Taser Police Armed With New Taser Guns Article Rochester Mn 2002(2)
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Rochllllr, MH POST - BUllETIN Rochellor -M8l1ln CI1y -AulUn Th'''''., NOV Mit At.. D(2,060 28, 2002 1111111 11111111 111111 11111111111 11 111 11 lI(JJrlllpREss P3282 C LI PPINGS Police armed with new Taser guns fAONTPAGE . By Janice Gregorson A new poli cy and n ew Taser stun guns are now in use by the Roch est er Poli ce Department ' Th e cha nges follow a review of departm ent procedures and eq uipment mad e afte r a city ma n was shot by a poli ce officer who th ought he had fired his elec tric stun gu n instead of his handgun. That shooting occurred . Sept 2 whe n officers were respo nd ing to a ca ll abo ut an intoxicated man who was fighti ng and dam aging property. Christofa r Alak, 31, ende d up being shot once in the ba ck and spent seve ral weeks in the hospital. Au thorities said the officer, Greg Slem, was trying to subdue an intoxi cated Atak who was scuffling with another officer when he used his handgun instead of his Taser. The Minnesota Bure au of Cri minal Apprehension investig ated the shooting and has rul ed it an accid ent Th e matter is still under review by the Ram sey County Attorneys Office to determ ine if " Visually it is Identifiable asa raser as opposed to being a handgun. " - Police Capt. Jim Pittenger it is identifiable as a Taser as oppose d to be ing a han dgu n," Pittenger sa id. That benefits the officer and citizens who immediately know it is not a real gun. Policy changes also have been mad e, Pittenger sa id. Scott Jecobso nlPost-Bulietin Eac h officer now must The Rochester Pollee Department has switched to a carry the stun gun on the different model of the Taser Gun. opposite sid e of where the officer's han dgun is carried . charges will be filed aga inst ruled accidenta l, th e incithe officer or Atak. The Atak dent automatica lly triggered Siem was carrying both his an internal review of depart- handgun and Tase r on th e family also has hired civil tri al lawyers to investigate .ment policy and the equipsa me s ide the night Atak was ment, . the incid ent shot Police Chief Roger Police Capt Jim Pitt enger When not in use , the stun Peterson sa id at the time sai d Wednesd ay that the goal gun must be carried in a is to make the gun more dis- fanny-pack type compartthat the Taser stun gun in use by the department ti ngu ishable and still make it ment looked and felt identical to a safe option for officers to Electric stun guns bec ame handguns use d by the om use in emergency situations. Standa rd equipment in all ce rs. In thi s cas e, he sa id The new Taser stun gun is city squa d cars in June 2001 Siem mistakenly gra bbed his . yellow as oppose d to black, as a tool to help officers .handgun, thi nking it was the and has a slightly different subdue violent peop le stun gun. grip. without ca using permanen t While the shooting was "Th at mean s that visua lly lnj ury.