Pasadena Tx Police Report Re Public Intoxication Gonzales Jul 18 2007
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SupplementNo 07·19273 Incident Report PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMENT ORIG Reported Date 07/18/2007 1114 JEFF GINN MEMORIAL DRIVE Nature of can PI OffIcer MONREAL,E Pasadena , Texas 7134771221 7134774976 Agency PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMEtn' Status REPORT - No f o l l ow-u p Needed Intoxication (Alc oho l or OTA) Location City ZIPCode Rep Dist 1009 RJ:CHEY ST PASADENA 77506 N1C / Distrlct N Beat From Date To Date 01 07/18/2007 07/18/2007 OffM;er RMSTransfer 4679/MONREAL,E Successful Approvlng Officer Approval Date 3705 07/18/2007 # Offenses 1 Offense I.NTOXJ:CATION 49.02 Unk Inv No Name REP 1 SHITH,PAULINE Link Iml No Name ARR 1 GONZALES, PETE JR Race W Race W Sex F 01/30/1944 Sex ' ate 0 Irth III 02/17 /1~?6 Person Summary Iml Imi No ARR 1 Invl InvlNo REP 1 TWlI' Name MNI Race sex I GONZALES, PETE JR 47220 W M 02/17/1956 Type Name MNI Race Sex Date of BIrth I SMITH, PAULINE 49923 W F 01/30/1944 Date of Birth Summar Narrative A subject was found to be intoxicated in a public place . The male was arrested and booked into the City Jail. I Report Officer ~679/MONREAL ,E ~nted AI _ _ _ _ _ _L~.? /30/2007 1- 14 :_4_1_ _ LPa g e __1 of_3_ _ ~ --l 07·19273 Suppl8menl No ORIG • ype nvoIvement :Individual ARRESTEE Ethnlolty Doteof Birth Age 02117/1956 51 H:ISPANJ:C ORIG:IN Hair Color GRAY/S:ILVER OR SALT AND PEPPER Type Address CIty PASADENA HOME 1014 SUNSET DR ZIPCode 77506 Type IDNo l"B:I NUMBER 297514MC7 ype OPERATOR L:ICENSE or :ID CARD Type S:ID NUMBER * *NOT TX :ID# CARD IDNo ype SOC:IAL SECUR:ITY NUMBER 450-11-5539 Date of Birth 02117/1956 Involvement Arrest Type Arrest Time Boo'dng No Book Date ARRESTED ARRESTED 14: 37 :00 0708222 07/18/2007 BookTime Othe< Booking No 14:56:00 2007019273 Arrest LOCIIt~on 1009 RICHEY ST ntOlt Eye. City01Birth SAN BEN:ITO RED Intox peech FUR Intox Attitude COOPERA'l':IVE Phone Type _ BUS:INESS (713)473-4484 City Stale PASADENA 'l'BXAS No • •• • On 07-18-07, at approximately 1427 hours, reporting Officer was dispatched to 1009 Richey Street in regards to a suspicious person call. While enroute, the call slip details were received as that an intoxicated Hispanic male was refusing to leave the premises after being confronted by business personnel. U on arrival at a epcrt cer 4679/KONREAL,E Incident Report PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMENT 07-19273 Supplement No ORiG Narrative Reporting Officer observed the Hispanic male in possession of an alcoholic beverage along the north side of the parking lot and the following details were then obtained regarding this public intoxication call. The male was identified as Pedro Gonzales Jr, DOB 02-17-56 and during the course of the interview the male was noted to display signs of intoxication such as red blood shot eyes, an odor of an alcoholic beverage on or about his person, and an unsteady balance. The male Indicated that he was just at the location resting and indicated that no one asked him . to leave the location. Due to the male's intoxicated state it was determined that he was a danger to himself and the public if allowed to walk away while being in close proximity to vehicular traffic. Since the subject could not be released to a responsible party he was arrested . for public intoxication at approximately 1437 hou~. pauli~ Reporting Officer made contact with report e w 0 was found to be employed by the apartment complex as an assistant m ee provided the male a criminal trespass waming since the subject did not reside at the location and the male was constantly intoxicated and harassing the tenants. The subject indicated that he understood the warning and the consequences if he returned back to the location. The male was then transported to the City Jail and booked on the municipal charge. This report was then completed. E. Monrearr79 Report cer 4679/MONREAL,E ~r1nledAt ________._1°7/30/2007 [ 14~:~4=1 Page 3 of 3 -; 07-19542 DRAFT Incident Report PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMENT Supplemenl No ORIG Reported Dale 1114 JEFF GINN MEMORIAL DRIVE 07/21/2007 Nature of Call RESISTING Officer JONES,CS Pasadena , Texas 7134771221 7134774976 • • • Agency • PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMENT Status Arrest / Search Warrant REPORT - No follow-up Location Cily ZlPCode 1809 HARRIS AV PASlIDENA 77506 District Beat N To",", From Oats 02 07/21/2007 07/21/2007 2nd OffICer Off""" 3625/JONES,CS Assignmerrt BUCKALOO,J'W Approving Officer Confidential PATROL Administrative / Internal Investigation Approval Dale Approval Time 07/21/2007 13:35:06 Can Suspect be 1det1lifK'd? Inloxicalion a Factoc? y Y Use or Forco Repof1 ?holes X X .. oeenses 1 link ARR .. Offense Deserip4ion 38.03 RESIST "vo/vemenl ARR 4942 Complain!: Type Irwi No 1 Suspect was arrested for resisting arrest. Report Officer Printed PJ, 3625/JONES,CS 07/23/2007 08:38 Page 1 of 4 07-19542 Incident Report PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMENT Supplement N o ORIG DRAFT He ir Color Build GRAY/SILVER OR SALT AND PEPPER Hair Description FadaI Features GREASY/WAVY/CURLY GOATEE Body Speech . ORDER AVERAGE ~hing SLURRED VIOLENT BLACK/SHIRT/BLUE/CASUAL PANTS Type ID No FBI NUMBER 297514MC7 Type OPERATOR LICENSE or ID CARD Type 10'" SID NUMBER **NOT TX ID# TX02200379 Type SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER S upv Notif.ed(Use Ft for rrst) Was FOl"Ce used in arreQ? Can SUspcd betkicnlified? Was suspect inp.zred? Suspect treated 6115 Y Y Y N S us.pec:t trea lcd 9tjail.? Suspect bken 10- hospital? Y N at scene? AliasName GONZALES ,PEDRO Arrest Typo IIM)Ivemenf P.rresI Dale ARRESTED ARRESTED Book T ime 07/21/2007 Olhet" Booking No Oispo 02 :34:00 2007019542 MISDEMEANOR I Arr est Loc:alion City 1809 HARRIS AV PASADENA Jn1ax Eyes lrucx Spccc;:h 1nI",,0d0t" In<.ox Balance RED WATER SLURRED UNUSUAL STUMBLING Intox Attitude UNCOOPERATIVE/COMBATIVE Cha"", Charge 38.03 RESIST ARREST,SEARCH .... .. ) Gang Act? ! Uteral . No . Su spect Aclion ASSAULTED 'scene Summary: 1809 Harris is a business located on the north side of the road. The inadent occurred in the parking lot in front of the business, next to a parked truck. The time was nighttime and the area was dimly lit with artificial light The weather was hot and dry. Details: On 07/21/07 at approximately 0200 hours, I was on vehide patrol in the area of 1809 Report Officer Printed At 3625/JONES,CS 07/23 /2007 08:38 Page 2 o f 4 -~-~-_._--- Incident Report PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMENT ----.--_. 07-19542 DRAFT SuppJemem No ORIG Harris. I passed by the business and observed a male sitting in the back of a pickup truck (fX Reg. 84M PB4) parked in the lot. The business was closed and the truck had been parked there all night. I turned my patrol car around and as I did, I observed the suspect duck back down in the truck in an attempt to hide. I exited my vehicle and approached the truck and the suspect, identified as Gonzales, Pete Jr (W/M 02117/56), was attempting to stand up. I asked the suspect why he was in the back of the truck and he stated the owner had just given him a ride and he was waiting. I advised the suspect to get out of the back of the truck and walk over to me. I observed that Pete was shaking and could barely maintain his balance as he was walking through the bed of the truck. I observed Pete's eyes to be bloodshot and watery and his speech was extremely slurred. Pete climbed down out of the back of the truck and I had to catch him from falling over. I took hold of Pete's hands and tried to place them on top of his head to pat him down for weapons. As I was attempting to place Pete's hands on top of his head, his arms began shaking and he stiffened his body. I told Pete to relax and place his hands on his head and he pulled his arms away. I told Pete he was under arrest and grabbed hold of his hands again. Pete again tried to pull his arms away and push me off of him. Officer Buckaloo came over to assist in the arrest and we both attempted to leg sweep Pete to take him to the ground. Pete was pulled to the ground and he began kicking, striking Officer Buckaloo several times in the legs. Pete rolled over onto his back and pushed both officers away from him and continued to pull his arms free. we administered several knee strikes and elbow strikes to Pete's back and thighs and ordered him to stop resisting. Pete grabbed hold of my legs and pants and attempted to knock me over and spun around and kicked me in the leg. I continued to administer knee strikes to Pete and ordered him to stop resisting and place his hands behind his back. Officer Buckaloo also ordered Pete to stop resisting and rollover onto his stomach. Pete again pushed both officers back and rolled onto his stomach but put his arms under his body near his waistband as if possibly reaching for a weapon. Officer Buckaloo and I were finally able to physically force Pete's hands from under his body and place him under arrest At no time did Pete obey any of the orders given to him by Officer Buckaloo or I. I helped Pete onto his feet and began walking him to the patrol vehicle. Pete was stumbling and shaking and was unable to walk without assistance. As I was escorting Pete by the arm, he tripped over a median, causing me to lose my grip on his arm, and he fell forward bumping his head. Officer Buckaloo and I assisted Pete back to his feet and carried him to the patrol car. I contacted the DA's office and spoke to ADA Greco, who advised they would accept charges for resisting arrest I transported Pete to the police station for booking procedures where he requested medical attention and 5gt Spiller was advised of the incident. Medic 2 responded to the jail and administered medical attention. Pete was released to the jail officers without further incident. I completed a Use of Force report and filed charges through DIMS. Report Officer 3625 /JONES,CS 08 :38 Incident Report PASADENA POLICE DEPARTMENT No further action, case closed by arrest. 07-19542 DRAFT · Do not refer report to Detectives. C Jones, 3625 Report Offi cer 3625 / JONES , CS PrintedAl 07 / 23 /2007 08:38 Page 4 of 4 Suppleme nt N o ORIG