Wa Doc Report on Dravis Escape at Mcneil Scc 2009
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'" .J STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS INcIDENT REVIEWREPORT Level of Review Assistant Deputy Director Report Date January 7, 2009 Offender Name Dravis, Donald A. Offender DOC # '943530 " Name of In}tiator Earl X. W'right Team Leaders James R. Key, Associate Superintendent, Airway Heights Corrections Center I Critical Incident Review # 173-08P . Team Members Michael Green, Captain, Washington Corrections Center for' . Women Tamara J.. Rowd~n, Associate Su'periniendent, Clallam Bay Corrections Center .,' ~:c'rq§Ntg{~;~tii~1l~::::1:::)~:!:~;i(~\ti;!;:·;f:~;;;.,. Date and Time: 12/29/08 at approximately 1736 Location:, MICC Brief Description of Incident: At approximately 1,736 Offender Donald Dravis 943530 passep through major control of MICC without being asked by Sergeant Anderson to show identific9tion. Offender Dravis then proceeded to the gate' house and when questioned by Officer Snow about.his 10, Offender Dravis stated he had left the 10 in his·truck. Officer Snow allowed 'Offender Dravis to proceed through the door and Qut of the fenced sally port. Officer Meyer~ was in the gate house and noticed an individual, whom he believed to be Offender Donald Dravis .exit. Officer Meyers followed the individual and confirmed the pers~n was Offender Dravis after the individual was seated on the MICC passenger boat. Officer Meyers notified the Shift Lieutenant, who sent Sergeant Johnson and subsequently sent Officers Bolpen, Humphrey and Cummings to the dock to assist in 'escorting Offender Drav.is to the gate house. Upqn being escorted into. the gate house'; Offender Dravis was placed against the staff mailboxes while escorting officers' awaited instructions frdm the Lieutenant and Shift Sergeant. Offender Dravis tensed and shifted his weight at which time he was. escorted to the ground. Offender Dravis was then taken to the Health Services Unit for Assessment and subseque'ntly placed in segregation on pre-hearing confinement. Name, Title, & Address of All Employees Involved: All of the following staff work 'at the McNeil Island Corrections Center (MlcC) located at P.O. Box B8900, Steilacoom, WA 98388: Lieutenant Simons, Sergeant William Anderson, Sergeant 'Herbert Johnson, Sergeant DiEma Burton, Officer David Snow, Officer Jason Meyers, Officer Kevin Bol¢en, Officer TrevorHumphrey, Officer "jacob Cummings, Psychological Associate Carson Carter. . Name, DOC Numbers of All Offenders Involved:' Dravis, Donald A. Jr. 943530 Location and Description of Prop'erty Damaged; N/A '. '"-:'. ,.. ,:.;,:. ..,.. .: '.:..::'; ;::·.:'::::.::·;·.:;;?:;,::.:i;::'~:'i::l~'!:~;';}:i~1:5i:'ij:;:')f,:;;~:~g:'::'I:!i::'lT:\:;f!~I:;!\!;:ii¥:;:~REYI.EW}~::.:\i';~j::~f;:~:6M::~::'~1~;]~'i;~:'i::;::;i~i ,;:~i.H; ,': : ':\::::;: : ::f· :'!'" .",;.'' ",::':,} .:.:.;::::,;~::" )jl! ,;,:::;:,\>:~::,\ Chronological Summary, oT Facts/Events: . • I ' . . . ' At approximately 10730 offender Dravis entered MICC. major control sallyport in personal c1pthes'without identification .. It has yet to be determined jf he e~tered the sally port alone or with other staff waiting to leave the facility. Sergeant Anderson acknowledges he had an unidentified individual in the sEjlly port and he did not ask for or verify any identification. . Sergeant Anderson admits he opens the exterior sally port door and released {he individual to the MICC gate house Offender Dravis enters the gate house and is stopped and questioned by officer Snow to present his identification. Offender Dravis states he left his ID in the truck Officer Snow stated Offender Dravis was dressed like a CI staff member and let him exit the facility . Officer Meyers was in the area and observed the exchange and the departure and then recognized him as offender Dffi~s' . ' I Officer Snow and Officer Meyers had a brief discussion that officer Meyers thought it was offender Dravis i Officer Meyers exited the facility, retrieved a van and followed offender Dravis to the MiCe passenger boat. Distribution: ORIGINAL-Risk Management Depa.rtment COPY-Appointing Authoril¥. Assistant Secretaryllnitiator ., DOC 18-022 (Rev 11104108) 1 DOC 400.110 [4-4225-1] Officer Meyers observed offender Dravis enter the boat, approached him and identified him as offender Dravis Officer Meyers exited the boat' and by phone notified Sergeant Anderson in major control and ~as instructed to notify Lieutenant'Simons· . . Officer Meyers by phone notified Lieutenant Simons that he positively he had offender D~avis on. the passenger boat . Officer Meyers positioned himself awaiting further response from the facility Lieutenant Simons dispatched only Sergeant H. ~ohnson to the passenger boat to check ou~ the situation . Upon Sergeant H. Johnsons arrival, he and Officer Meyers aj:Jproached offender Dravis and dialogued with offender Dffi~s . . Offender Dravis began to make a scene . Sergeant D. Burtori evacuated the boat of visitors and staff,· returning them to a safe location on the MICC dock After further dialogue from Sergeant H. Johnson and CO Meyers, offender Dravis exited- the boat unrestrained ar.ld unsearched, walked to the fenced speed boat area of the MICC dock . Approximately 8-10 to minutes later, CO Humphrey and eo Bolden arrived to the incidenfsite with·a transporfvC\n ·and camera. . . Video taping began, further dialog.ue occurred Offender Dravis wa's argumentative and challenged staffs authority and was uncooperative Offender Dravis with staff directives entered the van, unsearched arid unrestraiRed . Lieutenant Simons radioed S~rgeant H. Johnson'regarding offender Dravis and status of restraints, then directed restraints to be applied and offender to b.e returnep .to MiCe gate house. Offender Dravis was removed from van and wrist restraints were applied and was transported to MiCe gate house Upon transport' arrival, offender was escorted by CO Meyers and CO Cummings with CO Humphrey as camera· operator and Sergeant H.Johnson as escort supervisOr, through the pedestrian walk thru gates and entered MlqC gatehouse . Lieutenant Sim'ons and Sergeant H. Johnson engaged in a conversation away from the escortingstaff. Escorting'staff stopped and awaited direction at which time CO Snow made the statement to offender Dravis "Five Millutes for Five '. ". .. Years". (As admitted by CO Snow and verified by offender Dravis) Offender Dravis responded and. was verbally agitated :by his comments . CO Meyer.s and CO Cummings'escort offender Dravis and plac.e him .against the mailboxes to de-escalate the . .situation with'out supervisory direction . . . While holding offender Dravis against the wall, Officer Meyers looked at Lieutenant Simons and quietly Whispered this is Dravis. Li~utenant Simons arid SergeantJohnson stepped away from offender Dravis and the escorting staffand no dialogue was' occurring with staff or offender Dravis. . . . Offender Dravis tensed up in the shoulder area and was taken to. the ground by CO Meyers and CO Cummings, There· was no supervisory direction for the offender to cease his action and for the staff to engage in force. There was an attempt to apply leg .irons to offender Dravis while he was on the ground. Lieutenant Simons directed staff to remove the leg irons and have offender Dravis sit on the table and have further dialogue. There was lack of supervisory directives during the escort and use of force. t 1 I Summary of Witness Statements (Include Name of Each Witness): Sergeant William Anderson:. states that on Deoember 29, 2008 at apprOXimately 1730 hours. he was working as the Major Control Sergeant and was in major control alone while CO Kessler was on his break. He noticed an un.identified person (later identified al? offender Dravis) in front of the outside slider, carrying a clip board and was in street clothing waiting to exit. lie stated there was a group of employees, wh'ich he believed to be from mental health, with the unidentified person, Heis certain t.here Were several.people present, because Dr. Carter was the only person he knew and Dr, Carter :was talking about going to the casino. Anderson opened the slider and allowed all of the individuals to exit major control in route to the MICC gate house. He states that he did not see or check the 10 of the unidentified . person before he opened the slider. Sergeant Anderson contacted CO Snow at the gate house to inquire if he had.' checked 10 of unidentified individual at which time CO Snow stated the unidentifie'd person.stated he had left 10 in his truck and had gone to retrieve his 10. ! Sergeant Anderson later received a telephone call from CO Mevers verifying that he had identified the individuai as Distribution:, ORIGINAL-Risk Management Department COPY-Appointing Authority,. I;.ssistant Secretaryllnitiator DOC 18-022 (Rev 11/04/08) DOC 400.110 2 [4-4225-1] offender Dravis #943350 at the MICC dock. Anderson directed CO Meyers to contact Lt. Simons immediately. Sergeant Anderson stated that it is -not part of protocol or post ord'ers to qheck IDs of those passing through major control and he has never stopped anyqne who did not have an 10. Anderson claims employees are never stopped at major control for not having their 10 ~nd that .he hopes the person down the hill (at ~he gate house) checks for ID's. He stated things have become more stringent wIth ACA. . " I Officer David Snow: states that on December 29, 2008 at approximately 1730 hours he was working' as the gate house officer and he aCKnowledged an unidentified person (later identified as offender Dravis) who walked in from the steps leading fr.om major control.' He'stopped the unidentified person and requested to see his 10 and the unidentified person reached inside his shirt and s,tated that he must have left it in the truck at which,time, officer Snow let him . proceed out of t~e gate house. Officer Snow stated he got concerned and contacted tower 3 as to the direction the unidentified person was walking and was told the unidentified person was walking towards the Mice dock. Officer Snow then cOl)tacted tower 2 and was told the, unidentified person was not in site. Officer Snow dis~ussed the situation with Officer Meyers who, happened to be,in the gate house and Officer Meyers stated the unidentified person looked like Offender Dravis. Officer Snow asked Officer Meye'rs to go and look for the individual and check for an ID. Up~n Offender Dravis"return to ti:le MICC ,gate house, Officer Snowmage the comment t9 Offender 'Dravis ,"Five: Minutes for Five'Years". Office'r Snow then acknowledged participation in the use of force~ . Officer Snow stated that normal protocol does not require notification to the tower officer if there is an unidentified' person lE?aving it requires that the gate ·officer ,obtain additional identification from an unidentified person if they do not have their ID with them: He ,admits that part of thC? responsibility of the Individual who works in the gate house are to check IDs coming in and out of the facility. ' Officer Jason Meyers: states that on December 29', 2008 at approximately 1730 he Vy'as 'assigned as a Response and Movement Officer. He was in the MiCe gate house when an ,unidentified person (later identified as offender Dravis) entered alone in civilian, clothing. He observed Officer Snow question the unidentified person for their 10 badge, at which time the unidentified person stated, no'l left it in the truck, I'll be back. Officer Meyers saw the individual exit facility at which time'he commented to Officer Snow that the unidentified person looked' like offender Dravis. Officer Meyers got in a \Ian and observed the unidentified person walking on'sidewalk,towards the MICC dock, walk down the dpck and enter passenger boat. Officer Meyers followed offender Dravis, located him sitting on passenger boat, approached him, and sb3.ted ,"Dravis" at whi~h times the unidenti~ed person looked up. He asked offender Dravis what he was doing and he stated he got released and he was going home. OffiGer Meyers asked where his release paperwork was and was told the counselor' took care of them. ' Officer Meyers exited the boat, notified Sergeant Anderson incontrpl, pertain to .Dravis' claim to release, Sergeant Anderson indicated there was no documentation. Officer Meyers notified Liewtenant Simons that offender Dravis was on boat, claiming that he had been release,d and there was no paperwork and that there was a possible escape attempt and he th.em posted himself outside the boat wat,ching offender Dravis.' Sergeant Johnson (Shift Sergeant) arrived and he and Officer Meyers approached offender Dravis to question him about his release paperwork. Offender· Dravis stated'that his counselor had taken care of his paperwork and that his time was done, and that he was getting out of there. Sergeant Johnson ,convinced offender Dravis that he needed to exit the boat to get the issue resolved. Officer Meyers and Se'rgeant Jotinson escorted offender Dravis to the top of the dock by the speed boat area to wait for additional staff to arrive, which,was approximately S-10 minutes. Upon arrival ~f additional staff, offender Dravis was placed in van unrestrained upon direction of Sergeant Johnson. Lieutenant Simons radioed for the status of what was occurring with offender Dravis and inquired if he was restrained and was toid no. Lieutenant Simons gave instructions for offender Dravis to be restrained at which time he yvas removed from van, restrained and returned to ,van and driven to MiCe gate house, Upon arrival at gate house, Officer Meyers assisted escorting offender Dravis in to the qatehouse. 'Offender Dravis was placed aqainst the mailboxes as there was no directions as to where to take Distribution: ORIGINAL-Risk Management Department COPY-Appointing Authority, Assistant Secretaryllnitiator 00C400.110 [4-4225-1] , DOC 18-022 (Rev 11'104/08)' 3 him from the on sight supervis;or or the lieutenant upqn their arrival in the gate house. Offender Dravis resisted and the eS'corting staff guided him to the· ground. . . . Officer Meyers stated that he. has worked major control and that one of their duties is· to look at ID's of individuals passing through. He has questioned individuals about their ID's when he has worked in major control. Officer Meyers . also stated that he is frustrated with the complacency 9f staff and that'offender Dravis made it to the boat. Lieutenant Dennis Simons: states that on December 29,2008 at approximately 1730 he was assigned as the Shift Commander. H~. was in the North Dining Hall when he received a phone call from Officer Meyers that he recognized a person on the vessel departi[lg MICC as someone he thought was pffender Dravis. He dispatched Sergeant Johnson to the MICC dock passenger boat as the on sight supervisor, since he was not 100% sure that the person identifie¢ by Officer Meyers was in fact an offender attempting to escape or a deck hand sitting on the boat. Lieutenant Simons contacted the boat Captain via NexteJ Radio and a~vised him not to leave the facility until a determination was made who the offender was. . Lieutenant Simons stated when he received confirmation from Officer Meyers that the individual was hi fact Offender Dravis,' he gave instructions' to restrain the ihdividual: He stated that before it was confirmed that it was in fact an' offender, would we be restraining an offender orwould be restraining a civilian. Lieutenant SirTlOns stated that he was . not told that the individual did not have any identification ·on them when they were on the boat. . Lieutenant Simons stated that he had Officer McNally from B unit do a positive identification of off~nder Dravis: Lieutenant Simons beiieves there is staff complacency espe"CIally around the egress areas of the facility and things that staff takes for granted. . Sergeant Herbert Johnson:.states that on December 29, 2008 at approximately 1730 he was assigned as the Shift Sergeant. He received a call from the Lieutenant to go to the boat as there was someone down there with a clipboard . . He walked to the boat and met Officer Meyers and. the two of them went and talked with Offender Dravis. Offender ,Dravis said he was not an irimate anymore alid was not supposed to be there. He started elevating, s6 Sergeant J,ohnson thought he' may be screwy. At this time there were between 75-1 00 visitors on the boat. 'Officer Meyers talked with Sergeant Burton about removing the visitors from the boat and to take them to the top of the dock. After the passengers nad left the boat, I advised inmate Dravis ~e would need to leave the boat until we could clear this up with the shift commander. After several refusals, he complied and was escorted to the top of the dock area, next to . where the rescue boat is located. Sergeant Johnson stated he informed Senieant Burton to allow the visitors to b.oard the boat after checking 10's.. After the rest of the officers arrived, which Sergeant Johnson indicated·took approximately 10 minutes Offender Dravis was. placel;! in the van, Lieutenant Simons stated we needed to put restraints on, so we took him off the van, pat searched him, put restraints on and placed him back on the van. ' . ' . . Sergeant Johnson indicated that there was no radio communication regarding emergency trqffic only or of the possible escape. He stated that Officer Meyers was sure thatthe individual in question was offender Dravisand·he (Sergeant . Johnson) was sure it was an inmate, because of the paperwork he had in his pocket. . Sergeant Johnson stated that it is an implied duty thaLofficers in major control check 10's. Sergeant Johnson stated that he would stop people with no 10. In the past if someone had no 10, major control would send the individual to see the shift supervisoJ. The shift supervisor would give the individual a temporary chit, which would then be turned in to major control for a temporary 10. Sergeant Johnson stated he did not think it had b~en a problem in the past of people being let through major control with ID's not being checked. '. . . Officer Kevin Bolden: states that on December 29,2008 at approximately 1736 he .was assigned as Response and. He was standinQmainline and directed by Lieutenant Simons to resrJond to the boat dock. He I Movement Officer. Distribution.: ORIGINAL-Risk Management Department COPY-Appointfng Authority, AssistantSecretaryllnitiator DOC 18-0.22 (Rev 11/04/08) . 4 DOC 400.110' [4-4225-1] stated when he arrived at the dock offender Dravis had a good story and as he had never met offender Dravis, he did not know if he was a staff or an inmate.' He stated Sergeant Johnson and Officer Meyers were speaking with offender Dravis who was standing by the fence. They were escorting offender Dravis to the van and he stated "Get your fucking hands off me" and got in the van and did not want anyone to sit next to him, Officer Bolden stated Lieutenant Simons called on the radio to see I.f'Offender Dravis was in restraints. Sergeant Johnson told him,no, so he was removed f~om the van, placed in restr.aints and returned to the van. Officer Bolden helped escort offender Dravis into the gate house. When offender Dravis tried to break away, he placed· leg irons on offender Dravis. Officer Bolden stated offender Dravis was not searched until he was strip searched in the Health Services Unit. . Officer Bolden stated the first time..he saw the picture card ofwhat offender Dravis was supposed to look like was in the gate house and the picture was nothing what he currently looks like. Officer Bolden stated the.gate officer is to check ID's and if someone does not have an ID the Lieutenant is to be notified and they are give~ a pi~k ID and t~ey are supposed to do an incident report Officer Trevor Humphrey: states that on December 29, 2008 'at approximately 1736 he was assigned 'as Response and Movement Officer. He was directed by Lieutenant Slm'ons to respond to the boat dock with a video camera. He along with Officer Bolden responded to the dock. The video taping of the inCident began upon arriving at the dock. Offender Dravis was by the patrol boat and approximately 20:.25 visitors were by the benches with Sergeant Burton. When he arrived he saw $ergeant Johnson speaking with inmate Dravis and he began operation of the video camera. Offender Dravis w~s placed in the van and they received.a radio call to place him in restraints. Hewas removed from the van, placed in restraints andre~rned to the van. . ' When they arrived at the gate hoLise and were escorting offender Dravis in the door,. Officer Humphrey stated he heard Officer Snow say to inmate Dravis, "I'm gonna kick your ass". Officer Humphrey said it' appeared offender Dravis pushed his weight back on the escorting officers. There were rio directives given to take inmate Dravis to the ground as the Lieutenant and Sergeant were off to the side to figure o"t:lt who he (Offender IDravls) was. The Lieutenant talked to Offender Dravis after he was on the ground. Offic;erHumphrey cannot remember offender Dravis 'ever being searched, !-Inti! he was escorted to.the Health SerVices Unit, when he assisted in the strip search. I Officer Humphrey stated that when he worked major control he would consider 10 checks to be important and when he worked there, everyone had an iD. He also said that definitely the gate house is .to check ID's for everyone that comes in and o u t . ' . " Officer Jacob Cummings: states that on December 29,2008 at·approximately 1736 he was assigned as' Recreatio.n Officer. I was in the North Dining Hall when a phone call was received from Officer Meyers, stating there was a . possible escap~, at which time he gave the phone to Lieutenant Simons. Lieutenant Simons instructed .him to respond to dock and it took him a couple of minutes to walk to the dock. By the time he got there, the van containing inmate Dravis was coming up the cau?ew~y. The roving patrol had been instructed byUeutenant Simons to post"at the end of the dock,. so the roving 'patrol gave him a ride to the gate house.· . Officer Cummings stated when they arrived at the gatehouse, offender Dravis was slowly getting agitated and was makiri'g references to the CIA. He heard a comment made by Officer Snow, but he does not know what the comment was, There was no direction 'from the lieutenant of Sergeant when they entered the gate house, so he instructed offender Dravis to walk towards the·mail boxes and remain still. He states offel}der Dravis suddenly tensed up and he put pressure on him and offender Dravis pushed back and WEjS then escorted to the floor . An attempt was made to put· leg irons on inmate Dravis' at this time, but Lieutenant Simons,said no, When Offender Dravis was on the ground, he didn't seem to be much of a threat. At no time, was the offender searched, until he was at the Health Services Unit andl patted him down while he was s,itting in a chair as Lieutenant Simons didn't want him to stand up. . . Officer Cummings stated that he has worked major control and that people in there don't pay a lot of attention and . Distribution: ORIGINAL-Risk Management Department COPY-Appointing Authority, Assistant Secretary/lnitiator : DOC 18-022 (Rev 11/04/08) 5 DOC 400.110 [4-4225-1] there is complacency among staff. He stated when he has worke<;! the gate house that he has checked ID's and asked individuals'for their ID's. At times he would have to call the tower to ask them who they let to the facility and the tower would say that they knew the individual so they could come in. Officer Cummings stated that you can't see anything from the tower and if someone didn't have an 10, he would rather make a call to the Lieutenant. There are . ' , also island residents that come in and out of the facility ~ithout ID's, ' in Psychological Associate Carson Carterj'states that on December 29, 2008 he was leaving work for the day at approximately 1725. He remembers the weather being' rough and not wanting to miss the boat, so he left a little early. He approached major control and the door was closed. He states that he was alone and there was no other staff in the sally port or that were leaving with him: He does not recall seeing anyone else in major control except for Sergeant Anderson. When he entered the gate hOl,lse he was by himself. When he left the gate house he said something to Paula who was in the tower. . '. ' . Mr. Carter states when he entered the boat he looked at the front onhe boat a~d saw a man (later identified as offender Dravis) sitting with a .Iady and they iooked like they were tal~ing. He, thought they were visitors silice it was a visit day. Mr. Carter states he went to the bow and sat in a single seat and began reading the paper. Mr, Carter noticed Offjc~r Meyers and Sergeant Burton speaking with the individual. He stated that Sergeant Burton was being very nice with her tone and 'stated that they did not think ~e needed to be here and that if he was free, that 'he needed to b~ escorted. Mr. Carter stated. that Sergeant Burton spoke with offender Dravis for approximately 15 minutes and at one point offender Dravis p~lIed out some papers and she said that she needed to confirm the papers. Mr. Carter stated that Sergeant Bu~ton then cleared the boat of aU visitors, then staff. . Mr. Carter stated that he saw offender Dravis a couple of times in 2006 and saiq that he is 'pretty delu.sional. He also said that he would not recognize him Visually if is saw him,' since. he saw him 56 few times as a patient. Offender Donald Dravis #943530: states that on December 29,2008 he was leaving unit B, as'if he was gOing'to the dining hall. Offender Dravis stated that he ,should have been out in 2008 but his new ERD in OMNI was 2011. He stated that he thought he would be out and could getcau,ght in Pierce County so he would quit getting the run around' by DOC Off~ndet Dravis stated this was a spur of the moment decision, that he wore his personal clothing and he went through major control by himself. Offender 'Dravis sa,id he' left his 10 in his room and decided if the slider was open, he was going to go through.. He said that there were so many,opportunities and tha't he did not think not having an 10 would be a big deal. Offender Dravis stated the first slider to major control was open, there 'was one person in the booth Jhat did not even look at him. Offender DraVis stated he> was'asked about his 10 in the gate house and stated it was in the truck and was allowed to leave. a in He stated that he had not had review 15 months and that Counselor Joyner, CUS Cosset or Sergeant Estes had been not help in getting his review d.one. He, stated he had been to the law ,library trying to do some legal work, but there were no computers or records that would assist him. Offender Dravis stated that h'e was on medications that he did not want to take, he said he was edgy but th.at he never went after cops only got in verbal arguments at time. 'While walking to th,e boat, offender Dravis stated he. passed a couple of people' who were walking up toward the facility. He didn't see any of the MICC qffehder workers when he got on the boat. He sat down and looked up and ' noticed that there was a camera 'in front of his face, so he got up' and moved to, a different seat. Officer Meyers approached him and asked what he was doing and he stated that he Was out of here. Officer Meyers asked him if he had release papers and he said no. Offender Dravis stated that officers started forming a circle around him. Sergeant Johnson stated that they would hog tie him unless he got off of the boat voluntarily, Offender Dravis told Sergeant Johnson he didn't want to, but decided tQ·comply. Officers escorteq him. off, one on both side and offender Dravis commented he was surprised he was not restrained. Offender Dravis stated he got in: the van, then . there was an order over the radio to put on restraints. , Distribution: ORIGINAL-Risk Management Department COPY-Appointing Authority, Assis.tant Secretary/Initiator . DOC 18-022 (Rev 11/04/08) 6 DOC 400.110 [4-4225-1] Offender Dravis stated he was walked into the gate house and a bla~ck guy stated "5 minutes of freedom, for 5 years .of time". He doesn't know the name of thE? individual. Offender Dravis stated he was trying to adjust himself and was . taKen to the ground, tackled, elbowed in the lower back, his ankle turned and a 45 degree angle and he heard a couple ~po~. ' . . ' Summary of Facts: . • Sergeant Anderson in major control. allowed access and egress to the facility without' positive 'identification. o Sergeant.And·erson indicates that offender Dravis entered the sally port with a group of individuals that included Carson' Carter who works in the mental health unit. ' o Carson Carter indicates that he was the only individual that entered and exited major control and Sgt Johnson was in major control. " . . o Offender Dravis indicates that he was the only individual that entered arid exited major control. o Based on conflicting testimony, the team was not able to sUbstailtrate if offender Dravis was alone or in a , group of individuals when entering and exiting major control. . 6 At the Gatehouse CO Sn'ow all.owed offender Dravis to exit the gatehouse without positive identification. Response: -, Escape in progress and there was .no initial notification to the shift commander. No immediate activation of,emergency escape response once the shift lieutenant Was. notified of a' possible or , . , ' positive identification of the offend~r. . When Lieutenant was given verification of inmate Dravis he only sent Shift Sergeant. Did ,not deploy a QRST . team, lethal or non-letha! alternatives from major control.' • Checklist driven escape protocol was not followed up'on initial notification of escape Le. recall, notification, specialty teams, escape, posts, etc. in a timely manner.' This protocol was implemented at the dir'ection ofthe ,' . ' " Associate Supt 25 minutes into the incident. . ' , •. Lack of rapid response'. IC$ 201' form was not completed by the inci<;ferit command~r. • When notification was made, the institution escape siren was not sounded. No notificaUon to isiand residents prior to completion of count. Escort and Use of Force: Apprehension protocol was not followed. Offender, was not searched or restrained !-!pon being taken off the boat. ' . • During the escort to the gate house, the 'Sergeant (on scene supervisor) went hands on with the offender. • Upon entering the MiCe gate hou'se, there was lack ~f sup~rvisory direction 'during application and direction of use afforce.., ' . , • • • There was a lack of dialogue arid direction given.to offender Dravis by escorting and supervisory staff during the '. escort to gatehouse and prior to the use 'of force. ' Custody staff began' applying leg restraints at which time the Lieutenant directed them to take the re;>traints off No debrief after incident. Physical Plant: Tower three does not nave clear visuals of the gate during darkness and inclement weather' (niin). • Windows are fqgged, darkened, and has condensation on them. Speaker does not work on bullhorn.. • Staff members rely on binoculars for identification. Other Items: • Environment of Del!ial that the escape was' occurring ~nd the staff appeared to be in disbelief it was occurring. Some staff members claim it is not their responsibility to check IDs (old vs new staff). I. False sense'of security that if CO Kessler would have been in major control this escape would have not occurred. Distribution: ORIGINAL-Risk Management Department COPY~Appointing Authority, DOC 18-022 (Rev 11/04/08) Assistant Secretary/Initiator DOC 400.110 [4-4225-1J , 7 • • • • • False sense of security due to the water th.ere was not a sense of urgency to respond in a quicker manner, Continuity of Response - ICS model was not followed in accordance with policy" and procedure and ICS training. Some confusion, qhaos, and gave the apPe>arance that staff didn't know ho'{\' to respond. Operational Memorandum not reviewed/updated at same time as DOC policy; it DOC 410.360 updated 5/23/08, .' . MICC OM updated 3/30/07.' Control card photos and individuals current appearance are not similar. ' Post orders are gerleric .and do not include verbiage regarding -verifying IDs. Feedback from visitors that were on the island during the incident was positive and professional. . ::..... LIST; OF APPI2ICA:BLE,:iR'CW'S:WAC':S" D0.C,:POllCJES ;'&>PROCEDURES RCW 9A.76.11 0"7 Escape in the first 'degree 410.200 - lise of Force 410.230 - Use of Deadly Force 410:360 - Escape Preparedness and Response 410-370 - Emerqency Perimeter Security . ' ';;i('· ,>i., :.;~·;:::i:·;it:"·;:./'!;;~;!;';:::::~!~';~~:).: :::;;;;':::;':;';::;'~ i;:;:>:::i:;:~~:!;:;~:f~::i:W:;i;;;.!:~!i':;~~,:;iiR$cdM . I MEND:Arq0 Ns>;;:@/;~:;/:.~,j~::j;j:;it'::::;::~I:::::i::;::::::~!}··'~::':i.,:;}::.':~'~,::,)'.::,;:Wi:::::.:!:M~,i:·::';'::!;":~::::;:j.::;j::,;{ Improvements . 1,' Process for identifying and updating offender photos/face sheets. Develop facility procedure for identifying and . updating photos of offenders where appearance has dramatically changed. . . 2. Revise Post Orders .at Control Points and all custody posts in the institution. include verbiage to include the . responsibility of checking and' verification of staff and offender ID's. Reinforce established procedu(es that no staff (including island non-staff resigents) be allowed to come into gatehouse to check mailboxes or have access to· . institution with out proper identification. 3. Inform all staff on the responsibility of-checking, wearing, and identification of 10's. We would recommend that management staff meet with staff in all areas of the institution (versus an email) to reinforce that it is the responl;>ibility of aU staff to complete this duty, not just custody staff. 4. Training of supervisory staff on the application and supervision of Use of Force. This tr.aining needs to emphasis the role of the on scene supervisor, dialoging with the offender, and restraint application. 5. Review, evaluation, and training for custody staff on Apprehension procedures and protocol. 6. Review of Emergency Response Model and basic emergency response protacal to include training in tl:le following areas .. Detection, notification, isolat.ibn, and containment as it relates to an offender escape and. any emergency'. . . Timely activation Cif the escape checklist and deployment of resources by -shift commander. Training on the completion and content of ICS forms. . Staffing needed in the Incident Command Post during an emergency. 7. Physical Plant: Based on the investigatio,n and current'conditions of Tower 3, it can not be relied upon for . identification of individuals during the hours of darkness and inclement weather. We would not recommend it be relied upon as.i"1 final control point before individuals. exit the institution. '.' 8. Emergency Response Drills need to be realistic versus table top. Based on the i'nformation obtain"ed during the investigation, it appears there are mor.e table top exercises (talking about wh.at would be done) than drills that involve roles players and actual response. (actual active live response with role players in a control,led situation with drill controllers and raters) , •••. • •• '.1 • ::;., I ':. ~.:-: :.·'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ..~ . • • ."', ,.:~ .'.. .... '~.: ,", . Things That Worked Well 1. Institution staff was forth coming with information during the interviews, 2. Institution staff did a great job of putting together all the needed documentation for the review. 3. Officer Jason Meyers should be acknowledged for the actions that he took which prevented offender Dravis from escaping. Even though his actions did not follow emergency.response guidelines, without this 6fficerfollowin"g his' good instincts this team is convinced that offender Dravis would have made it to the mainland. ' Distribution: ORIGINAL-Risk Management Department COPY-Appointing Authority, Assistant Secretaryflnitiator DOC 18-022 (Rev 11/04(08) 8 DOC 400.110 [4-4225-1] 4. Visiting staff did a good job in keeping ,the visitors segregated from the incident, maintaining their safety and security and keeping them Lipdated on information on what was taking place and when the vil;litors would be able to de art the ·sland. ' ' , \'/2.I Date , Deputy Secretary/Desjgne ('D ~_'" ----:--- Date Th~ contents of this document may be eligible for public disclosure. Social Security N'umbers are consid~red confidential information and will be redacted in the event of such a request. This form is governed by Executive Orde'r 00-03, RCW 42.56, and RCW 40.14. Distribution: ORIGINAL-Risk Management Department COPY-Appointing Authority, Assistant Secretaryllnitiator I I DOC 18-022 (Rev 11/04/08) 9 DOC400.110 [4-4225-1J STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Date of Incident: CRITICAL I"NClDENT REVIEW CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CIR Number: 17308P 12-29-2008 Location of Incident: MICC Division/Department: DOC MICC Brief Description of Incident: Escape Offender Name: Dravis, Donald A. Jr. Date of Action Plan: 12-30-2008 Team Members: Murphy, Flynn; ~ratten, Pershan, Offender Number: 943530 Plan Completed By: Capt. David T. Flynn Plan Reviewed/Approved By: Associate Supt. Sean Murphy Date Final & Sent to Risk Management: ~ .. .. ~n action plan has been developed as a result of a completed Critical Incident Review, The issues listed below have been identified as requiring .' . 'litional follow-up or actions. ~ 1. Review m!3thods to process of External Traf1soprts - out of G-Unit. . This review will reinforce the fa"cilities perimeter access and egress points to deter the possibility of a reoccurrence of the escape David Flynn ASSIGNED COMPLETION DATE Jan 29. 2. Rev.jew the process of release at Control. What are the Gate Card, Documentation, iD Checks that are ill place. Kenneth Bratten Jan 29 Jan 8 David Flynn Jan 29 Jan 5 Jim McGinnis Jan 29· Feb 4 ITEM 3. ASSIGNEDTO DESCRIPTION/TASK This process will strengthen the facilities perimeter access and egress points to deter the possibilitv of a reoccurrence of the escape Evaluation of sign in and sign out sheets for visitors, guests, and volunteers COMPLETION DATE· Jan 5 . Increase l.ighting ali Sally· Port of front gate. r. . Improve the tower officers vision of the perimeter access. and egress 5. Increase lighting 01'1 Towers. Jim McGinnis , Jan 29 ; Improve the tower officers vision of the perimeter access and egress 6. Unassigned all involved staff for an investigation to be completed. , .. Pop lock at doors of MC Gatehouse. Staff Door Visiting doors Secure pop door at Visiting Room . DOC 1~-024(Rev. 11/04/08) Jan 8 Investigations Pending Jan 29 Jan 12 initial installation initiated ,. J!Jst cause investigations.initiated for responsible staff. 7. Ken Bratten David Flynn .. DOC 400.110 Critical Incident ReView Correcllve Action Plan Page "I ~-,. Camera at Gate for Tower to see individuals moving FR submitted to Earl Wright Jan 29 Jan 9. Seal) Murphy Jan 29 Jan 8 10. Reduce the amount of offenders in the gatehouse area. This reduction will simplify the process for offender access and egress. New process eliminates unr~strained offenders. with a custody level of MI3 or Med into the gatehouse. Use pedestrian gate for. foot traffic and vehicle gate for vehicles only David.Flynn Jan 29 Jan 8 11. All stem movement goes through the pedestrian gate only. Gatehouse'officers h~ve . permanent communication via steno phonefrom the tower to the gatehouse. Additionally. c!urinQ larQe shift chanqe times, the shift sergeant assists in pedestrian identification. Eliminate foot traffic through the Rear Gate. David Flynn· .Jan 29 Evaluated and will not be completed Jan 29 Jan 9 David Flynn and Dan Fitzpatrick 8. Review supervision of porters for visit program. 9. Reduce the amount of offenders in the gatehouse area. This reduotion will simplify the process for offender acce~s and egress. New process eliminates unrestrained offenders with a custody level of MI3 or Med into the Qatehouse. Review movement of porters to Gatehouse and Admin Bldg. '. "- , 12. 13. 14. ,~. 16.- ElIminate any/all work crew processing through the Me Gatehouse: Reduce the amount of . D.avid Flynn, offenders in the gatehouse area. This reduction will simplify the process for offender access " and egress. New pr!?cess eliminates unrestrained offenders with a custody level of MI3 or Med into the aatehouse. MI2 only Seari Murphy Draft an all Staff memo communicating changes Staff have been informed of the new changes in writing. Additionally the post orders reflect the new changes. Jan 29 Jan 9 Jan 29 Jan 9 Jan 6 Memo to staff· about identification by viewing ID's Staff have been informed in writing of their requirement to checklD's Dav:id Flynn Install Signs indicating everyone must have ID :viSible at alltimes. Jim McGinnis Jan 29 Training to all staff"about Escape Response Procedures- Arrest, search, 'seizure, weapons requirements . Rand Palmer Jan 29 : 17 ..... ..... ." Training to all R&M and Medical staff abou't the use of video tapes -One time only- Staff will not re-record over any.incidents All staff memo DOC 18-024 (Rev. 11/04/08) DOC 400.110 Ken Bratten Jan 29 .3 month training scheduled being developed Completed .. Jan 28 Critical Incident Review Corrective Action Plan Page 2 ", 18. 'Transport training for all inmates outside ofthe facility perimeter- All <?ffenders must have on leg restraints until they get to the boat. Then immediately on "the, other side on the dock they will be place back on. David Flynn Jan 29 Schedule for implementati, on for Feb 19. ' Process change for the issuance of volunteer badges. They will be issued at the Dock David Flynn Felice Newcomb Jali'29 Jan 9 Sean Murphy Jan 29 Scheduled for Jan 13 Meet with Steilacoom and State Patrol to up9ate MO\.), Current MOU is active, but it is tim'e 'for the yearly r e v i e w ' . ' , , Sean Murphy Jan 29 ' Jan 13 Update Post' orders for GatehoLlse, Tower 3, and Control David Flynn Kenneth Bratten Sean Murphy '15. Letter sent to volunteers requesting that they show up sooner. 2O, 21 .. r 23 Review the impacts of the bus schedule with the changes reql;le~ted, 'Memorandum to Island Residents restricting access to the facility for all Non-DOC Island Residents. Jan 29 Rand Palmer Training on Esc<?rt a,nd Use of Force for s,upervisors and managers, Dan Davis 0.11 going for, all posts. , David Flynn ' Sean Murphy Past.practice was to allow'island residents into the gatehouse to 'pick up their mail. Process discontinued . Memo to all staff temindi~g of the Steam Whistle for eSGapes " 24 .. Jan 29 Jan 9 Jan 29 Jan 12 , ' , , Feb 28 " Physical Plant concerns with Tower 3's windows Will submit requests for the installation of new window in the tower. Order a new bull hOff) for tower 3 , Jim McGinnis Feb 28 David Flynn Feb 15 Feb 4 Dan Davis 'Kenneth Bratten ERC Committee Feb 28 Ongoing David Flynn Sean Murphy R~nd Palmer March 1 Current OM is upto date. Will ~Ipdate at annual, review - " ' " Create muster cards designed t6 prepare staff for reqUired response of a situation. ~his includes a plan to implement functional exercises for the facility. ERG will develop a back to basics plan to 'deal with issues surrounding Detection, Notification, Isolation, containment as it relates to escape apprehension. Update MICC OM for escape response DOC 18-024 (Rev. 11/0~l/0'8) DOC 400.110 Critical Incident Review Corrective Action Plan PaQe 3 ~an Update of staff and offender photos institution wide I Constraints/C.oncerns: Fitzpatrick Jan 15 Jan 15 Budget issues warrant some concern on the physical plant issues. The contents of this document may be eligible for pUbllc dis·closure. Social Security Numbers are co'nsldered confidential iJiformation and will be redacted in the event of such a request. This form is governed by Executive Order 00-03, RCW 42.56, arid RCW 40.14. Dist.ribution: ORIGINAL-R'isk Management Department COPY.Appoinllng Authority. Assistant secretary/initiator -. DOC 18-024 (Rev. 11/04/08) DOC 400.110 Critical Incident Review Corrective Action Plan Page 4