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From The Editor

From the Editor

by Paul Wright

Welcome to the 61st issue of PLN. As Dan said in last month's editorials we want to expand PLN to 24 monthly pages in order to deal with a backlog of material. We have expanded from 10 typed to 20 typeset pages without including any fluff or filler in our content. As the number of prisoners grow along with worsening conditions and attendant struggle there is more news to report on all fronts. Since we started I have always done the blurbs of  federal case law. Back in 1990 it was not unusual for some issues of PLN not to report any case law at all simply because there was none to report from the advance sheets. Nowadays we try to ensure that about half of each issue of PLN  is composed of case law (in addition to articles about legal research, suits filed, litigation updates, etc.) and we have a backlog of cases. Likewise, we have a backlog of articles, book reviews, etc.

As soon as we reach 2,000 subscribers we will expand to 24 pages. We have been hit with almost back to back postage and printing cost increases. Earlier in the year we were hoping to cut costs, now we are going to just try and hold them down. Our outreach campaign has been going well. We have been sending sample copies of PLN to prisons across the country in addition to public defenders, prison law libraries, etc. We hope that this will help increase our circulation. We have a little more than 1,600 subscribers now. Readers can assist us in this process by encouraging friends, relatives, other prisoners, concerned citizens, etc. to subscribe. We can send subscription flyers on request. We can also send bundles of 25 copies of PLN for distribution  just send 10 stamps to help offset our postage costs. Any additional donations to support our outreach campaign would be much appreciated.

Observant readers may have noticed that the Mach 1995, issue contained more typo's than usual. A couple of things happened to cause that. First, that issue was late because our layout person was ill. Dan and I received the draft of the March issue and duly proofed it, picking up most of the typo's, OCR errors, etc., as we normally do. Alas, before we could call in the errors I was bundled off to the slammer and my captors had the draft copy, corrections and all. Rather than delay that issue any longer in order to proof another copy we decided to run it as it was. These things happen, so accept our apologies for a somewhat rougher than usual issue.

We are planning to limit our coverage of pending anti prisoner legislation for several reasons. Namely, there is such an increase of it nationally that it is hard to keep up with it in anything approximating a timely manner. Due to the changes legislation undergoes it is hard to give accurate reports about it. By the time an article goes to press and that issue is mailed the law has likely undergone several mutations, died, etc. As mentioned above, this type of coverage is competing for scarce space with the other topics we cover. So we plan to report on prison related laws when they are actually enacted into law. We ask readers in other states to keep us posted on this type of legislation by sending us copies of the statutes once they are signed into law. We also like any accompanying articles putting the legislation into perspective.

We are receiving a lot of article submissions which is great.  Because of the shortage of space we are obviously not able to print everything we get.  We sort through submissions to determine what will be of interest/use to our readership, not everything fits into this category. So don't get discouraged if we don't use your submission. If you want us to confirm receipt of any materials, include a SASE.  Enjoy this issue of PLN and pass it along to someone else when you're done with it.

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