Taser Promotional Guide and Training Information
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.' TASER TM M26 I X26 the event of bio-hazard 0;., the integ rity of the t,., ,~ T.. I\. , JAY KEHOE SENIOR REGIONAL MANAGER 800.978.2737 ,oll hce exl 6222 6023266 170 mobile phone 8606317722 fOl JOyl' I' TASER,colll l'/WI'l lAIER (Om (NAIOAO lAIR) ~ '- I !_ " E p , .."- WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERI, 17800 N. 851h II 1(OIIIdole. Al 85255 · 9603 fiElD oFfin PO BOX 783 GlAlJONBURY,cr 06033 pre vention , TASERTM M26 I X26 This cleaning kit is designed for periodic maintenance and specialized cleaning in the event of bio-hazard con tamination to the TASER unit. Materials and instructions provided are essential to maintain the integrity of the electronics and prevent foreign materials from accumulating in the unit. The kit includes: 10 qty 5qty 5qty 1 qty 1 qty IPA Alcohol Swabs PDI® SUPER SANI-CLOTH® (for removing potential biohazard matedal from unit) E.S.D . Bags (for safe disposal or return of cartridges Dr TASER units) TASER Logo Safety Glasses Cleaning Guide (Compressed Air recommended but not included in kit) MODEL # 85002 TASER M26 J X26 CLEANING KIT Maintenance of the electronics and prevention of foreign material accumulation. " TASER® Technology Talking Points for Law Enforcement October 2006 • TASER® systems utilize a state-of-the-art Neuro-Muscular Incapacitation (NMI) technology that temporarily overrides the nervous system, taking over muscular control. This NMI technology temporarily debilitates even the toughest indi-viduals with minimal risk of injury. • Over 9,500 law enforcement agencies deploy our TASER brand devices including over 2,500 law enforcement agencies with full deployments to an patrol officers. Over 200,000 TASER devices are in the hands of law enforcement officers. • Over 11,600 documented field reports of the TASER device showing an effectiveness rating of 94.9% for the TASER devices. Of these use, only 978 injuries reported were listed as "minor injuries," including cuts, scrapes, secondary fall injuries, probe marks and bruises. • It is estimated that there have been over 115,000 law enforcement field uses with TASER devices. • Over 109,000 volunteer exposures have been conducted with TASER devices. • In June of 2006, TASER International pioneered another revolution in law enforcement accountability with its production of TASER CAMTM that provides an audio/visual recording accessory to its TASER X26 electronic control devices. The system includes a built-in microphone and monochromatic lens to video record in complete darkness. This new system enhances the X26 and M26 built-in dataport chips that record the date and firing time of each T ASER system application which is a self-reporting layer of accountability that corroborates an officer's law enforcement report. • In a landmark study in June 2006, a study by the Cleveland Clinic reported a standard electrical discharge from a TASER X26 does not induce ventricular fibrillation and that cocaine intoxication increases the safety margin even further. The study used anesthetized adults pigs as animal models according to Dhanunjaya Lekkireddy, M.D., an electrophysiology fellow at the Cleveland Clinic, at the Heart Rhythm Society meeting. The study found that standard discharge from the TASER X26 did not induce ventricular fibrillation at any of the five tested body sites. The cocaine attenuated the effect of the shocks by 50% to 150% above the baseline safety margin. The study indicates that cocaine may not cause arrhythmias and may actually protect against them in the absence of pre-existing myocardial ischemia, infarct, metabolic abnormalities or cardiomyopathy. "A standard five-second stun gun application is unlikely to cause life-threatening arrhythmias, at least in the normal heart, irrespective of the position of application," said Dr. Lekkireddy. • In June 2006, the Circuit Court for the County of Saginaw, Michigan entered a judgment in favor of TASER International ordering the dismissal of the product liability lawsuit filed by Devica Thompson, et. al' against T ASER International, Inc. This is the twentieth wrongful death or injury lawsuit that has been dismissed or judgment entered in favor of TASER International. • In March 2006, a landmark study by Dr. Jeffrey Ho and several physicians from the Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, MN was peer reviewed and published in the journal of the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. This study is the most extensive published sampling of human subjects to undergo cardiovascular and physiologic evaluation on the effects of a standard five-second exposure to the TASER X26 electronic control device. In the study population, it was found that the TASER X26 electronic control device did not affect the recordable cardiac electrical activity within a 24-hour period following a standard five-second application. Furthermore, the authors were unable to detect any induced electrical dysrhythmias or significant direct cardiac cellular damage which could be related to sudden and unexpected death proximal to electronic control device exposure. Additionally, no evidence of dangerous hyperkalemia or induced acidosis was found. The authors did recommend further study in the general area of the in-custody death phenomenon to better understand its causes. The abstract can be viewed at: http://www.aemi.org/c~j/contentlabstractlj.aem.2006.01.017vl GRANT INFO for TASER® brand technology. Most grants are awarded are via a state grant or through Federal grants under Community Block Grants. For example Sacramento PD did their full deployment under a CA Dept. of Justice rant. Las Vegas Metro PD is via US grant. Block grants have been available and widely used by local law enforcement for a number of years. The dollar amount of each grant is based on crime statistics for their respective communities. Some departments are aware of this, but thisis a good reminder that these block grants are ideally suited for purchasing TASERs. For example, see this article below: Taser Subsidies There is a Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) under the Office of Justice Programs under the U.S. Department of Justice. The BJA has a Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program. The stated purpose of these grants is: "The Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG) Program provides funds to units of local government to underwrite projects that reduce crime and improve public safety. The LLEBG Program emphasizes local decision-making and encourages communities to craft their own responses to local crime and drug problems. II Specifically, the grants can be used for "Procuring equipment, technology, and other items directly related to basic law enforcement functions." The amount of the funding was as high as $523mm for FY 2001 but dropped to $260mm for FY 2003. The grant will pay for 90% of the cost of the eligible program. <htq:l://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA/grantillebg app.html> As for the others, most departments are using "New technology" as the category when applying for grants. We've been told that many departments are qualifying for grants but have the details on very few. Here are a couple I have facts on: Sacramento Police Dept., CA Rec'd $248,000 State Grant, David Paul: 916-264-7216 Denver Police Dept, received Fed grant money: Cpl Stephen Palka: 720-9l3-6536 AND palkas@ci.denver.co.us -great source on training as well. Andrew Anderson Here is an excellent source of info from the Las Vegas Metro Police Dept: A7891A@LVMPD.com . I have attached a copy ofa grant proposal for 1048 Tasers via a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. (The cover page is the last page in he document.) Consulting with Mr. Anderson would be an extremely wise idea! Andrew M. (Andy) Anderson Grant Specialist, LVMPD 702-229-3020 Cell: 702-809-3407 Email: A7891A@LVMPD.com Sacramento Police Dept., CA Rec'd $248,000 State Grant, David Paul: 916-264-7216 The other good contact would Jacksonvil1e Beach Police as they apparently also received a grant and they should be in your neck of the woods: The contact there is: Sgt. Tom Bingham at 904-270-1683 *Monroe County Sheriffs Dept., GA - Lt. Mercer Bush 912-994-7050 Rec'ed $10K from Fed Local Law Enforcement Grant '2000 for 16 M26s, 16 holsters, dataport, 4 28-s of 15's, 2 28's. The total was $11,127.28 w/ the balance paid by the City Commission. Received $12,000 Local Law Enforcement Grant paid for most of the TASER equipment with a $1,334 match from Churchill Co Sheriffs Office, NV: Sgt James T. Wood, Churchill County Sheriffs Dept, 73 N Maine St, Suite A, Fallon, NV 89406 E-mail Address:j497w@hotmail.com Phone: 775-423-3116 Fax: 775-423-6689 Wright City Police Dept., OK Chief Efaw Clinton 580-981-2238 awarded grant for 2 units Arizona State Capital Police, AZ - Sgt. Wayne Cochran 602-542-9226 -Received grant for 5 units Kankakee PD, IL - Received grant for unknown amount for M26 purchase (Currently, we are awaiting this info: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of League City will be conducting a Public Hearing to use Law Enforcement Block Grant money to purchase (3) Taser Systems and a Graphic Mapping System for the Police Department. Written conunents may be submitted in advance to: Assistant Chief Reed, League City Police, League City, TX 77573 or e-mailed to ccreed@lcpd.com Published: 11/2/2002) Indian Harbour Beach PD, FL Chief Fred Femez 321-773-3030 Applied for Grant to be awarded in April 2001 . St. George PD, UT - Sgt. Staley 435-634-5883 received grant for 16-20 Below is the research of web sites and phone numbers that you can contact for grants. We haven't been able to obtain grants as the agencies themselves are required to request it, but these are great resources: Grants are awarded every month it seems. Your agency can write grants that tum into money for new technologies, equipment, training, officer hiring, overtime pay, and many other new and innovative programs for law enforcement agencies (and in some cases get bullet resist. vests, too). There are two basic types of grants: discretionary grants, where the government office makes the decision about which grants will be awarded, and block or formula grants, which go to cities based on population and crime rate. Some grant applications have been reduced to 2 to 4 pages to simplify the administrative process. You may want to consider how you can increase your grant resources. To learn more about how to write grants that tum into dollars for projects you can contact the following organizations: www.nlectc.orglvirlib/InfoList.asp? www.policegrants.com www.ojp.usdoj.gov www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA www.oip·usdoj.govlbjs/crs.htm www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nii/funding.htm www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/fundlwelcome.html www.usdoj.gov/index.html http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/ www.ojjdp.ncjrs.orglgrants/grants.html www. vests.ojp. gov www.fdncenter.org (The Foundation Center) www.tgci.com/resources/federaJ/ffed.html (The Grantsmanship Center) www.agmconnect.org (Associated Grant makers of Massachusetts) www.philanthropy.com (The Chronicle of Philanthropy) www.grants.gov For more information on funding programs call the following organizations: U.S. Department of Justice Call Response Center 800-421-6770 Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) 202-514-2058 OJP Grants Management System (GMS) hotline 888-549-9901 To write a grant, the IACP has a great site: http://www .theiacp.org/documents/index.cfm?fuseaction=document&document type id= 1&document id= 101 Furthermore, this some of the feedback we have received from PDs that have received FED Grants to purchase ADVANCED TASERs. 1. Bill Hardgrove, Denver PD used a "non-specific" Block Grant which is for general purpose equip that no cannot fund consultants, purchase fIxed-wing, armored vehicles or tanks. Real estate and construction or remodeling is permissible, but must be pre-approved by DC Bureau of Justice, Assistance, State & Local Assistance, 1810 7th St., NW, Wash, DC 20531 @ 202- 305-2542. Bill said that Block Grants in AZ are under the Program Manager, Deborah Powell @ 202-514-0735. Bill reports that the US Gov't wants to fmance equip and get it out the street. It's not a slam dunk as it has spending deadlines that are "use or lose it" deadlines. He didn't have to write up a justifIcation. -----Original Message----From: Mike Barry [mailto: sgtmbarrymdpd@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, October 31,2002 12:18 PM To: steve@taser.com Steve ..I got your name from Russel, i am with the MIAMI-DADE Police Department in Miami, FL and in the process of searching for a grant for the taser and training. If you could help me out regarding a site to go to that entertains funds for this type of training and item please contact me ... I understand that Sacramento, CA received a grant for taser training in 2000. If you have a contact or infonnation on what they did it would be helpfuL. thanks for your assistance. Phone number (305) 715-5075 Fax 305-7155100 Sgt. Mike Barry Physical Skills UnitlMDPD Good luck obtaining grants. Please let us know when you are successful and also you may want to submit your documentation to us to help other law enforcement officials: Sincerely, Steve Tuttle Director of Government & Law Enforcement Affairs TASER International (NASDAQ: TASR & TASRW) 7860 East McClain Dr., #2, Scottsdale, AZ 85260-1627 Steve@TASER.com * 800-978-2737 ext. 2006 * Fax 480-991-0791 * CELL 602-451-8569 TASER International introduces the new TASER X26 with Shaped Pulse™ technology. Over 60% smaller than our industry leading ADV ANCED TASER M26, the X26 will be seen on the belts of thousands of officers around the globe. Preview the most anticipated less-lethal weapon of the new millennium at www.TASERX26.This Pulse Changes Everything ... savIng JIves every dsy IsERCam' {,compatible with all TASER X26 sysrems ABOUT THE ACADEMY INSTRUCTORS The TASERTM Training Academy is designed to provide training on the use of TASER brand electronic control devices and other form s of non-lethal force. Training is geared toward the special needs of law enforcement officers, medical personnel, the military, private citizens and instructor certification. Force options and decision making, tactics, medical issues, weapon maintenance and personal safety are just a few of the topics covered in the offered courses. Our cadre of instructors consists of active and former law enforcement officers and military trainers. Many are internationally recognized experts in use of force at all levels with extensive training backgrounds. Located at TASER International's headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, the TASER Training Academy features a state-of-the-art classroom facility complete with 48 desks equipped with power and internet access, safety mats, heavy bags and the IES MILO Interactive Training simulator. All of our instructors are committed to providing the best training possible and to forming lasting relationships to support our students long after they leave the Academy. StaI8<lf'lhe -artlraining and manufacturing facilily COURSES There is an adage that "one learns by doing." We too follow this philosophy with an emphasis on hands-on, interactive and scenario-based training. Most of our courses involve some degree of physical activity and participation. We make every effort to simulate real-life stre ss and circumstances , to provide realistic training to better prepare the student for success in the field. Through the use of our IES Interactive Training force simulator and TASEWM Simulation Training Suits, we promote sound use of force jUdgement, tactics and follow up procedures. Some of the courses being offered are: • • • • • • • TASER User Course M26 & X26 Instructor Course TASER Instructor Recertification Course TASER Advanced Instructor TASER Master Instructor TASER Armorer's Course Relevant Medical Issues for Doctors • • • • • Relevant Medical Issues for First Responders Advanced Tactical Training in the Use of Non-Lethal Weapons TASER Manager Course for Executives TASER Use in the Correctional Environment Personal Defense Course Training Classroom _ ~,~ . _ -', • , • .' ~ . ,- 'C. c '- , '" LODGING Located less than one block from the TASER Training Academy is the Hilton Garden Inn. Special rates are available for students of the TASER Academy. Call 480.515.4944 today for reservations and be sure to mention TASER for special rates. Hilton Garden Inn 8550 East Princess Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85255 REGISTRATION Visit www.TASER .com and click on the TASER Training Academy link, for a current course schedule. Register t.oday for the TASER Training Academy by phone, iax or email. TASER™TRAINING ACADEMY 17800 North 85th SI. Scottsdale, AZ 85255 phone 800.978.2737 ext. 2016 480.905.2016 480.905.2034 training@TASER.com www.TASER.com/ training . p"" _, ,_ -,' ~. . ~;t ' fax email website we learn by doing... "'-,l':~.,~· . . www.TASER.com/training lFH~ THE TASER FOUNDATION IA~~~· pgUN~AT Ug N To protec t and serve - every day over 850,000 law enforcement officers in the United States and Canada wo rk to fulfill thi s mission. Sometimes these officers make the ultimate sacri fice and are killed in the line of duty. supporting the Family In 2005, 157 officers in the United Sta tes and 11 in Canada were ki lled in the line of duty. Over 5,000 law enforce ment agencies have lost officers. In response to th ese tragedi es, and as a way to give back t o the law en forcement com muni ty, TASER Inte"rnational, Inc. es tablished the TASER FOUNDATION in Nove mber 2004. The initia l endowmen t of S1,000,000 came from th e co mpany, th e Smith Families (founders of TASER InternationaL Inc.) and direct co ntribut ions from TA SER Internationa l employees. Mission: To honor the service and sacrifice of local state and federal law enforcemem officers in (he United Scores and Canada fast in the fine of duty by providing financial and educational benefits to their families. TI=l~ TA~~~· I"'OUND AT ION 17800 N. 85th St. Scottsdale, AZ 85255 phone fax email 480 .905 .2090 480 .905 .2035 Gerry@TASER.com www.TASERFoundation.org PolIce Honor Guard The TASER FOUNDATION IS a 501(c)3 non"profit corporatIon. granted tax exempt slatus from the IRS . Your donatIon IS fully deductible to the extent allowed by law. HONORING THE SERVICE AND SACRIFICE OF FALLEN OFFICERS The TASER FOUNDATION for Fa llen Officers is a means to support the la w enforceme nt com munity by providing finan cial an d education support to the famili es o f sworn law enforcement personne l lost in the line of duty from the United States and Canada. The Foundation receives support fr o m TASER Internati o nal. Inc. and donation s fro m pri va te and corporate d ono rs. In addition, lASER International bea rs all admini strati ve co sts for the Foundation so that 100% of all donations directly benefit the families of fa llen officer s. The TASER FOUNDATION focuses on WHO IS ELIGIBLE? .JOIN THE TASER FOUNDATION The TA SER FOUNDATION provides support to the families of those w ho gave their lives while protecting our commun ities. Immediate family (spo use and /o r dependents) of a swo rn law enforceme nt officer w hose life w as lost in the lin e of duty are eligibl e for benefit s. In order to qualify, the immediate ca use o f a loss of life must be duty related and have occurred since Augus t 1, 2004. Loss of life from a pre -existing medical cond ition does no t qualify. Support the Fam ilies ofThese Fallen Heroes D D D Gold Member $1,000 Silver Member $SOO Bronze Member $100 D D Family$SO Ind ivid ual $2S o Cadet/Student $10 Gift in honor or memory of: providing immediate support to the families and can issue a grant within 24 hours of receipt of the comple ted application. The funds may be used for what ever the families' may need. In addition, the TASER FOUNDATION in partnership wi th the American Public University has created the Living the Legacy Schola rships to provide online educa tional opportunitie s t o immediate family memb ers . The scho larship s are for undergraduate or graduate degrees. For more information, plea se visit the web site www.apu.apus.edufTASER. D D Enclosed is my check Bill my credit (atrd: Type: MC Visa Discover Card AMEX Card #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ HOW IT WORKS When a duly sworn offi cer from the United Sta tes and Ca nada is lo st in the line of duty, the office r's department or professional organizat ion may apply for a one time gift from the TASER FOUNDATION. App lication s are available online at www.TASERFoundation.org. The grant check is made payable directly to the officer's benefi ciaries, but coo rdinated through the department as to insure the families' privacy during such a traumatic time. For more information please contact Gerry Anderson, Executive Director of the TASER FOUNDATION at 480.90S.2090 or Gerr y@TASER.com Ex Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ D I wa nt to make a pledge. Please bill me (4) payments of: 5 _ _ _ _ fo r a tota l donation of _ __ _ 100 percent of all donat ions benefit the fam ilies of fa ll en officers. Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ Email _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Po/OCt Wee t 2006 ·, / Department of Emergency Medicine MEDICAL SCHOOL R'CMC /II\. Levell Trauma Center EM~~~7t:~~:::"'M Absence Of Electrocardiographic Effects Following Taser®Device Application In Human Volunteers Jeffrey D. Ho, MD • Ri chard M . Luceri, MD· Dhanunjaya R. Lakireddy, MD· Donald M. Dawes, MD Hennep in County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN • Holy Cro ss Hospital. Ft. Lauderdale, FL· Cleveland Clinic and Hospital, Cleveland, OH • Lomp oc District Hospital, Lompoc, CA OBJECTIVE: RESULTS: nn'~/'-J..A.. ~r-'r-'~'v-1I'-y-r...., t The TASER X26 device is a conducted electrical weapon. It is used by law enfor cement for con\rol of agit ated subjects by c<lu sing pain andl or neuromu scular incapacitation. There has been significan t recent scrutiny of the TASER and its potentia l role in the d eath of subjec ts who have died whi le in custody. While there are numerou s cases every year of in -custody deaths when no TASER has been applied, criticism of this device has occurred and a questionable causal relationship has been hypothesized. One hypothesis is that the TASER may induce death from card iac dysfunction. arrhythmia or d elayed myocardial damage. We sough t to determine if human ex posure to a standard TASER device causes any detec table change in serial 12-1ead electroca rdiograms. ..VI. VI " I I I :,.J~~Ir-0~r++- At baseline 30/32 EKGs were interpreted as normal. The two abnormal EKGs (one was left ventricular hypertrophy and one was a sinus pause) remained un changed at all four lime point s. No other EKG abnormalities were noted and no changes from baseline were detected. ~l~~ ~~~ {KG ImmW .. ,et, PrlO' 10 Xl6 l ASER Apprk."an CONCLUSIONS: AS-second TASER X26 application did not ca use a detec table change in the 12-lead electroca rdiograms of this sampled population. Theories ofTASE R induced dysrhythmic death or myocardial damage arc not supported by our finding s. METHODS: 32 vol unteer subjects agreed to participa te in the study. IRB approval was received prior to starl ing the projec t. After obtaining informed consent, all subjeCls had as-second TASER applica tion with deployed probes from a distance of approximately 7 feet using a standard TASER X26 d evice. SeliaI electrocardiograms were performed on all subjec ts immediately before and immediately after TA SER ex posure and again at 16 and 24 hours after ex posure. The elec trocardiogram s were int erpreted by a blinded ca rdiol og ist. Result s were tabulated for review. ~;-rrr~~M"i' ~~ _." ~I .1 ., ., .1 .1 . 1 _I A Ai'. Ir T 1 _, J. I I J \.-' I~~ IAs,~n.o.. " . Qo,r. _II\G ......"'., .... . , _ •• _ .... Deaths In American Police Custody: MEDICA L SCHOOL Department ofEmergencyM@dicine ii'CMC A 12 MONTH SURVEILLANCE STUDY Levell Trauma Center UN IVERS ITY OF MINNESOTA EMERGENCY M EDICINE PROG RAM Jeffrey D, Ho, MD, JamesR. Miner, MD, William G, Heegaard, MD, MPH, Robert F, Reardon, MD University of Minnesota Emergency Medicine Program, Department of Emergency Medicine Program, Hennepin County Medical Center Minneapolis, Minnesota TIME TO COLLAPSE: INTRODUCTION WHO DIES IN CUSTODY Emergency physicians often care for suspects in police custody. Sudden and unexpected in-custody death (IC D) of a suspect is an alarming event that occurs at an unknown rate. There are many theories of causation, inctuding drug intoxication, excited delirium and excessive use of force by police. There is currently not an adequate, universal method in place to track ICD events so it is difficult to know how often ICD occu rs or what factors surround each event. Since ICD has recently bee n a popular media topic of human rights groups, this lack of a universa l tracking method may lead to faulty concl usions regarding causation or association. This report uses a novel and prospective process to gather ICD data and analyzes the factors reported for significance. A review of available media sources reveals the following statistics about people who die in police custody without trauma. METHODS W\V\v.webdippings .com was prospectively queried for American lCD's over a 12 month period. This data search service scours 1.5 billion sources daily for requested terms . Data was forwarded for analysis and included subject gender, age, behavior, arrest force and weapons used, time of coll apse proximal to arrest, and prese nce of illicit substa nce abuse. Custodial agencies were contacted for details as necessary. Descriptive statistics and chi-square tests for significance were used. RESULTS Instantly 21 Within 1st hour 85 Between 1-48 hours 56 NOle Some StibteCIS fil mulbple calegones. $0 nul'l\bels are oot lnlended 10 ada up 10 100% SIGNIFICANT ASSOCIATIONS FOUND • Impact Weapons were associated with death in the first 60 minutes (13/14 , p=0.019) • TASER device application was never associated with instantaneous dea lh (0/50, p=O.OO l ) 12.3% 8.6% 30.1% were shot With chemical spfay were hit With Impact weapons 'Nere hit With TASER CONCLUSIONS ICD in America is largely an event involving males less than 45 yea rs of age engaging in illicit substance abuse ICD appears to occur within the first 60 minutes when an intermediate impact weapon is used ICD appea rs to never occur instan tan eOl.sly when a TASER device is used 68.5% 62.3% 100% went hands-on ...., th offICers Illgesled IRegal drugs were handcuffed This poster represents a preliminary source of the known ICD data No current ICD database exists for analysis and we recommend that professionals from interested disciptines develop universal reporting guidelines to better track these events • 162 ICO's reported LIMITATIONS • 96.3% males We recognize that the most significant timitation of this study is the very point that we are trying to caUattention to. The fact that there is not a current. universal ICD database is concerning. Beca use we have relied on the media to report these, i\ is possible that we have not included every ICD that has occurred. And, although we have attempted to verify accuracy of each report, it is possible that inaccurate reporting of force factors and collapse times occurred. We believe that an opportunity for a national registry of lC~'s exists to further define and study this problem . • Mean age 35.7 years (SO ±9.8, range 15-75). • 62.9% exhibited bizarre behavior and 62.3% had confirmed illicit drug use just prior to arrest. POLI CE FORCE USED: . None 22 Significant Hands-On 111 Intermediate Weapons 84 • (Chemical 20, Impact 14, TASER 50 , Handcuffs 162) Deadly 19 Tabl e 1 - Cardiac Disease in th e Stud V Popul a t io n • The T1lSer is a small, hand-held, e l ~trica l immobilization device delivering 25,000-50,000 volts of electricity and creating brief paralysis. Coronary Arte ry Disease ( n=5) Widespread use of such " less-lethal" weapons are increasingly used by Cardiomyopa thy (n=5) police forces throughoUi the country. Both (n-6) 16.7% 16.7% 53.3% • Previously documented common causes of restraint-related death include positional asphyxia and excited delirium. period from T1lSer injury to death, leaving 30 cases. ~ • Reccnt media attention on deaths tempomlly relnted to Tasers have mised questions of their safety and what role they may play in restraintrelated death. • Autopsy reports for 41 of75 identified cases (55%) ofTaser-related deaths were received; of these, II (27".) were excluded for obvious alternate causes of death or a greater than one hour • The mea n patient age was 35.S with a range of IS-50. All patients were male. Sixteen (53".) were white; 10 (33.3%) were blac k; and 4 (1 3".) were Hispanic. Tabl e 2 - To x icology - Stimulants • Tables 1-4 show cardiac disease, toxicology findings, presence of excited delirium, and 4 3.3 0/0 Cocain e (n=13) Methampheta mine (n=3) 10 .0 % Both (n =3) .lll.l!'l!! docume nted cause of death. • Only 13 (46%) autopsies mentioned restraint: of those, one involved prone restraint and two used 11 "choke hold"; the rest involved cuffs only. 63.3 % Methods • Descriptive study of deaths occurring in police cllstody and associated with Taser use between January 2001 and January 2005. • The mean number ofTaser injuries was three with a ran ge of two to eight; 26 individuals Table 3 - Excited Delirium Diagnos is Yes (n=23) 76.6% 23.4 0/0 • Cases were identified through Google search; leiters were sent to the respective coroners requesting autopsy reports. • Inclusion criteria included an accessible, complete au topsy repon where death occurred in association with Taser usc. Exclusion criteria included an obvious, ailemate proximal cause o f death (e.g., s ignificant head injury) or 3 deatll not temporally related (> I hour from Tastr injury). • Taser-related deaths appear to occur in s ituations s imilar to other police restraint-related Table 4 - Cause of Death per Corone r deaths. Stimulant Into xica tion (n=12) 40.0% Cardiac arrest (n=11) 36.7% Excited De lirium (n=3) 10.0% • DAta were analyzed for demographic and pre-existing cardiac disease Positional Asphyxia (n=2) 6.7% patterns, position during restraint, presence of excited delirium, injury patterns, reported cause of death, and toxicology findin gs. Acute CHF (n=1) 3 .3% 3.3% • It remains unclear if the physiologic states associated with stimulant toxicity and excited delirium may increase cardiac muscle excitability and make Taser discharge more likely to induce fata l arrhythmias. INTRODUCTION I WARt,U',:G iNFORM.I·: 0 TASER~ Devices Non-lethal weapons explicitly designed to incapacitate, while minimizing fatalities, and permanent injury. TASER devices are non-lethal weapons as defined by the U.S. Department of Defense as "weapon systems that are explicitly designed and primarily employed so as to incapacitate personnel or materiel, while minimizing fa talities, permanen t injury to personnel , and undesired damage to property and the environment. It is important to note thai Department of Defense policy does not require or expect non-lethal weapons "to have ~...- - -...a zero probability of producing fatali ties or permanent injuries." Rather. non-lethal weapons are intended to significantly reduce the probability of such fatali ties or injuries as compared to traditional weapons which achieve their effects through the physical destruction of largels. While extensive field use data, scientific. and other medica l research and evidence supports Ihat TASER devices generally do not cause lasting after effects or fatalities, it is important to remember that the very nature of a defensive response to aggressive behavior, resistance, use of force, physical control, confron tation or incapacitation involves some degree of risk of serious injury or death due to the subject's psychological , emotional. and physiological states and responses , physical Read, understand. and follow the training. safety instructions, and warnings before using the TASER device. These warnings are effective August 28, 2006. and supersede all prior revisions for TASER devices. ' The most current warnings and instructions are available online at www.TAS ER.com. AWARN ING exertion and stress. unforeseen circumstances, and the individual's pre-existing medical conditions and susceptibilities (i.e .. self-ingested drugs. cardiac disease, pulmonary disease etc.). As with any use of force tool or technique there ca n be unforeseen and severe consequences and there will always be risk involved in the use of the TASER system. As an electronic control device. TASER devices use compressed nitrogen to deploy two small probes to ranges of 15, 21. 25, or 35 feel (4.6, 6.4, 7.6. or 10.7 meters). Citizens can purchase only the 15-foot TASER cartridges . These probes are connected to the TASER device by thin , high-voltage insulated wire. When the probes make con tact wi th the subject. the TAS ER system transmits electrical pulses along the wires and into the body of the subject. These pulses can transmit to the body through up to two cu mula tive inches of clothing . Eleclronic control devices use electrical energy to affect the signaling mechanisms used by the human body to jams" the communicate. This electrical output simply W communication system of the body. The TAS ER device sends a series of energy pulses similar to those used by the brain to communicate with the body. Much like radio jamming. the cu rrent overpowers the normal electrical signals within the body's nerve fibers. The human subject instantly loses muscular control of his body and cannot perform coordinated action. usually falling to the ground. After the signal stops the subject typically regains all muscle control instantly. TASER electronic conlrol devices are weapons designed to incapacitate a pe rson from a safe distance whi.te reducing the likelihood of serious injuries or death. Though they have been found to be a sa fer and more effective alternative when used as directed to other traditional use of force tools and techniques, it is important to remember that the very nature of use of force and physical incapacitation involves a degree of risk tha t someone will get hurt or may even be killed due to physical exertion , unforeseen circumstances and individual susceptibilities. Electronic Control Device Temporarily incapacitates target. Can cause InJury. Use only if trained. Obey warnings and instructions. See wl'lw.TASER.comlsafety 'These warnings cannot address all possibte force application circumstances. They are intended to inform you about potential risks of harm. but the decision 10 use the TASER device in a particular circumstance must be made in light of applicable legal standards and available allernalives. This waming label appears on newer TASER device models. These warnings do not creale a more restrictive standard of care than applicable legal standards. 2 ! lASER LA W ENFORCEMENT CATALOG ISSU E 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents TASER TECHNOLOGY 4 ADVANCED TASER M26 12 ADVANCED TASER M26 TASERX26E TASER X26 with DPM and TASER eXoskeleton Holster TASER X26 with DPM and Blade-Tech Holster TASER X26 with XDPM and TASER eXoskeleton Holster TASER X26 with XDPM and Blade-Tech Holster ADVANCED TASER M26 HOLSTERS 5 5 6 6 Blade -Tech Brand 13 13 13 13 13 13 Tek-Lok Holster Tek-Lok Holster with Thumb Break Tek-Lok Holster with Hood Tek-Lok Holster with Single Cartridge Pouch and Thumb 'Break TASER X26 BATTERIES AND EXTENDED WARRANTIES TASER XDPM (Extended Digital Power Magazine) 7 7 TASER Extended Warranties 7 TASER DPM (Digital Power Magazine) TASER X26 HOLSTER ACCESSORIES Single Cartridge Pouch with Tek-Lok® Belt Attachment Clip 7 Dual Cartridge Pouch with Tek-Lok Belt Attachment Clip Single Cartridge Pouch Attachment Tek-Lok Belt Attachment Clip 7 3" Belt Attachment Clip 7 7 7 Tek-Lok Holster with Dual Cartridge Pouch and Thumb Break Holster with 3" Belt Attachment Clip, Dual Cartridge Pouch and Thumb Break Holster with 3" Belt Attachment Clip, Single Cartridge Pouch and Thumb Break 13 Paddle Holster 13 13 13 13 13 13 Paddle Holster with Thumb Break Paddle Holster with Dual Cartridge Pouch and Thumb Break Paddle Holster with Single Cartridge Pouch and Thumb Break Thigh Holster with Dual Cartridge Holder and Hood Thigh Holster with Dual Cartridge Holder and Thumb Break Ballistic Nylon 13 13 13 Ballistic Nylon Thigh Holster TASER X26 HOLSTERS Ballistic Nylon Thigh Holster with Hood Blade-Tech® Brand Tek-Lok Holster Holster with 3" Belt Attachment Clip Thigh Holster with Dual Cartridge Holder Tek-Lok Holster with Single Cartridge Pouch Holster with 3" Belt Attachment Clip & Single Cartridge Pouch Paddle Holster Tek-Lok Holster with Dual Cartridge Pouch Holster with 3" Belt Attachment Clip & Dual Cartridge Pouch Paddle Holster with Single Cartridge Pouch TASER Brand TASER eXoskeleton Holster Dual Cartridge Holder without Tek-Lok 8elt Attachment Clip Quad Cartridge Holder with Tek-Lok Belt Attachment Clip 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ballistic Nylon Thigh Holster Belt Clip Only ADVANCED TASER M26 ACCESSORIES 14 15 Serial Dataport Download Kit Secondary Cartridge Clip ADVANCED TASER M26 BATTERIES AND CHARGER 15 15 15 15 8 - NiMH Batteries with Magazine NiMH Battery - Single Battery 8 8 8 NiMH Battery Charger NiMH Battery Charger and 8 - NiMH Batteries with Magazine TASER X26 AND ADVANCED TASER M26 ACCESSORIES TASER X26 ACCESSORIES TASER CAMTM TASER X-RaiITM USB Dataport Download Kit 9 10 10 TASER CARTRIDGES TASER Cartridges X26 I M26 Maintenance and Cleaning Kit Practice Target 16 16 17 17 TASER Simulation Training Suit Custom Laser Engraving for X26 I M26 Handles TASER INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION 11 18 19 TASER Research Information TASER Training Academy TASER LAW ENFORCEMENT CATALOG ISSUE 2 13 TASER TECHNOLOGY I TASER,Technology Device fires two probes, transmitting energy through the wires into the nervous system. TASER devices fire two probes up to a range of 35 feel (10.7 meters ). transmitting energy through the wires into the peripheral nervous system of the target. causing immediate involuntary incapaci tation . clothing, skin, or other ba rriers. The Arc Phase is a hig h-voltage, short-duration pulse that can arc through up to two inches of clothing or barriers. Once the arc is created, the air in the arc is ionized and becomes a low impedance electrical conductor that conducts the second pulse phase into the body. Previous-generation electronic control devices use a simple hig h-energy, ~ b lun r pulse to penetrate through the ski n and clothing barriers thai serve as protective armor around the body . Well over 90% of the energy is losl in the process of barrier penetration. For this reason , high power levels (26 watts) are requi red to generate a neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI) effect as opposed to a simple pain response, requiring large batteries that add weight and size to the M26 weapon (18 ounces total). Th is second phase of the Shaped Pulse is the stimulation phase, or ·Stim Phase .~ The Stirn Phase does nol have to arc across a barrier, since th is was accomplished by the Arc Ph ase. The Stim phase only has to flow across the highly conductive arc from the Arc Phase. Hence, the Stim Phase is optimized to provide maxim um incapacitation for a human target white operating at super-efficient power levels. The 4th generation and patented Shaped Pulse ™ technology in the TASER X26 uses a highly refined energy two-phase energy pu lse that concentrates a small · portion of energy to first penetrate the barrier, while the majority of electrical charge is held in reserve, flowing freely through the barrier once the circuit is established. The first phase, catted the "Arc Pha se,~ is optimized to generate a very high voltage to penetrate The liming of these phases is so fast that to most electronic instrumentation, and all human observers, the Shaped Pulse appears as just one ou tput pulse (arc). The result of Shaped Pulse NMI technology is a high-performance , highly efficient electronic con trol device that is 60% smatter, 60% lighter, and consumes 1/511'1 the powe r than its predecessor. l 4 TASER LAW EN FO R C EMENT BLUNT PULSE TECHNOLOGY SHAPED PULSE'" TECHNOLOGY High energy pulse -brute force" barrier penetration. Over 90% of the energy is lost during barrier penetration. Sharp. high voltage leading edge penetrates barrier. Almost 100% of the energy penetrates the barrier to incapacitate the target. C AT ALOG ISSUE 2 TASER X26E I lASE X26E WITH DPM AND HOLSTER TASERX26E With integrated laser sight, low-intensity lights, Digital Power Magazine (DPM), data port download capability. Spec sheets available at www. rASER.com TASER X26E w ith DPM & lASER eXoskeleton Holst er Models #26000 and #26011 shown with 25' (7.6 m) XP TASER Cartridge Sold Separately The TASER X26 is a software upgradeable electronic control device manufactured by TASER International. Inc. Electronic Control Devices (EGO) use propelled wires or direct contact to cond uct energy to affect the sensory and motor functions of the nervous system. The TASER X26 uses a replaceable cartridge containing compressed nitrogen to deploy two small probes that are attached to the TASER X26 by insulated cond uctive wires. The TASER X26 transmits powerful electrical pulses along the wires and into the body affecting the sensory and motor functions of the peripheral nervous system. The cartridges are available with va rious wire lengths from 15' to 35' (4 .2 meters to 10.6 meters). The energy can penetrate up to two inches of clothing. TASER X26E with OPM & Blade-Tech Tek-Lok Hol st er ITEM DESCRIPTION 26000 Black I Silver Grip Plates I TASER eXoske leton Holster 26001 Black I Black Grip Plates I TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26003 Clear I Black Grip Plates / TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26004 Clear I Silver Grip Plates / TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26005 Yellow / Black Grip Plates I TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26006 Yellow I Silver Grip Plates / TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26011 Black I Silver Grip Plates I Blade-Tech Tek-Lok Holster 4) 26014 Black I Black Grip Plates / Blade-Tech Tek-Lok Holster 0 G 26017 Clear / Black Grip Plates / Blade-Tech Tek-Lok Holster 26020 Clear / Silver Grip Plates / Blade-Tech Tek-Lok Holster 4) 26023 Yellow / Bla ck Grip Plates / Blade-Tech Tek-Lok Holster 0 Yellow / Silver Grip Plates/ Blade-Tech Tek-Lok Holster 0 0 G G 0 0 G 26026 Patent: U.S. 0508,277 0504,489 and other patents pending TASER tAW ENFORCEMENT CATALOG I SSUE 2 5 TASER SYSTEMS I - TASERX26E With integrated laser sight, low-intensity lights, Extended Digital Power Magazine (XDPM), dataport download capability. Spec sheets available a/IVWW, TASER.com TASER X26E wi th XDPM & TASER eXo ske leton Holster Models #26013 and #26012 shown with 25' (7.6 m) XP TASER Cartridge Sard Separately The TASE R X26 is a software upgradeable electronic con trol device manufactured by TASER International, Inc. El ectron ic Control Devices (ECO) use propelled wires or direct contact to conduct energy to affect the sensory and motor functions of the nervous system. The TAS ER X26 uses a replaceable cartridge containing compressed nitrogen to deploy two small probes that are attached to the TAS ER X26 by insulated conducti ve wires . The TASER X26 transmits powerful electrical pulses along the wires and into the body affecting the sensory and motor functions of the peripheral nervous system . The cartridges are available with various wire lengths from 15' to 35' (4. 2 meters to 10.6 melers). The energy can penetrate up to two inches of clothi ng. TASER X26E with XDPM & Blade·Tech Tek-Lok Holster Extended warranties are available upon request. See page 7 for details. ITEM DESCRIPTION 26013 Black I Silver Grip Plates I TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26016 Black I Black Grip Plates I TAS ER eXoskeleton Holster 26019 Clea r I Black Grip Plates I TAS ER eXoskele ton Holster 26022 Clear ! Silver Grip Plates! TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26025 Yellow I Black Gri p Plates I TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26028 Yellow! Silver Grip Plates I TASER eXoskeleton Holster 26012 Black I Silver Grip Plates I Blade·Tech Tek·l ok Holster 0 0 0 0 26015 Black I Black Grip Plates I Blade-Tech Tek-lok Holster 26018 Clear I Black Grip Plates I Blade-Tech Tek-lok Holster 26021 Clear I Silve r Grip Plates I Blade-Tech Tek-Lok Holste r 26024 Yellow ! Black Grip Plates I Blade-Tech Tek-l ok Holster G 26027 Yellow I Silve r Grip Plates I Blad e-Tech Tek-Lok Hol ster 0 0 G 0 0 0 a 6 I lASER LAW ENFORC[MENT CATALOG ISSUE 2 TASER X26 BATIERIES , EXTENDED WARRANTIES AND ACCESSORIES I TASER DPM and XDPM (DPM) Digital Power Magazine and (XDPM) Extended Digital Power Magazine. The Digital Power Magazine (DPM ) and the Extended Digital Power Magazine (XDPM ) contain two lithium 123 batte ries which power Ihe TASER X26. The XOPM conlains a storage bay for a spare TASER Ca rtridge and can improve the grip of large-handed officers. OOG 0 ITEM DESCRIPTION 26700 DPM (Digital Power Magazine) I approximately 195 S-second firings al room temperature 000 0 ITEM DESCRIPTI ON 26701 XOPM (Extended Digital Power Magazine) 1 approximately 195 5-second firings at room temperature DPM EXTENDED WARRANTIES 0 G XDPM EXTENDED WARRANTIES 26711 DPM with 1-Year Extended Warranty 0 26721 XOPM wi th 1-Year Exte nded Warranty 26714 OPM with 4 -Year Extended Warran ty 0 26724 XDPM with 4-Year Extended Warranty TASER X26 Holster Accessories Accessories designed for TASER X26 holsters and TASER Cartridges. 0 ITEM DESCRIPTIO N 44934 Single Cartridge Pouch wlTek-Lok Belt Attachment Cl ip 4) 44935 Dual Cartridge Pouch wfTek-Lok Belt Attachment Clip 0 44933 Single Cartridge Pou ch Attachment G 26899 Tek-Lok Belt Attachmen t Clip I Can be Attached 10 Blade-Tech and TASER Exoskeleton Holsters 4) 44932 T ASER 3" Belt Attachment Clip lAW [NFOR(EMENT CATALOG ISSUE 2 7 TASER X26 HOLSTERS I ' EC A~_ b ND HOLqERS TASER ,X26 Holsters Holsters designed for TASER X26 devices and TASER Cartridges. ITEM Blade·Tech Brand Holsters DESCRIPTION Blade·Tech Brand Holsters GO 00 GO 08 GO 00 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 44953 Tek-Lok Holster I Left Hand 44936 Holster wI 3" Belt Attachment Clip I Righi Hand 44937 Holsler wI 3" 8elt Attachment Clip I Left Hand 44920 Thigh Holster wI Dual Cartridge Holder I Right Hand 44921 Thigh Holster wI Dual Cartridge Holder I Left Hand 44926 Tek-Lok Holster wI Single Cartridge Pouch I Right Hand 44927 Tek-Lok Holster wI Single Cartridge Pouch I Left Hand 44938 Holster w/ 3~ Bell Attachment Clip and Single Cartridge Pouch I Right Hand 8 44939 Holster wi 3" Bell Attachment Clip and Single Cartridge Pouch J Left Hand 0 0 G 0 0 44928 Paddle Holsler I Right Hand 44929 Paddle Holster I Left Hand 44924 Tek~Lok 44925 Tek-Lok Holster wI Dual Cartridge Pouch I Left Hand 44940 Holster w/ 3~ Belt Attachment Clip and Dual Cartridge Pouch I Right Hand 0 44941 Holsler wI 3" Belt Attachment Clip and Dual Cartridge Pouch I Left Hand 0 0 44922 Paddle Holsler wI Single Cartridge Pouch I Righi Hand 44923 Paddle Holster wI Single Cartridge Pouch J Left Hand CA l H OG Holster wI Dual Cartridge Pouch I Right Hand TASER Brand Hol sters 00 LA W ENfORCE M £NT Tek-lok Holster I Right Hand 00 TASER Brand Hol sters lASER 44952 ISS U E 2 0 0 26800 Exoskeleton Holster I Right Hand 26801 Exoskeleton Holster f Left Hand G G 26802 Dual Cartridge Holder wl o Tek-Lok Belt Attachment Clip 26804 Quad Cartridge Holder wI Tek·Lok Belt Attachment Clip TASER X26 AC CESSORIES I 'SER CAl" TASER CAMTM Audio/video recording for enhanced accountability. ITEM DESCRIPTION o o 26750 TASER CAM AudioNideo Recording for Enhanced Accountability 26751 CE - Continental Europe. TASER CAM AudioNideo Recording for Enhanced Accountability G 267 52 GB - Great Britain. TASER CAM AudioNideo Recording for Enhanced Accountability With the TASER CAM, every potential TASER X26 deployment can be recorded with full aud io and video· even in zero light conditions. The TASE R CAM is an audio-video recording device integrated into a rechargeable TASER X26 power supply that replaces the standard Digital Power Magazine (OPM). The TASER CAM is activated anytime the safety switch is in the up (armed ) position. This allows officers to capture vital information prior 10, during, and after the potential deployme nt of a TASER X26 device. The TASER CAM interfaces using a Universal Serial Bus (USB) "plug and playH adapter to connect any Windows 2000-, or Windows XP-based computer. The TASER CAM is an optional upgrade compa tible with all TASER X26 devices and provides another la yer of accountability to support officer's reports. Awall charging unit is included. (Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation) .<:. Computer and TASER X26 sold separately Connect USB cab le to the bottom of the TASER CAM unit to interlace with computer ., USB lASER LAW ENF O R CE MENT CATALOG I SS UE 2 9 TASER X26 ACCESSORIES f -'.SER • 1>" TASER,X-Rai rM Rifle attachment clip mounts TASER X26E to Piccatinny Rail systems. Th e X-Rail mounting system allows the attachment of the TASER X26E device to military and law enforcement rifles through a Picca linny Rai l, an accessory thai allows the attachmen t of items such as lights, sighting systems, and now the TASER X26E . The X·Rail was originally developed by TASER International to support the U.S. military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The integration of the TASER X-Rail and X26 into the a weapon platform allows officers to make split second transitioning from lethal to non-lethal force. TASER X26 with 21' (6.4 m) TASER Cartridge and tactical rifle (all sold separately) o USB Dataport Download Kit Downloads TASER X26 Data for up to 1,500 Deployments. o o 85001 X-Rai l - Rifle Attachment Clip I Mounts X26 to Piccatinny Rail l For X26E Only 26500 USB Dataport Download Kit I Windows@ 98 SE, NT, 2000 , XP Compatible The X26 download interface uses a USB adapter to connect 10 any Windows™ 98 , 2000, XP or ME computer. The simpl ici ty of USB makes using the dataport an easy, fast process . The cable co n ne~t s to the X26 device through the DPM compartment. Connect USB cable 10 the bottom of the TASER X26to in terface with computer. Computer and TASER X26 sold separately T A S E R lA W EN F O R C E MEN TeA TAL 0 G DESCRIPTION The X26 has a highly advanced download fu nction tha t can help protect an officer from claims of excessive use of force by providing complete and accurate documen tation of the time and date for each firing. The data port also provides law enforce ment with a powerful managemen t tool to track usage patterns and preve nt misuse. o 10 ITEM (Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.) ISSUE 1 TASER CARTRIDGES TASER Cartridges Replaceable cartridge which deploys to small probes attached to the TASER device. Spec sheets available at www.TASER.com TASER Cartridges are designed for use on all TASER M26 and X26 devices . These self-contained devices have various leng ths of insulated conductive wire depending on the model and are distinguishable by various colored "blast d oo rs .~ Each is (excluding non-conductive simulation cartridge) se rialized and contains small ca nisters of compressed and inert nitrogen that expels when the TASER system is first deployed. ITEM DESCRIPTION FIELD USE o o 44200 21 fl. (6A m) Silver Blast Door I Field Use 44203 25 fl. (7.6 m) XP (Extra Penetration) Green Bla st Door ' Field Use G 44206 35 ft . (10.7 m) XP (Extra Penetration ) Non-Reversible I Orange Bia sI Door I Tactical Field Use TACTICAL FIELD USE o o TRAINING USE 34200 15 f1. (4 .6 m) Yellow Blast Door / Training Use 44205 21 ft . (6 .4 m) Non·Conduclive Simulation Blue/Blue Blast Door / Training Use TASER LAW ENFORC£MENT CAT AL OG ISSU£ 1 11 ADVANCED TASER M26 ADVANCED TASER M26 With integrated laser sight and data port download capability. Spec sheets available al WIIVW. TASER. com ITEM o o DESCRIPTION 44000 ADVANCED TASER M26 Black I Yellow Labels 44005 ADVANC ED TASER M26 Yellow I Black Labels 4·Year Extended Warranty Must purchase at the lime of initial M26 purchase Model #44000 shown with 25' (7.6 m) XP TASER Cartridge Sold Separately o The AOVANCED l ASER M26 is an electronic control device manufactured by TAS ER International , Inc. Electronic Control Devices (ECO ) use propelled wi res or direct contact to conduct energy to affect the sensory and motor functions of the nervous system . , The ADVANCED TASER M26 uses a replaceable cartridge containing compressed nitrogen to deploy two small probes tha i are attached to the ADVANCED TASER M26 by insulated conductive wires . The ADVANCED TASER M26 tran smits powerful electrical putses along the wi res and into the body affecting. the sensory and motor functions of the peripheral nervous system . The energy can penetrate up to two inches of clothing. The ca rtridges are available with va rious wire lengths from 15' to 35' (4.2 meters to 10.6 meters). See WW\o\I.TASERcom for current specifications. A citizen model of the M26 is also ava ilable where legal and has different operating characteri stics than the law enforcemen t model. Sale of cartridges with wire length longer than 15' is limited to law en forcement only. I Model #44005 shown with 25 ' (7.6 m) XP TASER Cartridge Sold Separately The M26 has an internal memory that stores a record of every deployment. See the DOWNLOAD section for more deta ils. o 12 T A SER l AW E N FOR ( E ME N T ( A TA L 0 G ISSUE 2 ADVANCED TASER M26 HOLSTERS I u ADVANCED TASER M26 Holsters Holsters designeD for ADVANCED lASER M26 devices and lASER Cartridges, ITEM DESCRIPTION Bl ade-Tech Brand Holsters 00 G0 00 0 0 G 0 0 0 44854 Tek-Lok Holster I Right Hand 44874 Tek-Lok Hol ster I Left Hand 44855 Tek·Lok Holster wI TS' I Right Hand 44875 Tek· Lok Holster wi TS- I Left Hand 44930 Tek·Lok Holster 44931 Tek-Lok Holster wI Hood I RighI Hand 44960 Tek·Lok Holster wi Single Cartridge Pouch I T8' I Right Hand 0 0 44961 Tek-Lok Hol ster wI Single Cartridge Pouch I TS ' I Left Hand 44944 Tek-Lok Holster wI Dual Cartridge Pouch I TS ' I Righi Hand G 44945 Tek-Lok Holster wI Dual Cartridge Pouch I TS' I Left Hand 0 44946 Holster wI 3" 8ell Attachment Clip I Dual Cartridge Pouch I IB' I Right Hand 0 44947 Holster w/ 3" Bell Attachment Clip I Dual Cartridge Pouch I TB' I Left Hand e 44942 Holster wI 3" Belt Attachment Clip I Single Cartridge Pouch I IB' I Right Hand 0 44943 0 0 0 0 0 0 44852 Paddle Holster I RighI Hand 44871 Paddle Holster I Left Hand 44853 Paddle Holster wI TB ' I Right Hand 44872 Paddle Holster wI TB ' I Left Hand 44956 Paddle Holster wI Dual Cartridge Pouch I TB' I Right Hand 44957 Paddle Holster wI Dual Cartridge Pouch I TB' I Left Hand C!) 44948 Paddle Hol ster wI Single Cartridge Pouch I TB' I Right Hand G 0 0 0 0 44949 Paddle Holster wI Single Cartridge Pouch I TB ' I Left Ha nd 44877 Thigh Holster wI Dual Cartridge Holder I Hood I Right Hand 44876 Thigh Holster wI Dual Cartridge Holder I Hood I Left Hand 44856 Thigh Holster wI Dual Cartridge Holder I TB' I Right Hand 44878 Thigh Holster wI Dual Cartridge Holder I TB ' I Left Hand e eo eo 00 OG 00 C!)C!) 00 00 wi Hood I Left Hand Holster wI 3" Bel t Attachment Clip I Single Cartridge Pouch I TB' I Left Hand Ballistic Nylon Holsters 00 00 (tl 44830 Ballistic Nylon Thigh Holster I Right Hand $ Ballistic Nylon Thigh Holster I Left Hand 44835 ~ 44831 Ballistic Nylon Thigh Holster Belt Cl ip Only TB* - Thumb Break Note: Item 44838 and 44839 are special order items. TAS£R LAW ENFORCEMENT CATA L OG ISSU£ 2 13 ADVANCED TASER M26 ACCESSORIES I Serial Dataport Download Kit Compatible with Windows 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP operating systems (serial port required). o ITEM DESCRIPTION 44500 Serial Data port Download Ki l l Compatible with Windows 98, NT, ME, 2000 , XP Operating Systems (Serial Port Required) The ADVANCED TASER M26 has a built-in audit tracking system, which protects officers from ctaims of excessive use of force by providing documentation of the time and da te for its most recent 585 deploymen ts. The dataport on the ADVANCED TASER M26 uses an Ethernet style connector on the outside of the weapon. The software necessary to download this information is included in this kit. o Computer and ADVANCED TASER M26 sold separately HISTORY OF TASER INTERNATIONAL, INC. In 1991 in Scottsdale, Arizona , TASER International's founders , brothers Rick and Tom Smith began a quest to reduce overall world violence by developing a more effective and safer use of force option for citizens and law enforcement. Along with TASER HoI inventor Jack Cover, the trio began work in 1993 on an effective electronic control device. The result of the garage-shop beginning was the production of a device thaI has revol utionized personal protection and law enforcement and the incorporation of AIR TASER, Inc. in September 1993. In June 1994, after Rick and Tom Smith developed a non-firearm version of the TASER device, they also engineered a unique tracking system to make ci tizens accountable when TASER devices were utilized. This system, known as the anti-felon identification (AFID) system , disperses dozens of small confetti with serial numbers that match back to the owner of the TASER device. In that same month, the ATF certified that the AIR TASER was not a firearm and is not subject to the stringent regu lations that were placed on the original TASER device. 14 T AS E R LAW [N FOR C £ M [N T (A T A L 0 G 1 S SUE 2 The AIR TASER became a successful sel f-d efense tool available to citizens concerned about personal security. Over the past decade, 100,000 citizen TASER systems were sold . During 1998 AIR TASER , Inc. cha nged its name to TASER, International, Inc. 10 renect the company's international expansion and the introduction of the AIR TASER to the taw enforcement commu nity in 1998. Following its success in developing its ADVANCED TASER technology and the associated dramatic injury reduction at law enforcement agencies, TASER , International, Inc. filed for an IPO in ~ay 2001 and began public trading on the NAS DAQ under the symbol TASR. In May 2003, TASER International introduced the new TASER X26 wi th Shaped Pulse Technology. The TASER X26 has dynamically influ enced significant changes in over 9,100 law enforcement communities and has created a vital tool for patrol level deployment around the world . Now, TASER technology is dramatically reducing injuries to officers and suspects wh ile saving lives every day. TASER International, Inc. continues to research , develop, assemble and market conducted energy weapons to save lives every day primarily for use in the law enforcement, corrections, military, private security and personal defense market. ADVANCED lASER M26 BATIERIES AND CHARGER I .26 rCESSORIES Secondary Cartridge Clip Holds 1 TASER Cartridge. TASER DEVICES USED ACROSS AMERICA AND ABROAD Over 9,100 law enforcement agencies in the United Stales and abroad have deployed TASER products. Over 1,700 police departments have purchased TASER products for full deployment. TASER products penetrate the private security and consumer markets. and provide the law enforcement community with safer use of force alternatives. Effective weapons increase the safely of law enforcement officers, decrease suspect injuries, improve communi ty relations, reduce litigation and police department medical and liability insurance costs, and save lives. Nearly all law enforcement agencies authorize the use of weapons, including pepper sprays, impact devices and conducted energy weapons such as TASER products, TASER devices are among the safest, most effective weapons available to law enforcement officers, o NiMH Batteries and Charger Charge batteries in charger or in ADVANCED TASER M26. I ITEM DESCRIPTION 0 0 44860 Secondary Cartridge Clip ! Holds 1 TASER Cartridge 44700 8 NiMH Batteries with Magazine G 40403 NiMH Battery - Single Battery .::..',. 0 G (:) 44710 NiMH Battery Charger 0 NiMH Battery Charger and 8 NiMH Batteries wI Magazine 44705 l ASER LAW E NF O R C EM[NT CA TA LO G ISSU E 2 15 TASER X26 1ADVANCED TAS ER M26 ACCESSORIES I - E ~ cE I< G KIT & - Ao Maintenance and Cleaning Kit TASER X26 and ADVANCED TASER M26 maintenance and cleaning kit. o ITEM DESCRIPTION 85002 X26 1 M26 Maintenance and Cleaning Kit Thi s cleaning kit is designed for periodic maintenance and specialized cleaning in the event of bio-hazard contamination to the TASER unit. Materials and instructions provided are essen tial to maintain the integrity of the electronics and prevent foreign materials from accumulating in the unit. The kit includes: 10 qty 5 qly IPA Alcohol Swabs PDI SUPER SAN I-CLOTH ((or removing potential biohazard malen'al from unit) 5 qly E.S.D. Bags (for safe disposal or return of cartridges or TASER units) 1 qly 1 qly TASER Logo Safely Glasses Clea ning Guide (Compressed Air recommended but not included in kit) Practice Target -l _------------ --_.. o _____A .- ITEM DESCRIPTION 80002 Practice Target I Single Target I Training Use The TAS ER paper practice target is specially treated with metal to allow students to see how the energy is transferred from the TASER system to a remote target. II is scored with a bull's eye and human body. . -, I 1""116 1 i~ I f .I T A S E R lAW ih 'lj ; lid -.-=:::''' ' ·1 l+-~-··, \i i .-::-~.:'" ENFORCEMENT CATALOG o I SSUE 2 TASER X26 AND ADVANCED TASER M26 ACCESSORIES I SER ENGKAViNG TASER Simulation Training Suit Scenario based training exercises. Spec sheets available a l www.TASER.com The TASE R Simulation Training Suit allows live scenario-based training in which students can fi re at dynamic ta rgets. This is used in conjunction with the TASER Simulation Cartridges and protects the student from its shortened barbs. NOTE: The drive stun feature of thi s TASER Ca rtridge is still LIV E and the Simulation Sui t does not entirely prevent ils effects. Suit includes gloves, body, and head protection . NEW &IMPROVED ~~[UJ ~oomr TASER TRAINING ITEM DESCRIPTION o 44550 TAS ER Simulation Training Suit I For Scenario Based Tra ining Exercises I New and Improved o 80100 Custom Laser Engraving I For TAS ER X26 & ADVANCED TASER M26 Devices I Minimum Order Quantity of 10 Custom Laser Engraving o TASER L AW ENFORCEMENT CATAL O G I SS U E 2 17 TASER INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION I TASER ,Research Information o TASER Research Information Package Order your FREE Digital Research Compendium package today! (Must be on official1etterhead or via departmental email address) What you witl receive : Various Medical and Field Studies from : Hen nepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis MN U.S. Department of Defense United Kingdom Home Office Canadian Government Alfred Hospital, Australia Potomac Policy Institu te Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Journal of Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (PACE ) Orange County Task Force Cincinnati Police Department Madison , W I Police University of San Diego University of Washington Also Included is a digi tal Compend ium of Sudden In -Custody Death Research , including topics of: Acidosis Asphyxia Cocaine Ecsta sy Exci ted Delirium Hyperthermia Methamphetamines Neck Restraint Holds PCP Pepper Sprays Rhabdomyolysis o SUDDEN IN-CUSTODY DEATH RESEARCH G TASER RESEARCH COMPENDIUM Available at reta il cost. copy per agency) 18 l A SE R LA W ENFO R CE M E N T C A TALOC ISSUE 2 (Must be on official letterhead, one TASER INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION I TASER TRAINING ACADEMY TASER Training Academy The TASER Training Academy is desig ned to provide training on the use of TASER brand electronic control devices and other forms of non-lethal force. Train ing is geared toward the special needs of law enforcement officers. correctional officers , medical personnel, the military and private citizens. Force options and decision making, tactics, medical issues, weapon maintenance and personal safely are just a few of the topics covered in the offered courses. activity and participation. We make every effort to simulate real-life stress and circumstances, to provide realistic training to better prepare the stud ent for success in the field. Through the use of our IES interactive force simulator and TASER ""! Simulation Training Suits, we promote sound use of force judgement, tactics and follow up procedures . Our cad re of instructors consists of active and former law enforcement officers and military tra iners. Many are internationally recognized experts in use of force at all levels with extensive training backgrounds . Located at TASER International's headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, the TASER Training Academy features a stale-of-the-art classroom faci lity complete with 48 work stations equipped with power and internet access, safety mats, heavy bags and the IES MILO interactive training simulator. All of our instructors are comm itted to providing the best training possible and to forming lasting relationships " to support our students long after they leave the Academy. It is a well established truth that "we fight like we tra in ~. It is for this reason that we emphasize hands-on, interactive and scenario-based training. Most of our courses involve some deg ree of physical For more website: email : toll free: direct: information visit www.TASER.com training @TASER.com +1 .800.978.2737 ext. 2016 +1.480 .905.2000 ext. 2016 Courses Currently Offered or in Development: TASER M26 & X26 User Cou rse TAS ER M26 & X26 Instructor Course TAS ER Advanced Instructor TASER Master Instructor TASER Armorer's Course Relevant Medical Issues for Doctors Relevant Medical Issues for First Responders TASER LAW TASER Use of Force , Risk Management and Legal Strategies Seminar TAS ER Use in the Correctional Environment Personal Defense Course ENf O R C EMENT C ATAL OG ISSU E 2 19 C DAY DOMESTIC N/A 2007 JUL CONTROL & REST N/A 07C201841 UNKNOWN C NIGHT AGEN ASST/MENTAL HEALTH DEF& TPR 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST TAZER 07C201539 UNKNOWN A DAY MENTAL HEALTH WATERBURYAMBULANCE-DEF 2007 AUG TAZER N/A 07A303542 UNKNOWN - C DAY DWI N/A 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST SCENE SECURITY ISSUE 07C102288 UNKNOWN C DAY DOMESTIC/ALCO N/A 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST N/A 07C102371 AXE A NIGHT DOMESTIC/ALCO N/A 2007 JUL CONTROL & REST N/A 07A102978 UNKNOWN A DAY DISORDERLY/ALCOHOL RICHFORD RESCUE-DEF 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST TAZER 07A203181 UNKNOWN A NIGHT DISORDERLY/ALCOHOL N/A 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST TAZER-PROTECT PERSONAL SPACE 07A102509 UNKNOWN C DAY DOMESTIC DEF REFUSED TREATMENT 2007 JUL CONTROL & REST VERBAL SKILLSITAZER 07C103214 BASEBALL BAT C NIGHT DOMESTIC/ALCO N/A 2007 AUG CONTROL & REST N/A 07C302070 UNKNOWN 0 DAY DRUGS N/A 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST N/A 070101890 UNKNOWN B NIGHT DOMESTIC/ALCO N/A 2007 JUNE CONTROL & REST N/A 07B202352 UNKNOWN D NIGHT DOMESTIC RESCUE INC 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST/DC N/A 070201829 PISTOL NIGHT 0 A NIGHT OWl BRATT HOSPITAL UNKNOWN 07A301916 UNKNOWN TAZER 07A301393 UNKNOWN 2007 APR 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST 2007 APR CONTROL & REST N/A 07C300897 NO TAZER 07C101881 UNKNOWN 070100811 UNKNOWN MENTAL HEALTH/DWI C NIGHT ARREST WARRANT N/A DISORDERLY/ALCOHOL RUTLAND REGIONAL AMB 2007 APR CONTROL & REST 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST N/A 2007 APR TAZER N/A 070101020 KNIFE UNKNOWN 0 NIGHT DOMEsnc N/A 0 DAY MENTALHEALTWALCO SPRINGFIELD NIGHT 070201218 TAZER N/A NIGHT C TAZER MENTAL HEALTH/ALCO A NIGHT CONTROL& REST/STRIKES CONTROL & REST N/A C 2007 APR ASSAULT MARBLE VALLEY CORRECTIONAL 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST N/A 07C102624 CONTROL & REST/OC PEPPER FOAM 07C302035 UNKNOWN C NIGHT MENTALHEALTWDRUGS POWNAL RESCUE 2007 AUG B NIGHT OWl N/A 2007 JUN CONTROL& REST N/A 07B202304 NO B DAY DOMEsnC/ALCO NVRH 2007 JUL CONTROL & REST/OC TAZERIGROUND FIGHnNG 07B102924 UNKNOWN C NIGHT OWl N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST TAZERl100%ONCE ENGAGED 07C200751 UNKNOWN 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST N/A 07C301226 UNKNOWN CONTROL & REST TAZER 07A302329 UNKNOWN C DAY MENTAL HEALTH N/A A NIGHT DOMEsnc N/A 2007 MAY C NIGHT DOMEsnc N/A 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST N/A 07C102405 UNKNOWN 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST TAZER 07A302422 UNKNOWN 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST N1A 070301705 UNKNOWN A DAY MENTAL HEALTH N/A 0 DAY AGGRAVATED STALKING GIFFORD HOSP-DEF & TPR A NIGHT AGENCY ASSIST NORTH WESTERN MED CTR 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST N/A 07A202733 UNKNOWN CONTROL & REST N/A 07B201925 UNKNOWN B DAY DOMEsnc N/A 2007 MAY 0 DAY OWl N/A 2007 APR CONTROL & REST N/A 070301305 UNKNOWN A NIGHT UNDERAGE ALCO PARTY N/A 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST N/A 07A302032 UNKNOWN 0 NIGHT DOMEsnc N/A 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST N/A 070301610 UNKNOWN DAY ATE N/A 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST N/A 07B301635 UNKNOWN A NIGHT MVSTOPIDLS N/A 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST/STRIKES TAZERIGROUND FIGHnNG 07A202635 UNKNOWN 0 NIGHT DOMEsnClALCO ASCUTNEY HOSP·OEF 2007 MAY CONT&REST/STRIKESIIMP WE TAZER 070301703 UNKNOWN NIGHT ALCO N/A 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST/OC TAZER 07B102565 UNKNOWN 0 NIGHT DOMEsnc N/A 2007 JUN CONTROL & REST N/A 070101745 UNKNOWN 0 NIGHT AGEN ASST/OOMEST/ALCO N/A 2007 JUN CONTROL REST N/A 070302177 NO 2007 MAY CONTROL & REST N/A 070201379 NO B B 0 NIGHT OWl/DRUGS N/A C NIGHT DOMEsnC/DRUGS SWVMC 2007 JUL CONTROL & REST N/A 07C301770 UNKNOWN C NIGHT AGEN ASST/ALCO N/A 2007 AUG K·9 N/A 07C202059 UNKNOWN 1- ,. C NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH/ALCO B NIGHT OWl NO OFFNOR OECON FROM OC SPRAY 2007 FEB CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 07C100S24 NO 2007 FEB OC SPRAY/CONTROL&REST NlA 07B100562 UNKNOWN CONTROL & RESTRAINT 0 NIGHT OOMESTlC/ALCO BRATT MEM HOSPITAL 2007 JAN N/A 070200250 UNKNOWN A NIGHT OWl MONTPELIER RESC 2007 JAN CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 07A300268 UNKNOWN A DAY OWl NO 2007 JAN CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 07A200070 UNKNOWN 0 DAY MENTAL HEALTH NO 2007 JAN CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 070100197 UNKNOWN A NIGHT ASST AGEN/OWI NO 2007 JAN CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 07A300292 UNKNOWN C NIGHT OWl NO 2007 JAN CONTROL & RESTRAINT NIA 07C300189 UNKNOWN 8 NIGHT GRAND LARCENY/OWl NO 2007 JAN CONTROL & RESTRAINT TAZER 078100031 UNKNOWN ol- D NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH NO 2007 JAN CONTROL & RESTRAINT NlA 070200297 UNKNOWN B NIGHT DOMESTIC/ALCO NVRH 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST/STRIKES N/A 07B300549 UNKNOWN BRATT HOSPITAL 2007 FE8 OCiBATON/CONT&RES TAZERIHANOS ON QUICKER 070200489 UNKNOWN 07B101023 UNKNOWN REPORTED SENT ABOVE STATS TO Mike Honrv & Joe Leahy 3/23/07 NIGHT OWl/ATE B NIGHT OWl N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST N/A 0 NIGHT OWl BRATT HOSPITAL 2007 FEB OC/CONT&RES IGNORED PASSENGER 070200400 C DAY ASST/BURGLARY OFFNOR OECON FROM OC SPRAY 2007 MAR OC/CONT&RES N/A 07C300663 KNIFE 0 NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH BRATT HOSPITAL 2007 JAN CONTROL & REST N/A 070200230 UNKNOWN C NIGHT DISORDERLY/ALCOHOL GRANVILLE RESCUE 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST NlA 07C104128 UNKNOWN 0 DAY MENTAL HEALTH HOSPITAL 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST/STRIKES TAZER 070300819 KNIFE A DAY MENTAL HEALTH/ORUGS HOSPITAL 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST TAZER 07A201438 UNKNOWN A DAY OOMESTlC/ALCO N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST N/A 07A301235 UNKNOWN B DAY MENTAL HEALTH/DRUGS NORTH COUNTRY HOSPITAL 2007 APR CONTROL& REST/BATON/OC TAZER 07B201156 REPORTED C DAY OOMESTlC N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST MAKE ARREST 07C101307 UNKNOWN A NIGHT DISORDERLY/ALCOHOL N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL& REST TAZER 07A201189 UNKNOWN A NIGHT OWl N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST N/A 07A201214 UNKNOWN A DAY STOLEN PROPERTY N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST N/A 07A201163 UNKNOWN 0 NIGHT OWl N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST N/A 070301036 UNKNOWN A NIGHT DOMESTIC/ALCO FLETCHER ALLEN 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST/OC TAZER 07A101349 UNKNOWN B NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH N/A 2007 MAR CONTROL & REST/OC TAZER 07B201084 UNKNOWN 0 0 NIGHT DISORDERLY/ALCOHOL DETOX 2006 NOV CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 060203433 CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 060305094 UNKNOWN CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 068303004 UNKNOWN 0 DAY MENTAL HEALTH NO 2006 NOV B DAY MENTALHEALTHIALCO NO 2006 NOV NO C NIGHT ARREST WARRANT NO 200SNOV CONTROL & RESTRAINT NfA 06C106425 UNKNOWN C NIGHT DOMEST1CfALCO NO 2006 NOV CONTROL & RESTRAINT NfA 06C203466 NO A NIGHT DOMEsnC/MENT HEALTH NO 200SNOV CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 06A20S516 NO B NIGHT OWl NO 200S NOV OC SPRAY/CONTROL&REST N/A 068104493 NO A NIGHT MVSTOP NO 2006 NOV CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06A206357 NO B NIGHT DOMESTIC/ALCO NVRH 2006 NOV OC SPRAY/CONTROL&REST TAZER 06B104552 NO B DAY SEARCH WARRANT OFFNDR DECON FROM OC SPRAY 2006 NOV OC SPRAY/CONTROL&REST N/A 06B104576 NO B DAY SEARCH WARRANT OFFNDR DECON FROM OC SPRAY 2006 NOV OC SPRAYICONTROL&REST N/A 068104576 NO A DAY MENTAL HEALTH CVH EMERGENCY ROOM 2006 OCT CONTROL & RESTRAINT NlA 06A304614 NO 0 NIGHT OWl DARTMOUTH 200S0CT CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06HF007925 NO A DAY DISORDERLY NO 200S0CT OC SPRAY/CONTROL&REST MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06A304735 TOW CHAIN C NIGHT OWl NO 2006 OCT CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A OSC105818 NO A NIGHT IMPEDING NO 2006 OCT CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 06A20S9S6 UNKNOWN B NIGHT ASSAUL T/ALCO NVRH 2006 OCT CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06B302733 UNKNOWN C NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH RUTLAND REGIONAL 2006 OCT CONT&REST1CHOKE MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06C10S918 SHOTGUN C NIGHT MENTAL HEALTHfALCO SVMC 2006 OCT CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 06C302734 .22 RIFLE A NIGHT OWl/MENTAL HEALTH WATERBURY AMBULANCE 200S OCT CONTROL & RESTRAINT NlA 06A30S012 NO B NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH/ALCO NE CORR CENTER NURSE 2006 SEP CONTROL & RESTRAINT NfA 06B103633 NO 0 DAY OWl NO 2006 SEP CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 060202623 NO A DAY MENTAL HEALTH CENTRAL VT HOSPITAL 2007 FEB CONTROL & RESTRAINT QUICKER FORCE 07A300925 UNKNOWN A DAY ASSAULT NO 2007 FE8 CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 07A300730 KNIFE B DAY DOMEST1C NO 2007 FEB CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 07B300337 UNKNOWN C NIGHT DISORDERLYfALCOHOL NO 2007 FEB CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 07C100744 UNKNOWN C NIGHT DOMESTIC/ALCO NO 2007 FEB CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 07C3000375 NO 0 NIGHT DOMEST1C/ALCO NO 2007 FEB OC SPRAY/CONTROL&REST MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 070100566 REPORTED C NIGHT OWl NO 2007 FEB CONTROL & RESTRAINT QUICKER FORCE 07C100860 UNKNOWN A NIGHT OWl NO 2007 FEB CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 07A300908 NO A NIGHT OWl NO 2007 FEB CONTROL & RESTRAINT NfA 07A3008S6 IINItMnw.., 1 NO 2006 AUG CONTROL & RESTRAINT BATON 06A303750 NO MENTAL HEALTHiALCO NO 2006 AUG CONTROL & RESTRAINT TAZER 06B103140 UNKNOWN NIGHT MENTAL HEALTHIDWI NO 2006 AUG OC SPRAY/CONTROL&REST TAZER 06C301908 UNKNOWN C NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH RUTLAND REGIONAL 2006 AUG CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A OSC202263 NO C NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH/JUV RUTLAND REGIONAL 2006 AUG TAZER N/A 06C104540 DOG BONE SHOTGUN/PIST A NIGHT B NIGHT C JUVEIALCO B DAY BANK ROBBERY THETFORD RESCUE 2006 AUG BALLISTIC SHIELD N/A 06B3019&6 C NIGHT ASST/DRUGS (TPRI RUTLAND REGIONAL 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A OSC106696 NO 0 NIGHT MENTAL HEALTHiALCO/DRUGS BRATT MEM HOSPITAL 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 060203814 UNKNOWN B DAY DISORDERLY/ALCOHOL DETOX 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 06B105001 NO C DAY ATE NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06C107063 UNKNOWN 0 DAY DOMESTIC/ALCO NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 060104062 REPORTED 0 DAY SEARCH WARRANT NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 060203667 UNKNOWN 0 DAY TRESPASSING NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 060203586 NO A NIGHT DOMESTIC/ALCO NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06A305614 NO 0 NIGHT DOMEsnC/DRUGS NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT VERBAL SKILLSITAZER 060103994 UNKNOWN A NIGHT OWl NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 06A207262 NO C NIGHT OWl NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 06C203666 UNKNOWN 0 NIGHT MVSTOP NO 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT TAZER 060104064 NO CONTROL & RESTRAINT TAZER 06A305954 NO NO A NIGHT TRESPASSING/ALCO NO 2006 DEC A NIGHT DISORDERLY/ALCOHOL OFFNDR DECON FROM OC SPRAY 2006 DEC OC SPRAY/CONTROL&REST N/A 06A305523 C NIGHT DOMESTIC RUTLAND REGIONAL 200SDEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06C107003 RIFLE RUTLAND REGIONAL 2006 DEC CONTROL & RESTRAINT N/A 06C106975 RIFLE TYPE OF FORCEISEARCHING/HANDCUFFING 060103993 UNKNOWN TAZER 060100508 UNKNOWN CONTROL& RESTRAINT MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06H200156 NO C NIGHT DOMESTIC 0 NIGHT SEARCH WARRANTIDRUGS SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL 2006 DEC 0 NIGHT OWl GOLD CROSS RESC 2006 FEB D DAY ARREST WARRANT MINOR ABRASIONS TO DEF'S FACE 2006 FEB CHOKES CONTROL & RESTRAINT C NIGHT DOMESTIC NO 2006 FEB CONTROL& RESTRAINT TAZER/MORE DETAIL ON REPORT 06C100852 NO C NIGHT DOMEsnc NO 2006 FEB CONTROL& RESTRAINT N/A 06C300552 NO D NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH NO 2006 FEB CONTROL& RESTRAINT N/A 060300675 NO CONTROL& RESTRAINT N/A 06A300947 NO 060300662 NO OSC100633 NO A NIGHT MENTAL HEALTH/JUV 0 NIGHT OISORDERLY/ALCOHOL C NIGHT OWl NO OFFNDR DECON FROM OC SPRAY DEF BRUISES CONTUSIONS 2006 FEB 2006 FEB OC SPRAY/KNEE STRIKES 2006 JAN CONTROL& RESTRAINT TAlER/OC TOO CLOSElHANDIKNEE STRIKES TAZER