Lawmakers Reach Deal on Air Security, Chicago Tribune, 2001
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Cbicago, IL Trl.ulII C~ICl8' Mil Arll ~fidiIJ 0122,882 NOV 16. <:lee I 1'11'" • ~II III SECURITY: I ' ' ' ' • " . . . " . " • • ,.' ,., ON CAPITOL HILL Thursday, individual airports hired by airlinea, havebeen crit. would be allowed to opt out of icized for decades in federaJ au. COVlll'age by the federal securlty Pending government approval, United Airlines will start installing advanced Taser stun guns in the cockpits dits for missing weapons when fOrce after three years. Those of all its planes. The weapon fires an electronic dlarge that disables an attacker fof at least five seconds. they were tested. Airport secu. airports then could contract would be trainee;! to use the guns, which would be stored in a coded lockbox in the cockpit. Pilots rity screeners have suffered with a private aecurlty finn, alfrom low ~ low morale, poor thongb. each amongement THE ADVANCmTASat STUN GUN trainJng and high ttlrnoveI: would have to be approved by fin and r SldiIty: Arms unit and activates Air cartridge: launches two probes using The Air Transport Associthe Transportation Depart_ blllde I I built-in laser sight. ment. ' compressed nitrogen. Once fired, a new ation, which tepa sants major sight. cartridge must be loaded in order to fire again. air caniers, witbh&ldJudgment In the interim, \111 to five air· on the congressional agreement ports would be allowed to retain unW it sees the fi.lll packsge. private contractors as security though Mesa Airlinea an- screeners under federaJ. superATA spokesman Wcbael Was0 .... nounced three weeks ago that it vision aspart ofapilotprogram. memory and com said the group has conwooIddoso. cerns about the fee on passen. clmIpOrt "United and its pilots believe gers' tidtets that would pay Cor Stores the Tasers are an important addithe new security system. TIle Republican and Democratic Laser light: Eled:rital wilti: Weight: 18 ox. dateand tion toenhanced cockpit securi. COllgl'esSionalleaders predicted Improvementll would be fi· Transmit eleroical Batteries: Runs tJ;B said Andrew Studdart. chleC overwhelming support when time of evert nanced. by an ticket tax of $2liO aiming. to target. pulses offeight AA dischafge. operating oft'icer and ~tive the measure'comes to a vote, perflJghtsegment, IIPtoamaxivice president of UnJted, based scheduled for Friday In both mum oC$5petooe-vaytrip. in Elk Grove TownshJp, Dl. chambers. And, evenasnegotl&- HOW'!TWORKS Traw:1ers weigh in "Tasers will ineapa(:itate an at- tm:s continued to WOl'k out the tacker without endangering the details, President Bt18b an- Q~pilotusesthe Passengers Interviewed at When the trigger is Q The top dart hits the attlcker where the gun O'Hare .,~- " AJrport were generally pulled. a pair of quarter-inch is pointed. The other dart is ~imed slightly nounced. that he would sign the laser sight to aim the The pistol-like devJces, which IIllIlI8Ure into law when ureach- 5tUn~n. supPortive of the federal aecuridarts trailing wires shoot lower. The darts do not have to would be kept inalockbox In the ~hJm. ty sc:reeners envisbned under from the gun. penetrate flesh tQ work. cockpit, fire a wired dart that the agreement. Traneportation Secretary can incapacitatea person for\1ll Norman MlDeta lauded the ~I think it's a lPOd. thing;' said Pete Higgins, of Harris. package as ~a maJor mllestone Th.e compromise hammered in the creation of a consistent, burg, Pa., who was in Chicago out by lawmakers, meanwhile, high~~ nationwide aviafor a flMess trade show: ~rm for fiw-second. 26-wanshot of After firing, the pilot endsapolitical jmpassethathas tion securtty fon:e. ~ privatization. but tlli is d1trer· electricity autom"tlcally hits the attac:ker, can touch the front of the dogged. efforts to improve airent, because in privatlzation House Republicans said the musdes and overwhelming contracting guntotheattacke(s body port secur1ty in the walrB of the provisions you have to earn I proflt. To allow airports the central nervous system. The attacker Sept. II terrorist attacks. and pull the trigger to learn this job [security screenenough flexibility til abandon a should collapse. Ing] you have to pay them a dedeliver a new shock. 8UVBl1UDent... d m1 n l stered secur-.aJizing WlIIbrs cent wage. If govel1lDleIlt runs rity system if It pI'OVed ineffecRange:21_ ~> The most contentlous provi_ tive, while Democratll said they it, Itwouldbeabletllpayhi8her sion has been turning over air- consJdered the option a mini. 21..footrange saIaries. port screening responsibilities mal conceasion. Under the qreemm.t negotia. compares with the cabin of __ to a new federal aecurlty force, tors have worked mt:, the federHouse Speaker Dennis Has- theBoeing 737-300. which will requJre putting tart (R-Dl) said: "In the end, ai go~BlnmentwJll taboverthe about 28,000 people on the gov_ we're goiD( to see what workB Soutce: Unil1ld AlrIlnes. T__ lnt=IIlianaI contracts with private security CIIic:>¢ Tti:IuneIOovid~.n<1 CJIario>Gor:¥ ernment payroll within a year beat. WB'regoingtoseewhetber companies as soon !IS possible Senate and House Democrats theprivatesectorcan bestdellv- Cers to use Private contractors but will have no ~ than CongressioDaJ. leaders have lJUPI)Orted the step, but House er this lUIder Cederal S\1III!I"Viman was caught this month three months to do a::o. RBpnbllrans fought It as an uu- sion or you have to have federal for airport Sf!CIlritx the city's been onder increasing pressure with seven knives and a stun aviatiml commJssioner de- to moveforward withalrportse- gun that aiIport screeners at wammted expansion of the fed· TriburJestqffreporl;ilr$ John HUclJned to say whether the city curity lmP1"OWlI1eDtS, espedal_ O'Hare Airport missed. kevttch, Rogers Hbrthington, Altbough Chicago Mayor would apply to include O'Hare on! ""'"""""'" Security screenen, who are Gary Washburn andShta KiJPO$ Undertbe l\It'llBlIllInt reached. R1chard Daley has said he pre- or MJdway in the pilotprogram. Iy after a SIlfies of security lapses. Most notabl:lt a Nepalese prov1ded by Private contractors amtrlbuJal wthis f"e?Orl.. United seeks to arm pilots with stun guns Screeners would be Lawmakers reach deal on air security ~,~~~ By Mike Doming Washlngton BUrNU WASHINGTON ~ Ending a long fight between Republicans and Democrats, House and Senate negotiators reached an agreement Thursday to bolster airport security and to replace the Private contraetm"s that screen passengers and bags with federal employees within a ,.~ I ....age..- :::~=ili~, SECURfI'Y!~EL'. .",...'" 1 _. .FedeB,em~lrtcharge ofseooritySCreetilll!iWitnfn OIte)ieal:,atn:lbSt"aiipon:i; .Ai~can'l1!quest,Ulat .screenli'lg-be-~by .private contractOO oHaw enforcetnentafterthrl!E! years PLANESECURITY .' The compromise, expected to be approved by Congress on Frt.,Moreaff~ls'qn~ day; is part of a larger overllaul of aViation seeurit)( Although .StteAgttienscOdq,ltdoOfs fewoft:he ~ t s would • PlIots.canl:il,~ gunli be in place In time for the hqsy _ holiday travel season,The agreement callsforsweepingchanges in the way airline passengers are protectedagains~ hijacltings and ten'orist attacks. The measure calls for cockpit dOOt'll to be fortified against: attack and for pilots to be allowed ;~>. to C8l'l'Y guns as a last-resort defenae against Intruders. All leeway on the reql1Jrement. ' workers with access to airport AlsoThIll"Sdax United Air· tarmacs would have til pass lJnes announced that Jt WOuld , cr1minal background checks arm its pilots with Taser stun j lInder the bill. And within 60 gUllS, pending apPl'OVal ftom days, all checlted baggage is to the Department of Transportabe inspected before it is 1oaded. tion. United. is the flrst major ' onto a plane, although some ClUTier to take that step, aiCOIlgr'essJona! aides suaested carriers may be granted SOme PLl'ASE SEE SECURITY. BACK PAGE I 'I '''''"" <0 --". ID'_ QA How~ -" e B