Taser Use of Force 448 Uses Slideshow
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Chief Instructor Hans Marrero and Steve Tuttle, Director of Gov’t & Law Enforcement DID WE ACCOMPLISH OUR MISSION TO: “REDUCE OFFICER AND SUSPECT INJURIES BY STOPPING THREATS FROM A SAFE DISTANCE?” Success Percent by Level of Firing Total number of reports 448 Percent Successful: 93.08% _________________________________________ Darts Fired at Subject: 257 92.61% Laser Only: 100 98.00% Spark Demo 13 100% Stun Gun Application 69 85.51% Out of Events 439 Distance of Firings 1-3 Feet 3-7 Feet 7-11 Feet 11-15 Feet 16-21 Feet 21 90 89 47 1 8.43% 36.29% 35.88% 18.95% .04% Some of this information was not provided and will not add up to 257 (248). Success Percent by Distance of Firing Distance # of Incidents Success Rate 1-3 Feet: 22 95.45% 3-7 Feet: 92 95.65% 7-11 Feet: 91 91.21% 11-15 Feet: 52 90.38% 15-21 Feet: 5 100.00% * The total number may vary from the other slides as this data query was run at a later date, with a larger number of uses in the database. Length of discharge 1 seconds 1 2 seconds 8 3 seconds 11 4 seconds 3 5 seconds 103 More than 1 cycle 99 Number of probes that hit the suspect 1 Probe Hit 2 2 Probe Hit 60 3 Probe Hit 5 4 Probe Hit 1 Type of Incident Involving the Use of M26 Officer Assault Warrant Service Civil Disturbance Barricaded Suicidal Resisting Arrest Violent 3.35% 5.36% 6.70% 8.71% 20.98% 41.29% 44.42% There is more than 100% as each event may involve one or more types of incident Threats Involved Deadly Assault 2.68% Defensive Resist 9.82% Active Aggression 23.21% Verbally Non-Comp 31.03% Total Incidents 448 This was the most heavily “edited” section and required thorough followup. Types of Weapons Used by Suspects Blunt Weapon 2.23% Firearm 4.02% Edged Weapon 13.84% Suspect’s Influence PCP Misc. Drugs Cocaine Meth EDP Alcohol 1.34% 3.13% 5.58% 6.03% 34.15% 42.86% Type of Incident Involving the Use of M26 Officer Assault Warrant Service Civil Disturbance Barricaded Suicidal Resisting Arrest Violent 3.35% 5.36% 6.70% 8.71% 20.98% 41.29% 44.42% There is more than 100% as each event may involve one or more types of incident Failures in Stun Gun Mode Low Nerve/Muscle Miss Single Dart Weapon Problem 9 2 1 4 56.25% 12.50% 6.25% 25.00% Note, this includes all failures. For example, the probes may have been fired, and missed, but then the stun gun was applied. Failures when Darts Deploy Door Closed Dropped/Broken Low Battery Unknown Weapon Problem Cartridge Failure Miss Propped Up Operator Error Single Dart Low Nerve/Muscle Clothing 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 5 7 15 2.38% 2.38% 2.38% 2.38% 2.38% 4.76% 4.76% 4.76% 9.52% 11.90% 16.67% 35.71% Total of All Failures Door Closed on Wires Low Battery Unknown Decided Not to Use Cartridge Failure Dropped/Broken Propped Up Miss Operator Error Weapon Problem Single Dart Clothing Low Nerve/Muscle 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 6 15 16 1.67% 1.67% 1.67% 1.67% 3.33% 3.33% 3.33% 6.67% 6.67% 8.33% 10.00% 25.00% 26.66% Location of Use Indoor Jail / Hospital or Indoor + Jails 125 29.76% 82 19.52% Outdoor 213 50.71% 207 49.29% This represents 420 events (some reports did not disclose location) Injuries to Suspects Minor 56 13.56% (Puncture wounds from probes & misc. cuts) Moderate 5 1.21% (Abrasion, skinned knee, carpet burn, testicle shot, penis shot, cut to mouth, cuts from falling onto glass) Severe 3 0. 73% (Dog bites, self-infliction, officer battle) None 349 84.50% Injuries to Officers Minor 20 4.76% (Officers involved with fighting suspects or arresting them) Moderate 1 0.23% (Knife thrown at officer cutting arm) Severe 0 0% None 399 95% Reno Police Use Quote • 8/21/00 M26 shot fired at suicidal man with shard of broken glass. Subject slashed wrists, ignored verbal commands and rushed Sgt. Pittman. Subject dropped by M26 safely. • “The attending ER physician removed the probes and commented on how little damage was done in comparison to the damage he usually saw after a subject was involved in a physical confrontation with officers. Probes and self-inflicted slash to left wrist and no injuries to officers.” Comparison of Injuries TASER Technology Reduces Injuries 80% 78% 78% 80% 70% 60% Suspect Injured 60% 50% 45% 36% 40% 29% 30% 20% 16% 18% 11% 10% Chemical Spray Swarm Kick Baton Punch Flashlight 0% Misc. body force 5% 0% 0% Officer Injured / Affected TASER 20% 21% 29% Force Type Source: Study of Use of Force at Los Angeles Police Department, Greg Meyer. Statistics are for 7-Watt TASER technology deployed at LAPD. Original Study Available at http://home.earthlink.net/~gregmeyer/injury.html on the internet. DID WE ACCOMPLISH OUR MISSION TO: “REDUCE OFFICER AND SUSPECT INJURIES BY STOPPING THREATS FROM A SAFE DISTANCE?” YES Are there any Questions?