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PWA-RAG is a quarterly newsletter edited and published by prisoner James Magner. The title is an abbreviation for "Prisoners With AIDS-Rights Advocacy Group." Its primary purpose is to advocate for the rights of prisoners with AIDS, AIDS related Complex (ARC) and that are HIV positive. They offer educational materials on AIDS, pen pal referrals and lobbying of U.S. legislators to improve treatment and care of prisoners in American prisons. Starting with their June issue PWA-RAG should be available in Spanish and French as well as English.

The last copy of PWA-RAG is 30 pages long and filled with information on AIDS, it's effects on prisoners, health care in prisons, resources for prisoners and letters to the editor. PWA-RAG subsists on donations so send what you can afford to receive it. Write: PWA-RAG, P.O. Box 2161, Jonesboro, GA 30237.

JERICHO NEWSLETTER is a monthly newsletter published by prisoner Micheal Stephens, now in Arizona. The last issue is 5 pages long with articles on private prisons, letters to the editor, a poetry page and pen pal ads. For future editions Micheal is looking for writers to contribute to a legal news page and to a page for women prisoners. Subscription rates are $7.00 a year for prisoners, $10.00 a year for others. Write: Micheal Stephens, P.O. Box B-82951, Florence, AZ 85232.

JETSAM is a quarterly newsletter published by Idaho prisoner James Black. It's a personal journal with short stories and reviews. Available for a donation. Write to: James Black, #27721, P.O. Box 8288, Boise, ID 83707.

FACTSHEET FIVE is a bi-monthly publication that publishes reviews of magazines, videos, tapes and even software (yes, PLN is reviewed on a regular basis as well). Probably the best guide to the alternative press available. Free to prisoners, $23.00 for an 8 issue (1 year) subscription for others. Write: Factsheet Five, 6 Arizona Ave., Rensselaer, NY 12144-4502.

WALKIN' STEEL is "a newsletter devoted to the abolition of control unit prisons" published by the Committee to End the Marion Lockdown. Their premiere issue (it will be quarterly) has updates on the Federal Bureau of Prisons (B0P) plan to build it's new control unit prison in Florence, Colorado, to replace the infamous gulag at Marion, Illinois, an analysis of the reason behind the flourishing of control unit prisons, a petition to stop control unit prisons in Marion and anywhere else, suggested questions to send to your congressperson and the BOP about control unit prisons, and information on anti-control unit groups. CEML needs donations, articles, information from prisoners in control units in state and federal prisons and help distributing their newsletter. They also have other resources available such as videos, booklets, etc. For more information write: CEML, P.O. Box 578172, Chicago, IL 60657-8172.

CITIZENS FOR JUSTICE is a group in Bellingham, Washington that publishes a bi-monthly newsletter that covers cases of innocent people in prison as well as human and civil rights abuses in prison. To receive their newsletter, please send a donation to: Citizens For Justice, 2301 Henry St., Bellingham, WA 98225.

THE CALIFORNIA PRISONER is published by the Prisoner Rights Union on a bi-monthly basis. It is a comprehensive publication aimed primarily at California prisoners in that it covers legislative developments, judicial rulings, etc., that affect mainly California prisoners, but it also has regular columns on health in prison, support for wives and family members of prisoners, AIDS in prison, and many other topics that are general to all prisons across the U.S. The June 1991 issue is their 20th anniversary issue and charts the developments of the PRU in that time. The California Prisoner is free to California prisoners, $5.00 a year to out of state prisoners, and $20.00 a year for everyone else. The PRU also publishes an excellent "Resource Guide" for prisoners listing legal aid, judicial, self help and many other groups and organizations that may interest prisoners. The "Resource Guide" costs $5.00. Write: PRU, 1909 Sixth Ave., Sacramento, CA 95814.

THE ANTI-WARRIOR is a brand new "newsletter of military dissension and resistance." It is published by current and former soldiers and marines who resisted and opposed the gulf war. Many soldiers who resisted the war and who filed for conscientious objector status have been convicted of various charges and are now languishing in brigs and prisons. This newsletter updates their situation and has a lot of information on calling for the release of these military prisoners, as well as anti-militaristic news and organizing within the military. This is their first issue and they need donations to keep going. The gulf war is over for now but the struggle against militarism is ongoing those who resisted are still paying the price for their resistance and need support now. Write: The Anti-WARrior, 48 Shattuck Sq., Box 129, Berkeley, CA 97404.

ARM THE MASSES is a monthly tabloid by the December 12th Movement. It advocates socialism and black liberation. Recent issues have highlighted the situation of political prisoners here in the U.S., developments in South Africa, and Marxist theory and practice here in the U.S. and elsewhere. Only $6.00 per year and well worth it. Write: ATM 28 Vessey St., Suite 2298, New York, NY 10007.

A LOOK AT REALITY is a quarterly tabloid by the Quixote Center. The May issue focuses on police brutality and brutality within the U.S. prison system in considerable detail. It also contains an article on the proliferation of control units within prisons across the U.S. and the struggle to stop their spread, and an update on the struggle for justice by Mumia Abu Jamal on death row in Pennsylvania accused of killing a cop. Bulk issues of this tabloid are available for distribution. Write: Quixote Center, P.O. Box 5206, Hyattsville, MD 20782.

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