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Correction on Clinton

I am writing about the article on page 11 of the October issue of PLN (Vol.5 No.10), "Bias in Military Death Penalty."  While I agree with your prediction that Clinton will sign the death warrants [to execute military prisoners], your article stated, "As Governor of Arkansas, Clinton never granted a petition for clemency." This is not accurate.

Clinton was against the death penalty when he won his first term as Governor. During that term he granted clemency (and had released from prison) a man who [later] committed a few very brutal murders. He was lambasted by the media on this issue, and lost the bid for a second term. When he ran again and won he then supported the death penalty.

To me the above information makes his support (during the Presidential campaign) for the execution of a mentally retarded man even more contemptible because he knows better!

Bush did a similar about-face on pro-choice in 1980 when he was running for the Republican nomination. He was strongly pro-choice. As soon as Reagan got the nomination and asked him to be Vice President, he flip flopped to the anti- choice position. (I refuse to buy into the term "pro-life.")

N. S. C., Seattle WA

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