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New Book Planned

The Hidden Side of The Criminal Justice System by prisoners, ex-prisoners, their family members and loved ones. Prisoners and ex-prisoners: Who are you? Send us your poetry, art, fiction, or personal history.

Prisoners, ex-prisoners, family and loved ones: How "just" is the trial process? What is the effect of limiting the rights of the accused, the convicted, the imprisoned, and the condemned? How are victims chosen inthe death penalty "lottery"? How does society lose by impsing the death penalty? What are the root causes of crime? Why does a prison forcibly drug a prisoner and what is the result? What earns a prisoner time in a security housing unit--and release? In what ways does life on the streets affect a prisoner--and affect society after release? How does prolonged isolation and other tortures affect a prisoner--and affect society after release? What causes recidicvism? How are prisoners prepared to reenter society? Give the public the other side of the story!

Some of your submissions may be printed in the North Coast Xpress. Send written materials to: North Coast Xpress, P.O. Box 1226, Occidnetal, CA. 95465

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