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DARK NIGHT Field Notes

DARK NIGHT field notes

DARK NIGHT field notes is a most excellent quarterly magazine chronicling progressive struggle. Why I had never been exposed to this zine before, I don't know. Issue #11 (its focus on prison struggle) found its way to my desk, and after reading it I knew I wanted more and I think you will, too.

Issue #11 has an interview with Geronimo Ji Jaga, COINTELPRO PP who recently gained his "freedom" from prison after 27 years or as Geronimo clarifies: "Freedom is relative... We are all still incarcerated even though I'm out here on the other side of the wall." Superb interview.

Another article, "Giving Voice to the Voiceless", chronicles the December 7, 1997, International Tribunal on the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, providing one of the clearest overviews of Mumia's case I have yet seen. This article also presented an excellent primer on the important role that International Tribunals play in the struggle for justice, and a historical overview of other Tribunals.

Other articles in issue #11 include: Prison Labor, Slavery & Capitalism; Bear Lincoln Speaks Truth to Power; Snapshots from Prison Privatization, and; Voice from a Mexican Prison: Interview with Rafael Lopez Santis.

There are also articles by Ray Luc Levasseur (about Florence ADX) and Ken Silverstein (America's Private Gulag) which have previously appeared in PLN. Lastly, this issue of DARK NIGHT featured the best review of The Celling of America that I have seen to date.

Interspersed almost transparently among the "hard news" journalism is some GREAT poetry. I read the 64-page issue cover-to-cover and relished every page. Not being a huge fan of poetry (this doesn't make me uncultured, does it?) I was surprised when I returned to the table of Contents and noted that eight poems were listed therein. Had I actually read (and thoroughly enjoyed!) eight poems?

Everything about DARK NIGHT from the layout, cover design, high-quality paper, and graphics to the superb editing and excellent writing is professionally produced and of the highest caliber.

Subscriptions mailed to U.S. addresses are $15/year; $10/year for seniors/prisoners ($25 Canada/Mexico, $38 all other areas). Send your subscription order and payment to: Dark Night Press; P.O. Box 3629; Chicago, IL 60690-3629.

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