Volume 5 Detention and Corrections Caselaw Catalog 26th Ed. 2016
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DETENTION AND CORRECTIONS CASELAW CATALOG 26th Edition 2015-2016 Volume Five: Sec. 32-38 Rod C. Miller Donald J. Walter Research and Review: Joseph Heltzel Chris Dickey Richard Drennon Kyle McCarty CRS, Inc. A Non-Profit Organization 925 Johnson Drive Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 338-9100 Fax (717) 718-6178 www.correction.org rod@correction.org Copyright 2017 Table of Contents DETENTION AND CORRECTIONS CASELAW CATALOG VOLUME 1 How to Use the Catalog Index and Topic Finder Table of Cases 1. Access to Courts 2. Administration 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Administrative Segregation Assessment of Costs Attorney Fees Bail Civil Rights VOLUME 2 8. Classification and Separation 9. Conditions of Confinement 10. Cruel and Unusual Punishment 11. Discipline 12. Exercise and Recreation 13. Ex-Offenders 14. Failure to Protect VOLUME 3 15. Facilities 16. False Imprisonment/Arrest 17. Female Prisoners 18. Food 19. Free Speech, Expression, Assoc. 20. Good Time 21. Grievance Procedures, Prisoner 22. Habeas Corpus 23. Hygiene-Prisoner Personal 24. Immunity 25. Intake and Admissions 26. Juveniles VOLUME 4 27. Liability 28. Mail 29. Medical Care 30. Mental Problems (Prisoner) 31. Personnel VOLUME 5 32. Pretrial Detention 33. Privacy 34. Programs-Prisoner 35. Property-Prisoner Personal 36. Release 37. Religion 38. Rules & Regulations-Prisoner VOLUME 6 39. Safety and Security 40. Sanitation 41. Searches 42. Services-Prisoner 43. Sentence 44. Standards 45. Supervision 46. Training 47. Transfers 48. Use of Force 49. Visiting 50. Work- Prisoner CRS, Inc. 925 Johnson Drive, Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 338-9100 www.correction.org Fax (717) 718-6178 rod@correction.org All Rights Reserved SECTION 32: PRETRIAL DETENTION Detention and Corrections Caselaw Catalog All Rights Baerved . C~, Inc. 925 Johnson Drive, Gettysburg PA 17325 (717) 338-9100 www.correction.org/ The following pages present summaries of court decisions which address this topic area. These summaries provide readers with highlights of each case, but are not intended to be a substitute for the review of the full case. The cases do not represe1;1t all court decisions which address this topic area, but rather offer a sampling of relevant holdings, The decisions summarized below were current as of the date indicated on the title page of this edition of the Catalog. Prior to publication, the citation for each case was verified, and the case was researched in Shepard's Citations to determine if it had been altered upon appeal (reversed or modified). The Catalog is updated annually. An annual supplement provides replacement pages for cases in the prior edition which have changed, and adds new cases. Readers are encouraged to consult the Topic Index to identify related topics of interest. The text in the section entitled "How to Use The Catalog" at the beginning of the Catalog provides an overview which may also be helpful to some readers. The case summaries which follow are organized by year, with the earliest case presented first. Within each year, cases are organized alphabetically by the name of the plaintiff. The left margin offers a quick refe~nce, highlighting the type of court involved and identifying appropriate subtopics addressed by each case. 1964 U.S. District Court SEPARATION WORK Tyler v. Harris, 226 F.Supp. 852 (W.D. Mo. 1964). Unconvicted persons can be kept with convicted persons in federal medical centers, but they may not be subjected to involuntary servitude. (Medical Center For Federal Prisoners, Springfield, Missouri) 1986 U.S. District Court SEPARATION Johnston v. Ciccone, 260 F.Supp. 553 (W.D. Mo. 1966). Pretrial commement with convicted persons in the U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners is not unconstitutional for persons found to be mentally ill. (United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners) 1969 U.S. Supreme Court VOTING McDonald v. Board of Election Commissioners, 394 U.S. 802 (1969). Pretrial detainees in the Cook County Jail alleged that lliinois absentee ballot provisions violate the Equal Protection Clause of the fourteenth amendment for two reasons: First, since the distinction between those medically incapacitated, and those "judicially incapacitated" bear no reasonable relationship to any legitimate state objective, the classifications ~ arbitrary. Secondly, since pretrial detainees imprisoned in other states, or in counties within. the state other than those of their own residence can vote absentee as citizens absent for any reason, it is clearly arbitrary to deny absentee ballots to other unsentenced inmates because they happen to be incarcerated within. their own resident counties. This action was instituted after the defendant Board of Election Commissioners rejected a timely application for absentee ballots by plaintiffs, The U.S. District Court for Northern District of lliinois granted summary judgment for the defendants, holding that extending absentee ballots to those physically incapacitat.ed for medical reasons constituted a proper and reasonable classification not violative of equal protection. Plaintiffs appealed directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. (Affirmed.) HELD: lliinois' failure to provide absentee ballots for plaintiffs does not violate the Equal Protection Clause. 894 U.S. at 806. REASONING: a) Distinctions made by the absentee voting provisions are not drawn on the basis of wealth or race, and while classif1cations which might invade or restrain voting rights must be closely scrutinized, a more exacting judicial scrutiny is not necessary here. b) State legislatures traditionally are allowed to take reform one step at a time, and need not run the risk of losing an entire remedial scheme because it failed to cover every potential group. c) It is reasonable for lliinois to treat differently the physically handicapped as there is nothing to indicate that the judicially handicapped plaintiffs are absolutely prohibited from voting. d) Constitutional safeguards are not offended by the different treatment accorded unsen.tenced inmates incarcerated within and those incarcerated out of their counties of residence. ~ : Footnote 9, p. 810 "Maine appears to be the only state to allow absentee ballot for absence from the polls for any sufficient reason. ... " 21 M.R.S.A. Section 1251, 1306 (1964). (Cook County Jail, Illinois) 1970 U.S. District Court STATE INTEREST Davis v. Lindsay, 321 F.Supp. 1184 (S.D. N.Y. 1970). The only state interest in incarcerating pretrial detamees is to guarantee appearance at trial. (City Jail, New York) 32.1 1971 U.S. Appeals Court CLCYfHING CONDITIONS Anderson v. Nosser. 438 F.2d 183 (5th Cir. 1971), cert. denied, 409 U.S. 848 (1971). Male arrest.eee/petitioners forced t.o strip and kept in such condition for up t.o thirty-six hours and female arrest.eelt'petitioners were forced t.o go without clothing other than underwear leads t.o finding of constitutional violation. (Mississippi State Penitentiary, Parchman) U.S. District Court PUNISHMENT Conklin v. Hancock. 334 F.Supp. 1119 (D. N:H. 1971),;' Pretrial detainees are not subject t.o "punishment. n (New Hampshire State Prison, Con.cbrd, Hew Hampshire) U.S. District Court STATE INTEREST PUNISHMENT CONDITIONS "LEAST RESTRICTIVE MEANSn Hamilt.on v. Love, 328 F.Supp. 1182 (E.D. Ark. 1971). The only legitimate purpose served by pretrial detention is assuring defendants' presence at trial. Minimally, a detainee ought t.o have the reasonable expectation that he would survive his period of detainment with his life; that he would not be assaulted, abused, or molested during his detainment; and that his physical and mental health would be reasonably protected during this period. Detainees may not be subjected t.o any punishment, "cruel and unusualn or not. Conditions of incarceration for detainees must, cwnulati,vely, add up t.o the least restrictive means of assuring appearance at trial. One female staff member must be on duty twenty-four hours a day. There should be one staff member patrolling on each cell floor in the immediate area of every detainee on a twenty-four hour basis. (Palaski County Jail, Arkansas) 1972 U.S. Supreme Court SPEEDY TRIAL Barker v. Wingo. 407 U.S. 514 (6th Cir. 1972). A defendant's constitutional right t.o a speedy trial cannot be established by an inflexible rule, but can be determined only on an ad hoc balancing basis, in which the conduct of the prosecution and that of the defendant are weighed. Among relevant factors t.o be considered are: the length and reason for d&ay, the defendant's assertion of his right, and prejudice t.o the defendant. (Christian County, Kentucky). U.S. District Court ATI'ORNEY VISITS PARITYWITH SENTENCED Brenneman v. Madigan. 343 F.Supp. 128 (N.D. Ca. 1972). Pretrial detainees must have opportunities t.o participate in educational, vocational and recreational programs comparable t.o those of sentenced misdemeanants. Pretrial detainees have a first amendment right t.o visit with attorneys. (Alameda County Jail Facility, California) U;S. District Court STATE INTEREST Collins v. Schoonf'l.eld, 344 F.Supp. 257 (D. Md. 1972). A detainee can be deprived of constitutional rights •only t.o the extent such denial is required t.o insure that he appears at trial and t.o restrain him from endangering or disrupting the security of the institution in which he is detained, or t.o deter him, if his conduct has already caused such danger or disruption, from repeating such conduct. Pretrial detainees may not be forced t.o change the length or manner in which they wear their hair, except where jail officials can demonstrate a health or identifu:ation :need for so doing. (Baltimore City Jail, Maryland) . HAIR U.S. District Court PROGRAMS Hamilt.on v. Landrieu, 351 F.Supp. 549 (E.D. La. 1972). All inmates, in.eluding pretrial detainees, shall be eligible t.o participate in rehabilitative programs. Rehabilitative programs shall be immf'ltiately established and maintained. (Orleans Parish Prison, Louisiana) Smith v. Sampson, 849 F.Supp. 268 (D. N.H. 1972). Difference in state interest U.S. District Court mandates that detainees be treated better than convicts. Least restrictive alternative STATE INTEREST "LEAST RESTRICTIVE principles applies t.o detainees. (New Hampshire State Prison) MEANS" 1973 U.S. District Court PUNISHMENT CONDITIONS DUE PROCESS U.S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS Inmates of Suffolk. Co. Jail v. Eisenstadt, 360 F.Supp. 676 (D. Mass. 1973), afrd, 494 F.2d 1196 (1st Cir. 1974). Where precious penal liberties of detainees are affected. the state bears the burden of justification. Detainees may not be punished- Detainees' conditions must be superior t.o those of convicts. If detainees are subjected t.o gratuitous and wholesale deprivation of rights which are unrelated t.o assuring their presence at trial, due process is violated. (Suffolk. County Jail, Massachusetts) Johnson v. Glick. 481 F.2d 1028 (2nd Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 414 U.S. 1033. While it is doubtful that the cruel and unusual punishment clause applies 1:o pretrial detainees, they are prot.ected by the due process clause again.st acts of. brutality by correction officers. However, protection is less ext.ensive than that provided by common law t.orts. (Manhattan House of. Det.ention, New York) 32.2 1974 U.S. District Court WORK Main Road v. Atych. 385 F.Supp. 105 (E.D. Penn. 1974). Unsent.enced prisoners cannot be required t.o perform uncompensat.ed labor. (Philadelphia Prison System, Pennsylvania) · U.S. District Court PARITYWITH SENTENCED RIGHTS RETAINED "LEAST RESTRICTIVE MEANS" Rhem v. Malcolm, 371 F.Supp. 594 (S.D. N.Y. 1974). Detainee may not. be confined under conditions more rigorous than a convicted prisoner. Detainees retain all rights except where necessary t.o assure their appearance at trial, and conditions must be least restrictive means t.o achieve that end. (Manhattan House of Detention, New York) U.S. District Court STATE INTEREST "LEAST RESTRICTIVE MEANS" Wilson v. Beame, 380 F.Supp. 1232 (E.D. N.Y. 1974). Stat.e's int.erest in interfering with the personal liberty of pretrial detainees is limit.ed t.o the least restrictive "form of incarceration" consonant with the accused being available for trial. (House of Det.ention For Men, Brooklyn, New York) 1975 U.S. District Court SEPARATION Alberti v. Sheriff of Harris Co., 406 F.Supp. 649 (S.D. Tex. 1975). No pretrial detainee shall be housed in the same cell or cellblock with any person who has been convicted and sent.enced. Alcoholic and drug-dependent inmat.es shall be housed in an incarcerative environment specifically designed and equipped for the treatment of withdrawal problems. (Harris County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS PUNISHMENT Dillard v. Pitchess, 399 F.Supp. 1225 (C.D. Calif. 1975). The conditions under which unconvict.ed prisoners are detained may be so onerous as t.o constitut.e summary punishment without due process of law. (Los Angeles County Jail, California) U.S. District Court STATE INTEREST Giampetruzzi v. Malcolm, 406 F.Supp. 836 (S.D. N.Y. 1975). First Amendment rights of detainees may be limit.ed only t.o the ext.ent necessary t.o ensure their appearance at trial and t.o assure the security of the institution. (New York City House of Det.ention for Men) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS PARITYWITH SENTENCED EQUAL PROTECTION Miller v. Carson. 401 F.Supp. 835 (M.D. Fla. 1975). aff"d, 563 F.2d 741 (5th Cir. 1977). Conditions of pretrial det.ention which are worse than those experienced by sent.enced prisoners deny equal protection. (Duval County Jail, Florida) U.S. District Court PROGRAMS STATE INTEREST PUNISHMENT CONDITIONS Padgett v. Stein, 406 F.Supp. 287 (M.D. Penn. 1975). Pretrial detainees should not be forced t.o participat.e in rehabilitative programs. The only legitimat.e purpose of pretrial detention is the det.ention itself. Although pretrial detainees may not be punished, conditions that may be viewed as punitive are constitutional if they further the purpose of maintaining cust.ody, security, or int.ernal order and discipline. (York County Prison. Pennsylvania) 1976 U.S. District Court SEPARATION WORK Barnes v. Government of the Virgin Islands, 415 F.Supp. 1218 (D, V.I. 1976). Detainees are t.o be separat.ed from convicted inmates in separat.e buildings if physically possible. Detainees are not required t.o work except t.o keep cell areas clean. (Golden Grove Adult Correctional Facility, Virgin Islands) U.S. District Court STATE INTEREST Bell v. Manso~ 427 F.Supp. 450 (D. Conn. 1976). Detainees "may be treat.ed as prisoners only t.o the ut.ent the security, internal order, health and discipline of the prison demand...considerations of rehabilitation, det.errence, and punishment are not relevant fact.ors when an unconvicted inmat.e challenges on constitutional grounds a regulation or procedure governing prison life." (Community Correctional Cent.er, Bridgeport. Connecticut) · U.S. Appeals Court STATE INTEREST DUE PROCESS Duran v. Elrod, 542 F.2d 998 (7th Cir. 1976). As a matter of due process, pretrial detainees may suffer no more restrictions than are reasonably necessary t.o ensure their presence at trial. (Cook County House of Corrections, Illinois) U.S. Supreme Court CLOTHING- COURT APPEARANCES Estelle v. Williams, 425 U.S. 501 (1976), cert. denied. 426 U.S. 9~ (1974). Williams, unable t.o post bond, was held while awaiting trial on a charge of assault. When. Williams learned he was t.o go on trial, he requested his civilian clothes. The request was denied, but no objection was made at trial. Williams was convicted of assault with int.ent t.o commit murder with malice. a decision upheld by the Texas Court of Appeals. 32.3 Williams then petitioned the U.S. district court for a writ of habeas corpus on the ground that requiring him to stand trial in prison garb was unfair. While the district court agreed such practice was unfair, it denied relief on the ground that the error was harmless. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed solely on the issue of harmless error. Defendant Estelle, Texas Corrections Director, sought certiorari from the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision was reversed. HELD: "[A]lthough the state cannot, consistently with the fourteenth amendment, compel an accused to stand trial before a jury while ·dressed in identifiable prison clothes, the failure to make an objection to the court as to being tried in such clothes, for whatever reasons, is sufficient to negate the presence of compulsion necessary to establish a constitutional violation." 425 U.S. at 512. (Harris County Jail, Texas) U.S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS EQUAL PROTECTION Hampton v. Holmesburg Prison Officials, 546 F.2d 1077 (3rd Cir. 1976). Protection of detainees is founded in due process and equal protection clauses, not the eighth amendment or the presumption of innocence. (Holmesburg Federal Penitentiary, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court SEPARATION Mitchell v. Untreiner, 421 F.Supp. 886 (N.D. Fla. 1976). No pretrial detainee may be housed in the same cell with a convicted person. (Escambia County Jail, Pensacola, Florida) U.S. District Court SEPARATION STATE INTEREST Moore v. Janing 427 F.Supp. 567 (D. Neb. 1976). Housing of convicts and detainees together contributes to finding of unconstitutionality. Detainees may not be subjected to restrictions unrelated to securing appearance at trial and maintaining internal order and security. (Douglas County Jail, Nebraska) U.S. District Court VISITS DUE PROCESS Wolfish v. Levi, 406 F.Supp. 1243 (S.D. N.Y. 1976). Restrictions on visitation of pretrial inmates must be justified by compelling necessity. Prison officials have the ultimate burden of proof on this issue. Due process requires that the least restraint necessary to assure institutional security and administrative manageability be employed. {Metropolitan Correctional Facility, New York) 1977 U.S. District Court INTAKE SCREENING SEPARATION Ahrens v. Thomas, 434 F.Supp. 873 (W.D. Mo. 1977), aff'd, 570 F.2d 288. Screening officer shall inquire as to detainee's need for psychological or counseling care and shall report to the correctional staff. So far as practicable, pretrial detainees shall not be housed in the same cell with convicted persons. Juveniles may not be housed in the jail for longer than it takes to arrange to transfer them. {Platt.e County Jail, Missouri) U.S. District Court CLOTHING STATE INTEREST . Forts v. Malcolm, 426 F.Supp. 464 (S.D. N.Y. 1977). A prohibition on the wearing of pants by detainees is unconstitutional where its only justification is the administrative inconvenience of having one rule for detainees and another for sentenced prisoners. This justification is not rationally connected with assuring appearance at trial or jail security, which is the only legitimate purpose of detention. {New York City Correctional Institute for Women) U.S. Appeals Court STATE INTEREST PUNISHMENT Pugh v. Rainwater, 557 F.2d 1189 (5th Cir. 1977). The guiding principle of pretrial detention conditions cases is that prior to trial a defendant is presumed innocent. His incarceration during that period is permissible only to assure his appearance at trial, not to inflict punishment. (Dade County, Florida) U.S. District Court VISITS Vest v. Lubbock County, 444 F.Supp. 824 (N.D. Tex. 1977). Pretrial detainees are ordered to be permitted daily visits, others at least twice_ a week. (Lubbock County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court STATE INTEREST Vienneau v. Shanks, 425 F.Supp. 676 (W.D. Wisc. 1977). Pretrial detainees may be subjected only to those deprivations reasonably necessary to ensure presence at trial. (Sauk County Jail, Wisconsin) 1978 U.S. Appeals Court WORK Biieol v. Nelson, 579 F.2d 423 (7th Cir. 1978). Pretrial detainees may be required to perform general housekeeping tasks. (Metro Correctional Center, Chicago) 1979 U.S. Supreme Court PUBLICATIONS PACKAGES SEARCHES DUE PROCESS Bell v. Wolilsh, 441 U.S. 520 (1979). Pretrial detainees cxmfined in the Metropolitan Correction Center (MCC) in New York City challenged virtually every facet of the institution's conditions and practices in a writ of habeas corpus, alleging such conditions and practices violate their constitutional rights. MCC is a federally operated, short-term detention facility constructed in 1975. Eighty-five percent of all 32.4: inmates are released within sixty days of admission. MCC was int.ended to include the most advanced and innovative features of modern design in detention facilities. The key design element of the facility is the "modular" or ''unit" concept, whereby each floor housing inmates has one or two self-contained residential units, as opposed to the traditional cellblock jail construction. Within four months of the opening of the twelvest.ory, 450 inmate capacity facility, this action was initiated. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of N.Y. enjoined no less than twenty practices at the MCC on constitutional and statutory grounds, many of which were not appealed. See, United Stat.es Ex Rel Wolfish-v. Levi. 439 F.Supp. 114 (S.D.N.Y.). The Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the district court decision, See. Wolfish v. Levi. 573 F.2d 118 (2d Cir. 1978), and reasserted the "compelling-necessity" test as the standard for determining limitations on a detainee's freedom. The U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari "to consider the important constitutional questions raised by [recent prison decisions] and to resolve an apparent conflict among the circuits." 441 U.S. at 524: Do the publisher-only rule, the prohibition on receiving packages from outside sources, the search of living quarters, and the visual inspection of body cavities aft.er contact visits constitute punishment in violation of the rights of pretrial detainees under the due process clause of the fifth amendment? HELD: "Nor do we think that the four MCC security restrictions and practices...constitute 'punishment' in violation of the rights of pretrial detainees under the due process clause of the fifth amendment.• 441 U.S. at 560, 561. REASONING: a. [T]he determination whether these restrictions and practices constitute punishment in the constitutional sense depends on whether they are rationally related to a legitimate nonpunitive governmental purpose and whether they appear excessive in relation to that purpose. 441 U.S. at 561. b. Ensuring security and order at the institution is a permissible nonpunitive objective, whether the facility houses pretrial detainees, convicted inmates, or both... [W]e think that these particular restrictions and practices were reasonable responses by MCC officials to legitimate security concerns. [Detainees] simply have not met their heavy burden of showing that these officials have exaggerated their response to the genuine security considerations that activated these restrictions and practices. 441 U.S. at 561, 662. CLOSING COMMENTS OF MAJORITY OPINION: "[T]he inquiry of federal courts into prison management must be limited to the issue of whether a particular system violates any prohibition of the constitution, or in the case of a federal prison, a statute. The wide range of 'judgment calls' that meet constitutional and statutory requirements are confided to officials outside of the judicial branch of government." 441 U.S. at 562. GENERAL NOI'ES: The Court saw this case, a challenge to virtually every aspect of the operation of a state of the art detention facility, as an opportunity to clarify the judiciary's role in the operation of prisons. The five-four decision indicates there was no general consensus as to what that role is, gr how it should be applied. No less than three possible standards of review are contained in the majority and dissenting opinions: 1) A "rational basis", subjective test; 2) A balancing of interests test; 3) An objective standard of review. Despite J. Rehnquist's statement that "our analysis does not turn on the particulars of the MCC concept or design," the majority's reasoning frequently looks to that concept or design for justification of its positions. 441 U.S. at 525. Clearly, the "double-bunking" holding should be interpreted as applicable only to facilities where: a) Inmates are locked in their cells a maximum of eight hrs. a day and have access to a wide range of activities and programs; and b) No inmate is detained longer than sixty days. Situations other than these likely will not fall within the strict holding on this issue. (Metropolitan Correction Cent.er (MCC), New York) State Appeals Court DUE PROCESS CONTACT VISITS Cooper v. Morin, 424 N.Y.2d 168 (1979), cert. denied, 100 S.Ct 2965 (1979). The New York State Court of Appeals has ruled that state due process laws do allow for contact visitation rights for pretrial detainees when the government's only argument against such visitation centers on additional adrnini~ative costs. The court ruled that, although federal constitutional requirements would not dictate such a finding in light of the Bell v. Wolfish decision, state due process requirements called for an opposite finding. The court examined carefully the rationale that was the basis for the Supreme Court decision in the Bell case and made it clear that, at least in part, they felt the Supreme Court had erred: While we are in agreement with the Supreme Court's holding in Bell v. Wolfish that due process forbids the punishment of pretrial detainees because punishment can only be imposed aft.er conviction, we cannot agree that the validity of the regimen imposed upon such persons during detention turns no more than whether a regulation has a legitimate purpose other than punishment and is not excessive in relation to that purpose. So one-sided a concept of due process we regard as unacceptable. In our view what is required is a balancing of the harm to the individual resulting from the condition imposed against the benefit sought by the government through its enforcement. 32.5 In a dissenting opinion, two judges 1:ook the position that to find that state due process · requirements were different from federal requirements was impossible, since the wording in the respective clauses is identical. Therefore, they claimed, the Bell case and its holding must dictate the state court's decision. (Monroe County Jail, New York) U.S. Appeals Court SEPARATION DISCRIMJNATION VISITS MAIL LAW LIBRARY Jones v. Diamond, 594 F.2d 997 (5th Cir. 1979), cert. denied, 102 S.Ct. 27 (1980). In this opinion, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reviewed Mississippi District Court Judge William Cox's ruling on what the Fifth Circuit termed a "challenge to nearly every conceivable facet of the Jackson County Jail at Pascagoula, Mississippi." The court first noted that the conditions at the Jackson County Jail were not "uncivilized" or "barbaric and inhumane", as the court had found rulings on the conditions of other jails. A peculiar aspect of this case was that convicted felons were being held in the jail while the state penitentiary was being brought up to constitutional standards. Consequently, there were convicted felons, convicted misdemeanants and pretrial detainees in the jail. Accordingly, the court, in reviewing the conditions at the jail, applied different standards depending on.whether the inmate was pretrial detainee or a convicted felon or misdemeanant. The court then reviewed the history of corrections in the State of Mississippi and specifically in Jackson County. It noted that Jackson County officials had spent a considerable amount of money and instituted several new programs in the last ten years. In addition, at the time of this opinion, the county was in the process of erecting a new jail. After noting these facts, the court made rulings in the following areas. DISCRIMINATION. The appellate court upheld the lower court's ruling that the cells at the Jackson County Jail were not segregated. Two bull pens at the jail, however, were ruled to be unconstitutionally segregated. In response to the plaintiff's interrogatories, the jail officials had produced documents showing that the large bull pen was ''white" and the small bull pen was "colored." The jail officials argued that they were not responsible for the segregation because each new inmate was given the freedom to choose which bullpen he wished to occupy. The court held that this was not enough, stating: "In the inherently coercive setting of a jail, it is evident to us that the withdrawal of decision making by the public officials for only part of the jail (here, the bull pens} amounts to impermissible racial segregation of prisoners. VISITATION. The court noted that convicted criminals do not have a constitutional right to visitation except for legal counsel, whereas pretrial detainees rights are limited in that they must yield, where necessary, to the needs of institutional security. In the Fifth Circuit, the courts have held that a pretrial detainee also does not have constitutional right to contact visitation. At the jail, visitation was officially limited to a brief period on Sundays, although jail officials often allowed visitation at other than regular hours. However, there had been a serious smuggling problem at the jail. When the officials ordered that visit.ors be searched before being allowed visitation to prevent smuggling, the inmates rioted, causing $30,000 damage. The appellate court upheld the lower court's ruling that the existing visitation regulations were constitutionally adequate. The court specifically pointed out that depriving inmates of contact visitation was unconstitutional. MAIL. The court clearly spelled out the rights of inmates with regard to mail: [P]rison officials may constitutionally censor incoming and outgoing general correspondence. No numerical limitations may be placed upon prison correspondence, but jail officials may employ a 'negative mail list' to eliminate any prisoner correspondence with those on the outside who affirmatively indicate that they do not wish to receive correspondence from a particular prisoner. Officials may not require prior approval of the names of individuals with whom prisoners may correspond. Finally, letters which concern plans for violations of prison rules or which contain a graphic presentation of sexual behavior in violation of the law may be withheld. Outgoing mail to licensed att.orneys, courts, and court officials must be sent unopened, and incoming mail from such sources may be opened only in the presence of the inmate recipient, if considered necessary to determine authenticity or to inspect for contraband. Prisoners may be required to submit the names of att.orneys reasonably in advance of proposed mailings so that officials can ascertain whether the named att.orney is licensed. Prisoners have the same general rights as to media mail. CLASSIFICATION. The court noted that the Constitution does not require that a classification plan be put into effect, although a court may order such a plan to protect inmates from homosexual attacks, violence and contagious diseases. The court ruled that the policies in existence under the Mississippi Code were adequate to protect the inmate. SECURITY. While noting that an inmate is to be protected from assaults from other inmates, the court also stated that relief could be provided only where there was a showing of deliberate indifference to the inmates' security and protection. Here, there was no such showing, and the court refused to issue injunctive relief. SANITATION. At the Jackson County Jail, the prisoners were responsible for cleaning their own. cells, and a trusty was to assume responsi'bility for cleaning the cells when the inmat.e was unable or unwilling to clean after himself. There was no evidence of rodents in the jail. The jail was sprayed for insect.s once a month to 32.6 · minimize the cockroach problem. Sheets and other bedding as well as clothes were cleaned regularly. Under these circumstances, the Court found no constitutional violations regarding the sanitation of the Jack.son County Jail. 'LAW LIBRARY. Prisoners were able to acquire books by asking a public defender or private attorney to obtain the book for them from the County Law Library. The Court ruled that this was inadequate for convicted inmates who had exhausted their rights of direct appeal. However, the Court ruled, the State of Mississippi, and not the County of Jack.son, was the proper party to remedy the situation, and since the State had not been named as a defendant, the Court refused to grant relief. The Court stated, however, that its order would not preclude the inmates from taking an appropriate action against the State of Mississippi in the future. The availability of public defenders and the ability of prisoners to "page" books from the County Law Library provided adequate access to the Courts for pretrial detainees. Where convicted prisoners were provided neither public defender assistance nor access to the law library, they were denied access to the Courts and their claims for relief could be heard. (Jackson County Jail, Pascagoula, Mississippi) State Appeals Court CONDITIONS DUE PROCESS PUNISHMENT Pruitt v. Joiner. 395 N.E.2d 276 (1979). The Indiana Court of Appeals for the Third District has ruled that even where conditions of pretrial detention include "beatings, deprivation of food, detention in solitary cells without bedding, punishment without due process, and denial of medical care, visitation, and mailing privileges," the use of writ of habeas corpus is not a satisfactory method of obtaining relief. The court specifically refuted the broad use of habeas corpus in the federal system, which was argued by the appellants. "Indiana.. has not chosen to expand the interpretation, this state has taken the strict common law. By statute and judicial interpretation, this state has taken the strict common law position that habeas corpus may be used only to inquire into the legality of the cause of the restraint." Since the appellants did not challenge the legality of their restraint but rather the manner used to accomplish it, the court reversed the lower court decision. In a dissenting opinion one of the three panel judges argued that such a separation of habeas corpus relief from due process considerations should not occur. Not only has punishment been administered without a trial as required by due process of law, but the punishment administered here could be characterized as cruel and unusual even after trial and conviction...The petitioners are entitled to immediate relief from the Indiana courts. This is not a question of civil rights. It is a question of due process of law. Under what conditions does a lawful executive commitment become unlawful as a violation of due process of law? (Laite County Jail, Indiana) 1980 U.S. District Court SEPARATION Campbell v. Bergeron, 486 F.Supp. 1246 (M.D. La. 1980), aff'd, 654 F.2d 719 (5th Cir., 1981). Jail inmates have a right of personal safety when incarcerated. However, there is nothing inherent in a failure to sep!ll'ate sentenced and pretrial inmates which violates this right. (West Baton Rouge Parish Jail, Louisiana) U.S. District Court 'LAW LIBRARY Delgado v. Sheriff of Milwaukee Co. Jail, 487 F.Supp. 649 (E.D. Wisc. 1980). Allegations that a pretrial detainee is denied the use of an adequate law library states a claim in which relief could be granted. (Milwaukee County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. District Court COMMISSARY PROTECTIVE CUSTODY Epps v. Levine, 484 F.Supp. 474 (D. Md. 1980). Pretrial detainees transferred to the state penitentiary and classified to protective custody shall have regular commissary privileges. (State Penitentiary, Maryland) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS DUE PROCESS Hutchings v. Corum, 501 F.Supp. 1276 (W.D. Mo. 1980). Class action is brought challenging the constitutionality of numerous conditions and practices at the county jail. The district court held that: (1) prison authorities' failure to immediately evacuate inmates from any sewage contaminated cell, pending thorough cleaning of cell, violated constitutional rights of inmates subject to that condition; (2) deficiencies in jail, including lack of fire escape, absence of windows, lack of necessary fire doors, and limited number of fire extinguishers amounted to constitutionally intolerable conditions. Prison conditions for an unconvicted person are to be judged against due process standards of the fifth and fourteenth amendments and conditions within the penal institution which are unconstitutional for the convicted person under eighth amendment review are likewise an abridgment of due process guarantees afforded unconvicted persons. The claim that financial restrictions have prevented improvements in jail conditions is not a defense to constitutional violations. Although lights were left on all night in the county jail, and there was a high noise level at night, such were not per se unconstitutional conditions, since inmates could sleep during the day, and there was no indication that inmates had developed psychological or physiological problems. 32.7 An entirely inadequate ventilation gystem at the county jail constituted a constitutionally intolerable living condition. Deficiencies in the county jail, including lack of fire escapes, absence of windows, lack of necessary fire doors, and limited number of fire extinguishers amounted to constitutionally intolerable conditions. Failure of county jail authorities to provide each inmate one hour per day of exercise outside cells was a constitutionally intolerable condition. (Clay County Jail, Missouri) U.S. District Court PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Santori v. Fong, 484 F.Supp. 1029 (E.D. Penn. 1980). A statutorily established policy of provisions of pgychiatric and pgychological services to pretrial detainees does not create an enforceable entitlement to such services. (Chester County Farm Prison, Penngylvania) State Appeals Court TRANSFER State v. Grey, 602 S.W.2d 259 (Tenn. Crim. App. 1980). A pretrial detainee, about whom rumors of escape were abundant, could not be transferred :to the state penitentiary under the Tennessee safekeeping statute: Barry Grey was incarcerated in the Davidson, Tennessee County Jail, unable to post bond after an arrest. Shortly after his arrest, based upon alleged rumors of an imminent escape attempt, the state sought to transfer him. The statute involved, (T.C.A. 41-1125) provides: In all cases where the jail in which a prisoner is confined becomes insufficient from any cause, any circuit or criminal judge, upon the application of the sheriff and proof of the fact, may order the prisoner, by mittimus or warrant, to be removed to the nearest sufficient jail. Based upon the above statute the trial judge before whom the motion was presented allowed the transfer, and an immediate appeal was taken. On appeal, the Court of Criminal Appeals of Tennessee held that the state penitentiary was not a "jail" as defined by the statute. The court noted that the stigma attached to confinement in the state penitentiary should not be imposed upon a pretrial detainee without specific statutory authorization. The court then ruled that this statute did not provide such authorization. (Davidson County Jail, Tennessee) 1981 U.S. Appeals Court TRANSFER DUE PROCESS Cobb v. Aty-ch, 643 F.2d 946 (3rd Cir. 1981). The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, sitting ~ bane, held that the sixth amendment right to counsel prohibits the transference of pretrial detainees to distant state prisons without first affording them notice and an opportunity to be heard in court. Such transfers, the court found, severely interfere with the inmates' access to counsel. A majority of the court also relied heavily on the speedy trial clause in its argument. Eighty percent of the pretrial detainees involved in the suit were represented by the public defenders, who were financially unable to make long trips to the state institutions. Due to the prolonging of the pretrial period due to continuances and other factors associated with the distance to the detention facility, some transferred inmates spent more time incarcerated pretrial than the eventual length of their sentences. Three of the judges also concluded that the right to counsel, speedy trial provisions and the bail clause of the eight amendment create a federally protected interest in reducing pretrial incarceration and minimizing interference with a pretrial detainee's liberty. "The eighth amendment's prohibition against excessive bail bears plainly and directly upon the ability of charged persons to prepare for trial and upon the presumption of a right to be free from restraint which those persons enjoy. It should also be read as preventing not merely the fact of detention, but also those forms of detention that unnecessarily interfere with those liberty interests." The case also involved the transfer of sentenced prisoners and those who have been convicted but are still awaiting sentencing. The court found that no federally protected interests were involved for the sentenced population, but unsentenced prisoners have speedy-trial and counsel rights similar to those of pretrial detainees. (Philadelphia Prison System, Pennsylvania) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS RIGHTS RETAINED DUE PROCESS Jones v. Diamond, 636 F.2d 1364 (5th Cir. 1981). Prisoners being held in county jail brought an action challenging conditions of their confinement and seeking damages for violation of their civil rights. The United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi entered judgment generally favorable to county officials, and prisoners appealed. On rehearing, 594 F.2d 997, the court of appeals held that due process clause accords pretrial detainees rights not enjoyed by convicte_d inmates: while a sentenced inmate may be punished in any fashion not cruel and unusual, the due process clause forbids punishment of a person held in custody awaiting trial but not yet adjudged guilty of any crime. (Jackson County Jail, Pascagoula, Mississippi) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS Lareau v. Manson, 651 F.2d 96 (2nd Cir. 1981). Adopting most of the findings of the district court, the United States of Appeals for the Second Circuit has ordered major reforms in the Hartford Community Correctional Center (HCCC), dealing generally with overcrowding. The constitutional standard for the legality of conditions of confinement is different for pretrial detainees and for convicted inmates. For pretrial detainees, the test is whether the conditions amount to punishment without due process in violation PUNISHMENT CROWDING STATE INTEREST 32.8 of the fourteenth amendment. With respect t.o convicted inmates, the criterion is whether the punishment is cruel and unusual as defined under the eighth amendment. Reviewing the numerous findings of the district court, the appellate court looked to the supreme court case of Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520. Viewing overcrowding at the HCCC as related t.o pretrial detainees, the. court cited the following standard of whether such conditions amount t.o punishment: ''It must be shown that the overcrowding subjects a detainee over an extended period t.o genuine privation and· hardship not reasonably related t.o a legitimate governmental objective." Based upon this standard the court found that double-bunking in cells originally designed for one person, compounded by overcrowded dayrooms, imposed unconstitutional punishment on pretrial detainees in all cases except where such hardship was related t.o a legitimate governmental purpose. The court here found that these hardships promoted neither security nor the effective management of the institution. Other conditions were even less acceptable. The use of a glass enclosed dayroom (dubbed the "fish tank") as a dormit.ory room housing numerous inmates on a full time• basis was held t.o amount t.o punishment and was thus unconstitutional with regard to pretrial detainees. In addition, the placing of mattresses on the floors of cells t.o · accommodate more inmates and the assignment of healthy inmates t.o medical cells (sometimes with mentally or physically ill cellmates) t.o alleviate overcrowding were held t.o constitute impermissible punishment. The court further stated that the length of incarceration of pretrial detainees becomes relevant in such determination: "Conditions unacceptable for weeks or months might be t.olerable for a few days." As such, the court indicated that while double-bunking and overloaded dayrooms might be t.olerable, and thus constitutionally permissible for a few days, after 15 or so days, they would become unacceptable punishment. The use of the "fish tank" and floor mattresses, however, were held to constitute punishment regardless of the number of days imposed. Viewing the conditions as they related t.o convicted persons, the court pointed out that it was t.o be guided by a wholly different standard. Here, in order t.o constitute a constitutional violation, the conditions had t.o be such as t.o amount t.o cruel and unusual punishment. Nevertheless, the court found the overcrowded conditions int.olerable. Noting that the thirty t.o thirty-five square feet of living space per inmate fell far short of the standards promulgated by groups such as the Connecticut Department of Corrections, the American Correctional Association, the United Nations and the National Sheriffs' Association, and further noting that the dayroom at the HCCC offered the "relief of a noisy subway platform" the court held that double-bunking, with respect t.o convicted inmates, was unconstitutional except where inmates are confined no more than about thirty days. As with the pretrial detainees, the court found that the constitutional rights of the convicted inmates were immediately violated by confinement in the "fish tank" and by policies requiring them t.o sleep on mattresses on the floors and t.o be assigned to medical holding cells for no reason other than t.o alleviate overcrowding. Finally, the court ordered that all newly admitted inmates, with minor exceptions, be given a medical examination within forty-eight hours of admission. (Hartford Community Correctional Center, Connecticut) U.S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS PUNISHMENT USE OF FORCE CELLS CONDITIONS PARITYWITH SENTENCED Lock v. Jenkins, 641 F.2d 488 (7th Cir. 1981). The test for determining the constitutionality of treatment of pretrial detainees alleged t.o deprive them of liberty without due process of law is whether those conditions amount t.o punishment of the detainee. It is appropriate t.o consider t.ogether all the conditions of confinement in order t.o determine whether they amount t.o punishment. The use of tear gas t.o retrieve a metal food tray from a pretrial detainee or t.o stop others from shouting and utt.ering threats was found constitutionally impermissible. (Indiana State Prison, Michigan 9ity, Indiana) Lock v. Jenkins, 641 F.2d 488 (7th Cir. 1981). The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled that having pretrial detainees confined t.o twentyseven square foot cells for twenty-two hours a day at the Indiana State Prison constitutes illegal "punishment" under Bell v. Wolfish. In Wolfish, the Supreme Court found no due process violations in holding two pretrial detainees in a cell measuring seventy-five square feet. The Court pointed out that inmates were required t.o be in their cells only seven t.o eight hours a day and that of the pretrial detainees at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, the facility sued in Wolfish, more than half were released within ten days, three-quarters within a month, and more than eighty-five percent within sixty days. Therefore, the Seventh Circuit cited Wolfish because of the amount of time. spent by pretrial detainees at the Indiana institution, an average of about sixty days. The Circuit Court stated: It seems t.o us that a minimum requirement as t.o cell area should be imposed and this minimum should be determined flexibly in relation t.o the amount of time individuals are t.o be kept in the cell...Except where individual circumstances show the need for more restrictive confinement, (detainees) should be allowed t.o spend significant periods· of each day out of their cells and some activities or programs should be regularly available t.o them in their time out of cells.•. 32.9 We do not read anything in Wolfish as requiring this court to grant automatic deference to ritual incantations by prison officials that their actions foster the goals of order and discipline. Under the facts before us, we find that the (detainees) in this action have been denied equal protection of the laws by being held under significantly more burdensome conditions than convicted prisoners in the absence of any justification of such treatment of each individual. (Indiana State Prison, Michigan City, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court STATE INTEREST CLOTHING U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS PUNISHMENT DUE PROCESS STATE INTEREST Olgin v. Darnell, 664 F.2d 107 (1981). The restrictions and conditions placed on a pretrial detainee, particularly the removal of all his clothes but his underwear for one day, were not arbitrary and purposeless. Those steps were unreasonably related to the legitimate governmental objective of calming participants in the stabbing of a fellow prisoner, restoring order and protecting inmates from a fire hazard created by the pretrial detainee. (Midland County Jail, Texas) Villanueva v. George, 659 F.2d 851 (1981). A majority of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, sitting ~ bane, ruled that the allegations of a pretrial detainee raised a legitimate factual issue as to the constitutionality of the conditions to which he was subjected during his pretrial confinement. The court found, therefore, that the trial judge should have presented the case to the jury rather than directed the verdict against the plaintiff. The circuit court found that the jury might have concluded that the conditions of confinement were punitive in nature. Since the due process clause prohibits the punishment of persons prior to a judgment of conviction, plaintiff Robert Villanueva would have to persuade the jury that punitive conditions existed during his pretrial detention. According to the decision: The question of whether there is sufficient evidence of the defendants' punitive intent is one for the jury. Moreover, the jury may 'infer that the purpose was punishment from the fact that the condition either bore no reasonable relation to a legitimate goal or exceeded what was necessary for attaining such a goal... ' Putnam v. Gerloff, 639 F.2d 415 at 420 (8th Cir. 1981). See also Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. at 539. There is evidence in this record from which the jury could have reasonably concluded that Villanueva's conditions of confinement were unnecessarily excessive and bore no reasonable relation to a legitimate governmental interest...We emphasize that our decision is not based solely on the fact that Villanueva was confined in a cell measuring six feet by six feet, ~ Rhodes v. Chapman, 29 CrL 3061 (1981). It is rather based upon the totality of the circumstances, including cell size, time spent in the cell, lack of opportunity for exercise or recreation, general sanitary conditions, and the fact that the appellant's past behavior demonstrated an ability to be confined under less restrictive conditions without incident. In dicta the court suggests that the classification procedure which resulted in the plaintiffs being placed in segregation while awaiting trial was valid. The procedure took into account the nature of the crime charged and particularly whether the crime was violent or aggressive, the prisoner's desire to remain in a particular classification, the psychological state of the individual and other similar factors. (St. Louis County Adult Correctional Facility, Missouri) 1982 U.S. District Court SEPARATION VISITS Boudin v. Thomas, 543 F.Supp. 686 (S.D. N.Y. 1982). Administrative detention is terminated and contact visits are restored by Court. A pretrial detainee sought a writ of habeas corpus challenging her confinement in administrative segregation. The United States District Court held that administrative detention was to be immediately suspended and contact visits between the petitioner and approved visitors were to be initiated, where the detainee had not committed any act or engaged in any conduct threatening herself, staff or institutional security and was not shown to be an escape risk. The defendants presented only vague assertions in attempts to demonstrate the risks posed by contact visits with her infant son. (Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York) U.S. District Court CELL CAPACITY Campbell v. McGruder, 554 F.Supp. 562 (D.C. D.C. 1982). Double celling of pretrial detainees is allowed but additional guards are ordered to be placed in each cellblock in which double-celling occurs. No pretrial detainee is to be confined in the company of another inmate in his cell for more than twelve hours per day. No pretrial detainee is to be double-celled for more than thirty days. (D.C. Jail) STAFFING U.S. District Court JUVENILES CONDITIONS PUNISHMENT D.B., et al. v. Graham Tewksbury, et al., 545 F.Supp. 896 (D. Ore. 1982). A federal district court judge in Oregon rules in a class action suit brought by Oregon Legal Services on behalf of children confined in the Columbia County Correctional Facility (CCCF). Judge Helen J. Frye held that it is unconstitutional to hold children in adult jails, whether they are accused status offenders or are alleged to have committed crimes. Jud_ge Frye first ruled that the conditions at CCCF constituted punishment, citing a failure by the jail to provide any form of work, exercise, education, recreation, recreational materials, adequate hygiene, minimal privacy, adequate diet or medical 32.10 care, emergency health service, "treatment of emotionally disturbed children who panic in a jail setting," or visits with families. The twenty-three page opinion cited numerous other deprivations. Judge Frye indicated that the decision as to whether these conditions are punishment was "simple,• since the director of the Columbia County Juvenile Department, Graham Tewksbury, "has stated expressly that he intends to punish children" held in the jail. The court cited Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520 (1979), stating that the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment requires that a pretrial detainee not be punished. However, Judge Frye went further and ruled that the confinement of children, whether status offenders or accused of conµnitting crimes, in !!m: adult jail is unconstitutional: ... [TJo put such a child [status offender] in a jail--aey jail--with its criminal stigma--constitutes punishment and is a violation of that child's due process rights under the fourteenth amendment. .. Would it be constitutionally permissible to lodge children accused of committing crimes [in modern, 'enlightened' kinds of jails]?...Due process• or fundamental fairness - does not guarantee to children all the rights in the adjudication process which are constitutionally assured to adults accused of committing crimes. For example, children are not entitled to a jury trial, to indictment by grand jury, or to bail. In lieu of these constitutional rights, children are not t.o be treated or considered as criminals... Juvenile proceedings, in the state of Oregon as elsewhere, are in the nature of a guardianship imposed by the state as parens patriae to provide the care and guidance that under normal circumstances would be furnished by the natural parents. It is, then, fundamentally fair constitutional - to deny children charged with crimes, rights available to adults charged with crimes if that denial is offset by a special solicitude designed for children. But when the denial of constitutional rights for children is not offset by a 'special solicitude' but by lodging them in adult jails, it is fundamentally unfair. When children who are found ~ of committing criminal acts cannot be placed in adult jails, it is fundamentally unfair to lodge children accused of committing criminal acts in adult jails... The supervisors at jails are guards - not guardians. Jails hold convicted criminals and adults charged with crimes...A jail is not a place where a truly concerned natural parent would lodge his or her child for care and guidance. A jail is not a place where the state can constitutionally lodge its children under the guise of parens patriae. To lodge a child in an adult jail pending adjudication of criminal charges against that child is a violation of that child's due process rights under the fourteenth amendment to the United States Constitution. Since this decision, all children have been removed from CCCF. However, Oregon state law permits placement of juveniles in adult facilities under certain circumstances. (Columbia County Correctional Facility, Oregon) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Hunt v. Polk County, 551 F.Supp. 339 (S.D. Iowa 1982). Strip searches of pre-arraignment detainees charged with minor offenses are declared impermissible. A federal district court judge in Iowa found that no strip searches of pre-arraignment detainees charged with minor offenses would be permitted unless the offense is associated with weapons or contraband, or unless there is a basis for reasonable suspicion that the particular detainee is concealing a weapon or contraband. Because these detainees are being held solely due to their inability to post cash bail, and because most are traffic violat.ors, the court found that there was little reason to believe that a particular detainee would be concealing contraband or a weapon. (Polk County Jail, Iowa) U.S. District Court TEMPORARY RELEASE Samuals v. Department of Corrections, N.Y.C., 548 F.Supp. 253 (E.D. N.Y. 1982). Detainee does not have right to attend funeral. A federal district court has ruled that allowing a prisoner t.o be temporarily released to visit sick relatives or to attend a funeral is entirely within the discretion of the off'J.cials responsible for confinement. City officials denied a pretrial detainee permission t.o attend the wake of his twin children, and he filed suit. The court noted that pretrial detainees have no greater right to free movement than 4o convicted criminals. (Queens House of Detention, New York) 1983 U.S. Appeals Court PROBABLE CAUSE Bernard v. County of Santa Clara, 699 F.2d 1023 (9th Cir., 1983). A probable cause hearing shall be ordered within twenty-four hours of arrest without warrant. In a decision that could affect police, sheriffs, and pretrial release policies throughout California, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that Santa Clara County must hold a probable cause hearing within twenty-four hours after an arrest without a warrant. The plaintiff had alleged a violation of his right to a prompt 32.11 determination of probable cause, citing Gerstein v. Pugh. 420 U.S. 103 (1975), which held that the fourth amendment required "as a condition for any s1gnil'icant pretrial restraint on liberty" a fair and reliable determination of probable cause made by a judicial officer "either before or promptly after arrest." U.S. District Court TRANSFER CROWDING U.S. Appeals Court PARITY WITH SENTENCED SEPARATION STATE INTEREST U.S. Appeals Court METHADONE TREATMENT U.S. District Court MAil, Black v. Delbello. 575 F.Supp. 28 (S.D. N.Y. 1983). Pretrial detainee's transfer left within the discretion of jail officials. A pretrial detainee was transferred to another jail by administrators who cited overcrowding as the reason for the transfer. The detainee sued, alleging that since there were many empty beds in the facility, there was no need for the transfer. The federal district court found that the transfer was authorized by New York statu.t.es and an order by the New York State Commission of Corrections. Relying on Meachum v. Fano, 427 U.S. 215, 96 S.Ct. 2532 (1976). the court refused to interfere, finding that this matter was properly left within the discretion of jail officials. (Westchester County and Orange County, New York). court Drayton v. Robinson, 719 F.2d 1214 (3rd Cir. 1983). Appeals orders the same protections for pretrial detainees as provided to sentenced offenders. Pennsylvania prison officials housed pretrial detainees, at the request of local officials, in state facilities with convicted offenders. At times, detainees were placed in administrative segregation without applying the same policies and procedures used for convicted offenders prior to placement. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed with this practice, stating that •...to accept appellants' interpretation of the regulations would create an anomalous situation where inmates who were charged, tried, convicted and sentenced would have greater constitutional protection from segregat.ed conimement than inmates who are merely being held awaiting trial, or convicted but unsentenced. • The court ruled that detainees had as much of a protectable interest in remaining out of administrative segregation as all other inmates at the facility and were entitled to the same protections. (Pennsylvania Bureau of Corrections) Fredericks v. Huggins, 711 F.2d 31 (4th Cir. 1983). Pretrial detainees are not entitled to methadone treatment in jail. A federal circuit court has upheld the practices of the sheriff of Fairfax County with regard to the treatment of pretrial detainees who were participating in methadone detoxification programs prior to detention. The sheriff had developed a procedure for handling inmates with drug withdrawal problems, and the procedure had been approved by the American Medical Association. The procedure required consistent monitoring of detainees during withdrawal. The court found that the sheriff's security concerns about introducing drugs into the facility, even those administered on a controlled basis. were legitimate, and that subsequent refusal to detoxify detainees did not amount to. unconstitutional punishment. (Fairfax County Jail, Virginia) Odom v. Tripp. 575 F.Supp. 1491 (E.D. Mo. 1983). Pretrial detainee in city jail is not entitled to receive mail on Saturday. A detainee at the St. Louis City Jail sued the city, alleging that the practice of not delivering mail to prisoners on Saturday amounted to punishment. Based on the reason present.ed by administrators (lack of personnel) and the lack of intent to punish, the federal district court found the practice "reasonably related" to a legitimate nonpunitive governmental objective, and therefore, found no violation of the plaintiff's constitutional rights. (St. Louis City Jail, Missouri) U.S. District Court SEPARATION PROTECTION Reynolds v. Sheriff, City of Richmond, 574 F.Supp. 90 (E.D. Va. 1983). Sheriff may be liable for pretrial detainee's beating while housed with convicted felons. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia has refused the motion of the defendant sheriff to dismiss him from a suit brought by a pretrial detainee. The detainee alleges that he was beaten by convicted felons while he was detained at the sheriff's facility. He accuses the sheriff of directing the act or acquiescing to it after it happened. The court did not dismiss the sheriff from the suit because the plaintiff alleged that he established and maintained a policy of not segregating convicted felons from pretrial detainees. Because of a lack of separation, the plaintiff was attacked. Also, the court ruled that the case could be pursued under 42 U.S.C. Section 1983 because it alleged a violation of the plaintiff's right to be free from bodily injury, and that cruel and unusual punishment need not be alleged. (Richmond City Jail, Virginia) U.S. Appeals Court CONTACT VISITS WINDOWS Rutherford v. Pit.chess, 710 F.2d 572 (9th Cir. 1983), rev'd, 104 S.Ct. 3227 (1984). Pretrial detainees class action suit brings changes. A class action suit was f'tled against the Los Angeles County central jail by pretrial detainees. The federal district court ordered twelve changes after a trial. Three of the changes were appealed by county officials. The Ninth Circait Court of Appeals decided that: low risk detainees were to be allowed one contact visit per week; detainees would be allowed to be present during searches of their cells; and the replacement of transparent windows by concrete enclosures was justif'ied. Subsequently the United States Supreme Court reversed on the f':irst two issues. (Los Angeles County Central Jail) CELL SEARCHES 32.12 U.S. Appeals Court CROWDING PUNISHMENT STATE INTEREST Union County Jail Inmat.es v. Di Buono, 713 F.2d 984 (1983), cert. denied, 104 S.Ct. 1600 (1983). Overcrowded conditions are found unconstitutional. Litigation challenging severe overcrowding at the Union County Jail in New Jersey result.ed in a finding by a federal district court and its special master that the overcrowded conditions at the· jail were unconstitutional. The most serious concern of the court was placement of inmat.es on mattresses on the floor of one man cells. Rejecting the stat.e corrections commissioner's request to resolve the problem by double bunking, the district judge ordered the convicted inmates removed from the jail and into the stat.e prison system to which they had been sent.enced (537 F.Supp. 1009). In reversing the district court's prohibition against double bunking, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that under the "totality of the circwnstances," the double bunking proposal would satisfy the constitutional prohibitions against the punishment of pretrial detainees and against cruel and unusual punishment of sent.enced prisoners. In reaching its decision, the Third Circuit relied on Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520 (1979), in which the Supreme Court held that while detainees may not be punished, there is no punishment where conf'mement conditions serve legitimat.e nonpunitive purposes and are not excessive in relation to those purposes. In addition, the court must inquire as to whether the conditions cause inmat.es to endure "genuine privations and hardship over an ext.ended period of time." Both courts concluded that overcrowding served two legitimat.e purposes: effective management of a det.ention facility during a stat.ewide prison overcrowding emergency and the int.erests of stat.e and local government in not releasing inmat.es into the streets. However, the circuit disagreed with the lower court's finding that conditions would still violat.e the due process rights of detainees because of sheer lack of space and because the totality of conditions would in any event be unconstitutional. According to the appeals court, double bunking would resolve the "totality" issue by providing adequat.e space for sleeping and would allow for reclaiming large recreation areas, permitting each inmat.e one hour of exercise each day in the larger space. The circuit claimed that this recreation period would offset the "cramped and overcrowded conditions" of the remaining fifteen waking hours, during which square footage per inmat.e varies from thirty-one to thirty-three and one half square feet. The Circuit Court was further persuaded that such conditions were not unconstitutional because they were convinced that the majority of detainees are conf'med for no more than sixty days, an assertion disput.ed by some local parties. (Union County Jail, New Jersey) 1984 U.S. Supreme Court CONTACT VISITS CEIL SEARCHES Block v. Rutherford, 104 S.Ct. 3227 (1984). U.S. Supreme Court reverses lower court rulings; pretrial detainees in Los Angeles Central Jail will not have contact visits and will not be allowed to be present when cells are searched. Pretrial detainees at the Los Angeles County Central Jail brought a class action in Federal District Court in 1975 against the County Sheriff and other officials, challenging the jail's policy of denying' pretrial detainees contact visits with their spouses, relatives, children and friends, and the jail's practice of conducting random, irregular "shakedown" searches of cells while the detainees were away at meals, recreation, or other activities. The district court concluded that the danger of permitting lower security risk inmat.es to have contact visits was not great enough to warrant deprivation of such contact and, with regard to cell searches, that allowing inmat.es to watch from a distance while their cells are searched would allay inmat.e concerns that their personal property would be unnecessarily conf'JSCat.ed or destroyed. In a six to three decision, the Supreme Court relied upon its previous ruling in Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520, to uphold practices at the Los Angeles County Central Jail. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Burger stat.ed that " ...The principles artic:wat.ed in Wolfish govern resolution of this case....We affirm that, 'proper deference to the informed discretion of prison authorities demands that they, and not the courts, make the difficult judgments which reconcile conflicting claims affecting the security of the institution, the welfare of the prison staff, and the property rights of the detainees.' 441 U.S. at 557. Accordingly, the judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed." Contact Visits. The Supreme Court based its decision on a narrow question: is the prohibition of contact visits reasonably relat.ed to legitimate governmental objectives? Finding, as in Wolfish. that there is no basis to conclude that pretrial detainees pose any less security risk than convict.ed inmat.es, the court not.ed that detainees may in fact present a greater risk to jail security. The district court had ordered: "Commencing not more than ninety days following the dat.e of this order, the defendants will make available a contact visit once each week to each pretrial detainee that has been held in the jail for one month or more, and concerning whom there is no indication of drug or escape propensities; provided, however, that no more than iift.een hundred such visits need be allowed in any one week. App. to Pet. for Cert. 88. The majority of the court held that the burden of identifying candidates for contact visits is made even more difficult by the brevity of det.ention. The majority criticized the district court for not ending its inquiry after the County had established reasons for denying them; the "balancing" that the district court attempt.ed in its decision, 32.13 "result.ed in an impermissible substitution of its view on the proper administration of Central Jail for that of the experienced administrators of the facility," according to the majority opinion. The opinion concluded, on this issue, by stating: "In rejecting the district court's order, we do not in any sense denigrat.e the importance of visits from f-amily or friends to the detainee. Nor do we int.end to suggest that contact visits might not be a factor contributing to the ultimat.e reint.egration of the detainee into society. We hold only that the Constitution does not require that detainees be allowed contact visits when responsible, experienced administrators have det.ermined, in their sound discretion, that such visits will jeopardize the security of the facility." In a separat.e concurrmg opinion, Justice Blackm.un' challenged the reasonmg of the majority, stating that when a detainee attempts to demonstrat.e the punitive int.ent of a policy he is necessarily calling into question the good faith of the prison adrninisb-ators: "Under those circumstances, it seems to me to be somewhat perverse to insist" that a court assessing the rationality of a particular administrative practice must accord prison administrators 'wide-ranging deference in the adoption and execution of policies and practices' ... such a requirement boils down to a command that when a court is confront.ed with a charge of administrative bad faith, it must evaluat.e the charge by assuming administrative good faith." The appeal present.ed to the Supreme Court the issue of whether detainees are entitled to obse"~ jail staff when their cells are being searched according to jail policies which require irregular or random "(shakedown)" searches. The majority found the method of conducting searches virtually identical to that present.ed in Wolfish, and found no reason to reconsider the prior support of that method in light of a fourth amendment challenge and a due process challenge. (Los Angeles County Central Jail) U.S. District Court PROTECTION MEDICAL CARE Gibson v. Babcock, 601 F.Supp. 1156 (N.D. Ill. 1984). Supervisors liable for Detainee beating. A federal district court has held supervisors responsible for failing to prot.ect a detainee from an assault by another prisoner. The court found that knowledge of a history of violence within a jail, rather than a specific risk of harm t.o a particular prisoner, was enough to hold the supervisors liable. The court found that the eighth amendment proscription against cruel and unusual punishment does not apply to pretrial detainees, and that a detainee need not demonstrat.e deliberat.e indifference t.o stat.e a claim for denial of medical care under the due process clause of the eighth amendment. (Lake County Jail, Waukegan, Illinois) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Kathriner v. City of Overland, Missouri, 602 F.Supp. 124 (E.D. Mo. 1984). The U.S. District Court held that strip searching a pretrial detainee without reason to believe she possessed contraband or weapons violat.ed her constitutional rights. The plaintiff challenged the blanket policy of strip searching all prisoners, regardless of their length of det.ention. Corrections officials who conduct.ed the search were grant.ed good faith immunity because they adopt.ed the strip search policy when Bell v. Wolfish was decided and had not been put on notice that their actions were unconstitutional. The court held the city liable for their violations. (Overland City Lockup, Missouri) U.S. Appeals Court Maey Beth G. v. City of Chicago, 723 F.2d 1263 (7th Cir. 1984). Female detainees are awarded damages for strip searches. Four women who were strip searched at a lockup while awaiting arrival of bail funds brought action against the city. The women were all arrest.ed for misdemeanor charges. The court found the strip search policy which result.ed in the searching of prisoners who were not inherently dangerous and were only detained briefly while awaiting bond was unreasonable under the fourth amendment. Equal prot.ection was violat.ed as similarly situat.ed males were subject.ed to only hand searches. Each plaintiff was awarded between $25,000 and $35,000 in damages. Attorney's fees were also awarded. (Chicago City Lockups) SEARCHES U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE PROTECTION Matzker v. Herr, 748 F.2d 1142 (7th Cir. 1984). Appeals court reverses lower court ruling; finds that pretrial detainee's due process rights may have been violat.ed by alleged denial of compet.ent medical care, and section 1983 action possible for failure to protect. The plaintiff sought damages for injuries received while a pretrial detainee at the St. Clair County Jail in Belleville, Illinois. A federal magistrat.e had dismissed the action. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the decision. The plaintiff was admitted to the jail as a detainee. A Caucasian, he "had some trouble" with black inmat.es shortly after admission and was transferred to another cell block. In his new cell block he was involved in another int.erracial fight and was transferred to segregation. His att.orney brought his assignment to segregation to the attention of the court, and he was subsequently transferred to cell block A. The plaintiff request.ed transfer from cell block A, fearing additional problems with black imnat.es. Four days lat.er he was beat.en by two black inmat.es and suffered the loss of three teeth, a fractured nose and an eye injury. The plaintiff alleged that he was beat.en for over fifteen minut.es before the c:orrections officer came to investigat.e. Although taken to a hospital the next day, injuries to his teeth and eye were not treat.ed for three months, and he allegedly suffered permanent injury. The appeals court reversed the dismiSSAl, ordering the case to proceed to trial. (St. Clair County Jail, lliinois) 32.14 U.S. Supreme Court PREVENTIVE DETENTION JUVENILES U.S. District Court CROWDING Schall. Commissioner of New York Department of Juvenile Justice v. Martin et al., 104 S.Ct. 2403 (1984). Preventive detention of juveniles is upheld. A divided United States Supreme Court (6 justices concurring, 3 justices dissenting) upheld section 320.4(3)(b) of the New York Family Court Act, which authorized pretrial detention of an accused juvenile delinquent based on a finding that there is a "serious risk" that the child "may before the return date commit an act which if committed by an adult would constitute a crime." Attorneys brought action on behalf of a class of all juveniles detained under the provisions of Section 320.4(3)(b), arguing that it permitted detention without due process of law. The federal district court found for the plaintiffs and ordered the immediate release of all members of the class. 513 F.Supp. 691 (1981). Upon appeal, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the finding of the lower court, finding the provision "unconstitutional as to all juveniles" because the statute is administered in such a way that "the detention period serves as punishment imposed without proof of guilt established according to the requisite constitutional standard." 689 F.2d 365, at 373-374 (1982). The majority of the Supreme Court found that: •... preventive detention under the Family Court.Act serves a legitimate state objective, and that the procedural protections afforded pretrial detainees by the New York statute satisfy the requirements of the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution. 11 The district court rejected the equal protection challenge offered by the plaintiffs attorneys, but agreed that the detention authorized under the Family Court Act violates due process. On appeal, the court of appeals affirmed the district court finding, stating that ''the vast majority of juveniles detained under Section 320.5(3)(b) either have their petitions dismissed before an adjudication of delinquency or are released after adjudication. 11 689 F.2d at 369. The appeals court concluded that section 320.5(3)(b) is used principally not for preventive purposes but to impose punishment, as the early release of so many of those detained contradicts the asserted need for pretrial confinement to protect the community. The appeals court concluded that section 320(5)(b) was unconstitutional for all juveniles, reasoning that individual litigation would be a practical impossibility because the periods of detention are so short. The majority opinion of the Supreme Court, delivered by Justice Rehnquist, concluded that the preventive detention system chosen by the state of New York and applied by the New York Family Court comports with constitutional standards because the purpose for detention under the act is regulatory, and proper procedural protections precede its imposition. In the majority opinion, Rehnquist stated "There is no doubt that the due process clause is applicable in juvenile proceedings." Citing In re Gault, 387 U.S. 1, 13-14 (1967), he stressed that the issue is to "ascertain the precise impact of the due process requirement upon such proceedings.• Justice Rehnquist further stated: "We have held that certain basic constitutional protections enjoyed by adults accused of crimes also apply to juveniles. See In re Gault, supra, at 31-57 (notice of charges, right to counsel, privilege against self-incrimination, right to confrontation and cross-examination); In re Winship, 397 U.S. 358 (1970) (proof beyond a reasonable doubt); Breed v. Jones, 421 U.S. 519 (1975) (double jeopardy). But the Constitution does not mandate elimination of all differences in the treatment of juveniles...The state has a 'parens patriae interest in preserving and promoting the welfare of the child', Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 766 (1982), which makes a juvenile pl'ON!eding fundamentally different from an adult criminal trial. We have tried, therefore, to strike a balance- to respect the 'informality' and 'flexibility' that characterize juvenile proceedings, In re Winship. supra, at 366, and yet to ensure that such proceedings comport with the 'fundamental fairness' demanded by the due process clause." The majority opinion defined two questions to answer in determining the constitutionality of the act: "...does preventive detention under the New York statute serve a legitimate state objective? .... are the procedural safeguards contained in the Family Court Act adequate to authorize the pretrial detention of at least some juveniles charged with crimes?." In finding positively for the first question, the majority cited the widespread use and judicial acceptance of preventive detention in the United States. The limitations imposed by the act on the length of detention, and the entitlement of a detainee to a probable cause hearing and an expedited fact-finding hearing were also discussed in the majority opinion. In overturning the lower court decision, the majority opinion stated: We are unpersuaded by the court of appeals' rather cavalier equation of detentions that do not lead to continued confinement after an adjudication of guilt and 'wrongful' or 'punitive' pretrial detentions... A delinqueru::y petition may be dismissed for any number of reasons collateral to its merits... (Department of Juvenile Justice, New York) Tyler v. United States, 602 F.Supp. 476 (E.D. Mo. 1984). Court praises city officials for reducing pretrial population. A U.S. District Court noted that although the City of St. Louis initially violated its order to limit the number of prisoners housed in the city jail, subsequent actions purged the city of its contempt of court responsibility. 32.15 An earlier order set limits on the city jail capacity. When excess prisoners were housed at other facilities, the court stated that those facilities must also meet the constitutional conditions ordered for the city jail. The court not.ed that staff levels at the city jail were maintained at a time when other city agencies were reducing their force, and efforts to expedit.e processing of cases showed the willingness of the city to comply with the court order. As a result, the pretrial population was steadily decreased, as was reliance on other facilities to house overflow populations. (St. Louis City Jail. Missouri) 1985 Stat.e Supreme Court CROWDING FACILITY PLANS Attorney General v. Sheriff of Suffolk County, Mass., 477 N.E.2d 361 (Mass, 1985). The attorney general filed a complaint seeking an order to compel the sheriff to accept into his cust.ody all pretrial detainees committ.ed to him by courts of the Commonwealth. The sheriff then brought action seeking injunctive and declaratory relief against the mayor, city council and commissioner of corrections. The actions were consolidated, and the detainees and inmat.es were permitt.ed to int.ervene. A single justice ordered the construction of a sevent.een story jail and re:eort.ed the, propriety of those orders. The Supreme Judicial Court, Suffolk County hela that: (1) mandamus was available to require the city council to construct the jail; (2) the order requiring fulfillment of the city's statutory obligation to provide a suitable jail did not violat.e the principle of separation of powers; and (3) the orders did not violat.e the supremacy clause. (Suffolk County Jail, Massachusetts) Stat.e Supreme Court TRANSFER Cleveland v. Goin, 703 P.2d 204 (Ore. Sup. Ct., 1985). Prisoner ordered back to jail in county of trial. The plaintiff was transferred to a jail in another county because, according to the sheriff. his jail was overcrowded. Aft.er examining records and logs, the court det.ermined that jail occupancy had not exceeded the limit set by federal court. As a result, the prisoner was ordered housed in the jail in which his upcoming trial would be held. (Clatsop County Jail, Oregon) U.S. Appeals Court INTAKE SCREENING MEDICAL CARE Garcia v. Salt Lake County, 768 F.2d 303 (10th Cir. 1985). Appeals court aff'll'Dls $147,000 judgment against county for admitting unconscious detainee who died after admission. Although the county had a policy of taking all unconscious arrestees to a hospital, evidence showed that they were routinely admitted to the jail if they were suspected of being intoxicated. In this case, the arrestee was taken to the hospital following a traffic accident. While there he ingested some barbiturat.es which had been prescribed earlier and escaped while unattended. He was found unconscious in front of the hospital, was examined by a doct.or. and then admitt.ed to the jail. He was checked every thirty minutes by an officer. but was not examined by a medic until four hours after admission. He eventually died after being placed on life support systems. The appeals court agreed that jail practices differed from policies, and practices therefore became "policy" for the purpose of det.ermining liability. In this case. the county was held liable for implementing the "policy" and was ordered to pay $147.000 plus costs. The court noted that eighth amendment prot.ections do not apply until after an adjudication of guilt, but that pretrial detainees are entitled to the same degree of prot.ection and care as convict.ed offenders under the due process standard (fourt.eenth amendment). (Salt Lake County Jail. Utah) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS Goodson v. City of Atlanta, 763 F.2d 1381 (11th Cir. 1985). Detainee awarded $50,000 damages for conditions of det.ention. The plaintiff was held as a rape suspect in the Atlanta jail. A jury concluded that he was subjected to unconstitutional conditions of confinement (sanitation, toilet facilities. medical care, lack of bedding. lack of heating, roach infested food). The jury believed that the City of Atlanta and the jail adrnini~ator knew of these conditions and had even made public stat.ements to the media that the jail was "unfit for human habitation". Concluding that the administrator had failed to properly train and supervise staff. they held him liable for $5,000 damages, and held the city liable for $45,000 compensatory damages. (Atlanta City Jail, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS Hamm v. DeKalb County, 774 F.2d 1567 (11th Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 475 U.S. 1096. Eleventh circuit imds Wolfish stat.em.ent inadequat.e for determining pretrial detainee conditions. The court assert.ed that the standard established in Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520 (1979), does not produce a clear result when applied to a jail's provision of basic needs such as food, living space and medical care. The Wolfish t.est, developed for pretrial detainees in a federal det.ention center, asks if conditions are reasonable and related to a legitimat.e governmental objective, and whether conditions amount to "punishment." The court concluded that pretrial conditions be evaluat.ed under the same standard that has been developed for eighth amendment analysis of conditions for convict.ed offenders. As many county and city jails hold both detainees and convict.ed prisoners, applying the two separate standards necessarily requires courts to become "...enmeshed in the minutia of prison operations," which the Supreme Court has warned agamst. STATE INTEREST 32.16 Therefore, in addition to requiring pretrial conditions and practices to serve a legitimate governmental purpose, the court also held that jails must furnish the detainees with a reasonably adequate diet and living space, and with reference to medical needs that they must not be deliberately indifferent to detainee's serious medical needs. (DeKalb County Jail, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court LAW LIBRARY ACCESS TO COURTS Love v. Summit County. 776 F.2d 908 (10th Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 814. Detainee not denied access to courts because no access to law library. The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals found that although the plaintiff's seven months detention triggered the right to petition the courts, his continuing access to counsel provided sufficient access. In addition, the court noted that his attorney, while declining. to represent him in his civil claim, provided referral to others and appropriate forms to pursue the claim. The court also noted that there was no evidence that the defendants did anything to impede the detainee from contacting the courts or attorneys. (Summit Co. Jail, Utah) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS . Miles v. Bell, 621 F.Supp. 51 (D.C.Conn. 1985). The focus of this complaint was overcrowding, particularly in the housing unit, which once consisted of open dormitories. Pretrial detainees brought a class action suit primarily alleging that the overcrowded dorms increased the spread of disease among them and were psychologically harmful because of the stress, lack of control over their areas and lack of privacy. Most of the plaintiffs' proof on the issue was based on comparisons between illness rates in dormitories and other housing methods such as cubicles or single or double cells. Testimony did show higher levels of complaints and a higher level of illness among inmates housed in the open dorms. A doctor testified that the installation of cubicles could correct many of these problems. In fact, the defendants had corrected the situation by installing cubicles, rendering much of the pretrial detainees' complaint moot. The cubicles mitigate the spread of disease, as well as afford privacy, testified the doctor. He said that the decrease in stress would likely improve both the physical and mental states of the inmates. Although there was no testimony as to what effect the cubicles had on ventilation, the court found no violation on the matter. The barriers were likely to decrease the effects of smoking and body odor of other inmates. The inmates complained of drafts if windows were left open and of stifling heat if left closed. The living units made up of cubicles were not challenged by the inmates. The court also found no constitutional violation in that the number of toilets and showers did not conform to the standards set by the American Correctional Association (ACA) and by the American Public Health Association (APHA). The ACA advised one toilet and shower facility for every eight inmates, and the APHA advised one toilet for every eight inmates and one shower for every fifteen inmates. The defendants provided one toilet for every ten to frl'teen inmates, and one shower for every fourteen to twenty-four inmates, depending on the housing unit. These figures were nearly twice that advised. Still, the court found no violation absent a showing that waiting in line led to either physical or mental problems. Sanitary conditions were not challenged. Although there were certain violations of the health code in the food service in that maggots and weevils were occasionally found, the court found no constitutional violation. With regards to recreational opportunities, the inmates had enough forms of exercise and equipment available regularly. For security reasons and for the safety of a correctional officer, he is not permitted to carry a key to the· exterior doors in the housing units if he is working alone. The inmates claim this and staff shortages would prevent them from evacuating in case of a fire. The court found no violation, since the correctional officer does carry keys to exit doors that empty into adjoining units. (Federal Correctional Institution at Danbury, Connecticut) State Appeals Court SEARCH People v. Nagel, 38 CrL 2101 (Ill App. Ct. 4th Dist., October 1, 1985). Appeals court rules that police should not have conducted inventory search of detainee's locked briefcase. A police prisoner had more than enough cash to meet the 50 dollar bond set for the offense on which he had been arrested, but his locked briefcase was searched by police aeyway. Although the Supreme Court has permitted inventory searches of prisoners' property as a valid exception to the fourth amendment's warrant requirements, the majority of the Illinois Appellate Court found that the search is permissible only if it is incident to the further incarceration of the prisoner. The state had argued that "incarceration" should be interpreted to mean any period of detention, no matter how short, including the booking process. The majority disagreed. Incarceration must mean something more intrusive than simple detention for the purely admini~ative purpose of booking an individual who would otherwise be subject to immediate release on a non-substantial criminal charge. Simply put, the significant inquiry is whether there is a reasonable belief that the defendant will be subject to :furt}ler incarceration. If he is, then the inventory search is legitimate... The focus must necessarily begin and end with an examinat\on of the reasonableness of the police officer's necessarily ad hoc determination based on the facts and information available to the officer at the station house following arrest. 32.17 U.S. Appeals Court Roberts v. City of Troy, 773 F.2d 720 (6th Cir. 1985). Pretrial detainees not PARITYWITH protec:t.ed by eighth amendment. but rights are analogized to those of detainees under fourt.eenth amendment to avoid extending great.er constitutional protection to sentenced SENTENCED EQUAL PROTECTION offenders. Shortly after admission to the City of Troy jail, a prisoner committed SUICIDE suicide. His mother sued the city under U.S.C. 42 Section 1983 and under state law, claiming that officials should have identified him as suicidal during admission and should have supervised him more closely. A federal jury found for the defendants. On appeal, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the jury verdict concerning section 1983 claims but reversed the prior summary judgment which released Chief of Police Fisher from liability for state claims. In reaching its conclusions, the appeals court noted that although pretrial detainees are not protected by the eighth amendment, those protections must be analogized under the fourteenth amendment. (Troy City Jail, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE INTAKE SCREENING Roclt v. McCoy, 763 F.2d 394 (10th Cir. 1985). City to pay $100,000 damages to prisoner for excessive force and failing to provide treatment while detained. The plaintiff was arrested by city police following a complaint by his mother-in-law who had called them because he was drunk. After following Jiiis ,car hC?me1 ~o officers grabbed his feet ash~ left his car, pulled him out and kicked him several times in the ribs, legs and face, and repeatedly slammed the car door against his shins. Upon admission to the city jail he received no medical treatment beyond wiping the blood from his nose. He was released the next day. A district court jury found for the plaintiff, awarding $100,000 actual damages against the city, $2,100 actual damages against each police officer, and $1,000 in punitive damages against each officer. On appeal, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld both the verdict and the awards. (Chelotah, Oklahoma Police) State Appeals Court JUVENILES DIVERSION State v. Washingt;on, 37 CrL 2226 (Wash CtApp, &'&'85). Policy which excludes juveniles charged with prostitution from diversion program struck down. King County (Seattle) juvenile court officials had a policy against accepting any teenage prostitution defendant for diversion. The policy was based on the defendants' mobility, their repeated failure to appear for court, and officials' perception that the courts could provide better supervision than the diversion program. The Washington Court of Appeals struck down the policy, finding that the legislature clearly viewed prostitution as suitable for diversion. The Court ordered the officials to consider juvenile prostitution defendants for diversion and to reject them from the program only on a case-by-case basis. (King County, Washington) U.S. Appeals Court BAll, REFORM ACT U.S. v. Alatishe, 37 CrL 1070 (D.C. Cir. 1985). Motion for pretrial detention may follow a temporary detention in spite of provision of bail reform act. In this complicated case, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia added another interpretation to the provisions of the Bail Reform Act of 1984 (USC 3141-56). After learning that the defendant who had been arrested on a serious drug charge was already on probation, the government requested the magistrate to detain the defendant for t.en days under the provisions of the act at the time of presentment. The request was granted, allowing time for the court supervising his probation to ·revoke it. Toward the end of the temporary detention period the magistrate allowed the government to move for pretrial detention, over the objections of the defendant. The appeals court found that while Section 3142(f), read literally, precludes a pretrial detention hearing if one is not held "immediately upon the person's first appearance," the court found that the provision for temporary detention and the legislative history dictate a different interpretation, ruling that under the confusing circumstances of this case, the detention hearing was timely. U.S. Appeals Court BAll, REFORM ACT U.S. v. Al-AzzaWY, 768 F.2d 1141 (9th Cir. 1985). Ninth circuit requires strict adherence to time requirements of bail reform act. Aligning itself with the Second and Fifth Circuits, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has held that if the procedures under Section 3142(f) of the Bail Reform Act of 1984 are violated in any material way, unconditional pretrial detention may not be ordered. In this case, the hearing for indefinite pretrial detention did not occur, as required in the act, "immediately upon the defendant's first appearance before a judicial officer." This hearing followed the defendant's f'lrst appearance by nearly a month, during which time he was detamed. U.S. Appeals Court BA.Il, REFORM ACT U.S. v. Contreras, 776 F.2d 51 (2nd Cir. 1985). Indictment by grand jury establishes probable cause for purposes of bail reform act. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has ruled that if an indictment alleging the offense has been returned, a district court facing bail decisions should rely on the indictment rather than making «n. independent assessment of probable cause in the context of the Bail Reform Act of 1984 (18 USC Section 3142-e). (East.em District, New York) 32.18 U.S. District Court DUE PROCESS U.S. v. LoFranco. 620 F.Supp. 1324 (N.D. N.Y. 1985). Defendant ordered released from detention as federal court fmds violation of due process clause. The continued detention of a defendant since May 1985, whose "complex case" will not come to trial until February, 1986, did not consider the defendant's due process rights ~ therefore was ordered discontinued by a federal district court. "In the absence of statutory limitations on pretrial det.ention in a complex case like this, there is no indication that the legislative and executive branches have considered the defendant's due process rights and therefore no basis for confidence that the det.ention is constitutional," observed the court. In weighing the defendant's liberty int.erest against society's interest in his continued detention, the court concluded that the defendant must be released, even though he "will create potential dangers to the public and to the integrity of his trial." (Northern District, New York) U.S. Appeals Court BAIL REFORM ACT U.S. v. Maull. 768 F.2d 211 (8th Cir. 1985). Eighth circuit creates split in circuits over interpretation of "first appearance" requirement of bail reform act. Disagreeing with other circuits, the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Eighth Circuit has held that the requirement of subsection (f) of section 3142 of the Bail Reform Act of 1984 (detention hearing shall be held immediately upon the person's first appearance before the judicial officer) should not be interpreted literally. Rather, the majority says that reading the sentence in isolation is an error; when read in context and in the spirit of the act, the majority submits that the sentence indicates that the hearing is to be held promptly when one is ordered. (Eastern District, Massachusetts) 1986 U.S. Appeals Court EQUAL PROTECTION Anela v. City of Wildwood, 790 F.2d 1063 (3rd Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 949. Female detainees confined overnight were denied fourteenth amendment rights; city could be held liable for conditions. Nine females and one male, ages seventeen to twenty, were arrested at 11:l,5 p.m. by city police for loud radio playing. The male arrestee was able to post bail and was released. The females were held until 11:00 the following morning. The females filed suit, alleging that their conf'mement in cells without drinking water, food or mattresses violated their constitutional rights. The federal district court dismissed several counts prior to trial and directed a verdict against the plaintiffs following a trial. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that: (1) the city is responsible for the use of a bail schedule in violation of a rule of the New Jersey Supreme Court; (2) the conditions of confinement to which the non-disruptive, non-violent, nonalcoholic women were subjected constituted privation and punishment in violation of the fourteenth amendment. (City of Wildwood, New Jersey) · U.S. Appeals Court JUVENILES H.C. by Hewett v. Jarrard, 786 F.2d 1080 (11th Cir. 1986). A juvenile, who had been commed at a juvenile detention center pending a trial on delinquency charges, brought action for imposition of isolation without notice or hearing, excessive length and conditions of isolation, unjustified and excessive force applied to him by superintendent of the center, and denial of medical care. The United States District Court awarded nominal damages on claims that isolation without notice and hearing and conditions of isolation violated due process and determined that the juvenile had not been deliberately deprived of medical attention, and that battery of the juvenile by the superint.endent did not rise to a constitutional violation. The juvenile appealed. The Court of Appeals held that: (1) the superintendent's battery of the juvenile violated the juvenile's liberty interests protected by the fourteenth amendment; (2) the superintendent was liable both personally and in his capacity as the center's superintendent for denying the juvenile medical care; (3) compensatory damages should have been awarded to the juvenile for imposition of isolation without procedural due process, for being a period beyond the maximum period set out in relevant regulations, and for his humiliation and dejection sustained as a result of such isolation; and (4) the superintendent's conduct warranted the award of punitive damages. The due process clause forbids punishment of pretrial juvenile detainees; the conditions of a pretrial juvenile detainee incarceration affect interests protected by the fourteenth amendment rather than the eighth amendment. (Volusia Reg. Juv. Detention, Florida) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE Justice v. Dennis, 793 F.2d 573 (4th Cir. 1986). The source of constitutional protection against the use of excessive force on a pretrial detainee is the detainee's liberty interest in bodily security, grounded in the fifth and fourteenth amendments rather than the fourth amendment. The lower court's jury instruction, setting out a spectrum in which int.entional conduct was contrasted with simple negligence and failing to suggest that conduct short of intentional wrongdoing, such as wantonness, recklessness, or gross negligence, was sufficient for imposition of liability, constituted reversible error in the pretrial detainee's action against a state highway patrol trooper for alleged unconstitutionally excessive force used while the detainee was held in the county courthouse jail. The f11ndamental inquiry in all excessive force cases, regardless of protected int.erest's fourth, fifth, or eighth amendment origins, is whether the degree of force used against the arrestee was necessary to protect legitimate state int.erest and, hus, was permissible under all the circumstances. (Onslow County, North Carolina) 32.19 U.S. District Court CONDITIONS SEPARATION U.S. District Court CONDITIONS SEPARATION U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE TELEPHONE U.S. District Court SEARCH Morales Feliciano v. Romero Bercelo, 672 F.Supp. 591 (D. P.R. 1986). According t.o a federal court, prison overcrowding, inmate idleness, and the threat of violence among inmates, combined with the continuous frustrations of reasonable expectation produced by administrative incompetence, resulted in an ascertainable psychological deterioration in the Puert.o Rican prison population. The psychological deterioration inflicted on inmates in the prison system was an unnecessary and want.on infliction of pain in violation of prisoners' Eighth Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment. Inmates of Puert.o Rican jails were denied due process as a result of inefficient, inexperienced, and often incompetent social-penal counseling system, which had a severe negative impact on inmates' opportunities t.o establish eligibility for parole and t.o actually be heard in a timely manner by a parole board. Commingling of pretrial detainees with convicted prisoners, in conjunction with finding that qonditions which prevailed in all institutions at which pretrial detainees were housed violated the Eighth Amendment rights of convicted inmates, was a sufficient basis for holding that pretrial detainees were being punished prior t.o conviction and that, therefore, they were deprived of liberty without due process of law. (Commonwealth of Puert.o Rico) Reece v. Gragg, 650 F.Supp. 1297 (10th Cir. 1986). A pretrial detainee representing a class of all present and future pretrial detainees and sentenced inmates held in the county jail brought action seeking injunctive relief t.o require that operation of the jail under present conditions cease. The district court held that: (1) the current operation and condition of the county jail violated the due process clause of the fifth and fourteenth amendments and the eight amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, and (2) due t.o unconstitutional conditions at the jail, an injunction was warranted, but would be stayed under conditions outlined by court. To the extent that the county jail is unable to segregate pretrial detainee~ and sentenced inmates, the higher standard applicable under the due process clause, rather than the eighth amendment, must be met by the entire facility. Jail overcrowding for the purpose of allowing the county t.o house more inmates without creating more jail space is an impermissible justification for resulting violations of due process and prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. Severe overcrowding combined with lack of area for exercise, lack of separate dining area, inadequate ventilation, inadequate temperature control, and antiquated and unsanitary plumbing at the county jail violated due process clauses of the fifth and fourteenth amendments and ran afoul of the eighth amendment's proscription against cruel and unusual punishment. (Sedgwick County Jail, Kansas) Robinson v. Moses, 644 F.Supp. 975 (N.D.Ind. 1986). The medical care given a pretrial detainee while he was incarcerated in a county jail did not violate his right t.o due process under the fourteenth amendment. The allegations of the complaint demonstrated that the detainee was treated on numerous occasions, had an ear, nose, and throat specialist appointed, and received medicine. The standard under the fourteenth amendment was the same as that applied t.o prisoners bringing claims under the eighth amendment. A pretrial detainee did not establish that his being h1ald in a city-county lockup rather than the county jail amounted t.o punishment without due process in violation of the fourteenth amendment, where the only difference between the city-county lockup and the county jail was the absence of television and a common area. The pretrial detainee's bare allegation that he was denied the use of a telephone for three days while in the citycounty lockup was insufficient t.o create a genuine issue of material fact, precluding summary judgment, in view of the affidavit of the jail commander indicating that prisoners were permitted t.o use telephones while in the lockup and ha4 direct access t.o phones while in holding cells. (Allen County Jail, Indiana) Smith v. Montgomery County, Md., 643 F.Supp. 435 (D.Md. 1986). An arrestee who was strip searched while temporarily detained at the county jail brought action against the county and several of its officials for certification of a retrospective damages class. The district court held that: (1) jail officials had probable cause t.o search temporary detainees arrested for felonies or misdemeanors involving weapons or contraband or with prior records of convictions or unresolved arrests for felonies or misdemeanors involving weapons or contraband, and (2) members of class whose fourth amendment rights were violated by jail's strip search policy were entitled t.o $200 nominal damages. Reasonable suspicion would exist t.o strip search all felony arrestees and all temporary detainees arrested for misdemeanor offenses that involved weapons or contraband, for purposes of determining the plaintiff class in an action against the county for conducting indiscriminate strip searches. Reasonable suspicion would also exist t.o strip search all temporary detainees with prior records of convictions, umesolved arrests for felony offenses, or for misdemeanors involving weapons or contraband. (Mon~mery County Detention Center, Maryland) 32.20 U.S. District Court BAIL U,S. District Court BAIL U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE U.S. Appeals Court BAIL REFORM ACT U.S. Appeals Court Talbert v. KellY. 799 F.2d 62 (3rd Cir. 1986). Rule 3:4-1 of the Rules Governing Criminal Practice promulgated by the New Jersey Supreme Court allows supervising police officers present at a stationhouse to issue a summons to those arrested for misdemeanors and then release them or admit them to bail. However, the City of Newark's policy was to hold the accused until he appeared before a magistrate, rather than to allow bail at the stationhouse. The trial judge called the city's procedure "absurd" and "ponderous" in that transportation arrangements had to be made for court appearances, among other "complexities." He held the city liable for "deviation from the procedure set forth in the court rules." The federal appellate court upheld the city's procedure in light of the availability of magistrates on a twenty-four hour basis. Jail personnel were instructed to call them at home on weekends or after court hours to obtain a "telephone" hearing within twenty-four hours of an arrest. The fact that this procedure was not followed by an employee was not grounds to hold the city liable for what ended up to be ·a four-day detention after a magistrate left court early on a Friday. The statute of limitations had run before interrogatories were served seeking the names of individuals at the station house. (City of Newark, New Jersey) United States v. Deitz. 629 F.Supp. 655 (N.D.N.Y. 1986). The standard for obtaining a stay by the court of appeals of a district court order releasing defendants on bail is the same as the standard for obtaining a preliminary injunction. It was unclear whether the court of appeals applied that standard in staying a district court order because the court did not write an opinion explaining the reason for its stay. Thus, defendants may have been unconstitutionally detained between the time the order was stayed and the time they pleaded guilty. However, even if the defendants were unconstitutionally detained, the district court could not grant the request to compensate them by releasing them before sentencing. The district court had to apply 18 U.S.C.A. Section 3143 providing that a person who is found guilty and awaiting sentence must be detained unless he shows by clear and convincing evidence that he is not likely to flee or pose danger to the community if released. (New York) United States v. Frisone. 795 F.2d 1 (2nd Cir. 1986). The detention of the defendant for twelve months on federal charges was affected by the majority position in a second circuit case that rendered unconstitutional the continued pretrial detention of a defendant solely on the basis of dangerousness. Therefore, remand was necessary to determine whether there were conditions of release which would reasonably assure the defendant's appearance as required and, if so, to establish appropriate conditions of release. (New York) United States v. Himler, 797 F.2d 156 (3rd Cir. 1986). The Bail Reform Act does not authorize the detention of a defendant based on danger to the community from the likelihood that he will, if released, commit another offense involving false identification. Any danger which he may present to the community may be considered only in setting conditions of release. He may be detained only if the record supports a finding that he presents a serious risk of flight. The magistrate properly ordered the temporary detention of the defendant upon being informed that there was an outstanding Florida warrant for the defendant's arrest as well as a detainer lodged against him by the Pennsylvania Department of Probation and Parole, in order to give other officials time to take the defendant into custody, where the defendant appeared on charges involving production of a false identification document, being an international driving permit. The judicial officer must impose least restrictive bail conditions necessary to assure appearance and safety if judicial officer finds that release on personal recognizance or unsecured appearance bond will not provide requisite assurances. (Pennsylvania) United States v. Spilotro, 786 F.2d 808 (8th Cir. 1986). Imposing as a condition of RELEASE-CONDITION pretrial release for a defendant in a prosecution for racketeering that he not associate with any person who has been convicted of a felony except when necessary for business purposes or the preparation of his defense was an abuse of discretion. The condition was imposed as a general matter without any statement of reasons why the condition was necessary to assure the defendant's appearance. (Missouri) U.S. Appeals Court SPEEDY TRIAL DUE PROCESS U.S. v. Melendez-Carrion, 790 F.2d 984 (2nd Cir. 1986). cert. denied 107 S.Ct. 562. A federal appeals court ruled that defendants' due process rights were not violated by their detention for more than 19 months prior to trial due to the risk of flight. There was evidence that the defendants were leaders of a paramilitary terrorist group dedicated to achieving independence for Puerto Rico and that they participated in a conspiracy surrounding the 7.6 million dollar Wells Fargo robbery, as well as the robbery itself. Both defendants had very limited ties to the community and had a record of prior flight. 32.21. 1987 U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE U.S. District Court SEARCHES State Appeals Court PROTECTION Abshire v. Walls, 830 F.2cl 1277 (4th Cir. 1987). $7,000 Award upheld in strip search case. A jury award of $7,000 in damages against three police officers who strip searched an arrestee without proper cause was upheld by a federal appeals court. Following his arrest by police in Baltimore, Maryland, for disorderly conduct, Thomas Abshire as taken to a police station and handcuffed to a railing. At trial, Abshire testified that he made numerous requests to use the telephone, all of which were denied. After Abshire became indignant, it was suggested by one of the officers that he be strip . searched. Abshire was then unhandcuffed and escorted to a utility room, where he was forced to disrobe and subject himself to a strip search. Baltimore County strip search policy provides that arrestees should not be subjected to a strip search unless specific factors are present. Considering this testimony, the court of appeals found that there was a question as to the reasonableness of the search and the jury's resolution of that question was not clearly erroneous. Therefore, the award of $2,000 in compensatory damages .and $5,000 in punitive damages against the tbree officers was upheld. However, the award of $4,000 in attorney's fees was found to be too small and the court of appeals ordered the district court to recalculate this award. (Towson Precinct #6 of the Baltimore County · Police Department, Maryland) Cupit v. Jones, 835 F.2d 83 (5th Cir. 1987). A pretrial detainee, who allegedly had a heart attack approximately three months prior to det.ention brought a 1983 civil rights action against parish prison officials. The federal district court granted summary judgment dismissing the action with prejudice. The pretrial detainee appealed. The appeals court ruled that the detainee was not entitled to a stress-free atmosphere while incarcerated. The court held that: (1) the pretrial detainee failed to establish that he had been denied reasonable medical care; (2) the magistrate did not abuse discretion by refusing to appoint counsel to assist the pretrial detainee; (3) the magistrate did not abuse discretion by refusing to subpoena witnesses; and (4) the magistrate did not abuse discretion by denying requests for production of jail documents. According to the court, pretrial detainees are entitled to reasonable medical care unless failure to supply that care is reasonably related to a legitimate governmental objective; furthermore, pretrial detainees are entitled to protection from adverse conditions of confinement created by prison officials for a punitive purpose or with punitive intent. (Richmond Pai:ish Jail) Davis v. City of Camden, 657 F.Supp. 396 (D.N.J. 1987) A suit was filed against county officials by a woman who came to the police station to file a complaint against her neighbors was arrested and strip searched. Police officials found that the woman had several outstanding arrest warrants when they ran an identification check. She was arrested and sent to the Camden County Jail in New Jersey. At the jail a strip search was conducted by a female officer. The policy at the jail was to conduct a strip search on any person arrested who could not post bail. The court found that policy unconstitutional. The suit was filed against the sheriff and the matron who performed the search claiming the strip search was illegal. While the court did not hold the sheriff and matron liable, it did find the county liable because "We believe that a municipality should be held liable under Section 1983 when it officially adopts a policy that subsequently is declared unconstitutional, notwithstanding the fact that the policy was mandated by state law." The court reasoned that, for purposes of determining whether a particular strip search is justified. reasonable suspicion that a particular arrestee is concealing weapons or contraband can arise not only from specific circumstances relating to the arrestee or arrests, but also from the nature of the charged offense. (Camden County Jail, New Jersey) DeBow v. City of East St. Louis, 510 N.E.2d 895 (Ill. App. 1987), cert. denied, 116 112d 552. A detainee was injured during his conf"mement in a city lockup. He was arrested for illegal transportation of alcohol and he was placed in the same cell with a man arrested for aggravated assault. The plaintiff was later found unconscious on the floor of the cell with a severe head injury. Blood was found on one of the boots that were in the possession of the other occupant of the cell. The injured detainee sued the city and its police chief alleging that pre-trial detainees were inadequately supervised, that officers failed to monitor their conduct and failed to segregate violent detainees from other detainees. The inmate suffered permanent brain injury from the assault and a jury initially awarded $3.4 million in damages. On appeal, the court upheld this award, noting that "specific intent" to deprive the detainee of his rights was not required. The state appeals court found that the plaintiff had established that the defendants had received numerous notices of noncompliance with minimum jail safety standards, including a warning that detainees were being inadequately supervised. Hourly visual checks of detainees were not being conducted and no one understood it to be their offlcial duty to conduct such routine checks. According to the court, it is sufficient that the defendants acted recklessly by disregarding detainee safety. This disregard can be demonstrated either by both deliberate acts or by the failure to act. 32.22 Since the repeat.ed notices of noncompliance with safety standards provided notice of unsafe conditions, the appeals court agreed that the jury could conclude that the failure t.o act t.o correct the situation ~s reckless. (City of East St. Louis, Illinois) U.S. District Court PROTECTION Stat.e Appeals Court PROTECTION Gagne v. City of Galveston, 671 F.Supp. 1130 (S.D. Tex. 1987). Even though a departmental policy called for him t.o do so, an officer's failure t.o remove a belt of a prisoner who used it t.o hang himself, while a violation of policy, was not a constitutional violation. A Section 1983 lawsuit was brought against the city and the police department by the deceased prisoner's estat.e and surviving family members. There was nothing in the prisoner's behavior t.o notify the officer that there was a possibility of suicidal t.endencies. Further, because there was no showing that the incident occurred pursuant t.o an official policy, even if there had been a constitutional violation in this case, there would be no city or departmental liability. This appeared t.o be a single, isolated incident, insufficient t.o demonstrat.e official policy. There was no showing of a wide-spread pattern of similar incidents. The plaintiffs' argument that understaffing of the facility result.ed in this case in a deprivation of rights was also rejected by the court. (Galveston City Jail, Texas) Gordon v. City of New York, 517 N.E.2d 1331 (N.Y. 1987). The New York Court of Appeals stated that there is a duty t.o provide reasonable care when prison authorities know or should know that a prisoner has suicidal t.endencies or that a prisoner might physically harm himself--t.o assure that such harm does not occur. But the city was found not liable for lack of knowledge or proper supervision when a detainee sustained injuries caused by his plunging headfirst int.o a t.oilet bowl locat.ed in his cell. The court found that the injury that occurred was not reasonably foreseeable and that the city took "every possible precaution" against foreseeable harm. The 19-year-old detainee, who was charged with attempted grand larceny and possession of burglary tools, exhibit.ed "boist.erous, irrational and delusional behavior" at the time of his arrest, and was consequently placed alone in a bare cell without a belt or shoelaces and with a correctional officer seated directly outside his cell monit.oring him. The court rejected the argument that the detainee should have been physically immobilized or restrained until he received medical attention. The behavior that the detainee exhibit.ed, which included climbing the bars of the cell, stating that he would like t.o fly, and yelling out "I am God," "Jesus Christ Superstar" was "not uncommon in holding pens and would not in itself warrant medical attention." The care taken in this case, according t.o the court, was reasonable and no liability was imposed given the facts that the detainee had stated his int.ention t.o feign insanity, although he appeared normal before the incident, and the officers had no knowledge of a suicidal hist.ory. (New York City Department of Corrections) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Kennedy v. Los Angeles Police Dept., 667 F.Supp. 697 (D.C. Cal. 1987). The policy of the Los Angeles Police Department mandating a visual body cavity search for every pretrial detainee arrested on any felony charge is unconstitutional according t.o a federal district court. Some det.ermination of reasonable suspicion is required for persons initially booked on felonies as well as those booked on misdemeanors. The classification by an offense alone is not sufficiently probative of the question of whether a particular arrest.ee is harboring contraband. The court ruled that body cavity searches of pretrial detainees cannot take place if they are arbitrary and purposeless. (Los Angeles Police Department) U.S. District Court SEPARATION CONDITIONS Ryan v. Burlingt.on County, 674 F.Supp. 464 (D.N.J. 1987), cert. denied, 109 S.Ct. 1745. A pretrial detainee rendered quadriplegic by his cellmat.e, a Stat.e prisoner who had been awaiting transfer to a Stat.e run facility as a parole violator for 58 days alleged deprivation of a constitutional right in an action against various Stat.e and county defendants. The federal district court ruled that pretrial detainees had a constitutional right to be housed separately from known dangerous convicted imnat.es who posed a threat t.o their personal security unless physical facilities did not permit their separation and that the detainee could prove a constitutional violation if he could prove at trial that classification was feasible at the county jail. The court noted that while detained at a county jail, a pretrial detainee was entitled t.o rights grant.ed t.o convicted persons as well as a right to be free of any practice or restriction placed on him as punishment. Whether overcrowding of prisons or jails arises t.o such a level as t.o violat.e prisoners' or pretrial detainees' constitutional rights, requires det.erminations as to whether conditions caused mm.at.es t.o endure genuine deprivations and hardships over extended period of time and whether adverse conditions become excessive in relation to purposes assigned for them. Affirmed 860 F.2d 1199. (Burlingt.on County Jail, New Jersey) U.S. District Court U.S. v. Gonzalez, 675 F.Supp. 208 (D. N.J. 1987). Defendants, charged with narcotics offenses, were subject to a rebuttable presumption that no condition or combination of conditions would.reasonably assure their appearance and the safety of other persons in the community. One defendant overcame the presumption and was conditionally BAIL REFORM ACT 32.23 released from pretrial detention pursuant t.o the Bail Reform Act. He offered about $800,000 in security, lived in a local community where he owned a house and an antique business, and had previously been free on bail for a period of 18 months prior t.o another conviction. U.S. Supreme Court BAIL REFORM ACT DUE PROCESS U.S. v. Salemo, 107 S.Ct. 2095 (1987). The section of the Bail Reform Act of 1984 authorizing pretrial detention on the ground of future dangerousness is not facially invalid under the due process clause, ruled the United Stat.es Supreme Court. The provision does not violat.e substantive due process on the ground that it constitut.es impermissible punishment before trial. Congress formulated the det.ention provisions not as punishment for dangerous individuals, but as a pot.ential solution t.o the pressing problem of crimes committ.ed by persons on release. The government's regulat.ory int.erest in community safety can, in appropriat.e circumstances, outweigh an individual's liberty int.erest. Moreover, the Act's extensive procedural safeguards are specifically designed t.o further the accuracy of the dangerousness determination, and are sufficient t.o withstand a facial challenge. The court noted that, t.o qetermine whether a restriction on liberty constitut.es impermissible punishment or permissible regulation, the Supreme Court first looks t.o legislative int.ent. The due process clause does not cat.egorically prohibit pretrial det.ention imposed as regulat.ory measure on ground of community danger, without regard t.o duration of detention. Although primary function of bail is t.o safeguard courts' role in adjudicating guilt or innocence of defendants, the Eighth Amendment does not cat.egorically prohibit Government from pursuing other admittedly compelling int.erests through regulation of pretrial release. Finally, t.o det.ermine whether Government's proposed conditions of release or det.ention are excessive, for Eighth Amendment purposes, the Supreme Court must compare Government's proposed conditions against int.erest Government seek t.o protect. The high Court has allowed court t.o essentially set bail at an inf'lnit.e amount for reasons not related t.o risk of flight. The Eighth Amendment did not require release on bail when Congress had mandated det.ention on basis of compelling int.erest other than prevention of flight, as Congress had done through Bail Reform Act. 1988 U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Anderson v. Gutschenritt.er, 836 F.2d 346 (7th Cir. 1988). A pretrial detainee was stabbed by his cellmat.e. The detainee had informed the prison authorities that he had heard rumors that "someone was out t.o get him." The due process clause prot.ects pretrial detainees from both deliberat.e exposure t.o violence, and from a failure t.o protect when prison authorities know of a strong likelihood that an inmat.e will be assaulted or injured. According t.o the appeals court, evidence presented by the pretrial detainee would have permitt.ed a reasonable jury t.o conclude that a sheriff and a warden failed t.o protect the detainee. (Sangamon County Jail) U.S. Pistrict Court SUICIDE INTAKE SCREENING Boyd v. Harper, 702 F.Supp. 578 (E.D. Va. 1988). Action was brought under a civil rights statut.e against custodial officials for the suicide of a pretrial detainee. On the defendants' motions for summary judgment, the district court found that in order for the suicide of a prisoner or pretrial detainee t.o form a basis for a civil rights cause of action against the custodial official, it is necessary t.o prove that the official was deliberat.ely indifferent t.o the suicidal stat.e of the prisoner or detainee. Deliberat.e indifference may be manifested in one of three ways: by showing that the defendant knew about the suicidal t.endencies and was deliberat.ely indifferent t.o the prisoner's or detainee's condition in light of such knowledge; by showing that the defendant was deliberat.ely indifferent t.o discovering any pot.ential suicidal t.endency; or by showing that the defendant's conduct could be considered deliberat.ely indifferent t.o the possibility of suicide even with no specific knowledge of the prisoner's or de~'s condition. No deliberat.e indifference on the part of custodial officials was established with respect t.o the suicide of the pretrial detainee, so as t.o provide a basis for civil rights cause of action. Even if officials had previously been informed that the inmat.e was weeping in his cell or of the fact that the official who had conduct.ed the classification int.erview had not received proper training, such allegations showed at most merely negligent conduct on the part of the sheriff and the staff of a correctional cent.er. The jail officials' providing the pretrial detainee with a safety razor did not provide a basis for a civil rights claim on the theory of deliberate indifference t.o the possibility of a suicide, where superficial injuries t.o the detainee's wrists inflicted with the safety razor were not the cause of his death, which resulted instead from asphyxia by hanging. (Pet.ersburg Correctional Cent.er, Virginia) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Cabrales v. County of Los Angeles, 864 F.2d 1454 (9th Cir. 1988). A civil rights suit was brought against the county, the cnrnrnander of the county jail, and others for the death of a pretrial detainee. Following a verdict against the county and jail cnrnrnancJ'!r, motion for judgment was denied by the U.S. District Court and attorney fees were awarded. The appeals court affirmed the lower court ruling, noting that the sufficiency of evidence could not be reviewed except for plain error absent a motion for directed verdict at the close of all the evidence. MEDICAL CARE PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES There were issues of the fact as to the liability of the county and the jail commander · on the ground of the policy of deliberate indifference to the detainee's medical needs. Even though the detainee was not denied access to medical and psychiatric help, but was in fact evaluated on several occasions by medical personnel, this did not preclude the finding of deprivation of constitutional rights without due process based on a deliberate indifference to medical needs, in light of the demonstration of inadequate staff such that psychiatric staff could only spend minutes per month with disturbed inmates, so that any psychological illness would go undiagnosed and untreated. . It was also found by the court that the plaintiff's unsuccessful claims against individual county officers were related to successful claims against the county and the commander of the county jail that inadequate psychiatric care led to the pretrial detainee's suicide. There was no abuse of discretion in reducing the attorney fee award by 25% to reflect limited success, where the plaintiff's overall relief was materially diminished for a failure to make out claims against individual defendants who could have been found individually liable for their own deliberate indifference to a detainee's medical and psychiatric needs. (Los Angeles County Jail, California) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Colburn v. Upper Darby Township. 838 F. 2d 663 (3rd Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 109 S.Ct. 1338. The estate of a detainee who committed suicide while incarcerated brought action against township and police officials; the district court dismissed the case and the plaintiffs appealed. The appeals court held that: (1) the allegation that custodial personnel knew or should have known that the detainee was a suicide risk was sufficient to state a Section 1983 claim against official; and (2) the allegation that the township had a custom of inadequately monitoring jail for potential suicides was sufficient to state a cause of action. Further, the court found that the fact that the deceased inmate was the third person to commit suicide while in custody of the same jail was reason to state a Section 1983 claim. Prior suicides could be viewed as providing a governing body with knowledge of its alleged custom. The appeals court ruled, however, that the police commissioner and mayor could not be held personally liable in a Section 1983 action arising out of suicide of a detainee absent allegations that either was personally involved in any activity related to detainee's death. (Upper Darby Police Department) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Estate of Cartwright v. City of Concord, Cal., 856 F.2d 1437 (9th Cir. 1988). A mother of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide by hanging himself in a city jail brought a Section 1983 action against the city and city employees for alleged violation of constitutional rights. The United States District Court entered judgment for the defendants following a bench trial, and the mother appealed. The appeals court, affirming the decision, found that the city jail employees did not violate the constitutional rights of the pretrial detainee in failing to prevent him from committing suicide. Although the jailers overheard him speaking of suicide, none of the detainee's other statements gave them reason to believe that he needed preventive care. The jailers took reasonable steps to safeguard him by taking away all his possessions except "soft clothing," and placed him in a cell with another detainee. He W{ls also checked periodically. Finally, the city could not be held separately liable on the basis of its policies, customs and practices. The city's training program complied with relevant state laws and standards and there was no practice or pattern showing ~ city investigated jail deaths inadequately or destroyed evidence in a manner inconsistent with established policies. (Concord City Jail, Concord, California) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Francis v. Pike County, Ohio, 708 F.Supp. 170 (S.D. Ohio 1988). The administrator and personal representative of a deceased arrestee brought a Section 1983 action against the city, county, and their law enforcement officers for the failure to remove a belt of the deceased arrestee who then committed suicide while in a cell. The defendants moved for a summary judgment. The district court found that the police officers did not use excessive force in arresting the arrestee. It was also found that neither the city nor its police officers were liable for the arrestee's suicide while in the county jail following the arrest assisted by the city officer. Since the arrestee was not in their custody or control at the time of the suicide, the county deputies' failure to remove the drunk driving arrestee's belt before placing him in a holding cell, without knowledge or reason to know that the arrestee would commit suicide, did not impose a civil rights liability on them after the arrestee committed suicide. The lack of allegations or evidence that the county was grossly negligent in training its law enforcement officers precluded its liability. (Pike County Jail, Ohio) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS DUE PROCESS MEDICAL CARE Grim v. Moore, 745 F.Supp. 1280 (S.D. Ohio 1988). A city jail detainee brought an action against jail officials and others, alleging constitutional deprivations. On the motion of jail officials and others for summary judgment, the district court found that the restrictions placed upon the detainee during his detention in the city jail for 13 hours and 41 minutes did not amount to constitutional deprivation, in view of evidence that the restrictions amounted not to an express intent to punish, but rather were reasonably related to the legitimate nonpunitive governmental objective of short term holding of prisoners. The detainee, who claimed that jail personnel confiscated his personal property upon his arrival at the jail, did not have a procedural due process claim redressable under Section 1983, given his ability to sue officials in tort, under state law; at best, the loss of his property appeared to be a random and negligent act of jail personnel. (City of Urbana Jail, Ohio) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS CELL CAPACITY Lyons v. Powell, 838 F.2d 28 (1st Cir. 1988). A pretrial detainee brought action alleging violation of his civil rights. The federal district court 'dismissed complaint for failure to state cause of action, and appeal was taken. The appeals court held that the pretrial detainee's allegations that he was confined to a cell for 22-23 hours per day for a 27-day period, and was forced to sleep on a floor mattress, were sufficient to state a Section 1983 cause of action on ground of deprivation of liberty without due process. The court was troubled by the inmate's contention that he was confined to a cell for 27 days with another inmate, during which time he was forced to sleep on a mattress on the floor of the cell, and his claims that the mattress nearly covered the floor of his cell, and placed appellant in a position which was in close proximity to the open toilet in the cell, According to the court, "Based on the foregoing considerations, we conclude that the district court incorrectly dismissed appellant's complaint for failure to state a cause of action." The court ruled, however, that the pretrial detainee was not denied access to court. The detainee was given periodic access to a law library, and was not constitutionally entitled to also receive assistance from "persons trained in the law." (New Hampshire State Prison) U.S. District Court SEPARATION SEARCHES Moenius v. Stevens, 688 F.Supp. 1054 (D. Maryland, 1988). An arrestee filed suit in state and federal court, alleging that the jailor's discretionary decision to place him in a detention cell bearing a sign entitled "AIDS cell" intentionally and maliciously inflicted emotional distress. The arrestee sought compensatory and punitive damages from the mayor and city council as well as the jailor. According to the police sergeant, the idea of putting the sign on the cell was conceived because some prisoners were under the impression that they wouldn't be searched for drugs if they told turnkeys that they were infested with AIDS. By putting a sign on the cell the jail personnel were hoping that the arrested person would see it and admit that they really didn't have AIDS, and to go ahead and search them. The court held that these facts showed "at most" a "half-baked idea of unknown origin which terminated at the first inquiry by supervising officials in the police department." The federal court granted summary judgment for the mayor, city council and the jailor. State claims that arose out of the incident were allowed to proceed to trial. (Baltimore City Police Department, Maryland) U.S. District Court SEARCHES O'Brien v. Borough of Woodbury Heights, 679 F.Supp 429 (D. N.J. 1988). According to a federal district court, a municipality was liable under Section 1983 for causing arrestees to be subjected to unconstitutional strip/body cavity searches at the county jail, where it had a policy of bringing arrestees to the county jail and was aware of the county jail's policy of conducting stri:wbodY cavity searches on all arrestees. Two arrestees filed claims against the Borough, County, and other law enforcement officials alleging that they were unlawfully detained and stri:wbody cavity searches were performed on them even though there was no suspicion that either arrestee was concealing contraband. The federal court held that the county jail's rule of performing routine strip/body cavity searches on anyone arrested, regardless of the offense, was unconstitutional. The court also denied a qualified immunity claim by officers, stating that the law against such searches was clearly established at the time of arrest. (Gloucester County Jail, New Jersey) U.S. Appeals Court SPEEDY TRIAL DUE PROCESS U.S. v. Gelfuso, 838 F.2d 358 (9th Cir. 1988). The due process limit on the length of pretrial detention requires assessment on a case-by-case basis. The length of confinement is considered in conjunction with the extent to which the prosecution bears responsibility for the delay that has ensued. In deciding whether a defendant's pretrial detention violat.es due process rights, a court should consider both length of confinement and extent to which prosecution bears responsibility for any delay. In this case, the defendants' ten-month eonfinement pending trial of racketeering and narcotics charges did not violate due process rights, where the defendants were responsible for the delay inasmuch as they had moved for continuance to enable them to prepare for trial. U.S. District Court CONDITIONS Wilkes v. Borough of Clayton, 696 F.Supp. 144 (D.N.J. 1988). An arrestee brought an action against the Borough, chief of police, and two police officers, for violation of her fourth amendment rights following an arrest. Both parties moved for summary judgment. The district court found that the arrestee's fourth amendment rights were affected by the officer's maintenance of visual observation over the arrestee while the arrest.ee attended to the hygienic needs of changing a sanitary napkin, and the Borough's policy of subjecting every arrestee t.o the humiliation of visual oversight while using the bathroom facilities was unreasonable, and the application of that policy t.o the arrestee, deprived her of rights secured by the fourth amendment. The fourth amendment does not prohibit all government intrusions int.o citizens' privacy interest, but only those intrusions found t.o be unreasonable. The fourth amendment forbids the police from visually observing arrestees using bathroom facilities unless the police have a reasonable suspicion that the arrest.ee will harm herself if allowed to defecate, urinate, or change a sanitary napkin or tampon behind a closed stall or bathroom door; thus, only when an.arrestee's behavior, emotional or physical condition, or past record of such harm are such as t.o engender a reasoned and articulable basis for maintaining a direct visual oversight at all times is viewing of an arrestee's bathroom use constitutionally justifiable. The application of the policy t.o a driver arrested on a charge of driving under the influence, refusal to take a breath test, and disorderly conduct deprived her of rights secured by the fourth amendment. (Clayton Police Station, New Jersey) U.S. Appeals Court PROBABLE CAUSE SPEEDY TRIAL Williams v. Ward, 845 F.2d 374 (2nd Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 109 S.Ct. 818. A majority of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit decided that judicial determination of probable cause within 24 hours is not constitutionally mandated, contrary t.o an earlier ruling by a New York federal district court. The court found that New York City's practice of delaying arraignment up t.o 72 hours and combining it with the probable cause hearing affords arrestees certain benefits not available at an immediate minimal hearing, such as the presence of counsel--improved opportunity t.o obtain pretrial release, and a chance to negotiate a plea. These advantages suggest that the "constitutional 'promptness' of a probable-cause hearing must be determined in light of the t.otality of the process afforded the defendant," said the court. (New York City Police Department) 1989 U.S. District Court INTAKE SCREENING MEDICAL CARE Carapellucci v. Town of Winchest.er, 707 F.Supp. 611 (D. Mass. 1989). The administratrix of a deceased pretrial arrestee's estate brought a civil rights action and state law claim against police officers and the t.own for violation of the eighth amendment right t.o medical treatment. On the motion for summary judgment, the federal district court found that in light of the similarity between the sympt.oms of drug ingestion and alcohol intoxication, the police officers and the t.own were not grossly negligent in failing to arrange for the medical treatment of the arrestee. Both the expert and the lay testimony were insufficient t.o raise a genuine issue of material fact. The court also found that the booking procedures recommended by the American Correctional Association were insufficient t.o determine what standard was applicable t.o the t.own jail. It was determined that the officers had qualified immunity, and under Massachusetts law, the police officers and the policy chief had immunity. The police officers' failure to supervise a pretrial arrestee was not an adequate basis for a f'mding of gross negligence or worse after the arrestee died in his cell from a prearrest drug ingestion, sufficient to impose liability on them, where the officers were unaware of a serious medical need. The sympt.oms of the arrestee were barely distinguishable from alcohol intoxication. The police officers' failure to give a blood test or a medical examination to a drunk driving arrestee was not grossly negligent or sufficient t.o impose liability following the arrestee's death. The evidence that was found was inadequate t.o show that the town was grossly negligent for failing t.o have a policy or facilities to allow for the treatment of the drunk driving arrestee who died in cust.ody as a result of the previous ingestion of alcohol, glutethimide and large quantities of codeine; the lack of evidence that any agency used the expert's recommended procedures, or that any government unit had adopted the expert's suggested guidelines rendered the opinion insufficient. The difference of seven minutes from the recommended schedule for checking on an int.oxicated pretrial arrestee would not support the fmding of negligence, nonetheless gross negligence, after the arrestee died in his cell as the result of a prearrest drug ingestion. The jail's failure t.o have booking forms inquiring whether the arrestee had consumed medication or drugs was not evidence of gross negligence of a minimally accepted standard booking practice for holding jail facilities, notwithstanding the recommendation for the use of such forms by the American Correctional Association. (Winchester Police Department, Massachusetts) U.S. District Court DUE PROCESS EQUAL PROTECTION PUNISHMENT WORK Charron v. Medium Sec. Inst., 730 F.Supp. 987 (E.D. Mo. 1989). A former pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against the city and staff members of a city workhouse, alleging various constitutional violations which occm-red in connection with his refusal to work in the kit.chen of the workhouse, and the medical treatment that was afforded him for a workhouse injury. The U.S. District Court found that as a 32.27 pretrial detainee, the plaintiff has no claim under the eighth amendment for cruel and unusual punishment, arising from his being placed in segregation for refusing to work in the workhouse kit:chen, however the placement in segregation did amount to punishment in violation of his due process rights. According to the court, pretrial detainees do not stand on the same footing as convicted inmates. If pretrial detainees are subjected to restrictions and privations other than those inherent in their confinement itself or which are justified by compelling necessities of jail administration, their rights are violated under the due process and equal protection clauses of the fourteenth amendment. Placing the detainee in segregation was not reasonably related to a legitimate goal or purpose inasmuch as he did not pose a threat to security. The court found that he was entitled to nominal damages, since he suffered no actual harm as a result of his segregation for six days; thus, the plaintiff was awarded the sum of $600 in damages for the six days in punitive segregation at $100 per day. It was also stated that nothing in the Constitution requires that pretrial detainees be allowed contact visits when prison administrators had determined that such visits will jeopardize the security of the facility. The court also found that the members of the workhouse staff were not entitled to qualified immunity from the civil rights claim; the law clearly established that the unnecessary imposition of security confinement on a pretrial detainee violated the detainee's rights to due process. (Medium Security Institution, Missouri) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Danese v. Asman, 875 F.2d 1239 (6th Cir. 1989), cert. denied, 110 S.Ct. 1473. A pretrial detainee's family and estate brought a civil rights action against police officers, police supervisors, and the city after the detainee committed suicide. The U.S. District Court found that the defendants were not entitled to qualified immunity. Interlocutory appeal was taken. The appeals court reversed the lower court's decision and found that the police officers and supervisors enjoyed qualified immunity from liability. The law which existed at the time of the police officers' action did not clearly establish the right to have the officers diagnose the pretrial detainee's condition as prone to suicide and to take extraordinary measures to restrain the pretrial detainee; therefore, the police officers had qualified immunity from liability. The police officers were not subject to a clearly established constitutional duty to diagnose the pretrial detainee's condition as prone to suicide; and given that, the supervisors could not be held liable. (Roseville City Jail, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court INTAKE SCREENING SUICIDE Dorman v. District of Columbia, 888 F.2d 159 (D.C. Cir. 1989). The representatives of a detainee's estate brought a Section 1983 action against a municipality to recover for the suicide of the detainee in a cell. The U.S. District Court denied the municipality's motion for judgment notwithAtanding a verdict and the municipality appealed. The court of appeals, reversing and remanding the lower court's decision, found that the municipality was not liable. According to the court, the training of police officers on suicide prevention did not rise to the level of a conscious choice by the municipality or the policy of deliberate indifference to the eighth amendment rights of the detainee who committed suicide in his cell and, therefore, did not permit the imposition of a Section 1983 liability upon the municipality, even though the police officers did not receive a specific course on suicide prevention. The officers were trained to recognize abnormal behavior, could not accept arrestees who showed signs of mental illness or abnormal behavior, and utilized "WALES" computer system with information about previous arrests and suicide attempts. The detainee's suicide was the first in the cell block in the memories of the sergeant and the inspector who had been assigned there for eight years. The alleged deficiencies in the training of police officers on suicide prevention did not cause the suicide of the young male detainee in his cell. The mere fact that the detainee was somewhat docile at the time of the arrest and closed his eyes at the police station during lulls in the processing was insufficient to give the officers notice that he might be suicidal. The court found that the case presented was insufficient to be submitted to a jury and the verdict for the plaintiff was therefore reversed. (Fifth District, Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia) U.S. District Court MAIL Faulkner v. McLocldin, 727 F.Supp. 486 (N.D. Ind. 1989). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against the county sheriff, alleging the opening of his legal mail outside of his presence. The district court found that the county jail, which had adopted no policy or procedure concerning the marking of legal mail, violated the pretrial detainee's civil rights by opening letters from the American Civil Liberties Union, legal services program, and the U.S. Senate committee outside of the detainee's presence. The letters were from attorneys or a senator and bore designations sufficient, absent specific requirements articulated by the jail, to alert the jail personnel to their privileged nature. Inmate mail from elected officials or government agencies is entitled to the same protection from opening outside of the inmate's presence as mail from attorneys. Just as attorney mail touches upon the su:th amendment right to counsel and the first amendment right to access to courts, mail from elected officials and government agencies touches upon 32.28 the inmate's first amendment. The court found that the pretrial detainee was entitled only to nominal damages. Jail officials had honored the detainee's rights more scrupulously than necessary with respect to the vast majority of the detainee's legal mail, and there was no showing of actual damage. (Fulton County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES PUNISHMENT Green v. Baron, 879 F.2d 305 (8th Cir. 1989). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against the staff of a mental facility. The U.S. District Court granted the inmate's a motion for judgment n.o.v. or, in the alternative, new trial, and, following a separate trial and damages, the defendants appealed. The appeals court found that the trial court properly granted judgment n.o.v. based on erroneous instructions. It was also found by the court that a pretrial detainee could not be punished, and the issue of whether he is punished depended upon whether deprivations he suffered were reasonably related to a legitimate government purpose and not excessive and, the jury could find that the treatment of a pretrial detainee in a mental health institute did not constitute punishment, even though he was deprived of bedding and clothing and hot meals. In view of the evidence that he was not placed in the treatment program until all other treatment efforts had failed, the staff believed that the deprivation were vital to the success of his behavioral modification program. The program was structured and supervised by medical personnel, and deprivations were medically supervised, limited in degree, and restricted in duration. (Security and Medical Facility, Oakdale, Iowa) U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE BAIL McConney v. City of Houston, 863 F.2d 1180 (5th Cir. 1989). An arrestee for public intoxication brought a civil rights suit against the city and its chief of police. The U.S. District Court entered a judgment on the jury verdict in favor of the arrestee, and the city appealed. The appeals court, affirming in part and reversing in part, found that the city chief of police was entitled to qualified immunity from liability, but some evidence supported the finding that the city had an unconstitutional policy for detaining the warrantless arrestee for public intoxication for four hours even after determining that the arrestee was sober and had not been intoxicated. A policy requiring the continued detention of a public intoxication arrestee and denial of otherwise available bail aft.er the determination beyond a reasonable doubt that the arrestee is in fact not intoxicated and that probable cause no longer exists raises obvious constitutional concerns, but the arrestee is not constitutionally required to be released immediately upon the ascertainment that he is clearly not intoxicated. It is permissible for the detaining authority to take a reasonable amount of time for administrative processing, the return of property, and making bail if appropriate. (Houston City Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Mosier v. Robinson, 722 F.Supp. 555 (W.D. Ark. 1989). An arrestee who was allegedly beaten by an intoxicated sheriff sued the sheriff, deputy sheriff, and the county which employed them. In his complaint, the plaintiff alleged that he was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. The plaintiff stated that upon his arrival at the jail, the sheriff beat and choked him without provocation, that the plaintiff offered no resistance, and that the arresting officer made no att.empt to stop the attack. The plaintiff further contended that at the time of the attack, the sheriff was under the influence of alcohol, and that he had acted in his official capacity as sheriff while under the influence of alcohol on previous occasions. The county moved for summary judgment. The district court found that the county was not subject to tort liability or liability for punitive damages, and the county was potentially liable for the arrestee's Section 1983 claim. The county policy of condoning violations by the sheriff could be inferred from the failure to take action on the sheriff's alleged violations of department policies occurring over a period of time. (Ashley County Jail, Arkansas) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE INTAKE SCREENING Williams v. Borough of West Chester, Pa., 891 F.2d 458 (3rd Cir. 1989). The estate of an arrestee who committed suicide by hanging after jailing officers failed to remove his belt sued officers and the city police department under the federal civil rights statute. The U.S. District Court entered a judgment for the officers and municipality and the estate appealed. The appeals court, affirming the decision, found that the officers placing the arrestee in a cell lacked the knowledge of his suicidal tendencies. The dispatcher was not responsible for the suicide, as he had no prisoner care responsibilities; and the municipality was not liable, as none of the individual officers were liable. A man and his twin brother were arrested in a store--one of them for suspect.ed shoplifting and the other for allegedly threatening people in the store and re-entering the store aft.er being told not to do so. Officers at the station placed each man in a separate cell. They failed to remove the belt of the man with suicidal tendencies. Of the three officers present, one then went off duty, one went out for dinner, and a dispatcher stayed at his station answering the radio and the phone. While the dispatcher heard noises coming from the cell area, he did not check the cell block. When the other officer returned from dinner, he discovered that the detainee had hung himself . with his belt. (West Chester Police Department, Pennsylvania) 32.29 1990 U.S. Appeals Court INTAKE SCREENING MEDICAL CARE PROTECTION Belcher v. Oliver, 898 F.2d 32 (4th Cir. 1990). A civil rights action was brought against the city, mayor. chief of police, and police officers, by the daughter of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide with a belt while detained at the city jail on charges of public intoxication and hazardous driving. Reversing and remanding the lower court decision, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found that the general right of pretrial detainees to receive basic medical care does not place upon jail officials the responsibility to screen every detainee for suicidal tendencies. The officers' failure to afford medical screening or attention to the detainee did not violate constitutional standards. There was an absence of evidence tliat indicated to the officers that the detainee posed a risk of suicide. It was also established that the failure of the police officers to remove the detainee's belt and shoelaces did not reach a level of "deliberate indifference," and therefore the officers were entitled to qualified immunity. (Clendenin City Jail, West Virginia) U.S. Appeals Court INTAKE SCREENING PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES SUICIDE Burns v. City of Galveston, Tex., 905 F.2d 100 (5th Cir. 1990). The mother of a detainee who committed suicide while in jail sued the city under Section 1983. The U.S. District Court entered a judgment for the city and the mother appealed. The court of appeals found that the alleged noncompliance by police department officials with a city policy requiring that detainees in jail be checked visually at hourly intervals did not form a basis for a Section 1983 action following the suicide of a detainee where the suicide occurred within one hour of confinement and would not have been prevented by compliance with the requirement. It was also found by the court that the city was not required to provide psychological screening which might have detected suicidal tendencies of the detainee. The civil rights of the detainee were not violated by the city's failure to train officers in psychological screening procedures and to utilize a sample medical psychological screening questionnaire found in the detainee treatment manual. The detainee did not have an absolute right to psychological screening. (Galveston City Jail. Texas) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Davis v. Village of Calumet Park, 737 F.Supp. 1039 (N.D. Ill. 1990). reversed, 936 F.2d 971. A defendant brought a Section 1983 action alleging that village officials unconstitutionally denied the defendant, while a pretrial detainee, access to adequate medical care. After a trial by jury, the defendant was awarded $1 in compensatory damages and $1,500 in punitive damages. The federal appeals court reversed the decision, finding that an objectively reasonable officer would not have thought the injuries were serious. (Village of Calumet Park, Illinois Jail) U.S. District Court OBSERVATION BY STAFF DiLoreto v. Borough of Oaklyn, 744 F.Supp. 610 (D. N.J. 1990). A detainee who was subjected to a strip search brought a civil rights action against police officers. On cross motions for summary judgment, the district court found that a female officer's observation of the female detainee's urination, absent any particularized suspicion that the detainee might harm herself or be in possession of contraband, violated the detainee's civil rights. (Oaklyn Police Station, New Jersey) · U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE SUICIDE U.S. District Court PROTECTION SUICIDE INTAKE SCREENING Elliott v. Cheshire County. N.H., 750 F.Supp. 1146 (D. N.H. 1990). The father of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide in his cell brought a civil rights action against the county and jail officials. On defendants' motions for summary judgment, the district court found that the jail officials did not act with deliberate indifference to the pretrial . detainee's serious medical needs when they failed to diagnose his mental condition as potentially suicidal or prevent his suicide, entitling them to qualified immunity; there was no evidence that the officials were given actual notice of the detain.ee's need for special care or for protection or that their failure to act placed the detainee in any serious danger. The arresting officer who knew that the pretrial detainee had a history of mental illness did not act with deliberate indifference to the detainee's medical needs when he failed to recommend immediate treatment to prevent suicide, entitling him to qualified immunity; the officer did not know that the detainee had suicidal tendencies, and had never witnessed any violent behavior by him. It was also found that the county's alleged inadequate training of jail officials in dealing with suicide risk inmates did not amount to deh'berate indifference to the rights of the inmates, precluding the county from being held liable. Although there had been other suicides and attempted suicides in the jail in the previous ten years, the county had implemented suicide prevention procedures and there was no evidence that better training in suicide prevention would have alerted the jail officials that the detainee was a suicide risk. (Cheshire County House of Corrections, New Hampshire) Hamlin v. Kennebec County Sheriff's Dept.. 728 F.Supp. 804 (D.Me. 1990). A pretrial detainee who had attempted suicide at the county jail brought a pro se civil rights suit against the county sheriff and others. On defense motions to am.end and for summary judgment, the district court found that the officers who were on duty at the county jail on the night of the pretrial detainee's suicide attempt were necessary parties ·for 32.30 adjudication of the civil rights suit, and thus would be joined as defendants and added as moving parties on the defense m9tion for summary judgment. The alleged conduct of the county sheriff and the officers on duty at the county jail on the night of the pretrial detainee's suicide attempt in allowing the detainee to keep the laces of his boots, which the detainee used in an attempt to hang himself, was at most negligent and did not rise to a level of constitutional violation, even though the jail policy required the removal of the laces and the detainee was arrest.eel for driving while intoxicated. The guard at the jail asked the detainee to remove the boot laces, the laces were difficult to remove and the guard said they would have to be cut. The detainee objected on the grounds of cost, and another guard said that they should admit the detainee with the boot laces because he had been there before and would not "try anything." The plaintiff alleged that he suffered severe physical and emotional distress as a result of his suicide attempt at the Kennebec county jail. The court stated, "It is plain that the defendants decided to deviate from their standard procedure in processing jail admittees only after the plaintiff himself had expressed concern for the cost to him of replacing the boo~ laces and another guard had offered her opinion that based on her knowledge of the plaintiff he did not represent a suicide threat. The plaintiff had not alleged that he manifest.eel any suicidal tendencies, and clearly at the time of the incident the plaintiff was rational enough to express concern over the price of the laces. If it represents any breach of the standard of care owed pretrial detainees, the defendants' conduct, based on an informed opinion of the plaintiffs state of mind by one of their colleagues, is negligence, and it does not rise to the level of a constitutional violation". (Kennebec County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE RIGHTS RETAINED Hodge v. Ruperto, 739 F.Supp. 873 (S.D.N.Y. 1990). A former pretrial detainee brought a civil rights claim against police officers, commissioner and mayor alleging constitutional violation as a result of treatment before he was arraigned. The district court found that the claim that officers deprived the detainee of food and water for two and one-half days while confining him to an overcrowded unsanitary cell charged sufficiently flagrant conduct to allow reasonable inference that the conduct was attributable to municipal policy. The alleged deprivation allowed a reasonable inference of inadequate supervision which was deliberate indifference to constitutional rights. The constitutional rights of pretrial detainees were not violated by the failure of police to allow him to contact family or att:orney during prearraignment detention. A pretrial detainee does not have a constitutional right to a telephone call on completion of booking formality. Prearraignment detainees are entitled to adequate food, clothing, shelter, sanitation, medical care, and safety. The allegation by the pretrial detainee that he had to sleep on a steel frame without a mattress, that sanitation facilities were so filthy he was unable to use them and that he was denied access to necessary medical care stated a claim for violation of fourteenth amendment rights. (43rd Precinct, New York) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS Lyons v. Powell, 729 F.Supp. 1404 (D. N.H. 1990). A pretrial detainee, who had been at a state prison and was transferred to a federal facility, filed a civil rights lawsuit complaining that he was confined to a cell for 22-23 hours per day during a 27 day period at the federal facility, during which time he was forced to sleep on a mattress on the floor. The federal prison officials filed a motion, stating that they were entitled to qualified immunity. The court denied the motion, noting that the defendants had a duty to check on the institutions where federal pre-trial detainees were lodged and were also responsible for any omissions they made in a supervisory capacity. (New Hampshire State Prison) U.S. District Court SUICIDE McDay v. City of Atlanta, 740 F.Supp. 852 (N.D. Ga. 1990). The daughter of an arrestee who committed suicide brought a civil rights action against the city and police officers. The district court found that there was no basis for imposition of liability on the city or police chief and at the time of the arrest in 1986, the police officers were not deliberately indifferent to the needs of the pretrial detainee even though they left him in a position where he was able to obtain a gun and kill himself. He had never previously attempted suicide or threatened suicide on the night of his arrest. In the absence of any allegation that the arrestee had attempted suicide previously or that he was threatening suicide on the night he was arrest.eel, police officers were not deliberately indifferent in their treatment. Gross negligence is not a ground for imposing municipal liability for failure to train. (Homicide Task Force Office, Somerset Terrace, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court ADEQUACY OF CARE FAILURE TO PROVIDE CARE Pedraza v. Meyer, 919 F.2d 317 (5th Cir. 1990). An inmate at a county jail appealed an order of the U.S. District Court dismissing his pro se civil rights action. The court of appeals found that the allegation in the inmate's action, that jail officials failed to give him medical attention for his withdrawal symptoms while he was being held as a pretrial detainee, was suff'JCient to state an Eighth Amendment inadequate medical attention claim, where the allegation was not contradicted by a portion of the off'JCial prison medical records. (Victoria County Jail, Teus) 32.31 U.S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS PROTECTION SEPARATION Redman v. County of San Diego, 896 F.2d 362 (9th Cir. 1990). A pretrial detainee who was raped during confinement brought a Section 1983 action against the sheriff, the supervisor of the detention facility, the second in command at the facility, the shift supervisor, the station deputy, and the county. The U.S. District Court directed a verdict in favor of the defendants, and the detainee appealed. The court of appeals affirmed the lower court decision and found that the jail officials were not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's due process right to personal security. Transferring the 18-year-old pretrial detainee from the "young and tender" unit to a cell with a homosexual and investigating an alleged rape of the detainee by questioning him in front of the cellmate and other inmates was not "deliberate indifference" to the detainee's due process right to personal security, even though the jail officials knew that the cellmate had a history of trying to coerce otheJ"s into sexual favors. The knowledge about the cellmate and the detainee's profile merely gave jailors a suspicion of a possible attack. (San Diego County's South Bay Detention Facility, California) U.S. District Court ESCAPE USE OF FORCE Wright v. Whiddon, 747 F.Supp. 694 (M.D. Ga. 1990). A civil rights action was brought to recover damages for the wrongful death of and deprivation of the constitutional rights of a . pretrial detainee, who was fatally shot while attempting to escape, against a city police officer, a city police chief, the city, and the county sheriff. On the defendants' motions for summary judgment, the district court found that the Fourth Amendment, rather than the Eighth Amendment, provided the standard for analyzing a claim that the pretrial detainee who was fatally shot while attempting to escape was subjected to unconstitutional use of excess force. The pretrial detainee had the status of a presumptively innocent individual, so was more akin to suspect than a convicted prisoner, and the Fourth Amendment's objective reasonableness standard accordingly applied. It was also found that genuine issue of material fact existed as to whether a reasonable police officer could believe the pretrial detainee who was attempting an escape posed a serious threat, thus rendering lawful the officer's action in fatally shooting the detainee, so as to preclude summary judgment on the issue of whether the officer was entitled to qualified immunity with respect to constitutional claims asserted under the civil rights statute Section 1983. The county sheriff who ordered the city police officer to shoot·the pretrial detainee who was attempting the escape was not liable for violation of the fatally wounded detainee's constitutional rights, although it was argued that the sheriff intentionally authorized the commission of the unlawful act which resulted in the death and violation of constitutional rights. The sheriff did not have authority to command the police officer, and the police officer did not act pursuant to any command from the sheriff, but in reliance on his own training and city policy, in deciding to draw his gun and fire at the detainee. (Turner County, Georgia) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Zwalesky v. Manistee County. 749 F.Supp. 815 (W.D. Mich. 1990). A widow of an intoxicated prisoner who committed suicide while a detainee, brought a Section 1983 action against jailers, the county, and the sheriffs department. The U.S. District Court found that the jailers were entitled to qualified immuni-ty with respect to the "medical needs" claims brought by the widow. A general constitutional right to medical care did not establish a clear constitutional right to be appropriately screened by prison officials for suicidal tendencies and psychological problems. In addition, the jailers did not deprive the prisoner of a clearly established right by failing to prevent his suicide while detained in an allegedly inadequate detoxification room, and, thus, the jailers' supervisors could not held liable for improper training. (Manistee County Jail, Michigan) 1991 U.S. District Court SEARCHES Allen v. Board of Com'rs of County of WY8Ildott.e, 773 F.Supp. 1442 (D.Kan. 1991). Ail. arrestee, charged with a misdemeanor traffic offense, sued the county sheriff's department, the county sheriff, a sergeant, and deputies alleging that the defendants battered and falsely imprisoned her and subjected her to a strip search in violation of the federal constitution. The defendants moved for summary judgment. The U.S. District Court found that the strip search of the arrestee was unreasonable under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments absent any showing of necessity to confine the arrestee with other prisoners, but the five hour detention was not unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment. The deputy who conducted the strip search was not entitled to qualified immunity because the strip search of traffic offenders without some level of suspicion that they were harboring drugs, contraband or a weapon was pre se unreasonable at the time of the plaintiff's arrest. The state law claims for battery, negligence per se, false and negligent imprisonment, and negligent training and supervision and adoption of policies fell within exceptions to the Kansas Tort Claims Act. (Wyandott.e County Sheriff's Department, Kansas) 32.32 U.S. Appeals Court ARREST AND DETENTION DUE PROCESS Austin v. Hamilton. 945 F.2d 1155 (10th Cir. 1991). Arrest.ees brought an action alleging that excessive force was used during arrest and subsequent detention, and that the arrestees were detained following a warran~ess arrest t9r l!ID. unreasonably extended duration without a probable cause determination by a judicial officer. The U.S. District Court denied the agents' motion for summary judgment, and one agent appealed. The court of appeals found that a reasonable officer, under either the Fourth Amendment or substantive due process standard, could not have believed that the manner of the arrest and detention was constitutionally permissible; therefore the district court properly denied summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds. The Fourth Amendment protections imposed restrictions on the treatment of arrest.ees detained without a warrant. The substantive due process principles controlled the issue as to any excessive force employed aft.er an arrest, where the Fourth Amendment law currently recognized as controlling up until the arrested suspect's first judicial hearing was not. at the time of the arrest. established with clarity. A genuine issue of material fact precluding judgment, existed as to whether the warrantless detention was unreasonably prolonged in violation of the Fourth Amendment principles. The court of appeals noted that. under the circumstances of this case, in which the specific facts are unsettled and disputed regarding both the length and the reasons for the delay, the district court's denial of summary judgment was proper. (U.S. Customs, U.S. Immigration) · U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Bell v. Stigers, 937 F.2d 1340 (8th Cir. 1991). The guardian for a prisoner who attempted to hang himself with a belt that the jailer had not detected during a pat search filed a civil rights suit against an Iowa county and individual employees. alleging violations of the prisoner's constitutional rights. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the county sheriff and communications operator on duty but denied summary judgment for the jailer, who appealed. The appeals court found that the jailer did not violate the civil rights of the prisoner, absent a showing that the jailer possessed a level of knowledge required under the deliberate indifference standard that would alert him to a strong likelihood that the prisoner would attempt suicide; the prisoner's offhand comment during the booking procedure "well I think I'll shoot myself" could not reasonably constitute a serious suicide threat when no gun was available. and there was no evidence that the jailer was familiar with a "suicide profile" or that he was under any duty to be. (Washington County Jail. Iowa) U.S. Appeals Court EQUAL PROTECTION Chestnut v. Magnusson. 942 F.2d 820 (1st Cir. 1991). A state prisoner petitioned for habeas corpus. The petition was dismissed by the U.S. District Court, and the prisoner appealed. The court of appeals found that the failure to the State of Maine to provide a syst.em of good-time credits to pretrial detainees. while allowing such credits to sentenced prisoners, did not amount to denial of equal protection to the sentenced prisoner who. unable to make bail because of indigency, was incarcerated prior to trial. Pretrial detainees already had an incentive for good behavior in avoiding longer sentences. (Maine Department of Corrections) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Christian By and Through Jett v. Stanczak, 769 F.Supp. 317 (E.D. Mo. 1991). Survivors of a prisoner who committed suicide in a holdover cell brought a Section 1983 action against the arresting officer and a police dispat.cher. The defendants moved for summary judgment. The U.S. District Court found that the officer's failure to designate the arrestee as a suicide risk did not subject the officer to liability in the Section 1983 action, even though the arrestee committed the suicide while he was incarcerated in a holdover cell. The warnings concerning the arrestee"s reference to suicide. his state of intoxication, and his abusive behavior were insufficient to apprise the officer of the arrestee"s suicidal tendencies. It was also found that the police dispat.cher was not liable under Section 1983 for the suicide of the prisoner; while the dispatcher's failure to turn on the camera in the holdover cell at the beginning of her shift may have constituted negligence on her part, it did not rise to the level of deliberate indifference. (City of Florissant Police Department, Missouri) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Colburn v. Upper Darby Tp., 946 F.2d 1017 (3rd Cir. 1991). The administratrix of the estate of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide in jail brought a civil rights action against the township and police officials. The U.S. District Court dismissed the complaint and the court of appeals affirmed in part, reversed and remanded in part. On remand, the district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the plaintiff appealed. The court of appeals found that the municipality was not liable for the suicide of the pretrial detainee. Two components of the concept of serious. medical needs of prisoners, as to which deliberate indifference by prison officials violates the Eighth Amendment's proscription of cruel and unusual punishment, are that the detainee's condition must be such that failure to treat can be expected to lead to substantial and unnecessary suffering, injury or death, and that the condition be o~ that has been diagnosed by a physician as requiring treatment or one that is so obvious that a lay person would easily recognize the necessity for a doct.or's attention. (Upper Darby Township·Police Department, Pennsylvania) 32.33 U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Davis v. Jones, 936 F.2d 971 (7th Cir. 1991). A pretrial detainee who suffered a scraped elbow and a one-inch cut in his temple during the course of an arrest brought. a civil rights action against police. The U.S. District Court found that by not immediately taking the detainee to a hospital or offering him the option of going to a hospital, the police violated the detainee's due process rights, and appeal was taken. The court of appeals found that police must offer medical care to a pretrial detainee if there is reason to suspect that an injury to the detainee is serious, but because an objectively reasonable officer would not have thought that the detainee's injuries were serious, failure to offer medical care was not improper. (Calumet Park Police, Illinois) U.S. District Court LENGTH PRIVACY Doe v. City of Cleveland, 788 F.Supp. 979 (N.D. Ohio 1991). An arrestee brought a civil rights action against a city. The district court found that the arrestee's fourth amendment rights were not violated by 27-hour detention, as a jurisdiction providing judicial determinations of probable cause within 48 hours of arrest, as a general matter, did not violate a persons Fourth Amendment rights. The court also found that regulations which permitted the disclosure of the fact that the prisoner was suspected of having AIDS only to certain persons did not violate the prisoner's constitutionally-protected privacy rights; and e'1dence did not show that the city had a policy of c}eliberately failing to train itself with respect to confidentiality of booking records when the fact that the prisoner was suspected of having AIDS was improperly disclosed. (Sixth Police District Headquarters, Cleveland Police Department, Ohio) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Draper v. Walsh, 790 F.Supp. 1553 (W.D. Okl. 1991). A pretrial detainee who was subjected to a visual strip search in a county jail filed suit against the county sheriff. On the sheriff's motion for summary judgment, the district court found that the county's policy of subjecting detainees arrested for traffic violations or other minor offenses to a visual strip search at the discretion of a police officer was unconstitutional on its face, making qualified immunity an unavailable defense. (Cleveland County Detention Center, Oklahoma) U.S. Appeals Court PRISONER SUICIDE Elliott v. Cheshire County, N.H., 940 F.2d 7 (1st Cir. 1991). The father of a detainee who committed suicide while in a county jail brought a civil rights action against the county, individual correctional officers, and the arresting officer. The U.S. District Court entered summary judgment in favor of all defendants and the father appealed. The court of appeals found that fact issues existed on the question of whether jail personnel knew or reasonably should have known of the detainee's suicidal tendencies. The detainee made suicide threats to fellow inmates, and whether inmates reported such threats to jail personnel in such a manner as to be taken seriously, and whether jail personnel responded reasonably or with deliberate indifference, precluded summary judgment for them. The arresting officer was not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's medical needs; although the officer was informed of the detainee's mental illness, he was not informed that the detainee had previously threatened suicide, and there was no reason to suspect from the detainee's demeanor or actions that such danger existed. The county could not be held liable absent an indication of inadequately training its officers or maintaining an unsafe jail. (Cheshire County House of Corrections, New Hampshire) U.S. District Court INTERROGATION CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT SPEEDY TRIAL CONDITIONS Hickombottom v. McGuire, 765 F.Supp. 950 (N.D. Ill. 1991). An inmate sued police officers who arrested him alleging that officers arrested him without probable cause, that they failed to properly bring him before a magistrate, that they violated his right to due process by denying him food and water, and that they coerced his confession. The officers moved for summary judgment. The district court found that the arrestee had no civil rights claim based on that fact that police officers questioned him for 11 hours after his arrest without bringing him before a magistrate; 11 hours was not an unreasonable period in which to delay an appearance before a magistrate. It was also found that the arrestee's claims that police officers deprived him of his Fourteenth Amendment right to due process by denying him food and water for an unreasonable length of time while he was in their cust.ody and violated his Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment right not to incriminate himself when they coerced bis confession, which were indirect attacks on the arrestee's confinement, were better pressed in a habeas corpus proceeding rather than a Section 1983 proceeding, and to the extent that the prisoner's claims would be proper in a Section 1983 proceeding, they were barred by the circuit court's determination that the prisoner's confession was not coerced. (Danville Correctional Center, Danville, illinois) U.S. District Court Hinkfuss v. Shawano County. 772 F.Supp. 1104 (E.D. Wis. 1991). The personal representatives and survivors of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide brought a Section 1983 action against the county and jail officials who moved for summary judgment. The U.S. District Court found that the county could not be held liable for the suicide based on the claim of deliberate indifference to the right of detainees to medical attention. There was no contention that the county's policy of giving jailers discretion in determining medical conditions and needs of detainees was one of deliberate indifference. The jailers' failure to provide the detainee with emergency medical attention did not show that the TRAINING FAILURE TO PROVIDE CARE 32.34 jailers were inadequately trained pursuant to policies or customs of the county, and the detainee's request for medical attention was not specific or urgent. The court also found that the jail officials were entitled to qualified immunity from liability; there was nothing which indicated that the conduct of the jailers was deliberately indifferent to the medical needs of the detainee nor was there anything on the record to indicate a strong likelihood that the detainee would commit suicide. (Shawano County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT LAW LIBRARY Kaiser v. County of Sacramento, 780 F.Supp. 1309 (E.D.Cal. 1991). Jail inmates brought an action seeking access to legal materials. The district court found that.the pretrial detainees and convicts who alleged denial of access to the law library but who did not allege that they were denied access to alternative legal assistance had standing to challenge the adequacy of the law library. It was also found that an incarcerated pretrial detainee is entitled to limited access to law books and other legal materials, but the county is not obligated to facilitate nonlawyer legal assistance for pretrial detainees who are proceeding prose. The ''paging" or "slip" system for convicted inmates to obtain legal materials, standing alone, is unconstitutional. Finally, the court would not grant preliminary injunctive relief requiring the county to provide additional legal assistance to convicts held in jail. It was unclear whether the combination of paging assistance and legal assistance met constitutional requirements. The court did require the posting of a copy of reference materials available. (Sacramento County Jail and Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center, California) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Kocienski v. City of Bayonne, 757 F.Supp. 457 (D, N.J. 1991). An administratrix of a pretrial detainee's estate brought a civil rights action against a city and city police officers based on the detainee's suicide death. On the officer's motion for summary judgment, the U.S. District Court found that even if the police officer was aware of the detainee's suicidal tendencies, the officer's failure to communicate those tendencies to other officers did not constitute deliberate indifference to the detainee's needs in violation of due process; any failure by the officer to communicate suicidal tendencies to other officers constituted negligence only. The police officers' failure to assure that the detainee's pantyhose were removed after becoming aware that she was wearing pantyhose did not constitute deliberate i.ndi!ference to the detainee's psychological needs because no evidence indicated that the officers had knowledge of the detainee's suicidal tendencies. After it was determined that police officers were not deliberately indifferent to the pretrial detainee's needs when they failed to prevent her suicide, the city could not be held separately liable for failing to train its police officers. (Bayonne Municipal Jail, New Jersey) U.S. Appeals Court PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE SUICIDE Leshore v. County of Worcester. 945 F.2d 471 (1st Cir. 1991). A civil rights action was brought against a county and county officials in connection with a suicide of a pretrial detainee. The U.S. District Court entered judgment on the verdict in favor of the defendants, and the plaintiff appealed. The court of appeals found that the U.S. District Court did not abuse its discretion in removing default against the county two weeks before trial, on the grounds that failure to respond was due to an illness of the defendant county's attorney, despite the plaintiff's contention that the short interval between the removal of default and trial precluded discovery against the county. The plaintiff was not prejudiced where she never moved to continue the case to conduct a discovery and had already deposed several county officials in preparing her case against individual defendants, who were themselves county officers. In addition, it was found that there was no plain error in instructing the jury to consider whether the detainee was in need of psychiatric care "particularly" at the time of the suicide, or in a comment concerning the lack of evidence that a suicidal person remains forever suicidal, in light of evidence that the detainee's condition did appear to have changed following an earlier suicide wat.ch, and since the jury was not precluded from finding that earlier manifestations were so severe that the defendants should have known that the detainee continued to need treatment on the date of the suicide. (Worcester House of Correction, Worcester, Massachusetts) U.S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS PLACEMENT Martucci v. Johnson, 944 F.2d 291 (6th Cir. 1991). A former pretrial detainee filed a Section 1983 action alleging various constitutional violations by sheriff's department officials in concert with a State Bureau of Investigation agent. The U.S. District Court entered summary judgment against th~ detainee, and he appealed. The court of appeals found that conditions imposed on the pretrial detainee during his segregated confinement were reasonably related to legitimate governmental objectives and aborting his escape and ensuring his presence at trial and, thus, the segregation did not amount to unconstitutional "punishment• and, consequently, his placement in segregated confinement did not, in and of itself, violate due process. In addition, the pretrial detainee was not denied procedural due process by the lack of a hearing at which he could contest reasons for his con:f"mement, as he was not subjected to "discipline" for violation of a prison rule a:nd, thus, could derive no liberty•interest from a regulat.oi:y provision requiring jailers to provide for disciplinary hearings in cases of alleged violations of prisoner conduct rules. (Anderson County Jail, Tennessee) 32.35 U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION FROM HARM PRISONER ON PRISONER ASSAULT Redman v. County of San Diego, 942 F.2d 1435 (9th Cir. 1991). A pretrial detainee sued a county and county jail personnel under Section 1983 after he was placed in a holding cell with a homosexual resulting in his rape. The U.S. District Court direct:ed a verdict in favor of all defendants. and the detainee appealed. The court of appeals affirmed. Aft.er granting rehearing en bane, the court of appeals found that the pretrial detainee established a violation of his right to personal security under the due process clause of the Fourt:eenth Amendment by demonstrating either that prison officials acted with deliberate indifference or that their conduct was so reckless as to be tantamount .to desire to iDflict harm. In addition, a jury question was presented as to whether jail officials were acting pursuant to county policies or customs when placing the pretrial detainee in a cell with the alleged "aggressive homosexual," who subsequently raped him. and whether that policy or custom exacerbated the danger posed by the aggressi~e homosexual to the general prison population to such an extent that it amounted to deliberate indifference to the pretrial detainee's personal security in violation of Section 1983. A second jury question was presented as to whether the county sheriff was deliberately indifferent to the pretrial detainee's personal security rights by allowing overcrowding of the county jail and whether the sheriff acquiesced in the deficient policy which was the moving force behind the pretrial detainee's rape by his cellmate and which repudiated the detainee's constitutional right to personal security. A final jury question was presented as to whether the police captain in charge of the county jail facility developed and implemented policies that were deliberately indifferent to the pretrial detainee's personal security and were the moving force in violation of the detainee's constitutional rights and as to whether the captain's assumption that heterosexual inmates were more able to protect themselves from "aggressive" homosexuals than "passive" homosexuals exhibited deliberate indifference to the potential security risk posed by placing an "aggressive" homosexual in a cell with a heterosexual inmate. (San Diego County's So. Bay Detention Facil., Calif.) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Salazar v. City of Chicago, 940 F.2d 233 (7th Cir. 1991). An administrator of the estate of a pretrial detainee who died following his arrest on DWI charges brought federal civil rights and state law claims. The U.S. District Court directed verdict on the civil rights claims against the arresting and lockup officers and against the city based on police department policy and entered judgment on jury verdict in favor of the paramedics on the federal civil rights claims. The district court then dismissed the remaining state law claims for want of prosecution aft.er denying the administrator's motion to dismiss those claims without prejudice for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. and the administrator appealed. The court of appeals found that the deliberate indifference standard applied to determining whether the police officers and paramedics deprived the pretrial detainee of his life without due process of law. However. it was found that the police officers did not exhibit deliberate indifference to the pretrial detainee's medical needs such that they could be held liable for depriving him of his life without due process of law when he died several hours after being arrested for DWI following a traffic accident. There was no evidence that the detainee displayed any obvious external signs of injury or complained about pain or mjury, the officers knew that he had refused further treatment at the accident scene and officers saw the detainee walk under his own power. Although the detainee staggered and vomited at one point, the behavior was consistent with the fact that he was drunk. In addition, the paramedics could not be held liable for violating the civil rights of the pretrial detainee. where there was no evidence that they exhibited deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. Prior to refusing further treatment, the detainee allowed paramedics to conduct a preliminary examination which revealed that his vital signs were normal and that his skin color and skin moisture were normal and that his pupils were responsive and equal, and the paramedics were not required to take the detainee to the hospital to check for internal mjuries simply because he was intoxicated. It was also found that the district court had discretion to retain jurisdiction over pendent state law claims where both federal and state law claims had been tried, and the state law claims remained for retrial after the jury in the first trial failed to return verdicts on the state law issues. (19th District Police Station. Chicago, illinois) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE Simmons v. City of Philadelphia, 947 F.2d 1042 (3rd Cir. 1991). A mother and administratrix of the estate of a detainee who hung himself in a Philadelphia station house lockup after having been arrested for intoxication brought an action seeking damages under Section 1983 and under state law. On the defendants' motions for post trial relief, following a jury verdict in favor of the plaintiff. the United States District court denied relief and the city and turnkey appealed. The court of appeals found that evidence made a question for the jury whether the city violated the detainee's rights by means of custom or policy tainted by deliberate indifference to serious medical needs of intoxicated detainees and as to whether the city violated the detainee's rights through deliberately indifferent failure to train officers responsible for intoxicated detainees in suicide detection and prevention, and was sufficient to support a conclusion that indifference to the needs of detainees and failure to train was the cause of violation of the detainee's Fourteenth Amendment rights. In addition, it was found that the Pennsylvania political subdivision Tort Claims Act did not nullify a city owUnance waiving immunity from liability arising from the negligence of city police officers. (Sixth Police District, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania} 32.36 U.S. District Court SUICIDE Trask v. County of Strafford, 772 F.Supp. 42 (D. N.H. 1991). The mother of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide brought a Section 1983 action against correctional officers and the officers moved for summary judgment. The U.S. District Court found that the allegation that a classification specialist, who int.erviewed the pretrial detainee and perceived no signs that he would injure himself. and contravened county policy when he failed to contact a doctor or nurse after learning of the detainee's dependency on alcohol, would only have supported a negligence claim and did not amount to the deliberate indifference that would have required remedy under Section 1983. (Strafford County Jail, New Hampshire) U.S. Appeals Court PRO SE LITIGATION APPOINTED Tucker v. Randall. 948 F.2d 388 (7th Cir. 1991). A pretrial detainee filed a pro se civil rights complaint against officers at a jail. The U.S. District Court disn;rlssed the complaint. and the detainee appealed. The court of ,app~allj found thpt the appointment of counsel would be appropriate in the action 'brought 'by i!he. indigent pretrial detainee against officers ·of the jail, where the detainee had presented a colorable claim of deliberat.e indifference to his serious medical needs. the detainee's incarceration in ·a facility different from that in which the alleged conduct took place rendered him unable to investigate crucial facts. it was clear that the detainee could not present his case properly. and the detainee's complaint raised numerous complex constitutional issues. (Kendall County Jail. Illinois) ATI'ORNEY U.S. District Court PLACEMENT U.S. v. Gotti. 755 F.Supp. 1159 (E.D. N.Y. 1991). Pretrial detainees obtained an order directing the warden of a federal facility and the United States Attorney to show cause why an order releasing them. or in the alternative. modifying the conditions of their pretrial detention. should not be entered. The U.S. District Court found that the fact that pretrial detainees who were charged with multiple murders. conspiracy and solicitation to murder, and obstruction of justice, including witness tampering. did not justify their placement in administrative detention, in absence of evidence that since the detainees had been in custody they committed an act or omission which posed a serious threat to inmates or to the security of the institution. (Metropolitan Correction Center. New York) U.S. Appeals Court ACCESS TO COURT Wayland v. City of Springdale, Ark., 933 F.2d 668 (8th Cir. 1991). A civil rights action was brought for fatal iiljuries sustained by an arrestee who hung himself in a cell. The U.S. District Court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment. and appeal was taken. The court of appeals found that material question of fact, as to whether the arrestee was detained in jail for an unreasonable period of time without being taken before a judicial officer, precluded entry of summary judgment for the defendants on the Section 1983 claim. The officials in the municipal police department could be liable under Section 1983 for detaining the arrestee, even though they were not responsible for the delay in the arraignment. The officers were under no obligation to continue to hold the arrestee for an unreasonable period of time. (Springdale Police Department, Arkansas) 1992 U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Barber v. City of Salem, Ohio, 953 F.2d 232 (6th Cir. 1992). An administrator of a pretrial detainee's estate brought a Section 1983 action against police officers and a city based on the detainee's suicide. The United States District Court granted summary judgment in favor of the police officers and the city, and the administrator appealed. The appeals court, affirming the decision, found that there was no clearly established right to suicide prevention screening or facilities in 1982 when the pretrial detainee hanged himself; therefore, the law enforcement officers were entitled to qualified immunity from liability in the action. The city could not be held liable for any failure to better train personnel to detect and deter jail suicides. Although the pretrial detainee expressed concern over his job, his engagement, and his ability to obtain custody of his young son due to his arrest, such a reaction to arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol could not be considered abnormal and would not have alerted jail authorities to a strong likelihood that the . detainee would commit suicide in such a manner that failure of the city to take precautions amounted to deliberate indifference to the detainee's serious medical needs. (Salem City Jail, Salem, Ohio) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Bragado v. City of Zion/Police Dept., 788 F.Supp. 366 (N.D. ID. 1992). An estranged husband of a detainee who committed suicide while in custody brought action on behalf of himself and the detainee's estate against officials alleging violation of civil rights. The defendants brought a motion for summary judgment. The district court found that material issues of fact as to whether police had actual or constructive knowledge of the detainee's suicidal condition and whether the response to that condition constituted "deliberate indifference" precluded granting summary judgment in favor of the defendants. There was substantial evidence that the detainee suffered from psychological problems of which the police were aware, or should have been aware. Police reports of two incidents involving the detainee include stat.ements by her former boyfriend and others that she threat.ened to commit suicide and may have attempted to do so. When she was arrested, MEDICAL CARE 32.37 she had cuts on her wrists and had just written a note stating her "life is over now." The police were clearly aware of both the. cuts and the notle, atid the deWnee threatened·to commit suicide repeat.edly while she was in her cell. The police cqnsultation with the State's Attorney's office and the decision to hold the detainee overnight, apparently for her own safety, also suggest that the police considered her suicidal. The detainee was not constantly supervised, and it was clearly established at the time of the arrest that the "deliberate indifference" standard applied to the handling of suicidal pretrial detainees, and that failure to take special precautions toward such detainees could violate that standard. (Zion, Illinois, Police Station) U.S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS MEDICAL CARE ACCESS TO COURT Brownlee v. Conine, 957 F.2d 353 (7th Cir. 1992). A prisoner brought a civil rights action against jail personnel, accompanied by a request to be permitted to proceed in forma pauperis, complaining about the treatment he received while confined in jail awaiting trial. The U.S. District Court dismissed the claims as frivolous, and the prisoner appealed. The court of appeals found that the claim that a jail official turned down requests to return documents needed for a suit that had been confiscated by a guard, and that the suit was dismissed because the documents were not returned, was not frivolous on its face. The detainee's claims that another jail official deliberately loosed mentally ill inmates on the detainee so that they would assault him, and that another official, in retaliation for the detainee's having complained about him to the jail doctor, refused to allow the prisoner to see a dentist though he was in severe pain, were, on their face, perfectly good claims of violations of the right that the due process clause grants persons held in jail awaiting trial to be spared punishment until they are convicted, and they should not have been dismissed as frivolous under the in form.a pauperis statute. (Wisconsin, Jail) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROVIDE CARE PRETRIAL DETENTION Hall v. Ryan. 957 F.2d 402 (7th Cir. 1992), The estate of a detainee who committed suicide while being held in jail brought a Section 1983 action against police officers. The U.S. District Court denied the officers' motion for summary judgment, and appeal was taken. The court of appeals found that a jury question exist.ed as to whether the police officers had treated the detainee, who had committed suicide in his cell, with wilful neglect, so as to lose the benefit of qualified immunity, when they neglected to consult his file after observing him cursing, flinging his shoes, urinating in his cell, and repeat.edly flushing the toilet. (City of Decatur Police Department, Illinois) · U.S. District Court CONDITIONS CROWDING MEDICAL CARE Lile v. Tippecanoe County Jail, 844 F.Supp. 1301 (N.D. Ind. 1992). Pretrial detainees sued a county jail and jail officials under Section 1983 alleging violations of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. The district court found that allegations that pretrial detainees were asked to wat.ch another inmate who had allegedly been brought to the jail because of mental problems, that another inmate twice attempted to commit suicide, and that the detainees were required to clean up after an initial suicide attempt, failed to state a Section 1983 claim against any of the county jail officials under the prevailing standard of deliberat.e indifference. The court found that there was no evidence that the actions of the officials were intended to punish the detainees, or that their conduct toward the detainees amounted to criminal recklessness. The court also found that the conditions of detention, including overcrowding and lack of ventilation, either alone or in combination, were not a result of deliberate indifference by jail officials or a policy or custom designed to punish pretrial detainees. In addition, a pretrial detainee's allegation that the county sheriff refused to have the county pay for removal of nose polyps could not be characterized as a deliberat.e effort to punish the detainee in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, because it was entirely possible that the surgery could not have been scheduled within the time the detainee had left at the county jail. Also, there was no indication that the proposed surgery was a matter of urgency or that the detainee's condition was serious. Finally, it was found that a county jail official's refusal to open windows after an inmat.e started a f'ire in a cell block allegedly resulting in a detainee passing out was not int.ended to punish the detainee in violation of the Eighth Amendment. There was no medical evidence suggesting that the detainee suffered any injury resulting from the fire or the presence of smoke in the unit. The officials responded to and extinguished the fire, and there was no indication as to the length of time smoke was present or that any other inmates complained about the presence of smoke or suffered any discomfort or injury. (Tippecanoe County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Manarit.e v. City of Springfield, 957 F.2d 953 (1st Cir. 1992). The estate and minor daughter of a detainee who committed suicide while in prot.ective custody sued the police chief and the city under Section 1983 for their alleged failure to prevent the suicide. The U.S. District Court granted summary judgment for the defendants, and the plaintiff's appealed. The court of appeals found that the police chief's failure to insist that officers who implement.eel the suicide prevention policies remove shoelaces from persons in prot.ective custody was not "deliberat.e indifference" that would permit holding the chief liable for suicide of a person in protective detention. Although four detainees tried to hang themselves with shoelaces in the preceding '1line months, the chief's conduct ~ht have been negligent, but not deliberat.e)y indifferent. In addition, the city's failure to 32.38 provide training and education for police officers in suicide detection and prevention was not "deliberat.e indifference" in violation of Section 1983, as the city's training and policies regarding suicide prevention wei, in accord with requiren:ients of state law at the time of the detainee's suicide, and there was no basis for fqiding that·his·suicide was closely related to the city's failure to train officers itl suicide preTention. The'prison official's failure to prevent the suicide of the detainee did not violated the detainee's minor daught.er's right of familial associational privacy, and thus, afforded her no right of recovery under Section 1983; the daught.er had no liberty interest prot.etj;ed by the due process clause in her familial relationship with her father. (Springfield Police Station, Springfield, Massachusetts) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE SUICIDE ATl'EMPI' Rich v .. City of Mayfield Heights, 955 F.2d 1092 (6th Cir. 1992). Action was brought against police officers, paramedics, the city, and the police chief based on a pretrial detainee's attempt to ·hang himself. The U.S. District Court denied the summary judgment motion and the officers, city, and police chief appealed. The court of appeals found that the police officers were entitled to qualified immunity from liability. According to the court, the defendant police officers reacted immediat.ely by calling for the paramedics, and the paramedics arrived within minutes. The police officers did not intentionally deny or delay access to medical care, and there was no recognized constitutional right that would have required the officers to cut down the detainee themselves rather than call for medical assistance. (Mayfield Heights City Jail, Ohio) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Swofford v. Mandrell. 969 F.2d 547 (7th Cir. 1992). A pretrial detainee brought an action against a sheriff to recover for a beating and sexual assault by other inmat.es. The U.S. District Court dismissed the complaint for failure to state a claim, and the detainee appealed. The court of appeals, reversing and remanding; found that a due process claim was stat.ed against the sheriff by the pretrial detainee's allegations that he was arrest.ed on suspicion of aggravated sexual assault, placed in a holding cell with ten inmat.es, and was jumped on, beat, kicked, urinated on, and sodomized with a broom handle. Neither the sheriff nor the deputy came to the detainee's aid despite repeated screams, no one inspected or guarded the cell for eight hours, and the sheriff "had to know" that the actions put the detainee's life in great danger. The court also found that the pretrial detainee was entitled to appointed counsel for the meritorious Section 1983 action as the state of mind required for a due process violation was difficult and subtle, the detainee had been unable to investigate crucial facts during his incarceration, the detainee's claim was likely to turn on the credibility of witnesses, and the detainee was unable to present the case adequat.ely without counsel. (Franklin County Jail, Benton, Illinois) U.S. District Court CONDfflONS PUNISHMENT RIGHTS RETAINED Washingt.on v. Tinsley, 809 F.Supp. 504 (S.D. Tex. 1992). Pretrial detainees challenged a city ordinance prohibiting smoking in public buildings, including the county jail. The district court found that the city ordinance did not violat.e the Constitution and impermissibly punish pretrial detainees without a trial; the city's ban affected all public buildings, the ordinance did not disproportionately affect the inmat.es, and the ban protected the health of smoking and nonsmoking workers and visitors, and eliminated a fire hazard. (Harris County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court CROWDING EQUAL PROTECTION PARITYWITH SENTENCED Young v. Keohane, 809 F.Supp. 1185 (M.D. Pa. 1992). A pretrial detainee brought a Bivens civil rights action alleging that prison officials violated the detainee's constitutional rights. Cross motions for summary judgment were made. The district court found that the prison officials were not entitled to qualified immunity on claims that overcrowding violated the detainee's due process rights. The detainee was confined to one room with up to eleven other people between twenty-two and twenty-four hours per day without a wash basin, toilet, table or chairs, or drinking fountain under mo.re .restrictive conditions than those placed upon convicted prisoners. {United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania) 1993 U.S. District Court SUICIDE ATl'EMPI' Camps v. City of Warner Robins, 822 F.Supp. 724 (M.D. Ga. 1993). The administrators of an arrestee's estate brought a civil rights action against city, county, and various law enforcement officers, alleging they were deliberately indifferent to the psychological needs of the arrestee, who lapsed into a coma after a suicide att.empt and died approximately one year later. On motions for summary judgment, the district court found that the decision of a municipal holding facility supervisor to transport the arrestee to a county jail rather than the hospital or a psychiatric facility was, at most, negligent, rather than deliberately indifferent to the arrestee's serious psychological needs. Although the supervisor was aware that the arrestee had att.empted suicide while at the det.ention facility, the supervisor directed officers who transferred. the arrestee to inform jail officials that the arrestee was acting suicidal, Triable issues msted regarding whether deputies and a supervising officer at the county jail were aware that the arrestee was suicidal but were deliberately indifferent to his psychological needs. However, absent any allegation that 32.39 the sheriff was personally involved in any way with the arrestee's suicide att.empt while in cust.ody at the county jail, or that any failure to train by the sheriff caused this injury, the sheriff was not subject to supervisory liability. The administrators of the arrestee's estate failed to create a genuine issue of material fact that the county jail's suicide prevention policy was inadequate, as would preclude summary judgment for the county of the civil rights municipal liability claim, where the administrators made only general allegations that policies regarding suicide prevention were grossly inadequate, and otherwise charged violations of county policy. (Houston County Jail, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Chapman v. Nichols, 989 F.2d 393 (10th Cir. 1993). Detainees brought a civil rights action against a sheriff to recover damages after they were subjected to strip searches at a jail following arrest. The U.S. District Court denied the sheriff's motion for summary judgment on grounds of qualified immunity, and the sheriff appealed. The appeals court, affirming and remanding, found that it was clearly established law in late 1991 and early 1992 when the arrests took place, that a blanket policy of strip searches for detainees was unconstitutional, so that the sheriff was not entitled to qualified immunity. (Creek County Jail, Sapulpa, Oklahoma) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Davis v. Hall, 992 F.2d 151 (8th Cir. 1993). A pretrial detainee brought a Section 1983 action against jail officials for their alleged deliberate indifference to his medical condition. The U.S. District Court dismissed, and the detainee appealed. The appeals court, affirming the decision, found that the pretrial detainee's allegations that he was denied access to his crutches and to the jail's infirmary, despite a broken ankle, did not state a deliberate indifference claim under the due process clause. (St. Louis County Jail, Missouri) U.S. District Court EQUAL PROTECTION PROGRAMS RIGHTS RETAINED Donnell C. v. Illinois State Bd. of Educ., 829 F.Supp. 1016 (N.D.Ill. 1993). School-aged pretrial detainees in a county jail filed an action against the state Board of Education concerning alleged inadequate education. The state filed a motion to dismiss. The district court found that the allegation of inadequate education by the pretrial detainees sufficiently stated a claim of violation of substantive due process to overcome a motion to dismiss. The detainees alleged that only about 40% of the detainees in need of special educational services were receiving the needed services, and that instruction was lacking on the educational basics of reading and math, or even lacking altogether. The allegations of inadequate education also sufficiently stated a claim of violation of equal protection to overcome a motion to dismiss, absent a showing by the state of a rational relationship between the lack of education and maintaining security. The state merely made apocryphal claims that the county jail's actions were justified to avoid burdensome litigation by the prisoners. The detainees had a constitutionally protect.ed due process property interest in participation in educational programs during detention, and the interest was not diminished by a probable cause hearing or indictment process undertaken before confinement. Finally, the court found that the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) applied to the school-aged pretrial detainees' claims of inadequate education, in light of the application of the Act to state correctional facilities by the Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, and absent any showing that the Department's regulations were arbitrary or capricious. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court ACCESS TO COURT SPEEDY TRIAL Hallstrom v. City of Garden City, 991 F.2d 1473 (9th Cir. 1993). An arrestee brought a Section 1983 action against a county and its officials. The U.S. District Court dismissed the action, and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court found that a four-day incarceration period between arrest and presentation to a magistrate violated the arrestee's right to prompt presentation, for the purposes of her Section 1983 action. The county made no showing of justification for the delay other than as a measure to force her to cooperate with booking procedures. The refusal to cooperate with booking procedures did not excuse the ext.ended detention. The court noted that the county and its officials were not entitled to qualified immunity from either official or personal liability under Section 1983 for violating the arrestee's right to be taken before a magistrate promptly, as no objectively reasonable officer could consider a four-day incarceration to be brief, arraignment to be prompt, or the purpose of coercing compliance with booking procedures to be sufficiently exigent to justify the delay. (Ada County Jail, Idaho) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Hare v. City of Corinth, Miss., 814 F.Supp. 1312 (N.D. Miss. 1993). The estate of a detainee who committ.ed suicide while in jail sued city and cust.odial officials, under Section 1983 and the Mississippi Wrongful Death Act. Cross motions for summary judgment were made. The district court found that material issues of fact, precluding summary judgment, aist:ed as to whether the detainee displayed a particular vulnerability to suicide, triggering obligations of cust.odial officers to provide special care. The officer in charge had made sure that the detainee did not have shoe laces or a belt, had considered removing the blanket that the detainee later tore up to fashion a noose but decided she lacked the strength to use the blanket as a suicide device, and had asked that she be 32.40 wat.ched by a dispat.cher. However, the detainee was in jail for the first time, was under the influence of a chemical drug, and exhibit.eel severe mood swings including distraught and frantic activity. In addition, she sat in a fetal-type position during one int.erview, attempt.ed to destroy a videotape of her int.erview and said she would kill herself if she had to stay in jail another night. Although the detainee was chemically dependent, undergoing withdrawal and depression, had made a suicide threat and exhibit.eel unstable behavior, she was placed alone in a cell not allowing full-time observation. Mat.erial issues of fact exist.eel on the question of whether the municipality had acquiesced in policy or cust.om of inaction on the question of suicide prevention; there had been another suicide in the same jail three months previously, and there was no attempt made to adopt policies or procedures to prevent subsequent suicides.. However, the ~vidence did not support'a claim of wrongful death involving the jail suicide; th~ officer's act of placing the detainee in jail overnight could not have caused the d,evelopment of an irresistible impulse leading the detainee to take her own life. (Corinth Jail. Mississippi) U.S. Appeals Court Hause v. Vaught. 993 F.2d 1079 (4th Cir. 1993). cert. denied. 114 S.Ct. 702. A former EQUAL PROTECTION pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action challenging his conditions of confm.ement. PUBIJCATIONS The U.S. District Court grant.eel summary judgment in favor of the defendant jail officials. WORK and the detainee appealed. The appeals court found that restrictions on receiving outside publications did not violat.e the detainee's First Amendment rights. Limitations placed on the short-t.erm detainee's constitutional rights when the detainee was prevent.eel from receiving outside publications while confined were reasonably relat.ed to penological int.erests in the prevention of smuggling and of preventing fires. Requiring the detainee to participat.e in the cleaning of a cell-block was not inherently punitive and was relat.ed to a legitimat.e governmental int.erest in prison cleanliness, and thus was not a violation of the detainee's right not to be punished before conviction for some crime. (Horry County Det.ention Cent.er, Conway, South Carolina) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Hood v. Itawamba County, Miss.• 819 F.Supp. 556 (N.D. Miss. 1993). In an action arising out of a suicide by a detainee. the county moved for summary judgment on Section 1983 claims. The district court found that. assuming that the detainee had shown suicidal t.endencies, the county was not liable under Section 1983 for the detainee's suicide on the theory of inadequat.e training, where the sheriffs office did have a policy regarding cust.odial confinement of detainees who exhibit.eel a possible inclination to self-injury. The negligence of a county law officer in not adhering to a county policy for custodial care of the detainee did not support county liability under Section 1983. It was the deviation from policy and standard practice that contribut.ed to the detainee's suicide, not the policy or practice itself. (Itawamba County Jail, Mississippi) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE PUNISHMENT SUICIDE ATrEMPr USE OF FORCE Jones v. Thompson, 818 F.Supp. 1263 (S.D. Ind. 1993). A pretrial detainee filed a Section 1983 civil rights action arising from the use of three-way restraints on the detainee following his suicide attempt. The district court found that the ext.ended use of three-way restraints on the detainee, coupled with the absence of medical review or treatment and the denial of even basic amenities such as personal hygiene and toilet usage constitut.ed deprivation of his due process rights. Various officers at the jail were found liable for $5,000 compensatory damages in their individual capacities. In addition, an officer responsible for management of the jail was liable for $2,000 punitive damages in her individual capacity and the county was liable for $5,000 compensatory d!UJl&&'e&. (Madison County Jail. Indiana) ' U.S. District Court SEARCHES Kidd v. Gowen. 829 F.Supp. 16 (D.N.H. 1993). An action was brought against a county concerning the strip search of an intoxic:at.ed prot.ective custody detainee. The district court found that the facility's policy of strip-searching intoxicat.ed prot.ective custody detainees violat.ed the Fourth Amendment because it permitted such searches without·any individualized suspicion that a particular detainee might be secreting weapons or other contraband. The county offered no evidence showing that such detainees were more likely to secret.e weapons or other contraband or that the threat of self-harm by such detainees was great.er. (Strafford County House of Correction. New Hampshire) U.S. District Court CELLS SEARCHES TELEPHONE Newkirk v. Sheers, 834 F.Supp. 772 (E.D. Pa. 1993). Pretrial detainees brought a suit against a local government and prison officials in their official and individual capacities alleging violation of th~ detainees' constitutional rights. On cross motions for summary judgment, the district court found that the double celling of the detainees in other than exigent circumstances violat.ed their due process rights. In addition. blanket strip and body cavity searches of the pretrial detainees violated their Fourth Amendment rights. and the restricted use of t.elephones during the prison's required initial 48-hour lockdown period did not violat.e constitutional rights. (Schuylkill County Prison. Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court SPEEDY TRIAL Rodriguez v. U.S., 847 F.Supp. 281 (D.Puerto Rico 1993). An arrest.ee sued the government pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act for false arrest after she was held overnight before being brought to a magistrat.e. The arrest.ee was released the following 32.41 day when additional identification material convinced authorities that she was not the subject of an arrest warrant from New York. The district court found that the defendant officers' failure to wait for the arrival of photographs or fingerprint evidence before conducting the arrest did not make the arrest illegal. In addition, the failure to bring the arrestee before a magistrate until the morning following her arrest was not proof of failure to bring the arrestee before a magistrate without undue delay. The arrestee did not show any statute, regulation or rule in effect at the relevant time that would have required a magistrate to see her imediately after the arrest. (Hogar Crea, Quisqueya Detention Facility, Puert.o Rico) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Russell v. Knox County, 826 F.Supp. 20 (D.Me. 1993). A Section 1983 action was brought against a county, the sheriff and county corrections department officials' for an inmate's death by suicide. On the defendants' motion for judgment as a matter of law at the close of the plaintiff's case, the district court found that the county was not liable for the inmate's death, based on an alleged county policy of allowing all involuntary detainees to retain their shoelaces. In addition, the actions of a line corrections officer at the county jail, in allegedly delaying his inspection of the inmate's cell as part of a suicide watch for four minutes while he went to the bathroom, did not manifest any "deliberate indifference" to the inmate's constitutional rights, such as might support a Section 1983 action against the officer when the inmate hanged himself in his cell. The officer had never been told anything by the inmate suggesting that he intended to commit suicide, and the officer was surprised that the inmate committed suicide. (Knox County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE Tucker v. Randall, 840 F.Supp. 1237 (N.D.Ill. 1993). A former pretrial detainee brought a Section 1983 action against officers of a sheriff's department, alleging inadequate medical care, inadequate access to the telephone and illegal taping of phone conversation, and inadequate jail conditions. The district court dismissed, and the detainee appealed. The appeals court found that the officers did not act with "deliberate indifference" to the pretrial detainees' medical needs, even if they failed to treat him with ice and aspirin as instructed by a doctor or delayed over two months in having the injuries viewed again. A reasonable person would not have viewed the detainee's injuries as being life threatening or serious. The detainee was transported to a hospital prior to booking and the hospital doctor did not treat the injuries as serious or life threatening. In addition, the inmate did not complain of injuries to the booking officer upon arrival. The court found that officers did not violate clearly established law in 1986, when they allegedly denied the detainee access to a telephone for the first 67 hours of his incarceration. The alleged secret taping of the pretrial detainee's telephone calls did not substantially affect his right to confer with counsel and, therefore, was not a "clearly established" constitutional violation in 1986. The detainee's counsel met with the detainee in person rather than by using the phone, and the counsel could not recall any complaints by the detainee that the meetings were less convenient than using the phone. The alleged intensely cold and hot temperatures in the detainee's cell, and alleged lack of food in the jail, did not meet "d'1iberate indifference" or "malicious motives" standards so as to defeat the qualmed immunity defense asserted by the sheriffs department officials. Attempts to remedy prison conditions, including the use of a space heater, giving the defendant an extra blanket and clothes to wear, installing fans and opening windows, and giving the detainee extra snacks, showed something less than a criminally reckless or malicious state of mind. (Kendall County Jail, Illinois) TELEPHONE U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE Valencia v. Wiggins, 981 F.2d 1440 (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 113 S.Ct. 2998. A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against a jail official, alleging that the official used excessive force against him during a jail disturbance. The U.S. District Court entered judgment in favor of the detainee, and the official appealed. The appeals court, affirming the decision, found that the substantive due process standard, rather than the Fourth Amendment excessive force standard, applied to the pretrial detainee's excessive force case, where the alleged use of excessive force occurred three weeks after the initial arrest. The court also found that the jail official's use of a choke hold and other force to subdue the nonresisting pretrial detainee during the jail disturbance was a malicious and sadistic use of force to cause harm, rather than a good-faith effort to maintain or restore security, violating due process. The use of force rendered the detainee temporarily unconscious. The officer then struck the detainee while the detainee was handcuffed, kneeling, and nonresisting. The court found that the jail official's use of force was not objectively · reasonable, so that the official was not entitled to qualified immunity in the detainee's civil rights action, where the detainee suffered severe injuries as a result. The detainee was awarded damages in the amount of $2,500 from the jail official, and was also granted approximately $27,600 in attorneys' fees and costs. (Brewster County Jail, Texas) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE Vineyard v. County of Murray, Ga., 990 F.2d 1207 (11th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 114 S.Ct. 636. An arrestee brought a Section 1983 action against deputies and a sheriff, alleging that the defendants violated the arrestee's constitu.tional rights by beating mm. The U.S. District Court entered judgment on a jury verdict for the arrestee, and the defendants 32.42 appealed. The court of appeals found that the evidence supported a finding that the county's deliberate indifference to the rights of arrestees to be free frQJD use of excessive force by the county's deputies was a moving force of the violation of the arrestee's constitutional rights resulting from the beating by deputies. An expert wi1ness testified that, assuming the arrestee's version of the beating was true, the beating would not have occurred if county policies were such that officers knew they must report any confrontations, that others would call the sheriffs department to report complaints to the department, and that the department would investigate complaints. (Murray County Sheriffs Department) 1994 U.S. District Court DUE PROCESS PUNISHMENT Collazo-Leon v. U.S. Bureau of Prisons. 855 F.Supp. 530 (D. Puerto Rico 1994). A pretrial detainee who was placed in solitary confinement as a disciplinary sanction applied for a writ of habeas corpus. The district court granted the application, fmding that the disciplinary segregation imposed on the pretrial de~ee as a sanction for an escape attempt constituted punishment and served no legitimate regulatory purpose, in violation of substantive due process. (M.D.C. Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) · U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Hare v. City of Corinth. MS, 22 F.3d 612 (5th Cir. 1994). The estate of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide brought a civil rights action against jail officials. The U.S. District Court denied the officials' motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds, and the officials appealed. The appeals court noted that, at the time the pretrial detainee committed suicide in 1989, jail officials were under a clearly established constitutional duty to respond to the detainee's serious medical needs, including suicidal tendencies and attempts to commit suicide, with at least more than deliberate indifference. The pretrial detainee committed suicide in her cell by hanging herself with a blanket she had tom into strips. The court found genuine issues of material fact as to whether jail officials knew or should have known of the detainee's vulnerability to suicide. She was placed in an isolated cell which was not visually monitored and which could not be reached by a trustee or the dispat.cher on duty. The court precluded summary judgment in favor of the officials on qualified immunity grounds. (Corinth City Jail, Mississippi) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE SUICIDE Hare v. City of Corinth. MS, 36 F.3d 412 (5th Cir. 1994). The estate of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide brought a Section 1983 action against jail officials. The U.S. District Court denied the officials' motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds and the officials appealed. The appeals court found that when the pretrial detainee committed suicide in 1989, jail officials were under a clearly established constitutional duty to provide reasonable care for serious medical needs, unless the deficiency reasonably served a legitimate governmental objective. The court ruled that whether the officials denied reasonable medical care for the pretrial detainee and whether a legitimate governmental objective justified the denial were questions of fact precluding summary judgment on the issue of qualified immunity. (Corinth City Jail, Mississippi) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS DUE PROCESS Hines v. Sheahan. 845 F.Supp. 1265 (N.D.Ill. 1994). A pretrial detainee brought a Section 1983 action for alleged constitutional deprivations suffered while incarcerated. On the defendants' motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, the district court found that the pretrial detainee's complaint alleging that he was required to sleep on a mattress on the floor with rats and roaches failed to state a due process claim based on unconstitutional conditions of confinement. The complaint did not set forth facts that would support a claim of deliberate indifference, and failed to allege facts indicating what harm the detainee suffered. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE METHADONE TREATMENT Messina v. Mazzeo. 854 F.Supp. 116 (E.D.N.Y. 1994). An arrestee brought a federal civil rights action against a correctional facility physician. The district court found that the · pretrial detainee stated a claim for deliberate indifference to his medical needs by alleging that the intake physician at the correctional facility denied him methadone which was allegedly warranted upon the detainee's arrival. If, based on the detainee's condition, it was medically necessary that he receive the methadone immediately, the physician's action was more than negligent. (Rikers Island, New York) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Newsome v. Webster, 843 F.Supp. 1460 (S.D. Ga. 1994). Jail detainees brought a Section 1983 action against various officers, alleging excessive use of force. Motions were made to dismiss and for summary judgment. The district court found that the jail detainees failed to establish the liability of the sheriff, either individually or officially. The detainees did not allege that the sheriff had personally participated in any force inflict.ed upon them, and their conclusory statements as to the inadequacy of training and policies towards the use of force did not show that force was excessive. The detainees had not stated a cause of action for excessive force against personnel who had arrested them or personnel responsible for their jail confinement. (Richmond County Jail, Georgia) 32.43 U.S. District Court RELIGION VISITS Pippins v. Adams County Jail. 851 F.Supp. 1228 (C.D. Ill. 1994). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against a jail and a jail administrator for violating his constitutional rights. The district court found that the jail's denial of a hard-cover Koran. because of legitimate security interests of preventing weapons and smuggling. and its failure t.o provide a substitute main course when serving pork did not support the detainee's claim of religious discrimination. The pretrial detainee's right to exercise religious freedom was not violated by the jail's refusal to permit a visit from his Imam minister. who was on parole. Obvious concerns dictate against allowing paroled felons to meet with incarcerat.ed people. and jail officials never barred any other Imam from visiting the jail. (Adams County Jail. Illinois) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Plasko v. City of Pottsville, 852 F.Supp. 1258 (E.D.-Pa. 1994). Th.e estate of a pretrial detainee brought claims against a city and city officials under Sections 1983. 1985. and 1986, under the Eighth and Fourt.eenth Amendments, and under Pennsylvania law, to recover damages resulting from the pretrial detainee's suicide. On motions to dismiss, the district court found that the estate of the pretrial detainee did not state a claim under Section 1983 against jail officials for failure to prevent the detainee's suicide, absent an allegation of facts concerning the mental hist.ory of the detainee or other facts showing that jail officials knew or should have known the detainee posed a particular risk of suicide and that they disregarded those risks. Without any reason to believe that the detainee was potentially suicidal, the fact that officials did not take a belt from the detainee while he was in a holding cell amounted to nothing more than negligence. The state law claims were also dismissed without prejudice to the plaintiffs right to reassert them as supplemental claims in an amended complaint in district court or in state court if no amended complaint was flied. (Pottsville Police Department, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court VISITS Young v. Larkin. 871 F.Supp. 772 (M.D. Pa. 1994). affirmed, 47 F.3d 1163. A pretrial detainee filed a civil rights action against prison officials complaining about treatment during pretrial detention. On the defendants motion for summary judgment the district court found that the prisoner, who was confmed in a restrictive housing unit, was not denied constitutional rights by the fact that he was allowed fewer visits with family than other prisoners in the general population and that he had to visit family with handcuffs on, unlike prisoners in the general prison population. The restrictions were justified by valid security concerns. (State Correctional Institution, Dallas. Pennsylvania) 1995 U.S. Appeals Court CEU.S CONDITIONS SUICIDE ATTEMPI' Anderson v. County of Kem, 45 F.3d 1310 (9th Cir. 1995). Pretrial detainees and convicted prisoners brought an action against prison officials under Section 1983. The U.S. District Court refused to enjoin pri.son officials from placing mentally disturbed or suicidal prisoners in safety cells. The detainees and prisoners appealed. The appeals court found that the district court did not err in refusing to enjoin the county from ever making use of safety cells for mentally disturbed or suicidal prisoners. There was ample testimony that some prisoners became so violent and such a danger to themselves that temporary placement in a safety cell was needed to deprive the prisoners of all means of harming themselves. The fact that some prisoners who were violent might be mentally disturbed or suicidal did not detract from the need. The deprivation of sinks, stand up toilets, and beds for short periods ·of time during violent episodes was constitutionally justifiable because the inmates were confined to the safety cells only for short periods of time. (Kem County Jail. California) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS SANITATION Burton v. Cameron County, Tex.• 884 F.Supp. 234 (S.D. Tex. 1995). A detainee who suffered from AIDS brought Section 1983 and Texas tort claims actions against a sheriff. a physician for the jail, and the county for insufficient medical care. On motions for summary judgment by the county and the physician, the district court found that the physician under contract to provide medical services to the county jail was not liable to the detainee for alleged insufficient medical treatment. The detainee was given reasonable medical care and suffered no adverse effects from the time spent in jail. In addition. the physician was not liable to the detainee for alleged medical negligence because the detainee was not harmed by any alleged shortcomings of treatment, and any failure by the infirmary staff to properly provide the detainee with AZT treatment was not conduct which could be imputed on the physician. The physician was not liable to the detainee for intentional infliction of emotional distress regarding allegedly insufficient medical treatment. The administration of a placebo did not constitute extreme or outrageous conduct and significant care was provided by the infirmary staff in coordination with the care provided by the detainees private physician. The detainee's private physician testified that the confinement had not affected the detainee's medical conditions or his mental health. (Cameron County Jail, Texas) 32M U.S. Appeals Court DISCIPLINE PUNISHMENT SEPARATION TELEPHONE VISITS Collazo-Leon v. U.S. Bureau of Prisons, 51 F.3d 315 (1st Cir. 1995). A pretrial detainee subjected to disciplinary sanctions petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus. The U.S. District Court granted the writ and the government appealed. The appeals court, vacating and remanding, found that even if a restriction or condition of confmement may be viewed as having a punitive effect on a pretrial detainee, it is constitutional if it also furthers some legitimate governmental objective and is not excessive. The court found that 90-day disciplinary segregation and a six-month revocation of telephone and visitation privileges were reasonable sanctions for the pretrial detainee's attempted bribe and attempted escape. (Metropolitan Detention Center, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) U.S. District Court SEARCHES PRIVACY Ellis y. Meade, 887 F.Supp. 324 (D.Me. 1995). A pretrial detainee filed a § 1983 action against a jail officer and jail administrator seeking compensation for alleged mistreatment while confined at the jail. The district court entered judgment for the defendants, fmding that the male officer's comments to the detainee, "How are you doing little boy," and "How's the little guy doing," did not constitute sexual harassment. The court also held that the officer's patting of the detainee on the buttocks did not constitute a "search" for Fourth Amendment purposes and did not violate the detainee's right to privacy, nor did it constitute "punishment" in violation of the detainee's due process rights. The court found that the officer's actions of patting the detainee were immune from liability on an· assault and battery claim and that the officer's observation of the detainee while naked did not violate the detainee's Fourth Amendment privacy rights. The court noted that the officer's purpose in patting the inmate was not to punish, but to placate the detainee, which was rationally connected to the officer's stated purpose and was not excessive. The court commented that while the officer's actions were possibly mistaken and ill-advised, they were not so egregious that they exceeded as a matter of law the scope of any discretion the officer could have possessed. (Penobscot County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court PROTECTION USE OF FORCE Fickes v. Jefferson County, 900 F.Supp. 84 (E.D.Tex. 1995). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a county, sheriff, and corrections officials. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part and denied it in part. The court found that a corrections officer was at most negligent in leaving mops and brooms in a cell; the detainee alleged that other inmates beat him with the mops and brooms. The court noted that bringing an end to the flood that had disrupted several cells was a legitimate government purpose that justified bringing the mops, brooms and squeegees into the cell. The court held that genuine issues of fact remained as to whether an officer knew of the ongoing attack when he made his rounds and chose to do nothing or whether the altercation erupted after the officer made his rounds, precluding summary judgment. The court held that genuine fact issues remained as to whether officers used excessive force when removing the detainee to another cell by continuing to exert force directly on the detainee's neck by means of a headlock. after the detainee announced he had injured his neck, precluding summary judgment. (Jefferson County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court VISITS Flournoy v. Fairman, 897 F.Supp. 350 (N.D.IU. 1995). A pretrial detainee brought§ 1983 actions against a direct.or of a county department of corrections and a social worker at a county jail. The district court held that denial of visitation when the visiting room was overcrowded, when visitors refused to produce identification, when visitors did not know on which tier the detainee was housed, or when insufficient time remained during visiting hours, did not violate the detainee's right to due process. The court found that such policies and practices were perfectly sensible and were reasonably related to the need to maintain internal security at the jail. The court also noted that an Illinois statute governing visitation at state correctional facilities did not apply to county jails and therefore did not give rise to any protected liberty interest. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court SUICIDE A'ITEMPI' Litz v. City of Allentown, 896 F.Supp. 1401 (E.D.Pa. 1995). The guardian of a pretrial detainee who had attempted suicide brought a civil rights action against a city and its police officials. The district court found that evidence did not show that the detainee had a particular vulnerability to suicide necessary for liability under § 1983 and that even if individual officers were liable, the municipality was not liable absent some showing that it somehow communicated a message of tacit approval or acquiescence in attempted suicides. The court also found that any improper action by the police chief was at most negligence, which would not support a § 1983 claim. The court noted that the actions of the detainee, who was intoxicated and was asking why he could not go home, did not indicate a possibility that he was going to harm hlmself for the purpose of showing a strong likelihood--rather than a mere possibility-that self-inflicted harm would occur. The court also noted that the city had taken measures to prevent suicides. The detainee had attempted to hang himself using his socks in a holding cell at the police department. (Allentown Police Department, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court REIJGION Muslim y., Frame, 891 F.Supp. 226 (E.D.Pa. 1995). A former pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action alleging that a county prison rule prohibiting inmates from wearing head gear in common areas unconstitutionally restricted the Muslim detainee from wearing his prayer cap in an expression of his faith. The district-court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part, and denied it in part. The court found that state law-did not give prisoners a h'berty interest in the unrestricted wearing of religious ornamentation, and that the prison head gear rule was not the result of religious discrimination. But the court denied summary judgment on 32.45 the issues of whether the ban on head gear substantially burdened the detainee's free exercise of religion, in violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and whether the head gear restrictions were the least restrictive means of achieving safe prj.llOllS, The court noted that prison officials failed to establish that allowing h~ad gear would unduly increase their administrative costs, that allowing head gear would permit a means of expressing gang affiliation, and that allowing head gear would impede the need to visually identify prisoners during movement. (Chester County Prison, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE FAIWRE TO PROVIDE CARE Neville v. True. 900 F.Supp. 972 (N.D.Ill. 1995). A pretrial detainee brought a pro se § 1983 action against officials alleging denial of adequate medical care. The district court granted summary judgment for the officials, fmding that although the inmate's heart condition, pacemaker and poor circulation provided evidence of a serious medical need, the officials were not deliberately indifferent. The court noted thl!,t the inmate was given medical attention, had several appointments with outside doctors at three different hospitals, the inmate repeatedly refused the doctor's advice to undergo pacemaker surgery, and the inmate caused certain injuries to himself and hindered treatment by re-opening healing wounds. (Metropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago, Federal Bureau of Prisons) U.S. District Court SEARCHES USE OF FORCE Nowosad v. English, 903 F.Supp. 377 (E.D.N.Y. 1995). A plaintiff brought a § 1983 action against county officials and individuals involved with his arrest and prosecution. The district court found that the plaintiff stated an excessive force claim, where he alleged that during the course of his arrest he was pushed, his arm was painfully and roughly twisted, and he suffered such difficulties as a disabling knee injury, arm, shoulder, back and leg injuries causing pain. The court found that a strip search did not _violate the Fourth Amendment, where the fact that the plaintiff was charged with menacing with a weapon provided an element of reasonable suspicion that another weapon was concealed. (Suffolk County Police Department, New York) U.S. District Court SUICIDE USE OF FORCE BAIL ~ !:· Village of Orland Park, 906 F.Supp. 1196 (N.D.Ill. 1995). The estate of an arrestee who committed suicide while in detention brought a civil rights action against a village and police officers. An eighteen-year-old youth in police custody committed suicide by hanging himself from the bars of his cell with his t-shirt. The court found that the defendants were entitled to qualified immunity on claims against them in their official capacity, but the officer who put the arrest.ee in a chokehold was not entitled to immunity on the claim of excessive force, nor was immunity available for an officer who failed to intervene in the first officer's takedown of the arrestee. The court also found that the officers were not entitled to immunity on the claim that they struck the arrestee in violation of his right to be free from pretrial detention that constituted punishment; a videotape showed no sign of aggression or violence by the arrestee before the officer grabbed him and placed him in a chokehold. The court found that the officers were entitled to immunity on the claim of failure to provide medical care and that the village had no policy of deliberate indifference as to measures to prevent suicide. The municipality was not liable for the suicide of the arrestee based on its alleged failure to train police officers regarding suicide awareness absent any evidence that the municipality had a large suicide problem which it was ignoring or that statutes or regulations required officers either to perform CPR upon the arrestee after he was discovered hanging in his cell or to take suicide awareness classes. The court ruled that the arrestee's sister lacked standing and could not recover under § 1983 for loss of society and companionship. The court left the proximate cause issue to be determined by a jury. The court ruled that the officers were entitled to qualified immunity on the claim that they failed to process the arrestee for bail or allow bail to be posted in a timely fashion, because the right to bail was not a clearly established right at the time of the incident. (Overland Park Police Department, Illinois) U.S. District Court LAW LIBRARIES CONDITIONS EXERCISE Smith !:· Harvey County Jail, 889 F.Supp. 426 (D.Kan. 1995). A pretrial detainee filed a § 1983 suit against jail officials alleging violation of his rights by the provision of inadequate medical care, improper diet, denial of access to a law library, and denial of outdoor exercise. The district court dismissed the case. The court held that serving plain but nutritious food did not violate the detainee's constitutional rights; the detainee had complained of portion size, the food selected and food preparation. 'lhe court held that while regular exercise of some type is crucial for the psychological and physical fitness of inmates, determining what is adequate exercise will depend on the circumstances of each case, including the physical characteristics of the cell and jail, and the average length of stay of inmates. 'lhe court found no violation from the denial of outdoor exercise because the detainee had access to printed instructions for calisthenics, the jail made some recreational materials available to detainees, the average stay of a detainee was seven days (although the plaintiff in this case spent nearly six months in confinement), the jail was not crowded during his stay at the jail, and the detainee exercised in his cell at least part of the time he was confined. 'lhe court noted that where a prisoner has a reasonable opporbmity for exercise and does not allege any significant physical deterioration, there is no Eighth Amendment violation. The court held that the detainee's rights were not violated by the refusal of the jail to allow him access to the county law library, which was located in the same building but which was not secure. 'lh.e detainee was represented by counsel throughout his pretrial det.en1ion, removing any need for the county jail to allow him access to materials in the law library to prepare his defense. The county also granted the detainee's requests for copies of legal materials. (Harvey County Jail, Kansas) 32.46 U.S. District Court CONDITIONS SANITATION EXERCISE CROWDING Stone-El v. Sheahan, 914- F.Supp. 202 (N.D.Ill. 1995). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 civil rights action against a sheriff. executive director of the county department of corrections, and the superintendent of the county jail. The detainee alleged that various conditions of his confinement violated his right to due process. The district court granted the defendants' motion to dismiss. The court found that the defendants had not personally caused the conditions at the jail, nor could they limit the number of pretrial detainees assigned there or appropriate funds to improve conditions. The court also found that the detainee failea to allege conditions of confinement serious enough to violate the objective component of a due process claim. The detainee had asserted that he had slept on the floor without a mattress, that the jail was noisy, that the jail lacked showers. that he was not able to maintain his personal hygiene, that ventilation was poor, and that inadequate security permitted gangs to intimidate him. The detainee also alleged a lack of exercise opportunities, but the court found that even dramatic restrictions on outdoor exercise do not violate due process as long as detainees have ample opportunities to participate in indoor activity. The court noted that the detainee failed to allege any harm caused by the poor ventilation or any adverse health effects from the alleged lack of exercise. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURTS Turiano v. Schnarrs. 904- F.Supp. 4-00 (M.D.Pa. 1995). A§ 1983 action was filed by an inmate alleging he was denied meaningful access to courts while a pretrial detainee in a county jail. The district court found that genuine issues of material fact precluded summary judgment in favor of the jail officials. The county jail law library did not contain volumes one through 700 of the Federal Supplement, volumes one through 800 of the Federal Reporter Second Series. contained only two volumes of the Supreme Court Reporter, and contained no volumes of Title 4-2 of the United States Code or any federal indices; the court found this to be inadequate to provide meaningful access to courts. The court also found the county's paging system inadequate; the system allows inmates to obtain law books or copies of cases and other legal reference materials upon request from the county courthouse library, but no list of books available was ever provided to inmates and officials did not make inmates aware of the system. (Huntingdon County Jail, Pennsylvania) LAW LIBRARY U.S. District Court CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE STAFFING Wilson v. Cook County Bd. of Commissioners, 878 F.Supp. 1163 (N.D. Ill. 1995). A pretrial detainee brought a Section 1983 action against detention facility officials and a county board of commissioners alleging due process violations. On the defendants' motions to dismiss, the district court found that the failure to allege remedial injury warranted the dismissal of claims alleging overcrowding, inadequate staffing, inadequate opportunity for exercise, and inadequate grievance procedures. However, the court found that the pretrial detainee's allegations that the detention facility failed to provide clean sheets, clothing, and a towel, had a limited number of toilets, showers, and sinks, and lacked sufficient toilet paper, soap, and cleaning materials stated a claim for violation of due process, where these conditions were probably not reasonably related to any legitimate government objective. The detainees allegation that the facility lacked adequate ventilation was sufficient to state a claim for due process violation. The detainee's allegation that the detention facility failed to treat the detainee's back injury and that the facility's officials were aware that the detainee's sleeping conditions could adversely affect the injury also stated a claim for violation of due process. The pretrial detainee's allegation that the detention facility served inadequate food under unsanitary conditions and that facility officials were aware.of such conditions and the fact that the conditions created an excessive risk. to the detainee's health and safety stated a claim for violation of due process. The detainee's allegation that the board of commissioners failed to appropriate and provide funds sufficient to improve the conditions at the detention facility, despite its knowledge of unconstitutional conditions at the facility, and that the board was deliberately indifferent to the excessive risk. created by the conditions, adequately stated a due process claim against the board. (Cook. County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION SEPARATION ~ :!· Rhodes, 64 F.3d 285 (7th Cir. 1995). A pretrial detainee filed a pro se § 1983 action against guards, alleging violation of her due process rights. The district court dismissed in part and entered summary judgment for the guards in part. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part, finding that allegations that a guard showed deliberate indifference for the detainee's rights by placing her in a cell with a mentally ill inmate who presented an imminent potential for assault were sufficient to state a § 1983 claim. But the appeals court found that allegations that a guard failed to supervise subordinate guards and allowed them to provide inadequate medical care failed to state a claim. The court also found that the detainee was not entitled to a presegregation hearing; she had been segregated for her own protection and that of other inmates after a verbal confrontation. (Sangamon County Jail, Illinois) 1996 U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURI'S Casteel v. Pieschek., 94-4- F.Supp. 74-8 (E.D.Wis. 1996). Detainees brought a§ 1983 action against a county jail and jail officials, alleging violation of their right to meaningful access to courts and other claims. 'Ihe district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that providing the detainees with weekly access to law h"brary materials and letter access to legal assistance organizations did not violate the detainees' right to meaningful access to courts. 'Ihe court noted that physical access to a law h"brary was not provided and that the detainees were not provided with assistance of counsel for various civil claims. (Brown County Jail, Wisconsin) · 32.47 U.S. District Court DISCIPLINE DUE PROCESS PROTECTION Cephas v. Truitt. 940 F.Supp. 674 (D.Del. 1996). A pretrial detainee who had been placed in administrative segregation for 18 days pending a disciplinary hearing brought a federal civil rights action against a jail official, alleging violation of his due process rights. The district court granted summary judgment to the defendants, finding that the imposition of administrative segregation prior t.o a disciplinary hearing did not violate a protected liberty interest. The court held that the 15-day isolation sanction given to the detainee following a disciplinary hearing did not violate a protected liberty interest and that the punishment was reasonably related to legitimate objectives and was permissible; nothing indicated that the sanction was arbitrary or disproportionate to the offense. The court also found that the detainee, who was assaulted by other inmates while in administrative segregation, failed to establish that the jail official had been deliberately indifferent to the risk that the detainee would be assaulted. According to the court, nothing indicated that the official was actually aware of any risk prior to the assault or that the risk was apparent, nor that the delay of the disciplinary hearing, during which time the detainee was kept in segregation, was unreasonable. (Sussex Correctional Institution, Delaware) U.S. District Court PROTECTION INTAKE SCREENING Clark v. McMillin. 932 F.Supp. 789 (S.D.Miss. 1996). A wrongful death suit alleging state law and federal civil rights claims was brought against a sheriff, a county, and an wmamed defendant seeking damages for the death of a pretrial detainee who was assaulted and killed by his cellmate. The district court remanded the state law claims and dismissed the federal claims. The court found that the sheriff's policy of checking cells containing pretrial detainees on suicide watch every 15 minutes was not deliberate indifference, even though 15 minutes was more than enough time for one inmate to kill another. The court found that although the sheriff did have constructive knowledge of the perpetrator's violent propensities from county records, the sheriff did not have actual knowledge of a substantial risk of serious harm to the victim. The plaintiffs had alleged that the county had no policy to safeguard inmates from attacks from other inmates, that the sheriff failed to place the perpetrator in a unit for violent felons, that the county failed to properly screen inmates for violent propensities, and that the county failed or refused to provide adequate medical care to the victim after the assault. (Hinds County Detention Center, Mississippi) U.S. District Court Dorsey v. St. Joseph Co. Jail Officials. 910 F.Supp. 1343 (N.D.Ind. 1996). A former pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action under § 1983 against county jail officials, alleging they failed to protect him, used excessive force, and failed to meet his medical needs. The court found that the inmate failed to show that jail officials failed to provide adequate medical treatment for his diabetes and his broken arm; medical records indicated that he was treated by a physician but that he was belligerent and uncooperative and that he refused treatment on several occasions. The court found that jail officials did not fail t.o protect the inmate from other prisoners, as all inmates could not be accommodated in single cell housing to ensure their safety.· When jail officials attempted to transfer the inmate to a single cell for his own protection the inmate became recalcitrant and belligerent; the court found that jail officials did not use excessive force when transferring him to the single cell. (St. Joseph County Jail, Indiana) MEDICAL CARE USE OF FORCE PROTECTION U.S. District Court SEARCHES Dugas v. Jefferson County. 931 F.Supp. 1315 (E.D.Tex. 1996). A female arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a county and a sheriff's deputy claiming that a strip search ordered by the deputy following her arrest for a misdemeanor violated her Fourth Amendment rights. The district court denied the deputy's motion for summary judgment, finding that he was not entitled t.o a qualified immunity defense because it was clear at the time of the deputy's order that a strip search of a minor offense arrestee violated the Fourth Amendment. The court also found that the deputy was not shielded from civil liability for illegal acts simply because he was following orders. (Jefferson County Jail, Texas) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Estate of Cole by Pardue v. Fromm, 94 F.3d 254 (7th Cir. 1996). The estate and mother of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide in a psychiatric ward brought a civil rights action in state court against nurses and a psychiatrist who assisted in the detainee's treatment. After removal by the defendants to federal court the district court granted them summary judgment. The appeals court affirmed, finding that allegations of medical malpractice were not sufficient to sustain a § 1983 action. The court also held that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate that the defendants were subjectively aware that the detainee would try t.o commit suicide. The court found that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate deliberate indifference by the psychiatrist's classification of the detainee as a potential suicide risk rather than a high suicide risk. Although the defendants conceded that plastic bags such as the one the detainee used to asphyxiate himself posed a substantial risk to a patient intent on suicide, the court found that the fact that the detainee was placed on the lower of two levels of suicide precautions showed a subjective conclusion that the detainee did not intend to kill himself. The court noted that determining the point at which a detainee's right under the due process clause to be free from bodily restraint during psychiatric hospitalization intersects with the right t.o be restrained so he will not harm himself is a matter of medical judgment. (Marion County Jail and Wishard Memorial Psychiatric Ward, Indiana) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Estate of Frank v. City of Beaver Dam, 921 F.Supp. 590 (E.D.W1S. 1996). The personal representative of the estate of a detainee who committed suicide in jail brought a § 1983 action against police officers who had contact with the detainee prior t.o his suicide. The district court 32.48 found that the officers enjoyed qualified immunity and dismissed the case. The court noted that although one officer was told that the detainee had exhibited severe mood swings on his way to jail, the detainee did not make any threats, cause any disturbances, stagger, slur his speech or do anything bizarre which would have lead the officer to believe he was suicidal. The court also noted that the only contact a jail officer had with the detainee was while escorting him to his cell and the officer only observed that the detainee was quiet and did not respond to a question she asked him. According to the court, the detainee's behavior did not suggest that he was in imminent danger to himself since he answered questions directly and clearly, walked to his cell without problems, ate breakfast and engaged in a telephone conversation. (Dodge County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE CLOTHING VISITS Gerakaris v. Champagne, 913 F.Supp. 646 (D.Mass. 1996). A plaintiff who was detained at a local police station and transferred to a county jail sued officials and law enforcement officers alleging he was threatened and intimidated in an attempt to prevent him from testifying against a public official, his father-in-law, in a grand jury investigation of professional misconduct. The district court held that the plaintiff stated a § 1983 claim based on alleged denial of free speech, deprivation of medical care, delayed booking, and conspiracy. Following an alleged concerted period of intimidation seeking to dissuade him from cooperating with the investigation of his father-in-law, the plaintiff was arrested at his mother's home for allegedly violating a restraining order. The plaintiff informed the arresting officers that he suffered from several illnesses, for which he was taking prescriptions. The officers refused to permit the plaintiff to retrieve his medications before transporting him to the police station. During his booking at the police station, the plaintiff complained again about his medical and dietary needs. Law enforcement officers deliberately delayed the plaintiffs booking until after the local court had closed, denying him an immediate appearance before a judge. Unable to make bail, the plaintiff was transported to the county jail later that evening, remaining there for two nights. The plaintiff alleged that jail staff and officials abused him during his confmement by refusing to allow him to wear warm clothing, placing him in solitary confinement, misleading visitors about his location and thereby denying his visitation rights, denying him prescription medication, and providing him with inadequate food during his 40-hour confinement. The court noted that although the plaintiffs period of confmement was short, it must be measured against the intolerability of the conditions endured and the egregriousness of the defendants' conduct. (Peabody Police StatiOIV'Middleton House of Correction, Massachusetts) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS ACCESS TO COURTS RECREATION Hamilton.!· ~ 74 F.3d 99 (5th Cir. 1996). A parolee who was detained for an alleged new offense brought a § 1983 action challenging conditions of confinement at a city jail. The district court dismissed the case as frivolous and the parolee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, ruling that the alleged conditions did not violate the Eighth or Fourteenth Amendments. The parolee had alleged that he was denied visitation, recreation, mail, legal materials, sheets, and showers for a three-day period, but the court found that the conditions were not unconstitutional and that the parolee presented no evidence that the defendants intended to punish the parolee for his pending charges. (DeSoto City Jail, Texas) MAIL TELEPHONE U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Hare v. City of Corinth, MS, 74 F.3d 633 (5th Cir. 1996). The estate of a detainee who committed suicide while in custody brought a § 1983 action against a city and its officials. The district court denied the officials' motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds and the officials appealed. The appeals court dismissed the appeal, but after rehearing the case en bane the appeals court vacated and remanded, finding that an episodic act or omission of a jail official does not violate a pretrial detainee's due process right to medical care or protection from suicide unless the official acted or failed to act with subjective deliberate indifference. (City Jail, Corinth, Mississippi) U.S. District Court Hare v. City of Corinth. Miss., 949 F. Supp. 456 (N.D. Miss. 1996). The estate of a detainee who committed suicide brought a § 1983 action against the City of Corinth and police officers. The district court denied the police officers' motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds and the appeals court dismissed the appeal. Hearing the case en bane, the court of appeals vacated and remanded. On remand, the district court denied the officers' motion for summary judgment, finding that genuine issues of material fact existed as to whether the officers had actual knowledge of an objectively substantial risk of harm to the detainee, and whether they responded to that risk with deliberate indifference. The court noted that law was clearly established in 1989 that the officers had a minimum duty to the detainee not to be subjectively aware of a substantial risk of harm to the detainee and then be deliberately indifferent to her serious medical needs. (City of Corinth, Mississippi) FAILURE TO PROTECT U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Kaufman v. Carter, 952 F.Supp. 520 (W.D.Mich. 1996). A parole violator who was a bilateral amputee had been confined in a county jail while awaiting trial on new charges. The detainee brought a § 1983 action against county officials and staff alleging deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, violation of the Rehabilitation Act and violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The district court held that the sheriff and county were entitled to summary judgment on the deliberate indifference claim, but that issues remained as to whether nurses failed to provide the inmate with materials needed to maintain the stumps of bis amputated legs in a condition that would accept prostheses. The detainee had requested rubbing alcohol BO that he could clean his prosthetic limbs and "ace wraps" BO that he could maintain the size of his leg stumps 32.49 while not wearing his prosthesis. As a result of being denied these materials, the detainee was not able to walk until he was able to obtain new prostheses to fit his enlarged stumps. The court found that the Rehabilitation Act and ADA applied to state correctional facilities, and that summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds was precluded with respect to Rehabilitation Act and ADA claims. (Kalamazoo County Jail, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Kelly v. Foti, 77 F.3d 819 (5th Cir. 1996). An arrestee filed a§ 1983 action against police and jail officials asserting constitutional and tort claims. The district court denied the defendants' motion for summary judgment and they appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, dismissed in part, and remanded the case. The appeals court held that the conduct of the arrestee in making an illegal left tum and failing to present a driver's license did not create reasonable suspicion that she was hiding weapons or contraband so as to justify a strip search for the purposes of a police officer's claim of qualified immunity. The court found that the strip search was not objectively reasonable under the law at the time of the search, absent individualized suspicion. The court ruled that jail officials may strip search a person arrested for a minor offense and detained pending posting of bond only if they possess reasonable suspicion based on such factors as the nature of the offense, the arrestee's appearance and conduct, or a prior arrest record. The court noted that although the arrestee lacked photograph identification and failed to post bond within five hours, she readily identified herself, explained that she had left her driver's license in her hotel room, cooperated with police, and presented a purse full of other nonphoto identification. (City of New Orleans and Sheriff) U.S. Appeals Court TRANSFER PUNISHMENT Laza y. Reish. 84 F.3d 578 (2nd Cir. 1996). A prisoner brought a § 1983 action against a warden alleging that he had been subjected to unlawful punishment as a pretrial detainee when he was transferred from state prison and held in a federal prison to await trial on federal charges. The district court dismissed the suit and the appeals court affirmed, ruling that since the prisoner had not completed his state sentence at the time he was held, he had not been a pretrial detainee with a due process right to freedom from punishment under Belly. Wolfish. The prisoner assaulted a counselor who was attempting to conduct a routine search of his cell and was transferred two days later from a federal metropolitan correctional facility to a federal correctional institution where he was placed in administrative detention. (Metropolitan Correctional Center, Federal Bureau of Prisons, New York) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Mathie v. Fries. 935 F.Supp. 1284 (E.D.N.Y. 1996). A form.er inmate of a county correctional facility brought an action against the facility's Director of Security alleging that the director sexually abused him while he was confined as a pretrial detainee. The district court entered judgment for the inmate, fmding that evidence was sufficient to support findings that the director repeatedly sexually abused the inmate and that the director sodomized the inmate while he was handcuffed to pipes in the security office. The court found that these acts violated the inmate's due process rights and that the director was not qualifiedly immune from § 1983 claims, awarding compensatory damages of $250,000 and punitive damages of $500,000. The court noted that evidence showed that the inmate sustained physical injury to his anal area and suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of sexual abuse by the director. The court called the director's action an outrageous abuse of power and authority. (Suffolk County Correctional Facility, New York) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Richerson v. Lexingt.on Fayette Urban County Government. 958 F.Supp. 299 (E.D.Ky. 1996). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action challenging a strip search that was conducted when he returned from a courtroom. The district court entered judgment for the defendants, finding that it was reasonable to have a policy of strip searching detainees, even those held for minor, nonviolent traffic offenses, upon their return from a courtroom to the general population of the detention center. According to the court, when pretrial detainees, including those charged with minor, nonviolent offenses, are kept in the detention center's general population prior to arraignment and are then put in a position where exposure to the general public presents a very real danger of contraband being passed, the policy of strip searching is justified and reasonable. (Fayette County Detention Center, Kentucky) U.S. District Court Robey v. Chester County. 946 F.Supp. 333 (E.D.Pa. 1996). The mother and the minor children of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide after being taken off of a suicide wat.ch brought civil rights and state law claims against the county, its board of prison inspectors, two wardens, a prison counselor and a psychologist who treated the detainee. The district court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment in part and denied in part. The court ruled that the wardens' failure to institute disciplinary proceedings following the detainee's suicide did not constitute knowing acquiescence so as to preclude qualified immunity. 'Ihe court also held that the prison counselor's failure to respond to requests to see the detainee was not a violation of clearly established rights so as to preclude qualified immunity, if the counselor had not known of the detainee's prior suicide attempt until after the detainee's death. However, the court ruled that reasonable jurors could find that the psychologist acted with deh"berate indifference to the detainee's psychological needs so as to be liable under a§ 1983 civil rights claim, precluding summary judgment. The psychologist knew when the detainee entered the prison of his prior suicide attempt and that the detainee was diagnosed upon ent.ering the prison as suffering from major depression as well as impaired insights and judgment. 'Ihe psychologist apparently ordered the discontinuation of the suicide wat.ch and failed to perform a promised follow-up check. The court found evidence supporting a punitive FAILURE TO PROTECT 32.50 damage claim only against the psychologist and that the county and board of prison directors had sovereign immunity from state law claims. (Chester County Prison, Pennsylvania) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS SANITATION Smithy. Copeland, 87 F.3d 265 (8th Cir. 1996). A pretrial detainee brought a federal civil rights action against jail officials alleging the use of excessive force and challenging his conditions of confinement. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants on several issues and the inmate appealed. The appeals court affirmed, fmding that the inmate's allegations that he was exposed to raw sewage for four days due to an overflowing toilet failed to state a constitutional claim based on conditions of confmement. The court found that having to endure the stench of his own feces and urine for four days amounted to a de minimis imposition on detainee's rights, and noted that the inmate did not dispute the assertion by jail officials that he was offered the opportunity to clean up the mess himself. (Cape Girardeau County Jail, Missouri) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Swain v. Spinney. 932 F.Supp. 25 (D.Mass. 1996) reversed in part 117 F.3d 1. A female arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a city and several of its police officials alleging that her rights were violated by a strip search conducted by a female officer. The court granted summary judgment for the defendants, fmding that the search did not violate the arrestee's constitutional rights and that the defendants were entitled to qualified immunity. The court also found that the arrestee failed to show that the city was deliberately indifferent to the constitutional rights of its citizens. Before her arrest, an officer witnessed the arrestee try to discard concealed contraband (marijuana) and police legitimately discovered rolling papers in her pocketbook after her arrest. The strip search was conducted out of public view in front of only one person of the same sex, and the arrestee was never touched during the procedure. (North Reading Police Station, Massachusetts) U.S. Appeals Court TELEPHONE PRIVACY U.S. v. Van Poyck, 77 F.3d 285 (9th Cir. 1996). After a defendant was convicted in federal court of armed robbery and conspiracy to commit armed bank robbery he appealed, challenging the audiotaping of his telephone calls while he was confmed as a pretrial detainee. The appeals court found that audiotaping of the calls did not implicate the Fourth Amendment and did not violate Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act. The court found that the detainee did not have a subjective or reasonable expectation of privacy in his telephone calls at a jail, that the detainee knew of the policy of audiotaping calls before he made his first phone call, that the detainee signed a form warning him of monitoring and taping, and that the detainee read signs about the phones warning of taping and read a prisoners' manual that warned of the recordings. (Metl'opolitan Detention Center, Los Angeles, Federal Bureau of Prisons) U.S. District Court PRIVACY U.S. v. Walton. 935 F.Supp. 1161 (D.Kan. 1996). A defendant in a criminal case who was a detainee in a correctional institution moved to suppress a letter which was seized by a correctional officer. The district court ruled that the detainee did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the contents of an envelope he gave to an officer to be delivered to a visitor. The court found that the detainee's Fourth Amendment rights were not violated when the officer opened the envelope and read the letter it contained, where the envelope was not sealed, was not properly marked as legal mail, was addressed to the detainee rather than a court or his lawyer, and where the detainee knowingly and voluntarily gave the envelope to the officer. (Corrections Corporation of America's Leavenworth Detention Center, Kansas) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE Wilson Y! Williams. 83 F.3d 807 (7th Cir. 1996). A pretl'ial detainee brought a civil rights action against a correctional officer for use of allegedly excessive force. The district court granted summary judgment for the officer and an appeals court reversed the decision. On remand, the district court entered judgment on a jury verdict in favor of the officer and the detainee appealed. The appeals court reversed the district court decision. The appeals court found that a jury could properly consider objective factors in determining intent, particularly where the court listed a variety of factors that could be used to infer an intent to punish. The detainee alleged that the correctional officer attacked him without provocation, continued to beat him while he was restrained by other correctional officers, and attacked him again when he was restrained in a different area of the jail. The appeals court ruled that the jury instruction constituted an error. The jury was instructed to determine, through objective means, whether the prohibited punitive intent was present, but was then told even if this was found, a reasonable good faith punitive intent would excuse it. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) 1997 U.S. District Court DISCRIMINATION FALSE ARREST Astrada v. Howard, 979 F.Supp. 90 (D.Conn. 1997). After the plaintiff had burst into a police station, banged frantically on a desk window and brandished a smoking pistol, four individuals arrived at the station and claimed that the plaintiff fired his pistol at them. The plaintiff was held in a room in the station while police attempted to sort out the events. The plaintiff was eventually arrested and charged with reckless endangerment, but after a year the charge was nolled. The plaintiff sued police officials under§ 1981 and§ 1983 claiming intentional infliction of emotional distress, false arrest and racial discrimination. The district court held that the plaintiff failed to show a causal link between race and the alleged 32.51 discriminat.ory actions. The court found that detaining the plaintiff in an allegedly "scummy" room at the police station did not amount t.o arrest without a showing of probable cause because the detention was no more intrusive than was necessary. (West Haven Police Department, Connecticut) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Barrie v. Grand County, Utah, 119 F.3d 862 (10th Cir. 1997). A detainee's heirs brought a civil rights action against a county and various individuals after the pretrial detainee committed suicide in a county jail. The district court entered summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the defendants' duty t.o the detainee was based on the deliberate indifference standard, not objective reasonableness, and that the defendants did not act with deliberate indifference. The detainee was placed in the jail's "drunk tank" after being booked, and a deputy noted that he had been drinking alcohol. The detainee was allowed t.o retain the clothes he was wearing at the time of his arrest, which included a pair of sweat pants containing a cloth cord t.o cinch the waist of the sweat pants. The detainee was checked about four hours after he was placed in the cell, and again about two hours later. An hour later the cell was checked and the detainee was found hanging from the 38-inch draw cord. (Grand County Jail, Utah) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS ACCESS TO COURI' Carty v. Farrelly, 957 F.Supp. 727 (D.Virgin Islands 1997). Detainees and inmates housed in a criminal justice complex asked the court t.o find officials in civil contempt of a consent decree. The district court found that the consent decree comported with the principles of the Prison Litigation Reform A-ct (PLRA) because it was narrowly drawn, ext.ended no further than necessary to correct the violation of federal rights, and was the least intrusive means necessary t.o correct the violations. The court found the officials in contempt for failing t.o comply with the terms of the consent decree, and continued noncompliance with a court order requiring officials t.o pay detainees' and inmates' attorney fees. The officials admitted they never fully complied with the order and failed to make meaningful progress toward reducing the inmate population. The officials had paid only $50,000 of the $155,000 attorney fees that the court had ordered paid to the National Prison Project of the American Civil Liberties Union. The court found inmates' were denied meaningful access t.o courts where the law library at the facility lacked recent volumes of legal reference materials and was not comprehensive, and because officials at times allowed library access on an ad hoc basis t.o sentenced inmates only. The court found that conditions in the criminal justice complex continued to violate the Eighth Amendment, where the complex housed an average of 168-190 prisoners in a facility designed 51 short-term detainees, five or six persons were often housed in a single cell, single cells housed two or more prisoners, and prisoners slept on mattresses on the floor. Crowding was so severe that prisoners sleeping on the floor often had t.o sleep with their heads against a toilet, resulting in inmates urinating on one another during the night. The disrepair of plumbing, heating, ventilation and showers effected the sanitation and health of inmates in violation of the Eighth Amendment. According t.o the court, medical care was inadequate in violation of the Eighth Amendment, where an on-site nurse and physician and two part-time nurses serviced 168 t.o 190 prisoners, sick call was administered by prison security staff instead of medical staff, prisoners were not seen promptly as needed, the facility did not maintain adequate equipment for emergencies, personal hygiene items were not routinely distributed, intake health evaluations were inadequate, and the facility failed t.o offer out.door access to all inmates. The courted cited "abominable" treatment of mentally ill inmates at the facility. Mentally ill inmates were housed t.ogether in clusters with often four or five inmates per cell, the majority of inmate assaults occurred in the clusters, and correctional staff taunted mentally ill inmates, rewarding them with cigarettes after instructing them t.o pull down their pants and hold their crotch, or crawl across the floor. According t.o the court, when overcrowding and commingling of mentally ill inmates with the general population contributes to inmate-to-inmate violence, the failure t.o remedy the situation constitutes deliberate indifference t.o the inmates' basic safety and security in violation of the Eighth Amendment. The court held that a officials may not use restraints on mentally ill inmates as matter of course, but may restrain them only under special circumstances. The court also cited the failure of officials t.o house inmates according t.o an objectively based classification system and the failure t.o maintain separate housing for violent inmates. (Criminal Justice Complex, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands) MEDICAL CARE U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE CONDITIONS Casaburro v. Giuliani, 986 F.Supp. 176 (S.D.N.Y. 1997). A pretrial detainee alleged that he was subjected t.o cruel and unusual punishment because he was handcuffed in a holding cell for over 7 hours. According t.o the detainee, he was placed in a holding cage "that had no seats, no water, poor ventilation." He had notified officers that he was under a chiropract.or's care for back problems but was allegedly tightly handcuffed behind his back anyway. After he complained he was re-handcuffed t.o a hook approximately 12 inches off of the floor. After complaining about this he was allegedly cuffed t.o the front of the cell in a standing position. The district court found that the detainee stated a § 1983 claim against officers, the police department and the city. (City of New York) 32.52 U.S. District Court SEX OFFENDERS RIGHT OF PRIVACY Cutshall v. Sundquist. 980 F.Supp. 928 (M.D.Tenn. 1997). A sex offender brought an action which challenged the constitutionality of the Tennessee Sexual Offender Registration and Monitoring Act. The district court found that the Act's requirement that offenders register with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBO did not trigger protections of procedural due process. But the court also held that the Act's discretionary disclosure provisions violated due process. According to the court. the additional injury to a convicted sex offender's reputation which would result from the disclosure of registry information to the public under the provisions of the Act, coupled with the loss of rights to privacy and employment, satisfied the "stigma plus" test and thus the offender deserved the protection of procedural due process before law enforcement could disclose information about him to those not involved with law enforcement. The court found that the state's interest in public safety did not outweigh the offender's interest in not having false information disseminated. The Act allowed dissemination of information from the registry without the control of anyone other than local law enforcement and without an opportunity for a hearing. The court found that when a person's good name, reputation, honor, or integrity is at stake because of what a government is doing to him, notice and the opportunity to be heard are essential. (Tennessee) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT TRANSFER Dodson v. Reno. 958 F.Supp. 49 (D.Puerto Rico 1997). An inmate in a federal pretrial detention facility brought a Bivens action against facility officials challenging his proposed transfer to a segregated wing of a federal penitentiary which also housed members of a gang that posed a threat to his life. The district court granted summary judgment for the officials, finding that the proposed transfer did not violate the inmate's Eighth Amendment rights and that the inmate was not entitled to an injunction preventing prison officials from transferring him to any penitentiary in the United States. The court noted that the proposed facility offered an unusually high level of security for inmates whose lives were threatened by other inmates. making the transfer a reasonable measure designed to ensure the inmate's safety. The court also held that denying the inmate physical access to a prison law library did not deny him his right of access to courts. (Metropolitan Detention Ctr., Puerto Rico) U.S. District Court PRISONER ON PRISONER ASSAULT STAFFING SUPERVISION Earrey v. Chickasaw County. Miss., 965 F.Supp. 870 (N.D.Miss. 1997). An inmate detained in a county jail as the result of an alleged parole violation sued the county because he was beaten by other inmates while detained. The district court held that the detained parolee could not avail himself of Fourteenth Amendment claims, but could pursue a failure to protect claim under the Eighth Amendment. The court denied summary judgment for the county, finding it was precluded by genuine issues of material fact as to the existence of subjective knowledge of risk on the part of the jail and the sheriff. The parolee and most other persons housed at the jail were allowed to leave the jail during the day to work and returned in the evenings. According to jail policy, only one jailer was provided for the facility, and he was required to be present at the jail twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The jailer was only allowed to leave the jail when deputy sheriffs were present at the facility. Policy required the jailer to check on prisoners every hour during the day, but nighttime checks were not made. The jailer could monitor inmates electronically in two ways: an intercom, and an emergency switch available to inmates. The parolee alleged he was severely beaten by other inmates, who prevented him from reaching the emergency switch. (Chickasaw County Jail, Okolona, Mississippi) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Foote v. Spiegel, 118 F.3d 1416 (10th Cir. 1997). A motorist sued state highway patrol officers alleging she was illegally detained and subjected to a strip search. The district court denied the officers' motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds and the officers and plaintiff appealed. The appeals court held that one of the troopers was not entitled to qualified immunity for the strip search because undisputed facts known to the trooper did not justify the strip search under clearly established law. The motorist had been arrested for driving under the influence and tested neg~tive for alcohol on a breathalyzer. She was not placed in the general population of a detention facility, had no opportunity to hide anything .beneath her clothing after her vehicle was stopped. and a thorough pat-down search of her lightweight summer clothing at the jail revealed no drugs. The county jail's policy of conducting strip searches of all persons arrested on drug charges had been held unconstitutional by a federal appeals court in 1993, but a jail officer testified that all persons arrested on drug charges were subjected to strip searches. (Davis County Jail, Utah) U.S. District Court TELEPHONE Hahn v. City of Kenner. 984 F.Supp. 424 (E.D.La. 1997). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against city officials in connection with his arrest and detention. The district court held that a three hour and 12 minute delay before his telephone call, or a five hour and 32 minute delay between arrest and release in pre-dawn hours, were not unreasonable. (City of Kenner, Louisiana) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Haslar v. Megerman. 104 F.3d 178 (8th Cir. 1997). A county detainee brought a§ 1983 action after a guard refused to loosen or remove shackles from his swollen leg while he was being treated in an outside hospital. The district court dismissed the complaint and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that keeping the detainee shackled while receiving treatment at an outside facility did not display indifference to the medical needs of the detainee, nor did it constitute punishment in violation of the detainee's Fourteenth 32.53 Amendment rights. According to the court, the shackling was necessary to prevent the detainee from overpowering the single guard who was watching him, and there were safeguards against applying the shackles so as to cause pain and other medical problems. (Jackson County Detention Center, Missouri) U.S. District Court PROTECTION Heisler v. Kralik. 981 F.Supp. 830 (S.D.N.Y. 1997). A pretrial detainee sued a county, the county sheriffs department, the medical department of a correctional facility, and various individual correctional officers, alleging deliberate indifference to his safety and medical needs. The district court found that the detainee adequately stated a claim for municipal liability under § 1983, and that the existence of a substantial risk of serious harm to the detainee did not depend on the seriousness of the injuries actually received in an assault. The court noted that the detainee's constitutional right to be protected from a risk of harm from inmates was clearly established at the time he was assaulted. The detainee was charged with sexual assault of a minor and feared that he would be hanned by other prisoners when he was transferred to another jail. The detainee claimed that he witnessed a telephone call by a police detective to the receiving county's sheriffs department advising them that the detainee desired protective custody. The detainee said he was told that the sending sheriff contacted the receiving sheriff to advise him of the need for extra security. Six days after his transfer the detainee was assaulted by another inmate and suffered contusions and swelling. The detainee alleged that officers witnessed the actual assault but did nothing to stop it and that he was not given adequate pain medication following the assault. (Rockland County Correctional Center, New York) U.S. Appeals Court CEIL CAPACITY CONDITIONS Inmates of Suffolk County Jail v. Rouse, 129 F.3d 649 (1st Cir. 1997). A sheriff moved to terminate a 1979 consent decree pursuant to the Prison Litigation Reform Act (Pl.RA). The decree arose from a class action challenging conditions of confinement. The district court granted the sheriffs motion in part, but denied the Massachusetts Commission of Correction's motion to vacate the decree. The appeals court held that PLRA did not violate the separation of powers principle, the detainees· due process rights, or the detainees· equal protection rights. The appeals court found that PLRA mandates the termination of extant consent decrees unless the district court makes specific findings that are necessary to keep a particular decree alive. The court also found that the district court was not required to conduct an inquiry into whether violation of a federal right currently existed. or would come into existence, before it terminated a consent decree governing confinement conditions for pretrial detainees. The district court determined that double-bunking of the county jail's pretrial detainees did not violate the federal rights of detainees, given that such conduct. in and of itself, was not a constitutional violation. (Suffolk County Jail, Massachusetts) U.S. District Court CELL CAPACITY STAFFING CONDITIONS CROWDING EXERCISE PRIVACY ACCESS TO COURT SANITATION Jones v. City and County of San Francisco. 976 F.Supp. 896 (N.D.Cal. 1997). Pretrial detainees brought a class action against the City and County of San Francisco and various city officials challenging the constitutionality of their conditions of confinement at a jail. The district court granted various summary judgment motions filed by the plaintiffs and the defendants, enjoining future overcrowding based on past unconstitutional overcrowding. The court found due process violations based on the defendants' inadequate response to fire safety risks at the jail. excessive risks of harm from earthquakes, physical defects in the jail's water, plumbing and sewage systems, excessive noise levels, and poor lighting. The court held that the plaintiffs failed to show deliberate indifference or another basis for liability on the claims of current overcrowding, inadequate food preparation and storage, provision of medical services, personal visitation, hours and accessibility of legal visitation, legal materials and assistance, and outdoor recreation. The court noted that pretrial detainees enjoy the greater protections afforded by the Fourteenth Amendment's due process clause, rather than the Eighth Amendment's protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Conditions violated the pretrial detainees' due process rights where the jail operated at about 124% of its capacity on average during a nine-month period, resulting in double-celling of inmates in 41-square-foot cells designed for single occupancy, and causing excessive time in cells and insufficient day room space when inmates were allowed to leave their cells. The court found that officials were entitled to swnmary judgment precluding any finding of deliberate indifference on crowding and space allocation claims because of their efforts to move inmates from the jail to relieve overcrowding. The court found that the detainees were not provided with reasonable safety from fire because the defendants failed to install door assemblies or additional sprinklers and had not responded reasonably to fire safety risks at the jail. The detainees were exposed to excessive risks of harm from earthquakes in violation of their due process rights, where the jail lay a quarter mile from the San Andreas fault and faced a 50%, chance of experiencing a high magnitude earthquake over the next 50 years. The jail appeared structurally unable to withstand substantial seismic activity and had a malfunctioning bar locking system and inadequate staffing that further augmented risk by potentially leaving inmates trapped in their cells during and after an earthquake. The court rejected the government's contention that more than 30 public buildings in the area had the same seismic rating as the jail. The court noted that the public's alleged tolerance of risk associated with entering a poorly-constructed library or museum for an hour did not equate to tolerance for spending 100 days continuously trapped in such a facility. 32.54 The court found deliberat.e indifference to the risk of earthquakes despit.e the defendants' contention that it would cost more than $33 million to upgrade the jail and efforts to gain vot.er approval for funding for a new facility had failed. The court not.ed that the city could have attempted other funding methods and did have some funds allocated for seismic repairs but diverted that money to other projects. The court found due process violations resulting from physical defects in the jail's wat.er, plumbing and sewage syst.em which creat.ed safety hazards. The jail's antiquat.ed wat.er supply syst.em violated public health requirements and safe drinking wat.er codes. Det.eriorat.ed sanitary fixtures such as unsealed floors, hot wat.er pipes with det.eriorat.ed asbestos insulation, violated the detainees' rights as did sewage leaks from plumbing equipment. These conditions violated detainees' rights even though there was no evidence of any disease resulting from the deficiencies. The court found that although conditions relating to food preparation and storage remained inadequat.e, recent improvements including efforts to combat vermin infestation and allocating $100,000 to replace a floor and make other repairs shielded the defendants from liability for deliberat.e indifference. The court found that questions of fact precluded summary judgment on the claims that the jail's video conferencing syst.em did not permit confidential attorney-client discussions, and whether a substantial number of inmat.es could easily utilize the syst.em. The court held that to establish a constitutional violation for lack of privacy for attorney-client consultations, it was enough that harm appeared imminent, to the extent that any inmat.e might be hesitant to disclose names and information relevant to his or her attorney's investigation and necessary to secure advice. Despit.e some efforts to reduce noise in the jail, the detainees established a constitutional violation in noise levels which ranged behyeen 73 and 96 decibels, exceeding acceptable levels, and caused increased risk of psychological harm and safety concerns due to officers' inability to hear calls for help. The extent to which noise continued to exceed maximum standards suggested that previous noise reduction efforts were merely cosmetic and that far more could be done. The court found due process violations from poor lighting where correctional standards mandated lighting of at least 20 foot-candles in living areas, and some health standards required 30 foot-candles, but readings in the jail ranged from 0.28 to 5 foot-candles. The court found that the detainees' rights were not violat.ed by the jail's outdoor recreation conditions which were substantially improved by the defendants. Detainees were offered approximat.ely six hours of outdoor exercise per year and the defendants had hired a recreation coach to ensure safe and healthy exercise habits. Although clothing remained inadequat.e for cold weather, the shortage of suitable garments typically did not prevent inmat.es from using the yard. The court concluded that development and implementation of a narrowly tailored remedial plan was an appropriat.e remedy, and that the plan was to address each condition that was found unconstitutional including fire safety, seismic safety, wat.er, plumbing, sewage, noise, lighting and overcrowding. (San Francisco Jail No. 3, California) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Lancast.er v. Monroe County, Ala., 116 F.3d 1419 (11th Cir. 1997). The administrator of the estat.e of a pretrial detainee who died due to an injury sustained while in custody at a county jail brought an action against the county, county commission, sheriff and jailers alleging constitutional violations. The district court grant.ed summary judgment for the defendants and the plaintiff appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that the sheriff and jailers were not entitled to qualified immunity on the claim of deliberat.e indifference, but that the jailers were stat.e officials and were thus immune under the Eleventh Amendment from suit in their official capacities. The appeals court held that the sheriff and jailers were immune under the doctrine of sovereign immunity from stat.e law claims brought against them in their individual capacities. The detainee was a chronic alcoholic who, according the court, died in custody because the sheriff and jailers delayed treatment despit.e their knowledge of his urgent medical condition. The court found that the sheriffs and jailers' conduct amounted to deliberat.e indifference under clearly established law at that time. The detainee was t.ested upon his admission to the jail, where he registered blood alcohol cont.ents of .324 and .323. He was placed in the holding cell, or the "drunk tank" as it was called, which was the normal practice for DUI detainees. Relatives of the detainee informed jail officers and the sheriff that the detainee was a chronic alcoholic who had been in the hospital recently with grand mal seizures. The relatives repeat.edly att.empt.ed to secure treatment for the detainee, or to have him released to them so that they could secure treatment. The detainees cellmat.es reported that no jail officers or officials made any cell checks for several hours during the night. The following morning the detainee was shaking, and he fell when he attempted to sit up. He fell backwards out of his upper bunk and landed on his back on the floor where his head struck the floor and he began bleeding from the mouth. According to the cellmat.es, it took at least t.en minut.es for anyone to arrive at the cell after they called for help. When an officer did arrive, she did not ent.er the cell to provide assistance because of a jail policy that prevented a jailer from ent.ering a cell without a deputy being present. More than 30 minut.es after he fell from his bunk, the detainee was transport.ed to the hospital by ambulance, where he lat.er died from an intracranial hemorrhage. (Monroe County Jail, Alabama) 32.55 U.S. District Court PROTECTION Martinez v. Mathis, 970 F.Supp. 1047 (S.D.Ga. 1997). An arrestee who alleged he was physically assaulted because a jailer encouraged other inmates to beat him brought a § 1983 claim against the jailer. The district court held that the arrestee established a Fourteenth Amendment claim, but that the jailer was entitled to qualified immunity because it was not clearly established that prison officials violate the constitution when they make statements in the presence of inmates that a particular inmate is "sick" and "should have his ass beat." The arrestee was suspected of molesting a child and he was placed in a cell with other inmates. (Jeff Davis County Jail, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Mathis v. Fairman, 120 F.3d 88 (7th Cir. 1997). A detainee's mother brought a civil rights action against jail personnel following the detainee's suicide while in custody. The district court entered summary judgment for the personnel and the mother appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that personnel did not exhibit deliberate indifference to the threat of suicide. The court noted that jail staff were concerned enough about the detainee's strange behavior to have a paramedic speak with him, to have him evaluated psychologically, and in deference to his fear that someone was trying to kill him, to place him in a single cell. After a mental health specialist concluded that the detainee did not pose a threat to himself, he was returned to the general jail population. The mother had alleged that the jail failed to adequately staff the facility, and to adequately train its employees. A newly-hired officer was responsible for supervising the 25 inmates on the non-aggressive protective custody tier on which the detainee was housed. The officer, on his first day on the job, initially noticed the detainee's strange behavior and alleges that he reported it to his supervisor. The officer was hired less than a week earlier, and had just completed a four or five-day orientation. The appeals court noted that while cadets like the officer may not have been trained in suicide prevention, the jail maintained a psychiatric unit for that purpose. (Cook County Department of Corrections. Illinois) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Morris v. City of Alvin, Tex.• 950 F. Supp. 804 (S.D.Tex. 1997). The representative of the estate of an arrestee who died in jail from a drug overdose brought a § 1983 action against the city. The district court dismissed the case, finding that allegations were insufficient to establish the existence of a municipal policy with regard to detainees who exhibited possible signs of a drug overdose. The court found that as a matter of law, the city's policies neither deprived the arrestee of adequate medical assistance nor violated the Fourteenth Amendment's required level of care. The court noted that the arrestee had already taken the overdose at the time of her arrest, and that the city was not constitutionally required to train jailers to recognize the ambiguous signs of a drug overdose. According to the court, the city had provided prompt medical care on two occasions during the arrestee's brief one-day stay at the jail, and the arrestee was immediately transferred to a hospital when she exhibited physical symptoms of a serious medical problem. (Alvin City Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court VISITS N.E.W. v. Kennard, 952 F.Supp. 714 (D.Utah 1997). Pretrial detainees and their children brought a § 1983 action challenging a county jail policy restricting visitation by persons younger than eight years of age, alleging violation of due process and equal protection. The district court held that the restrictions did not violate due process or equal protection. The court also held that the plaintiffs were not entitled to attorney fees, despite the claim that their suit was the catalyst for a change in visitation policy. The court noted that a policy in effect since 1992 was clarified by the county, allowing visits with children under eight years of age with the permission of the jail command. (Salt Lake County Metro Jail, Utah) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Nelson v. Prison Health Services, Inc., 991 F.Supp. 1452 (M.D.Fla. 1997). The personal representative of an inmate who died of an acute myocardial infarction while awaiting trial in a county jail brought a § 1983 action against a county, county sheriff, the private company that provided medical services to the jail, and individual nurses employed by the company. The district court held that the sheriff was protected from individual liability under the qualified immunity doctrine, but that the nurses were not entitled to raise a defense of qualified immunity even though they were considered state actors under § 1983. The court held that the evidence was sufficient to establish that the nurses were deliberately indifferent to the inmate's medical needs and failed to provide treatment. According to the court, the nurses delayed giving the inmate her prescription medication for her cardiac condition for 36 hours, failed to verify her medications after she disclosed them to the screening nurse, failed to examine the inmate when she complained of chest pains, and failed to call for an emergency response team until the inmate had stopped breathing. The court held that reports of a court appointed monitor regarding the pervasive failure of the private medical service company to provide medical care to the inmates of the county jail, and the company's own internal memoranda characterizing the attitude of the nurses at the jail as one of deliberate indifference, were sufficient to establish a custom of violating inmates' constitutional rights to medical treatment. (Pinellas County Jail, Florida) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE ASSESSMENT OF COSTS Reynolds v. Wagner, 128 F.3d 166 (3rd Cir. 1997). Inmates brought a class action suit against a county prison and warden challenging the constitutionality of a program under which the prison charged inmates a small fee ($5) when they sought certain types of medical care. The district court entered a judgment in favor of the defendants and the 32.56 appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the program was not per se unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment and did not violat.e the Eighth Amendment as implement.ed. The court found that Spanish-speaking inmat.es did not receive deficient notice of the program due to the absence of a written Spanish translation of the program description. The program was explained in Spanish by officers and counselors to all Spanish-speaking inmat.es during orientation, the prison always had a Spanish-speaking employee on duty, and the medical department employed at least three nurses who were fluent in Spanish. The court held that the program did not violat.e procedural due process as the result of providing for fee deductions from an inmat.e's account even when the inmat.e did not sign an authorization form. The inmates had alleged that the program charged higher fees than the stat.e Medicaid program, but the court found that the fees charged under Medicaid did not represent the maximum that could be constitutionally charged against a prisoner. According to the court, the failure of the prison to define the t.erms "chronic" and "emergency" which described in the inmat.e handbook conditions for which no fees would be assessed, did not make the program unconstitutionally vague. The court found no violation of the inmat.es' right of access to courts in response to the inmates' claim that the program reduced their funds available for legal mail &l)d photocopying, where the inmates failed to establish actual or imminent interference with their access to court. (Berks County Prison, Pennsylvania) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE Riley v. Dorton, 115 F.3d 1159 (4th Cir. 1997). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a police officer, alleging the use of excessive force during an interrogation after his arrest. The district court grant.ed summary judgment for the officer and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, fmding that the Fourth Amendment did not extend protection from excessive force to pretrial detainees, and that the alleged use of force did not violate the Eighth Amendment. According to the court, the Fourth Amendment applies to the initial decision to detain the accused, not to conditions of confmement after that decision has been made. The court also held that the officer's alleged use of force did not violate due process where any injury suffered by the detainee was de minimis. The court found that the detainee's encounter with police officers did not amount to "interrogation" within the meaning of the Fifth Amendment because officers did not directly question the detainee and their other conduct (exchanging insults with the detainee and requesting that the detainee sign a waiver form for genetic testing) was not reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response. The detainee alleged that the officer used handcuffs, inserted the tip of a pen into the detainee's nose, threatened the detainee and slapped the detainee across the face. (Henrico County Public Safety Building, Virginia) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Santiago v. Semenza, 965 F.Supp. 468 (S.D.N.Y. 1997). A pretrial detainee brought an action claiming excessive force against a Unit.ed States marshal who struggled with the detainee during a commotion in a holding cell area. The district court granted summary judgement for the marshal, fmding that the marshal was not liable for the alleged use of excessive force and had qualified immunity. The court found that the marshal's actions were necessary to secure the detainee, safeguard other marshals, and restore security to the holding cell area. According to the court, there was no indication that the marshal's actions, which may have been the cause of the detainee's bruise or scratch, were disproportionat.e to the situation. (Holding Cell Area, United States Courthouse, Southern District of New York) U.S. District Court Schreter v. Bednosky, 963 F.Supp. 216 (E.D.N.Y. 1997). A former pretrial detainee filed a prose§ 1983 action against the warden of a county facility and the county, alleging violation of his due process rights. The district court found that the pretrial detainee did not experience a sufficient delay in medical treatment for a kidney stone to support his claim of violation of due process based on a county policy requiring transportation to a hospital by sheriff's deputies rather than by on-site corrections officers. The court noted that the detainee was moved from his cell to the medical unit, examined, and transferred to a hospital, all within 35 to 45 minutes of informing county personnel about his condition. (Suffolk County Correctional Facility, New York) MEDICAL CARE U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION STAFFING Scott v. Moore, 114 F.3d 51 (5th Cir. 1997). A pretrial detainee who alleged she was sexually assault.ed by a correctional officer brought a § 1983 action against a city and its police chief. The district court entered summary judgment for the defendants, but the appeals court remanded. the case on the claim of inadequate staffing. On remand, the district court again entered summary judgment for the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court vacat.ed and remanded. On rehearing en bane, the court of appeals affirmed, holding that the detainee met the burden or establishing a constitutional violation but that the city's failure to adopt a policy of adding jail staff did not constitute deliberate indifference. According to the majority of the appeals court, there was no showing that the city had actual knowledge that its staffing policy creat.ed a substantial risk of harm to female detainees. As a condition of employment, jailers underwent background investigations, medical examinations and polygraph tests, none of which revealed any concerns about the jailer who allegedly sexually assaulted the detainee. The majority not.ed that the jailer had been a commissioned police officer for four years prior to his employment with the jail, without incident, and that he had been trained in the official policies of jail management by experienced jailers. The detainee had been arrested for public intoxication, assault and resisting arrest, and was taken to a city 32.57 jail, processed by a female jailer who was on duty at the time, and placed in a holding cell pending arraignment. A male jailer subsequently replaced the female officer, entered the detainee's cell, and sexually assaulted her repeatedly during the course of his eight-hour shift. The jailer resigned and pleaded guilty to criminal charges. The majority of the appeals court rejected the detainee's argument that constitutionally adequate staffing would have included, at a minimum, a female jail officer, or at least two male officers, whenever a female pretrial detainee is in custody. The majority noi:ed that the jail is located on the first floor of the police department, in the patrol division area, and a patrol duty sergeant periodically checks on jail personnel. However, four appeals judges disseni:ed, suggesting that the city's policy of inadequate staffing enabled the harm to be committed and actually facilitated the sexual assault. While the majority asseri:ed that the assault was episodic--by definition incidental or occasional, rather than regular and systematic. The minority argued that the long established custom of inadequate staffing was far from episodic, and that the city only offered financial justifications for its staffing policy. In the dissenting opinion, the judges stated they were unwilling to "classify the issues in this case as 'minutia.'" (City of Killeen Police Department, Texas) U.S. District Court JUVENILES Thompson v. City of Galveston, 979 F.Supp. 504 (S.D.Tex. 1997). A mother on her own behalf and on behalf of her minor son, brought a civil rights action challenging her arrest and the taking into custody of her son. The district court dismissed with prejudice her claims for false arrest, false imprisonment, and malicious prosecution. According to the court, because the mother pled nolo contendere to the charges surrounding her arrest, imprisonment and prosecution, she was barred from bringing any claims relating to her conviction unless she could prove that the conviction or seni:ence had been reversed on direct appeal, expunged by direct order, or otherwise declared invalid. The court found that her false arrest claim in connection with taking her minor son into custody had failed because his mother was arrested for contributing to the delinquency of another child and where the child was not arrested and the officers were authorized to take the child into custody. Police had arrested the mother on an arrest warrant on the charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. When she was arrested, her 10-year-old son was taken into custody at the same time and taken to a juvenile detention center. (Galveston Police Department) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT LAW LIBRARIES U.S. v. Beckwith, 987 F.Supp. 1345 (D.Utah 1997). An indigent defendant who was detained prior to trial on bank robbery charges elected to proceed pro se. The district court held that the defendant was entitled to access to a satellite law library in the federal courthouse, with his hands free, for two hours per day for five consecutive days, and for two hours per day three days a week thereafter. The court noted that no special security problems regarding the inmate's hands had been shown, notwithstanding the contention that the inmate was a martial arts expert. The court also held that the detainee must be afforded unlimited mail access to court, standby counsel, and prosecution, unless he abused that privilege. (Salt Lake County Jail, Utah) MAIL U.S. District Court BAIL REFORM ACT U.S. Jones, 980 F.Supp. 359 (D.Kan. 1997). The government sought a review of a magistrai:e judge's order releasing a defendant on bond pending trial. The district court held that the detention of the defendant pending trial was appropriate under the criteria set forth in the Bail Reform Act because the defendant had a prior conviction for solicitation to commit murder, had a history of violence and a history of narcotics related arrests, and the weight of evidence against the defendant was substantial. (U.S. District Court, Kansas) U.S. District Court BAIL BAIL REFORM ACT U.S. v. Wray, 980 F.Supp. 534 (D.D.C. 1997). The government moved to detain a defendant prior to trial and the district court grani:ed the motion. The court found that there was clear and convincing evidence that supported detention, including the defendant's criminal history and his committing crimes while on parole for violent offenses. (U.S. District Court, District of Columbia) U.S. Appeals Court WORK Villarreal v. Woodham, 113 F.3d 202 (11th Cir. 1997). A pretrial detainee who was allegedly required by correction officials to perform translation services for other inma1:es, medical personnel, and court personnel, filed suit in federal court. The detainee alleged violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and violation of his civil rights because he was not paid for his services. The district court dismissed the claim and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the detainee was not an "employee" within the meaning of FLSA and that the detainee's forced performance of translation services was not cruel and unusual punishment. The court held that the four-factor standard for determining whether labor falls within the Fair Labor Standards Act does not apply in the prison context, but that a broader approach is applied to inmate labor, focusing on the economic situation as a whole. The court noted that although there was no question that the sheriffs intent in requesting that the detainee perform translation services was punitive in nature, the cerebral task of language translation posed no risk to the detainee's safety or welfare, and presumably the performance of the services served to occupy the detainee's time, keep him out of trouble, and allow him interaction with others. (Gadsden County Correctional Facility, Florida) 32.58 1998 U.S. District Court USEOFFOROE SEARCHES FALSE IMPRISONMENT U.S. District Court USEOFFOROE MEDICAL CARE Adewale v. Whalen, 21 F .Supp.2d 1006 (D.Minn. 1998). An arrestee sued a police officer and the city that employed him under federal civil rights laws and state tort claims. The district court found that the officer was entitled to qualified immunity from liability for his decision to jail the arrestee, but found that genuine issues of material fact precluded summary judgment on the grounds of official immunity on allegations of assault, battery and false imprisonment. The court held that the officer's decision to detain the arrestee for a misdemeanor did not violate her federal rights and was objectively reasonable, given the arrestee's admission that she .had been drinking and intended to drive. The court held that the arrestee failed to show that the city improperly trained its officers to arrest noncooperative persons for obstruction of legal process, based only on the decision of a deputy director of police that it was proper to arrest someone for refusing to open a security door for the police. The arrestee suffered a broken arm which she alleged was the result of excessive force used by the officer during a pat-down search. (City of Richfield Police Department, Minnesota) Boyer v. City of Mansfield. 3 F.Supp.2d 843 (N.D.Ohio 1998). An arrestee brought§ 1983 claims against a police oftlcer, corrections officer and city who allegedly used excessive force and failed to provide medical care. The district court grant.ed summary judgment in favor of the defendants, finding that the city was not liable for a custom or policy of using excessive force or for not properly investigating, supervising, training or disciplining its officials. The city's police officers had reviewed the policy on use of force regularly, the night watch rnroroander placed a hold on the videotape of the incident and issued a personal complaint against the police officer who allegedly used excessive force. The city's &afety service director eventually fired the officer for his actions, and the city saw to it that the officer was charged and convicted on a misdemeanor assault charge. The court held that the corrections officer was entitled to qualified immunity, where he helped the police officer restrain the arrest.ee by holding the arrestee's legs and carrying the arrestee to a padded cell. The corrections officer said that he entered the booking room and found the arrestee kicking away at the police officer who was the only officer in the room, and the corrections officer denied that be saw the police officer mistreating the arrestee until be subsequently viewed the video tape of the booking. (Mansfield Police Department and City Jail, Ohio) U.S. Appeals Court RELIGION Canell v" Ughtner, 143 F .3d 1210 (9th Cir. 1998). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a correctional officer, sheriff and county detention center alleging violation of his First Amendment rights arising from the officer's alleged proselytizing activities. The district court grant.ed summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the sheriff was not liable under the theory of failure to train. According to the court, the officer's actions did not violate the First Amendment's establishment clause absent evidence of endorsement by government. The court concluded that the officer's activities did not impermissibly interfere with the detainee's free exercise of religion. The detainee alleged that the officer had brought Christian literature to work, engaged in mock-preaching, and belittled other religions. The officer was a licensed minister of the Church of God. (Multnomah County Detention Center, Oregon) U.S. Appeals Court Collignon v. Milwaukee County. 163 F .3d 982 (7th Cir. 1998). An arrestee's parents and estate sued county and village officials after the arrestee, who had a mental illness and some criminal history, committed suicide after he was released on bail. The district court grantedjudgment on pleadings for the village and grant.ed summary judgment for the county defendants. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the treatment of the arrestee by a county psychiatrist while he was in pretrial detention did not violate substantive due process. The court also found that neither the police officers' failure to commence emergency detention proceedings, nor their return of the arrestee to his parents, amounted to a substantive due process violation. The court held that due process was not violated by the alleged refusal of a police officer to provide the arrestee with access to medical personnel capable of assessing the arrestee's condition. The appeals court held that the treatment of the arrestee by a county psychiatrist did not violate the arrest.ee's substantive due process rights because the psychiatrist exercised professional judgment in the face o!tbe known serious medical needs of the arrestee. The psychiatrist, who was principally responsible for deciding the course of the arrestee's treatment at the jail, prescribed a nontherapeutic dosage of an antipsychotic drug with the intention of forming a "therapeutic alliance" with the arrestee, planning to slowly increase the dosage so that the arrestee could gradually overcome his aversion to side effects. The arrestee was able to lead a productive life while on bis prescribed medication to treat his schizophrenia, but he stopped taking his medication and was arrest.ed for damaging property and placed in a county jail for 17 days. He was released on bail to his parents, and shortly thereafter was temporarily detained by village police officers, who also released him to his parents. The next day be committed suicide. (Shorewood Police Department and Milwaukee County, W"JSCOnsin) SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE RELEASE 32.59 U.S. Appeals Court CROWDING CELL CAPACITY EXERCISE SANITATION CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Craig v. Eberly, 164 F .3d 490 (10th Cir. 1998). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff in his individual capacity, and a county, alleging he was subjected to unconstitutional conditions of confinement while he was confined in the jail. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that summary judgment for the sheriff was precluded by the nature, seriousness and duration of the alleged deprivations. The detainee alleged that he was placed in a cell that measured eleven by fifteen feet with five or six other men for 24-hours a day, that his bed linens were never cleaned nor exchanged, that he was permitted only two showers a week in an unsanitary shower stall, that the sink in his cell frequently clogged and prevented his basic hygiene, that his cell had poor ventilation, and that he was allowed out of his cell for recreation only two times during his confinement. The parties disagreed on the length of the detainee's confinement, which the court found to be between two-and-one-half months and six months. (Otero County Jail, Colorado) U.S. Appeals Court HOME DETENTION Cucciniello v. Keller, 137 F.3d 721 (2nd Cir. 1998). A federal prisoner brought a habeas corpus petition seeking credit against his sentence for time spent in home confinement. The prisoner claimed he was not informed, when he accepted bail release, that his time spend in home confinement as a condition of release would not be credited against his sentence. The district court dismissed the petition and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that statutes did not entitle the prisoner to credit for time spent in home confinement and that the absence of notice to the prisoner was not a due process violation. (Fed. Bur. Pris.) u.s. Appeals Court Davis Y: Brady, 143 F .3d 1021 (6th Cir. 1998). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action against police officers who allegedly left him in an inebriated condition on a dark, unfamiliar highway where he was subsequently hit by an automobile. The district court denied summary judgment for the officers and the appeals court affirmed and remanded. The appeals court held that the officers had a duty to not place the arrestee in danger once he had been in custody, and that the arrestee's right not to be abandoned by police was clearly established at the time of this incident. According to the court, once the police officers took the affU'IIlative act of restraining the arrestee's freedom to act on his own behalf by taking him into custody, the officers imposed on themselves the duty to ensure that they were not placing the arrestee in danger, and that duty existed even after the arrestee was released from custody. The arrestee had been arrested for intoxication and disorderly conduct and was taken to a police station and subsequently transferred to a county jail, but the jail was full. The desk sergeant instructed the officers to release the arrestee "at the county jail ifhe was not so drunk that he would be a hazard to himself." The officers then drove the arrestee to a road just outside the city limits and released him in an area with a 55-mile-per-hour speed limit with few street lights and no sidewalks. The officers alleged that the arrestee requested this release site but the arrestee denied this. About seven minutes after he was released by the officers, the arrestee was struck by a car, sustaining serious permanent injuries, resulting in the amputation of one of his legs. (Flint Police Department, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court JUVENILE PROTECTION CLASSIFICATION CONDITIONS Doe By and Through Doe v~ Washington County, 150 F.3d 920 (8th Cir. 1998). A juvenile brought a § 1983 action against a county and a sheriff alleging that he was beaten, raped and tortured by other pretrial detainees when he was detained in the county jail. The district court jury awarded $8,000 in compensatory damages to the juvenile and the district court awarded $34,824 in attorney fees. The juvenile alleged that rough-housing among the five juvenile prisoners in a 200-square-foot holding cell turned dangerous and he asked to be moved to a different cell. He was moved for a few hours, but he was taken back to the holding cell by another guard who told the other occupants that the juvenile was a "snitch" and they should "handle it." Over the following five days the juvenile was subjected to unrelenting abuse, torture and humiliation. The county appealed and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that there was sufficient evidence that county policies regarding the housing of juveniles, resulting in overcrowding, caused violations of the juvenile's constitutional rights to support the imposition of liability. The sheriff had acknowledged the dangers of housing five juveniles together in a 200-square-foot holding cell for months at a time. The appeals court found that a jury verdict that found that the sheriff was not liable in his official capacity did not exonerate the county by implication. The court suggested that the jury might have had a mistaken belief that the sheriff was a defendant in his individual capacity, and did not find that the county should "reap any benefit" from this inconsistency. The appeals court decided that the juvenile was not a "prisoner" at the time he filed suit and therefore the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) did not apply to his case so as to limit an award of attorneys' fees. (Washington County Detention Center, Arkansas) U.S. District Court FALSE IMPRISONMENT FALSE ARREST SEARCH Duffy v. County of Bucks, 7 F.Supp.2d 569 (E.D.Pa. 1998). An individual who had been arrested and detained over a weekend brought a § 1983 action against the probation officer who had sought the warrant under which he was arrested, and various county officials. The district court held that the arrest and detention of the probationer pursuant to a facially valid warrant did not violate his substantive due PROTECTION RELEASE 32.60 process rights, even though the individual had informed officials that the warrant was actually for a different person who had the same name. The court found that the officials did not have a duty to take every step to eliminate the possibility that they were holding an innocent person, and that they had no authority to ignore a bench warrant. The court also held that the individual's detention over a weekend did not violate his procedural due process rights. The court found that although the probationer failed to allege that strip searches to which he was subjected had been performed pursuant to a pattern or practice, his allegations regarding strip searches were sufficient to state a due process claim against officers of the facility. The individual was subjected to strip searches at least once daily for no apparent reason, even though he had no access to contraband or visitors. The court held that the probation otr1cer was not entitled to qualified immunity because a reasonable probation officer could not have believed that his actions did not violate the individual's substantive due process rights. (Bucks County, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court SillCIDE Ellis v. Washington County, Tenn., 80 F.Supp.2d 791 (E.D.Tenn. 1998). The mother and the minor child of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide while confined brought a § 1983 wrongful death action against a city, county and jail officers. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of all but one of the defendants, finding that they were not liable for failing to take special precautions and to screen the detainee for suicidal tendencies in violation of his constitutional rights because the detainee did not exhibit a strong likelihood that he would attempt to take his own life. But the court denied summary judgment for a jail officer who allegedly failed to make other officers aware that he had seen the detainee initiate his hanging until ten minutes later. (Washington County Jail, Tennessee) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Farabee v. Rider, 995 F .Supp. 1398 (M.D.Fla. 1998). An arrestee sued a county sheriff and deputies alleging negligence and malicious prosecution. The district court found that the sheriff owed a duty to protect the arrestee from the risk of use of excessive force created by his alleged failure to train and supervise deputies. The court held that the sheriff was not entitled to qualified immunity. The arrestee was pushed to the ground and handcuffed while a deputy put his knee in her back. She was transported to the county jail where she was incarcerated for at least 12 hours and she was suffering from back and arm injuries inflicted by the deputy while confmed. (Glades County Jail, Florida) u .s. District Court Faulcon v. City of Philadelphia, 18 F.Supp.2d 537 (E.D.Pa. 1998). A pretrial detainee who had been stabbed by another inmate sued city officials and correction officers alleging failure to protect, failure to supervise and failure to train under the Eighth Amendment. The district court granted summary judgment to the defendants, fmding that the facility's policy of keeping pretrial detainees in the same housing unit as convicted inmates did not constitute deliberate indifference to a substantial risk of harm. The court also held that the lack of guidelines or training procedures regarding segregation of convicted inmates was insufficient to support claims for failure to supervise or failure to train. According to the court, a state statutory provision that indicated that sentenced prisoners should be housed separately from detainees was merely a recommended guideline rather than a mandatory requirement. (Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Foote v. Spiegel, 995 F .Supp. 1347 (D.Utah 1998). A detainee sued state and county officials alleging violation of her rights because she was strip searched. The district court denied summary judgment for the arresting officers and the case was atru-med in part, reversed in part, and dismissed in part on appeal. On remand, the district court held that there was not reasonable suspicion to strip search the detainee after a pat down search did not reveal contraband and the detainee was not being placed in the general jail population. The court found that suspicion that the detainee was under the influence of drugs or alcohol did not provide adequate justification for the search. The court found the county liable for failing to promulgate an adequate strip search policy that included reasonable suspicion of concealed contraband that would not be discovered through a rub search as a prerequisite to the strip search ofa detainee who is not entering the generaljail population. The court noted that flaws in the jail policy were known for a year prior to this incident and the county's refusal to change the policy exhibited deliberate indifference to the likelihood of future violations. (Davis County Jail, Utah) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS HANDICAP CLASSIFICATION MEDICAL CARE Frost!:~ 152 F .Sd 1124 (9th Cir. 1998). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 suit against a sheriff, corrections officers and others alleging that he was subjected to unconstitutional conditions because of his disability. The district court entered judgment for the officers and the detainee appealed. The appeals court atru-med in part, reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that, as a matter of first impression, denial of adequate handicapped-accessible shower facilities to the detainee who wore a leg cast and relied on crutches could support a § 1983 claim. The appeals court held that the detainee failed to establish a § 1983 claim that the method utilized to deliver food posed a significant safety risk to him, alleging that he slipped several times as he attempted to carry his food tray while balancing himself on crutches. The detainee never informed the otr1cers that he was having trouble with his food tray because he relied on FAILURETO PROTECT 32.61 crutches, and the risk of having to carry his food tray while using crutches was not, according to the court, obvious enough to infer a subjective awareness of a substantial risk of harm. The appeals court held that the detainee failed to establish a§ 1983 claim that he was improperly classified as a close custody inmate, absent any showing that the jail's classification system was not reasonably related to legitimate penological interests. The appeals court remanded the case to the district court to determine whether the detainee was administered a psychotropic drug without proper procedural safeguards. The detainee alleged that he was tricked into taking amitriptyline by a nurse who told him that it was a pain medication. He asserted that he would not have taken the medication if he had know that it had "antipsychotic" effects. According to the appeals court, the detainee failed to establish a§ 1983 claim based on his contention that he was denied the opportunity to participate in outdoor recreation because evidence indicated that he was denied recreation only once because officials misunderstood a note in his file. The court found that an accidental, one-time denial of recreation could not support a constitutional claim. The appeals court held that the detainee failed to establish a § 1983 due process claim based on alleged delays in the administration of his pain medication, treating his broken nose, and providing him with a replacement crutch. The court found that while the jail officials may have acted negligently, the detainee did not establish that they acted with deliberate indifference to his medical needs. (Madison Street Jail, Maricopa County, Arizona) U.S. Appeals Court TELEPHONE PROTECTIVE CUSTODY Halvorsen v. Baird, 146 F.3d 680 (9th Cir. 1998). A detainee who was questioned by police and then involuntarily committed to a detoxification facility overnight filed a § 1983 action alleging constitutional violations. The district court entered judgment in favor of the defendants on a jury verdict and the appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that a private non-profit firm that provided involuntary detoxification services did not enjoy qualified immunity from § 1983 liability. The court found that the private firm was not a private individual that was briefly deputized to assist government actors, in light of its nature as a company that was organized to assume a major lengthy administrative task. The appeals court also held that confinement for six hours overnight was not too short, as a matter of law, to trigger a due process right to communicate with someone outside the facility. But the court found that a facility can control the manner and timing of a telephone call from a detainee, so that it comports with reasonable institutional requirements. The court found that the detainee was given sufficient notice or opportunity to demonstrate sobriety to satisfy due process, where testimony indicated that he was told why he was at the facility and that he was observed for indications of drunkenness or sobriety. (Central City Concern, and City of Portland, Oregon) U.S. District Court TELEPHONE BAIL PRIVACY ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act Hanson v. Sangamon County Sheriff's Dept., 991 F.Supp. 1059 (C.D.Ill.1998). An arrestee who was deaf alleged failure to provide him with an adequate means of communication in his suit against a county, a sheriff and a sheriff's department. The district court held that the arrestee stated a claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act, and that he stated a § 1983 claim against the sheriff. The arrestee alleged that he was denied, due to his disability, the opportunity to post bond and make a telephone call when the department failed to provide, despite his repeated requests, alternatives to a conventional telephone such as an interpreter or a text telephone device (TTD). The arrestee alleged that the sheriff maintained an express policy of forbidding officers from allowing deaf arrestees to use a TTD which was stored in an office. The court denied qualified immunity for the sheriff, noting that while there may have been a lack of caselaw directly on the point, the ADA and Rehabilitation Act had been enacted several years prior to the arrest, and at least two Courts of Appeal had held that the Rehabilitation Act was applicable to prisons and prisoners. The plaintiff was arrested and informed officers that he was deaf. The officers did not attempt to communicate with him, but rather placed him in a police van with eight to ten other arrestees and transported him to a local jail. Throughout the night the arrestee attempted to notify the officers of his need for alternative assistance in contacting his friends and/or relatives, to no avail. He was eventually assisted in making a telephone call by an officer and made arrangements to be released on bail, several hours after all of the others who were arrested at the same time had been released. (Sangamon County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Higgins v. Correctional Medical Services of Ill.• 8 F.Supp.2d 821 (N .D.Ill. 1998). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against medical personnel and a correctional medical provider for allegedly denying him his constitutional right to medical care. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court found that medical personnel's failure to order x-rays of the inmate's shoulder based on the inmate's claim that it was dislocated was an exercise of medical judgment and did not amount to deliberate indifference. The court found that evidence was insufficient to establish that medical personnel strongly suspected that the inmate's shoulder was dislocated. The court also found that the inmate failed to establish that the correctional medical service provider had conspired to deny medical treatment to inmates who were soon to be transferred. The court noted that the provider was contractually obligated to provide inmates with medical 32.62 care mandated by the Eighth Amendment and therefore could be held liable for constitutional violations under§ 1983. (Kane County Correctional Center, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Jones v. St. Tammany Parish Jail, 4 F.Supp.2d 606 (E.D.La. 1998). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff, warden, captain and parish based on alleged failure to provide adequate medical care. The district court found that the captain, sheriff and warden could not be held individually liable for the alleged unconstitutional conduct and that the parish could not be held liable for alleged constitutional deprivations related to the management of the jail. But the court found that genuine issues of fact precluded summary judgment for the sheriff in his oftlcial capacity, as to whether the sheriff had a policy or practice of maintaining an inadequate number of wheelchairs at the jail and whether any such practice was reasonably related to a legitimate governmental purpose. At the time of his arrest, the 57-year-old detainee was disabled due to a prior injury to his back. He was assigned to the top bunk in his dorm, which had no ladder. Fourteen days after his arrest the detainee fell from the top bunk and sustained several serious injuries, including a fractured leg in three places, a partially severed fmger, broken ribs and a concussion. He was placed in a full leg cast up to his hip and an arm cast. A week after he returned to the jail from the hospital, he suffered another fall when his crutches slipped out from under him. The detainee claimed that offi~ials ignored his repeated requests to be assigned a lower bunk, and his repeated requests for a wheelchair because he could not walk safely on crutches due to his arm and rib injuries. (St. Tammany Parish Jail, Louisiana) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Liebe v. Norton. 157 F.3d 574 (8th Cir. 1998). Adetainee's wife and the administrator of his estate sued a county, sheriffandjailer for damages under§ 1983, after the detainee committed suicide while incarcerated in a county jail. The district court dismissed the case and the appeals court affirmed, fmding that the jailer who classified the detainee as a suicide risk, took preventive measures by placing the detainee in a temporary holding cell and removing his shoes and belt, and periodically checked on the detainee, did not act with deliberate indifference to the detainee's health or safety. The court found the jailer was entitled to qualified immunity because the steps taken by the jailer were affirmative, deliberate steps to prevent suicide. The court held that the county could not he held liable on a§ 1983 claim of failure to supervise, based on the on-the-job training received by the jailer, the county's failure to test the jailer on his knowledge of a manual outlining suicide prevention policies, and the county's decision to leave the jailer in charge. The appeals court found that this did not rise to the level of deliberate indifference. The court also found that the county was not liable for failing to train jailers on the risks of inmate suicides, when the county had in place policies intended to prevent suicides and no suicides had occurred at the jail before the detainee's. The court found that failing to lead the jailer, step by step, through policies in the manual did not amount to failure to train. The detainee had been arrested and taken to the jail and was intoxicated at the time of his admission. The admitting jail officer classified the detainee as a "suicide risk" because he admitted to previously attempting suicide and was on both clonazepam and valiwn. The officer checked on the detainee at intervals ranging from 7 minutes to 21 minutes, but did not turn on the audio system in the holding cell. The detainee used his long-sleeved shirt to hang himself on a metal-framed electrical conduit in the cell. The jailer was the only staff member on duty at the time. Before being assigned to work by himself he was given on-the-job training for 2½ weeks. The jailer was scheduled to attend a jailer training course but it was not offered for another month. At the time of the suicide the jailer had worked full-time for approximately two months. (Fall River County Jail, South Dakota) U.S. District Court BAIL RELEASE Love v. Ficano, 19 F.Supp.2d 754 (E.D.Mich. 1998). A murder defendant who was confmed in a county jail pending the prosecution's appeal of a grant for a new trial, petitioned for habeas corpus relief, challenging the revocation of his bond by a state court of appeals. The district court granted relief, fmding that the defendant was effectively a pretrial detainee for the purposes of entitlement to release pending appeal, and that defendant had a protected liberty interest in remaining at liberty on a bond granted by the trial court. (Wayne County Jail, Michigan) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Ludlam v. Coffee County, 993 F.Supp. 1421 (M.D.Ala. 1998). A pretrial detainee and her minor child brought a civil rights action against a sheriff and a county alleging constitutional violations arising from alleged failure to provide her with adequate medical treatment during her incarceration. The detainee was pregnant during her detention. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, fmding that the detainee failed to establish the sheriff's supervisory liability for alleged indifference to her medical needs. According to the court, the sheriff was not shown to have been personally involved in the alleged deprivation of treatment for the detainee, the county jail's policy was to provide access to appropriate treatment for all inmates, and the sheriff never received a request from the detainee regarding medical attention and knew of no inmate who had ever been denied medical treatment. The court held that the county was not liable because, under Alabama law, the county had no role in operating, administering or overseeing the local jail, nor had the county ever received any notice that the detainee was denied medical treatment. The detainee alleged that the county failed to provide adequate treatment for her during her 32.63 confinement, including failure to take her to an obstetrician/gynecologist as recommended by the jail physician. The detainee alleged that as the result of the county's inadequate treatment, her daughter, who was born four months after her release, experienced diminished weight, limited development, and excessive medical problems. (Coffee County Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Magill v. Lee County, 990 F.Supp. 1382 (M.D.Ala. 1998). Pretrial detainees filed a civil rights action challenging a county's policy of conducting limited strip searches before detainees are placed in cells. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the county, finding that the policy was reasonable and did not violate the Fourth Amendment. According to the court, no heightened suspicion was necessary before jail officials could conduct limited strip searches because the dangers posed by the detainees to the jail were as high for one inmate as for another, no matter what crimes those inmates were charged with. The policy required removal of outer clothing only, and was found reasonable by the court given that small objects, such as pills, needles, or other contraband, could pose difficult and dangerous situations for jail administrators. The court noted that the searches were conducted by officers of the same sex as the detainee, and that pat-down searches or use of a metal detector would not find drugs or small objects. (Lee County Jail, Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court FALSE IMPRISONMENT Martinez v. City of Los Angeles, 141 F.3d 1373 (9th Cir. 1998). A defendant who was arrested in Mexico at the request of a U.S. police department sued a city and police officials. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, but the appeals court affl.rmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that material fact issues precluded summary judgment on the plaintiffs false imprisonment and negligence claims based on his prolonged detention. The court held that under California law, a jailer and the public entity that employs a jailer may be liable for false imprisonment if the jailer knows that imprisonment is unlawful or if there is some notice sufficient to put him, as a reasonable man, under a duty to investigate the validity of incarceration. Los Angeles police had asked Mexican authorities to arrest a murder suspect. The plaintiff was arrested, but was innocent and was nevertheless held in a Mexican prison for 59 days. Ten days after his arrest and detention, the plaintiffs lawyer sent a letter to a Los Angeles detective telling him that the Mexican authorities had arrested the wrong man, providing information that challenged the validity of the arrest, but the two witnesses to the Los Angeles murder were never given the opportunity to identify the plaintiff at the prison or to view a picture of him. The plaintiff was eventually released when the true suspect was identified. (Los Angeles Police Department) U.S. District Court USEOFFORCE McClanahan v. City of Moberly, 35 F.Supp.2d 744 (E.D.Mo. 1998). A pretrial detainee alleged that she was the victim of excessive force used in connection with her transfer from a police department to a county jail. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that the detainee's allegations of being slapped three times, without any evidence of any resulting injury. was at most a de minimis injury that did not implicate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. (Moberly Police Department and Shelby County, Missouri) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE McNally v. Prison Health Services, Inc., 28 F.Supp.2d 671 (D.Me. 1998). A pretrial detainee sued a county jail and its private health care provider alleging that his constitutional rights and his rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) were violated by the denial of his human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) medication. The district court denied the defendants' motion to dismiss, holding that the plaintiff had sufficiently plead a § 1983 claim that the defendants were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs. The court found that the detainee suffered significant harm from the jail's failure to provide care, noting that he suffered from fevers. night sweats, and infections from cuts received from his arresting officers. The detainee was arrested by a local police department and was injured by the arresting officers, suffering blackened eyes and cuts on his nose. The local police took him to a hospital for treatment before taking him to the county jail. Upon admission to the jail, the detainee told employees of the private health care provider that he had been diagnosed with HIV and was on a strict regime of medication. He identified the medication and the dosage, and told medical personnel that he had missed a dosage due to his arrest and needed one at that time. Although the detainee's private physician confirmed his medication and dosage, he was denied his medication throughout his three-day stay at the jail. He was hospitalized immediately after his release for several days as the result of being deprived of his medication. (Cumberland County Jail, Maine, and Prison Health Services, Inc.) U.S. Appeals Court FALSE ARREST FALSE IMPRISONMENT Mistretta v. Prokesch, 5 F.Supp.2d 128 (E.D.N .Y. 1998). An arrestee sued a county, arresting officer and jail officials under § 1983 alleging false arrest and false imprisonment. The district court granted judgment as a matter oflaw in favor of the defendants at the close of the arrestee's case. The court found that the jail officials' decision to condition the release of this arrestee on his agreement to stay away from his residence for 24 hours was reasonable and did not give. rise to a false arrest claim. The court also found that the county's "pro-arrest" policy relating to domestic disputes did not violate the Fourth Amendment. (Suffolk County Police Department, New York) 32.64 U.S. District Court PROTECTION PRIVACY USEOFFORCE Moore v. Hosier. 43 F.Supp.2d 978 (N.DJnd. 1998). A former pretrial detainee sued a county sheriff's department and individual law enforcement officers alleging civil rights violations arising out of his treatment while he was being held in county confinement. The district court held that the restraint of the detainee by officers for the purposes of decontaminating him after a pepper spray cannister malfunctioned did not amount to assault and battery under state law. The detainee alleged that officers strapped him to a chair with his arms tied behind his back and beat him about his face and body, and placed his face and mouth in front of a shower. The court held that even if these allegations were true, they did not amount to an invasion of privacy under Indiana law. The court denied summary judgment for officers who did not participate in the beating of the detainee but witnessed it and had the opportunity to stop it. The court held that the sheriff's department did not negligently train its employees in the use of force, where the department had developed and maintained detailed procedures for training incoming officers in handling inmates, and the department policy specifically stated that officers were expected to use force only in a lawful and justifiable manner. The detainee admitted that he was intoxicated when officers arrived at the scene and that he fled on foot when they arrived. The detainee was involved with altercations with officers at a detention center, and was strapped into a restraining chair and was sprayed with pepper spray. (Allen County Confinement Center, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court USEOFFORCE Moore v. Nov~ 146 F .Sd 531 (8th Cir. 1998). An arrestee brought a civil rights action against correctional officers under § 1983, alleging the use of excessive force and violations of equal protection and due process. The district court entered judgment for the oftlcers and the appeals court aftlrmed. The appeals court held that the fmding that excessive force was not used was not clearly erroneous, even if the fact that a videotape of the incident was missing raised the inference that the videotape would have supported the arrestee's version of the incident. The court noted that a supervisor's testimony sufficiently rebutted this inference. The arrestee was intoxicated, agitated, and refused to comply with commands, kicked the arresting officer, continued to struggle and attempt to get away, and posed an immediate threat to his own safety and to the safety of the officers. (Lancaster County Jail, Nebraska) U.S. District Court JUVENILES SUICIDE Mroz v. City of Tonawanda. 999 F.Supp. 436 (W.D.N .Y. 1998). The administrator of the estate of a minor who committed suicide after release from custody brought a state court action asserting state and § 1983 claims. The case was removed to federal court, which granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the minor, who had been released by police and taken home, was not owed a duty of protection under the due process clause because the minor was no longer in custody. The minor committed suicide shortly after he was driven home by police. He had been held in a booking room at the police headquarters after being arrested. The court found that the officers did not have actual knowledge that the minor posed a risk of suicide; although the minor was crying and distraught while in custody, the police did not overhear any suicide threats. The court found that probable cause existed for the arrest of the minor and that any force used was reasonable. (City of Tonawanda Police Department, New York) U.S. District Court FALSE ARREST FALSE IMPRISONMENT Neal v. City of Harvey, Ill., 1 F.Supp.2d 849 (N.D.Ill. 1998). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a city and police officials. The district court held that probable cause of the arrestee's attempted murder arrest barred his claims for false arrest, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution. (City of Harvey, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Nelson!: City oflrvine. 143 F .Sd 1196 (9th Cir. 1998). Two arrestees brought a§ 1983 action on behalf of themselves and others similarly situated against city officials, alleging that they were coerced into submitting to blood tests to determine their alcohol levels following arrest for driving under the influence. The arrestees alleged that they were deprived of the option to take breath or urine tests instead. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants but the appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part. and remanded. The appeals court held that arrestees who were forced to undergo blood tests after requesting or consenting to breath tests stated Fourth Amendment claims. According to the court, requiring the arrestees to submit to warrantless blood tests after they have consented to available breath or urine tests violates the Fourth Amendment warrant requirement. The court found that arrestees who consented to breath tests did not impliedly consent to blood tests. (City oflrvine, California) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Owens v. City of Philadelphia. 6 F.Supp.2d 373 (E.D.Pa. 1998). The administratrix of a pretrial detainee's estate and his surviving children brought a § 1983 action against prison guards and ofllcials and the City of Philadelphia to recover for the detainee's suicide. The district court found that fact questions precluded summary judgment in favor of the guards on questions of qualified immunity, deliberate indifference and the adequacy of the City's training program. According to the court, the detainee's statement to a guard that he felt "schizy" and that he was "going to hurt myself' raised questions of fact on issues of knowledge and deliberate indifference. According to the court, it was not necessary to show that a guard believed that harm would actually befall the detainee; rather. the detainee's children only needed to show that the official acted or failed to act despite his knowledge of a substantial risk of serious harm. The guard called a psychiatrist knowing she intended to 32.65 issue a pass for the detainee to go to the psychiatric unit but failed to note in the prison log the detainee's statement about hurting himself in order to inform the incoming officers and his superiors. There was nothing in the record that indicates that the pass was ever issued. The court also found that the otTl.cials' alleged conduct as policy-makers with respect to inadequate training to prevent suicide by pretrial detainees was actionable under § 1983 in a suit against them as individuals. The court held that whether the jail guards acted with objective reasonableness after they learned that the pretrial detainee was hanging in his cell involved questions of fact, precluding summary judgment. (Philadelphia Detention Center, Pennsylvania) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Payne for Hicks v. Churchich. 161 F .3d 1030 (7th Cir. 1998). The children and estate of an arrestee who committed suicide in a city jail brought a state court action and a § 1983 action asserting wrongful death and survival claims. The district court dismissed the case. The appeals court affirmed in part. reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that allegations that the arrestee was subjected to maltreatment while in custody as a pretrial detainee were properly treated as claims arising under the Due Process Clause. The court found that a deputy sheriff who transported the arrestee to a city jail did not violate the due process rights of the arrestee. According to the court, the arrestee's intoxication, his tattoo questioning life. and his angry cursing did not indicate an obvious, substantial risk of suicide. The court found that failing to monitor the arrestee or recognize the risk of suicide was, at most, negligence. The arrestee was admitted to the holding cell of a city police department at 1:00 a.m. and died of suffocation after hanging himself with a blanket sometime between 1:00 a.m. and 4:04 a.m. (Madison County Sheriff's Department, City of Madison Police Department, Illinois) u.s. Appeals Court Perkins v. Grimes, 161 F .3d 1127 (8th Cir. 1998). A pretrial detainee, who was raped by another inmate, sued jail officials under § 1983 for failing to protect him. The district court enteredjudgment for the officials and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that jailers were not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's safety when they housed him with an inmate who raped him. The court noted that although jailers were on notice that the inmate was easily provoked, they also knew that the detainee and the inmate had previously been housed together without incident, and the jailers neither knew. nor had reason to know, that the inmate was a violent sexual aggressor. The detainee had been arrested for public intoxication and was booked at a county facility and placed in a holding cell for approximately five and one-half hours. During the final hour of his time in the holding cell, the detainee shared the cell with an inmate who was also booked for public intoxication. The detainee was subsequently raped by the inmate, who was larger and heavier. The detainee alleged that ajail officer was aware of the assault and did not intervene. (Sebastian County Adult Detention Center, Arkansas) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Petrazzoulo v. U.S. Marshals Service, 999 F.Supp. 401 (W.D.N.Y. 1998). A pretrial detainee alleged that the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) and a county which housed the detainee under contract to the USMS failed to provide him with dentures. in violation of his Eighth Amendment rights. The district court held that the USMS was not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's dental needs and that the detainee failed to state a § 1983 claim against county officials. The inmate's teeth had been extracted to treat a brokenjaw, and a dentist had "recommended" that the detainee obtain dentures. The USMS concluded that the dentist's recommendation was not a prescription and that the dentures were an elective treatment. The detainee received prompt treatment for his brokenjaw, pain medication and a soft food diet. The court also held that the detainee could not bring an action under the Federal Tort Claim Act. (Chautauqua County Jail, New York) u .s. Appeals Court Ringuette v. City of Fall River, 146 F .3d 1 (1st Cir. 1998). A person who was injured while in protective custody as the result of apparent intoxication brought a § 1983 action against a city and police officers. The district court granted qualified immunity for the defendants, and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that under the circumstances, including the plaintiff's refusal of offers to let him leave. the officers had qualified immunity for detaining the plaintiff in protective custody beyond the 12 hours permitted by statute. The court found that the while further corumement of the plaintitrbeyond the 12-hour limit could be called an unreasonable seizure, the unreasonableness was mitigated by the belief that the plaintitrremained incapacitated and the implicit willingness to let the plaintiff go whenever he said he was ready. (City of Fall River. Massachusetts) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Sanders v. Howze, 50 F.Supp.2d 1364 (M.D.Ga. 1998). The estate of a prisoner who committed suicide while in a county jail brought a § 1983 action against jail officials. The district court denied summary judgment for the officials fmding it was barred by fact issues as to whether the officials were deliberately indifferent to the prisoner's known suicidal propensity and whether the county had adequate policies for dealing with potential suicides. The court also found a material issue offact as to whether county jail officials were properly trained in dealing with potential suicides. After being confined in the jail for six weeks the prisoner removed a razor blade from a disposable razor and cut his wrists. He was transferred to a state hospital for a psychological evaluation but returned to the jail two PROTECTION SEPARATION PROTECTIVE CUSTODY PROTECTION FALSE IMPRISONMENT 32.66 months later. He was placed in an isolation cell near the jailer's office, where he hung himself a week later from a light fixture with a bed sheet. A few days earlier a judge had ordered a psychiatric evaluation which was in the process of being arranged by the sheriff. <Dougherty County Jail, Georgia} U.S. District Court CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE Smith v. Montefiore Med. Center-Health Services, 22 F.Supp.2d 275 (S.D.N.Y. 1998). A pretrial detainee sued a city and city corrections officials to recover from alleged injuries he suffered as the result of his alleged exposure to asbestos. The district court held that a three-day delay in treating the detainee after his alleged exposure did not amount to deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs, noting that a mere delay in rendering medical treatment does not rise to the level of a constitutional violation. The court also found that prison officials' failure to warn the detainee of the dangers of exposure to asbestos in connection with asbestos abatement work in the prison did not support a claim of deliberate indifference. Warning signs were reportedly posted three days after the alleged incident, which the court found to be at most negligent conduct. (George Motchan Detention Center, New York) U.S. Appeals Court HANDICAP CONDITIONS Tesch v. County of Green Lake, 157 F.3d 465 (7th Cir. 1998). An arrestee who was wheelchair-bound brought a§ 1983 action against officials, alleging violation of his constitutional rights during his arrest and detention. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the disabled detainee's inability to put on his jail-issued pants, obtain drinking water from his cell sink, and get into the bed in his cell, during 44 hours of detention, were insufficiently severe to amount to punishment in violation of the detainee's substantive due process rights. According to the court, the detainee was not deprived of any of his basic necessities, but rather did not receive the level of comfort he had demanded. The court noted that correctional officials are not required to provide comfortable jails, even for pretrial detainees. The detainee suffered from muscular dystrophy and was confined to a wheelchair, but was physically unable to function fully in a jail cell that was equipped for handicapped inmates. (Green Lake County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION SEPARATION Turguitt v. Jefferson County. Ala., 137 F.3d 1285 (11th Cir. 1998). The estate of a pretrial detainee who was killed during an altercation with another inmate at a county jail filed a civil rights action against the county. The district court denied the county's motion to dismiss and the county appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded, finding that an Alabama county cannot be liable in a civil rights case for harms that befall jail inmates due to improper operation of the jail or negligent supervision of its inmates because the county has no responsibility in that area. According to the court, the sheriff, not the county, is responsible for jail conditions under Alabama law; counties have no duties with respect to daily operation of county jails and have no authority to dictate how jails are run. The deceased inmate was fatally injured in a fight with another inmate, who was a convicted felon, in the dayroom of the jail. (Jefferson County Jail, Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES MEDICAL CARE U.S. v. Brandon, 158 F.3d 947 (6th Cir. 1998). A pretrial detainee sought a judicial hearing on the issue of whether he could be forcibly medicated with antipsychotic drugs to render him competent to stand trial. The district court held that an administrative hearing would be sufficient to satisfy due process, and the detainee appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that due process required a judicial hearing and that the detainee should be allowed to present his own rebuttal testimony on the issues involved. The court also found that the strict-scrutiny standard of substantive due process review applied, and that the government must prove its case with clear and convincing evidence. (Federal Medical Center, Rochester, Minnesota) U.S. District Court BAIL BAIL REFORM ACT U.S. v. DeBeir, 16 F.Supp.2d 592 (D.Md. 1998). The government moved for pretrial detention under the Bail Reform Act for a defendant who was charged with interstate travel for the purpose of engaging in a sexual act with a minor. The district court denied the motion, finding that the defendant did not pose a serious risk of flight and that the offense was not a crime of violence. (Maryland) U.S. District Court BAIL BAIL REFORM ACT U.S. v. Floyd, 11 F.Supp.2d 39 (D.D.C. 1998). A defendant moved to revoke a magistrate's order of detention pending trial. The district court held that the charge of possession of a firearm by a felon is a crime of violence and that evidence was sufficient to warrant pretrial detention. (U.S. District Court, District of Columbia) U.S. District Court RELEASE-CONDITION U.S. v. Herrera, 29 F.Supp.2d 756 (N.D.Tex. 1998). After a defendant who was on pretrial release tested positive for the use of a controlled substance, a pretrial services officer petitioned the court for revocation of release. A U.S. Magistrate dismissed the motion, and the district court affirmed. The district court noted that only an attorney for the government, not a pretrial services officer, may initiate a proceeding for revocation of release. (U.S. District Court, Northern District, Texas) U.S. District Court ELECTRONIC MONITORING U.S. v. Malloy, 11 F.Supp.2d 583 (D.N.J. 1998). A defendant charged with violating the Arms Export Control Act moved to modify his bail conditions. The district court granted his motion, finding that the defendant was entitled to have his bail conditions modified from 24·hour house arrest with electronic monitoring to the use of a satellite tracking system. The 32.67 court found that the satellite tracking system provided a sufficient level of control over the defendant's whereabouts to assure that the defendant would appear at trial. (U.S. District Court, New Jersey) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Vinson v. Clarke County, Ala., 10 F.Supp.2d 1282 (S.D.Ala. 1998). A§ 1983 action was brought by the administrator of the estate of an intoxicated arrestee who had committed suicide while being held in a county jail. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, finding that the sheriff and jailer acted within the scope of their discretionary authority and did not violate clearly established law. The court held that the county was not deliberately indifferent to the risks of suicide. According to the court, it was not clearly established in October 1994 that a county sherifrs failure to train jail personnel in the care of intoxicated inmates amounted to deliberate indifference. The court found that the risk of suicide among a class of intoxicated detainees at the county jail was not so obvious that the county's failure to remedy conditions of confinement which gave detainees the opportunity to commit suicide could be seen as showing deliberate indifference. The detainee committed suicide within 30 minutes of his admission by hanging himself from the bars of his jail cell. An autopsy revealed that the detainee's blood contained .205 percent alcohol, which was well over the maximum of .1 allowed under state DUI law. (Clarke County Jail, Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Webb y_. Lawrence County, 144 F.3d 1131 (8th Cir. 1998). A prisoner who was allegedly sexually assaulted by a cellmate brought an action against a county, sheriff, and sheriff department employees, asserting§ 1983 and state-law negligence claims. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the prisoner failed to establish that the defendants actually knew of a substantial risk of harm to the prisoner from his cellmate. The appeals court also held that the defendants were protected by state statutory immunity on the prisoner's negligence claim. The court noted that while the defendants knew generally of the risk of inmate rape and assault for young, physically slight inmates such as the plaintiff, there was no evidence or allegations that inmate rape was common in this particular institution, nor was there evidence that the cellmate, who was a sexual offender, had assaulted other inmates or caused any other problems while incarcerated. Further, the prisoner had requested to be placed with the cellmate. (Lawrence County Jail, South Dakota) U.S. Appeals Court RECREATION EXERCISE CONDITIONS LAW LIBRARIES Wilson v. Blankenship, 163 F.3d 1284 (11th Cir. 1998). A federal pretrial detainee brought an action under § 1983 and Bivens claiming a federal marshal, wardens of a city jail and corrections officers subjected him to unconstitutional conditions of confinement in a city jail. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affrrmed. The appeals court held that the lack of a law library at the city jail did not prevent the detainee from pursuing civil rights claims or his criminal appeal to the extent that his right of access to courts was violated. The appeals court agreed that the wardens were entitled to qualified immunity because they did not have the authority or ability to provide the jail with a law library or exercise area; according to the court, their duty was to administer the jail pursuant to an agreement with the Marshals Service, which was aware of the lack of a law library and exercise space. The appeals court also affrrmed the grant of qualified immunity to the marshal because he did not violate clearly established law by transporting the detainee to the city jail under the terms of an intergovernmental agreement. The court noted that the detainee's stay at the facility was relatively brief. <Montgomery City Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court CELLSEARCH ACCESS TO COURT LAW LIBRARIES Zimmerman v. Hoard, 5 F.Supp.2d 633 (N.D. Ind. 1998). A state prisoner brought a § 1983 action concerning events that occurred while he was a pretrial detainee at a county jail. The district court held that state directives and recommendations did not provide the basis for § 1983 claims. The inmate had alleged that the county officials failed to implement the Indiana Jail Standards and Rules and comply with the recommendations of the State Jail Inspector. The court held that the Fourth Amendment did not apply to cell searches. According to the court, the inmate's allegations that the county jail failed to have an adequate collection of legal materials and its prohibition against defendants receiving incoming legal publications stated a claim that would survive dismissal at the pleading stage. The inmate alleged that the county had a blanket policy of prohibiting inmates from receiving any type of publication through the mail. The court also found that a pro se inmate could not claim violation of attorney· client confidentiality. The inmate had complained that he was forced to conduct attorney-client consultations in a room equipped with a two-way intercom speaker that allowed jail personnel to breach confidentiality. (Carroll County Jail, Indiana) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT COMMISSARY SEPARATION PRNACY MEDICAL CARE USE OF FORCE Zimmerman v. Tippecanoe Sherifrs Dept., 25 F.Supp.2d 915 (N.D.lnd. 1998). A state prisoner brought a § 1983 action against county officials and employees alleging constitutional violations during his pretrial detention period in a county jail. The district court found in favor of the defendants for all but one of the allegations. The court found that the sheriff's decision to order the prisoner to be held in a disciplinary segregation unit of the jail without a disciplinary hearing did not violate the prisoner's due process rights because the decision was administrative and was made in response to the prisoner's previous escape attempt. The court held that a jail physician's failure to refer the prisoner to a dentist for emergency treatment of an abscess and bone fragmentation did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment because the prisoner did not state that he was in pain or had any discomfort when the physician examined him. According to the court, 32.68 the fact that the prisoner failed to receive one of his commissary orders did not constitute a disciplinary action without due process, even if the prisoner was unable to purchase stamps and materials with which to correspond with his family and his attorney. The court noted that the prisoner had received regular commissary orders, including a large order with correspondence materials placed just before his missed order, and he received regular orders after the missed order. The court held that even if a county jail employee hid the prisoner's outgoing mail rather than delivering it, the action did not violate the Fourth Amendment because another employee found the mail and ensured that it was mailed, so that the prisoner suffered no harm. The court found no constitutional violation of access to court because a jail official required the prisoner to hold conversations with his attorney in a room equipped with a two·way intercom system because the official did not actually listen to the conversation but merely stood in a control room. But the court found triable issues of fact regarding whether the prisoner suffered an injury when a jail employee handcuffed him immediately after an escape attempt. (Tippecanoe County Jail, Indiana) 1999 U.S. Appeals Court FALSE IMPRISON· MENT FALSE ARREST Anaya v. Crossroads Managed Care Systems, Inc., 196 F.3d 684 (10th Cir. 1999). Detainees who were seized by police, transported to an alcohol detoxification facility and then detained, brought a § 1983 action against the operator of the facility and government officials alleging violation of their Fourth Amendment rights. The detainees had been seized from their front porches, from their bedrooms and from the back seats of their cars under a policy of the City of Trinidad. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the detainees appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded. The appeals court found that the seizures set the standard for detention well below the requirements of the Fourth Amendment and that the government officials were not entitled to qualified immunity because the right against unreasonable seizures for potential drunkenness was clearly established at the time of the seizures. (City of Trinidad, Colorado) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS CLOTHING MEDICAL CARE Anton v. Sheriff of DuPage County. Ill., 47 F.Supp.2d 993 (N.D.111. 1999). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a county and county officials alleging that he was subjected to unconstitutional conditions of confinement at a county jail. The district court refused to dismiss the case, finding that his alleged exposure to low temperature in a detention cell while naked and with no alternative means of protecting himself from the cold supported a claim of inadequate shelter against the county. The detainee allegedly repeatedly complained to jail officers for hours and they responded with jeers and laughter, and he was not provided with medical care until he threatened litigation. When a nurse finally attended to the detainee, his body temperature was three degrees below normal. The detainee had just attempted suicide and had been placed in a rubberized cell without clothing and was observed every 16 minutes. The court also found that deputies' alleged thwarting of medical treatment given to the detainee supported a claim of violation of his right to medical attention. The officers allegedly removed a blanket that was given to the detainee by the nurse, which the court held supported a claim for deliberate indifference. The court denied qualified immunity for the officers, finding that it was clearly established at the time of this incident that pretrial detainees had a constitutional right to adequate heat and medical attention. (DuPage County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Baker v. Willett, 42 F.Supp.2d 192 (N.D.N.Y. 1999). A jail inmate brought an action against a county and county officials alleging excessive use of force in violation of § 1983. The district court denied, in part, the defendants' motion to dismiss, finding that a named sheriffs deputy was not entitled to qualified immunity because it was clearly established at the time of the incident that unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain constituted cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment. The deputy allegedly pushed the inmate in the back, causing him to fall off of a table and strike his head on metal bars approximately four or five feet from where he had been sitting. The inmate sustained a laceration on his forehead which required sutures. The county Undersheriffreviewed the incident and spoke to the inmate and the deputy, but did not conduct a formal investigation nor discipline the deputy. The district court dismissed the sheriffs department and county from the suit, finding that they could not be held liable on the ground that the sheriffs department had a practice of not investigating use of force complaints or disciplining officers. The court noted that three of five meritorious complaints in the past ten years had been directed toward one officer who had been terminated after disciplinary proceedings. (Warren County Jail, New York) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITION Benjamin v. Jacobsen, 172 F.3d 144 (2nd Cir. 1999). Officials who had entered into a consent decree governing New York City jail conditions moved for immediate termination of the decree under provisions of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA). Pretrial detainees opposed the motion. The district court vacated the decree and the appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part. A rehearing en bane was granted and the appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that the detainees were entitled to present evidence of current and ongoing violations of federal rights and of the need for continuation of the prospective relief provided in the decrees. According to the court PLRA provides for decrees to be terminated, but it does not require that decrees be vacated. The appeals court found that the PLRA termination provision does not violate the Constitutional separation of powers principle nor does it strip the courts of their Article III power and duty to remedy constitutional wrongs. (New York City Department Correction) 32.69 U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Davis v. Dorsey, 167 F.3d 411 (8th Cir. 1999). A former pretrial detainee who allegedly was injured when he fell in a jail shower brought a § 1983 action against jail officials and a hospital The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part. The appeals court held that material fact issues precluded summary judgment for correctional officers and jail medical staff. The detainee fell in the shower, hitting the back of his head and his left arm. He was not seen by medical staff following the fall but he was given three Tylenol. For several days he requested medical attention but correctional officers refused to process his requests or complete an incident report that would enable him to receive emergency medical treatment. After five days the detainee was seen by a nurse, who made disparaging remarks and did not clean his wounds or give him any medication. The appeals court reversed the district court's grant of summary judgment for the officers and jail medical staff, fmding that they "utterly failed to address many of the allegations in [the detainee's] verified complaint." (St. Louis City Jail, Missouri) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Dunigan ex rel. Nyman v. Winnebago County, 165 F.3d 587 (7th Cir. 1999). Survivors of an detainee who died in a county jail brought a § 1983 action against county officials alleging failure to provide proper medical care to the detainee. The district court granted summary judgment for the officials and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court found that the officials were not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical needs, despite their alleged failure to consult medical personnel or actively administer medication when the inmate's condition deteriorated during the days preceding his death. The court noted the officials' threemonth record of treating the detainee's medical condition and their lack of knowledge about the detainee's specific condition of myasthenia gravis (MG). Treatment of the detainee began immediately after he was admitted to the jail, when he complained of blurry vision as the result of a car accident several weeks earlier. The detainee received various services and tests in the following three months and was tentatively diagnosed by a specialist with MG, which had intermittent symptoms offatigability and muscle weakness. Jail medical staff were not familiar with MG, nor were they aware of the specialist's diagnosis. Several weeks later jail staff found the detainee lying on his cell floor with his head resting on his bunk, claiming he had fallen and hurt his neck. Officers could find no signs of an injury and the detainee was able to move his limbs easily, so arrangements were made for close observation of the detainee. The detainee was seen several times by jail medical staff in the next few days, but his condition gradually worsened and he was found dead in his cell. (Winnebago County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Ellis v. Washington County and Johnson City. Tenn., 198 F.3d 225 (6th Cir. 1999). A mother and a minor child of a deceased pretrial detainee brought a wrongful death action under § 1983 against a city, county, and jailers after the detainee committee suicide in a county jail. The district court entered summary judgment for all defendants except for one jailer and the plaintiffs and jailer appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the county's alleged failure to train jailers on suicide prevention was not the proximate cause of the detainee's injury absent any circumstances from which a reasonable jailer would have foreseen the suicide. The appeals court also found that one of the jailers was entitled to qualified immunity even though he made a mistake in assessing the detainee's suicidal tendencies because he was not deliberately indifferent toward the detainee and exhibited a genuine concern for the detainee's welfare while confined. But the appeals court refused to grant summary judgment for one jailer because of his alleged delay in informing an emergency medical team of his alleged observation of the detainee tying a noose in his cell. The detainee committed suicide by handing himself in a county jail three hours after his transfer from a city jail. The cell in which the detainee hung himself had a monitor camera at one end but was not designed as a suicide prevention cell. The detainee had been held overnight at a city jail after he was arrested because he was believed to be drunk or under the influence of drugs. After his arraignment the following morning he was taken to the county jail where, during the three hours preceding his suicide, "nothing occurred that would put reasonable jailors on notice of a possible suicide attempt" according to the appeals court. The detainee was asked about possible suicidal tendencies when he was admitted to the jail and responded that he "loved life." A few minutes later a jailer who had gone to high school with the detainee came on duty and was concerned about his mental health. The jailer found the detainee talking on the phone to his mother and seemingly crying. After the call the jailer asked the detainee if he was feeling suicidal and the detainee responded "Hell no, I've got a baby on the way that I've got to take care of." But most persuasive to the court was the statement of the mother in a letter two months after the death of her son that her son was "not suicidal at 11:30 when I talked to him [on the phone] ... knew he was getting out [of jail.1" The detainee's mother was an experienced, practicing, licensed clinical psychologist who held a Ph.D., and the court considered her statement to be an expert opinion. The appeals court held that it was "unreasonable to attribute fault to the County or its jailors for failing to predict suicide." (Johnson City Jail and Washington County Jail, Texas) Estate of Brooks Ex Rel. Brooks v. U.S., 197 F.3d 1245 (9th Cir. 1999). A federal detainee who was U.S. Appeals Court held by a county in pretrial detention for 12 days without being arraigned or brought before a federal SPEEDY TRIAL FALSE IMPRISONMENT judicial officer brought a § 1983 action. The detainee reached a settlement with the United States and the charges against other defendants were dismissed. The appeals court affirmed, holding that the county's actions were not the legal cause of the detainee's injuries and the county was not liable for false imprisonment under state law. The court noted that the county was not authorized to act for the United States and bring the detainee before a federal magistrate, nor could it release the detainee 32.70 without violating a state law. (United States Marshals Service and Alameda County, California) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Ferris v. County of Kennebec, 44 F.Supp.2d 62 CD.Me. 1999). A pretrial detainee sued county officials and staff in state court. The case was removed to federal court, where the court denied qualified immunity for a nurse and found that the detainee had adequately alleged the nurse's indifference to her serious medical needs. The detainee alleged that the nurse responded to her statement that she believed she was having a miscarriage by taking her pulse, telling her that she was menstruating, and ordering her to lie down. According to the detainee, the nurse did not speak to her again except to inform her that she was being transferred to a different cell because she would not lie down as ordered. The nurse made no attempt to confirm whether the detainee was pregnant, even though the detainee had told jail staff during her intake interview that she was pregnant. The nurse also refused to provide the detainee with sanitary supplies. (Kennebec County Jail. Maine) U.S. District Court Ford v. Nassau County Executive, 41 F.Supp.2d 392 (E.D.N.Y. 1999). A pretrial detainee brought an action against a county correctional facility and county executive alleging violation of his constitutional rights because he was required to serve as a "food cart worker" without payment. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that making the detainee choose between distributing food to inmates and being segregated in "lock in" could not be deemed punishment, and therefore did not deprive the detainee of liberty without due process. The court also held that requiring the detainee to work without payment as a food cart worker did not violate the Thirteenth Amendment; according to the court, to sustain a claim under the Thirteenth Amendment the detainee would have to demonstrate he was subjected to compulsory labor "akin to African slavery." The court found that the detainee's own alleged assistance in the distribution of food, for which he received at least some consideration, did not rise to the level of the indignity and degradation that accompanied slavery. As a food cart worker the detainee was required to push a pre-loaded food cart approximately 125 yards to an elevator, and occasionally to hand out certain foods such as milk, bread or oranges. He was also sometimes required to perform other tasks, such as sweeping a guard walk or emptying garbage. According to the detainee, he was required to work seven days per week, for all three meals. The detainee was required to take medication to control his epilectic seizures and was accordingly assigned to a ''workers and medical dorm," which involved him in work activities. The court held that there was no evidence that the detainee's chores, despite his medical status, were overly burdensome to him. (Nassau County Correctional Center, New York) WORK FORCED LABOR U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Giroux v. Somerset County, 178 F.3d 28 (1st Cir. 1999). A jail inmate who had been assaulted by another inmate sued a jail employee, sheriff and county alleging violations of§ 1983. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the inmate appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded, finding that summary judgment was precluded by a factual dispute about the scope of the jail shift supervisor's responsibility and whether he abdicated his responsibility. The inmate was threatened by a cellmate when he left his cell to meet with a detective. After the meeting the inmate was moved to a different cell, apparently in response to the threat. The inmate was threatened again the next day when he was escorted past his former cell, and was allegedly threatened by other inmates while dining. The inmate requested protective custody. Although he was not moved, he was placed on "cell feed" status which eliminated his contact with other inmates in the common dining area. Several days later the inmate was involved with a visit which required him to use a common visiting area. While in the visiting area he was assaulted by his former cellmate who was also involved with a visit. The inmate suffered a broken nose, torn shoulder ligaments and a head laceration which required stitches. <somerset County Jail, Maine) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Grayson v. Peed, 195 F.3d 692 (4th Cir. 1999). The administrator for the estate of a deceased detainee sued officers and county officials under § 1983 asserting constitutional violations, negligence, gross negligence, negligent training and negligent supervision. The district court granted summary judgement for the defendants on all§ 1983 claims and declined to assume supplemental jurisdiction over state law claims. The appeals court affirmed. The detainee had been arrested and transported to the county detention center and the following day was declared brain dead. During his booking the detainee was acting irrationally, his speech was slurred, and he kept repeating in an intoxicated manner "I can't believe this is all over a traffic ticket." He was then taken to a cell and strip searched, but at the conclusion of the search attempted to crawl out of the cell and a struggle ensued. Officers used pepper spray to subdue him. Early the next morning the detainee began acting belligerent again. He resisted being moved to another cell and a five-man cell extraction team pinned him face down. During the struggle he was sprayed with pepper spray and he was punched several times. Once restrained, he was carried face down to another cell and was placed in four-point restraints. A few minutes later he appeared to be unconscious and was checked by medics and was found to be "okay." Another officer then noticed that the detainee was not breathing, CPR was initiated and he was taken to a local hospital where he was found to be brain dead. The appeals court held that officers at the county detention center were not deliberately indifferent to the medical needs of the deceased detainee, either when the detainee was booked or during his custody. A trained medic was on hand in the booking area and discerned no sign of a medical problem. According to the court, the failure to clean pepper spray off of the detainee in a timely manner was, in the first instance, due to the detainee's violent response to the officer's offer to wash the spray off, and in the second instance was due to the need to rush the 32.71 detainee to a hospital for emergency care. The appeals court held that the officers did not use excessive force against the detainee, but rather that they applied the force necessary in a good faith effort to restore discipline. The court also found that there were no actionable deficiencies in the sheriffs policies, customs or training. According to the court, "...the appellant's own expert penologist conceded that [sheriff] Peed's policies met the standards of both the Virginia Board of Corrections and the American Correctional Association." The court also concluded, "...claims that [sheriff] Peed provided inadequate training for his employees must also fail. As of the time of this incident, the ADC had been accredited for more than ten years by both the American Correctional Association and the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, two organizations whose training requirements often surpass minimal constitutional standards." (Fairfax County Adult Detention Center, Virginia) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Hall v. Thomas, 190 F.3d 693 (5th Cir. 1999). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action alleging that a jail was deliberately indifferent to his kidney condition, his orthopedic pains, his diabetes and his epilepsy. The district court dismissed the action and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that any discrimination that may have occurred against the arrestee was not "because ot" his alleged disability, within the meaning of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and that jail physicians were not deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs. The court noted that even if the defendants had failed to administer or provide the arrestee's medication on some occasions, the arrestee refused to take his seizure medication several times and refused to appear to receive his medication on some occasions. (Harris County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court FALSE IMPRISON. Hardy v. Town of Hayneville, 50 F.Supp.2d 1176 (M.D.Ala. 1999). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 suit against an arresting officer, chief of police. mayor and town, alleging false imprisonment and use of excessive force. The court found that the arrestee's allegations that the police officer arrested him and detained him in a county jail without informing him of the nature and cause of the accusations against him were sufficient to state a Sixth Amendment claim. The court also found that allegations that the police chief and town failed to provide police officers with adequate training on the lawful use of force, and that the unlawful use of force would be condoned by their superiors, were sufficient to state a Fourth Amendment claim. The arrestee had been preaching the gospel and greeting people as they came into a store, with the permission of the owner. A police officer instructed the arrestee to leave the store and then allegedly followed the arrestee to the back of the store when he attempted to protest to the owner. The officer allegedly assaulted the arrestee and battered him about the head and back, threw him to the ground and struck his wrists repeatedly with unopened handcuffs. (Town of Hayneville, Alabama) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS CROWDING PRNACY Harris v. Brewington-Carr, 49 F.Supp.2d 378 (D.Del 1999). A pretrial detainee challenged his conditions of confinement and a district court judge refused to dismiss the case, finding that the detainee had sufficiently alleged violation of his due process rights. The pretrial detainee alleged that he was required to sleep on the floor for one week while being held in a booking and receiving area, that he had to sleep on the floor for three weeks before receiving a bed, that he was housed in a one man cell with two other men, that the open toilet in his cell was unsanitary and deprived him of his right to privacy, that there was a lack of showers and excessive noise, that he was housed with sentenced and unsentenced inmates, and that as a non· smoker he had to breathe cigarette smoke from other inmates. (Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility, Delaware) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Harris v. Morales, 69 F.Supp.2d 1319 (D.Colo. 1999). An inmate brought a § 1983 action alleging excessive force and deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs while he was confined in a county jail. The district court denied summary judgment for the defendants, finding that the allegations that the inmate was unnecessarily subjected to pepper spray and was then denied medical attention stated Eighth Amendment claims. (Summit County Jail. Colorado) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS Henderson v. Sheahan, 196 F.3d 839 (7th Cir. 1999). U.S. Cert. Den. at 120 S.Ct. 2691. A pretrial detainee who was held in a county jail for four-and ·one·half years brought a § 1983 action against the sheriff and corrections officials claiming injuries allegedly sustained as the result of his exposure to second·hand smoke. The district court dismissed the action. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the inmate's alleged present injuries were not sufficiently serious to support a due process claim and that the detainee could not recover for future injuries absent a showing to a reasonable medical certainty that he faced an increased risk of developing a future injury attributable to the alleged exposure. The detainee alleged present injuries that included breathing problems, chest pains, dizziness, sinus problems, headaches, and loss of energy. Although the jail had a non-smoking policy the detainee claimed that inmates routinely violated it. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE SUICIDE Lambert v. City of Dumas, 187 F.3d 931 (8th Cir. 1999). The family of a detainee who died in his jail cell brought a § 1983 action against a city and police officers, asserting claims for unlawful arrest, excessive force and wrongful death. The district court denied the defendants' motion for summary judgment and the appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that summary judgment was precluded by factual issues regarding the amount and degree of force used during the detainee's arrest, but that the officers were not liable for wrongful death, absent any evidence that the officers were subjectively aware of any risk that the detainee would inflict harm on himself. The detainee did not threaten to 32.72 commit suicide during his incarceration or otherwise indicate that he might do so, he was never classified as a suicide risk, and the officers were not shown to have knowledge of a prior incident when the detainee swallowed a metal crack pipe. The court noted that a showing that a jailer was negligent in failing to recognize a prisoner's suicidal tendencies is insufficient to satisfy the § 1983 deliberate indifference standard. (Dumas Police Department, Arkansas) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MEDICAL CARE Lopez v. LeMaster. 172 F.3d 756 (10th Cir. 1999). A pretrial detainee who was beaten by other inmates while confined in a jail brought a § 1983 action against the county sheriff individually and in his official capacity. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the sheriff and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded. The detainee was arrested and placed in a general population cell in the county jail where he was threatened by another inmate. A jail officer took the detainee to an office where he prepared a written statement about the threat. But the officer returned the detainee to the general population cell where he was attacked and beaten by several inmates. The officer returned later and the detainee asked to be taken to the hospital. The officer took the detainee to an office, called an unknown person to ask for instructions, and then told the detainee "you are still conscious, we don't have to take you." The detainee was given aspirin, placed in a different cell and was released the next day. He went to the hospital after his release and was diagnosed with a severe contusion to the skull with post-concussion syndrome and a severe strain to the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine. The appeals court held that the detainee failed to establish a claim for failure to provide adequate training and supervision of jail personnel because he failed to identify specific deficiencies that were closely related to his injuries. The court noted that evidence which showed that the jailers were generally poorly trained was insufficient to support the training and supervision claims. But the appeals court found that material issues of fact precluded summary judgment on the claim that the county maintained an unconstitutional policy of understaffing the jail and failing to monitor inmates, with deliberate indifference to inmate health or safety. The court noted that a suit against the sheriff in his official capacity is the equivalent of a suit against the county. The appeals court found that fact issues precluded summary judgment for the sheriff in his individual and official capacities on the detainee's failure to protect claims. The appeals court also held that summary judgment was precluded on the detainee's claim alleging that the sheriff was deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs. (Jackson County Jail. Oklahoma) U.S. Appeals Court PROBABLE CAUSE FALSE IMPRISON· MENT Luck v. Rovenstine. 168 F.3d 323 (7th Cir. 1999). An arrestee who was jailed for a week without a probable cause hearing following his warrantless arrest brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff in his personal and official capacities. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the sheriff. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed and remanded in part. The appeals court held that the sheriff could not be held liable in his individual capacity. Fact issues as to whether the arrestee's detention without a probable cause hearing resulted from the sheriffs deliberate decision not to monitor detainees who were brought to the jail by outside agencies precluded summary judgment on the official capacity claim. According to the court, the sheriff, as the custodian of persons incarcerated in the county jail. had a duty to ensure that detainees arrested without warrants received probable cause hearings or gained release. The court noted that according to the Supreme Court, "prompt" in this context means, under most circumstances. within 48 hours. (Kosciusko County jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court EQUAL PROTECTION WORK SENTENCE REDUCTION GOOD TIME MacFarlane v. Walter. 179 F.3d 1131 (9th Cir. 1999). After their state habeas petitions were denied, state prisoners petitioned for federal habeas corpus relief, challenging two counties' "good conduct" and "good performance" policies as they were applied to them. The district court granted summary judgment for the respondent corrections officials, but the appeals court reversed and remanded. The appeals court held that there was an equal protection violation in the counties' allowance oflesser good time credits for defendants who were detained pretrial in county jails because of their financial inability to post bail. than that allowed for defendants who were able to wait to serve their sentences until after sentencing to a state correctional facility. The counties· early release policies limited presentence detainees to a maximum good-conduct credit of 15% of the sentence imposed; the court noted that persons who had posted bail and served their entire sentence at a state correctional facility could end up serving 23 days less on a five· to six·year sentence. The court upheld the policies under which pretrial detainees were not eligible for participation in work and other programs through which they could earn good-performance credit, finding the counties had established a strong rational connection between the legislative means and purpose of protecting community safety. (Pierce and Clark County Jails, Washington) U.S. Appeals Court PUBLICATIONS Mauro v. Arpaio, 188 F.3d 1054 (9th Cir. 1999). An inmate in a county jail system brought a § 1983 action challenging the constitutionality of a sheriffs department policy prohibiting inmates from possessing "sexually explicit" material. The district court granted summary judgment for the county and the appeals court affirmed, finding that the policy which excluded all material containing frontal nudity was reasonably related to legitimate penological interests of maintaining jail security, rehabilitating inmates and reducing sexual harassment of female detention officers. According to the court, the policy was neutral in that jail administrators drew a distinction based solely on the basis of the materials' potential effect on the jail. and was not so remote as to render the policy arbitrary or irrational. The court noted that the jail's goal of rehabilitation was legitimate only as it applied to convicted inmates housed at the jail, and was 32.73 not a legitimate goal to the extent that it was attempting to impose rehabilitation on pretrial detainees. <Maricopa County Jail System, Arizona) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Olabisiomotosho v. City of Hudson, 185 F.3d 521 (5th Cir. 1999). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action alleging she suffered damages because of negligence, cruel and unusual punishment, and deliberate denial of medical treatment for her asthma. The district court granted summary judgment for all defendants. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the detainee failed to show that her medical needs were "serious" while she was in custody, and that officers were not deliberately indifferent to her medical needs. (City of Houston, Texas) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Peters v. City of Biloxi, Mississippi, 57 F.Supp.2d 366 (S.D.Miss. 1999). An arrestee brought a § 1983 claim challenging the use of force during his arrest. The district court found that the arresting officer's conduct in handcuffing, shackling and verbally harassing the arrestee was objectively reasonable and was not clearly excessive. The court noted that there was no evidence that the officer hit or otherwise physically injured the arrestee. (City of Biloxi, MS) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS FAILURE TO PROTECT SANITATION Preval v. Reno, 57 F.Supp.2d 307 (E.D.Va. 1999). A detainee of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) filed a prose action under§ 1983 alleging violation of his constitutional rights. The district court found that loud noise, constant light, bad odor and low room temperature could not be characterized as ''punishment" unrelated to the detainee's detention. The district court also found that the detainee failed to state a due process claim based on INS staff failure to protect him from an assault by another inmate, where there was no allegation that any official or staff member was aware of the potential for the specific altercation before it took place. <Piedmont Regional Jail, Virginia, under contract to the Immigration and Naturalization Service) U.S. Appeals Court INTAKE SCREENING MEDICAL CARE FALSE IMPRISON· MENT/ARREST Qian v. Kautz, 168 F.3d 949 (7th Cir. 1999). An arrestee brought a civil rights action alleging arrest without probable cause, and wrongful denial of adequate medical treatment. The district court entered summary judgment for the defendants and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court atrrrmed in part, and reversed and remanded in part. According to the court, "when the events leading to this lawsuit began to unfold, ambiguous behavior combined with a severe language barrier led to the arrest" of the plaintiff. After his initial arrest, police determined that he could be released, but "because he did not want to pay for a hotel room, they then re-arrested him, consigned him to the drunk tank, and failed to recognize that he was suffering from a serious medical condition." The sheriff's department translator spoke the wrong Chinese dialect, making communication very difficult. The appeals court held that summary judgment on the wrongful arrest claim was precluded by fact questions as to whether a second arrest, without probable cause, occurred when the arrestee refused to book a room at a hotel and a police officer took him back into custody and brought him to a local jail. The court held that while the initial arrest for driving while intoxicated was supported by probable cause, whether the police officer actually took the arrestee into "protective custody" for his own safety rather than arresting him was an issue of fact precluding summary judgment. The court noted that state law permits an officer to take into custody someone who appears to be mentally ill and who may present a danger to himself or others, but such involuntary incarcerations must meet requirements that include a medical assessment of the detainee's condition and approval by a judge. The appeals court atl"irmed summary judgment for the defendants on the medical care claim, noting that absent evidence that county sheriffs' officials actually knew of the arrestee's medical condition, they could not be held liable. (LaPorte County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court COMMISSARY DISCIPLINE PUNISHMENT RELIGION SEGREGATION Rapier v. Harris, 172 F.3d 999 (7th Cir. 1999). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff, county jail employees and a police detective claiming constitutional violations during his detention. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that although it is permissible to punish a pretrial detainee for misconduct while in pretrial custody, that punishment can be imposed only after affording the detainee some sort of procedural protection. The defendants had kept the detainee in segregation as punishment for his conduct while confined, but he did not receive a written notice or a hearing, or any other process. His misconduct continued while he was in solitary confinement, resulting in a variety of interdepartmental reports and memoranda, and he remained there for 270 consecutive days. During this time his phone and commissary privileges were suspended for periods of time, he was denied writing materials, he received no access to recreational facilities, and he was denied showers and personal hygiene items. But the appeals court held that the detainee was not deprived of "anything necessary for his sustenance." The appeals court granted qualified immunity to the defendants, finding that the law was not sufficiently clear at the time to apprise the sheriff and employees that procedural safeguards were required. The court also held that the detainee's free exercise rights were not violated when he was denied his request for a pork free meal on three occasions, noting that it appeared that the denial was based on the unavailability of a non-pork meal and was at most a de minimis infringement in light of the more than 810 meals that were served to the detainee during his confinement. (Vigo County Jail, Indiana) U.S. District Court PUNISHMENT DISCIPLINE Resnick v. Adams, 37 F.Supp.2d 1154 (C.D.Cal. 1999). A presentence detainee filed a habeas corpus petition alleging that 27 days of good time credit were unlawfully taken from him as a sanction for violating a prison regulation. He petitioned to have the 27 days restored. The district 32.74 court dismissed the petition, finding that denial of good time credit as a sanction for violating a prison regulation during a detainee's presentence incarceration was not prohibited, if the sanction is not excessive in light of the seriousness of the violation. While detained in a federal detention center a routine drug screening had detected morphine in the detainee's urine. (Federal Detention Center at Dublin, California, and United States Penitentiary at Lompoc, California) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE CROWDING EXERCISE Robeson v. Squadrito, 57 F.Supp.2d 642 (N.D.Ind. 1999). Inmates brought an action against a county and jail officials alleging violations of their Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the conditions of confinement in the overly-crowded jail did not rise to the level of deprivations of"the minimal civilized measures of life's necessities." The court found that the officials' failure to give an inmate his high blood pressure medication for 36 hours was not deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs given there was no evidence he was denied the medication out of anything approaching a total unconcern for his welfare, and the inmate did not suffer any injury or harm. The court also found that the failure of jail officials to give the inmate his hypoglycemic diet was not deliberate indifference where the inmate's blood sugar was tested daily in accordance with his physician's order, and no special diet was ordered because his sugar levels were normal. According to the court, the cumulative conditions of confinement in the crowded county jail did not rise to the level of deprivations required to find an Eighth Amendment violation, even though the inmate was required to sleep on a thin mattress on the floor, had one shower, was assaulted by another inmate, was not taken to a gymnasium, was given small servings of food, and was initially denied an "indigent pack" of hygiene items. The court noted that the inmate had a blanket, clean sheets, functional toilets, sinks, drinking fountain and television, he exercised in the cell, and he did not suffer any injury as a result of the assault. CAllen County Jail, Indiana) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act EXERCISE SANITATION MEDICAL CARE SEGREGATION Roop v. Squadrito, 70 F.Supp.2d 868 (N.D.Ind. 1999). An inmate who was HIV-positive and incarcerated in a county jail on an outstanding arrest warrant brought a§ 1983 claim and a claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) against county officials. The district court denied summary summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that evidence raised an issue of material fact as to whether the inmate's medical condition required that he be treated differently from other inmates in jail, in violation of ADA The inmate had informed jailers that he was HIV-positive upon his arrival at the jail and he was given an initial medical assessment. According to the inmate, he was told that because of"your medical condition, and you having AIDS, you're going to be locked down." He was initially housed by himself in an old shower room, which had a working shower but no flushable toilet. After five days he was moved to a solitary cell located close to the jail's command module, where there was no toilet or shower in the cell The court found that the fact that the inmate was required to sleep on a floor mattress for an extended period of time and was not provided with a bunk while detained in the jail was not a constitutional deprivation under the Eighth Amendment. The court also found no constitutional violation in the alleged lack of ability to exercise while in the county jail, since he could have done sit·ups or push·ups in his cell and was only in jail for 30 days. No violation was found regarding the inmate's complaint that he was not able to take showers more often while confined because the court held that the deprivation of"a mere cultural amenity" is not cruel and unusual punishment. The inmate's complaints about sanitation, including dirt on the floor of his cell, were not found to be a constitutional violation. However, the court found that the alleged deprivations and violations, when taken together, constituted a violation of his Eighth Amendment rights, precluding summary judgment for the jail officials. (Allen County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE USE OF FORCE Ruvalcaba v. City of Los Angeles, 167 F.3d 514 (9th Cir. 1999). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action against a city, police chief, police officer, and physician alleging excessive force during his arrest and deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. The court entered judgment against the police officer upon jury verdict, granted a directed motion for the physician, and dismissed the remaining claims. The district court found that the physician's failure to take the arrestee's medical history while treating him at the jail, and his failure to diagnose the arrestee's broken ribs, did not establish a claim of deliberate indifference under § 1983. The arrestee was brought to a jail dispensary for treatment after he was arrested. He was moaning, almost incoherent, and complained of severe pain in his chest. The jail physician did not take a medical history. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that whether the officer's use of force was in furtherance of the city's allegedly unconstitutional dog-bite policy was an issue for the jury for the purposes of the arrestee's claims against the city and the chief. The court noted that although the arrestee could not recover further compensatory damages from the city or the chief, nominal damages were available. (City of Los Angeles, California) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Samuel v. City of Chicago. 41 F.Supp.2d 801 (N.D.Ill. 1999). A detainee sued a city alleging excessive use of force and denial of medical care. The district court denied the defendants' motion to dismiss, in part, finding that the detainee stated a conspiracy claim against two police who removed him from his vehicle and allegedly beat him and took him to the station house. The court also held that the detainee stated a claim that the police showed deliberate indifference to his medical needs, where the detainee alleged that he was denied insulin over an 11 hour period of confinement at the police station house, even though he informed the police he was a diabetic. The detainee allegedly suffered an aggravation of his pre-existing heart condition and diabetic condition as a result of the City's actions. The detainee also allegedly suffered contusions, 32.75 lacerations and other injuries about his legs, abdomen and chest. He remained at a local hospitals for six weeks. (Fourth District Police Station, City of Chicago, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE SUPERVISION Sanders v. Howze, 177 F.3d 1245 (11th Cir. 1999). The administrix o.f a detainee's estate sued jailers alleging violation of the detainee's Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights arising from the detainee's suicide in jail. The district court denied summary judgment for the jailers and they appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded with directions. The appeals court held that the jailers were entitled to qualified immunity, absent any preexisting Eleventh Circuit caselaw clearly establishing that the suicide prevention measures taken by the jailers were so inadequate as to constitute deliberate indifference. Several weeks after he was arrested and placed in the jail, the detainee removed a razor blade from a disposable razor and cut his left wrist. Following jail policies, staff transported the detainee to a local hospital's emergency room for treatment and evaluation. He was then transferred to a state hospital where he remained for several months. He returned to the jail and was placed in the general population where two days later he used a pencil to reopen his wrist wound. He was treated at the local hospital and returned to the jail the same day, where he was placed in an isolation cell near the jailers' office to prevent his access to items that might be used to injure himself. The next day he reopened the wound, was treated at the hospital, and returned to the isolation cell. He was transferred to a state hospital for several weeks and was placed in an isolation upon his return. The state hospital gave no special instructions concerning his care. The county petitioned the court for a psychiatric evaluation of the detainee but before the evaluation could be conducted the detainee was found dead, hanging from a light fixture in his cell by a bedsheet. Two jailers were on duty the night the detainee died but they did not detect his death for four to six hours after it occurred, despite a jail policy requiring lights in isolation cells to remain on at all times and for inmates in isolation are to be visually monitored every 30 minutes. <Dougherty County Jail, Georgia) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Shain v. Ellison, 53 F.Supp.2d 564 (E.D.N.Y. 1999). A detainee sued a county challenging its policy of strip searching all detainees regardless of the nature of the crime for which they were detained. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the detainee, finding that the Fourth Amendment prohibited strip searches in the absence of reasonable suspicion that a detainee was concealing weapons or other contraband. The court held that the county's policy violated the Fourth Amendment and that a qualified immunity defense was not available as the unconstitutionality of the practice was known for years. (Nassau County Corr'l Center, New York) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MEDICAL CARE Snell v. DeMello, 44 F.Supp.2d 386 (D.Mass. 1999). A jail inmate brought a§ 1983 suit against a sheriff and various prison officials alleging failure to protect him from an attack by another inmate. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants finding that the inmate failed to state a claim for supervisory liability and that the defendants provided adequate medical care. The court noted that the inmate was immediately treated after the attack by the another inmate, the next day he was again treated by a physician and three days later was taken to a hospital for X-rays which showed no injury. The inmate had allegedly reported being threatened by other inmates but the court held that the inmate failed to show that the sheriff, prison superintendent or state commissioner for corrections either knew of a substantial risk to the inmate or harbored a subjective belief that he faced potential injury from other inmates. The inmate testified that he had conversations with the sheriff and jail administrator in which he indicated that he had received threats of bodily harm from other inmates and that he sent a letter through the internal mail system addressed to the sheriff and others asking to be moved to an alternate housing unit "to prevent any further aggression or physical assault." (Barnstable County Jail and House of Correction, Massachusetts) U.S. Appeals Court TRANSPORT RESTRAINTS PROTECTION Spencer v. Knapheide Truck Equipment Co., 183 F.3d 902 (8th Cir. 1999). A pretrial detainee who had suffered injuries that rendered him quadriplegic after he was placed with his hands cuffed behind his back in a police transport vehicle, and was thrown forward into the bulkhead of the passenger compartment, brought a § 1983 action against city officials. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that neither the purchase of patrol wagons which lacked safety restraints, nor the manner of transporting arrestees in those wagons, showed deliberate indifference to the rights of the pretrial detainee. (Kansas City Police Department, Missouri) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Tapp v. Banks, 72 F.Supp.2d 739 (E.D.Ky. 1999). An arrestee brought a civil rights action against state police officers and county jail officials, alleging that he was denied proper medical care for an injury to his knee. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, ruling that the fact that the arrestee remained in the county jail for 20 days with a broken patella did not amount to deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. The court noted that the arrestee was taken to a hospital after his arrest, that the hospital did not diagnose any knee problems, and that the arrestee subsequently did not ask to see a physician. (Perry County Jail, Kentucky) U.S. District Court SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE Thornton v. City of Montgomery. 78 F.Supp.2d 1218 (M.D.Ala. 1999). The relatives of a jail inmate who committed suicide while in custody filed a wrongful death action. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that the jail officials' failure to prevent the suicide did not violate sections 1985 and 1986 and that the city could not be held liable under § 1983. The court found that whether the jail officials handled the inmate under a mental health policy or under their suicide risk policy, they were no less diligent and were adequately trained in both 32.76 policies. The court found that the city and the jail officials were not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's medical needs. The court held that the officials were not liable for failing to train jail officers and staff. The detainee died of asphyxiation and a spoon was found in his mouth. He had been placed in a cell reserved for inmates with mental health problems after he repeatedly claimed he was going to die during the admission process. (Montgomery City Jail, Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court WORK Tourscher v. McCullough, 184 F.3d 236 (3rd Cir. 1999). A detainee brought a prose§ 1983 action against state prison officials alleging that his constitutional rights were violated by being compelled to work in a prison cafeteria while he was a pretrial detainee. He also alleged he was denied meaningful access to courts by being compelled to work in the cafeteria while preparing an appeal from his conviction. The detainee asserted that he was entitled to compensation pursuant to the minimum wage provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The district court dismissed the complaints. The appeals court held that the detainee failed to state a claim for meaningful access to court, and that prisoners and pretrial detainees who perform intra·prison work are not entitled to minimum wages under FLSA. (Pennsylvania Department of Corrections) U.S. Appeals Court GRIEVANCE ACCESS TO COURT Trobaugh v. Hall, 176 F.3d 1087 (8th Cir. 1999). An inmate brought a § 1983 action against county officials alleging violation of his First Amendment right to petition for the redress of grievances was violated when he was placed in administrative segregation for filing repeated grievances. The district court entered summary judgment for the jail administrator and awarded $1 nominal damages against the deputy. The inmate appealed and the appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that the district court abused its discretion by awarding only $1 in compensatory damages, which was "patently insufficient" to compensate for the injury suffered by the inmate by being placed in segregation. The appeals court also held that the deputy who placed the inmate in segregation was potentially subject to punitive damages for his conduct. The inmate had filed a grievance to contest his transportation to court early and when it was denied he filed a second grievance which was also denied. The inmate filed a third grievance challenging the apparent lack of an appeal process, which was also denied. The day after his third grievance was denied he was awakened at 12:30 a.m. and was escorted to an isolation cell (Linn County Correctional Center, Iowa) U.S. District Court BAIL REFORM ACT BAIL U.S. v. Battle, 59 F.Supp.2d 17 (D.D.C. 1999). In a criminal proceeding the district court held that a defendant who had a history of committing crimes while on pretrial release represented a serious risk of flight and was thus subject to pretrial detention. The court noted that the defendant had been convicted of two violations of the Bail Reform Act for failing to appear when required. (U.S. District Court, District of Columbia) U.S. District Court SPEEDY TRIAL BAIL REFORM ACT U.S. v. Enriguez, 35 F.Supp.2d CD.Puerto Rico 1999). A defendant challenged his pretrial detention and sought dismissal of his indictment alleging failure to comply with speedy trial requirements. The district court held that the defendant should be detained, noting that his alleged offense was serious and was punishable by up to life imprisonment, the weight of evidence against him was strong, and although he had family ties he also had a prior record of seven felonies. The court also found that the defendant's Sixth Amendment speedy trial rights were not violated, even though the earliest trial date was in July 1997, and the trial had not commenced as of January 1999. (United States District Court, Puerto Rico) U.S. District Court PRIVACY U.S. v. Heatley, 41 F.Supp.2d 284 (S.D.N.Y. 1999). A pretrial detainee moved to suppress evidence seized from his nonlegal correspondence. The district court denied the motion, finding that although the detainee had an expectation of privacy in his nonlegal mail, the evidence was secured under a valid warrant. The court noted that even though the detainee had signed a form acknowledging that prison staff could open and read his general correspondence, the detainee was not "signing away any remnant of protection the law otherwise might have afforded him." <Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York) MAIL U.S.Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE U.S. v. Morgan, 193 F.3d 252 (4th Cir. 1999). A pretrial detainee who was found incompetent to stand trial sought a review of an administrative order that permitted medical personnel to forcibly treat the detainee with antipsychotic medication. The district court upheld the order and the detainee appealed. The appeals court vacated the order and remanded the case. The appeals court found that the detainee was not entitled to an evidentiary hearing before the district court before being forcibly medicated, but that remand was required to determine whether a correctional officer had sufficient education and experience to act as the detainee's staff representative. According to the appeals court, medical personnel had an affirmative obligation to ensure that the detainee was represented by a qualified staff member. (United States Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, Springfield, Missouri) U.S. District Court PRIVACY SEARCHES U.S. v. Rollack, 90 F.Supp.2d 263 (S.D.N.Y. 1999). A defendant moved to suppress evidence seized in prison mail and cell searches that occurred during his pretrial detention. The district court held that the defendant had a reasonable expectation of privacy in his prison mail when a search is performed or initiated by law enforcement officials other than those in charge of a prison and is unrelated to institutional security concerns. The court noted that a prisoner had a reasonable expectation to privacy in his mail as to searches that did not target concealed weapons, drugs orother items clearly related to security inside the prison. The court held that seizure of letters from his jail cell and mail was valid despite the overbreadth of warrants that authorized seizure. The 32.77 court found that seizure of non·mail writings and photographs from the defendant's cell was invalid. (Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Central Jail, North Carolina) U.S. District Court HOME DETENTION U.S. v. Rudisill, 43 F.Supp.2d 1 CD.D.C. 1999). A detainee who had been committed to the custody of the U.S. Department of Justice was brutally attacked by eight other inmates while detained at the Central Detention Facility of the District of Columbia Department of Corrections. He remained comatose in a hospital for nearly a month and was eventually released to his mother's care for outpatient treatment under a home detention program. The federal district court determined that the detainee was no longer competent to stand trial and that he would not become competent in the foreseeable future. The court noted that the detainee appeared to have benefitted from his home confinement. (District of Columbia Central Detention Facility) U.S. Appea1s Court USE OF FORCE PUNISHMENT U.S. v. Walsh, 194 F.3d 37 (2nd Cir. 1999). A corrections officer who was convicted of violating an inmate's constitutional rights appealed his conviction on three counts of violating 18 U.S.C. § 42, that makes it a criminal act to willfully deprive a person of rights protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States while acting under the color of law. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the officer's acts constituted punishment and rose to the level of a constitutional violation. The corrections officer was found to have stepped on an inmate's penis and to have perpetrated other assaults on inmates. The officer, who was six feet two inches tall and weighed over 300 pounds, instructed an inmate to kneel and put his penis on a horizontal bar of his cell, and then stood with his full weight on the penis for a few seconds. The court concluded that the officer was acting under the color of state law, noting that the officer was "on duty and in full uniform, was acting within his authority to supervise and care for inmates under his watch when the assaults occurred." (Orleans County Jail, New York) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Weaver v. Tipton County. Tenn., 41 F.Supp.2d 779 (W.D.Tenn. 1999). The administrix of the estate of a detainee who had died of alcohol withdrawal while in a county jail brought a § 1983 action against county officials alleging deliberate indifference to the deceased detainee's medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment, in part, in favor of the defendants. The district court held that the protections of the Eighth Amendment do not attach to pretrial detainees and that the Captain of the jail was not deliberately indifferent to the needs of the detainee by failing to act when he was left in a single·occupancy cell with no medical care. The court also held that jail supervisors were not liable for failure to supervise their subordinates. The court noted that the jail Captain had no contact with the detainee during his incarceration and knew nothing about the incarceration until after the detainee's death, and that the supervisors did not implicitly authorize, approve or acquiesce in their subordinates' failure to provide medical treatment to the detainee. According to the court, the jailers' failure to provide medical care to the detainee over the course of six days was not a pattern of unconstitutional conduct. The court cited hundreds of other instances in which other inmates received medical attention. But the court denied summary judgment for the sheriff and the county, finding that it was precluded by issues of fact as to whether their failure to ensure that adequate staffing, medical training, and supervision policies were in place and were enforced. (Tipton County Jail, Tennessee) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE PROTECTION Wilson v. City of Chanute, 43 F.Supp.2d 1202 CD.Kan. 1999). The parents of a detainee who died of a drug overdose shortly after being released from police custody brought a § 1983 action alleging conspiracy and violations of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. The defendants moved for summary judgment, which was granted in part and denied in part by the district court. The court held that the police officers were not entitled to qualified immunity because there was sufficient evidence of deliberate indifference to the detainee's serious medical needs. The court also held that there was sufficient evidence that the police chief failed to properly direct or supervise officers. Summary judgment was also denied for the city because the court found fact questions as to whether municipal policy or custom was the moving force behind the officers' alleged violation of the detainee's due process rights. The court found sufficient evidence to create an inference that two police officers and a detective had agreed to deprive the detainee of his due process rights by releasing him rather than providing medical treatment, for the purposes of a § 1983 conspiracy claim. (City of Chanute, Kansas) 2000 U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Adams v. Franklin, 111 F.Supp.2d 1255 (M.D.Ala. 2000). A county jail detainee brought a§ 1983 action against county officials alleging he was denied medical treatment for two hours after he complained about symptoms manifesting an imminent heart attack. The district court found that the officials were not entitled to qualified immunity because the detainee's right to medical care was clearly established at the time of the violation. But the district court found that the Eleventh Amendment provided absolute immunity to sheriff department personnel in this § 1983 action because they were deemed to be executive officers of the state under state law. (Elmore County Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court GRIEVANCE A.N.R. Ex Rel. Reed v. Caldwell, 111 F.Supp.2d 1294 (M.D.Ala. 2000). A 16·year-old detainee at a county jail sued the sheriff alleging inadequate provision of educational programs. The district court dismissed the case, finding that the detainee failed to comply with the exhaustion requirement of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA). (Tallapoosa County Jail, Alabama) 32.78 U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Anderson v. Simon, 217 F.3d 472 (T1' Cir. 2000). A widow of a county prisoner brought a§ 1983 action against a prosecutor alleging that he violated the prisoner's Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights by failing to approve charges against him and ordering police to keep him in custody until a lineup could be arranged, leading to his death from suicide. The district court dismissed the action and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the prosecutor was absolutely immune from the claim predicated on a delay in charging. The prisoner had been held in a police lockup pending charging. During the night the prisoner began to experience heroin withdrawal symptoms and told officers on duty that he was becoming depressed and wanted to kill himself. A lineup was held the next afternoon and the prisoner was found dead in his cell. hanging from a noose, early that evening. (25th District Police Station, Chicago, Illinois) U.S. District Court PUNISHMENT Benjamin v. Kerik. 102 F.Supp.2d 157 (S.D.N.Y. 2000). Corrections officials who had entered into consent decrees governing the conditions of New York City jails moved for immediate termination of the decrees under the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA). The district court terminated provisions of the decree that addressed several operational issues. The court held that city jail officials did not inflict punishment upon pretrial detainees by subjecting them to restrictive housing, because disciplinary due process was required within 72 hours of an infraction leading to the housing assignment. The court found that jail practices with respect to inmate correspondence did not constitute a current and ongoing violation of federal court relief under the provisions of PLRA, where mail was transmitted in a timely manner, without intrusion on the property rights of the inmates and occasional problems were only isolated incidents of negligence. (New York City Department of Corrections) U.S. District Court COMMISSARY GRIEVANCE Bowman v. City of Middletown, 91 F.Supp.2d 644 (S.D.N.Y. 2000). An arrestee who was held for 19 days on suspicion of murder brought a § 1983 action alleging false arrest, malicious prosecution and civil rights violations while confined. The district court held that denial of commissary privileges for five days was not a due process violation, especially since the only deprivation suffered was the inability to order cigarettes, which was the sole item the detainee desired from the commissary. The court found that the jail superintendent was entitled to qualified immunity from liability for his decision to have the pretrial detainee shackled when outside of his cell based on the wording of the note that the detainee had sent to the superintendent complaining of his loss of commissary privileges, because the right to complain to prison administrators was not clearly established. The note asked "[who] do you think you are" and promised "I will see you or whomever in court." (Orange County Jail, New York) U.S. Appeals Court CELLS CONDITIONS Brown v. Bargery. 207 F.3d 863 (61h Cir. 2000). An inmate sought permission to proceed in forma pauperis in his § 1983 action that alleged violation of his Eighth Amendment rights because his sleeping bunk was installed upside down causing him to slide off and land on the concrete floor, and that anchor bolts that fastened the bunk to the wall improperly protruded into the sleeping area posing a potential for injury. The district court denied the inmate's motion finding the action to be frivolous, and the inmate appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that the inmate's claims could conceivably implicate an Eighth Amendment concern. (Hardeman County Correctional Facility, Tennessee) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE INTAKE SCREENING Butler v. Coitsville Tp. Police Dept., 93 F.Supp.2d 862 (N.D.Ohio 2000). The administrator of a deceased detainee's estate brought a § 1983 action alleging that the detainee's rights were violated by his arrest and detention. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and dismissed state law claims without prejudice. The district court found that the detainee's slurred speech and unsteadiness during his arrest did not make the potential for an alcohol seizure so obvious as to permit the inference that the arresting officer or other law .enforcement officers acted with deliberate indifference to the detainee's medical needs. The court noted that although the detainee may have appeared intoxicated, he never complained of physical distress, he signed a medical form stating that he suffered no medical ailment other than "bad knees" and he explicitly stated that he typically suffered no ill effects when he ceased drinking alcohol. The detainee had refused to submit to any sobriety tests and was processed at a township police station. He was then transported to a jail and was placed in a detention cell after completing intake and booking procedures. Seventeen hours after his admission the detainee suffered an alcohol withdrawal seizure in his cell, falling and sustaining a serious head injury. He was immediately taken to a hospital where he died three days later. <Mahoning County Jail, Ohio) U.S. District Court SEPARATION PROTECTION Burciaga v. County of Lenawee, 123 F.Supp.2d 1076 (E.D.Mich. 2000). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against county officials, alleging harm as the result of housing him with an assaultive prisoner. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that the county did not violate the detainee's due process rights by housing him with another detainee or by improperly classifying both inmates as medium·security inmates. Both inmates had been previously incarcerated for assault. (Lenawee County Jail, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court MENTAL HEALTH Charles W. v. Maul, 214 F.3d 350 (2 nd Cir. 2000). A prisoner who had been confined for up to 72 hours after he was found incompetent to stand trial on a misdemeanor charge to allow for a determination of the need for a civil commitment brought a § 1983 action. The district court dismissed the action and the prisoner appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded. The appeals court held that the confinement did not violate the prisoner's due process rights but that the prisoner had an equal protection right not to receive treatment that was more onerous than 32.79 that given to candidates for civil commitment. (New York State Office of Mental Health} U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Chavez v. Cady, 207 F.3d 901 (7th Cir. 2000). A former pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a sheriff, jail administrator, correctional officers and nurse practitioner who supervised the jail clinic, alleging deliberate indifference to his medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed and remanded in part. The appeals court held that issues of fact precluded summary judgment for the nurse practitioner and the correctional officers. According to the court, the actions of the nurse practitioner in the treatment of the detainee who had a ruptured appendix may have represented a substantial departure from accepted professional judgment. The appeals court also found that the correctional officers may have been deliberately indifferent by failing to follow the directives of the nurse practitioner. The court noted that the county jail did not have its own written manual of policies for operation of the jail but rather relied on the Illinois County Jail Standards which are issued by the Illinois Department of Corrections. (Henry County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Cornelia v. Laib, 117 F.Supp.2d 754 (N.D.Ill. 2000). A detainee alleged that medical personnel were deliberately indifferent to his diabetic condition. The district court granted partial summary judgment to the defendants, finding that a nurse did not display deliberate indifference by declining to send the detainee to a hospital, and a physician was not deliberately indifferent by not authorizing the administration of insulin. The court noted that the nurse took the detainee's vital signs and monitored his blood sugar level while she attempted to confirm the details of his insulin regimen. The physician had refused to authorize the administration of insulin until the detainee's insulin regimen could be confirmed. (Correctional Medical Services, Will County Adult Detention Facility, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION SUPERVISION Daskalea v. District of Columbia, 227 F.3d 433 (D.C.Cir. 2000). A former District of Columbia jail inmate who had been forced to perform a striptease in front of other prisons and male and female guards, sued the District and corrections officials for§ 1983 violations. The district court entered a jury verdict awarding $350,000 in compensatory and $5 million in punitive damages, and denied the defendants' motion for judgment as a matter of law. The appeals court atl'"irmed in part and reversed in part. The appeals court held that the $350,000 award for mental and emotional distress resulting from the§ 1983 violation was reasonable, but that the former inmate was not entitled to punitive damages from the District for negligent supervision, because District law bars the imposition of such awards against the District. The mental and emotional distress award was supported, according to the court, by the fact that the inmate was denied library assistance because she refused to have sex with the librarian, she was attacked with the assistance of correctional officers, she was confined in isolation without underwear or a mattress, she felt constant stress, anxiety and dread of imminent sexual attack, she had to sleep during the day for fear of what guards might do to her at night, she suffered from insomnia and eating disorders, and spent months emotionally and psychologically debilitated, withdrawn and depressed. The appeals court agreed with the jury finding that the District's failure to train or supervise jail employees amounted to deliberate indifference toward the female inmate's constitutional rights, so that the District was liable under § 1983. The court noted that seven months prior to this incident the district court had found the District liable under § 1983 for being deliberately indifferent to repeated sexual abuse and harassment of female prisoners by correctional officers and for failing to train staff to prevent such misconduct. According to the court, the fact that the District jail officers sought to conceal the incident did not insulate the District from § 1983 liability based on its deliberate indifference. (District of Columbia Jail) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE DeGenova v. Sheriff of DuPage County. 209 F.3d 973 (-ri, Cir. 2000). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action against a sheriff in his official capacity alleging Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment violations. The district court denied the sheriffs motion to dismiss and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the sheriff was a county officer when he managed the jail, and was thus not entitled to Eleventh Amendment immunity. According to the court, under Illinois law the sheriff had final policymaking authority over jail operations, was designated as a county officer by the state constitution, and the sheriff was required as warden of the jail to notify the county board if he decided that the jail was insufficient to secure prisoners. The arrestee told arresting officers that he suffered from a serious cardiac condition that required medication but they did not provide him with medical treatment even though they saw him holding his chest. The arrestee did not receive his medication until his release the next day. (DuPage County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Douglas v. Stanwick, 93 F.Supp.2d 320 (W.D.N.Y. 2000). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a jail physician and nurse alleging that he received inadequate medical care when he was denied narcotic pain medication. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that the prisoner did not show sufficient culpability on either the physician or nurse's part to support his Fourteenth Amendment claim. The court noted that a mere disagreement over proper medical treatment does not create a constitutional claim. The jail physician had instructed the nurse to hold the detainee's narcotic prescription from an outside doctor until nurses could determine if non·narcotic pain control medications would adequately address the detainee's hand pain. (Monroe County Jail, New York) 32.80 U.S. Appeals Court FALSE IMPRISONMENT Dry v. U.S., 235 F.3d 1249 (10th Cir. 2000). Members of an Indian tribe brought a§ 1983 and Federal Tort Claims Act against tribal law enforcement officers who allegedly committed torts when arresting them. The district court dismissed the claims and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that city jailers did not violate the constitutional rights of tribal members by detaining them, in accordance with cross·deputization agreements with the tribe, based on the representations of tribal law enforcement officers that offenses had been committed. The court noted that the jailers had no constitutional duty to question the tribal officers as to their probable cause for arrest, to verify the validity of the grounds for detention under tribal law, or to conduct an independent constitutional or historical analysis to determine whether the tribe's assertion of jurisdiction over the detainees was legitimate. (City of Talihina and City of Clayton, Oklahoma) U.S. Appeals Court DISCIPLINE Edwards v. Johnson, 209 F.3d 772 (5th Cir. 2000). A detainee alleged he was deprived of his due process and First Amendment rights when he was given fifteen days of disciplinary segregation after being found to have had unauthorized contact with a member of the general public by handing a flier to a visitor without permission. The district court dismissed the detainee's actions and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the detainee's 11·day pre-hearing detention and 15-day disciplinary detention did not violate the detainee's due process rights. The detainee had handed a member of a group who was touring the prison a note that stated "Welcome to Louisiana, home of the INS Terrorist-Styled Concentration Camp where all constitutional rights are dispensed solely on the basis of national origin." (Federal Detention Center, Oakdale, Louisiana) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Estate of Novack Ex Rel. Turbin v. County of Wood, 226 F.3d 525 (7th Cir. 2000). The estate and mother of an inmate who committed suicide filed a § 1983 action against a county. The district court granted summary judgment to the county and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that mere knowledge that an inmate is behaving violently or "acting in a 'freaky' manner" is not sufficient to impute an awareness of a substantial risk of suicide for Eighth Amendment purposes. The court found that jail personnel were not subjectively aware that the inmate posed a high risk of suicide and there was not a pattern of suicides that led to the inference that the county was aware that policies for treating mentally ill inmates were inadequate and chose to do nothing. (Wood County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Frake v. City of Chicago, 210 F.3d 779 (71h Cir. 2000). The administrator for the estate of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide in a police lockup sued the city in state court and under § 1983. After removing the action the city moved for summary judgment, which the district court granted. The appeals court affll'med, finding that the city was not deliberately indifferent to the welfare of pretrial detainees. According to the court, even though the city continued to place detainees in cells containing horizontal metal bars despite past suicides by detainees using the bars, there was no evidence that anyone had knowledge that this detainee was suicidal. The court noted that the facility used a thorough screening process and took precautions to protect detainees from the risk of suicide, facility personnel received suicide awareness training, cells were checked every fifteen minutes··which "far exceeds" the hourly checks required in state municipal jail standards, dangerous items were removed the detainees' possession, and cell construction was authorized by state standards. (District 12 Chicago Police Department lockup) U.S. Appeals Court RESTRAINTS PRE-SENTENCE DETENTION Fuentes v. Wagner, 206 F.3d 335 (3rd Cir. 2000). An inmate who had been detained in a county prison while awaiting sentencing sued corrections officers and prison officials under § 1983 for the alleged use of excessive force. A district court jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendants and the inmate appealed. The appeals court aff1rmed, finding that whether the inmate was placed in a restraint chair to stop his disruptive behavior and maintain prison order or for purposes of punishment was a jury question and that placement of the inmate in a restraint chair for eight hours did not violate substantive due process under the Eighth Amendment. The court noted that the inmate was not kept in the chair any longer than was authorized, his physical condition was checked every fifteen minutes and he was released every two hours for ten minutes to allow stretching, exercise, and use of the toilet. He was examined by a nurse at the end of the eight-hour period. According to the court, an inmate awaiting sentencing had the same status under the Constitution as a pretrial detainee and the Due Process Clause protected him from the use of excessive force amounting to punishment. (Berks County Prison, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court SUICIDE ATTEMPT USE OF FORCE Garcia v. City of Boston, 115 F.Supp.2d 74 (D.Mass. 2000). A pretrial detainee brought an action against a city, a hospital and the hospital's emergency psychiatric services program, alleging excessive force and denial of medical and psychological care. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The detainee had been arrested by the city police following a domestic disturbance and was taken to a police station where he was booked and placed in a cell. That evening the detainee made an apparent attempt to commit suicide by cutting his left wrist with the aluminum top of a juice container that had been given to him with his dinner. An ambulance was summoned but the detainee refused treatment. He was placed on the suicide list at the station and handcuffed to a bar on the wall iq the booking area, where he could be closely monitored. The following evening the detainee again attempted to commit suicide when he obtained a book of matches and set fll'e to his own c)pthing while still handcuffed to the bar. He sustained burns and was taken to a hospital. Hospiqtl personnel explored various mental health alternatives for the detainee but he was eventually returned to the police station and handcuffed to the bar, where he lit his shirt on fll'e fifteen minutes after returning from the hospital. The 32.81 detainee's clothes were taken away and he remained in the booking area. Later that day the detainee pulled an officer's gun out of its holster, shot the officer and another prisoner, and was then shot by another officer. The district court held that the officials and hospital staff were not negligent in their failure to place the detainee in a state mental facility since the detainee was not eligible for placement while charges were pending. The court also held that firing of a gun at the detainee was not an excessive use of force because there was a clear need for the use of force, only one round was fired, and the detainee sustained only a limited injury. (Boston Police Department, Area B, District 2 Police Station, Massachusetts) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Jacobs v. West Feliciana Sheriffs Dept., 228 F.3d 388 (5th Cir. 2000). Survivors of an arrestee who had committed suicide brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff's department and against the sheriff and deputies. The district court denied individual defendants' motions to dismiss on the ground of qualified immunity and they appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded the case. The appeals court held that the sheriff and senior deputy, who knew of a prior suicide under similar circumstances, could have been found to have acted with deliberate indifference to the arrestee's known suicidal tendencies, but that a newly-hired deputy who only followed orders which were not facially outrageous, was entitled to qualified immunity. The arrestee had been placed in a cell that had a significant blind spot and tie off points, and was provided with a blanket and towel even though a prior detainee had hanged himself in the same cell under similar circumstances. The female arrestee had been brought to the local jail by state troopers who informed jail employees that she had tried to kill herself when she was apprehended. She was placed in a "detox" cell which is used to house inmates who are intoxicated, who need to be isolated for security reasons, or who are designated for placement on a suicide watch. The arrestee was placed on a suicide watch, but the cell could be completely observed only if an officer viewed it from an adjacent hallway. The following evening the arrestee was discovered hanging from a light fixture in the cell, having not been observed by jail staff for as many as 45 minutes prior to being discovered. (West Feliciana Parish Prison, Louisiana) U.S. Appeals Court SEPARATION Janes v. Hernandez, 215 F.3d 541 (5th Cir. 2000). A traffic offender sued a county to recover for alleged violation of his civil rights based upon a sheriff's policy of confining all manner of arrestees, including those with prior felony records, in one large cell. The district court entered judgment in favor of the offender and awarded attorney fees. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the sheriff, as the county policymaker, did not have to know that specific felons and other inmates with whom the traffic offender was confined posed a risk of harm to him, in order to be liable for violation of the offender's civil rights. The appeals court found that the section of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) that limited attorney fees that may be awarded in suits by inmates did not reply to the offender, who was not a prisoner when his complaint was filed. <Bastrop County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Kelleher v. New York State Trooper Fearon, 90 F.Supp.2d 354 (S.D.N.Y. 2000). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a police officer, alleging that he was subjected to an unlawful strip search. The district court held that the issue of whether the officer had an objectively reasonable suspicion to strip search the arrestee was for the jury, but that the jury award of damages in the amount of $125,000 as compensation for emotional distress were excessive to the extent that they exceeded $25,000. According to the court, although the unlawful strip search in which the arrestee was touched by the officer was an "egregious intrusion" on the arrestee's person, there was no corroborating medical evidence concerning the arrestee's emotional distress. The officer had transported the arrestee to a state police barracks and conducted the strip search in a bathroom. (~tate Police Barracks in Brewster, New York) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Mason v. Village of Babylon, New York, 124 F.Supp.2d 807 (E.D.N.Y. 2000). An arrestee who was taken into custody based on a traffic warrant that was later determined to have been recalled, filed an action under § 1983 alleging false arrest and illegal search. The district court found that a no-contact partial strip search, incident to arrest violated the Fourth Amendment because neither the nature of the offense nor the circumstances of arrest raised any suspicion that would justify such an intrusion. The court noted that the unconstitutionality of a blanket strip-search policy had been well-established. The female arrestee was asked by a female arresting officer to lift her shirt, lower her pants, and rearrange her undergarments to dislodge any contraband that might be concealed. (Village of Babylon, Second Precinct, New York) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE RESTRAINTS ACCESS TO COURT EQUAL PROTECTION May v. Sheahan, 226 F.3d 876 (7th Cir. 2000). A pretrial detainee who suffered from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and was hospitalized brought an action against a county and county officials. The district court denied summary judgment for the sheriff on qualified immunity grounds and the sheriff appealed. The appeals court atimned, finding that the detainee stated an equal protection claim by alleging that the sheriff, for no legitimate reason, treated hospitalized detainees differently from jail detainees by shackling them to their beds and not taking them to court on their assigned court dates. The appeals court found that the allegation that the sheriffs restrictive policies caused the detainee to miss scheduled court appearances and impeded access to his attorney stated a claim for violation of his right of access to court. The appeals court found that the allegation that the sheriff implemented a policy that required him to be shackled to his bed around the clock, despite his weakened state and despite being watched by armed guards, was sufficient to state a substantive due process claim. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) 32.82 U.S. Appeals Court STRIP SEARCH Miller v. Kennebec County, 219 F.3d 8 (1st Cir. 2000). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against an arresting officer, town, counties and county sheriffs alleging Fourth Amendment violations and state law claims arising out of her arrest and detention. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and vacated and remanded in part. The appeals court held that the arresting officer was not entitled to qualified immunity because the warrant under which he brought the arrestee to jail explicitly directed that it was to be executed by bringing the defendant immediately before a sitting judge. The court also found that a fact question precluded summary judgment on the unreasonable strip search claim against the county where the arrestee was jailed. (Kennebec Co. and Knox Co., Maine) U.S. District Court CROWDING CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE Oladipupo v. Austin, 104 F.Supp.2d 626 (W.D.La. 2000). A detainee of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) who was awaiting removal from the United States brought a § 1983 action against parish jail officials challenging the constitutionality of his conditions of confinement. The district court held that the failure of jail officials to segregate pretrial detainees who were HIV positive did not violate the due process rights of non-infected detainees. The court denied summary judgment for the officials on the issue of whether the detainee was transferred before his request to see a dentist could be processed, finding issues of material fact and noting that even a convicted inmate has a right of ready access to dental care. The court denied summary judgment for the officials on the issue of whether the jail's dormitory violated state fire and sanitation codes. The detainee alleged that the dormitory was overcrowded and had only eight sinks, commodes and showers for 72 pretrial detainees that were housed in the dormitory. According to the court, the detainee's allegation that he was denied a meal at the jail dining hall on one occasion because he was not wearing shoes, as required by jail policy, was insufficient to state a due process violation. The court denied summary judgment to the officials on the issue of whether denial of a mattress during the initial part of his detention, which the court characterized as a "basic human need," violated the due process rights of the detainee. The court denied summary judgment to the officials on the allegation that preventing inmates from accessing sexually explicit material was an exaggerated response to the officials' concerns about reducing violence and sexual assault. (Avoyelles Parish Jail, Louisiana) U.S. District Court SAFETY CONDITIONS SANITATION Oladipupo v. Austin, 104 F.Supp.2d 643 (W.D.La. 2000). A detainee of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) who was awaiting removal from the United States brought a § 1983 action against parish jail officials challenging the constitutionality of his conditions of confmement. The district court found that the fact that INS detainees held at the parish jail had fewer privileges than INS detainees held at a federal detention center did not violate the Equal Protection Clause. The court also found that housing INS detainees with convicted prisoners did not violate the Due Process Clause. The court denied summary judgment for the officials on the allegation that the housing unit at the jail had serious sewage problems that created unsanitary conditions. The court also denied summary judgment to the officials on the allegation that the jail had an inadequate number of emergency exits. <Avoyelles Parish Jail, Louisiana) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS CROWDING Oladipupo v. Austin, 104 F.Supp.2d 654 (W.D.La. 2000). A detainee of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) who was awaiting removal from the United States brought a § 1983 action against parish jail officials challenging the constitutionality of his conditions of confinement. The district court held that the allegation that the detainee was deprived of a mattress and bed presented a cognizable constitutional claim. According to the court, the detainee's allegation that he was forced to sleep on a cold, wet floor for seven hours presented a due process claim. Jail officers had removed mattresses from a cell in which the detainee and others were housed after they had placed barriers in front of the ventilation system in an attempt to control the temperature in the cell. The court held that an issue of fact existed as to whether jail officials were personally involved in creating and perpetuating the conditions. (Avoyelles Parish Jail, Louisiana) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Ralk v. Lincoln County, GA., 81 F.Supp.2d 1372 (S.D.Ga. 2000). A pretrial detainee brought an action alleging deliberate indifference to his medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that the county jail physician had not been deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical needs. The detainee had alleged that the physician failed to see him to treat his back pain but the court noted that even if the physician had been told about the detainee's condition, he had previously prescribed medication for the pain. (Lincoln County Jail, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court PRE-SENTENCE DETENTION Resnick v. Hayes, 213 F.3d 443 (9th Cir. 2000). A federal prisoner brought a§ 1983 action claiming that a warden and correctional officers violated his constitutional rights when they confined him in the prison's special housing unit. The district court dismissed the action and the prisoner appealed. The appeals court affirmed. finding that the prisoner who had been convicted but not yet sentenced had no liberty interest in not being confmed in a special housing unit pending a disciplinary hearing. The court noted that the prisoner should be treated as a sentenced inmate rather than as a pretrial detainee. (Federal Detention Center, Dublin, California) U.S. District Court FAILURETO PROTECT Richards v. Southeast Alabama Youth Ser. Diversion, 105 F.Supp.2d 1268 (M.D.Ala. 2000). The mother of a detainee who had committed suicide while in custody brought a civil rights action against city and county officials. The district court denied Eleventh Amendment immunity to the 32.83 city defendants and denied summary judgment for the defendants on a deliberate indifference claim. The district court held that summary judgment was precluded by issues of material fact as to whether the actions of the police officer who transported the detainee to a privately·owned facility rose above the level of mere negligence and constituted deliberate indifference, and whether his actions were the proximate cause of the detainee's death. Despite his knowledge of the detainee's suicidal tendencies, the officer failed to search the detainee for weapons, failed to handcuff the detainee, and failed to inform the subsequent custodians of the detainee's suicidal proclivities. The court also found fact issues as to whether the actions or inactions of juvenile probation officers rose above the level of mere negligence and constituted deliberate indifference, and whether the detainee was in the custody of the officers at the time he escaped from the detention facility and committed suicide with a gun he had surreptitiously brought into the facility. The detainee had been taken to a privately-operated "diversion center" and was left alone in an intake room where he produced a gun, fled the center, walked into a wooded area and fatally shot himself. (Southeast Alabama Youth Services Diversion Center) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Santiago v. C.O. Campisi Shield #4592., 91 F.Supp.2d 665 (S.D.N.Y. 2000). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a city corrections department alleging that an officer assaulted him in his cell The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that a corrections officer's alleged open·handed slap of the detainee after an altercation was de minimis where the detainee suffered no physical injury. The court found that the slap was not sufficiently repugnant to the conscience of mankind to constitute a due process violation. (Bronx County Courthouse, New York) U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE FALSE IMPRISONMENT Scull v. New Mexico, 236 F.3d 588 (10th Cir. 2000). A detainee sued state and local officials alleging he was unlawfully detained for 30 days without initiation of extradition proceedings. The appeals court found that the detainee, who had previously signed a waiver of extradition as a condition of parole in another state, had no constitutional or statutory right to specific extradition procedures. The appeals court held that county detention center officials were not required by the federal constitution or statute to independently investigate the detainee's claim that he was entitled to be released pursuant to an order issued by a judge in another county. According to the court, the officials believed they had lawful authority to imprison the detainee based on a "hit" on the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database indicating the existence of an outstanding warrant for the detainee's arrest in another state. The court held that officials were not liable for false imprisonment under state law. (Bernalillo Co. Detention Center, New Mexico) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Skurstenis v. Jones, 236 F.3d 678 (11th Cir. 2000). A female detainee brought an action against a county sheriff and sheriffs department staff, alleging that a strip search of her pelvic region violated her Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The district court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment in part and denied it in part. The appeals court afi""irmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded in part. The appeals court held that the jail policy that required each inmate to be strip-searched by a same-sex jail staff member, before being placed in a cell or detention room, violated the Fourth Amendment. But the court found that the detainee's possession of a handgun at the time of her arrest provided the "reasonable suspicion" needed to permit her strip search. The detainee was taken to a bathroom and observed by a female officer, who instructed the detainee to disrobe but did not conduct a body cavity search. A second medically-related search took place in the infirmary, with no one other than the detainee and a male nurses assistant present. The search was conducted pursuant to a contract between the county and a hospital, and involved an examination of the detainee's cranial and pubic hair for lice. The court held that the search was reasonable in manner and scope and did not violate the Fourth Amendment. (Shelby County Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court SUICIDE A'ITEMPT Stewart v. Robinson, 115 F.Supp.2d 188 (D.N.H. 2000). The guardian of a pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against police and county officials to recover for injuries sustained by the detainee as the result of a suicide attempt that left the detainee in a vegetative state. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that neither the police department nor the county could be held liable for the suicide attempt. The suicide attempt occurred four days after the detainee was transferred from the police department's custody to the jail Although police officers were possibly negligent by failing to complete an available intake form, the court found that the department could not be held liable. The court held that the record did not suggest that jail officials or the county were aware that the detainee posed a suicide risk or that they should have known that jail cells posed an unreasonable danger to potentially suicidal inmates. The court noted that police officials apparently failed to inform county jail officials of the detainee's previous suicidal statements when he was transferred to the jail. The detainee attempted to hang himself with a sheet tied around one of the supports of the upper bunk in his cell, but was discovered approximately five minutes later and survived. (Carroll County House of Corrections and Conway Police Department, New Hampshire) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Taylorv. Adams, 221 F.3d 1254 (11 th Cir. 2000). In an action arising from the death of a pretrial detainee, the district court denied summary judgment to three firemedics and a jail nurse and they appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded. The appeals court held that the firemedics were not deliberately indifferent because they acted on whatever knowledge they had of the detainee's condition and tried to check him out and administer aid, questioned him repeatedly regarding his desire for treatment but the detainee declined treatment. (Mobile County 32.84 Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Taylor v. Plousis, 101 F.Supp.2d 255 (D.N.J. 2000). A former county jail detainee brought a § 1983 action against a county, county officials and a private health services provider alleging inadequate medical treatment. The district court found that the detainee's deteriorating prosthesis which caused pain and mobility problems was a serious medical need and that fact issues needed to be resolved concerning a doctor's efforts to seek a replacement and a nurse's alleged delayed delivery of the replacement. (Cape May County Jail, New Jersey, and Correctional Health Services, Inc.) U.S. District Court SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE Thornhill v. Breazeale, 88 F.Supp.2d 647 (S.D.Miss. 2000). Survivors of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide while in custody brought a § 1983 and wrongful death action. The district court held that a sheriff and deputy did not act with deliberate indifference by placing the detainee in a cell with a non-breakaway shower rod and neglecting to remove his shoes. But the court denied summary judgment on the issue of whether the jail's lack of a written policy for suicide prevention was reasonably related to a legitimate governmental interest. The plaintiffs challenged the lack of a policy relating to the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to detainees who attempt suicide, and the lack of a written policy for detection and prevention of suicide. The detainee was jailed awaiting trial for allegedly raping his estranged wife. The sheriff and his staff were aware of the detainee's troubled mental history and that he had threatened suicide on two prior occasions. He was initially placed in the jail's mental holding cell where he was isolated from other inmates. He was placed on suicide watch which, according to an unwritten policy, required him to be checked approximately every fifteen minutes. Items with which he could injure himself, including his shoes, were taken from him. After three days without incident the detainee was moved to a juvenile cell in the same section of the jail that was equipped with a toilet and shower and had a non-breakaway shower rod. He remained on suicide watch. He was given his shoes and allowed to leave his cell to exercise and watch television one morning but a deputy forgot to remove his shoes when placing the detainee back in the cell. The detainee hung himself with his shoelaces from the shower rod. He had been observed alive approximately ten minutes before he was found hanging. After he was found hanging it took a period of time for the officers to open the cell and he was eventually cut down and checked for vital signs. Finding no vital signs no attempts were made to revive him. (Lamar County Jail, Mississippi) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE INTAKE SCREENING Thornton v. U.S. Dept. of Justice, 93 F.Supp.2d 1057 (D.Minn. 2000). An inmate who was a federal prisoner incarcerated at a county jail sought damages arising from injuries he sustained while at the jail. The district court held that a nurse did not treat the inmate with deliberate indifference by failing to refer him to an emergency room for treatment of frostbite the night he was admitted. The court found that a deputy subjectively acted with deliberate indifference when she failed to notify a medical professional immediately about the prisoner's condition. The prisoner informed the deputy that he could not feel most of his toes even though he had been indoors in the custody of the U.S. Marshals for several hours, and that he had walked around outside in frigid January temperatures for many hours before turning himself in. The court also held that the inmate's complaint, which alleged a series of failures to attend to his medical needs by several different county officials over a period of several weeks, adequately pleaded that county officials had a widespread custom of failing to provide care for the prisoner's serious medical needs. (Anoka County Jail, Minnesota, and United States Marshals Service) U.S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS CONDITIONS SEGREGATION U.S. v. El-Hage, 213 F.3d 74 (2nd Cir. 2000). A defendant who was an alleged member of an international terrorist organization moved to be released on bail and for modification of his conditions of pretrial detention. The detainee was separated from the general population and limited to only three telephone calls per month to his family. The district court denied the motions and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the detainee's conditions were reasonably related to the government's asserted security concerns given ample evidence of the detainee's extensive terrorist connections. (U.S. District Court, Southern Dist. of New York) U.S. District Court DUE PROCESS MENTAL HEALTH U.S. v. Keeven, 115 F.Supp.2d 1132 (E.D.Mo. 2000). A detainee sought judicial review of a determination that psychotropic medication could be administered involuntarily because she was a danger to herself and others, and to render her competent to stand trial. The district court held that the detainee was not entitled to an evidentiary hearing prior to the forcible administration of medication and that her due process rights were adequately protected. The court also found that a psychiatrist who conducted an administrative hearing qualified as a neutral hearing officer because he was not currently involved with the diagnosis or treatment of the detainee at the time of the hearing. (Federal Medical Center, Carswell, Texas) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE U.S. v. Weston, 206 F.3d 9 (D.C.Cir. 2000). A district court upheld the decision of the federal Bureau of Prisons to involuntarily administer psychotropic medication to a pretrial detainee. The detainee appealed and the appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that the record did not support the district court's conclusion that the medication was essential for safety. (Federal Correctional Institution in Butner, North Carolina) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Wagner v. Bay City, Tex., 227 F.3d 316 (5th Cir. 2000). Survivors of an arrestee who died in police custody brought a § 1983 action against police officers, alleging the use of excessive force and deliberate indifference to the need for medical attention. The district court denied summary judgment for the officers. The appeals court reversed, entered judgment for the officers, and 32.85 remanded. The appeals court held that the officers did not act with deliberate indifference to a risk of harm. The arrestee had resisted arrest and struck an officer with his fists. The arrestee stopped breathing and died after officers sprayed him with pepper spray, placed him face down on the pavement to handcuff him, placed a shin across his back to hold him down, and placed him on his stomach in the back of a patrol car to transport him to the jail. The officers said that they heard the arrestee groaning on the way to the police station and therefore believed he was still breathing. Although the officers did not take the arrestee to the hospital, the court noted that pepper spray decontamination could effectively be done in jail and the officers believed the arrestee was still breathing. (Bay City, Texas) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION SEPARATION Weiss v. Cooley. 230 F.3d 1027 (7th Cir. 2000). A suspect in a highly publicized rape case, who had been assaulted by fellow inmates while detained in a county jail, brought a § 1983 action against the sheriff, jail commander and a jail officer. The district court dismissed the claims against the sheriff and jail commander and granted summary judgment for the officer. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that summary judgment for the officer was precluded by a fact issue as to whether the officer had actual knowledge that the suspect faced an objective risk of danger. Affirming the dismissal of the sheriff and jail commander from the action, the appeals court noted that allegations that circumstances were such that assaults on prisoners like the suspect were inevitable, and that the system used to classify inmates for housing safety purposes were inadequate, were insufficient to provide adequate notice to the sheriff and commander in order to sustain an Eighth Amendment claim against them. Upon admission to the jail, the suspect had been asked if he had any enemies in the jail, ifhe needed any special care, or ifhe had ever assaulted anyone or was contemplating assaulting anyone, and the suspect answered "no" to each of these questions. (Morgan County Jail, Indiana} U.S. District Court PRNACY CONDITIONS Wilson v. City of Kalamazoo, 127 F.Supp.2d 855 (W.D.Mich. 2000). Arrestees who were allegedly detained in a city jail without any clothing or covering at all for varying periods of time, brought eight separate actions against the city and others. After the actions were consolidated, the federal district court ruled that the arrestees stated claims for violation of their Fourth Amendment right to privacy and their Fourteenth Amendment right to due process. The arrestees had been detained without clothing or covering for periods ranging from six to eighteen hours with at least limited exposure to viewing by members of the opposite sex. The court noted that the city's legitimate interest in suicide prevention could have been just as well served by less humiliating and degrading means. (Kalamazoo City Jail, Michigan} U.S. District Court SEARCHES Wilson v. Shelby County, Ala., 95 F.Supp.2d 1258 (N.D.Ala. 2000). A female arrestee who was strip searched before being placed in jail following her arrest on charges of driving under the influence sued county officials for damages. The district court denied the defendants' motion to dismiss, finding that the policy of strip searching all jail admittees, regardless of personal circumstances, violated the bodily privacy rights of the arrestee. The court held that the sheriff was not entitled to qualified immunity from suit. The arrestee was kept in an isolated cell with no opportunity to interact with the general population. The court noted that a strip search of an arrestee charged with a minor offense may be conducted only when there is a reasonable suspicion that the arrestee may be secreting drugs, weapons or other contraband on or in his or her body. The arrestee was an 18·year·old high school student who had been stopped at a drivers' license checkpoint and registered 0.08 percent blood alcohol. According to the arrestee, she was taken into a restroom by a female deputy and was ordered to strip, and then according to the arrestee "she checked my breasts and behind my ears and in my mouth and nose ...and then she told me to squat and spread my butt apart and cough three times." (Shelby County Jail, Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Yellow Horse v. Pennington County. 225 F.3d 923 (81h Cir. 2000). The administrator for the estate of an inmate who hanged himself in a county jail brought a§ 1983 action against a county, correctional officer and deputy sheriff. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the corrections officer who removed the inmate from a suicide watch was entitled to qualified immunity because she followed the routine practice for removing an inmate from a suicide watch, which included reviewing the contact journal for information on the inmate's eating, sleeping and social habits, and interviewing and evaluating the inmate. The appeals court found that the officer on duty at the time of the suicide was not deliberately indifferent to the risk of suicide when she failed to make more timely cell checks, despite learning from other prisoners that the inmate was upset and talking about heaven and hell. According to the court, the county's suicide prevention policy did not show deliberate indifference to the rights of others because it included inmate screening, officer training, and annual policy review and was reasonable and comprised an effort to prevent suicide. (Pennington County Jail, South Dakota) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Zentmyer v. Kendall County, Ill.• 220 F.3d 805 (7th Cir. 2000). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action to recover for his jailers' alleged indifference to his serious medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that guards' failure to dispense the detainee's medication for a middle ear infection consistently on schedule did not manifest any conscious disregard for the detainee's health of the kind needed to support a Fourteenth Amendment claim, where guards administered medication of various forms to the detainee 162 times over a 20-day period and were not shown to 32.86 have any knowledge that serious medical consequences might result from occasionally missing the prescribed dosage. (Kendall County Jail, Illinois) 2001 U.S. Appeals Court A'ITORNEY VISITS RESTRAINTS PRNACY Benjamin v. Fraser, 264 F.3d 175 (2nd Cir. 2001). A city corrections department moved for immediate termination of consent decrees requiring judicial supervision over restrictive housing, inmate correspondence, and law libraries at city jails, pursuant to the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA). The district court vacated the decrees and pretrial detainees appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. On remand the district court granted the motion in part and denied it in part and the city appealed. The appeals affirmed. The appea1s court held that the detainees were not required to show actual injury when they challenged regulations which allegedly adversely affected their Sixth Amendment right to counsel by impeding attorney visitation. The appeals court concluded that there was a continuing need for prospective relief with respect to the detainees' right to counsel, and the relief granted by the district court satisfied the requirements of PLRA. The court found that detainees were experiencing unjustified delays during attorney visitation. The district court required procedures to be established to ensure that attorney visits commenced within a specified time period following arrival at the jail, and the city was instructed to ensure the availability of an adequate number of visiting rooms that provide the requisite degree of privacy. The appeals court held that the restraints used when moving certain detainees within, or outside, the jail, had a "severe and deleterious effect" on the detainees given that such restraints were often painful and could result in injury. The appeals court agreed with the district court that detainees were entitled to reasonable afterthe·fact procedural protections to ensure that such restrictions were terminated reasonably soon if they were not justified. These procedures include a hearing, written decision, timely review of appeal from placement in special restraint status, and the opportunity to seek further review based on good cause. (New York City Department of Correction) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE INTAKE SCREENING Boncher ex rel. Boncher v. Brown County. 272 F.3d 484 (7th Cir. 2001). The estate of a prisoner who had committed suicide brought a § 1983 action against jail officials alleging deliberate indifference to the risk of the prisoner's suicide. The district court granted summary judgment for the jail officials and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that evidence was insufficient that jail officials were deliberately indifferent, even though intake officers had little training and relied on a checklist that was deficient in several areas. The court noted that the officers were making a judgment that was not likely to be assisted by special training and that the jail was in compliance with the state's minimum standards for suicide prevention. The prisoner had been arrested after a domestic altercation, and had a long history of alcoholism and had attempted suicide at least three times, but this history was not known to the arresting officers or the personnel of the jail. The prisoner was joking with officers during his admission to the jail and the officers thought him to be a "happy drunk." He was placed in a regular cell instead of the jail's suicide-watch cell, and he died within 45 minutes by hanging himself with a bedsheet. The appeals court also held that the evidence offered by an expert witness was "useless" and should have been excluded. The criminologist had testified that the rate of suicide in the jail (five suicides in the preceding five years) was unusually high. (Brown County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Brown v. Harris, 240 F.3d 383 (4th Cir. 2001). The father of a detainee who committed suicide in a jail brought state tort claims and § 1983 claims against county officials. The district court granted judgment as a matter of law to the defendants and the father appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the adult detainee committed common law suicide under Virginia law, precluding the estate of the detainee from recovering on wrongful death and gross negligence claims. The court found that even if the jail supervisor was informed that the detainee was suicidal, he did not act with deliberate indifference to the detainee's medical needs because he placed the detainee on "medical watch" which established constant video surveillance of the detainee's cell The court noted that although the supervisor failed to place the detainee in a paper gown or have him examined by medical staff, his failure amounted to, at most, negligence, not deliberate indifference. (Virginia Beach General Jail, Virginia) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS CROWDING Castillo v. Cameron County, Tex., 238 F.3d 339 (5th Cir. 2001). Pretrial detainees and convicted inmates held at a jail brought a class action under § 1983 against a county, state and various individuals, alleging that overcrowding at the jail resulted in cruel and unusual punishment. The state moved to terminate previously-entered injunctions and the district court dismissed the state from the action and ordered continuation of injunctive relief designed to reduce the jail population. The appeals court vacated the decision and remanded the case. The appeals court found that the order continuing injunctive relief was a "prisoner release order" within the meaning of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) and that the state had standing to appeal the continuation of injunctive relief. The appeals court held that on remand, the district court must determine if a continuing and ongoing constitutional violation exists, and if so, whether the remaining requirements of PLRA are met. (Cameron County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS Chilcote v. Mitchell, 166 F.Supp.2d 1313 (D.Or. 2001). A former prisoner and detainees at a federal detention center sued officials alleging they were subjected to unconstitutional conditions of confinement. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the officials, finding no 32.87 Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment violations from the size of the cell. The court noted that all three occupants of the cell could not be off of their bunks at the same time because the cell was so small, and the occupants were confined in the cell for 20 to 21 hours daily. The court found that the crowding was necessitated by the volume of incoming detainees and the lockdown was needed because of the danger posed by detainees had not yet been evaluated. The cells had been designed to house two inmates and ranged in size from 80. 7 to 96 square feet. In a triple-bunk cell, 40 to 45 square feet of floor space is covered by the bunks, sink and toilet. The remaining floor space, 35 to 40 square feet "effectively does not permit all three occupants to be off their bunks at the same time." There are no lockers, chairs or tables in the cells. (Fed'l Detention Ctr., Sheridan, Oregon) U.S. Appeals Court HANDICAP ADA- Americans with Disabilities Act Chisolm v. McManimon. 275 F.3d 315 (3rd Cir. 2001). A hearing-impaired detainee brought a suit against the warden of a pretrial detainment facility and county court system. alleging violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Rehabilitation Act, § 1983 and a state discrimination law. for failing to provide an interpreter and other services. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that the county court system was not entitled to Eleventh Amendment immunity during an ongoing merger with the state court system. The appeals court held that summary judgment was precluded by genuine issues of material fact as to: (1) the effectiveness of alternate aids or services provided to the detainee when the jail failed to provide a sign language interpreter during the intake process, activate closed captioning capabilities on a prison television, (2) provide a text device for transcribing telephone calls; and whether pencil and paper were effective auxiliary aids in place of a sign language interpreter; and (3) whether exceptions to institutional rules on telephone calls were an effective alternative to providing special telephones. The court held that extradition was a "program" within the meaning of ADA and the Rehabilitation Act such that the court was required to ensure the ability of the detainee to participate in the hearing. When the detainee arrived at the detention facility on a Saturday, he was locked down in his cell to keep him apart from the general population until Monday when facility classification staff arrived. This practice was applied to all detainees admitted when classification staff members were not working at the facility. Such unclassified detainees consumed meals in their cells and did not have television or telephone privileges. When the detainee was not provided with an interpreter at intake he became upset and was eventually interviewed by a nurse, who concluded that he was a suicide risk. He was kept in solitary lockup from Saturday until Tuesday. On Monday he was taken to meet with a classification staff member. where he was interviewed and was given a medium security classification. But the staff member had described the detainee as a "vagrant" in spite of the fact that he had worked for the U.S. Postal Service for 13 years and had lived at the same address for three years. This error added two points to his classification score, moving him from "minimum" security to "medium." (Mercer County Detention Center, New Jersey) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT Covillion v. Alsop. 145 F.Supp.2d 75 (D.Me. 2001). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action alleging excessive use of force while he was confined. The district court found that the arrestee failed to show excessive use of force based on the allegedly freezing temperature of his holding cell. The arrestee had alleged that he had been placed in the cell "where they turned the freezer on.. " and implied that the jail administrator was responsible for cooling the cell. The court noted that the thermostat that controls the cell temperature also controls the temperature of the jail control room, booking room. and visitors' room. (Somerset County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Craw v. Gray. 159 F.Supp.2d 679 (N.D.Ohio 2001). An arrestee sued law enforcement officers under § 1983 asserting claims for use of excessive force. The district court granted partial summary judgment in favor of the officers, finding that the allegations did not support a claim for inadequate training of an officer and that past ''use of force" incident reports did not support the claim for inadequate supervision of the officer. According to the court, the assertion that a particular officer may be unsatisfactorily trained does not alone "suffice to fasten § 1983 liability" on a municipality for failure to train. The court noted that none of the reports showed that the deputy acted improperly. The officer had brought the arrestee to a county jail and during the booking process an altercation between the arrestee and the officer resulted in a right hip fracture and dislocation for the arrestee. <Mercer County Jail, Ohio) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS SANITATION Curry v. Kerik. 163 F.Supp.2d 232 (S.D.N.Y. 2001). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against corrections officials alleging violation of the due process clause arising out of dangerous conditions. The court held that the detainee stated a due process violation by alleging that he was exposed to an unsanitary and hazardous showering area for over nine months. The court found that the detainee's allegation that officials negligently appointed, trained and supervised employees and failed to enforce rules requiring facility inspections and addressing repair complaints were sufficient to show the personal involvement of the officials. The detainee alleged that he had alerted the officials to dangerous conditions on several occasions, and the conditions led to his injury when he fell in a shower. which stated a claim of deliberate indifference according to the court. The inmate alleged that the shower facility in his unit leaked, tiles were falling off the wall, and there were no shower curtains or floor mats. (North Infirmary Command, Correctional Facility. New York City Department of Correctional Services) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Davis v. Hill, 173 F.Supp.2d 1136 (D.Kan. 2001). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a county. sheriff, and employees alleging that he was the victim of excessive force while detained. 32.88 The defendants moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion in part, and denied it in part. The court held that fact issues as to whether sheriffs deputies beat the arrestee senseless in his cell precluded summary judgment on the detainee's Fourth Amendment excessive force claim. The court also found that the arrestee could maintain a suit against deputies who were near the cell at the time, despite his inability to identify the two who allegedly administered the beating. The arrestee was allegedly handcuffed in his cell during a staff shift change. The arrestee was yelling and kicking his cell door and alleged that an officer entered the cell and hit him behind his ear, knocking him into the steel bed and against a steel wall, and then ground his thumb behind the arrestee's ear. According to the arrestee, another officer entered and the two "proceeded attacking and torturing me on every joint in my body..." (Sedgwick County Adult Detention Facility, Kansas) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Doan v. Watson, 168 F.Supp.2d 932 (S.D.Ind. 2001). Former inmates filed a§ 1983 suit against a former and current sheriff, individually and in their official capacities, alleging unconstitutional strip search policies. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the former inmates, finding that the jail policy of stripping inmates and requiring them to undergo a delousing procedure was an unreasonable search. According to the court, the policy authorized a blanket strip search without justification. The court noted that the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) did not require the former inmates to produce evidence of physical injury to pursue their claims. The inmates had been arrested for misdemeanor offenses and were subjected to intake searches before entering the general jail population. (Floyd County Jail. Indiana) U.S. District Court SillCIDE Ellis ex rel. Lanthorn v. Jamerson, 174 F.Supp.2d 747 (E.D.Tenn. 2001). The mother and the minor child of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide in jail brought a § 1983 action against county jail officials. The district court dismissed the case, finding that the county jailor who was on duty at the time of the detainee's suicide was entitled to qualified immunity. The plaintiffs attempted to introduce evidence that the jailor was watching video surveillance monitors and saw the detainee fashion a noose and place it around his neck but did not summon help immediately. The court refused to allow a statement made by the county sheriff to the media to be used as evidence, even though it might support the assertion that jail staff did not act expediently to prevent the detainee's death. (Washington County Jail, Tennessee) U.S. District Court PROTECTION Gailor v. Armstrong, 187 F.Supp.2d 729 (W.D.Ky. 2001). The estate of a deceased pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a county and correctional officers for the beating death of the detainee by officers. The district granted summary judgment in favor of the county, finding that there was insufficient evidence to hold the county liable, but denied summary judgment for the officers. The court held that fact issues remained as to whether the officers' use of force was excessive. The court ruled that the officers and their supervisor were not entitled to qualified immunity. The court held that the county was not liable under § 1983 because evidence that the officers failed to follow the county's use of force policy, officials allegedly falsified reports, and evidence that some officers received only limited use of force training, did not demonstrate custom or usage necessary to support a § 1983 claim. The court denied summary judgment for a supervisor who allegedly failed to intervene when she saw excessive force being used against the detainee. (Jefferson County Department of Corrections, Kentucky) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Gonzalez v. City of Schenectady. 141 F.Supp.2d 304 (N.D.N.Y. 2001). Male and female detainees sued a city claiming they were strip searched under an unconstitutional city policy. The district court held that the city policy of strip searching all detainees who were awaiting court action violated the Fourth Amendment. The court found that the police did not have reasonable suspicion to strip search a male detainee and a female detainee, who were charged with minor offenses. The court noted that the Fourth Amendment precludes strip or body cavity searches of arrestees charged with misdemeanors or other minor offenses unless officials have reasonable suspicion that the arrestee is concealing weapons or other contraband based on the crime charged, particular circumstances of the arrestee, or the circumstances of the arrest. (City of Schenectady, New York) U.S. Appeals Court RESTRAINTS USE OF FORCE Hawkins v. Comparet·Cassani, 251 F.3d 1230 (9th Cir. 2001). A convicted prisoner who had a "stun belt" placed on him, and activated, when he appeared in court for sentencing, brought a § 1983 action. The district court certified a class action and granted a preliminary injunction. The appeals court reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that the class of all persons in the custody of the county sheriff was improperly certified since the convicted prisoner could not serve as a representative for those prisoners who had not yet been convicted. The appeals court also found the district court injunction against the use of the belt was overbroad because it did not allow for use of the belt to protect courtroom security, such as restricting violence or preventing escape. But the court noted that even at sentencing, where a defendant's guilt is no longer in dispute, shackling is inherently prejudicial and detracts from the dignity and decorum of the proceeding, and impedes the defendant's ability to communicate with his counsel. (Los Angeles County, California) U.S. District Court PROTECTION Hedrick v. Roberts, 183 F.Supp.2d 814 (E.D.Va. 2001). Pretrial detainees who were assaulted and injured by other inmates brought separate actions in state court against a sheriff. The cases were consolidated. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the sheriff. The court held that the detainees were exposed to a substantial risk of harm in violation of the Eighth and 32.89 Fourteenth Amendments, but that the sheriff was not deliberately indifferent and was entitled to qualified immunity. The court noted that the sheriff took immediate and reasonable measures to alleviate problems associat.ed with the overcrowded jail and provided medical treatment to detainees who were injured. (Hampton Jail, Virginia) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROVIDE CARE SUICIDE Holland v. City of Atmore, 168 F.Supp.2d 1303 <s.D.Ala. 2001). Survivors of an inmate who committed suicide during his period of pretrial confinement filed a § 1983 action. The district court grant.ed summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that jail staff did not have a duty to take any precautions to prevent his suicide, where the inmat.e had not shown a strong likelihood of taking his life. The inmate had been admitted to the city jail aft.er being arrested for driving under the influence and other offenses. He was booked into the facility and locked down. Within thirty minutes he was found dead or dying in his cell, having used his shoelaces to hang himself. The plaintiffs had argued that the inmate had previously attempted to take his own life and that city police knew about these attempts. (Atmore City Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court RELEASE Johnson v. Herman, 132 F.Supp.2d 1130 (N.D.lnd. 2001). A detainee who was incarcerated beyond his release date brought a § 1983 action against jail authorities, alleging violation of his substantive due process rights. The district court denied summary judgment for the defendants, finding that a jailer's record notations that a judge had ordered the detainee to remain in jail and later had ordered the detainee released, were admissible as non-hearsay evidence that the jailer did not act with deliberate indifference in retaining custody. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by an issue of material fact as to whether the jail's "Inmate Request Form" policy, which was used to correct defects in its "will call" policy for holding detainees following their appearances in court, was being implemented in a manner suggesting deliberate indifference to the right of detainees to be timely released. The court noted that the jailers were not entitled to qualified immunity because the right of a detainee not to be held without a court order was clearly established at the time of the incident. (Allen County Jail, Indiana) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Jordan v. Cobb County, Georgia, 227 F.Supp.2d 1322 (N.D.Ga. 2001). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a jail officer and a county, alleging excessive force, wrongful seizure, and assault and batt.ery. The district court held that the officer was not entitled to qualified immunity and that a fact issue as to whether the officer violated the detainee's substantive due process rights, precluded summary judgment. The court found that the county could not be held liable for the officer's alleged conduct. The detainee had been arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and was detained in a holding cell at a police precinct. While in the holding cell, the detainee allegedly resisted being handcuffed by the officer. After a struggle or altercation, the detainee was shot twice in the abdomen by the officer. There were no witnesses to the shooting. The court not.ed that "virtually all of the facts and circumstances surrounding the altercation and shooting are in dispute." (Cobb County Police Department, Precinct One. Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court RESTRAINTS Kostrzewa v. City of Troy. 247 F.3d 633 (6th Cir. 2001). An arrestee sued a city and police officers asserting claims for use of excessive force. The district court dismissed the case but the appeals court reversed and remanded. The appeals court held that the allegations supported a claim for use of excessive force and that the officers were not entitled to qualified immunity. The appeals court found that the city's handcuff policy, that required all detainees to wear handcuffs, supported a§ 1983 claim of the arrestee who allegedly suffered pain and injury from being restrained with handcuffs that were too small for his wrists, despite being arrested for a non· violent misdemeanant offense. (City of Troy, Michigan) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Lee v. Perez, 175 F.Supp.2d 673 (S.D.N.Y. 2001). An arrestee brought an action against a correctional officer, alleging he had been unconstitutionally strip searched. The district court entered a jury verdict in favor of the officer and the arrestee moved for reconsideration. The district court granted the motion, finding that there was insufficient evidence to support the jury's conclusion that the officer relied on permissible factors in making his decision to perform a body cavity search on the arrestee. According to the court, the officer t.estified that he had not considered the nature of the two misdemeanors with which the arrestee had been charged and could not identify any charact.eristic of the arrest.ee that led to his conclusion that the arrestee might have been carrying contraband. The arrestee had spent the night in a police holding cell and was arraigned in court the next morning. Bail was set at $250 but the arrestee was not allowed to post bail at the police station using money that had been in his possession at the time of his arrest. He was transported to the local jail where he was processed in. The intake process included a "personal hygiene check/visual body search" which consisted of having the arrestee remove his clothes, followed by a visual inspection of his body. The officer contended that this hygiene check was not the same as a strip search because it did not require the inmate to open his mouth or bend over and spread his buttocks. (Orange County Correctional Facility, New York) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Lewis v. Board of Sedgwick County Com'rs., 140 F.Supp.2d 1125 (D.Kan. 2001). A detainee brought a federal civil rights suit against a county alleging that jail officers used excessive force against him. A jury returned a verdict of $500,000 in favor of the inmate and the county asked for a new trial or for judgment as a matter of law. The district court granted judgment as a matt.er of law, finding that evidence was insufficient to show that the county had been deliberately indifferent to the use of excessive force against detainees at the county detention facility. According to the court, the size of the damage award suggested that the jury was excessively or 32.90 improperly motivated by its desire to punish the county. The court held that the county was not deliberately indifferent to the rights of the detainee because it provided training designed to prevent the use of excessive force at both a training academy and on·the·job, and had established a use-of-force policy of which its detention officers were aware. The court found that it was not a "glaring omission" to fail to instruct detention officers during training that they were prohibited from standing on a detainee's back in an effort to restrain a person. The court held that it was not deliberate indifference by the county to state in county training manuals that it was permissible to use pressure point tactics when inmates were being placed in a restraint chair, where the manuals cautioned that the tactics were to be used with the minimal amount of force necessary to gain compliance. The court noted that the county had encountered only 22 complaints of excessive force in its jail from approximately 90,000 detainees who went through the facility. (Sedgwick County Adult Detention Facility, Kansas) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE INTAKE SCREENING Lutz v. Smith, 180 F.Supp.2d 941 (N.D.Ohio 2001). A man who was arrested for domestic violence brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff and others alleging deliberate indifference to his medical needs while he was in custody. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court found no violation in the actions of the sheriff's staff when they declined to accompany the arrestee in an ambulance that transported him from the jail to a hospital to treat him for an overdose of medication he ingested before he was arrested. The arrestee was returned to the jail after receiving treatment. The court held that the county acted properly by ensuring that the arrestee received treatment when he became ill in custody and the county was not required to do so in a manner that made it responsible for the expense of the treatment. (Hardin Co. Jail, Ohio) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT CLASSIFICATION Mayoral v. Sheahan, 245 F.3d 934 (7th Cir. 2001). A pretrial detainee who was severely injured in a gang-instigated jailhouse riot brought a civil rights suit against a county sheriff and jail officers, alleging they were deliberately indifferent to his safety. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that the failure of the jail to segregate inmates by gang affiliation was not a constitutional violation, given the high number of gang members housed in the jail and the burden that would be placed on administrators by such a policy. The court found that summary judgment was precluded by fact issues as to whether the detainee had asked an officer for protective custody and was ignored, and whether an officer delayed in summoning help when fighting broke out. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court SEARCHES McGregor v. City of Olathe, KS, 158 F.Supp.2d 1225 (D.Kan. 2001). An arrestee brought a pro se action against a city and city police officers challenging the removal of her keys from her pantyhose as an illegal search. The arrestee was arrested and transported to a police station where she was taken into a room to be searched. A female officer told the arrestee that they were looking for some keys and the arrestee responded that the keys were in her pantyhose because she did not want to be searched. The officer removed the keys from the arrestee's pantyhose. The district court held that the search was not illegal (Olathe Police Department, Kansas) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Morris v. Crawford County. Ark., 173 F.Supp.2d 870 (W.D.Ark. 2001). A detainee in a county jail brought a § 1983 action and state law battery claims against the county, sheriff and deputies. The defendants moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion in part and denied it in part. The court held that genuine issues of material fact existed as to the type of force used by a deputy against the detainee, and whether the detainee sustained injuries, precluding summary judgment. The court also found that the deputy was not entitled to qualified immunity for his alleged use of force on the detainee, who was allegedly not resisting. There was evidence that the deputy used a ''knee drop" on the detainee, thereby severing his intestine. (Crawford County Detention Center, Arkansas) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Napier v. Madison County, KY., 238 F.3d 739 (6th Cir. 2001). An arrestee who suffered from complete kidney failure and who was kept from scheduled dialysis treatment during his period of detention, brought a § 1983 action against a county and jail officials. The district court granted summary judgment to the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the detainee failed to show any detrimental effects from the delay in treatment. The court noted that the detainee, prior to his confinement, had missed over 40 treatments during the same year, and did not go directly to the hospital after his release from confinement. (Madison County Detention Center, Kentucky) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Naumoffv. Old, 167 F.Supp.2d 1250 (D.Kan. 2001). A mother whose son had committed suicide while confined in a jail brought a § 1983 action against a county sheriff. The sheriff moved for summary judgment and the court granted the motion, finding that the mother failed to allege an injury to her own constitutional rights. The court held that the mother lacked standing to bring the § 1983 action because she brought the action in her individual capacity rather than as representative of her son's estate. The mother did not make a claim for deprivation of familial association or otherwise allege injury to her own constitutional rights. (Wabaunsee C. Jail, Kansas) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Pittman v. Kurtz, 165 F.Supp.2d 1243 (D.Kan. 2001). An inmate brought an action against jail officials and a county jail alleging that he was physically assaulted by staff while he was 32.91 incarcerated at the jail, in violation of his Eighth Amendment rights to be free from cruel and unusual punishment. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, finding that the force applied by jail officials to restrain the inmate did not violate his rights. The inmate had refused to go to his cell after multiple orders to do so, and struck at one official with a pencil, hitting him in the neck and shoulder area between six and ten times. The altercation lasted only a few seconds and the inmate's injuries were minor. (Sedgwick County Jail, Kansas) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE RELEASE PROTECTION FROM HARM Ramsey v. Schauble, 141 F.Supp.2d 584 (W.D.N.C. 2001). A former detainee whose finger tip was severed after a sheriff's deputy allegedly shut a cell window on it, brought a pro se complaint against the deputy and the sheriff. The district court held that the detainee stated a cognizable civil rights complaint against the sheriff, and the detainee pled a cause of action under a state law that provided that a keeper of a jail must pay treble damages if he/she does any wrong or injury to a detainee, and is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The court found that jail officials ignored the detainee's cries for help after he was injured by the deputy and displayed deliberate indifference to his need for quick medical attention to preserve the possibility of reattaching the fmger. The detainee was released from custody several hours after he was returned from the hospital, but officials refused to give the detainee pain medication prescribed by the hospital, requiring him to return to the jail periodically over the next several days to receive each pill individually. (Watauga County Law Enforcement Center, North Carolina) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Shain v. Ellison, 273 F.3d 56 (2nd Cir. 2001). A misdemeanor detainee in a local correctional facility sued a county and various individuals, challenging the policy of requiring strip searches of all detainees regardless of the nature of the crime for which they were detained. The district court granted summary judgment for the detainee and awarded $1 in nominal damages. The appeals court affirmed in part and remanded in part. The appeals court held that the county's strip search policy violated the Fourth Amendment and its illegality was clearly established in 1995, but the detainee was not entitled to a new trial on the question of damages. The court noted that the searching officer did not have reasonable suspicion to conduct the search of the detainee, and that even if other officers had information that may have justified the search, the information was not relayed to the searching officer. (Nassau County Correctional Center, New York) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Spencer v. Sheahan, 158 F.Supp.2d 837 (N.D.Ill. 2001). A former pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action alleging deliberate indifference to serious medical needs. The district court denied summary judgment for the defendants. The detainee was a known diabetic who suffered from a cut between two toes on his right foot and subsequently developed an infection that resulted in two amputations and stump revision surgery. The court noted that there was a seven-day delay between the time that a physician observed "positive skin changes" on the detainee's foot and the time of diagnosis and treatment. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE FALSE IMPRISONMENT Streit v. County of Los Angeles, 236 F.3d 552 (9th Cir. 2001). Detainees brought a§ 1983 action against a county and sheriff's department seeking damages for overdetention. The district court denied the defendants' motion to dismiss and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the county would be subject to liability under § 1983 and that the sheriff's department was not entitled to Eleventh Amendment immunity because the department was not acting as an arm of the state when it administered county jails. Before an inmate is released from custody the sheriff's department conducts a check of a computerized database to confirm that the inmate is not wanted by any other law enforcement agency. But the department's policy requires this check to be run only after all wants and holds that arrive on a given day are entered into the database. Entering wants and holds can take up to two days, resulting in extended incarceration for inmates beyond their release date. (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE ALCOHOIJDRUGS Thompson v. Upshur County, TX, 245 F.3d 447 (5th Cir. 2001). Parents whose son had died of medical conditions associated with his delirium tremens while he was a pretrial detainee in a county jail, sued under § 1983. The district court denied the defendants' motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds and the defendants appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part. The appeals court held that the sheriff of the jail to which the detainee was first admitted was entitled to qualified immunity in connection with the death of the detainee, which occurred following his transfer to another county jail that had the detoxification facilities that his jail lacked. The sheriff of the jail in the receiving county did not violate any clearly established right in failing to instruct his staff on the potentially life· threatening nature of medical conditions associated with delirium tremens and was entitled to qualified immunity, according to the appeals court. But the appeals court found that a sergeant at the jail in which the detainee died was not entitled to qualified immunity because of fact questions as to whether she had instructed her subordinates not to disturb her at home unless a detainee was on the verge of death, or whether she had otherwise interfered with the detainee's receipt of medical care. (Upshur County Jail and Marion County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE TRANSFER U.S. v. Wallen, 177 F.Supp.2d 455 (D.Md. 2001). A defendant who was charged with importation of cocaine moved to be held at an alternative detention facility because he was allegedly being provided with poor medical care. The district court granted the motion, noting that the defendant's ·medications were dispenses irregularly and incompletely, leading to his collapse in his cell. The court ordered the defendant to be detained in an infirmary or hospital and that he be 32.92 provided with medical care that complied with the relevant standard of care that applied to that facility. (Maryland Correctional Adjustment Center) U.S. District Court MENTAL HEALTH U.S. v. Weston, 134 F.Supp.2d 115 (D.D.C. 2001). An appeals court affirmed the decision of the federal Bureau of Prisons to administer antipsychotic medication to a detainee who allegedly killed Capitol police officers. On remand to the district court, the court held that the government would be permitted to treat the defendant involuntarily with such medication because it was appropriate and essential in order to render the defendant non-dangerous based on medical/safety concerns, and to restore the defendant's competency to stand trial. (Federal Corr'l Institute, Butner, N.C.) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Watford v. Bruce. 126 F.Supp.2d 425 (E.D.Va. 2001). The district court held that a pretrial detainee stated a claim for cruel and unusual punishment under § 1983 against a deputy sheriff who allegedly assaulted him with such force that he sustained bruising, scarring and swelling, despite the claim that the injuries were de minimis. (Virginia Beach Corr'l Center. Virginia) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION MEDICAL CARE Watkins v. City of Battle Creek. 273 F.3d 682 (6th Cir. 2001). The personal representative of the estate of a prisoner who died in jail custody. after denying that he had ingested cocaine and refusing medical treatment, brought a federal civil rights suit against a city, county and various officials and employees. The district court entered summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the arresting officers and jail personnel were not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's rights in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. and that the detainee was not punished in violation of the Fifth Amendment. The court found that the city and county could not be held liable for failure to train, in the absence of a constitutional violation by individual defendants. According to the court, jail personnel were not deliberately indifferent to the medical needs of the detainee even though he exhibited some behavioral symptoms at the time of intake, where the personnel asked the detainee whether he had swallowed drugs, stated that they would get him medical help if he had and that he would not face additional charges. and generally kept him under observation even though one officer failed to do so. The court noted that detainee repeatedly denied ingesting drugs, refused medical treatment, and offered an alternative explanation for his symptoms. (Battle Creek Police Dept., and Calhoun County Jail, Michigan) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROVIDE CARE Wells v. Jefferson County Sheriff Dept., 159 F.Supp.2d 1002 (S.D.Ohio 2001). A former inmate filed a § 1983 action against a county sheriff's department, sheriff and two deputy officers employed at a county jail. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court found that jail officers were not liable for failing to protect the inmate from another prisoner who had previously attacked him. The officers moved the former inmate to a different cell block upon learning of the history between the inmates, and the former inmate did not allege that he experienced any physical injury as the result of being attacked a second time. The court held that the former inmate's allegations that the single blanket he was allowed in a holding cell was not adequate to keep him warm, and that cockroaches climbed on him while he slept, did not state Eighth Amendment claims where he did not complain to any officers or officials that the cell was uncomfortable or unsanitary. (Jefferson County Jail, Ohio) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES SEPARATION Wilson v. Jones, 251 F.3d 1340 (11th Cir. 2001). A female arrestee brought a civil rights action against a county sheriff challenging her strip search following her arrest for driving under the influence. The district court denied the sheriff's motion to dismiss. The appeals court reversed. The appeals court held that the strip search violated the arrestee's Fourth Amendment privacy rights, but that the sheriff was entitled to qualified immunity because the unconstitutionality of the county's blanket strip search policy was not clearly established at the time of the search. The arrestee had been strip searched by a female corrections officer before being placed in a cell with the general female population because the county did not have separate facilities to temporarily hold female detainees. (Shelby County Jail, Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION FROM HARM USE OF FORCE Young v. City of Mount Ranier, 238 F.3d 567 (4th Cir. 2001). The parents of a boy who died in custody brought state law negligence and wrongful death claims. and constitutional claims under § 1983, arising from the death of their son. Following removal from state court, the federal district court dismissed the complaint and the parents appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and dismissed in part. The appeals court held that the conduct of officers who took the boy into custody for emergency psychiatric evaluation fell within the "middle range of culpability," between gross negligence and intentional misconduct, noting that the boy was owed the same duties owed to a more typical pretrial detainee. The appeals court held that the conduct of the officers fell short of deliberate indifference, as needed to establish§ 1983 liability. The boy had resisted when officers tried to take him into custody. The officers used pepper spray to subdue him and then handcuffed him and placed him face down in the back seat of their police car. He was transported to a local hospital where he was found to have no pulse and where efforts to resuscitate him failed. An autopsy revealed that he had PCP in his system. His parents alleged that he died from "positional asphyxiation." (Mount Ranier Police Dept., Maryland) 32.93 2002 U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE INITIAL APPEARANCE Alkire v. Irving. 305 F.3d 456 (6th Cir. 2002). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff, county, and county judge, alleging violation of his Fourth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The district court denied the arrestee's motion for class certification and granted summary judgment for the defendants on the remaining issues. The appeals court affirmed in part, and reversed and remanded in part. The appeals court held that the Sherill's policy of detaining persons in the county jail until their initial appearance was the type of "policy or custom" under which the county could be held liable under § 1983. As the result of the policy, persons arrested without warrants from late Friday afternoon through Sunday morning would not likely appear in court before Tuesday morning, in violation of a requirement that a probable cause hearing be held within 48 hours of a warrantless arrest. The appeals court held that the county, sheriff and county clerk's office had quasi-judicial immunity and qualified immunity from § 1983 liability for failing to allow credit toward fines and costs for time served. (Holmes County Jail, Ohio) U.S. District Court ASSESSMENT OF COSTS DUE PROCESS Allen v. Leis, 213 F.Supp.2d 819 (S.D.Ohio 2002). A former pretrial detainee brought a class action under § 1983 challenging the constitutionality of a county jail's pay-for-stay program. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the plaintiffs. The court held that the jail's policy of appropriating cash immediately upon a pretrial detainee's arrival at jail to cover the "booking fee" was not statutorily authorized, and that the jail's policy violated due process. The court noted that a detainee could obtain a refund of funds paid if the charges were subsequently dismissed or if the detainee was acquitted, but the court found this post-deprivation remedy to be inadequate. The county had adopted a $30 book-in fee in order to defray a portion of the booking cost. Incoming prisoners were asked to sign a Release of Funds Waiver, but they were also advised that their refusal to sign the waiver had no effect because the book-in fee was taken from the prisoner with or without his signature on a waiver. In 1999, the county collected over $468,000 under the program, from 50,134 inmates. <Hamilton County Justice Center, Ohio) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS Bobbitt v. Detroit Edison Co., 216 F.Supp.2d 669 (E.D.Mich. 2002). An arrestee filed a§ 1983 action in state court alleging that city police officers violated her constitutional rights in connection with her arrest for disorderly conduct. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the arrestee failed to establish liability with her allegations that a city jail was not clean, did not provide sufficient seating, and did not provide ready access to a telephone. According to the court, the arrestee's assertions that the city maintained inadequate policies for training and hiring its police officers, and that an arresting officer had been involved in one other incident of alleged misconduct, were insufficient to subject the city to liability under § 1983 for failing to provide adequate training. The arrestee alleged she was forced to stand for approximately five hours in a police holding cell, that the cell contained only a 4-inch concrete slab on which to sit, and that the slab was too low. (Eighth Precinct, Detroit Police Department, Michigan) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Bozeman v. Orum, 199 F.Supp.2d 1216 <M.D.Ala. 2002). The representative of the estate of a pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff and officials at a county detention facility, alleging that the detainee's death was the result constitutional violations. The district court held that detention officers' use of force to restrain the detainee did not violate his Fourteenth Amendment right against the use of excessive force, even though the officers threatened to "kick" the detainee's "ass." The officers apparently punched or slapped the detainee, and the detainee died as the result of the officers' actions, but the court found that some level of force was necessary to restore order where the detainee was apparently undergoing a mental breakdown in his cell. The court held that nurses at the detention facility were not deliberately indifferent to the serious medical needs of the detainee when they failed to obtain treatment and medication upon learning that the detainee had been evaluated for mental health problems and prescribed medication in the past. The court noted that the nurses had no knowledge during intake beyond a "slight flag" of past evaluations for mental illness and that the detainee had medication to help him "rest.• The court also found that the failure of the detention facility to implement a policy requiring staff to follow up on inmates who had acknowledged past mental health problems or evaluations for mental health problems, did not violate the detainee's Fourteenth Amendment right to adequate medical care. The court held that municipal jails are not required to provide on-site psychiatric care for their inmates, and that the detention facility was not required to train its officers in diagnosing or treating mental illness. According to the court, the facility provided adequate training in the proper use of deadly force, including warnings on the dangers of positional asphyxia, and was therefore not liable under § 1983 for failing to supervise staff. The court found that summary judgment in favor of the county was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact on the allegation that officers were deliberately indifferent to the medical needs of the detainee by failing to resuscitate him after they realized that he was not breathing. (Montgomery Co. Det. Fae., Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court SEPARATION PROTECTION CELL CAPACITY Burrell v. Hampshire County, 307 F.3d 1 (1st Cir. 2002). A pretrial detainee who was severely beaten by a fellow detainee brought a § 1983 action against a county and county officials, alleging deliberate indifference to his health and safety in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. The detainee also alleged an Eighth Amendment violation resulting from failure to segregate violent and nonviolent detainees. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the 32.94 defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The detainee had told one jail official that he was threatened by a fellow detainee who had a history of assaults, but the officials failed to separate them. The court noted that the plaintiff told one official he had a black belt in martial arts and was a decorated war hero and never requested protective custody. The court found that the county's policy of not screening or segregating potentially violent inmates from non-violent ones did not constitute deliberate indifference to the health and safety of detainees, because inmates were housed in single cells and were able to lock their cells from the inside at any time. (Hampshire County Jail/House of Corrections, Massachusetts) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Butera v. Cottey, 285 F.3d 601 (7th Cir. 2002). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a county sheriff after the detainee was sexually assaulted by other detainees. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the sheriff and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the detainee was required to show a deliberate action attributable to the sheriff, not just any jail employee. According to the court, the detainee's statements to jail officers that he was having unspecified problems and needed to be moved from his cellblock, and the detainee's mother's telephone call to an unknown jail employee advising that the detainee had been threatened with sexual assault, were not sufficient to give the sheriff actual notice of a specific risk of serious harm. The appeals court also found that violence at the jail was not so prevalent as to put the sheriff on notice of a substantial risk of harm to the detainee. The court noted that the sheriff implemented policies to prevent violence by requiring jail officers to undergo annual training, requiring officers to patrol cellblocks regularly, by allowing detainees to post anonymous complaints, and by separating the most violent detainees from the rest of the population. (Marion County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROVIDE CARE Calderon-Ortiz v. Laboy-Alvarado, 300 F.3d 60 (1st Cir. 2002). A former pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against officials, alleging failure to protect him from other inmates. The district court dismissed the action. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that the detainee's complaint sufficiently stated a claim. The detainee alleged he had been forcibly sodomized by other inmates, that officials were aware that inmates were being housed without adequate regard to their custody and security needs, and that staff did not provide adequate supervision. (Bayamon Regional Metropolitan Detention Center, Puerto Rico) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Cuesta v. School Bd. of Miami-Dade County. Fla., 285 F.3d 962 (11th Cir. 2002). A high school student sued a school board and a county under § 1983 alleging she was subjected to an unconstitutional strip search. The district court entered summary judgment for the school board and county and the student appealed. The appeals court affumed, finding that there was reasonable suspicion to strip search the student. The student had distributed, with eight other students, an anonymous pamphlet on school grounds that included an essay in which the author "wondered what would happen" ifhe shot the principal, teachers or other students. The students were arrested for hate crime violations and transported to juvenile and adult detention facilities, depending on their ages. The plaintiff student, who was over 18 years old, was booked and strip searched at an adult detention facility pursuant to a policy that required the search of all newly· arrested felons. (Turner Guildford Knight Correctional Facility, Metro-Dade County, Florida) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT DISCIPLINE PARITYWITH SENTENCED EQUAL PROTECTION PUNISHMENT RESTRAINTS Davis v. Milwaukee County. 225 F.Supp.2d 967 (E.D.Wis. 2002). A state prisoner filed a prose§ 1983 action claiming that his constitutional right of access to the courts was violated when he was a pretrial detainee at a county jail. The defendants moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion in part, and denied it in part. The district court held that the detainee's access to courts was impeded because the county sheriff and others interfered with the detainee's ability to exhaust administrative remedies, as required by the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA). According to the court, the detainee was unable to learn about the newly-enacted PLRA due to the absence of any legal materials at the jail, and only learned of the Act's exhaustion requirements after he had been transferred from the jail, when it was too late. The court noted that even if the detainee had known about PLRA, the absence of materials at the jail about the grievance procedure itself would have prevented him from knowing how to fully exhaust. When the defendants' rejected the detainee's grievance they advised him that it was "not a grievable situation." The court found that the detainee's allegations that he was subjected to corporal punishment and that he was provided with no medical attention during the ordeal. were not frivolous. The detainee alleged that he had been placed in painful physical restraints in a hot cell in retaliation for a complaint he had recently filed against a jail officer. The court held that the detainee's claim that he had to pay too much for postage on his letters because the jail had no meter mail service to weigh them, was frivolous. Because the detainee had access to a court· appointed lawyer at all times during his case, the court held that alleged lack of legal materials at the jail did not hinder his defense. The court held that the detainee's claim that the defendants rejected his mail without notifying him was non-frivolous, as required to establish a claim that he had been denied access to courts. The court found that the detainee's allegations that pretrial detainees such as himself were treated worse than convicted prisoners in a number of ways, including being given less time out of their cells, was a non-frivolous claim of violation of equal protection. <Milwaukee County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. District Court FOOD SANITATION Drake v. Velasco, 207 F.Supp.2d 809 (N.D.111. 2002). An inmate sued county corrections officials and a food service company under § 1983, alleging failure to provide him with sanitary meals. The district court denied the defendants' motion to dismiss. The court held that the inmate's 32.95 allegations supported Fourteenth Amendment claims and a claim of deliberate indifference under § 1983. The court found that the inmate sufficiently alleged sufficient injury. The inmate alleged that the food service company's preparation was so unsanitary as to pose both an immediate risk to the inmate's health, and that the food served hindered his recovery from his ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver, and Hepatitis B and C. The inmate alleged that unsanitary conditions included serving meals on trays that contained spoiled food from previous meals, and inadequate supervision of employees that resulted in improper handling, preparation and sterilization of equipment. (Cook Co. Jail, Illinois, Aramark Food Services) U.S. District Court CROWDING MEDICAL CARE SUPERVISION RELEASE Foster v. Fulton County. Georgia. 223 F.Supp.2d 1292 (N.D.Ga. 2002). Inmates at a county jail, who had tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), brought an action complaining of their conditions of confinement and inadequate medical care. The parties entered into a settlement agreement. Two years later the district court responded to a report that described ten areas in which the county had failed to comply with the terms of the settlement. The court held that continued overcrowding at the jail deprived the HIV-positive inmates of their constitutional right to minimal civilized measures of life's necessities. The court ordered the county to institute additional measures to reduce crowding, including: providing counsel within 72 hours of arrest to all persons accused of minor offenses who could not make bail; expanding the authority of Pretrial Services to include supervision of persons arrested for misdemeanor offenses; eliminating any unreasonable factors used to exclude persons charged with felonies from pretrial release; ensuring persons charged with misdemeanors were offered a reasonable bond; and imposing additional restrictions on the length of time a person could remain in jail without accusation or indictment, or accused or indicted but untried. The court found the county had violated the settlement agreement by failing to refer HIV-positive inmates to outside specialists in a timely manner when the jail's own staff lacked the resources to provide timely care. The court noted that even though the county had eliminated its financial review procedures, other bureaucratic problems remained and resulted in delays of three weeks to six months. The court held that the county failed to employ sufficient numbers of trained correctional staff to meet the health needs of HIV·positive inmates. The court ordered the county to immediately develop and implement a plan to increase security staffing at the jail to the level necessary to provide timely access to medical care for the current population of inmates. The court also ordered the county to avoid unreasonable disruption in the continuity of new inmates' medication, noting that only half of the inmates with a credible history of HIV medications were receiving their first doses of medication within 24 hours after admission. (Fulton County Jail, Georgia) U.S. District Court RELEASE ACCESS TO COURT Foster v. Fulton County. 223 F.Supp.2d 1301 (N.D.Ga. 2002). Inmates at a county jail, who had tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), brought an action complaining of their conditions of confinement and inadequate medical care. The parties entered into a settlement agreement. Two years later the district court responded to a report that described ten areas in which the county had failed to comply with the terms of the settlement by ordering remedies. The county moved to stay the corrective actions that were ordered and the district court denied the motion. The court aff1rmed its requirement that the county develop a unified system for providing counsel within 72 hours of arrest to persons arrested on state law misdemeanor charges. The court also ordered the county to develop a meaningful discharge planning process for physically and mentally ill inmate. (Fulton County Jail, Georgia) BAIL U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS SANITATION Frye v. Pettis County Sheriff Dept., 41 Fed.Appx. 906 (8th Cir. 2002). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against county officials, alleging unsafe and hazardous living conditions at a county jail. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the appeals court aff1rmed. The appeals court held that the detainee failed to show that jail officials were deliberately indifferent to his health and safety because the toilet in his cell leaked both sewage and water. Jail staff frequently provided blankets or towels to absorb the water and a plumber had attempted to fix the toilet after the detainee slipped and fell. <Pettis County Jail, Missouri) U.S. District Court Gatlin Ex Rel. Gatlin v. Green, 227 F.Supp.2d 1064 (D.Minn. 2002). The estate of a cooperating witness in a murder investigation brought civil rights, civil rights conspiracy, and state law claims against a police officer and city. The witness had been murdered after police released a prisoner's letter that identified the witness. The district court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment. The court found that there was no clearly established right at the time of the murder, that required police or jail officers to embargo or detain threatening prison mail or to protect cooperating confidential informants from retaliatory violence. The court noted that the officer who released the prisoner's letter repeatedly warned the informant and took steps to help the informant leave the state and to protect him. The court found that the city's failure to provide more training to police officers in prisoner-rights law or the regulation of jail correspondence, was inadequate to support civil rights liability for the city under a failure·to·train theory. (Carver County Jail, Minnesota) BAIL U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE MEDICATION Gibson v. County of Washoe. Nev., 290 F.3d 1175 (9th Cir. 2002). The widow of a manic depressive detainee who suffered a heart attack and died while in a county jail, sued the county, sheriff and various officials under § 1983. The district court entered summary judgment for the defendants and the widow appealed. The appeals court afi1rmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that several fact issues precluded summary judgment: whether the county's policy of delaying medical screening of combative inmates posed a substantial risk of serious harm 32.96 to the detainee; whether the county was aware of that risk; whether the nurse who received the detainee's medication at the jail was deliberately indifferent; and whether the county was liable based upon its policy regarding handling of prescription medication. The appeals court found that deputies who had contact with the detainee after he was admitted to the jail, and who took part in the forcible restraint that preceded his death, were not deliberately indifferent to his medical needs because they knew nothing of his mental condition beyond what they could observe. (Washoe County Jail, Nevada) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE PROTECTION Gonzalez v. Cecil County, Maryland, 221 F.Supp.2d 611 (D.Md. 2002). The widow of a pretrial detainee who died while in custody filed a § 1983 action against a county, sheriff, and detention center medical personnel. The district court denied the defendants' motion to dismiss, in part, finding that fact issues remained as to whether the care provided to the detainee amounted to deliberate indifference. The detainee was admitted to a county detention center at approximately 5:00 p.m. Shortly after his admission he identified himself as a heroin user during a standard intake medical screening. He told three nurses employed by the detention center, upon his arrival, that he was likely to undergo acute heroin withdrawal symptoms. The only treatment provided to him at this time was to be placed on twice-daily doses of Clonidine, a blood pressure medication. The detainee allegedly became violently ill and progressed to acute pulmonary distress, disease and pneumonia during the night and during the next day. He complained to the nurses but was only given an over-the-counter stomach remedy, Kaopectate. Two days later he was found in his cell, unresponsive, and was pronounced dead twenty minutes later. His body was taken to a nearby hospital where an autopsy revealed he died from "pneumonia, complicating narcotics abuse." The district court held that the fact that the nurses were acting in conformity with the county's established protocol in treating the inmate did not entitle them to qualified immunity from liability under§ 1983. (Cecil County Detention Center, Maryland) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Gonzalez-Mercado v. Municipality of Guaynabo, 206 F.Supp.2d 257 (D.Puerto Rico 2002). A plaintiff brought a § 1983 action following her arrest and indictment, alleging violations of her right to medical assistance and malicious prosecution. The district court dismissed the action, in part. The court held that the plaintiffs allegations were insufficient to establish a violation of her Eighth Amendment right to medical assistance, even though her initial request for assistance was denied. The court noted that the plaintiff was eventually examined by two paramedics while she was detained in a police lockup. She was detained for seven hours and the indictment against her was later dismissed. (Guaynabo Mun. Police Station, Puerto Rico) U.S. District Court PROTECTION FROM HARM MEDICAL CARE Gulett v. Haines, 229 F.Supp.2d 806 (S.D.Ohio 2002). A pretrial detainee brought an action against a sheriff, corrections officer, and a jail inmate asserting claims under §1981 and §1983. The detainee had been assaulted by other prisoners and alleged that he was not protected from harm and was denied adequate emergency medical care. The district court held that the jail's emergency medical care policy was not unconstitutional on its face because the policy accounted for any emergency and left medical decisions, subject to an obvious security concern, to a health care staff member. The court denied summary judgment to one corrections officer, finding it was prevented by genuine issues of material fact as to whether the officer knew that other prisoners were likely to assault the detainee and whether he was responsible for preventing an assault. <Montgomery County Jail, Ohio) U.S. District Court PROTECTION SAFETY Hammond v. Gordon County. 316 F.Supp.2d 1262 (N.D.Ga. 2002). Female former county jail inmates sued county officials and officers, claiming they were subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment. The district court granted summary judgment, in part, for the defendants. The court held that a claim was stated by allegations that a male officer required female inmates to strip and engage in lewd behavior in return for female hygiene items and toiletries, and that the officer was not entitled to qualified immunity. The court denied summary judgment to higher jail officials in connection with a claim that they violated the Eighth Amendment by showing deliberate indifference to officer-inflicted harm of inmates. The court also denied summary judgment and qualified immunity for a deputy jailer who was claimed to have intentionally inflicted emotional harm and assault and battery on female inmates. The court granted qualified immunity to an officer on a claim that he violated the rights of a female inmate by opening the door of her cell and allowing a male inmate to enter, finding that there were no precedents establishing that the conduct was illegal and the opening of the door was not so obviously unlawful that immunity should not apply. According to the court, an inmate stated an Eighth Amendment claim against an officer when she alleged that the officer had sex with her, and the officer was not entitled to qualified immunity. But the court did not find deliberate indifference on the part of an officer who allegedly offered a female inmate cigarettes if she would expose her breasts, noting that the officer could not, under the circumstances, be placed on notice that his conduct was unacceptable. The court granted qualified immunity to a jail administrator and sheriff from a claim that they were deliberately indifferent by not intervening when male officers required female inmates to strip in order to receive toiletries and instigated and participated in sexual activities with inmates, because the jail administrator and sheriff did not violate any clearly established law when they did not intervene. (Gordon County Jail, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court TELEPHONE Hanuman v. Groves, 41 Fed.Appx. 7 (8th Cir. 2002). An inmate brought a civil rights action alleging that, while he was a pretrial detainee, prison officials violated his First and Fourteenth Amendment rights by placing him in segregation, where his telephone privileges were limited. 32.97 The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the prison officials and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the limitations placed on phone privileges did not give rise to First and Fourteenth Amendment violations, where the inmate did not demonstrate any actual injury from having to use the telephone while it was noisy or in the evening. (Pulaski Co. Det. Facil., Arkansas) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Helton v. U.S., 191 F.Supp.2d 179 (D.D.C. 2002). Female arrestees brought an action under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) alleging that United States Marshals conducted unlawful searches and invasions of their privacy. The district court held that the alleged strip search of arrestees satisfied the elements of a tort intrusion upon seclusion. The court noted that the Fourth Amendment precludes police or prison officials from conducting a strip search of an individual arrested for misdemeanors or other minor offenses, unless there is reasonable suspicion that the individual is concealing contraband or weapons. The five women plaintiffs had been arrested for unlawful entry in connection with an "anti-fur" demonstration at a department store. According to their complaint, they were compelled "to remove clothing and submit to a strip and squat search" while six men arrested with them were not subjected to such searches. (U.S. Marshals Service) U.S. Appeals Court DISCIPLINE PUNISHMENT SEGREGATION Higgs v. Carver, 286 F.3d 437 (7"' Cir. 2002). A pretrial detainee brought a civil right action alleging due process violations and retaliation. The district court dismissed the complaint and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded. The district court held that issues of fact existed as to the reason for the detainee's segregation, and that the detainee's retaliation allegations sufficiently stated a claim. The appeals court was unable to determine from the record whether the detainee was placed in lockdown segregation for preventive purposes or for punishment. (Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court PRIVACY RESTRAINTS Hill v. McKinley. 311 F.3d 899 (8th Cir. 2002). A prisoner brought § 1983 action alleging jail officers and a sheriff violated her Fourth Amendment right to privacy, and her privacy rights under state law. The prisoner had been marched down a hallway naked, escorted by staff members of the opposite sex, and was then strapped face down to a restrainer board in a spread· eagle position. The district court denied the defendants' request for judgment as a matter of law, refused to reduce damages, and granted attorney fees to the prisoner. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded with directions. The appeals court held that the use of male officers in an otherwise justified transfer of an unruly and naked female prisoner did not violate the Fourth Amendment. The court held that the prisoner's Fourth Amendment rights were violated when she was allowed to remain completely exposed to male officers on a restrainer board for a substantial period of time after the threat to security and safety had passed. But the court found that the officers were entitled to qualified immunity because their actions did not violate clearly established law, noting that prisoners were entitled to very narrow zones of privacy. The court found that evidence supported the verdict for the prisoner on her state law privacy claim and the $2,500 compensatory damage award for invasion of privacy. (Story County Jail, Iowa) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE TRANSPORT Jackson v. Illinois Medi-Car. Inc., 300 F.3d 760 (7th Cir. 2002). A pretrial detainee who was transported to a police station by a private transportation service at the request of a police department, brought a § 1983 action against the service and one of its drivers, alleging denial of adequate medical care. The district court granted summary judgment against the detainee and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals held that the decision of the driver to transport the detainee to a police station, rather than taking him to a hospital, did not amount to deliberate indifference to the detainee's objectively serious medical needs. The detainee collapsed from an overdose of medication shortly after reaching the police station. The court noted that primary authority for the detainee rested with the police officers, who had last determined that he should be taken to the police station, and the driver lacked medical training or any realistic control over the detainee. According to the court, "deliberate indifference" is simply a synonym for intentional or reckless conduct, and "reckless" describes conduct so dangerous that the deliberate nature of the defendant's actions can be inferred. (City of Chicago, Illinois) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Loeber v. County Of Albany. 216 F.Supp.2d 20 (N.D.N.Y. 2002). An arrestee who was strip searched several times after being arrested brought an action under § 1983, alleging numerous constitutional violations and state law claims. The arrestee had been arrested pursuant to a contempt order that was later expunged. The district court held that the county jail's strip search policy was constitutional. The policy only called for strip searches upon admission to the jail where there was a reasonable suspicion that the arrestee possessed contraband, including the cigarettes and candy that the arrestee had in his possession. The court noted that the Fourth Amendment prohibits a blanket policy under which all misdemeanor or minor offense arrestees are strip-searched when admitted to a jail. The court found that a strip search could also be conducted based on the crime charged, the particular characteristics of an arrestee, and/or the circumstances of the arrest. The arrestee had been strip searched when he was admitted to a courthouse holding cell, again when he was admitted to the county jail, and once again when he was taken to a Special Housing Unit for possessing cigarettes and candy, which were considered to be contraband. (Albany County Penitentiary, New York) 32.98 U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT USE OF FORCE Morris v. Crawford County, 299 F.3d 919 (8th Cir. 2002). A county detention center detainee brought§ 1983 and state law battery claims against a sheriff, county, and deputies. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, in part, and the remaining claims were voluntarily dismissed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that there was not a strong causal connection between a deputy sheriff's background and the specific constitutional violation alleged by the detainee. The detainee had been arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated and disorderly conduct. After arriving at a county detention center, he refused to take a breathalyzer test and began to yell and bang on his cell door. Four deputies responded, and according to the detainee, they repeatedly assaulted him as they dragged him to another cell. One deputy allegedly used excessive force on the detainee by utilizing a "knee drop" on him, which severed the detainee's intestine. The court noted that the only violent act in the deputy's record was an incident in which he slapped an inmate, although ex parte protective orders were obtained against the deputy by both his ex·wife and girlfriend. The appeals court held that the sheriff and the county were not liable under§ 1983 on the theory of deliberate indifference in hiring the deputy. (Crawford County Detention Center, Arkansas) U.S. District Court CIVIL COMMITMENT Munoz v. Kolender, 208 F.Supp.2d 1125 (S.D.Cal. 2002). A civil detainee who was confined in a county jail under the provisions of California's Sexually Violent Predator Act brought a § 1983 action against a county sheriff, challenging his confinement and the conditions of his confinement. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the sheriff. The court held that the Act had a dual purpose, to remove dangerous sexually violent predators from society and to provide them with treatment, and that confinement pursuant to the Act was civil in nature, rather than criminal and punitive. The court found that the prisoner's allegations that he was handcuffed while speaking with his lawyer, subjected to strip searches, provided with poor food and with clothes in poor condition, were insufficient to support a § 1983 Eighth Amendment violation. (San Diego County Jail, California) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Murcia v. County of Orange, 185 F.Supp.2d 290 (S.D.N.Y. 2002). An arrestee who was, according to the court, "the unfortunate victim of mistaken identity" was arrested by city police officers who believed he was the same person named in a federal arrest warrant. The arrestee brought a § 1983 claim because he was subjected to one strip search at the city police department and three subsequent strip searches at a county correctional facility. The district court granted the arrestee's motion to amend his complaint, dropping false arrest claims but allowing the strip search claims to continue. The court noted that if the county sheriffs alleged policy of strip· searching every arriving prisoner existed, it was clearly unconstitutional and there could be no qualified immunity defense. (Orange County Correctional Facility, New York) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Murcia v. County of Orange, 226 F.Supp.2d 489 (S.D.N.Y. 2002). A detainee filed a§ 1983 action alleging that a county violated his constitutional rights by strip searching him, under a policy of strip searching all detainees upon arrival at the correctional facility. The district court granted qualified immunity for the county sheriff, finding that the detainee's right to be free from strip searches without reasonable suspicion was not clearly established at the time. The court noted that the county's policy of subjecting all new felony detainees to visual body cavity searches required further scrutiny, although such searches for misdemeanor detainees had been clearly established as unconstitutional in 1994. (Orange County Correctional Facility, New York) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS LENGTH FAILURE TO PROTECT CROWDING Oliver v. Keller, 289 F.3d 623 (9th Cir. 2002). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a county sheriff and two jail employees, alleging confinement in unconstitutional conditions. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that the detainee did not suffer more than a de minimis physical injury from his jail confinement and therefore could not make the required showing for the purpose of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA). But the appeals court held that the detainee was entitled to seek nominal and punitive damages under the Fourteenth Amendment. The detainee had admitted during a deposition that the back and leg pain he allegedly suffered from sitting and sleeping on benches and the floor of a temporary cell was not serious. The detainee had been temporarily confined on three separate occasions. In one instance he was confined in a temporary holding cell equipped with benches, toilets and sinks. Inmates eat three meals per day in the cell, and are not provided with cots, blankets or pillows. At one time the detainee was housed for 51 hours with approximately 50 other men in a cell measuring 404 square feet. He was transferred to another cell where he spent another 74 hours confined with an average of 18 prisoners in a cell that measured 174 square feet. The detainee described conditions in the cells as "a human carpet." (Clark Co. Detention Ctr., Nevada) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE INTAKE SCREENING Pardue Ex Rel Christian v. Ashe, 36 Fed.Appx. 199 (6th Cir. 2002). The next friend and next of kin to an arrestee who committed suicide while being held in a county jail on a domestic assault charge, brought a § 1983 action alleging that the county failed to recognize the arrestee's suicidal tendencies. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the arrestee did not have a constitutional right to be screened correctly for suicidal tendencies, and that he did not show a strong likelihood that he was going to attempt suicide such that the failure to take precautions amounted to deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. The appeals court also held that the.re was no evidence that the county had a policy or custom of deliberate indifference to pretrial detainees 32.99 who were in similar situations to the arrestee. The arrestee had been admitted to a county jail and was placed in a temporary holding cell near the intake desk. Sometime during the night the arrestee hanged himself and his body was discovered the following morning. The appeals court held that "this single incident is not sufficient to impose liability on Wilson County because it does not establish a pattern of unconstitutional conduct." (Wilson County Criminal Justice Complex, Tennessee) U.S. Appeals Court BAIL Payton v. County of Kane, 308 F.3d 673 (7th Cir. 2002). Arrestees brought an action against two county jails that charged a bond fee, above and beyond the set bail amount, as a condition of their release. The district court dismissed the action and the arrestees appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded. The appeals court held that the arrestees sufficiently satisfied their standing requirement by alleging violation of their Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The court noted that the arrestees suffered monetary injury when they were required to make the extra payments, and that these injuries could be traced to the policy of each jail. A 1999 Illinois law allowed a bond fee to be added to the required bond and set the fee at $1. The law empowered county boards to increase the statutory fee by ordinance if the increase is justified by an acceptable cost study that demonstrates that the $1 fee is not sufficient to cover the costs of providing the service. Nineteen of Illinois's 102 counties charged a bail fee at the time of the appeal. The plaintiff arrestees were charged $11 on one jail and $15 in another. (Kane County Jail and DuPage County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court FALSE IMPRISONMENT Peacock v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, 199 F.Supp.2d 306 (D.Md. 2002). A detainee sued local and county officials alleging false arrest and false imprisonment. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that members of the sheriff's office could not be held liable for detaining the inmate for 10 days without investigating his claim that he had already completed his sentence for violation of probation. It was eventually confirmed that the detainee had served his sentence, and he was released (Baltimore Co. Detention Center, Maryland) U.S. District Court FALSE IMPRISONMENT Potts v. City of Philadelphia, 224 F.Supp.2d 919 (E.D.Pa. 2002). An arrestee sued a city and city officials asserting § 1983 claims. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants on federal claims and dismissed state claims. The court held that the 30·hour detention of the arrestee did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment protection against deprivation of liberty without due process of law. The court noted that the U.S. Supreme Court suggested in Baker v. McCollan (443 U.S. 137 1979) that prolonged detention in the face of a person's protestation of innocence may violate the Fourteenth Amendment but that detention for three days "does not and could not amount to such a deprivation." Because the arrestee in this case was detained for 30 hours, the court found no constitutional violation. (Southwest Detective Division, City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION TRANSPORT Proffitt v. Ridgway. 279 F.3d 503 (7 th Cir. 2002). The estate of an arrestee brought a § 1983 action alleging excessive force on the part of a police officer and a private citizen. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the death of the arrestee from a choke hold administered by a bystander, where the arresting officer made no effort to use deadly force against the arrestee, was not deliberate indif·ference. The appeals court noted that the officer could not have foreseen that the small unarmed man would kill the "hefty" arrestee, even though it was later learned that the man was a martial-arts expert. The officer took reasonable efforts, according to the court, to protect the arrestee from excessive force by telling the bystander to ease up on the choke hold. (City of Pana, Illinois) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT SUICIDE Rapier v. Kankakee County, Ill., 203 F.Supp.2d 978 (C.D.Ill. 2002). The wife of a detainee who committed suicide while in jail filed a§ 1983 suit individually, and as the special administrator of the detainee's estate. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that the county was not liable for alleged deliberate indifference toward the prevention of suicide by detainees. The court found that the county's policy of placing potentially suicidal detainees in a special needs cell, along with its policy to require checks of these inmates every 15 minutes, was an effective way to prevent suicides. The court also found that the county's failure to adequately deal with the problem of understaffing at the jail was not the cause of the detainee's suicide, because an officer saw or spoke to the detainee 15 to 20 minutes prior to the time he was found hanging in his cell. The sheriff has stated that seven staff members were working at the jail at the time of the suicide, the jail's census was lower than usual at the time, and that he did not think that having additional staff would have made a tremendous difference. (Kankakee Co. Detention Ctr., Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES DRUG TEST Saulsberry v. Arpaio, 41 Fed.Appx. 953 (9th Cir. 2002). A detainee brought an action against a county sheriff alleging violation of his Fourth and Eighth Amendment rights. The district court entered judgment for the sheriff and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that a physician working for the sheriff's office ordered catheterization and drug screening for the detainee solely for medical purposes, not for any administrative or investigative reasons, and therefore the tests did not violate the Fourth Amendment. (Maricopa Co. Sheriff's Office, Arizona) 32.100 U.S. District Court TELEPHONE MAIL DISCIPLINE U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT TELEPHONE MAIL DISCIPLINE Simpson v. Gallant, 223 F.Supp.2d 286 (D.Me. 2002). A pretrial detainee filed a §1983 action alleging his constitutional rights were violated when county jail officials denied him access to telephone and mail services. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the refusal to permit the pretrial detainee access to a telephone to arrange bail, after he was placed in disciplinary segregation for violations of jail rules, did not violate the detainee's Fourteenth Amendment rights, where the detainee retained the ability to use the mail and to meet with his attorney. (Penobscot County Jail, Maine) Simpson v. Gallant, 231 F.Supp.2d 341 (D.Me. 2002). A pretrial detainee brought an action against county officials, alleging violations of his right of access to telephone and mail services as the result of disciplinary actions taken against him. The district court held that the detainee's claim was properly characterized as a claim that jail disciplinary sanctions violated his constitutional right to make bail and to prepare his defense while he was a pretrial detainee. The court declined to determine, at the motion to dismiss phase of the case, if sanctions restricting access to mail and telephone were imposed to enforce reasonable disciplinary requirements. The court held that the detainee's allegations supported a claim that the officials interfered with his right to counsel, bail, and access to courts. The detainee alleged that the officials' restrictions forced his trial to be postponed, and that soon after his release from detention he was cleared of the charges. The detainee also alleged that he was able to make bail soon after he was able to contact his associate. <Penobscot County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MEDICAL CARE Smith v. Lejeune, 203 F.Supp.2d 1260 (D.Wyo. 2002). Following the death of her husband who had been detained at a county detention facility, a wife brought an action against a physician, nurses and others, alleging deliberate indifference in violation of§ 1983. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, finding that the physician had trained nurses regarding alcohol withdrawal, and the nurses did not have the requisite state of mind, knowledge and disregard of possible risks to sustain a deliberate indifference claim. According to the court, the physician did not fail to train the nurses, where he provided the nurses with protocols and policies to deal with alcohol and alcohol withdrawal, and conducted monthly meetings during which the policies were discussed. The nurses had not identified any signs that the detainee was suffering for alcohol withdrawal, and the detainee had denied any history of suffering from alcohol withdrawal. The detainee had been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, and a breath alcohol test identified a level of .317. (Laramie County Detention Facility, Wyoming) U.S. District Court PUNISHMENT MENTAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES SPEEDY TRIAL Terry Ex Rel. Terry v. Hill, 232 F.Supp.2d 934 (E.D.Ark. 2002). Pretrial detainees brought a class action against the Arkansas Department of Human Services, claiming that inordinate delays in providing evaluation and treatment of detainees who were referred by the court to determine their fitness to stand trial, violated their Constitutional rights. The district court entered judgment for the detainees. The court held that the inordinate delays amounted to prohibited punishment that violated the detainee's due process rights. The court also found that the officials displayed deliberate indifference to the detainees' circumstances, violating their Eighth Amendment rights. According to the court, the Arkansas Constitution speaks of the State's duty toward the mentally ill, and the Arkansas State Hospital, a division of the Department of Human Services, has responsibility for treating citizens committed by civil courts or by criminal courts for evaluation. <Arkansas State Hospital, Arkansas Department of Human Services) U.S. Appeals Court CIVIL COMMITMENT Troville v. Yenz, 303 F.3d 1256 (11th Cir. 2002). A civilly committed detainee filed a§ 1983 action challenging his conditions of confinement. The district court dismissed the case for failure to state a claim and the detainee appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that the civil detainee is not a "prisoner" for purposes of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) and therefore the PLRA provision requiring full payment of the filing fee on appeal did not apply. The appeals court held that the district court should have permitted the detainee to amend his complaint. According to the court, the definition of "prisoner" in the in forma pauperis statute applies only to persons incarcerated as punishment for a criminal conviction, and a civil detainee is not a "prisoner." (South Bay Detainee Unit, South Bay Correctional Facility, Florida) U.S. District Court SEARCH MEDICAL CARE USE OF FORCE Turner v. Kight, 192 F.Supp.2d 391 CD.Md. 2002). A female detainee who was arrested on an outstanding warrant associated with a civil matter and detained at a jail brought an action against county and state officials. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that arresting and booking officers were deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical needs when they allegedly removed a neck brace and seized medication, ignoring her complaints of pain and muscle spasm. The detainee sometimes limped and walked with a cane, but the court found that the detainee's alleged pain did not rise to the level of a serious medical need. The court granted qualified immunity to the officers, finding that there was no indication that the officers actually knew of, and ignored, a serious need for medical care. The court also found that the officers were not deliberately indifferent by failing to dispense medication in response to the detainee's complaints of pain, where the officers were not permitted to dispense medication and they notified the detention facility's medical staff of a nonemergency situation, who did not respond during the six hours the detainee was confined. The court held that the detainee's allegation that she was brutally handcuffed did not present a constitutional violation, particularly in the absence of any explanation of how the handcuffing led to any injury. The court held that if a strip search was conducted by an officer of the same sex during the 32.101 processing of the detainee, it did not rise to the level of a Fourth Amendment violation, where the search was conducted in private and there was no physical contact between the detention officer and the detainee. <Montgomery County Detention Center, Maryland) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Turner v. Kight, 217 F.Supp.2d 680 (D.Md. 2002). A detainee who was arrested on an outstanding warrant brought a civil rights and state tort suit arising out of her arrest and the conditions of her detention. The district court held that the detainee was entitled to reconsideration of the court's determination that she was a "pretrial detainee" at the time of an allegedly unconstitutional strip search. The detainee claimed that she was a "temporary detainee" at the time of the search, which exempted her from a strip search according to county jail policy. <Montgomery County Detention Center, Maryland) U.S. District Court SEGREGATION MAIL TELEPHONE VISITS U.S. v. Flores, 214 F.Supp.2d 1193 (D.Utah 2002). A prisoner who was indicted for alleged Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) violations, filed a writ of habeas corpus challenging restrictions placed on his conditions of confinement. The district court denied the petition. The court held that the secure confinement of the prisoner was justified and that restrictions placed upon his confinement were warranted because the prisoner was a flight risk, and a danger to others. The court upheld restrictions on the prisoner's mail that required mail to be read for threats, conspiracy, or obstruction of justice efforts, because members of the prisoner's gang outside the prison could act on his instructions. The court also upheld that the limitation of one visitor per day and telephone restrictions. The court clarified that the prisoner's right of access to counsel included investigators or other special assistants working for the prisoner's attorney. (Utah State Prison) U.S. District Court BAIL BAIL REFORM ACT RELEASE· CONDITIONS U.S. v. Hammond, 204 F.Supp.2d 1157 (E.D.Wis. 2002). A defendant moved to modify his bail and conditions of release. The U.S Magistrate reduced bail and set conditions of release and the government moved for revocation of the order. The district court denied the motion, finding that the government failed to show that the defendant was dangerous and that no conditions of release would reasonably assure the safety of the community, and that the conditions of release were insufficient. The defendant's bail was reduced to $135,500 (from $150,000) and he was required to submit to electronic monitoring, travel restrictions, random urine tests, and reporting to pre·trial services. He was also ordered not to associate with the Outlaws Motorcycle Club. (East. Dist., Wisc.) U.S. Appeals Court SPEEDY TRIAL LENGTH U.S. v. Hernandez, 281 F.3d 746 (8th Cir. 2002). An inmate who had been convicted in federal court sought to appeal his conviction. The appeals court affirmed, finding that an overnight delay between the defendant's arrest on a drug charge and his appearance before a magistrate was neither excessive nor unnecessary, and that the defendant's statements while detained would not be suppressed. The court noted that the defendant was arrested in the evening and was questioned by police for two hours, and appeared before a magistrate the next morning, following a total delay of 15 hours. (Iowa) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT TRANSFER U.S. v. Johnson, 225 F.Supp.2d 982 <N.D.Iowa 2002). A pretrial detainee charged with murder while engaged in a conspiracy moved to be transferred to a different facility. The district court denied the motion, finding that denial of the transfer motion was not clearly erroneous, absent a showing that detention at the current facility had interfered with the detainee's right to counsel. The court noted that one of the detainee's lead attorneys had an office in the same city as the current detention facility. The court also found that transfer was not warranted absent a showing that conditions at the current facility amounted to unconstitutional "punishment." (Linn County Jail, Iowa) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT U.S. v. McKinley. 228 F.Supp.2d 1158 (D.Or. 2002). A defendant charged with murder was arrested and detained at 10:40 a.m. on Friday and was not arraigned until the following Monday. The district court held that the delay in bringing the defendant before a magistrate was not excessive. The court noted that it was 100 miles to the nearest magistrate and that authorities spent all day Friday conducting an investigation needed to support the charge. (Warm Springs Correctional Facility, Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Oregon) U.S. Appeals Court TELEPHONE Valdez v. Rosenbaum, 302 F.3d 1039 (9th Cir. 2002). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against a federal prosecutor and jail officials alleging that his constitutional rights were violated during his detention in a state-operated jail, as the result of restrictions placed upon his telephone access. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that a state law that allowed prisoners reasonable access to the telephone did not give the pretrial detainee a liberty interest in telephone usage. The appeals court held that telephone restrictions did not violate the detainee's due process rights nor the First Amendment, and that the detainee could not maintain a Sixth Amendment claim based on the telephone restrictions. The court noted that the restrictions, which limited the detainee's telephone access to calls to his attorney only, were reasonably related to the legitimate government interest of ensuring the safety of police officers when they were executing arrests, and preventing the detainee from helping his co-conspirators elude arrest. The court noted that the detainee was allowed to receive visitors and could send and receive mail, but allowing the detainee phone access would have required jail staff to monitor his calls, and there was no obvious, easy alternative to the restriction. (Alaska Cook Inlet Pretrial Facility) 32.102 U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION CROWDING Washington v. LaPorte County Sheriffs Dept., 306 F.3d 515 (7th Cir. 2002). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 due process claim against a jail and its officers, alleging that injuries he suffered when he was attacked by another inmate were caused by the jail's cell assignment policy. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the jail's cell assignment policy did not demonstrate deliberate indifference on the part of officials to a substantial risk of serious harm to the detainee. The policy allowed inmates to choose their own cell assignments. The detainee was charged with driving with a suspended license and he was detained at the jail pending trial, as he was unable to post bond. He was assigned to a cell block originally designed to hold ten inmates, but which actually housed seventeen. The detainee was allowed to choose his own cell assignment within the housing unit. The court noted that the detainee shared a cell with the inmate who eventually assaulted him for two weeks without incident prior to the attack, and did not inform jail officers he had fought with the inmate or that he feared harm. (LaPointe County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT White v. Crane, 45 Fed.Appx. 552 (8th Cir. 2002). A county jail inmate brought a civil rights action against a sheriff, jail administrators, and jail officers, seeking compensation for injuries incurred when he was placed in a cell with another inmate who assaulted him. The appeals court granted summary judgment in favor of the jail officers, but the appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that the officers could not reasonably believe they were not violating the inmate's right to be free from attack. Upon admission to the jail, the plaintiff inmate had notified an officer that the other inmate should be put on his enemy-alert list because of a problem he had just had with his wife. When officers placed plaintiff inmate in the same housing unit with the other inmate, the plaintiff had asked them to at least handcuff the other inmate before opening the door and the officers refused. When the door was opened the attack immediately occurred. (Hempstead County Detention Facility, Arkansas) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE RESTRAINTS Williams v. City of Las Vegas, 34 Fed.Appx. 297 (9th Cir. 2002). An arrestee brought a suit against a city and correctional officer alleging the use of excessive force. The district court granted summary judgment to the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the officer's use of force and restraints when the arrestee refused to cooperate during the booking process was not excessive under either the Eighth Amendment standard for prisoners, nor the Fourteenth Amendment standard for pretrial detainees. The court noted that all of the officer's conduct associated with this claim had been videotaped from three different positions by surveillance cameras. According to the court, the use of waist and leg restraints on the inmate in his jail cell did not violate the Eighth Amendment, where the inmate had refused to stand still during a frisk search and displayed erratic and seemingly uncooperative behavior. <Las Vegas Department of Detention, Nevada) 2003 U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE Brass v. County of Los Angeles, 328 F.3d 1192 (9th Cir. 2003). An arrestee brought an action against a deputy and county, alleging that the county violated his constitutional rights by failing to timely release him from jail. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that a 39-hour delay in releasing the detainee was not unreasonable and did not violate his constitutional rights. The court found that the arrestee did not have a constitutional right to have his release papers processed in any particular order, or ahead of other prisoners whose papers the sheriffs department received the same day as his. According to the court, the order in which the department handled prisoner releases was an administrative matter primarily within the department's discretion. The court held that the county's policy of not starting to process the day's releases until it received all information relating to prisoners scheduled for release, , including wants and holds, was justified and reasonable in light of its responsibilities. (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE SUPERVISION Cagle v. Sutherland, 334 F.3d 980 (11th Cir. 2003). The personal representative of the estate of a pretrial detainee who hung himself in his cell brought a § 1983 action, alleging that officials failed to prevent his suicide. The district court denied summary judgment in favor of the defendants and they appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded. The appeals court held that the county's violation of a consent decree that arose out of a voluntary settlement of a prior jail conditions lawsuit, did not establish a violation of the pretrial detainee's constitutional rights actionable under § 1983. The consent decree required the county to provide a second nighttime jailer to staff the jail during the hours that the detainee committed suicide, but the court noted that the prior lawsuit was not concerned with the risk of prisoner suicides. According to the court, the county's failure to fund the second jailer did not rise to the level of deliberate indifference to the strong likelihood that a suicide would result. The court also found no deliberate indifference on the part of the jailer who waited for one hour and forty·six minutes after his last cell check, even though the detainee had expressly threatened suicide. The court noted that the jailer was aware that the detainee's belt, shoelaces and the contents of his pockets had been confiscated, the cell had been stripped of implements that might assist suicide, and the jailer regularly observed the detainee through a closed circuit monitor that viewed the majority of the cell. The detainee was able to commit suicide by tearing the elastic band from his underwear, tying it around his neck, and hanging himself from the top bunk. (Winston County Jail, Alabama) 32.103 U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION SEPARATION Cardenas v. Lewis, 66 Fed.Appx. 86 (9th Cir. 2003). [unpublished] A pretrial detainee brought a prose§ 1983 action against a county, alleging deliberate indifference to a substantial risk to his safety. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed and remanded in part. The appeals court held that officers who placed the detainee in a holding tank with an inmate, from whom the detainee was supposed to be kept separated, were not acting with deliberate indifference, even if the officers were negligent in failing to check the detainee's "keep separate" wristband. The court found that the detainee was deprived of due process in disciplinary proceedings in which he was allegedly not allowed to call witnesses, to have his exculpatory statement read, or to tape the hearings, and was placed in segregation without a hearing. (Yakima County Department of Corrections, Washington) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROVIDE CARE SUICIDE ATTEMPT Cavalieri v. Shepard, 321 F.3d 616 (7th Cir. 2003). The mother of a pretrial detainee who attempted suicide brought a§ 1983 action against a police officer, alleging deliberate indifference to the detainee's risk of attempting suicide. The district court denied summary judgment for the officer and the officer appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that summary judgment was precluded by an issue of fact as to whether the officer was aware that the detainee was on the verge of trying to commit suicide and whether the officer was deliberately indifferent to the detainee's safety. The court noted that the detainee's right to be free from deliberate indifference to the risk that he would attempt suicide was clearly established. The detainee was transferred to a county facility after a brief period of detention in a city jail. When he was admitted to the county facility he was not placed on suicide watch, but he did ask to speak to a mental health advisor. He was assigned to a holding cell that contained a telephone with a strong metal cord. When the police officer called the county facility to complain about calls from the inmate, county employees found the detainee unconscious, hanging from the wire telephone cord. The detainee remained in a vegetative state after his unsuccessful suicide attempt. (Champaign County Correctional Facility, Illinois) U.S. District Court BAIL Clynch v. Chapman, 285 F.Supp.2d 213 (D.Conn. 2003). An arrestee filed a § 1983 action arising from his arrest for driving under the influence. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, in part. The court held that city police officers' roles in setting the arrestee's bail were functionally comparable to that of a judge, and that the officers were entitled to absolute immunity from liability, even if they did not consider individualized circumstances. Under state law, officers were required to attempt to conduct an interview with the arrestee to obtain information relevant to the terms and conditions of his release from custody, before setting bail. The arrestee was a 69-year-old man who had lived his entire life in the same house, who was charged with Driving Under the Influence. He was taken to a police station where he was detained in a holding cell. The police officer ordered him held on a $500 surety bond and set a court date. (City of Derby, Connecticut) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Coleman Ex Rel. Coleman v. Parkman, 349 F.3d 534 (8th Cir. 2003). The administratix of a pretrial detainee's estate brought an action, alleging that prison officials had been deliberately indifferent to the risk that the detainee would commit suicide. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part, and the parties appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and dismissed in part. The appeals court held that summary judgment was precluded by genuine issues of material fact as to whether the arresting officer knew that the detainee presented a substantial suicide risk, and whether a jailer recklessly failed to take reasonable measures. The arresting officer had been told by someone who was with the detainee before his arrest, that the detainee had been carrying a rifle and threatening suicide. After interviewing the detainee, the officer concluded he was not a suicide risk. Jail records stated that the detainee had threatened suicide and needed to be placed in isolation and monitored. The detainee was placed in the jail's drunk tank, instead of the holding cell that was usually used for suicidal inmates. The drunk tank had eighteen exposed bars, while the holding cell had none. The drunk tank was difficult to observe because it was upstairs in the jail, unlike the holding tank. Because the detainee was assigned to the drunk tank, and in spite of his being on a suicide watch, an officer issued the detainee the usual items, including a bed sheet. The officer checked on the detainee at 1:30 a.m.; the detainee was found hanging from the exposed bars by a bed sheet at 1:42 a.m. (St. Francis County Jail, Arkansas) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Cottone v. Jenne, 326 F.3d 1352 (11th Cir. 2003). The personal representative of the estate ofa pretrial detainee who was killed by a mentally-ill co-inmate, brought a § 1983 action. The district court denied qualified immunity for the defendants and they appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part. The appeals court held that officers were not entitled to qualified immunity because they failed to monitor a known violent inmate that was housed in a unit for mentally ill inmates. The court held that supervisory officials were entitled to qualified immunity from § 1983 liability for their failure to train and supervise officers on duty at the time of the murder, absent an allegation of a constitutional violation on their part. (North Broward Detention Center, Florida) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Crocker v. County of Macomb, 285 F.Supp.2d 971 (E.D.Mich. 2003). The personal representative of the estate of deceased arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a county and officials, alleging they were deliberately indifferent to the serious medical needs of the inmate, who committee suicide in a holding cell. The court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, finding 32.104 that the arrestee did not demonstrate a strong likelihood of taking his own life, as required to trigger a due process right to reasonable protection. The arrestee was brought to the county jail on an outstanding warrant. The admitting officer noted that the arrestee smelled like alcohol but saw that he was able to walk and talk without difficulty, remember telephone numbers, and use the telephone. The arrestee was placed in a holding cell with a telephone where he made more than twenty calls during the two hours he was held. He was discovered hanging from the telephone cord approximately two hours after he was admitted. The court noted that the arrestee's behavior while confined indicated an awareness of the present and a concern for the future, indicative of a person wanting to live, not die. <Macomb County Jail, Michigan) U.S. District Court MENTAL HEALTH ADA· Americans with Disabilities Act Disability Advocates, Inc. v. McMahon, 279 F.Supp.2d 158 (N.D.N.Y. 2003). An advocacy group for disabled persons, and an individual subjected to a mental hygiene pickup, brought an action under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act, alleging that the state criminalized mental hygiene pickups by treating or labeling them as arrests, thereby discriminating against persons with mental disabilities. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that the custodial detention of a mentally ill person constituted an "arrest" but that the detention did not violate due process. The court found that an individual taken into custody in connection with a mental hygiene pickup was not stigmatized by reason of her disability in violation of ADA or the Rehabilitation Act, where police acted because the individual appeared to be mentally ill and was acting in a manner that was likely to result in serious harm to herself or to others. (New York State Police) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Dodge v. County of Orange, 282~.Supp.2d 41 (S.D.N.Y. 2003). A suit sought a permanent injunction against a county jail's policy of strip searching newly arrived pretrial detainees upon their initial admission. The dist ct court held that the policy, in its initial form and in two subsequent revisions, violated t Fourth Amendment to the extent that it allowed a strip search without individualized reasonab suspicion that a detainee was carrying contraband. The court granted a permanent injunction gainst the unconstitutional aspects of the policy. The banned policy allowed strip searches for factors such as being a known gang member or having prior escape charges. (Orange County Correctional Facility, New York) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Eberle v. City of Newton, 289 F.Supp.2d 1269 (D.Kan. 2003). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a city and city officials and staff, alleging that she was subjected to excessive force while in police custody. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, in spite of finding violations, because the arrestee had signed a waiver of all civil rights claims. The court found that an officer's use of violence against the arrestee during questioning at a police station violated the arrestee's clearly established right to be free from excessive force, and that the officer was not entitled to qualified immunity. The arrestee had attempted to leave an interrogation room and the officer grabbed her by the arm, throwing her in the direction of a chair and causing her to fall, and then the officer kicked the arrestee even though she posed no threat to him. (City of Newton Police Department, Kansas) U.S. District Court LENGTH Edwards v. Oberndorf, 309 F.Supp.2d 780 (E.D.Va. 2003). A driver arrested for driving under the influence challenged his detention. The district court dismissed the action, finding that housing the driver in a holding cell for a minimal period of time following the first court's order for the inmate's release, while the sheriff's department checked on whether a detainer was still lodged by a second court, did not violate due process. The court noted that the detainee was held for less than 20 hours and there was no evidence of negligence or malice. (Virginia Beach City Jail, VA) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Engelleiter v. Brevard County Sheriffs Dept., 290 F.Supp.2d 1300 (M.D.Fla. 2003). A pretrial detainee who as an insulin-dependent diabetic brought a civil rights action against a county sheriff's department, claiming deliberate indifference to his serious medical condition. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the department. The court held that even if jail officials were deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical condition by giving him only one shot of insulin during a period of approximately 48 hours, the detainee did not establish the existence of a "policy or custom" based on treatment decisions by the department or the jail nurses. (Brevard County Detention Center, Florida) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Estate of Allen v. City of Rockford, 349 F.3d 1015 (7th Cir. 2003). A pretrial detainee sued a city and several police officers under § 1983, alleging due process violations stemming from unwanted medical treatment received at a hospital following her arrest for driving under the influence of drugs. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the officers owed the detainee a duty of care and safety during the time that the detainee was at the hospital, and that the officers' failure to intervene with the forcible medical treatment of the detainee did not violate her due process rights. The officers had taken the detainee to a hospital for the purpose of obtaining a urine sample. An emergency room physician stated that the detainee was not competent to make medical decisions regarding her health and might suffer a potentially life-threatening drug overdose if a drug screen was not conducted. The officers did not prevent the forcible extraction of blood and urine samples. (City of Rockford, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Gaines v. Choctaw County Com'n., 242 F.Supp.2d 1153 (S.D.Ala. 2003). Administrators of a deceased inmate's estate asserted state and federal law claims against a sheriff and county, 32.105 alleging that the inmate's death resulted from the denial of medical treatment while the inmate was a pretrial detainee in a county jail. The district court held that the county could not be held liable for any alleged lack of training or supervision of the sheriff, or sheriffs employees. The court found that allegations failed to support a claim against the county based on its statutory duty to maintain a jail, but that the allegations supported a claim against the county for an alleged breach of duty to fund medical care, where the alleged failure to provide adequate funding to meet the medical needs of inmates supported a claim for deliberate indifference under § 1983. The court noted that although the county did not have a duty to appoint a physician, but merely had the authority to do so, the county had the authority to act and its failure to do so could be construed as a county policy. The court held that the allegations stated a § 1983 claim under the Fourteenth Amendment against the sheriff in his individual capacity, based on his direct participation. The sheriff allegedly removed the inmate from the hospital against medical advice, failed to provide adequate treatment during his subsequent incarceration, and refused to readmit the inmate to the hospital. At the time of his arrest, the inmate was a patient at an infirmary where he was being treated for acute renal failure and pneumonia. The sheriff personally removed the inmate from the hospital, over the strenuous objections of the inmate's physician. He was placed in jail, where his condition deteriorated to the point that he was unable to walk or to feed himself. His family found him in worsening condition during their visits and eventually paid other inmates to help bathe and feed the inmate. Jail staff allegedly refused to administer prescription medication because, according to the family, the Sheriffs policies did not require them to do so. The she.riff finally took the inmate to a nearby medical clinic where the treating physician recommended that the inmate be hospitalized, but the sheriff refused. The family contacted the state human resources agency, which intervened and caused the inmate to be admitted to the hospital. Upon admission, he was found to be dehydrated and malnourished and his illness had become irreversible; he died a few days later. The court held that the alleged conduct of the county in failing to equip the jail with audiovisual equipment to monitor inmates failed to support a claim against the county, absent an allegation that the failure caused, or in any way contributed to, the inmate's death. (Choctaw County Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Gray v. Tunica County, Mississippi, 279 F.Supp.2d 789 (N.D.Miss. 2003). The estate of a jail inmate and his relatives brought a suit against a county and a jailer, alleging federal civil rights claims and state law claims. The inmate had committed suicide in a jail holding cell. The district court granted summary judgment, in part, for the defendants. The court held that the county had no civil rights liability for jail conditions or policies related to the suicide of the pretrial detainee who was placed in a new "lunacy" cell under a suicide watch. The detainee apparently managed to strangle himself with a ripped·off piece of his jail jumpsuit. The court found that the holding cell was new and safe and that the method of suicide was unforeseeable. The court noted that it was doubtful that the detainee could have been helped, even if a jailer had entered the cell immediately upon noticing that the detainee had removed his jumpsuit and was lying nude in a peculiar position. According to the court, the jail policies involving intermittent checks were reasonably related to the legitimate purpose of protecting inmates from harm. The jailer had decided to finish feeding other inmates before he returned to check on the welfare of the detainee in the holding cell. The detainee had been checked about an hour after being placed in the new holding cell, and the jailer returned 30 minutes later to discover the detainee unconscious in the cell. (Tunica County Jail, Mississippi) U.S. District Court INITIAL APPEARANCE Hayes v. Faulkner County, Ark., 285 F.Supp.2d 1132 (E.D.A.rk. 2003). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action against a county, sheriff and jail administrator, complaining of his long detention prior to an initial court appearance. The district court entered judgment in favor of the arrestee, finding that the county's detention policy was deliberately indifferent to the arrestee's constitutional rights. The court held that the sheriff did not possess the requisite level of personal knowledge to be individually liable, but that the jail administrator was not entitled to qualified immunity. The sheriff and jail administrator were responsible for the policy under which the she.riffs office submitted the names of those confined in jail to the court, and then waited for the court to schedule a hearing. The policy resulted in a 38-day delay for the arrestee, in violation of his Fourth Amendment right to a judicial determination of probable cause as a prerequisite to extended restraint of liberty following arrest. The court held that it would enter an order awarding compensatory damages and attorney fees and costs, if the parties were unable to settle the amounts between them. The court found that the arrestee was entitled to compensatory damages because his reputation in the community was compromised as the result of his confinement, he suffered mental anguish, emotional distress and physical pain while incarcerated, and he was financially injured when his home and property were left unattended for the 38 days he was confined. The arrestee had been brought to the jail when two outstanding warrants were discovered during a traffic stop. (Faulkner County Detention Center, Arkansas) U.S. District Court JUVENILES Hedgepeth v. Washington Metro. Area Transit. 284 F.Supp.2d 145 (D.D.C. 2003). The mother of a 12-year-old girl who was arrested for eating a french fry in a rail transit station. brought a § 1983 action alleging equal protection and other violations. The district court entered judgment for the defendants. The court held that the city's "no citation" policy for juvenile offenses did not violate the daughter's equal protection rights. Adult violators were able to be released with a citation, while the law required juveniles to be arrested and detained. The 12-year-old ate one french fry in a transit station and she was arrested. The transit police officer searched the girl and her possessions and handcuffed her behind her back. The handcuffs remained on until she was 32.106 released from the juvenile processing station several hours later. (Juvenile Processing Center, D.C.) U.S. District Court DUE PROCESS Jimenez v. New Jersey. 245 F.Supp.2d 584 (D.N.J. 2003). An arrestee whose charges were subsequently dropped, brought a state court action alleging violation of his constitutional rights and various state court claims. The case was removed to the federal district court, where it was dismissed. The district court held that the arrestee had no due process right to pre·trial DNA testing, and therefore officers could not be held liable under § 1983. The arrestee had been held for 22 months, during which time he asked for DNA testing, asserting it would prove him innocent of the charges. (Atlantic County, New Jersey) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Joseph Ex Rel. Estate of Harbin v. City of Detroit, 289 F.Supp.2d 863 (E.D.Mich. 2003). The personal representative of the estate of an arrestee brought a § 1983 action in state court, alleging deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. The representative alleged that jailers delayed attending to the arrestee when he repeatedly complained of chest pain. The arrestee was eventually taken to a hospital where he died 12 hours later. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, finding that the police department's alleged five·hour delay in taking the arrestee to the hospital did not rise to the level of an objective, serious harm. The court noted that there was no evidence that any officer actually perceived, or knew of, a substantial risk of serious harm, nor that his death could have been avoided if he had received more prompt medical treatment. (Sixth Precinct Station House, Detroit Police Department, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court USEOFFORCE MEDICAL CARE Lolli v. County of Orange, 351 F.3d 410 (9th Cir. 2003). A pretrial detainee filed a§ 1983 action alleging the use of excessive force, and deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. The district court entered judgment in favor of the defendants. The appeals court affirmed in part, and reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that there were genuine issues of material fact, precluding summary judgment, as to whether sheriff's department officers were aware that the detainee was diabetic and was showing signs of a ketoacidic condition, but failed to provide him with food. The court also held that summary judgment was precluded on the issue of whether sheriff's department officers employed excessive force against the detainee. The detainee claimed that a deputy grabbed him and pulled him to the ground and that several deputies then kicked him, punched him, hit him with batons or similar objects, twisted his arms and legs, poked his face, knuckled his ear, and pepper sprayed him. The detainee had been arrested for an outstanding warrant on an unpaid parking ticket. The detainee told the arresting officer that he was diabetic and needed to eat as soon as possible. Upon admission to the jail the detainee's blood was tested and a nurse told him that he would receive food promptly. The nurse's records indicated that the detainee was not combative, verbally abusive, or agitated at intake. (Orange County Men's Jail, California) U.S. Appeals Court Lumley v. City of Dade City, Fla., 327 F.3d 1186 (11th Cir. 2003). An arrestee who was wounded in a shoot·out brought a suit against police officials. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants on the arrestee's Sixth Amendment claim. but rejected their qualified immunity defense, and both sides appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part. The court held that a law enforcement officer's decision while he was present in the hospital watching the arrestee as he awaited surgery for a bullet wound, that the arrestee should be strapped to the hospital bed in order to minimize the risk of flight. did not rise to the level of a substantive due process violation. The court found that the officers who took no part in a doctor's decision to remove a bullet from the arrestee's jaw but not to treat a fracture of his right cheek bone, could not be held vicariously liable for the doctor's conduct. (Dade City Police Dept., Florida) MEDICAL CARE RESTRAINTS U.S. District Court SEARCHES Lynn v. O'Leary. 264 F.Supp.2d 306 (D.Md. 2003). An arrestee sued state prison officials, alleging that he was subjected to an unlawful arrest, excessive force, and an illegal cavity search. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part, and denied it in part. The court held that officials were not entitled to governmental official immunity. under state law, in light of allegations that the officials acted with malice or were grossly negligent when they allegedly searched the arrestee's cavities while he was attempting to visit his son, after the officials informed the arrestee that a drug dog had falsely alerted on him. The arrestee had arrived at a state prison with his wife. intending to visit his son who was an inmate. While he was waiting to be admitted to the visiting area, a search dog was brought into the area and canvassed the room on a long leash. The dog gave a positive alert for drugs and the arrestee was subjected to a pat down search and his visitor locker was searched. No drugs were found on his person or in his locker and he was told that the dog had made a false alert. But he was not allowed to visit. and waited in lobby while his wife visited their son. After the visit prison officials ordered the arrestee into a side room where his wife heard him scream in pain. He informed the officials that he suffered from a medical condition. He was informed that he was under arrest and that he would be subjected to a strip and body cavity search, and the arrestee demanded that a warrant be produced. His clothes were forcibly removed and no contraband was found. $2,000 was taken from his wallet and divided among the prison officials. His person was then searched, including a body cavity examination. While he was dressing after the search one officer jerked up the arrestee's left leg. causing him to fall off a chair and hit his head against a wall, and he was knocked unconscious. He was taken to a hospital where he was found to be suffering from a contusion to his brain. and injury to his back, shoulder and arm. He was permanently banned from visiting his son. (Maryland House of Corrections Annex, Jessup, Maryland) 32.107 U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Mace v. City of Palestine, 333 F.3d 621 (5th Cir. 2003). The estate of a suspect who was fatally injured during a standoff with police officers brought a§ 1983 action. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the estate appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that a police chiefs decision to require an officer to drive an ambulance, so that both medical personnel could attend to the wounded suspect during the drive to the hospital, did not violate the suspect's due process right to medical care. The court noted that the suspect subsequently died at the hospital and the driving arrangement had caused a delay at the arrest scene, but found that there was no evidence that the chief was deliberately indifferent to the suspect's medical needs. (City of Palestine, Texas) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS SANITATION Mitchell v. Newryder, 245 F.Supp.2d 200 CD.Me. 2003). A detainee brought a § 1983 action against a county jail officer, alleging permanent traumatization as a result of being made to sit in his feces for five hours after his repeated requests to use a toilet were denied by the officer. The district court denied the officer's motion to dismiss. The court found that the detainee sufficiently alleged that he was denied a minimum civilized measure of life's necessity and that the officer had a culpable state of mind. The court held that the detainee could not seek compensatory damages absent an actual physical injury. The court agreed to consider the detainee's request for injunctive relief, barring further interference with his rights by the officer. The detainee alleged that the officer refused to allow him to use a toilet and then refused to let him clean himself up for five hours after he defecated in his pants. According to the detainee, the officer displayed hostility towards him during his denial, using insulting and offensive language and expressions. The detainee had been placed in a cell without a toilet, mattress or blanket, upon his admission to the jail. He was not being punished for anything but he was purposefully being separated from other inmates. The detainee alleged that he was not intoxicated, nor did he act disrespectfully. <Aroostook County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Mladek v. Day, 293 F.Supp.2d 1297 (M.D.Ga. 2003). An arrestee brought a suit against county officials alleging they violated his Fourth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights when they used excessive force during and after his arrest, and when they denied him medical attention as a pretrial detainee. The district court dismissed the suit in part, and denied dismissal in part. The court held that allegations that a deputy violently handcuffed the arrestee with no justification, and that the handcuffing caused physical injury to the arrestee, were sufficient to state an excessive force claim under the Fourth Amendment. The court held that the alleged denial of medical attention for the detainee's injuries during the one day he was detained was insufficient to assert a constitutional violation. (Walton County, Georgia) U.S. District Court PROTECTION SEPARATION Mooring v. San Francisco Sheriffs Dept., 289 F.Supp.2d 1110 (N.D.Cal. 2003). A county jail inmate brought a pro se § 1983 action alleging deliberate indifference to his safety when he was housed unwillingly with gang rivals who assaulted him. The court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that a deputy sheriff did not violate the inmate's due process right to protection from violence, absent any evidence that the deputy knew the inmate's particular gang atrtliation or that the deputy could have learned the inmate's gang affiliation from information on the inmate's housing records. (San Francisco County Jail, California) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Natale v. Camden County Correctional Facility. 318 F.3d 575 (3rd Cir. 2003). A detainee who was an insulin-dependent diabetic, brought claims under§ 1981 and § 1983 in state court, alleging that he suffered a stroke due to a delay in the administration of insulin during his first twenty· one hours of incarceration. The case was removed to federal court, where summary judgment was granted to the defendants. The detainee appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that fact questions precluded summary judgment on the detainee's claim that his right to adequate medical care was violated, and to whether the actions of private prison health service employees could be attributed to their employer. The court noted that the employees failed to call the detainee's treating physician to determine how often he needed insulin, and that they did not even ask the detainee. (Camden County Correctional Facility, Prison Health Services, Inc., New Jersey) U.S. District Court RELIGION SEARCH Omar v. Casterline, 288 F.Supp.2d 775 (W .D.La. 2003). A detainee brought a Bivens suit alleging that federal prison officials subjected him to an unconstitutional search and failed to accommodate his religious needs. The district court held that a body cavity search conducted upon the detainee's arrival at a federal institution did not violate the Fourth Amendment, even though a female officer was present and officers allegedly ridiculed the detainee during the search. The district court denied summary judgment for the defendants on the detainee's religious claims. The detainee alleged that he informed the facility chaplain about his dietary restrictions, was served pork, could not see a clock from his cell, and was misinformed about the starting date of Ramadan. (United States Penitentiary, Pollock, Louisiana) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Palmer v. Marion County. 327 F.3d 588 (7th Cir. 2003). A pretrial detainee who was severely beaten by other inmates at a county jail, brought a § 1983 claim alleging deliberate indifference to his safety and failure to properly train and supervise jail officials. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the detainee's affidavit that stated he personally observed the county jail's practices of segregating inmates by race, placing gang members with non-gang members, not segregating inmates who feel threatened, and not intervening to stop inmate·on·inmate violence in cell blocks 32.108 occupied predominantly by non-white inmates, was insufficient to show that the county had either a widespread practice of allowing jail inmates to fight or segregating them by race. <Marion County Jail, Indiana) U.S. District Court STRIP SEARCH MEDICAL CARE USE OF FORCE Perkins v. Brown, 285 F.Supp.2d 279 (E.D.N.Y. 2003). An inmate brought a prose§ 1983 action alleging use of excessive force by colll."ections officers and failure to provide medical care. The district court held that the inmate would be treated as a pretrial detainee. The court granted summary judgment in favor of the officers. The court held that the officers did not use excessive force against the detainee when they forcibly undressed and searched him in a courthouse holding cell. The court found that the detainee's injuries were minor and noted that he was taken to the courthouse infirmary immediately after he was injured. (New York City Department of Correction, Brooklyn Criminal Courthouse) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Richardson v. Nassau County, 277 F.Supp.2d 196 (E.D.N.Y. 2003). A jail inmate sued a county and sheriff, alleging deliberate indifference to his glaucoma condition. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of a jail nurse, sheriff, and county. The court denied summary judgment for medical officials, finding that it was precluded by fact issues as to whether the worsening of the glaucoma condition could be the result of the withdrawal of medication. The inmate alleged that there was a 51-day delay in the provision of an eye exam and the resumption of his medication. (Nassau County Correctional Center, New York) U.S. Appeals Court ACCESS TO COURT TRANSPORT Simmons v. Sacramento County Superior Court, 318 F.3d 1156 (9th Cir. 2003). A state prisoner brought a§ 1983 action after a default judgment was issued against him in a civil personal injury action because he failed to appear due to his detention in jail on an unrelated criminal action. The district court dismissed the case and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that a sherifrs refusal to transport the pretrial detainee from a jail to a courthouse for his civil personal injury trial did not violate the prisoner's due process right of access to courts. The court noted that the detainee did not claim that the sheriff's failure to transport him was intended to punish him, and the court found that punitive intent could not be inferred. The court held that the sherift's refusal was rationally related to a legitimate penological interest in keeping detainees in jail unless absolutely necessary. (Sacramento County Jail, California) U.S. District Court STRIP SEARCH Thomas v. City of Clanton, 285 F.Supp.2d 1275 (M.D.Ala. 2003). A detainee brought a§ 1983 action alleging that he was subjected to an unconstitutional strip search, and that he had been subjected to sexual harassment while confined. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the strip search violated the detainee's Fourth Amendment rights, but that officials were not liable for the unwarranted strip search conducted by an officer. The court also held that a single complaint of sexual misconduct against an officer did not put the police department on notice of the need for increased supervision of the officer. The detainee was a passenger in a car in which marijuana was found, but the driver's wife had told the arresting officer that the marijuana belonged to the driver. There was no reasonable suspicion that the detainee was concealing a weapon, but he was subjected to a strip search anyway. The detainee had been taken to the police station where he was never booked, but was subjected to a strip search that was conducted in a bathroom. The detainee was then taken to the officer's home where the officer discussed oral sex. The detainee fled from the officer's home. The court noted that the officer's violation of the detainee's rights was deliberate, and that no amount of training would have prevented the violation. The court also noted that the police chief had attempted to investigate an earlier complaint of sexual misconduct lodged against the officer. (City of Clanton, Alabama) U.S. District Court DISCIPLINE PUNISHMENT PRE-SENTENCE DETENTION Tilmon v. Prator, 292 F.Supp.2d 898 (W.D.La. 2003). A state inmate who was held in a county jail awaiting sentencing filed a § 1983 action, alleging civil rights violations when he was punished for possessing contraband in his cell. The district court dismissed the complaint and the inmate appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded. On remand, the district court dismissed the action, finding that the inmate who had been convicted, but not yet sentenced, was not entitled to a hearing before being punished. The court held that the inmate had no liberty interest in not being placed in disciplinary segregation, and was therefore not entitled under the Due Process Clause to a hearing before such placement. The inmate was punished for possessing contraband in his cell. His punishment included eight hours confinement in a punitive cell, loss of telephone privileges, loss of visitation privileges, and loss of recreation privileges. (Caddo Correctional Center, Shreveport, Louisiana) U.S. District Court CLASSIFICATION GOOD TIME Torres v. Stewart, 263 F.Supp.2d 463 (D.Conn. 2003). A state inmate sued prison officials, alleging that as a pretrial detainee he was designated as a security risk without a hearing, and confined in segregation in violation of his due process rights. The inmate sought damages and the restoration of forfeited good time credits. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the inmate's request for restoration of good time credits was not cognizable under§ 1983, and that as a pretrial detainee, he had not protected liberty interest in his classification. The court noted that the classification was not punishment proscribed by due process principles. The detainee had received a notice of his hearing two days prior to its scheduled date, declined to present witnesses, declined the assistance of an advocate, admitted to being a soldier for a gang, was identified as a regional commander in the gang, and had been arrested for the murder of a rival gang member. (Northern Correctional Institution, Connecticut) 32.109 U.S. Appeals Court PRIVACY TELEPHONE U.S. v. Gangi, 57 Fed.Appx. 809 (10th Cir. 2003) [unpublished]. A defendant who was convicted for bank fraud challenged the taping of his jail telephone calls. The appeals court held that it was not objectively reasonable for the detainee to have any expectation of privacy in his outgoing calls from jail, and that the detainee impliedly consented to the taping of his calls from jail. The court noted that the detainee was cognizant of detention settings, which permitted a strong inference that he fully understood the fact that jail telephones were monitored. According to the court, the detainee was a "keen observer of detail" and was presumed to have seen signs above other telephones that provided notice of telephone monitoring. The court held that the Fourth Amendment is not triggered by the routine taping of outgoing jail calls. (Uinta Co. Det. Ctr., Wyoming) U.S. District Court TELEPHONE PRIVACY U.S. v. Roy, 349 F.Supp.2d 60 (D.Mass. 2003). A detainee charged with drug, firearms and witness tampering offenses moved to suppress the contents of his telephone conversations that were recorded when he was in custody. The district court denied the motion, finding that the detainee impliedly consented to the recording of his telephone conversations because he was informed that his calls were subject to monitoring and recording, he chose to proceed with the conversations, and those to whom the defendant made the calls expressly consented to participate in possiblyrecorded telephone conversations. (Worcester County House of Corrections, Massachusetts) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE Walters v. County of Charleston, 63 Fed.Appx. 116 (4th Cir. 2003) [unpublished]. The personal representative of a detainee who died in custody brought a § 1983 action, alleging that the detainee's death was the result of officers' use of excessive force. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the plaintiff appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the officers' use of force in restraining the detainee was not excessive, even though the detainee died as the result of a compression injury to his neck sustained while officers attempted to subdue him. The court noted that the detainee was an exceptionally large man who became violent while in his cell and after he was let out of his cell, and that there was no evidence that the officers intentionally choked the detainee. The detainee had been housed in a temporary detention facility pursuant to a civil contempt order of a family court, for refusing to pay back child support. (Charleston County Detention Center, South Carolina) U.S. Appeals Court STRIP SEARCH UNLAWFUL DETENTION Williams v. Kaufman County. 352 F.3d 994 (5th Cir. 2003). Detainees brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff and county, alleging violation of their civil rights during the execution of a search warrant at a night club. The district court entered judgment against the defendants and they appealed. The appeals court held that the strip searches of the detainees were unlawful, absent individualized suspicion or probable cause, and that the law on this matter was clearly established at the time of the searches. The court found that the prolonged detention of the detainees was unlawful, but that the law was not clearly established at the time of the detention and the district court had properly granted qualified immunity to the defendants on the unlawful detention claims. The court held that the detainees established the county's municipal liability for their strip search and detention, and that the district court did not err in imposing nominal damages of $100 per plaintiff. The searches and detention were conducted according to a sheriff department's unwritten policy for executing "hazardous" warrants, according to the court. The appeals court found that the record supported the district court's conclusion that the sheriff acted with reckless indifference toward the plaintiffs' constitutional rights, justifying an award of punitive damages, and held that punitive damage awards of $15,000 per plaintiff were not excessive. The plaintiffs had been held for three hours and were subjected to highly intrusive strip searches, and the sheriff kept the plaintiffs handcuffed after they had been searched and no weapons or contraband had been found. (Kaufman County, Texas) U.S. District Court SEARCH Wood v. Hancock County, 245 F.Supp.2d 231 (D.Me. 2003). A misdemeanor arrestee brought a civil rights action against a county and county officials, alleging he was subjected to unconstitutional strip searches while in jail. The district court denied the defendants' motions for judgment on the pleadings or for summary judgment. The court held that the arrestee stated a claim, precluding judgment on the pleadings. The court found that summary judgment was precluded by genuine issues of fact as to whether the jail policy of strip searching misdemeanor arrestees after contact visits was reasonable, and whether the jail had a custom of conducting strip searches upon admission. The court noted that further proceedings were needed to determine if it was a "custom" to strip search misdemeanor arrestees without reasonable suspicion that an arrestee harbored contraband or weapons, and that evidence suggested that officers did not comply with recording requirements for strip searches. (Hancock Co. Jail, Maine) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCH Wood v. Hancock County Sheriff's Dept., 354 F.3d 57 (1st Cir. 2003). A jail inmate sought damages under § 1983, alleging he was unconstitutionally strip searched on three separate occasions by correctional officers. The district court entered judgment in favor of the defendants and the inmate appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded for a partial new trial. The appeals court held that a jury instruction that incorrectly defined a strip search, improperly limited the jury's deliberations on the nature of the searches of the misdemeanor detainee. The court found the district court's use of the term "deliberate," when describing a strip search, unduly directed the jurors to the officers' subjective intent, and that other elements of the definition (scrutiny of the mouth and armpits) were not prerequisites for finding that a strip search took place. The court noted that an individual detained on a misdemeanor charge may only be strip searched as part of the booking process if officers have 32.110 reasonable suspicion that he is either armed or carrying contraband. According to the court, a blanket policy of strip-searching inmates after contact visits is constitutional, except in atypical circumstances. (Hancock County Jail, Maine) 2004 U.S. District Court SPEEDY TRIAL CONDITIONS DUE PROCESS Atwood v. Vilsack, 338 F.Supp.2d 985 (S.D.Iowa 2004). Pretrial detainees who were awaiting hearings on their sexually violent predator (SVP) petitions, brought a class action against a state corrections department alleging denial of speedy justice. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part and denied it in part. The court held that the failure of the co1Tections department to initiate proceedings for civil commitment of sexually violent predators until immediately prior to discharge of their criminal sentences did not violate their speedy trial rights, because the department was under no duty to minimize time in custody by ensuring that commitment proceedings overlapped substantially with criminal incarceration. The court found that a seven·month average time for trying an SVP case after appointment of defense counsel was not presumptively prejudicial. According to the court, a civil commitment candidate does not have a speedy trial right, until such time as he is identified by the statutory process to be a candidate for commitment. The court held that even though the SVP Act stated that the purpose of pretrial detention was for evaluation, and the detainees were held for periods exceeding the time needed for evaluation, the Act also provided for a safekeeping component. The court concluded that denial of bail for the detainees did not violate their due process rights, where the detention was premised upon a judge's probable cause finding and a determination of mental abnormality and dangerousness was made at the outset of confinement. The court held that the conditions of the detainees' confinement violated their due process rights because the conditions were not reasonably related to the government's objective of preventing them from harming themselves or others. The detainees were kept in lockdown the majority of the day, denied reasonable access to visitors, telephones, educational programming,.mental health treatment, recreation, exercise, religious services, medical care, and hygiene. The court noted that when the detainees' conditions are harsher than the conditions of criminal inmates, due process cannot be satisfied unless the conditions are reasonably related to the purpose of confinement. The court found that the implementation of the act, which resulted in an additional period of "dead time" incarceration, violated the double jeopardy rights of detainees who had previously served criminal sentences. (Iowa Department of Corrections) U.S. District Court RELEASE BAIL Barham v. Ramsey, 338 F.Supp.2d 48 (D.D.C. 2004). Persons who were arrested during a demonstration at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., brought a § 1983 action alleging that their arrests and detentions violated their constitutional rights. The district court dismissed the action, in part. The court held that failure to provide the arrestees with citation release, or a post and trial release option, did not constitute a deprivation of due process or equal protection, even though the arrestees were detained for a lengthy period. According to the court, the unavailability of citation release was due to unintended technological failures, and there was no evidence that the arrestees were treated differently than other groups of arrestees regarding the availability of a post and trial release option. The court noted that there were incompatibility problems with the cameras used to photograph arrestees and computer software. (Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, D.C.) U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE Bern: v. Baca, 379 F.3d 764 (9th Cir. 2004). In three separate actions, arrestees who had been detained in a county jail for periods ranging from 26 to 29 hours after courts had authorized their release following resolution of their charges, brought § 1983 claims against a county sheriff in his official capacity. The district court consolidated the cases and dismissed them. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that summary judgment was precluded by fact issues as to whether the application of county policies which resulted in the detentions was unreasonable under the circumstances and thus amounted to a policy of deliberate indifference to the arrestees' constitutional rights. The court found that as a matter a law, a county's system of administrative processing of jail inmates could not be immune from allegations that, in practice, it amounts to deliberate indifference. (Los Angeles County SherifPs Department) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Blackmore v. Kalamazoo County, 390 F.3d 890 (6th Cir. 2004). A former detainee brought an action under § 1983 asserting claims under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments for failure to provide prompt medical treatment during his detention. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, and the detainee appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the officials' delay in treatment posed a substantial risk of serious harm, where the seriousness of the detainee's appendicitis could be discerned without competent medical proof, and the detainee's manifestations of pain and injury during his detention were so obvious that even a layperson could have easily recognized the necessity for a doctor's attention. The court also found unresolved fact issues as to the officials' culpable state of mind, where the detainee had complained of stomach pain within an hour of his arrest, and officials were aware that the detainee was subsequently experiencing sharp abdominal pain and vomiting. The detainee received no medical attention until more than 50 hours after his arrest. <Kalamazoo County Jail, Michigan) 32.111 U.S. District Court MENTAL HEALTH ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act Bolden v. Stroger, 306 F.Supp.2d 792 (N.D.Ill. 2004). Pretrial detainees brought an action challenging a county's policy of barring individuals with mental illness from various pre-release programs, and its policy of discharging mentally ill individuals without providing them with medication and referrals necessary to manage their illnesses. The district court dismissed the action, finding that a court monitoring consent decree that had created pre-release programs at the jail was the proper forum for claims regarding eligibility for the programs, and for challenging the treatment of mentally ill detainees, even though the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was not in existence at the time the decree was originally entered. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court ACCESS TO COURT Bourdon v. Loughren, 386 F.3d 88 (2 nd Cir. 2004). A pretrial detainee in a county jail who sought replacement of his court-appointed attorney, brought a§ 1983 due process and equal protection action against county officials. The detainee alleged denial of access to courts because he was denied access to law library materials. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the detainee was not denied access to the courts when he was allegedly denied materials from the jail law library, because the detainee had unrestricted access to an attorney. The court noted that there was no evidence of denial or restriction of the detainee's access to his attorney, and that he never requested the same law library reference materials from his attorney. (Chenango County Jail, New York) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT Brewster v. Nassau County, 349 F.Supp.2d 540 (E.D.N.Y. 2004). A detainee brought a§ 1983 action. The district court dismissed the complaint, finding that the detainee failed to state a § 1983 conspiracy claim against a legal aid society, which had sent three successive attorneys work with the detainee. The court considered these to be state law malpractice claims and declined to exercise jurisdiction. The court found that even if the detainee suffered all of the psychological and emotional injuries that he alleged, the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) precluded recovery against corrections officials under§ 1983 because the detainee did not allege any physical injury. (Nassau County Correctional Facility, and Nassau County Legal Aid Society, New York) U.S. District Court BAIL INITIAL APPEARANCE SPEEDY TRIAL Bunyan v. Burke County, 306 F.Supp.2d 1240 (S.D.Ga. 2004). A detainee brought a§ 1983 action stemming from his arrest and the alleged refusal of jail authorities to release him on bail. The court denied summary judgment for the defendants on the issue of whether the sheriffs department failed to bring the detainee before a judicial officer within 72 hours after his arrest. The court held that the sheriffs department contravened state statutes and violated the detainee's procedural due process rights by refusing to release the detainee, despite his proffer of sufficient funds to post the amount of bail that had been set. (Burke County Jail, Georgia) U.S. District Court RELIGION Byar v. Lee, 336 F.Supp.2d 896 (W.D.Ark. 2004). A former county jail detainee filed an action against a former county sheriff, alleging violations of her constitutional rights arising out of the sheriffs promulgation of a set of detainee rules for the county jail. The district court held that the rules, which were modeled on the Ten Commandments, were excessively and impermissibly entangled with religion and constituted an endorsement or advancement of religion. The court found that a sufficient nexus existed between the requirement that the detainee read, sign, and agree to follow the rules and the imposition suffered by the detainee by having religious tenets forced upon her in the guise of secular rules of behavior. The detainee alleged that she considered it offensive to have the government direct her to obey particular religious tenets and she was fearful that she might be perceived as violating the rules and therefore be disciplined. The court denied the sheriff qualified immunity from liability, finding that he knew, or reasonably should have known, that his actions violated the Establishment Clause. The court noted that the sheriff had previously been sued about the rules and was given notice that posting the Ten Commandments in any form would violate the Establishment Clause. The court found that the use of the Ten Commandments as a model for detainee rules served no secular purpose and that the primary effect of the rules was to advance religion. (Benton County Jail, Arkansas) U.S. District Court PROTECTION SEPARATION Carmichael v. Richards, 307 F.Supp.2d 1014 (S.D.Ind. 2004). A county jail prisoner who was injured by his cellmate brought a§ 1983 action against a sheriff in his individual and official capacities, claiming that the sheriff failed to take reasonable measures to ensure his physical safety, and did not provide necessary medical care. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the sheriff could not be held individually liable for failing to ensure the physical safety of a medium security inmate who was injured by a maximum security inmate, absent evidence that the sheriff knew of a substantial risk that the inmate would be harmed, or evidence of a causal link between the policy of mixing of medium and maximum security prisoners and the increased risk of violence. The court also found that the sheriff was not liable in his official capacity. The jail had three types of cell classifications: maximum, medium and minimum security. Inmates are classified by the shift leader who is on duty at the time an inmate arrives at the jail. (Johnson County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court LENGTH Chortek v. City of Milwaukee, 356 F.3d 740 (7th Cir. 2004). Arrestees brought a§ 1983 action alleging that their arrests for violating a ticket-scalping ordinance was a violation of their Fourth Amendment rights. The district court entered judgment in favor of the defendants and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the arrests were reasonable under the Fourth Amendment and that the length of detention, from three to fourteen hours, was reasonable. The 32.112 court noted that the arrests were humiliating, that the arrestees were held in a police vehicle until one·halfhour after the start time for the event, that they were subjected to body cavity searches, prevented from making phone calls, and forced to share holding cells with other prisoners. The court concluded that the arrestees were not subjected to more harmful treatment than would be involved in a normal custodial arrest. Police officials explained that the detention center to which the arrestees were taken was busy at the time of the arrests, supervisors were required to monitor the booking process, and the arresting officers processed the paperwork as quickly as possible. {Milwaukee Police Department, Wisconsin) U.S. Appeals Court TELEPHONE CROWDING CONDITIONS Collins v. Ainsworth, 382 F.3d 529 (5th Cir. 2004). Persons who were detained at police license check.points after a concert brought a civil rights action. The district court denied summary judgment for the defendants and they appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that even if the arrestees were detained without phone calls or mattresses for a period of less than 24 hours in a crowded jail, such conditions would be in the nature of a de minimis imposition that did not rise to a violation of the detainee's due process rights. (Copiah County Jail, Mississippi) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Cooper v. Office of Sheriff of Will County, 333 F.Supp.2d 728 (N.D.Ill. 2004). A pretrial detainee's surviving father brought an action against a county, sheriff, and deputies after his son died as the result of an asthma attack while he was incarcerated. The district court held that state law did not preclude the possibility of respondeat superior liability on the sheriff for a deputy's intentional or willful conduct. According to the court, the father's allegations were sufficient to state a § 1983 claim against the deputies based on deliberate indifference to the detainee's serious medical condition. The court noted that the central allegation in the complaint was that the deputies failed to provide timely medical care and treatment to the detainee. The detainee had been placed in the general population of the jail, and had previously had an asthma attack that required inhaler medication. When -the detainee had a subsequent attack, he and other inmates informed deputies on duty that immediate medical care was necessary, but the deputies failed to act in a timely manner and the detainee died. (Will County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE SAFETY Davis v. Reilly. 324 F.Supp.2d 361 (E.D.N.Y. 2004). A prisoner who was injured when he slipped and fell on a wet floor outside of a shower area brought a pro se § 1983 action, alleging failure to remedy the wet shower area and inadequate medical care. The district court dismissed the action. The court held that the inmate failed to exhaust administrative remedies, and that the injuries the inmate sustained did not constitute a serious medial condition. The inmate had sprained his back and neck, and experienced pain in his left testicle. The court found that failure to provide mats for the wet shower area did not rise to the level of a constitutional violation. <Nassau County Correctional Center, New York) U.S. Appeals Court PRIVACY PUNISHMENT Demery v. Arpaio, 378 F.3d 1020 (9th Cir. 2004). Pretrial detainees brought an action seeking a preliminary injunction to prevent a county sheriff from continuing to use world·wide web cameras, or "webcams," to broadcast live images of the pretrial detainees on the Internet. The district court granted the request for an injunction and the sheriff appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the use of webcams constituted punishment prior to adjudication of guilt, in violation of the due process clause. According to the court, the detainees were harmed by having every moment of their daily activities exposed to general and world·wide scrutiny, notwithstanding the sheriff's claim that the webcams served purposes of deterrence and public scrutiny. The appeals court held that the grant of the injunction did not violate the sheriff's First Amendment free speech rights, where the webcam transmissions were not the sheriff's personal communications, but rather constituted governmental speech since the sheriff could not have obtained or transmitted the images absent his official position. The court noted that improving jail security was not a legitimate alternative purpose for the webcams. <Maricopa County Madison Street Jail, Arizona) U.S. District Court Galen v. County of Los Angeles, 322 F.Supp.2d 1045 (C.D.Cal. 2004). A detainee arrested for domestic violence brought a § 1983 Eighth Amendment action alleging that bail of $1 million was excessive. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that bail of $1 million, enhanced from the $50,000 bail listed in the county's felony bail schedule, was not excessive. The court noted that the alleged victim had both older and more recent injuries, including a seven·inch laceration, and allegedly feared for her safety. The detainee was a local attorney who had obtained bail within hours by paying $50,000 to post bond, and the option of denying bail was unavailable under state law. (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California) BAIL U.S. District Court SEARCHES George v. City of Wichita, 348 F.Supp.2d 1232 (D.Kan. 2004). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action against a city and a city detective alleging violations of his constitutional rights. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the strip search to which the arrestee was subjected after being arrested for a violent felony and booked into jail, did not violate his Fourth Amendment or due process rights. There was no evidence that the arrestee was subjected to anything beyond a visual examination or that he was intrusively touched by jail officials as part of the search. The court noted that the search was apparently conducted in an appropriate room and in an appropriate manner, and that the facility had a legitimate interest in 32.113 preventing detainees charged with violent felonies from bringing weapons or contraband into the facility. (Sedgwick County Detention Facility, Kansas) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Ginest v. Board of County Com'rs. of Carbon County, 333 F.Supp.2d 1190 CD.Wyo. 2004). County jail inmates brought a class action against a county and sheriff, alleging deliberate indifference to the inmates' medical needs, and seeking declaratory and injunctive relief. Following the entry of a consent decree governing medical care, the inmates sought a contempt order, alleging specific violations of the decree's terms. The defendants moved to terminate the consent decree. The district court held that the county was potentially liable, and the sheriff was potentially liable for failure to train. The court found that the constitutional rights of the inmates were violated by inadequate medical care and inadequate medical records at the jail, including lack of training in suicide prevention. According to the court, jail medical records that are inadequate, inaccurate and unprofessionally maintained are actionable under the Eighth Amendment. The court found that many physician progress notes and other medical records were missing, there was no written definition of a medical emergency requiring immediate care, there were numerous delays in responding to inmate requests for medical care, there was no suicide prevention training nor written policies, and potentially suicidal inmates were often isolated physically and provided with little or no counseling. (Carbon County Jail, Wyoming) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE FAILURE TO PROTECT Graham ex rel. Estate v. County of Washtenaw, 358 F.3d 377 (6th Cir. 2004). The estate of an arrestee, who died after secretly ingesting cocaine upon his arrest, brought a § 1983 action alleging that a county policy regarding provision of medical care to prisoners in the county jail contributed to the arrestee's death. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the county and the estate appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the county policy of giving responsibility for the provision of medical care to its contractual medical provider, was not the cause of the alleged unconstitutional denial of adequate medical care to the arrestee. The court noted that even if the policy required jail personnel to defer all medical decisions to the medical provider's employees, and even if the medical care received by the arrestee constituted deliberate indifference, there was no showing that the county policy was the moving force behind the violation. (Washtenaw County Jail, Michigan) U.S. District Court RELEASE Green v. Baca, 306 F.Supp.2d 903 (C.D.Cal. 2004). An arrestee sued a county sheriff, seeking damages for his alleged over-detention. The district court denied summary judgment for the sheriff, in part. The court held that fact issues as to the reasonableness of a twelve and one·half hour delay, between receipt of an order authorizing release of the arrestee and the execution of the order, precluded summary judgment. The court found that Fourteenth Amendment due process standards, rather than the Fourth Amendment search and seizure principles, governed the question of whether the constitutional rights of the arrestee were violated when, following a legal arrest for a parole violation, he was detained for several days after a hearing that ended with a determination that he had not violated parole. (Los Angeles County Jail, California) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE RESTRAINTS Guerra v. Drake, 371 F.3d 404 (81h Cir. 2004). A pretrial detainee brought civil rights claims seeking damages from correctional officers, alleging they used excessive force and left him in a "restraint" chair for prolonged periods. The district court entered judgment against a Captain for $1,500 on the restraint chair claim and against another officer for $500 on the excessive force claim. The district court refused to award punitive damages and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the district court's refusal to award punitive damages was not an abuse of discretion. The inmate had alleged that during his first six days of detention he was subjected to unprovoked beatings and was placed in a "torture chair" for long periods. (Benton County Detention Center, Arkansas) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Hartsfield v. Colburn, 371 F.3d 454 (8th Cir. 2004). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action asserting that jail personnel were deliberately indifferent to his medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part, finding that fact issues precluded summary judgment on the deliberate indifference claim and whether a jail custom or policy contributed to the alleged deliberate indifference. The jail personnel allegedly failed to arrange for dental treatment until about six weeks after the detainee's written request for it, causing him to suffer further pain and infection. (Scott County Jail, Iowa) U.S. Appeals Court ACCESS TO COURTS SPEEDY TRIAL Hayes v. Faulkner County, Ark., 388 F.3d 669 (8th Cir. 2004). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action against a county, sheriff and jail administrator, stemming from his 38·day detention prior to an initial court appearance. The district court entered judgment in favor of the arrestee and the defendants appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the county's detention policy was deliberately indifferent to the substantive due process rights of the arrestee and that the 38· day detention of the arrestee shocks the conscience. The county's detention policy involved the sheriffs office submitting names of those confined in jail to the court, and then waiting for the court to schedule a hearing. The court found that the policy improperly delegated the responsibility of bringing arrestees promptly to court for first appearance, and ignored the lack of authority for long-term confinement. The court held that the jail administrator was deliberately indifferent because he did nothing about the lengthy detention, even after he received four separate grievances from the arrestee. The administrator testified that he would have continued to wait for the court to schedule an appearance, even if the arrestee were held for 99 days. 32.114 According to the court, a reasonable official would know that detentions of less than 38 days violated a state criminal procedural rule and the constitutional rights of the arrestee. The arrestee had been ticketed for not having automobile tags and insurance and had failed to appear in municipal court, resulting in the issuance of a bench warrant. When he was stopped for a traffic violation he was arrest on the warrant and did not post the $593 cash·only bond at the jail. (Faulkner County Jail, Arkansas) U.S. Appeals Court JUVENILES Hedgepeth v. Washington Metro. Area Transit Auth. 1 386 F.3d 1148 (D.C.Cir. 2004). The mother of a 12·year·old who was arrested and detained for eating a french fry in a rail transit station brought a § 1983 action. The district court ruled in favor of the defendants and the mother appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the city's "no-citation" policy for juveniles was rationally related to the legitimate goal of promoting parental awareness and involvement with children who commit delinquent acts. The court held that the policy did not violate equal protection, even though adults who were seen eating food in transit authority facilities would merely have been given a citation. According to the court, classifications based on youth, like those based on age in general, do not trigger heightened scrutiny for equal protection purposes. The appeals court expressed dissatisfaction about the case in the opening paragraph of its opinion: "no one is very happy about the events that led to this litigation. A twelve·year·old girl was arrested, searched, and handcuffed. Her shoelaces were removed, and she was transported in a windowless rear compartment of a police vehicle to a juvenile processing center, where she was booked, fingerprinted, and detained until released to her mother some three hours later-all for eating a single french fry in a Metrorail station." (Juvenile Processing Center, District of Columbia) U.S. District Court FALSE IMPRIS· ONMENT FALSE ARREST Johnson v. Board of Police Com'rs, 351 F.Supp.2d 929 (E.D.Mo. 2004). Homeless persons sued a city board of police commissioners and a police captain, claiming harassment with the intent to remove them from a downtown area in violation of their constitutional rights. The district court entered a preliminary injunction on behalf of the plaintiffs. The court barred the continuation of the challenged police practices, which included a pattern of arrests without probable cause, throwing firecrackers into homeless groups, and inflicting community service work without the adjudication of any crime. Several homeless persons were given a choice of performing manual labor or remaining in jail, without being charged with any offense nor found to have committed any offense. (City of St. Louis, Missouri) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS PUNISHMENT CIVIL COMMITMENT Jones v. Blanas, 393 F.3d 918 (9 th Cir. 2004). A jail detainee brought a civil rights against a sheriff and county for violations of his constitutional rights during the period he was civilly confined awaiting adjudication and eventual commitment under the California Sexually Violent Predator Act (SVPA). The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded with instructions. The court held that fact issues as to whether the restrictive conditions of confinement were justified by legitimate, non-punitive interests and were not excessive, precluding summary judgment on the detainee's conditions of confinement claim. The court held that the yearlong confinement of the civil detainee who was held in the general criminal population of a county jail pending commitment proceedings, created a rebuttable assumption that the confinement was punitive in violation of the detainee's substantive due process rights. (Sacramento County Jail, California) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Kelley v. County of Wayne, 325 F.Supp.2d 788 (E.D.Mich. 2004). A pretrial detainee's survivor brought a civil rights action against two deputy marshals, alleging they were deliberately indifferent to a detainee's serious medical needs stemming from his heroin withdrawal, and that they proximately caused his suicide. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the deputy marshals. The court held that the failure of the deputy marshals to notify county authorities who had the resources to care for the inmate, that the detainee was suffering from heroin withdrawal, did not create a known risk of suicide or other serious harm. The court noted that the suicide occurred more than four days after the detainee's arrest, and the deputy marshals did not know of any correlation between heroin withdrawal and suicide. According to the court, the deputy marshals' failure to comply with a judge's instructions to transport the detainee to a particular detention center so that the detainee could be treated for his heroin withdrawal did not manifest deliberate indifference to the detainee's serious medical needs, because had the marshals taken the detainee to the requested center, the detainee either would not have been accepted or, if accepted, would not have been treated due to a lack of treatment resources at that institution. (Wayne County Jail, Michigan) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Kramer v. Gwinnett County, Georgia, 306 F.Supp.2d 1219 (N.D.Ga. 2004). A pretrial detainee filed a·§ 1983 action alleging that jail officials were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the officials did not act with deliberate indifference to the detainee's psoriasis and related conditions, even if the detainee's condition greatly deteriorated from the time of his arrival at the facility until his release. The court noted that the detainee missed some of his appointments, and that he was seen by jail physicians seven times, and by jail nurses at least fifteen times. (Gwinnett County Detention Center, Georgia) 32.115 U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MEDICAL CARE Layman Ex Rel. Layman v. Alexander, 343 F.Supp.2d 483 CW.D.N.C. 2004). A detainee who had suffered a serious head or brain injury following a blow from another prisoner, brought § 1983 claims against a sheriff and sheriff's department officers. The district court denied summary judgment in favor of the sheriff with respect to the detainee's failure to train claim, finding genuine issues of material fact as to whether the department's training of new detention officers properly and thoroughly trained them to respond to and appreciate the dangers associated with injuries and other medical conditions of inmates. The court held that summary judgment for a detention officer was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the officer acted with deliberate indifference when she did not ensure that the detainee was taken to an emergency room following a display of abnormal behavior after he suffered a serious head or brain injury following a blow. (Haywood County Detention Center, North Carolina) U.S. Appeals Court ACCESS TO COURT TELEPHONE Lynch v. Leis, 382 F.3d 642 (6 th Cir. 2004). A detainee joined a class action that challenged a county policy that allowed prisoners to make only collect telephone calls, which in combination with the public defender's policy of refusing collect calls operated to deny pretrial detainees their right to counsel. The district court found a Sixth Amendment violation of the pretrial detainees' rights and ordered an injunction. The county complied with the injunction. The district court awarded attorney fees to the detainee and the defendants appealed. The appeals court reversed, finding that the detainee lacked the standing to join the class action suit and thus was not entitled to attorney fees. (Hamilton County Justice Center, Ohio) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS SEGREGATION DUE PROCESS Magluta v. Samples, 375 F.3d 1269 (11th Cir. 2004). A former pretrial detainee brought an action against federal officials asserting constitutional claims relating to the conditions of his confinement. The district court dismissed several defendants for lack of jurisdiction and dismissed the case against the remaining defendants for failure to state a claim. The detainee appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded. On remand, the district court dismissed the detainee's first amended complaint and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that the detainee stated a claim that he suffered unconstitutional conditions of confinement and that the defendants were not entitled to qualified immunity. The detainee alleged that he was confined under extremely harsh conditions, that he was placed in solitary confinement and locked in an extremely small closet-sized space, with minimal contact with other human beings for a prolonged time that exceeded 500 days. The detainee alleged that the harsh conditions were imposed solely for the sake of punishment. The court noted that ample federal caselaw existed at the time of the challenged conduct to give fair warning to officials that it was unconstitutional to hold a detainee in solitary confinement 500 days, for punishment, with virtually no procedural protection in the form of periodic reviews. (United States Penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE STAFFING McDowell v. Brown, 392 F.3d 1283 (11 th Cir. 2004). A former inmate of a county jail brought a§ 1983 Eighth Amendment action against a county, alleging improper failure to treat his emergency medical condition. The inmate also asserted negligence claims against the jail's health services subcontractor and against a nurse employed by the subcontractor. The district court dismissed the claims against the subcontractor and nurse and the inmate appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the county jail's staffing problems, allegedly resulting from the county board's custom of inadequate budgeting for the sheriffs office and jail, did not satisfy the "custom or policy" requirement of the inmate's § 1983 action. The inmate alleged that the county failed to transport him to a hospital during a medical emergency. The court noted that the jail had a policy to call an ambulance to transport inmates with emergency medical needs if jail personnel were unable to do so. The inmate's transport to the hospital emergency room was delayed by nearly twelve hours as jail staff accomplished other transports. By the time the inmate arrived at the hospital he was experiencing paralysis in his legs. (Dekalb County Jail, Georgia, and Wexford Health Sources, Inc.) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES PRIVACY Mills v. City of Barbourville, 389 F.3d 568 (6 th Cir. 2004). An arrestee brought a§ 1983 action claiming that her constitutional rights were violated when a male jailer saw her bare chest during a search at the jail after her arrest. The district court dismissed some of the defendants and granted summary judgment in favor of the remaining defendants, and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that the fact that a male jail employee may have seen the arrestee's bare breasts accidentally as he was walking by while the arrestee was being searched, was not a Fourth Amendment violation in the absence of any evidence that either the normal search policy was unconstitutional or that the search was carried out in an unconstitutional manner. The court noted that the search was conducted by female jailers. (Knox County Jail, Kentucky) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE RESTRAINTS USE OF FORCE Munera v. Metro West Detention Center, 351 F.Supp.2d 1353 (S.D.Fla. 2004). A former pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a county correctional officer who escorted him on a visit to an optometrist, alleging that the officer used excessive force, threatened him, and deprived him of access to medical care. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the defendant. The court held that the alleged profanity and ethnic slurs that the officer directed at the detainee did not rise to the level of a constitutional violation. The court found that the officer's decision to remove the detainee from an eye clinic because of security concerns did not deprive the detainee of needed medical care and did not amount to deliberate indifference to a serious medical need in violation of the Due Process Clause. According to the court, the force applied by the officer was the 32.116 minimum necessary under the circumstances, where the force included wrist cuffs secured to a waist chain with the detainee seated in a wheelchair. The court noted that the officer checked that the cuffs were properly applied when the detainee complained of discomfort, and told the detainee not to struggle. The officer used additional force and restraints to keep the detainee seated in the wheelchair, when the detainee was repeatedly moving between the wheelchair and another seat in the waiting room. (Ward D, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami·Dade County, Florida) U.S. Appeals Court JUVENILES SEARCHES NG. v. Connecticut, 382 F.3d 225 (2 nd Cir. 2004). Parents of two female juveniles brought a suit under § 1983 for damages and injunctive relief, alleging that strip searches of the juveniles in juvenile detention facilities violated their Fourth Amendment rights. After a bench trial, the district court dismissed the complaint. The juveniles appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded. The appeals court held that strip searches conducted on female juveniles after their transfer from one detention facility to another were unlawful because they were undertaken after the juveniles had been initially searched and had remained in custody. The court found that a strip search of a juvenile to determine whether the juvenile had taken a missing pencil required reasonable suspicion that the juvenile possessed the pencil. The court held that strip searches performed upon juveniles' initial admission to state detention facilities did not violate the Fourth Amendment because the state had an enhanced responsibility to take reasonable action to protect them from hazards resulting from the presence of contraband, even though they had not been convicted of any crime and were not confined awaiting trial on criminal charges. (Girls Detention Center, Connecticut) U.S. Distriec Court ACCESS TO COURT Purkey v. CCA Detention Center, 339 F.Supp.2d 1145 (D.Kan. 2004). A federal prisoner brought a Bivens action against private prison employees. The district court denied the defendants' motion to dismiss. The district court held that employees at a private company under contract to house federal pretrial detainees were "federal actors" for the purposes of potential Bivens liability, since the detainees were in the custody of the United States Marshal and held under the authority of the United States pending disposition of federal charges against them. According to the court, the prisoner sufficiently stated that he was prejudiced by the employee's destruction of his legal papers, for the purpose of his claim under Bivens that he was denied access to court. The court also found that the prisoner stated a claim for violation of his free speech and association rights. The court noted that prisoners incarcerated at prisons under contract to the federal government enjoyed the same constitutional protections as those inmates incarcerated at prisons that are actually run by the federal government. The court held that the prisoner was prejudiced by the employee's destruction of his legal papers because the papers contained written recollections of police interrogations shortly after they were conducted and also recounted representations that were made to him to elicit his cooperation in return for a lighter sentence. The court found that the prisoner stated a Bivens claim by alleging that employees disciplined him because he assisted other inmates in the preparation of grievances against the prisoner. According to the prisoner, the prison did not provide a law library and an attorney employed by the prison to answer legal research requests refused requests for assistance in preparing legal actions against the prison and its personnel. The prisoner alleged that employees harassed and threatened him, placed him in segregation, entered his cell and scattered his papers and belongings, denied him visits with his wife, and confiscated his legal materials because he filed grievances. (Corrections Corporation of America, Leavenworth, Kansas) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Quint v. Cox, 348 F.Supp.2d 1243 (D.Kan. 2004). A former jail detainee brought a§ 1983 suit against a county sheriff, alleging that the sheriff showed deliberate indifference to the detainee's lithium poisoning. The district court entered judgment in favor of the sheriff. The court held that although the detainee may have been visibly suffering from lithium toxicity during his first few days of incarceration, there was no evidence that the sheriff was aware that the detainee was facing a substantial risk of serious harm, or that he personally saw the detainee at any time. The court noted that under the sheriffs leadership, there was a policy of dispensing all inmate medicines at set times, and of prompt response to inmate medical problems. The court found that the sheriffs failure to provide a medical nurse or specially trained person to dispense medications to the detainee did not amount to deliberate indifference, where the jail was required to regularly provide medication, and there was a procedure in place for responding to medical emergencies that was followed in the detainee's case. (Meade County Jail, Kansas) U.S. District Court FALSE IMPRIS· ONMENT Ramos Bonilla v. Vivoni Del Valle, 336 F.Supp.2d 159 (D.Puerto Rico 2004). A protester filed a § XIX 1983 action alleging violation of his constitutional rights at a demonstration. The district court dismissed the action. The court held that the protester's half·hour detention during a protest was not so egregious as to violate his substantive due process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment, noting that the protestor was able to return to the demonstration after his release. (Puerta de Tierra Police Station, Puerto Rico) 32.117 U.S. Appeals Court SEARCH Shain v. Ellison, 356 F.3d 211 (2nd Cir. 2004). A misdemeanor detainee in a county correctional facility challenged a blanket policy that required strip searches of all detainees, regardless of the nature of the crime for which they were detained. The detainee sought a declaration that the policy was unconstitutional, monetary damages, and injunctive relief. The district court entered judgment in favor of the detainee and awarded $1 in nominal damages. The parties appealed and the appeals court affirmed in.part, and remanded on the issue of injunctive relief. On remand, the district court granted injunctive relief to the detainee and the defendants again appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded, finding that the detainee lacked standing to seek prospective injunctive relief because he failed to show that he was likely to be rearrested or that he would be remanded to the county correctional facility overnight if he was rearrested. The court noted that the county had implemented a new policy that required reasonable suspicion that a detainee is concealing contraband to justify a search. (Nassau Co. Corr'l Center, New York) U.S. District Court JUVENILES Smith v. Barber, 316 F.Supp.2d 992 (D.Kan. 2004). Five high school students who were arrested for plotting an armed attack on a school sued city and county officials under § 1983, alleging violations of the Fourth Amendment relating to searches and their arrest, malicious prosecution, and violations of the Eighth Amendment. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held conditions of pretrial detention in a county jail did not violate the Eighth Amendment where state law required the juveniles to be held separate from adults, the students were only held from 11 to 21 days, and they were allowed outside. The court found that the requirement that they clean their own cells did not implicate the Eighth Amendment. The court also held that a detention hearing broke the chain of causation required to support a claim for malicious prosecution. (Labette County Jail, Kansas)b U.S. District Court SUICIDE Stewart ex rel. Estate of Stewart v. Waldo County, 350 F.Supp.2d 215 (D.Me. 2004). The estate of a deceased inmate filed a § 1983 action alleging that a county violated the inmate's constitutional right to medical care and supervision, and asserting a wrongful death claim. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the officials' knowledge that the inmate was intoxicated did not demonstrate deliberate indifference to suicide risk. State and county policies and procedures required constant monitoring of intoxicated individuals, but the court found that the officials had no subjective knowledge that the inmate was suicidal or at risk for any reason. The court noted "despite the inmate's high blood alcohol content, he was functioning and coherent enough to understand directions and walk unassisted." The inmate hanged himself shortly after admission to the jail. Jail staff checked on the inmate at least every fifteen minutes before his death. (Waldo County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court SUICIDE FAILURE TO PROTECT Stiltner v. Crouse, 327 F.Supp.2d 667 (W.D.Va. 2004). The father of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide in jail brought a § 1983 action against jailers. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the jailers. The court held that the jailers were not deliberately indifferent to the substantial risk of harm to the detainee, and that they were not negligent in their handling of the detainee. The 39-year-old detainee had been arrested for suspicion of operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs and was waiting for her bond to be posted at a county jail. She was placed in a holding cell. Several hours later jailers discovered that she was unconscious. After attempts to resuscitate her were unsuccessful she was transported to a local hospital where she was pronounced dead. An autopsy showed that her death was caused by either self-hanging or strangulation by another person. According to the court, the detainee did not request medical aid from the jail nurse who saw her initially, and there was no indication to jailers that she might be a danger to herself. (Buchanan County Jail, Virginia) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Strickler v. McCord, 306 F.Supp.2d 818 (N.D.Ind. 2004). A pretrial detainee sued jail officials under§ 1983, alleging they were deliberately indifference to his serious medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that although the jail officials allegedly placed the inmate on a suicide watch, noted that the detainee hid razor blades and medication in his cell, observed that the detainee had tried to cut himself, and saw the detainee draw pictures expressing sadness, the detainee could not demonstrate that the officials were aware of a substantial risk that he would attempt suicide. The detainee had been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and his car contained whiskey, a shotgun and a suicide note. The detainee subsequently attempted suicide by cutting his arm, but jail staff detected his condition and provided the detainee with medical treatment. (Miami County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court INTAKE SCREENING Sullivan v. Bornemann, 384 F.3d 372 (7 th Cir. 2004). An arrestee brought an action against police officers and hospital staff. He had been arrested for disorderly conduct but jail staff refused to admit him to confinement without medical clearance because of his high breathalyzer test result. The arresting officers took him to the emergency room of a local hospital where he failed to voluntarily produce a urine sample. The emergency room doctor ordered a catheterization, and the officers restrained the arrestee during the brief procedure. The district 32.118 XIX court entered judgment for the defendants and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the officers' acquiescence in the hospital nurse's request to help her restrain the arrestee during the catheterization process did not violate the arrestee's Fourth Amendment rights. The court found that the State's substantial interest in assuring the medical stability of the pretrial detainee outweighed the arrestee's due process right to refuse unwanted medical treatment. (Shawano County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT SUPERVISION STAFFING Thompson v. Spears, 336 F.Supp.2d 1224 (S.D.Fla. 2004). A prisoner brought an action against a county and a jail official, alleging deliberate indifference to his safety, negligent supervision, and negligent infliction of emotional distress. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that a lack of monitoring devices in jail cells did not pose an objectively substantial risk of harm to the inmate, particularly in light of the fact the state Model Jail Standards did not require cameras. The court found that the inmate presented no evidence that the officer posts were located so far that officers could not hear calls for help. The court held that the county was not liable under § 1983, even if jail officers did not actually follow the county policy of making hourly walk·throughs to monitor cells, where there was no evidence that the county had officially sanctioned or ordered the officers to disregard the county policy. The prisoner had been temporarily transferred from a state prison to the county jail in order to be involved in a family court matter. '.I'he inmate, who was from Jacksonville, Florida, alleged that he was severely beaten by other inmates for over two hours, after the Miami Dolphins beat the Jacksonville Jaguars in a football game. (Pretrial Detention Center, Miami-Dade County, Florida) U.S. Appeals Court DISCIPLINE PRE-SENTENCE DETENTION Tilmon v. Prator, 368 F.3d 521 (5th Cir. 2004). A prisoner brought a civil rights action alleging due process violations in connection with prison disciplinary proceedings. The district court dismissed the action for failure to state a claim and the prisoner appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that a prisoner who has been convicted but who has not yet been sentenced has the same status as a sentenced prisoner for the purposes of analyzing whether the prisoner has a liberty interest in having certain procedural protections before being punished in connection with a prison disciplinary proceeding. The court found that the prisoner had no due process protected liberty interest implicated by his confinement in a punitive cell for eight hours without an administrative hearing. (Caddo Correctional Center, Louisiana) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE PROTECTION FALSE IMPRIS· ONMENT Tinius v. Carroll County Sheriff Dept., 321 F.Supp.2d 1064 (N.D.Iowa 2004). A detainee filed a § 1983 action alleging that deputy sheriffs unlawfully detained him, and that medical procedures were performed on him without his consent. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants in part, and denied it in part. The court held that the deputy sheriffs were justified in detaining the apparently intoxicated detainee under their community caretaking function, where a deputy came across the detainee walking along a rural roadway in winter without proper attire. According to the court, the law was not clearly established at the time of the incident that the Fourth Amendment barred law enforcement officials from seizing apparently intoxicated persons, or from restraining a detainee during medical procedures that were being conducted for non-investigatory purposes. The court found that the detention did not constitute false imprisonment. The court held that the hospital was not immune from liability for failing to obtain informed consent before performing an involuntary catheterization on the detainee, where the detainee never requested treatment at the hospital, and the officers who brought him to the hospital had no authority to act on his behalf. (Carroll County Sheriff Department, Iowa) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE INTAKE SCREENING Turney v. Waterbury, 375 F.3d 756 (8th Cir. 2004). A mother brought a civil rights action to recover damages related to the in-custody suicide of her son. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the mother appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, and reversed in part and remanded. The appeals court held that the sheriff was not entitled to qualified immunity, where the sheriff knew of, but did not investigate, the arrestee's earlier suicide attempt at a jail from which he was transferred, did not permit a jailer to complete the arrestee's intake form, placed the arrestee in a cell alone with a bed sheet and exposed ceiling bars, and ordered the jailer not to enter the arrestee's cell without backup and yet left the jailer as the only staff member on duty at the jail. Before the arrestee was transferred to the jail in which he committed suicide, he had told jail staff that "he was going to hang it up" and shortly thereafter he was found in his cell with a bed sheet tied around his neck. During his processing into the next jail he told staff he did not want to return to prison, and that he would die and take someone with him ifhe received more than a 15 year sentence. The court found that training provided to county officials was not inadequate, where the county provided manuals that informed police officers how to recognize and respond to suicide risks. (Bennett County Jail, South Dakota) U.S. District Court SEGREGATION CLASSIFICATION US. v. Catalan-Roman, 329 F.Supp.2d 240 (D.Puerto Rico 2004). Two pretrial detainees filed a motion contesting their placement in administrative segregation after they were certified as being death-penalty eligible. The district court granted their motion, finding that death XIX 32.119 certification did not justify their automatic placement in administrative detention. The court noted that the detainees had resided in the general prison population without incident for over one year before being death-certified, there was no evidence that death-certified detainees were more likely to be disruptive or to take hostages, and their placement in administrative segregation eliminated their ability to establish mitigating evidence relative to their character and adjustment to life in prison. (M_etropolitan Detention Center-Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) U.S. Appeals Court ACCESS TO COURT LAW LIBRARIES U.S. v. Cooper, 375 F.3d 1041 (10th Cir. 2004). A defendant who was convicted of bank robbery appealed his conviction and alleged that he was deprived of due process by refusal of his request of access to a law library. The appeals court affirmed the conviction. The appeals court held that a prisoner who voluntarily, knowingly and intelligently waives his right to counsel in a criminal proceeding is not entitled to a law library or other legal materials. (Utah) U.S. District Court PRIVACY TELEPHONE U.S. v. Faulkner, 323 F.Supp.2d 1111 (D.Kan. 2004). Three detainees who were indicted on charges of attempting to kill a government witness moved to suppress recordings of their jail telephone conversations. The court held that the detainees had impliedly consented to the recording of telephone conversations because notices that conversations might be recorded were posted throughout the facility, and a recorded warning was given before the commencement of long distance calls. The district court noted that the recordings made by employees of a private corrections company, were not covered by the wiretapping exemption that was applicable when the interception was done by law enforcement officers. (Corrections Corporation of America, Leavenworth, Kansas) U.S. District Court CLASSIFICATION SEGREGATION DISCIPLINE U.S. v. Lopez, 327 F.Supp.2d 138 (D.Puerto Rico 2004). A pretrial detainee who was placed in a special housing unit because he faced the death penalty, filed a motion for an evidentiary hearing on the conditions of his pretrial confinement. The district court held that the detainee's placement in a special housing unit solely because he faced the death penalty amounted to unconstitutional punishment. (Special Housing Unit, MDC-Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS USE OF FORCE Webster v. City of New York, 333 F.Supp.2d 184 (S.D.N.Y. 2004). Arrestees brought an action against a city, police commissioner and police officers alleging unreasonable use of force and punishment without due process. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, in part. The court held that failure to provide food and water to the pretrial detainees for a few hours when they were held at a police station did not rise to the level of a due process violation, because of the relatively brief duration and the absence of allegations of injury or punitive intent. The court also held that the use of handcuffs on the pretrial detainees, and subjecting them to abusive language, did not rise to the level of a due process violation. (City of New York Police Department) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Wever v. Lincoln County, Nebraska, 388 F.3d 601 (8 th Cir. 2004). A personal representative brought a civil rights action against a county and county sheriff alleging that an arrestee's Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated. The district court denied the sheriffs motion for summary judgment and the sheriff appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the arrestee had a clearly established Fourteenth Amendment right to be protected from the known risks of suicide, and two prior suicides in the county jail should have put the sheriff on notice that his suicide prevention training needed revision. The court held that the representative stated a supervisory liability claim under the due process clause, noting that a supervisor may be held liable under§ 1983 if a failure to properly supervise and train an employee causes a deprivation of constitutional rights. (Lincoln County Jail, Nebraska) U.S. District Court CIVIL COMMITMENT PUNISHMENT CONDITIONS Wilson v. Watters, 348 F.Supp.2d 1031 (W.D.Wis. 2004). A patient confined as a sex offender brought an action alleging he was deprived of his due process rights. The district court denied the patient's motion. The court found that the use of a polygraph examination as part of a sex offender treatment program did not violate the patient's due process rights, even if the patient was subject to more restrictive conditions solely because of his refusal to participate in the polygraph examination. The court held that even if the treatment learning plan offered to the sex offender was inappropriate, the sex offender's due process rights were not violated. According to the court, confining the sex offender at a state detention facility did not violate his due process rights, absent allegations that his conditions of confinement were different from those imposed on any other civil detainee at the detention facility. (Wisconsin Resource Center) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE Woodward v. Correctional Medical Services, 368 F.3d 917 (7th Cir. 2004). The administratrix of the estate of a pretrial detainee who had committed suicide in a county jail brought a§ 1983 action against a private contractor hired by the county to provide medical and mental health services at the jail, and against the contractor's agents. The district court entered judgment on a jury verdict against the contractor and the contractor's social worker, awarding $250,000 in compensatory damages and $1.5 million in punitive damages, and denied motions for summary judgment as a matter of law. The contractor appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the contractor's employee's lack of training and carelessness were relevant toward establishing 32.120 XIX deliberate indifference, even though the employee herself was not found liable. The court held that the fact that no previous suicides had occurred in the jail did not preclude the contractor's liability. According to the appeals court, the district court did not abuse its discretion by letting the punitive damages award stand. The estate proffered evidence that the contractor failed to adequately train its employees and condoned employees' failure to complete mental health intake forms and the social worker's practice of challenging suicide watch referrals. According to the court, employees knew that the detainee was suicidal but failed several time to place him on suicide watch, in violation of its own written procedures. The court found that evidence of an alcohol-impaired nurse, intake backlogs, and claims of delayed or denied medical care to other inmates was relevant to the contractor's state of mind and was therefore admissible. (Lake County Jail, Illinois) 2005 U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE R i~STRAINTS Agster v. Maricopa County, 406 F.3d 1091 (9th Cir. 2005). The parents and the representative of the estate of an inmate who died in jail brought an action against the county in state court. The case was removed to federal court, where the county was ordered to produce a mortality review report that was conducted by a private health provider. The county appealed the district court decision. The appeals court upheld the district court order. The appeals court held that no protected privilege of peer review protected the mortality review. The inmate had been arrested and taken to a county jail where he was placed in a restraint chair. His respiration decreased and he developed an irregular heartbeat. Attempts were made to resuscitate him and he was transported to a hospital where he was placed on life support. He was pronounced dead three days later. (Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, Arizona) U.S. District Court RELEASE Arline v. City ofJacksonville, 359 F.Supp.2d 1300 (M.D.Fla. 2005). A suspect who was acquitted of murder brought a § 1983 action challenging a delay in his release after he was acquitted. The court held that the city was not liable under § 1983 for an allegedly improper custodial interrogation. The court found that summary judgment for the defendants was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the suspect's nearly three·hour post-acquittal detention by a sheriffs office was reasonable. The suspect alleged that the city's policies and procedures relating to transporting and releasing detainees following acquittal at trial violated his Fourth Amendment rights. (City of Jacksonville, Florida) U.S. District Court RESTRAINTS USE OF FORCE Beltran v. O'Mara, 405 F.Supp.2d 140 (D.N.H. 2005). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against correctional officers, alleging civil rights violations. The court granted summary judgment in favor of the officers in part, and denied in part. The court held that the failure to exhaust some claims did not mandate dismissal of the entire complaint. The court found that fact issues precluded summary judgment regarding whether officers used excessive force in repeatedly placing the detainee in a restraint chair. The court held that the purported withholding of toilet paper from the detainee did not deny him a minimal measure of necessities required for civilized living, as required to establish a Fourteenth Amendment violation. The only evidence that supported the allegation consisted of a complaint that the detainee was regularly made to wait over one hour for toilet paper, and there was no evidence regarding the frequency of such events. (Hillsborough County Department of Corrections, New Hampshire) U.S. District Court PRIVACY RESTRAINTS USE OF FORCE Birdine v. Gray, 375 F.Supp.2d 874 (D.Neb. 2005). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against jail employees claiming violation of his right to be free of punishment and his right to privacy. The district court dismissed the complaint. The court held that the detainee did not have a privacy right that would allow him to cover the window of his cell with towels, noting that the cell contained a privacy wall which allowed for partial privacy while using the toilet. The court found that the inmate's privacy rights were not violated when he was moved from one cell to another, naked. The inmate had removed all of his clothes and refused to put them back, and jail staff moved him unclothed to a cell closer to their station where he could be constantly watched. The court found no violation when the inmate was placed in a restraint chair because he was confined as a last resort when all other restraint options proved ineffective. According to the court, the detainee was monitored, the chair was not used to punish, and the detainee was offered the opportunity to be released in return for acting appropriately. The court found no due process violation when a stun gun was applied to the detainee two times, after he engaged in violent actions as jail officers attempt to settle him into a cell to which he was being transferred. The court found that the detainee's conduct was an immediate threat to institutional safety, security and efficiency. (Lancaster County Jail, Nebraska) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE MEDICATION Board v. Farnham, 394 F.3d 469 (7 th Cir. 2005). Arrestees who were detained in a county jail following their arrest on murder charges brought a civil rights action against a county sheriff and jail staff following their acquittal and release from jail. The district court denied summary judgment for the defendants and they appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the sheriff was not entitled to qualified immunity on the claim that he violated a detainee's right to receive adequate attention for a serious medical condition, when he allegedly XIX 32.121 deprived one detainee of toothpaste for over three weeks and another detainee for over 113 days. One detainee suffered dental pain throughout his incarceration and had to have several teeth extracted because of tooth decay. The court denied qualified immunity for jail staff who allegedly deprived a detainee of his asthma inhaler on multiple occasions. The court also denied qualified immunity on the claim that they failed to provide humane health conditions as the result of the allegedly unhealthy condition of the jail's ventilation system. The detainees alleged that the flow of black fiberglass from the ventilation system caused nosebleeds and respiratory problems, and allegedly exacerbated the serious asthma condition of one detainee. (Edgar County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE USE OF FORCE Bozeman v. Orum, 422 F.3d 1265 (11th Cir. 2005). The representative of the estate of a pretrial detainee who had died during a struggle with county correctional officers brought a § 1983 suit alleging use of excessive force and deliberate indifference to medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment for several defendants but denied summary judgment for corrections officers. The officers appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the officers' alleged conduct in subduing the detainee was actionable as excessive force and that the officers were not entitled to qualified immunity. The court also held that the officers' alleged conduct following the struggle·· waiting 14 minutes before summoning medical assistance even though the detainee appeared lifeless·· was actionable as deliberate indifference and the officers were not entitled to qualified immunity. The court noted that the law defining excessive force was clearly established at the time of the incident, and the officers should have known that continuing to apply force to the unruly detainee after he had given up his struggle was not acceptable. (Montgomery County Detention Facility, Alabama) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS MEDICAL CARE Brookins v. Williams, 402 F.Supp.2d 508 (D.Del. 2005). A former pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a prison warden, alleging violation of his Eighth Amendment rights. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the warden. The court held that forcing the detainee to sleep on the floor, without a mattress, next to a toilet was not punishment and therefore did not violate his due process rights, where the conditions served a legitimate governmental purpose of housing inmates in an overcrowded facility and only lasted for a period of five days. The court found that the warden was not deliberately indifferent to the serious medical needs of the detainee, where the inmate was given all of his medication within a day of being booked, except for medication that the inmate was unable to name for prison medical staff. The detainee was given tests to determine what he would need to treat his detected conditions. (Howard R. Young Correctional Institution, Delaware) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS Brown v. Williams, 399 F.Supp.2d 558 (D.Del. 2005). A detainee brought an in forma pauperis action against prison officials alleging unconstitutional conditions of confinement. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the officials. The court held that the detainee was not exposed to unreasonably high levels of contaminated water, although water from his cell sink was allegedly discolored, and the detainee fainted shortly after he drank the water. A sample of the water was taken to a laboratory for independent testing and it met or exceeded requisite standards. (Howard R. Young Correctional Institution, Delaware) U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE LENGTH Bryant v. City ofNew York, 404 F.3d 128 (2 nd Cir. 2005). Detainees who had been arrested for disorderly conduct brought a§ 1983 action alleging a substantive due process violation as the result of overlong detention. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the detainees appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the police officers' decision to detain the arrestees overnight rather than issuing desk appearance tickets (DATs) which were authorized under state law, was not objectively unreasonable. The court noted that DATs were discretionary rather than required, and the length of detention was well within the range of flexibility allowed to states. According to the court, the detainees were members of a difficult·to·control crowd that demanded substantial police manpower, and the additional paperwork required for DATs would have drawn officers off of the streets. The detainees had been part of a demonstration protesting antigay violence. (New York City Police Department) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE CONDITIONS CELL CAPACITY Calhoun v. Thomas, 360 F.Supp.2d 1264 (M.D.Ala. 2005). A detainee brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff and deputy sheriff in their individual capacities, raising excessive force, deliberate indifference and conditions of confinement claims. The defendants moved for summary judgment, which the district court granted in part and denied in part. The court held the detainee's allegation that he was deprived of shower shoes, clean clothes and a toothbrush upon his arrival at the jail did not rise to the level of a constitutional level. The court also found no violation in the allegation that he was made to sleep on the floor as the third person in a two· person cell. The court found a potential violation in the alleged conduct of officers during his interrogation. The officers allegedly choked and beat the detainee, who was restrained and posed no threat to anyone's safety, punched him in his gunshot wound, and slammed him into a door several times telling him they wanted to make him suffer as the victim in a robbery and shooting had suffered. The court held that the officers were not entitled to qualified immunity on the excessive force claim. (Pike County Jail, Alabama) 32.122 XIX U.S. District Court SEARCHES Calvin v. Sheriffof Will County, 405 F.Supp.2d 933 (N.D.Ill. 2005). County inmates sued a sheriff under § 1983 alleging that a strip search policy violated the Fourth Amendment. The court granted summary judgment in favor of the inmates. The court held that the blanket policy of strip-searching persons arrested on failure-to-appear (FTA) warrants in misdemeanor traffic cases violated the Fourth Amendment. The court also found a Fourth Amendment violation in the blanket policy of strip-searching persons who were returned to jail for processing after being ordered released on traffic or misdemeanor charges, absent individualized suspicion or probable cause that a person was concealing contraband or weapons. The court noted that the searches were unconstitutional, even though arrestees had been given an opportunity to post bond before the searches, and notwithstanding that persons arrested on FTA warrants were intermingled with the general population. (Will County Adult Detention Facility, Illinois) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Collins v. County ofKern, 390 F.Supp.2d 964 (E.D.Cal. 2005). An inmate brought a§ 1983 action against a county and a sheriffs department, stemming from an attack by other inmates while he was incarcerated. A fight had erupted in a jail housing unit between Black and Hispanic inmates and the inmate was injured. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that inmate failed to establish that department officials knew of and disregarded a risk of attack when they moved the inmate to another jail unit. At the time of the move, the inmate did not inform anyone of safety concerns or segregation issues due to a purported gang affiliation. The court found that officials took prompt action to stop the fight, secure the area, and ensure prompt medical treatment for the inmate. The court noted that a "prison official need not believe tcr [a] moral certainty that one inmate intends to attack another at [a] given place at time certain before he is obligated to prevent such an assault." According to the court, before being required to take action, an official must have more than a mere suspicion that an attack will occur. (Lerdo Pre-Trial Facility, Kern County, California) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE Cook Ex Rel. Tessier v. Sheriff ofMonroe County, 402 F.3d 1092 (11 th Cir. 2005). The personal representative of the estate of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide while incarcerated brought an action against a sheriff, in his official capacity, asserting claims for deliberate indifference to the detainee's medical needs in violation of§ 1983, negligent training and supervision of jail employees, and vicarious liability for the employees' negligence. The district court excluded the representative's expert witness testimony, precluded reference to other suicides at the facility, and granted judgment as a matter of law for the sheriff. The representative appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The appeals court held that the district court acted within its discretion in excluding evidence of other suicides at the jail. The court found that the plaintiff failed to establish that the detainee' s suicide was foreseeable to the sheriff and therefore any deficiencies in the sheriffs training or supervision did not rise to the level of deliberate indifference. But the court held that evidence was sufficient to support a jury verdict on the plaintiffs claim that the sheriff was vicariously liable under state law for employees' alleged negligence. The court noted that the detainee made two written requests to see a psychiatrist, one on each of the two days immediately preceding his suicide, and that the detainee stated in one request that he was "mentally sick" and asked to see the psychiatrist "as soon as possible." Three deputies observed the detainee as nervous and anxious, and one specifically observed the detainee apparently having an anxiety attack and complaining of chest pains. (Monroe County Detention Center, Florida) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Copeland v. County ofMacon, Ill., 403 F.3d 929 (7 th Cir. 2005). A former pretrial detainee who had been beaten by another inmate sued a county seeking indemnification under the "scope of employment" provision of the state's local government tort immunity statute. The detainee alleged that a county correctional officer recruited and encouraged other inmates to commit the beating. The district court jury awarded the detainee $400,000 and the county appealed. The appeals court reversed, finding that the corrections officer was not acting within the scope of his employment within the meaning of the tort immunity statute, and that the county jail, not the citizens of the county, was the officer's employer. (Macon County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION CROWDING STAFFING Crow v. Montgomery, 403 F.3d 598 (8th Cir. 2005). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 and a § 1988 action against officials at a county detention center, alleging violations of the Fifth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. The district court denied the officials' motion for summary judgment based on qualified immunity, and the officials appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded. The court held that the detainee failed to establish that officials disregarded any known risks to the detainee's health or safety while he was incarcerated. According to the court, the detainee's allegations regarding inadequate records, overcrowding, poor supervision, and understaffing showed at most that the officials were negligent, and did not rise to the level of deliberate indifference. (Faulkner County Detention Center, Arkansas) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Cruise v. Marino, 404 F.Supp.2d 656 (M.D.Pa. 2005). The mother of a pretrial detainee who had committed suicide in a holding cell brought an action against a city and officers, alleging deliberate indifference to the detainee's serious medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held the officers were not deliberately XIX 32.123 indifferent, where the detainee did not have a particular vulnerability to suicide and had not threatened or attempted suicide. The court noted that the detainee's intoxication was not, by itself, an indication of a suicidal tendency. The court found the city was not deliberately indifferent, where it had no history of numerous suicides by detainees, the city had policies for removing harmful items from detainees, and the city placed a video monitor in a cell following a previous suicide. (Scranton Police Department, Pennsylvania) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS JUVENILES SEPARATION PROGRAMS Daniels v. Woodside, 396 F.3d 730 (6 th Cir. 2005). A juvenile who had been detained at a county jail on a murder charge brought a § 1983 action alleging violation of a state law governing pretrial detention of juveniles, and violation of due process when he was expelled from an alternative education program. The district court granted summary judgment for a sheriff and school district, but denied it for a school superintendent. The juvenile and the superintendent appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed and remanded in part. The court found no violation of state law, where the law provided an exception for housing dangerous juveniles in jails, and the statutory requirements of sight and sound separation were followed. The court held that conditions of confinement deriving from the juvenile's classification as a suicide risk did not constitute punishment prohibited by the Due Process Clause, or cruel and unusual punishment. The juvenile was subjected to 24-hour lock-down, deprived of exercise, dressed in a suicide gown that did not close in the back, denied access to a shower and personal hygiene products, and denied visitors. The court found that the juvenile, who dropped out of high school when he attained the age of 16, did not have a protected property interest in attending an alternative high school program offered by the school district, and therefore the due process claim against the superintendent was precluded. (Macomb County Jail, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court BAIL Dobrek v. Phelan, 419 F.3d 259 (3 rd Cir. 2005). A commercial bail bondsman brought an action against the clerk of a state superior court, contending that the clerk wrongfully removed his name from the bail bondsman registry following the discharge of his bail bond debts in a chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding. The district court dismissed the action and the bail bondsman appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the judgments against the commercial bail bondsman which arose from bond debts were "forfeitures," excepted from discharge in a chapter 7 proceeding. The court noted that the judgments against the bondsman arose from the failure of criminal defendants to appear in court and the bondsman's nonperformance of his duty to produce those defendants. (New Jersey) U.S. District Court STAFFING SUICIDE ATTEMPT SUPERVISION Drake ex rel. Cotton v. Koss, 393 F.Supp.2d 756 (D.Minn. 2005). The legal guardian for an incapacitated person, who attempted to commit suicide while he was a pretrial detainee in a county jail, and the state human services department sued a county and various officials under § 1983 alleging Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment violations and a state law claim for negligence. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the officials did not act with deliberate indifference in failing to recognize and respond to the risk that the detainee was suicidal, even assuming there was a 72-minute gap between the last time the detainee was checked and when he was found. According to the court, the officials did not know that the detainee presented a substantial risk of suicide, based on a physician's reports describing the detainee's depression as only "mild" or "situational." There was nothing in the reports to suggest that anti-anxiety medication would have helped prevent the detainee's depression and attempted suicide. The court held that the county was not shown to have any official policy or custom of overcrowding or understaffing that played a role in the detainee's attempted suicide. The court held that the officials acted with discretion with respect to their placement and treatment of the detainee, and in accordance with a physician's orders, and they promptly took the detainee to the hospital when they discovered he had harmed himself, and were therefore entitled to official immunity as to the negligence claims. (McLeod County Jail, Minnesota) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE RESTRAINTS USE OF FORCE Esmont v. City of New York, 371 F.Supp.2d 202 (E.D.N.Y. 2005). An arrestee filed a§ 1983 action alleging that city health inspectors and police officers violated her constitutional rights during her arrest and detention for violations of a city nuisance law. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the officials were not deliberately indifferent to the arrestee's serious medical needs when they did not comply with the arrestee's request for hot tea during an asthma attack, but called emergency medical services instead. The female detainee was handcuffed to a cross bar outside of a holding cell for over 7 hours, with no place to rest her elbow. She was required to use a bathroom that was monitored by a security camera and an officer insisted on watching her while she used the bathroom. She sought medical attention two days after her release for damage caused to her wrist by the handcuffing. The court held that the detainee was not exposed to excessive force, where the jail had only one cell and officials had a policy of not placing prisoners of opposite sexes in the cell together. The court noted that there was no evidence that the handcuffs were too tight, and the arrestee did not request that her handcuffs be loosened. (City of New York Police Department) 32.124 XIX U.S. District Court SUICIDE Estate ofAdbollahi v. County ofSacramento, 405 F.Supp.2d 1194 (E.D.Cal. 2005). Representatives of the estates of two county jail detainees, and one inmate, who committed suicide while in their cells brought a § 1983 action. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants in part, and denied in part. The court held that the county was not liable for failing to train jail personnel in suicide prevention where the county had a policy of periodic observation of cell occupants. The court noted that an officer, lacking knowledge that a detainee was suicidal, made no observations, and falsely entered on duty logs that he had done so. The court found that summary judgment was precluded by material issues of fact as to whether a jail commander ratified or encouraged the practice of "pencil-whipping," which involved making false entries on records showing observations of cell occupants that were not actually made. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by material issues of fact as to whether the county knowingly established a policy of providing an inadequate number of cell inspections and of falsifying logs showing completion of cell inspections, creating a substantial risk of harm to suicide-prone cell occupants. The court ruled that the sheriff and jail commander had immunity under state law from liability claims that there were holes in the bunks that could be used for death by hanging, where use of the bunk holes for suicide was not foreseeable. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by material issues of fact as to whether a county jail nurse ratified, condoned, and encouraged the deliberately indifferent behavior of a social worker who conducted an allegedly perfunctory interview of an inmate who later committed suicide. The court found that summary judgment was precluded by material issues of fact as to whether a psychiatric services clinician satisfied applicable standards of care, under state law. (Sacramento County Jail, California) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MEDICAL CARE SUICIDE Estate of Bradich v. City of Chicago, 413 F.3d 688 (7th Cir. 2005). The estate of an arrestee who hung himself while in a county jail brought an action alleging failure to protect the arrestee from the risk of suicide, and failing to react properly when the arrestee was discovered hanging. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the plaintiff appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded. The court held that jail staff did not display deliberate indifference to a substantial risk of suicide by putting the intoxicated arrestee in a regular cell and allowing him to keep his civilian clothes, rather than placing him on a suicide watch or sending him to a hospital until he sobered up. The arrestee had been arrested numerous times had never attempted to injure himself, and he did not have a mental health history that implied any disposition toward suicide. The court found that the city could not be liable for jail staffs' failure to comply with a rule requiring close monitoring of intoxicated prisoners, where the city's policy requiring staff to check intoxicated prisoners every 15 minutes was adequate and there was no allegation that the city systematically failed to enforce its policies. The court noted that the record did not imply that the suicide rate in the city's jail was abnormally high. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether three members of the jail staff acted with deliberate indifference by failing to seek outside assistance for ten minutes after finding the arrestee hanging in his jail cell. The court asked ''Why did it take all three officers to provide unhelpful assistance? Two might have done what they could, while the third phoned for help (which would take only a minute) and then rejoined the others. Why did the two officers who lacked CPR training think that they should shout at a hanging prisoner rather than call for help? Why did the officer with CPR training not use his skills?" The arrestee had been booked and put in a cell at the city police stationhouse. (City of Chicago, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Estate of Carter v. City ofDetroit, 408 F.3d 305 (6 th Cir. 2005). The estate of a detainee who died while in custody brought a state court § 1983 action that was removed to federal court. The district court denied a police officer's motion for summary judgment and the officer appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that summary judgment was precluded by genuine issues of material fact as to whether the officer was deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical needs. The detainee suffered a heart attack while in custody and was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Shortly after the detainee was booked she told the officer that she was having chest pains and needed to go to the hospital, and that she had not taken her heart medicine for three days. Other detainees testified that the detainee cried loudly for help and continued to complain that her chest hurt for several hours before another officer called for a car to take her to the hospital. (Detroit Police Department, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE Estate ofMoreland v. Dieter, 395 F.3d 74 7 (7 th Cir. 2005). Family members of a county jail detainee who died in custody, brought a § 1983 action alleging the use of unnecessary and excessive force. The district court entered judgment, upon jury verdict, in favor of the family members and against county deputies, and awarded $29 million in compensatory damages, and $27.5 million in punitive damages. The parties appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the punitive damages award was not excessive, where evidence showed that the deputies threw the detainee's head against a concrete wall, discharged a can of pepper spray into his face when he was fully restrained, and repeatedly assaulted him, without attending to the detainee's medical needs. The detainee died of a fatal hematoma caused by one of the head traumas inflicted by the deputies. The deputies lied to a jail nurse about the detainee's injuries and filed XIX 32.125 false reports to conceal their wrongdoing. The court held that neither multiple prior incidents involving the use of pepper spray, nor alleged jail overcrowding, established that a sheriff was deliberately indifferent to a substantial risk of harm to the detainee. The detainee had been admitted to jail after he was arrested for driving under the influence. Shortly after his admission to the jail, the detainee provoked a confrontation with another detainee by directing racial slurs at him. Jail staff responded to the altercation with excessive force. (St. Joseph County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court SUPERVISION STAFFING FAILURE TO PROTECT Fisher v. Lovejoy, 414 F.3d 659 (7 th Cir. 2005). A pretrial detainee brought a prose§ 1983 Fourteenth Amendment action against a corrections officer, alleging that the officer failed to protect the detainee from assault by other inmates of the facility. The district court entered summary judgment for the officer and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the fact that the officer witnessed the stabbing of the detainee by another inmate did not render the officer deliberately indifferent to a second assault on the detainee that was perpetrated minutes later by several inmates. The court noted that the officer entered the room where the stabbing had occurred and attempted to restore order, found and confiscated a knife near the spot where he had observed the stabbing, which permitted the inference that the first assailant was unarmed. The officer did not identify the inmates who mounted the second attack as participants in the first attack. The court held that the officer reasonably responded when he witnessed the stabbing of the detainee, precluding liability. At the time of the assaults, the officer had been assigned to "cross-watch" two separate housing units, one of which housed 48 inmates. He was required to walk back and forth between the two units' dayrooms. When the first assault began the victim ran toward the locked dayroom door and saw the officer outside. He pushed an intercom button near the door and summoned help. The officer immediately called for assistance but was not able to enter the dayroom until it was unlocked by a central control post. By the time the door opened, approximately twenty officers were waiting to enter. (Cook County Department of Corrections) U.S. District Court FALSE IMPRIS· ONMENT Garcia Rodriguez v. Andreu Garcia, 403 F.Supp.2d 17 4 (D.Puerto Rico 2005). An arrestee brought a civil rights claim alleging that he was illegally detained following his arrest on a warrant for failure to pay alimony. The district court held that the arrestee stated a claim for false imprisonment in violation of his Fourth Amendment rights. The arrestee alleged that the officers who arrested him had no authority under the arrest warrant to immediately incarcerate him, but should have caused his appearance before a judge. The arrestee was held in prison for five days until bail was paid by his relatives. (Bayamon Penitentiary, Puerto Rico) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Garretson v. City ofMadison Heights, 407 F.3d 789 (6th Cir. 2005). A pretrial detainee brought an action against a city, police department and individual police officers alleging constitutional violations and asserting state law claims. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded in part. The court held that the diabetic detainee who had allegedly been deprived of insulin while in custody suffered a serious deprivation of necessary medical treatment, for the purpose of a Fourteenth Amendment deliberate indifference claim. The detainee was later admitted to a hospital for emergency treatment and stayed in the hospital for several days. The court denied summary judgment for the booking officer and the officer who escorted the detainee to her cell, both of whom were allegedly informed by the detainee of her diabetic condition and need for insulin. (Madison Heights Police Department Lock· Up, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE BAIL Golberg v. Hennepin County, 417 F.3d 808 (8th Cir. 2005). A detainee brought a civil rights action against a sheriff and county, alleging that she was subjected to an excessive delay in releasing her from custody. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The detainee had appeared in court in response to a felony fraud charge. The court continued the proceeding but ordered the detainee to be booked at the detention center before her release. When detention center officials discovered that the detainee had two outstanding warrants they required her to post bail before she could be released. As a result, she remained in custody for 32 hours, including ten hours after her father posted the required bail. The court noted that the detainee conceded that the officials had probable cause to detain her after the outstanding warrants were discovered. The appeals court held that the Fourteenth Amendment substantive due process analysis applied to the constitutionality of the delayed release, and that the failure to process the detainee more rapidly did not rise to the level of deliberate indifference. The court found that a sign advising detainees that completing their paperwork might take "more than eight hours" did not show reckless disregard. The court held that the county could not be liable under§ 1983 for adopting administrative procedures that allegedly slowed the bail posting and release process, absent a showing that the procedures violated federal law on their face or were intended to deprive detainees of their constitutional rights. (Hennepin County Adult Detention Center, Minnesota) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION Gonzales v. Martinez, 403 F.3d 1179 (10 th Cir. 2005). A female inmate who was sexually assaulted at a county jail brought a civil rights action against the county, county sheriff and jail 32.126 XIX officials. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the sheriff and the inmate appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the sheriff had the requisite knowledge of a substantial risk of harm to inmates because of conditions at the jail. The female inmate was sexually assaulted on more than one occasion by the jail administrator and a jail officer. The administrator and officer were suspended and were later charged with, and convicted of, the assaults. (Huerfano County Jail, Colorado) U.S. Apprals Court SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE SUPERVISION Gray v. City ofDetroit, 399 F.3d 612 (6th Cir. 2005). The personal representative of the estate of a pretrial detainee who had committed suicide while in a police cell at a hospital brought a § 1983 action alleging inadequate medical treatment and failure to adequately monitor the detainee. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the personal representative appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the city could not be held liable for deliberate indifference given the absence of an obvious and clear suicide risk. The court concluded that an officer enjoyed qualified immunity because the detainee's pre-suicide behavior did not give rise to a duty to monitor for suicide. The detainee had registered only physical complaints and had engaged in no self-injurious behavior at the hospital. The officer was not aware of, and could not be charged with knowledge of the detainee's behavior prior to reaching the hospital, according to the court. The court found that the city could not be held liable for failure to adequately train its officers regarding suicides, where officers complied with city policies regarding medical care, including screening by an intake nurse at the hospital, and no previous inmate suicides had occurred in the hospital cells. Although the detainee had been destructive before he was transferred to the hospital-·ripping a phone from his cell wall and breaking a sink and toilet-- the court noted that none of his destructive acts had been selfdirected. (Detroit Receiving Hospital, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES PUNISHMENT FAfLURE TO PROTECT Hart v. Sheahan, 396 F.3d 887 (7th Cir. 2005). Female pretrial detainees brought an action against a county and jail superintendent alleging deprivation of liberty without due process. The district court dismissed the case and the detainees appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that the detainees stated a claim upon which relief could be granted. The detainees alleged that during monthly lockdown searches of the jail, they were confined for 48 to 50 hours at a time to their cells, where they were not under observation or within hailing distance of correctional officers. The detainees alleged that serious injuries resulted from their inability to get the officers' attention during a crisis. The court noted that an alternative procedure was available to the jail that would allow inmates in each locked tier to be released from their cells after that tier was searched, resulting in shorter lockdown periods. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Harvey v. County of Ward, 352 F.Supp.2d 1003 (D.N.D. 2005). The surviving spouse of a jail inmate who died after a suicide attempt brought an action under§ 1983 and state law, alleging deliberate indifference to the inmate's known risk of suicide. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The district court held that the plaintiff failed to establish that the sheriff and jail administrator knew of the inmate's potential risk of suicide. According to the court, evidence of conversations between the spouse and jail employees about the inmate's suicide risk, an officer's note that the inmate's wife thought that they should keep an eye on the inmate, and another officer's report that the inmate may have been trying to save up some of his medications to take at another time, was insufficient to establish that the sheriff and jail administrator knew of the inmate's potential risk of suicide. The court found that the county was not deliberately indifferent to the training of its employees on inmate suicide prevention. The court held that the jail's suicide prevention policy appeared reasonable and comprised an effort to prevent suicides, even if the policy had not been updated in recent years, and the jail was not accredited by the American Correctional Association (ACA). The court noted that the policy set forth a detailed list of factors to identify potentially suicidal inmates, set forth a procedure for identification and screening of inmates, and required ongoing training in the implementation of suicide prevention and intervention for all staff. (Ward County Jail, North Dakota) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Hicks v. Moore, 422 F.3d 1246 (11th Cir. 2005). A former pretrial detainee brought an action challenging strip search practices at a county jail. The district court denied immunity for the defendants and they appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The court held that the mere fact that a detainee was to be placed in the jail's general population did not justify a strip search, but that reasonable suspicion existed for the plaintiffs strip search because he had been charged with a family violence battery offense. The court noted that battery is a crime of violence that would permit the inference that the detainee might be concealing weapons or contraband. (Habersham County Jail, Georgia) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Hollenbaugh v. Maurer, 397 F.Supp.2d 894 (N.D.Ohio 2005). The estate of a pretrial detainee sued a city, county, and jail officials under§ 1983 alleging the defendants violated the detainee's constitutional rights by failing to provide necessary medical care during his arrest and detention. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part, and denied XIX 32.127 it in part. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by material issues of genuine fact as to whether jail officials who dealt directly with the detainee and who had the opportunity to closely observe him, knew that the detainee was seriously ill. The court noted that although the detainee was allegedly intoxicated when he was arrested and brought to the county jail, he was adamant about his need for medical attention and his belief that he was suffering from a serious medical condition. The detainee died from a heart attack within a few hours of his arrest. (Wayne County Jail, Ohio) t: .S. Appeals Court DUE PROCESS SEGREGATION Holly v. Woolfolk, 415 F.3d 678 (7th Cir. 2005). A pretrial detainee placed in segregation for two days without a prior hearing brought a § 1983 action for damages against correctional officers. The district court dismissed the case and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the placement of the detainee did not violate his due process rights, where the officers had reason to believe that the detainee was disrupting a jail headcount, which would interfere with jail security and discipline. The court noted that the detainee was given a hearing upon his release from segregation and that he was returned to the general population. The court expressed confusion about "what damages he could prove for being confined to a cell for two days rather than being free to roam the dangerous general-population area of the jail-and dangerous it is." (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court CROWDING CONDITIONS CELL CAPACITY Hubbard v. Taylor, 399 F.3d 150 (3 rd Cir. 2005). Pretrial detainees filed a suit under § 1983, challenging the conditions of their confinement on Fourteenth Amendment due process grounds. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the detainees appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded. The court held that the district must employ the "due process" analysis to determine whether the conditions of confinement amounted to "punishment" that was improperly imposed prior to the adjudication of guilt, not the Eighth Amendment standards regarding cruel and unusual punishment. The detainees challenged the practice of triple-celling three detainees to a cell that had been designed to be occupied by a single person, which required one of the occupants to sleep on the floor in proximity to a toilet. (Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility, Gander Hill, Delaware) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE PRE-SENTENCE DETENTION Jeanty v. County of Orange, 379 F.Supp.2d 533 (S.D.N.Y. 2005). A county jail inmate whose arm was broken in an altercation with corrections officers sued the officers and the county, alleging excessive use of force. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants in part, and denied it in part. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by fact issues as to whether excessive force was applied when the officers allegedly beat the prisoner in his cell to the point of breaking his arm, and wantonly ignored his cries of pain and pleas that they desist. The court also found that summary judgment was precluded by issues of fact as to whether the officers were entitled to qualified immunity. According to the court, the conviction of the inmate for assaulting an officer, arising out of the same incident, did not preclude the inmate's claim. The court held that the Eighth Amendment, not the Fourteenth Amendment, applied to this action because the inmate had been convicted of arson and was awaiting sentencing. (Orange County Jail, New York) U.S. District Court WORK FALSE IMPRISONMENT Johnson v. Board ofPolice Com'rs, 370 F.Supp.2d 892 (E.D.Mo. 2005). Homeless persons brought a§ 1983 action against a city police captain and a city, claiming that their Fourth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated when they were periodically removed from a downtown area. After the district court entered a preliminary injunction barring the continuation of the alleged harassment, the defendants moved to dismiss. The district court denied the motions. The court held that the Fourth Amendment rights of the homeless persons who were allegedly wrongfully detained were further violated when jailers ordered them to perform manual labor or risk continued confinement, before they were charged with or found guilty of the commission of a crime. (City of St. Louis, St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Johnson v. Karnes, 398 F.3d 868 (6 th Cir. 2005). A detainee who had severely cut his hand immediately prior to his arrest brought a civil rights action alleging violation of his right to adequate medical care during his incarceration. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of all defendants, and the detainee appealed. A divided appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded. The court held that summary judgment was precluded due to genuine issues of fact as to whether a jail doctor had knowledge of the detainee's fully severed tendons, whether the doctor disregarded the risks inherent in delayed tendon surgery, and whether the doctor acted under the color of state law as an employee of a private contractor. In his deposition, the detainee testified that he remembered an emergency room doctor telling him that his tendons had been completely severed and that he was to return for surgery within three to seven days. (Franklin County Jail, Ohio) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Johnson v. Wright, 423 F.Supp.2d 1242 (M.D.Ala. 2005). An arrestee sued an arresting officer, a volunteer riding with the officer, and county jail officers, claiming violation of his Fourth Amendment protections against false arrest and excessive force. The officer, volunteer and jail officers moved for summary judgment. The district court held that the jail officers were not 32.128 XIX entitled to qualified immunity due to material issues of fact, as to whether the jail officers beat the arrestee without provocation while he was in his cell. According to the arrestee, officers dragged him out of his cell and put him in some type of harness chair, and he was in handcuffs during the entire time he was being beaten at the jail and he was still in handcuffs when he was strapped into the harness chair. The arrestee alleged that officers continued to beat him after he was strapped into the harness chair. (Chilton County Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court DUE PROrESS ACCESS TO COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE Lingenfelter v. Bd. Of County Com'rs ofReno Cty., 359 F.Supp.2d 1163 (D.Kan. 2005). A detainee filed a civil rights complaint alleging that he was arrested without a warrant and detained unlawfully for eight days without a judicial determination of probable cause. The district court denied the defendants' motion to dismiss. The court held that the detainee stated a claim for violation of his right to a prompt judicial determination of probable cause. The court found that the detainee state a claim against a sheriff in his official and personal capacities, and denied qualified immunity from liability for the sheriff. The court found that the facts could conceivably be produced that the sheriffs alleged policy or custom of not effectuating probable cause determinations for detainees who were arrested without a warrant was a substantial factor in bringing about the alleged violation. (Reno County Jail, Kansas) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Little v. Shelby County, Tenn., 384 F.Supp-.2d 1169 (W.D.Tenn. 2005). An inmate brought a§ 1983 action against a county and sheriff, alleging that he had been raped in jail in violation of his Eighth Amendment rights. The county stipulated to liability and an order of injunctive relief was issued. Later, the district court found the county in contempt, and the county sought to purge itself of the contempt finding. The court entered a purgation order. The court held that the county and sheriff complied with·the Eighth Amendment and purged themselves of contempt through the adoption of a structured reform to correct conditions that included violence, rape and gang control among inmates. In reaching its conclusion, the court considered whether officials took all reasonable steps within their power to comply with the order, which included whether they marshaled their own resources, asserted their highest authority, and demanded the results needed from subordinate persons and agencies in order to effectuate the course of action required by the order. The court praised the county, noting that it had adopted a focused, systemic and information-driven structural reform based on critical exert assessment of essential institutional functions. The county adopted a 14-point remedial scheme that included implementing direct supervision management of inmate cellblocks, improving population management, collecting and utilizing data, and installing an objective inmate classification system. (Shelby County Jail, Tennessee) U.S. Appeals Court LENGTH INTAKE SCREENING Luckes v. County of Hennepin, 415 F.3d 936 (8 th Cir. 2005). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a county and a sheriff related to his 24-hour detention after his arrest. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the arrestee's due process rights were not violated by his twenty-four hour detention following his arrest for an outstanding bench warrant, since the length of the detention did not shock the conscience and the arrestee did not complain of any mistreatment by jail staff. The arrestee had failed to pay fines for two traffic citations and bench warrants had been issued. His license had also been suspended. He was stopped and cited for driving without a license and then he was arrested pursuant to the bench warrants. He was placed in a holding cell, where an officer told him that he had "picked the worst day to be here" because the jail had just activated a new computerized jail management system and problems were encountered. A sign posted in the jail asked inmates to ''be patient" and that it "may take more than eight hours" to process their paperwork. During his 24-hour detention the arrestee was repeatedly placed in overcrowded cells with persons arrested for crimes that were significantly more violent in nature than failure to pay traffic fines. He endured threats and intimidation from other inmates, as well as mockery prompted by his speech impediment. (Hennepin County Adult Detention Center, Minnesota) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE Manier v. Cook, 394 F.Supp.2d 1282 (E.D.Wash. 2005). A county jail inmate brought a§ 1983 action against jail officers, alleging cruel and unusual punishment based on the use of excessive force. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the use of force was within the scope of the jail's policy for maintaining and restoring order. According to the court, the inmate had refused to return to his cell as ordered and he had verbally abused jail officers. An officer fired two Taser gun shots rather than one continuous trigger shot, and the officer decided not to fire a third short. The court noted that the inmate suffered only a minor injury and that he had a history of self harm. (Spokane County Jail, Washington) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Mann ex rel. Terrazas v. Lopez, 404 F.Supp.2d 932 (W.D.Tex. 2005). Representatives of the estates of two detainees who had committed suicide while confined brought an action against a sheriff and jail officers, alleging failure to supervise and failure to train. The district court found that the sheriff was entitled to qualified immunity for failing to prevent the detainees' suicides, where there was no evidence that the sheriff was personally aware of any suicidal thoughts the XIX 32.129 detainees might have had and did not personally direct any actions involving the detainees during their incarceration. The court ordered further proceedings to determine if the sheriffs failure to modify his policies regarding potentially suicidal detainees was an intentional choice, or merely unintentionally negligent oversight. One inmate was known to have mental health problems and was housed in a mental health unit that provided a 1 to 18 officer to inmate ratio, compared to the 1 to 48 ratio required by state standards. The inmate hanged himself using a torn-up bed sheet. The other inmate was being held in a new detox cell and was founding hanging four minute after she had been visually observed by an officer. She also used a bed sheet to hang herself. (Bexar County Adult Detention Center, Texas) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Martin v. Somerset County, 387 F.Supp.2d 65 (D.Me. 2005). The representative of the estate of a county jail inmate who hanged himself in his cell, sued the county, sheriff and jail officials alleging violation of the inmate's federal and state rights. The district court granted summary judgment in part for the defendants, and denied it in part. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by fact issues as to whether jail officials displayed deliberate indifference to the inmate in violation of the Eighth Amendment, prior to the hanging. The court noted that it was necessary to determine if a jail shift supervisor and a control room officer subjectively knew that the inmate was suicidal and whether they unreasonably disregarded the risk. The court found that an officer who merely assisted in cutting down the inmate was not liable for deliberate indifference, where he brought a seat belt cutter to the cell on orders of the shift supervisor, and when it failed to release the sheet the inmate had used to hang himself, he brought scissors. The court found officials did not show deliberate indifference after the hanging when they did not apply cardio·pulmonary resuscitation, noting that the inmate was warm and appeared to be breathing, and it was only a few minutes before an emergency medical team arrived. The court held that the county did not show deliberate indifference to the suicide-prone inmate when it established a suicide prevention protocol, noting that the thrust of this claim was that the officials failed to follow the protocol in supervising the inmate. (Somerset Co. Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court BAIL McLaurin v. New Rochelle Police Officers, 368 F.Supp.2d 289 (S.D.N.Y. 2005). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a county, alleging constitutional and state law violations after being released on bail. The district court dismissed the case. The court held that the arrestee who alleged adverse conditions ofrelease on bail, failed to establish a policy or custom of the county that deprived him of his civil rights. The court noted that the court system, rather than county government, was responsible for setting bail. The arrestee alleged that he was forced, as a condition of bail, to attend a domestic violence program, and that he and another black man were the only persons who were at the program as a condition of bail. (Westchester County, New York) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE McRoy v. Sheahan, 383 F.Supp.2d 1010 (N.D.111. 2005). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights suit against jail authorities and a municipality, alleging deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that jail authorities were not deliberately indifferent to the presence of tuberculosis bacteria in the jail in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment rights of the detainee who contracted a latent form of tuberculosis. The court noted that the jail followed the screening, isolation and treatment policies of the Center for Disease Control and the American Thoracic Society. The court also found no deliberate indifference in the treatment of the detainee because the detainee suffered no detrimental effects as the result of an alleged delay in treatment, or the missing of four doses of medication during the treatment process. (Cook County Department of Corrections, Illinois) U.S. District Court JUVENILE CLASSIFICATION PROTECTION Merrriweather v. Marion County Sheriff, 368 F.Supp.2d 875 (S.D.lnd. 2005). A county jail detainee who was beaten and raped by fellow detainees sued a sheriff, claiming deprivation of his due process rights and negligence. The district court denied the sheriffs motion to dismiss the action. The court found fact issues as to whether the sheriff had shown deliberate indifference to the risk posed to the detainee by housing him with detainees who had a record of prior violence, and whether the sheriff had immunity from the negligence claim under state law. The court also found material issues of fact as to whether the level of violence in the juvenile detention portion of the jail was significant and obvious, and whether the sheriffs policies and procedures were systematically inadequate. The court noted that alleged material improvements in procedures for protecting jail detainees from assault, implemented after the detainee was beaten and raped by fellow detainees, were irrelevant in determining whether the due process rights of the detainee were violated. (Marion County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE TRAINING Miller v. Calhoun County, 408 F.3d 803 (6th Cir. 2005). The sister of a detainee, who died of a brain tumor while in pretrial custody in a county facility, brought a wrongful death action under § 1983 alleging deliberate indifference to the detainee's medical needs and gross negligence. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants and the sister appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that county did not have a custom or policy of deliberate 32.130 XIX indifference so as to support a § 1983 claim, given that there was no evidence of a clear and consistent pattern of mistreatment of detainees, and that the shift commander followed the county's policy and contacted the on·call doctor. The court found that the shift commander did not act with deliberate indifference, noting that he questioned the detainee about his fall in the cell, promptly consulted the on-call physician, and placed the detainee under observation. The court noted that the sheriff had appointed a training coordinator for the facility, sought accreditation for the facility, requested bids for medical services, changed medical providers, formulated a policy for medical care at the facility, and initiated an investigation into the detainee's death. The 44-yearold detainee had told facility staff at the time of admission that he had sustained a head injury a month earlier. (Calhoun County Correctional Facility, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court JUVENILES FALSE IMPRISONMENT Myers v. Potter, 422 F.3d 347 (6 th Cir. 2005). A juvenile detainee brought a suit against a police officer and a police chief, alleging unlawful detention for interrogation in violation of the Fourth Amendment. The district court entered summary judgment for the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court reversed. The court held that the police officer was not entitled to qualified immunity for detaining the juvenile without probable cause to arrest, or a valid consent from his mother or the detainee, and for failing to allow the detainee to leave upon request. The court noted that the district court should have given the detainee given more time to conduct discovery before ruling on the claim against the police chief. The detainee alleged, among other things, that the officer conducted a polygraph examination, threatened him with life imprisonment, repeatedly called him profane names, and showed him photographs of charred bodies discovered during the fire that was under investigation. (City of McMinnville, Tennessee) U.S Di:;trict Court USE OF FORCE Niemyjski v. City ofAlbuquerque, 379 F.Supp.2d 1221 (D.N.M. 2005). An arrestee brought a state court action against a city, alleging that police officers committed a civil rights violation in connection with his arrest and detention. The action was removed to federal court, where the district court granted summary judgment for the city and remanded state law claims. The court held that the arrestee failed to show that a municipal custom or policy contributed to the alleged violations. The court noted that the city's policy manual stated that staff were required to received training in the legitimate use of force and restraints, and that no correctional officer was permitted to work with inmates until and unless such training was successfully completed. The arrestee had been placed in a holding cell. When he was denied the opportunity to make a telephone call he protested by refusing to have his photograph taken. Because of his resistance, jail officers used force to position him to take his photograph. The arrestee and the officers later traded racial insults. He was taken up stairs rather than an elevator, and he fell down and alleged that officers punched and kicked him resulting in an injury to his ribs. He was released less than 24 hours after his arrest on a warrant. (Bernalillo Co. Detention Center, New Mexico) ffS. District Court SEARCHES Nilsen v. York County, 382 F.Supp.2d 206 (D.Me. 2005). County jail inmates brought a class action suit against a county, claiming that the practice of forced disrobing of all incoming inmates, in the presence of an officer, was an unauthorized strip search. The parties submitted a proposed settlement for court approval. The district court approved the settlement, in part. The court found that the practice of having inmates remove their clothing in the presence of an officer was the equivalent of a strip search conducted without cause. The county agreed to create a $3.3 million settlement fund, from which members of the class would be compensated. The court approved higher "incentive" payments of $6,500 to the first class representative, and $5,500 and $5,000 to the other two class representatives, noting that they put considerable time into the case and were required to give embarrassing deposition testimony. They also received unfavorable publicity regarding their arrest and humiliation, due to the small size of the county and the ease of their recognition. The court noted that a privacy factor was strong in this case, and that requiring individual class members to prove damages would stifle individuals who are too embarrassed to discuss their searches. The court rejected the proposal that would have awarded twice as much to females. The proposal had been based on the assertion that females had two areas of the body subject to privacy protection. The county contended, even when the settlement was offered, that its policy was constitutional because the officers were looking for contraband in the clothing and were not intentionally viewing arrestees' naked bodies. (York County Jail, Maine) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Owensby v. City of Cincinnati, 414 F.3d 596 (6 th Cir. 2005). The estate of a detainee who died in the course of a police encounter sued officers and others, asserting § 1983 and state law claims. The district court resolved certain claims on summary judgment and denied the officers qualified immunity. On appeal, the court held that the officers were not entitled to immunity on the claim that the officers denied the detainee adequate medical care. The court found that the officers had time to fully consider the potential consequences of their conduct during the six minutes that the detainee was denied medical care after being taken into custody, given that the officers had time to do such things as greet each other, prepare for their superiors' arrival, pick up dropped items, and comment on the apparent severity of the detainee's injuries. The court applied the traditional deliberate standard of culpability rather than the heightened standard requiring malice and intent to harm. According to the court, each officer viewed the detainee in significant XIX 32.131 physical distress, but made no attempt to summon or provide medical care until several minutes later when a sergeant checked on the detainee and discovered that he was not breathing. The detainee's death had been ruled a homicide resulting from the police officers' restraint attempts. The estate alleged that one officer pulled the arrestee's head up when he was on the ground and drove his knees into the arrestee's back. The estate also alleged that an officer twice sprayed mace directly into the arrestee's eyes and nose from a distance of six inches, although police policy directed a distance of five to ten feet. (City of Cincinnati, Village of Golf Manor, Ohio) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MEDICAL CARE Patrick v. Lewis, 397 F.Supp.2d 1134 (D.Minn. 2005). The heirs and next of kin of an arrestee who died while in detention brought an action alleging that officers violated the arrestee's Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights by failing to seek medical attention for the arrestee after he was involved in a motorcycle accident. The district court granted summary judgment on the basis of qualified immunity for the officers in part, and denied it in part. The court held that officers did not violate the Fourth Amendment in failing to summon medical aid during the booking process, noting that the arrestee refused medical attention after being treated by paramedics at the scene of the accident. The court found that an overnight jailer who made cell checks periodically throughout the night was not deliberately indifferent to the arrestee's serious medical needs, even though the arrestee died in his cell sometime in the early morning from complications of a blunt force chest injury. The court noted that there was no indication that the jailer heard the arrestee's alleged call for help during her overnight shift, or knew that the arrestee had serious injuries. The court denied summary judgment on the claim that the jailer was deliberately indifferent, finding it was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the jailer delayed in summoning aid for the arrestee after she discovered that he appeared not to be breathing. (Brooklyn Park Police Department, Minnesota) U.S. Appeals Court SEGREGATION ACCESS TO COURT TELEPHONE Peoples v. CCA Detention Centers, 422 F.3d 1090 (10 th Cir. 2005). A pretrial detainee who was housed at a detention center operated by a private contractor under a contract with the United States Marshals Service brought actions against the contractor and its employees, alleging Fifth and Eighth Amendment violations. The district court dismissed the action and the inmate appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the employees did not punish the pretrial detainee in violation of his due process rights when they placed him in segregation upon his arrival at the center and kept him in segregation for approximately 13 months without a hearing. The detainee was first placed in segregation because the center lacked bed space in the general population, and he remained in segregation due to his plot to escape from his previous pretrial detention facility. According to the court, the detention center has a legitimate interest in segregating individual inmates from the general population for nonpunitive reasons, including threats to the safety and security of the institution. The court found that the detainee did not suffer an actual injury as the result of the violation of his right of access to the courts. The inmate was not provided with access to a law library and the lawyer who assisted him would only retrieve case law when a specific citation was provided. The detainee did not allege that he had missed court dates, been unable to make timely legal filings, been denied legal assistance to which he was entitled, or lost a case which could have been won. The court precluded the detainee's Bivens claim for damages under eavesdropping and breach of privacy statutes because state law provided the detainee with a cause of action. The detainee challenged the failure of the facility to provide him with unmonitored calls to his attorney. (Corrections Corporation of America, Leavenworth, Kansas) U.S. District Court SUICIDE MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISION Perez v. Oakland County, 380 F.Supp.2d 830 (E.D.Mich. 2005). The father and personal representative of the estate of an inmate brought a suit under § 1983, alleging that the defendants violated the inmate's Eighth Amendment rights by failing to provide appropriate mental health treatment or monitoring when the inmate was being held in the county jail, leading to the inmate's suicide. The district court held that the county did not act with deliberate indifference in allowing the inmate caseworker, who allegedly lacked sufficient medical background or expertise, to make decisions affecting the health care needs of the inmate. The court noted that the challenged practice was widespread, with the "vast majority" of county jails allowing employees who were not psychiatrists, but who had been trained in suicide detection and prevention, to make determinations whether inmates were suicidal or potentially suicidal. The court found that the father failed the establish that deputies actually perceived that the inmate faced a substantial risk of serious harm if they conducted their rounds 16 minutes further apart than mandated under jail policy. The court held that the father failed to establish that a deputy actually perceived a risk of placing the inmate in a single cell. The inmate had been placed in a single cell and no special watch status had been ordered by the inmate caseworker, who was responsible for cell assignments. The court held that the caseworker was entitled to qualified immunity because it was not established at the time of the inmate's suicide that the caseworker's actions of making determinations concerning the inmate's cell assignments, without first consulting the inmate's physician or psychiatrist, would violate the inmate's Eighth Amendment rights. According to the court, the jail psychiatrist did not disregard a known and serious medical need, where evidence demonstrated that even though the psychiatrist knew that the inmate was not taking his medication, he determined through his 32.132 XIX own direct evaluation that the inmate was suicidal. The court found that allegations that the sheriff failed to ensure that the county's deputies enforced and followed the law could not sustain a § 1983 claim absent evidence that the sheriff himself engaged in active unconstitutional behavior by directly participating, encouraging, authorizing, or acquiescing in the allegedly offending conduct of the sheriff's deputy. (Oakland County Jail, Michigan) U.S. District Court FALSE IM!'R.I.SONMENT hELEASE Perez-Garcia v. Village ofMundelein, 396 F.Supp.2d 907 (N.D.Ill. 2005). A county jail detainee brought an action against a county and sheriff under§ 1983 alleging violation of his due process rights, and asserting claims for false imprisonment. The district court granted the defendants' motion to dismiss in part, and denied it in part. The court held that the detainee's complaint against the sheriff sufficiently stated a claim for deprivation of due process rights, where the detainee alleged he was jailed for nearly one month over his vigorous and repeated protests that he was the wrong person, that he provided jail personnel with his identification card and repeatedly told them he was not the named suspect, that his physical appearance did not match the suspect's description, and that his detention continued for a day after a court ordered his release. According to the court, the detainee sufficiently alleged that a policy, practice or custom of the sheriffs department caused the alleged deprivation, and that the sheriff was responsible for setting and supervising jail policies and procedures that did not require confirmation of the detainee's identity. (Lake County Jail, Illinois) US. District Court SE.\RCHES RELEASE Powell v. Barrett, 376 F.Supp.2d 1340 (N.D.Ga. 2005). Former detainees at a county jail initiated a class action complaining about "blanket strip searches" conducted on inmates when they initially entered or returned to the jail. The detainees also alleged that they were detained beyond their scheduled release dates. The district court dismissed the action in part, and denied dismissal in part. The court denied qualified immunity to the two sheriffs who were defendants, on claims that they continued detention beyond scheduled release dates, noting that the detainees claimed they were over-detained for durations ranging from one to ten days, with an average over-detention period of 3.9 days. According to the court, the detainees stated a claim against the county under § 1983 with their allegations that the county defendants had actual knowledge that the challenged practices at the county jail were unconstitutional. The court granted qualified to immunity to the sheriffs with respect to the Fourth Amendment claims challenging the jails search policy, which required detainees to submit to a visual "front and back" inspection upon leaving a shower, without regard to reasonable suspicion. An arrested individual would be assigned to a room with thirty or forty other arrestees, asked to remove his clothing, and instructed to place the clothing in a box. As a group, the arrestees were required to shower and then, standing in a line with others, were visually inspected front and back by deputies. The court found that the policy did not violate clearly established rights of detainees at the time the searches were allegedly performed in 2003 and 2004. The court noted that some of these searches involved persons who were returning from court proceedings and who were entitled to be released from the facility. (Fulton County Jail, Georgia) U.S. Appeals Court PROTECTION SEPARATION COMMISSARY CLASSIFICATION Purcell ex rel. Estate ofMorgan v. Toombs County, 400 F.3d 1313 (11 th Cir. 2005). The mother of a county jail inmate who died after he was beaten and injured by three other inmates brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff and jail administrator. The district court denied qualified immunity for the defendants, and Eleventh Amendment immunity for the sheriff, and they appealed. The appeals court reversed. The court held that the conditions at the county jail did not pose a "substantial risk of serious harm" as required to show an Eighth Amendment violation. The inmate was beaten by three other inmates in his cell over an alleged money dispute. Inmates were allowed to keep money in their cells, play cards and gamble, the jail had a history of inmate-on-inmate assaults, and the jail's layout presented some difficulty in the continuous observation of inmates. But the court noted that inmates were segregated based on particularized factors, including the kind of crime committed and personal conflicts, the jail was not understaffed at the time of the attack, serious inmate-on-inmate violence was not the norm, fights that did occur were not linked to any recurring specific cause, and jailers had a history of punishing inmate violence. At the time of the incident the jail held 118 inmates and was staffed at normal levels, having five officers on duty. The sheriff had directed that a new commissary system be instituted to manage inmate funds so that inmates would not have to keep money on their persons, but the system had not been put in place by the day of the incident. (Toombs County Jail, Georgia) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS SENTENCE REDUCTION Rickenbacker v. US., 365 F.Supp.2d 347 (E.D.N.Y. 2005). After pleading guilty to credit card fraud and being sentenced to 24 months of imprisonment, a defendant moved to vacate, set aside, or correct the sentence. The district court denied the motion. The court held that defense counsel was not deficient in failing to move for a downward departure of the defendant's sentence based on perceived hardships the defendant endured while being detained prior to sentencing. According to the court, the alleged substandard conditions, consisting of being served food that the defendant believed had been accessed by rodents, and not being provided with a fully stocked library, were not conditions that rose to the level that would warrant a downward departure. The defendant had been served bread that rodents had apparently partially eaten, XIX 32.133 and in one instance a mouse had created a tunnel inside of the bread. (Nassau County Correctional Center, New York) U.S. District Court SEGREGATION CLOTHING CONDITIONS Rose v. Saginaw County, 353 F.Supp.2d 900 (E.D.Mich. 2005). Twenty-two pretrial detainees sued a county, sheriffs department, sheriff and individual police officers, challenging the county's policy of housing uncooperative and disruptive detainees naked in administrative segregation. The district court held that the policy violated the detainees' due process rights and their rights to be free of unreasonable seizure. According to the court, the policy was an exaggerated response to the county's concerns about suicide, officer safety, and administrative costs. The court declined to issue a preliminary injunction, and granted qualified immunity to several of the defendants because the detainees' right not to have their clothes removed was not clearly established at the time of the incidents. The court held that the forced removal of clothing by an officer of the opposite sex was not justified by safety and security concerns. (Saginaw County Jail, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court RELEASE RELEASE· CONDITIONS FALSE IMPRIS· ONMENT Russell v. Hennepin County, 420 F.3d 841 (8th Cir. 2005). A detainee sued a sheriff, deputies, inspectors and a county, alleging that his six·day prolonged detention at a county detention center violated his Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights and constituted false imprisonment under state law. The district court granted the county's motion for summary judgment and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the detention center's policy regarding the monitoring of inmates who were subject to conditional release was not deliberately indifferent to inmates' constitutional rights because of the lack of policies to expedite the process of conditional release. The court found that the detainee failed to establish that the detention center's policy regarding the monitoring of inmates who were subject to conditional release caused his prolonged detention, where at worst, his detention for six additional days resulted not from the executing of the policy, but from the failure to assiduously follow the policy. The court held that the detainee did not demonstrate municipal liability where he failed to show a widespread pattern of failing to follow the "check daily" policy with respect to detainees subject to conditional release. (Hennepin County Adult Detention Center, Minnesota) U.S. District Court BAIL RELEASE Sizer v. County ofHennepin, 393 F.Supp.2d 796 (D.Minn. 2005). An arrestee sued a county and county officials asserting a state claim for false imprisonment and violations of state and federal constitutional rights. The arrestee complained that his 10½ hour detention pending release on bail was unreasonable. The court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the 10½ hour detention was objectively reasonable and not unconstitutional. The court found that the arrestee failed to prove a continuing, widespread, persistent custom or practice of unconstitutional over-detentions, despite an alleged sign posted in a waiting area that alerted inmates that they could expect delays of up to eight hours in processing their releases. The county responded that the arrestee's processing was delayed by problems with its security count, which halted out-processing of detainees for two hours. (Hennepin County Adult Detention Center, Minnesota) U.S. Appeals Court ASSESSMENT OF COSTS DUE PROCESS Slade v. Hampton Roads Regional Jail, 407 F.3d 243 (4 th Cir. 2005). A pretrial detainee sued a jail, challenging the constitutionality of a one·dollar per day charge that was intended to partially defray the costs of incarceration. The district court dismissed the complaint and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the charge was not punishment, and therefore did not violate due process. According to the court, the state statute that authorized the charge expressed no intent to punish on its face, was an effort to offset the cost of housing, had a rational relationship to a legitimate governmental interest, and was not excessive in relation to that purpose. The court also held that due process was not violated by the lack of a hearing before the charge was deducted from the detainee's account. (Hampton Roads Regional Jail, Virginia) U.S. District Court JUVENILE SEARCHES Smoak v. Minnehaha County, S.D., 353 F.Supp.2d 1059 (D.S.D. 2005). Former detainees at a county juvenile detention center brought a § 1983 action challenging the center's policy of strip· searching all juveniles admitted to the facility, regardless of the seriousness of their charged offense or the existence of suspicion. The district court granted partial summary judgment in favor of the detainees and the defendants appealed. The appeals court held that the center's policy of strip searching minors arrest for minor or non-felony offenses, without any individualized determination of reasonable suspicion that the individual was or was likely to be carrying or concealing weapons, drugs or other contraband, violated the Fourth Amendment. The court denied qualified immunity for former and current directors of the detention center. The court noted that there was no demonstration that the incidence of smuggling weapons or contraband into the center was more than minimal, nor that any weapons or contraband could not have been discovered with less invasive searches. (Minnehaha County Juvenile Detention Center, South Dakota) 32.134 XIX U.S Appeals Court SUICIDE Snow ex rel. Snow v. City of Citronelle, AL., 420 F.3d 1262 (11th Cir. 2005). The administrator of the estate of a pretrial detainee who had committed suicide while in jail brought an action against a city, its mayor and several police department employees, alleging violations of the detainee's rights under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment and asserting a state wrongful death claim. The detainee had been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants on the federal claims and dismissed the state law claims. The administrator appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, vacated in part, and remanded. The court held that police department employees who lacked a subjective knowledge of the detainee's potential for suicide were not liable, in their individual capacities, for any constitutional violations. The court noted that the employees had no knowledge of either the detainee's emergency room records showing that the detainee told emergency room staff she had attempted suicide four times before, or of doctor's notes showing that the detainee had suicidal ideation. The court denied summary judgment for one police officer, finding fact issues as to whether he believed that there was a strong risk that the detainee would attempt suicide and did not take any action to prevent her suicide. According to the court, the city's alleged lack of a suicide policy did not cause any constitutional violation. (City of Citronelle Jail, Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS DISCIPLINE DUE PROCESS SEARCHES SEGREGATION Surprenant v. Rivas, 424 F.3d 5 (1st Cir. 2005). A pretrial detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a county jail and jail personnel, alleging that he was falsely accused of an infraction, deprived of due process in disciplinary proceedings, and subjected to unconstitutional conditions of confinement. A jury found the defendants liable on three counts and the district court denied judgment as a matter of law for the defendants. The defendants appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that a hearing officer deprived the detainee of due process because she was not an impartial decision-maker. The officer testified that she declined to interview an alibi witness based on her preconceived belief that the witness would lie, and the officer rushed to impose sanctions on the detainee despite having been asked by officials to withhold judgment pending the completion of a parallel investigation into the incident. The court held conditions of confinement were shown to be constitutionally deficient, where the detainee was placed in around-the-clock segregation with the exception of a five-minute shower break every third day, all hygiene items were withheld from him, he could only access water-including water to flush his toilet··at the discretion of individual officers, and was subjected daily to multiple strip searches that required him to place his unwashed hands into his mouth. (Hillsborough County Jail, New Hampshire) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Tardiffv. Knox County, 397 F.Supp.2d 115 (D.Me. 2005). A class action suit was brought against a county, its sheriff, and jail officers claiming that the Fourth Amendment rights of some detainees were violated when they were subjected to strip searches without reasonable suspicion that they were harboring contraband on or within their bodies. The district court held that the county violated the Fourth Amendment by adopting a policy that allowed for strip searches of all detainees alleged to have committed felony offenses, although the sheriff was granted qualified immunity because the law on this matter was not clearly established at the time the policy was implemented. The policy provided for the strip-searching of all detainees alleged to have committed non-violent, non-weapon, non-drug felonies. The court found that the county and the sheriff were liable for a policy that called for the strip searches of detainees alleged to have committed misdemeanors, without reasonable suspicion. According to the court, the sheriff was responsible, in his individual capacity, for Fourth Amendment violations arising from strip searches of all detainees alleged to have committed misdemeanors without a showing of reasonable suspicion that they were harboring contraband on or within their bodies. The court found that the sheriff was aware of the custom of these universal strip searches and did not take effective action to halt the practice. The court noted that specific standards that described which strip searches may be undertaken in jails and prisons had been issued by the state attorney general. The state corrections department had conducted a review of the jail's policy and procedure manual and informed the sheriff that the policy pertaining to body searches needed to be revised to comply with the attorney general's rules for searches. (Knox County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Tatum v. Simpson, 399 F.Supp.2d 1159 (D.Colo. 2005). A detainee who was confined in a county jail after being found in contempt of court for failing to comply with a state water court case brought a § 1983 action and moved for summary judgment. The district court dismissed the action. The court held that a sheriff was not liable under§ 1983 to the detainee for allegedly denying him medications and medical treatment while he was detained, absent evidence that the sheriff knew about the detainee's need for prescribed medication or medical treatment during his detention. (Pueblo County Jail, Colorado) U.S. District Court CIVIL COMMITMENT CONDITIONS Thiel v. Wisconsin, 399 F.Supp.2d 929 (W.D.Wisc. 2005). A detainee held under the Wisconsin Sexually Violent Persons Law (WSVPL) brought a § 1983 action alleging due process violations in connection with his commitment. The district court denied the detainee's motion to proceed in forma pauperis and dismissed the action. The court held that no due process liberty interests were implicated by the manner in which the detainee was treated, either in regard to his XIX 32.135 commitment, or in regard to trips outside the facility to a county jail for court proceedings. The court found that the maximum security classification imposed on the detainee was an ordinary incident of such confinement and did not pose atypical or significant hardships. The court found no violations with the manner in which the detainee was strip-searched, dressed in prison clothes and placed in restraints before being transported to a county jail for court proceedings. (Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center, Wisconsin) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MEDICAL CARE Thomas ex rel. Smith v. Cook County Sheriff, 401 F.Supp.2d 867 (N.D.111. 2005). The administrator of a detainee's estate brought an action arising from the death of the detainee at the jail, allegedly due to inadequate medical attention. The district court granted the defendants' motions to dismiss in part, and denied in part. The court held that the administrator had standing to sue on behalf of the surviving spouse and next of kin, and that the allegations were sufficient to state most of the § 1983 claims. The court found that allegations of conspiracy were insufficient to state a claim. The court held that the allegations were sufficient to remove the shield of immunity under a state tort immunity act by pleading ''willing and wanton conduct." According to the court, allegations that an institutional policy, whether an express policy or a widespread practice, led to the death of the detainee due to deliberate indifference to the detainee's medical needs, were sufficient to state a § 1983 claim. The detainee was suffering flulike conditions at the time of arrest and he complained of these symptoms to medical personnel during his initial screening at the jail. Three days later his condition worsened and he requested medical attention from several officers, who refused and told him he was just "dopesick." The next three days the detainee, and fellow detainees on his behalf, requested medical attention and their requests were denied by officers and medical technicians, and even made written requests. The detainee was found unconscious on the floor of his cell on the seventh day after his admission and he died of meningitis later that day. (Cook County Dept. of Corrections, Illinois) U.S. District Court SEARCHES MAIL ACCESS TO COURT MEDICAL CARE Thomsen v. Ross, 368 F.Supp.2d 961 (D.Minn. 2005). A detainee brought a§ 1983 civil rights action against a county and county employees, alleging he was wrongfully strip searched and suffered a broken hand after he arrested on driving under the influence (DUI) charges. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part, and denied it in part. The district court held that summary judgment was precluded by genuine issues of material fact regarding the reasonableness of the strip search, and the existence and implementation of a county policy authorizing strip searches for all gross misdemeanant arrestees. The court found that even if a police officer grabbed the detainee and threw him to the floor, his actions did not amount to the use of excessive force in violation of due process, absent evidence that the officer's actions caused the detainee's lost tooth and broken hand. The court held that opening three of the detainee's attorney letters outside of his presence did not violate his Fourteenth Amendment right to court access, where the letters were not confiscated and did not prevent the detainee from communicating with his attorney, and did not address matters of defense strategy. According to the court, the detainee failed to identify any conceivable way in which the information contained in the letters, even if read by jail officials, interfered with his defense or hindered his access to the courts. The court noted that respect for the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments obliges a jail to open legal mail in the inmate's presence and to ensure it is not read. The court found that the detainee's broken hand was not a serious medical need, such that a 48-hour delay by county employees in taking the detainee to a hospital could amount to deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs, absent evidence that a red and swollen hand was a critical or escalating situation requiring immediate attention, or that the delay jeopardized the detainee's prognosis. The court noted that employees took the detainee to the hospital on the on the evening he made the written request for treatment. (Crow Wing County Jail, Minnesota) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS TELEPHONE VISITS U.S. v. Ali, 396 F.Supp.2d 703 (E.D.Va. 2005). A pretrial detainee who was charged with terrorism-related offenses filed a motion for relief from conditions of confinement. The district court denied the motion, finding that the measures imposed did not violate due process. The court also found that judicial relief was not available because the detainee did not exhaust available administrative remedies, even though the detainee completed an inmate request form seeking permission to receive regular phone calls to his family and lawyers, and visits from his family. According to the court, the detainee did not pursue succeeding options available to him when his request was denied. The court held that the "Special Administrative Measures" (SAM) imposed on the detainee at the request of the Attorney General did not violate the detainee's due process rights, where the SAMs were imposed to further the legitimate and compelling purpose of preventing future terrorist acts. The measures prevented the detainee from receiving regular phone calls from his family and lawyers, and from receiving visits from his family. According to the court, there was no alternative means to prevent the detainee from communicating with his confederates, and the special accommodations sought by the detainee would have imposed unreasonable burdens on prison and law enforcement personnel. The court noted that the measures did not restrict the detainee's ability to help prepare his own defense. (Alexandria Detention Center, Virginia) 32.136 XIX U.S. District Court SEGREGATION SEPARATION U.S. v. Basciano, 369 F.Supp.2d 344 (E.D.N.Y. 2005). A purported crime boss who was being held as a pretrial detainee petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus, challenging his detention in a restrictive special housing unit. The district court granted the petition, finding that indefinite solitary confinement of the detainee was not reasonably related to the government's legitimate objective of preventing the detainee from allegedly planning or approving violent criminal conduct while behind bars. The court held that to justify such "harsh" detention, more substantial proof was required that the detainee committed or directed the crime of murder in aid of racketeering while in detention, or had conspired with another inmate to murder a federal prosecutor. According to the court, the security restrictions placed obstacles on the detainee's communications with his attorneys, which was especially important because the detainee was charged with a crime for which he could receive the death penalty. (Federal Bureau of Prisons, Metropolitan Correctional Center, Manhattan, New York) U.S. Appeals Court MENTAL HEALTH U.S. v. Evans, 404 F.3d 227 (4th Cir. 2005). A detainee appealed the decision of a district court to medicate a detainee against his will to render him competent to stand trial. The appeals court vacated and remanded with instructions, finding that the government failed to demonstrate that involuntary medication would "significantly further'' its prosecutorial interest and that it was "medically appropriate." According to the court, the government did not disclose the particular medication and dose range that it proposed to give the detainee, or indicate that it considered the detainee's particular mental or physical condition in reaching its conclusions. (Federal Correctional Institution, Butner, North Carolina) U.S. District Court INITIAL APPEARANCE U.S. v. Johnson, 352 F.Supp.2d 596 (D.Md. 2005). A detainee challenged his two-and-a-half day delay in being presented to a judicial officer after his arrest. The court found that the delay was reasonable, and was necessitated by the detainee's urgent need to receive medical care. (Western District Police Station and Central Booking, Baltimore, Maryland) U.S. District Court RELEASE U.S. v. Marcello, 370 F.Supp.2d 745 (N.D.Ill. 2005). In a pretrial detention hearing, the government asked the court for permission to have the son of the murder victim offer an oral statement opposing the release of the defendants. The district court denied the request, finding that the statute that allows crime victims to be "reasonably heard at any public proceeding in the district court involving release, plea, sentencing or any parole hearing" did not mandate oral presentation of a victim statement. The court noted that a written statement could be considered, but that the statement was not material to the "decision at hand." (U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois) U.S. District Court INVOLUNTARY MEDICATION U.S. v. Rivera-Morales, 365 F.Supp.2d 1139 (S.D.Cal. 2005). After a defendant was determined to be incompetent to stand trial and was committed to the Attorney General for treatment, the government moved for an order directing the facility director to evaluate the defendant for future dangerousness. The district court held that the use of involuntary medication to restore the defendant to competency was inappropriate and ordered the defendant to be detained for an additional 30 days to determine if he was subject to state commitment. (Federal Medical Center, Butner, North Carolina) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT SUPERVISION Velez v. Johnson, 395 F.3d 732 (7 th Cir. 2005). A county jail detainee brought a§ 1983 action against a county correctional officer, alleging that the officer failed to protect him from an assault by another inmate by failing to adequately respond and investigate the situation when the detainee pushed the emergency call button in his cell. The detainee had unsuccessfully attempted to alert the officer who checked the cell during his rounds, but his cellmate was holding a razor to his neck at the time. After the officer left the area, the detainee pushed the emergency call button in his cell, hoping for help. The detainee had to choose his words carefully and said he was "not getting along'' with his cellmate. The officer did not investigate the situation nor ask the other officers to do so. The detainee was raped by his cellmate, bitten on his back several times, and cut on his neck. The district court denied the officer's motion for summary judgment on the basis of qualified immunity and the officer appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the detainee need not show that the officer had a specific awareness that an assault would occur, but that it was sufficient to show that the officer failed to act despite his know ledge of a substantial risk of harm. The court held that the detainee had a clearly established Fourteenth Amendment right to be free from the officer's deliberate indifference to an assault by another inmate. (Milwaukee County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE Woloszyn v. County ofLawrence, 396 F.3d 314 (3 rd Cir. 2005). The administratrix of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide in jail brought a § 1983 action and wrongful death claims against and county and corrections officers. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the administratrix appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the administratrix failed to establish that the corrections officers were aware of the detainee's vulnerability to suicide. The court noted that even though a captain said he would put the detainee on five-minute checks, he also said that he would follow a nurse's advice. The nurse found the detainee to be polite, cooperative and alert, and cleared the detainee for one-hour 32.137 XIX checks for signs of alcohol withdrawal. The detainee told a booking officer he was not suicidal and appeared to be in good spirits. The court also held that the fact that a breathing mask was not in its designated location did not constitute deliberate indifference. Upon finding the detainee hanging by a sheet, officers immediately initiated CPR without waiting for the protective mask to arrive, they continued CPR until a protective breathing mask arrived, and the administratrix did not claim that immediate use of the protective mask would have prevented the detainee's death. The court found that the administratrix's expert failed to identify what specific type of training would have alerted officers to the fact that the detainee was suicidal. (Lawrence County Correctional Facility, Pennsylvania) 2006 U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Acosta v. U.S. Marshals Service, 445 F.3d 509 (1st Cir. 2006). A detainee brought an action against the United States Marshals Service, various county jails where he was detained, doctors in a federal prison, a private medical center, a private doctor, and others, alleging claims under § 1983 and the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), and alleging negligence under state law. The district court dismissed the action and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that filing of an administrative claim with the United States Marshals Service was insufficient to satisfy the administrative exhaustion requirement of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA), for the purpose of§ 1983 claims against county jails and a federal prison doctor. The court noted that administrative claims against the county jails had to be directed to those facilities, and claims alleging wrongdoing by a doctor at a federal prison had to be filed with the federal Bureau of Prisons. The court ruled that FTCA claims against county facilities were barred by the independent contractor exemption of the FTCA. According to the court, allegations did not state deliberate indifference claims against a private medical center or a private doctor with allegations that someone at a private medical center overmedicated him, and that a private doctor failed to properly diagnose the severity of his foot injury. The detainee had been arrested on federal drug and firearm charges and he was held without bail. During his pretrial detention, the United States Marshals Service lodged him in several county jail facilities with which it contracts, and he also spent time in two federal facilities. (Hillsborough County Department of Corrections, NH; Cumberland County Jail, Maine; Merrimack County House of Corrections, NH; FMC Rochester, MN; Strafford County House of Corrections, NH; FCI Raybrook, NY) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Beasley v. City ofSugar Land, 410 F.Supp.2d 524 (S.D.Tex. 2006). An arrestee sued a city under § 1983, claiming she was subjected to a strip search in violation of the Fourth Amendment. The city moved for summary judgment and the district court entered summary judgment for the city. The court held that the municipality's policy of authorizing strip searches only when an official had reasonable suspicion that an arrestee was a threat to facility security, did not violate the Fourth Amendment. The arrestee was cited for driving her mother's car with no driver's license, no current motor vehicle inspection or registration, no insurance, and no license plate light, a few days after her eighteenth birthday. She was summoned to appear in court but mistakenly appeared five days late. She was arrested at her house on a warrant for failure to appear and she was allowed to put on shoes and socks, but was taken to jail in the clothes she was wearing·· pajama pants and a cotton shirt with no bra. On the way to the city jail the arresting officer radioed for a female officer to meet him at the jail to perform a search. At the jail a female police officer told the arrestee to stand with her hands against a wall. She instructed the arrestee to lift her shirt and the officer lifted Beasley's breasts to feel beneath them. The officer then instructed the arrestee to drop her pants while continuing to hold up her shirt. The officer pulled the arrestee's panties taut and did a quick two-finger swipe across Beasley's vagina. The male arresting officer allegedly witnessed this search. The arrestee initially alleged that she was subjected to a "strip search and body cavity search," but the court found that her description of the events did not indicate that a body cavity search occurred. (City of Sugar Land, Texas) U.S. District Court SEPARATION ADA- Americans with Disabilities Act RA· Rehabilitation Act Bircoll v. Miami-Dade County, 410 F.Supp.2d 1280 (S.D.Fla. 2006). A deaf motorist brought an action against a county, alleging that his arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) and subsequent detention violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act (RA). The motorist alleged that throughout the arrest process, the county failed to establish effective communication because it did not provide him with any auxiliary aids as required by the ADA and RA. The county moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion. The court held that the motorist's arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) and his subsequent stationhouse detention was not covered by the ADA or the Rehabilitation Act (RA). According to the court, the motorist's arrest was due to his erratic and suspicious driving, not his disability, and following his arrest the police merely communicated the breath test consent form to the motorist, who foreclosed further questioning by requesting an attorney through his driver's rights card. The court held that the detention of the motorist following his arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) did not violate the Rehabilitation Act (RA), where the motorist was not detained because of his disability, but instead was detained because Florida law required a DUI arrestee to be detained for at least eight hours. The court found that a county police officer did not intentionally discriminate, act in bad faith, or act with deliberate 32.138 XIX indifference during the initial stop and arrest of the motorist, as required to support the award of compensatory damages under the Rehabilitation Act (RA). As the officer became aware of the motorist's disability, the officer allowed the motorist to get out of his car so they could speak face to face, and attempted to communicate through sign language. The officer believed in good faith that effective communication was established because the motorist responded to him, and the motorist read the implied consent form. The court found that the detention of the deaf motorist in solitary confinement following his arrest did not rise to the level of intentional discrimination or deliberate indifference to the motorist's disability, as required to support the award of compensatory damages under the Rehabilitation Act (RA). Corrections facility officers believed that their communication with the motorist was effective and they detained the motorist in solitary confinement as a good faith protective measure, not as a discriminatory act. (MiamiDade County, Florida) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Burkett v. Wicker, 435 F.Supp.2d 875 (N.D.Ind. 2006). A prisoner, proceeding pro se, brought a civil rights action under § 1983 against a jail nurse and others, alleging that he was denied medical treatment while he was a pretrial detainee. The inmate alleged that a jail nurse made a false entry into the prisoner's medical record, denied him doses of his prescribed medication, prevented him from seeing a doctor, and delayed filling his prescription, that the nurse knew that his hand was injured and that it would get worse without treatment, and that because of her deliberate indifference to his serious medical need, he developed an infection, his hand did not heal properly, he had permanent disfigurement, and he was in prolonged, unnecessary pain. The district court held that the allegations supported a claim for violation of Eighth Amendment's prescription against cruel and unusual punishment. But the court found that no liability existed against the nurse in her official capacity, for allegedly denying the prisoner medical treatment while he was a pretrial detainee, in violation of the Eighth Amendment, absent any allegation that the nurse was acting pursuant to a policy or custom. (Cass County Jail, Indiana) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Butler v. Fletcher, 465 F.3d 340 (8th Cir. 2006). A prisoner who was transferred from a county U.S. District Court SEARCHES RELEASE Bynum v. District of Columbia, 412 F.Supp.2d 73 (D.D.C. 2006). Persons who had been, were, or would be incarcerated by the District of Columbia Department of Corrections brought a § 1983 class action challenging the Department's policy of conducting suspicionless strip searches of inmates who were declared releasable after their court appearances, and challenging alleged over-detentions. The district court preliminarily approved a proposed settlement. Following a final approval hearing, the district court held that final approval was warranted and that the allocation of a sum for distribution to all class members who submitted claims was a fair method of distribution. The court held that the distribution fund of $12 million was very favorable, especially in view of the low number of opt-outs and objectors. The court found that there was no collusion between the parties or their counsel and that the settlement comported with the rule governing class actions and with due process requirements. The court found that the attorney fee award of 33% of the settlement fund, or $4 million, was reasonable, noting that counsel had engaged in protracted efforts over four years to obtain the outstanding settlement in both monetary and injunctive terms, the case was complex and involved novel issues, the case carried a serious risk of lack of success, and the settlement met with a high level of class satisfaction. The court defined the “Over-Detention Injunctive Relief Class” as: (a) Each person who has been, is or will be incarcerated in any District of Columbia Department of Corrections facility beginning in the three years preceding the filing of the action on or about May 16, 2002 up to and until the date this case is terminated; and (b) who was not released, or, in the future will not be released by midnight on the date on which the person is entitled to be released by court order or the date on which the basis for his or her detention has otherwise expired. (District of Columbia Department of Corrections) U.S. Appeals Court RESTRAINTS USE OF FORCE Calvi v. Knox County, 470 F.3d 422 (1st Cir. 2006). A female arrestee brought a § 1983 action jail to a prison after his conviction, where he tested positive for tuberculosis (TB), filed a § 1983 action against a county sheriff, alleging the sheriff violated his substantive due process rights by failing to adopt and implement adequate safeguards protecting county jail inmates from TB infection. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the sheriff and the prisoner appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the sheriff did not act with deliberate indifference to a serious health risk that TB posed to detainees in the county jail. The prisoner alleged that he spent most of his time at the jail in two-person cells and in larger holding cells, where as many as twenty-six short-term detainees were held under deplorable sanitary conditions. He asserted that the sheriff’s policy of placing short-term detainees in multi-person cells without an initial TB screening inadequately protects detainees from the serious health risk of TB. (Ramsey County Adult Detention Center, Minnesota) against a city, city officers, a county, and county officers alleging excessive force. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the plaintiff appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that an officer who handcuffed the arrestee in the customary manner by cuffing her hands behind her back did not use excessive force, even if the 32.139 XX officer knew that the arrestee had a hand deformity. The court noted that the officer's decision to not deviate from the standard practice of placing handcuffs behind the back was a judgment call. The arrestee had told the officer to be gentle because she was frail and had recently undergone elbow surgery. The officer double-locked the handcuffs behind her back so that they would not tighten. He then marched her outside, deposited her in his cruiser, and belted her in for transport to the jail. Upon arriving at the lockup, the arrestee was transferred to the custody of a jail officer, who unlocked the handcuffs, patted her down, and placed her in a holding cell. After other required aspects of the booking process had been completed, another jail officer fingerprinted the arrestee, who claimed that the officer who fingerprinted her repeatedly pushed her fingers down hard, in spite of being told that she had a hand deformity. She also claimed that the fingerprinting caused injuries to her wrist and her surgically repaired middle finger. (Knox County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT RESTRAINTS Carroll v. City of Quincy, 441 F.Supp.2d 215 (D.Mass. 2006). A pretrial detainee who was injured when he fell in a cell after being left with his hands handcuffed behind his back, sued a city and city police officers, alleging negligence and violations of his federal and state civil rights. The detainee fell as he attempted to exit the cell when he was still handcuffed. It was later determined at the hospital that the detainee had a blood alcohol content of 0.37. The detainee allegedly sustained serious injuries, including a subdural hematoma, traumatic brain injury, depressive illness and seizure disorder. The district court held that genuine issues of material fact existed as to whether city police officers had subjective knowledge the detainee's highly intoxicated state, and whether they acted with deliberate indifference when they left him with his hands handcuffed behind his back. The court found that the officers' conduct in leaving the highly intoxicated pretrial detainee in a cell was not undertaken pursuant to any city policy or custom, as required for the imposition of municipal liability, where the city had rather detailed written policies restricting the use of handcuffs. The court noted that an officer testified that if an arrestee was too intoxicated to be booked, it was the usual practice to put the arrestee in a cell until he/she sobered up and, during that period, the handcuffs would be removed unless the detainee was acting violently. According to the court, the officers' conduct in leaving the detainee alone with his hands handcuffed behind his back was not caused by deliberately indifferent policies of the city, where the city's policies clearly delineated the proper procedures for the use of restraints on intoxicated detainees and the handling of such detainees. (City of Quincy Police Station, Massachusetts) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Cirilla v. Kankakee County Jail, 438 F.Supp.2d 937 (C.D.Ill. 2006). A pretrial detainee brought a U.S. District Court SEARCHES Dare v. Knox County, 465 F.Supp.2d 17 (D.Me. 2006). In a class action, persons strip-searched by jail officials agreed to a consent decree. The district court approved the agreement, issuing an injunction ensuring compliance with the Fourth Amendment law governing strip searches of certain arrestees. The court enjoined the county from strip searching any persons charged with a crime that does not involve weapons, violence or controlled or scheduled substances during the jail admission process, while they are being held awaiting bail or a first court appearance, or after being arrested on a default or other warrant, unless the officer or person conducting the strip search has reasonable suspicion to believe the person does possess a weapon, controlled or scheduled substances, or other contraband. The court ordered the sheriff and his successors to keep a written log that records every instance in which a newly-admitted individual is subject to a strip search procedure, with the following information: (1) the date and time of the search procedure; (2) the name of each officer participating in the search procedure; (3) a brief statement of facts found to constitute “reasonable suspicion” for a strip search, to include the crime with which the individual was charged; and (4) the name of the officer who made the determination that “reasonable suspicion” warranted a strip search and who approved the search. The agreement also provided for monetary compensation of persons who had been improperly strip-searched. (Knox County Jail, Maine) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Davis v. Carter, 452 F.3d 686 (7th Cir. 2006). A plaintiff filed an action on behalf of an inmate’s estate, alleging that county jail officials failed to provide adequate medical assistance to the inmate. The inmate’s death in the county jail was due to sudden withdrawal from his prescribed methadone medication. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the officials and the plaintiff appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. § 1983 action against a county jail and jail personnel, alleging violations of his due process rights. The district court granted the defendants’ motion for summary judgment. The court held that the county jail and jail personnel were not aware of, and deliberately indifferent to, a specific, impending, and substantial threat to the pretrial detainee's safety, as required for liability under § 1983 for failure to protect detainee from other inmates in violation of detainee's right to due process. According to the court, even if the detainee was involved in several altercations with other inmates, he never filed grievances or complaints about those incidents, he claimed only some bruising and a bloody nose as result of the altercations, and although the detainee requested medical attention for a sore finger after the altercations, he did not complain at that time about injuries from fights. (Kankakee County Jail, Illinois) 32.140 XX The court held that fact issues remained as to whether the county had a widespread practice or custom of inordinate delay in providing methadone treatment to inmates. The court found that a county jail officer was not deliberately indifferent to the inmate’s methadone withdrawal symptoms, and thus was not subject to liability under § 1983 for an Eighth Amendment violation following the inmate’s death, even though the officer received a call from the inmate’s wife informing her that the inmate had not yet received methadone treatment and was in excruciating pain. The officer responded that the county “don’t work that fast,” but appropriately transferred the call to a person responsible for the inmate’s medical care. There was no evidence that the officer’s job duties included anything more than answering the telephones. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Davis v. Township of Paulsboro, 421 F.Supp.2d 835 (D.N.J. 2006). The parents of an arrestee U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE ATTEMPT SUPERVISION Drake ex rel. Cotton v. Koss, 445 F.3d 1038 (8th Cir. 2006). The legal guardian for an incapacitated person who attempted to commit suicide while he was a pretrial detainee in a county jail, and a state department of human services sued a county and various officials in their individual and official capacities under § 1983, alleging violations of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments, and asserted a state law claim for negligence. The district court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment and the guardian appealed. The appeals court affirmed. On rehearing, the appeals court held that county jailers' actions did not constitute deliberate indifference, and the jailers' decision not to assign a special need classification to the pretrial detainee was a discretionary decision protected by official immunity. According to the court, the jailers' actions of conducting well-being checks of the pretrial detainee only every 30 minutes, failing to remove bedding and clothing, and failing to fill the detainee's anti-anxiety prescription in a timely manner did not constitute deliberate indifference. The court found that the jailers' view of the risk was shaped by the diagnosis and recommendations of a psychiatrist, who indicated that the detainee was not suicidal but simply manipulative. The court noted that the jailers' decision not to assign a special need classification to the pretrial detainee, that would have required more frequent observation, was a discretionary decision rather than a ministerial duty, protected by official immunity. The detainee was discovered hanging by a bed sheet from a ceiling vent in his cell. He was not breathing and the jailers immediately set to work resuscitating him and then transported him to a nearby hospital. He survived, but suffered serious brain injuries as a result of the suicide attempt. (McLeod County Jail, Minnesota) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Dukes v. Georgia, 428 F.Supp.2d 1298 (N.D.Ga. 2006). A pretrial detainee brought an action against state and county defendants as well as jail personnel, alleging deliberate indifference to a serious medical need, violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act, and medical malpractice. The defendants filed motions for summary judgment. The court held that jail personnel did not violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Rehabilitation Act when an officer and others allegedly told other inmates of the detainee's status as an HIV infected person, where the detainee did not show that such disclosure denied him the benefits of any program or service or that it discriminated against him. The court also found no ADA or Rehabilitation Act violation when an officer did not place a mask on the detainee when he was being transported to the hospital, where the failure to place a mask on the detainee did not deny him the benefits of any program or service or discriminate against him. The court noted that transportation can be construed as a “program or service brought a federal civil rights claim against a county, a township, and various law enforcement officers, arising from arrestee's death which occurred after he had been struck in the head by a bottle during a fight and then taken into police custody. The defendants moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion. The court held that the officers did not use excessive force in spraying the suspect with pepper spray, where he was visibly agitated, was acting aggressively, was yelling profanities, banged walls in his house, and shoved an officer three times, and no lasting injury occurred. According to the court, the officers did not use excessive force in waiting to wash the pepper spray from the suspect's eyes until after he had been transported from the site of the spraying to a police station because the suspect continued to physically resist officers and persisted in yelling and cursing after being sprayed. The court found that an officer did not use excessive force in removing the arrestee from his cell, where the officer nudged the arrestee several times on his lower leg in an attempt to rouse him, stepped into the cell and grabbed the arrestee by the arm, smoothly pulled the suspect by the arm off the bench and onto his hands and knees, pulled him a few feet across the floor, and placed handcuffs on him. The court held that Township officers were not deliberately indifferent to the serious medical needs of the arrestee who had been hit on the head with a bottle in a fight prior to arrest, and thus due process principles were not violated, where an ambulance arrived to transport the arrestee to a hospital within minutes of the arrestee's arrival at police headquarters, a doctor examined the arrestee and determined he was fit for incarceration, and the arrestee was periodically checked once back at the police station. According to the court, the fact that the arrestee vomited and was still bleeding upon his return to the police station did not establish deliberate indifference. (Gloucester County Sheriff's Department, Township of Paulsboro, New Jersey) 32.141 XX provided by the public entity” for the purposes of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). According to the court, even if a physician's failure to diagnose the pretrial detainee's cryptococcus was negligent or even severely negligent, her actions and treatment of the detainee did not constitute deliberate indifference to the detainee's serious medical needs in violation of due process where the detainee was receiving treatment for his symptoms and his underlying illness, HIV, and while in hindsight it appeared that a lesion shown by the x-rays was in fact cryptococcus, there was no showing that indicated that the physician was ever aware of that severe risk. The court held that a jail nurse was not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical needs in violation of the due process clause, where she responded to all requests for medical service and conveyed the requests and relevant information to a physician, and did not have substantial knowledge of a serious medical risk when she observed that the detainee was not moving about, was urinating on his mat, and was cursing at the staff. (Coweta County Jail, Georgia) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Gilanian v. City of Boston, 431 F.Supp.2d 172 (D.Mass. 2006). A detainee brought a civil rights action against a municipality, county, sheriff, and corrections officers alleging that strip searches violated her Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. The district court denied the detainee’s motion, finding that fact issues as to whether the strip search of the detainee was justified and whether the search was conducted in a reasonable manner, precluded summary judgment. The case challenged two strip-searches of the detainee conducted while she was held in pretrial detention, and asserted claims against the City of Boston, Suffolk County, Suffolk County Sheriff Richard Rouse, and two unidentified Suffolk County corrections officers. The court suggested that the trial should focus primarily on the question of whether there was a less restrictive alternative. The court posed questions, including: could the policy change, from strip-searching to segregation, have been implemented at the time of the detainee’s second strip-search; what changes, if any, in staffing, space allocation, and budget were necessary for the jail to switch to segregation after the Roberts decision; what less restrictive alternatives, other than segregation, might have been available to the Jail in March 2000; if the switch to segregation was possible in 2001, how far back in time is it proper to assume that the same switch could have been made? (Nashua Street Jail, Suffolk County, Massachusetts) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Glass v. Rodriguez, 417 F.Supp.2d 943 (N.D.Ill. 2006). A state inmate brought an action against a doctor at a county jail, alleging deliberate indifference to his back problems while he was a pretrial detainee. The doctor moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion. The court held that the doctor was not deliberately indifferent to the serious medical condition of the detainee with back pain, as would violate the Due Process Clause, even though the detainee never underwent an MRI and he was not able to see a physician every week as he would have wished. The court found that doctors, orthopedic specialists, and physical therapists used x-rays and CAT scans to diagnose the detainee's condition and to develop a treatment plan, and the detainee was provided with pain medication, physical therapy, and visits to an outside clinic. The court noted that neither simple medical malpractice nor mere dissatisfaction with a doctor's prescribed course of treatment is actionable as Eighth Amendment deliberate indifference under § 1983. (Cook County Correctional Center, Illinois) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURTS MENTAL HEALTH RESTRAINTS Glisson v. Sangamon County Sheriff’s Department, 408 F.Supp.2d 609 (C.D.Ill. 2006). A detainee brought a civil rights action against county defendants and a police officer, alleging various violations of his constitutional rights in connection with his arrest and detention. The defendants moved to dismiss. The district court dismissed in part and declined to dismiss in part. The court held that the detainee sufficiently stated claims under the Eighth Amendment and Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against a jail and a correctional officer with respect to both his first and second detentions. The court found that the detainee, who was awaiting a probation revocation hearing, sufficiently stated a claim under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments by alleging that the county jail maintained policies and customs that tolerated cruel and unusual punishment of convicted prisoners and pretrial detainees, and that the correctional officer strapped him to a wheelchair for several hours, forcing him to urinate on himself and to sit in his urine for several hours, while he was in a manic state. The inmate alleged that the jail and correctional officer knew of his mental condition because it was documented and that the officer's and jail's acts were intentional with malice and reckless disregard for his federally protected rights. The court held that the detainee sufficiently stated denial of access to courts claims against a county jail and correctional officers by alleging that the jail maintained a policy and practice of arbitrarily denying inmates’ confidential consultations with their attorneys and that the officers directly participated in the arbitrary and capricious denial of his access to counsel. The court found that the detainee stated an equal protection claim against a county jail and officer by alleging that the jail maintained a policy and practice that discriminated against him because of his mental illness, and that an officer discriminated against him in terms of the type of confinement on the basis of his mental illness. (Sangamon County Jail, Village of Grandview Police, Illinois) 32.142 XX U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT SUICIDE Grayson v. Ross, 454 F.3d 802 (8th Cir. 2006). The personal representative of the estate of a U.S. District Court RELIGION Ha'min v. Lewis, 440 F.Supp.2d 715 (M.D.Tenn. 2006). A Muslim county jail inmate sued a county, claiming that the county violated his First Amendment rights by failing to accommodate his religious needs. The district court dismissed the complaint in part and the county moved for summary judgment. The court held that the Establishment Clause was not violated when the county provided Bibles to inmates, but did not provide the Quran to the Muslim inmate, where the county, which did not pay for any religious materials, distributed donated Bibles to inmates and would have distributed donated Qurans, if any had been received. The inmate's request the county removed his copy of the Quran from his stored personal property and gave it to him. The court found that the county did not violate the free exercise of religion rights of the inmate by failing to hold Muslim services, where two Imams recruited by the county quit, the county was searching the Muslim community for a replacement, the complaining inmate was barred from conducting services himself by a policy against any inmate-led religious ceremonies, and the county accommodated the inmate in private worship by providing a Quran, prayer rug, and a compass. (Montgomery County Jail, Tennessee) U.S. Appeals Court RESTRAINTS CLASSIFICATION Hanks v. Prachar, 457 F.3d 774 (8th Cir. 2006). A former county jail detainee brought a § 1983 action against county jail officials, alleging violation of his due process rights in connection with the use of restraints and confinement, requesting damages and injunctive relief. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the officials and the former detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed the grant of summary judgment on the claims for injunctive relief, reversed the grant of summary judgment on the claims for damages, and remanded for further proceedings. The court held that the detainee's claim for injunctive relief was rendered moot by detainee's release from jail. The court found that summary judgment was precluded by genuine issues of material fact as to whether the detainee was restrained in shackles and chains or confined in a padded unit for the purpose punishment, or for valid reasons related to legitimate goals. The detainee alleged he was placed in four-point restraints, chained to a wall in a “rubber room,” forced to shower in waist chains and shackles, and denied hearings before being punished. The detainee was 17 years old when he was admitted to the jail. (St. Louis County Jail, Minnesota) U.S. Appeals Court FALSE IMPRISONMENT Hernandez v. Sheahan, 455 F.3d 772 (7th Cir. 2006). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a city and county sheriff’s department, alleging that police and sheriff’s deputies violated his Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights by refusing to entertain his claim that he was being held in custody due to mistaken identity. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of city, and entered judgment upon a jury verdict against the sheriff’s department. The arrestee and sheriff’s department appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part. The court held that the sheriff’s department was not entitled to quasi-judicial immunity in the arrestee’s § 1983 action, where units of government were not entitled to immunity in § 1983 actions, and the judge who arraigned the arrestee did not forbid the sheriff’s department from conducting further inquires into the arrestee’s identity. The court found that the sheriff’s department policy of ignoring an arrestee’s claims of mistaken identity after an arrestee has appeared in court and a judge had ordered him held in custody did not violate the arrestee’s right to due process, as required for the department to be liable under § 1983 to the arrestee. The detainee was held by the department for 13 days after his arraignment on a warrant that had been issued for someone else. The court noted that the judge did not abdicate responsibility to determine the arrestee’s identity or delegate that responsibility to the department, and there was no doubt that the arrestee was the person that the judge ordered held at arraignment. (Cook County, Illinois) pretrial detainee who died following self-mutilation while incarcerated in a jail, brought a civil rights action against the county sheriff, the arresting police officer, and jailers in their individual and official capacities alleging violation of the pretrial detainee’s right to medical treatment and to due process. The district court granted judgment for the defendants and the estate appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part. The court held that: (1) the detainee did not have an objectively serious medical need on intake from the perspective of the arresting police officer, as a layperson; (2) the arresting police officer did not subjectively know that the detainee required medical attention; (3) a reasonable police officer would not have known on intake that the pretrial detainee had an objectively serious medical need; (4) the detainee did not have an objectively serious medical need on intake from the perspective of the jailer, as a layperson; (5) the jailer did not subjectively know that the detainee required medical attention; (6) a reasonable jailer would not have known on intake that the pretrial detainee had an objectively serious medical need; (7) the county did not have an official practice of booking inmates who were hallucinating without providing medical care; and (8) the district court did not abuse its discretion by excluding the Arkansas State Jail Standards from evidence in the trial, as the jail standards did not represent minimum constitutional standards. (Crawford County Detention Center, Arkansas) 32.143 XX U.S. Appeals Court MENTAL HEALTH Hills v. Kentucky, 457 F.3d 583 (6th Cir. 2006). An arrestee brought a civil rights action against a treating psychiatrist at a state correctional psychiatric center where the arrestee was held, alleging constitutional violations arising out of his being forcibly medicated. The district court denied the psychiatrist’s motion for summary judgment on the ground of qualified immunity and the psychiatrist appealed. The court of appeals reversed and remanded, finding that the psychiatrist was entitled to qualified immunity. According to the court, a reasonable governmental employee in the position of the treating psychiatrist who prescribed medication to be forcibly administered to the arrestee would not have clearly known his conduct was unlawful, and thus, the psychiatrist was entitled to qualified immunity in the arrestee’s civil rights action against him. The court order that authorized the arrestee’s transfer to the center for treatment and examination after the court had found that the arrestee was not competent to stand trial on a burglary charge, stated that the treatment ordered included forced medication if necessary, and after seven weeks of treatment, the center’s mental health professionals concluded that the arrestee could benefit from antipsychotic medication. (Kentucky Cor’l. Psychiatric Center) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE CONDITIONS CROWDING Hubbard v. Taylor, 452 F.Supp.2d 533 (D.Del. 2006). Pretrial detainees filed suit under § 1983, U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES In re Nassau County Strip Search Cases, 461 F.3d 219 (2d Cir. 2006). Arrestees brought an action against a county and others, challenging the county correctional center's blanket strip search policy for newly-admitted, misdemeanor detainees. The district court denied the plaintiffs' class certification motions, and the plaintiffs appealed. The appeals court reversed in part and remanded in part. The court held that common issues predominated over individual issues as to liability in this case, and the class action device was a superior litigation mechanism as to the issue of liability. (Nassau County Correctional Center, New York) U.S. District Court SEARCHES RELIGION Jean-Laurent v. Wilkerson, 438 F.Supp.2d 318 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). A detainee in a state facility U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE RESTRAINTS Jenkins v. Wilson, 432 F.Supp.2d 808 (W.D.Wis. 2006). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights U.S. District Court SEARCHES Johnson v. District of Columbia, 461 F.Supp.2d 48 (D.D.C. 2006). Pre-presentment arrestees challenging conditions of their confinement on Fourteenth Amendment due process grounds, and a prisoner imprisoned at the same facility asserted a claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The district court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment and plaintiffs appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded. On remand, the district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that requiring the pretrial detainees to sleep on a mattress on the floor of their cells for a period of three to seven months did not violate the detainees' Fourteenth Amendment due process rights, because providing sleeping accommodations on the floor was in response to overcrowding at the facility and was not intended to punish. The court noted that even if the pretrial detainees' constitutional rights were violated by requiring them to sleep on mattresses on the floor, the law was not sufficiently clear so that a reasonable official would understand that what he was doing violated a constitutional right, entitling the officials to qualified immunity. The court held that a former inmate's allegations that he was released from prison due to his end stage renal disease, rather than be provided with medical care, failed to establish a prima facie case of discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), where the inmate was not denied adequate medical services because of his end stage renal disease and he received regular dialysis treatment while he was incarcerated. (Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility, Delaware) sued officers and supervisors under § 1983, claiming that he was searched in violation of his due process rights. The district court held that the detainee stated a claim of unconstitutional strip search, under the Fourth Amendment, when he alleged that officers, having conducted a legitimate search in connection with prison-wide strip searches, took him out of his cell and subjected him to a second search, even though he had been in their custody ever since the first search, precluding any hiding of contraband on his person. The court also found that the detainee stated claim that the second of two strip searches violated his First Amendment rights as a Muslim, to avoid being seen naked. The court noted that while first search was in furtherance of a compelling government need to maintain order, allowing the search despite religious objection, there was no compelling government need for the second search. The court held that the detainee stated a claim that officers imposed a substantial burden on the religious exercise of the Muslim inmate, in violation of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), by forcing him to submit to the second strip search. (George Motchan Detention Center, New York City) claim alleging that jail officers used excessive force. The district court held that a genuine issue of fact, as to whether deputies were justified in hitting the pretrial detainee about the head in attempting to handcuff him and transport him to segregation, precluded summary judgment. (Dane County Jail, Wisconsin) brought a § 1983 action against the District of Columbia, U.S. Marshal’s Service, and former U.S. Marshal, alleging that arrestees were subject to blanket strip searches and visual cavity searches without a reasonable individualized suspicion that the arrestees were concealing weapons or contraband. The government defendants moved to dismiss for failure to state a 32.144 XX claim. The court denied the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The district court held that: (1) arrestees’ allegations that the District of Columbia knew, or should have known, that marshals were unconstitutionally strip searching arrestees supported a § 1983 claim as to the District of Columbia; (2) the alleged policy under a former U.S. Marshal, if true, violated the Fourth and Fifth Amendments; (3) the right to be free from a blanket strip-search policy was clearly established; and (4) allegations that a former marshal and District of Columbia acted in concert in developing a policy stated a claim that the marshal was “state actor.” The arrestees alleged that there were blanket strip searches and visual cavity searches at Superior Court without a reasonable individualized suspicion, that subjected all female arrestees, but not male arrestees, to blanket strip searches. (District of Columbia and U.S. Marshal for the D.C. Superior Court) U.S. Appeals Court ACCESS TO COURT CONDITIONS INITIAL APPEARANCE RESTRAINTS Lopez v. City of Chicago, 464 F.3d 711 (7th Cir. 2006). An arrestee brought an action against a city and city police officers, alleging the duration and conditions of his detention violated his Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights, and asserting a claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress. The district court entered judgment as matter of law in favor of the defendants. The arrestee appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded. The court found that the arrestee’s conditions of confinement civil rights claim for the five-day period between his arrest and his preliminary probable cause hearing was required to be analyzed under the Fourth Amendment, using the “objectively unreasonable” standard, rather than under the Eighth Amendment's “deliberate indifference” standard. The court held that the question was for the jury. The arrestee presented evidence that he was shackled to the wall of an interrogation room for four days, that he was deprived of food, drink, and sleep, and that he was forced to yell for a long period of time before being let out to use the bathroom, and that the defendant officers denied such treatment. The court found that the police officers violated the arrestee's Fourth Amendment right to a prompt judicial probable cause determination by holding him for a period of five days after his arrest without a probable cause hearing, for the purpose of arrestee's § 1983 Fourth Amendment claim, absent any justification for the delay. The arrestee had been arrested for a murder he did not commit. Following his arrest, the defendants-- all police detectives-- kept him shackled to the wall of a windowless, nine-by-sevenfoot interrogation room for four days and nights while they investigated the case. The arrestee had nowhere to sleep but a four-foot-by-ten-inch metal bench or the dirty brick floor. The interrogation room had no toilet or sink; he had to “scream” for the detectives to let him out to use a bathroom. He was given only one bologna sandwich and one serving of juice as food and drink during the entire four days and nights that he was kept in the interrogation room. The detectives questioned him from time to time and made him stand in two lineups. After two-anda-half days in these conditions, the arrestee started to become disoriented and began hearing voices telling him to confess. He ultimately gave a statement containing a false confession that did not match the details of the crime. On the fifth day of his detention, the arrestee was moved to a city lockup, charged, and finally taken to court. The following day, the police investigation led detectives to another individual who confessed to the murder. The arrestee was released the next day. (Chicago Police Department's Area 5, Illinois) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Marriott v. County of Montgomery, 426 F.Supp.2d 1 (N.D.N.Y. 2006.) Arrestees brought suit, individually and on behalf of a class of others similarly situated, against a county sheriff's department, county sheriff, county undersheriff, former county undersheriff, a jail administrator and a lieutenant, challenging the constitutionality of the search policy of the county jail. The district court held that the policy, pursuant to which arrestees being admitted to a county jail were effectively subjected to strip searches, violated the Fourth Amendment and that the arrestees were entitled to permanent injunctive relief. The court found that the arrestees were the “prevailing parties” entitled to an award of attorney fees. According to the court, the Fourth Amendment precludes officials from performing strip searches and/or body cavity searches of arrestees charged with misdemeanors or other minor offenses unless the officials have a reasonable suspicion that the arrestee is concealing weapons or other contraband based on the crime charged, the particular characteristics of the arrestee, and/or the circumstances of the arrest. The court held that the indiscriminate strip-searching of misdemeanor arrestees is unconstitutional. The policy required arrestees to remove their clothing in front of a corrections officer (CO) and take a shower, regardless of the nature of their crime and without any determination that there was a reasonable suspicion that they possessed contraband. The court found that the policy violated the Fourth Amendment, despite the claim that the written policy did not involve either a command for the arrestee to undress completely or a command for the CO to inspect the naked arrestee. The court noted that the procedure that was followed in fact by the COs required all admittees to remove their clothes, submit to a visual examination by the CO, and shower. The court held that the arrestees were entitled to a permanent injunction prohibiting county jail officials from conducting a strip search, as set forth in the jail's “change out” procedure. (Montgomery County Jail, New York) 32.145 XX U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE PROTECTION MEDICAL CARE Moore v. Morales, 445 F.Supp.2d 1000 (N.D.Ill. 2006). The administrator of the estate of a detainee who died in police custody brought a § 1983 action against arresting officers, and other officers and employees of a police department who had processed the detainee at a police station, alleging that the defendants either had used excessive force on the detainee, ultimately leading to his death, or had been deliberately indifferent to his medical needs. The defendants moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion in part and denied in part. The court held that the summary judgment was precluded by fact issues as to the degree of force used on the detainee, and whether some police officers failed to stop the infliction of injuries on the detainee by fellow officers. The court found that the police had not shown deliberate indifference to the condition of the detainee and that there was no cover-up of the use of excessive force. (Chicago Police Department, 12th District Police Station, Illinois) U.S. District Court EXERCISE ACCESS TO COURT SANITATION CONDITIONS VISITING Murray v. Edwards County Sheriff's Dept., 453 F.Supp.2d 1280 (D.Kan. 2006). A former U.S. District Court PROTECTION FEMALE Newsome v. Lee County, Ala., 431 F.Supp.2d 1189 (M.D.Ala. 2006). A female county jail detainee who had been raped by three inmates, sued a county and employees, alleging violation of her federal and state rights. The district court dismissed the case in part, and denied dismissal in part. The court held that the officers were not entitled to qualified immunity on the claim that they retaliated against the detainee for her efforts to report the rape. The court found that the detainee stated a Fourteenth Amendment due process violation against the officer who placed the detainee in a cell with male inmates, but against no other jail personnel. The court also found valid claims of conspiracy, and conspiracy to block the opportunity to report the rape, under § 1983 on the part of officer who placed the detainee in the cell with the male inmates. After the incident, officers allegedly cut off the detainee’s access to phones and visitors and threatened that there would be negative consequences if she persevered with her charges. (Lee County Jail, Alabama) U.S. District Court RELIGION Omar v. Casterline, 414 F.Supp.2d 582 (W.D.La. 2006). A detainee brought an action pursuant to Bivens and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), alleging that federal prison officials subjected him to an unconstitutional search and failed to accommodate his religious needs. The defendants moved for summary judgment and the court granted the motion. The district court held that: the warden of the federal penitentiary at which the detainee was held was not liable for alleged violations of the detainee's right to free exercise of religion; the detainee failed to show that officials served him pork in violation of his right to free exercise of religion; qualified immunity shielded the officials from liability to the extent that their alleged pretrial detainee at a county jail brought a § 1983 action against a county sheriff's department, sheriff, undersheriff, and county attorney, alleging various constitutional violations. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the inmate's alleged weight loss while he was a pretrial detainee at the county jail did not satisfy the section of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) requiring a showing of physical injury in addition to mental or emotional injury in order to obtain compensatory damages. The court noted that the inmate’s alleged weight loss was contrary to the uncontroverted facts, where the inmate did not allege that he was not fed while at jail but that he was not allowed to exercise out of his cell, and it was not clear how a lack of exercise would have caused weight loss. The court found that the lack of outdoor exercise for the pretrial detainee at a small county jail did not violate due process, where the cells were large, the detainee did a wide variety of inside exercises during his stay at jail, and no physical deterioration occurred due to failure to obtain outdoor exercise. The court held that alleged inadequate temperature-control and ventilation, the presence of insects, and a lack of cleaning at the county jail did not violate the due process rights of pretrial detainee, where jail cells were heated and cooled by air conditioning that was on the same ventilation system as the rest of the courthouse in which the jail was located, detainees had the ability to open cell windows and had fans to use in the Summer, detainees were allowed additional blankets in Winter, the jail and courthouse were treated for insects on a monthly basis, and cleaning materials were provided to detainees to use in their cells. According to the court, the county jail's policy prohibiting friends from visiting the pretrial detainee did not violate due process, where the detainee had free access to visits by family clergy and counsel to the extent that they wished to visit him, the detainee had the free use of a telephone in his cell to speak with his friends, and the detainee sent and received over 200 letters while at jail. The court held that the detainee was not deprived of access to the courts and competent counsel, even if he was not permitted direct, physical access to a law library, was not separately assigned a paralegal to assist him, and was unable to call counsel on a few instances, where the detainee was given frequent and heavy access to law library materials, the county had limited resources for providing physical access to a law library, the detainee was an able and experienced prison litigator, the detainee decided not to file civil actions while at the jail, the detainee spoke with counsel on many occasions, and the detainee was satisfied with counsel's representation. (Edwards County Jail, Kansas) 32.146 XX failure to inform the detainee that he was being served pork substitutes violated his right to free exercise of religion; prison officials did not violate the detainee's free exercise rights by not informing him of the time so that he could pray at appropriate times of day; officials' refusal to hold three of the detainee's meals during Ramadan did not violate his free exercise rights; allegations that prison officials mocked the detainee's religion at most asserted a de minimis violation of the detainee's free exercise rights; and, the detainee did not establish a violation of his rights under RFRA. According to the court, allegations that the Muslim detainee asked his case manager at the federal penitentiary for a clock so that the he would know when to say his prayers, and that the case manager said “You think this is going to work?” after the detainee was praying, sufficiently alleged the case manager's personal participation in alleged violations of the detainee's right to free exercise of religion. (U.S. Penitentiary, Pollock, Louisiana) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE FAILURE TO PROTECT Pietrafeso v. Lawrence County, S. D., 452 F.3d 978 (8th Cir. 2006). A widow, as personal U.S. District Court CONDITIONS CROWDING MEDICAL CARE Poole v. Taylor, 466 F.Supp.2d 578 (D.Del. 2006). A former pretrial detainee filed a § 1983 action alleging unconstitutional conditions of confinement, and that he was denied adequate medical care. The district court granted the defendants’ motion for summary judgment. The court held that the detainee’s due process rights were not violated when he was required to sleep on a mattress on the floor for over six months in an overcrowded facility that experienced sporadic hot and cold temperatures and insect and rodent infestations. The court noted that the officials had issued numerous work orders for temperature repairs and pest control, the detainee was not denied access to toilet facilities, the officials determined that triple-celling pretrial detainees was a method to deal with their overcrowded facilities, and there was no evidence of intention on the officials’ part to punish the detainee. The court found that officials were not deliberately indifferent to the detainee’s serious medical needs, in violation of the Due Process Clause, even though he was not hospitalized or sent to a plastic surgeon after he sustained a large cut over his right eye. The court noted that the detainee’s treatment included sutures, bandaging of his wound, and administration of medication, as well as a follow-up visit. The detainee was given instructions to contact the medical department for any perceived problems with the wound, and the detainee did not seek additional treatment. (Multi-Purpose Criminal Justice Facility, Delaware) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Posey v. Southwestern Bell Telephone L.P., 430 F.Supp.2d 616 (N.D.Tex. 2006). The family of deceased county jail detainee sued a county and the company that provided telephone services to a jail, after the detainee hanged himself using the cord from a defective telephone in his cell. The county moved for summary judgment. The district court dismissed the federal claims against all defendants. The court held that jail employees did not violate the due process rights of the detainee by displaying deliberate indifference to his condition while he was being booked and placed in a cell, when they left him alone in the cell, with a broken telephone that had an exposed cord. The court noted that where there was no showing that the employees knew the detainee was a suicide risk, and any shortcomings in following the county's suicide screening procedures were at most gross negligence, which was below the deliberate indifference standard needed to impose § 1983 liability. The court held that there was no policy or custom by which representative of a pretrial detainee who died of an acute asthma attack while detained in a county jail, brought a civil rights action against the county and jailers alleging deliberate indifference to the detainee’s serious medical needs. The detainee had arrived at the jail at 7:10 p.m. with an envelope marked with the detainee’s name, inmate number, and the following notation in bold red letters: “URGENT Colo. Inter-Correctional Medical Summary Transfer Report DELIVER TO MEDICAL DEPARTMENT AT ONCE.” In an intake interview, the detainee told the jailer that he suffered from a severe asthma condition. The detainee said he was taking a “bunch” of medications, though he brought with him to the jail only an Albuterol inhaler. After a jury trial, the district court entered judgment in favor of the defendants as a matter of law. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the head jailer was not deliberately indifferent to the detainee’s medical needs in failing to take the detainee to a physician shortly after the detainee’s arrival, absent any evidence that the jailer actually knew of and recklessly disregarded the risk of serious harm to the detainee posed by the lack of access to his prescribed medications over the weekend. According to the court, the head jailer’s failure to take the detainee and his medical records to the physician was at most negligence. The court held that the jail administrator and the chief deputy were not deliberately indifferent, notwithstanding the chief deputy’s instructions to another jailer to attempt to get the inmate’s prescriptions filled without taking the detainee to an emergency room. Although the jail administrator failed to ensure that the detainee visited a physician to secure a refill of his prescriptions, the day before the detainee died the administrator had been advised by a physicians assistant that an emergency room visit was not necessary unless the detainee made frequent use of the inhaler. The administrator was following that advice. The court noted that a jailer repeatedly asked others to obtain the detainee’s medications and, on his day off, took medical notes transferred with the detainee to the physicians assistant and then visited the detainee in the jail to tell him of the physicians assistant’s advice. (Lawrence County Jail, South Dakota) 32.147 XX county could be held liable under a § 1983 action for the suicide death of the detainee. According to the court, the two previous incidents of detainee suicide, over almost two decades, one of which may have involved telephone cords, did not establish that the existing suicide policy was defective for failure to instruct staff on this contingency, and that failure of staff to follow some suicide prevention policies did not rise to level of deliberate indifference required for county liability. (Dallas County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Pryor v. Dearborn Police Dept., 452 F.Supp.2d 714 (E.D.Mich. 2006). The estate of an arrestee brought a § 1983 action against police officers and a police department, alleging failure to provide the arrestee with adequate medical care. The district court held that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the arrestee's condition-- a crack cocaine overdose-- constituted a serious medical need, and whether the police officers acted with deliberate indifference to the arrestee's serious medical need. The detainee was arrested, and while he was in custody in a police vehicle he consumed an unknown quantity of cocaine. He again ingested cocaine when he was detained at the police station and subsequently collapsed on the floor of his cell and began convulsing. Paramedics were eventually called, and they transported the arrestee to a hospital, where he died three days later. (Dearborn Police Station, Michigan) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Rand v. Simonds, 422 F.Supp.2d 318 (D.N.H. 2006). A pretrial detainee brought a pro se action against a superintendent, assistant superintendent, and physician's assistant for a county correctional facility, alleging that they were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs. The defendants moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion. The court held that the detainee administratively exhausted his claim that the superintendent and assistant superintendent were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs, even though he did not file a formal grievance, given that “rules” on grievance procedures in the inmate handbook did not require that the grievance take a particular form. The court noted that the detainee submitted a request form asking for referral to a specialist, as specified in the medical procedures section of handbook, and that inquiries made by an investigator for the detainee's criminal defense attorney into the facility's refusal to refer the detainee to an outside medical care provider for his shoulder pain gave the superintendent and assistant superintendent the requisite opportunity to address the detainee's complaints, which they took advantage of by explaining the decision made. The court held that the detainee failed to exhaust his administrative remedies, as required by the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA), on his claim that a physician's assistant at the county correctional facility was deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs by failing to refer him to specialist outside the facility for his shoulder injury. According to the court, the complaints made on the detainee's behalf by an investigator for the detainee's criminal defense attorney did not allege any misfeasance on the part of the physician's assistant or even mention him, and therefore did not give the facility's officials sufficient notice of the detainee's concerns about treatment received from the physician's assistant to allow those concerns to be dealt with administratively. The court found that material issues of fact existed as to whether the superintendent and assistant superintendent denied outside care to the detainee on prohibited bases, such as the detainee's ability or willingness to pay for such medical services, precluding summary judgment for the officials on the detainee's claims alleging deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. But the court concluded that a delay in having the detainee examined by an orthopedic surgeon did not cause him any additional pain or permanent injury, given that the specialists who eventually saw the detainee did not believe that surgery was an appropriate treatment for his shoulder pain and the measures recommended did not appreciably reduce the detainee's pain and discomfort, such that implementing them earlier would not have measurably improved his condition. The court found that the detainee's injury did not amount to a “serious medical need” for alleged deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. (Merrimack County House of Corrections, New Hampshire) U.S. District Court RELIGION Rasul v. Rumsfeld, 433 F.Supp.2d 58 (D.D.C. 2006). Detainees at the United States naval facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, sued the government, claiming that their treatment violated the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). The district court denied the government’s motion to dismiss holding that: (1) RFRA applied outside of the continental United States; (2) RFRA applied to Guantanamo Bay; (3) a claim of liability under RFRA was stated; and (4) there was no qualified immunity from suit under RFRA. The Muslim inmates claimed harassment when practicing their religion, forced shaving of religious beards, and placement of the Koran in a toilet. (United States Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Rentz v. Spokane County, 438 F.Supp.2d 1252 (E.D.Wash. 2006). The personal representatives of the estate of a pretrial detainee, who was murdered by two fellow pretrial detainees in a county jail, sought recovery of damages from county defendants under Washington's wrongful death and survival statutes. Parents and siblings, as beneficiaries of the estate, also sought recovery of damages. The court granted partial summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that neither the parents nor the siblings could recover under Washington's wrongful 32.148 XX death and survival statutes, but that the parents could seek recovery from the county defendants under § 1988 for violations of the detainee's constitutional rights. The court also held that the parents were entitled to assert Fourteenth Amendment substantive due process causes of action against the county defendants to vindicate their constitutional rights for loss of companionship with their adult son, but the siblings were not. The court allowed the plaintiffs to amend their complaint to include the jail officers and a jail nurse because they were allegedly involved with the placement of the detainee in the same jail dormitory as the individuals who murdered him. (Spokane County Jail, Washington) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Self v. Crum, 439 F.3d 1227 (10th Cir. 2006). A detainee brought an action against a jail's physician alleging deliberate indifference to his medical needs in violation of the Eighth Amendment. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the physician and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the physician who provided medication for a respiratory infection and to reduce fever and coughing did not consciously disregard the substantial risk of serious harm arising from the detainee's symptoms. According to the court, the detainee's allegation that the physician diagnosed his heart problem but ignored it, was based on speculation and conjecture. The court noted that, at most, the physician's actions amounted to a misdiagnosis or failure to conduct further testing. (Denver County Jail, Colorado) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT SUICIDE Short v. Smoot, 436 F.3d 422 (4th Cir. 2006). The wife and administrator of the estate of a detainee who committed suicide in jail brought a § 1983 action against a county and sheriff's deputies alleging deliberate indifference to a substantial risk that the detainee would commit suicide. The district court denied summary judgment for the defendants and they appealed. The appeals court held that jailers who placed the detainee in a cell under video surveillance were entitled to qualified immunity, but the jailer who observed the detainee in the cell by video surveillance was not entitled to qualified immunity. According to the court, the jailers who placed the detainee in a cell under video surveillance were entitled to qualified immunity even though they did not remove the detainee's clothing and shoelaces, because the detainee did not have the right to have his jailers take precautions against his suicide beyond placing him in a cell under video surveillance. The court found that the jailer who observed the detainee in his cell by video surveillance was not entitled to qualified immunity because the jailer observed the detainee remove his shoelaces, tie them to a bar, place a noose around his neck, and test the weight of his rope. The jail policy and procedures manual in effect at the time addressed the proper treatment of potentially suicidal inmates and required custodial officers to remove all potential tools such as sheets, blankets, and shoelaces, to conduct inmate checks at random intervals at least twice per hour, and to make reports of any unusual occurrences. The jail used surveillance cameras to monitor inmate activity. The court reviewed the videotape taken from the surveillance camera that recorded the detainee’s activity and it showed the detainee removing the laces from his shoes, tying them together, and climbing from his bed to the bars of his cell. (Warren County Jail, Virginia) U.S. District Court ASSESSMENT OF COSTS Sickles v. Campbell County, Kentucky, 439 F.Supp.2d 751 (E.D.Ky. 2006). Inmates, former U.S. District Court SUICIDE Smith v. Brevard County, 461 F.Supp.2d 1243 (M.D.Fla. 2006). The personal representative of inmates, and relatives and friends of inmates brought a § 1983 action against counties, alleging that the methods used by the counties to collect fees imposed on prisoners for the cost of booking and incarceration violated the Due Process Clause. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the Kentucky statute authorizing county jailers to adopt prisoner fee and expense reimbursement policies did not require that prisoners be sentenced before fees could be imposed, and that due process did not require a predeprivation hearing before prison fees were assessed. According to the court, the First Amendment rights of non-prisoners who contributed funds to prisoners' accounts were not violated. The court noted that the statute authorized jails to begin to impose fees, and to deduct them from prisoners' canteen accounts, as soon as prisoners' were booked into the jail. (Campbell County and Kenton County, Kentucky) the estate of pretrial detainee who hung himself in his cell, brought a § 1983 action on behalf of the survivors of the estate, against a county sheriff, officers, and a non-profit corporation which was under contract to provide mental health services to the prisoners at detention center. The sheriff, officers and corporation moved to dismiss and the district court granted the motion in part, and denied in part. The court held that allegations by the estate that, prior to the detainee’s hanging himself in his cell, his family members and friends called and went to the detention center in person to inform the non-profit corporation that the detainee was suicidal, were sufficient to satisfy the deliberate indifference test in the suit. After receiving knowledge of the detainee’s suicidal tendency, the corporation failed to provide adequate mental health care to the detainee. According to the court, knowledge that the detainee was actually threatening to commit suicide was certainly enough to show knowledge of a substantial risk of suicide, rather than just a mere possibility. The court held that the estate stated a cause of action under § 1983 against the county sheriff, in his official capacity, for violating the 32.149 XX detainee’s Fourteenth Amendment rights. According to the court, violation of the detainee’s constitutional rights was the result of the sheriff’s failure to provide adequate staffing and safe housing for suicidal inmates, and in light of the sheriff’s knowledge that inmate suicide was a problem, his failure to address any policies that were causing suicides constituted deliberate indifference to the constitutional rights of inmates. (Brevard County Detention Center, Florida) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCH JUVENILES Smook v. Minnehaha County, 457 F.3d 806 (8th Cir. 2006). Former detainees at a county juvenile detention center brought a § 1983 class action against a county and individual county officials, challenging the center's policy of strip-searching all juveniles admitted to the facility regardless of the seriousness of the charged offense or the existence of suspicion. The district court entered partial summary judgment for the former detainees, finding that the searches violated the minors' constitutional rights, and that the officials were not qualifiedly immune from the minors' claims. The county and officials appealed the denial of qualified immunity. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that requiring a juvenile to strip to her undergarments upon admission to the facility was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment. A juvenile female had been brought to the center for a curfew violation. A female staff person took her to a private restroom, directed her to remove her shorts, t-shirt, and sandals, but allowed her to remain attired in her undergarments. The staff person touched her to look under her arms, between her toes, and through her hair and scalp. The court held that the search was reasonable under Fourth Amendment in light of the state's responsibility to act in loco parentis with respect to juveniles in lawful state custody, and that the special needs for such a search outweighed the invasion of personal privacy. The court held that the officials were entitled to qualified immunity where there was no appellate decision from the Supreme Court or any federal circuit ruling on such an issue, and, although many courts had concluded that the strip search of adult offenders without individualized suspicion was unreasonable, those cases did not consider interests involved when state had responsibility to act in loco parentis. (Minnehaha County Juvenile Detention Center, South Dakota) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS Spencer v. Bouchard, 449 F.3d 721 (6th Cir. 2006). A former pretrial detainee brought a pro se U.S. District Court PROTECTION Stephens v. Correctional Services Corp., 428 F.Supp.2d 580 (E.D.Tex. 2006). A pretrial detainee U.S. District Court SEARCHES Tardiff v. Knox County, 425 F.Supp.2d 190 (D.Me. 2006). A class action suit was brought against a county, its sheriff, and unidentified jail correctional personnel under § 1983, claiming that the Fourth Amendment rights of detainees alleged to have committed non-violent, nonweapons, and non-drug felonies, and detainees alleged to have committed misdemeanors, were violated when they were subjected to strip searches without reasonable suspicion that they were harboring contraband on or within their bodies. Summary judgment was granted in part and denied in part to the plaintiffs, and the defendants filed a motion for reconsideration. The district court held that: (1) evidence, including booking logs at the county jail, demonstrated that corrections officers routinely strip searched misdemeanor detainees without reasonable suspicion; (2) a jail administrator's letter was highly probative of what municipal policymakers knew about ongoing strip search practices at the jail; (3) intake and release log evidence provided proof that, for at least some corrections officers, strip searching was customary; and (4) the actions taken by the county in response to the unconstitutional practice of strip searching misdemeanor detainees amounted to acquiescence in it. According to the court, a county jail inspection report provided information about the circumstances surrounding search § 1983 action against a county sheriff and officials of the sheriff's office, alleging overcrowding and inadequate shelter at the jail in violation of Due Process Clause. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants, and detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, vacated in part, and remanded. The court held that the detainee's evidence that county officials had failed to address serious and obvious problems with conditions, namely a continuously cold and wet cell area, for a period of months, especially given additional evidence including officials' alleged wearing of winter coats inside jail, raised a fact issue as to whether officials had been deliberately indifferent to a serious deprivation, precluding summary judgment for the officials. (Oakland County Jail, Michigan) brought an action against a private jail corporation, alleging civil rights violations and common law negligence stemming from an attack while he was incarcerated. The corporation moved for dismissal. The district court held that the corporation was not entitled to state sovereign immunity and that the corporation was potentially liable under § 1983. The court found that the detainee properly stated a negligence claim, and also a viable claim for failure to train and/or supervise. The court noted that although the establishment and maintenance of jails were “governmental functions” under state law, jail services provided by a private entity were not. The detainee alleged that the corporation had a duty to protect his well-being and to ensure his reasonable safety while incarcerated, and that the corporation breached such duty by not properly segregating him from violent inmates who threatened his life. He alleged that he informed officials of the death threats and they took no action, and that he was severely beaten by three prisoners and suffered life-threatening injuries. (Jefferson County Corrections Facility, Texas) 32.150 XX practices at the jail, as well as the knowledge of the county policymakers before the commencement of the class period, and, thus, was relevant in the class action suit. (Knox County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS Tate v. Gusman, 459 F.Supp.2d 519 (E.D.La. 2006). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff, arising from conditions of confinement following a hurricane. The district court held that the detainee failed to state a nonfrivolous claim upon which relief could be granted and dismissed the action. The detainee alleged that the manner and timing of his evacuation from a flooded prison system medical unit following a hurricane constituted cruel and unusual punishment, but the court found that the detainee did not allege that the sheriff personally acted with deliberate indifference to the detainee’s safety. The court noted that the detainee did not allege that he suffered any physical injury as a result of any of the conditions or lack of medical attention. (Orleans Parish Prison, Louisiana) U.S. District Court SUICIDE Taylor v. Wausau Underwriters Ins. Co., 423 F.Supp.2d 882 (E.D.Wis. 2006). The estate of a pretrial detainee who had committed suicide in jail brought § 1983 claims against a county corrections officer, alleging deliberate indifference to serious medical needs, a claim against the county alleging that the county maintained an unconstitutional informal policy of allowing inmates on suicide watch to turn out their lights, and a state law wrongful death claim against the officer and county. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the officer and county. The court held that the county was not liable for a due process violation under § 1983 for deliberate indifference to the detainee’s serious medical needs absent evidence that the officer's delay in turning on the detainee's light after the detainee had turned it off, during which time the detainee hanged himself, was a standard practice or an aberration. According to the court, even if the jail's unofficial policy of allowing inmates on suicide watch access to light switches was the cause of the detainee's suicide, in that it compromised corrections officers' ability to supervise the detainee, the county was not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical needs in violation of his due process rights. The court found that the jail's classification of the detainee as a suicide risk did not indicate he was actually a suicide risk, the fact that the detainee was a former corrections officer charged with heinous crimes did not indicate a substantial suicide risk, and, even if suicide risk was indicated by facts that the detainee stole a razor, that there were scratches on his wrists, and that he removed elastic from his underwear, the county placed him on suicide watch and thus was not indifferent. The court noted that the absence of mental illness in an inmate who commits suicide is not fatal to a claim for deliberate indifference to serious medical needs. The detainee was a former correctional officer charged with attempted murder, kidnapping, and sexual assault of a minor. He was admitted to jail where he was placed on a suicide watch in a cell with constant camera surveillance. (Fond du Lac County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Thomas v. Ashcroft, 470 F.3d 491 (2nd Cir. 2006). A detainee brought a Bivens action against named and unnamed federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents and prison officials, alleging that his blindness was caused by the defendants' deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs while in federal custody. The district court dismissed the case and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The court held that allegations by the detainee, that federal prison officials were on notice of his glaucoma and resulting medical needs, that they were aware of the improper administration of his medications and that they still failed to address the situation, that he was transferred to one correctional facility where he received no medication despite the requests of his family, his lawyer, and outside physicians, and that the officials were personally ordered by a magistrate judge to see to the detainee's medical needs, stated a Bivens claim against prison officials, for deliberate indifference to the detainee's serious medical needs. (New York Metropolitan Correctional Center, Federal Bureau of Prisons) U.S. District Court SEARCHES INTAKE SCREENING MEDICAL CARE Thompson v. County of Cook, 428 F.Supp.2d 807 (N.D.Ill. 2006). A detainee held for civil contempt brought an action against a county and a sheriff, alleging civil rights violations due to invasive search procedures. Following a jury verdict for the defendants, the detainee moved for a new trial. The district court held that a jury's verdict as to an unreasonable body cavity search was against the manifest weight of evidence. The court noted that, notwithstanding the detainee's purported intermingling with others who were incarcerated, he was not charged with any crime, and there was no evidence that deputies noticed anything suspicious about detainee which would have otherwise justified a search. The detainee was subjected to an invasive urethral swabbing procedure without his consent. The detainee had been held in civil contempt and ordered held in custody after he refused to sign certain documents related to his pending divorce proceedings. Upon arrival at the jail, the detainee was processed along with approximately 250 other new inmates. After spending some time in a holding pen, the detainee and others were photographed and given identification cards. An employee from Cermak Health Services, the agency responsible for administering medical treatment to detainees at the jail, then asked Thompson a number of medical screening questions. During the interview, the detainee responded to the questions on a standard form concerning his medical history and 32.151 XX signed the following “consent for treatment” portion of the form: I consent to a medical and mental health history and physical including screening for tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases as part of the intake process of the Cook County Jail. I also consent to ongoing medical treatment by Cermak Health Services staff for problems identified during this process. I understand I may be asked to sign forms allowing other medical treatments. I understand that every effort will be made by CHS staff to keep my medical problems confidential. I understand the policy of CHS regarding access to health care at Cook County Jail. The defendants presented evidence at trial that during the interview, an employee informed the detainee of his right to refuse the medical screening, but the detainee denied that anyone informed him of his right to refuse to consent. Following the medical screening interview, his personal property was inventoried and then he and other inmates then underwent a urethral swabbing procedure. He claimed that he felt pain both during and after the procedure. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court FALSE IMPRISONMENT USE OF FORCE Tibbs v. City of Chicago, 469 F.3d 661 (7th Cir. 2006). An arrestee brought § 1983 action against an arresting officer and city, alleging Fourth Amendment violations. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants, and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that a police officer acted reasonably, and thus, did not violate the arrestee's Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable seizure, when he made an arrest on an outstanding traffic warrant. According to the court, although the arrestee had a different middle initial and different birth date than the person listed on the warrant, the arrestee had the same first and last name, and when the officer questioned the arrestee about the warrant, he replied, apparently confusing it with a traffic violation that he had actually committed, that he thought it had been taken care of already. The court found that there was no indication that officer knew that the arrestee was not the person for whom the warrant had been issued. The court noted that when the police have probable cause to arrest one party, and when they reasonably mistake a second party for the first party, the arrest of the second party is a valid arrest. The court also noted that when a person is lawfully arrested pursuant to a valid warrant, police officers and jailers have no constitutional duty to investigate whether the arrestee is actually the person named in the warrant. The court held that the police officer did not use an unreasonable amount of force, in violation of the Fourth Amendment, by putting tight handcuffs on the arrestee and leaving them on for approximately 30 minutes until the arrestee was taken to a lockup at a police station. The arrestee complained only once to the officer that the handcuffs were too tight, he offered the officer no indication of the degree of pain caused by the handcuffs, he suffered minimal, if any, injury, other than redness on his wrists for less than two days, and he sought no medical care for any wrist injury. The arrestee was held in custody for two days. About twenty to twenty-five minutes after arriving at the station, the arrestee was taken to a lockup where his handcuffs were removed. (City of Chicago, Illinois) U.S. District Court ADA- Americans With Disabilities Act TELEPHONE Tucker v. Hardin County, 448 F.Supp.2d 901 (W.D.Tenn. 2006). Deaf detainees and their deaf mother sued a county and a city, alleging violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that a county court did not violate the ADA's Title II, which prohibits discrimination in public services, by asking the deaf mother to serve as interpreter for her deaf sons at their plea hearing, despite her contention that the request deprived her of her right to participate as a spectator. The court noted that the mother expressed no reservations to the court about serving as an interpreter, that she could have refused the request, and, even if the court were somehow responsible for her service as an interpreter, its request was based on her skill in lip-reading and sign language, not on her disability. According to the court, assuming that overnight incarceration was covered by the ADA's Title II which prohibits discrimination in public services, and assuming that placing a phone call was an “aid, benefit, or service” within the meaning of an ADA regulation prohibiting public entities from providing a disabled person aid, benefit, or service that was not as effective as that provided to others, the county did not violate ADA in using relay operators and notes to allow the deaf detainees to communicate with their mother, rather than providing them with a teletypewriter (TTY) telephone. The court noted that information was transmitted and received, which was the same benefit non-disabled person would have received. While in custody, the two brothers communicated with officers through written notes. The jail was not equipped with a teletypewriter (TTY) telephone. Instead, the officers acted as relay operators, using paper and pencil, as they spoke with an operator acting on their behalf to complete the call, which lasted 45 minutes. (Hardin County Jail, and the City of Savannah Police Department, Tennessee) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE U.S. v. Gonzales, 436 F.3d 560 (5th Cir. 2006). Following a jury trial, deportation officers were convicted of deprivation of civil rights and one defendant appealed. The appeals court held that evidence was sufficient to support a finding that the defendant willfully sprayed a detainee, who had a broken neck, with pepper spray and that the use of pepper spray resulted in bodily injury. The court noted that a detention officer testified that while the defendant was carrying the detainee to the bus, he said “Let's Mace the fucker and see if he budges” and two other 32.152 XX detention officers remembered a similar statement, and when the defendant exited the bus, he was coughing, smirking sarcastically, and claiming that there had been an “accidental discharge.” After the pepper spray was used, the detainee's mouth was foaming, he complained of stinging pain, and his eyes were swollen shut for at least three hours. The court found that the force that caused this pain and that the pepper spray was applied when the detainee was paralyzed, handcuffed, and lying on the floor of the bus. The detainee made his injury known to the defendant, screaming “they broke me...” and in response to his pleas the officers taunted him and invited people to wipe their feet on him. Two of the defendants dragged his limp body from a house to the van, dragged him off the van onto a bus, and witnessed his reaction to being pepper sprayed. According to the court, by moving the detainee without stabilizing him, the officers exposed him to a risk of harm. The detainee was left alone on the bus floor, handcuffed, eyes swollen shut, and foaming at the mouth, despite the officers’ training that, due to the risk of potentially fatal asphyxiation, those who had been pepper sprayed should be continually monitored and placed upright, never in a prone position. (San Antonio Division of the Immigration and Naturalization Service [INS] and Brazos County Jail, Texas) U.S. Appeals Court TELEPHONE PRIVACY U.S. v. Morin, 437 F.3d 777 (8th Cir. 2006). A defendant was convicted in district court and he U.S. District Court PRE-SENTENCE DETENTION U.S. v. Nedd, 415 F.Supp.2d 1 (D.Me. 2006). A defendant convicted of two federal firearms charges sought pre-sentence release. The district court denied release, based on the defendant’s failure to comply with the terms of his pretrial release, and his belligerence toward a pretrial services officer who indicated that he posed a danger to the community. (U.S. District Court, Maine) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MENTAL HEALTH MEDICAL CARE CRIPA- Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act U.S. v. Terrell County, Ga., 457 F.Supp.2d 1359 (M.D.Ga. 2006). The federal government U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT MEDICAL CARE Vaughn v. Greene County, Arkansas, 438 F.3d 845 (8th Cir. 2006). The sister of a pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action against a sheriff and others to recover damages related to the in-custody death of her brother. The district court denied the sheriff's motion for summary judgment and the sheriff appealed. The court of appeals dismissed in part, reversed and remanded in part. The court held that the county sheriff had no knowledge of the pretrial detainee's serious medical needs, and thus was entitled to qualified immunity. The court noted that the sheriff had no personal interaction with the pretrial detainee during his incarceration, and there was no indication that the sheriff knew the pretrial detainee had been vomiting for several hours, was not provided with his anti-depressant medication for two to three days preceding his death, or had heart problems that put him at risk for a heart attack. According to the court, the sheriff's practice of delegating to others such duties as reading mail and responding to communications regarding jail inmates did not amount to deliberate indifference to the pretrial detainee's serious medical needs, as required to be held individually liable for the detainee's death in a § 1983 action. The 46-year-old detainee had completed a medical intake form indicating he had a history of mental illness, headaches, epilepsy/seizures, ulcers, and kidney/bladder problems, but indicating that he did not have a history of heart problems or high or low blood pressure. Although he had no medications with him upon his arrival at the jail, his mother later brought his medications, including an anti-depressant. The jail ran out of his anti-depressant medication for two days and the detainee began to act odd. He was moved to an isolation cell to be monitored. He was later found dead in the cell. An autopsy led to the determination that the detainee died of natural causes--arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease-causing a heart attack that resulted in his death. Detectable amounts of his anti-depressant medication were found in the detainee’s system during the autopsy. (Greene County Jail, Arkansas) appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that recordings of the defendant's jailhouse telephone calls were admissible for sentencing purposes. The court found that the defendant impliedly consented to the warrantless tape-recording of his jailhouse telephone calls, and thus, the recordings were admissible for sentencing purposes. The defendant had been given a prisoners' handbook that informed him that his jailhouse calls would be monitored, and there were signs above the phones in the prison informing him of that fact. (North Dakota) brought a Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) action against a county, county sheriff, and various other county officials, seeking a determination that county jail conditions were grossly deficient in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. The district court granted the government’s motion for summary judgment. The court held that the sheriff and other officials were deliberately indifferent to the jail's gross deficiencies in the areas of medical and mental health care for inmates, protection of inmates from harm, environmental health and safety of inmates, and fire safety, in violation of the due process clause. The court noted that the lack of funds is not a defense to, nor legal justification for, unconstitutional conditions of a jail, for the purpose of analyzing a deliberate indifference claim under the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Even if a defendant argues that it is planning or working towards construction of a new jail to remedy the unconstitutional conditions at the current facility, the failure to implement interim measures to alleviate those conditions demonstrates deliberate indifference, according to the court. (Terrell County, Georgia) 32.153 XX U.S. Appeals Court FALSE IMPRISONMENT Walker v. City of Orem, 451 F.3d 1139 (10th Cir. 2006). Two separate actions were brought against a county and individual officers arising out of a police shooting and the subsequent detention of witnesses to the shooting. The district court granted the officers’ motion for summary judgment based on qualified immunity. The appeals court held that the 90-minute detention of witnesses to a police shooting was not reasonable for investigative purposes under the Fourth Amendment, but that the constitutional rights of the witnesses to a police shooting to not be detained for 90 minutes following the shooting was not clearly established at the time. According to the court, the witnesses to the shooting failed to establish the county’s policy or custom to train its officers concerning the constitutional limitations on detention of witnesses in connection with the police shooting investigations. (Utah County Sheriff’s Office, Utah) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Way v. County of Ventura, 445 F.3d 1157 (9th Cir. 2006). A female arrestee who had undergone U.S. District Court BAIL CONDITIONS SUICIDE ATTEMPT White v. Crow Ghost, 456 F.Supp.2d 1096 (D.N.D. 2006). An arrestee brought a Bivens action against personnel of a jail operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), alleging failure to provide adequate medical care, unsanitary conditions, and delayed or prevented bond hearings. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that jail officials were not deliberately indifferent to the arrestee's medical needs, in violation of his Eighth Amendment rights, where officials provided the arrestee with medical care promptly after learning of his suicide gestures or attempts, and again upon learning he might have an infection. The court noted that when the arrestee's need for medication was established, officials ensured that the medications were administered. The court found that the officials were not deliberately indifferent to any risk of harm to arrestee from his placement in two different, allegedly cold and unsanitary jail cells for a total of four days, and thus such placement did not rise to the level of an Eighth Amendment violation. The court noted that the arrestee was placed in those cells after his suicide gestures or attempts so that he could be monitored, his clothing and bedding was removed for his protection after he tried to hang himself, and cleaning supplies were withheld to protect him. The court held that, absent any evidence that any of the named jail officials were responsible for the delay in the arrestee's bond hearing and subsequent failures to respond to his numerous requests for a bond reduction, the arrestee's bare allegations of such delay and failures were insufficient to demonstrate the deliberate indifference necessary to establish the violation of any constitutional right against excessive bail. (Standing Rock Agency, Fort Yates Detention Center, North Dakota) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE INTAKE SCREENING Williams v. Bradshaw, 459 F.3d 846 (8th Cir. 2006). The mother of a detainee who died while in jail brought a § 1983 action, claiming that police officers violated the detainee’s rights under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. The district court granted judgment on the pleadings in favor of the officers. The mother appealed. The court of appeals affirmed, holding that the mother lacked standing. The detainee, the daughter of the plaintiff, had been brought to a jail and was being interrogated when she began talking unintelligibly and experiencing seizures. An officer said that she was “faking a seizure” to avoid jail time. She lost consciousness but officers did not request an ambulance for nearly an hour. She had ingested cocaine at the time of her arrest and died from cocaine intoxication. (Howard County Jail and City of Nashville, Arkansas) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Wilson v. Maricopa County, 463 F.Supp.2d 987 (D.Ariz. 2006). In a civil rights suit arising from a strip search with body cavity inspection upon booking on a misdemeanor charge of being under the influence of a controlled substance, brought § 1983 Fourth Amendment action against a county sheriff and against the deputy who had performed the search. The district court granted summary judgment for the arrestee, and defendants appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed in part. The court held that a suspicionless strip search conducted solely on basis of the county's blanket policy for controlled-substance arrestees offended the Fourth Amendment, where the intrusiveness of the search was extreme, the county did not show any link between the policy and legitimate security concerns for persons spontaneously arrested and detained temporarily on under-the-influence charges, and the arrestee was detained only until bail was posted and never entered the jail's general population. The court held that the defendants were entitled to qualified immunity because the appellate court in the county's federal circuit had never previously addressed the constitutionality of a body cavity search policy premised on the nature of drug offenses, and had held that the nature of offense alone may sometimes provide reasonable suspicion. (Ventura County Sheriff's Department, California) a fatal assault on a county jail inmate by other inmates, the county defendants filed motions for summary judgment on all claims. The plaintiffs filed a motion for reconsideration of the court’s order that had dismissed the county sheriff’s office. The summary judgment motions were granted in part and denied in part; the motion for reconsideration was denied. The court held that summary judgment on Eighth Amendment liability for the fatal assault on the inmate was precluded by genuine issues of material fact as to: (1) whether the county, through its final policy maker the sheriff, implemented policies, customs, and practices with the requisite subjective intent of deliberate indifference; (2) whether the county, through the sheriff, failed to 32.154 XX act in the face of obvious omissions and likely constitutional violations; and (3) whether that failure to act caused a constitutional violation. The court held that the estate sufficiently alleged a § 1983 claim against the sheriff in his individual capacity by alleging that the sheriff was directly liable under § 1983 for being deliberately indifferent in failing to supervise and train jail officers in appropriate, lawful, and constitutional policies and procedures for providing a safe environment for inmates. The court also found that the estate sufficiently alleged a claim that the sheriff was deliberately indifferent in fostering, encouraging, and knowingly accepting formal and informal jail policies condoning brutality among the inmates and indifference to proper supervision. According to the court, a jail supervisor could be found to have been deliberately indifferent to the safety of the inmate if he knew that not having an officer on the ground in the jail yard posed a risk of violence among the inmates and nonetheless allowed an officer to cover both the yard and another post, which required the officer to leave the yard unattended for a significant period of time. (Maricopa County Facility, known as “Tent City”, Phoenix, Arizona) U.S. District Court MENTAL HEALTH CIVIL COMMITMENT Winters ex rel. Estate of Winters v. Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services, 437 F.Supp.2d 851 (E.D.Ark. 2006). The administrator of the estate of mentally ill pre-trial detainee/civil committee who had died of peritonitis while in custody of a sheriff sued the sheriff and the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) under § 1983, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Rehabilitation Act. Following bench trial, the district court held that neither DHS nor the sheriff caused or contributed to the death of the detainee/committee, and they were not liable under the Due Process Clause, Eighth Amendment, Rehabilitation Act, or ADA. The court found that the sheriff had no policy or custom to apprehend and incarcerate acutely mentally ill persons, as indicated by the fact that the detainee may have been only person under civil commitment ever housed in the sheriff's detention facility. (Benton County Jail, Arkansas) 2007 U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Adams v. Cook County Dept. of Corrections, 485 F.Supp.2d 940 (N.D.Ill. 2007). An inmate brought a § 1983 claim against physicians, alleging they acted with deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. The district court dismissed the claim in part, and denied the defendants’ motion for dismissal in part. The court held that the prisoner alleged sufficiently serious medical needs to support his claim that jail officials acted with deliberate indifference to such needs, in violation of due process, by alleging that he had “shortness of breath,” “severe pain in [his] right side” and a high fever. The court found that the inmate stated a § 1983 claim for deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs under the Fourteenth Amendment by alleging that he had a serious medical need and that he was insufficiently treated by two defendant physicians. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE MENTAL HEALTH Anderson ex rel. Cain v. Perkins, 532 F.Supp.2d 837 (S.D.Miss. 2007). A daughter, as next friend of a jail detainee who suffered second-degree burns on her ankles, thighs, and buttocks while awaiting mental health commitment, brought a civil rights suit against a sheriff and a county. The sheriff moved for summary judgment on claims brought against him in his individual capacity. The district court granted the motion. The court held that the sheriff did not violate the detainee's right to be protected from harm, absent evidence showing that restraints were likely used to subdue her. The court found that the sheriff was not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's medical needs in failing to administer her anti-psychotic medications, where the detainee's refusal to take her medications prior to being taken into custody, coupled with her violent and psychotic behavior as the result of the refusal, was the basis for her commitment. The court found that the sheriff was not deliberately indifferent in failing to discover second-degree burns of an unknown origin on the detainee's ankles, thighs, and buttocks because jailers regularly observed the detainee through a viewing window in her cell door, but did not actually enter the cell to visually inspect the detainee for signs of injury. (Amite County Jail, Mississippi) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS RELEASE MEDICAL CARE ACCESS TO COURT Banks v. York, 515 F.Supp.2d 89 (D.D.C. 2007). A detainee in a jail operated by the District of Columbia Department of Corrections (DOC), and in a correctional treatment facility operated by the District's private contractor, brought a § 1983 action against District employees and contractor's employees alleging negligent supervision under District of Columbia law, over-detention, deliberate indifference to serious medical needs, harsh living conditions in jail, and extradition to Virginia without a hearing. The district court granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss in part and denied in part. The court held that the detainee’s allegations that his teeth became chipped and his gums became infected, leading to damage to his gums, disfigurement of his face, infection, pain, anxiety, and extraction of four teeth, were sufficient allegations of a serious medical need. Officials had confiscated his dental crown. The court found that the detainee stated a claim under § 1983 for cruel and unusual punishment through deliberate indifference to a serious medical need. The court held that the detainee stated a claim with his allegation that the prison's dental unit should have replaced his dental crown or permitted him to have his private dentist do so. The prison's dental unit had treated him with antibiotics and offered to extract the seven affected teeth. The court held that this involved a mere disagreement over proper treatment and did not support a § 1983 claim of violation of the Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment through deliberate indifference to prisoner's serious medical needs. According to the court, the private corporation which operated a prison as contractor for the District of Columbia, was performing functions normally performed by a municipality, and thus, the corporation could be liable to the prisoner under § 1983 if the prisoner alleged and ultimately proved that his injuries were the result of an unconstitutional custom or policy of corporation. The court held that the detainee sufficiently alleged that the Director of District of Columbia Department of Corrections (DOC) was directly involved in violations of the detainee's constitutional rights, as required to state 32.155 XXI a claim under § 1983 against a government official in his individual capacity. The detainee alleged that the Director refused to transfer the detainee from the jail to a correctional treatment facility and failed to train DOC employees under his supervision in such a way as to prevent the detainee's over-detention (detention beyond proper release date). The court found that the Director of District of Columbia Department of Corrections (DOC) could not be liable in his individual capacity, under the theory of respondeat superior, to the jail detainee for allegedly unconstitutional actions or omissions of his subordinates. The appeals court found that the detainee's allegation that policies or practices of the District of Columbia Department of Corrections (DOC) pertaining to training, supervision and discipline of employees responsible for the detainees' release from DOC custody resulted in his untimely release from jail, in violation of his constitutional rights, stated a claim for municipal liability under § 1983. The court held that dismissal of the detainee’s § 1983 claims of cruel and unusual punishment at the District of Columbia jail based on lack of reading material, lack of recreational equipment, failure of the commissary to stock items such as lotions, skin oils, hair oils, and peanut butter, the detainee's exposure to the stench created by regular sewage backups, as well as the jail's use of bunk beds without ladders was required under the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) because the detainee did not allege that he suffered any physical injury. Instead, the detainee alleged mental and emotional injuries. The court held that the provision of Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) requiring exhaustion of administrative remedies before bringing a civil action against prison officials regarding prison conditions applied to the detainee who brought a § 1983 action before he was released from jail, even though the detainee had been released from jail by the time that the defendants brought their motion to dismiss. The court found that the detainee's allegations that the District of Columbia jail provided only one desk and chair in each two-person cell, failed to provide him with nail clippers, skin lotions, and a microwave oven and failed to provide rehabilitative courses, did not allege deprivations sufficiently serious to rise to the level of cruel and unusual punishment in violation of Eighth Amendment. According to the court, the alleged conditions from overcrowding at a District of Columbia jail-- showers infested with bacteria, standing water, various diseases and hundreds of unsanitary and defective mattresses, some of which contained roaches and other insects, did not constitute the deprivation of basic human needs, as required for jail overcrowding to constitute cruel and unusual punishment. The court found that merely alleging that the lack of appropriate security at the District of Columbia jail created a risk of personal injury to detainees, without any allegation that the detainee reasonably feared an attack on his personal safety, failed to set forth sufficient facts to state a claim under § 1983 for cruel and unusual punishment. The court found that the detainee's allegations that he has special dietary needs as a diabetic, that officials at the District of Columbia jail were deliberately indifferent to his needs and that such indifference occurred pursuant to a custom, policy and systemic practices of the District, were sufficient to state a claim under § 1983 for cruel and unusual punishment through deliberate indifference to serious medical need. The court found that the detainee's allegations that due to lack of heating and ventilation at the jail he suffered from temperatures ranging from 30 to 40 degrees during the winter, that he was not provided with sufficient blankets for cold jail cells, and that such actions were taken with deliberate indifference to his needs and pursuant to policy of Department of Corrections (DOC) were sufficient to state a claim under § 1983 for cruel and unusual punishment through deliberate indifference to a serious medical need. The court noted that warmth is a basic human need, the deprivation of which can amount to a violation of Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment. The court held that the detainee did not state a claim under § 1983 that inadequacies in the jail's law library violated his First Amendment right of access to the courts, even if he alleged that such inadequacies caused the filing of his appeals to be untimely, in the absence of an allegation that such untimeliness had an actual adverse impact on the appeals. The court held that the detainee's allegations that his legal mail was opened by officials at the jail outside of his presence on numerous occasions during a four-month period, and that such actions were intentional and pursuant to a policy or systemic practice, stated a claim under § 1983 for violation of First Amendment free speech rights. The court held that the alleged refusal of officials of Department of Corrections (DOC) to transfer the detainee to a correctional treatment facility at which conditions were far less restrictive did not implicate a due process liberty interest. The court noted that an inmate has no due process liberty interest in a particular place of confinement or a particular level of security. The court found that the detainee's allegations that a DOC captain placed him in solitary confinement in retaliation for his oral complaint to the captain that his newly-assigned cellmate was HIV positive, stated a claim under § 1983 for retaliation for exercising First Amendment free speech rights. The court found that whether the detainee had a protected right under the First Amendment, to complain to the captain was not clearly established at the time, and thus, the captain had qualified immunity from the detainee's§ 1983 claim. The court found that the detainee's allegations that the Director of the Department of Corrections (DOC), despite his actual and constructive knowledge that DOC employees were engaged in conduct that posed a pervasive and unreasonable risk of constitutional injury through over-detention, failed to train, monitor, and discipline DOC employees with regard to timely release of inmates from DOC custody, that the Director's deliberate failure to do so caused detainee's over-detention, were sufficient when construed liberally to state a claim under § 1983 for violation of due process and violation of protection against cruel and unusual punishment. The court noted that the detainee had a clearly established constitutional protection against overdetention and thus, the Director was not entitled to qualified immunity. The court held that the detainee at the correctional treatment facility operated by the District's private contractor was not excused from the requirement, under Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA), of exhausting his administrative remedies before bringing a § 1983 action against the contractor's employee relating to denial of detainee's requests for dental care, even if the detainee believed it would be futile to pursue the facility's grievance procedures. (Central Detention Facility. D.C. and Correctional Treatment Facility operated by Corrections Corporation of America) 32.156 XXI U.S. District Court SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE Branton v. City of Moss Point, 503 F.Supp.2d 809 (S.D.Miss. 2007). The son of a pre-trial detainee who had committed suicide while in custody, filed suit against the city and jail officers asserting claims pursuant to the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments for failure to train, failure to adopt a policy for safe custodial care of suicidal detainees, and failure to adopt a policy of furnishing medical care to suicidal detainees. The detainee was detained on suspicion of drunk driving and was resistant during the booking process. During the booking process the detainee answered a series of questions. When he was asked, “Have you ever attempted suicide or are you thinking about it now?” he responded, “No.” He was taken to a cell that was designated for intoxicated or combative prisoners, given a sheet and a blanket, and was locked in the cell at 3:30 a.m. While conducting a jail check at approximately 5:30 a.m., an officer discovered the detainee kneeling in a corner of the cell with the sheet around his neck. He was unable to be revived. The defendants moved for summary judgment. The district court granted the motions in part and denied in part. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether jail officers had actual knowledge of a substantial risk of suicide by the detainee, and that fact issues precluded summary judgment in the claim against the city and officers in their official capacities. On appeal (261 Fed.Appx. 659), the appeals court reversed and remanded. (City of Moss Point, Mississippi) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE USE OF FORCE Clarke v. Blais, 473 F.Supp.2d 124 (D.Me. 2007). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against jail officers, alleging they subjected him to excessive force, and against a physician’s assistant for allegedly failing to give him proper treatment for his physical and mental health issues. The defendants moved for summary judgment. The district court granted the motion in part and denied in part. The court held that questions as to whether jail officers used excessive force in restraining the detainee and whether qualified immunity was available as a defense precluded summary judgment in the detainee’s § 1983 action. The court found that the physician’s assistant was not deliberately indifferent to the detainee’s serious medical needs, by not embarking upon anti-viral therapy for the detainee’s hepatitis C because, as a pretrial detainee, he was subject to further movement among facilities, and in not prescribing Seroquel, an antipsychotic drug, as recommended by a counselor/social worker at an outside clinic. The court noted that the physician’s assistant consulted an outside gastroenterologist, the detainee’s liver function was monitored, and the counselor did not renew the Seroquel recommendation at a subsequent clinic evaluation. (Knox County Jail, Maine) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Cox v. Hartshorn, 503 F.Supp.2d 1078 (C.D.Ill. 2007). A former pretrial detainee in a county jail brought a § 1983 action against a county sheriff and county jail nurse, alleging that he was denied proper medical care within the county jail in violation of his constitutional rights. The district court granted the defendants’ motion for summary judgment. According to the court, the detainee's medical complaint of a foot rash did not rise to the level of an objectively serious medical need, so as to afford the detainee due process protections against the county sheriff and county jail nurse's alleged deliberate indifference to his request for medical attention. The court noted that the detainee's fungal foot rash was not so serious that it was life threatening or posed a risk of needless pain or lingering disability, and after being treated by a nurse, the detainee did not submit any further medical requests for treatment of the rash, nor did he receive any treatment of the rash after leaving the county jail. (Vermilion County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE MEDICAL CARE Danley v. Allyn, 485 F.Supp.2d 1260 (N.D.Ala. 2007). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against jail officers, alleging that he was subjected to excessive force and then denied medical treatment when they sprayed him with pepper spray. The district court denied the defendants' motions to dismiss and they appealed. The court of appeals vacated and remanded. On the remand, the district court again denied the defendants’ motion to dismiss. The court held that the officers were not entitled to qualified immunity from the detainee's claim that the officers subjected him to excessive force, in violation of Fourteenth Amendment, by pepper spraying him in response to a dispute over toilet paper. The court noted that the officers had fair warning that to employ pepper spray as punishment, or for the sadistic pleasure of the sprayers, as distinguished from what was reasonably necessary to maintain prisoner control, was constitutionally prohibited. The court found that the detainee' allegations that a jail administrator and sheriff created an atmosphere or practice under which the defendant officers operated in allegedly subjecting the detainee to excessive force and then denying him medical treatment when they sprayed him with pepper spray, were sufficient, if proven, to create supervisory liability under § 1983. The court held that the detainee's claim of deliberate indifference on behalf of defendant officers, wherein they failed to provide medical attention to the detainee after using pepper spray against him, was no more than a continuation of the detainee's excessive force claim, and thus was not a separate cause of action under § 1983. (Lauderdale Detention Center, Alabama) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS CROWDING MEDICAL CARE PRIVACY Desroche v. Strain, 507 F.Supp.2d 571 (E.D.La. 2007). A pre-trial detainee brought a pro se, in forma pauperis action against prison officials, alleging improper conditions of confinement, negligent medical treatment, invasion of privacy, and excessive force. The district court dismissed the action. The court held that the alleged conditions of the detainee's confinement, including being required to sleep on the floor of an overcrowded holding tank, being deprived of a mattress, and being provided with water only in a dirty sink, if proven, did not violate his Eighth Amendment or due process rights, given that he experienced such conditions for only ten days, and that use of sink did not cause him to suffer disease or other serious harm . The court found that the detainee's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was not a serious condition, and therefore any denial of medical care for the condition did not violate his Eighth Amendment rights. The court noted that even if ADHD was a serious condition, prison officials were not deliberately indifferent in treating it, and any denial of medical care did not violate the detainee's Eighth Amendment rights, in that the detainee merely disagreed with the treatment offered by two doctors at the jail. 32.157 XXII According to the court, a deputy's alleged recording of the detainee in a jail dormitory with a cell phone video camera, if proven, was not a violation of any constitutional right to privacy, inasmuch as the detainee had no expectation of privacy while in a public area of the jail, and any possible harm to the detainee's reputation was so speculative as to be non-existent. (River Parish Correction Center, Louisiana) U.S. District Court INTAKE SCREENING SEARCHES Doe v. Balaam, 524 F.Supp.2d 1238 (D.Nev. 2007). A transsexual arrestee, who was strip searched at a county jail, brought an action against the county and county sheriff seeking damages, attorney fees, and a permanent injunction prohibiting the defendants from conducting certain strip searches. The defendants moved for summary judgment. The district court granted the motion. The court held that deputies at the county jail had a reasonable suspicion, based on specific articulated facts coming directly from the transsexual arrestee concealing a sock in his crotch area, that the arrestee was carrying or concealing contraband, so as to justify a strip search of the arrestee prior to being housed in the general jail population. The court noted that the arrestee had turned himself in for a misdemeanor destruction of property charge, and even though he had told deputies that he was a transsexual and that he had a rolled-up sock concealed in his crotch area, the deputies had no way of knowing whether the arrestee was truthful about what he was, in fact, concealing. According to the court, even if there had been a violation of the arrestee's Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures, the transsexual arrestee failed to allege that the county sheriff knew of and failed to act or prevent any alleged violation, or that any individual employees acted pursuant to an official county policy or custom, as required to state a cognizable § 1983 claim against the sheriff and county for alleged constitutional violations. (Washoe County, Nevada) U.S. District Court SEARCHES Doe No. 1 v. Balaam, 494 F.Supp.2d 1173 (D.Nev. 2007). Arrestees who were subjected to strip searches when they self-surrendered at a county jail and were then released on their own recognizance, pursuant to the sheriff department's contraband control policy, brought an action against the county and county sheriff. The arrestees sought damages, attorney fees, and a permanent injunction prohibiting the defendants from conducting certain strip searches, prohibiting the defendants from engaging in similar unconstitutional conduct in the future, and requiring and ordering the defendants to institute proper training and policy changes. The inmates moved for partial summary judgment and the district court granted the motion. The court held that the county's policy of strip searching all arrestees who self-surrendered to the county jail, absent reasonable suspicion that any arrestee was smuggling contraband, was unreasonable, and thus amounted to deliberate indifference to the arrestees' Fourth Amendment rights, especially given that all of the arrestees were booked and then released on their own recognizance without ever being housed with the general jail population. (Washoe County Detention Facility, Nevada) U.S. District Court CLASSIFICATION FALURE TO PROTECT Eichelman v. Lancaster County, 510 F.Supp.2d 377 (E.D.Pa. 2007). A detainee brought a § 1983 action against a county, the warden of the county prison, and a corrections officer, seeking monetary relief relating to his treatment while detained in the county prison for a short period of time. The district court granted the defendants’ motions for summary judgment in part and denied in part. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the corrections officer acted with deliberate indifference to the detainee's safety when he informed inmates of the arrival of the detainee charged with shooting incident involving a two-year old boy. The officer knew that the detainee was not in protective custody but rather was in the general population among violent offenders with whom he would have contact and was housed in a cell furthest from the guard post. The inmate subsequently suffered injuries at the hands of other inmates. The court also found genuine issues of material fact as to whether the officer acted recklessly and callously by intentionally inciting inmate animosity toward the detainee and as to whether he acted with an awareness of the risk that his actions would result in serious harm to the detainee when other inmates inevitably would have access to him. (Lancaster County Prison, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court INTAKE SCREENING SUICIDE Estate of Puza v. Carbon County, 586 F.Supp.2d 271 (M.D.Pa. 2007). The estate of a pretrial detainee who committed suicide brought an action alleging civil rights violations against a county and its corrections officers, and negligence claims against the architect of a county prison. The defendants moved for summary judgment and the district court granted the motion. The court held that correctional and intake officers were not deliberately indifferent to the pretrial detainee's vulnerability to suicide, as was required for the officers' liability under the due process clause for the detainee's suicide. The court noted that the suicide was a “complete surprise” to the police chief who spent one and a half hours with the detainee, the detainee told an officer “he had much to look forward to, and [did] not believe in suicide,” the detainee was placed in a cell next to an inmate who was on suicide watch and could be regularly observed, and the officer intervened when he noticed the detainee was still kneeling during a second observation of the detainee. The court found that county employees, through the jail's suicide policy, were not deliberately indifferent as to whether the pretrial detainee successfully committed suicide, as required to support a due process claim. According to the court, the policy was annually reviewed by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections and was never found deficient, the detainee's screening form did not trigger a suicide watch, and the employees acted without deliberate indifference in allowing the detainee to retain his shoelaces while in his jail cell. (Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates, Carbon County Prison, Pennsylvania) U.S. Appeals Court SUICIDE MENTAL HEALTH INTAKE SCREENING CLOTHING Forgan v. Howard County, Tex., 494 F.3d 518 (5th Cir. 2007). The family of a county jail inmate who committed suicide brought an action against the county, county sheriff's department, and various jail officers, alleging deliberate indifference under § 1983 and claims under the Texas Tort Claims Act (TTCA). The inmate was arrested for driving while intoxicated and possession of marijuana. During the booking process, the inmate indicated that he was medicated for a number of mental ailments, including depression, but that he was not thinking about killing himself at the time. Based on this and other information, a jail officer classified the inmate as a “risk” for suicide, meaning that he would be checked 32.158 XXII every fifteen minutes. The inmate was issued a pair of trousers and a shirt to wear, and he was placed in a holding cell. After approximately one hour, the inmate was found hanging from his jail-issued trousers. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of defendants and the family appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that providing a county jail inmate with non-defective trousers, which the inmate later used to commit suicide, did not equate to “use of property” by the county, within the meaning of the TTCA, and that the county was not liable under § 1983. According to the court, the county was not liable in the § 1983 deliberate indifference claim absent a showing that the county lacked an adequate suicide prevention policy for jail inmates, or that the county failed to adequately train its jail officials in suicide prevention. The court noted that proof of a single incident generally will not support a finding of inadequate training as a matter of custom or policy, for the purpose of establishing § 1983 municipal liability. (Howard County Jail, Texas) U.S. Appeals Court BAIL Galen v. County of Los Angeles, 477 F.3d 652 (9th Cir. 2007). A domestic violence arrestee brought a § 1983 Eighth Amendment action against a county, county sheriff, and individual sheriff's deputies, alleging that bail of $1 million was excessive. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and awarded attorney fees in favor of the defendants. The arrestee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded. The court held that bail was not excessive, and that the deputy who requested a bail enhancement and the deputy's superior who authorized the enhancement request were entitled to qualified immunity. The court held that individual sheriff's deputies were not entitled to the award of attorney fees under § 1988, but that the arrestee's post-discovery litigation of a Monell claim was frivolous, supporting the award of attorney fees to the county. (Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California) U.S. District Court RELEASE Gary v. Floyd, 582 F.Supp.2d 741 (D.S.C. 2007). An arrestee brought a civil rights action against an arresting officer and a police department, alleging he was arrested pursuant to improperly obtained warrants. The arrestee sought compensatory and punitive damages for allegedly being held for approximately one month after the charges against him were dropped. The district court held that the arresting officer had probable cause to make the arrest and that the department could not be held liable under the theory of respondeat superior. But the court found that the arrestee was entitled to amend his complaint to include as defendants a sergeant and directors of the detention center. According to the court, an amendment to the arrestee's complaint, alleging that he was not released from confinement within a reasonable time after charges of forgery were dismissed, would not be futile, even though the sergeant's affidavit indicated that the arrestee was released within 48 hours after the detention center received notification that he was to be released. The arrestee alleged that the detention center was immediately notified when the charges were dismissed, but that he was not released for nearly one month. (Greenville City Police Department, Greenville County Detention Center, South Carolina) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE PLRA- Prison Litigation Reform Act Goebert v. Lee County, 510 F.3d 1312 (11th Cir. 2007). A pretrial detainee in a county jail, who had been pregnant during her detention and whose child had been stillborn, brought a § 1983 action against county and jail officials, a physician, and the jail's medical services provider, alleging deliberate indifference to her serious medical needs. The district court granted summary judgment for all defendants based on failure to satisfy the administrative exhaustion requirement of the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA). The detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed in part and reversed and remanded in part. The court held that the jail's administrative appeal procedure for inmates was not “available” within the meaning of PLRA, where the detainee had no way of knowing about it. According to the court, the detainee adequately exhausted her available remedies under PLRA by filing a document titled “request form.” The court noted that the handbook given to inmates did not mention a grievance form, but only spoke of a “written request,” and the inmate checked the “complaint” box on the request form rather than the “request” box and cogently described her grievance. The court found that the detainee's amniotic fluid leak constituted a serious medical need and the facility commander exceeded gross negligence in answering the detainee's complaint about lack of treatment, supporting a deliberate indifference claim. The commander apparently held a general disbelief of inmates' medical complaints, and responded only with a statement that the detainee could visit an outside physician if she could pay for it. (Lee County Jail, Florida) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT CLASSIFICATION Guzman v. Sheahan, 495 F.3d 852 (7th Cir. 2007). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against county jail officials and a sheriff alleging violations of his right to due process as guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. The district court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that a corrections officer was not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's safety and welfare, as required for the detainee's § 1983 due process claim, arising out of a fight with another inmate and resulting in serious injury to the detainee. The court noted that the detainee had never before interacted with the inmate involved in the altercation nor had he ever communicated to the corrections officer or to anyone else that the inmate might be a specific danger to him. Immediately after the fight broke out, the officer called for back-up. The court held that there was no evidence that the sheriff had knowledge that the classification and reclassification of inmates were being poorly implemented by corrections officers, as required for the detainee's § 1983 official capacity claim against the sheriff. (Cook County Jail, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE INTAKE SCREENING Hall v. County of Nemaha, Neb., 509 F.Supp.2d 821 (D.Nev. 2007). A pretrial detainee's survivors sued a city, county, and various city and county officers and officials, asserting various claims under § 1983 in connection with the death of the detainee from an overdose after swallowing his methamphetamine during a roadside stop of a vehicle in which he was riding. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part and denied in part. The district court held that summary judgment was precluded by 32.159 XXII genuine issues of material fact as to whether a deputy sheriff and a jailer knew that the detainee had swallowed the methamphetamine during a roadside stop and whether they ignored the detainee's panting and gasping, his claims that he could not see or breathe, and his crying and screaming that he needed to go to the hospital. The court found that law enforcement officers and other jail officers, who were unaware that the detainee had swallowed his methamphetamine during a roadside stop, were not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical needs, so as to violate his Eighth Amendment rights, even though he was complaining, uncooperative and acted like an intoxicated person. The court noted that from their perspective, the detainee was behaving like many other “besotted” pretrial detainees who were “plucked from the highway in the wee hours of the night and who suffered nothing more than a druginduced stupor while cooling their heels in a cell awaiting their turn to see the local magistrate.” (Nemaha County, Nebraska) U.S. District Court ACCESS TO COURT CONDITIONS Harrison v. Moketa/Motycka, 485 F.Supp.2d 652 (D.S.C. 2007). A pretrial detainee sued various prison officials and medical care providers under § 1983, claiming violations of a variety of his constitutional rights. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants. The court held that the detainee did not suffer a violation of his Fourteenth Amendment rights when he was allegedly served cold food and two nutritionally deficient breakfasts. According to the court, merely serving food cold did not present a serious risk of harm or an immediate danger to the health of the detainee, and while he had significant pre-existing health problems, there was no indication that those conditions were caused or exacerbated by the diet provided. The court held that the detainee's right of access to the courts was not violated by any restriction on his access to a law library, despite his claim that his “wrongful” conviction was proof of his actual injury. He did not identify a specific defense or legal claim that he was unable to pursue due to his alleged lack of access to legal materials, and any finding that he had been injured by a “wrongful” conviction would have impermissibly implied the invalidity of his conviction. The court noted that lack of free photocopying of law library materials did not deny the indigent detainee access to the courts. (Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, South Carolina) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Hartsfield v. Colburn, 491 F.3d 394 (8th Cir. 2007). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a nurse, physician, and captain, alleging that they were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs. The inmate alleged that the defendants were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs when they delayed referring him to an oral surgeon to have three teeth extracted. On remand the district court entered judgment for the defendants and the detainee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the district court did not clearly err in finding that the nurse and physician acted reasonably in requiring a second sick call request from the detainee before referring him to a dentist, and that most of the delay in the detainee seeing the dentist resulted when the detainee unreasonably failed or refused to submit a second request. The court found that the captain in charge of transporting inmates to medical appointments did not deny or delay the detainee's dental treatment by interfering with or overriding any medical staff decisions to schedule an earlier appointment. (Scott County Jail, Iowa) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT SUICIDE MEDICAL CARE Herman v. County of York, 482 F.Supp.2d 554 (M.D.Pa. 2007). The estate of a prisoner who had committed suicide in a county prison sued the county, a warden, the prison health service, and nurses, asserting Eighth Amendment claims under § 1983, claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and state medical malpractice claims. The defendants moved for summary judgment. The district court granted the motions in part and denied in part. The court found that, notwithstanding a Pennsylvania statute stating that the safekeeping, discipline, and employment of prisoners was exclusively vested in a prison board, the county could be held liable to the prisoner under § 1983 for the actions of the warden if he was acting as an agent of the county. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by genuine issues of material fact as to whether the warden was acting as an agent for the county in allegedly failing to prevent the prisoner's suicide, and as to the warden's role in ratifying county prison policies. The court found that the county, warden, nurses, and prison health service were not deliberately indifferent to the medical needs of prisoner who committed suicide, where alleged failures to check on the prisoner in his cell was by officers other than the defendants, nurses could not have been deliberately indifferent if they were unqualified as the prisoner's estate said, and the nurses' failure to place the prisoner on a suicide watch did not fall outside their professional judgment, given the prisoner's denials of suicidal ideation and his family's testimony. The court found that the prisoner was not denied access to county prison's programs or services because of disability, and any failure by the county and warden to prevent his suicide thus was not discrimination in services, programs, or activities of a public entity in violation of ADA. The prisoner denied thoughts of suicide, he told a nurse that he did not wish to take anti-depressant medications that had been prescribed for him, and a nurse told him to return to mental health services if necessary. (York County Prison, Pennsylvania) U.S. District Court CLASSIFICATION FAILURE TO PROTECT Jenkins v. DeKalb County, Ga., 528 F.Supp.2d 1329 (N.D.Ga. 2007). Survivors of a county jail detainee who had died as the result of an apparent beating by a fellow inmate brought a § 1983, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment action against a county sheriff in his individual capacity, and against corrections officers. The defendants moved for summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds. The district court granted the motion. The 71 year old pretrial detainee suffered from multiple mental illnesses including schizophrenia and dementia, which reportedly manifested themselves in theform of delusions, paranoia, bizarre thoughts and behavior, physical violence, and verbal outbursts that included racial epithets. The court held that county corrections officers' putting the inmate into a cell different from the one to which he had been assigned, allegedly leading to the beating death of a pretrial detainee who shared the same cell, did not violate the detainee's right against cruel and unusual punishment. The court noted that even though the action violated a jail policy, the policy was created primarily to keep track of inmates' placement, not to maintain inmate safety, and there was no evidence of widespread inmate-on-inmate violence due to the 32.160 XXII misplacement of inmates. The court found that the plaintiffs failed to show that the sheriff's alleged poor training and supervision of corrections officers led to the officers' allegedly inadequate reaction to the incident between the jail inmates, which ended with the beating death of one inmate. The court also found that the sheriff's failure to comply with a court order to transfer the pretrial detainee to a mental health facility did not show supervisory liability because the purpose of the transfer order was likely to get the detainee treatment for mental illness, not to protect him. The court held that the county corrections officers were acting within the scope of their duties when they mistakenly placed a fellow inmate in the same cell with a pretrial detainee, and thus the officers were eligible for qualified immunity in the detainee’s survivors' § 1983 Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment action. The court noted that the fact that the mistake violated jail policies or procedures did not mean that the officers were not exercising discretionary authority. (DeKalb County Jail, Georgia) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE MENTAL HEALTH SUICIDE Justus v. County of Buchanan, 517 F.Supp.2d 810 (W.D.Va. 2007). The administrator of a pretrial detainee's estate filed a § 1983 action against a sheriff and county jail employees arising out of the detainee's jail suicide. The detainee had a history of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, paranoia, and delusions and had been hospitalized for these conditions several times in the three years prior to his suicide. His treatment records show that he was hospitalized because family members reported suicidal ideation and bizarre, violent, and sexually inappropriate behavior. The defendants moved for summary judgment. The district court granted the motion. The court held that the sheriff's deputies' failure to provide the pretrial detainee with prompt medical care after they discovered him hanging in his cell did not amount to deliberate indifference to the detainee's serious bodily injuries, in violation of the detainee's due process rights. The court noted that, even though the detainee was still alive when they took him down approximately 13 minutes after discovering him, there was no showing of an affirmative causal link between their inaction and the detainee's death from hypoxic brain injury. The court found that the sheriff was not deliberately indifferent to the pretrial detainee's suicidal nature, and thus was not subject to liability under § 1983 for failing to take steps to prevent his suicide, even though a notation on an incident report two months before the detainee's suicide indicated that another prisoner reported that the detainee “was threatening suicide”. The court found no proof that the report did not simply inadvertently escape the sheriff's knowledge. The court held that a reasonable sheriff would not have understood from existing law that the absence of an operating video surveillance system in the county jail would violate a suicidal pretrial detainee's constitutional rights, and thus the sheriff was entitled to qualified immunity from liability under § 1983, even though the jail policy and procedure manual required immediate repair of any defective security equipment, and the sheriff was aware that the equipment had not been operating for some time. According to the court, under Virginia law, the deputies' failure to provide the pretrial detainee with prompt medical care after they discovered him hanging in his cell did not amount to gross negligence as required to overcome their immunity from tort liability. (Buchanan County, Virginia) U.S. Appeals Court FAILURE TO PROTECT SEXUAL ASSAULT Kahle v. Leonard, 477 F.3d 544 (8th Cir. 2007). A female pretrial detainee sued a deputy sheriff under § 1983, alleging that the deputy was deliberately indifferent to a substantial risk that she would be sexually assaulted by a correctional officer. The district court denied the deputy’s motion for summary judgment seeking qualified immunity. The deputy appealed and the appeals court affirmed. The court held that genuine issues of material fact existed as to whether a county jail official was aware of a substantial risk of serious harm from a male correctional officer’s alleged action of going to a female inmate’s cell three times after lockdown, and as to whether the official exhibited deliberate indifference to that risk, precluded summary judgment as to whether the official was liable under § 1983 for due process violations. The court found that, for purposes of qualified immunity, the law was clearly established at the time of the detainee’s assault (December 2002) that it would violate a county jail inmate’s due process rights for a jail official to exhibit deliberate indifference to a substantial risk that a correctional officer would sexually assault the inmate, and that a supervisor who was deliberately indifferent to a substantial risk of such assault could be held liable under § 1983. (Pennington County Jail, South Dakota) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE Marvin v. City of Taylor, 509 F.3d 234 (6th Cir. 2007). An arrestee brought an action against police officers under § 1983 and state law alleging excessive force. The district court denied the defendants' motion for summary judgment and they appealed. The appeals court reversed. The court held that even if an officer pushed the arrestee, who was drunk, to the ground as he exited the police vehicle upon arrival at the police station, the officer did not use excessive force. The court noted that the arrestee was on the ground outside of the vehicle for less than fifteen seconds, and as soon as the arrestee ended up on the ground the officer closed the vehicle's door, joined another officer in helping arrestee to his feet, and walked the arrestee inside to the booking room. The court found that the officers did not use excessive force in the booking room when they moved the arrestee's arms behind him and over his head for less than twenty seconds after the arrestee refused to keep his hands on a bench and struck out at an officer with closed-fist swing. According to the court, the officers did not use excessive force outside of the cell in which they attempted to place the arrestee when they restrained the arrestee on the floor for approximately thirty seconds after the arrestee fell. (City of Taylor Police Department, Michigan) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Meuir v. Greene County Jail Employees, 487 F.3D 1115 (8th Cir. 2007). A prisoner who suffered from chronic dental problems brought a § 1983 action against a county and county jail medical staff, alleging deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. The prisoner suffered from chronic dental problems. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants and the prisoner appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the prisoner failed to establish that jail medical staff acted with deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs, where jail nurses provided the prisoner with over-thecounter pain medication and encouraged him to brush and gargle with salt water in response to his 32.161 XXII complaints of bleeding gums and toothaches. The court noted that staff referred him to a county dentist, but the prisoner refused to go. According to the court, in the face of medical records indicating that medical treatment was provided and physician affidavits indicating that the care provided was adequate, an inmate cannot create a question of fact, to avoid summary judgment, in a claim for deliberate indifference to serious medical needs by merely stating that he did not feel he received adequate treatment. The court held that the prisoner failed to show that the county jail physician was motivated by an impermissible motive in refusing to provide the prisoner with free over-the-counter pain medication, although the prisoner claimed that he refused to see the dentist because the dentist was allegedly a “pull-teeth only” provider. The court found that the physician refused to provide prisoner with medication based on his refusal to see the dentist, and there was no showing that the physician knew why the prisoner refused to go to the dentist or that the physician's motive was otherwise retaliatory. The court noted that the medication was available to the prisoner for purchase in the commissary. According to the court, the prisoner lacked standing to seek injunctive relief to end the county jail's unwritten “pull-teeth-only” policy for treatment of chronic dental problems, where the prisoner filed suit against the county four months after he was transferred to another correctional facility, his dental ailments were treated without complaint at the transferee facility, and there was no reason to believe that detainee would be returned to the county jail. (Greene County Jail, Missouri) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT SUICIDE Mombourquette ex rel. Mombourquette v. Amundson, 469 F.Supp.2d 624 (W.D.Wis. 2007). A pretrial detainee in a county jail who was left seriously brain damaged after she attempted suicide by hanging in her cell, brought a civil rights suit against a county sheriff, correctional officers, and jail nurses, alleging that they violated her constitutional rights by failing to protect her from harming herself. The defendants filed motions for summary judgment. The district court denied the motions. The court held that evidence that the pretrial detainee reported to county jail personnel that a jail lieutenant was taking another female inmate out of her cell at night to engage in sexual activity was admissible, because such evidence showed that the lieutenant had a strong motive to withhold protection from the detainee, and thus was relevant to show he intentionally disregarded a risk to the detainee’s safety. The court also found that evidence that county sheriff refused to investigate allegations that the county jail lieutenant was engaging in sexual misconduct with another inmate was relevant and admissible, where the sheriff’s dismissive attitude of the complaint exhibited deliberate indifference, both toward the detainee’s health and safety in particular and generally toward the health and safety of all inmates. The court denied summary judgment because it found a genuine issue of material fact as to whether a nurse and correctional officers at the county jail were deliberately indifferent to pretrial detainee’s health and safety. The court also found a genuine issue of material fact as to whether there was an affirmative link between the county sheriff’s failure to properly train and supervise county jail personnel and the failure to prevent the detainee’s suicide. (Monroe County Jail, Wisconsin) U.S. District Court RESTRAINTS CONDITIONS SANITATION Murphy v. Franklin, 510 F.Supp.2d 558 (M.D.Ala. 2007). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against a sheriff and jail administrator, alleging that he was subjected to punitive, degrading and inhumane treatment when, without explanation, he was shackled hands-to-feet to the toilet in an isolation cell, and, on another occasion, shackled to his cot. The district court granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss in part and denied in part. The court held that although the detainee's complaint against the sheriff and jail administrator did not allege that he was subjected to mistreatment pursuant to any specific official policy, the detainee's allegations that the sheriff promulgated all policies and procedures in the county jail, that the detainee was placed in an isolation cell and shackled hands-to-feet to the toilet, which was nothing more than a hole in the ground covered by a grate, and that the sheriff ordered the detainee removed from this cell for an interview and then reshackled to the toilet grate, were sufficiently specific to state a § 1983 claim against the sheriff under the theory of supervisory liability. The detainee alleged that without explanation, he was moved into a ‘lockdown’ cell for one day, in which his right hand was cuffed to the frame of his cot and his right leg was shackled to the other end of the cot's frame. Again without explanation, he was allegedly then moved to an isolation cell, where he was shackled hands-to-feet to the toilet, which is actually nothing more than a hole in the ground. He alleged that he was held in this configuration for almost 12 days and was not released to allow urination or defecation, which caused him to soil himself, and that he was also not given any personal necessities such as clean, dry clothing, personal hygiene items, or bedding. (Elmore County Jail, Alabama) U.S. Appeals Court USE OF FORCE RESTRAINTS PROTECTION Norris v. Engles, 494 F.3d 634 (8th Cir. 2007). A county jail detainee, who had been diagnosed with manic bipolar depression, sued a jail official under § 1983, alleging due process violations arising from his physical restraint. The district court denied the official's motion for summary judgment based upon qualified immunity. The official appealed. The appeals court reversed and remanded, finding that the official's alleged conduct of cuffing the detainee to a floor-grate toilet in an uncomfortable manner for approximately three hours, if proven, did not violate the detainee's substantive due process rights. According to the court, the official’s alleged actions did not shock the conscience and thus did not violate the detainee's substantive due process rights, inasmuch as official took such action after the detainee, who had been diagnosed with manic bipolar depression, had threatened to pull out her own peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) so that she would bleed to death, and after the detainee had shown that being handcuffed behind her back was alone not an adequate form of restraint. (Independence Co. Jail, Ark.) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Orange v. Fielding, 517 F.Supp.2d 776 (D.S.C. 2007). A pretrial detainee brought a § 1983 action against two detention center administrators to recover for a beating by officers. The court granted summary judgment in favor of one administrator, and denied the other administrator's motion. The court held that the detainee's conclusory statements in an affidavit, that the administrator was aware of an officer's aggressiveness toward inmates and failed to protect the detainee, were insufficient to preclude summary judgment. The court found that the detainee's affidavit stating that he spoke with the administrator several times about danger from officers, but that the administrator failed to take action, raised genuine issues of 32.162 XXII material fact, precluding summary judgment in favor of the other administrator. (Georgetown County Detention Center, South Carolina) U.S. District Court LENGTH RELEASE Portis v. City of Chicago, 510 F.Supp.2d 461 (N.D.Ill. 2007). Arrestees brought a class action challenging the unconstitutional practice of delaying the release of persons arrested for ordinance violations that were punishable by only a fine. After their class was certified, the arrestees moved for summary judgment. The district court denied the motion. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to when the steps necessary to process persons arrested for fine-only ordinance violations were completed. (City of Chicago, Illinois) U.S. District Court CROWDING STAFFING Roberts v. County of Mahoning, Ohio, 495 F.Supp.2d 784 (N.D.Ohio 2007). Pretrial detainees and convicted prisoners being held in the custody of an Ohio sheriff at two correctional facilities that were allegedly understaffed and overcrowded brought a § 1983 class action against the county, sheriff, and county commissioners, alleging that conditions of confinement at those facilities were unconstitutional. The district court appointed a special master for the remedial phase of the litigation. A three-judge panel of the district court approved the proposed stipulated order. The district court held that the appointment of a special master had accomplished the court's original objective and the appointment would be terminated. The court noted that the special master's reports and other actions had fulfilled the requirement that he “assist the parties, specifically the Defendants, in attempting to find a solution to the problems which created the unconstitutional conditions in the Jail,” and his fourth report had established a mechanism for the litigation's actual resolution. The first two reports addressed a narrowly avoided crisis that would have resulted from massive layoffs of security staff as a result of a budget shortfall in the county. The third report, filed after passage of a successful ballot issue increasing revenues available for the funding of the MCJC, described the parties' continued cooperation in attempting to resolve the problems facing the jail, in particular, the need for accelerated collection of the proceeds from the successful bond issue. The court concluded “These reports, to which no party filed any objection, were instrumental in establishing an informational foundation for discussions of possible remedies to the phenomenon of chronic and serious crowding in the jail.” (Mahoning County Justice Center, Ohio) U.S. District Court CROWDING STAFFING Roberts v. Mahoning County, 495 F.Supp.2d 719 (N.D.Ohio 2007). Pretrial detainees and convicted prisoners being held in the custody of an Ohio sheriff at one of two correctional facilities that were allegedly understaffed and overcrowded brought a § 1983 class action against the county, sheriff, and county commissioners alleging that conditions of confinement at those facilities were unconstitutional. The district court held that there was clear and convincing evidence that crowding was the primary cause of the violation of a federal right, and that no other relief besides a prisoner release order would remedy that violation. The release order provided for incarceration of all violent felons and for reopening of all jail facilities under the control of the county to maximum occupancy, while at the same time protecting the constitutional rights of inmates in the county jail facilities. (Mahoning County Justice Center, Ohio) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Ruiz-Rosa v. Rullán, 485 F.3d 150 (1st Cir. 2007). The mother of a pretrial detainee brought suit against officials of the Puerto Rico prison system and prison medical personnel after her 18-year-old son died of septicemia while incarcerated. The district court granted the defendants' motion for summary judgment and the mother appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the district court's dismissal with prejudice of the mother's complaint for failure to comply with a court order requiring her to file a clearly stated amended complaint was an abuse of discretion, but that there was no evidence of deliberate indifference on the part of prison personnel to the serious medical needs of pretrial detainee, as required for the mother's claim under the Fourteenth Amendment. The court noted that the detainee received medical care in the form of draining of his abscess, blood cultures, and two different antibiotics. (Bayamón Correctional Complex, Puerto Rico) U.S. District Court FAILURE TO PROTECT Saunders v. U.S., 502 F.Supp.2d 493 (E.D.Va. 2007). A pretrial detainee brought an action under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) seeking to hold the United States liable for injuries that he suffered during a fight at a state jail while in federal custody. The district court granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss. The court held that the detainee's claim that the United States Marshals Service acted negligently in placing him in an unsafe state jail, and in failing to respond to his verbal concerns about his safety, involved discretionary decision making, and thus fell within the scope of the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) discretionary function exception. The court noted that there was no allegation that the Marshals Service had any knowledge of unsafe conditions at the jail other than an apprehension expressed by the detainee himself. (Western Tidewater Regional Jail, Virginia) U.S. Appeals Court ASSESSMENT OF COSTS Sickles v. Campbell County, Kentucky, 501 F.3d 726 (6th Cir. 2007). Inmates, former inmates, and relatives and friends of inmates brought a § 1983 action against two counties, challenging methods used by the counties to collect fees imposed on prisoners for the cost of booking and incarceration. The district court entered summary judgment for the counties and the plaintiffs appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the county was not required under the Due Process Clause to grant a predeprivation hearing to inmates prior to withholding a portion of money from their canteen accounts to pay the costs of booking, room, and board. The court found that the relatives lacked a property interest in the money they sent to inmates and that the counties did not violate the free speech rights of relatives of inmates in withholding money. According to the court, the county inmates had a property interest protected by the Due Process Clause in money withheld from their canteen accounts to pay the costs of booking, room, and board, but the county was not required under the Due Process Clause to grant a predeprivation hearing to inmates prior to withholding money from their canteen accounts where the amounts withheld were small, the risk of erroneous deprivation was minor in that withholding involved elementary accounting and was non- 32.163 XXII discretionary, the potential benefits of a hearing were small, and the government's interests of sharing costs and furthering offender accountability were substantial. The court also found that the county did not violate the free speech rights of relatives of inmates in withholding a portion of money that relatives had sent to the inmates for their canteen accounts, notwithstanding that if the money had not been withheld the inmates might have spent it making telephone calls. (Campbell County and Kenton County, Kentucky) U.S. Appeals Court SEGREGATION CONDITIONS DUE PROCESS Stevenson v. Carroll, 495 F.3d 62 (3rd Cir. 2007). Three pretrial detainees filed a pro se § 1983 action against a warden, alleging that their placement in restrictive confinement violated their substantive and procedural due process rights. The district court dismissed the action and the detainees appealed. The appeals court vacated and remanded. The court held that the detainees’ allegations stated a claim for violation of substantive due process rights and a claim for violation of procedural due process rights. The court remanded the case for consideration of the qualified immunity claim. The detainees alleged that they were punished prior to being sentenced by being placed in restrictive confinement, that they were subjected to lengthy stays in isolation with prisoners who had disciplinary problems or who were in protective custody, and that they were subjected to additional hardships that were not shared by the general prison population. The court found that the detainees’ allegations were sufficiently factual to raise the detainees' right to relief above a speculative level. The detainees also alleged that they were placed in restrictive confinement indefinitely and removed from the general prison population while awaiting resentencing after their sentences were vacated, and that they were not given any explanation or opportunity to contest the restrictive placement. (Security Housing Unit [SHU], Delaware) U.S. District Court USE OF FORCE TRANSPORT Stewart v. Beaufort County, 481 F.Supp.2d 483 (D.S.C. 2007). A pretrial detainee brought an action in state court against a county, county sheriff's department, and deputy, alleging claims for assault and battery against the deputy, gross negligence against the sheriff's department, and, pursuant to § 1983, violation of his constitutional rights. Following removal to federal court, the defendants moved for summary judgment. The district court denied the motion. The court held that a genuine issue of material fact existed as to whether the deputy's use of force in transporting the pretrial detainee to a detention center was excessive, precluding summary judgment for deputy on the basis of qualified immunity. The court noted that, at the time of the alleged violation, a pretrial detainee's right to be free from excessive force was clearly established. (Beaufort County Detention Center, South Carolina) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES Tabbaa v. Chertoff, 509 F.3d 89 (2nd Cir. 2007). United States citizens brought an action alleging that the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials violated their constitutional and statutory rights by detaining and searching them at a border when they returned from an Islamic conference in Canada. The district court entered summary judgment in the government's favor, and the plaintiffs appealed. The appeals court affirmed, finding that the suspicionless searches of the plaintiffs did not violate the Fourth Amendment. The court found that the burden placed on the plaintiffs' associational rights as the result of the CBP searches and detention was sufficiently significant to implicate First Amendment protections, but the searches and detention constituted the least restrictive means to protect the nation from terrorism. (U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, Buffalo, New York) U.S. District Court CONDITIONS Thomas v. Baca, 514 F.Supp.2d 1201 (C.D. California 2007). Pre-trial detainees and post-conviction prisoners who alleged they were required to sleep on the floor of county jail facilities brought a civil rights class action suit against a sheriff in his individual and official capacities. The prisoners moved for summary adjudication of certain issues and the sheriff moved for summary judgment, or in the alternative, for summary adjudication. The district court granted the motions in part and denied in part. The court held that undisputed evidence established the custom of forcing inmates to sleep on the floor and that this custom violated the Eighth Amendment, even if the majority of inmates had bunks and floor-sleeping inmates were provided with mattresses. The plaintiffs had presented undisputed evidence that over 24,000 instances of floor sleeping occurred in the jail system in a four month period. The court found that the sheriff was entitled to qualified immunity from liability for the jail's custom of forcing some inmates to sleep on the floor, where it was not clearly established during the 2002 to 2005 period covered by the suit, that providing inmate with a mattress would not avoid a violation or that floor sleeping violated the Eighth Amendment rights of convicted inmates as well as due process rights of pretrial detainees. (Los Angeles Sheriff Department, California) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE STAFFING SUPERVISION Thomas v. Sheahan, 499 F.Supp.2d 1062 (N.D.Ill. 2007). A special administrator filed a § 1983 suit against a county, sheriff, county board, correctional officers, supervisors, and a correctional medical technician, on behalf of a pretrial detainee who died at a county jail from meningitis and pneumonia. The administrator alleged violations of the detainee’s constitutional rights and state law claims for wrongful death, survival action, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The defendants moved for summary judgment and to strike documents. The district court granted the motions in part and denied in part. The court did not strike all of the plaintiff's summary judgment submissions, for allegedly failing to disclose witnesses or individuals with relevant information who submitted affidavits, given that the plaintiff had disclosed witnesses prior to discovery deadline. The court held that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the detainee's illness was an objectively serious medical need, and whether correctional officials and a correctional medical technician were aware of the detainee's serious medical symptoms. The court found that the supervisors of the correctional officers were not deliberately indifferent to the detainee's serious medical condition, where the officers did not contact their supervisors about the detainee until the morning that he died, the supervisors obtained medical care for the detainee, and the supervisors were not responsible for security checks or rounds of jail. The court also found that summary judgment was precluded on the issue of causation due to a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the county was 32.164 XXII deliberately indifferent to its widespread practice of failing to train its employees on how to handle inmate medical requests at the county jail. Summary judgment was also precluded by genuine issues of material fact as to whether the county was deliberately indifferent to: (1) its widespread practice of understaffing correctional officers at the county jail; (2) its widespread practice of failing to repair broken video monitoring systems for inmate surveillance at the jail; and, (3) its widespread policy or practice of falsifying daily logs to cover up missed security checks on inmates. (Cook County Jail, Illinois). U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE Thomas v. Sheahan, 514 F.Supp.2d 1083 (N.D.Ill. 2007). A special administrator filed a § 1983 suit against a county, sheriff, county board, correctional officers, supervisors and correctional medical technician on behalf of a pretrial detainee who died at a county jail from meningitis and pneumonia, alleging violations of constitutional rights and state law claims for wrongful death, survival action, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The court held that the administrator's failure to produce documentary evidence of lost wages or child support payments did not preclude her from introducing evidence at trial. The court found that the physician was not qualified to testify as to the manifestations of meningitis absent evidence that the physician was an expert on meningitis or infectious diseases. According to the court, a jail operations expert's proposed testimony that the county did not meet minimum standards of the conduct for training of correctional staff was inadmissible. The court also found that evidence of jail conditions was relevant and thus admissible, where the administrator of the detainee's estate argued that county officials should have known the detainee was sick because he was throwing up in his cell and in a day room. (Cook County, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court SEARCHES U.S. v. Barnes, 506 F.3d 58 (1st Cir. 2008). The government appealed an order of the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island suppressing cocaine seized from a defendant pursuant to a visual body cavity search. The appeals court vacated and remanded. The court held that the strip search for contraband and weapons was justified given the defendant's arrest for a drug trafficking crime, but that the arresting officer did not have individualized suspicion that the arrestee was “cheeking” drugs, as required to justify a visual body cavity search. According to the court, the evidence before the officer was that the arrestee was a suspected drug dealer in possession of narcotics and that some drug dealers concealed drugs between their buttocks. (Woonsocket Police Department, Rhode Island) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE U.S. v. Miller, 477 F.3d 644 (8th Cir. 2007). A supervisor at a county detention center was convicted in the district court of depriving two prisoners of their Eighth Amendment right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment. The supervisor appealed and the appeals court affirmed. The court held that there was sufficient evidence that the supervisor acted maliciously and sadistically toward the prisoner, in violation of the Eighth Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, even though the supervisor could have inflicted even greater injuries upon the prisoner. Evidence indicated that the supervisor punched the prisoner when there was no legitimate reason to do so, kicked the prisoner, and stomped on the prisoner while he was lying on the ground. The court noted that the assailing officer's ability to inflict greater injuries upon a prisoner does not make an attack any less malicious or sadistic, for the purposes of the Eighth Amendment prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. The court held that the prisoner's medical records, which did not identify the supervisor as the individual responsible for the prisoner's injuries, were admissible under the medical treatment or diagnosis exception to the hearsay records. (Craighead County Detention Facility, Arkansas) U.S. Appeals Court CONDITIONS U.S. v. Ramirez-Gutierrez, 503 F.3d 643 (7th Cir. 2007). A defendant pled guilty in the district court to reentering the United States illegally after being deported. On appeal, the court held that the conditions of the defendant's pretrial confinement were not so substandard or onerous as to warrant special consideration at sentencing, and the sentencing judge considered the defendant's claim that he committed crimes because of substance abuse problem. The defendant complained that he was unable to obtain care for his broken tooth, lived in poorly ventilated quarters, and was given inadequate opportunity to exercise during his two and a half month detention. (Kankakee County Detention Center, Illinois) U.S. District Court MEDICAL CARE INTAKE SCREENING Wakat v. Montgomery County, 471 F.Supp.2d 759 (S.D.Tex 2007). The estate of inmate who died in a county jail brought a § 1983 action against the county, jail physician, and other county personnel. The defendants moved for summary judgment. The district court held that the county was not liable based on a county policy, the county was not liable for failure to train or supervise county jail personnel, and a physician did not act with deliberate indifference to the inmate's serious medical needs. The court held that the county sheriff was not liable in his individual capacity under § 1983 to the estate of the inmate absent a showing that he participated in any of the alleged activities in any individual capacity. According to the court, the county was not liable to the estate under § 1983 for deliberate indifference to the inmate's serious medical needs in violation of the Eighth Amendment, since the county policy did not directly cause county personnel to fail to seek physician approval to reinitiate the inmate's prescription medication. The court noted that although the jail had a written policy of abruptly discontinuing any narcotic medications when inmates were initially processed for booking, regardless of whether the inmate had a valid prescription for the narcotic, the jail also had a policy allowing the narcotic medications to be reinstated with the permission of a doctor. The court found that the county did not act with deliberate indifference in its training and supervision of county jail personnel in dealing with inmates' medical needs, absent a showing of a pattern or a recurring situation of tortuous conduct by inadequately trained employees. The court held that the county jail physician did not act with deliberate indifference to the serious medical needs of the inmate, where the physician did not refuse to treat the inmate nor ignore his complaints, prescribed medication when he was first called about the inmate's disorientation and hallucinations, and saw the inmate and diagnosed him with undifferentiated schizophrenia. According to the court, although the physician failed to 32.165 XXII see signs of withdrawals from benzodiazepine, there was no indication that he intentionally treated the inmate for schizophrenia while knowing that, in fact, he was suffering dangerous withdrawals from a prescription drug to which he was addicted. (Montgomery County Jail, Texas) U.S. District Court CIVIL COMMITMENT Webb v. Budz, 480 F.Supp.2d 1050 (N.D. Ill. 2007). African-American civil detainees in a state treatment and detention facility for sexually violent persons brought a § 1983 action against facility officials, alleging discrimination on the basis of race. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants. The court held that the African-American civil detainees who were placed on temporary special/secure management status (SMS) for committing acts of violence toward staff members were not similarly situated to five Caucasian detainees who were placed on SMS for committing acts of violence toward staff members, as required to establish a prima facie case of discriminatory effect in violation of equal protection. According to the court, after being placed on SMS, each of the Caucasian detainees progressed out of SMS as a result of good behavior and acceptance of responsibility, while the African-American detainees engaged in numerous acts of insubordination while on SMS, including threats on security staff, concealing weapons and contraband, and throwing urine at staff members. (Illinois Department of Human Services Treatment and Detention Facility for Sexually Violent Persons, Sheridan, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court MEDICAL CARE Williams v. Rodriguez, 509 F.3d 392 (7th Cir. 2008). An arrestee sued a city and others under § 1983, asserting claims for false arrest and deliberate indifference to his medical needs. The district court entered summary judgment for the defendants and the arrestee appealed. The appeals court affirmed. The court held that the arrestee's asthma was not objectively serious during the time he was being processed, and therefore an officer was not deliberately indifferent to his medical needs. According to the court, the arrestee's statements to the officer that he had asthma, needed his medication, and could not breathe, made in the context of a request that the arrestee take a breathalyzer test, were insufficient by themselves to show that he was suffering from a serious attack. (City of Chicago Police Department, Illinois) U.S. Appeals Court MENTAL HEALTH MEDICAL CARE Winters v. Arkansas Dept. of Health and Human Services, 491 F.3d 933 (8th Cir. 2007). The administrator of the estate of a mentally ill pretrial detainee/civil committee who had died of peritonitis in a county jail sued a sheriff and the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) under § 1983, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Rehabilitation Act. The district court entered judgment for the defendants. The administrator appealed and the appeals court affirmed. The appeals court held that the pretrial detainee was not discriminated against on the basis of his mental illness, as required to a establish violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or the Rehabilitation Act. The court noted that the detainee was arrested for criminal trespass, and although he was not treated for his peritonitis due to his inability to communicate because of his mental illness, the sheriff and other jail officials sought immediate treatment for the detainee's mental illness, and attempted to transport him to a state hospital, but he was denied admittance due to lack of available space. The court found that neither the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) nor the county sheriff were deliberately indifferent to the serious medical needs of the detainee, nor was there a policy or custom to deprive mentally ill detainees of treatment. According to the court, the detainee died from a condition that neither defendant knew of or suspected, the sheriff and other jail officers attempted to get the detainee into a mental health treatment facility, but no facility would accept custody of him. (Benton County Jail, Arkansas) 2008 U.S. District Court INVOLUNTARY MEDICATION Anglin v. City of Aspen, Colo., 552 F.Supp.2d 1205 (D.Colo. 2008). A pretrial detainee brought a civil rights action, alleging that a county sheriff, county jailers, and others violated her rights to due process and free speech, as well as her right to be free from unreasonable seizure, by forcibly injecting her with antipsychotic medication while in custody at a county jail. The district court granted summary judgment for the defendants in part. The court held that a county sheriff's deputy personally participated in the decision to sedate the detainee and therefore the deputy could be liable in his individual capacity under § 1983. The deputy had called paramedics and admittedly lobbied the medics to sedate the detainee, he allegedly falsely reported to the paramedics that the detainee had been banging her head and throwing herself against her steel cell door, and he participated in physically restraining the detainee during the injection, at the request of the paramedics. The court found that summary judgment was precluded by a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the deputy falsely reported to the paramedics. The court found that the deputy was not entitled to qualified immunity from liability. The court found that the training of county jail personnel by the county sheriff and other officials with respect to forcible sedation of pretrial detainees in the county jail, was not deliberately indifferent to the due process rights of the detainees, and therefore the sheriff and county officials were not liable under § 1983 for failure to properly train. The training required personnel to call the paramedics and let the paramedics, with the advice of a physician, make the decision as to whether or not to sedate. (Pitkin County Jail, Colorado) U.S. District Court INVOLUNTARY MEDICATION Anglin v. City of Aspen, Colo., 552 F.Supp.2d 1229 (D.Colo. 2008). A jail inmate brought a civil rights action, alleging that an emergency room physician violated her constitutional rights by forcibly injecting her with antipsychotic medication while she was in custody. The physician filed a motion for summary judgment, which was granted by the district court. The court held that the physician “acted under color of state law” within the meaning of § 1983 when he ordered the inmate to be involuntarily sedated, and that the physician exercised reasonable medical judgment in deciding to forcibly sedate the inmate. The court noted that although the private physician did not contract directly with the state to treat the inmate, the physician however undertook a public function because the provision of medical services to inmates was traditionally the exclusive prerogative of the state. The inmate appeared highly intoxicated and out of 32.166 XXII control, was pounding and throwing her body against her cell door, was violently pulling against her restraints and thrashing about, and was unable to gain control in the presence of the paramedics or to allow her vital signs to be taken. (Pitkin County Jail, Colorado) U.S. Appeals Court FALSE ARREST INTAKE SCREENING SEARCHES Archuleta v. Wagner, 523 F.3d 1278 (10th Cir. 2008). An arrestee brought a § 1983 action against a jailer and others alleging her Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated when she was strip searched. The district court denied the jailer's request for qualified immunity and the jailer appealed. The appeals court affirmed the district court decision. The court held that the jailer was not justified in conducting the strip search during booking, following the arrest pursuant to an arrest warrant for harassment, where the arrestee never intermingled with the general jail population but rather was confined in a cell by herself for several hours while awaiting bail. The court noted that three pat down searches had been performed on the arrestee prior to booking, the arrestee was wearing shorts and a sleeveless blouse at the time of booking, the jailer saw that the arrestee did not have any tattoos or moles indicating that she was the culprit, and the crime of harassment was not a crime of violence. The court found that the arrestee had a right not to be strip searched during booking when she was not going to intermingle with the general prison population. She had already been through a pat-down search, and there was no reasonable suspicion that she had a weapon. According to the court, the jailer who conducted the strip search was not entitled to qualified immunity because at the time of this incident it was clearly established that a strip search could be justified if there was a reasonable suspicion that the detainee possessed weapons and the detainee intermingled with the general jail population.