and 2008. After meeting Troop~r LEWIS they developed a relationship where they spoke occasionally (once a month or so) by phone or i . ~ a s Joel. This relationship inciuded his wife, 111111111111111 stated. that he did not recall speaking to Trooper LEWIS on April 22, 2010 and became aware that Trooper LEWIS was his ~esidence when bis hpusekeepet called to say that there was a Trooper at the house. At that time, he stated that his wife was not at home, but was shopping in the village market at 4. He stated'that although be was unaware that Trooper LEWIS was stopping by his house, ~e did. ~appen to see h i m ~ told him t.o stop .by; that. they had moved mto their hew house on • from their prev10us residence on ~e stated that the last time Tro9per LEWIS stopped by his house was after one of the complaints in 2007 or 2008, when ~e was off duty. He s t a t ~ lady was at the residence when LEWIS visited as well as h i s - - - - · Mr. declined to provide a written ·statement. · 15. On May 13, 2010, I contacted Troop F PC Coordinator, Trooper GERALD BOWERS, who advised that Division vehicle'2F5 is currently being ·equipped with the Automatic Vehicle Locater'(AVL) system, but was not equipped on April 22, 2010 .. AT HIGHLAND MILLS, NY · 16. J . On May 23, 2010, I interviewed. < l o b - • of ,. Highland ·fi:·1ills; ~ew t she had initially met Trooper JASON LEWIS in 2007, related to a in the.Village of Kiryas Joel. She saw him a few more times at her residence as a follow up to the . Earlier this year, after her husband had seen Trooper LEWIS, he was told to stop by to see their new residence at the above address. On April 22, 2010, at · approximately 3:15pm, she received a text message on her- celiular phone from Trooper LEWIS' that he was in the area of her residence and would stop by. She stated that she was shopping at that time, but returned home at a roxiinatel 3:30 m. Trooper LEWIS waited at her residence as well as her maid who was waiting to be let in the house. She stated that when she arrived home, Trooper LEWIS and Ms. came inside and· he Vi§ited with her for what she believed was approximately one half hour. l;ihe stated that he had backed the Troop car in the driveway, parking it at the rear of the. driv~way. She did not bear arty radio t r a n s m i s s i o ~ . and did not observe that ,he was carrying a portable radio. 111111111111111 · declined to provide a written statement. 17. On May 23, 2010,'I interviewed Ms. <lob-~ of , Highland Mills, New York, who stated that on April 22, 2010, she·was at esidence from approximately 3:00pm - 6:00pm. She stated that she believed when she arrived at the residence, Trooper LEWIS was already there. She stated that he was in the Troop car, parked on the road in front of the residence. She stated that Trooper LEWIS was at the residence for 40 minutes 'to an hour. · Ms. was busy doing her chores and did not pay attention to what Mrs. and Trooper LEWIS were doing or saying. She was u_nable to provide any further information and would not provide a written statement. AT SP MONROE 18. I , of- ·On May 25, 2010, I interviewed fyiOSES WITRIOL, DOB., ' New York. He stated that on April 22, 2010, he received a telephone · who told him that a Trooper car was parked at the . 5 residence at Road in the Town of Highland Mills. The Trooper ·car was. parked in the rear of the residence, unoccupied, with the engine running. Mr. WITRIOL stated that after receiving this information he drove to the location and parked near the residence at approximately 3:52PM. He stated that Trooper LEWIS exited the·residence at approximately 4:38 PM and left the area. Mr. WITRIOL completed a written statement, which is attached as Enclosure# 14. · . 20. On June 7, 2010, I interviewed Trooper JASON LEWIS, who stated that on April 22, 2010, he was working a 1·- 5 tour, in Division vehicle 2F5, assigned to post 669/609. He stated that on April 22, 2010 at approximately 3:30 PM · he went off post, without notifying his radio control point and drove to .the area of in the Town of· Highland Mills. He stated the reason that he went to that location was to continue an investigation, although he admitted that he failed to document his investigation in SJ$ both when he received the complaint two weeks prior and on that date: He stated that he caused a NYSPIN inquiry to be conducted on a vehicle registration, which he maintained, was to establish a location of the, address that he was going to. He stated that he utilized his cell phone to complete the NYSPIN inquiry through the SP Monroe desk and h~d no explanation as ~o w h ~ d u ~ t t~s inquiry via J:?ivision .radio. He state~·that ·he parked 2F5 m the . . . . . . . . dnveway and does not recall 1f he left the vehicle's engine running when he exited the vehicle and enter~d the residence. He stated that he did not sign out a portable radio on that day and he did not advise SP Mo.nroe desk that he·would be out of sei:vice.a_nd unavailable. He added that when be left the residence, he became aware via his cell phone that the SP Monro~ qesk was trying to reach him to assign him a complaint. He stated that upo~ returning to SP Monroe, he spoke with Zone Sergeant MICHAEL QUINN in the Zone office where he advised ·sergeant QUINN that ' he was at a residence in the Town of Woodbury, and ·upon leaving the residence was advised by_a local resident that MOSES (WITRIOL). was taking photographs of his vehicle while it was parked at the residence. He stated that he did not recall how long he. tQld Sergeant QUINN that he was at the residence. A complete transcript of Trooper JASON LEWIS' interview is attached as Enclosure# 15. . CONCLUSION: · Investigation· into _this matter _bas detennined..that ·on April 22, .2010, at approximately 4:00PM, Trooper LEWIS was off post without-notifying his radio control point. Trooper LEWIS failed to answer his radio after repeated attempts by the SP Monroe desk person .over an extended period of time. He caused an improper NYSJ;>IN inquiry to be . completed on a vehicle _registration, NY which he stated was to obt3lin an address for a complainant for a criminal investigation. As there is apparently no legitimate criminal investigation, the NYSPiN inquiry on the vehicle registration is improper. In addition, Trooper LEWIS .failed to properly secure his Division vehicle by -leaving the engine running while he was inside of the residence. In addition, it appears that Trooper LEWIS was not truth~l in his response to questions during the statement. Specifically, when asked to explain why he was off post, he responded that he ·was continuing a harassing phone call investigation; However, this . explanation was contradicted by himself on _the day of the incident in his conversation 6 with Sergeant ·QUINN, when he said that he was visiting friends. Furthermore, upon being interviewed, both Mr. and Mrs. both stated that he was visiting and there was no mention of any harassing phone calls. F i n a l i y , ~ S failed to · document in SJS that he received the complaint from Mrs. . . . . . . . . two weeks prior to April 22, 2010 or that he followed up the complaint on April 22, 2010. He was also not truthful in response to the question of when he became aware of the complaint that Trooper GLASSEY was trying to contact him for. Trooper LEWIS stated thaJ he had a conversation via cell phone with both Investigator LEONARD CARUSO and Trooper MlCHAEL GLASSEY regarding the complaint after he left the residence. He stated that Investigator CARUSO advi'sed him that Trooper GLASSEY was loolcing for him and that he notified 'J'.tooper GLASSEY that he was on his way back to the station. In their statements, both Investigator CARUSO and Trooper GLASSEY contradict this in that they both stated that neither one of them had any contact with Trooper LEWIS that day, after t.p.ey had tried unsuccessfully to reach him. . T,:ooperLEWIS is in violation of the New York State Police Field Manual section 30A2 Post Discipline, which states that all members assigned to patrol duty must comply with the following Instructions, unless directed or au.thorized to do otherwise by the desk Member, theMember-in-charge of the tour or a supervisor. (b) Do not leave your assigned post during your duty tour without ·the appro~al of your Radio Control Point. Trooper- LEWIS left his assigned post without notifying the SP Monroe desk member. is Trooper LEWIS in violation of the New York State Police Administrative Manual' section_5B2 Securing The Vehicle, which states, "Anytime you park your vehicle, safely · secure the vehicle as follows: close the windows; remove the keys; and lock all doors. Trooper LEWIS faile~ to sequre Division vehicle 2F5 by leaving the engine running after he exit~ the vehicle and went inside the residence. Trooper LEWIS is in violation .of the New York State Police Administrative Manual section 8A3, which states, "It shall be the duty of all Members to obey ev~ry lawful or4er is.sued orally or in writing by Competent Authority." Trooper LEWIS violated this section .during his compelled statement, when after being ordered to cooperate and answer truthfully questions relating to the allegations, he was not truthful in his resp~cally, he was not truthful when asked the reason· that he was off pos~ at the . . . . . . . . residence. He was also not truthful when he was asked when he became aware of the complaint and responded that he had a conversation with Investigator CARUSO and Trooper GLASSEY. Both incidents are describ.ed ~her in detail in the above conclusion. Trooper LEWIS is in violation of New York State Police Administrative Manual ~ection 12AS Mobile Radio Procedure sub (2), which instructs members to respond to all calls to you·r mobile unit. Trooper LEWIS failed to answer repeated radio calls by the SP Monroe desk. · 7 Trooper LEWIS is in violation of New York State Police Administrative Manual section 12A5 Mobile Radio Procedure Sub (4), in that he failed to check out of service with his dispatcher and give a telephone number or location where he could be reached, if, in response to a complaint or other police action, he was unavailable by radio. Trooper LEWIS is in violation ofNYSPIN Manual, Chapter 1, Section 4.1 sub (7) which states that the use of vehicle registration, driver's iicense information, or information in the "hot files" obtained via NYSPIN is limited to· official law enforcement, criminal jqstice or DMV purposes. Trooper LEWIS directed the SP Monroe desk member to complete an improper NYSPIN inquiry on N Y Recommend appropriate disciplinary action. 8 0 Genl. 7 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop.f....Station SP Monroe May 13, 2010 Date To: Major EDWARD RASO, Troop Commander, Troop F From: Zone Sergeant MICHAEL J. QUINN Subject: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL f{\Q_ On Thursday, April 22, 2010 I was working a 7B shift at Zone 2 Headquarters. At approximately 4:45 PM I answered a phone call from Kiryas Joel Public Safety Director MOSES WITRIOL who called the Zone office asking for Zone Sergeant DAVID SCOTT. I advised MOSES WITRIOL that he was on pass and Mr. WITRIOL advised that he would call him when he was back to work. At approximately 5:00 PM Trooper JASON LEWIS came in to the Zone Office and inquired if MOSES WITRIOL had just called, and I told him, "Yes, he did." Trooper LEWIS appeared nervous and stated that Mr. WITRIOL may say or imply that Trooper LEWIS was just in the Village of Kiryas Joel parked at a residence for a substantial length of time, and he may accuse Trooper LEWIS of sleeping at the residence. Trooper LEWIS stated that a friend from the Village contacted him to tell him that MOSES WITRIOL and others were watching Trooper LEWIS at the residence. I asked Trooper LEWIS what he was doing at the residence and he stated he was visiting with a friend for approximately forty minutes. Trooper LEWIS stated that he was mad that MOSES WITRIOL and others were checking up on him. I told Trooper LEWIS that he has no reasori to be mad ifhe wasn't doing anything wrong. _, ® Transcription of radio transmissions from. SP Monroe Desk Members to Trooper in Division vehicle 2F5 on.Thursday, April 22, 2010. "A" denotes SP Monroe Desk Member. "B" denotes Trooper in 2F5. "C" denotes SP Monroe Desk Member. Time: 3:57PM A. Monroe to 2F5. B. (no answer) Time: 3:58PM A. Monroe to 2F5 to'2F6. B. (no answer) Time: 4:21PM C. Monroe 2F5. B. (no answer). d 07 /01/ 2010 TRU 14 ; 48 u. ,. • I I TE.... 0<<>. "T lfAE: n :,n , , .. . O R AE:~O. ~ FAX . OR UN IT >fO • I U M..... .&a'\' o_r:: 00 2/ 00 3 . l'R ANSMISCI ON . /t-'i¼ · 3.711 ~31 . .. __ .· _ '/'ti'/ 1/il (771 .. .. /17 ·/'1 7 / . /971 1C:i ,•,I :: :·. 1..;~.• . 1 • . ,I • •• • •• R~v; 1znu NeWY'ORl( S,:A - ·-••~•-"-le'.• ••n• ! I T .. ..- , L.•.~ ~ .RAP(Q .LOG.SHEET :sti e_ET Tf\OQP l STA ! ION HA,M!: "o. -~ 2-1 ' f SUMMA RY OF TRANSMIU IOI' t5SS-f1 t- F'< · o A-· t~>r t '1t i,.F'f ?,,- ({ ~ '3iD ST4 , OA UNIT HO. -----~ .o/~~/J P"'?) 'l,F5"° Ol k JI . ·2,.;; 7 ·:;r I1.~.t ; ·q : ,·8 t?A::7 •. '>i.. ·. !;? 111·~h). '?i ~J~, .")(, ., 'l,f~t. :It? ~-<I.( ~ C::"7 ft .'.J>:{ 1..fYb U.: /J r-~b :~< ·. , "'2F~ 7 ' :~{~ Ii: f) 11-.,"? . ';11 C.L C '- elo .A.~ ttl< OWl.f:'?QU> 8Y I,)' ,, '-{~ 1 1.. f /b .~t''l PS- \lt.i' Dri - c1-· 4J7G c~I'\> Al~·e~,t,7 .47>PJ~ P«t-.r n-tf·.. ~ti . ·t , vJ/8 ,Zr/ brt ~6'>d6 ~ '2;~7- .b.M &, , o , t ~'IC &~ t i I' 11.(4., /,\;.If ,j ( ·. ·J~N'> .. . I , 'L,'7'3~ t,.>'w*~ /17 I 3""7 // 4076 ~t f / · 'Y?/l ·.~ 6 ''f7 i I t,o-, '- ':>7 tt: 'Z;i,5':'l · '7>ill /47~ ,--.,1 ' ' ·'>,l/ . ,.jS7 b ., .. '· ,. 0 11iow ... T CO _/ "17 / , ~ ' .\~AY rU~ z.,1 ~ I• 1,ft o · ., fiy l -,, .: · SHEE T'S' . ··O!'·:.. MO N'lH fp"' iQJ.... '.T A .. NS, LTE I-< T IME: S.11.HT NO, OR A&;o, : U U V / VVU ' .. .. . •. ' • . , ' ' . .. . .. . : . .. ' .. .. ' •. ···- .. State of New York County of Orange Town of Monroe } } } ss: This state.P1ent is being taken from Mr. d.o.b. , · New York, by Lieu~enant Frank Keyser, New Yorlc State Police. This statement is being taken at SP Monroe, New York, commencing at 8:50 PM;,on April 27, 2010. This statement is being taken in connection with an internal administrative investigation. I am a real estate broker and I manage two residences in Highla_nd Mills, near Road. On April 22, 2010 at about 3:30·PM, I was driving on Road, when I saw a State Police car parked in the back of the driveway at Road! which I know to .be the residence o f - and because I rented the home to them about 3 months ago. I continued fo drive by to my destination, which was on F~~ A venue for a home inspection. I spent about 10 to 15 minutes at that ·residence then drove past again and saw the Trooper car still parked in the same locati<;>n. I continued past the residence to my office a t _ , when I called a friend, and asked him what he thought of this. ije fold me to re~ to the residence and get the plate of the Trooper car, which I did. It was then close to 4:00 PM and I walked through the neighbors yard to saw the plate on the police car was 2FS and I also noticed that the Trooper car was running, the driver side window .was open and the car was unoccupied. I then got a return call from , who . I had called earlier because it was his yard that I had walked through to get the license plate from the Trooper car. ;E-Ie told rile to call Mr. the man who lived at the house and didn't appear to be home, since his vehicle was not in the driveway. I · told Mr. that there was a Trooper car in hi~ driveway and I asked if everything was okay. He said that everything \Vas fine, and not to worry about it, but he .seemed to be very anxious to me. By the time I left the Qf the residence, I believe it was abou~ 4:05 to 1:10 PM. 11111 area Titls statement is now ended. The time is 9:16 PM. . I have·read this statement consisting of one page and I swear that it is true to the best of my knowledge. I further state that this statement was made of my own free will without any threats or promises, I have placed my initials at the bottom of each page and next to each correction. I have also signed below. I understand that to make a fal se statement herein is punishable as a crime pursuant to the Penal Law of the State of New York. · · MEMBER WITNESS - INTERVIEW STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE TOWN OF MONROE May 11, 2010 Interview of Trooper Michael Glassey at SP Monroe on May 11, 2010, by Lt Frank Keyser commencing at 2:58PM. The letter "Q" will denote questions asked by Lieutenant Frank Keyser·. The letter "A" will denote answers provided by Trooper Michael Glassey. . Q. The purpose of this interview is to inquire into the actions of Trooper Jason Lewis on April 22, 2010, where he was alleged to have been off post and failed to answer his radio. You are being interviewed as a Witness only in furtherance of providing necessary and relevant factual information in this investigati_on. You are not the target of ·this administrative investigation, and anything you say during this interview cannot be used against you in a disciplinary proceeding. If during the course of thfs interview it reasonably appears that you may°be the subject of a potential disciplinary action, I will stop the interview and advise you of that determination and your rights under the collective bargaining agreement. Do you understand this? A. Yes I do. Q. This interview is .being conducted pursuant to Article I 6 of the collective bargaining agreement between the State of New York and the New York State Troopers PBA, and the applicable Regulatio"ns of the New York State· Police, including Regulations 8A3 and 8Al 5, pursuant to which you are required to cooperate and answer truthfully questions relating to the investigation. A refusal by you to cooperate or to answer questions, or a failure to answer any questions truthfully, niay result in disciplinary action against you, up to and including the termination of your employment. Do you understand this? A. Yes I do. Q. You are entitled to all the rights guaranteed by the State and Federal constitutions. As this is an involuntary interview, your responses are automatically cloaked with criminal immunity. Accordingly, neither your statements nor any information or evidence that is gained as a result of, or in reliance upon, this interview can be used by a police or prosecutorial entity against you in support of a criminal I proceeding. Do you understand this? A. Yes I do. Q. You were advised on May 10, 2010 of the matter being investigated and that it would be necessary to interview you concerning this matter, is that correct? A. · Yes. Q. I am Lieutenant Frank Keyser and as a supervising officer and representative of the Superintendent I am authorized to conduct this interview. This interview is being recorded mechanically at SP Monroe. A full transcript will be prepared and you will be provided with a copy of the tape or will be afforded an opportunity to . cause a ,duplicate of this tape to be made for your future use. You will be given the opportunity to view the written transcript from this tape upon completion to ensure its accuracy, and will also be provided with a full copy of the transcript, subsequent to your signature. Do you understand this? A. Yes.- Q.. Present in this room are, niyself, Lieutenant Frank·Keyser and·Trooper Michael.. Glassey. Do you understand this? A. Yes. Q. The record will note that you are present in response to a direct order. You will now be asked questions relating to this investigation and you are required to answer these questions truthfully. If you decline or refuse to answer any questions, you will be ordered by me to answer. If you then continue in your refusal to answer, disciplinary action wiU be initiated charging you with disobeying a lawful order. This disciplinary action could result in the termination of your employment with the Division of State Police. You will be perm,itted during this interview to take breaks when reasonable and. appropriate. Having been advised of the above, are you now ready to proceed with this interview? A. Yes I am. Q. Please state your full name and rank.· A. Trooper Michael Glassey. Q. What is your date of entry with the State Police? A. 09/09/02. Q. What is the location of your current assignment? / 2 A. State Police Monroe. Q. Were you working on April 22, 2010? A. Yes I was. Q. What shift were you working? A. I was working a· I shift. Q: I am now·showing you the Pers. 29 for SP Monroe for.the date April 22, 2010. Who was working the I shift out of SP Monroe on that date and what post did they have and what vehicle? A. Trooper Jason Lewis was a 1-5 shift. He was at post 609/669 in vehicle 2F5. Trooper Kristen Erario was a I shift, assigned to 608/KJ, vehicle 2F6. Trooper D_aniel Harter was a I shift, post 610/61 I, assigned to vehicle 2Fl2. Q. If you could, for the purpose of the record, what do those numbers indicate for the · post? In other weirds, Jason Lewis had post 609/669, you said? A. Correct. Q. What does that mean? A. 609 comes as Chester, Blooming Grove, and Washingtonville. 669 is the · highway post, 17. Trooper Erario, 608 is Town of Monroe, Town of Woodbury, Village of Harriman and also the Village of Kiryas Joel. Trooper Harter is assigned to 610/611 which encompasses the Village of Florida, Town of Warwick, and the Goshen area. Q. A. · Okay. Thank you. And again, who was assigned to the KJ post? . · . Trooper Erario. Q. Did ·there come a time that you were asked to run a data or D.M.V. inquiry for Trooper Lewis? A. Yes. Q. Could you explain the circumstances of that request and around what time that request was made? A. It was approximately 3:51PM. I received a text message on my cell phone from Trooper Lewis asking me to run this plate for him. 3 I •• A .·-· Q. What was the plate? Q. Did you run that plate? A. Yes I did. Q. What did you do with the response? A. I tex.ted back the response to Trooper L~wis on my cell phone. Q. Po you know what that request was in.relation to? A. No, l do not. Q. What were the results of the inquiry? A. .The vehicle came back to a 4-dooi:- sedan, tan, and the address is Q. .A . .AJJ.d ~gain, what time was that data conversation? :Approximately 3:51PM. . , . Q. Did there come a time where you had a ·complaint for Trooper Lewis? Q. What was that complaint? A. The complaint was an erratic operator, eastbound, State Route 17, in the .area of exit 128. · · . Q. Based on that complaint, did , there come a time when you tried to reach out to Trooper Lewis? A. Yes. Q. What time was that? Approximately. A. Approximately 3:57PM. Q: How did you try to reaching him? A. I tried to reach him on the radio. :. . ' Q. What was your radio transmission? A. Mine was: Monroe to 2F5. Q. Did you receiye a response? A. No, I did not. Q. How many times·did you try to reach him via radio? A. I believe twice. Q. After that initial attempt, when did you try again to reach him? A. About a minute later. Q. What was the transmissio•n at that time? A. Same as the first time. Monroe to 2F5 or 2F6. Q. What was the response from 2F5? A. No answer. , Q. Prior to or after those radio transmissions, did you have any radio problems with the SP Monroe radio or the 2F5 Troop car radio? A. No. Q. . Did you make any other attempts to reach Trooper Lewis other than by radio? A. I don't recall or not if I attempted to call him on his cell phone from my cell phone. Q. If you did, if you had, did you get a response? A. No. Q. Do you know if any other SP members tried to reach Trooper Lewis by radio? A. Yes. Q. Who was that? . A. Investigator Caruso. 5 Q. When was that in relation to your request? Approximately. A. 20-25 minutes after. Q. Did Investigator Caruso get a response? A. No. I Q. To your knowledge, did he attempt to reach him again ~n the radio or was it just that one attempt? · A. I believe it was just that one attempt. Q. What happened to the original complaint of the erratic operator that you tried to reach Trooper Lewis for? A. There was no follow up on the complaint. Q. What was the location of the erratic operator, and what direction was it going? A. Eastbound at exit 128. Q. So you believe, that based on the time and distance and direction of travel of the . erratic vehicle that it would have been out of the SP Momoe patrol area? A. Yeah, probably. Yeah. Q. After these attempts to contact Trooper Lewis, when did you have contact with . him and how? A. I believe I next saw him at around 5 after 5 at the station. Q. Did you have a conversation with him at that time? A. No. Q. How l_ong was Trooper Lewis unable to be reached? Approximately. A. From the first time I called him on the radio, so I guess 3:57pm. Q. Until what time? A. Until I saw him again at 5 o'clock. Q. So approximately an hour? 6 A. Yeah approximately. Q. Did Trooper Lewis ever call out of service that day at any time? A. I don't believe so. Q. Did he tell you that he would be out of radio contact and for you to call him on his cell phone at any time that day? A. I don't·believe so. No. Q. Did Trooper Lewis give you an explanation as to why he could not be reached at any that time at that day? A. I didn't speak to him. When he came ~ack, I never spoke to him after that. Q. Okay'. How about the next time that you and him spoke with each other, what · was the conversation like? . A. me. · I just told Trooper Lewis that if I try and call you on the air, you should. answer Q. Andthatwas the sum and substance of that conversation? A. Yeah. Q. I have no further questions at this time. Is there anything further that you would like to add? A. No. Q. The interview is now concluded .. The time is 3:12PM. I have read this transcript consisting of seven (7) pages and affirm that it is true to the best of my knowledge. I have placed my initials on the bottom of each page and next to each correction and I signed it below. LT . -\- ~ Witness 7 \l-:tf J..l-,. ® MEMBER WITNESS. INTERVIEW STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE TOWN OF MONROE May 11,2010 Interview, of Investigator Lenny Caruso at SP Monroe on May 11, 2010, by Lieutenant Frank Keyser cornrnencing at 3 :40PM. The letter "Q" will denote questions asked by Lieutenant Frank Keyser. The letter "A" will denote answers provided by Investigator Lenny Caruso. Q. The purpose of this interview is to inquire into the actions of Trooper Jason Lewis on April 22, 2010, where he was alleged to have been off post and failed to answer his radio. You are being interviewed as a Witness only in furtherance of providing necessary and relevant factual information in this investigation. You are not· the target of this administrative investigation,. and anything you say during this interview cannot be used against you in a disciplinary proceeding. If during the course of this interview it reasonably appears that you may be the subject of a potential disciplinary action, I will stop the interview and advise you of that determination and your rights under the collective bargaining agreement. Do you understand this? A. Yes. Q. This interview is being conducted pursuant to Article _16 of the collective bargaining agreement-between the State of New York and NYSPIA, and the applicable Regulations of the New York State Police, including Regulations 8A3 and SAIS, pursuant to which you are required to cooperate and answer truthfully questions relating to the investigation. A refusal by you to cooperate or to answer questions, or a failure to answer any questions truthfully,· may result in disciplinary action against you, up to and including the termination of_ your. employment. Do you understand this? A. Yes. Q. You are entitled to ali the rights guaranteed by the State and Federal constitutions. As this is an involuntary interview, your responses are automatically cloaked with criminal irnrnunity. Accordingly, neither your statements nor any information or evidence that is gained as a result of, or in reliance upon, this interview can be used by a police or pro·secutorial entity against you in support of a criminal proceeding. Do you understand this? A. Yes. Q. You were advised by me today, May 11, 2010, of the matter being investigated and that it would be necessary to interview you concerning this matter, is that correct? . A. Yes. Q. I am Lieutenant Frank Keyser and as · a superv1smg officer and representative of the Superintendent I am authorized to conduct this interview. This interview is being recorded mechanically at SP Monroe. A full transcript will be prepared and you will ~e provided with a copy of the tape or will be afforded an opportunity to cause a duplicate of this tape to he made for your future use. You will be given the opportunity to view the written transcript from this tape upon completion to ensure its accuracy, and will also be provided with a full copy of the transcript, subsequent to your signature. Do you understand this? 'A. Yes. Q. Present in this room are myself, Lieutenant Frank Keyser, and Investigator Lenny Caruso. Do you understand this? A. Yes. Q. The record will note that you are present in response to a direct order.· You will now be asked questions relating to this investigation and you are required to answer these qu~stions truthfully. If you decline or refuse to answer any questions, you will be ordered by me to· answer. -If you then continue in your refusal to answer, disciplinary action.will be initiated charging you with disobeying a lawful order: This disciplinary action could result in the termination of your employment with the Division of State Police. You will be permitted during this interview to take breaks when reasonable and appropriate. Having been advised of the above, are you now ready to pr<icee4 with this interview? A. Yes lam. Q. Please state your full name and rank. A. Investigator Leonard Caruso, Jr. Q. What is your date of entry with the State Police? A. January 8, 1996. Q. What is the location of your current assignment? A. I am an investigator assigned to SP Monroe. Q. Were you working on April 22, 2010? A. Yes I was. Q. In what capacity? A. I was assigned to the back room at SP Monroe, working an 8:30- 4:3Q shift. Q. Did there come a time when you tried to reach Trooper Jason Lewis via the SP Monroe desk radio? A. Yes I did. I used the radio at approximately 4:20 and stated, 'Monroe to 2F5'. Q.. And what was the reason for your attempt to reach him? A. I attempted to reach him for.personal questions, he is a friend ofniine, to ask him. At which time, prior to using the radio, I had called him on his cell phone. Q. Okay. Did you ever get in contact with him on that day? A. No, I did not. Q. Do you know why he did not answer his radio? A. No, I don't. Q. Do you knciw. where he was at the time that he wasn't answering his radio? A. No, I don't. Q. After attempting to reach him, you had no contact with him the rest of the day? Your tour · ended. A. My tour ended. I left at approxima.tely 4:30 and went home. Q. . Okay. The. time is no 3 :45pm. I have no further questions at this time. Is there anything further that you would like to add? A. No Q. The interview is now concluded. I have read this transcript consisting of three (3) pages and affirm that it is true to the best of my knowledge. I have placed my initials on the bottom of each page and next to each correction and I . signed it below. Investig (j) Ge~!. 7 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop F Station Date SP MONROE MAY 11, 2010 To: Major Edward Raso, Troop Commander, Troop F From: Trooper Evan Rothbaum Subject: Complaint Against Personnel On April 22, 2010 I worked a scheduled 2-5 shift. I was assigned to post 669 which encompasses State Route 17 and I was assigned to Division vehicle 2FS. I do not recall any radio problems with said vehicle during my shift. If there were any radio problems that I was aware of I would have contacted SP Monroe dispatch and advised them of saine. MEMBER WITNESS - INTERVIEW STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE TOWN OF MONROE May 11, 2010 Interview of Trooper Kristen Erario at'SP Monroe on May 11, 2010, by Lieutenant Frank Keyser commencing at 6:55PM. · The letter "Q" will denote questions asked by Lieutenant Frank Keyser. .. The letter "A" win denote answers provided by Trooper Kristen Erario. Q. The purpose of this interview is to inquire. into the actions of Trooper Jason Lewis on April 22, 2010, where it is alleged to have be~n oJfpost and failed to answer his radio. You· are being interviewed as a Witness only in furtherance of providing necessary and relevant factual information in this investigation. Yqu are not the target of this administrative investigation, and anything you say during this interview cannot be used against you in a disciplinary proceeding. If during the course of this interview it reasonably appears that you may be the subject of a potential <lisciplinary action, I will stop the interview and advise you of that determination and your rights under the collective bargaining agreement. Do you understand this? A. Yes sir. Q. This interview is being conducted pursuant to Article 16 of the collective bargaining agreement between the State of New York and the New York State Troopers PBA, and the applicable Regulations of the New York State Police, including Regulations 8A3 and 8Al 5, pursuant to which you are required to cooperate and answer truthfully questions relating to the investigation. A refusal by you .to cooperate or to answer questions, or a failure to answer any questions truthfully, may result in disciplinary action against you, up to and including the termination of your employment. Do you understand this? A. Yes sir. Q. · You are entitled to all the rights guaranteed by the State and Federal constitutions. As this is an involuntary interview, your responses are automatically cloaked with criminal . immunity. Accordingly, neither your statements nor any information or evidence that is gained as a result of, or in reliance upon, this interview can be used by a police or prosecutorial entity against you in support of a criminal proceeding. Do you understand this? A. Yes sir. Q. You were advised on today, May 11, 2010, of the matter being investigated and that it I would be ne~essary to interview you concerning this matter, is that correct? A. Yes sir. Q. I am. Lieutenant Frank Keyser and as a supervising officer and representative .of the Superintendent I am authorized to conduct this interview. Tiris interview is being recorded mechanically at SP Monroe. A full transcript will be prepared and you will be provided with a copy of.the tape or will be afforded an·opportunity to cause a duplicate of this tape to be made for your future use. You will be given the opportunity to view the written transcript from this tape upon completion to ensure its accuracy, and will also be provided with a full copy of the transcript, subsequent to your signature. Do you understand this? A. Yes sir. Q. Present in this room are myself, Lieutenant Frank Keyser, and Trooper Kristen Erario. Do yo_u understand this? A. Yes sir. Q. The record will note that you are present in response to a direct order. You will now be asked questions relating to this investigation and you are required to answer these questions truthfully. If you decline or refuse to answer any questions, you will be ordered by me to answer. If you then continue in your refusal to answer, disciplinary action will be initiated ch_arging you with disobeying a lawful order. This disciplinary action could result in the termination of your employment with the Division of State Police. You will be permitted during this interview to take breaks when reasonable and · appropriate. Having been advised of the above, are you now ready to proceed with this interview? A. Yes sir. Q. Please state your full name and rank. A. Trooper Kristen Marie Erario. ; Q. What is your date of entry with the State Police? A. January 15, 2007. Q. What is the location of your current assignment? A. SP Monroe. Q. On April 22, 2010, were you.working? A. Yes sir. 2 Q. What shift were you working? A. The one shift. Q. What post were you assigned? A. 608/KJ. Q. · What vehicle were you in? A. 2F6 sir. Q. At around 4pm, on that day, do you recall the desk man trying to reach 2F5? A. No sir. Q. Did Trooper Lewis, who was assigned to 2F5, advise you that he was going to be out of service, and did he give you a numberi · A. No sir. Q. ·Do. you have any knowledge of him being out of service or calling out of service at any time that day that you rec_all? A. No sir. Q. Did you try reaching him by radio or by cell phone to get in contact with him on that day about that time? A. No sir. Q. add? I have no further questions at this time. Is there anything further that you would like to A. No sir. Q. The interview is now concluded. It is.7:01. I have read this transcript consisting of three (3) pages and affirm that it is true to the best ofmy knowledge. I have placed my initials on the bottom of each page and next to each correction and I signed it below. ~w-~ Trooper Kristen Erario <-'- \ : ~ witness 3 '4fk- OS/12/2010 WED 11:47 FAX 8453463567 EXPORT EXPORT VAN DA'fl: 0S/!U201( P, fUEL TRANSACTION AMOl.lNT TRANSACTION cos·r CREATt:D UC~NSE TYPE DATE . CLASS (GAL) TIME ($) ODiJMl:'fER DATE CARD HOLDER TZS NAMi: 008247 2.FS UL 04/09/2010 l'T(. 6.90 10:24 00824 7 2F~ lJl 04/09/2010 PTL. lG 52 06:'2 008247 2F5 UL 04/10/2010 t'TL 0082-47 2F5 UI. 04/10/2010 rr1. 12.01 23:4!.J 008247 2F5 UL 04/12/2010 PTt 14.00 04 :44 41.45 02275 04/20/i,'010 f211 SUN FRANK 008247 2F.'i UL 04/12/2010 PTL 13, 37 18:29 39.JO 82~5S 04/20/2010 F21 l AND~fl.SON ERIK 00824 7 ;l,f!) UI. 04/13/2010 P1L 12,30 18:31 36.66 82/50 04/20/2010 Flll ANDERSON !:RIK 008247 2F5 UL 04/13/2010 P7'L 11,23 06:35 33.25' 82578 04/20/2-010 F2ll RODEN JOHN 008247 2F5 UL 04/15/2010 ,,n 16.00 05::Z:6 47.35 008247 2FS UL 04/16/2010 PTI 16.00 05:05 47.35 D 02927 04/20/2010 F2l l OUKOVlNSKY ANDREW T 8H61 04/20/2010 F211 SUN FAANK 000247 2f5 UL 04/17/2010 PTL 13.14 06:20 30.90 83336 04/20/2010 F21 l LEWIS 008247 2F5 UL 04/18/2010 PTL 13.6406:13 40.10 03'181 04/20/2010 f:l) 1 l.f.WJS 008247 21=5 UL 04/19/2010 Pl'L 14.13 05: 50 41,55 83630 04/30/2010 P\J El1798 O<'I/D/2010 f'2 I 1 ANl)ERSON ERIK 30.93 81708 04/13/2010 n11 LEW!S 44.40 81989 04i13/2010 Fi ll SUN Fr<ANK JASON J s 82133 04/13/2010 F211 SUN FRAN!( s s s JASON J JASON J nu U;WIS JASON J 008247 2f5 Ul 04/19/2010 PTL 10,00 l il:?..7 32 .00 133767 f)o'\/30/1,010 F2Ll SUN FRANK 00021'17 2FS UI.. 04/20/2010 PTL 6.00 05:55 17.88 03029 04/30/2010 F211 8lJKOVINSKY ANDR[WT 008247 2 F5 UI 04/20/20JO PTL 13 .00 19:03 41.60 !13966 04/30/2010 F211 SUN FRAN:( 008247 2F5 UL 04/21/2010 PTL, 16.54 16:10 49.62 OOU247 2f5 UL 0 4/22/2010 PT( 12 94 16:49 38.81 000247 2FS UL 04/23/7.010 PTL 14.42 15:02 43.27 04153 04/30/2010 f 2H LEWIS J/\SON J 84 262 04/ 30/ 20 10 !Q ll U:W!S JASON J 8'1433 0'1/30/20JO F2U BUKOVINSKY 000247 2f5 UL 04/24/2010 PTI. 11.SJ 05:07 34.59 8'1565 0<1/30/2010 f211 KELLY SEAN p 04/24/2010 PTL l~i.00 t7 :41 45.00 8'1763 04/30/2.0J0 f=2l 1 SUN FRANK s s ANDREWT 009247 2r'S s 008247 2FS UL 04/26/20Hl Pl'L U.74 06:21 26.21 84812 05/04/2010 F2l 1 l<ElLY SE/\N 0002<17 2FS UL 04/28/2010 P'i"L 9.l 7 06:09 27.89 2r-s UL 04/29/2010 PTL M.38 18:2'1 43.70 ()4%4 OS/04/'WlO 1'211 ANDERSON f:AIK 85365 05/04/2010 1'211 S!KORSKl 008247 2FS UL 04/29/ioio PTL 15.22 07:44 46.56 0082'17 2FS UL 04/30/2010 PR 9 . 53 18:29 29.lll 000247 2r·S Ul 04/30/2010 PTL 15.07 (}1:35 46.10 8$559 05/04/2010 f2U TINNlRHLO . DOUGI.AS 008247 2FS UL 05/02/2010 l'Tt 6.22 06:40 20.28 05795 05/11/2010 F,tll ANDERSON ERIK 008247 21'5 UL 05/04/2010 PTL 10,91 os :21 33.72 85941 05/11/2010 l't l l 7'lNNIR€U.O p 008247 TIMOTIIY M .8516'3 0S/0-t/2010 f21l SIKORSl<I TJMOTtfl' M 85694 OS/04(2010 F2 ll LEWIS JASON J hUp://fleetwave/script/export_J;rint.asp?Ot)tion=J&filcnamc=FUEL__ISSUES __FW&embcd ... 5/}2/2010 12. Div/Precinct 1. Agency F2 TROOP F - ZONE 2 :¼ ,~ ?;-_:NeW:,i{Orl(St_lt~; '"/\-> - 7,8,9.- Date Reported (Day, Date, Time) TifURSDAY 04/22/2010 12:30 ~;r· 'JN~IIl'E~ REPOJUl -• F211 ,10,11,12. Occurred On/From (Day, Date, Time) THURSDAY 04/22/2010 12:30 (1~ 1 s. Case No. 16" Incident No. 3503296 NY1350200 r3,14,15. Occurred To (Day, Date, :ime) ORI ' 117. Business Name 16. Incident Type SP MONROE AID-FINGERPRINTING f9".1nc1dentAddrcss (Street Name, Bldg.No., Apt. N o.J 20. City/State/Zip MONROE NEW YORK 10950 123. NO. of~ictfms 21. Location Code (fSLED) MONROE TOWN 3660 124. No. of Susp~cts 126~ Victim also Complainant? Location Type GOVERNMENT OFFICE ASSOCIATED PERSONS 845)567-0423 NARRATIVE Date of Action IDate Written I Officer Name & Rank 04/22/2010 104/22/2010 I LEWIS, JASON (TPR) Narrative WILLIAM D WHETSEL 05/31/66 AT SP MONROE TO BE PROCESSED FOR CDL PRINTS. CLOSED ADMINISTRATIVE 74. Inquiries 175. NYSPIN Mes~age No. 76. Complainant Signature DMVCHWW 77. Reporting Officer Signature (Include Rank) 78. IDNo. TPR JASON LEWIS 81. Status CLOSED BY INVESTIGATION 3020 182. Status Date 79. Supervisor Signature (Include Rank) 80. ID No. 2546 SGT SIC BRUCE FURBECK 83. Notified/fOT· 04/22/2010 I Solvability Total ~Page I of 1 5/12/2010 0 16:36:05 State ofNew York County of Orange Town of Monroe May 25, 2010 The following statement is being voluntarily provided by Mr. Moses Witriol, DOB , of Village of Kiryas Joel. The statement is being taken by Lieutenant Frank Keyser, New York State Police, at'SP Monroe, 369 Nininger . Rol,ld, Monroe, N~wYork 10950 on May 25, 2010, commenc(ng at4:27 PM. On April 22, 2010_: ~ 3:45PM, I received a call from Mr. who resides at NY. Mr. told me .that there was a State Trooper vehicle ·parked at .which-is~the·: ~ · -- - _-· - -residence.. The State Trooper vehicle was. parked in the rear of the driveway with the engine running. There was no Ttoo er in the c a r . ~ told me he heard from the person renting next door, Mi:. I asked Mr. ~ e t the license plate number. Mr. told me that Mr. uldn't .see from the distance he was at. lives across the street from the His .b~c]s: yard faces their front yard. Mr. Iooked and got the ~ l a t e number which was 2F5. I then drove to the area and sat in front of Mr. . . . . house at approximately 3:52PM. I sat there for approximately an hour and also liste~~ to the State Police radio. I heard the State Police radio call to 2F5, which was not . responded to. I heard the radio two times, approximately one minute.apart. At the beginning, I was concerne~ s~appened. I did some research and found that the woman who lives there, has had previous complaints with the Village of Kiryas Joel.· At approximately 4:37PM, crune by in a black pickup. He saw me and started screaming something. He drove in front of the house and started sounded his siren. At approximately 4:38PM, Trooper Lewis, the woman and the little girl came out of the residence. I then left. I• Mr.' 11111 11111 11111..... LT- . "-\- Mi.y..<...., IU-~~- Lieutenant Frank Keyr MEMBER TARGET- NON-CUSTODIAL INTERROGATION STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE TO\VN OF MONROE JUNE7,2010 This Statement is taken from Trooper JASON J. LEWIS at SP Monroe on June 7, 2010, by Lieutenant Frank Keys~r, commencing at 10:56AM. · The letter "Q" will denote questions asked by Lieutenant Frank K~yser. The letter "A" will denote answers provided by Trooper Jason J. Lewis. - - -~-.-.-'The purpose oftliisinterrogation1s to inquire into your activities as ·a Member of the New York State Police. Specifica\ly, it has been alleged that oil April 22, 2010, you were off post without proper authority and failed to answer repeated calls from your radio control point. In addition, you conducted an improper NYSPIN inquiry and failed to follow Zone· 2 orders which required that communications be made via Troop radio not cell phone when conducting" a·NYSPIN inquiry. It is further alleged that you failed to - r e Division vehicle 2F.5, ~hile_ you were inside the residence a ~ - Thi~ interrogation is being conducted pursuant to the Article 16 of the current New·York State Troopers Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Regulations of the New York Sta·te Police, including 8A3 and 8A15 . . You have the right to contact and consult w·itb a union represen~ative or attorney before being interrogated, and to have a union representative or ~tt9rney of your choosing · present during the interrogation. Do you understand this? A. Yes. Q . . · You are Q.Ot under arresl However, Article 16 and the applicable Regulations require you to cooperate and. answer truthfully questions relating to the allegations. A refusal by you to cooperate or to answer questions, or a failure to answer any questions truthfully, may result in disciplinary actio·n against you, up to and including the termination of your employment: Do you understand this? A. Yes. Q. .You are entitled to all the rights the State and Federal constitutions. As'this is an involuntary statement, your responses during this interrogation are automatically 9loaked with criminal immunity. Accordingly, neither your statements nor any information or evidence that is gained as a result of, or in reliance upon, this interrogation can be us_ed by a police or prosecutorial entity against you in support of a criminal . proceeding. Do you understand this? · A. Yes. Q. Are you being represented at this time and if so, by whom? A. Yes· I am, by my Troop F Delegate Richard Amedure and by the Associate General Counsel Maria Morris. Q. You were advised on May 21; 2010 of the matter being investigated and that it would be necessary for you to give a statement concerning this ·matter, is that correct? A. Yes. Q. I am Lieutenant Frank Keyser and as -a supervising_officer_and_representative-of-the--. - - - - - - - ~-superintendent, I am-authorized to conduct this interrogation. This interrogation is being recorded mechanically at SP Monroe. A full transcript will be prepared and you will be provided with a copy of the tape or will be afforded an opportun}ty to cause a duplicate of this tape to be made_ for your future use. You will be given the opportunity to view the written transcript from this tape upon completion, to ensure its accuracy, and will also be provided with a full copy of the transcript, subsequent to your signature. Do you understand this? A. Yes. Q. Also present in the room are PBA Associate General Counsel Maria B. Morris and Troop "F" PBA delegate Richard Amedure. Do you understand this? A. Yes Q. -The record will note that you ~re present in response to a direct order. Trooper Lewis, . you will now be asked questions relating to the performance of your official duties and you are required to answer these questions. If you decline or refuse to answer any questions, you will be ordered by me to answer. If you then continue in. your refusal to answer, disciplinary action. will be initiated charging you with disobeying a lawful order. This disciplinary action could result in the termination of your employment with the Division of State Police. You will be permitted during this statement to take breaks when reasonable and appropriate. Having been advised of the above, are you now ready to proceed with this interrogation? A. Yes. Q. Please state your full name and rank. A. Jason J. Lewis. Rank of Trooper. Q. What is your date of entry with the Division of State Police? 2 A. 05/19/2002. Q. . . What is·the loc3:tion of your current assignment? A. State Police Monroe. ·Q. Were you working on April 22, 2010? A. Yes. Q. What tour were you working on April 22, 201 0? A. I A 1-5 shift. • Q. What was yo_ur_!ssigned vehic:le on A.pril 22, 201 O? ___ ----'-----'-- - -.----- - - - A. 2F5. Q. What was your assigned post on April 22~ 2010? A. · Post 609 and 669. Q. What location does post 609/669 cover? . . · A. . · Post 609 covers Town of Chester, Town of Blooming Grove and Village of Chester and Village of South Blo_oming Grove. Post 669 is Route l 7. Q. Did you experience ~ny difficulties with the radio in 2F5 during your tour on April 22, · 2010? . A. ·Q. No. Did you post during your tour ·o.n April 22, 2010 at about 3:30~M? A. Yes. Q. Did you notify your radiQ c.ontrol point, upon leaving your post? · A. No. Q. Did there come a time whe·n you drove to the area of Highland Mills? A. Yes: Q. What was the reason that you drove to that location? . 3 in the Town of . . A. To continue some investigation. Q. What time did you drive to that location? A. Approximately 3:40PM. Q. What specific location did you drive to at that location? A. Unknown when I first arrived. Q. Were you looking for anyone in particular at thatlocat_ion? A. Q. - - . Yes. Who lives at that location? A-:-~esidence. Q. Did you cause a NYSPIN inquiry to be conducted when you were in the area o · ' . · . A. Yes. Q. How did you cause the NYSP~ inqqiry to be completed? A. Via cell phone. Q. Why did you not use the radio, as directed by Division policy? A. . I just don't know. I just didn't do it. Q. Who ran theNYSPIN inquiry? A. Trooper Glassey. Q. What was the inquiry of? A. A vehicle registration plate. Q. Specifically, what was the data of, if you recall? A. I do not recall. Q. What was the reason for the NYSPIN inquiry? A. I was trying to establish an address for t h e - residence. Q. Was there a legitimate purpose for th~ NYSPIN inquiry? 4 .. A. Yes. Q. What was the purpose for the NYSPIN inquiry? A. I was trying to establish an address for the Q. Did you drive That was the only reason. to a specific location, as a result of infonnation from the NYSP~ inquiry? No. - -- Q. What was the address? Q. Who did you see there_?_ _____ _ __ .A. 11111- Q. Is-that the person you were_ looki~g for? A. One of the persons. Q. Y'bat was the purpose of you driving to that location? A. To speak to the homeowners. Q. Explain. - -. - --- - - - -- - -- ·-- - - - -- - A. My reason was to speak to the husband .and the wife. l did not know the husband _was not there. When the, wife returned, I only.knew her and thecleaning lady were there. Q. Where did you park 2F5 at that address? A. In the qnveway., Q. Did you dismount/ 2F5? A. Yes. Q. Did you leave 2F5 running with the keys in it when you dismounted? A. I. don't recall, probably not. 99.9% of the time~ I shut the car off and lock the doors. Q. Do you have extra keys for 2F5? A. I don't recall. 5 • Q. Is it possible you left 2F5 running, exited 2F5 and locked it, having an extra set of keys? A. I don't recall. · Q. Did you close the windows? A. Yes . . Q. Did you lock the doors? A. Yes. Q. Describe where you parked 2F5? A. . Parallel to the steps of the front walkway. Q-.-.~.Descrifie liow you parked 2F5? A. I backed it in. Q. Was there room to park 2F5 on the road in front of the residence? A. Yes. Q. Was there room to park 2F5 at the beginning of the drive~ay? A. Yes. Q. Did you park next to the door of the residence? A. Yes . . Q. Why did you park 2F5 in that manor? A. I always back in when I a residence. Q. Did you call out of service when you left 2F5? A. No. Q. What time did you arrive at the residence? A. Approximately 3:50. Q. Did you have a portable that day? A. . r . No. 6 • -, · Q. What time did you leave the residence? A. Approximately 4:25 / 4:30. Q. you? Did you become aware that Monroe Desk was trying to raise 2F5 to assign a complaint to A. Yes. Q. How? When? ·. A, Once I left the residence, via cell phone from SP Monroe .. Q. Who did you get a call from? ' 1\.. -~rnvestigator Caruso called- and said Mike (Trooper Glassey) is trying to you. I notified Trooper Glassey that I'm at a gas pump and then will be on my way back to the station. Q: Do you·know what the complaint was about? A. No. Q.. Upon leaving the residence, where did you go? A. Gas Station. Q. Where did you fuel 2F5? A. Mobil-On-The-Run in the Village ofMonroe. Q. What time did you fuel 2F5? A. Approximately a quarter to five, in that vicinity. , . Q. What did you do after you fueled 2F5? A. I returned to SP Monroe. Q. Upon returning to SP Monroe, did you have a conversation with Zone Sergeant Quinn? A. Yes. Q. . How did the conversation with Z~ne Sergeant Quinn come about? (Rc.:Ri'-- 10 (',,1:,~ ~) « A. I walked back to his office and asked ifhe'had a moment to talk to: I told him I was at a residence in the Town of Woodbury. Upon leaving the residence, I ·was stopped by a local resident who stated that Moses was taking photographs of my vehicle while it was ·backed in the 7 / .. driveway. Zone Sergeant Quinn asked why. I said I don't lmow. I was at the residence talking to the family and when I left, that is what I found out. Then the conversation with Zone Sergeant Quinn ended. , Q. Was there an SJS entry for the conversation on date'prior to April 22, 2010? A. No. Q. Was there an SJS entry for April 22, 2010? A. No .. Q. _Who is Moses Witriol? What is his job title? A. He is the Director of Public Safety in Kiryas Joel. --'--- -- - -. ~-- - - Q. Howmd you explain to Zone Sergeant Quinn where you were when you believe you were observed by Moses Witriol? A. I walked back to his office and asked ifhe had a moment to talk to. I told him I was at a residence in the Town of Woodbury. Upon leaving the reside1ice, I was stopped by a local resident who stated that Moses was tµdng photographs of my vehicle while it was backed in the driveway. Zone Sergeant Quinn asked why. I said I don't lmow. I was at the residence talking to the family and when I left, that is what I found out. Then the conversation with Zone Sergeant \ Quinn ended ~\-; G."'~~-\,~('-, v.!l~~ ~~~c,.:,"tF..t.t-... 0 ~ A ~c-e.'3io"-., o.~u.\-1',,~~ ~~f:l<,t. 7 J · \'T-.~ . f\-('l~wc:., Wt'>'i:. ~\ ,~~'j~t.~ -tt~ "\-'h.\~ Q"~'t'lo...._. W W Q. . How did Moses s.e e you at that location? . A. I don't lmow. Q. "Did you see Moses? A. No. Q: How long did you tell Zone Sergeant Quinn that you at that residence? A. I don't recall. Q. Are you familiar with Monroe on July 18, 2007? 1111 and A. Yes. Q. What was the basis of this complaint? c~:>ntact with the State Police in · A. Q. ')> Was that complaint yours? 8 • A. Yes. Q. Was there any follow up entries in SJS made since 20q7-2008? A. I don't recall. Q. Was there any action that caused you to re-contact t h ~ - on April 22, 20101 A. Yes. Q. Explain. A. Approximately two weeks prior to April 22, 2010, while patrolling in Kiryas Joel, I was approached by the They said hi; and since returning to the Monroe area, the wife has been receiving harassing phone calls_ on her cell J)hone . _ _ - - ~-- - -----~ -- Q. - What djd you mean when you said, "upon returning to Kiryas Joel", meaning the moving back? · · . · A. I found out two weeks prior to April 22nd, that they were temporarily living i n . . . . Q. add? I h'ave no further questions at this tinie. · Is there anything further that you would like to A. No. Q. The interview is now concluded. The time is. 11 :54AM. - I have read this transcript consisting of nine (9) pages and affirm ·that it is true to the best of my knowledge. I have placed my initials on the bottom of each page and next to each correction and I signed it below. 9 - .,. .............. Complaint of Personnel Investigation 20100232 Type: Sub Type Personnel Incident Report Due 4/22/2010 6/7/2010 4:00 PM Level Inv. T No Commissioned Officer Troop: 3 Mode Rec. CTV: F Status: P In Person F3660 - T/MONROE Report Location Synopsis: On April 22. 2010, Trooper Jason Lewis was assigned a 1 tour out of SP Monroe. At approximately 4:00 PM, he failed to answer his radio when repeatedly called by the SP Monroe desk member. He was subsequently found to be off post without proper authorization. Troop F to investigate Classification: Finding: INTERNAL ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Subjects: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -ank_IRO.OeER _ _ _ _ _ Last Name LEWIS First JASON Troo F Locatio MONROE CCC 1: DISOD CCC 2: NEGLT CCC 3: Jl.OE 5/19/2002 Ml J Complainants: Shield 3024 Rank Address Home Phone Last Name NEVINS CAPTAIN Sex M City Work Phone SP First Name STEPHEN Ml TZS F200 DOE 8/9/1981 State Zip Administrative Personnel: ID Last NEVINS First ID Last CORLETT First ID Last NEVINS First ID Last MAZZONE JR Thursday, May 06, 2010 First RECEIVING MEMBER STEPHEN TZS F200 Date/Time 5/6/2010 Ml MEMBER AT TROOP NOTIFIED KEITH Ml M MEMBER WHO NOTIFIED STEPHEN MEMBER AT DIV NOTIFIED RICHARD Ml TZS F012 Date/Time 5/6/201 O TZS F200 Date/Time 5/6/2010 Ml L 11:00 11:00 TZS H132 Date/Time 5/6/2010 11:00 Page 1 of2 ID Last KEYSER First MEMBER WHO NOTIFIED DIV FRANK Ml J TZS F200 Date/Time 5/6/2010 Page2of2 Thursday, May 06, 2010