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Cop who Assaulted other Cop Ordered to Pay over $23K

A New York jury has ordered an Albany police officer to pay a former co-worker $23,384 in damages for emotional distress and lost time from work.

Shirley Morton sued Kevin McKenna, a traffic safety supervisor at the Albany Police Department, after McKenna twice pointed a loaded handgun at Morton’s head on January 8, 2008. McKenna was charged but acquitted of criminal menacing over the incident. An internal police investigation found that McKenna had engaged in conduct unbecoming of an officer, and improperly handled a firearm. He was suspended for 30 days.

Morton’s attorney, Mark D. Greenberg, said he did not feel that the jury’s “monetary award was consistent with what Ms. Morton went through.”

Morton had originally filed suit in federal court, which was dismissed, leading her to re-file her state claims in state court. See: Morton v. McKenna, Supreme Court for the County of Albany (NY), RJI No. 01-09-98819, Index No. 7659-09.

Source: The Albany Times Union

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