Wright Petition Attachments Bcde 2003
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ATTACHMENTB UNITED STATES p:STRICr COURT rOR ~Hi D~STRIC= OF COLUMBIA • --------MARTHA WRIGH'!. e c a1. P1.aintif!s, Civil Accioll v. No. 00-293 r.O~~!ONS CORTCP~TION A..'BRICk.... ~ a1., et. :-~is FILED (GKl Of AUG 2 ~ 2~Dl rr.at.ter i.s be:cre che COUI'!. en the ~-tc:i-:.r.s tG D!.S:r.':"5S !=la:':::';":!s' JE;fenda::.: C:)I::-:: ::io::$ C~r~·ol:at ior:. 0: Arner iea \ "':CA" ~ . I. !!AC'ltGRCUND ra~es a~d t~r:..!; ll!"isi::; f:-c~ the 10:19 dist:a:-.ce te:et:'h~!"".e se!',.':.ce Tr.e ·::'.:::'t s!.~::e!"el!· apt==e-:;.ate£ :he l:'l:.:;.~a.~~·;e and :. :-:..:n.,;ghc !"..l: .: 0::::' ii:ut io:: ':: ror:-. .:(';:::: E. Er.S les. :.c-s;u: r A5S~'C i3:e C.·e::~=5: =o~nse:. ;'~de=al C:::r.-.mU:1! =02 t io::,S COTTm..:.ss icr.. d!.!!" lng ':h~ tI.lJt '!.c·r-.s Hea r l::3 . ~ay Plai::,cl.ffs be clvi:ie-: i..:r:: :;"'0 9!'.ouPS: (1) :.::mates .:.. . : ani:.ly ,r.'=:Tbers . ." ! re~ipients cf i!'1!!".at.~ ::al:s. and faCl~:::'e9 to :~a~ faci2i~y'E !n=ar~e=a:ed inma~E9: in re~ur~, C~ ~eceives a commission The excl'.. sive dec.ling te:-:pho:-.e ~s t.~rcugh con":~'a:;ts a co::ec: ca:l·only !eat-.;re. wh:.c:: :::herses tht! In:nat;s can:1ot !"E·:ei·...e cal:! f!"cn :n,:-:s.i:ie :~e :c::::li:y. a:1C !:£:;'ther :r.mot.eSl ~OT !e=ip:.e~,:s ,j~ ~:~A 1.5 a ~r;.~:ate for-p::::::.: :;·:"!'I=.:>ra::"c·:1 "th~::h o?e:.·aCE3 e:.s:-::.y p~:Ec·r:s .=tat.e a.:1C :3:.1; .;.r. a:::t !;::;a: :..r:5":i:utlO:-.~ Ce:1':~:- t:-te .: tw·e~:.y-=:.x. ho~sing eel,. ?ri~::!'.e~s: ._- .. . . --····1 D.C. :,cr::-a::ce !\'ort. . . . ~as:. • sta:es ~C'·le=:1ne::.:s. .--., f :~eN :)1.:'=S~a.;1:' Cer.t:-al. ~'2X~CO. a:-::i :.;'1 a9!.e=~en::s Tid::.!:' c;:e~a.t.e9 ~cu:· A~i'Z='=-~·3 C~te:-.:ic:l ~:-.d =W;I,s Ceter..t;.:.;: Dis:!"ic: of :e:::e=i C~lcl":"':::':'4 reft:r.dar.~ :elep:.one c::-r:-,pa::ies are =>.~e~clji.1 Inc. : '\Ev~[=om··l . a:-.d Te~eS1"ap~ :cmpc.·.:, {"AT;'!"": ~cr:cc:)!t C::'"':'.r\U:1.i ::c.t; ~:·:a: : ... _. :. "M·::", , ?:'oneer :-elepho~.e CCl'po:-a:;. ve ~\'?:c:l~e!"" ar.': ,::c:-al ':'e:ec=~:'\iJ.!'".. i=~:icr..s :'l~:t ('\:1::=5.: Tel :..ink") . Ame:-i::..:-:, • P!.a-.:::::f::; al:~ge, :~= exa:"':F~!! =aii. a ?!a1~t~~f ~~$t pay ~~ ~hen $.!S ;er ~~~ute tte=ea~:~r. diita~:~ a~d T~:e:;r.~nE I t:iat :0::i~~~i3~ 3. :--:':: t:'I;,ical surcna:ge or :C:1g· 54.00. !:ut",ate :a1.1& ;;er.nittec to use c:.her :ong-d=.star.ce ~!'"e ca=!":.~rs c:' • i~ltia:ed calla. s a~lege Pla.:n:if!s tt:ac :~ese exclus:.v€ 'ieal:.r.g ':C:-a::-~C~S ha .... e ! :tT::' ~y :--:embe!"'s 2:r.d cC'..!r.se:. t~~se c~n~ra~~s. cover: ':19 a:a ::~~ =o~~ : r:.vo 1 ved i!'! prov icing p:'lone sE:!"Vice ?ri~aril: :~sign~= rat-ea anc :'lg:t Ccf~ndar.t8 tc en:ich :c::::niss~cn fees; a~ (:~rou9h the eXFense c: _..I irr..ateE, the infla:ed th'! !'"ecipi.e!1:s :~ jnmia:e ·:a::'s. la..,l'. ~ r::i:t" e.'{e.::!Fle, ?~al:1tif:s a~:ege :hat t~1ey Gre p:-c::i::ir:::ed fr:rr~ \;'sir.g calli:1g :-=a:u:-es st.:c~ as cl,:·e.:-t. aciia: d1a: a:-::..::::::!, a::.d : ..;::: .. I -;= IJ;-'.i:::r. \o.'c:~:d :-~$:.;l:. in r=t~.!! c.::ns!-jer-a~:y =~eap'!:r t~"".-1.r. :hoe ':::l::==: =3.J.:-oor.:/ :-a:es ,.,c:.r.da::~-:! l:::l t!1e cx::'·.s!'\'e :!'2.a!~~5 ~cn:r:l';:!I. ;.e~ ?:'S.' 0;p':-, !.': Li c::;:~~:. ~f\ 9-~5, ,~ ':;~~-t:., ;!. .. 7,. 7h-e"l alit: ~:lege t!"-.at :::eb.;. card!: a=~ r~:..t. i=<e=~:.~ted ir.. ~.oS':. C!)L!.E:C:-, a:l '1. C;A !~~l!:t:ies. e,,'oer: tI:.ou;h de:':.: ·::ar'::s are ~-e:;'.,;.:'a!!.::lJ ',;sed· ~n F-r:sons ,j~·e:·~,:p:~ by t~e :!ceral E'J:-eau of P=ise·:ts. £'!e P!s. (!p~ r:1. !x. A {":ec~=~l 3\.:rea'J of Priso:-.s Me:-:v::ran=l.... ri..,) I 3 .. _-_ A relh~:. of :he .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.. :·~~r13:..:l: _--_ - - - - - - - - - - .. . sh:uld :'.:: De c,:,sr.";:ssed !cr !!"i:'..:.re t~ S~4:e a " :::orr.pla~::: :n'Jst :,e ;;:resuor.ed to be true and !ibera::y III. :C:SC'C1SSZ0Jl: :r,f: ,~er:'I:S c: ::,:8 case.' );.meng other things. they -..Irge tha: :he ref~~da~t~ ~:oba!. AT&~, a..,C: P~cne"r assert :ha: ~::I'; s11~·.:.lQ =e ~i~:nissed for l!lci< 0: pe=so;:al : l.!ris:i.:.ctlofu :eir;:;da":",::. A~5e-: l:SC ass€r:s -=:.Clt the ;,c::()r. si;c.uld !)e di!'lrrissed !lg.1i~a!.: :t fer iad.:.l..re :~ joi!'> 3r.. :~dia?ensable p3r~y. (:'~~:a:':.-.~ 4 . ' si:u~:iC:"l:9 ",·:-.e:e a ::;:-:.sd~cti:-·:t O'ler has CO'.J:::-t We5te=~ See 55. c.; j·.!!':s~':c:icn co :eta:.:: disad~an:aged. ~~. 507 :~ ~.S. No :-igid t~ Referra: ::956:. or: dis~iss . ~he ~ t~e a ::la!.::"'. ::- ::ase !:iut F3C::ic R.R. :c .. 352 ase!1=:~ adr..in!s:.=-ati ve ':'ce.s ::':: un~.airly :he pa=ties would r-.=:: :,e case w!~~out pre~~~!c~. ~.S. Reit~::- v. 258. 268 (1952). f~=.ula e;xisu fer a;lply::'r.g the dcc~:-ir.e c! p:-~lf.a:y, ju:-is:iice::':::l. tr.e a~d a;ivan~a;:s .. ~r ~ 0: allo\J,.'ing a:-. age::::y :::: apply its expart a. C~rnmu~ication' f:lr S~rv:ce. bss;;pation. !n ... , %5 F.2d ld. -!\t v. l~:B Exc!:ance :n.':. Ci:-. 1392). '';3.+:-1 ~'= !xpen; j:.:d;;men: 1l2C. ~,.,- ...... :'2 ... A. j~d~ent Ad.,an~.ge. P~a:::::ffs' cl3.:"7:.3 are be:s": of Agency Ex;>ertille 5 . --.----_._--------------- ·--.~ ... --~ .... --~ ... a:e • ::a.:es. u.s.c. :!",Jst See ~.c~, !!1C". V. t".s" 325 : :-"..lrir.g t!"i.e to:ctic;:s li~ar.:.n9. tl:e ,:C~=~ as;'.ed ;':a.:r.t!.f:5' c-:-·J.nsel :~ ~:c·p:;se a. r€~dy t:ha~ ~1cl.,;~d =e,:i!'es~ -:he i:-<~r:..=; 1.n t::.!.~ caSl!. ieg ';~9·...i.s~ 5 t 2C~: ,~c"::.c::s :ie3r::.r.:; :-rans.c~:.;: ~":.lO:':lC'!':.! =.: Hea~i:'1; Tr."') at 7.4!17~2E::i. !'he !n.!.~tll.~)~ ,::c"..:::1se! .. t..I a~:::.c\.!:a:e !l rerr;!cy ':hat. :r.:.s :"o\.:.:;c :-::c..:!d e!"~te~ de::".c:':s':r!.:es ,:!':.e -:t\~l-!!xit:c" cf ':he ~ssUo!.i in-,r:;"J'e:o !.nd :ne :1'!ec !c= :-:: ,;',,!!.e.anr:e. -::t'~ he',,- bes: t~ reso:v~ :i19 ma::'!r. • or :c,r:.t.r~r:~ ~·:?cen~ ~lai'("J':i:f.e· =~:r:ter:t:o:1. ~he ;~-::r!d:::~nt ;~-£. v, FTC. 20~ ~O;;3 ::0: a:!ec:: :!;.e ~c,:·s ju:::,s":.ict..!on ~£:::is.l::;n ::,:'-. 11.:':";,. :'~::s ::f roo :r. ~C': -::-.'!: !J.e. C:rc',,::':'g F'.::: '750 i!:i.C. ::: ::'e=~:ate :::-:I! :o:-~3 .. :i:.!,:a.r.c!t ~a=:!!r' O.C. ~irc"':l.t :i-=:::u;ier:. ;=ch!~:ted :~e ~~:i~; ~: :ariffs ;~r lc~;-d~$~a~ce c~r~ler!f ~~t !~ !'\: ~~:~:e:! ,:i"'.~ FCC" I s:.a':olto:-y ~',;~r t:o e:-.st.:::e t!:a.t ::h.e rates. e! c:.b.cae ~.a::=lr.:::; ~=e reas:'>nac~e !.:-.d ::.::;n-:h.scrlr;~!". atcry. S'!@ ~:~t:'C'::.s Wi;· Hear~~~ =~. ac ~:9-2C: 1:::~12. s.. cor.:L 5~rvi=e. i:--.:::'..::i:.:-.g cor:rec,::,cl~al cc~!.:':'n:.1~s t!;,: to ,::'::,s.l.:ier the" t~at;,.; Qf $;,:1=4 F.e.C. b!l:eo !:o~ice R:d. pa:t~ ;274 1es~.;,~ Q~ ~a.r;v ~;.llerna;'dn9, (-=el~ £~ Jt.:n~ ~t:ket ~C!ecjlni=19 1996) :he priscr. coctexc ::>ef. A7&T' :~ = M;:,t. S~c~r.d Report end Order, CC Oc=ke~ ,:~e::efo:::·.: !'-.as ;t::..ready deve:O~£od '_r.c.e:.'j.;f:'::'9 :.e:ephcne Econom.;.ca-~ f:~!ic:ices :.he :;.eces~ar! tcchno~cs:n,~. a:1d rll::;;?S,. an~ ::h'! S\?' ;n Nc .. S:!-7? t ':!) fo~ re~..;ire s.~~~~ty to :;:'ism.;:.ss); :r; ;hl Cll;'lg~ 13 F.C.C. No. 92-71 ire!. Jana bench!!"." r kll :0 'Or.. ~he CC of "811:(100 Part-,' fre:eren;;e rcr :r.teb!a.:i 0- Red 6:22, iti p. ;a114. For !=1:=,ll;a of Prcpoeed rr~fe~er.ee s~y; . . . .:.C'e irE.ate ca.lling s~r.~::':~s. ?r=!er-r,ce reascn;i: ~.\t:tac:-.ed as ~x. 18 t'J ~a;,:er :.e:ep:-_on~ of ir:.r."\6t't !nc.$ed, t:te F:C h.:as co:,.. s;':lerec a:lo :.::s:i~w:,:,o:'lo.~:. Sec::nd Further :1 ~\:;,e prc".~::'sion or ::ate s:;>e:ial:ted s-xr,e::"Z.:'se !:l:e te:ephon,e feas:.h111~Y ;";'ldUS:.=y';3 c! .a.lce:"'::'H!ti-.;e t:hc'ne $j",s:e"!':s !.:"Ult p::oV'!.de adequate S~C\!:,:.,:y r:"Ieas"..::res. :~:..::ci. t~~e TCC r.as :~e expli=it 8 $tati.!~ory authc::.ti~ to ~~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...- - - .... -.~.- ....- - - ... - - - ....- - - - ... - ..- - • ac:icr.,. 10 the Mata: of Reclass~;ica:icn l~ F.~.C. the :he D;.V Con:pensltion this caae- the reaacnacleness l-Se: calls, or dire:::t • :-he. F::-: has ::or.:.e~:s ·:i~tertr'.:"ni!:j ::ta': :"!"'.!"'..l.':e 0: r .. !e;h;mc of "hID , tUI Red. 706S ~~e~jings i~ oet2t cards, !"'t:leJrent;at~Q' exe-:~ige1 t;,:,s 0: :nrr~te :e:erh;ne :Ual serv:C'iSS . !iL:t~O::-lt~l !!"! ana ::.g~'.ls. ~.:::l'" :::r se'J'eral. c\!caa!cns, Fo:' exi,!""'':; ... 'ti. ::ll! AT&.":" s prac';;.ice of ;:,vl~ii v::::-..;;r.e -;isco'.!!"'.,:;s s.!.:.~le ::ust!)'rl!::! ~'::o have !.):ge ='=·'r...~;J..'1i~a::.cns :-~.ee::!s t:u! rl.:;,t: ;:,::up :Jf Cus:.=rners who t'!'.is~t pe able :'c ?QCl ::he:.r t:~~cs ?::-::.!-l:'l:itf!cL S,e M::·tic:'l8 Hea::=..:li :'=. a: 2:-: 2-1~, ,I FC~ .. _ ~c !i ~'3.S .. o! ?r~s.,ners Friends t:!-.e • ~a:es ha~~·e already re!2~red S\.!C:l :ha!le:".ges ':0 Se~ dCt:t.rine c-f pr:;r.ary jurisdict:ion. In ra~es;. £ll.:...d i;'t A t~e Fe.: -9 .• t.rsbe:r-y :ietermi~i:lg V. :.~e I: :;;,;-qis. fairness pe.;t go ;:th:: srcJ"';is, Ars:;..;rry ..... :1" ir..;;s~ 244 fer =.1: the r \.'-the ::cre '..:.nder =~sc: "6 ~ S::'..l€S ::' ":'hf! U:i::.ty :c~sume=s' .~ct:..:n Ne:. ....cr~ ;"C'-:J'\.o~', also :l.l~c ::ornme:-:.ts in ~,he FCC's proceedlr:s anj 3dv:5~d tr.e F':C ti:at .:.t ";:;::e:-.::ly ur.der:':;·:Jjc a ceta:':~d SlX r:tor.:.r:. lr~Ve5tig3.:i:-n L~:: ::-.e c:.l;:;lg c:r3::::.ces o! c:::l:lec: calls t!:,st ':l=igi:-,a:~ fret': ::::!.'!':!:'ct::'-::-.a: fa:.il:!.::es. '"';:.A...'l se'.:ks ~o 3h~=~ "::'9 ::"::0:':-193 ~':''':,:.~ c'::e [FCC} anc t.c ed';.:at':! 'tne :~::: staff a9 to pa=a;:ic'.lr.t. :,sS'Jes a:. =r:a:~e i:'. tr.:.s ?:.:·-:eed:'ng,· cc :>c.~ite:. Nc. :~! !je!s.' 9€·:i.29 ?e~:y. ·:f:l~::: Ex 7 i"Cper.in; ':une 21, 19-;:;)'. 10 C'ol'!"mer:~s =.! "J:J.t:'." • II. U:l~fonnity t:!:a: apF·l"i =0 ::,:!lect ::alls made ';)'f inrr.e.tes. 47 :I.S.C. expla!.::.ed en ~~e ra~e3 a~d te~.$ !!. =is.~ a::ove. pa~ties As t::a:. ar..y jc:.::Eng c: de~:si=n tr.~!ie ::,~':ter=. ref=eSe:lti:lg inr..ates JE:~~cian:s' ~ 2C3 ~a; . are prese;-.:l:, arrange~ent~ 'folo'w!:-: be ::lCC:":..Slster.t wi:h t.he decis:'c:ls SeE Je:E.· ?eFly, Ex. S ·,C'.etcher ';06, 2::'10 CO~I: obse:-·ies th3:' ':)';.her non-~~ ~rison :a~l:it:ies haole di:~ercr..: :a:llng .:.rr;:ige~~r::$ tr.,at pro~/:d~ :~r hotI-. l:·'l:er r!:!.:-e5 a:-~d. ~deq1..a":e sec-"::-lty :..-=as"":'::-1i!9, See e. ~" ~is.' ':fP·:n .• ~x. -. r... F~ceral ~·.!rea'.l of ?::-iS~:l Me:nc"; ;::ha!'ge :'::>r de!:i: ..:a:"C5 ir.. ?'ede::-al 2u:"eau :f :risc'::'s !s S.!5 ~cr rr..i:1uce,\. The Court exp~·.:ts ;: 7be "..!s£d snd ?:".::icipates that :he ?C: ·.... ill exa:;:ine -=his clspa=ity in :he =~~r~e ~f i~s ~=~senc ?roc~e~!~g. 1\ ~.~corC::.:-:s~i" :n !avor ~! ~ t::e Ccurt cC!"lcL"::Jes ·t:h3t u::i :orrn: -:'1' .:c::cc.:-ns C'cur.se! F:C referra:~ CC~8tituticna! • Issues -= geek :':.c,:::- .:ne -" :..lrlSc.:.c:. i. or. =~:-.~t: co;:) i"C '.JC i ,:,~.al ~"bsc:·...::e e":en a te:ephone argt.:ins t.t:~ t s :ho".J.j,d ~c= has the':"::- ::·e reec·:ved :~9·..11a~·~rj· :::cnt~xt ';9:4:-S~:5. ~ast.. ~ Second. all cf P:a:ntif:s' bott', ins iCE .......... C-"_'" ~h .. s };y "i~::ial cons~it~~ic~a: ir. the :-a;.se.£ ~:..:.r;'s:j':'ction. isst.:e :nay '.... arrant an cor.s:dered ;.:r:a::e~;e ~~a~ !:ar tc i:\voki':"'.9 pri:nal'il' '.:~~st:t"..!~ion31 the at .:..s:s~e by aoc ~akeM ~ssues Hot.:'o:-.S by the Heari:-;,~ cor.sci:uti~nal CI.!t s:'de t~e ':"n 5im:.lar Tr. clai~ ::~:.son faci::..:ies. ·.:::'arge, an.:' i ! ?rih:ar~i ::.1:-:sdic:ian of the ex~c::y t~.e :i-pe c: --- an:: t' ,_,,- =!.alri: t !"la, fa~:Sf s:ate r=Sl.::a-::r-::. wi '::-.:.:: s~!' ". :h~ ~., ~ 11 --------,-------------------- • "The FCC'S :;.~ cla!~, Fel eX3:"",p~et ?:a!ntiffs in o:-ce!; to p:revai:' first O~ thei~ F~=s~ ce~onstrace that j;f!".enciment ex~lus:ve b~twee.-:;. >-~e!"'...da:lts ,!,~9'';':t, :":l ~a':.es which are 110 ex,:rbicant that reaso!'lab:e acce!<s :0 ;t:e ~ele;;:t:cne is :ie~iee. ~ J9h1j';m "I, c:,:ifo"';»ia, 20"': r .3d l!SO; 656 \3;:!" ::..:. 20G~;· (=:stes :'lC~ "s:> exc,rb:.'::a!"!t d to de:'1Y ;laintj,:f pbon;: access!; St~&~dr,.c v. >i~y He:foa, 791 F.2d i~4# 7~' (9: A :ir. l~BS! (as l:::H:S as 1 irr.i ~a~i~r:3 O-:'l phcne acceSA are !"c:asona~le, t~er-:! is' ':'::l d~alir.S9 CC':'lt:-a,C~3 ~ust ch~ en':e:red in:Q 0: ?i-rst ,~:m~r...:itr.e::':.t. "tlo::'aC::'on)j W~shi;;ctor; v. (:.enQ, 3: :.~:i lC;:;~t 1:';~ .6t:: :!:-. 1':1S4) \i!".rr.~t:e has ::..: ::!.9ht ~o '..!n.i.imicco ~e:"!F:;cr:.e \:s-! and :ele?!:c::'le ,;::.::ess ~s s1.:."JeC':' to ::"b.tlonal l:.n'::'ta-:.;'cr'!s ir. ~~:::'!' ~f s~ct.:::-:ti~ i~ttrt's:.: != F!ai:;tt~;s wer"!! t:o :.ake such a ;:-lo·,dr.:g 1 :h!9 :r.$.:,,"~ hs;~s. to eva:uste whet: ..... e:- :.he: ct..:-::rer:: arr!\n,;er:-,an.:. Cou!"t w~u1d rl!$'.Jlt:'r:.g In ~he: ='\:'Cde'!'li;~; o! phor:1! a.C-:~SI i9 reasonably :e:a!':':~c :0 a legi:;:.-na!:e ?e-!':~l">iica! in:trest. ~ '!\;;':ter "'/. SAflev, ",02 t,T.:::. 75 ~1~5'!. The F:: ~as ,::c::s~~ered and c::ntir:t;.es '=0 ·:or.sid.;r :actt:al .:.ss~es· zea:-i:-.S "'n :~!.S gt:.esticr.. , suer. ~s ttle costs aS$j':i.;,tec w~th se::"'.f:'t'.s it"lr.ate fil=_l.lt:lis. the lEV'e: o! bad deb: aS5:,cla:.e: \lji~h :.r:~..i~e pa:·F:':~'r.e se:-vice Fro""tl~e="9. !actcrs prch;.:>i r. ing ;.!"'.e '..i..ee cf ~:::b!:: ::.11-:--::'5. hi _::. ~~ ::'::e ::'..!~~en ~::~icn~. C':'l r~te~;::ayl!ret and t:}-Ie -:-!:lsi.:::::'=y o~ :,:~~!!r .' Afe!!!' the FCC :loes so, :c the ex:e::" :111::' c!:l::' :he a:aency' S ex;:,~rt findings ir. ad:lresslng them. $tates/ EllIS: zoe:jt:ir: 1:9 u.s, the exer::ise of adm.:.ni stratlve discre:! =!l. Therefo:::-e. :.n 9r~se~ted 342 by Yi~w Fla:~~lff$' of t::'e fac~ cla~~&. IJ age:'lcies that tr.e Court 'dc'.;ld bene!it IV. C;:!NCl.!1SION ". ':nady9 Kess: ~ Jni:ed 5:~te~Jtis:=ict J~d3e :! .... as :!":e c;:·::.::: stay:ng :~~ =ase ~r ~:sm~5s~~; i: ~:t~~~: :i.3ce:-n.s !'".:' :=rej".!di=--= t::- t::e ;:?r,;:'~s 1:": ATTACHMENT C UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MARTHA WRIGHT, et al. Plaintiffs, v. Civil Action .I No. 00-293 (GK) CORRECTIONS CORPORATION OP FILED AMERICA, et al., Defendants. AUG 2 2 2001 NANCY MAYER WHITIlNG10N, CLERK o US DISTRICT COURT R D Iii R This matter is before the Court on the Motions to Dismiss Plaintiffs' Defendant Complaint Corrections co~sideration by Defendant Corporation of the motions, of telephone America oppositions, companies ("CCAN). replies, and Upon the Motions Hearing held on August 9, 200!, and the entire record herein, for the reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum Opinion, it is hereby ORDERED, that the Motions to Dismiss the Con-plaint under the doctrine of primary Jurisdict:on are granted; it is further ORDERED, that this case is diB~Bsed without prejudice; it is further ORDERED, that parties are directed to file the appropriate pleadings with the FCC to ens~re lawsuit are presented to the FCC. that the issues raised in this G'~~~. a~,P; ~1J1I j Gladys Kess . r • United States District Judge Date COPIES TO: Marie-Ann Sennett D.C. Prisoners' Legal Services Project 1400 20 th Street, NW Suite 117 Washington, D.C. 20036 Frank R. Volpe Sidley & Austin 1722 Eye Street. NW Washington, D.C. 20006 I 17 - ---_._----,----_. ------------- , ATTACHMENT D r UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA . ) ) ) MARTHA WRlGHT el 01., Plaintiffs, l CORRECTIONS CORPORATION OF AMERlCA el al.. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) v. ,/ -' DefendCJnts Civil Action No.: 1:OOCV00293 (GK) fiLED NOV 5 ZOOI 1lANt:Y MAYfR WHlT1IHGION, CIBlI' u.s. DISTRICT COURT ORDER This matter comes before the Court on Plaintiffs' Motion to Reconsider the Court's decision dismissing this case with prejudice. Upon consideration of the Motion, it is by the Court on th~ay of ,N~¥ri~OOI' hereby ORDERED, that the Motion be, and hereby is, GRANTED. The Court stays this aclion and requests tlutthe paf1ies file a report with the Court on !t{J (; .:;7c:"t: 1-- informing the Court oflhe status of proceedings before the Federal Communications Commission. .' -_. __ - _-,-_._------------------... .. • Copies To: Marie-Ann Sennett (D.C. Bar No.'462200) Eric R. Lotke (D.C. Bar No. 446706 ) D.C. PRISONERS' LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT 1400 20th Street. N. W., Suite 117 Washington. DC 20036 (202) 775-0323 Local Counsel for Plaintiffs FranJc R. Volpe, Esq Sidely" Austin 1722 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 (202) 736-8366 Accepting Coun Orders on behalf of Defendants 2 - - - - - - - - _... _ - _.... - ATTACHMENT E --.~ ..- Public Correctional Policy on Inmate/Juvenile Offender Access to Telephones Policy Stlltement: Recognizing that \here is no constitutional right for inmates/juvenile offenders to ha....e ac,.~ss to telephones. nonetheless consistent v,ith the requirements of sound conectional management, inmates/juvenile offenders should have access to a range of reasonably priced telecommunications services. Correctional agencies should ensure that: A Contracts invo}vinglelecommunications services for inmatesljuvenile offenders comply with all applicable SUIte and federal regulations; B. Conaacts are based on rates and surcharges that arc comrnensUlllte \\ilb those charged to the genenll public for like semces. AIiy deviation from ordinary consumer rates should reflect actual costs associated with the prOvision of seme<>s in a correctional sening; and C. Contracts for inmate/juvenile Qffender te!':communications services provide the broadest range of calling options determined to be consistent with the requirements of sound correctional manaiement. Thi$ Public Corrt'Ctional Policy 1III-J,S unanimously OI.uLt:d by me Amcric3!l Con;ctional N::Ioc:iation Dc!~g1teAssembl)' ilt dlC Wimer Conferonce in Nash,ille. DI .. ]:m. 24.2001. P-24