New York State Police, Trooper Joseph P. Kaoet Letter of Censure, 2011
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' KADET I JOSEPH P TROOPER TYPE : Personnel CASE# 20110035 FINDING: Founded - Complainant: FRANK KEYSER - Complaint of Personnel Investigation 2011003 5 Personnel Type: Sub Type 1/15/2011 Incident Date/Time Report Due 8 :20 PM 2/24/2011 Level Inv. Commissioned Officer Assigned Troop: T 1 No Mode Rec. Status: c In Person F3657 • T/HAMPTONBURGH CTV: Report f= Location IAB 5/17/2011 Synopsis: Tpr. Josep~ Kadet, SP Hamptonburg, after being Involved in a 2-car Division Vehicle PIM, did use obscene language toward the operator of the other vehicle. Troop F to fnvestigate Classification: INTERNAL ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS - !Subjects: ] Employee ID Rank KADET Last Name Finding: F DOE: TROOPER First Name JOSEPH Ml 11/2/1998 P F Location HAMPTONBU~G-SAT CCC 2: UNPRO CCC 3: Troo CCC 1: ABVE.R @!!fl!plainant~;] Employee I D - Last Name KEYSER Shield 2551 Rank First Name FRANK SP Employee ~ SexM LIEUTENANT Address City Home Phone Work Phone State Ml J DOE TZS F20O 9/22/1986 Zip Administrative Personnel: Employee ID Lost FENDT JR Employee ID Last RASQ Employee ID Last KEYSER Employee ID Last SMITH Tuesday, May 24, 2011 JD First ID First ID First ID First TZS- F221 RECEIVING MEMBER RONALD M/ F Date/Time: 1/20/2011 MEMBER AT TROOP NOTIFIED EDWARD MEMBER WHO NOTIFIED TROOP FRANK Ml J MEMBER AT DIV NOTJFIED .MARK Ml TZS F011 Date/Time: 1/20/2011 !VII J 5:00PM TZS F20O Date/Time: 1/20/2011 . 3:00PM 5:00PM TlS H 132 Date/Time: 1/21/2011 10:00AM Page 1 of 2 oa::~~-=.::::·t.~~.,_j.~~;,;a;a;,:r:~~~~~==:zz::=:==-~- ·= ID Employee/D Last RASO First ID Employee ID - Last FENDT JR Employee.I D - Last SMITH Tuesday, May 24, 2011 ~~ G First MEMBER WHO NOTIFIED DIV EDWARD Date/Time: 1/21/2011 Ml rzs INVESTIGATOR RONALD ID REVIEWER First MARK TZS f011 Ml F F22 1 Date/Time: 1/29/2011 TZS H132 Ml J Date/Time: 5/9/2011 Page 2 of 2 =·~~,:;;;z:,t'~~:;;.:;,:.. ========•::-;.::. . ,_.,: :;,i,::;:,:::::....i:::.........,;:;::.<•=•=:::a ,,;;=:..:::.=1l:::=:.r:•,z,;,,:,;.i,;,:,crn;~,::::,=sc:, NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop F St~ti.on Middletown Date May 2, 2011 To: Deputy Superintendent Anthony G. ~ From: Ma1or Edward Raso, Troop Cornman~~ Su.bject: COMPLAINT AGAINST PERSONNEL - 201.0035 - LEVEL 1 TROOPER JOSEPH P. KAOET, SP HAMPTONBURG . Reference is made to the attached Level I report regarding the above subject. On May 2, 2011, Trooper Kadet appeared before me and execq_ted his consent to have me adjudicate this matter at Troop level. Pursuant to Rule 3 of the New York State Police Administrative Manual, I have determined that he receive a Letter of •Censure for his actions. I have attached a copy of the Letter of Censure and consent waiver. This matter is closed. ,_.. _ ,~..,. . ·• ·. Attach. · ~ JOSEPH A. D'Al\lICO SUPERINTENDENT MAJOR EDWARD RASO TROOP COMMANDER STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK STATE POLICE TROOP"~;HEADQUARTERS 55 CRYSTAL RUN ROAD MIDDLETOWN, NY 1094.J (845) 344-5300 May 2, 2011 Trooper Joseph P. Kadet New York State Police Hamptonburg, New York LETTER OF CENSURE Dear Trooper Kadet On January 15; 2011 you were involved in a two-car Division vehicle PIAA and you used obscene language toward the operator of the other vehicle. Your actions violated Regulation 8A8(2) by acting in a manner tending to bring discredit upon the Division. On May 2, 2011 you appeared before me, executed a waiver and requested that I adjudicate the discipline in this matter. --- ·-- ~ • ·· Accordingly, it is my decision that you receive a letter of.censure for your actions. I. trust that you will not allow this to happen again. Edward Raso Major Troop Commander NEW YORK STATE POLICE MEMORANDUM Troop F Station Hamptonburgh Date To: Major Edward Raso, Troop Commander From: Trooper Joseph P. Kadet Subject: DISCIPLINARY ACTION March 16, 2011 ~ I hereby request to have the above-captioned investigation adjudicated by the Troop Commander pursuant to Rule 3, Disciplinary Action, of the New York State Police Manual. I waive the following: 1. The right to have this matter disposed of by the Superintendent or .by a formal hearing. 2. Any right to appeal the Troop Commander's adjudication, which may be a determination of unfounded or, upon a finding of guilt, the imposition of the following penalties: 1. A letter of censure and/or 11. An intra-troop transfer and/or m. A fine to be expressed in the loss of no more than five vacation days to be worked by me with no additional compensation or overtime. INSP 8 1Rev 6/10) 1 1(29/11 Of 3 Type of C~mplaint [8J Personnel Complaint ·□ Incident Review· □ Prior to custod BeJng taken into Custody While in Custod Injury to Person Member Receiving Initial Complaint PC# lfa Name Rank TZS Shield SERGEANT F221 ·2000 RONALD F FENDT JR Reported By: Telephone· D Email D Fax D Survey Date Occurred 1/15/11 AMS Sent? (If Yes , must be attached as enciosure.) County . □Yes [gl No D DNA Dale Re orted Time Re 1/20/11 3:00PM CfTN (Literal) ., . rted CTV Code OR.ANGE DOE SERGEANT RONALD F. FENDT JR. Employee ID # 3/30/87 · Address How Injury was sustained: ~Jame of Hospital or EMS: Treated by: ;If Prisoner - Arrested for: Treatment refusal witnessed by: i. Troop Shield Race F - ~--.-~---.--~ 2000 ----,-- ~M-- ---t INSP 8 ~Rev 6110) 2 Of 3 1°129/11 1. On 01/15/11, I was assigned to investigate a 2 Car Division·Vohicle PIM that occurred o n ST-207 in the T/Hamptonburgh, 0-ange County, NY. Trooper JOSEPH P. KADET, EOD 11(02/98 was involved in a 2 car head on collision, refer to AMS# AMSQB68000061 dated 01 /15/11. submitted under se arate cover. ,Durin the course of the . ation I interviewed a witness to the accident, ORIONA NIKAJ DOB - She stated that immediately after the collision occurred that Trooper KADET approached the female operator of the 2~ vehide and started to talk to her about the accident. She further stated that in the course of the conversation she heard · Trooper KADET'state "You hit me head on, you fucking hit me head on." A Gen'I 4 supporting deposition was obtained and a copy of which is attached as Enclosure #1 . 2. On 01/15/1 1, ·1 interviewed ARTAN NIKAJ, DOB husband of ORIONA NIKAJ. He stated that l:le dedines to give a statement, as he couldn't add anything more to what his wife said in her statement. · · 3. On 01/15/11 ,. 1interviewed JUSTINE M. BANSPACH, DOB She stated th~t upon exiting her vehicle after the collision, she was approached by a T rooper w ho started to talk to her about the ./ . accident. She stated "the Trooper got out of his car and started to yell .at me, he said something to the effect of you're a · fucking idiot I can't believe you hit me." She stated she did not remember e><acUy what was said as she was upset-about · the ac?ident. A Gen'I 4 supporting deposition was obtained and a copy of w hich is attached as Enclosure_#2. · 4. On 01/29/1 < I interviewed Trooper KADET and advised him of his rights to representation. Trooper KADET stated that when he· exited the troop car after the accident he approached the other.~river and while speaking with her h_e did use the word ''fuck". He ·stated he did not recall the.sentence it was used ln, but that it slipped out while talking about .the accident. He stated that he did not Jntend to be disrespectful towards the operator and that the.word was not directed at her in aderogatory fashion. He further stated that he never called her an idiot, or any other derogatory word, nor did he yell at her. Trooper KADET submitted a Gen'I 7 memorandum, which is attached as Enclosure #3. · Investigation into this matter r~vealed that Trooper KADET did use inappropriate lan~uage while speaking towards the operator of the vehicle that was involved in the head on collision. Trooper KADET did vtolate Division Regulation 8A8(2) : A Member shall not.act in a manner tending to bring discredit upon the Division. I recommend that appropriate disciplinary action be taken. ___ .,. - CLOSED ' INSP 6 _(Rev 6/10) . Page 3 Of Date 1/29/11 3 O No O DNA Memo(s) of: TROOPER JOSEPH P. KADET [8J Yes Statement(s) of: JUSTINE M. BANSPACH and OR!ONA NIKAJ [g]Yes 0No □ DNA □ Yes AMS# No IZ! DNA · Other Terminal Messa e No 18JDNA Genl. 91 ·- Vehicle Pursuit Form Yes 0No [8J DNA Video Tape or CD -# Enclosed Genl. 89 - Use of Chemical Spray Re ort . . Audio Ta O'Yes e or CD -# Enclosed 0 0 Enter Source Transcri t enclosed Genl. 34 - Photo Record □ Yes D □ Yes O No IZl DNA Enter Source 0No l8J DNA MV104 Police Accident Re ort 0 Yes . [] No □ Yes Gt:nl. 61 - Medical Recon.l:, Release for. From: .. The following dis ositlon was Im osed under Rule 3 Letter of Censure· Copy of memorandum of dis osition to Member attached 0 rg(' □ '181 DNA • i PAGE 1 -OF ·1 SUP~ORTING DEPOSITION (CPL §100 .20) - - - - - - - -- - NEW YORK STATE POLICE --- ··-. --- -· ., ... THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEVIi YORK --vs, Defendant{s) -r r-·--::.. I . INCIDENT LOCATION: I II .L COUNTYOF --~--~--- - ---- I'' ! STA.TE-OF N~ YOf'K , LOCAL CRIMl_'Y_~L. ____ COURT :·1 - LOCA T/ON OF DEPOSITION: ·-'' I ,, - ---···-· - -· -·· .STATE OF NEW YORK - COUNTY OF ORANGE ----·- ·-····-- ----·--· ·- -- -· OF HAMPTONBURGH TOWN TOWN · ORANG E OF HAMPTONBURGH - -- ·- - - - -·- · -- / r;;~;Bs;;~d·- ·--·1 I:r~~~;~;/~-NI=~-,.-------· .__ _ ···-·- - ___ ,. ____""f"+•·····--·-••.· ···-· ·---·· '""oat~- -~--,! at •• - -- ,_,, ... . . , •• ••• 1 . .... . . .. .. ..,.. . .. --· -••-.- .... - ·-···-···l··-• ··· .. , • -·· 1 -r-- ·-· •---- -·-·. • •• • • Stat~ The Fol lowing: ON-JANUARY 15TH AT A P P ~ A PASSANGER IN MY CAR THAT MY HUS.BAND WAS DRI VING AND \l\1E WERE HEADING HOME T O - - - - WE !!VERE SOUTH ON ST-416 AND WE WERE S.TOPPEDAT I HF. . INTERSECTION OF ST-416 ,?,ND ST-207 AT THE STOP SfGI\J. I SA_W THE POUCE,CAR <:;OM/NG FROM THE L '.:'- . 2 )?· EAST AND A RED CAR COMING FROM 207 \1\/ES T AND THEY Hf TEACH OTHER HEAD ON. THEY HIT EACH U, NU~ ANO 0/0NT MOVE MUCH FAOM WHERE THEY STOPPED. \1\/E WA'/TED ro SEE WHAT HAPPENED ANO I I OLU MY · HUSBAND I WANTED TO SEt: SEE !F THE= (3rRL- WAS OK. THE TROOPER WENT TO THE GIRL AND SAID "YOU HIT 11:IE HEAD ON, YOU FUCKING HIT ME HEiJ.D ON" I WENT TO HER AND I SPOKE °TO HER AND SHE SAID "/'All SO SCARED .. t'M N9T FROM THIS STAT~, . l'M FROM f'l\ll DRIVWG-fv1Y BOYFRIENDS CAR. AM I AT FAUL T?''1 A$KEO · - · HER \IVH/CH WAY" SHE WAS GOING AND SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS GOING TO MAKE A LEFT TURN. ,,VE STAYED THERE ·uNTIL OTHERS ~RRIVED . 1 /' --.....----: Notice (Penal Law §210.45) In a written instrument, any pers~r:i whq knowngly makes, a false state me committed ~ - · rt which ~ll!;h person does '.lOt believe to be trUE! has a crime under the la·ivs uf the state of New York punishable·as a Class A Misdemeanor. · Affirmed _under peralty of-perjury this 15 th day of JANUARY, · • Subscril-Jed and SWorn to before me 2011 !Time Ended i· ! 01/1512011 this day.of. • - • -• • • - - • 09:02 PM •• - ," • • ,a _ _ _ n • • i! . , , . ( GfNl.--4 (03/05 ) ' 'L Sl.JPPORTING DEPOSITION .(CPL§ 100.20:) l - New ·vork State Police - .. r ·' . PAGE ·o F · THE PEOPLE OF THE ST.ATE Of NEW YORK . . -VS. ( l DEFENDANT(S) LOCATION OF DEPOSITION: LOCATION OF INCIDENT: ' • 1 • •. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF NEW YORK - - - - - -COURT COUNTY OF ---- ·on I DATE:I ·._f OF I 5 jti , at ~--------'-'-"'- Ci:~ · I -ro~ ·OF -6~ --'--~--- -------- . . COUNTY OF -----------,,-------- FULL NAME: . , . -:so0$1~ "'I. ' ; , . r --'---------------. ' d21"l-l Ol'-l tJ.A\J¾fnl ~/l((-{Qj Sil- 41Ct? .1HE: -. b<_,µµ ?tfl :·M vE- .-L£ . , T "St.ow6> - _. · ~- --i; Sf\-0. 11-J/h 1H(-;f2.£ w,E 1':le:>)-.4 · o~ - srz 1:r:rj kt--tD st2-c.tlb. -z ~.,.s. · {s1c . ~1~,<v ·-:-ro "'ti . or · rc1~· ~~ 7; . ~~ 01H6Z _. ~~ lY' .HE:I~,)- L,1.-&{rlS. _ ~ <Sf\w -rt-{€, 07c--tEl<- s~- Of .HU\u ... ,u~6b ,l-{£ S-i~~ - Ul-\W- -zo ,t-tc·n,~7 St:>?- · ~ . . -~ ·(o.u.,"2~~B· -:So$7 . ,__ . 6"\<:11 01t1.trtD ·_:-r1:e,,, :o<Jl-or ~ . ,--., --rF-coFfr2.&51 ~,t( ttl-1 wt ·cOLl-~ · , ~ · -:4l . ' . JY .$', f\il..1 b:>- ) . ·, .· · :10---rt:lt; ·(Ul f\ -@~:1Jj6 _ 1 rf\~ . -"\1-t€ 1,oo?'tfl. -)~~ ~'.)f..)E> -fl-. 'J: :5:£>J/IE.-7f1'J-i:>G WE:.- . H~ /' C/hJh /h .. Mt fb -:r..-. w4~ ~ ~:i(dl. O{C--u_t(L -ZO ~ - ~- 1 ,NOTICE . _ (Penal Law§' 210.45) · . ' . . t.n a written instrument,' any person who knowingly makes -a Ja,lse state"1ent which such person does not 'believe -tp be true has coml"('litted a crime unde.~the laws of the state of.New Y(?rk punish~ble as .a Clas·s A Misdemeanor. · - . . Affirmed ur;id~r penalty of perjury this . l5 . ~ - -. day of I .)(\1i~ ·, 7-D ll , -OR- - * Subscribed and Sworn to before me \ · . this _ __· _day/>f . · _ · _ _ _ ' ., ~ • This form need be SWllm l<i only WMO specifically req1.1red by the court ' ' I : •Page 2 - COPY _ 1 ~~ \), Ufu~ I)0~~ ,I'· . (NAI\II: OF PERSON TA~ING DEPOSITION) . ·. • Page 1 - QRIGINAL 1 Page 3 :- COPY . . Page 4 - COPY Gerp ~ ~ _3> - E IVC-L.OSL-\ ~~ \ NEW YORK STATE , POLICE/" )MEMORANDUM SP HAMPTONBURGH Tr~p£_Station \ , , ' To: · Date__._,---__J__a_.n__u=a=ry..-.....:;;;2~~. . . ."""2"""0;....;1~1.- ,·Major Edward Raso, Troop Commander - r From: , ·Trooper Joseph P. Kadet Subject~·- . PERSONNEL COMPLAINT· I f , \ ' I ·was advised ,o f my ·rights to representation pqrsuant to ~rticl~ 16.2 of. tile '" contract by Sergeant RONALJ) FENDT on January 29, 2011. I provide the following ,. . __ , written account. .' r • , ,_ · On Jan.u ary is•h, 2011 lwas. working a scheduled 2-5 tour assigned fo . . __ routine patrol out of SP,Hamptonburgh operating Divisi~n vehicle2F65. At appr_oximately 8:20 P.M. I was involved in a two car Division Vehicle head on PIAA on ST-207 in the Town of Ha~pto~burgh. Immediately after the collis_ion I h~d a c_onversation with.the operator of the other vehicle. During the course of the conversation I ~sed the word fuck. I do not re~all the exact sentence it w~s used in, blit: it was not directed" toward the operator · but rather as a descrjption of the accident even_t. I never yelled at the operator,.nor did I call her an idiot. At no time did Un.tend to 1speak in a·disparaging way toward the operator of the_other vehicle; I know the use of inappropriate language_is not.acceptable ~nd I will make every~effort in the_future to en~ure that this does not happen again. ' \ , • - • I . . ). / I ., \ I , \ I.. ·.