New York State Police, Trooper Joseph C. Kolek Letter of Censure, 2009
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TB- ISA (2/99) PREVENTABLE DIVISION VEHICLE ACCIDENT - REPORT OF ADJ UDlCATION VAN DATE OF ACCIDENT/INCIDENT Ap/1 \ TIM E OF ACCIDENT/INCIDENT 1\ 1 2009 VEHICLE PLATE N UMBER DRIVER'S NAME (FIRST, Ml, LAST) 1-<o (c:t< C SHIELD NUMBER ORIGINAL F-fbE-3-#}1,, S=t-:1- STATION £so/ ~ c 1953 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM ARE ON THE REVERSE SIDE I. Type(s) of Adjudication 01 - Clinical Phase 02 - Troop instruction - Troop Safety Officer or Traffic Supervisor 03 - EVOC assignment and Clinical phase 04 - NO disciplinary action 05 - Counselling ✓ 06 - Censure \.,/ 07 - Vacation Days (number) 08 - Probation 09 - Suspension w ithout pay lO - T ermination 11 - Other (specify) II. Date of Adjudication APPROVED BY ?//J ',){11/fV!PA.lOISNJ ISAOK RANK ~ HARRY CORBITT SUPERINTEND ENT NEW YORK STATE POLICE CONCOURSE LEVEL- EMPIRE STATE PLAZA ALBANY, NEW YORK 12242 LETTER OF CENSURE June 19, 2009 Trooper Joseph C. Kolek Executive Services Detail/New York City 633 3 rd Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 Dear Trooper Kolek: On June 19, 2009, you appeared before me at ESD/Albany to adjudicate a Division Vehicle Accident you were involved in on April 11, 2009. You previously agreed to accept my determination in this matter. My review of the investigation conducted concludes me to believe that this accident was "preventable" on your part. You were reminded of your responsibility to the safety of the public and to yourself for the safe operation of Division vehicles at all times. Your conduct violated Regulation 8B5 of the Division Accordingly you are officially censured for your actions and assessed the loss of 2 days annual leave. Sincerely, J) ) cA7iJi. ~1VlW'-1 usa D. Loughran Captain Assistant Detail Commander- ESD Albany/NYC Genl. 7 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM TroopJ:::LStation Date ESD June 19, 2009 To: Major David Salmon, Division Traffic From: Captain Lisa D. Loughran, Executive Services Detai~o'k Subject: PREVENTABLE DIVISION VEHICLE/PEDESTRIAN PERSONAL INJURY AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT TROOPER JOSEPH KOLEK, ESD/NY EOD 01/07/02 DATE OF ACCIDENT: APRIL 11, 2009 Reference is made to the genl 84 investigative report regarding the above subject. Referenced report was submitted on June 5, 2009. On Friday, June 19, 2009, Trooper Kolek reported to ESD/Albany for the purpose of adjudication of this matter. Attached to this memorandum is Trooper Kolek' s adjudication memo, letter of censure and TB 15 and TB 15a. Please attach these to the original report. NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop H Date: Station Executive Services Detail/NYC June 05, 2009 To: Major Charles M. Day, Troop Commander, Executive Services Detail From: Trooper Joseph C. Kolek ESD/NYC Subject: PREVENTABLE DIVISION VEHICLE/PEDESTRIAN PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT __:_,,.---·L /< I hereby request to have the above-captioned investigation adjudicated by the Detail Commander under the provision of Rule 3, Disciplinary Action, of the New York State Police Manual. I waive the following: 1. The right to have this matter disposed of by the Superintendent or by a formal hearing. 2. Any right to appeal from the Detail Commander's adjudication which may be a determination of unfounded or, upon a finding of guilty, the imposition of: i. A Letter of Censure and/or ii. An intra-Troop transfer with my consent and/or iii. A fine to be expressed in the loss of no more than five vacation days to be worked with no additional compensation or overtime, and/or iv. A period of probation not exceeding 90 days (which probation must be for a definite period of time and must include conditions of probation which, if violated, could subject me, without a right of further inquiry or hearing, to the imposition of any one or more of the penalties that can be imposed by the Detail Commander, and/or an intra-Troop transfer, without my consent). TB-· 15 REV. 12/8 5 TRAFFIC SAFETY OFFICER REPORT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE OF THI S FORM. VAN VEHICLE PLATE NUMBER DATE OF ACC IDENT/INCIDENT T IME O F A CC IDENT/INC IDENT ·J?; ioo q n C - ·3 ~17 C(:30 Fl CAUSE 01-SPEED TOO FAST 02-FOLLOWING TOO CLOSE 03-UNSAFE BACKING 04-FAILEO TO KEEP RIGHT 05 -FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT- OF-WAY OB - IMPROPER PARK/S10P 07-IMPROPER TURNING OB -INATTENTION OF DRIVER ____.L 09 -ANIMAL ACTIONS 10- FAULTY EVASIVE .IXCTION 11-ALCOHOL INVOLVEMENT 12 -DRIVER INEXPERIENCE 13 - DRUGS 14 -FELL ASLEEP 15 - PEDESTRIAN ACTION 16-TRAFFIC CONTROL DISREGARDED 17-DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT 18-0BSTRUCTION/DEBRIS/STONE ON HIGHWAY 19 -RECKLESS DRIVING 20-IMPROPEA LANE CHANGE 2 1- 0THER _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ v ORIGIN A L ~ I ·2A) CLASSIFICATION _ V _ PREVENT ABLE _ _ NON-PREVENTABLE _ _ INCIDENT 22-DNA B) DISCIPLINARY ACTION RECOMMENDED _ _ YES _ _ NO C) SITUATION/ACTIVITY ,7 01-EMERGENCY CALL 02-EMERGENCY CALL/FIRE 03-EMERGENCY CALL/CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 04-EMERGENCY CALL/GLASS 05 - ROUTINE PATROL 06-ROUTINE PATROL/FIRE 07 - ROUTINE PATROL/CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 08- ROUTINE PATROL/GLASS 09-PURSUIT 10-PURSUIT/FIRE 11-PURSUIT/ROADBLOCK 12 - PURSUIT /CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 13 -PURSUIT /GLASS 14-PARKED 15-PARKED/FIRE 16-PARKED/ROADBLOCK 17-PARKED/CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 18- PARKED/GLASS , 19-0THER,__ ~ ' --'···-c. . . - - - - - - - - - Dl CONTACT ~ YES _ _ NO El TYPE ACCIDENT 01-STAT IONARY OBJECT STRUCK 02 -BACKING UP 03-REAR- END COLLISION 04-PASSING VEHICLE SAME DIRECTION 05 - INTERSECTION 06 - SIDESWIPE 07-SKIDDING OS - ROLLED AWAV (UNATTENDED) ✓• 09-IMPROPERL Y STOPPED/PARKED 10 -PEDESTRIAN 1 1 - LEFT THE ROAD 12-0VERTURNED 13 - HEAD- ON 14 - ANIMAL 15-0THER_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ G) CATEGORY P- PROPERTY DAMAGE I-PERSONAL INJURY _ _ F-FATAL __j _v_ H) ROAD CHARACTER 1- STRAIGHT 2 - CURVE 3-HILLCREST 4 - 0FF - ROAD 5-DNA I) ROAD SURFACE 1- CONCRETE \/ 2- MACADAM 3 - 0IL/STONE 4- DIRT I SAND 5 - GRASS/TURF 6- DNA Jl ROAD CONDITION 1-ICY SURFACE _ _ 2-HARD PACKED SNOW _ _ 3-SLUSH 4-WET V S- DRY _ _ 6 - 0THER._ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _. 7- DNA K) WEATHER CONDITION 1-SNOW 2- SLEET 3- RAIN 4 - FOG 5-CLEAR 6-CLOUDY _ _ 7- DNA L) SHIFT :c D LEAVE E DNA 16 - DNA Ml DRIVER'S AGE N) DRIVER'S TZS oi s~ l25 •T8t~ ·'rl l Hlt - - M -- F MODIFIED .- TB··!S (REV . 01/98) NEW YORK STATE POLICE DIVISION VEHICLE ACCIDENT/INCIDENT COVER PAGE I OPERATOR OF SP VEHICLE: (TRAFFIC SECTION COMPLETE) ~ ~et?/2 <'Received At Traffic : License Van Troop (D/A) Reviewed By : (FLEET MANAGEMENT COMPLETE) Received from Traffic : JUL (Date) O2 2009 REPAIR INFORMATION : Order Number : NA- Amount : $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Case Closed : Date Paid : (Date) Returned To Service Date : Initials : Forwarded From Fleet To Records : Estimates : 7 (1) $ O* I\\ I0lt ND Dllf1\ll£:i (Date) TOT Attorney General : (2) $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (3) $_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ co co (j V,I 00 (Date) -....l -....l MISCELLANEOUS : INSURANCE INFORMATION : .&;. ...._ ~ ...._ Check Number : ~ 0 \0 J P _ _ _ __ ur BCI RCN Number : NP JUL 1 7 'ltl09 I1 Genl. 7 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop l:LStation ESD Date_ _ _ _"""M=a_.y-'2aa.a9.., =2.a..00~9 To: First Deputy Superintendent, John Melville Attention Divisi.on Traffic - Major David Salmon From: Captain Lisa D. Loughran, ESD Subject: DIVISION VEHICLE/PEDESTRIAN PIAA - NY BBC-3877 TROOPER JOSEPH KOLEK-EOD 01/07/02 DOA: APRIL 11, 2009 ~1{ Reference is made to administrative message #AMSQ88000012, ESD/NYC, dated April 12, 2009, cover memorandum of Lieutenant Paul Hogan and investigative report of Zone Sergeant Robert Myers dated, May 22, 2009, regarding the above subject. I have reviewed the report with Lieutenant Hogan and concm with the results of the investigation. On April 11 , 2009, Trooper Joseph C. Kolek, ESD/NYC, left the office in his division issued vehicle, NY BBC-3877 and traveled east on West 46 1h Street in Manhattan. As he approached the intersection of West 46 111 and 71h Avenue, Trooper Kolek was forced to stop behind an unidentified vehicle about to make a left turn onto i" A venue. While delayed at the intersection behind the vehicle, the light changed and an unidentified southbound vehicle on ih Avenue came directly toward Trooper Kolek's vehicle. In an attempt to avoid being struck, Trooper Kolek instinctively steered his vehicle to the right and forward around the stopped vehicle, subsequently striking fom pedestrians as they crossed the intersection. It is evident that the culpability for this accident was on behalf of Trooper Kolek for improper evasive action. It is recommended that this accident be classified as "PREVENTABLE". Although Trooper Kolek is culpable for the accident, there was no evidence of negligence or wrong doing. The matter is closed by investigation. • Genl 7 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM TroopJ::LStation Date ESD/NYC May 27. 2009 To: Captain Lisa D. Loughran, Executive Services Detail, Albany, NY From: Lieutenant Paul E. H o ~ Subject: DIVISION VEHICLE PIAA- PEDESTRIANS TROOPER JOSEPH C. KOLEK Reference is made to Administrative Message AMSQ 88000012, SP ESD/NYC dated April 12, 2009 and the attached Memorandum and associated Investigative report of Zone Sergeant ROBERT MYERS ill dated May 22, 2009 regarding the above subject. I have reviewed the attached reference material and find it properly submitted. I have discussed the matter with Zone Sergeant MYERS and concur with his findings. On April 11, 2009 Trooper JOSEPH C. KOLEK assigned to ESDJNYC, was travelling east on West 46th Street in Manhattan, NY approaching the intersection of West 46th and 7th Avenue when a vehicle travelling south on 7th Avenue almost struck Trooper KOLEK'S vehicle. In an attempt to avoid being struck by the southbound vehicle Trooper KOLEK steered his vehicle to the right around an un-involved vehicle stopped in front of him, subsequently striking four pedestrians who had entered the roadway crossing West 46th Street at the intersection of 7th Avenue. Investigation into this matter revealed that the cause of the accident was improper evasive action on the part of Trooper KOLEK. It should be noted that although the accident victims allege that Trooper KOLEK was travelling at a high rate of speed wh~n the accident occurred, the evidence belies their account. The fact that the victims injuries were relatively minor in nature, and there was no damage to Trooper KOLEK'S vehicle suggests that Trooper KOLEK was not travelling at a high rate of speed prior to impact. I recommend that this accident be classified as PREVENTABLE and forwarded for further administrative· action. • Genl 7 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop H Station Date ESD - NYC May 22, 2009 To: ESD Detail Commander, Troop H, Albany, NY From: Zone Sergeant Robert Myers I I I @ Subject: DMSION VEIDCLE PIAA - PEDESTRIANS - BBC 3877 TROOPER JOSEPH C. KOLEK REFERENCE: AMSQ 88000012, Dated April 11, 2009 Genl. 84 Investigation Report, dated April 23, 2009 Re: Above captioned subject On April 11, 2009 at approximately 10:00 PM I was advised that Trooper JOSEPH C. KOLEK had been involved in a Division Vehicle Personal Injury Accident involving four Pedestrians. Investigation into this matter revealed that despite the fact that Trooper KOLEK was able to avoid being struck by any vehicles, the accident was the result of faulty evasive actions taken by Trooper KOLEK. Trooper KOLEK was slowing in the intersection when he observed a secondary vehicle in his peripheral vision which he perceived was going to strike his driver's side door and steered to the right around the vehicle in front of him subsequently striking the pedestrians which were standing in the roadway. It should also be noted that due to the fact that all parties suffered minor injuries and the absence of any physical evidence, it is my conclusion that Trooper KOLEK was not traveling at a high rate of speed as perceived by the witnesses. I recommend the accident be classified as PREVENTABLE and closed by investigation. New York State Police Investigation Report GENL-84 REV 01198E . Troop 2. Station HI it ".'C·~ 6. Complainant Name ~W. 8. Street# ~ ESD- NYC I 3. Station 5. Case No. M. TZS (LaN\,%J Middle) Name Apt. 7.00B crrN State Zip County 9. Phone ''l M '- 1"'0'"'.E=-m-p....,.lo,....y-er---------------, > lf."" A--, dd ...,.r_ ess _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ...,..,.fOA-=-:--=0ca,,---pa-,tl·on----+-1""0:: e--: . e=-u-s--: . p=h-o-ne- - ---t ~'ifu:~-=--........,=-----,,,--..,.,,...,----,,----------- -- - - - - - - - - - -........-~=-=-,-::-----:,----' - - - - - - - ------t 1 J.t ,ORK :1~~e}tf'W4ifFf"s~~,.{FJ-~,1-J AVENUE 'N t ; 11 B. C.T•VHATT • C•T•V CODE 12. Date Occurred: From• To ·LiC/MAN AN 04112009 i 14. Owner if other 1/lall Complainant Address Date Re Snow i!;,{'i., 17,Counta ft\& i CJ.L.lJLY.J.,~L1.1....JLI,.J..JJ~.i;..1:.1£::1C1c.L..1...i..!~!...1.LllC>Lll...---------- - l -!L.---l-:il1's"'-!~'.>2_--+.-J.l!..Ll!.~~1.:,,1_------l ]~, ,1;- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ------------l----- --1-- -----1---------------1 ·, !;,_I- iidi·1 -------------- - - --------------+- - - --+-------+------------t ~:i1.·I-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------l-------l--------1------- - -------1 ~~·; 21 ~9! . p:.1 Code ly Desaiption ID• Serial Number l~ . . -!M~-' '~.-,---l-----ll----l---------------------------------------1-------1 ~ i¾ •. 'E; .. .. . Ii< Yes Stolet1 MV • Keys In Ignition Recovered • Running Condition i~ 'i o-1 · Kind of Document Q Q No @ @ Name of Receiver ~~r~~~e of Maker• ID or Address Given lct· .1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---------...,.,,,-.,.,...-, • •½' Bank Drawn On -Address Doc. No. Ye$ Identifiable Pho CO-Suspect No oQ Qo ~~fl,,-...,,.-----,-,,---,--,-,--,---.,.,.,.---=,------:--::----:--=..,..,..--,-----------..._-___...________--t ,·~ Doc Amount Date Money, Properly or SeNice Obtained !, ~~ •~,...,,;,v,1;1:p, Property eJ°iNsu~: Insured ? • Yes No Name of Insurer SELF INSURED STATE OF NEW YORK AmL Insurance 7 Total Vali.le .oo FULL Date 281 <D'i 1-----1--- - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --------.,;,_----t ,;h Eti1----1------1--------------- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------t :~J·..---+------+---------------- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ;1:;~: '29.' WT ... . Namulast, First. Middle) - Ad DA MOHAMED w,, ,_· ' -1' GO ,;; 'iz Wf,2 MOOREHEAD JER •: ~vifJ\3. HARPER ALISTER D :~:, ' . . .. :. I I" 04 2~09 New York State Police lnv.estigation Report :--':::"'~ = JURIES Coroner or Medk:al Examiner NoQ ~~fg~:i~.~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~ic11rf~i¥¥.e:~i~·q;~~J~d~~~~~t~~~:~tp1i(~·~i~~~:~~~a$\~~~~~g~~~~·1~t~=~~~.!~~Jf~~~t~~~~~~~r~~~;~~~~~~!:i~~t c~1 ~rn_~ ~ef~f\°6?dr~If6,/07/02 1220 WASHINGTON AVE, ALBANY, NY :j ;f1j: Race Ht Wt. Hair Eyes Crim& Race Ht Wt Hair E~s Crim& ounty F "NO" Name Of Person Notifiea Uc. No. The Presence or absence of any individual factor Is Indicated by checking Yes or No Q Witness to Crime 'i' ~ Yes Identification I Description Of Suspect Vehicle 0 0 @ No Yes @ No Significant Physical Evidence Yes No Property Traceable / Identifiable 0 Q Q Distinctive / Significant MO Significant Community lnlerest Yes @No Yes @ No Yes @ No . .~ 1. MEMORANDUM OF TPR KOLEK 8. COPY OF AMSGE 88000012 DATED 4/11/09 2. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ACCIDENT LOCATION 9. KASTLE SYSTEM HISTORY REPORT r:j 3. SUPP DEPO OF ALISTER HARPER 10. ACCIDENT REPORTS 2 [~:1-4_._S_U_PP_D_E_PO.;....;.O_F_F_RA_N_C_O_IS_C_O_R_B_I_N_ _ _ _ _-+-1-'1.__1-'-' N...c. C=ID_;;;E;.;.. N_;_ T..;._R_E_P_O.;;...;R-'-T-.....;J;;;.;..R;.;..M_Al=N_E_M-'--O...C.O-'-'R_H_EA_D _ _ _-----1 ~{~\ 5. SUPP DEPO OF ELIZABETH CORBIN 12. SUPP DEPO OF JERMAINE MOORHEAD j)it} 6. SUPP DEPO OF LOUISE CORBIN 7. SUPP DEPO OF ANNE TOURETTE Shiela No. 43B CaseNo. , .,. NEW YORK STATE POLICE CONTINUATION SHEET TROOP H ESD - NYC COMPLAINANT - LAST. FIRST, lvllDDLE I NYSP CASENUMBER I ESD - 3226 - 09 1. On April 11, 2009 Trooper JOSEPH C. KOLEK, ESD/NYC, EOD 01/07/02 (T-1) assigned to the Dignitary Protection Squad, was working a D12-7 (7:00 AM 7:00 PM). At approximately 10:00 pm Trooper KOLEK advised the ESD desk that he was involved in a Division Vehicle PIAA involving four pedestrians while th travelling on 46 street in Manhattan, NY. I was advised of the accident and responded. Captain LISA D. LOUGHRAN was advised and responded to the scene as well. Detail Commander, Major CHARLES M. DAY was also advised. 2. Upon arrival, I observed a 2005 Chevrolet Tahoe, bearing NY registration BBC 3877, (V-1) parked curbside on the north east side of the intersection roadway th travelling south. Broadway and 7 Avenue are separated by a narrow median approximately IO feet wide. Both intersections are controlled by separate, three light traffic signals. Pedestrian traffic is controlled at both intersections by lighted signs and roadway markings. Investigation revealed that the accident occurred at . the southeast corner of West 46th street and 7th avenue. There were no visible skid marks, debris at the scene, or physical evidence denoting the point of impact. 3. On April 11, 2009, I interviewed Trooper KOLEK who stated that upon completing his shift he remained at the station to complete administrative duties. Trooper KOLEK stated that at approximately 9:00 pm he left the station and proceeded over to the West side of Manhattan in V-1 for a meal prior to responding to Ward's Island for the evening. Trooper KOLEK stated that upon returning from the West side en-route to Ward's Island he while travelling east on th West 46 street approaching the intersection of Broadway with traffic slowing, when the traffic light turned yellow. Trooper KOLEK stated that he proceeded through the intersection when an un-identified vehicle which was travelling in front of him slowed down. Trooper KOLEK stated that he slowed to avoid hitting the vehicle at which time the light at the intersection of West 46th and 7th turned red. Trooper KOLEK stated that another un-identified vehicle, which was stopped at the intersection of 46th and 7 1h facing southbound , started to proceed through the intersection in a southerly direction almost striking the drivers side of V-1. Trooper KOLEK stated that he took evasive action by accelerating and turning to the right in an attempt to avoid being struck the southbound vehicle. Trooper KOLEK stated that as he proceeded east on 46th street, pedestrians heading north th from the corner of 46 Street and 7th A venue entered the intersection in front of GENL-84B REV I I/97E Page I of5 NEW YORK STATE POLICE CONTINUATION SHEET TROOP H ESD - NYC COMPLAINANT- LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE I NYSP CASE NUMBER I ESD - 3226 - 09 his vehicle at which time he was unable to avoid striking them. Trooper KOLEK stated that he immediately stopped V-1, identified himself, and rendered aid to the injured parties. Memorandum of Trooper KOLEK attached as enclosure #I. 4. On April l I, 2009, I took photographs of the scene which have been reduced to paper and are included as enclosure # 2. 5. On A ril 11 2009 I interviewed MOHAMED GOUDA, DOB - o- d (WT-1), who provided a telephone nwnber WT- I, a street vendor working at the time of the accident stated that he was very busy and didn't really see what happened. He was serving food and it was very busy and when he heard the commotion he looked up and realized an accident had occurred. He further stated that people are always stepping off into traffic and that it is a very bad intersection. Mr. GOUDA declined to give a written statement. of 6. ~ 1 1 2009 I attem ted to contact JERMAINE A MOORHEAD DOB -of (WT-2) with negative results. . , a Tunes Square Lines - Secunty Officer, was working in the area at the time of the accident had left the scene prior to my arrival. Mr. MOOREHEAD had informed NYPD that he saw the people step off the curb in front of V -1 , but refused to provide further details, and refused to provide a statement. 7. On April 12, 2009 at approximately 12:29 run, Senior Investigator WILLIAM T. HODGE responded to St. Luke's CR, • ,,,~11:-:.·•~ II~ ~ER,DOB-of ~ T - 3 ) who gave the telephone t H , I i approximately 9:40 PM he was working as a street vendor when he heard a noise. He then alleged that as he looked up he saw a black SUV travelling at a high· speed attempt to avoid striking some people but failed and ran several people over. WT-3 then stated that the SUV stopped and the operator seemed very concerned about the people. WT-3 stated that the intersection is very dangerous and there have been several complaints about the timing of the lights. WT-3 stated that walk signal comes on to early not giving the pedestrians enough time to walk which doesn't allow the cars enough time to clear the light from Broadway to Seventh A venue .Supporting deposition of WT -3 included as enclosure # 3. 8. On 4/12/2009 at approximate Senior Investi ator HODGE interviewed FRANCOIS CORBIN, DOB of (S-1) who gave a telephone number of S-1 alleged that at GENL-84B REV I I/97E Page2of5 NEW YORK STATE POLICE CONTINUATION SHEET TROOP H ESD - NYC COMPLAINANT - LAST, FJRST, MIDDLE I NYSP CASENUMBER I ESD - 3226 - 09 approximately 9:50 PM, he and his family began to cross the street, (he could not recall the name of the street) when their light changed. S-1 stated that at that time he observed a vehicle (NFD) heading toward him at a high speed. S-1 believed the vehicle was attempting to avoid hitting another stopped vehicle. S-1 stated that he was struck b the vehicle. S-1 stated that hi · \lries consisted S-1 refused to sign a Genl. a Supporting Deposition which is included as enclosure # 4. 9. On 4/12/2009 at approximately 1:35 am, Senior Investi ator HODGE interviewed. REIN, D O B , - o f (S-2). S-2 s t a ~ a s waiting at the traffic light (NFD), when the light turned white she took approximately 1, or 2 steps when she looked up and saw an SUV (NFD) pass another car. S-2 states that she tried to escape but was unable to avoid bein struck · · left leg. S-2 stated that she sustained injUIY S -2 refused to sign a Genl. 81. S-2 provi e eposttlon which is included as enclosures # 5. 10. n A• ril 12, 2 UISE CORBIN, o (S-3). S-3 stated s e was waitmg at e tr 1c 1 t waiting or the light to turn white (NFD). S-1 stated that when the light turned white she started to cross the road when she looked up and saw a black SUV (NFD) coming at her really fast. S-1 stated that she did not see the car hit her, she just felt a hit and fell down. S-1 stated that she just lay in the street for a few minutes. S-1 did not state that she was injured. S-3 provided a Supporting Deposition which is included as enclosure # 6. 11. On April 12, 2009 at approximately 1 :45 am Senior Investi interviewed ANNE MARIE TOUREITE, DOB - o f S-4) who provided the telephone number of S-4 simply stated that she was crossing the street and was struck anything, she just felt a hit. S-4 stated that she had as a result of the accident. S-4 refused to sign a Genl. 81. S-4 provided a Supporting Deposition which is included as enclosure # 7. 12. On April 12, 2009, Captain LISA D. LOUGHRAN interviewed attending Emergency Room Physician, Doctor PAUL L. TRAVNICEK MD. Doctor TRAVNICEK treated FRANCIS CORBIN and related he suffered No written statement obtained due to the re sal of the injured to provide a medical documents release ( Genl. 81 ). GENL-84B REV l l/97E Page3 of5 NEW YORK STATE POLICE CONTINUATION SHEET TROOP H ESD - NYC COMPLAINANT - LAST, FIRST. MIDDLE I NYSP CASENUMBER I ESD-3226-09 13. On April 12, 2009 Captain LOUGHRAN interviewed Emergency Room Physician, Doctor REBECCA BAPTISTA MD who treated ELIZABETH CORBIN for Doctor BAPTISTA also treated ANNE MARIE SORS and related sh~ had no injuries as a result of the accident. No written statement was obtained due to the refusal of the injured to provide a medical documents release (Genl. 81). 14. On April 12, 2009 Captain LOUGHRAN interviewed a t t e n d ~ JAMIE MEADE MD, who treated LOUISE CORBIN f o r ~ o written statement was obtained due to the refusal of the injured to provide a documents release (Genl. 81). 15. On April 12, 2009, I attempted to contact responding NYPD Officer WONG and NYPD Supervisors in an attempt to obtain a copy of the accident .report with negative results. 16. On April 12, 2009, I sent AMSQE 88000012 from 633, 3rd Ave, NY, NY. A copy of the message is included as enclosure# 8. 17. On April 14, 2009, I attempted to contact WT-2 MOORHEAD with negative results. I left voicemail requesting a call back. 18. Oil April 14, 2009, I contacted Building Management for 633 rd Avenue and obtained printout of Trooper KOLEK'S Card Key History in the Kastle System which showed that he left the station at 8:54 PM and substantiated the fact that he left the station at approximately 9:00 PM. Printout included as enclosure# 9. 19. On April 14, 2009, I contacted NYPD I 8th Precinct who was unable to locate the report and reporting officer. 20. On April 16, 2009, I attempted to contact WT-2 MOORHEAD with negative results. 21. On April 21, 2009, I contacted PO WONG who provided a copy of the MV 104AN and, MV 104L completed which is included as enclosure# 10. 22. On April 28, 2009, I contacted WT-2 who stated that he was not trying to avoid speaking to me, he just wanted to advise his job and ascertain whether he should or should not provide a written statement to the New York State Police since he GENL-84B REV 1J/97E Page4ofS NEW YORK STATE POLICE .• CONTINUATION SHEET TROOP H ESD-NYC COMPLAJNANT-LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE I NYSP CASE NUMBER I BSD - 3226 - 09 was working at the time of the incident. WT-2, a Times Square Alliance Security Officer advised me that he completed a written incident report for his employer on 4/11/2009 regarding the accident. I obtained a copy of the incident report which is included as enclosure # 11. 23. On April 28, 2009, I interviewed WT-2 regarding the accident who stated that on 4/11/2009 at approximately 9:45 pm he observed a Black SUV (V-1) traveling th East on West 46 Street when it was cut off by an unknown Yellow Cab which th was traveling south on 7 Avenue. As a result the SUV had to swerve to the right and was almost stopped when it struck what he believed to be 3 people which stepped off the curb in front of the SUV. He concluded by stating that the operator, KOLEK, of the SUV (T-1) immediately stepped out of the vehicle and attended to the injured. WT-2 completed a Supporting Deposition which is included as enclosure# 12. 24. On May 11, 2009, Lieutenant PAUL E. HOGAN contacted NYPD Sergeant, TERRENCE O'HALLORAN in an attempt to ascertain if there was video surveillance of the intersection of where the accident occurred from April 11, 2009. Sergeant O'HALLORAN advised that he would attempt to locate the surveillance video and advise. 25. On May 21, 2009, Lieutenant HOGAN re-contacted Sergeant O'HALLORAN who advised that he was unable to locate surveillance video of the accident. Sergeant O' HALLORAN checked with DOT, businesses in the area, and NYPD cameras with negativ~ results. 26. I request this matter be closed by investigation GENL-84B REV l l/97E Page 5 ofS Genl. 7 ENCLOSURE # 1 NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM . .. TroopJ:LStation . ESD-NYC Date._______A.....:.p-=-=ri"'"I.... 1=2,L..:2;:::.;0::..;0:a..;::;,9 To: ¥rom: Subject: Major Charles M. Day, ESD Detail Commander : .Trooper. Joseph C. Kolek · ] CK' Division Vehicle PIAA On April 11, 2009 I was working an assigned D 7. I left 633 3rd Avenue at approximately 9:00pm. I stayed after my assigned tour because I had some administrative paperwork t~ co~plete and to also print materials for the oral assessment center candidate .preparation guide from. ~e Division Intr~el I completed·adlilinistrative paperwork and decided to leave 633 3rd Avenue a( approximately 9pm in niy assigned Division·vehicle - o .possibly get some food to eat. I proceeded to the west side of Manhattan to seek out a restaurant. Upon getting to the west side of Manhattan I realized that I had prepared food which was located in the plug in portable cooler in the rear of my assigned Division v e h i c l e - I decided to proceed to Troop NYC and started heading east on 461h street. Upon approaching·the inte~ection of 46th street and Broadway, the traffic light turned yellow. I proce~ded through the intersection and a vehicle which was traveling in front ~egan to slow down. I slowed to avoid hitting the vehicle in front of me and the light in the middle of the intersection had turned red with me slowing.proceeding into the intersection. ·The vehicle which was stopped at the traffic light facing souU,. on 7th avenue and 46th snee, proceed through the intersection and came very close to striking the driver side door ofmy assigned Division v e h i c l e - I took evasive·. measures by turning the vehicle hard to the right arid accelerating. This action allowed n;ie to . avoid being hit bfthe vehicle southbound on 7th Avenue. As I. proceeded east on 46th street, the pedestrians heading north on the comer of 46th and 7t1i Avenue began to walk into the intersection in front of me and I subsequently struck three pedestrians. I immediately stopped my vehicle and check~d on the conditions of the people I struck and was prepared to render aid. I contacted ESD-Albany' and requested that a supervisor respond to the scene. NYPD respond¢d to the scene and handled the accident investigation and Zone Sergeant Robert Myers responded to the scene. Enclosure # 2 Picture I· of ----=---/3 AMSQE # 88000012 . Title: ·D_ivision Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians. Photograph of: Direction of travel of Vehicle 1. (Scene) Taken at: Corner of 46th St. and east. Taken by: Z/Sgt Robe.rt Myers ill Date: April 11, 2009 ih Ave. from west facing • Enclosure # 2 Picture __2__ of _ _l_.3_.__ AMSQE # 88000012 Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians Photograph of: Direction of travel of Vehicle 1. (Scene) Taken at: Corner of 46 th St. and ih Ave. from west facing east. Taken by: Z/Sgt Robert Myers III Date: April 11, 2009 • Enclosure # 2 Picture 3 of 13 --- AMSQE # 88000012 Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians· Photograph of: Accident.Scene - (after scene was cleared) Taken at: Corner of 46th .St. and ih Ave. Taken by: Z/Sgt Robert Myers III Date: . April 11'2009 Enclosu,re # 2 Picture '-I ·of _ /- 3 _:_..::;_ __ . AMSQE # 88000012 · Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians Photograph of: Accident Scene - (after scene was cleared) Taken at: . Corner of 46th St. an'd ih Ave. from west facing east Taken by: Z/Sgt Robert Myers ill Date: A.pril 11'2009 Enclosure # 2 Picture ~, - of 13 AMSQE # 88000012 Title: Photograph of: __ Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians - Accident Scene - (afte_r Scerie was cleare~) Taken at: Corner of 46th St. and ih Ave. from westfacing south east.· Taken by: Z/Sgt Robert Myers ill Date: · April ll; 2009 Enclosure # 2 Picture (, of · I3 AMSQE # 88000012_ Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians Photograph of: Accident Scene - (after scene was cleared) Taken at: · Corner of 46 th St. and ih Ave. from north west · facing south east. Taken by: Z/Sgt Robert Myers III Date: · April 11, 2009 - Enclosure # 2 Picture 7 of - ' -13 ---- AMSQE # 88000012 Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians Photograph of: Accident Scene - (after scene was cleared) Taken at: Corner of 46 th St. and facing east. . Taken by: Z/Sgt Robert Myers ill . . Date: April 11, 2009 ih Ave. from south west Enclosure # 2 Picture ¥ of _ _:_,.,/j=-- .. AMSQE # 88000012 Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians · Photograph _of: Accident Scene - (after scene was cleared) Taken at: Taken by: Date: . Corner of 46th St. and ih Ave. from north facing south. Z/SgtRobert Myers III. .· Apr-ii 11, 2009 Enclosure # 2 Picture _-Jq1--_ of __·_/3=---- AMSQE # 88000012 Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians Photograph of: Accident Scene - (after scene was cleared) Taken at: Con1er of 46 th St. and. 7'h Ave. fro in south facing north east. Taken by: Z/Sgt Robert Myers III Date: April 11, 2009 Enclosure# 2 Picture IO of J.:3 AMSQE # 88000012 Title: • Photograph of: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pe4estrians 'Front End of Vehicle 1 Taken at: Corner of 46th St. and 7th ·Ave. Taken- by: . Z/Sgt Robert Myers Ill Date: Aprii li, 2009 . Enclosure # 2 Picture II of _ _I_3-=------ AMSQE # 88()00012 Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians· Photograph of: Front End of Vehicle 1 · Taken at: Corner of 46th St. an<J 7th Ave. · Taken by: Z/Sgt Rob~rt Myers ill D.a te: April 11' 2009 Enclosure # 2 Picture I 2- of / .J ./ AMSQE # 88000012 Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians Photograph of: . Right Side Front End of Vehicle 1 · · Taken at: Taken by:. Date: Corner of 46 th St. and ih Ave. Z/Sgt Robert Myers m · April 11,.2009 Enclosure # 2 Picture I :l of _ ___:_;13==----·_ AMSQE # 88000012 . Title: Division Vehicle PIAA - Pedestrians Photograph of: Left Side Front End of Vehicle 1 Taken at: Corner.of 46th St. and 7th Ave. Taken by: Z/Sgt Robert Myers III · Date: April 11, 2009. GENL-4 ·(04/08) ENCLOSURE # 3A SUPPORTING DEPOSITION (CPL§ 100.20) THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK VS DEFENDANT(S) LOCATION OF INCIDENT: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF /4 P/ N LOCAL CRIMINAL /4-r LOCATION OF DEPOSITION: COURT STATE OF NEW YORK ~AJ COUNTY OF OF ~-f"'l/. //2,r_ ,--Y 1 OF NOTICE (Penal Law Sec. 210.45) In a written instrument, any person who knowingly makes a false statement which such person does not believe to be true has committed a crime under ~e laws of tho stale of New York punishab~a•~c;1isdemeaoo7i•· Affinned under penalty of pe~ury this / d day of Ma: c.. '"ftilON I H , 2008. . ~ (SJGNA d, FDENENT> ,fa_~ .!.. - or·subscribed and Sworn to before me this _ _ _ dayof _ _ __ • This form need be sworn to only when specificaUt required by the eourt. ITION) -------- GENL-4'(04/08) ENCLOSURE # 38 SUPPORTING DEPOSITION (CPL§ 100.20) . . THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK VS. ---------a;,m:;;=;.;-------oeFENoANT(sJ ;',v/0,,--S EC-f?cJ,,u C<J~ II 11e-~ cl A-/VrCJi:,,,J I~ ~ ,/Vfi';:_/2.J. £---Y?CJ ,/f'c~:os,.,.;T /4~,,ufo ..--.J hSc-?"1-e,t,-.(,: ~ or ~ _J/i!>f/J'c..~. ~ 1i~ ii~&~ Ph-,1,vl Ca ~_,o/"hN"t:r: 4_. ,t?~.rr 4-{J o {A.,--T ~ /.,,-zAJ . i f ~ ,,A,) - d' ('ft.., ~ (,, ~~~ w ,1-ik. t ;vt+ ( C-o tA--£4 t},v ,4-o _f:..,,'f~ 1 ,vl!!T f/v/,,vJ ~ /Et>E-f..'(,,ze:'l-rv'.5 f;,,,vij.u.zr, </-,i.,,,,,,,,t z::; IA/A-{/c w-_lvr,C/{, J,, ~SN '-f- ::f-l~t,.J I t/4. [,,,4-,ri,S, ~013 ft, r/.-/~f:_ to cJ!,e-a,., ~ ~ L,,v ~ ~ I> JUJ f\--0 D/D N8T ,5;~£ ~ ~~ ,1v t;v'lkL ½~ z_· #N7 f/.;s/2r(VJ i,~.s C),,J -c{, S.uv c..., ( & (,,(;uf?'l AJ-cµ___ k S, /tJ(Jj?£D - Y-k 1),--v/t.l'ov cJf ~ _( u v f;.,,X,,' -/£D /4..,"~ tJ Ji,,· c,L ;/4,j,kr ~ ~ ~ p dE.d-42 t5 r0 --#o p c-o f7 (e_ ~ .sEc/wv0 ~ ~ ./ NOTICE _ . (Penal Law Sec. 210.45) In a written instrument. any p~rson who knowingly makes a false statement which such person.does not believe to be true has committed a crime under the laws of the state of New York punishable as a Clas A Mis emeanor. Affirmed under penalty of perjury this /;;) ~a,, 'l day of ---"-~'--'--'--'-'--'----- ,2008. ~ or*Subscribed and Sworn to before me TIME ENDED ~ this _ _ _ day of ;:. · 00 □ PM • This fonn need b e ~ to Ol'lly 'fdlen specif~Dy reqWred bylhe court. N) ENCLOSURE # 4 GENL-4•(04/08) V'ork State Police SUPPORTING DEPOSITION (CPL § 100.20~ Page 1 of . THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK vs DEFENDANT(S) · LOCATION OF INCIDENT: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF /J1/rfo' LOCAL CRIMINAL LOCATION OF DEPOSITION: COURT STATE OF NEW YORK M~ COUNTY OF OF -~~ - ----'---'--------------1 OF NOTICE (Penal Law Sec. 210.46) In a written Instrument, any person who knowingly makes a false statement which such person does not believ to be true has committed a crime under the laws of the state of New York punishable as a Class A Mlsdemeano • aco1 Affirmed under penalty of petjury /4,/,,, _' { this dayof _ _ ~_1_t 7_ . ~ /d -or•subscribed and Sworn to before me this _ __ dayof _ __ TIME ENDED _ • ThlS to,m'nffd bO......, to ooly......, speallcally ,eq• ll'K by the COU1I. /; Jo ~ □ PM ENCLOSURE # 5 GENL-4 (RE\I. 4/87) StJPPORTING DEPOSITION (CPL §100.20) New York State Police COUNTY OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ STATE OF NEW YORK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COURT "PHE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK - 'VS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of _ _ _ _ _ __ ) ) ) ) SUPPORTING DEPOSITION ---------------) ) - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ) (Defendant(s) STATE OF NEmK ~ COUNTY OF ,OV\ · C \ :bl or ) ) ss. roanhq:}-\an ~ NOTICE (Penal Law §210.45) In a written instrument, any person who knowingly makes a false statement which such person does not believe to be true has committed a crime under the laws of the state of New York punishable as a Class A Misdem!!anor. Affirmed under penalty or perjury . this /.;l day of A-,//k- l -OR •subscribed and Sworn to before me this _ _ _ _ dayof _ _ _ __ , !9 _ _ . Page 1 - ORIGINAL Page2-COPY Page3-COPY Page4-COPY l:::NCLOSURE # 6 GENL-4 (04/08) New York State Police ~UPP~RTING DEPOSITION (CPL§ 10C. Page 1 of THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK VS DEFENDANT(S) LOCATION OF INCIDENT:. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF LOCAL CRIMINAL #J Ll- I ~ f / · LOCATION OF DEPOSITION: co URT STATE OF NEW YORK l COUNTY OF ~~ OF onlfk/41 lat OF TIME STARTED: FULL NAME: ' /:,SO NOTICE ~u:s~abf:~= :~~a~~ ~o~~ In a written instrument. any person who k nowmg . 1y makes (Penal Sec. 210.45) • a false Law stateme t hi h crime under the laws of the state of New York ~ A~nne~ under penalty of perjury this 11--/a, L _ dayof- or- ..JJONfli .~ , ~ot believe to be true has committed a 1s emeanor. l...QrJI)&... Q:,rz_b 1n '-l (SIGNATURE OF DEPONElfT] *Subscribed and Sworn to before me TIME ENDED this - - - - day of - - - - - J:.s-r • nus form need be swom to ooly when .spec:i!icaUy required by the cowt 01\M □ PM GENL-4- (04/08) m York State Police ENCLOSURE # 7 SUPPORTING DEPOSITION (CPL§ 100.~ Page 1 of . THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK VS DEFENDANT(S) LOCATION OF INCIDENT: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF LOCA T/ON OF DEPOSITION: LOCAL CRIMINAL COURT STATE OF NEW YORK _ #-1.-----'-~--~ - - -- - - - - - 1 OF OF 0 I at ._T_i_~~-~-AR_r-__:__ I, IF4?~~ STATETHEFOLLOWING: ;z Sh~ ~.&'S-WJ ~ . f ~ ~ ·f , (. /f-.r-/ 7:4,, /Vj ~ ::z::. ~ £"t" ~ r 4 /4 ·r'f-4/4()(.,A/~ ClJ ~ s~/J-1>- ::z ~ ~_P_M___, j :;;c: £>, DAI 'v- NOTICE (Penal Law Sec. 210.45) In a written Instrument, any person who knowingly makes a false statement which such person does not believe to be true has committed a crime under the laws of the state of New York punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor. Affinned under penalty of perjwy~at '(_,. ~ this /;), day of _ 2'l88. ~/ -or- ™ •Subscribed and Sworn to before me this _ _ _ day of , (SIGNAT\Jf!c Of DEPONENT) ~NESS) 5:b~~ ~ • (NAMEOFPERSONT ~ TIME ENDED /-·~ M □ PM ./'? /': .,.• [ ., :tibJh.itijtriI.'l'!R:$.\m.1 v.f; :hn·.1:Is"s;(s<fE\S"l'S 'ft,. Jif~., :;"""t··_:~E!j,§ ,:, ,,r'½. '""'·'"-"'''"''s,ch.'.1::>,."°'~--C:.,,s>L-, "·" T•f,!~1 Amended Date\Time-Reported\Discovered] TZS I ·□ I ·w,,,.";+i.1-"-\1','•+••+' ,,, I Agency ORI EN CLOSURE# 8A ,t;,,·-o-£ ... ~411212009 03:01 H292 NY1010001 Title ACCIDENT - MV PEDESTRIAN, DIVISION VEHICLE - PIAA Investigated By CAPTAIN LISA D. LOUGHRAN, SENIOR INVESTIGATOR WILLIAM T. HODGE JR, ZONE SERGEANT ROBERl MYERS Ill Units Responded UF s u M M A R y SJS# DNA Videotaped Photos I 0 I Apparent Cause (Pending Investigation) PENDING INVESTIGATION County NEWYORK □ I I #~ehides I #~njured I # Deceased 0 crrNName TVB - MANHATTAN NORTH -7211 Location\Street Name\Mile Post Marker INTERSECTION OF 46TH ST AND 7TH AVE Weather Conditions 1-CLEAR I Road Conditions 1 - DRY Description of Damage NONE Criminal Action DNA Narrative ON APRIL 11, 2009, TPR JOSEPH C KOLEK WAS ASSIGNED TO ESD OUT OF NYC WHEN HE COMPLETED HIS D12-7 SHIFT AND STAYED LATEAT HIS ASSIGNED STATION, 633 3RD AVE, NY, NYTO CATCH UP ON PAPERWORK BEFORE HEADING TO WARDS ISLAND. AT 9:45 PM, TPR KOLEK WAS E/B ON 46TH ST IN VEH 1, A DIVISION VEHICLE, 2005 CHEVY TAHOE, NY BBC3877, BEHIND AN UNK/UNINVOLVED VEHICLE. AS VEH 1 PROCEEDED THROUGH THE INTERSECTION OF 7TH AVE, THE 1ST OF 2 LIGHTS TURNED YELLOW. VEH 1 CONTINUED SIB AND AS HE PROCEEDED THROUGH THE 2ND LIGHT, WHICH WAS ALSO CHANGING, THE VEHICLE IN FRONT OF HIM SLOWED SUDDENLY. TRAFFIC TRAVELING S/B ON 7TH AVE BEGAN TO PROCEED AND A VEHICLE THAT WAS MOVING FASTER THAN THE OTHERS ALMOST STRUCK THE DRIVER'S SIDE OF VEH 1. TPR KOLEK TOOK EVASIVE ACTION, ACCELERATED AND STEERED TO THE RIGHT, AROUND THE VEHICLE IN FRONT OF HIS VEHICLE AND SUCCESSFULLY AVOIDED BEING STRUCK BY ANY VEHICLES, HOWEVER, AS HE PROPERLY CORRECTED THE VEHICLE AND CONTINUED SIB CLEARING THE INTERSECTION, 4 PEDESTRIANS ENTERED THE INTERSECTION HEADING N/B FROM THE SOUTHERN CURB, IN FRONT OF VEH 1 AND WERE SUBSEQUENTLY STRUCK AND SUFFERED MINOR INJURIES. ALL INJURED PARTIES WERE TRANSPORTED TO ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL BY AMBULANCE AND WERE TREATED FOR MINOR INJURIES AND ARE EXPECTED TO BE RELEASED. TPR KOLEK SUFFERED NO INJURIES AND VEH 1 WAS DRIVEN FROM SCENE WITH NO APPARENT DAMAGE. CAPT LISA D LOUGHRAN AND ZISGT ROBERT MYERS ADVISED AND RESPONDED TO SCENE. MAJ CHARLES M. DAY ALSO ADVISED Authorized By CAPTAIN LISA D. LOUGHRAN Notification TROOP I Sent By MYERS Ill ROBERT ISent Date )I Sent Time 04/12/200 03:01 N" A 2 ENCLOSURE # 8B R R A T I V E '.!DRJ~~!tr:i~".§lii.~1!~~!r~r._t~ :~i"':l~t~21Jki:ii~ , ,;~{:1~~-ti(·,J:')!f.}fc;tf'~l'•i~~::>::?\;Jf:·••!1~1r¥~~:'!lft•tr:o·~ 1 Oriver's Name - Last First Ml KOLEK JOSEPH Address City 1220 WASHINGTON AVE C ALBANY Chemical Test License State Violations □ I Oriver Member? Cate Of Enlly ~ Member Shiel<! Member Shift C 07(0712.002 4853 1-DAY L E Zip 12226 Driver Charged □ NY V E H state NY ~~~ti{t.f!fSJ\M~lJ~ff,,j)i;,,;~J ·~i{f .~1Ji:.~;JP<~~lii:0i.:di:J;1,;;&.:~j;;~Jtfk:Ji}?jJjiff'.·,&' Name• Last (exactly as printed on registration) First Ml NYSP 001 Address City State 1220 WASHINGTON AVE ALBANY NY jt~@~~~ij!8~~Jt.~!i~~t~,~;i.~l~~~l~~i&~fi~ii~~fr~iz?it~\~?;~~~.: License Plate# POLICE Stale Vehicle Year Make VIN# NY 2005 CHEV 1GNEK13T15J228786 Insurance Company and Code Policy# 994 - GOVERNMENT OWNED School Bus □ Comm. Veh. Mileage □ SELF INSURED NYSP Vehicle ~ Equipment Damage 05664 Front />Jr Bags Deployed □ 87993 VAN# Equipment Damage Oesc. Side Airbags Oeployed Fire suppression Deployed □ □ □ s ~,i.Jf.9liP.l~iell4!1f!K,sr~:!~~··•~, i'iJl.i.!P.iHl:IJ!f·~~~-Jf~£ ,~J: 1f'-J<~~;f:j!t~fi} lnjurecl\Oeceased Injured Deceased Name - Last INJURED CORBIN First FRANCOIS Middle p 1------..,_------------r-----''----------,.----.----''------I E R s 0 N . Age Sex M Injured taken to (Medical Fac.ility) ST LUKE'S HOSPITAL 001 Position In Veh!ele Relative Notified □ Seat Belt SP Member\Emp!oyee □ Rank Shie!d Ejected ARS# s · p E i~Q~P'l!~s~sJ:~i~~)Q~?~)(,t~~•q·~J~1~r'ltt~•,J'.'~~ :~f/!{E~?"P: 1 Injured D~ased Name - Last First CORBIN ELIZABETH ENCLOSURE # 8C 1--------'---------------.------''-----------------'-------1 R s Sex 0 I~ I• I ■ I •1 I l l F N Injured taken to {Medical Facility) ST LUKE'S HOSPITAL 002 Position in Vehicle $eat Belt Relalive Notified SP Member\Employee □ s □ I · Rank Shield ·,st ed Deceased Name • Last E R t--------'-------------r-:::::---.......-------r::'"'"'.'----ir-:::-'""=-"--:------1 s 0 N Sex F Injured taken to (Me<fical Facility) ST LUKE'S HOSPITAL 003 Position in Vehicle In Custody Re!alive Notified □ SP Member\Emptoyee ~~-~)ti~W.1·· s □ ·e ·· ;•;r ed\Decease p E R - Rank □ Race Seat Bell Shield ·"·:jjw.jQJ!ilTI§!~t-·:.,:·=trj.;·t}t ·/~r~:·~;iJ:~!: ·~·;:· . jured Deceased Name - Last Ejected ARS II ~i~~~ii}&.!~~; - ti'JI t RETIE L------..L.-----------.. . . -----'"-----------,...--...... Zip Code .....1.------1 s 0 N iddle OOIBE N p Ejected Sex F Injured taken to (Medical Facilily) ST LUKE'S HOSPITAL 004 Position In Vehicle Relative Nollfied □ Seat Bell SP Membel\Employee □ Rank Shfeld Ejected ARS# Kastle Systeim: WebLink History Search ENCLOSURE # 9 Kastle Systems History Report for Bobby Valentin from 4/11/2009 12:00:00 AM to 4/11/2009 11 :59:59 PM ast Dato and Time Na1111> ..,_ CardNumber Org Locl<outReason Rcad•r ~ 4/11/2009 9:20:04 AM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GOVERNORS 4111/2009 9'20:13 /JM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GOVERNORS 4111/2009 10:00:04 AM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GO\IERNORS 4/11/200911:43:23AM KOLEK.JOSEPH 00.10114 GOVERNORS 4111/2009 11:-43:33 AM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GOVERNORS 4/11/2009 12:09-.53 PM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GOVERNORS 4/11/2009 4:40:39 PM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GOVERNORS 4/11/2009 4:40:43 PM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GOVERNORS 4/11!2009 8:36:09 PM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GOVERNORS 4/11/2009 8:42:44 PM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 GOVERNORS 4/1112009 8:54:04 PM KOLEK.JOSEPH 59-10114 .GOVERNORS There were 11 records found. Whal is Ibis ? Search Parameteis for This Report From 633 Third Ave New York NY Card ac;tivity on NAME kolek ORGAc;tuat& (ACTUATE),Aegls Consulting (AEGIS),American Counc;ij ofleamed Societies (ACLS),Audrey Golden (AUDREY),B,tguglfoAssociates (BRIGUGUO),casa (CASA),Chlna Alrllnos (CHINAAIRL),Colllns Building Strvlces (COLUNS),Comptroniu's Office CCOMPTROLL).Conforence of Pruldents CCONFPRES),Emplre Stato Development Corp. (EMPIRESTA),First AAW~n Tiile Corp. (FATCJ,FirstAmerlcan Tltle Corp. [BLDG Cards) lfATC21,Frnh Air Fund (FAF),Gem,~n TV (GERMAN iV),Govemor's Offlc:e (GOVERNORS).Govemor's Office [offllne 65) (GOVERNORS),Hlgh Country Property LLC (HICO),Homeland Security CHOMELANDJ.Laurel Ridge Asset Management L. P. (LAURELRID),Mmaorial Sloan Kettering (MSK),Misslon of Liechtenstein (UECHTENS),MountSlllai (SINAl),New York !:lusinoss Development (NYBD).SUNY (SUNY),Sallbello & Broder {SAUBELLO),SandhurstAssoclates LTD (SANDHURST).Swlss Consulate (SWISSCON),Swiss Mission CSWISSMISS),Tlle American Committff for the Weizmann lns1itutll of Science !WEIZMANN),Trac Lease Inc. {TRACLEASE!,UNICEF CUNICEFJ,Unton for Refonn Judaism (offilne code: 75) IURJ},Unlon forRefi)rmJudaism [offline c:ode: 99) (URJ),Vanguanl CVANGUARDJ,Veruon (VERIZON),World Zionist Organization (WZO) I ofl 4/14/~QQ9 1:01 PM . ·- · · ,- .... ~u••v _ .. t,I.IUllt'III Ut M0tOt v an1c,es ENCLOSURE # 1 0A POLICE A CCIDENT REPORT (NYC) Precinct 1-----'---=-----1..--· - - -- ~ MV-104AN (5/04) l:n, I . 19 ~ -· _.,.._._ - · □ C',tyc<Town 24 IRS.Code 5 T~A<resl Numbal{s) lld<eVArrcst Numbe,(s) Voolatlon V10!2li0n ~~ ~~ ~1--r-,.,.:..:...-,...,.---,-----:- - - . - , - ~---,-----,-~---:---'----__:.;_-,------ - ----:--~--:-:--,----:-Checl( ii involved vehicle is: 6 D more lhan 95 inches wide; V □ more lhan 34 feet long; E D operated wilh an overweight permit; H □ ciperatsd with an oveidimension pennil . I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE COD'ES CL Box 1 - Poinl of Impact ..;_ Box2-MostDamage er E Ent!)( up lo thr~ 3 . ·4 more pamage Codes _. 7 \2n 4 5 V E · Check If lnvol-led venicte is: □ more than 95 lncnes wide; □ more lhan 34 leet long; □ operaled with an overweight permit; □ operaled with an overdimenslon permit H .......- -----..;-7 3. ....._ 1. -..... I 1--- -V;..;E;;;.H.:..clCL = E;;;...2;..;;,, 0.. A'-'-M""' A_G_E...,C,.;0'-'0'-'E'-'S-r-- - i Left Tum C Box Point of Impact -1 2 (same recrton) "t'fL Bol(2-Most 0amage ·- · ~. 2. .,._ o. -~ l- E 1--------'-- . . . .---''----t 2 Enter up lo three more Damage Codes Vehicle By . Vehlclo By Towod: To Towed: To 3 4 .5 ACCIDEtfJl'LRAMJ ;;:,,- <_ . £1 ~ ":t. t: 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 16. OVERTURNED 17. DE.MOUSHEO 18. NO DAMAGE 19. OTHER !· 1---+-- -+-- Coordinates (if available) L.atitude/North!ng: . n s. ~ r 1. kA,.,.lgh..,...,.,tT=-um--+S;;;Jd7 es _wl_,p-0---r~2~6' ~ (opposlt• direction) 6. e. - . ~ ..-J>4. o 27 4V {)..- \ C!l 20 9. , Cost ofrepairs to any one vehicle will be more than $10 0. D Unknown/Unable to Determine •• Reference Mar1<er f Sloo~Tm VEHICLE DAMAGE COOING: 14. UNDERCARRIAGE _15. TRAlt!=R ~ -t • Clrcte the dlagram below that describes the acciden\, or draw your own diagram in ce #9. Number tho vehicles. Rear End LefttT"m Right Angle . Righi Tvm HeadOll . ......,_ ~ ?, ~~ 0 BRONX O KINGS 'IS.:liEW YORK Road on which accident occurred_~~'--l:::J --'--'16;;1· --S:....-ri...:...;.r.,..;:e::;.'\Q.~;;,...;;. _ Place Where Accldenl· Occurred: · □ Yes iJ 9UEENS d No .. □ RICHMOND r____________ _ (Ro!Jlo Number or Slteet Name) · 29 1---tLongilude/Easllng: A ·L A L B ~ i ~ E C D E 0 F --- -- - - Precinct 03030 (){ L( Post/Seclor \.I Reviewing O!licer c;qf Date/Time Reviewed Pier~ q/17-/tJcf ENCLOSURE# 108 ~i"2, DI Pr«i,:d 7P~ o· l (.,.J. · . '1 Aa:ldGDI~ ~"' ~ York Sislb Coportment oi Motor Vehlclin '30LICE ACCIDENT REPORT (NYC)' I 1eo.-.1i:i,;r,,1 MV-104AN (S/04) • •□ ..__ _ __ __ _ _J ••N,..,ij:;;;••=obtl:::.r_ _ _ _ _.J_ 19 · f&M)=t,9•f:ffi/i/#fa{;~ Pcl!QG Pn•lalj . · Sconu □ □ □v~RlNg OTliER PEDESTRIAN ~EOESTFIIAN BICYCI.IST SUila 01 Uc. E2,l>~~&f 21 101\iUIM:f -. 'ffckllVlllnlal Hun'b;,(d) 6. ~ k II illvolved veh!ao Is: c morti lhan os'lnchllll wide; V □ mote than 34 fool long; & Cl ~r.lled wllh an oveiwalght permit; H C ~ wltl'I an overdrnilnolco pecmlL I VE111CU: 1 DAMAGl, CODES V o mo,11 lhan ss lnchei; wlde; Check u Involved vellii;lll iS: Clrcle lllfl dlaoram below I.bat dl)Sorfb8$ lhu occident, or drnw your o'Nn dl.'lpram Ins R9. Numbut 1h11 v~hlcluii. • Q more lhllll 34 fe;,t loll{); R6G/ Ei\d I! Cl op&rol&ld with an overwaiglit pen,,lt: · ,H □ O/Mlfillod witll ert overaimenslon ,;rtnlt I VeHlct.E2 DAMAGE CODES 1~ LtlN''nlM ~ ~. 1---"""""-------,........:..:;....;;:.=...;~=a..,-.,...-i Rl()tlt Mglt, 'f ~ Rlot,t T\lffl ~ Wocall On t. ;If' · 7• -► J.,all 1\J,n _.. - ~ "" -= 1__,____ (Dppoo)l&dln,oljo/1) 1 2 C 8oic 1 • Polnl of Impact 2 C Boie 1 • Polll\ of Impact ~ ~ •., 6, ~ a. ~ . L BlllC2 • Most0amoga L BOX2-MoaDa~glt ... 'l'i ' .. ___. 6 Enler UJ) to thtea r--3,...-1-_---4-1-5::-1 E Enter lip lo ttlnle r-:3=-l-4-=-t-s=-+i=~~~O;dlAGl.,;;-RA;.,ll,i'~--'-'"--------:~'"'---i.::;;.-_,;:;;_----;-r-- 1 1'1)0(& pa,nage Codes Val'lld• lly __ e_eoo _ a_s....,_...__ _,___-1 2 ·1-rooJ1--&_0&mao Velllclt, 1!v T0\11\ld: 27 T-d: To To VEHlct..E DAMAGE COOING! 1•13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. DEMO!-ISHeb H.1: NOOAMAGe· · 10. Olrll:R i4. UNDERCARRIAGE • 17. )5. TFWl:.l:R · 16. OVERTURNED ·.-' 9. ;?8 Cost of'rapairs to any ane vehlcl& will be more than $1000: 0 Unlm0Wlll1.lnabl&toOetermlne □Yes 0 -No Flelerenca Mlllker Coordinalee (If ava/fabfaJ Place Where Acc(dent occurre(f: □ BRONX □ KlNGS □ NEW YORK O QUEENS □ RICHMOND . l.:i~IUdo/Northlng: Roe.don which aceldentoccU1T~..___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _____ , 29 (l'IOU\8 NuMb.;r r,/' Slill6l N;,rru,) . 'I'· ! ·1 al1)interiiecUngslles1 _ _.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - . , . . , . - - , - - - ~ - - - - - - - {RoutQ Numlm or Slrt~ Name) ON □ S ot 2 □ E IJW '• ---1----+----iLongilude/l!aellng: Accidant DeacrlpUon/Olrar'a Noles • U:f;j 1------------------=----- --------- -------.. . . .- ----------1 = -------,-----'--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --0 a 9 10 1, 12 19 1<1 H 16 17 BY TO 18 Namsa of an Involved OateotOu1h Onlv A A . L B ~ C ~ 0 l e . j F OlfiC6f'sRank and & Si□nalure PllntNal'll\l Tax ID No. NClCNo. Precinct Por.t/Sedof Revlewlog Olfk:a( 03030• Re'lllewed ENCLOSURE# 10C 19 A-r· Day cl Week' Ye~{ . /<lq, l(j,ltd Q □ VE!HICLE 1 Nr:t lnvu,:dg.i,..i •• Scfr1\ •• RtlOOl\alN~lod O •••• BICYClJSl' . 1>1:oas·n~IAN 21 AP'- Cl- □ Ill&.~ llek1t/Arl9Sl Nurr.bGl(s) 25 0 Chec:JI Nlnvolv8d 'rlltlk:hl ts: 0 n10ra than 85 incllea wide; V □ more than :34 foiit lang; E □ cporuted wllh an oveMlllghl p.3,m11: H C · lad wl1h an ovi.rd"tmt111llon wnnit. I \'allCLE 1 DAMAGE CODES C L e To To VEHICLE DAMAGE COOING: 1-1S. S E!: OJAGRAM ON R/Glff. l4, UNOl:ACAARl>.G!: 17, OEMOLISHEO .1S. TRAltER 1a: NO DAW.:Ge. 1~ OVERTIJRNED s. 19. Ol'HEA 8 . C<>St'Of ·repalis to any orie vehicle win be more 1han.$1000. · □ Unknown/Unable to Determine □Yea D No Ref&tence Morlcer Coordltl:itas {If avsilub/11) Plc1c:e Where Accident OCCUl'l'ed: □ BRONX □ KINGS c::1 NSW YORK tl QUEENS O RICHMOND 29 : Lailwde/Noc1hlng; Roadonwhlch~n!occuttiid, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --::-_-:-:--:--::--- - : ~ - : - - - - -- - - - -·t : (Routo Numb4ror 6lree! Nome) • • I . ... ·1 at1)inlerseainoSlr8&t_-'-_..........._ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ ! (Roulq Numbar or Stmst Namo) f---+---'1---1-~Longltude/EasU119: Accident D~don/Offlcer's Noies •,io; 1----- ---------------'-- ------~- ---- - - ----- -------------1= i . __ 8 _ __ . . __ _ _~ - - - - , - -- 8 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 6 17 BY T 18 - -~ - - - - ' N:\mesolaUlnvolvfld l. 8 111x ID No. Pl'1ntNaMI! NCIC No. Ptacincl 03030 Poi;VS,aor Reviewing Officer 0 DateofDealhOn Clatl!/Tirno flev!ewed ENCLOSURE # 1 OD t,1.1. ITl:R NSURANCE'. roucY NUMB~~ FROM INSURANCE IDENTIFICATION CARD, EXPIRATION DATE (!N AU CASl:S), AIIID VI~'.· hlcle ~o. 1 _ _ __ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Vehicle No.2 _ _ _ _ __ __ ___,_ _ _ __ _ _ __ :l~tir I Expisallon Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- Qate VlN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I lTNE~S {Attach separate stieet, if necessary) I mo Addn,~ JPLlfATE COPY REQOIRl:D FOR: I Dept. of Motor Vehlcles frf ryone is killed/injured) I <?!flee of Comptroller (if ~ City vehicle lnvolve~) □ Motor Transport OMslon (P.O. vehicle Involved)' 0 Personnel Safe~ Unit Cl NYC Taxi & Limousine. Comm. □ Other City Agency (if a Licensed taxi.or limousine (Specify) D involved) Highway Unit _ __ __ (if a P.D. vehicle Involved) OTIF\CATIONS: (Enter name, address, and relaUoriship 'of friend or relalive notified. ff alc/ed person Is unldenUlied, ll$t MiSSing Person Squad member who no,lled. In either c.ise, 91Ye date and Umo of noUOcadon.) . . . · . iS ROPTnrv DAMAGED (other tha~ vehicles) . : NY O VEHICLE IS INVOLVED: 'clice hiclo--Operstor•~ F'lts( N~m41. OWNl:R .OF PROfERTY (Include cily agency, where eppllcable) Rani( L!lstNarne Type of Vehlcla Co1nrn~d tlepL Vehicle Nu. Pl3111 Na. AS,T911ad To What Comnlilnd •ti~miitll In u~AI Time or Accident I. □ Slr6n O Hom 0 Tun'8lLlgh! 0 4-Way Fl<1Sl'lir 0 Hl(Jh•Lev11\ Warning Lights D Tral!icCone\l ~CTI NS OF POLICE VEHICLE D C0mplyln9 wllh Slallon House Pimcliva 0 V-1 RouUne Palrol •·. ENCLOSURE # 1 OE New York State Deparfment of Motor Vehicles REPORT OF .MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDEN_T POLICE LINE OF DUTY ACCIDENT □ Page . / Preeinct of I / AMENDED Rf=PORT Pages r-· Locel Accident Number IMPORTANT: If you are the officer In charge, complete and sign this form, and attach it lo the MV-104A or MV-104AN. \ . Accident Dale Accident Time In M~itary Time Z Co ~ ~ .,;,~ NAMES OF DRJVERS: (Please Print or Type) * VEH1 ~ VEH2 □ . VEH3 □ VEHS □ .VEH6 □ . .· . Pursuant to Section 605 of the Ne~ York state Vehicle Efld Traffic Law, the attached Police Accident Report is also the motorist report for vehicle number(s) •I : . *p~rsuant to Section 605(a)(4) of the V~hicle and Traffic Law, check only the box for each officer operating a . poil~ vehicle (as defln~d by V .& T Section 132-a) during emergency operation (as defined by.V & T Section 114-b) when the accident occ.urred. Dalo · · ency Representative Y/2-3t MV·104l.(4/07)· NCIC# ENCLOSURE # 11 ~~~jh INC1DE hff R l.:PO F..T Page___.l...___of _ _ /_ _ Incident Category: Crime o ~ _ ) (Circle qne) f - //-09 Date Reported: Date Occurred: Incident Description: Time Reported: .2 i Jf5 i1R 5 Time Occurred: 11 ±5 IfI< s 1/- /1 -ot? Incidentlocation: Ve hj (! le.. Ace j Je. I\ t w·esf ft,-,,.-{ 1/J,.., Cross Street: _ __ _ _ _ __ Complainant: Name _ __ _ __ _ __ Phone# _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Address: _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _..;...__ _ state:._ _ _ _ _ Zip Code: _ __ _ _ _ Reporting Officer: 0G, 1. M ooR €..f(£AD Badge# _-==3 " - - - - -- Witness: Name _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Phone# _ __ _ _ __ Suspecr(s): (1) _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ (2>-- - -- - - - - - -- - - -- ----.-- - -- - - - -- - Details: {Who, What, Where, When, How) wll.:rc.fl- /3€,- G STRuc K, ASE WAS NOTIFLED lt770N 71-1£ (! . E.vV r7lf~- City Agencies On The S c e n e ~ NYTPD: _ _ _ _ EMS: Supervisor's Signature: - - - e ~.J,,4-q..,.,,~-_ ,--.-;; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .... *~**·; Arrest Made: Yes ... ~ - i No : . / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Assist Arrest Made: Yes _ _ - _-=·· _ No -·~(For Supervisor's Only) -.. t1/ .·.. . - . -· -- ENCLOSURE # 12 C(JIJKi THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK -vs.-SUPPORTING DEPOSIDON - - -- - - - -- -•-·.--•-(Defendant STATE Of NEW YORK COUNTY OF - - - ------·-·······_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of _ _ _ _ _ __ ss. ~1'ATF. y state the follow;ng; eJrJ~flTJJ8.B.ti.'( __ p~z~ ll,t200I/ A-rAP,0/?0XZM,A:T,E.c.v 213/S" /k2.s, ;£ Wt\-.S (!)f\) TH~ N .W....COR Or _1-/a,r>i-Sf ( 7~Ave, When 7 a,;,veda -Bl/JC,< _£,j-/£VY 17+1-JQE (U:CN ,IJ&:,- 3[i77) ,RAV'E.L.ZN(! EA6r:_,e_tz_/,ljt)D ON w,e=:sr·~~Sf:_ Y.G.LL.011\1 ~ ' 8 cuTOE:£.i::tf.E ALAcl< 45<-4v WHUH""1,:Y;J~ .... H.:i:M 6 'vtl~P--'1/RD w -rHg. /f.IGJ-/T. 1t/_./jV,Q.:uJ.._H::z:r,zNt; TH,£ VEucw CA--13. TH'€ ... .. , . l!.A-B WA 6 1.RA V£LX,y~_ SotrrHLJau_N,0 _,.k//t.l<,Y)l.G A ~JE.FTC,/\Jre, ¥6 T>,s:f 7'V GO ~Asr. 'WHJ:cH &1:su1:rF-a IN. r/-1£ d?ACK °17fH..o_p_Jf:£.TT:ZtvG ,3 PEDtcS~'ZANs., 1lf/3, /3LAC/c C/-!Ev V ·WA5 Al-Mo.:sT 670f>££.l::>....W..l::I.E.&.I!.:i.lE:- 3 />G..oE<SrR-XAi/lJS T fhe11 Obf>erv-!d A -- ..n1J?.f?P.ii,.P.....I.!>LTO ✓ HE ~TJQ.k/ET: L.P eveRYaaJJ;'; f:V'.A:S 17t-ii V£/:f_IC.t,_E_f?./3_*¥~L$T£P~rlOaT TO 5eiE a kt+Y ----~- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - NCYrICE (Penal Law Scc.210.45) In a wri~en instrument, any person who kno-i· \gly makes a false statement which such person does not believe to be true bas committed a crime under the la-ws of the state : New York punishable as a Cla.~ A Misdem~or. Afftn:ned under penally ofperjury this _ __ _ day of~ . _ _ __ _ , W =-• --0~~Subscribed . . and 5WtJrn . . - to ... ,before .