Taser Annals of Emergency Medicine Taser Injuries
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I iF7 nne r! "" II' r. . . . .' ., SECTION II: p. 1 Olll(j"~AL LUI IlIilUU IIUN laser" irlJUfies Electronic Gun (Taser®) Injuries The 1l1.'lcrK is ,m electrical weapolJ nseu lor immohilizmicm. 1\vo hundred civlnccn IUlliems who were ~hot hy police with tI 11Iscr"' for violent or crnni. J1,1I netiavuu were compared 10 22 similar patients shot hy police with ..iN Sl'ccillJs. The long-term murbiditv rutc was signijiclmtly dilietent iOf "tuscred" victims (11%) lind for thos« lVitlll"dlel lVouuds (50%) (I' .< .1I5). 'J1", IIIOJldlily rate was also significantly different between "tasercd" \';clim,,. (1.4'ru). mHI guwsJwt wound victims (5()I%,,) (p < ,OS). Possi/JIc cOIlJ/JliccltiolJS assw.:idled with 7lm!fJl. wounds inchuletl ('(JI1I11S;ons. abrasions. atul luccraIlolIS (38 fr.d; mild r}wbdolJ}yo!ysis (l'YuJ; dlld,tcsticllhlf uusion (O.5%J. Although 48% of "tasered" patients requited hospitulization. t,lI Iml oue \\'ih for a preexisung. injury or toxic or psvcbiattic prohlem. \V~ conclude tlun Ta.sess» ate relatively safe when compared to shooting with more com'cui 0tlflildl well/Ions. IOulog GI, W"sserberger I, Schlater t BaltlsulnamdlliwJJ S: f lectmnic gUll (1hser-JSI) injuries. Alln Emetg Med lanuary 191:J7;16:7,l7~.f I :(' j,. INTRODUCTION . Taser- [Thomas A Swift's Electric Rifle) guns' have been used by lawen- Gilly J Ordoq Mil. FACEI'. rAACI JOll<,ilhan W;j5~efbcIU(:I, MD If\CLP Ihecdore SClllillet: MO, f-ACS Sub' antaruam Baku,ubt a' I Ji.,JrUl II I I, MD. fACS los Angeles, Caulonua , .~ From tile Oeparnueru of Eml:luency MulhClnc, KinD OIl;W Mcdll~dl CtJllh~" eUl,j the DlewlJCLA MedlCdl Si,lulIII, Los Angele:>. CdlllwlHd Received lor publication J~llllJW y 20. 1£180 Bevrsion received May 27, 19till Accepted lor pulJllcaholl June 24, 1£186 Address for repnnts: Gary J Of (jog, Mil fACEI'. fAAC1. Ilox 219. 12021 5,,,.11, forccmenr officers for immobilizing violent suspects and those on drugs, es- Wlhlunglon pecially PCP [phencyclidine Iphenyl-cycJohexyl-piperidinell. 1 ..\ Simi"rr Cahfonua 90W)U AVl~ntl~. l05 AllUelc~, electric rifles have been used by private citizens for self-protection. The Taser'" gun is used because it is claimed to have the advantage of not pennanently harming the victim, while at the same time immobilizing the victim and controlling violent behavior.' This prevents injury to others and alleviates the need to use physical force and bullets, which obviously produce more serious consequences, The Taserv is generally used when there is no immediate lethal threat to the police or bystanders and when proximity to and control of the suspect is required. If the suspect presents an immediate danger to others, such as threatening with a gun or knife, a .38 Special may be used according to established police protocols.s The Tase.... is an electrical gun that shoots darts (usually tWO or four] up lU ,• range of 15 feet. The dans arc connected to the gun by wires that deliver up lU 5ll,()(Xl vohs 13 mAl to the victim. For maximum effect, the shah should penetrate lilt: skin where, because of barhs, the dans arc not easily removed unless the skin is lacerated or ripped open. Immobilization of the vicum occurs when the trigger of the gun is squeezed and current flows through the suspect's skin. Due to tetanic contraction of the muscles, the victim usuall y falls. The trigger can be squeezed as required to maintain unmobilizuuun. The barbs do not have to penetrate the skin for immobilization; only contact with the victim's clothing is required, and one barb is usually effective. After Taser.all immobilization, the victim is physically restrained, the wires to the dans arc cut, and the victim is taken to the hospital for removal of the dans, The barb is like a fishhook and requires surgical removal. f ,The mechanics and ballistic pro~r!ies of the Taser-6' have been di~cusseJ Vtlly by KoSCOVC,5 but to date no clinical study has shown the df~CllVCI1~SS iI , '- and safety of the Taser. ~ , MATERIALS AND METHODS , We conducted a prospective case study of all patients brought to the emer- gency department of the King/Drew Medical Center in L<,u; Angeles who had been shot with a Taser~ gun between July 1980 and December 19M5. Intorma..... ,v, . I • • • •'.7.7.7;; •.E.-.'.'M.7.n••II!!!II,.,II.iIiIi~5i_'IIi'.! _ _.., ---------------- 1115EI1" INJI JIm Ordog ,,' ~I s SECTION II: p. 2 FI<;lJHE 1. 1Il\lf'()/fI.~\, n! 'lISt'Ied /'(1'; ('",.. I \"II" 11 'Ct'" t pill'" cvclt tli 11(' alms('. n \r"I"" 2,J homs, ,'\' "i,stm\': 2) l'os uivr ,,,jlll' or S,'''''11 1'''(,11' (Tditlin., 1"\"('/, tl/1d lin" lrvrls in l'iIt;/,,,,,, \\-ho lIit'd: .11 Ph",<;icfll ,,;~1J.<; of I'hcnc.' '."he Ii til' int II.\" icat« m. inc Ir uUng ".,",qll.l.!lII11S. I1nlle /"","('/10";"_ ".'"I'CTtJIl',,,,ill. ,/,111'''01('.'\;,c. lIuel rlrvnt es! 1 1 -~_I __ I -------~---, 90 1 an 70 - • 60 1 "' 0- Nom/ I'W"<;f/1(':.' '.'( 1''.1 r 41 N.n"lIgmrrs wit h both hm;::oI11al and vertical Z n Iml'OHfnl s !,1t'Sf'II'.?·' tH. "'. ,] w t: n< 50 ' "- _0 ' " 30 - 0 F1<;[HlE 2. An"tn"'.l· Tt,scr ~ dfln c. of embedded 20 ' linn was colh-cted 011 "'~l', sex, race, who shot t hc weapon, whether rc straiurs were usc..t, medical diagnosis, cnmplicnt inne of laser It, autopsy rc- ! ! 1 suhs. method of barb removal, and associan-d trentmcnr. The patients who died had ftlll autopsies rcrtonucd hy the Los An,~de", County nllOller's IIf(ice to determine the cause of death. P:ltit'nts included in the study were all those shot with a Tascr " who presented to the Kin~/J)rew emergency depnrttucnt. None was excluded. These data were compared to similar data on pntieuts who were shot with .,~R Special handguns hy police officers for the control of either violent or crimiunl hchavior and who were hml1~ht fllr t rent tuent to the Kill~/1 hew Mcdic.rl Center t1uril1~ the pcrind from l;lIll1:lry 19RO to December 19H21 Only patients who were shot hy police officers were included. This was usually verified hy the accompanying officer. All patients meeting these criteria were included, except those for whom only ht';H5:1Y evidence indicated that it was an officer-related shootin~ and those not brought to the hnspunl after heing shot hy police who may have been handled hy the coroner's office with no medical treatment. l'nt icnt s were I1l1t ;IW41ft' that they were hein,g studit'd, and consent was not requited because treatment W:1S tendered nrcmding to established ptotncols of standard mcdicnl practice. No bliudinu \\':1<: used, fotO% of clinical Oh.. . crvntions wen- malic hy the princip;11 mulun, and the n'nutiudcr were made In' ctuvux-ncv medicine resident • 1 • ""ff. SI;ltic.;tic.,1 :llwly.. . is indtl{lnt caleul:!of st:lIHbld deviation, chi-squall', :mll ANOVA lromp<lTison of uncqu:l1 gllltl 1''' I usi1l1~ :111 II\M-PC" :llld Sial' liOI1 ,gt;ll'hir" ~ 1'11I.Ct:lI11, o HISTORY( 1) LEVElS(2) SIGNS(J) NYSTAGUUS(4) UETMOO OF DIAGNOSIS OF PCP 1 - - 1 - ClUTEAl (12.0~) - - A800M~N - - - , (J9.0~) (2J.O~) 2 HESUJ;J'S laser" Injuries Two hundred eighteen patients who wen- s hot with -(:1Sl'IS M were included, The 111\,;111 <l1~e W:IS l.R years Ist:111t!;Htl dl'\·j:ltiol1, 'I.H; 1;1I1~l', If) to 4HI. Ninety-fi\'l' percent were men, All were shot hy police officers. In all C:1SCl", the guns w:;ed were manufactured hy laser" lndustttcs Incorporated lEI 'Iluo, Califonunl Ninctv-niuc percent of Patn-nt ... wen- hrought in hy police. Sixty l'I'HTlIl \\"{'Il' hlOtI~ht in with no p:II;1til \'Illl'l.\!,l'I1l:Y IllCtlk;11 tl'dllli- n - POST CHEST MH IH.., - ", (l,O~) t.OWER 11MB ('(lIlt;lcL ThirtY'nine pe,fent tI',p:Hkl1fs wert' hmll~hl in hy 1',!IMnl;tirs with police in t'seort, :1l1d I'~, \\";llknl in on their own, J'rt'Stll11;,hh- :~IJ.('1' ht'in,C "t:I"'net!" hy the polke \'jall - (12.5::) rA.ct=: l11edic - -- ._.:'"P~~RllVlJlj~J'n) SCA.lP (2.0"') MIT - cur-sr (4.0Y.) and then escaping. Of those brought in hy police, 46% were in hard restraints fie, thick leather hinders on all limbs with keylocks]. 'lwcnt y pt'rn'nl were shot hecause thl'y exhibited violent heh;1Villr hut were no longer restrained, and 7'X, were in custody for criminal offenses and were handcuffed. Seventy-six percent of all patients were "tascrcd" for biznrn- and uncontrollable behavior [unusual hut not necessarily directed vinh-ncr-], 4f1'Y" for biznr re :!ntl extrcmcly ceunhativc Il\'h:lvilll jwifh tli· rected violencel; :1nd S'X", for hizane and 1I1lcontrollalJle h(:havillr with nudism),' f'Jahle II, Sixty'ei~hl 1''''cent of patients were put on a 71-hour psychi:ltric hold; h:11f (If them \\'I'rc rs 7"' 'urt: SECTION II: p. 3 ', .... GUUE 3. Tascrv»! l't1liclJl ~;I;lJlJ. llumc. disdltlfgt.:d home hom the ellh1/,~CIJC)' tlCl'iUlI111:ut a;lel tl\'Cl' MEDICAL (14.9'1) dge ~ld}' u; ~ix 1l()1Il.~; IJ~)·(·Il. Ib)'chi· dltic utlmi~.\wu, W.IWJl)',V" u 72·11011' , im'o!uutdry hold; M.:dil.:;JJ. adnuua! Ju the mc.IJ("J ~en'j(c (Ii tlu: IW':Ipittl} fOI {luther l1ctltm..:lll; jIJi}. rd":iJ')..:d to police CU:SICJl/)' utter lI":,H went in the cmergency ,l,,:ptutmelll; .uvd CO(()JJcr. JAIL (5.9'1) HOME (46.0"') all patieut» who dia! l'ct:t:i\'c(/ dUWp, sics l)y the i.us Angdc:s Coullty CoruIla's Ofiit'e to delam;llc cause o{ death. FIGURE 4. Offi"e, 1l,!,)C'·. PSYCH (29.7'1) CORONER (1.5"') 3 idence of recent cocaine use.» five percent of patients hal! a psychiatric disorder unrelated to drug use and hal! negative drug screens (Figure 11. Associated Diseases Fifteen percent of patients had preexisting diseases, including psychiatric disorder, sickle cell trait. mitral valve prolapse, cardiac arrhythmia. and sick sinus syndrome. The one patient with a previous history of cardiac disease had mitral valve prolapse, cardiac arrhythmia, and sick sinus syndrome. Thirty-eight percent of patients hal! associated injuries, usually associated with the violent behavior from I'CI' intoxication. These injuries included multiple abrasions in 4~ paucnts, stab wounds in 11 patients, and multiple lacerations [not due to knives] in seven patients. There were no hone fractures. 4 later released from the emergency de- paruncrn to go home. Tuxiculogy Eiglu y-six percent of patients had a I tory of recent [sante oayl PCP ~sei 70% had positive levels of PCP j 64% had signs of PCP intoxicauun, ami 4~% hal! both vertical and horizonral nystagmus [srrong evidence of PCP ahuscl.l·>1 TWenty-six percent of patients had positive ethanol levels, .1I1t1 4'Y., hau <.I hislory and physic'll ev< 11, I 1."""u,,llIUI (/I~P() Darts The number of dans fired by the police officers ranged from two to lour, with a mean of 2.6 ISI1, I..l1 per pauent. The number of dans present in the patients' skin 011 admission to the emergency dcparuucru rall~ed from one to four, with OJ mean uf 2.3 (SD, G.Y31 per patient. The anatomical distribution of the embedded darts is shown [Figure 21. Vital Signs> The average blood pressure of II ta · sered" patients' fJll admission lO the ED was I:utlBO ISD. 151161. with a & ....... 1....... e __• ..... _ .... _. __ III I'llse tll lire range ot IOtI!70 lU 160/ toO. The avera~c pulse rate \\'J~ Y6Imin lSD, 211, with a r,an~c of xu to 160. Aside [rum the three "t ascrvd " pat i cnt s wu h asystole, no cuhcr c'lhh,H.: <Iuhythmi.ls were reported. Other Treatment Electrocardiography was performed on 3H U/u of patients. All were normal for rhythm, except the three patients who had asystole. forty-five percent of patients required tetanus prophylaxis. All dans were removed hy incising the skin at the base uf the shaft with a # II scalpel blade. No suturing was required. Complications The mortahry rate associated wnh ' Taser s usc wss 1.4·}~. All three of these patients arrived at the ED in asystole. "laser'" darb were embedded in the anterior thigh, buttocks, and back in these patients. All three hal! high levels uf PCP in borh serum 10.156 to 0.43 I'g/mll and liver (0.44 to 0.76 I'g/mll. One hal! a previous cardiac his(ury. including cardiac arrhythmias [sick sinus syndrome with mitral valve prolapse] and \VdS 011 diguxin. All three patients went into cardiac .nIesl af rcr being "tuscrcd." Two paricnrs with no previous history went into cardiac anest 5 .md 15 minutes aha being "rascred," ..ud the third weru intu le~pjr.llt1ry arrest fullowed by cardi ..c .tI'le:,t 2S uunurcs after hdll~ "rascrcd." None responded 10 AClS resuscit..tiunJ The coroners report tor e..ch uf Ihe three pauems suned th.ilt death WJ~ due lu phcncyclidinc IUxidty, with 110 M~IIS ol myocardial dJmage, airway ubsrructiun, or other path(llo~y. Tluny-eiglu percent of patients had _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• • 77. 5 '.7.'.;;! mp? 7[ • • ;mm T tWW'l'_.i... 'tI' it: _ SECTION II: p. 4 lASER' INJlIfllFS Ordog el HI FIGlIIH~ 5. 1J;l1g'IUfI of ·,i,\cr .... nssnciau-d inilllit''' lelart.'(1 til their vlo. i lent hl'h;wiot nud 110t to lise of tilt.' Tascr ". Eighteen of the !';nil'nls rcquircd suturing of wounds and 1.,% of ' nil 1'1ilit'IlIS wen- admitted 10 the husflit:I' fOI jl1illrit'~ !"lI~I:,il1t:d dIU' 10 their violent behavior, primarily I'll'cxi:'itin~ t HANon 2. Et[CTAIC RELEASE BAR (lell .nd RighI) stah wounds, The admitted patients spent an average of two days in the 3 SAFElY .. MCHARG[ lNOICATOO ~ hospital, Mild rhnbdomvulysis and rnyoJtlohil1uria occurred in 1% (l't patients and required hospital treatment. No renal complications were seen. Whether the breakdown of muscle occurred due to PCP aO\ls(",·\ or to the tetanic contractions associated with the Taser " could not he determined, hut each of these patients had positive levels of rCI! One patient developed a testicular torsion immediately after being "tnscrcd." He denied preexisting scrot;,1 patn or swelling, hut it could not he determined whether the torsion was a result of the Tascr " wound. This patient W,1S "tnscred" fOf criminal activity and not for psychiatric or drug-related hell. vim, Hi, PCP screen was negative. One patient stated that he became sterile after Ill'in~ "tnscrcd' in the scrotum. whether the sterility W;Hi prccxtsnng could not be determined :~~ 5 BATTER\' CHARGE PLUG 6 FlASHLIGHT SWIlCH CONTACTS f 1 flASHLIGHT 8. CASSfTTE CHAMBERS 5 i TABLE I. Reason for patients being "tasered" ,\ , % of Patients Reason Bizarre and uncontrollable behavior Bizarre and extremely combative behavior Criminal aclivity, not intoxicated • 76 40 7 Clinical Correlation by history or drug screen 86 by history and serum tevels 26 Phencyclidine abuse Ethanol intoxication - 4 Cocaine intoxication n:.hlc 11. TARLE 2. Complications of 7aser'" use Dispositio" "lascrcd" patients spent :111 average of (,,5 hours lSD, 4,,11 in till' ED, The disposiuon of patients alter treatment in the ED is shown fFi~1I1l' JJ. Sixtytwo percent of patients h;lll :l psychiatric cvaluntton while in tbv ED. Half of these l(,(i patients1 well' admitted to the hospit:ll psychi;uric unit on a 72- hour involuntnrv hold. These patients , I " i ,I I spent :111 :1'..... r<1l-:l· of (our tI,1yS in the fildJity bcfon- hciT1~ rulc.tscd. Almost half (If all paticnt s were lucid enough to hl' disch;ll~t·tl. Complication Contusions,' abrasions, lacerations (probably preexistent and related to phencyclidine abuse) 38 Mild rhabdomyolysis (probably relaled 10 phencyclidineinduced hyperactivity) 1 Testicular torsion 0,5 Sierilily in men (not proven) 0,5 Mortalily 1,5 s stated that the A lucid interval W;lS fl.'POI ted hy the police in ""~, of patient .... \"hile the prcvinusly psydwtk p;lIit'lIts h"tI current flowing fhrcmgh their bodies. they nppnreutlv Ix-c.nuc lucid nud uricntcd, onlv ttl later I t- vert to disoricntcd and violent bch.rvior. "J his W;1S strictly a lay observation anti was not confttmcd hy medical or psvchiatrlc personnel. Nil1l'ty-tWll pl',n"'t of ra· mcm r had total am- eve r lell1~ "tasered, n, f Other Observations % of Patients H.~ i n't re· had no wound infections. The 2· to 4mm wounds were not sutured, hut were cleaned with Betadine It solution and dressed, All healed sati,f.c.orily, Wuuud Care wound care follow up very poor. None returned for wound check clinic nppnintments, All patients were telephoned 1m Iollow up, hut only ),';~~ el\,.ld he reached. The 48% of pati,nts who were admitted to either the medical or psychiatric hospital were w<1tfhtlll'l an average of four days and W;Hi Patients Shot With .3R Specials Datil were collected on 22 patk-nts bnutght hy parAmedics for treatment alter being shut hy police with ,.18 Special handguns. The mean 'KC 01 these patients was J8 years [range, 14 to .181 and .11 were men, The .veraKe number of hllllet wound, was LI I SECTION II: p. 5 I I . I HGlJlU: 7. "J'J-SI..'(II duu .'iIitJ\\'llIg ii.,hIW(JR. -like huh III elld ,,/ ~·h.Jft. may be lIsed when a klhal 'on.:c, such , as th.1t fWIIl OJ ..iN SpL.'ciJI haIlJ~t1I1, is ·nm justifiahle and when cunvcnuoual tactics oi verhalizauun, :.ch·dl.'j,-'Ibc, finn grip control, Jnd urhcrs do not subdue the suspect. The "luscr h temporarily immubil izes hy using clectriciry at SO,(XN) vuhs 10.M juuk's JWJll1 sCl:onJ:.II.-t This elccu icuy is pulsed ill a rate of 10 ItJ IS impubl,.·:' pel' second and is suilidcllI to cause terauic contraction of the budy's muscles. Thus the suspect is il1volul1IJlily paralyzed as long as the current flows. Whcn the Tascr ~ release bar is depressed, two darts arc Ilwpclled from the gun over a range of hum two ItJ 15 teet jrigures 4-61.~ The dans [Figure 71 pull two fine conducting wires from a L:J:.scUI,.·. The dans can attach either 10 rhe suspect's clothing or 10 the skin. The current will dfectivdy pass through two inches oi clothing and need not pcnetrate the skin [ur immobilizauon.! A person who is "rascrcd" is immobilized with just two to three seconds of applied I~)wec. 4 The power may he repeated as required tu maintain im- mobilizauon, Conunnous applicauon of current is ncr advised, for it could result in respiratory arrest. T.lsers'" have been shown til he efiective in immobilizing suspects H2% III the time. 4 ,!lI Recovery frum being shot with a Taser- reportedly is rapid. 4 Medical Treaunem [range I to 521. Twenty-five percent of the patients had physical or laboratory evidence of recent usc of PCI~ ethanol, or cocaine. The mortality rare was 50'1..; rhe I J patients who survived suiklcd permanent morbidity, im... luding paralysjs, brain damage, and loss of limb. The operative rate was 82%, which included ED thoracotomy whcu the patient arrived in extremis. Avcrugc huspitahzauon for those paricnt s who survived was 41 Jays /r;lIlge, 12 til 1601. cant difference IP < .01) bel ween the mortality rates of "tasered" patients 11.4%1 and those shot by police with a .3M Special handgun whu received treatment at the hospital jSttYt,j. Al- though the two groups 19unshot wound and "tasered" vicumsl au: not equivalent, it would be impossible h) establish a true comparison ~roliP in tenus ot locauon of injury, number of injuries, and reason for mcchuuicul immobilization. DISCUSSION ( LlIIl,arison of Victims , Then: was a sun isriculf y significant dutcrcnce (I' < .(111 between the PCl' muncur morbidity rates of "tasercd" pat kilts 10'1." .U1J 11105c shot hy polkc wnh a ..IX Special handgun (50%1. There was also .1 btatisth.:ally signifiIf, I ,J.JIUldIV IllHI The Taser s is used by police to minimize the 31110lUU of Iorce m:ccss.lry to control violent' suspects" lpcrsollill comrnuntcedous with Sgt Inn Kcll)· and Sgt lack Schnuda, Los Angeles Pulice J)cpartmcllt~l\:rsonncl and Trainiug Ilureau.tieplemher 10, HiXol. They The Tascr 1\ was designed as a nunlethal control device. Because the victim usually falls when paralyzed, many need medical treatment for minor trauma, MOM arc seen in the emergency dcparuucm for removal of lite dans fwm the skin. ~ The major problems h:l.luirillg 1I1""diL:JI ucauucnt appear to he [uuu precxistillg uuuucs and toxic conditions that Jl:Cu,Jlly led to thc palil..'1lI hell1~ "rascrcd." This was usu.III)' due to the toxic psydJUsis of PCP ami h) injuncs sustuuicd num the violent behavuu a~stJdJ'nl with it. Ahhou~h the huspu.11 adlllisMon rate \,,'iIS high tollowing Tasc r II wounds t~W;;d, IIlIly uuc pat icnt rcquircd JJlIlIssiun ht.'t.:.Jusc ui il ,lileL:( illjUI')' ,luI,.' to the las~lh. All uthel patients required adunsston lor prccxieting (()XII.: psychoses, psycluurnc disorders, and injuries .bs(J(ialcJ with I T I/lS~W IN,JUlill S Vi411l'I1t Ix,h:1\i;IU. tnht y and morbidity rate when the laser'" is used, Another way of view. illg these data is tn say that the Taser" , \WIg associ:ttt'd with a 1.4'X, mortality rate, and prohahly saved the 48.6% of patients who may have otherwise been sl",. with .1 ,,~R Special handgun. Three "il1kllt!" died. pmh'lhly due to cnrdinc nrrhythl11i;, in n prl'l'xistil1,l: irritnbh- hemt.!,' 1\11 tlm.'t' r:1til'nt!'i who (Iit'd sustained toxic levels of PCI~ OIlC had n history of cardiac disease anti cardmc I1rrhythmi;lS, and :111 died scvcrnl m inut es after hcin.l: "tasered." Thus I he 'Ihscr ~ Ci1I1I1ot ht' held solely rt'l"ronsihlc (or tlWiT deaths. There is The authors thank Sgt Jack Schmida and very little in the litemture about rnortAlity rates for I'ht'ncyclidine abuse, hut McCarron er :11l'l· showed ;1- 0.1% mortality overall. with a 1% mortality rate 11/106 r.1.il'lllS! for severely intoxicntcd pariems (which our ~rnllp represented], and ;1 S'X, mortality {l/20 pn- SgtHm Kelly of the los Angeles Police Department fur information and reference sources on the laser'll; Los Angeles Police Department Chief Darryl Gates for his tcfetcncc on the rolice usc of the Tascr'Jr; Officer Rilly Holland for posing for photo~r41rhs and lise of his Taser" for this study, and Cindy Ordog for editing and typinJ: the manuscript. ticnts] for severely comatose patients. Other potential iniuries not seen in , I "I •• :: ;i I: , ~!./I this clinical study included penetration of rnaior hlmlll VCSSt'!s,., rupture of the ~Iohe, t; interference with a cardial' pacemaker," elcctricnllv induced nt'urolo~kal ami renal injury,"" D myocardial infarction, u, 1,1 cardiac atthythmi as, I" lind [rnct lift'S." The Inc idcnee ()f rhahdOlllyolysis II'.~;,) W:IS consistt'nt with, if not lower Ih:1l1/ that in the literature [runge, 0.2 to 11'~:",1"uc,J(,.17 CONCLUSION When coml':m:d to police shootings with h;1fulguns to iml1lnhili:c people with \'ioll'Ill hl'll.1Viol', tht're is a l11:Hkt'd nnd st:lIistic.11Iy 1(1\\'l'r 11101'- , "• • I, ,, " I I' 1,," 7R t 'tMt!,nt?tu.__-, SECTION II: p. 6 0'<10(1 et al ,!• I'm··'!!! II? r REFERENCES I. 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