Nycdoc Commissioners Jail Performance Report 2008
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DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION Martin F. Horn, Commissioner Key Public Service Areas Provide a safe and secure environment for inmates and staff. Provide access to services to prepare inmates for life after release. Provide correction-related services and information to the public. Critical Objectives • Ensure the security and safety of inmates while in custody. • Reduce inmate violence in correctional facilities. • Provide inmates with access to health and mental health services. • Efficiently manage bed capacity and cell maintenance and repair. • Ensure timely transport of inmates to courts throughout the City. • Ensure access to programs, including educational opportunities, drug abuse programs, and vocational training. • Notify crime victims when inmates are released and provide inmate Scope of Agency Operations The Department of Correction (DOC) provides for the care, custody and control of persons accused of crimes or convicted and sentenced to one year or less of jail time. The Department manages 15 inmate facilities, 10 of which are on Rikers Island, handles more than 100,000 admissions each year, and manages an average daily inmate population of approximately 14,000 individuals. information to the public. Preliminary Performance Highlights • Violence in the jails continued to fall and is at its lowest levels since this data was reliably tracked. Stabbing and slashing incidents dropped by 70 • • • percent during the reporting period from 20 to 6 incidents. Assaults on staff decreased by 15 percent from 159 to 135, while assaults on staff resulting in a hospital visit declined by 61 percent. Fight/assault infractions dropped by 8 percent, from 2,352 to 2,174. The Department performed 69,057 searches and recovered 536 weapons. This represents an 8 percent increase in searches and a 36 percent decrease in weapons recovered. The Department’s targeted search efforts through the coordinated efforts of the Intelligence Unit and special search teams have continued to serve as an effective means of reducing violence in the jails. While total incidents and allegations of use of force rose by 5 percent, from 609 to 639, those incidents requiring medical treatment declined by 41 percent. This means that the composition of uses of force by level of severity has changed, with the more serious uses of force declining from 8 percent to 4 percent of the total. There were no suicides or escapes during the first four months of the fiscal year. 131 Performance Report Provide a safe and secure environment for inmates and staff. A c t u a l FY091 4-Month Actual FY07 4-Month Actual FY08 FY05 FY06 FY07 Updated FY081 Escapes 0 1 0 * * 0 0 Suicides 5 3 2 * * 0 0 Average cost per inmate per year ($) $59,920 $66,085 $67,310 * * Annual Only Searches 149,224 153,982 192,398 * * 63,774 69,057 1,977 1,748 2,472 * * 839 536 Performance Statistics Weapons recovered Stabbings and slashings 30 37 37 * * 20 6 Assaults on staff 428 424 442 * * 159 135 Fight/assault infractions 6,548 6,833 6,576 * * 2,352 2,174 Jail-based arrests of inmates Incidents and allegations of Department Use of Force Inmate health clinic visits - Average clinic waiting time (minutes) Jail cells unavailable (short-term repair)(%) Population as percent of capacity (%) Inmates delivered to court On-trial inmates delivered to court on time (%) Critical Indicator 684 654 738 * * 217 256 1,263 1,522 1,751 * * 609 639 113,788 103,252 99,057 * * 34,547 31,325 31 28 27 * * 29 29 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 1.0% 1.0% 0.8% 0.9% 96% 96% 95% 96% 96% 95% 96% 309,608 316,023 326,735 * * 106,721 107,907 99.5% 99.8% 99.8% 95.0% 95.0% 99.8% 99.8% 1 311 related Numeric Target Bold - indicates revisions from the September 2007 MMR “NA” - means Not Available in this report Provide access to services to prepare inmates for life after release. A c t u a l Performance Statistics FY05 FY06 FY07 Inmates transported directly to community-based service sites upon discharge through Rikers Island Discharge Enhancement (RIDE) program Updated FY081 FY091 4-Month Actual FY07 4-Month Actual FY08 4,238 4,830 4,829 * * 1,560 1,606 Average daily attendance in school programs 803 795 767 750 750 718 759 Average daily number of inmates in vocational skills training programs 110 128 125 * * 88 61 4-Month Actual FY08 Critical Indicator 1 311 related Numeric Target Bold - indicates revisions from the September 2007 MMR “NA” - means Not Available in this report Provide correction-related services and information to the public. A c t u a l Performance Statistics FY05 FY06 FY07 Victim Identification Notification Everyday (VINE) system registrations 2,984 3,623 4,661 * * 1,471 1,922 2,236 2,694 3,464 * * 978 1,581 VINE confirmed notifications 1 Numeric Target 132 FY091 4-Month Actual FY07 Updated FY081 311 related Bold - indicates revisions from the September 2007 MMR “NA” - means Not Available in this report Inquiries Received by the 311 Customer Service Center DIAL The 311 Customer Service Center received 30,696 DOC-related inquiries from July through October 2007. Agency performance measures related to the top inquiries in the table below are noted with a “311-related” icon - a small telephone symbol - in the Performance Statistics tables in this Inquiries Received by 311 chapter. 35,000 30,696 27,462 28,000 Total % of DOC Inquiries Inmate Information for Families of Inmates 14,200 46.3% Rikers Island Property Pickup Request 13,301 43.3% Discharge Planning and Social Services for Former Inmates Inquiries Top 5 DOC - related inquiries: 21,000 14,000 7,000 0 Jul-Oct 2006 Jul-Oct 2007 1,408 4.6% Become a Corrections Officer 417 1.4% Inmate Status Report for Crime Victims 97 0.3% FY091 4-Month Actual FY07 4-Month Actual FY08 Agency Resources A c t u a l Agency Resources September 2007 MMR Updated FY08 FY081 FY05 FY06 FY07 $820.0 $900.1 $949.8 $933.1 $978.0 $969.2 $324.0 $309.3 Revenues ($ millions) $16.9 $18.3 $19.3 $17.1 $18.1 $9.5 $4.7 $5.5 Personnel (uniformed) 9,477 9,189 9,203 9,605 9,599 9,389 9,284 9,130 Personnel (civilian) 1,391 1,427 1,458 1,583 1,574 1,542 1,421 1,468 Expenditures ($ millions) 2 Overtime paid ($000) Capital commitments ($ millions) 1 January 2008 Financial Plan $61,669 $50.5 $69,920 $100,687 $91.7 $44.1 * * * $33,223 $35,765 $109.8 $141.8 $136.8 $38.4 $12.8 Bold - revisions from the September 2007 MMR “NA” - Not Available in this report 2 Expenditures include all funds. January Plan figures reflect modifications in federal, State, and other non-City funding since the adoption of the 2008 budget. Noteworthy Changes, Additions or Deletions • The Fiscal 2007 4-month actual figure for the indicator ‘Average daily attendance in school programs’ has been revised from 716 to 718. • The indicator ‘- Average inmate waiting time (minutes)’ has been revised to ‘- Average clinic waiting time (minutes).’ 133 134