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BOP Brutality Info Wanted

Kenneth Trentedue died at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City some time between 9:00 p.m. on August 20 and 3:00 in the morning of August 21, 1995. According to U.S. Department of Justice officials, Kenneth committed suicide. The Oklahoma State Medical Examiner, however, refuses to declare Kenneth's death a suicide. BOP officials refused to allow the Medical Examiner to examine the cell where Kenneth died. Paramedics called to the scene to collect the body were also not allowed to see the cell.

Since Kenneth's death, his surviving brother Jesse Trentedue, a Salt Lake City attorney, has been seeking an official inquiry into his brother's death. So far Amnesty International and an independent forensic investigator from Utah have investigated the incident. Both conclude that it was not a suicide. Overwhelming physical evidence indicates that Kenneth was beaten to death. Since he was in an isolation cell in the Federal Transfer Center's SHU, the only persons who had access and therefore could have been involved in Kenneth's death were BOP guards.

The case is currently under investigation by a Federal Grand Jury in Oklahoma City. According to Jesse Trentedue, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee will conduct hearings in March (or some time thereafter) to investigate Kenneth's death and a possible BOP and DOJ cover-up.

Any prisoners who were at the Federal Transfer Center, especially in the SHU, and who may have knowledge of the facts surrounding Kenneth's death are urged to contact the Chief Investigator below. Also, any prisoners who have experienced guard brutality at the Federal Transfer Center are urged to write. In order to establish a broader pattern of BOP brutality, prisoners who have been brutalized by BOP guards in any BOP facility are also encouraged to write. Send all pertinent information ASAP to: Mike Hubbard, Chief Investigator, U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, 2244 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510. Phone: (202) 224-5225; Fax: (202) 224-9102.

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