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New York Prisoner Awarded $650 for Excessive Confinement

On October 5, 2009, New York prisoner Valerie Gaiter was awarded $650 in a New York Claims Court as compensation for 65 days she was wrongfully confined following a disciplinary conviction. At her disciplinary hearing, the hearing officer refused to allow her to call witnesses prepared to testify on her behalf. She argued that had she been allowed to call her witnesses in her defense, as is her constitutional right, she would not have been convicted. Apparently the court agreed.

Although her conviction was later overturned for unidentified “procedural” errors, the court determined she was entitled to compensation in addition to the lost wages the State had already reimbursed her for. See: Gaiter v. N.Y. Ct. of Claims, No. 2009-029-060 claim no. 113429.

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Gaiter v. N.Y. Ct. of Claims