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Activists Labeled "Security Threat"

Being labeled as a "Security Threat Group" (gang) means anyone that is organizing and whose actions are considered disruptive to the prison system. For the most part the state [OH] is not focusing on real gangs, but rather focusing on prison activists and jailhouse lawyers. Every activist and jailhouse lawyer I know has been labeled as a Security Threat Group (STG). So basically its focus is to repress the movement struggling for prisoners rights and prison reform.

In my case I was helping to organize a letter writing campaign to state legislators in opposition to Ohios super max prison. The Rules Infraction Board here determined that my activities were "organized" and "disrupted" the legislators! That was it.

In speaking with the Gang Coordinator here, I was told that gang activity (SGT ) includes anything prison officials deem to be a problem for the Department of Corrections.

D.C., Lebanon,Ohio

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