Taser Titusville Fl Pd Deployment Documentation
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Thuslille Polia Dt- parlmtDI R~ ... """ IS "u I ".~ 10 ret1'>e'''' Iiomcll)' hall. Tbc inlOrmol_ .. ...,. .. on) ... <in. bul_QIl a \eaol mI' t _ stnoo: of ;!. Iht ...:idem> hllt!ll' JIu<'d m reI..,... an. 1M mj ura piof to Sepltllob(, of !(JO(l " tim "'''' m:elved ow origlnal ...' ..,., ( 7) _ TAS ERS. Y011 ha,·c 10 l ccp in milld ,..I) >e"...·n o f lIS had "'" TA!iERS f... !he flm..,...".al """'Ill' . tkt lhr: ,n'lIallt.n"m, . h l1 ,mplcmmlauon did nol occu, for ~..... I monlh• . Injun... Jl'nO' 10 !he TASERS are marI<td In rt:d pen and or" \he ",,:~ "nl' whore . T ASER would h • •,,, poSSIbly . Ilo",.d !he offlO<'f 10 ' land " ff and nol ~.l inju red . There w. '" 39 dOCumtnted in,",,,,,. , wh... th. r ASER WQuid hav" &lopptd lhc ,uoj• • l', ...iolcn l ocri"" .. ~"ni tho: oftk'" III ~ injured in the pI'OC('<$ o f afTC 51. S1I>O:" tilt T ASER J'roG"3m o nly I..... doo"""""ted ",",,,,,,,os of injury 10 omc. .. f,a.e ".:c orTtd. a dnmallc dcc",a",_ We do nO! I....., TASERS to ""'"" offiocn who lTIlIy "or\< ol'l" h<: road so rlIoMt "'ho """,e injured lTIlIy nO! M e had access 10 • 1 A.<;HI. ill L", II "'" of "'" ,ro;odtn! ......., 1ht o m """ w" "'J"""'O ffICer ~ 1ftJ"""" ~ ... ....,. &'ld had 11> m:tivtd lWO ..-.oncIto no d,"y, F..... 1I>OI'dIs hJhl <klty. Tbc COSI "'-u 6..ooo doU... medoell. He " - ' • I ",oll I had • TASEA. 1bt 0Il1alfll0 """Id ....'" I:>ttn d,f(tftI'II · Offl cer .p" ,nJunod 110$ np lhclmb d unnS .. mat. 111m: morIlh> lii hl d.. ~ and 8.000 dollars medluL OtfICer 3" " Tnlltd • .....,.,." hunmK bet IIhodkler. TWQ """'Ills hgtll dill", lhe"'py lhlft n ......, a "ttl< and no dul)' IlUl\IS for si' month!.. Tocil """110 lhi. po,n' 200,llOO-+ dolll,", Offl CCT "'T ' h llrc-n on .... ri" du nng an . ""'1, 2 ,()(l() OOlla" in mod'~ al and oul " f work for lwo day l , Yo u c an probabl y flIlU' . mo<1 oj' lhe h'ih l l ~hlod injun., """ the ~1I)' .. . minimum o f 2.000 doll. .. ptr IOj~1')' .nd lhol ;, going low on lhe . lIi "", , ~ , _ Good I""k. >Ott) t~i, ,"" I 1"'1toiC'he' "". 11, bUll am ....a mpN' -r ,~ , p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~H ~ ~ a ...... ;; Eo