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Second BOP Guard Convicted In Assault-For-Hire

A second Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) guard involved with arranging the assault of a prisoner has been convicted of federal civil rights violations.

On July 8, 2010, Michael Kennedy was found guilty of violating the civil rights of Richard Delano, a former prisoner at the United States Penitentiary I in Coleman, Florida. Delano was killed in 2005 after his cellmate, John "Animal" McCullah, assaulted Delano in exchange for a pack of cigargettes that was provided by Kennedy.

Kennedy helped arrange the assault with McCullah after one of his co¬workers, Erin Sharma, was injured a month prior by Delano. Delano had allegedly grabbed Sharma's arm through the food trap in his cell door, bruising Sharma's arm.

Sharma and Kennedy conspired to make the assault happen, lying, for instance, to the shift lieutenant in order to get Delano moved in with McCullah.

Sharma was convicted in July of 2009 for violating Delano's civil rights. Sharma was sentenced to life in prison. Sharma is currently appealing her conviction and sentence.

McCullah, the assailant, has been transferred to the BOP's Supermax facility in Florence, Colorado. He has not been criminally charged for Delano's death.

Kennedy is currently awaiting sentencing.

Sources:;; Department of Justice

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