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Iowa Guards Fired for Beating Prisoner

Iowa Guards Fired For Beating Prisoner

On July 24, 2002, Sheriff David Armack fired five guards, including a supervisor, at the Woodward County Jail in Sioux City, Iowa, in response to a June 10, 2002, videotaped beating of a prisoner.

Stanley Munger, attorney for four of the five guards, identified them as Eric Davis, 22; Joe Ramirez, 26; Mike Sweum, 29; and Jason Bunch, 30. The fifth guard, who was also a supervisor, was not identified.

The 15 minute video, recorded by a jail camera, showed the guards repeatedly kicking, punching and slamming prisoner Benjamin Freenor's head into a counter while booking him.

Freenor's attorney, Glen Metcalf, is seeking restitution for his client. Metcalf is unsure if a lawsuit will be necessary but "Mr. Freenor deserves compensation for what happened to him," he said.

Criminal charges against the five guards are also being considered. Woodbury County Attorney Tom Mullin has asked the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation for assistance in the probe.

Source: The Des Moines Register

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